Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Crash of a Life Time.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

Kay opened her eyes. "But you would've been more active if you weren't injured. And besides, it's your turn to look after things now. I'll be your assistant."

She sipped her tea just before he spoke about her addiction. "Well....I have been without it for a time. I got a big headache that lasted for a few days. Then I was okay....But at the time I had more things to worry about than trying to find tea. Like escape." Yes there was a few times where she was captured by her enemies and unable to have her tea. But if she couldn't escape, she always had her husband and friends to rescue her. So it always worked out.
[member="Lady Kay"]

He laughed and looked at her from where he sat as he shook his head. "Not the kind of active that i meant Kay. Remember what i told you is the normal thing that happens when i meet beautiful women?" He smiled as he spoke, staring over to the side for a moment and thinking. It probably was expected. of him but how many people were disappointed he could care less. "I sense a story coming from that miss Kay. Do tell me this story about you needing to escape and not having your tea for a few days?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

Finally she figured out what he had meant. Yes, she can be a bit naive at times as such things aren't at the top of her mind. Especially in this situation. "Ahhh....But this is a different kind of circumstance. And besides, your efforts would be futile, I'm afraid. It's nothing against you for you really are a great person from what I know of you. But you remind me a lot of my late husband and I'm just not yet ready to even think of being interested in another. What if I see him in a meditation, or if he's watching me? I don't want to upset him." Little did Kay know though that her husband's spirit had been taken by one of her enemies and that the two of them share the same body. But we can't get ahead of ourselves as she wouldn't discover that for another 27 years.

Now for his request for a story to which she obliged to sort of change the subject with. "One of my enemies is a genius of an Arkanian Sith Lord. He's a bit....crazy and is always capturing different species and using them for his experiments. He had me for a time, strapped to a gurney where studied my healing abilities. It was odd how he behaves, looking at you as though he cares and is concerned, treating me like a little kid sister, yet at the same time he'd be cutting into me to the bone, or jolting me with electricity, or smashing my hand with a sledgehammer. I was one of his favourites to torment. But my husband and friends rescued me. I tried so hard to get out myself or have him let me go, but all to no avail. And of course he delighted in not allowing me to have my tea..."
[member="Lady Kay"]

He laughed once more and shook his head, "Don't get my wrong, you are as i said before pretty and funny Kay. But i was in no way suggesting anything like that at all. I was just saying what people expected of me considering how i act out in public. As you have seen my private personality is in no way the same as the public one. Helps to keep people thinking you are one kind of person so that you can surprise them later with a completely different you... i am honored to remind you of him though and i hope he rests in peace for the rest of the afterlife. Ive been to the Netherworld and in Hell if ever there was one, its not a fun place to be."

He listened to her story next with a raised brow a the facts she gave him. He had no idea how she dealt with such a thing and his hand worked to get the meat off the fire and onto makeshift plates where he passed one to her. "I am sorry about that. Some of those corrupted with the darkside lose the people they care most about. We tend to develop corruption not of our mind, or even our bodies being the worst but it plagues our hearts and souls the further it digs its claws into. Ive struck through all three barriers and i can promise you that the man you see now is not the one you would recognize in other situations. Especially in battle... Would you like to see what i look like without the illusions projecting this semi healthy appearance?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Well I thank you for the compliment then, and for the courtesy of keeping priorities straight. And I do hope that my husband is fairing well....I would hate for him to have sacrificed himself, only to suffer more."

She nodded to his response of her story of Lord Mayhem. Her husband was different during battle too, but just in the way that he wasn't very merciful. Kay raised a brow though as he spoke of projecting an illusion. She took a bite of the meat and chewed on it, savouring the as expected gamey taste and then placed her tea cup in her lap before reaching over to touch his face. "You mean this isn't real?" Maybe that was why it took so long to fix his eyes...
[member="Lady Kay"]

He breathed in and let the layers fall, his skin grew paler and paler. It came to the point where his skin turned ashen white and if it continued any more he might look like he had no skin a all. His veins grew darker till they became ebony behind that ashen skin. His feature slowly became hollow, slowly turned against his body itself till much of his weight and even his face looked like there was nothing left. His eyes became a deep amber color and barely had anything human left in them, staring at the ground as he let out a very shallow sigh. There was barely a feature remaining that was still Solan and he sat there as his hand came up to pull her hand off. He felt sick as it was that she was seeing this.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

Her eyes widened at the change, but it wasn't from fear or disgust. It would've been much scarier had he of changed instantly, but it was done at such a pace to be more easily absorbed. He looked so very different, almost like a spectre and if Solan had said that he had been to the afterlife, that could explain the look that she was now seeing. She didn't understand it yet and as he pulled her hand off, she leaned forward a bit and looked into his eyes as he was looking downwards. "Is this what you are ashamed of? If I were you, I'd me more afraid of getting burned by Tattooine's suns than anything else." Humour seemed to help so far on this journey, so she would use that now, giving him a goofy grin. "Or maybe we should be afraid of whatever meat this is. Who knows what we could be eating!"
[member="Lady Kay"]

HE blinked as her heard her speak and he looked up at her eyes as she joked. She wasn't disgusted by his appearance, but the level of corruption. Hell if she saw his arms and hands at this point he wasn't sure how she would reach. He looked deathly, to the point where he was about to fall down and die. But she just smiled and joked like he still had his illusion up. "Why are you smiling... how come you aren't disgusted..." He didn't think about it till now but had her husband been this corrupted, fallen this far into darkness that he had suffered the ill effects like solan was. Or was she just actually trying to make him feel better about being ashamed at what hes done to himself with the power he uses. He didn't understand.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

Well, her jokes didn't work this time. He just seemed to get more confused. She leaned back and picked up her tea. "I'm a healer. I'm used to seeing death, gore and pain. If such things were to frighten or disgust me, then I wouldn't be very good at my job. And I have been through a lot myself, seen things that most shouldn't see. I just....try not to let it bother me or dictate who I am." Kay sipped her tea. It was a little tough trying to explain her bedside manner, but she hoped that he got understood now.
[member="Lady Kay"]

He stared at her and pulled the illusion back up infront of his features, hiding once more what he looked like behind what it was that he came around to look like before. He turned as he did and started to clean up the items that had been used to cook the meat. He didn't touch his food yet as he wasn't quite comfortable in the least.

"Thank you Kay." That was all he could get out as he picked up the items. He wasn't sure if he should be smiling at the fact she wasn't disgusted or even seemingly effected. It was odd as even those that were his friends urged him to stop with his path. Those that knew how far down it he was that is.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

She raised a brow as her joke had the opposite effect from what she had intended. Well that was unexpected. Solan seemed to have lost his appetite instead. "Hey....I'm sorry if I offended you. I was just trying to make you feel better. I don't quite understand yet how you became this way, but I suspect that one day you'll tell me. Please come and eat. You'll need your strength if we're to get off this planet so that you can be reunited with your daughter."
[member="Lady Kay"]

He swallowed and smiled at her as he shook his head. "Forgive me, i didn't mean to make it seem like that Kay. Your joke was nice and it didn't offend me, its just there is a reason i keep up this illustion for my own happiness and to hide what i look like to people, especially my daughter. You are one of the only few people i know to take something like this well... the others are all sith." He sighed as he leaned back now and sat still, his hands grabbing at the makeshift plate. "Thank you though. And you are right."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

"You forget that my husband was a Darksider. The man that killed him was the most evil man that I have ever come across. He ruined our reputations, forced my husband into doing horrible things, kept him away from home, tried to ruin our marriage by using illusions to pretend to be him so that he would turn against me, but I was defiant and didn't want to lose him. But I ended up losing him anyways because he chose my life over his to be spared. So I have seen Darkness and what it can do. At times I want to lash out, myself. But, I never act out on that. And I never want to go through what I went through ever again. It feels horrible to lose everything."

She took another bite of the meat. At least she had one constant in her life. Tea.
[member="Lady Kay"]

He looked at her as she said that and took another bite of the meat. For a few moments he stared before nodding to her and speaking. "I see. I understand Kay and i can only imagine what it feels like to lose someone so close to you that you would spend your life with them even if they were so different. I hope that when it comes to it once more that things become better for you once we are off this rock."

His eyes returned to that meat infront of him and it was but a small worry for him. He knew what loss felt like but with the finding of his daughter he had the new worry of protecting her now. He was not sure how it would end as these stories did but if his past and Kay's past were any indication it was much needed he get to work as soon as possible though he knew full well to wait till tomorrow. Until then he cut into the meat and took a bite.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

She nodded, glad that he was eating and that he understood. "We will get out of here. One way or another."

Kay took another bite of the meat and chewed it, contemplating on to whether or not to tell him about where the footprints in the snow went to. If she were to wait, he might get angry for her not saying anything sooner. But she wanted him to be able to concentrate on sleeping tonight too. So the decision was made. She'll wait until the morning.

"At least we're on a cold planet. If we were on a hot planet, we might have died of thirst. But we have an abundance of frozen water. I count ourselves to be very lucky. And it'll be fun to be your assistant." She smiled as she looked forward to it.
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Im sure out of the two of us im the one that has been the assistant most of this time. Probably still will be to be honest." He smiled at her and leaned back in his seat. Sure he still was not feeling that great, but there were things that could be held against. She was not one of them and he had no reason to give someone who had been kind throughout the entire time. He thought over what needed done tomorrow and what he would get to work on first. The reactors were indefinitely the on his list. They needed power, first and foremost.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

"That may be true, but we are equal partners in this situation. And you know more about engineering than I do. So it'll be your turn to guide me. Just let me know what you need and what needs to be done and I'll do it." She wouldn't try to tell him of other ways to go about fixing the equipment either as it wasn't her area of expertise.

It wasn't long before she finished off the meat and then drank it down with the rest of her tea. "That was a great steak. Thank you for cooking it."
[member="Lady Kay"]

"So thats what that meat was... good." He turned his eyes to the meat and poked at it experimentally to make sure it was still dead. "Guess i didn't have to cook it so much, i much rather like my steaks medium rare but i really was not sure that this was one." He stared for a few more long seconds before turning his eyes back at Kay and grinning. "Well, least it is a steak, otherwise we would both be dying of my poor cooking skills here now, no?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

Kay smiled and then laughed, glad that the atmosphere had lightened once again. "Maybe. That's why I prefer my meat fully cooked. Less chance of dying that way." She set down her empty cup. "This will be another story of survival to tell everyone; how we survived......your cooking." She winked at him before curling up in the chair, using her satchel for a pillow and hiding a yawn with her hand. A warm meal had made her a bit sleepy, despite the tea.
[member="Lady Kay"]

"It is rather amazing one of us are not dead from the the intake of this food. Let me tell you when its not normal that my food taste good. I think thats part of the reason i became a king, atleast then im eating something that probably wont kill me unless its poisoned on purpose." He still could not wait to get ahold of someone outside of this frozen wasteland. There was something else though nagging at him, he knew something was up but what could it be. Something just felt, wrong.

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