Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta


Aboard Gehinnom II



Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Equipment in bio.



Still in the process of falling from the Fire Witch's cybernetically enhanced kick, the Sith Lord Ptolemis dragged on an invisible rope, forming a fist and bending his arm backward, and tore at her leg to hopefully knock her over and buy some time for himself.

In the end, the two impacted with the steel floor, tumbling along the path of each Force-induced momentum. The Mask of Ptolemis cracked as it slammed into the ground, several spikes already missing from it, scattered all over the place. His face, hand and leg in tremendous pain. But he was… alive. For now. Barely did he push himself off the ground; for only enough time to have his lightsaber hilt pulled back into his hand from behind Elpsis, when the Fire Lady called on the Force again.

Just as the hilt impacts with the prone Sith's reaching hand, a relentless push sends his body hurtling even farther down the empty corridor that was rocking from external impacts on the worldcraft itself. His helpless form drags and spins backward, sent forth by the crushing strength of the Fire Witch, flipping and rolling to the chaotic whim of the powerful kinetic blast.

His weathered body finally stops far down the walkway, with sirens blaring and dousing their surroundings in the color red. Ptolemis painfully pushes himself up and stands on his feet, but right as he would continue the duel, several blast doors slam shut before them in an unexpected sequence.
– What's the meaning of this!? – Furious, the Shadow Hand demands on his comm. After a couple moments of static audio bleed, an officer replies. – My Lord, several New Sith Order acolytes have called for your aid in person and are awaiting your earliest arrival at the attached coordinates. A group of marauders with heavy weapons have been dispatched to slow down the target you've been engaged with.

Still angered, but also aware of the importance of military macromanagement, he shelves his annoyance for now. And in truth, the Shadow Hand had once again suffered greatly at the hands of this peculiar nemesis of his… the Fire Witch.

Perhaps both of them were bruised enough.

Perhaps not.

What is certain is that the Blasphemer's first task after the conclusion of the day's engagements shall be one of planning… planning of vile revenge.


Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Darth Sorn Darth Sorn

Aboard Gehinnom II

Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

Aaran always said the nicest things to her. Truthfully, he always had. Aaran had always seen some sort of redeemable quality in her. She lost count of how many times he made mention of seeing her change. That there was something good remaining in her.

She would end such misconceptions today.

Foreplay, Aaran? Do go on.

While he spoke and closed the gap between them, Maestus summoned the lightsaber hilt on her belt to her free hand.

She side stepped out of the way of his blade. Easy enough as she made no strike at him with either weapon, yet. She took one breath, then another until he was close enough to her.

She lifted her hand wielding the light up up above her head and began to spin in a circle. Slowly at first, then faster. As she spun, the whip began to encircle her, almost as a barrier.

She knew neither of her blades would do serious damage to hin. That had been proven before. But right now, she was very much a cat playing with her food.

Truth be told, it had been some time since she had fought. Anyone. She'd been sequestered away, working on her research and experimentation. After such a time, there were bound to be kinks that needed worked 9ut.

She spun for a couple seconds, keeping in mind her own growing dizziness. Suddenly, she brought her hand holding the whip down and out, striking at Aaran's chest with the Lava Crystal powered whip. She had keen aim, if he was unable to react in time. The whip would strike and cause serious burns from his right collarbone, down across his belly and finish at his left hip.

The instant the strike was finished, damage caused or no, she deactivated her lightwhip and replaced it on her belt. Aaran was right, there wasn't enough space for it to be truly deadly effective in this area. A split second later, and her saber activated. A dark purple pladma sprouting from the hilt.

She settled into her stance.


Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

To say there was a plan with Mi’la’s current route would be a flat out lie. What she did intend to happen, was to try and find something she could utilize here. Instead, all she found was wiring and a lot of electricity zapping and crackling in the air; none of which she could use.

She kept moving, her wounds stinging at her, the trance she had manage to get into before now gone. She was just a Twi’lek in dire straits right now, and it showed. With Kyrel below her, bellowing out and pressing after her with his broken form, she couldn’t exactly just leave this fight. She needed to put him down before he killed her, but she didn’t have a clue on how to do that.

Reaching the end of the catwalk, she had two choices, take the ladder on the side down to Kyrel, or take the walkways that circled around the sides of the building. Neither of which were stellar ideas, but she felt that it would be better to inform the Sith that his control over her was nonexistent; not that he might care really.

Taking the ladder, she winced as her body seemed to reject the idea of climbing, but managed to slide down, and limp out to face Kyrel head on. Bleeding from several wounds, Mi’la drew in several breaths as she knelt down, seemingly attempting to mediate as Kyrel moved on her. To some it might have seemed that she was throwing her life away, but the truth was she needed to focus to draw out what reserves she had. This was the only way she knew how.

“I’m here. No more running. I promise.” She said calmly, trying to find her center before Kyrel was on her.

This was probably going to be the death of her.
The fight began to move gradually. With consistent pressure from both Amani and Alicio, their opponent was forced to stay defensive. The Jedi spun her weapon in a flurry, hammering down with both blade and haft in an effort to overwhelm her block. As Ishani’s wings unfurled, her own intent became clear, and Amani spared her partner a glance to acknowledge their soon-to-be predicament.

She then began to reposition, keeping up her attacks as she moved to the side to further split the Sith’s attention. In the event that they couldn’t keep her on the ground through the offensive barrage alone, Amani had one other contingency in mind; If Ishani tried to take off, she would leap on. Not the most graceful solution, maybe, but using the Force to pull her down wasn’t really an option for her at the moment.


Ashes to Ashes

Scar Hounds/New Sith Order

Location: Streets Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Objective: Repel the Alliance
Equipment: Dread Blade, Basic Blaster, Basic Armour

The battle was in full swing. As the sky erupted into fire, the Gehinnom lit up by fire, the city of Cinnegar descended, for the second time in a short period of time, into war.

Runt disliked the place. Both what it already was, with its unnatural finery and luxury, mixed with the buried blades and smile-hidden sadism. Both the city's nobles and the ruling Krath cult all. It was a feeling entirely and truly alien to Runt, and he had reacted to it with terse and strict application of the Hounds under his temporary command to instill some sense of proper order, to keep the rot of the city in view.

Runt shouted orders at the Hound aspirants that he had been placed in command of, watching them scramble through the streets of Cinnegar to take up defensive positions as the first GA landing craft smashed into the ground. The Scar Hounds had been too preoccupied with a hundred different fires to notice both Runt's absence and his return to camp. He rightly assumed the camp commanders would chalk up all the deaths to the Manifold's escape, and Runt quietly accepted de facto promotion to squad commander for a group of convalescing Hounds.

"Scrapper, the big gun's out of ammunition! We won't be able to shoot any flyers down!" Scarnose, one of the other Hounds, bellowed from a rooftop down at Runt, referring to the latter by a colloquail rank.

"Get the boys out of the open! Send the message down the wire to keep in cover and maintain control of sightlines!"

An electronic warble sounded over this part of the city, a broken transmitter turned into warhorn.

Qhorin led a squad of Alliance troopers through the war torn streets, bolstering resistance fighters and driving warbands away from the palace district. Justice sang in his veins and righteous fury burned in his heart. Clad in brilliant golden Jedi Guardian armor beneath a deep green tabard edged in winding golden filigree, indigo lightsaber in one hand and a heavy blaster pistol in the other, he charged through the streets, cutting his way through the chaff of the Maw.

The warband gave as good as they got, but a thrown-together group of Hounds under a new leader suited only for occupation duties was no match for the resurgent resistance and GADF regulars. Slowly, gradually, Runt pulled his warband back, deeper into the city, and back towards the regional headquarters. Contact with what remained of the Scar Hound's leaders was cut off from his group by now, and he slowly felt dread rising in his stomach.

Was this it? Was he going to die, of all times, now, here?

“Boy!” Qhorin called out, his voice booming across the plaza, cutting through the cacophonous sounds of battle. “I will give you and yours one chance to lay down your weapons and surrender.”

Runt snarled, frustration and anger boiling over. No, not like this.

"Piss off, Jedi!" Runt signalled, and from the rooftops, surviving Scar Hounds rained blaster fire down on the Jedi and the soldiers, while Runt readied his blade, his mind sharpened for the first time with the Dark Side of the Force.
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Location: Forward Landing Zone, Empress Teta
Objective: Secure landing zones
Equipment: Alliance Marine armour, Tactical Air Control type. Rifle w/ grenade launcher. Explosive charge and detonite tape.
Tag: Lead: Tren Chaar Four: Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Six: Mylo Thorne Ten: Qellene Tyliame

"Alright, kid," she briefly glanced to her right, at the incomplete frame of a miniaturized radar unit. Qellene hadn't been able to finish it before...

She threw a glance at the flight officer's hand, wrapped around a slightly battered welding torch. Her eyes tracked back to Shar's face as she nodded her head toward the radar platform. "Think you can handle that? I should probably check in with the commander." Qellene wore a deceptively content expression, forcing her own demons behind a friendly smile.

Shar nodded, leaving the captain to get some air. He had seen some ground combat before, and the reality was always unpleasant. He did not judge her for her reaction, especially compounded with the stress of this battle.

The Gossam turned his attention to the radar platform. Standard miniaturised module, uplinked to fleet data and chaining with other radar modules already groundside. No problem. He got to work, welding the parts together and setting up the power cables.


Shar bolted up and turned in the direction of the shout. A group of Mawites were advancing at range, opening fire with small arms. The landing area, though filled with ships and equipment, was still some distance away from the Mawites. Shar dropped took cover and continued his work, glacing up to see a few of the GADF infantry assigned to his forward base rushing to the barricades. A roar came from above, an X-Wing, blasting at the Mawites. The distant explosion that marked their deaths elicited a few half-hearted cheers before everyone got back to work.


Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn - Amani Serys Amani Serys

Their winged opponent was able to fend off the barrage of attacks from Alicio and Amani, but not without losing ground. Alicio did his best to keep Ishani on her toes, small slashes and angled stabs buzzing the edges of her guard like gnats, while Amani dropped powerful strike after powerful strike.

Alicio had seen what she could do with a carnival hammer. He didn't envy Ishani's position.

Apparently, neither did Ishani, as she began looking for an escape. Alicio shared the Mirialan's knowing look, stalking around the opposite end of the Sith, trying to figure out how best to keep her here. To fly required balance. They needed to upset that balance.

He decided to perform a move shown to him by a friend.

Alicio switched his grip on Introspect, grabbing the weapon with two hands, and tried to bat up Ishani's sword with a wide slash. The Count then swung his foot out, in an attempt to catch her heel and yank it out from under her, to pull her to the ground.

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Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom | Anonymous
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword
Objective: Help the Maw forces with intelligence information | Continue to rebuild the mental defences and the mind palace.
Location: Capital City, Empress Teta
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Special tags: The Manifold The Manifold (as Kallan) ? | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Mercy ~
As if he was still reading my mind, the fact of which I really hated, he motioned with his head for us to discuss the details outside. I agreed with that. Either that or communicating "telepathically". Which in this case means that all this is done through MANIAC and we take advantage of sending messages through the biochip. That would have been even more striking and strange. Last but not least, Asher was the only one with whom I liked telepathic communication.

So I followed him outside; my people knew what they had to do, they didn't need my presence. They also knew which data should be sent to whom. The information flow of the Scar Hounds Tribe was not in danger now either. And then I remembered the conversations between each other, or just the fact that I was constantly sending him the reports. I missed the flirting that we did even between radio messages. Hidden, hidden between the lines.

Nothing will ever be the same as it was before Tython. Nothing. Before Tython, I could have jumped for joy if someone had come to me with this news that I could get a promotion within Nite, because that's what I always wanted, that's why I fought. But now? At least I didn't care as much as if I had received something within NIO. I was unable to be happy for what I had worked and fought for since my existence and freedom. But I had to pretend that I was interested.

The key to survival was always being strong and showing strong.

"What would be the task in case of promotion?" I asked him.

I didn't know why he came in person; I wasn't such a significant figure. The NIO probably didn't even notice that I had disappeared and wasn't present. I was only important to Asher, no one else. Barran only cared about me because I was Asher's wife and pregnant with his children. Anyway, I bet he wouldn't care what happened to me. However, I've always been somewhat paranoid, so I snarled for a moment. This was also my true feeling in the present situation.

"And why did you come in person instead of talking through the secure channel provided by the biochip?" I asked him again.

The man began to speak…


~ Keilara ~
I never did this alone before, we always tried to solve the situation with Kallan together. It was precisely because of this that it was not a pleasant feeling to realise that it was not such an easy task alone. We still shared on the same mind, but Mercy was still the strongest and had it all the easiest. I think she could have fixed these errors a long time ago. We'll have to convince him to help us somehow. If she doesn’t, she's doing herself a disservice.

I took a deep breath, unfortunately this part will not interest her. Maybe Kallan will be able to influence her in some way. I really hoped. Not because of her, not because of us, but because of the children. But I already felt bad last time that I had to blackmail her. The blackmail wasn't me, it was her. And I wanted to be myself as much as possible. And I didn't want Kallan to feel bad about it either. It wasn't an easy situation.

I concentrated and finally managed to create a pile of "bricks", of course it wasn't real, but... whatever. Since this was not the only rift, it was conceivable that Kallan would go elsewhere and start working elsewhere. The little ones were dangerous too, not just the big ones. I set about packing the bricks into place. From the bottom, going from the edges in the other direction.

As far as I could feel, it was as cold here as elsewhere. Fortunately, this part went easily. Luckily, I have not yet come across one where any of the gaps have reopened. At least from this I knew, we knew that Mercy's condition had not deteriorated further. Or at least the state of his mind, this wall did not reflect his physical state. I will be able to deal with the physical body when we are strong enough to control the body.

That is, Kallan, since it was allowed to him by Mercy; she certainly won't allow this for me. But I will deal with this when it becomes relevant. In the meantime, I continued to build the mental shield.



Location: Cinnegar, Generator Room
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Her blood had clung thickly to the air. He could smell her the fear had all but threw him into a frenzy. His own blood seeping into his eyes. With each step there was a mixture of his bones crackling, he was quite literally falling apart, and still his void demanded to be fed. To be fed on her, and sated if only briefly. His pace quickened, all the while his legs would drag, alternating between each limb. Smashing head on into a generator had managed to give him the knockdown blow he didn’t ask for.

Warped into a beastly mess that hunted after her eagerly. He had come to far to lose this woman, not if she was his opposite she could be the greatest asset or enemy he has ever known. The chase itself was exhilarating as he hadn’t felt this alive in years. He could swear that his own dead heart thumped excitedly over this game of predator and prey. With the droppings of blood growing bigger, he only imagined that his prey couldn’t hide, and she was in no position to run. Not while his Wrath still remained ever vigilant.

His gaze moved around through the clouds of electric energy that flowed between the generators. He was lucky that he only smashed into one, and didn’t set off the entire place along with the both of them. His head moved up watching the Jedi slide down. Moving away from a ladder to face him he snarled. The beast was ready to make one final offensive, watching with how tired she was.

He watched raised in eyebrow in curiousity as she knelt down. Was this fool trying to meditate? How did she hope to even stop against a rage that was undying, a hunger that could never be satisfied. He finally spoke. “Last chance Jedi… Surrender or die..” He said angrily followed by a growl. He took an offensive stance, the Hunger howled once more ready for one final attack. If she refused Kyrel could always salvage her corpse. Perhaps remake her in his image.

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

She was hurting, she was tired, but she was still alive. She'd endure yet, so long as she kept true to herself. Her breathing came on hard, taking in deep breaths as she sat, the footsteps of Kyrel fell heavy, and loud, though she didn't really hear him approach. She more felt it. Tremors followed in his wake, rage, pain, and a touch of sorrow rolled off him like a fog. He was bound in his emotions, a prison, a chain fastened around his being that would not let him die. It couldn't let him die. She understood now, like cleaning a dirty mirror, what truth laid within. She smiled, slightly, raising her head at the approaching Sith. Understanding the foe was merely a step on the path to defeat them.

She might not best him here, but, perhaps she could drive him back. At least for a time. Sitting here, attempting to meditate, she felt something gripping at the pit of her stomach; though it wasn't fear, hope perhaps? She didn't know, but she put it aside. Emotion would only cloud her thoughts from here on, and so exhaling, Mi'la set such things aside. "I will not surrender, nor will I die. I shall endure, as too do you." She said soundly, opening her eyes now. She was seeing him as he was, a battered shell, clinging to life. "Leave the fury be, and look inward. Tell me, stranger, what truth is there? Or have you been blinded by your own power you can't see what lies before you?" She took in another breath, and held it, hand kept pressed tightly together, already fashioning a bubble of energy to and stave off his attack.

She would not run, not anymore. She would stand, and oppose him, and risk dying in the process.

Qhorin Solas


“Take cover!” one of the troopers yelled as The Grunt The Grunt gave his signal.

The soldiers ducked beneath awnings and behind abandoned vehicles, finding cover where they could, returning fire at the Scar Hounds as they scattered. Qhorin’s saber flashed in his hand, wrist twisting this way and that as he batted blaster bolts away, redirecting a few back up to the rooftops. His eyes never leaving the boy, he reached out and pulled one of the Hounds down from the roof and let gravity do the rest.

The body landed with a sickening crunch. The Scar Hound lay there, crumpled against the ground.

“Lieutenant, take five men and clear that roof,” Qhorin called out. “The rest of you, lay down suppressive fire.”

As the troopers rushed to follow his orders, the Jedi Master holstered his blaster and advanced on the armored apprentice. Resolve and determination shaped his face into a stern mask, lips tight, eyes squinted just so.

“If you will not surrender, boy, then you will die.” It was not a threat, but an immutable expression of fact. If it was not the truth, it was Qhorin's truth, and by the Force he would make it so.

He didn’t have time to waste, nor mercy to give- there were more warbands to quell, more people to save, and the boy, though young, was mired deeply in the Darkside. There was no doubt in the Jedi, no hesitation; he reached deeply into the Force, and as power flooded his veins, he rushed the young Sith with a blazing burst of speed as if to spear him head on, side-stepping at the last moment to strike the boy’s blade down into the ground and open his guard for a sai tok.


Issue #1 w/ Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde

He'd wondered countless nights how liberating would it be without these burdens weighing his stride forward. Like an anchor thrown in a stormy sea, as if to moor against the raging waves but instead only falling victim to the ceaseless, unbridled tides. How easy it would easy as it had been to tap into the forbidden strength of the dark side over Ziost; as easy as it had been to fall consumed by its corruption on Krayiss III... only to hurt those he meant to protect.

Dagon clenched the hilt of his blade tighter as his eyes followed the Echani's prowl before she lunged at him, crimson saber crashing against cerulean as sparks crackled from the intimate clinch. There was momentum in her strike, perhaps aided by her verbal distractions and taunts. Her strength, so far, seemed to lie in the arcane -- a mentalist, perhaps? She had plucked at his thoughts and emotions subtly enough for him to barely notice it.

But could she keep up with the physical aspect of a scuffle?

"Maybe the one that needs a lesson--" he leaned back, allowing her to push further into the clinch. "--is you!!" he shoved the red blade away from his face and kicked straight at her gut, hoping to flip the initiative on his side and move into an offensive of quick slashes and swings.

Test her.

Analyze her.

Find her weaknesses.

And then overcome her.

They knew what she planned to do, and they were doing everything in their power to prevent it. Ishani just kept moving, dragging Amani and Alicio with her as she made her way to an intersection.

Blasters fired close by. An explosion rocked the ground beneath her feet as Ishani moved backwards. Her sword became a blur as she allowed instinct to take over, the Force guiding her movements.

She was deliberately leading them into the thick of the fighting, gambling on flying bolts being enough of a distraction to deter them. Perhaps they would think she was suicidal. Maybe she was—or at least, she wanted to take them down with her.

The tone of the duel had shifted. Ishani was tired and furious and no longer seemed to care whether she lived or died. Amani managed to score a few wounding hits, scorching her arms and legs and even leaving one red welt upon Ishani’s cheek. Then the Count pulled a trick that left her sprawled on her back upon the duracrete pavement.


A Force barrier appeared before Amani, preventing her from moving any closer. The Sith glared up at Alicio, her chest rising and falling with panting breaths.

Are you going to actually finish me off this time?” she ground out, her tone filled with scorn. “Because I won’t let her do it. I don’t even know who she is. I grant thee the honor, Alicio Organa. Make it quick, before I get a third wind.

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LocationRoyal Palace, Cinnegar
EnemiesGalactic Alliance - Valery Noble Valery Noble
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Alars Keto Alars Keto , Nadja Keto

Avoiding pain was what drove every mortal to learning how to evade death, though fear of that helped in nearly equal measure just as well. Neither, however, applied here, now, between the Jedi and the Sith. It wasn't the primal fear of death that drove Mori into forcing herself to evade that final beyond, nor was it the sensation of pain that she was driven to avoid, she differed from the rest of those in her company in that regard. Others, those outside, fought for her and the words that left her frigid lips, died for her, too, but she had no master as those that fell in line behind her did - she had a purpose, a reason to be. Seeing it through to the end, to her end, was what prevented her from acting in any way that wasn't her best.

Even if it was a tempting escape.

She hardly flinched at the shattering of glass and steel, such debris was common in her day-to-day life at this point, but she knew better than to just ignore it. Though Valery Noble Valery Noble had ingenuity in spades she lacked subtlety in equal measure - the blatant redirection of lightning, the gestures of her hand. If she was her younger self she would have been insulted by the notion that she might not recognize a diversion as it danced nearly naked in her face. Mori was older, though, and quite a bit more experienced in both keeping her temper in check as well as shouldering her fair share of pain. Most Sith were vain in a rather contradictory way in that they desired power, purity of strength, and some degree of aesthetic beauty that differed greatly from the more traditional notion of such, but she had long let go of that hold on physical vanity. She had shouldered the burden of living through pain after suffering the sustained orbital bombardment on Rhand, surviving only by consuming all life that was within the range of her hungry pull on the planet shortly afterwards, and her confrontation with the woman's husband shortly before Tython resulted in what small ties she had left to her worldly desires being shed along with the beauty she had prided herself on.

As glass and debris rained down on her, puncturing the dark clothing that had clung tightly to her form and breaking apart the mask that covered her face, the monster underneath the heavily garbed exterior of Darth Mori reared its ugly head. It was understandable that the Jedi took such drastic steps to trying to keep the Sith lord from being able to properly react, she supposed that she might've sought a route not quite so dissimilar to this one if desperation was all that remained as a means of offense, but it was far less effectual than the direct assault she had been engaging her with initially - that was a method of confrontation that had kept Mori from doing much more than reacting to her quick strikes, regardless of how intimidating her adaptability might have seemed.

Unmasked and to a lesser extent disrobed, however, the Dark Voice saw little use in the stoical attitude she'd shown leading up to this moment. Her attitude, the very air itself, shifted to better accommodate the chaotic appearance that had lost its veneer of gothic brutalism. The pained expression of a woman's face that existed as hardly more than a discordant echo was the only semblance of a face, of a head, that sat atop her shoulders and there was little to indicate that the Sith's body was much different in that regard. The mask, shattered and falling away from her as Valery quickly approached with her saber in hand, had dehumanized her but at least had concealed the true extent of just how far she had fallen into the chasm of the dark side. She seemed surprised, for a moment, in what little way a face that had hardly any features could, at the realization that her identity was now for all the world to see - but that surprise very quickly transitioned to anger, to disgust, and pooled those thoughts, feelings, together with the pain that simply existing required of her.

Then she screamed.

It was primal, drawn from whatever dark heart beat harder in her chest, and with it she unleashed a horrifying cacophony of static-filled shrill sounds that punctured the air and functioned like a repulsive wave - far more emotional, significantly more intense, than the telekinetic push she'd displayed earlier with her leg - to repel the debris that still rained down on her from the front, breaking them down further into sparkling sand and dust, as well as to hamper her foe's attack while her own saber orientated itself for a thrust. Her back and unprotected sides were otherwise punctured and torn by what else came for her but it only added further to that perpetual torment which egged her on, drawing her closer to the hunger that gnawed at the back of her mind.



OBJECTIVE: BYOO - Visions of the Force
LOCATION: The Netherworld
TAG: Anja Doreva Anja Doreva | Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan


It had been so long. But how long had it truly been?

Sol’yan had lived over one and a half centuries within the galaxy, yet even still; it felt as if a lifetime since he had been banished into this unknowable realm of existence. Last he remembered, he was fighting... in the defense of Empress Teta, with the Brotherhood of the Maw bearing down upon the innocent civilians who lived within it.

That was when he had met the foul servant of the darkness - she who would wield the eldritch powers of the realm he was now trapped within. He had heard tell of this netherworld - where the spirits of the fallen sought serenity in the afterlife, or so the Jedi had thought. The truth was... somewhere in between.

He had met the ethereal forms of companions he had long thought dead - communing with them after many years of memory. But did that mean he was dead? How else could he do so?

No... he was not dead.

Both he and the so-called ‘Lady of Bones’ had joined in heated combat, locked in a struggle between light and darkness. There were moments wherein he recalled almost losing himself to her power, but near equally as many opportunities wherein he had nearly gained the mastery over her in turn.

Then, his attentions had been divided, and before he knew it - he awoke within this realm. At first, it felt completely and utterly disorienting - as if plunged whole into a realm wherein all one’s senses were... muted. His connection to the living force felt like a distant call, as far away as if being broadcast by a commlink hundreds of meters away. His corporeal form had too been muted - as if etched from the blurry lines of a novice artist, yet at the same time shifting and whirring in a cacophony of energy in motion like a still breeze perpetually blowing across his form.

He wandered the wastes before him, taking quite literally his first steps into a larger world only a handful before him had tread while still living.

...while still living.

Could he really say that? With each passing ‘day’ in this realm, he felt as though his very essence drew deeper and more entrenched within it. He had... a padawan... Ari? Aria?

A-A... Ara. ARA!

He could only imagine how Ara was feeling, or what she thought. Did she mourn him? Did she lose her way on the path he had attempted to guide her upon? He... he had to return. He had to return to...


He made his way to where he could feel her presence the strongest - a massive citadel wrought in what appeared to be black stone, mirroring the citadel of Cinnegar beset on all sides by the forces of the Galactic Alliance even now. He could see the souls of the living shifting around - many bearing varying shades of light, intermingled with varying marks of darkness; with some being so dark so as to be voids within the nether around them.

“A-...ARA!” Sol’yan’s voice felt as though he were speaking under water, yet compared to the near-drowning sensation he had felt upon being first thrust into this realm, it might as well have been a roar within the force. He shouted again.


He could feel her presence faintly amidst the thousands surrounding him. He could feel her mind - her barely contained fear.

As well as the malice which surrounded her. He had to push through.

He... had to.


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Location: Cinnegar, Generator Room
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

The Wrath was ready to strike once more. He hoped to rush her, despite the appearance of her meditation he didn’t trust her. His vision focused on her intently, ready to charge straight through her. He wondered if she was mad to be in this position. She had no weapons, her companion nowhere in sight. What’s worse is the blood loss she was experiencing, he was powered by darkness and could go on. Her on the other hand seemed to only delay the inevitable.

With her eyes still closed, she spoke with the calm of a Jedi rejecting his offer of surrender. This only caused Kyrel to grip tightly to the Hunger, the spear itself impatient. He readied himself offensively her eyes opened locking with his gaze. She tried to have him look inward, her words familiar poison that came from many before her. She reminded him of Valery Noble, only furrowed his scowl. Before he could make his move to strike she summoned a bubble around her. What was this? Some last ditch effort at defense? Was she stalling for more time? Many questions came, and he delayed his attack.

Stabbing the Hunger into the ground, he released his grip of the holy weapon. Gasping with relief, he flexed his fingers as if relieved of the toll the weapon carried. Looking back at her once more he let out a laugh filled with dread. “Hahahahaha!” His undead glare had burned deep into her eyes. “Do you not know death when you see it? Inward there is only silence, only hollow, only the void remains. Do you not realize you are hollow to the Force. We are one and the same, two halves staring at each other in the mirror.” He said crossing his arm over his chest.

She was stalling he knew that much. Try as she might to stop the inevitability of his wrath. Kyrel decided to entertain his polar opposite. There was more to this Jedi than what she appeared to be. That’s what he had counted on most, seeing her alive would be more useful than a corpse. Either way she would join him. The tension was thick in the air, the two wounds engaging in a spar of words before what would be the end.
Post: 4
Location: Throne Room, Royal Palace, Cinnegar
Objective: See Me in My Crown
Equipment: Gold and Black Krath holy battle Suit | Blood Blade (Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto knives | Crown
Allies: BotM | Darth Mori | Nadja Keto | Alars Keto Alars Keto | Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde | Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Tags: Open

x20 Personal Guard in Heavy Gold Mandalorian Armor armed with Krath Double swords
x2 Death Witches

Her eyes watched on as the bodyguards seemingly overcame the Mandalorian Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla as no rebuttal or fight had been seen. Dyans was about to revel in her victory putting a Mandalorian in her their place and teaching them a bit of their own history. Yet before she could celebrate a hand from one of the Deaht witches reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder. Dyans snapped around quickly a look of how dare they touch her without permission her face. The Death Witch quickly spoke so they didn't get their head ripped off. "We need to go they have breached the passages out of the Palace."

"We aren't going anywhere." Dyans said stubbornly and defiantly, the witches looked at each other wondering if they should just subdue the queen and forcibly remove her. Then they both looked at her and spoke simultaneously. "No offense Empress but if we stay we will surely be captured or killed. The enemy has breached both gates this position is compromised the only way out right now is the roof and that in itself is a dangerous position with the fighting in the sky." The witches knew they were speaking out of turn but they needed the Empress to see reason.

Anger grew inside Dyans as she could feel the fear of the death witches they both wanted to run and flee. Jade eyes slowly began to turn red, her face began to go even paler skin turning almost translucent as black veins began to form, and her blonde hair slowly began to grow white. The anger inside her was growing and the force vampire in her started to show it took every once of will power to calm down and not feed on the two death witches before her. She took a deep breath and then growled slightly. "Let them all come to the throne room. Every last outsider, Usurper, traitor, and defiler of the Tetan Empire that wants in let them and let them come to the Throne room. Tell the Maw to retreat and leave this place."

The witches looked at their Empress in confusion they knew what she was asking them to do but they weren't sure it was the best idea. "You are asking use to in act the Silver Order?" They had to be sure this is what she was asking of them before they did it. "Yes, gather your fellow witches and warlocks. Warn the deserving and let the enemies through all the gates. Let them claim their prize and then make this palace their tomb." Dyans confirmed it the conviction in her voice unwavering if there was a victory here today the Palace could always be rebuilt stronger and better. If they lost, then it would be a fitting shrine to Empress Teta's glory and what it had long stood for and what the Galactic Alliance took from the Tetan people.

"Don't worry about me, it isn't the first time I have been buried under these palace walls. I will go down with my empire now go send out the message to the Maw tell them to leave the palace." Dyans turned and looked at her throne and taking a deep breath she took a seat back upon it. Her witches left and sent out a signal to all the Maw to retreat from the Palace let the Jedi and Alliance take.


Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Mi'la had no doubts that what she was doing might be suicidal. She remained in place, taking in a breath, and exhaling as it seemed Kyrel came to a stop. His laughter rang out in her ears, though she remained unmoved, ignoring the pains that worked about her body, the blood that spilled upon the floor, and the fatigue that stung in her body. She would not falter. She could not. She was not here to stall, no, rather quash this evil force that had gathered before her; though she didn't know how to do that. She had fought dark force users before, but nothing so similar to her, not like this.

He refuted her words, mocked her, and asked if she had not known death when she'd seen it. It made her smile, not a happy smile, merely a distant one touched with sadness. "I've looked upon death before, but you, are less than death. You are nothing. I am nothing. But we are not the same. You depend only on yourself, stranger, I depend on others. That's not why I asked you to look inward. For when I look inward, I find those who I have stood with, and stand with me. You do not have that luxury. We are not the same." She took in a breath, drawing upon that barrier, and reaching for those she had felt on this planet earlier. It wasn't much, but she could feel Amani Serys Amani Serys , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el still on this world, alive. She drew on that connection, sinking into another layer of the Force, her mind going slack.

She set her gaze upon him, resolve solidified now. She was hollow to the Force, but that didn't keep her hollow to others. "As much as you may wish me to be, I am not you, nor shall I ever become you." She affirmed, the stain and pain of her earlier wounds faded as she drew on the Force from these bonds, and used it to empower herself. She felt a thought bubble to her mind, one that caused a smile to stretch across her face. It was probably good that Millia Korraay Millia Korraay wasn't here. She'd be rather worried given how she looked right now.

If she made it out of this, she was in for one heck of lecture by the woman and for good reason. "The truth is, for all your power, you will forever stand alone. And you can't stand that." She wasn't sure where those words had come from, they hadn't been her own certainly, but she didn't exactly feel they were untrue. Having said what she said, she felt that conflict was soon to come to head, and prepared for it, as Kyrel seemed to hardly be composed at the moment.

Location: Cinnegar, Generator Room
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

The Jedi before him was delusional that, or it was the blood loss going straight to her head. She was wrong, she denied what the two of them were. She didn’t know who he was, likewise he didn’t know her. He didn’t have to know her, to understand that He stood stonewalled, the Hunger he could feel was growing anxious, eager to devour once more. Kyrel had other ideas for the bleeding Jedi that tried to dispute his words.

“Wrong… What you find as a strength is ultimately tools to exploit you. The Shadow guides me, walks with me,cloaksand shields me from the unforgiving light. You delude yourself Jedi… That is why you will ultimately lose.” He said, his voice sounded irritated by her own words. He had nothing to prove to her. Both were one and the same she couldn’t deny that. Her words hopeful could only make Kyrel vomit. The same dogma from the Jedi, yet what did this one truly know.?

You will find I have no such weaknesses. I do not need allies, friends. All I ever need is the hollow silence, the power I wield will bend you… You must become broken in order to be remade. To be reborn from pain is a beautiful thing.” There was some melancholy reflection of his own resurrection hinted in his words. His words dropped with venom all too sweet, as if he sounded like a madman with clarity.

“What do you have? Friends fade, die. All that awaits us is the cold grasp of the void. To embrace the silence of it all is something to be joyous of. Alone my chains are broken I too know peace.” He said, words of another life mixed in. Words of a man that lived long and saw much. The tension remained unbroken, and he could only wonder how long can she keep this up?



Location:Empress Teta System Orbit
Allies: Open
Enemies: Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager Open
Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Capital Ships​
  1. ANV Screaming Dragon New Imperial Class I Star Destroyer Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  2. ANV Defiant Wyvern MC81k Liberty Kai Type Star Cruiser Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  3. ANV Harpy’s Den Stalwart Class Carrier Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  4. ANV Griffin's Roost Stalwart Class Carrier Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  5. ANV Silver Banshee Valiant Class Star Destroyer Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  6. ANV Brass Hydra Valiant Class Star Destroyer Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  7. ANV Sapphire Cyclone Arlionne Class Missile Destroyer Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  8. ANV Emerald Hurricane Arlionne Class Missile Destroyer Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  9. ANV Broadsword Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  10. ANV Saber Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  11. ANV Cutlass Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  12. ANV Falchion Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  13. ANV Mace Prosecutor Class Planetary Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  14. ANV Morningstar Prosecutor Class Planetary Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  15. ANV Nik Sant Valiant Class Frigate Shields 1000% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  16. ANV Trapper Wolf Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  17. ANV Chirrut Îmwe Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  18. ANV Baze Malbus Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  19. ANV Jan Ors Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  20. ANV Carson Teva Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  21. ANV Wes Janson Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  22. ANV Wedge Antilles Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  23. ANV Mustafar Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  24. ANV Ibaar Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  25. ANV Yavin Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  26. ANV Hoth Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  27. ANV Endor Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  28. ANV Coruscant Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  29. ANV Jakku Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  30. ANV Kashyyyk Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  31. ANV Kuat Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  32. ANV Squall MC25c Stormsinger Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  33. ANV Tornado MC25c Stormsinger Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  34. ANV Blizzard MC25c Stormsinger Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  1. 24x Squadrons 384x Fighters
  2. 14x Squadrons 168x Interceptors
  3. 4x Squadrons 32x Bombers
  4. 10x Squadrons 30x Craft
  5. 7x 84x Star Fighters
  6. 5x 60x Interceptors
  7. 5x 50x Bombers
  8. 1x 12x Bombers
  9. 4x 4x Craft

Caoimhe’s diamond formation lanced out of hyperspace before the Gehinnom and the forces of the Maw were arrayed before it in a spearhead formation. The Gehinnom not being alone would make Dragoons fleet difficult but not impossible. Sensor crew called out informing her of the enemy numbers and calling ident as wartribe Kragamond. The wartribe numbers were significantly smaller than when she had last seen them over Tython, likely still licking their wounds from the aftermath of that battle.

“Bring us in oan top o’ em”

Instantly the fleet set into motion as hundreds of fighters launcher out of hangar bays, massive ion engines flared to life, and missile launchers were loaded with ordnance.

“Missile batteries A want smoke an chaff fired first ti accompany th’ ‘Jen’dosta’ system then switch ion when we’re in range. Ion batteries concentrate oan bringing those shields down. Gun, Laser, an Maser batteries th’second they’re shields are doon A want them doon permanently then move ti their gun batteries, an finally cripple their hangars. All batteries avoid their flight systems at all costs. We want to cripple their ability to fight, no’ send them careening doon inti the city below. Bomber squadrons if it’s got a secondary bridge th’second it’s shield go down A wanna crater where it’s primary bridge used ti be.”

The space between the diamond formation and the spearhead was suddenly filled with clouds of drifting smoke as thousands of missiles from the ‘jen’dosta’ system throughout the fleet launched. The fleet sprung forward closing with the enemy guns and launchers primed to unleash a torrent the moment they crossed the other side of the clouds of smoke.


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