The Tirathana Skyport
Image Credit: Millionth Vector
Intent: To create an orbital station over Kaeshana. This station will serve as trading hub, defence station, dock and base for the Eldorai and Firemane. This is intended to be a place for RPing to occur and a bastion if Kaeshana is ever invaded.
Development Thread: and
Manufacturer: Firemane, Eldorai and Silk Holdings.
Model: Regina Class Station
Affiliation: Kaeshana Confederation, Firemane,
Silver Sanctum Coalition
Modularity: The three arms can dock with either capital ships or super-freighters.
Production: Unique
Material: Standard station components.
The rapid opening and modernisation of the planet of Kaeshana has brought many challenges and opportunities for the Eldorai people. On the one hand new technology and wealth has flooded in, making the lives of almost all the people better off. On the other though, the Eldorai’s deeply held beliefs and customs have been challenged and undermined.
Another challenge most relevant in a galactic context is the need for a strong defence and connection with the outside galaxy. With this in mind, the Eldorai Queen Anya Venari with her associates at Firemane Industries and Technology commissioned a space station to orbit Kaeshana which would serve both these purposes. It was named after the Queens Regal name Tirathana.
The station was designed to have several functions;
Orbiting over the capital Santaissa, the Tirathana serves as a defensive bastion to defend the capital. Though not possessing the firepower of a dedicated military station, it still possesses more firepower than the entire nascent Eldorai fleet, and can resist virtually any incursion not backed by a major faction’s battlefleet.
Commercial and trade entrepôt for Kaeshana and the Protectorate. Kaeshana has much to offer the galaxy, especially minerals, gems, arts, Force technology and of course the Eldorai themselves. In exchange, the Eldorai are voracious consumers of galactic products. And so, on the Tirathana a large number of traders, consumers and business-beings come to trade. Many Eldorai make a comfortable living buying galactic products and then shipping them down to markets on the surface, and the reverse. A considerable trade in mercenaries also takes place as Eldorai hire or are hired by outsiders. Importantly, as one of the places close to the Fringe, Kaeshana is one of the Protectorate’s main trading gateways, and the collection of duties and customs on all manner of traffic is very lucrative.
Finally, the station serves as a base for the growing Eldorai fleet. The three arms and spires allow docking by a capital ship, which means the two Eldorai heavy cruisers the ‘Ashira’s Wrath’ and ‘Valora’s Blade’ can be repaired or docked there. The station’s hangers also hold a large amount of fighters and bombers where pilots can train for deployment in the fleet.
The Tirathana’s design looks odd to many humans expecting a symmetrical four-pronged ring. Rather, the three prongs form the shape of the Eldorai Queen’s badge, a triangle facing upwards. Around the central ring the three struts connect the spires where large ships dock. They also contain most of the attack craft and many of the defence weapons of the station. The spires are connected to the rest of the station by means of a tram which runs from the spires to the central ring and all around. Thus someone can go from one of the spires to the ring in less than a minute rather than walking.
The ring is designed in tiers. The top tier contains the luxury accommodation, commercial and entertainment districts and the command centre. The second tier contains the standard accommodation and the administrative and business areas as well as the financial and service institutions necessary. The third tier contains the crew quarters, maintenance and supply systems and other vital necessities. Finally the fourth tier contains the military housing, storage bays and supplies.
Overall the Tirathana is a versatile, strong and attractive space station designed to enrich, protect and glorify Kaeshana.
In light of the threat posed by the asteroid to Kaeshana, the Tirathana Skyport was moved, along with a great deal of equipment and people, to Tygara to begin a new life in the Silver Sanctum Coalition.
Classification: Civilian Space Station (Balanced Star Destroyer)
Role: Trade/Defence/Fleet Base
Height: Central hub 1000 metres. Each spire 1200m.
Width: Central ring 2500m. Connectors to spires and spires 600m. Total 3100m.
Length: As above.
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter reactor. Backup solar ionisation reactor.
Hyperdrive Rating: N/A
Minimum Crew: 10,000
Optimal Crew: 80,000. This includes weapon operators, guards, pilots, maintenance and admin staff, as well as civilian shop owners and entertainment staff.
- 450 capital guns(75 batteries), 40 warhead launchers, 75 defence guns base. Trading 25 capital guns for 50 defence guns. Final total of 425/40/125.
- 10 warhead launcher clusters (40 warhead launchers)
- 50 quad laser cannons (50 defence guns)
- 35 flak launchers (35 defence guns)
- 30 point defence units (30 defence guns)
- 6 heavy hypervelocity cannons (120 capital guns)(On top and bottom of each spire)
- 40 dual heavy turbolasers (160 capital guns)
- 5 dual heavy ion cannons (20 capital guns)
- 10 ion cannon batteries (40 capital guns)
- 15 turbolaser batteries (60 capital guns)
- 25 fast mount turbolasers (15 capital guns)
- 108 fighters/bombers. As this is the home base of the Eldorai fleet usually 36 bombers and 72 fighters are kept on hand, though the number can vary depending on commitments elsewhere.
- 18 gunships.
- 36 dropships
Non-Combative Attachments:
- Accommodation, luxury and regular
- Armoury and guard barracks
- Cargo holds and storage facilities
- Communications Array
- Crew quarters and catering
- Encryption Network
- Escape Pods
- Holonet Transceiver
- Hospital
- Hydroponic farms
- Literacy Module
- Luxury Residences for Eldorai or Firemane elites
- Redundant shield generator
- Shopping mall, restaurants, bars, entertainment
- Shrine to Ardarvia & Ashira
- Standard Deflector Shield Generator
- Standard Detention Cells
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Sensor Array
- Standard Targeting Systems
- Tractor Beams (x84)
- Tram line leading to each spire and around the central ring
- Turbolifts to move between levels
Passenger Capacity: 150,000
Cargo Capacity: 60,000,000 tonnes.
Consumables: 3 years.
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: N/A