Tu'teggacha and his mighty fleet did not have to wait long for their reinforcements to arrive. As they held the line against Orcana's encroaching forces, fleets poured in behind the spearhead he had created: Dyans Keto and her Krath, Aldo Garrick and the Final Dawn, Marlon Sularen and the Hand of Purification, all of them out for blood. The Brotherhood and its various allies and subfactions were putting
everything into this strike, knowing that it was likely their only opportunity to strike at Coruscant without a long, slow campaign to carve through Alliance territory on the way there. They had been given a dark gift when the Path of the Mystics fell into their hands.
Now they would use it to deal the Bastion Accords a blow they'd never forget.
"Lady Keto," Tu'teggacha transmitted to the Krath commander as their fleets closed ranks,
"your fire support is appreciated. We will hold back the enemy fleets while the World Devastators are unleashed." And unleashed they would be. As Grand Overseer Sularen gave his dire warning to all vessels in the system, preparing to engage and destroy any who dared to remain, Admiral Garrick was already sending the horrific machines - half factory and half indiscriminate ravager - down to the surface. Tu'teggacha had seen the footage of when they'd been released on forested, sparsely-populated Enenpa, ripping up the woods in pursuit of resources.
On Coruscant, where untold hundreds of billions lived, carnage was inevitable.
But before he could drink in the misery, terror, and suffering that ensued once the World Devastators began ripping up apartment buildings and consuming skyscrapers whole, Tu'teggacha had to deal with the immediate threats being mustered against him. Garrick and Sularen were engaging the Alliance forces, their ships meeting the threat of Oliva's picket line and Revenant Squadron. That left the ships of the New Imperial Order for the Taskmaster to contend with. So far Orcana had yet to change tactics, simply unleashing what big guns he had available in order to trade fire with the Mawite fleet... but there was another threat that the NIO had mustered.
By now, Tu'teggacha knew the ships of Anaxes Navy Task Force 58 very well. He had first contended with them on Csilla, when they had been just one of the many threats attempting to destroy the Mercy. He had nearly vaporized the
Pride of Anaxes with a MegaCaliber turbolaser shot, but the ship had survived to slip around the
Fatalis while Orcana had distracted the Mawites, dealing more damage to the superweapon. He had seen the task force again over Korriban, when the Ashlan fleet had ambushed his small task force. That was when he'd first encountered the
Silencieux, the stealth ship whose torpedoes had sneakily crippled the
Fatalis's sublight engines.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on
Tu'teggacha had many flaws - selfishness, megalomania, sadism - but stupidity was not among them. The first time the
Silencieux had attacked, he had been caught totally by surprise, and the stealth ship had caused terrible damage. But now the corvette was doing the
exact same thing, without
any change in tactics since Korriban. The Taskmaster would've had to have been an idiot not to expect it... and he was not an idiot.
"Herlock is here," he announced to his bridge crew as soon as he spotted the rest of Task Force 58,
"and that means he will be using that stealth ship again, probably the same way. Prepare our countermeasures."
After the terrible damage the
Silencieux had done the
Fatalis over Korriban, Tu'teggacha and his command crew had reviewed the data from that encounter and made preparations to face similar ships in the future. Collating all sensor data from the battle, they had discovered the key pitfall of the
MXC-T26 Yggdrasil cloaking device employed by the stealth corvette: it could not mask detection of exhaust from the ship's sublight engines. Since the
Silencieux liked to fire while on the move, in order to keep from being located by tracing its weapon trajectories, it was spilling out that exhaust with every maneuver. Once you knew to look for it, it wasn't hard to find.
"Engage point defense lasers on this pattern," he ordered, transmitting the data he'd gathered on the stealth corvette's exhaust trail.
"Stealth torpedoes may have been launched from any of these points. Create a grid of laserfire and intercept those warheads." He couldn't pin down
exactly where the stealth torpedoes had been launched from, but the
Fatalis was huge, and brimming with turbolasers and point defense systems. He could fill an area of space with so much laserfire that no warhead could possibly get through, and thanks to the exhaust tracking, he knew where to start. The ship rocked slightly as
one torpedo impacted its rear armor.
The rest of them never stood a chance against the defensive barrage.
"Break off two frigates to chase down that corvette," Tu'teggacha barked, and a pair of
Samaels moved to follow the exhaust trail, unleashing ion fire into the general area of the
Silencieux as they tried to locate it and pin it down. Squadrons of fighters joined them in the hunt, sweeping sector after sector of the battlefield with laser cannons as they chased the enemy ship - now behind their lines and impossibly outnumbered. Meanwhile, it seemed that two 300-meter escort frigates were going to make a head-on attack on the 10,000 meter
Fatalis. The sight made the Taskmaster laugh, a vile sound resembling a wet rat stuffed into a blender.
"The poor fool has lost his mind," the Ebruchi chuckled.
"Put him out of his misery." All four
Crucifix I-class Star Destroyers moved in front of the
Fatalis, on an intercept course with the pair of tiny escort frigates. Each of the four star destroyers was
six times the size of either escort frigate, and these were the
smaller star destroyers of the group. They opened up on the attacking frigates with all guns, orbital autocannons and turbolaser batteries and concussion missiles and ion cannons. Perhaps Herlock would see that what he was doing was suicidal, and turn back. Or perhaps he would decide to go full speed ahead and die in a pointless blaze of glory.
It didn't matter to the Taskmaster either way. He had Orcana to worry about.