Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta


"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ― Albert Einstein

Yep, this was the possession of Wallgof by none other than Naga Sadow. It was a history lesson just being here. The thing is, this also showed just how heavily he influenced Wallgof, Sadow thought ridiculously little of him and that was fine. He would simply stand here and wait for things to get serious, like Sith Lord breaking the armor into shards himself. This was a weak showing of power that did not shake the massive Jedi Master at all, nor the "daggers." Sure, some sliced his skin, but he would heal easily enough, the Force controlling his pain to little more than a pin-prick. They were just tiny pieces of metal trying to break through Tutaminus after all.


The Force Wave was surprising, and he did not have time to dodge it, but he could initiate one himself. The countering waves would not only counter each other, but the blowback on both would, or at least should knock them both back a few steps, enough for some distance between each other. That of course gave the big man plenty of room to bring up his own lightsaber and block the decapitation attempt. It made sense since he could not enter Caltin's mind, Vanagor had learned every form, and every sub-form, even mastered some of them, his defensive move should have shown his ability. For someone with loads of knowledge, Sadow knew very little of psychology. Did he think a Jedi w…

That's it…

That's why you lost. Isn't it? It IS! For all of your posturing. You want everyone to think you're cool. This goes beyond the arrogance of the Sith of the presence and the past to think that they are superior to the Jedi. Why is that? Because you can choke someone?

Caltin was well aware of the Sith coming up on him to his "5" and reached out, suddenly the assassin dropped his lightsaber and reached to his neck with both hands. His face was turning as red as the blade on his weapon as the oxygen was vomiting from his body. A moment later, Caltin let him go and he fell choking, gasping for any air he could. This assassin thought better of his chosen action and chose to withdraw.

We can choke too. Lightning? You already know the folly in that. There is no "power" in the Dark Side, OR the Light Side. It boils down to the person in the position. You think you have power because you can manipulate a primitive society and get them to build you a sanctum? You think you have power because you can possess a madman and stand in front of me? That is not "power," that is simply egotistical ignorance. To fight for others? To hold the power to destroy and use it for betterment? THAT is the "power" you think you have. Even the true Pure Blooded Sith knew this… or have you never learned about "Honor" and "Integrity" being the true passions of Korriban initially?

Inquisitively he narrowed his eyes.

You never had the chance to though, did you? You're not "Pure Blooded". You're a hybrid. You were never accepted as one or the other because you aren't. THAT is why you cry out about "True Sith" and "True Darkness" and "True blah blah…" For that you are not "Truly worth it" and have my "True Pity."

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof / TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Following Ren was par for the course for the knight. She did fall, fast and front forward, attempting to keep her foe in her sights. She had planned on using her control over air to slow her fall, but she hadn’t planned for Ren’s freakish razor tongue to fly out, and coil around her. She cried out, sabers falling from her grasp as she felt the blades cut into her through her thin armor, constricting her movements and throwing off her controlled fall.

She hadn’t even started the process to slow herself. Her body tumbling as she had no control, her options seeming limited now. The ground was rapidly approaching, the glass dome of what she had to assume was a power relay station down below. Given the situation, she didn’t see a ton of options. Opening her palms, she tried to encompass the air the was assailing them as they fell, and began to try and gather it around her. Her clothing fluttered, as she gathered a barrier of air around her. She had managed to control her fall, redirecting the loose wind that traveled around her into herself, and as they crashed through the glass dome, the Twi’lek felt her knees buckle as she landed on the metal catwalk below, shattered glass raining down around them. Having down so, she expanded it outwards, hoping to force the tongue off her in the process.

Though now she had no lightsaber to use for this fight. But at least she had the force. Minor lacerations stung around her chest and arms, blood dripping freely from her chin now. Though she stood ready to continue this fight, electricity claiming wildly below them, as the air was filled with the hum of dozens of power generators.

This would be the final stage for their fight.


Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn - Amani Serys Amani Serys

Alicio took in a deep breath, trying to center himself, and harness the pressure of the Force once more. But as he opened himself up to it, he instead felt the weight press down upon him.

He was too weak, in more ways than one.

But when Ishani cleaned Amani's clock, Alicio felt the Force stir around him angrily. The sudden irritant helped him focus, and keep him on his feet a moment longer as Ishani rushed past him. "Thanks for the concern," he shot back at her, bitterly, before being dragged along with Amani, managing to find his footing as she shared her life force with him.

Alicio took strength from the contact, but not just the healing. He needed the support, more than the Mirialan knew. The Count had given away everything to keep Ishani breathing, only for her to overpower him, and almost continue her dark mission. His mistake had almost cost innocents their lives.

It could still cost innocents their lives.

Which was why he was less reserved in his attack. Following in the wake of Amani's wide swing, Alicio lunged forward, lancing his blade towards her wing once more, in an attempt to pierce it.


Having succeeded in ringing Amani’s bell, Ishani continued to back away, trying to put some distance between her and her opponent.

Now that she was out in the open and could spread her wings, the logical thing to do would be to take to the sky and leave these two suckers behind. A brief glance upward, however, told her that wouldn’t be the smartest option at the moment, seeing as the sky was lit up like a switchboard with exchanges of high-powered blaster fire from anti-air turrets and hovercraft.

She sensed the Force rippling around her. A second later, her backside came into contact with something solid, bringing her retreat to a sudden halt. Then came the horizontal cut with the green chick’s pike. Ishani’s sword locked the pike in a bind—until the searing pain of Alicio’s lightsaber burning a hole in her wings for the second time that day weakened her hold, and the pike left a smoldering mark on her shoulder.

Through the agony of the two wounds, she felt the ritual’s power still humming in her veins. It afforded her a moment of clarity, if nothing else.

Amani’s Jedi training had no doubt taught her how to deal with Sith. Ishani’s Mystic training had taught her how to turn the Force against all its practitioners. She leaned into that tradition now, seeking to trick Amani into believing the Force had abandoned her. If successful, the barrier Amani was using to pen Ishani in would vanish and the lifegiving strength she was lending Alicio would be abruptly cut off. Her sense of the universe around her would diminish, leaving her unable to predict Ishani’s movements—namely the slash of her sword toward Amani’s legs.


Location: Empress Teta
Objective: Ashes to Ashes
Other tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto
Post: #5

Prior to going into this fight, Valery had heavily tempered her usual expectations when it came to the progression of her battles. Where normally her skills with the Force, her lightsaber, and especially her unusually aggressive combative methods could allow her to quickly overwhelm opponents, she knew that this Sith Lord would not go down that easily. But despite that, seeing her respond and adapt so quickly to her unorthodox use of Phase was astonishing. Valery wasn't one to particularly enjoy fights with real stakes and casualties, but when their blades crashed against each other with Mori's body twisted the way it was, she couldn't stop the corner of her lips tugging up into a brief smirk.

Very Impressive.

It was of course unfortunate that her surprise attack had no real effect, but the move had at least given her more insight when it came to Mori's shapeshifting abilities. Not only did it have seemingly endless possibilities, but she was fast in the way she reshaped herself to her needs as well. All of this left one question in Valery's mind — how do you fight someone who can alter their body to defend any angle, and retaliate in ways that could never be expected beforehand?

It was a huge challenge, but one she was almost excited to accept.

Valery's eyes were then briefly drawn to Mori's hands, as lethal sparks around her fingers were rapidly increasing in potency. They very quickly bridged the gap between their bodies, and in response, Valery crossed her two blades to block the lightning and allowed the power of the attack to push her back across the palace marble. She had been in a position like this many times before, but this felt vastly different again. Arcs of electricity were jumping all around her, burning her bare arms and leaving her clothing scorched in several spots. The sheer strength paired with the pain caused her to lose grip of one blade, but she was able to recover by shifting her hand to support the one lightsaber she still had.

She needed a way out.

Having formed the basis of a plan in her mind, Valery channeled her strength and pushed her weapon up to reflect a surge of lightning towards the ceiling, where it connected with a chandelier of glass and crystals, causing it to violently explode. However, that had been part of her plan — as a shower of sharp fragments came down all around them, Valery raised her left hand and abruptly forced all the particles to stop in mid-air, but not for long. With her eyes focused on Mori, she sent everything towards her from all possible angles, hoping not only to cut her down but also to keep her focused on, hopefully, too many things at once.

The real risk of fighting a shapeshifter was to meet them up close while they were fully focused, and so she used this bombardment of glass and crystals to potentially limit how she could change. Both her hands quickly came together to grip her hilt again and following this first attack, she closed the distance rapidly to follow up with a powerful sweep to Mori's body, hoping she could exploit another bit of trickery.



Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Kyrel was sent tumbling down. just as he had done with Caltin on Jedha, or Khalil on Tython, now on Cinnagar. It was a trademark move for Kyrel didn’t bring out his tongue unless he was in free fall. He could taste her, feel her blood trickle on his tongue. She tasted differently than an ordinary Jedi. She was a Wound, the taste didn’t blaze with the Force it only tasted hollow to him. His tongue only further wrapped itself around her. If he was going down she was going down with him.

Unlike the Twi’Leo he knew a fall wouldn’t kill him, her on the other hand was different. He hoped that he would violently come crashing to whatever he would below, and her reduced to nothing but a broken corpse. He could at least drag her corpse, perhaps attempt something his maker done. Snapped quickly out of his pondering, he felt her use the air to her advantage. His own tongue was quickly unwinding from her body.

The dead man’s tongue unwinding did little to slow his descent. Quickly, his hulking form had smashed through the glass dome along with her own. The Hunger howled in his grasp, as if greatly displeased. The spear suckling more rage from it’s Master. Kyrel let out a growl as he was sent flying, shards of glass digging into his necrotic flesh. Pain had shot through his nerves, his eyes fluttering opened and closed. The dead man did little to stop the work of gravity.

It all came to a stop when he was sent crashing into one of the generators. The generator itself exploded violently. Electrical bolts mixed in with the Hunger’s own crimson energy shot out. The electricity spreading to the other generators in a rain of bolts. Powering more juice to the generator, and all around the metal and electricity. Fires started to sprout slowly around. Inside of the hollow generator was sounds of twisted metal, if the Jedi thought that Kyrel died slamming into the generator she was mistaken. A bloody fist slammed through the durasteel from the inside, the arm charred and burnt. The air itself was palpable in the smell of burnt necrotic flesh, and fury waiting to unleash. The Jedi had little time, for a respite in the middle of a new dangerous arena.

Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Naga smirked, the Jedi took the shards perfectly. He knew that the fool would think nothing of it and for the most part, that was all Naga thought of the attack. Simple, basic and just enough to distract as he set up the dramatic Force Wave. Now that they were there, it meant that Naga had anchor points. They were embedded in the skin and he could use those anchor points to create some pain if he wanted to. The armour could be super heated to burn the brute from the inside out with electrical attacks, that should be fun when he decided to do that. For now, he let the oaf think nothing more of them and focus on his little rant.

For someone who complained about the way that Wallgof talked, this Caltin man seemed to want to do a lot of talking right now. Naga yawned, letting the man rant on and even kill a Sith Assassin, it was cliched, repeated and proved nothing to Naga. "No. See. You think you tap into the Dark Side, but you haven't even scratched the surface." Lifting up a Jedi Master that tried to help Caltin with their fight, this man was healthy and fairly strong. Naga crushed him, continued to use the full power of the Dark Side to completely crush the nameless Jedi Master till his life ended. "See, your light is a limitation, not freedom. Wallgof, I, all the Sith here, we chose the Dark Side. We embraced what felt natural. The Light Side, that is something you force yourself to be. It is not natural."

Yawning audibly and visibly as Caltin tried to play the same psychological mind games but there was just no skill. It was simple, obvious and didn't have the skills that Wallgof used. Pouring the Force into his Lightsaber, he decided to make things a bit more interesting. It was clear that this man was a Battlemaster sure, but what happened when the unpredictable happened? When the unblockable strikes came? The Force Weapon technique was a fun one to use on a Lightsaber. When enough energy had been pulled, Naga went for the attack. Not caring where Caltin was in his rant, it didn't matter since Naga had long since stop paying attention to the words pouring out of the man.

Naga was a being of action, he was not going to listen to someone attempt to berate and diminish his achievements and he really did not care of the opinions of Jedi on codes of honour and such. As he slashed aggressively at Caltin, Naga activated the Force Weapon, sending a blast of Force Push to send the man flying in the air. While in the air, Naga then sent powerful blasts of red Force Lightning, targeting the embedded shards of beskar inside Caltin. Heating the metal to dangerous hot temperatures. This was much more aggressive in attacks than Wallgof would display and it was much more entertaining for Naga to feel so alive and fighting a lesser being.

"Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain." ― Friedrich Schiller

Still posturing.

Still arrogant.

Still Stupid.

Caltin Vanagor believed that there was prudence and wisdom in “The Old Ways” but this was not one of those times. He was often guilty of holding onto his own “old ways” and not always willing to adapt. This guy was clearly that as well. He did, really think that everyone around him was stupid. He thought that the big man was just going to sit and let shards of metal sit in him? Even if Caltin wanted to, he couldn’t, his body would repair itself.

He was setting up for something else though, mid rant. Sadow was trying to use Archaic attacks, what? Did he think that Vanagor would not understand them?

The big man said nothing, he did nothing but let out the tiniest of growls as he closed his arms together, bringing the lightsaber “Conservator” out in front of him. Planting his feet, JUST before Sadow would release his wave, Caltin would release his own.

He had only done one to this extent twice before. Repulsing an enormous blast of Force Energy of his own out in all directions. The first time he had done this, Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren was trying to destroy the Crystal Temple on Jedha, the other, he was destroying as much of the falling moon of Tython IV “Ashla” as he could. The electrical boosted energy was more than effective, it was also little more than a taste of what he himself could do.

Those shards? Superheated? When Caltin set his Repulse, those shards would be sent flying back at Sadow, so… cut or not cut… they would be expelled out of Vanagor quickly and back at Sadow.
Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

As she landed, she didn’t think Ren would land gracefully, but she hadn’t expected him to become one with a generator. The eruption of fire and lightning prompted her to stagger back, the knight shaken by what she was witnessing. She has thought Ren now dead with the loud clang, the whine of broken machines and the ungodly echo of destruction.

Overwhelmed with curiosity, she leaned over to inspect, and found her foe quite possibly dead; or at least embedded in the generator.

Before she could take any form of relief within that however, the blooded paw of Kyrel broke through, indicating that she had been too optimistic. Eyes wide, she took in a single breath, before rushing across the catwalk, the air crackling with hate and cooking human flesh; neither of it Mi’la wanted to be caught in. Without her weapons, it would be Force against Force, and in the middle of this hell, she didn’t want to think of the mayhem Kyrel could unleash upon her.

All the more reason she ran, her legs straining as they had gotten more than enough force exposure today. She’d have to abuse them for just a little longer.
The duo’s initial success was undercut by confusion, as a moment later Amani felt her Force connection slip away from nothing. A dozen questions raced through her mind too quick to parse, before being supplanted by a surge of adrenergic hyperawareness.

The illusory loss of her Force powers was a disadvantage, but one that Amani had already overcome long ago. She learned to survive without it, and not to mention had already faced a foe with a similarly-affecting ability. So rather than let it lead to her downfall, Amani sprang back, albeit a bit awkwardly, sparing herself the worst the blade had to offer. The edge clipped the front of her leg, and she stumbled, but remained standing.

With the gap now between them, the fear of what happened to her powers threatened to take precedence. Even if she had learned to live with the lack of Force powers, the idea of them being gone again was not exactly a comforting thought. She tried to block it out; They had much more immediate concerns to deal with.



Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn - Amani Serys Amani Serys

A frown overtook Alicio as his stab connected, distracting Ishani enough for Amani's blow to sneak through her defenses. He hated this, hurting someone he had once cared for. When he had volunteered himself to sneak refugee families away from the fighting, he'd thought it would involve using his abilities to avoid entanglements, and maybe deflect a few blaster shots.

He hadn't anticipated the lengths he would have to go to keep them safe.

He sensed his partner's confusion, and tried to cover for her escape, but was unable to stop a cut along her leg. Instead of retreating alongside her, Alicio aggressively stepped forward, taking advantage of the Sith's focus being directed towards Amani. As his determination returned, the glint of the Future caught his eye once more.

He was practically in her space, parting around her like water, using his positioning and blade to deny the winged form any leverage with her sword. The Count wasn't attacking, but attempting to tangle Ishani up as much as possible, to give Amani the chance to recover from... whatever had happened to her.

Alicio was new with the blade, and extremely inexperienced, but he was also a natural, trained by one of the best duelists of their age. That had to count for something, right?


While Amani backed away, Alicio stepped into the space his ally had left behind. He got very close, in fact, yet he wasn’t attacking so much as using his body and lightsaber to block Ishani.

She was initially bewildered by this strategy, but soon began to connect the dots. He had noticed that she didn’t want to kill him, and was counting on that to save his life. Sacrificing his wellbeing as a distraction until Amani could recover.

Well, it was annoying, but hardly something she couldn't work with. Making a few tentative strikes at him until she could catch their blades in a bind, Ishani drove her knee up somewhere Alicio most definitely did not want it to be. It wouldn’t kill him—it would just hurt a lot and possibly end the Organa family line.

Amani took a moment to recompose herself, only finding annoyance as her Force powers refused to function.

Alicio's tactic scared her back into the fight, seeing as she was unaware that there was any effort on Ishani's part to not murder him at the earliest opportunity. Which made the forward surge of her knee an unexpected, but definitely effective method of subdual if it worked.

Amani ran to get behind, using their numbers advantage to flank her. Her saber pike then swiped upward, in an attempt to sever one of the Sith's wings entirely.

5th post






Beskar Brodie-Helm

Durasteel Cuirass
Fragarach-Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Beskar Romphaia

Rusty Old Fairbairn



Darth Mori Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Darth Saevius Darth Saevius



Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa




I can feel it in that gaze....

Something feels different about this one.

Back when he was still forging for his master on Rhigar, Barran never once thought he'd face a warrior like this, as all the stories told of the Jedi, from many brothers and sisters among the Tri-Lunars and fully-fledged Scar Hounds alike, were of mystics who moved with such passiveness that all aggression could be negated effortlessly. Evading and countering with such calm fluidity that the other warriors within the New Jedi Order could be compared to calm woodland streams, it was no wonder that Thomas had preconceptions of facing off against the very image of effective pacifism, but in feeling the soul-deep wrath of his opponent, he knew Ishida's comparison was closer to that of a stormy sea-tide.

Like the tide that rushed the very shore the two warriors were fighting on at the time.

'You don't get to say my name until the end, Thomas.'

That wasn't fear - just look into those eyes, man....

Its time to weather the
real storm now.

Thomas was wading into deep waters by then, and likely in real trouble if he couldn't find a way to stay in the fight, and in seeing how increasingly angry Ishida was, everything began to make sense. This wasn't a duel against Ishida the Jedi, this was high-stakes single combat of the heaviest magnitude, a fight for survival against Ishida the Atrisian Warrior - the most dangerous of anomalous encounters.

And after a brief, tense silence of considering their next strikes of choice, Ashina would take the offensive role again by making quick, though long sprinting strides towards him, creating as much aggressive pace as she could from a stationary stance. For what exactly, Barran could only guess, but as soon as he realised it was for a jumping attack, it was already much too late. Not even the favourable low-guard striking would help, as was proven in her ability to roll high over the parry, using the momentum to propel the forward motion, and well enough that the Atrisian landed behind the Woad with just enough space to target the newfound vulnerability. No such blindside tactics would be needed here, not whilst Ishida's lightsabre-katana was poised to strike at the exposed back of the Bloodhound, not whilst the Jedi was on the cusp of returning what was cut on her own back in the previous battle for Empress Teta.

The curse of the torturous V-cut, returned to sender.


But instead of the dull, bleeding sting of Beskar's bite, Barran would be embracing a pain altogether more intense, an agony of the likes the Warlord had never known before, the searing burn of Kyber melting through cloth, skin and flesh like cake. And the following scream of the Woad, shrill and blood-curdling though it would've been to anyone's ears, there was no doubt in his mind that the Atrisian would be enjoying their handiwork; but as he sprinted forward to create distance enough for an effective pivot back into the fight, Thomas understood that Ishida's cathartic fury was on an entirely different plateau, fixated purely on the attempt to kill her opponent once and for all. Even as his pained, growling breaths rang out in his attempt to adjust to the pain, the cold stare of the Jedi remained, ready to strike at the first opportunity.

The Warlord needed to stop relying on his signature method and he knew it, the faux-lazy approach wasn't enough to outsmart an opponent as smart as the Jedi, and in this moment Barran was left with no choice but to revert to traditional sword-fighting methodology, left with no choice but to adopt a rather unfortunate stance henceforth. Extending the Romphaia forward with another try for a left-handed stance, the Bloodhound was reminded of fencing-lessons in his first life, and in every instance Thomas had remembered anything from his first life, nosebleeds and migraines always followed in the moments after snapping out from each flashback. Then, without fail, the sanguine escaped in free flow from Barran's nostrils and added to the agonies of the new scar on his back, and as a result, the resulting grogginess would further fan the flames of the Bloodhound's desperation.

'Always at the most inopportune of moments.... THIS CHANGES NOTHING, JEDI!!!!'

Blood was seeping from his ears and tear-ducts by then, but instead of the usual intensity that Thomas was known for, a fury of his own began to take shape in the way his stare held with that of Ishida, a wide-eyed, untamed glare of murderous loathing - awakened from within like the wrath had been unleashed from the deepest depths of his soul.

Even going so far as to clench his teeth in anticipation for the next phase of the fight, the mask of hatred finally washed over the migraine and rendered it irrelevant, goading him into taking the fight to the Jedi this time, fighting in a stance that had more migraines yet to inflict. Providing much more than spurring kicks into action from within, surging his heartrate with such heaviness that Barran could hear it pulsating in his ears, (and with such intensity that all the auditory happenings around him were almost completely silenced by it) the quickness of his sprinting approach looked to be approaching close to those of his Atrisian opponent before, though the Woad's attack was fuelled by the purest of adrenal catalysts. Something Thomas had always kept buried deep for the sake of his faith and his fearlessness in other near-death circumstances, but a man's survival instincts, as much as he would want to kill them, never truly die in times of war.

The first nose-bleeding migraine had been rough, but even though the others would still present challenges to lesser extremes, they would be enough to test his fighting coherence in otherwise-pivotal moments; but a sliver of hope would offer calm out of nowhere, such that would be tempting for any in Barran's situation, but it would soon be clear to see that such temptation would be considered beneath him - and all it took to see it was in trusting his anticipation of Ashina's next counter.

It was little more than a guess, but in understanding the slight change in the fighting posture of his opponent, Thomas was confident enough to test the waters with a lightly-telegraphed stabbing lunge Ishida's torso, pressed forward with just enough feigned exertion (aided somewhat by the pain from the V-cut in his back) that the bait was taken willingly on the Atrisian's part. A small window of opportunity, utilised to great effect through the anticipation alone, and when the katana-lightsabre was drawn across to block in slashing motion, a small aggressive flick suddenly hooked the hilt-end of the lightsabre with the underside of the Romphaia's curvature. Then, after locking his elbow into a hard outward slash as soon as blade and grip latched with a metallic clink, the lightsabre was parted with the hand that grasped it, sending the glowing katana flying inland by about ten yards or so, achieved in a strangely Jedi-like bloodless disarming technique.

Barran understood the irony, but instead of seeing the funny side, this only served to further-infuriate him when he saw that Ashina was still unperturbed, maintaining that same look of loathing disdain as she had in the moment she cut their pleasantries short for the sake of the fight. Even as she backpedalled away from the curved violence of the Woad's sword, it was clear the Atrisian still very much liked her chances of prevailing, lending something of a new understanding to the Bloodhound as the groundwork for her next move was set in place before him; the katana-lightsabre was merely a tool, and as much as Thomas wished this wouldn't be the case, Ishida was the real weapon he had been facing off against from the offset.

He didn't know how it would happen, or what Ashina would do, nor from where it would be done, but Barran knew it would have been hubristic to assume he had the upper hand yet.

Not with the ice-cold venom seen still feeding wrath into the woman glaring back at him, not with the confidence in her stance, not with truth of her true power still being held in reserve against him. This would be the Warlord's toughest fight for quite some time after that, and as he slowly and reluctantly acquiesced to the creeping truth, Barran's perceived margin of error would grow ever smaller along with it, making the fight all the more dangerous for as long as the one-eyed Woad continued to fight.

'I know you're not done yet, Jedi! THE FIGHT CONTINUES!!!!'
Last edited:

Location: Cinnegar, Generator Room
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

As soon as Kyrel’s burnt arm broke through the durasteel, his rage increased in intensity. Next to the crackles of leftover energy he started to twist the durasteel. The metal singed, as Kyrel started to twist through. Soon just as the metal was a similar twisted being emerged forth. The impact of hitting a live wire generator, and being electrocuted at the same time. His ligaments and muscles were torn, his movements made all the more clunky, as he limped his way out of the generator’s dead husk.

The Hunger still gripped to his burnt flesh functioned, as a crutch and staff alone. With each heavy step followed a loud clank the staff burying itself to the ground. Even with his vision obscured by both rage and hunger, his mangled limbs moved in a brisk stride. The hunt was on, and Kyrel could practically smell the fear radiating from his other half. He stepped quickly along the catwalk, his legs felt more like dragging rather than falling quickly in step.

Next to the fight, he relished the thrill of being a true predator. He was gaining on her, her own body worse for wear. “You cannot run Jedi!!” His voice echoed through row after row of generators before the catwalk. His booming voice added a level of tension to the chase, pieces of necrotic flesh fell as he followed her trail.

They were nearing the edge of the catwalk. What was at the end of the path he didn’t know. He did know the smell of her blood was thick in the air. The undead nightmare intoxicated from her familiarity. If he couldn’t turn her like him, he would devour her just the same. As he chased after her, he noticed blood droppings increase. Nearing the end he was ready to find that she could neither run, nor hide from his Wrath.

Qhorin Solas


In the streets of Empress Teta...

The invasion of Cinnagar was in full swing as battles and skirmishes raged across the city.

Qhorin led a squad of Alliance troopers through the war torn streets, bolstering resistance fighters and driving warbands away from the palace district. Justice sang in his veins and righteous fury burned in his heart. Clad in brilliant golden Jedi Guardian armor beneath a deep green tabard edged in winding golden filigree, indigo lightsaber in one hand and a heavy blaster pistol in the other, he charged through the streets, cutting his way through the chaff of the Maw.

Until he came upon the The Grunt The Grunt . The youth was almost grotesque, pale and sickly and mired deeply in the Darkside. He felt a lance of pity for the wretched creature before it was buried beneath determination.

His troopers fanned out behind them as they came upon the boy and his warband, taking cover in the urban sprawl. Such a massive military engagement was new to him, for he had been a Sentinel for years, but he was no stranger to battle, to the thrill of engagement. It filled him with a sharp, dangerous power, tempered by discipline and faith in the Force.

“Boy!” Qhorin called out, his voice booming across the plaza, cutting through the cacophonous sounds of battle. “I will give you and yours one chance to lay down your weapons and surrender.”

He had made the same offer to every warband he had encountered, and as of yet, none of them had surrendered. He expected the same from this group.


Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn - Amani Serys Amani Serys

If Alicio had been any less careful, he would have gotten a knee straight to the groin.

Thankfully, his focus unmarred by any offensive strikes, coupled with sensing unbearable pain in his future, alerted him to the incoming attack. The Organa pushed away from the lock, quick footwork sparing him from a world of hurt, and obscuring the comically miffed expression interrupting his previous sorrow.

He was forced to back up, leaving Ishani free to deal with Amani's strike as it came. Alicio shifted on his heels, and returned to the fray after a moment, following up the Mirialan's heavy strike with a few light jabs, probing the edges of Ishani's defenses, trying to keep her occupied.

Between the two of them, Amani was the better fighter. So Alicio played the nuisance.

Alicio backed off unscathed, but Ishani was at least left free to deal with Amani. She succeeded in preventing the loss of her wing, if only barely, by whirling around and blocking the slash.

Suffice to say, the Sith had a few choice words for the Jedi in-between angrily bashing at her with her sword, none of which are fit for print.

Then the Count returned to harry Ishani with probing jabs. By then the Sith had had quite enough of facing two opponents at once. She began to retreat, backing away from them and heading further down the road, hunting for a patch of open air. Between her constant glances upward as she fended off their attacks, and the sudden spreading of her hideous bat-like wings, it was clear that she intended to take off and leave the fight entirely.

Of course, they would have to pursue her—she had threatened to hunt down and kill refugees, after all. She still intended to do so. But they’d need an airspeeder or a ship to follow her once she was in the air. If she could make it off the ground first...





Above them, through the night’s tempest, Teta’s moon had slivered down to a curved shard.

Rivulets of red streaked through the grime and sweat-coated face of the Scarhound. When lightning cracked, he looked terrible and fierce. His one eye was wild, and the dark streams that stuck to his skin made him all the more horrible-looking. When he bore his teeth, blood outlined his molars and canines — depicting a caricature of gory brutality.

His yell was intense, furious, and roared well above the sound of the crashing waves.

Witnessing the apparent unravelling of her opponent, a sharp and smug grin slipped its way to one corner of her mouth.

His lunge was anticipated, and Ishida was hungry for it. She’d been promised the chance to honour a blade, and finally, the aggressor was giving into the nature of their duel — her eagerness blocked his incoming slash and locked their blades. Brief though the lock was, Ishida grunted. Only a second-long did the collision last, but it was enough to inform the Atrisian warrior that in a battle of strengths, she was significantly outmatched.

As if to emphasize the disproportionateness of their physiques, Thomas took the opportunity to suddenly adjust the angle of his blade. It was like a rip, tearing through their intimate proximity. His strength was subtle, but undeniable, and leveraged perfectly to dismantle Ishida’s grip.

She drew in a thin breath, shoving her heels into the unsteadiness of the sands and backpedalling through the silver waters that sloshed against the beach. She would have lunged forward, for the knees, if it weren’t for the protrusion of Thomas’ Romphaia. In his savage state, glorying himself in triumph, he was dangerously unpredictable.

'I know you're not done yet, Jedi! THE FIGHT CONTINUES!!!!'

Only two-ish feet away, Ishida could practically feel the heat that boomed from the energy behind his goading. The distance between them closed quickly, fury followed his pounding footsteps, and Ishida’s searching reach through the Force to rediscover her connection with her discarded Kyber was truncated by the necessity to remain present in the physical.

Her expression morphed into one of vigilant focus. Right-left-right-left, his footwork matched hers and forced her back and back. Splashing through the shoreline, Ishida warped when Thomas weft, and weft when Thomas warped.

Wet sand pulled at her heels as she moved backward, struggling to find surety in her footing while actively dodging the Scarhound’s vengeance. He pressed down on her relentlessly, ferociously, and quicker than she had originally assumed him capable of. She’d dodged too early for one of his retaliations, and saw black for it. Closer and closer he sliced and swiped, alternating sometimes to meet her attempt at a punch or chop with his forearm or the butt of his sword’s hilt.

Shimmering in the moonlight, the silver edge of his blade glinted its warning at her.

Ishida shoved her shoulder to the right to avoid an incoming slash that would have decapitated her if she hesitated. It put her on her back foot as he continued with a perfect Z-cut attack. She twisted into her stronger foot, feeling herself sink into the sand, and shot out her left arm to shove, hard, at his wrist. The heel of her hand, imbued with The Force, connected enough to knock his attack’s trajectory off — it would have cleaved her from neck to hip — and give her the chance to slip inside his defences.

Thomas was over a foot taller than her and had the muscle mass to go with it. Her advantage was her agility. Shoved in close, Ishida peeled herself to his proximity, side-stepped beneath his armpit and pressed her back against his. With The Force, and her pressed against him, the lithe Jedi could feel the minutiae of movements before they happened, even beneath his armour.

When he whipped around to the left, she shimmied to the right, mirroring his movement from behind. When he yanked back more viciously in the opposite direction and rotated to catch her back on his front, she slid low, keeping near his hips and popped back up around his shoulders. She clamped onto the fabric compartments of his combat jacket and yanked him down and backward, at the same time she hauled herself to launch over his front, twisting, and planting both feet into his stomach.

Her body was arched to emphasize the force driven through her heels, and once her hands were planted into the gritty earth, she sprang back up to stick the landing. One knee in the sand, and one foot. Fluidly her hand moved to the katana strapped to her back.

She unsheathed it as she darted forward to take advantage of her previous attack. Gravity would beg to pull him down after that, and she made sure to be there when it did. As close as before, Ishida shoved herself in.

It would be so easy to kill him now. To end another leader of The Scarhounds and damage the cycle. Faintly, she could feel the ring around her neck encouraging her to smite the darkness. To judge with the finality of her well-trained perception. To accept the burden of duty so others would not have to.

But what if the ring was wrong?

Because she wasn’t wearing it as entirely as the former Lord of Light, Ishida had the opportunity to include empathy in her judgement. And give an impartial tool the chance to delve into details she couldn’t discern through dialogue and imperfect perception.

Ishida stared at him, narrow eyes calculating and sharp— the edge of Ashla's Arbiter poised at the tender intersection between his neck and shoulder.

“Let’s see who you really are, Thomas The Bloodhound.”


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Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Empress Teta, Resistance Hide-out
Action: Continue to Prepare and Get Ready for the Assault

Careful planning, meticulous organizing and proper training had immense benefits for the resistance fighters. Improved lines of communication, proper weaponries and pre-planned maneuvers gave the first wave of resistance fighters plenty of benefits. Even as the hail of laser and blaster fire alike sailed across, they focused on both their training and the Royal Officers trying to remain calm as they led their squads into the rear of the Palace. Ariana for her own part felt a bit lost in the situation that was transpiring all around her, even her focus on the Force waned slightly as a blaster bolt smashed into her Force shield.
The energy disappointed as it sparked across her shield and the weight of the bolt was what shocked Ariana. Ducking below to get beneath cover, she ran through to keep up with the rest of the lead group. The fire fight was short lived and only sporadic fire was being traded between the groups, but Ariana knew that the Maw would charge in to flush them out. Or rather, they’ll try to flush us out. Her grim thoughts aside, the Alliance Soldiers were already moving to set up their Comms Network and preparing proper defensive chokepoints and relays.
Ariana checked her bandages on her arms before looking up to Rusty, answering his question with a firm nod. “Doing well, the Royal Officers seem to be adjusting to the battlefield along with the militia and resistance fighters under their command.” Ariana added as she refocused her attention ahead. Her eyes lasered onto the hallway entrances that would lead them deeper into the Palace, deeper into Maw controlled territory.
“I am sensing many strong Force signatures, as well as several deranged minds.” Ariana spoke as she closed her eyes, clenching them as tightly as possible. After taking a moment to breathe in deeply she opened her eyes, Ariana clenched her fists, ready to fight ahead.
“Let’s move in.” Ariana then stood up and charged straight ahead.
Once inside the hallway entrance she saw several doors, none held a living mind that Ariana could sense but instead she bolted even further ahead. Her brother explained that the Palace held certain pathways that could lead her into the main Throne room far sooner than the conventional way. But, it wasn’t that big of a secret, and no doubt the Maw had found and either reinforced it or worse blown it apart. But Ariana kept her focus on the task at hand, which was a pair of Scar Hound Mawites. Both of their blaster shots didn't need much aiming as Ariana was right in front of them, but their shots dissipated over her Force shield.
Her fists glowed with a faint white hue, almost like a short burning flame that enveloped her arms. Ariana connected with her left uppercut into the gut of the first Mawite, the body lifting up from the ground and before it crumpled; Ariana already swung her right hook directly into the face of the next Mawite. She felt their life force disappearing, fleeing their dead mortal bodies. Eyes wide, Ariana clenched her eyes shut, but only for a moment. Her expression grimly determined to take back her home, to retrieve justice for her father.


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