Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta

Between the two of them, their offensive onslaught was enough that Ishani finally slipped up; Literally, given Alicio’s deciding strike. Amani offered thought to little more than finishing the fight, raising her weapon for a coup de grace, when she was abruptly cut off by a translucent barrier.

With that sobering interruption, the fervor of battle flushed from her system, and she was made to anxiously await Alicio’s choice in this new ultimatum. Ishani had given them no reason to show mercy, beyond her loss of fighting spirit. Already spared once, only to capitalize on the opportunity and continue her dark pursuits. But as much as Amani wished these decisions were easy to make, they never were. Watching as Ishani gave up on her own survival was pitiable, and devoid of the typical passion of victory. Even as she implied the cycle would only continue if granted another chance, the choice weighed heavy.

Not that it was Amani’s choice to make anyway.

The pike dropped to her side, and she offered Alicio only an ambivalent frown. Whatever happened, she trusted the Count to make the right call.

6th post






Beskar Brodie-Helm

Durasteel Cuirass
Fragarach-Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Beskar Romphaia

Rusty Old Fairbairn



Darth Mori Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Darth Saevius Darth Saevius



Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa




The fluidity of 'er movements....
Never seen anything like this before.

Tireless were the steps of both warriors, though one set of footprints were treading heavier than the other, weighed down not only by size and armament, but by the creeping realisation that he was treading just a hair's breadth away from defeat with every engagement of his blade. The Romphaia was light on Empress Teta, and to strangely playful extents for the Bloodhound before the NJO and the GADF initiated their landings, but in throwing, slashing, lunging and doing all he could with it against the Jedi, no description, and not even those on the gravity of Mar'Zambul could come close to articulating how badly it seemed to be weighing the Warlord down in the latter phase of the fight itself.

He could feel it right down to his very bones, and in this realisation, Barran prepared himself for the worst, making peace with the fact failure could undo all that the Scar Hounds had been trying to achieve, acquiescing to the likelihood that all was about to unravel in the moments following his worst errors.

Impending ever-quicker with each passing second.

Ashina was holding her own to near-effortless extremes, and though her Woad-born opponent was doing well to keep her from using the Force to retrieve her lightsabre-katana, it was clear to both (though much more to the Atrisian at the time) that it wouldn't be needed, compounding the fact Ishida herself was the weapon first and foremost. Lightsabres, Beskar swords and the likes were only ever seen as tools for the dangerous minds of the Jedi and the Sith alike, but in being late to this revelation in particular, the one-eyed Woad couldn't help but cast such curiosities aside, as such curiosities were assumed to be quite useless for men of his ilk in the Netherworld - and all the confirmation Thomas ever needed just so happened to haunt his dreams every time he slept.

Dreams of apparitions, beings of shadow and all the horrors of the dark reaching out to tear away at every part of him, unleashing untold horrors in the agonies of dying a hundred times over, fuelling nightmares that would break lesser souls than that of Thomas Barran. Making the horrible dreams a realistic possibility, it wouldn't take long for the fear to set in, seen in the renewed desperation of the Warlord's attacks, bringing Thomas into great peril as his movements began to leave openings. Ishida wouldn't bite on the first few her opponent had left in the process, and in waiting for the right moment to act, wielding aggression against agility in agility's comfort zone seemed like it was the only course of action the Warlord had it his disposal, despite the fact he was fighting more admirably than most in his situation by then.

None had ever faced this particular embodiment of Ishida before, and though it was obviously an anomalous encounter, the very dread of seeing such a powerful Jedi with such strong resolve was almost too much to bear; and by the time Barran noticed his own momentum had been used against him, Ashina was already slipping beneath his reach to position herself back to back with him, ready to predict every direction from their starting-points. From there, it wouldn't matter how quick and unpredictable the Woad's movements were, the Atrisian's ornate plan of attack was already passing into it's third and final phase, hurling the Bloodhound face first into the start of the grand finale. And as soon as his back finally landed into the sand with a weighty thud, the Warlord looked up to the stormy skies above with a pained grunt, working through the pain whilst his gaze was drawn to the odd glow of the moon.

~=It looks like my faith wasn't enough this time, Mercy.=~

Seeing the sharp edge of another sword near his neck, all whilst his own blade was in the process of being kicked away from his grasp without any trouble, it was clear his attempt to endure the Atrisian's wrath had met it's natural conclusion

~=If this is so, you can trust in the Tri-Lunars....=~

It was an entirely different katana to the one the Jedi was wielding before, correctly guessed to be the one that was set within the scabbard on Ishida's back, poised to stab deep into the trapezius and through the carotid artery, but hovering in wait - in judgement.

'Let's see who you really are, Thomas The Bloodhound.'

~=Take them home, take them back to Rhigar.=~

Holding out his hands as if he were gesturing acquiescence to surrender-conditions, the Bloodhound would display a contrastingly-honest fatalism instead by tilting his palms to the heavens, closing his one remaining pair of eyelids and lifting his chin to offer his throat for a clean-cut execution. Then after another moment or two of silence between them, Barran replied,'If I had not died the first time, the means of finding out would have been much simpler now.... All these memories, an' I can't even recognise half o' them.', receiving a headache in the recollection, though it was of a lesser intensity on account such memories had been more painful in the moments of first recall. But still, despite the sudden reminder of the Fighting First's tiger insignia causing the initial burning sting in his frontal lobe, worse would soon follow, like the last moments of quiet tension that preceded the Orbital Bombardment in the Second Battle of Ziost.

[[Barran, c'mere.... We need to talk about this movement order, summat clearly stinks 'ere.]]
'Gyah! Ya fething-'

[[Stinks worse than a sewer, Denholm. Can't be helped though.]]
'Is- IS THIS.... Y-YOUR DOING, JEDI?!?!?!'

[[SSSssssshhhh.... Lads, can you hear that?]]
'If you're gonna kill me, just get it ov-'

Thomas knew what this conversation preceded, and as he rolled over to bury his head in his hands, the sanguine flowed once more, escaping nostrils, tear-ducts and and his ears as the throbbing of his heart's pulse deafened him to the world around him again. Even as he screamed into the sand, feeling agony for every last moment his memories ran riot within his mind, but it would have been much and more to the Bloodhound's dismay had he known that this was but a morsel of the pain he would experience before Ishida's final choice had been made. Ashina's judgement was only just beginning, and resting beneath the fraying threads of repression, little more than a thin, protective veil by then, were plenty more flashbacks of his doomed advance toward Lady Enedina's outpost - moments that would haunt any who dared delve into Barran's mind to see it with their own eyes.
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Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
She listened intently, but she was unmoved by Kyrel’s words. He spoke with conviction, but the truth seemed so evident before her. He didn’t need anyone, yet here he was wanting to make her in his image. He found peace, yet was clearly in a wracked from of pain and rage. He was diluted, trying to embrace the lie he had formed for himself, yet his arrogance kept him blinded to his nature. “I was reborn from pain. That’s why I am here. But when it came down to it, we both looked into the void, the difference is, you broke. You fell into it, and I remained as I am. For one who needs no one, you seem intent on desiring me. For one who claims to be at peace, you seem to be at everything but peace. Friends pass, this is true, but into the Force they go. Never truly gone, merely changed. Unlike you however, I can let the pain of loss go. Me and you however, I don’t think will have such ends.”

She studied him for a moment, pondering who he might have been, what he had been, before turning into this. He had been someone’s son at one point, a being born to living parents, with emotion, dreams, and to be reduced to this? It was a bit sad in Mi’la’s mind. “If you base your worth off of what you destroy, then in the end all you have is nothing. Are you prepared for such an inevitability? Once you kill me, you will be alone again. I am ready for that, the question is, are you?” As nice as this little exchange was, time was not in Mi’la’s side. Unlike her foe, she was actually at risk given her injuries.

Ashes to Ashes

Scar Hounds/New Sith Order

Location: Streets Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Objective: Repel the Alliance
Equipment: Dread Blade, Basic Blaster, Basic Armour

“If you will not surrender, boy, then you will die.”
Boy this, boy that. Yet another blustering fool in his path, aiming to put him down. No more. Runt was awakened to the fire of the Sith: to the cold fury of wiping away those who would put him down. Time to discipline the Jedi.

There was no doubt in the Jedi, no hesitation; he reached deeply into the Force, and as power flooded his veins, he rushed the young Sith with a blazing burst of speed as if to spear him head on, side-stepping at the last moment to strike the boy’s blade down into the ground and open his guard for a sai tok.
The Force flowed into him, and Runt acted on instinct, following Maestus Maestus ' guidance: he rushed forward to meet the Sith, blade to the side. An instant before impact, he felt his hands move before he knew it, the Dread Blade arcing from the side to the front to batter away the lightsaber's point, just at the right angle to counter the Jedi's blow directly.

While not as powerful as a lightsaber, it was capable of resisting it, and the weight of the blade slammed into the lightsaber, pushing Qhorin off his course. Almost too stunned to capitalise on it, Runt grunted and broke contact, circling the Jedi. He was aiming to put the Jedi's back the ongoing fight, to give an opening for any surviving Scar Hounds to open fire.

"Save your breath, Force-slave."

Ashes to Ashes

Sergeant Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
GADF Army Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Royal Palace, Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Objective: Eliminate Maw forces
Equipment: Marine Armour, Custom type, DC/02 Blaster Carbine, 2x DC/04 Blaster Pistols, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife

Doing well, the Royal Officers seem to be adjusting to the battlefield along with the militia and resistance fighters under their command.” Ariana added as she refocused her attention ahead. Her eyes lasered onto the hallway entrances that would lead them deeper into the Palace, deeper into Maw controlled territory.“I am sensing many strong Force signatures, as well as several deranged minds.” Ariana spoke as she closed her eyes, clenching them as tightly as possible. After taking a moment to breathe in deeply she opened her eyes, Ariana clenched her fists, ready to fight ahead.“Let’s move in.” Ariana then stood up and charged straight ahead.
Rusty followed, the other SIA operatives and resistance fighters close behind. As Ariana led the forces in, the soldiers covered the flanks, gunning down Mawites in groups of two and three, scrambling to secure their rear. Rusty kept close to the VIP, his Carbine at the ready. While he was focussed on a nearby stair, Ariana spotted several Mawites in the path dead ahead.

Her fists glowed with a faint white hue, almost like a short burning flame that enveloped her arms. Ariana connected with her left uppercut into the gut of the first Mawite, the body lifting up from the ground and before it crumpled; Ariana already swung her right hook directly into the face of the next Mawite. She felt their life force disappearing, fleeing their dead mortal bodies. Eyes wide, Ariana clenched her eyes shut, but only for a moment. Her expression grimly determined to take back her home, to retrieve justice for her father.
Rusty caught up to her, making sure the Mawites were dead. Before he could say anything, his sensors picked up a large group of two dozen in the adjoining passageway.

"Let them all come to the throne room. Every last outsider, Usurper, traitor, and defiler of the Tetan Empire that wants in let them and let them come to the Throne room. Tell the Maw to retreat and leave this place."

"Yes, gather your fellow witches and warlocks. Warn the deserving and let the enemies through all the gates. Let them claim their prize and then make this palace their tomb."

"Don't worry about me, it isn't the first time I have been buried under these palace walls. I will go down with my empire now go send out the message to the Maw tell them to leave the palace." Dyans turned and looked at her throne and taking a deep breath she took a seat back upon it. Her witches left and sent out a signal to all the Maw to retreat from the Palace let the Jedi and Alliance take.

<"Contact right! Foot mobiles moving parallel!">

The soldiers aimed their weapons to the hallways heading to the right, and sure enough a large group of Mawites shuffled past, loaded down with equipment. The resistance fighters opened fire, gunning the Mawites down and sending the rest fleeing. One of the Serjeants signalled to his posse and they gave chase.

<"Front, twenty metres!">

Rusty aimed back in the direction of original travel, hunkering beside a pillar. Almost thirty Mawites and Krath in their distinctive clothing barged out into the passageway, seemingly fleeing. The soldiers opened fire again, but this time the Mawites continued, charging them.

"They're heading for the exits! In the name of the Empress, do not let them pass!" Serjeant Wosal cried out.

The Mawites were upon them in seconds, charging through the blistering hail of fire. Rusty dropped his carbine and drew his pistols, gunning a Krath warrior down through the mask. Another was upon him, blade flashing, and the agent dodged back, and again. He raised his left pistol to get a shot into the warrior's ribs, but the warrior was faster, blade flashing again and stabbing towards him-

Searing heat and a deafening blast sent the agent flying into the nearest pillar. Shaking his head, he struggled to his feet, trying to find his way through the smoke. Someone had set off one of the plasma detonators, clearly, as he spotted the Krath warrior, armour melted, dead on the ground. His helmet's sensors peered through the smoke, but even before it identified friend from foe Rusty had clambered for the nearest weapon, one of the R14 Kaitai Combat Shotguns dropped by a fallen resistance fighter. Racking a spent shell out of the gun, Rusty spotted the nearest ongoing combat: it was Skinner, struggling with a Mawite. The latter had a revolver pressed against the agent's helmet even as they grappled on the ground.

Rusty charged forward, raising the shotgun, but it was too late. the revolver went off and the back of Skinner's helmet burst open, and he fell limp. All at once, a lifetime of horrors on the battlefield poured into Ronval's mind, breaking through all the barrier he'd put up to the pain.

Not again... not again!

Mindlessly, unheeding and unhearing, adrenaline and fury surged into Rusty as he charged, screaming. At point-blank range he fired, again and again, the shotgun blasting holes in the Mawite's armour, then her body, then her organs, splashing out of her and into the ground much as Skinner's brain did.

The shotgun ran out of shells, and Rusty began using it as a melee weapon, swinging it like a club into the back of a Krath warrior. He felt rather than heard his spin crack, and he fell upon him, rolling on the ground, knife out and sinking into the flexible neck guard of the warrior again and again.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Again and again. The last of the Mawites, routed, fled back where they came, and Rusty crawled on the ground on all fours for the nearest gun, his armour slick with viscera, his vision tinged in red. His hand, shaking in rage and clawing the ground, gripped the nearest pistol and he raised in, firing into the back of a fleeing Mawite.

And then it was over. Half a dozen resistance fighters lay slain, and Skinner with them, surrounded by upwards of twenty Mawites. The red tinge in Rusty's vision faded and he collapsed on his knees again, heaving for air. He took his helmet off, and the smell of blood, charred meat and discharged Tibanna gas hit his nose like a punch. But he did not retch, no. He had spent too long on the battlefield to know the smell as anything other than a reminder he was alive. He slowly got to his feet walking over to Skinner. Chatal came up, draping a specialised canvas sheet over the armour and corpse, wrapping it up. They knew the drill: Skinner's body would be erased without trace as the armour released a fast acting agent. Within 24 hours the SIA agent would never even appear to exist.

"Sergeant..." Carmina walked up, limping. Her ankle dangled at a bad angle, but was otherwise fine. She looked at the sheet, and she too knew, and a gave a solemn nod.

Rusty returned it, and walked to Ariana, who had come out of the fight largely unscathed. The comms were buzzing with reports: it was clear the Maw was abandoning this place, but the VIP target Dyans Keto Dyans Keto was nowhere to be found yet. Which meant only one thing: she was still here, and in the throne room, deep inside the palace where Alliance forces had not yet breached. They would right this wrong.

"Miss Du Couteau, may we have your permission to embark on a seek and destroy mission to eliminate the leader of the Krath in the palace?"

Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom | Anonymous
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword
Objective: Help the Maw forces with intelligence information | Continue to rebuild the mental defences and the mind palace.
Location: Capital City, Empress Teta
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Special tags: The Manifold The Manifold (as Kallan) ? | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Mercy ~
And the man started talking, the material part was the one that interested me as little as possible. I had so much money that I could never spend it even if I wanted to. That's probably an exaggeration, because if I wanted to buy a planet, it would be a completely pointless waste of money, but it would work. There was more than enough for the children to never have to worry about how to live. But not even for their children. And because of that, neither will Kallan and Keilara. So it didn't interest me, others certainly did.

However, the next part was more interesting. Less fieldwork, although they cannot define it, especially not in my main life. After all, they had no influence on that, but according to them, they can send me less on certain missions if I don't want to accept it. However, from this point on, I could also have my own team who report to me, so I would be a kind of boss, a little boss. That part already sounded pretty good, and so I could recruit people for Nite. They probably knew that within the Scar Hounds Tribe I did that anyway.

In addition to these, the task would be to maintain contact with the people I had recruited myself, not to mention the analysis and classification of the data collected by them, or to coordinate them. Nothing I haven't dealt with before. And of course more access to Nite's database. This is exactly what I wanted to do to help Asher's work. That's how I wanted to be the best. Him. Not for anyone else, for him. Last but not least, Kallan wanted a peaceful life, but this might help me protect the children from the Taskmaster.

"May I have a minute or two to think about it?" I asked him.

The man nodded, but the next moment I heard Thomas's voice in my head. It was eerily like when I sent a message to Asher on Dromund Kaas. I would have died there without him, if he hadn't arrived in time, the Eternal Imperial agent would have cut my throat. Ever since then, this is exactly why I wanted snipers to watch over Asher… or to other leaders to protect them. I didn't care that it didn't fit the way of the Scar Hounds Tribe. I wanted to take care of Asher.

~=It looks like my faith wasn't enough this time, Mercy.=~

~ Don't dare to die Barran, do you hear me?! I'll be the one to kill you when the day comes! Don't forget this! And Asher didn't choose you to die again this soon. I don't really think Rebirth would be happy about that. Last but not least, you will bring shame on Asher, if you already die, how badly he chose a successor for himself. I assume you don't want that either! And while we're at it, it's your job and your destiny and what my husband wanted you to destroy your father! Not to die against the first Jedi you fight! So pull yourself together and fight! ~ I answered him back in thoughts, angrily and even snarled in my mind.

Why did I have to do this all the time? It's true that I encouraged Asher in other ways. But Barran was not Asher. And that was the first time I told him why Asher wanted him, before the final change. And Rebirth… I still doubted it, but he believed in it, it would be enough in this situation.

~=If this is so, you can trust in the Tri-Lunars....=~

~ If you die, I'll find a Sith, drag your soul back into your broken body, and now I'll strangle you for real until you'll die! Again and again and again! ~ I still snarled in thought.

Why did I have to do this?

~=Take them home, take them back to Rhigar.=~

~ Damn it Barran! I'm an agent, not a warlord! You will take them home, not me! ~ I snarled again.

I told Asher the same thing, that he would tell me what happened after Tython. I didn't want to go through it again, especially since I wasn't interested in Barran. But I didn't want to be the one to tell them what happened, again. After all, in the case of Asher, I had to lie to preserve his reputation, his legend...

However, I had something else I had to ask Kallan because it affected his life as well. I didn't care if it would change Keilara's life or not, I still didn't care about her. In an instant I found where Kallan was at the moment in my mind and appeared before him.

~ We have to talk! ~ I told him. ~ Asher knew that I was a member of a secret intelligence organisation called Nite. It was Ziare who joined them, she was about fifteen years old. I have always helped Asher with information from their network from the beginning. It's always been my biggest dream to get a high rank there so I can help him better… but now I don't see the point. One of their members contacted me and offered me a promotion and a higher rank. I can build my own team, I should mainly deal with analysis, classification and coordination, less fieldwork; at least on their part. But I can't decide alone, since you're already here. You have an equal say and decision in this. ~

I was silent for a few moments, then looked back at Kallan.

~ Do you think I should accept it? ~ I asked him.


~ Keilara ~
The first line fell into place and I already felt why it was all so tiring and lengthy. Having to concentrate constantly was really, really stressful. In other words, the truth is that this is why we progress slowly. Damn it, Mercy! If she hadn't been so hurt when she realised what Asher was up to; if we were still apart, it wouldn't have caused me a problem either.

I was confused and angry; angry at the helplessness and confused because it was very difficult to get used to this condition. Especially because, in theory, I was the original personality. My only sin was that she "inherited" my ambitious half and I accepted what fate intended. Perhaps it was a mistake; because one cannot survive without ambition. That's why I fell apart at the time and ceased to exist for so long. But I was still like that.

The life that Kallan wanted would have been really suitable for me, calm and peaceful somewhere far away. But I knew that couldn't happen. Even at best, we still have House Kala'myr to watch out for and ensure its survival and thrive. Which is anything but not a modest and calm life. Being noble is not easy, but at least you can help the people you "rule" over. Yes, I think that would be something that would be acceptable. Charity, donation, helping others.

After all, I think there is a saying that the only person who can really help others is someone who has suffered a lot themselves. To help to ease the pain and suffering of others. True, it would not be fixing machines or fixing speeders, but even then it seems like a calm and peaceful life. I smiled for a moment and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

While my thoughts were wandering, another row of "bricks" was put in its place, the huge injury became smaller again.


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Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn - Amani Serys Amani Serys

Alicio's little trick had worked. He vowed to thank Iris for the idea when he saw her next.

As Ishani hit the dirt in the midst of a warzone, Alicio didn't let down his guard, holding his blade out in a defensive block, to defend against whatever trick the Sith had in store for him next. Instead, Ishani called for it to stop, and Alicio let the blade dip slightly. She asked him to end her.

It should have been an easier decision. There were so many reasons to kill her.

One, he had already chosen to spare her once, and she had repaid his kindness by turning on him. Two, she had made it abundantly clear that she was going to kill innocent people for power. Stopping her here would save so many lives. Three, Ishani had hurt him, hurt Amani. And, finally, it seemed she even wanted to die. He would be giving her what she desired.

Alicio stepped forward, glancing at Amani for guidance, but finding only neutrality. Ishani had been his friend once. She had supported him when he'd first learned of his Force abilities. She had showed him her children. He'd seen a picture of them sloppily making a cake, and wearing half of it.

They were so happy.

<I’ll raise them to be just like me.>

Alicio didn't speak as his blade hovered over Ishani's chest. There was no righteousness, no victory in his tense posture, his broken eyes. He stared into Ishani's soul, weighing her actions against the scales.

Alicio hesitated for only a moment, before stabbing the blade downward, intending to pierce her heart.

Forgive me, Marcus. Forgive me, Eloise.

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Despite all her bravado, Ishani had been secretly hoping Alicio would take the coward’s path and claim mercy. She was therefore unpleasantly surprised when he stabbed her in the chest.

The armor over her torso provided some protection against lightsabers, but it wouldn’t hold up for long. In the few yet excruciatingly drawn out seconds before the lightsaber broke through and burned her life away, she shot Alicio an embittered glare.

Couldn’t you have aimed for the head?



Location: Cinnegar, Generator Room
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Entertaining as the exchange was. The contrast between the dynamic of selfish versus selfless was interesting. There were only a few times in which others wished to explore Ren’s motives. His purpose for the undying rage that compelled him to gorge the void that lied within. The Wrath of the Maw was eager to play this little game. Neither of the two could reach common ground. Just as what was in they’re nature. It would always be that the two of them were against each other.

He scoffed at her words, he heard the mantra again, and again. The verbal duel showing a conflict of philosophical differences. “When I stared at the void, i did nothing but smile back. I embraced it, what it could do. The void doesn’t just gives, it demands so much from you. Id gladly give everything to be bathed in its darkness. My soul, my body, everything it needs. I’ve embraced pain and found it’s clarity. It has only made me stronger, powerful..”

He was baiting her, judging from the constant droppings of blood, she didn’t have much time. The real question was what did she hope to gain from this debate. She only prolonged what he would do. His hand reached out, the Hunger was sent flying front it’s dug in position towards his grasp. Clinging tightly to its master, he gritted his teeth at the pain, and the subsequent bite of the beast. As he grasped it there was a crackle of red energy. The spear was ready to go on the offensive.

Kyrel started to move, as if he was the predator that cornered his wounded prey. He approached her intently aimed to go on the offensive once more. “Maybe I want it that way. No Jedi, no Sith, no Force… Perhaps only the hollow silence of a galaxy filled with the empty and the dead. As for you trust me… you being dead would be the least of you’re worries… I have such sights to show you.” He said as he growled menacingly, the dead man about to strike her any moment with spear in hand.

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Her thoughts lingered on Millia Korraay Millia Korraay as she sat there, listening to him speak, his condemnation of her words, and a testament to his beliefs. There would be no peace between them, nor had she thought it possible. But she needed to gather her strength, and understand the nature of the foe before her. Now she had both, she pulled on the one tether she had kept in reserve, pulling forth the memory of the Kuranu knight, and the joy it filled her with at the recollections. It made her certain of one thing if nothing else, she would not allow herself to die today. Though her strength was not at it's fully volume, the finally bit of strength she needed to endure. "I spent two weeks being tortured, the Force drained from my being, and was kept in and out of consciousness as my torturer tried to break me. It failed. I thought the Force left me, but in reality, it withdrew into me. It kept me alive, and turned me into what I am." She clenched her hands, setting them on her knees. "At first, I didn't know why, but, now I know. It's to oppose you."

She felt her blood still seeping from her, several drops having formed into a nice little puddle about her. "Yet, for all that power, you still can't kill a poor little slave girl. Was it worth it?" Still, Millia sat there at the back of her mind, and Mi'la found the strength to lean forward, gathering the strength she had built up. "Sorry, I can't die yet. I have a date after this." She responded, her hands setting now on the floor, seemingly bowing towards Kyrel, but that wasn't what she was doing.

I'm about to do something really dumb Millia. If this works out, I'll see you soon.

In order to protect life, she had to take it, and in due course, that meant being willing to give your life to save others.

She let out a scream of exertion, the Force leaving her, and blasting into the floor, sending a scattering of duracrete towards Kyrel. Mi'la projected it all forward, intending to pepper the man with an onslaught, trying to drive him back, seemingly trying to keep him from unleashing that spear upon her. Doing so however, exposed several large coils of wiring, piping, and various other mechanical devices underneath. That wasn't her plan though, as if Kyrel would soon find, many of the bits Mi'la was flinging at him, was actually smashing into support struts, a few loose bits striking generators.

She was going to take him down, even if she had to drop the building on him in the process.

Amani winced as the Count plunged his saber downward, the conflict of his decision clear to her in his face. It couldn't even be granted the mercy of a swift finish, as Ishani's armor slowed the attack, and forced them all to reconcile with the choice midway through.

After a few fleeting moments that still dragged on far too long, his weapon broke through and brought a quiet end to their battle. The barrier around Amani faded, and she felt her own Force connection begin to surge back into her veins. The Mirialan released a breath she didn't realize was being held, and immediately closed the distance between her and Alicio.

"I'm sorry…" Words were difficult to come by. But even with her limited understanding of their history, she knew he had just been forced to make a painful decision. Whatever Ishani was now, she was once his friend, "...I'm sorry." There was nothing else to say. Amani hugged him, hoping she could at least offer a momentary consolation.



Location: Cinnegar, Generator Room
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

It was clear the two of them were the ultimate dynamic of dark and light, albeit outliers in the Force. His steps were slow, methodically he didn’t rush so soon for the kill. Watching closely as her blood started to form a pool around her. Her strength was starting to fade in comparison to his. He fed off of her, the more the spear demanded of him the more he reached to feed of her wounds. She spoke how she was tortured before, perhaps revealing how she became like him.

She felt self assured that her purpose for her would be to oppose him. It was only natural that the two of them embodied the ancient cycle he only wished to end. His scowl deepened, her blood loss increasing. With one stroke of his spear he aimed to end it quickly. If anything he could make another me, it had been done before.

Her head looked as if to bow to Kyrel. He misinterpreted it as maybe a final sign of respect. Some last gesture before she would die here and now. He spoke tauntingly. “Than maybe I should visit her instead… I’m sure she could learn well the joys of pain and rebirth.” His tone all the more sadistic, if he couldn’t break her by killing her he would test his philosophy. Using the ones closest to her as her ultimate weakness.

She looked up sending out a scream through the Force. A technique he knew too well, but in use by a Jedi caused him to stagger a little. He locked his stance into the floor, using the Force to keep himself steady. Gritting his teeth he watched as he was pelted with large chunks of Duracrete. “Oof.” Came from his lips, his head knocking back with the crackling of bone and muscle tissue. With his free hand he forced his head back into position.

Momentarily glances of his surroundings she was hitting the support structures. Already hearing the structure starte to wane from the assault. He twirled the carnivorous spear in his hands to deflect the remaining duracrete. Slowly taking a step forward his eyes focused with deadly purpose. The Hunger howled in his hands, the forked tip reaching upwards it started to suck in all the electrical energy in the air. All the energy would shoot back out in an ear shattering screech. A crimson blast shooting through the forked tip aiming for the exposed metals, and wiring underneath her. If she aimed to bring the building on top of them, he would use all the electricity to fry her at the same time.

Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

The blast of flame was more powerful than Elpsis had anticipated. To be fair, Siobhan had made her...very angry. She was good at pushing the girl's buttons. Even so concern rose inside Elpsis when the fiery shockwave sent her body flying. Her mother tumbled, rolling to put out the fires that burnt away her clothes. Nasty burns crawled over her body. Elpsis felt, and heard, her pain.

It took a couple seconds for her mother to rise onto her knees, breathing in deeply. Her face and body were scorched.

"Mother, you ok?" Elpsis asked hesitantly.
"That actually hurt," Siobhan remarked flatly. "Improvement, after a fashion."
Elpsis' jaw tightened at the backhanded praise. "Not so weak, after all, huh?" she countered.
"Wasting time with gloating." And then an invisible grip constricted Elpsis' throat like a voice. She gasped instinctively, as air threatened to no longer reach her lungs.

Ere she could act she had been lifted into the air. A fireball formed inside her palm. She had just about enough time to send it hurling towards Siobhan before she was thrown into the air. "Foolish." She barely heard Siobhan due to the loud thud of her subsequent impact.

And then her body just plain hurt. She couldn't tell whether her fireball had achieved its goal. Blood dripped down her head. Her back felt like hell. Thrown into a daze, she perceived a warning through the Force. Just enough time to roll and avoid a sharp projectile surging towards her. Then another. She ducked her head, and cried out in pain when the telekinetically levitated knife sliced into her armpit.

Siobhan regarded her calmly. "All it takes is 10cm penetration and it could be fatal."
"Pissed because I made you sweat a bit?" Elpsis growled. "Ready for another round? I can do this all day."
"Bravado is cheap and pointless. Cauterise your wound. With fire."

Behind her sealed helmet, her dead, white eyes watched the Sith as his his flight across the walkway came to a halt, and he pushed himself up. All around them, sirens were blaring. The sounds of blaster fire and blade on blade clashes resonated. She was standing again, feet planted firmly on the ground. And then she pulled the blade out that had been lodged inside her armpit. Blood streamed from the open wound, as the blade was no longer acting as a plug.

And blazing heat surged through her. The very power she so often called upon in combat was now cauterising her injury. Strain was etched across her face, as smoke coiled from the wounded part of her arm. Sweat dripped down her face and back. Her face was contorted in an expression of pain.

And then, of course, Mawite warriors burst through towards her, allowing the Sith to escape. She did what she always did. The only thing she could imagine herself doing. Fight. Bleed. Burn. What she'd always been meant to do. All was as the Burning Lady had told her it would be. Yes, Burning Lady, she liked that nickname.

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

She had thought her execution of her plot to have been somewhat clever, but that soon proved to be untrue. Her guided strikes landed, hitting the structure, buckling it and setting off several generators in the process. But given her current focus, she was helpless as she realized what Kyrel was plotting. She felt the sparks in the air before it struck her, the Twi’lek’s eyes widening a moment before impact, as her scream changed to one of pain. Every nerve in her body pulsed in agony, her cybernetic arm exploded from the overcharge of power, and her robes began to smoke, though she seemed to keep pushing on.

The memory of Millia Korraay Millia Korraay kept her focused, of knowing that so long as this being was here, Millia wouldn’t be safe. Couldn’t be safe. Nothing in life would be safe if she failed, which was why of all the pain she felt, the agony she experienced, she continued to push on. If the Force willed her to die, then she would die. She couldn’t change that.

Her assault continued, several bursts from the generators rocked the building, as she could only erupt all the power she had summoned forth outward. She needed to stop him, no matter what it took.
Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Jasper’s blood loss was beginning to take effect on him now. He was dizzy, loosing track of time… Even the pain in his legs had been reduced to little more than a “fuzzy” sensation. All he could do was keep himself hydrated with what liquor he had and focus on the little details around him. Then, it began again. The memories. Jasper could clearly make out the figure of the man who had plagued his mind for months now. The man who had brought him to the Jedi temple so long ago. The man who had his last name. After going through the archives with Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo and Valery Noble Valery Noble prior to the battle, he finally found him: Jastile Kai’el. Not that it mattered right now. This was another memory. An image lapsing into reality in his delusional state.

“Great,” he sighed, leaning his head back against the wall. “I’m hallucinating again…”

The exile’s eyes began to drift close. All he needed was a little rest. The darkness, momentarily, began to set in around him before the boom of an old man’s voice came through, ringing in his mind.

“Eyes up, boy!” The old man snapped.

Jasper shot up, his mind coming back to reality. He was alone in the alley, yet the voice was not gone. This was not delusion. This was telepathy.

“You can’t sleep just yet,” the man continued in Jasper’s mind. “You won’t wake. Not in the living world.”

“Who the hell are you?!” Jasper demanded out loud, though rather weakly. “Why can’t I get you out of my head?!”

“I… can’t give that answer now. I’m not strong enough to maintain our connection. You’re very far from me. Dantooine. Go to Dantooine. I’ll be there waiting for you, Jasper Kai’el.”


It was no use. The voice was gone. The man had ceased telepathic communication. He was alone again, still in that back alley with broken legs. How close has he been to death for the old man to reach out and wake him? The thought was… unusual to be sure. The exile couldn’t linger on this now. He needed to keep his eyes open. There was no way in hell that Jasper wasn’t leaving this place with his soul in his body. He needed to know that Master Undari was still alive.

Jasper continued to wait.
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Her voice forced a crispness she didn’t feel. Her trust in the tales it would tell was limited, but she held firm. The edge of steel taut against the warlord’s flesh.

Korriban had been the first and last time Ishida’d wielded the sword of judgement. But it was purer than her own perception, and a worthy counter to the intensity of the ring that burned against her chest, and her own desires to unthinkingly strike down darkness.

Despite her best wishes, she still gasped when the sword’s powers began to take effect.

The grey of rain and sand solidified, taking shape to dust and duracrete instead. The soldiers that fought in the distance were no longer Scarhounds or Companions, but clad in Imperial armour. The seashore became a cityscape, and Thomas’ grunts and anger toward Ishida boomed through the clouds, beneath a super star destroyer that appeared out of thin air, with a godlike disconnect and omniscience.​

'If you're gonna kill me, just get it ov-'

She could feel his strong sense of self-worth, a determination that flowed in his, her veins that moved muscle into action that defined himself against a bloodline of expectation.

“I won't—” Ishida murmured,

“Not until you get the chance to —” The vision gripped her again, with claw-like hands that tore at her skull and eyes. The pain that the ex-Barran felt fractionally seeped its way through empathetic tethers to the Knight. It became more difficult to keep the sword steadily connected to his tender striking zones.

Waves that pounded against the shoreline, lapping at her knees and boots became tremors of the city. Distant sounds of bombardment instead of water crashing against the land. Undulations between reality and forewarn events rippled.
The faces of men, his men, her men, turned aghast and scared. Fear rippled through her, his, senses, and coupled with awareness. The bombardment’s effects swelled and became inevitable.
She felt the command grow strong and loud in the soft hollow beneath her jaw. Her pulse thick in her throat, pushed aside by the bellowing demand to TAKE COVER!
But it was late, too late. The silhouettes of comrades, companions, friends, and brothers-in-arms, were consumed by a blinding orange glow — only emphasized by the flash of lightning happening in real-time.
Pain consumed her. Loss was wallowing and deep, growing heavier and heavier. A sensation that existed in his memories as much as in the present, when he felt, she felt, the end was night.
He, she, cried out again. Soundlessly. A mental bridge that hummed with desperation, floundering through networks that rippled back a return that shoved its way into the already convoluted mind of the broken bastard. An angry mind, a mind as sure as he was of defeat:

You will take them home, not me! ~

Wide-eyed, Ishida pressed the blade deeper into the Warlord’s flesh. It shimmered, ricocheting between a white and black glow, unable to ascertain the alignment of the unstable resurrected.


NPC Storyteller

~ We have to talk! ~

Deep inside Mercy's mind, sheltered from the horrors of the battle for Teta, Kallan stirred. He was no warrior - that had been The Mongrel's talent, not his - and he had no desire to witness the latest round of butchery in this long and brutal war. Mercy - and Keilara - protected him from that. They let him remain in the house he and Keilara had built deep within the thoughts they shared, deliberately avoiding any awareness of what was happening all around Mercy's physical body. He didn't know what was going on out there, and he didn't want to. He had been unwillingly dragged through fifteen long years of bloodshed already, and he could endure no more of it.

But he was grateful for Mercy, his savior and protector, and he listened when she spoke.

So Kallan looked up from the book he was reading - one reconstructed from their mingled memories - and he heard her words. She told him about a secret intelligence organization, a group called Nite, and how Ziare - yet another of her identities - had joined them at only fifteen years old. His heart hurt for her then; fifteen was too young, far too young, to be drawn into the galaxy's conflicts. His life had not been easy, but he'd been lucky enough to have a childhood, a relatively safe and peaceful one. He'd been a grown man by the time the Maw had taken him. But Ziare, and too many others in this war-torn universe, hadn't been so fortunate.

Her membership in Nite, though, might actually pay off in the long term.

~ You know what I think, ~ Kallan told Mercy, offering her a gentle smile. ~ I want you to be safe, to get away from this war. This might be a way to do that. Less fieldwork means more safety for you... and for Asher's children. ~ Children that all of them cared about - Mercy, Keilara, and Kallan alike. Children that would never be safe so long as Mercy was on the front lines... nor while she was hunted by the vile Taskmaster Tu'teggacha. ~ If it has also been your dream, that's another point in the offer's favor. You're a great agent, Mercy. You were Asher's best. You deserve that promotion... if you want it. ~

Maybe it would be a better way for them both. A way to move forward with their lives.

Their strange, twisted, deeply interconnected lives.


Location: Empress Teta
Objective: Ashes to Ashes
Other tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto
Post: #6

Then she screamed.

The atmosphere in the Palace shifted in a way that almost felt similar to the moment on Tython when the surface of the moon split apart, and darkness enveloped all those below. Never before had she felt hope being siphoned away so quickly, yet the almost insurmountable pressure against the soul that was unleashed when the mask shattered felt like a hungry void beyond even that, looking to consume whatever light was still burning inside of her.

Along with it came a tidal wave of rage that lashed out and not only destroyed much of the debris still raining down on her but also stopped Valery's assault completely. There hadn't been a second during this clash where she had underestimated the Monster she was up against, but nothing had ever quite forced her to turtle up and focus everything she had on just survival alone. Her weapon was drawn defensively in front of her, and the Light was cast around her like a shield, protecting her from the absolute insanity that was looking to consume her. But even with her own strength, it wasn't enough this time.

A shaky breath escaped her lips as crimson hatred burned through her shield, and pierced into her left shoulder from the front, forcing waves of incredible pain through her nervous system. Instinctively she recoiled back and staggered several steps before she realized what happened. The already burned arm now hung limb beside her body from the agony while her right hand clutched her lightsaber defiantly. If it wasn't for the Force sustaining her and numbing her from the pain, she would have likely been dead already, but she wasn't going to allow that to happen.

Staring forward at the now unmasked Dark Lord, Valery could only wonder what events and choices had shaped her into the monster she saw. There was no humanity left behind the mask, only a corrupted heart beating with anger, and the intent to pursue her purpose until the end. It was a dark kind of devotion not unique to her, but few possessed what it required to make such terrible plans a reality that all were forced to accept, and Valery knew that it was her destiny to stand against it.

Until the end.

With her body screaming from the pain, Valery finally shifted back into a two-handed grip and drew in a deep breath. The world around her felt dark and cold, and what happened outside the walls of this Palace was beyond her senses now. She didn't know whether the Alliance was winning or not, or if her fellow Jedi were even still alive — she could only focus on the overwhelming, corruptive force she had awoken. The air around Valery grew hotter as the fire within her began to burn brighter, and embers were beginning to dance around her form before she moved again, faster than before, and down Mori's left flank. Se knew the Shi'ido could adapt, but she was still going to try and pressure her injured sides with everything she had until the moment was right for her to unleash her inner flames.

The first blow was simple, a powerful sweep at the side, but her eyes were shifting into the Force to predict sudden shapeshifting moves the best she could, and with more power-driven follow-up attacks, she would do everything she could to pressure her way through them. She needed the time, and more than anything else, she needed to contain this Monster to this Palace, or risk everything else falling apart around her.


Qhorin Solas


In the smoky streets of Cinnagar, a Jedi and a Sith danced to the staccato rhythm of blaster fire.

The Grunt The Grunt rushed to meet him, bristling with the Force, invigorated by his rage and his hate. The Darkside cared not for his youth- only his desire for power. This was not just a contest of skill and ability, but resolve and determination. Which one of them desired victory more?

For Qhorin, victory was neither a want nor a need. It was a must; the Dark did not deter him, for he was the blazing light to pierce the shadows, as luminous as the indigo beam of energy coruscating in his hands.

The Jedi's downward slash was met with a retaliatory blow that carried significant weight, angled just so to knock his blade away. The boy had to exert more effort to orient his weapon, and that, the Jedi believed, would be his downfall.

There is no want.

Qhorin didn't waste energy offering resistance to the heavy sword. As the weighted blade crashed into his lightsaber, he pivoted with the blow, seamlessly twisting around into a two-handed sideways slashed aimed at the boy's waist. Sai Tok.

There is no need.

The youth would be hard pressed to reorient his sword in time, but Qhorin was prepared. If nothing else, the boy's armor would save him from being cut in half.

There is only what must be.


Location: Cinnegar, Generator Room
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Kyrel watched gleefully as the bright energy struck the exposure she stood upon. The fear in her eyes as the crimson energy howled while it started to envelop her. The Hunger let out another surge of energy, even as she tried with her might to lash out. Generators exploding all around in a barrage of fire and debris. The flames starting to billow out, occasional electrical discharges came throughout the chamber. Chaos was the result of the clash between the two colossal storms in the Force.

A smirk started to spread across his face, watching the Hunger’s violent energy lash out against her body. Her cybernetic arm exploded, her robes started to smoke, she screamed in pain. The support beams around the generator chamber started to give way to the clash between the two. She screamed in agony and it thrilled him. To see her nerves burn to see her flesh scorch from the violent energy of his spear. He wanted to mark her in a sense, some sadistic part of him wanted to take some part of her away.

Her scream echoed in the Force, causing the room to violently shake. The walls even started to fall down, the explosions escalated. Her screams mixed with the Hunger’s own screech was a symphony to his ears. The flames roaring, encroaching the two. He only added another surge from the forked tip, increasing the power of the spear. He sought to use all the energy he can to lash out himself. To impose his own will against hers. The support beams all but gone, the ceiling falling around them in big chunks only grew in intensity.

Was her goal to take him with her? As much as he was pleased, he returned to a death glare. Watching her skin change from the violent energies of the weapon. The flames just inches away from the two. The cracks on the ceiling above grew. Any moment it would all come tumbling down, threatening to bury the two Wounds in rubble.
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