Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine

Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Location: Near to the 500 Republica, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Open
[ Beauty Of Annihilation ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I was still waiting for the Warlord to respond when one of ours started firing with cannons. Are you serious? Which stupid idiot is doing this? Destruction is a thing, but it… ruins the fun. I would most like to plug one of the charges in their throat and let it drown, or just blow it up in their stomach when it gets there. Under my helmet, my lips turned to a contemptuous grimace. But I was pretty close too; I couldn't stay in this area.

I had no choice, I left. If I have to change direction later because the exact command arrives, I will. As I got out of the alley into the street, it wasn’t hard to figure out which direction the bombing was happening. I could only hear his voice, but I saw exactly the direction here; thanks to where people fled. From which direction. And that was exactly where I wanted to go. Instead of the rifle, I took the two pistols in my hand and as soon as I stepped out among the civilians, I immediately started firing at them.

Causing even greater panic. All I had to do was take care not to be swept away by the mobs; that would have been uncomfortable. So at the walls, disguised, I moved in the shade and had a great time. I didn’t pick who I hit, who I shoot. Who just got into the crosshairs. They did not know where death was lurking after them. I could almost feel on my skin how frightened I was. It was almost like a religious reverence. All this on behalf of Dark Voice.

I got closer and closer in the direction of the 500 Republica; fortunately, many of the company executives also lived here. Ironically, so do I. Where else would a Baroness from Serenno stay if not here? Every other place is unworthy of my rank. However, I couldn’t use the codes I got to get in the building because then it turns out I’m with the enemy and I can’t even go back to the NIO as Ziare.

I would have just stepped out onto the last street, at the end of which I would have reached the building when I saw the soldiers just arriving. This will be an even bigger challenge! I tried to find the best defensible place from which to give me the best spot to attack them. And then the game can begin!


The vehicles whipping past him were sporadic in nature, as if they were trying to hit hinm, but avoid his figure at the same time. Even being connected to the Force, he didn’t once for a moment really have a chance to anticipate whether he’d get splattered across a windshield or find safeground. His danger sense felt as if it were attempting to burn a hole up his central nervous system, alerting him to every close call on his way down.

The feelings only began to diminish when flames began to sputter at the sides of each of his boots. First, slowing him, and then raising him higher as he gained enough control to willingly bob and weave out of the way of metal propelled beyond the speed limits. All seemed well before a weight dragged down one of his legs.

His altitude dropped and he leaned forwards to get to the nearest flat platform. A finned vehicle raced past, his head jerking to the side as he felt expelled energy thrust him downwards. Spinning in the air, he just only swung the crimson beam and burned a hole through Konrad's fibrecord as they made it over solid ground.

It'd be a fight.

The boots cut off.

He Who Was Lost dropped down to land on the duracrete promenade, many hundreds of metres from where he had originally started. Adrenaline flooded his system, the sound of his heart constantly pounding against his ribs focused him. Beyond what vertigo and the g-force acceleration could ever do. It was natural to refocus himself, inherent both to the natural parts of him, and credited to the stims that aided in keeping his mind focused on the task at hand.

The black garbed Harrsk laid on the ground incapacitated nearby. An easy kill that he was already in the midst of approaching. The hilt of the red lightsabre gripped tighter as he steeled himself. Once they could've been considered friends, beneath the boyish need for competition and rivalry. It was what stayed his blade from leaving a three centimetre wide hole in his chest. This time, he would not hesitate. He still needed to locate the white haire-

The blur of movement at the age of his vision caused him to pause. As his eyes were in the midst of tracking the movement, he shifted, his stance widening as his free hand launched up over his shoulder to draw out the Ashina steel katana that called his back home.

She was in the air now, just reaching her downwards arc to descend upon him. He recognized the steel - how could he not? When his own was fashioned in a similar manner. His hand felt the familiar wrappings of the hilt settle into his gloved palm and he felt incomparable comfort. And then the blade was out of its sheathe.

Ashina Steel met Ashina Steel.

The fateful clash sent reverberations down his arm as the horizontally held blade caught the metal. Just like times past. Simultaneously, his stance shifted. His right hand with the saber was going to be too slow to stop hers descending upon him, but it raised all the same as he leveraged his strength to shove the steel blade away and off kilter.

He felt the searing pain of the lightsabre carve across his shoulder blade - through his padded clothing - and across his flesh as her momentum brought her past him. It was not fatal. But the glowing wound met the ashen fire all the same, and in response, he descended upon her before she could gather her bearings.

She was fast, and it'd be a mistake to land flatly and remain while in the wingspan of a physically larger opponent. He knew she'd roll, or lunge out of the way, and he was quick to do the same. The crimson laser sword plunged forth to lead as his stygian robed figure lurched, right for her midsection as the Ashina Steel descended to swipe across her legs at the shins.

Imperial Knight Armour | Lightsaber

ENEMIES: NSO, MAW, Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber The Mongrel The Mongrel
"Forget the equipment," Aenarion said, his eyes glued to the surrounding buildings that ran parallel with the street. It was impossible to know what was coming. But he knew what to expect, as he blinked. What he saw shifted.

Gone from the street level view, his ocular sight was shifted skywards to locate the rapidly approaching vehicles. "Multiple speeders," he started in a low voice. "Crews... Passengers," he went on to say. His glazed over orbs shifted, as if he were observing vehicle after vehicle and their contents as the troopers continued to lug out whatever equipment they could from the downed ship.

Observation did not last long as his physical body blinked. The enhanced eyesight granted to him lessening as the Sight faded. "I'll protect those of you that I can. Prepare the generators. Feed it all you can." Those that survived the crash and the subsequent ambush were already dispersing. Whatever that could be used for cover was.

Generators and batteries lay next to each other in the street, some even in broken into buildings. Whatever they could for added protection.

Moments later, they heard them.

Moments after that, the explosions destroyed the streets.

In the initial volley, direct contact was unlikely - striking a target that was eyeballed while moving unusually fast - the initial strikes detonated the road the troopers had traveled over. Steel reinforced duracrete buildings split open, chunks flying up into the air and toppling, just like the streets below it as fire and slagged rock pelted the energy shields that were placed every few metres away from each other in the middle of the street. Even as buildings slid down to block alternative paths of retreat - they remained.

Multiple of the grouped troopers suffered, but Aenarion could not afford to care. He did what he could to bend explosive tipped missiles out of the way of his troops via an extra-natural exertion, but as soon as they passed overhead, he forewent continuing. As the Maw speeders were in the midst of passing over, the Knight-Errant's hands shot up. The Sight, once more, enhancing him as the empyrean took a metaphysical stranglehold on the lead vehicle - Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber and The Mongrel The Mongrel - and arrested its motion.

Even as fire and smoke billowed up from the slagged and crumbling streets, the white-garbed Force-user clenched. The benthic weight of the Force restrained the movement of the speeder as metal and vehicle propulsion contorted and bent over itself. His outraised hands tensed, shudders running up his arms as he felt the vehicle threatening to break free from the astral strength that gripped it.


Behind the mask, his nostrils flared, exhaling both air and his frustration as he fought the repulsors. There'd be no stopping it this way - it was likely to escape as he expelled his energy to merely keep it in place. No, he had something more grounded, in mind.

Outstretched digits began to curl into his palms, sinking into the meat of his skin as the ethereal motions of the Force followed in the wake of the physical. Arms dragged down, slammed into the direction of the earth, and the overbearing weight followed on the vehicle. Jerking it downwards and into the fiery streets below that the Mawites raced over.
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline


Objective III : Crisis in the Core

Location: Coruscant's atmosphere and orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

ALLIES | NIO | HHA | GA | NJO | SJC | AC | TE | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Atlas Drake Atlas Drake | Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene
ENEMIES | BotM | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Mith'arn'oura Mith'arn'oura | Isabella Pavan Isabella Pavan | Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Stealth corvette Silencieux
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Lucas Traumen

"Sir, it's seems like we've been counter-detected. Two ships are heading our way and are opening fire."

"Cease fire.Take evasive actions and bring us right below the Fatalis. Send an encrypted message to the Pride."

"Aye Sir !"

The small corvette ceased fire and began moving, trying to dodge the ennemy fire while closing to the Fatalis. The goal of the crew was to get right under the big ship to make the two Samael-class ships cripple the Fatalis. Once the small corvette got under the Tu'teggacha's ship, The young lieutenant gave his orders.

"Stay cloaked and under this ship. Open fire with the guns, close all torpedo tubes."

The Silencieux opened fire but for once it didn't launch any torpedo. It fired directly with her 2 RMC-M7 Heavy Laser Cannon, trying to damage the Fatalis' hull.


Escort frigate X101 Pride of Anaxes
Commanding Officer : Captain Albrecht Herlock
Post theme : Kantai Collection
Moe Ochiru Hokori

"Sir, four destroyers are coming in an interception course. They are firing at us."

"Signal the Courageous. Tell them to prepare all their weapon systems. Main guns, missiles, torpedoes. They are to launch everything they have in order to deal with those destroyers."

"Aye Sir!"

"Encrypted message coming from the Silencieux. They were counter-detected and are now proceeding according to a plan of their own."

"Copy that. Artillery, I want all of the weapons systems to be ready. We'll launch every missile and torpedo and fire at will with all our guns. Navigation, take evasive actions. Communications, Open a broadcast channel throughout the ship. Engineering, boost our shields ! Full speed ahead!"

"Roger !"

"Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. For those who are unaware of what's going on, a few destroyers are trying to sink us. But the Pride of Anaxes won't sink without deliver blows to the ennemy ! We'll fight on and on, to the last drop of fuel and to the last drop of blood ! Our mission now is to defeat the Maw and the Sith !"

With that said, the two frigates began their evasive actions and suddenly, a rain of missiles, torpedoes and gunfire began to fall onto the four destroyers.


Issue #3


Agony cried through every fiber of his body and with every breath he took, the pain only grew stronger. Falling hundreds of meters from the skies, Konrad came to embrace death. There was no thought employed in finding a bearing, a footing, a trained method to soften a fall from extreme heights. No, his mind had been solely consumed in dragging with him the dark-clad marauder to the deepest depths of hell. Ishida had saved his life at the expense of making living it an unbearable torment.

Bells of oblivion tolled loud in his ears drowning every noise in the background and his vision blurred, concealing the approaching figure of the assailant behind a haze of indiscernible colors. The healing factor of his chemical enhancements remained incapable of undoing the hefty damage Konrad's body had sustained. He needed more to turn the tide. He had to tap into the deeper reserves of mutagens lying dormant within. Locked within this prison he called a body, the young assassin's mind clawed for the sweet taste of life. Pain beset even his thoughts and with every last drop of will found in the confines of his mind, Konrad pushed through until he finally unleashed the cleansing tide.

The faint, dying green color of his eyes suddenly flashed in unnatural jade, a pellucid mist lazily swimming in their lively gaze. An intense undertow of mutagens within his body swept against the current of pain, shifting its direction of decay and bringing Konrad away from the brink of death. Fatal hemorrhages began to cease, punctures and lacerations within and without gradually were sealed and sewn, bones puncturing organs retracted away and the Demon's Head slowly climbed back up on his feet. The damage was still evident across his body - the assassin's outfit and flesh torn at places, and some bones still remained in unnatural positions within but Konrad Harrsk was alive.

The haze obstructing his vision abated, cut by the ancient concoctions of Dhul Qarnayn rapidly rushing through his system. Pain still accompanied him but less so prevalent - it did not take the full span of his attention and focus like a minute ago. Konrad could still fight, even if hindered. His hand reached for a half-torn inside pocket of his assassin's garb, picked out the domino mask and the all too familiar HUD came to life. Between its frame lied a skirmish he did not expect to see. The obstreperous harpy of Atrisia was alive! The pleasant warmth that accompanied that cursed revelation was quickly blasted away by an annoyed shake of his head. Hello, she deserves no sympathy, Konrad - she is, may Azhar forgive me for uttering this word, a Jedi. And she could've been so, so much more! Alas, Inosuke was an imbecile and thus the apple and the tree.

Their assailant had also survived to the great Demon's Head's chagrin and surprise. The question of how was answered at the sight of Ishida's dance of blades with the man. Konrad did not need to see the markings on the flailing cord of the attacker's hilt to know. Only the unique, distinguishable sound of two Ashina steeled blades clashing. A thousand days spent among the Carp had imprinted that frequency into his psyche.

The Imperial wasted no time on trying to decipher who exactly the enemy swordsman was; his identity mattered not - only his affiliation. The half-wrecked vambrace of the assassin snapped forward and fired an electrifying cord around the man's heels. Honor was a weakness and his grandfather had taught him that well - a Shadow must purge all vulnerabilities. A Shadow must become immortal. The Carp taught not to obstruct a duel, to prioritize the physical advantages built by the hard toiling of a warrior over the use of external leverages deemed as cheap tricks.

The Shadows taught the opposite.

If the cord found purchase, he'd yank the floor from under the swordsman's feet.

ALLIES | Me, myself, and I
HEADACHE | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
ENEMIES | He Who Was Lost He Who Was Lost




KILL Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , All Jedi


But I killed you!”

“You tried.”

The Dragon, Dimitri Voltura, came through with his unholy wrath. The Sith assassin’s call had been answered like some dark prayer, the Dragon had been unleashed. Where he had once strained with all his will focused upon the support column that rose high into the vaulted ceilings of the temple, Darth Hydrus’s command of the Force suddenly sent it over the edge as his power exploded forth. The column collapsed, falling forth into the crowd with explosive force more like being hurled than falling of it’s own accord.

The column came down upon the two Jedi, the Sith assassin panting for a brief moment let his full focus come onto them. He wished to watch them die, crushed under the weight of their own hubris. His eyes widened beneath his mask as the Jedi Knight Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze rose to the occasion in a desperate, instinctive defense. Dagon came to meet it with both hands, calling upon the empyrean, but it would not be enough.. it couldn’t be.

There was a sickening smile of dark satisfaction, this is how they would end their game.

In that moment the Jedi’s eyes burned in a haze of blue, a startling moment for the Sith who lashed out with a venomous roar of anger and disbelief as the Jedi whom had nearly succumbed to the weight of the temple froze the column in place. The Force was with him, it was with all of them.

“Nooooo! I’ll kill you!

His eyes hidden behind his masked visage ignited in a sulfuric hue, his anger, his hate it was all bubbling to the surface. It was in that moment he felt the touch of the divine, the touch of something there but not quite there, a dark Eldritch presence not felt since he had last been on Exegol.

“The prophet has come.. Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze .”

The efforts of the Sith and now the Jedi led by Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka led the masonry entrance to collapse crushing both Sith and Jedi alike under it’s weight whom failed to escape the falling tide. There was no telling how many fell, the vast majority of their ilk being guided in tandem by the efforts of the battle meld and on the Sith side guidance from the battle meditation of the Eldritch Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze . Both sides would continue to do battle in the midst of a chamber clouded by obfuscation as an unstoppable wave of smoke and dust filled the Great Hall.

"How will help reach us now?"

A sudden snap-hiss as his crimson blade crackled to life, it’s luminescence glowing in the veil of dust and debris as he approached.

His voice crackled under the vocabulator, echoing his hate filled sentiment to the Padawan Jem Fossk Jem Fossk ’s query to Dagon.

They won’t. You’ll die here.”


Location: Coruscant, approaching Galactic City
Tags: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Atlas Drake Atlas Drake

  • The Mongrel gives Mercy free reign to pursue any targets she chooses
  • He braces himself as the Mongrel's Howl goes off around the speeder
  • He uses glop grenades to create an improvised crash pad for the speeder
  • He hauls Ignatius from the wreck and provides covering fire
  • He directs the other speeders to keep going toward the club

Caught up as he was in the speech he was giving Ignatius, it took a moment for The Mongrel to recognize that Ziare had responded to him, and was waiting on him to confirm her orders. Was this the man he was becoming? One who monologued while racing across a warzone? He had changed so much since that first raid on Batuu, when he'd crawled - alone - under a burning market stall to escape a lightsaber-wielding assassin. He could not have imagined having authority back then, could not even have pictured anyone listening to him.

"You have my authorization to pick your targets, Mercy," he finally told her, speaking once more into his wrist comm. If she was already in the senate district, there was no sense in sending her somewhere else; the targets she had identified would eventually escape or be evacuated, and they needed to reach whoever they could snatch or kill before that happened. That would start with the closest ones, the true targets of opportunity. "Contact me if you require support. Otherwise, you are free to make tactical decisions."

He trusted her battlefield judgement on this. An odd feeling, trusting someone who'd once nearly killed him... but he did. It was something about their shared heritage: people who would once have been horrified by the Maw, captured and changed until they rejoiced in serving the Brotherhood. It was just like he'd told Ignatius: their past lives didn't matter anymore. They had been remade by their dark baptism into the Maw's service, their minds broken and reforged into something new. In that way, Mercy was like a sister to him.

The highways and airspace surrounding the senate district were rapidly being caught up in a deadly crossfire. Most civilian traffic had come to a panicked halt, with only a few terrified drivers still trying to weave through the chaos. Instead, military-grade speeders (and converted civilian craft, given the Maw's particular brand of engineering) dueled between skyscrapers, and commuter stations such as rail depots and hoverbus stops were transformed into fortified outposts. Alliance troops and Brotherhood marauders clashed amid the duracrete jungle.

Ignatius had taken The Mongrel's admonition with admirable stoicism. He had not flinched or quailed before the warlord's attention, and though a man accustomed to reading fear in the eyes of others - as The Mongrel was - could see it buried in his gaze, he had hidden it well. That was good. If he had proven weak, perhaps voiding his bowels all over the LuchsHai's seat, the warlord would have killed him then and there... likely by heaving him over the side of the speeder to follow his letter and then taking the driver's seat himself.

But he had once again proven stronger than expected.

"Iggy" did not question orders, either, though The Mongrel could read the question written on the features of all the marauders. Why weren't they attacking the Senate Rotunda, or the Galactic Stock Exchange, or some other high-profile target? The warlord did not provide a reason - at his rank, he did not explain himself to his troops - but he had one. In the past several years of raiding and warfare, he had learned a simple truth. Buildings could be rebuilt. Fleets could be replenished. Whole worlds could be raised from the ashes of ruin.

But people? Kill the right people, and they're irreplaceable.

The targets Mercy had identified at the 500 Republica were all key lynchpins of the Bastion Accords, the diplomats and logisticians and middle managers who made the sprawling alliance work. If they all fell into the hands of the Brotherhood today, the disruption that would ripple through the pact would be immense. Long after the last of the battle debris was removed by Coruscani emergency crews or picked over by underlevel scavengers, their absence from the war planning would still be granting the Maw a decisive advantage.

All their knowledge would be captured, or die with them.

Of course, the further they got into the district, the more likely it was that they would encounter direct resistance. Their spotter saw it first, as was his job: a fortified position further up the highway, some group with serious kit. Obviously not Brotherhood, which would have been clear right away even without their continuous tactical communication. The Mongrel was about to weigh in, giving his orders for how to deal with the enemy hardpoint, when Ignatius showed that side of himself that the warlord had observed way back on Rhand.

A side that might see him become a commander one day.

The Mongrel said nothing as "Iggy" and his comrades hashed out their plan, preparing the weapon named for the warlord himself as they raced toward their target. He simply watched, the piercing red gaze of his visor sweeping across the crew, taking in how each one acted. He watched Ignatius most of all. The man might be a diplomat, a soft and cultured creature, but he clearly had a tactical mind locked inside that skull of his... one that was beginning to emerge now, forced out by his dire circumstances. A Mawite school of hard knocks.

He even had the presence of mind to offer earmuffs.

The Mongrel's mask was more than capable of filtering out auditory attacks - he'd made sure of it the moment he'd started using flashbangs and sonic weapons as Jedi-killing tools, not wanting them turned back on him - but he bemusedly accepted the earmuffs nonetheless. He could feel the tension in the speeder as it raced toward its goal, the dangerous thrill brought on by Ignatius's audacious plan. The big gun squeaked into position, finding the right firing angle. The warlord fitted the earmuffs over roughly where his ears hid.

Despite his auditory dampers, he was glad that he had.

The piercing, shuddering howl of the cannon made The Mongrel feel somewhat honored that the weapon had been named for him. Rockets roared out of the speeder and slammed down all over the enemy checkpoint, sending men running for cover - or flying in pieces. It was like a rolling barrage, only behind them, as though the little fleet of speeders was towing a curtain of roaring flame. Small arms opened up next, firing madly down at the rest of the Brotherhood's foes, adding to the casualties and deepening the chaos of the scene.

Ignatius turned to look at The Mongrel, whose durasteel mask reflected the fires raging all around... and earned a nod of approval. "Perhaps you should embrace this calling you have found," the warlord told him, his crimson gaze once again boring into the auxiliary. He said nothing more, letting the words sink in. All around them, men screamed and burned and died, and it was Ignatius who had made it so. Was this the man who, moments ago, had been writing a formal letter begging for pardon? Clearly he was becoming something more.

The moment was interrupted, however, when the speeder suddenly lurched. An invisible hand had taken hold of it, pulling it back, struggling against its forward momentum. That first lurch nearly tossed The Mongrel through the windscreen; only bracing himself with his cybernetic arms kept him in his seat. Then the pull of that invisible hand became a push, and the front of the LuchsHai angled straight down at the ravaged highway checkpoint below. From this height, at this speed, a crash would be fiery and instantly fatal.

"Brace yourselves," The Mongrel bellowed, reacting swiftly as the speeder began to fall. His satchel of tricks was gone, lost when that wolf-man had ripped it away on Rhand... so he kept his tricks inside his cybernetics now. Raising his left arm, he triggered an inbuilt grenade launcher and fired the entire clip down at the road. They weren't explosives; instead, they burst open in a shower of rubbery foam. The glop grenades, the latest anti-Jedi weapon he was trying out, were designed to entangle dangerous enemies.

Instead, the sticky foam became a makeshift crash pad.

The LuchsHai slammed into the mess of frothy adhesive just before it began to harden, stealing the speeder's momentum before it hit the unyielding street. As the glop rapidly air-dried, becoming duracrete-solid over the next few seconds, it would become safe to walk on. The Mongrel shook his head to clear it; he'd slammed his skull hard against the side of the speeder, but thankfully it'd been the part already covered in durasteel. With his right hand he drew a heavy blaster pistol. With his left he reached for Ignatius.

The warlord had no idea what had become of the crewmen behind him, and he didn't stop to check just yet. He hoped "Iggy" hadn't broken his neck or back, because he was hauling the man out of the driver's seat by his collar. At the same time he was popping off blaster shots with his other hand, trying to keep any nearby NIO troops in cover. His targeting optics were connected seamlessly with the synthmuscles of each hand, and his aim - even one-handed, even distracted - was unerring. Anyone foolish enough to pop his head up...

... was very likely to get a blaster bolt to the dome.

"On your feet, 'Iggy'," The Mongrel growled, doing his best to pull himself and his driver from the twisted wreck. They were lucky the cannon behind them hadn't broken free of its mount, or they both would have been flattened in the crash. "Some wretched sorcerer has pulled us from the sky... and I doubt he's gone far." Breaking off his shooting for a moment, the warlord raised his comm, contacting the other LuchsHai speeders that had flown through the opening Ignatius had created. "Stop for nothing! Seize the Republica 500!"
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The hour of victory was upon them, the destruction of the New Jedi Order imminent. Their dying screams were a beautiful melody, their fatal wounds a work of art. Yet he sensed something out of place, an aura that was unlike the others. There was no desperation to it... dare he say the aura was... unafraid. The spirit scried through the force to behold the interloper. Alone atop the temple sat the one who tried to oppose him. The the Jedi spoke to him.

You hide in the darkness... does the Light frighten you so? Should you want a proper challenge, I will be waiting...

The air before the Jedi seemed to ripple, the limbs of some ethereal cephalopod emerging from beyond this world, as black some ancient night sky this world had not seen in thirty thousand years. Glowing, bulbous eyes floated around the mass of tentacles, disappearing with every blink, an reappearing somewhere else. Their putrid green glow illuminated the eldritch horror against the backdrop of the polluted night skyline of the city. Vinaze's aura was enough to wake this man from his trance.

Vinaze's central eye observed the Jedi inquisitively. An Ashlan, no less. His history with the crusade made him all the more eager to destroy this Jedi, but he knew striking fear into the man first would make consuming his mind so much more pleasurable.

"Tell me, you who is has... such audacity... why are you here, when your brethren die in droves.. beneath us?" the spirits voice was slow, enunciative, and possessed a strange, otherworldly cadence that seemed to mock the Jedi. "And... why do you not... fear?




| NJO | SJC | NIO | AC | Any other Jedi-huggers
ENGAGING: Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Force-imbued dual Phrik Blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
Company of Legion of Bone among which is the Ash Hellions - All led by General Samron Gerron
The Fortuna in orbit


The Nether whispered.

As the Herald of Death moved forward, she lifted a few fingers from a hilt to conjure up a barrier as the Consular's telekinetic push was sent her way. The force of the push did balk her somewhat, however, and she stopped dead in her tracks to brace against the Force.
"Not bad, my dear. I'm impressed." she smirked as the Force died down and she lowered the barrier.

And then she sprung forward.

With Force-induced speed, she bore down on the Jedi with an amethyst strike at her neck while the crimson blade was held close to her own form.

But the amethyst strike was a feint.

At the very last moment, the blade would change direction to rather slice downward, aiming to cut open the Jedi from shoulder to opposite hip. But Danika just had a shrewd idea that the Consular would not be as easily fooled, so she kept on moving, spinning past the Jedi, whether her strike landed or not.

The movement placed her right next to the panel where the holoscreen showed the download was nearing completion. In stride, she attempted a strike to slice through most of the console.

But could not will her arm to follow through.



~General Samron Gerron~
Flanked by the Ash Hellions
12/12 Legionnaires ready to engage
192/192 Legionnaires in reserve​

The Falleen remained light on his feet.

He waited for the boy for just an extra heartbeat before the Jedi decided to follow up on his initial attack. And what an effective follow-up it was. Samron had to admit that they boy was freakishly fast.

But the Phrik blades were moved instinctively.

Danika's ethereal blows on a daily basis over the years have prepared the century-old warrior well. His front parry met nothing but air, but his other blade met the true strike before it reached his side.

Without hesitating, the initial blade followed back up to parry the blows to follow in rapid motion. Years of instinct told the Bone General that he was not dealing with an ordinary Jedi, how ever child-like he appeared to be.

One or two of the Jedi's blows broke through Samron's defences and, not for the first time, he marveled at the masterful work of Breshig Warforge as the lightsaber glanced off the Phrik-reinforced armour.

To catch a break, he ducked away from the onslaught and spun around to angle his one arm in the direction of the boy and sent a solid stream of CryoBan in his direction instead in one swift movement. All the while still holding both his swords at the ready while also being ready on a second's notice.





Location: Jedi Temple - Coruscant - Great Hall

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol
Everyone else I want to talk to
: Dagon Kaze Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Yula Perl Geiseric Okkeus Dainlei Black Mynock Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Bernard of Arca Jax Thio Inosuke Ashina Heinrich Faust Aeris Lashier The Doppelganger Rhis Fisto Viera Thalia Senn Phalsi Drynchen Aayla Shan Henna Sarratt Ishida Ashina Romi Jade


This guy was good.

Throughout all of this, Caltin was learning him, but he was learning Caltin as well. The massive Jedi Master only came to realize it just a moment ago when the rubble came flying at him. The saber play was well thought out, and while one of the attacks worked to an extent(the knee), the others were caught or redirected, Caltin was on his game now. He was indeed the proverbial “immovable object” and thus the objects hitting him looked like children’s animation as they either bounced off of his skull or shattered upon impact even “ringing his bell” once or twice and drawing blood. Yes, they hurt when they hit him, but not enough to really do much, he doubted they were meant to, but to catch his attention.

It worked.

One thing that was unique about Kol, the big guy wanted to see what he had.

What that really means is that normally Vanagor would enter a combat situation with the mindset like he had something better to do, or somewhere to be. He wanted to end it quickly and opponents were often put in a position as to where fighting him was comparable to being in a speeder crash. This guy though, Kol? He was cerebral and though the massive Jedi Master did not like the thought of what he was doing or trying to do to younglings, could respect him as a foe.

So he wanted to see this through.

It was clear that this Dark Jedi Master was wearing gear that enhanced his abilities with the Force. It seemed like everyone these days had it, which is probably why Caltin held an inward chuckle as he was as well. This did not mean that he was going to hold back, Kol was guilty of some reprehensible crimes right in front of the big guy and Caltin was going to enforce them. Even if he wasn’t, Caltin was not going to let him pass. There were too many who could fall at Kol’s hand both directly and indirectly.

It was happening again, but history would not repeat itself.

There was yet another attack on the Coruscant Temple. Yet another attempt to take away the symbol of hope to many in the galaxy. Not anymore. He did not have the connection to the Force that other Jedi have. He was able to push himself further than others could and “redline” his emotions and aggressiveness. Maybe this was why most Jedi look at him with raised eyebrows. It did not matter right now, as this is what they need him for. There were evacuations in process and while Caltin could not stop everyone, he was up here to keep others from getting by. The big guy was done just by letting things happen, letting others decide the actions of the galaxy. That ended now.

You wanna play? Let’s play.

Reaching out and balling his hand up into a fist, this was not the previously viewed and experience “crush”. This time Caltin was crumbling the floor around him and bringing down sections of the ceiling and statues, all aimed at Kol. Caltin could throw things too. He didn’t bother speeding at him, there were easy enough counters for that, what the big guy was doing. As he was walked, step by step, the big guy backhanded, or physically threw many of the acolytes in his way.

Closing the distance on Kol, Caltin took Conservator out to his immediate left and swung it diagonally upwards, left to right. This was all to catch at least one of Kol’s weapons defensively and open up a free area for a straight and hard front kick meant to knock him back several steps (towards the door). He wouldn’t drive Kol away, or his Marauders, Caltin knew this, but he could hold his attention, regardless of what Jax was doing. Caltin wasn’t done throwing things either as several Marauders went flying out windows or out the doors.

Of course, this brought more Padawans and young Knights into the fight, they were here to “hold the position” and all it did was serve to give Caltin more to worry about.

~Get out of here!~

This was not a good thing as while they were no doubt skilled, Caltin fought alone as he did not want to have to worry about anyone around him. If he knew what they were capable of, that was one thing, but his over-protective nature overrode his better judgment. The silver lining, at least for him, was that it turned his instincts up tenfold. The bad news? Well it would prove to be bad news for the Sith, and hopefully he could “turn it off”.



Location: Coruscant, Great Hall of the Jedi Temple
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Kol made his challenge knowing that Vanagor would respond. Without going into immense detail the Dark Jedi had already learned a lot about his opponent during their engagement here in the Jedi Temple. For the Dark Jedi, Vanagor represented a challenge not only in the physical sense but also as a puzzle. The Jedi Master was enormous, physically he was larger than Kol and stronger too which put the Dark Jedi at a disadvantage and Kol now, after several exchanges with the man through a short span of time understood he had a unique connection to the force unlike many others.

In Vanagor, Kol was able to test himself in a way that he would be unable to do any other way. The Dark Jedi appreciated this even though the Jedi Master was impeding him.

Nodding his head, Kol said nothing as Vanagor replied to his challenge only focusing on how he extended his hand and balled his fist as this point. It was as though the Dark Jedi knew what was coming at this point. He'd watched as Vanagor had unleashed lightning bolts of force energy, used his influence to crush other Marauders and Acolytes wearing conventional armor and thrown them aside and caused a wave of force energy to erupt outwards from himself. When the Jedi Master started ripping up chunks of the floor and ceiling Kol was almost---disappointed.

Maybe he was just expecting something else but a subtle smile finally played over the corner of the Dark Jedi's mouth.

As Vanagor began to launch pieces of the ceiling and portion of the statues down at Kol while crumbling areas of the floor the Dark Jedi deactivated his lightsabers. Backflipping away from the Jedi Master Kol would flip, spin, dodge and duck around much of the debris. When something came at him from above the Dark Jedi would leap or flip out its way path, when a chunk of stone hurled towards him he'd whirl aside---but not always, Kol was quite apt at avoiding the larger pieces that Vanagor was sending towards him but the smaller ones were more difficult.

The 'Apostles Vestments' afforded Kol a high level of protection but the Dark Jedi was still being pummeled. It was only fair, Vanagor was just throwing so much at him however Kol wasn't without his own tricks. When it came to Controlling Pain, especially his own Kol could diminish many of the blows he was dealt so that they barely registered even if it left a mark. It wasn't until he reactivated the 'Dark Sacraments' that'd begin weaving the lightsabers ahead of him in a fluid defensive pattern and began cutting the stones out of the sky as Vanagor threw it at him.

"All that power, Master Jedi."

...he'd have rasped out as Vanagor came towards him, blood from the earlier jab he'd received still pooling around his bottom lip...

"I understand now. You rely on it, your weakness is that you are small without it."

...Kol was a master of the cerebral, he could plant doubt and twist observations with ease. Even if Vanagor was sure of himself, even if there was no doubt and even if he beat Kol bloody he would remember the conviction in with which the Dark Jedi addressed him and he might later wonder what he observed.

As it went though Kol would meet Vanagor as the Jedi Master came at him. Lightsaber to lightsaber. Now it was Kol's turn to strike back. Vanagor's diagonal swing was successful in catching Kol's right most blade defensively seeing as how the Dark Jedi would snap it downwards to lock the lightsabers together. It was the Jedi Masters follow up that Kol would exploit.

When Vanagor was lifting his leg to deliver that powerful front kick Kol, turning the lightsaber in his left hand into an inverted grip again would shift that same side forward so that as the Jedi Master deliver the blow it would glance off his side and to the outside rather than land cleanly. Immediately thereafter Kol, twisting at the waist and torquing his hips would saw his lightsaber across, left to right while Vanagor was unbalanced, only one foot on the ground and his leg with Kol's torso on the inside and the lightsaber coming from the outside. Insofar as the blow went it was designed as a quick across, aimed to catch the outside of Vanagor's knee with the potential of severing it completely, limb from body.

The Dark Jedi hadn't finished either, blasting off the right foot that was now in the rear after the shift that saw his left side turned ahead Kol would thrust his shoulder forward, aiming to plant it into the midsection of Vanagor augmented by a Force Push to hurl the Jedi Master backwards, away from him while he was at that disadvantage.

At this point Kol was almost blinded by single minded focus, he saw less and less of the Padawans and Knights that moved through the Great Hall. A Dark Hunter twisting and transforming his psyche, the copper he tasted in his mouth beginning to burn in his mind.​


Location: Jedi Temple
Equipment Jedi Robes: Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé (Enemy)

To say the Jedi Temple was under fire would be an understatement.

There were legion of Sith Troopers and Sith Lords attacking Jedi from all angles. Jax gritted his teeth cutting through the many Sith Troopers in his way. The younglings safety was the top priority right now but it was hard to reach them in a sea of troopers and Dark Siders howling for Jedi blood. Not all younglings will survive this battle. Jax growled to himself hurling his Lightsaber like a spear, the blade penetrated the heart of of a trooper while Jax began pummel nearby soldiers with his Prosthetic Arm. He didn't need to use the Force, the Beskar cladded arm did the bulk of the damage while blocking any shots.

"These troopers are everywhere!" Jax yelled at Caltin reaching out to the force to retrieve his blade. This was planned out that much Jax knew, the attack was well thought out and the Sith were coordinated. If he had to guess, is that the Sith had infiltrators in the Jedi and Senate. It wouldn't surprise him one bit, afterall the Sith Empire employed those same tactics throughout their history.

But there was no time to speculate, it was time to hold off the attack as long as he can. Just then a Sith Lord approached Caltin Rannan Kol Rannan Kol began to engage the Jedi Master as Jax ran to intercept. "Master Caltin!" Jax yelled but as he ran to Caltin, his shoulder above his prosthetic arm began to ache badly. A flood of the dark side filled Jax's body.

"What the-" Jax staggered back feeling dizzy until a blaster bolt landed on his shoulder knocking the Jedi back. "Argh!" Jax landed directly on to the concrete floor, his Lightsaber briefly tumbling out of his hand. He could feel her.

"Pom!" Jax painfully got up reaching for his Lightsaber. "I know can feel you." he whispered to the Nightsister. "Where are you?"


[Flight Officer Qellene Tyliame]
[Revenant Squadron -- Callsign: "Revenant Ten"]
[REC-AI01 A-wing Interceptor]
[Coruscant - Low Atmosphere -> Orbit]

“Got your back Ten, take it to them!”

Gods bless her soul. Qellene mustered a smile when met with the infectious joy in Stellaris's voice, for the briefest, and yet most significant of moments being distracted from the death before her and the fighting at hand. But Brief was the right word to describe it. The flight officer pulled herself back to attention, readjusted her grip on the interceptor's controls, quickly established new bearings with the small Plan Position Indicator at the dashboard's center. As Six had promised, she led her X-wing just over Qellene's own craft.

A descending Mawite shuttle fell into their sights. Within moments, it fell toward the ground.

But there were still so many more...

{“Revenant Seven, checking in, sir. I didn’t get a full tank of fuel before lift off, so I don’t know how long I can be in the air, or if I’ll be able to reach you. Any alternative orders for me?”}

Seven... Qellene displayed some mixture of relief and bewilderment at the callsign's mention. Leon was Revenant Seven. Leon, the jedi, who should have been locked within the temple with the others... And yet, the transponders showed that he was flying at the same moment she pondered the message.

She'd leave the questions for Commander Charr. It was above a flight officer's pay grade, anyway.

It took a considerable wait before Revenant Squadron reached Coruscant's horrific debris-laden orbit. And yet, no amount of time, or preparation through the onslaughts of orbital updates could lessen the shock of what awaited them. So they weren't being deceived... The Maw had truly made its way to the renowned capital world. They were actually attacking, carving through portions of the Alliance fleet. Qellene took her time to process the abstract mess of color that lay before her, then released a morbid giggle-- a self defense mechanism that tasted ever more disconcerting as it rolled off her tongue. But despite the discomfort of it, the short giggle found itself warping into a sustained laugh, as if trying to outmatch the hordes of fighters awaiting it and its speaker.

For once Revenant Squadron broke past the line of World Devastators, and began to approach Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick 's Magnus, they met the hospitality of the Brotherhood's reception party.

Abruptly, it became impossible to laugh, to speak at all. Qellene fingered around the dashboard now, set her eyes on different sensor plots to confirm the first reports. Silence took hold, sent her hand shaking. Again, the flight officer looked at the displays, in complete disbelief of her eyes, of the fighter's sensors. It had to be a trick, an illusion, countermeasures at work. Please, She begged, Please let it be a trick, though she knew somewhere deep down that it wasn't. And s
he knew it all for a fact by the time 3 Wings of Brotherhood TIE fighters had begun firing at Revenant Squadron. Quickly in response, albeit disoriented, she discharged a pair of laser cannon shots into the formation; pulled behind to establish a better position to cover her unit. The other pilots of Three Flight caught on as well, fanned out slightly to the edges of the Alliance squadron; from there tasting Mawite resistance in the clangs of their detonating warheads, and the thin gashes formed by their guns. Evasive maneuvers only got each pilot so far...

"Revenant-Ten... Commander..." Qellene hid her fear well enough, but nonetheless pleaded through the squadron intercom, "Three Wings identified...What do we do?"

Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris , Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick


DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Rurik Fel Rurik Fel
And so they came, in force and with the same manic blood lust they had always possessed in sheer unrelenting abundance. And he answered their desire in return, shooting down any and all that burst into his line of sight with little mercy or regard. They wouldn't show him any, they hadn't on Csilla to his men, and they wouldn't now. And as one with any sense knew, you answered barbarism in kind with unflinching violence, for that was the only language of the dark side.

But they kept coming in an ever-increasingly large tide of crimson and ebony; no matter how many they killed or put down, more seemingly came out of the dark. Tal and his subordinate Barran had little more than four of Tal's death trooper bodyguards, but they held their line, but even training couldn't overcome raw violence. And it showed, the first of the bodyguards soon was felled by several blaster rounds that struck the death trooper in his chest and sent them slumping against a pile of rubble. More charged their positions, and several jumped over the barricades to attack the ragtag defenders in hand to hand combat. But unluckily for the Mawites, the Galidraanis were also proficient in melee.

Tal charged for the first of the mawite who came over the barrier, swiping the beast's blade to the side with his rifle and smashing the end of his SA-65 into the creature's jaw before unloading the rest of the blaster's power pack into the mass of Maw.

"Lotta Maw! if you got any grenades Barran old sport, one ought to prime them right now." he shouted amidst the chaos while he took cover and reloaded another power pack for his blaster. Willan would be lying to himself if he didn't admit he missed the good old infantry experience.



Allies: NIO | SJC | GA | AC Aerith Krayt | Shai Krayt

Enemies: BotM | Cadere | Darth Insatious
IS-2 Medium Armour, SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster x 2 with 1 Grappling Hook attachment, Vibroknife, Thermal Detonator, KXA ABDG-01x 'Null' Grenade, Wrist-mounted Personal Energy Shield


She sent a piercing glare towards the Sith from behind her visor. They always played dirty, using the Force as a crutch for their lack of skills. The Jedi were no better. She had a distaste for both groups of religious zealots. While the latter had an arguably more noble cause, they weren't without their own problems. It was no coincidence that within several fractured Sith groups traces of Jedi origins could be found.

Despite knowledge of her own connection to the ethereal life force, she shunned it largely, only using it consciously when pressured to do so by another with an unfair advantage. Still, she could not rely on it in her inexperience. It was a failsafe, nothing more.
Being faced with five lightsaber-wielding individuals gave her a degree of apprehension as she had heard how well-trained such individuals were in melee combat which further added to her reasoning for wanting to stay beyond arm's reach from them, not helped by her armour's vulnerability to such attacks. However, they were not the most immediate threat.

Instinctively, she raised her arm with the personal shield emitter attached to fend off the bolts heading in her direction while returning the favour to her attackers. Before long, she inexplicably faltered and ceased firing though her arm remained raised in position for a few more moments before dropping to her side as she began to back away from the fray.

The intrusive presence of another within her mind was a disturbing feeling but not nearly as disturbing as the harrowing emotions that followed. As the threat rang in her head, she reached out to grab a wall behind her for some stability. While the threat in itself was none too concerning, paired with the indescribable feeling of foreboding fear that was forcibly placed into her mind it allowed for an effective weapon against the psyche.

A glance over the battle confirmed all she needed to know as her allies were struck down with little resistance. They would not gain control of this street. Not like this.

With her free hand, she gestured back towards the way they had come. <We need to fall back.> She informed them over comms, her tone suggesting distraction as she tried to fight the invading voice in her mind.

Her gaze connected with the skull mask of the man who she could only assume was responsible for the attack on her mind. She had no idea who he was, nor did she care. It wouldn't matter when she would unload two blasters worth of bolts into him.

With a blaster in each hand and determination in her step, she suppressed the voice enough to assist her allies with their suppressive fire.


POYO! Silver Solus Silver Solus

Location: On Approach
Agenda: Looking to be Heroic for all the Wrong Reasons

Alora turned her head away from the forward windows and sensors to look over at Silver at the youth's question. "The sensors of the Gambit can find the design flaw in the Universe. Only reason I haven't yet is because it's a very big place." Something something something... false vacuum decay. Holonet it. You won't sleep a wink, or you'll dream about thirty-five foot long twinkies.

Soon enough, Silver was playing with the toggles and commenting about that very system. Alora's head tilted a bit even while she focused on flying again. First upgrade to the family ship? Obviously the adolescent didn't know how many credits -- or how many illicit activities -- it had taken to afford this 'suite' of sensors. And Silver's guardians would no doubt not approve if they found out. So, Captain's little secret.

"Huh?" Alora's brow furrowed as they plunged into Coruscant's lower atmosphere. "Grand Overseer who? Of the Final-- Hol' up." A quick jab to the console followed to open up a channel back to the people dancing around in orbit with death rays. "To the only slightly well known Grand Overseer of the audaciously-named Final Dawn, you do realize decimating the galaxy only destroys one tenth of it, right? I mean, that leaves ninety-percent of sin left. You are seriously selling yourself short. That is all." Too much? Like there was such a thing! Extremely unlikely Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen was a Wanderlust Wares customer -- or any of their Mawlites.

As they drew closer to the surface of the planet, Alora glanced over at her co-pilot. Word of Big News events were rattled off like one did the weather. First one being the 'nope, uh uh' and Second being 'eh, politicians, I guess?'

Then someone named the Lord General butt in on the comm frequencies. Tactical advice and rallying cries for people on the ground. Nothing there to critique. Good for him. Maybe too good for DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran if he had Silver wanting to hug him. Alora had half a mind to tell the young woman otherwise, but with the way she wiped away the tears maybe a little positive cheer was best left to stand alone.

Silver then picked a spot for their festivities. A placed call the Hayata Hotel.

"Alright," Alora cried as the ship banked in toward the chosen destination. A burst of blaster fire erupted from the fore of the ship as some debris was blasted to bits before it brought down a building below. "Let's do it! We have enough room to ferry a few survivors away if he need to, but I don't have a ton of medical supplies." Her fingers danced over the console. "I think there's a crashed medical shuttle atop a nearby building if we need to loot it."

As the Gambit descended toward the Hotel, its Captain looked over at Silver once more. "You disarmed a missile before? Ignoring that it might go off because someone coughs on it, that fire isn't going to leave us a lot of time. We need to get people to the ship, or out of the building fast. We'll disarm the bomb or figure out why the fire isn't out yet as a secondary objective, alright?" Like, being a hero was cool, but getting people to safety was totally heroic. Disarming the bomb was just superfly heroic. Silver could do starting at entry level heroism so she didn't get a big head.

The Gambit swept in and pivoted around so the loading ramp could lower toward the open-air pool near the top of the building. Alora set her ship to handle things in her absence before giving the emotional, but determined Silver a wave to follow. "And if there are any people that want to harm you, you harm them first, okay? Like," Alora drew one of her pistols, "this isn't set to stun." Mode one: vaporize a mother-bantha.

When they set foot outside the ship, Alora's helmeted head turned in the direction of Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber and the howling artillery. "Okay. That's a little badass." Only a little. Or a lot. Definitely didn't want to get on their bad side.

LOOT? Armor, Guns, Batons, Ship, Medpacks​
Last edited:

It was working! Kai managed to break through the general’s defenses and strike him a couple times, though the suit he wore held up against the blows. Must be some pretty good armor.

Then, as the general broke away from him, some sort of chemical projectile came streaking toward Kai from his opponent’s wrist. The doppelganger leaped out of the way. CryoBan foamed against the wall behind where he had once stood, freezing the plaster solid.

This guy sure did have a lot of tricks up his sleeve. Lightsaber-resistant armor, fancy gadgets, intense bladework. Kai wanted to know all his secrets…

But not while Aeris is watching.

Deftly evading the steady stream of CryoBan chasing after him, Kai zigzagged to close the distance, then slashed at the general’s wrist with his lightsaber, hoping to destroy the device. He resumed the duel in earnest, trying to knock the general’s feet out from under him with a sweep of his blade.

Allies: Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Culas Vile | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Engaging: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Objective: Defend Coruscant

The complexity and severity of the situation began to dawn on Karlist Rax as the Maw fleet, through Marlon Sularen announced its intentions. Rax regarded his opponent with a callous glare. His speech, was not so much intimidating. It lacked the flair of his master, Admiral Regent Rausgeber. His bluster. It was all so, droll. But still, this was a present, and looming threat, and must be countered. That was his order, owed to the Sovereign Imperator, and his dignity as an officer. Even if he was arguably as morally dubious as those who sought to reap destruction over the heart of the Galaxy.

The Fleet Admiral's eyes widened as the threat proceeded before him. So this was the infamous Maw, not merely the remnant of the Sith Imperial Navy as he had first suspected. The Final Dawn. And judging by the weapons of mass destruction they had bearing down upon Coruscant, he could only surmise the damage caused. The Galactic Alliance, he had no love of. But it was honour, and order which would stay this incursion of chaos and malice. The Fleet Admiral turned his head, and placed his caf down on the holoprojector. "Well that resolves it."

"Press an attack, power the engines, and bust through their fleets." The Prefsbelt Officer barked, "All commands, I repeat, all commands are to move to engage." Rax added, with a glower. "I want us, in the middle of their fleet, we're going to head them off." The NIV Menace began to lurch, pressing forward, and accelerating toward the enemy. "Power to shields, we need to buy the Alliance more time." Rax added, before turning to his comms station, "Lieutenant Vile, your work here has been changed."

"Proceed to the weapons systems moving toward the surface. Liase with Alliance forces." He ordered, "Your mission is the most critical. We can allow the enemy to reach the surface. Do your duty lieutenant. As failure will not be an acceptable eventuality." He let the transmission flicker off, and moved to assess the rest of the bridge, "Proceed forward." He reiterated. "Launch fighters, we'll hold them in reserve, and prepare the bomber crews."

"Form up the Valour, Brute and Commodore on our starboard flank. The Bastion's Glory and Scourge to our portside." He gestured to the hulking Cuirassier, "And have them prepare broadsides. Get Commander Valen, to move a corvette pack, and engage any carriers we can find." He added, "We will not let Coruscant burn."

1. Beginning fleet movements to Maw fleet
2. Told Lt Vile to move to help Constantine with the WD's
3. Deployed fighters in defensive formation

Flagship, NIV Menace: Reprisal Class [x]

NIV Bastion Glory: Praefect Class [x]
NIV Scourge, Valiant Class [x]

NIV Valour; Curiassier-Class Cruiser [x]
NIV Brute; Curiassier-Class Cruiser
NIV Commodore; Curiassier-Class Cruiser

1x Stalwalt Class Carrier [x]
4x Escolta Class Frigate [x]

5x Cacadore-Class Corvette [x]
8x Gurkha-Class Corvette [x]


Morteg smirked. The onslaught was too much for the Sith'ari. They would-

His small eyes bulged to the size of teacups as the red lightning caught him as he landed. It arced up his tiny body causing to spasm as it flew across the room like a doll a petulant child had tossed away. A scream ripped from his lungs as he flew and landed with a smack and a thud. His green hair was bone-white, his youthful skin aged beyond recognition and his smoking body lay lifeless.

He did not fall into a pile of clothes, Morteg was connected to the Force very strongly, but it was not by choice and he was not one with it. No, his was for the pyre. Odd. He thought death would be different. He heard the sound of the Padawan boy's frantic voice, of the lightsabers clashing, but it was far off in the distance. He didn't struggle, that was not his way.

The Master of the Saber was dead.
Temple guards fired the blasters in futility into the red-clad beast that stalked the halls of the Jedi. Its white mask was a snarl and the red armor it wore belied the blood of the fallen that had deigned it appropriate to get in their way. A second, a doppelganger, leaped over the shoulders of the first monster to cut down one, then another, its single-edged blade humming violently. A third beast turned the corner, this one clad in black, though his face was no less fierce. It growled as a white-haired youth turned the corner at the opposite end of the hall.

"There you are boy," the beast said. It reached up and removed its head, no, helmet. Kaito Kiyoshi bared his face to the younger Jedi Knight, a snarl plastered to his sweating face. His eyes were the yellow of Sith.

"At first I was upset that my assassins could not do you and the girl in. But now I get to kill you here." He replaced the helmet and reached into his coat, pulling a lightsaber that fit the massive ogre-like hands of the armor better than a normal lightsaber would. The red blade erupted with a snap-hiss. The beast took the lightclub in a two-handed ready stance, blade poised over his head.

"Come! And know that the fall of the Jedi Order lies partially at your feet for saving me that day."

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