Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking down the Besadii (Ylesia)

Asari Morin

High above the planet of of Ysleia something else stirred, the second part of the plan. Asari Morin leading a fleet of about four dozen pirate ships sat in space. They waited for the Hutts to call them, waited for the signal.

This would be the first action that the Pirates would take along with the Hutts, the first time that they would be fighting side by side with the slugs...well the slugs wouldn't be fighting, it would be their mercenaries. Asari mused about this, and then moved the veil from his face. He turned to one of his crewmembers and gave them a nod, the man walked over.

"Have everything set for our ships to enter atmosphere." Asari spoke quietly, but the man immediately nodded. The Pirate King sat there for a few minutes, and then waited.

Bourne Cavanagh

Taking a deep drag from a thin white cigarrillo, Borne Cavanagh peered down at the motley crew made of Blazing Chain pirates. Devilry grew upon his empty cold chiseled face, both feet spread upon the bridge of the pirate crew.

"Do not go easy on 'em lads," came the deep tenor, a knowing smirk crawling over his scruffy visage, dark skin rippling over the scars that the Force user bore as testimony to his years of pirating.

"'ave fun."

Siara Kai

Information Broker
@[member="Asari Morin"] @[member="Bourne Cavanagh"]

"I have what you paid me here for," the comm would say; Siara's voice thick as honey and smug as ever. There came the transferring of coordinates.

Off to the right, Danger caught sight of a rather colorful Hutt with a feather headdress. Well that was rather flamboyant.

She made her way over, full hips swaying, a wide friendly grin, and a wink in tow. The L-8P0 droid came out with Tefga's armor shortly after.

"My... getting into the thick of it are we?"
"Well my my my, ma'am, I believe I am."

L-8P0, his golden protocol droid, came hobbling up with several maintenance droids carrying a harness full of his Vonduun Skerr Hutta armor, a living breathing exo-shell that would allow the Hutt to move a little quicker on the battlefield.

"And what brings you to the battlefield today, I wooooonder?"

"Credits, fame, and as my daddy done told me is my namesake..." there came the wide grin, "Danger."

She gave an incline of her head, "Arceneau Trade here to supply your every need... " she gave a chuckle, then nodded to the hapless droid attempting to put on Tefga's armor... which was done so with apologies and pleads to not be shut down.
"Need help with that?"
Barrett was one for survival, and realizing how close the cantina was to the action, he chose life (hopefully) over death and scooted himself toward the dance center, the mercenaries doing their job. He wasn't a hired gun, he never would be, he was a drinker and a gambler and other things but a hired gun was almost at the bottom. He had yet to kill and wanted to keep it that way.

Walking inside, Barrett Haskins came across a party it seemed, Barrett nodded his head as he moved toward the Hutt and his apparent entourage.
@Tefga and crew
The leader of the group that went out to meet Durrunga and Blagga moved forward. "So you came to be captured by us."

Blagga let out a booming laugh at the comment. "We have a wealth of mercenaries attacking your holdings in just moments. You've lost."
@[member="Blagga Vajlicsic Indora"]

Somewhere on Ysesia; Barron Deathmark before he became Baron Deathmark was the star wars version of Mr. T.
Complete with massive blaster rifles. He was ready to paaaaaaaaarty!

He stood next to Blagga, glowering at the group.
@Tefga, @Barrett, @Danger

Tefga struggled with the battle suit for a minute, but once equipped, he began to move around, the little legs on the suit pushing him along faster and faster. "I'll evade E.M.P.'s with this," he smiled, pushing forward while gaining what was normal human running speed to trail past Danger. "Give me my axe, droid!"

"Barret, come. Let's go end this threat to the Cartel."

Asari Morin

@All Pirates

As something beeped on Asari's console he simply nodded, that was a signal from the Hutts. It was tiem for the big comes to come in. He simply shook his head and then pointed to one of his officers...if they could be called that."

"Give the all clear" As soon as the words were spoken the signal went out, and instantly the dozen or so pirate Vessels began to mve towards the planet, each one ready to enter the atmosphere and rain down hell.
@Tefga @Barrett Haskins

Danger being Danger, gave a wink to Barrett. "Charmed." taking her blaster pistol in hand, she followed the Hutt, a finger crooking for Barrett to come along.

"Time to shine, cowboy."
Of course, these were not just your normal contracted mercenaries that were with the Basadii group or they likely would have turned on that Hutt. Instead they began to attack the group that Blagga was with. With a tad bit of agility, only just a hair, Blagga moved toward the shuttle. His guards would hold the line for now he was sure.

He chuckled as he moved.

Bourne Cavanagh

@[member="Asari Morin"]

"There it be boys!" the bleeping red signal over the console gave the mark..

"Show time." he drawled out with a devious smirk. "Get into positions!!"
@[member="Blagga Vajlicsic Indora"]

The fight was on. Powerful meaty arms took two blaster rifles and began to shoot. Volleys of red lasers went towards the attackers as the Hutt slithered to his shuttle. He held the line, a savage snarl on his face.

The scent of seared flesh filled the air. He shot at a gas barrel and it exploded, giving some cover.

Asari Morin

@[member="Bourne Cavanagh"]

Asari smiled as he heard the call go out over the radio. Most of the Pirates were rather excited to be here, it was really just an extended raid and thats exactly what they were good at. The Pirate King motioned to his crew, and all of them began to take up a chant.

Slowly the ships moved into the atmosphere, they began to cast a massive shadow on the earth below. The ground slowly faded into darkness as the Pirate descended towards the outposts.

Today was going to be fun. "Fire at will....make sure you don't hit the Hutts."
@Danger, @Blagga, @Barrett, @Baron

Tefga churned through the streets of the Ylesia capital, blaster fire pelting his armor as he began to axe his way through the enemies. "FOR THE KASILJICS"

Siara Kai

Information Broker
@Danger, @Blagga, @Barrett, @baron @[member="Blagga Vajlicsic Indora"]@[member="Asari Morin"]

The sound of nearby explosions drew Siara's attention, black hair shifting over her shoulders as her head jerked towards it's origin. Too close.

That damn miserable Hutt likely provoked them. No matter.

With a grim face, she took out her own blaster pistol. Moving swiftly, she too began to move towards the shuttle. All the while, she kept updating all of various movements through the earcomm she wore.

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