Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine

Metis was scared. She had lost her commlink and been separated from the strike force she had arrived with. She was frightened she had adrenaline coursing through her veins, she could hear the screams and the moans of the dying and the grieving, on both sides. She came to the realisation that she herself was in some ways grieving. Grieving for her innocence for her soul. When she was a child she had imagined being a brave daring Jedi who launched into battle with righteousness, leading the forces of good in victory of the Sith. Now she just wanted to survive, she wanted her books, she wanted her training room, she wanted an essay she could study for and write. Maybe even one on battles past, she suspected she’d have a new appreciation for those battles. The ones that had seemed so clear on her holopad. Move and counter moves, like a chess match or a game of sabacc. She had always secretly discounted or at least dismissed the poems of war about the chaos, just like poems that had sung the praises of lost loves. Metis almost wished she could hate the Sith, but she shied away from the thought. This is where hate lead, she could see the evidence all around her. All of these thoughts ran through her mind some part of her detached while she observed all of this about herself.

All the while her training took over, she parried blaster blows even engaged a Sith Acolyte or two. Despite the small part of her brain that was on a rambling monologue, she was surviving, it was her training as a Handmaiden both Echani and Nubian that kept her alive as much as her jedi training. The Jedi taught her the skills and knowledge of the Force which enhanced her abilities, but her time as a Handmaiden gave her something just as vitaly important. The psychological readiness to kill. She had been training as a Handmaiden since she was a child. To take life, she didn’t enjoy it not as the Sith clearly did, but she was prepare for it, the necessity of it. Taking life was never right, but sometimes it was necessary.

Metis parried a series of blows from an warrior, defensively in Soresu, she used Combat Meditation to calm her mind and her rapid thoughts, to focus on the duel. While her enemy relied on their passion, their anger their rage to fuel their fire, She was patient and calm. Using her Echani training and heritage to study her adversaries moves, it was as if he was shouting in a tantrum expecting to cowl his opponent. Metis was waiting for the opening that would inevitably show itself. And it did.

“Die Jedi-aaah!”

Metis used a Cho Mai flourish to remove her opponents weapon hand. The scream turned to a moan as they fell to their knees. Metis didn’t hesitate following the flourish into a Sai Cha, decapitating him. She released the breath she hadn’t realised she had been holding. Looking around at the devastation, she saw the body of a padawan she didn’t know, she bent down to close the young mans eyes, as she did she recognised his comm link. Regretfully she took it from him.

“This is Padawan Metis. I’ve lost contact with my Strike Team… I’m not sure.. I don’t know where I am… Where do you need me the most?”

Auteme Auteme | Romi Jade Romi Jade Romi Jade Romi Jade | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Aayla Shan | Metis Athena Elpis Metis Athena Elpis Metis Athena Elpis Metis Athena Elpis | Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor | Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Kirie Kirie



the M I S T R E S S

Location: Observing the Temple

The Maw Sith captured the interest of the Nightsister Matriarch Queen, in that the journal they had found may be of great historical significance to the dark covens of Dathomir, as the Fanged God had once been bound captive within the Maw for an extended length of time. PomStychTivé often scried meditating on the Brotherhood's movements throughout the galaxy, pondering how she might garner their trust to be brought into their inner most circle of trust, and earn access to read these sacred, most elusive texts. She would be found from time to time to appear and assist them in their plight to snuff the hideous burning Light from the galaxy.

Coruscant, a place which she is certain she had never been, and yet familiar haunting spirits and visions suddenly entranced her senses as she stepped through the porthole of the Nether and onto the physical plane. Immediately a tug drew upon her very soul and she weight of conviction pressed upon her heart. The spirits carried whispers, elusive to comprehension, yet promising full understanding before the day's completion. Before the great Temple, doomed to crumble at the sting of the Sith, the Mistress veiled with Darkness followed her curiosity and descended upon the lower levels.

The physical plane hid a tear in its realm here. Pom stood before it, her head cocked in contemplation, a singular perfect glittering rose sprouted from the concrete ground. "Pomsty," the whispers called, a name she recalled, but one not uttered in a long time. A wave of her fingertips and the sight of an ethereal porthole between here and there became visible. The Empyrean existed just beyond the line in the sand here. Beyond existed a sight long forgotten of Coruscant, a vast meadow of grass and wildflowers, while the sky scattered clouds for miles, lit by a vibrant sun kissed the fields. Long has it been that the ground of Coruscant was stricken of light and life produced no longer from any patch of soil. This place, she feared it so for some reason she is unaware. Whether it is familiar from nightmare or reality, she is uncertain.

Magic long inactive stirs once again, as the Witch shrugged a tuft of Dark energy from her core, before her foot touched down within this place of mystery which by magic she had purposefully put behind her, a place where Spasa is kept preserved by the Light of Ashla.

"Don't go in there," the twelve additional voices of the Wanica Coven pleaded from within her head.

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Aemulor the Hutt


Unfettered Vengeance Star Destroyer

The Underhand Deal stealth shuttle

There were plumes of smoke rising from the Jedi temple and Aemulor was bathing in the darkness of it all, feeling his power grow with every Jedi death at the place. His soldiers were pushing forward hard and had executed a number of guards. Aemulor smiled, as he saw further Maw reinforcements falling. It was not all going his way, Knight had manage to cut a swathe through several of his units before being engaged by another Sith Lord and drawn away.

He felt a presence nearby, then saw them leap, two younglings, pantoran is he was not mistaken, a female and a male. He reached out his thick arm and thrust them to the ground with a gesture. Did they think he would be an easy kill, a large fat sitting duck for them to earn their Knight hood? They both stood and raised their savers at him. He felt the connection between them an instantly knew they were twins.... live..youngling..jedi...twins. He salivated and licked his lips at the research opportunities here.

"Younglings, throw down your sabers and you pain will be marginally lessened" he snarled at them. Their jedi brainwashing gave then resolve, but he could feel their fear pervading the air. "Let the fear flow through you little ones, let it break you, let the passion overtake your fragile soul"

One of children buckled at the knees and began to sob, dropping his sabers, the girl lept at him screaming, rage in her eyes... good.

Aemulor shot a bolt of Sith lightning into the girl and knocked her flying, her smoking form landing in a heap beside a squad of his Infested.

"Seize them both!" He commanded, "take them to my cruiser alive, but keep them separated, I going to enjoy my new pets."


Uros Hostin puffed on a death stick as his soldiers searched, he felt the sensation that some of them had found their prey. He shut his eyes and transferred his senses to one of the Infested he was Commanding, seeing and hearing through its body he saw the form of a blond woman flanked by several battle droids. He watched as the team engaged the droids, several were cut down by weapons fire and lightsabers in short order. 'Damn' he thought, those droids are going to be a problem unless he intervened personally.

Returning to his own body as the fighter continued, he fired his grapple across to a support it would take him a few minutes to reach their location, if the Infested could hold her in place, he had an ion blaster that would see those droids off. If she escaped, at least he had a starting point for his chase.

"But I killed you," she accused, indignation in her voice as Lord Letifer Lord Letifer disengaged from her attack. Everything moved too fast. Her statement dissipated to the chaos as a column came crashing her way.

Logic would say to dodge. Jem stood her ground, red-stained hands tightened on the saber she braced. On Lao-Mon she had frozen and it had cost her an injury. It was ...pathetic. Shameful, frustrating. It was probably the reason why her Master uttered his next words.

"You shouldn't be here!!"

She'd show him.

The saber raised over her head, slashing down with hopes to part the fast approaching column- the behemoth halted an inch from her blade. She blinked, her head slowly tilting to the source. Dagon stood besides her, the force echoing through him like bottomless ocean.


It was at that moment the padawan realized she was connected to the source of power too. ...Was this a legioned.... battle meld? Goosebumps rippled over her skin. She fell out of her stance and looked at the few jedi behind her, awe in her eyes.

"...I had that."

The floor quaked under her. The entryway collapsed with growing speed-- first one piece, then an avalanche of deadly marble falling under their own weight. Jem was forced back as the temple roared.

For a moment it was dark... and then the debris cleared. Jem coughed dust from her throat. Lights flickered and struggled to stay connected, while beams gray sky shone around the dust motes above the carnage.

The Temple's grand entryway was destroyed.

Jem gaped at the sight of her home under sieged, the padawan unable to help the way her horror echoed tangibly through the meld.

"How will help reach us now?"
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Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple Great Hall.

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol (indirectly) Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
Everyone else I want to talk to
: Dagon Kaze Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Yula Perl Geiseric Okkeus Dainlei Black Mynock Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Bernard of Arca Jax Thio Inosuke Ashina Heinrich Faust Aeris Lashier The Doppelganger Rhis Fisto Viera Thalia Senn Phalsi Drynchen Aayla Shan Henna Sarratt Ishida Ashina Romi Jade


A highly acrobatic, nimble, and focused foe was as difficult to predict as he was to defend. The ability to contort one's self so easily and turn one's attack into something that one would soon have to defend was not only deadly but a lost art. Kol was already proving to be an indomitably formidable foe. He was difficult to defend against due to his unique skills in the Force, and his abilities with the blade. Caltin knew that he was in for a fight. However, he was more than capable to defend and counter anything this Dark Warrior had to throw at him. He had the experience, he had the training and the drive, but most of all? He was just a pain in the "you know what" to battle.

The thing about Jar’Kai is it is most potent against those who do not practice or understand it. If you are a practitioner, you learn the vast many strengths and advantages that the weapons technique has to offer. Caltin was a student of history and knew that “true” Jar’Kai was in fact the basis for “Niman”, the sixth and in fact most blanketed lightsaber form. The first and probably most prevalent advantage of Jar’Kai is the ability to attack with one hand and defend with the other, or holding off multiple opponents.

This knowledge can push your need to focus on your opponent, yet if the proper use of the defensive form in Soresu, or Shii-Cho which was designed primarily to combat multiple opponents. On top of that, Caltin was a “master” (no pun intended) of the two-handed blows that Makashi, Soresu, Djem-So, and JuYo offer, no matter how easily Jar’Kai adapts to different forms, the strength of two-handed blows were impossible. Kol’s fluent and graceful attack was able to be defended by Caltin’s brute strength and focus on either hand making use of the more ease of control of a single weapon rather than two.

The more important note of Caltin’s defense? His free hand. He could use his strength and knowledge of the Force, on top of his physical strength. Conservator was indeed “locked in position” if it was going to keep him from being bifurcated, but the big guy had options, and one of them was a simple side-step using the Dark Jedi Master’s momentum, leverage, and very weight against him, letting him fly, stumble, or whatever on by.

There was a predictable nature to Kol’s attack, this was not to say that he was more than capable. The foe was deadly on multiple levels, but Caltin was recognizing a pattern, which was why he was waiting for his opening. It was coming soon enough and it was just a matter of time. The drain on him was a little more than normal, it had to be something to do with what Kol was wearing, that was something that Caltin could handle though as not only did he pace himself naturally in order to hold out longer than others, but he had the Toraynor-Henkan, which had the capability of healing. It was a matter of figuring out if it would help Vanagor or Kol.

With a few swings of his own lightsaber to keep loose, Caltin brought Conservator down on the non-dominant hand of Kol, not necessarily to separate his hand from his wrist, but his weapon. If the Dark Side Master would dodge, or block the move, he would end up eating a Force-Assisted jab to the face.

What were those weaknesses to Jar'Kai again?

Master frakking Vanagor… why is it so hard for others to say?

Yeah, that was still an annoyance for him somehow. Harkening back to the days when he lived within these very halls and the Jedi Order was a completely different animal from what it was today. He didn’t hold it against Thio, or anyone really, just an idiosyncrasy to him and his view of “signs of respect”. Jax looked like he was not only prepared to be but indeed wanting to be in the fight. It was a good thing because while they should not be looking for a battle, the Jedi on the upper levels had to hold positions for the Jedi in the lower levels to have enough time to complete their missions. The big guy wasn’t going anywhere and the relentless attack of Kol was taking more of his focus, this made the Jedi Maverick’s arrival more welcome.

Pull up a chair, grab an ale!

He was of course being quite facetious, but it was necessary to ease the tension. Caltin had seen several… slaves for lack of a better term… trying to take the dying. This turned the massive Jedi Master’s stomach as he grabbed one in Force Stasis. The big guy slowly closed his hand into a fist, crushing the slave to a point where he was unable to move, his armor being his handicap. Looking at Kol, more directly his clothing, he wondered. Through the Force, Caltin grabbed at what Kol was wearing and went to "crush" it, not all of it, but a section. If this worked, whatever vestment he was grabbing would be affected, if not? Well, Kol could just shed it.



Immediate Engagement: Halketh Halketh , Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka


Cotan was almost surprised that the Sith didn't recognize him, given how long it'd been since he'd been lucky enough to have any sense of anonymity in his life. Not that he had long to contemplate the return of feeling like just-another-man before Halketh disappeared entirely. Of course. I hate teleporters. When Halketh reappeared within the insant he held his ground, free hand catching the energies of the Darkshear and redirecting it into one of the pillars at the entrance; the pillar promptly cracked and collapsed under the explosion of energy, joining the others that were being pulled down around it.

His rapid turn on the ball of his foot, planned to thrust into Halketh's side with the super-cooled blade of his sword, slowed for a moment as he saw the spreading cracks around the entrance. "Bloody hell," he muttered, and finally surrendered himself to Zark's meld as the stone, duracrete, and metal all began to fall in towards the trio fighting right at the entrance. A shimmering haze appeared in the air around them, a wall of focused energies that stopped the debris from landing atop their heads, instead leaving it to pile up around them, dust, shards, and boulders blocking out all light except for their blades. Then his blade flared brighter than the others, every Kyber crystal on his person thrumming in response to his strength as he heaved, sending the rubble blasting outwards through sheer force of will. Nearby, he could feel as Dagon did—had done—would do the same, letting the ever-present, frenzied storm of the Force billow through him.

The humming quieted again, one of his bonded crystals snapping his thoughts back into sharp focus, away from the slurry of minds and sensations deep in the meld that always skewed his perception of the wider events around him. Dagon, Zark, and the Jedi could melt into the storm, letting it help them match the Sith even as they sought to whip it to greater heights of chaotic potential. In the eye of it, there was only the movement of one moment to the next, and the clarity of knowing where it moved.

With debris flying in the air and the floor beneath them still shaking, Cotan seized that moment; he lunged forwards at blinding speed, the tip of his blade seeking purchse between the gaps at Halketh's abdomen.

Location: Coruscant Great Hall
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Jax Thio Jax Thio

When Vanagor sidestepped the Dark Jedi did indeed go flying by. Already beholden to his momentum it would be impossible for Kol to simply stop which is why he's transition his momentum into another maneuver. For Kol many of his maneuvers seemed to lead from one motion to the next, his momentum always carrying him into another movement that tied into the last. In this case Kol had been leaping at Vanagor so when the Jedi Master dodged aside the Dark Jedi maintained that momentum, deactivated his lightsabers and fell into a practiced shoulder roll that allowed him to regain his sense of balance as it came to an end.

Coming out of the shoulder roll on one knee Kol was quick to reactivate the 'Dark Sacraments' and whirl around to face his opponent again. When Kol came around it would be in time to receive Master Vanagor as he made those 'loose' swings with his own lightsaber before bring it down for Kol's non dominant hand.

As Vanagor might have predicted the Dark Jedi would use strength of motion and swordsmanship to defend against the blow, whipping his non dominant hand (his left hand) back behind his hip while pivoting on his right foot. It left him open to the jab that Vanagor delivered, Kol would have felt it as he was pivoting and preparing to whirl away from the Jedi Master but was instead sent stumbling. Almost immediately however he'd have twist his dominant lightsaber into an inverted grip so that as he whirled away from Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor he could whip it across the side of the Jedi Master up near the armpit and the underside of his arm, playing on the opening he'd left when he struck Kol in what would be both a counterattack and a parting blow.

Of course as he came out of his whirling defense, stumbling a pace as his balance was difficult to maintain Kol would have come around to face Vanagor again. Spitting a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth the Dark Jedi appeared triggered by the physical assault he'd received...

"Very good, Master Jedi."

...if Kol's lightsaber had landed cleanly from the parting blow Vanagor might have felt more of the drain that was unusual to him. Of course by now Kol had also noticed the arrival of the other Jedi, Jax Thio Jax Thio . It didn't cause the Dark Jedi to shrink away thinking he might be outnumbered soon however as he continued to focus on Vanagor, keeping anyone else in his peripheral as war was waged around them and on the other levels throughout the Jedi Temple. Explosions from elsewhere in the Temple causing the ground beneath him to tremble slightly.

When Vanagor started to excerise his control over the Force on Kol's garments the Dark Jedi felt the pressure on his left though it caused only a momentary discomfort. The Apostles Vestments were imbued with the Dark Side of the Force, resistant in many ways to outside influence however more to the point the Vestments were in fact composed primarily of different kinds of silk which thanks to their imbuement made them highly resistant to damage but also relatively weightless and unrestricting. To feel silk crushing against your body was more of an inconvenience than say metal. As such with Vanagor's focus on his Vestments though Kol took advantage and using the Dark Side would seize some of the rubble littering the ground from the Maw's initial attack abd break through into the Temple.

Telekinetically held Kol would whip debris, large pieces of rubble, etc at Vanagor. The Dark Jedi knew it was unlikely the Jedi Master would be anything but inconvenienced by this however it served a purpose.

The 'Dark Sacraments' wove a defensive web in front of Kol following this however instead of attacking he'd have positioned them ahead of him. The Lightsaber in his left, non dominant hand would position itself vertically with hilt hovering outside of Kol's hip and the blade angled towards his opponent slightly whereas the lightsaber in his right cross in front of the latter horizontally at height with Kol's shoulder. The Dark Jedi, watching Vanagor from behind the mulberry glow of his 'sabers would call out...

"I've played your game Jedi. Now play mine, if you have the mettle." was, in a nutshell a challenge. As Vanagor had made his 'Just bring it' motion of the hand when they'd begun now the Kol was throwing his own right back at him. Saber to saber, he wanted to see what the Jedi Master had.​
Objective: 2
Location: Senate District
Equipment: In bio | 1x Big Boy Baby
Tags: Darth Insatious Cadere Zoraya Ives-Ayres Aerith Krayt

"Sure thing." Shai muttered as Aerith got ready to engage. While the cyborg went in head first, Shai used her jetpack to disappear into an alleyway to circle around the unit of Sith. From a hidden position, Shai activated her missile launcher and waited for an opportune moment to fire. Only, things seemed to play out differently. Someone else was above her on the roof, trying to engage the Sith while Aerith let loose. Shai growled with a jealous pang in her heart. She wanted them for herself. She and Aerith could handle them. These other people were only making things worse.

Things got worse when more sith seemed to join in with the party, coming out of nowhere. She knew she had to act quickly. The missile locked on to a group of the Troopers behind some cover and fired, intending to land right between them and engulfing them in a thermal explosion. Her jetpack came to life as she soared overhead, thermal detonators raining down among the new Sith arrivals, the remaining troopers, and another one that seemed to be weaker than the main man who was hanging back.

She decided to make her grand appearance as she landed behind the group. A Ripper was in her left hand while her right hand pressed a button on her vambrace. The cargo bay of her ship opened and Baby emerged. Only difference was he wasn't a little BB-unit. The Basilisk droned as its engine started up, the loud howl echoing from it and joining in with its demonic rumble. The weapons locked onto their targets and soon the air was filled with cannon fire. The particle cannon buzzed with golden bolts and the laser cannons joined in as well, targeting the troopers and Sith warriors while making sure to steer clear of Aerith and the Imperials that decided to help out. Shai used the chaos to move on the weaker Sith apprentice.

Her particle pistol joined in as she fired at the man, emptying her Ripper in quick succession and continuing to fire on him with her other pistol. He was her target. She wanted his head and she wasn't going to stop until she had it. Baby could take care of the rest along with Aerith and the Imperials, he was going to be her own personal kill... though she hoped that one of the others would come for her. The more sith blood was spilt, the better.

Location: Outside of the Jedi Temple
Allies: BOTM
Enemies: NJO/NIO
Nearby: Shade of Decay Shade of Decay

Kyrel felt a sense of uneasiness as he felt a familiar presence strike him with dread. The same twisted being that haunted him for every waking moment of his resurrection. His fists clenched, his feet unable to make a move. Feeling the darkness takeover, he was compelled to step away from the Temple. The battle did not call him, no it was something else. As if he was being a puppet forced to move against his will. The compulsion driving him to move slowly at first. Heavy steps moved slow, as if the sense of dread would not leave from the very sight of him.

It was not of his will to move away from something he sought after for so long. What would come out of seeing his maker, he was not sure. After so many years he thought the man dead, his grand design for using Kyrel to destroy the Sith Empire was all but complete, somehow the question remained. Why was he here? Of all places what had drawn and led to this moment? It had all but confused Kyrel, it didn't help with the fear he felt. The man's voice was as if a madman's lullaby to the monster, and with each bloody swathe of destruction there was nothing but the endless echo of his voice.

With each heavy step, he was drawn away from the Temple, and to where he did not know. All he knew, as if not by his own hand was to follow the voice, to follow the signature that was in the Force. As if his body wanted to, and his mind did not. No matter how much he tried to will it. Wandering through the steps of the temple, and to somewhere else, not even entirely sure where of how it would all end up. Kyrel only desired to burn the Jedi Temple to the ground, to accomplish something he had dreamed of since his early days as a Knight of Ren.

Yet again he was denied of what he wanted, yet again he was the puppet guided by the strings of cruel and sadistic masters. Once more he was a tool of greeter powers. The way the irony was, he thought as he kept getting closer to where his maker was, he thought of how this must have been hell. To constantly live in eternity as a slave, not to be gained any sense of freedom, and yet so often denied of the powers he craved. To rule over all in the galaxy under his own vision of death and rebirth. Oh how this must have been what Hell really was.

Location: Within the Senate Building
Allies: BOTM/NSO Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Darth Senthral Darth Senthral Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus Zinn Zinn Bink'sa Zinn Zinn Bink'sa
Enemies: NJO/NIO Black Mynock Black Mynock
Equipment: Lightsaber

The conflict was only escalating as it seemed the entire Senate building itself was the arena of a massive showdown between the Jedi, and the machinations of the New Sith starting to come to fruition. Interitus himself in his Senatorial guise of Kalros Jerrex tried to prepare as much as he could. The main objective if at all possible was to slip away as a harmless Senator, if he was ever so lucky to try and get away as quickly as he could. So far it had seemed the Jedi had been too distracted by the Sith coming in abundance. As he kept focusing on packing some "Essential" items for his evacuation, Interitus started to think that he might actually get away with it all.

With his hands over a case closing over a neatly arranged collection of Sith texts and artifacts, he felt something draw close. Was it a Jedi? Could it be that he was already found out so soon? Surely he must have thought that such things were foolish. His eyes widened as the presence grew closer, until he heard a voice. "Reveal yourself Sith!" Interitus slowly turned, his saber ready within the sleeve of his garb. Ready to strike if he couldn't try to talk his way out of it that is. Upon quick glance, this being, this man seemed covered in armor, like a strange creature. It had all seemed odd, strange for a Sith such as he.

"Sith? I beg your pardon Master Jedi. I am a Senator of Denon, very grateful represenative of the Alliance. You Jedi have lost your minds, if you think I am a Sith. I mean no harm, now please if you will. Will you escort me away from this horrible battle." He spoke calmly. As if trying to portray a gentle and kind nature to the Jedi, a demeanor to show that he didn't mean any harm. If it would work, he wasn't sure. But that's where his saber came in. If luck would have it, this weird looking Jedi would just let him pass. If anything Interitus knew that he might not even buy the act, and he would have to make a quick getaway as soon as possible. Interitus slowly turned around, gripping the handle of the case of the artifacts.

"Um, you see I just gotta leave with these family heirlooms. No Sith around here you see." He said, treating this Jedi as he were an idiot, by looking around in each direction of his office, and giving the Jedi a shrug. "Now, either get me outta here or go deal with the real Sith in that weird costume you got there. Don't make me tell the Chancellor about this."


Gear: Equipment: Armour, Hold-out Bolter, Boltgun, Grenades, Sidearm, Sidearm 2, Sabre, Ion Paddle Beamer.
Enemies: Maw/Sith
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall , Dakrul Dakrul

It was a pattern really. It had happened to the Galactic Republic, then the first post-Gulag Galactic Alliance. Now it happened to Galactic Alliance 2.0. First the 'good guys' - or simply the less vile class of imperialists - defeated the evil Sith, then they turned self-doubting and succumbed to internal squabbles and rot. Then the Sith 'returned from the shadows' and hit Coruscant. In this case, the Alliance had not totally beaten them per se. After all, Csilla had burnt while the crumbling Sith Empire was still in its death throes.

But then as now treason was involved. It was all a cycle. War, destruction, decay. The one thing that had changed that the cycle usually took longer to fulfill than they did now, where it seemed to be every few years. It had started long before Elpsis was born and it would continue long after she had died. Probably in a trench in some gods-forsaken hellhole - a better fate than passing away in a comfortable bed in a luxurious villa, having wasted her life with decadence. What had happened before would happen again and again. There was no final battle between light and dark, no 'chosen one' - or Sith'ari, for that matter - who would end the cycle. She accepted it.

Buildings were burning, and corpses were piling up in the streets. Bombs fell, and the whine of blaster fire and howl of missiles echoed across the city centre. Elpsis felt fine. Not good, or happy. Battle did not give her joy in the way it did Nyssa. She did not feel a sense of exaltation when she gunned down Mawists, carved through them with her sabre or set them on fire and reduced them to charred husks.

But nor did she recoil from it. A lifetime of fighting had desensitised her. Or perhaps simply awoken her to her purpose. And so she dealt out death. Jedi, Temple Guards and Alliance soldiers were trying to fight off the intruders. Fire burst from her as she hastened across the rubble. The Jedi - C'nyar - was at her side. The Gand swatted bolts away with her gleaming lightsabre, and Elpsis burnt. A slug round struck her, and she winced at the pain, but pressed on.

A blast of flame and concussive force sent Sith minions flying, if they were not cooked outright. Fierce counterfire came their way, and she sought cover behind some rubble. Raising her bolter towards a Mawist position, she pumped out explosive bolts. With the Mawists suppressed, her Jedi companion leapt into the fray, slicing through foes. Elpsis did not have the mobility for that, or even the grace for such bladework. It did take the heat off though, and followed. Pieces of rubble, super-heated through her power, were turned into white-hot shrapnel and directed through veins and organs. Throats were ripped out, limbs crippled. And Inferno blazed alongside the Jedi's blue lightsabre. Her cybernetic fist broke a man's arm, her sabre ripped his throat away.

It was then that she felt the wave of darkness and suffering emanating from one of the vessels hovering above. Hundreds of voices cried out in agony as they were fed into literal hellfire. The psychic cry slammed into her skull. Feeling disorientated, she missed the howl of two rockets and the smoke plumes shooting towards her. Dimly, she roared the Jedi roar, then she was suddenly thrown to the ground. With a wave of her hand, C'nyar sent the rockets flying off-course towards some Mawists.

When Elpsis regained her bearings, she heard a groan of pain from the Jedi, struck by a slug round. And the war cry of a charging Ren. A cascade of lightning arced towards them. Some of it was absorbed by her arm, the rest hit. She grit her teeth, letting the pain and the absorbed energy fuel her. Enough to catch the blood-coloured sabre. Her enchanted hand burnt. So did the Ren's arm when flames suddenly materialised, spreading up his shoulder and to his mask. He shrieked in agony, the sound wave smashing into her skull, causing her to stagger. Forced to drop his blade, he tore the burning mask from his face. Then the Jedi clove him from shoulder to belly.

The two looked at each other. No time for thanks. Instead they looked up. "I sense darkness. What the hell's going there?" the Jedi spoke.
"Nothing good. We gotta get up." As Elpsis looked around, she could see more Mawists approaching. Bolts screamed through the air.
"I'm needed here. You go. I'll cover you," the Gand spoke.

Elpsis nodded grimly. As weapons' fire came their way, she broke into a sprint, hearing the roar of engines. A speeder descended from the sky, blaster cannons roaring. High-powered scarlet bolts hammered the ground even as Inferno slashed them out of the air. She hit the dirt hard. As the speeder came at her, guns blazing, she reached out with the Force and hurled the pilot from his seat. Then she leapt, though her bad leg howled. Landing, she quickly took the controls...narrowly avoiding the vehicle crashing into rubble.

Blaster fire strafed the speeder, but she steered it upward, trying to weave a path through the hellstorm that the sky had become. Her comm beeped. "Hey, Red. What's your status?"
She could hear gunfire. "Nat? Where are you?" She continued steering the speeder upward through the sky, aiming for the huge dropship looming up ahead.
"I was about to kill a Sith Rights Movement leader, but the Sithies just had to interrupt the party."
"Doesn't matter now. I'll just mess with his bank accounts."
More gunfire, then an explosion, followed by a lull. "Let me guess, you're death charging something."
"Doing my job."
Then she suddenly heard a gunshot and a cry of pain. "Nat?
"Give 'em hell, Red."
The line died before she could respond.
"Frak." Anger coursed through her, as did worry. "May the Lifeweb surround you," she said quietly. There was no doubt, there was only duty.

With a transport ship this large, it was not hard to find a place to land. A strong wind blew her way and she almost slipped when she stepped onto the hull, but held on. As she looked down, she saw the Jedi being swarmed by a ferocious mob that seemed to have no end no matter how many she struck down. Finding a hatch, she pressed her hand to it. The hatch soon began to glow as she poured blazing heat into it. Then she drew her lightsabre and began to cut through the glowing metal.


Return of the Jedi vol. I
Issue #3 - The Battle of Coruscant

Darth Interitus Darth Interitus
"Sith? I beg your pardon Master Jedi. I am a Senator of Denon, very grateful represenative of the Alliance. You Jedi have lost your minds, if you think I am a Sith. I mean no harm, now please if you will. Will you escort me away from this horrible battle."
The Black Mynock did not falter in his stance. After passing through the threshold into the Senator's office, he slowly panned his gaze across the room before extending a hand out to close it. One more obstacle after him, if something surprised, or got the better of him. If the Senator wasn't a Sith infiltrator, the Mynock was counting on them being frightened enough to forfeit the case.

Then again, there were other options, and the leading hand that rested just around his back, caressing the bottom end of one of his hilts itched to be of use.

"Um, you see I just gotta leave with these family heirlooms. No Sith around here you see." He said, treating this Jedi as he were an idiot, by looking around in each direction of his office, and giving the Jedi a shrug. "Now, either get me outta here or go deal with the real Sith in that weird costume you got there. Don't make me tell the Chancellor about this."
Even if he were wrong, the man behind the suit did not care. Authority be damned. What were they going to do? Arrest him? No different than what the Senate was already in the midst of doing, and probably would've done if the Maw attack did not occur. That is, if there was no malicious intent within the Senate. But Dagon said otherwise, and he trusted his word.

Frowning, the words of the 'Denon' Senator replayed in his mind.

Family heirlooms, huh?

He couldn't make this chit up.

You should choose your words more carefully.

Bobbing his head up and down, the leatheris palm of his gauntlet tightened around the base of his hilt. Inching higher upon it so that he had a firm grasp before he made his move.

He had made the mistake once of giving a Sith a chance. The opportunity to surrender and give themself over willingly. They had preferred a burning hole in their sternum, rather than jail time in an Alliance prison. But that had been after they tried to gun him down in an attempt to escape. His nostrils flared as he exhaled. Not again.

Fool me once.

Glancing down to himself, and then back up to the Senator, it'd make no difference for him because he could not see the Thyrsian's features - but he smiled.

"That's just the thing, Senator. I'm not a Jedi."

From around his back his arm whipped around, the sapphire laser sword bursting out of its hilt as he lunged forth. A well practiced flourish that led his hand in a strike attempting to cleave the Senator's hand clean at the wrist - to sever it holding onto the case.

He could've been wrong. He could've been assaulting a galactic official. An act that'd cement his image as a vigilante. But the pros outweighed the cons. Besides, if he was wrong? A fancy new hand wouldn't be out of the budget for pretentious scum like him anyway.
if they're watching anyways

Auteme compartmentalized.

Not too long ago she would've been stricken, crippled by worry over those who'd been injured, and those who were in danger. Nimdok's arm was gone, Kirie was under assault, Saan'an froze.

Kaigann Fossk, a man she'd seen as a friend, an ally, a kindly old man, was a Sith Lord. His power seemed overwhelming, insurmountable. The struggles outside this room became quiet. Most were surprised; she took a step back, equipped a Taozin amulet, then began gathering her strength.

Strands of the Force gathered in her hand, pooling,
weaving, forming into a most terrifying creation. The Force was water in its many forms, an icy prison, a roaring tide, a mysterious mist; for all her time in the light, even when she felt furthest from it, the Force did not punish her. The water flowed, and from her grasp leapt a creature of her own making. Translucent, eyes glazed, it roared with great fury, and the dragon's head soared about the room.

The dragon turned on Darth Solipsis, maw gaping to swallow the Sith whole. Its form was hard as steel yet its fangs would not cut him. Her focus was so drawn to what she was doing that she could not spare even a glance to the others, but she did give a few words.
"Out! Now! Towards the Senate Chamber!"

She took labored steps back, while Lucien kept in front of her, trying to ward the powerful attacks of Solipsis.
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DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

In that rush of adrenaline and of pain and confusion, memories flooded the older man's mind of times when he was a younger, more hungry soldier fresh out of the academy. Back when he was carefree and ambitious, now he was old and greying. A son of a minor noble turned leader of Galidraan and commander of legions of Galidraans finest Imperial troops. Willan never understood his father's aversion to the pursuit of war. It was something his mind did not comprehend, but now as he grew older and tired, he became intimately aware of his father's plight as he reached his father's age and became accustomed to the horrors of war.

Helped to his feet by his remaining two bodyguards, Tal picked up a blaster rifle and wiped the blood from his brow. The gun felt heavy in his hands; the new SA-65 rifle was heavier than its older predecessor, the SA-35, which the Galidraani forces had extensive usage over the past few decades. And it still packed a hefty punch as one would say on such matters, served his men well enough blasting away Sith fools. Whichever of the dark Mawite Sith lords, eldritch forces awaited them would be in for a lifetime fight against the small ragtag band of Galidraani generals and bodyguards. He'd see to it as such.

Tal chuckled and nodded at Erskine as he moved to push a table over for the cover, balancing his SA-65 atop and recalibrating the sights on them. He muttered under his breath, counting down the moments until those creatures burst through the welcome suite below and greeted Tal and Barran. He turned his neck to face Barran and shouted over the roar of the distant explosions.

"Just like the old times, eh? like back on the academy."

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


Parting Clouds
The Executive Building // The Executive Wing// Coruscant
Chimera Chimera


The presence of armored Senate Guards in the place of the highly ceremonial robed guard that normally escorted her was perhaps what alarmed Adhira most. It was a sign of a very serious situation, not a routine evacuation of the Executive Building. She grabbed her personal comm and followed the Captain into a phalanx of heavily armored commandos. "Aarav!?" She didn't even realize that she was shouting into the receiver of her comm as she raced through a seemingly endless corridor, surrounded on all sides by cerulean. The Chancellor had not even noticed the red flashing lights in the corridor as her guards frantically pushed bureaucrats out of her way on the way to the secret landing bay... that is, until the grim face of her husband appeared on the screen in her hand.

"Aarav," she said, sternly as his visage came into focus, "something is wrong."

"I've gathered."

"This isn't funny."


She could see that her husband was being rushed through a series of familiar corridors in the Executive Building. He knew this was no routine evacuation. They were being ushered to the top-secret landing bay where they had drilled being evacuated to Balmorra dozens of times in the rare event of a planetary attack. "I will meet you on the landing pad," she could not tell from the justle of the comm, but she was certain he had nodded in response. "I love you."

"I love you too, flower."

The connection was cut off suddenly as the building shifted beneath her feet. The lights flickered. Yet they continued on until they reached an elevator. Adhira piled into the elevator with at least a dozen of her guard. She noted that a few had stayed behind. The ground beneath her feet plummeted as the lift raced to one of the lowest levels of the Executive Building. "What's happening, Captain," she finally dared to ask.

"Coruscant is under attack, ma'am," he replied, with little elaboration. All she could manage to do was think how impossible that explanation sounded, but she resolved not to question him. An attack? On Coruscant? At the center of one of the most powerful nations in the galaxy? Her brow furrowed in frustration at the thought. Never before, even by the Sith Empire had the Jewel of the Core been assaulted under her reign.

When the elevator opened, as the Senate Commandos rushed forward, she saw Aarav surrounded by his own escort across the way and rushed toward him. The First Couple of the Alliance shared a brief embrace before turning toward a disguised Alliance ship that was meant to see their family out of the atmosphere and to a safe distance from the capital planet. Yet, Adhira felt a pull on her heart that made her hesitate, ​
"You need to go, Aarav." ​
The confusion on his face was apparent to her, but she pushed him away. "The girls have already been evacuated... I need you to go with them to Balmorra. I will be fine, but... whatever threat we face here... I cannot abandon my office..."


"You have to go. Now." Her tone was stern, but she could already feel the wetness welling up at the corner of her eyes. Adhira kissed the Balmorran man again before he started in the direction of the shuttle with a few Senate Guards in tow, checking the surroundings of the landing bay. The Chancellor watched as her husband boarded the ship, the ramp lifted into the air, and the thrusters began to take off, wishing with all her heart that he found himself safely to their home planet.

And then...​
Location: Leaving Kaigann Fossk’s office
Tags: Auteme Auteme Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Romi Jade Romi Jade Kirie Kirie Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

Nimdok’s disruption of the Dark Lord’s nervous system succeeded. The senator-gone-rogue’s retaliation was swift, driving a mental spike deep into Nimdok’s psyche.

The seed of doubt had been planted almost from the very beginning, but now with the revelation that the Sith had infiltrated the Senate, it sprung from the fertile soil of Nimdok’s mind and flowered like a night-bloom under cover of Darkness. The fighting, the death, the destruction he sensed from the Jedi Temple—Nimdok bore some of the responsibility for it all.

Yet he had believed he was doing the right thing. How could all of this be right?

Stunned into inaction, Nimdok watched almost uncomprehendingly as Morteg knocked the senator’s lightsaber from his hands. The Dark Lord’s fingertips sparked with lightning, only to be blocked by a barrier conjured by Coren Starchaser.

A dragon made from energy burst from the weaving fingers of Auteme. The strangeness of the sight finally snapped Nimdok out of the horrified trance he had fallen into, and he began to back out of the room. Even as he followed her, his thoughts dwelled on the lack of surprise apparent in her expression, and the fact that she had brought a bodyguard with her for the occasion, and that she was the one yelling orders to the group, dictating where they should go...

Had she known this would happen? And yet she still sent us in there with him unprepared…

He pushed these thoughts down. There probably was a perfectly logical explanation for all of this. It was only the infusion of the Dark Side lingering in his mind casting a shadow of doubt over the entire affair. Any of the others in the group could have known Kaigann Fossk was a Sith. Romi, Coren, Morteg, Kirie. Maybe it was only Nimdok who was still in the dark. What about Saan’an—was his cowardice only for show?

Either way, if Saan’an was still cowering, he might just drag the boy out by the collar. Or he would have, if he'd still had a free arm to grab him with.

What now?” he called to the others, his voice a low growl. “Do we need him alive, or can we seal him in and gas his ass?
She Left Behind A Legacy


Our worst fears realized.
...A terrible truth


She trailed behind the others, a few seconds to a minute off their collective cadence; a detour put her and Nimdok's apprentice behind. She sent Aayla ahead, however, to be with her Master. She fairly walked after her, but she hit the door to Kaigann's office before Romi. The door glided open at the presence of the Padawan, she spied figures seemingly standing around.

No confrontation yet.

One. two ---the door slid closed---three...her fourth step was caught by the sensor and she floated through the entrance. The world around her fell into a sluggish phase, but the chill she felt crawl the length of spine moved at supernatural speed. Before she realized it her sight was full of Aayla exiting in haste, cutting around her frame, and of course the smell: seared flesh and ozone.

Romi's breath stopped instantly.


She caught the end of a sudden arc of red plasma shearing through Nimdoks arm as it tumbled away to the tune of his roar. By that point she'd found herself in the mix, Morteg ducked a slash that would split him through the middle that came for her instead -- While not so astonished that she forgot to defend herself, she did not have the half a second it would take to mount a proper defense -- she had to rely purely on fighting skills.


With a sudden, and desperate twist, she drew her lightsaber, intending to spin away from the attack, but her feet had somehow gotten twisted up when she cut in the trajectory of The Dark Lords Saber; the lack of drawn strength in her grip afforded him the ability to knock her weapon into an overextension. As she was falling backward, to Romi's horror she saw a secondary flash of the red lightsaber whirling for her. Naturally, she threw up her off-hand. She dropped the crystal she was holding, and her forearm swished up in defensive coverage as she slapped her hand inside the angle of the blow.

She felt heat against her fingers and saw the charred burn along the arm of her jacket; there were still embers nipping at the edges.

Continuing with her fall, she was thrown backward, though not far.

Flat like a bomb blast, she collided with the duracrete wall. She made an animal noise that was more anger than pain...but there was plenty of pain. The collision with the back of her head, had her out for? She wasn't even sure how long she'd been faded out for.

She was pissed.

Luckily the saber hadn't made it through her crushgaunts, and she had a mild burn just at the edge where they ended on her forearm. Seemed like the jacket got the most of it and it just barely got her arm -- she'd been through worse.

When she came to, she saw Coren standing just in front erecting a barrier. The crystal was near his feet. "Coren...the crystal."

She flailed for a moment as she tried to get up, she ripped her jacket off and dove for it, clenching it in her fingers as she slid across the floor. Flat along the marbled surface, she saw Solipsis launching himself over and past them; he was going for the exit.

Auteme said:
"Out! Now! Towards the Senate Chamber!"

Nimdok said:
What now?” he called to the others, his voice a low growl. “Do we need him alive, or can we seal him in and gas his ass?

She popped up and hit the door after him -- she negligently waved a hand and her wash of Force energy flew free after him, missing him but caught a wall, leaving a crater.

"Damn." She cursed, in response to Nimdok, "That's up to him!" She flew after him.

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Revenant Seven
Shields: Full
Stealth: Inactive
Fuel: Low
Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Auteme Auteme

It felt as though he was being pulled in two directions: Orders had come to fall in with Revenant squadron, which was still a ways off, hurtling to the battle in orbit. But Leon felt a pull in the Force, towards the senate complex. Even as his X-wing hurtled across the sky, flying away from the senate district, the pull remained.

What also remained was the beep to remind Revenant Seven of his fuel situation. It was enough to keep up a fight for a while--maybe an hour-- and maybe land afterwards, but if he tried to get to the fight quickly he’d fund that time drastically cut. Without any missiles either, he was down to only cannons. Of course, that particular problem was a major obstacle for the Jedi Knight.

A gloved hand activated his transmitter. The channel could be heard by all in Revenant Squadron.

{“Revenant Seven, checking in, sir. I didn’t get a full tank of fuel before lift off, so I don’t know how long I can be in the air, or if I’ll be able to reach you. Any alternative orders for me?”}

The X-wing continued it’s flight, going nowhere near as fast it’s pilot would have liked. This was his best guess for being able to reach the fight before it ended and still have enough fuel left to maneuver. Still, compared to how fast the Saber-Class could go, it was like walking when he could run.

And that itching call in the Force still remained...​




The Dark Lord of the Sith held his ground, his eyes studied his opponents and dissected them like cadavers, scanning for weakness or any openings presented before him. The ultimate defense as it had been nicknamed, 'Soresu', was primarily known for it's ability to defend against multiple opponents and generally those who utilized ranged combat. It was an effective catch-all in combat, especially lightsaber combat where it paired perfectly against the powerful blows of Djem-So. The Elder held his stance, saber at the ready as his opponents continued to surround him.

He readied himself for whatever they would throw at him next.

The Shield of the Jedi gathered her strength in the Force, calling upon the empyrean to bring forth an avatar of her own, a conjured guardian of the Ashla molded from her hands. The familiar sprang forth from the air in a gathered mist, almost as if it was akin to water in it's conjured state. Translucent eyes gleaned forth upon him, the blessed creature took final shape in the form of a dragon's head and soared. It's gaping maw opening as it approached the Dark Lord of the Sith, his head momentarily tilted in astonishment and surprise, what the hell was this?

Twirling, spinning his body out of harm's reach the dragon's snare narrowly missed his being. The Dark Lord hissed, his sulfuric eyes locked immediately upon the beast's form as it came back for another go. He struck against it's gaping maw, rolling out of it's path as reached out with his saber.

No dice. His weapon cleaved through the form of the dragon's head, cutting straight through the fanged maw. As he turned to gaze upon his handiwork he found he had made no visible effect to the familiar as it mended back together seemlessly. Before he could attack the source or move against the party again, he was intercepted, parried by the sudden emergence of Lucien Dooku. He swatted away at the pest's defensive screen, backpedaling to create space for his next move.

The Dark Lord growled under his breath, visibly frustrated. He let the Force gather and wrap around him as he bent his knees, putting forcible pressure into his footing. In an instant, the Sith Master springboarded off the ground with an augmented leap backward. Landing into the entryway leading out of the office battleground into the adjacent halls of the Senatorial Complex. A crooked smile would spread across his lips as he rose near the doorway as they screamed open.

His haunting laughter filled the hall as he left the chamber, beckoning for them to follow.

Romi Jade Romi Jade , freshly recovered from the heat of battle immediately sprung into action and followed in hot pursuit. A nearby panel bent in from the telekinetic force unleashed by the Jedi Master, swing and a miss. A narrow miss at that. The Dark Lord took note as he spun around to engage the party once more if they would pursue as Jade had.

He would lure them to their doom.

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Post: 2
Objective: Requiem for a Dream
Location: Nether, just outside the endless desert.
Allies: Dakrul Dakrul
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


A sea of Ash stood in front of Tegan, it was not the first time she found herself it what seemed like the endless desert of the Nether. To one not of Tegan’s knowing it would seem to be an endless abyss you could walk on for eternity in any direction. It was meant to disorient and cause the soul as the wandered to reflect on all they had done good, evil, or just the mundane. It was meant to pe a place of contemplation before you moved onto another part of the nether for those that didn’t have a guide. Yet Tegan had been here a thousand times before, she knew this places secret and what one had to do to walk out from it.

As she walked forward through the desert of ash her mind dwelled on all her pain and suffering. The abuse she had endured since her birth in ancient times. She was a child stolen away from her mother at birth by her uncle who then turned her over to a rival tribe as tribute. Her Uncle who only wanted power this deed having both her mother and father, even though her father did survive. Her childhood stolen from her by greed for power.

She was placed in nursery with many other children fed once a day force to cry as babes do for days on end. Years went by many died but Tegan somehow survived a feral creature then taken from that nursey and whip, beaten, and tortured into obedience like a Dog. Her mind broken and shattered the only defense from the pain life had shown her. Then forced in the mines to work for days straight before being allowed to sleep or eat. Until the day she was given to man who was interesting in learn why her eyes had such a strange orange tint to them.

It was there she learned the real cruelty of humanity, as she was experimented on. Her flesh was scarred and burned. She was poked and prodded, her flesh desecrated as the mad scientist so desperately searched for his answer to a question that shouldn’t matter. In truth he sought the answer so he could sell to the industry that made the latest fashion in the cosmetic industry that people would rave over. Tegan to him was nothing more then lab rat that would be put down as soon as he got his answers.

Yet one day, like all people mistakes were made and Tegan manage to get freed from her bindings. Tegan proceeded to unleash her cruelty on the man’s family. Slaughtering even the infant in the crib, the man’s family all but innocent had been nothing more than ignorant. The floors stained with blood she stared down the man, who look on at her in horror. Everything he had worked for had come to the most destructive and violent end at the hands of the diminutive, little monster that now stood over him as he clutched his dead infant in his arms.

As she seethed and stared at him all she had ever known and ever been shown was cruelty. All her life had ever been to that point was pain and suffering. All she knew was that to inflict it on others was the right thing to do, because if she didn’t, they would inflict it upon her first. Life was nothing more then a game you either act first or it will act upon you taking all it can.

“I was born to pain; All I was taught was cruelty.” Her thoughts dwelled on that as the desert opened up and showed her the pathway out. There were only two ways to deal with the endless desert repent for what you did or show it that your cruel acts were justified and unavoidable. Though Tegan’s acts where not always justifiable they were unavoidable as she was a product of the cruelest part of existence, she knew nothing else. She had learned this that night as she stared at the man seething and she slit her own throat her first death. Sometime later in her life she would come back to that retrieve her bones and bury them on Korriban in the temple where another one of her bodies was buried.

Tegan emerged from the desert onto another plain of the Nether one she did not exactly recognize. Then again, the Nether was endless so it was like she had planned to step foot on a plain she knew instinctively. Though it was now that she realized she was free of Rhand, she couldn’t feel it all around her anymore. Something had freed her from that prison though she was free she could hardly remember her time as part of Rhand. It was like it was being obscured and hidden from her, what had she seen and learned in that time she had to wonder.

Tegan called out around where she was at. “Hello anyone there?” She expected one of those nether guides or something to show up they had a habit of doing annoying chit like that. Then her eyes glinted it a few kilometers off in the distance the lights of a small something temple, village, or something else with he nether it could be traveling soul and flesh circus if you were very unlucky.

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