Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking down the Besadii (Ylesia)


This could, very well, mark the beginning of the next long line of Hutt conquest across the galaxy.

He laughed as he pushed a button on the front of his display. From it...

Destruction came forth as missiles shot towards enemy lines.
@[member="Barrett Haskins"] @Tefga

The Hutt started sthooting and Danger joined. That's when she realized; He was high.

Well I'll be a Komerian-monkey's ---

That's when she felt the blast of bolt fly through her hair. Smelled the charred hair.

Oh hell no.

Her attention shot forward.

"He shot my gorram hair!" she said a bit dumbfounded. It didn't last long. "Fethin tail-head!" with the practiced ease of a woman well used to handling small arms, her arm drew up and a volley of fire went at her attacker.

The thunk of a body came next.

Hair avenged!
@[member="Blagga Vajlicsic Indora"]

Deathmark now had to deal with shooting at the enemy and making sure he didn't get stabbed with a pointed leg. He used Blagga's contraption as cover, rolling in and out, sending pot shots here and there.

A thermal grenade came next.

Barrett drew his slug thrower and his blaster, dual weilding them. He shot aimlessly, or so it would appear. Though he could have gotten multiple kill shots, he found it unnecessary to kill anyone, wounding them and potentnially taking their leg in return was enough for the Smuggler.

"For my job!" He whispered under his breath at the salute of the Hutts.

Bourne Cavanagh

@[member="Asari Morin"]

The crew of the Duinuogwuin took to their attack positions.

"FIRE!" Came the command, and the pirate crew took the order with sadistic joy.
An E-11 blaster rifle came out and blasted a few WeeQuay bodyguards in the face as the other hand of Tefga the Hutt held on to his goblet, sipping back some jawa juice and continuing his drunken rampage of destroying Besadii troopers as they marched their way to the Besadii's family palace.

Slurping some more jawa juice, the Hutt proclaimed death to his enemies in his native tongue and barrelled forth once more.

Asari Morin

@All Pirates

Asari's flagship came in high over the city, and almost immediately its laser cannons began to shift and change, targeting barricades and vehicles sitting within the streets. It was quick and efficient work and the capital ships seemed to make quick work of any real resistance...though it was by far a slaw process. The ship had been designed to fight other capital ships, not bombard an outpost, because of this it used its smaller point defense lasers while hovering only a few hundred meters above ground.

Siara Kai

Information Broker
@[member="Blagga Vajlicsic Indora"]

"Well, they certainly enjoy doing this in style," Siara said under her breath. So much for the shuttle and quick getaway.

It would be a firefight.
The spindly spider legs of Blagga moved forward slowly, crushing the ground beneath it. His hands moving over the console to make them move in tandem correctly. Complicated machinery, but good stuff.
Barrett ducked behind a fallen building and lit himself a cigarette before getting back to his feet and blasting a few more body guards, their legs and stomaches getting tapped by the slug thrower if they weren't within lethal range, or their arms and shoulders getting pegged by the other blaster.

He exhaled a cloud of smoke, he wasn't sure how many he dropped, probably ten by this point. If their medics failed to heal them and they die that's their own fault and Barrett could feel no guilt.
@Tefga @Barrett Haskins

Following Barrett's cue, Danger also rolled for cover. Slamming her back against the durocrete, she kept peering off and on to check just what sort of gig they were dealing with here.

A quick survey locked her gaze upon a crate of weapons not too far from her. The grin over her lips drew wider.

That was where the heavy stuff was at.
@[member="Blagga Vajlicsic Indora"]

Deathmark went rolling to the right. Seeing as Blagga had an issue with handling things, it was conducive to staying alive to roll to get out of the way.

He grabbed another grenade from his belt. Tossed that over his shoulder.


Blood. Guts. Gore. Dead everywhere.

Bourne Cavanagh

@[member="Asari Morin"]

The laser canons of the Duinuogwuin joined those of Morin, blasting the city. This was just the softening up part.

The real fun, the raid came after.

Another line of spice was had as he rolled past Baron's grenades. Whoa! That was a close call. They were quickly reaching the steps of the Besadii palace as Tefga looked up at the advance Spider Walker that was wrecking havoc.

He shot another two Rodian soldiers in the face, cursing the name of Besadii and rueing the day they were made a major family of the Hutt clans.
@[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Haskins looked over at the red head, part of her hair burnt off. She was a new face, but she seemed very eager to help the Hutts out. He followed her stare and saw the giant weapons crate himself. The ten year old boy inside of him leapt in joy.

"You thinkin what I'm thinking?" His mouth was practically salivating, the best he could do was draw from his cig to avoid looking too excited.

Asari Morin

As His ship began the bombardment of the city Asari himself began to relax. Ylesia had no planetary defense force, and therefore they would not be able to actually counter the least not in any major way. So knowing this, and knowing that his XO could very well handle things here the Pirate King stood up, and walked towards the back of the bridge.

There he found a table, filled with a meager meal. Asari sat down at the table, and slowly began to eat. All the while he hummed to himself, thinking of the past.
@Tefga @Barrett Haskins

A devilish grin and a mischievous twinkle in her green eyes said all.

"Oh you bet honey," she said with a wink, "Go... I'll cover ya... be right behind you." she said, lifting her blaster to send a volley of bolts down for Barrett to move.
@[member="Blagga Vajlicsic Indora"]

Splat. Splat. Splat.

The very wet sound of the bleeding Trandoshan that Blagga skewered kept hitting the ground with every step.

The Baron could not help but grin. The Baron promptly approved. The Baron chucked another thermal grenade for the sheer pleasure of it.

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