Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta

“Where are they now? And who is that?!” Part of Amani wanted to be annoyed, angry even, at his recklessness. But that unstoppable altruism which brought him here was also exactly why she liked him. So in spite of her initial vexation, it shortly gave way to a sigh, and a weak smile when he touched her shoulder. Relief that he was still alright. For the most part, at least. “You dummy…”

The moment was then rudely interrupted by the Count’s attacker, who Amani gave little more than a scowl. Clearly there was no talking sense into this one, either. She helped stand Alicio up, then got in front, drawing her saber pike, “Try it.” Its white beam ignited, and hummed threateningly as Amani began spinning the weapon in front of her.

The Sith began sapping her life force directly, which she felt right away. Rather than let the attempt continue, Amani pushed through the draining sensation and rushed Ishani. Her blade lunged forward to spear the woman while she was vulnerable focusing on the ability.



Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

The Wrath had only kept up the brutality of his assault. His eyes focused intently on her, as if she was the only enemy that mattered. Blood had only begun to pour down her face, while in his hands with both blade, and spear he utilized Jar’Kai. The dual wield blades crashed down heavily on her own. The sheer force of the combination, had attempted to make her sabers slip out from her fingers.His Hunger had compelled him to lash out on his enemy, driving her back towards the platform’s edge.

He was fueled by pure rage, everytime she took a step back he moved forward. Soon the Jar’Kai became mixed with powerful Djem So strikes, that attempted to keep her staggering. Gritting his teeth, with each powerful swing of his arms, he showed that he was trying to bash down her defenses and leave her weakened. Using his mass, the rage being fed from both blades; all of his undead strength to destroy her. He was so focused on the bleeding Twi’Lek, he didn’t notice that Kybo took a tumble along with the Padawan. To where they would go were inconsequential to him. All that mattered to him now was taking the Jedi’s very essence, and devouring her entirely.

Nearing close to the platform’s edge, he attempted to keep sending her stumbling towards the edge. To where she would fall of his attempt in increased power strikes, he wouldn’t know. He was willing to take her with him, unless she hoped to put an end to his assault. Engaging in lock against her blades, the blades crackled against the crimson energy as Kyrel looked into her eyes. He could send her over the edge if he pushed harder on his blade lock, but he chose not to. He kept the blades in place in order to savor the fear that could come off the Jedi.

“You cannot win Jedi… Surrender, and I may show you mercy. You have two choices, choose wisely.” He offered the choice to her, as the blades kept in locked. He doubted she could stop him now, if she could surprise him all the same. He hoped with her surrender, he could make her like him. He wouldn’t be alone if he made her to his design. “You do not have to die…” He implored, as the more he sensed inside her he felt how familiar she was.
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Issue #1 w/ Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde

Dagon raised an eyebrow in suspicion at the silver-haired woman's sudden flinch as if she had seen a ghost. Her eyes scanned the area for someone or something before falling onto him and a question laden with venom escaped her lips. The Knight's eyes widened, unpleasantly surprised, and his fists rattled to clench against the Jedi's hardened composure.

Hands itched to hold her again on that same rooftop with the Coruscani sun warmly enveloping them both as it lazily sinks beneath the endless cityscape bustling with the tumult of life. Lips craved for hers, tender and passionate, to touch, to lock their confession of love for eternity. But eternity was no more. The sun's rays grew tired, withering away to darkness. He held her again but she was colder, growing pale with each passing moment. The only warmth he could feel were the tears streaming down both's cheeks. Lips once so loving, now were barren of life; and yet her eyes, in her final moment, still carried the glint of a confession, of a promise.

The memory may have lasted a heartbeat but its agony lasted for a lifetime. A younger Dagon's reprisal would've been swift, tactless, overwhelmed with emotion but since then he had seen more wars, more tragedies than any sentient would for a lifetime. His spirit may have been shaken, rattled but his oath to the Force remained steadfast.

"Enough." he cooly stated as the empyrean flashed across his eyes. His hand snapped forward sending a powerful push of the Force to lift her off her feet and into the nearby pillar of marble.

The cerulean blade snap hissed to life.

TAG Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

The burst of heroic energy that radiated from the Jedi was unsuspected, sending her crashing into a nearby column. She gritted her teeth as she regained her footing, catching the now evident blade of his weapon in his hand, a clear call to combat.

She stepped sideways, slow strides as if stalking her opponent, ensuring she never left his sight for a moment. Her own hand flew forward, the hilt of her sabre catching as she summoned it with the Force; needlessly showy but she liked the theatrics.

It burst into its crimson form.

She laughed audibly, a little too loudly perhaps. She was toying with the handsome Jedi; he would know it by now.
The expanse between them was poor tactically. She would have to traverse it at remarkable speed for him not to take advantage of the situation, lest she committed to forcing him to advance towards her. Which would she pick?

She began the slow walk towards him, sabre pointed towards him; a direct challenge.

"To carry such a burden with you is painful, that I understand. My own former Master carried such burdens. I never cared for them. What you can't carry is best left alone, fallen by the wayside."

She wiped a little blood from her lip, made even more striking against her cool Echani skin.

"Have you ever thought that the hatred you carry might be better served to access a different part of the Force?"

She thought again.

"Though it's you that you hate. Always makes for an interesting learning experience."

She struck the marble floor with the sabre, a small shower of cauterised stone and chips of marble flying into the air.

"Perhaps you just need someone to teach you."

She sprung into action, an unimaginable leap of dexterity only achieved by the will of the Force as she flew down over him, her sabre crashing down towards his form as she did so.


Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn - Amani Serys Amani Serys

Alicio passed an arm over his face, wiping away lines of wet. "That way," Alicio managed, gesturing behind them towards where the refugees had escaped too. If nothing else, he had bought them enough time to get out of sight, and for Amani to arrive. On her follow-up question, Alicio's eyes darted down to the ground.

"Ishani. She was my friend." Then quieter, with less certainty, "I thought she was my friend."

In short order, Alicio was brought to his feet, staring across the way at his... the Sith. He took her words at face value, tried to divorce them from the woman he traveled the beach with, looking for mermaids. But he couldn't. Nor could he get her dying labored breaths out of his head.

He didn't want her to die. But he wouldn't let her hurt anyone. Least of all, Amani.

So as the Mirialan leapt for Ishani, Alicio scooped up his blade, holding Introspect in his hand tightly, his arms and legs shaking with exhaustion. It took all the willpower he had left to ignite it.

The Count would help Amani, as soon as the street stopped spinning.


The Mirialan shrugged off the drain attempt and proceeded to charge at Ishani with a… what was that? Some kind of lightsaber spear thing…?

No time to think about it. Ishani surged forward as well, but her approach was different. Using the length of her opponent’s weapon and her wings to her advantage, she leaped up at the last moment, gliding past the impalement attempt and trying to clothesline her opponent with a fist to the face.

Or possibly just clipping the Mirialan with a leathery wing tip at the most, depending on how much her aim was off. It’s hard to effectively accomplish a move that’s both defensive and offensive, you know.

Either way, she landed behind her opponent and was forced to roll a bit to regain her footing. Upon noticing the Count staggering to his feet, his lightsaber activated, she instinctively summoned her blade. But once she saw the sorry state he was in, she groaned. “Alicio, sit back down before you hurt yourself, please.

She moved past him, backing away out of that fething alley and into the open area of the street once and for all.


"What do we know to be important but are unable to measure?" ― Marcus Buckingham

This dude is a slippery one, getting away from the hug was truthfully not something that Caltin was expecting, but then again this guy was doing all sorts of things that Caltin was not expecting. Yet as he seemed to again be arguing with himself over usage of a lightsaber, it was clear that the Sith realized that he was outmatched on multiple levels. That was fine, let him run. He may indeed be a “Darth” but nowadays it seemed to Convenience Store owners could get that title. Every type of maniac was claiming it. Quite entertaining to dwell on.

It took a few moments, but with the right amount of space between the two brought a new attitude out of the foe in front of him and it was truly evident that Caltin’s fut and the series of coincidences played out to be true. Wallgof was possessed, this attitude being portrayed was not his and while there was credence to the notion that the Darksider had more issues than a holo-magazine subscription this was the coincidence making itself real.

Another moment and Caltin was being slammed by a powerful bolt of Force Lightning. This would be taking him to the ground previously, even as strong as he was this was POWERFUL. It took the big man a step back but he was able to plant his feet and block the electrical flow from doing much of anything. The reason being his “new” connection to the Force. He was not a master of Lightning, he was more or less LIVING lightning at this point. Once his mind was set though Caltin had something else in mind for a moment.

Why am I suddenly reminded of the words… "So this is how it ends… I must run and hide! I, Naga Sadow–I, who was Dark Lord of the Sith!" Oh yeah... because you're about to have them running through your head again.

It took a moment, but the massive Jedi Master then reached down and pushed that lightning back at its origin.

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Darth Sorn Darth Sorn

Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

Gehinnom II

Nodding to Sorn, Maestus pondered her next move. That is, until Aaran threw everything including the kitchen sink at her. Quite literally.

She and Aaran weren't all that different, really. Maestus did not engage in violence simply for violence's sake. Violence, for her, was just another tool available to her. And like all tools, it had a time and place for proper usage.

Such as now.

Now was not the time for philosophical debate with her Jedi foe. Now was, indeed, the time for violence. Aaran and all those attacking were attempting to take that which was not theirs. The Maw had won the slaves and prisoners. After all, to the victor go the spoils. And the Maw would not be deprived of their spoils by anyone.

For Maestus and Sorn, the meatbags were more than mere chattel. They were an abundance of research opportunities. They were experiments waiting to happen. Knowledge begging to be learnt. These things made them very valuable to the pair of Sith Lords.

Back to Maestus current predicament. Her impending crushing and impalement multiple times over.

She had precious little time to think, so gut instincts took over, giving way to a swift reaction. She pulled her arms in tight, almost hugging herself. Then, a second later, she flung her arms open wide. Commanding the Dark Side of the Force to her, she gathered and tgen released a massive burst of pure Dark Side energy, in the form of Force Repulse.

Everything that had been zeroing in on Maestus was met with an opposing force, strong and unyielding. The Force Repulse forcing everything that had been coming towards Maestus, to shoot harmlessly away from her. Harmlessly to her, anyways. Aaran and Sorn were now in direct paths of the instruments and items meant to fell Maestus.

She seethed rage. Her chest and shoukders rising and falling heavily as she gulped in air. Her black eyes, rimmed with red flames, bore into Aaran. She really hoped Aaran did not die due to the flying debris. Maestus did so want to feel his heart in her hands.​

Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Naga was in charge now, it didn't matter how slippery or skilful Wallgof had been. This was a different level. Naga was more reckless, it wasn't his body that he was in control of, no it was just a body that he used to resume his control of the Sith. To continue his desires of being the Sith Emperor eons ago. This being before him, he could have any views he wanted on what the Sith were now, or what were poor Sith. But Naga knew that this would not continue, he had a plan and it was going to hatch as long as Wallgof didn't fail him like he did so often. Wallgof mind was littered with concerns and he could hear the weakling whimper about wanting to be pleasing and ensuring that his body survived all this. Naga rolled his eyes, "Wallgof, you worry too much. I shall end this so called Jedi. He has no understanding of true power."

The Lightning seemed to kick a punch more this time and it caused a crazed smirk played his lips, yes, this was better. Much better. However, it seemed to be too early as Caltin redirected and the lightning hit at Wallgof's body. Naga growled loudly, not seemingly to notice the pain coursing through the body. "Damn it! Seems electricity is a speciality of yours then huh. Well lets see how you handle this!" Naga gripped the walls of the buildings around them, ripping them off, he gathered the large metal walls and crushed them into a massive metal ball. His fingers clenched as he builds the Force up and blasts the ball at Caltin. The momentum and power making it hard to stop or redirect such an attack. Naga panted a little, that was a little more exerting than he had been use to when fighting for Wallgof.

Caltin seemed intent on mocking the ancient Sith Lord and highlighting his failures. "Ha. You may wish to make me seem a coward or weak, but we both know that you are terrified that Naga Sadow is here. An ancient Sith Lord, one that crippled the Republic and create an army of Sithspawn. Unleashed and given time, I will be able to gather, unite and strengthen the Sith to a status that ruins your sacred Jedi!" The body was twitching and burnt from the lightning. Reaching out without even looking, Naga held a Jedi Knight rushing to the palace and Force Drained the life out of the being, leaving a husk as he replenished the strength of Wallgof's body.

It was a gesture to demonstrate that the Jedi Master was not the only one who could heal quickly.
Perhaps a little too overzealous in her attack, Amani was rewarded for it with a punch. The unexpected melee left her reeling, and clutching at the bridge of her nose, which now trickled blood. The Sith took off, and she pursued, on the way out snatching Alicio's hand to drag him along. As she did, Amani shared a bit of life force with him, hoping that it would at least rejuvenate him enough to stay on two legs. Normally, she'd have been a bit gentler with the process, but seeing as the lives of innocent civilians were at stake, she just had to trust the Count would understand.

Once out in the street, Amani let him go and sought to halt Ishani in her tracks by projecting a wall of Force energy right in front of her. Ideally, giving her enough time to close the distance and hit the Sith with a wide, horizontal cut.


Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

The tip of the dagger was still loged inside her armpit. At least this had the beneficial side-effect of reducing the stream of blood somewhat. In that regard, it was a bit like a plug. Immediately pulling it out would make the bleeding worse. This did not, however, make the bleeding lacerations any less painful.

She grit her teeth at the pain. Her flesh arm was more difficult to move. The glowing embers etched into her face burnt brightly. But she had followed through with her kick. However, in the moment it connected, sending the Sith Lord spinning backward, he lashed out. Abruptly, her leg was seized by invisible chains. With her robotic leg still in the air, she could not use it to stabilise herself. Her flesh leg alone was bruised.

And so she was brutally knocked into the ground hard. In the moment her leg was knocked out from under her and her head went on its descent towards the cold, hard floor, she channelled the Force. Her head and back, meanwhile, hit the ground hard. Armour could blunt the impact, but not negate the effect of concussive force.

Her spine was made of phrik and could thus weather the blunt force trauma easily enough, but the fall left her with sprained muscles, and breathing made her wince in pain. Blood dripped from an open wound in her skull. Fed by her pain, in the moment of impact, a brutal blast of telekinesis erupted from her towards the Sith, aiming to slam him hard into the nearest wall.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." ― Isaac Asimov

The ball that came flying. It was fast and he would not have time to dodge or redirect it if he wanted to. That left one option, Caltin was going to have to destroy it, not the best choice, but he had no other at this point. Focusing on the energy around him as the ball closed the distance, the massive Jedi Master brought his lightsaber overhead in a slash to cut the mass in two with one hand and reached out with the other with a powerful bolt of energy that would help shatter it, he hoped for the best. It worked all too well, to those point where a chunk hit him in the chin.

Rubbing it, he eyed the Sith Lord. All that for a drop of blood you didn’t even get?

He watched in mock disgust at the torturous site he just put Yoni through, but the long time Knight was unfortunately suffering from a terminal blood poisoning, eventhe Force couldnothelp him at this point. So the Sith’s actions were reprehensible, but empty and bittersweet.

You mistake me for Massassi…. Or Ludo Kresh… or even the Daragons… I don’t care who you are, you’re already “history.” You’re just taking this fellow down with you.

He didn’t need to do it to accomplish his goal, but Caltin then reached out his hand to “grab” the armor through his “Electro-Force” as you might call it, and slowly begin to ball his hand up into a fist and give Sad/Gof a choice… shed the armor or be entombed in it.

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

The offensive only grew, and with it Mi’la wavered. She had to focus on speed, managing only so much against the power that rained down upon her. Blocking and dodging as best as she could. But as good as her defense might have been, it was only a defense. Still, she felt no fear, no true concern. There was only what was in this moment, but it didn’t change the fact she was losing this engagement. Step by step she gave ground, feeling the battle quickly getting out of her control.

He had fury on his side, and the tranquility she dwelled in could not hold up against such an onslaught. Their blades collided, staff and saber against her own blades, and Mi’la felt her strength beginning to wane. She felt his power be reigned him, he could have overwhelmed her, but she found that he seemed to be toying with her, arms trembling as she could not keep it up.

Then he spoke, offering to spare her, seemingly wanting her to be spared. It was such an odd gesture. One Mi’la didn’t even put time to considering. Firstly, the Sith code was very adamant that peace was a lie; first verse actually. And secondly, she leaned back, stretching her upper half over the ledge, before giving out entirely. Falling back, she cut her sabers off, channeling all the power she could into her legs, as she attempted to kick Ren up and over her, using his forward momentum against him. Ideally, he would be sent tumbling off the side, with Mi’la following in behind as she slide herself off the ledge in close behind him.

She could only hoped this work. Otherwise she’d be the biggest dummy this side of the planet.




LocationRoyal Palace, Cinnegar
EnemiesGalactic Alliance - Valery Noble Valery Noble
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Alars Keto Alars Keto , Nadja Keto

An exchange of blows wasn't so easily dissected during the heat of the moment, it was easy for her to allow the Jedi to set the tempo they moved at as it gave her the chance to acclimate herself to the flow her enemy was best suited with - her predecessors would have advised against it, believing it an undue advantage that was a Jedi was best deprived of. Being taken purely by genuine surprise at the sight of the Jedi literally phasing through both her weapon as well as herself would have been the greatest example of being challenged by one's own hubris if it were not for this being a risk she welcomed. The dogma of being led by the powerful, of weeding out the weak, had long been worn out by the time Mori had been born, and it had always rang quite hollow when preached by old men and women in black robes that did everything in their power to ensure no one could ever force them to face a challenge they were not prepared to overcome.

It was disappointing that this degree of challenge, then, came from a Jedi and not an ambitious Sith.

As the Jedi used her angular momentum to twist her body so as to face the Sith from behind, Mori took a far less strenuous route of following through the strike that met empty air - only she continued turning, at the hip, far beyond the point where a human's spinal column would have shattered from the stress. Most people assumed that the natural shapeshifting abilities of the Shi'ido or Clawdites were used entirely as a means of cosmetic change, or in a more total disguise that was less partial in nature than the sort of exploitative shifting that the Sith lord was currently exhibiting. Mori, in fact, had heard rumors of a secretive, or at least unknown to her, style of combat practiced by other Shi'ido during her youth - she had sought to learn to use her abilities as an advantage in combat that she could rely on instead of the force, growing up in an era that employed forcebreakers and where ysalamiri still saw the battlefield.

As another shower of sparks erupted between them, however, she still found herself admiring the ingenuity Valery Noble Valery Noble put on display - even if its lethality was ever swinging towards her own throat.

The sparks that had danced about around the tips of her spare hand's fingers then leaped to life as a loud scream of lightning that bridged the gap between them while she began to rotate the lower half of her body to face the woman in her entirety.

Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Jasper was now falling at an alarming rate towards the city below. He had managed to spread out his surface area to slow his decent as well as use what force power he could muster, but he didn't seem to be decreasing his speed in a noticeable way.

"Come on," He muttered to himself, scanning his surroundings for a solution. "There has to be something..."

As he came up alongside one of the larger buildings scattered about Cinnegar, an answer came to him. Jasper quickly ignited his lightsaber, plunging it into the side of the building in an attempt to slow his fall. To his surprise, his lightsaber seemed to decrease his speed by a large amount, meeting some resistant force when cutting through the wall of the structure.

"Sorry," the exile remarked, as if imagining a scenario where he was explaining his action to the owner of the structure, "I hope you have insurance."

A distant explosion caught the boy's attention. He glanced up to see a Maw fighter blown to pieces in the air just above him. For a moment, smoke and fire veiled the sky. It didn't take long for Jasper to see something, however, as the what was left of the ship's wing was plummeting towards him at an alarming rate.

"Oh, you've gotta be f-"

As the shrapnel made impact, the world went dark.

~ Several Minutes Later ~

Jasper woke with a splitting headache. To his surprise, he was still amongst the living. Jasper pressed his left hand against his forehead. It was damp with blood. That shrapnel had hit him right in the head, clearly hard enough to knock him out cold. The exile assessed the surrounding area. It was a back alley, filled with bits of litter, the remains of shot-down starfighters, and other kinds of filth generated by war. He was leaning against the alley wall, covered in dirt and ash. Jasper's lightsaber had not strayed far, landing right next to him.

"Alright, I'm not dead," the exile sighed in relief. "That's the last time I jump off a platform..."

The boy noticed something strange. He couldn't feel his legs. Come to think of it, they didn't seem responsive at all. A sudden, overwhelming pain shot up Jasper's body, as if the weight of a mountain had been dropped upon his lower half. The exile grinded his teeth, pushing back the pain to lean forward and check on his legs. As his hand came down on his knee, his nerves confirmed what he had already figured: Both of his legs were broken. Jasper let himself slump back against the wall, wheezing as he tried to slow his breathing. He hadn't felt pain like this since his arm had been torn up by lightning. The blood trickling down his face barely seemed to matter now, especially when compared to the burning sensation sporadically dancing along his lower half. Every cell in his legs seemed to scream in harmony, all writhing in pain. Worst of all, the exile couldn't walk.

"Guess I'm out," he weakly chuckled.

Jasper wondered if Master Undari would make it out okay. He had managed to get the pirate away, but that was only half the battle. She would be on her own now, facing off against that undead Sith. All he could do now was hope for the best. He definitely wasn't going anywhere. Jasper began to rummage around in his pockets, fishing out a flask. It was alcohol. Jasper was a bartender after all. He never went anywhere without a little bit of something. The exile took a small sip of the drink, glancing up at the sky above. With luck, someone would find him soon. He probably wouldn't get back into the battle, but he could at least make sure the Jedi master was still on one piece.

"Don't die up there."
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Of course, Sorn expected the Aura of Uneasiness to not affect Aaran immediately. It's all about wearing the Jedi down to the point where he begins to doubt himself. As soon as Aaran lets his guard down for one minute, then the Aura will immediately slip into his mind leaving him vulnerable. For now, Sorn will entertain this little dance to humor the little man. Maestus was dead set on killing the Jedi much to his surprise, Aaran was little more than an annoyance to him.

Aaran unleashed a volley of lab equipment towards Maestus. A frown formed on Sorn's face, anger starting to churn inside of him. The nerve of the Jedi bastard using the tools of science like a dim-witted barbarian! How dare he! Sorn immediately raised his hand, a Force Barrier surrounding him. The Jedi then tried to attack Sorn with his Lightsaber utilizing Vaapaad: The coward's form. The Jedi refused to let the dark touch them so they created a work around a perversion of Juyo. Sorn maintained position blocking any strikes that would hit the barrier. The debris integrated in front of Sorn as he sensed the Force building up around Maestus. A raw power full of hatred and anger, it was a sight to behold but Sorn realized that he would be in the blast radius.

He remained still, confident that his shield could hold against the Force Repulse ready to happen. As soon as the blast happened, Sorn would deactivate his barrier and go invisible, masking his Force presence from Aaran and ready to strike when he least expected it.

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo , Maestus Maestus




'This power o' yours, I could feel it passively before - different story when it actually hits though.... Not bad, Ishida.'

The sting of him, Thomas, saying her name sucked out the satisfaction of landing an attack. Her body clenched, almost recoiled, at the sound of affirmation from the enemy. Like a toxic goading. Like a patriarch leaning into her training, telling her to do better. To be stronger. To give more.

As a rule, Ishida tried not to feel regret. But at this moment, she felt she’d overshared. The intimacy felt strange. If she’d given a surname, either Ashina or Sardun, she could have leaned into legacy and expectation. With only her name, the one that those closest to her truncated and cooed, it felt raw and worse.

Something she’d never offer again.

Instead of lashing out with words — inadequate bouts of volume at him that would have taunted and boasted— she grit her teeth. Sand smeared down his face where she’d connected, and gritty bits had made their way into her teeth too. She felt it when she sneered.

Distantly, she was aware of the waves lapping against the shoreline. A whole world was coming undone at the behest of The Alliance and The New Jedi Order.

“You don’t get to say my name until the end, Thomas.” Her tone was tight, thinner than she meant it to be, and her words wisped out on an exhale that slipped through her clenched teeth. Her angst was bleeding into her dialogue, and tit-for-tat she called his name as he said hers. Despite herself, her territorialism over legacy was overreaching.

To stop herself from saying more, she had to act. Ishida launched forward, one-two-three-four, fast steps before a plant an overarching attack. Her sabre brought over her head, and down to the one-eyed Barran-reject. If he deflected it, fine. She was using his thigh as a prop meant for her feet to propel herself back up, up, over his head and land to attack the rear with a V-striking motion from his back shoulder to his hip.

The very same cut she had a scar from across her back from his mentor.



Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Naga laughed, this man thought he cared about making him bleed? Wallgof had already pierced the skin and damaged the man, it was not as if either of them thought Caltin had been invincible until now. No, this was Naga having fun, this was playing around and testing out the powers he could use in the body that was not his. It had been too long since he had been able to use the Force or exact his will on the surroundings. Now was his time and he was going to enjoy doing such. "No. No. I don't care if you bleed or not. I know you are mortal and that is more than enough to bore me with testing your limits. No. I wanted to see how strong I could be, using the Force."

As Caltin attempted to crush the armour that Wallgof had confined them in, Naga smirked, the same dark smirk that he kept all the time he had been in charge. As if nothing the supposed Jedi Master was doing was phasing the ancient Sith Lord, The armour shattered outwards, formed into daggers, Naga sent the shards flying at Caltin. Following up on that, he held his arms outstretched for dramatic effect as he built the Force up around him. From there, he clapped and sent a massive Force Wave, coloured red towards Caltin. This was the true attack he wanted to hit Caltin with, the daggers were merely flavour and a fun distraction for the Jedi Master.

Running after the wave, Naga had Wallgof's body in just black underlay fabric, the purple tattered robes and nothing else. Wallgof was unhappy when he saw his beskar shattered but Naga didn't care. It freed him, it allowed him to move faster and not rely on protection any more. Now on, Naga was up close and with his Lightsaber ready, he attempted to slash at Caltin's head.

"Boy, you are young, you are foolish to think you understand what is history and what is not. I shall demonstrate to you that what you know is nothing compared to the thousands of years of knowledge I hold." Naga laughed deeply.
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Location: Gehinnom II
Opposition: Darth Sorn Darth Sorn Maestus Maestus
Equipment: Azoth Talisman of Iron Fists

One should never stand still during a fight, constant movement not only meant that it was easier to build up momentum for each strike that hammered into Sorn, the resounding blows taking more and more of the Darth's stamina to avoid each strike, but it also meant that Aaran could set his own pace, his own position. Simply dancing around his opponent, moving himself so that he had placed the Sith in between both him and Maestus.

Sorn's own barrier was defending the same Jedi he was looking to kill, all because he was too arrogant, using the Force to protect himself instead of fighting Aaran directly. The Jedi not needing to exhaust himself in any form of defence when his opponents were so out of sync that they risked harming each other in the crossfire.

This is why he could engage two Sith alone without fear. Without concern. Not only was his objective more along the lines of keeping them busy. But the Dark in general was not cooperative by its very nature. It was all about ego, one presence had to dominate everything around it. To work with someone else was to consider them an equal. Such a concept was simply not compatible with how the Dark Side operated. Two Sith would always be looking to get the leg up on the other. To do more, to prove themselves the stronger of the pair. Never able to truly cooperate and work together.

In a twisted way, it was why the Rule of Two was so effective. The Master knew that the Apprentice would eventually rise up and strike them down. And they were there to challenge their apprentice at every turn until their student was strong enough to overthrow them. It was why the chain eventually gave birth to the most powerful Sith to even live. And when said Sith abandoned that Master-Apprentice chain, they were undone by their own hubris.

Such disharmony was something that a skilled combatant could capitalise on. Had this been a one on one fight, things might have gone differently. But right now, he just had to let them keep getting in each other's way. Exhausting themselves in avoiding the crossfire of their partner.

As Sorn vanished, the smile on Aaran's face only grew more wolfish. His head moved to follow the Darth. Still able to unerringly track them, even after vanishing from sight. Such masking techniques still relied on their user making an attempt to be subtle.

They were a bit easier to pierce when one was still exuding an active aura of malevolence. Especially when used on someone who had long since abandoned mundane sight in exchange for the supernatural. Had he tried this at the start, perhaps before the fight started, Aaran might have had trouble finding him. But right now? When they were mere feet away from each other? Against an opponent who saw through the Force like he was born with it? It was no contest.

But Sorn had already made it clear what they were. Barriers, invisibility. They couldn't match Aaran in close combat. Their barrier was the only real defence that could stop the Jedi from cutting them down. And that was fine with him. It took far less stamina to passively augment his body with the Force than it did to actively throw up barriers, or turn invisible, or blast with an all-encompassing wave.

As soon as he heard Maestus gulp in air, he knew his moment had come. She was tiring, showing vulnerability first. It was time to prey on that.

Blurring again with that same incomprehensible speed. he decided to leave Sorn to skulk in the dark. Crossing the distance between him and Maestus in a heartbeat. "Your friend is boring. I'd rather play with you." He called out, saber blurring at his side, a defensive flourish moving to pre-emptively block any strikes from her whip.

Normally a whip made of flexible plasma would be a fearsome weapon. But the issues with whips was that they were a weapon that required some measure of distance to be effective. Against an opponent right up in your face, they were significantly less useful.

And if said opponent had a rather impressive advantage in weight, reach and muscle mass, that disadvantage only increased. Especially when said opponent decided that using their own deadly plasma sword was too gauche and decided to lash out with a bone cracking kick to the Twi'lek's midsection.
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Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Kyrel was in full control of the battle. In an instant Kyrel could finish her in one single blow. The Hunger demanded just as much, with each clash of the spear’s energy against her own lavender blades. Kyrel, however, chose not to end her outright. If she was a wound same as he, perhaps in a way she could be turned to his advantage. If she could be captured, and broken before him; in the end that was enough.

His strikes still carried battering force to leave her staggering. Each step they neared ever closer to the platform. His arms moving in a combined sequence of both Spear and Saber. One would focus on long range, and the other would keep her closed off from escape. There was nothing that stood between either the undead nightmare, or the beacon of light he faced off so angrily. As, he tried to reason with the Jedi to surrender she didn’t seem to bite. Not that he would blame her, he seemed so hellbent on killing her thus far.

Soon, she shut off her sabers. Gathering enough momentum, she kicked upwards. Kyrel was sent staggering forward. His own strength, and mass his undoing. Soon he was sent tumbling off the platform, trying to dig the tips of the Hunger into whatever partch of wall he hoped to find. Quickly twisting his head backwards. Opening the large gap that was his maw, soon shot out an extended three-meter razor whip tongue. If the Jedi didn’t follow, his tongue would grapple her, taking her with him to engage in an all out brawl.

As he tumbled through mid-air, he was not deterred from taking on the Jedi. If he took her with him, he could survive the impact regardless. He wondered if she would survive the long fall down, where would they land he wasn’t sure. His killer instincts in a frenzy. The Master of Ren knew that this fight was far from over.

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