Metis was scared. She had lost her commlink and been separated from the strike force she had arrived with. She was frightened she had adrenaline coursing through her veins, she could hear the screams and the moans of the dying and the grieving, on both sides. She came to the realisation that she herself was in some ways grieving. Grieving for her innocence for her soul. When she was a child she had imagined being a brave daring Jedi who launched into battle with righteousness, leading the forces of good in victory of the Sith. Now she just wanted to survive, she wanted her books, she wanted her training room, she wanted an essay she could study for and write. Maybe even one on battles past, she suspected she’d have a new appreciation for those battles. The ones that had seemed so clear on her holopad. Move and counter moves, like a chess match or a game of sabacc. She had always secretly discounted or at least dismissed the poems of war about the chaos, just like poems that had sung the praises of lost loves. Metis almost wished she could hate the Sith, but she shied away from the thought. This is where hate lead, she could see the evidence all around her. All of these thoughts ran through her mind some part of her detached while she observed all of this about herself.
All the while her training took over, she parried blaster blows even engaged a Sith Acolyte or two. Despite the small part of her brain that was on a rambling monologue, she was surviving, it was her training as a Handmaiden both Echani and Nubian that kept her alive as much as her jedi training. The Jedi taught her the skills and knowledge of the Force which enhanced her abilities, but her time as a Handmaiden gave her something just as vitaly important. The psychological readiness to kill. She had been training as a Handmaiden since she was a child. To take life, she didn’t enjoy it not as the Sith clearly did, but she was prepare for it, the necessity of it. Taking life was never right, but sometimes it was necessary.
Metis parried a series of blows from an warrior, defensively in Soresu, she used Combat Meditation to calm her mind and her rapid thoughts, to focus on the duel. While her enemy relied on their passion, their anger their rage to fuel their fire, She was patient and calm. Using her Echani training and heritage to study her adversaries moves, it was as if he was shouting in a tantrum expecting to cowl his opponent. Metis was waiting for the opening that would inevitably show itself. And it did.
“Die Jedi-aaah!”
Metis used a Cho Mai flourish to remove her opponents weapon hand. The scream turned to a moan as they fell to their knees. Metis didn’t hesitate following the flourish into a Sai Cha, decapitating him. She released the breath she hadn’t realised she had been holding. Looking around at the devastation, she saw the body of a padawan she didn’t know, she bent down to close the young mans eyes, as she did she recognised his comm link. Regretfully she took it from him.
“This is Padawan Metis. I’ve lost contact with my Strike Team… I’m not sure.. I don’t know where I am… Where do you need me the most?”
Romi Jade
Romi Jade
Jacen Nimdok
Jacen Nimdok
Aayla Shan
Aayla Shan
Metis Athena Elpis
Metis Athena Elpis
Saan'an Gaelor
Saan'an Gaelor
Dhalinar Greystar
Dhalinar Greystar
Darth Solipsis
Darth Solipsis
All the while her training took over, she parried blaster blows even engaged a Sith Acolyte or two. Despite the small part of her brain that was on a rambling monologue, she was surviving, it was her training as a Handmaiden both Echani and Nubian that kept her alive as much as her jedi training. The Jedi taught her the skills and knowledge of the Force which enhanced her abilities, but her time as a Handmaiden gave her something just as vitaly important. The psychological readiness to kill. She had been training as a Handmaiden since she was a child. To take life, she didn’t enjoy it not as the Sith clearly did, but she was prepare for it, the necessity of it. Taking life was never right, but sometimes it was necessary.
Metis parried a series of blows from an warrior, defensively in Soresu, she used Combat Meditation to calm her mind and her rapid thoughts, to focus on the duel. While her enemy relied on their passion, their anger their rage to fuel their fire, She was patient and calm. Using her Echani training and heritage to study her adversaries moves, it was as if he was shouting in a tantrum expecting to cowl his opponent. Metis was waiting for the opening that would inevitably show itself. And it did.
“Die Jedi-aaah!”
Metis used a Cho Mai flourish to remove her opponents weapon hand. The scream turned to a moan as they fell to their knees. Metis didn’t hesitate following the flourish into a Sai Cha, decapitating him. She released the breath she hadn’t realised she had been holding. Looking around at the devastation, she saw the body of a padawan she didn’t know, she bent down to close the young mans eyes, as she did she recognised his comm link. Regretfully she took it from him.
“This is Padawan Metis. I’ve lost contact with my Strike Team… I’m not sure.. I don’t know where I am… Where do you need me the most?”