Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine

Waymar Dathrohan



Ozma Olumivius Ozma Olumivius



"What's it like to bleed for a worthless Empire?"


The saber swiped through jagged metal as marauder of flesh and steel fell to the battered street of pristine metallic caked in urban ash. The Queen of the Core was once thought untouchable...and tonight it burned. And in an even more surrealist display, the Knights of the Empire were some of the few force users in force here to defend the capital of the Alliance. The Jedi had been confined, put in chains and imprisoned within their own center of worship and traditions.

There was no harmony here, there was only chaos.

"Get up trooper." Waymar beckoned to one of the 501st at his flank, the cobalt clad stormtrooper rising to his feet and aiming sights toward the enemy. They were outnumbered and outgunned without the initiative. Coruscant wasn't a city well drawn out in Imperial infantry movement doctrine. Similar cities certainly were, Ravelin, Carannia...but there were only the most secrative plans hidden in war case gold that had Coruscant in its sights. Even, they held a hand of cards far less than what they'd ever be them here.

<"Vandal. I need over watch on sector aurek seven, we're on the threat of getting overwhelmed."> Waymar transmitted back to the Storm Commando Commander which was one of the officers in charge of managing the protection of the Imperator's retinue on Coruscant. Given the nature of Fel, a formality at most.


<"I have eyes, I'll get a section to reinforce your front momentarily. Just hold."> Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask commanded the way of his slight subordinate in the Knight Lieutenant. Atop the rooftop of a nearby lower height skyscraper, Vrask and his command squad immediately clammored to set up a make shift command post, a node amongst many to help manage the city's dogged and chaotic defense. As horrid as these conditions were, Vrask and the rest of the boys in grey would not see the Imperial contribution falter. His own sniped among mortars, rocket launchers and other fixed weapons were set along the edge of the tower.

<"Paint that grid mark in tube drops.">
Vrask commanded, mortar rounds, looking through the scope of his snipe as he briefly appraised the tactical situations. He had 501st troopers and an Imperial Knight bogged down near a street intersection. Rules of engagement be damned, their job all wasn't save the was to kill the enemy.

<"Do a round of smoke to cover their movement back for medievac of the wounded and then dot it up with anti-personnel."> Kolson commanded to a nearby Storm Commando who sent the order down the line to the mortars.

<"That'll likely land within 500 meters of sure you wanna pull the trigger on that?"> The Commando asked, arching a brow under his helmet.

<"It'll be fine, they won't be if we keep waiting. Get it done.">

The Storm Commando replied.

As of now, Waymar and his small contingent of troopers were huddled right near the edge of the Maw's assault on this district. They were put in the muck quickly, close quarters with rampaging savages. With support coming, Waymar and his men needed to draw the Maw into the nearest intersection, taking up positions in the nearby buildings before mortars rained down unto the enemy. But with them in spitting distance, this was a greater ask than Vrask would ever know.





Indignation overstepped the boundaries of her concern, and she snapped an angry glower in Konrad’s direction. It was only for a second before her stormy focus was back on the lane in front of her. Vehicles of varying shapes and sizes were threatening the threshold of their speeds, tearing away from the plumage and seeking sanctuary far, far the central district near the temple. The spaceports were likely heinous by now.

Whatever level of rage was building inside of her against her former classmate abated to make way for a chilling, warning sensation. The Force gave her an internal klaxon that shouted at her that doom was launching at them from overhead. She looked up just in time to see an onyx silhouette falling through narrow spaces right for them.

With nothing concrete to stabilize the airspeeder, the vehicle dipped and buoyed under the sudden impact on its hood. Immediately, she shoved herself backward and squirmed down, pinning herself away from the sparking transparisteel and vibroblade. At the same time, the repulsor accelerated with a jolt when she shoved down and stomped her foot down against the pedals. It made the vehicle lurch excitedly before it smoothed back into its hyper-speedy trajectory.

Ishida was unhurt but shaken from her focus on the temple, and those within it, by the suddenness of the collision. From her vantage point, the looming shadow bled red light, creating a fantastically more intimidating illusion of self and obscuring the natural flow of their armour. Making it all the more difficult to discern which parts of their panoply were vulnerable. She sneered at the inconvenience.

"Steer, stupid!!"

“No chit.” Heat surged from her chest and broke through the blockage at her throat: “You don’t–” sharp turn of the wheel,“––Tell me what to do,” Ishida growled above the din of traffic crunch of Konrad’s phrik and the assailant’s weapon. Stating the obvious just seemed to conveniently be on his side –– but she could at least let it be known in their shared space that she was driving and steering by the accord of her own volition, not by way of his brattish command.

Not being able to see through the black shroud of a human on her windshield made it difficult to navigate through oncoming traffic –– the impact had veered them into another lane (not that anyone was really obeying traffic laws right now). Blaring horns angrily barked at the airspeeder, and she extended her metaphysical senses to warn her of collisions several seconds before they almost happened. Unfortunately, this was a civilian craft and didn’t have armaments she could fire to clear their path. Barrelling toward them was an onslaught of civilian and commercial cruisers, all with their own survival at the fore of their focus. She managed to dip and swerve below and around two potential vehicle-and-bone-crushing accidents. Drivers cussed over their horns as they sailed by.

It happened so fast, that Konrad and the attacker were still fatally linked. And it didn’t take a warrior’s training to perceive they couldn’t stay like that forever.
The environment had to change. And it had to be on her terms –– if Konrad could catch on quickly enough, he might survive too.

It might not have been a technique born in honour, but she’d seen its effectiveness once before. On Lao-Mon, no less. The earlier she could try, the quicker she could get to those that needed her help. After she’d abandoned them and conveniently decided the Jedi path was not for her. After she’d conveniently taken up resistance within Hayata’s hotel, rather than the temple.

“Hold on.” Ishida grunted from her scrunched-down position a split instant before moving into action. The wheel twisted violently on her command, and she moved with it. The vehicle remained on its straightforward trajectory, airborne, but rotated sharply to invert. What was up became down, and the pair in the convertible seats would have to adapt to the sharp change of their environment. Ideally, they were faster than their assailant.

To sweeten their odds, Ishida followed the fluid momentum of the shift and now spinning vehicle and gripped the durasteel frame of the shield, swinging forward with both heels together at the chest of their attacker. With force-imbued leg strength and momentum, it’d hopefully be enough to make him stomp back or otherwise interrupt the usefulness of the magboots.

He would be shaken from this vehicle. This airspeeder would make it to her brother and the others at the temple –– even if it was purely by ferocious will.



FOLLOWING ME | Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk





KILL Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , All Jedi


The two opposing warriors stared down one another in the heat of battle as chaos reigned around them. The Sith assassin continued his advance, unimpeded with grim resolve. He still felt the pain of his defeat on Lao-Mon with each step he took, behind his mask were eyes burning with the fires of Mustafar staring back upon the image of a dead man. A Jedi who would not so easily escape him again.

Now, where was that..

A telekinetic blast suddenly buffered against the two, aiming to tear them apart as Letifer stumbled and struggled to catch himself. He immediately backpedaled, falling upon his preternatural instincts as he twirled back and away from the incoming blade that would of spelt deja-vu all over again.

The Sith assassin growled under his breath, “Not this time.” His gaze immediately fell to his flank, scouting for his apprentice Menelik Menelik . After a quick scan he let loose a telekinetic strike of his own, looking to put some distance between he and his opponents momentarily.

“Lord Hydrus!”

Without waiting for a reply from Dimitri Voltura, the Sith reached out with the empyrean grasp to snatch hold of a nearby massive column for the entryway and focused all his will upon it. He groaned and strained his eyes looking upon the likely soon to be advancing Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and Jem Fossk Jem Fossk . He felt the duracrete begin to strain and crumble.

If he was successful, a massive column reaching high to the massive vaulted ceilings would collapse and fall unto his prey, if not more than that but many of the Jedi themselves fighting the
New Sith Order.


Aemulor the Hutt


Unfettered Vengeance Star Destroyer

The Underhand Deal stealth shuttle

Aemulor the Hutt smiled a wide smile across his face as he advanced on the Jedi temple, hundreds of the Infested marched in front of him, his will pushing them on. They marched in near silence together. The first elements of his forces had breached the temple alongside the other Sith, but the bulk followed behind. They fought with terrifying ferocity and cared nothing for their losses and the violence required to achieve their goals, the steps of the temple were covered in blood and the corpses of the fallen.

Aemulor arrived at the door in front of him, a secondary entrance primarily used by visiting dignitaries, he would prevent flight of any survivors from here. His soldiers broke into two sections, the first formed and arc, guns trained on any access points on this wall, the second readied their guns at their hips, and with a guttural roar from Aemulor, they charged into battle, they would kill everything that was not Maw, they would tear down this monument to the hubris of the Jedi order.


This attack on the jedi temple was not Aemulor's only goal on coruscant. He had word that a target of note was here. And with the Jedi occupied, she would be his. He needed a powerful non-force user as both an experimental project and as a trophy to hand, used and broken to the Maw to help improve his station. He was the newest member of the New Sith Order, but the shattered body of Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana would certainly improve his station. She was at the Bastion Concord, she would likely be protected, but it would be minimal with the Alliance locking up the Jedi. He would have her, he would test her and he would break her.

At the edges of the Bastion, far below the damage caused by the crashed shuttle, dozens of Infested lined up with a Zabrak Bounty hunter named Uros Hostin. Uros felt the force around him and had bound these creatures to his will for this missions. The first thing was to locate her, the extract her. He looked up, playing with a small hair pin, an item carelessly dropped by Draellix at another summit. He tasted the pin, the scent of the woman was on the few hairs, he could feel her. He would have her soon.

Firing a grapple up to a high window, his servanrs began climbing too, with grapples and with pitons. Once on tbe balcony, the hunt would begin.
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“This one’s for yew chiefie!”

His grip over the handle tightened as he slammed it forward, a sudden burst of power emerged as the MAW Spider Cruiser unleashed it’s payload of firepower into the dome of the Senate Building down below. He watched as small flowers of fire lit up the top of the magnificent dome with small chunks of debris floating into the air.

A sudden roar of praise filled the Spider Cruiser and Kryll, reluctant Vinesworn and famed Marauder Lieutenant merely scowled with a hint of satisfaction as he scurried away from the cockpit into the depths of the vessel. Immediately the marauder suited up, arming himself for the fight of a lifetime and a chance to honor the Avatars with the blood of the Core Worlders. “Aight raight aight, listen here you maggots!”

He screamed over the comms, “You know what The Mongrel The Mongrel and our liege Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood want. Drop the walkers and establish a perimeter around the Senate District.” He snorted and spit a hot lugey. “All other craft outta be makin’ an advance to the waterworks. We gonna kill em’ all and if we can’t we won’t leave them much to survive with. Ye here me Mawites!”

The vessel filled with zealous uproar, “War! Death! Rebirth!”

The MAW Spider Cruisers flew down, releasing their holds over the several walkers in waves before taking to land themselves to create terror in the streets.

“Engage the Alliance and New Imperials forming the line. Scorched earth laddies.”

The top hatch to the Spider Cruiser opened atop it’s arching back as it made landfall, Kryll climbed up onto the surface of the behemoth and clamped down with straps. He would ride this beast into victory and lead the charge.




868 ABY, highway leading to the 500 Republica, Galactic City, Coruscant.

Kelga'an grunted. He and his men were on a permacrete way, joining the 500 Republica where Sergeant Omen and his boys were waiting for them. He raised his gun and analyzed the battlefield in front of him, scanning the ground to identify any enemy or ally. But no one was visible, and Nukth ordered to keep moving forward. They had to be fast, very fast even, to rally Omen's positions. Their presence was needed further, and they didn't have any time to spend unnecessarily by being too careful.

Something caught his attention, while this thing had been caught by Double-Five -- one of his men. He frowned behind his helmet and waited for an explanation from the commando.

"A'right sir, it's just a mail! Nothing important, ahah!" said the trooper.
"Keep it preciously, Dub-Fi, I did not see a real mail for a while... especially on a battlefield." answered the Captain.
"Oski, sir, I put it in my bag."
"Good boy Fi, good boy."
taunted another trooper named Skull. "Follow Captain's orders."
"Hey guys, can I have some respect from ya?"
intervened their Sergeant. "Please, we are on an ops!"
"Sure, boss."
answered Double-Five.
"We get it sir: channel 7 for private discussions." added Skull while changing his channel.
"Thank ya, Sergeant." finished Nukth.
"No problem Cap!"

Kelga'an got a look to his HUD and saw a Maw's platoon coming on his position from a makeshift outpost on the highway, just 4 or 5 klicks away from them. He took his blaster and covered himself, prepared to engage the enemies as they were approaching him and his guys.

"All right, everyone, take a look to the bastards that come. Be prepared to punch them in the mouth...or in the maaaw!"

He started a countdown was the soldiers were coming and, when he went to zero, he gave the order to attack them. The soldiers' wave surged on the guys from the Maw and the confrontation lasted a few minutes before there was nothing left from the Brotherhood. Kelga'an counted two soldiers injured in his ranks and no deaths. In the opposite platoon, no one was still standing. The Banshees were killing in cold blood the remnants and the area was declared as cleaned by his scouts. Dub-Fi went to him.

"Sir! This is the famous mail!"
"Stang, I forgot it. Thank ya Fi, ya can dispose now."

Slowly, he read the paper written by a certain unidentified senator. As he reached the end, he looked up to the sky.

"Stang, stang, stang..." he mumbled.
"Everything oski, Cap?" asked a Lieutenant.
"We're facing big problems..." answered the Captain, putting away the mail.
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The speed of the vehicle was unprecedented for him. It was different being attached to the hood of a repulsorcraft, than it was being inside.

Though that realization only came after the black haired passenger protected his initial target. The split second of mental clarity that came with his entrapped saber brought recognition crashing down on his psyche. Behind the helmet, his features twisted, upper lip raising as a disgusted snarl emanated from his mouth. Mechanical in nature after its short journey through the vocal attachments regenerating his voice to make it unrecognizable.

Leaning forwards, he was nearly thrown over the windshield due to the speed they were going at. His robes flapped out on either side, further obfuscating their drivers vision.

The crimson blade dragged back, out of the temporary grasp of the spiked vambrace. He was in the midst of plunging downwards, this time right over the windshield to impale the black haired occupant before his youthful features became a match of familiarity from years past. Kon, burst across the forefront of his mind as her put a name to the face.

There was a tilt of his head in those brief moments. Curiosity. And then a shifting glance sent in the direction of his white haired partner. Ishi-

The world flipped over itself.

To ride on the hood with the magno-grip boots, he was already forced to balance, and bend to the whim of their speeding driver. Flipped upside down, the abrupt shift in gravity to have him hanging upside led to the rush of blood to his head. A natural event on account of his position that he could not help from happening, save from bending his upper torso as the world sailed past him while upside down.

Through sheer force of will, and a life time of physical conditioning.

The burn was prominent in his abdomen. As if the pain itself was lit aflame in his gut as his arms swung on either side of him. The inertia from the speeds was taxing, even as he devoted his attention to this next feat. One hand launched forwards to grasp tightly on the frame of the windshield. Some sense of bearing regained, but in the following moments a Force-charged foot crashed into the glass, that exploded out into him

Shards became lodged into the padded robes, just enough to sink deep enough and penetrate that upper layer of skin. There was no time to pat himself free of the translucent shards. Still clenching to the frame, his saber flew upwards - not at the occupants this time - but through the hood of the convertible.

Speeders oft had four lifts, one in each corner to ensure perfect equilibrium. One malfunctioning was unlikely to halt the vehicle in its entirety, but two? Coupled with being on the same half of the construct? If he was truly lucky, he'd part the hood - and himself - from the main vehicle to cause it and its occupants to topple out of the sky uncontrollably. But, he expected the vehicle to keep going, at least for a while before the plasmatic beam found the energy lines that linked a generator to the propulsion.

Meanwhile, over his shoulder and on his back, the sheathed katana remained steadfast. A single rope, with an Ashina symbol pendant bounced throughout the entirety of the ordeal.

See you soon.

The seals on the underside of his boot broke, parting him from his sickness inducing fate and he fell through the air. Watching and free of his magnetic bonds to the hood.
"So there I was in the middle of Hoth's starship graveyard when the ice gives out under me and I land in the middle of a wampa cave-"

"Imperator's iron bones, was that an explosion?!"

Atlas pursed his lips at the interruption. His annoyance only lasted until HoloNet News informed the gathered political and corporate aristocracy that Coruscant was in fact on fire. He loosened the tie on a truly decadent tuxedo he was wearing and finished the rest of his champagne. With the same kind of quiet confidence he then produced a Glie-44 from its concealed shoulder holster.

"Mister Drake," one of the Bastion delegates stared at him aghast, "There is a strict protocol against weapons-"

"That's Captain Drake."

Attending social functions like this one was his least favorite part of the job but Outbound Flight was in constant need of new fundraising and continued Senate support. Among the social elite Atlas was considered a charming oddity. He bore the reputation of a scoundrel with plenty of wealthy breeding to excuse his coarse nature. Now it seemed like he was the only thing standing between them and the purge.

"Everyone remain calm!" Drake tried to reassure those gathered, "I've dealt with this kind of pirate scum before."

With his free hand he retrieved the personal comlink from his belt and activated it.

"Drake to Constellation. Transmitting coordinates for emergency rendezvous."
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Greer sat in the cockpit of her Phoenix in deep space. Her master Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair had sent her on a small excursion to resolve a dispute on a moon not far from the inner core. To her it felt more like she was judging a clan games, watching the champions slug it out for victory. But this was the intention, the clans were headed to war over some minor disagreement, but had cooperated for years on many projects, it was just a matter for Greer, the bright young padawan to remind them of this common ground and encourage them to use their annual games to resolve the dispute instead of open violence. She had been successful her master would be proud of the resolution, he was more of a fighter than a negotiator but was still a Jedi at heart.

A ping came through on her comms, extreme range, recognised as a Jedi channel. It was a distress call, Jedi locked in the temple on coruscant, the Maw attacking. "Ashla curse the maw, what are they doing?" She cursed to herself aloud listening to the message. Then it dawned on her, the Jedi had been locked in before the Maw even arrived. She forwarded the message on to Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair "Master jedi, the maw are attacking the jedi temple on coruscant. I will head there, but need guidance as am scared it will be too much for me." She felt she had to respond to the call, but she couldn't help shake the fear that she may be heading to her death. It would take her two hours to get to coruscant from here. She just hoped the masters of her order would hear her call.
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Allies: NIO | SJC | GA | AC Aerith Krayt | Shai Krayt
Enemies: BotM | Cadere | Darth Insatious
IS-2 Medium Armour, SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster x 2 with 1 Grappling Hook attachment, Vibroknife, Thermal Detonators x 2, KXA ABDG-01x 'Null' Grenade, Smoke grenade, Wrist-mounted Personal Energy Shield


The streets were alive with the cacophony of battle as civilian life was under threat from the intrusive forces all the undesirables the galaxy had to offer. Peace was but a distant memory for the galaxy but those in the core had received their share of blissful ignorance to the horrors happening outside of their haven - until today.

Zoraya dropped down from the roof of a building onto a balcony with a thud. They had just secured the last street and were swiftly moving to advance up the next one. They had suffered a defeat at the hands of the Maw on Lao-Mon but it wouldn't happen again. They would cripple the Maw even at the expense of Coruscant.

On her HUD she could see half a dozen Stormtroopers converging on her location, their ID numbers automatically displaying on the visor, identifying them as allies. Below, she began taking a closer look at the enemy troopers but upon closer inspection she sucked in a breath at the grotesque sight of what could only be described as abominations. Whatever they were, they couldn't have been here by choice. No one would agree to such mutilation, no matter the brainwashing from their puppet master.

It was best to put them out of their misery, if they were even still alive.

A moment before she jumped, an explosion ripped through the street in front of her. She could slightly feel the intensity of the heat through the gaps in her armour. With the enemy troopers' attentions on those escaping the diner, she used a hand gesture to her incoming allies that she was going in.

She threw a thermal detonator towards those lined outside the diner and activated her personal energy shield in anticipation of return fire she would no doubt receive before jumping down from the balcony into what would soon turn into a fray below, landing in a crouch but soon rising to her feet to initiate an assault as several allies closed in from either end of the street in support.


Viper mk2 skinsuit under outfit​
Songsteel Saber​

Hand of Ashla - in orbit​

Accompanied by​
4 3 Praetorian Mk1 droids - painted white with golden guilding​
As the dust continued to settle from the initial crash, Isla and her 3 droids ran from the room, they could here more shouting in the distance, but there was nobody else here. Isla went to a side room as she wanted to see what was happening outside, the droids tried to stop her but they knew she commanded them even as they attempted to save her life.

Outside was turning into a hellscape, the blackened sky was further darkened by plumes of smoke that rose from the city, the Maw were rightfully known for their slaughter, but she wondered whether there was an element of rebellion coming from the deep and forgotten levels of the city. Seeing their government and Jedi about to fall may have emboldened them to riot. She hoped not, but she had seen scenes like that before as the Sith Empire collapsed. The downtrodden always knew the perfect time to show their hatred for the upper parts of society. She sighed, not blaming them for their frustrations.

There was another loud bang as what looked like a turbolaser shot hit one of the watch towers not far from her window, the glass flickered, not glass, a forcefield made to mimic glass. One of the droids walked up to her with a blaster carbine in its hand. "Admiral.. your security is our priority... we need to leave... use this weapon..." the droid rapidly stripped, checked and reassembled the weapon to ensure it would be reliable before handing it to Isla, the safety switched off.

Isla found it heavy in her arms, but she had fired guns before and would get used to it again. "OK droids, which way?" She pointed out the window "our shuttle is about two kilometres that way, but comms are down, we need ti secure a different means to return to the ship" she quickly looked up, she didn't expect to see it, but it hadn't even dawned on her with the massive Maw attack that her flagship may no longer even be there. She hoped her captain had the prudence to cloak until a battle line could be drawn. The droids gestured to the door "Shuttles... stationed in hangars at southern port... detect operational from internal sensors"

Here she was, the most powerful woman in the Tingel Arm now running scared like a rabbit in a hole. The first enemy that crossed her would feel her anger at this development. Even political negotiation was looking more appealing to this mess. She followed the droids, they were powerful units and would keep her safe from all but the nastiest of assailants, but she knew there was a good chance that the Maw would test them beyond even their limits.

The foursome continued to run as explosions rocked the building. The corridors all seemed to blur into one, the faceless beurocracy that was the senate left little room for individuality. Every room, which appeared to be rooms from preparation for senators on this level, seemed to blur into the next. Until suddenly she was confronted with daylight as she approached a massive rent in the external wall, and standing in that gap were a half dozen soldiers, their eyes glazed over and their guns held high.


Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: BOTM | NSO | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer
ENEMIES: GA | NJO | SJC | NIO | AC | Any other Jedi-hugger
ENGAGING: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Briefly all Jedi within the entryway, including Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze & Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
In Bio
30x Voxyn

The last strand had snapped.

The last bit of control that had been reigning in the beast had disappeared the moment the Dragon had laid eyes on Yenna Yenna on Jakku. The moment memories of centuries past had flooded back into his mind. Little green monsters like her could not be allowed to walk the Galaxy and grow strong once more.

So the Jedi should be dealt with overall.

Halketh Halketh had coaxed the predator out of its cage. Had understood better than anyone else alive who and what Dimitri was. Had granted the Dragon all he had promised and more. And now he had led the Hydra into the heart of its ancient enemy.

The pendulum had swung on the Jedi.

Darth Hydrus had entered the Temple alongside the Dark Lords as well as his fellow New Sith brethren, flanked by his pack of Voxyn. Without ceremony, the Beastmaster had set a bunch of them upon the immediate Jedi threat that had met them within the entryway of the hallowed Jedi building.

He had just been about to make his way to find the classified archives of the SIA, when the Sith Lord's attention was called for from one of the New Sith Knights.
“Lord Hydrus!”
The crimson eyes of the Dragon, turned in the direction of the voice, catching wind immediately of what it was the man needed. Darkness enveloped the area as the Sith Lord delved deep into the art of Bogan.

A near millennia of telekinetic prowess gripped onto more columns surrounding his ally and his opponents and with a mighty heave, the ancient Energy Vampire pulled upon them. Thunder rumbled throughout the entryway of the Temple before duracrete started to splinter down. With one last groaning pull from the Sith Lord, the pillars tumbled loose from the roof and fell in tandem toward the grande floor, aiming to crush all beneath.

Dimitri could not waste time on catching his breath as he had another job to do. Without waiting to see if the pillars found their marks, he moved in a blur in the direction where the intel had shown he could find the SIA offices, the remaining Voxyn following in his wake, screeching and barbed tails whipping.

As Dimitri approached the door, he could feel the masterful Presence of the Light Side within. Predatory instincts kicked in, but he calmly opened the door. He knew it would not be child's play to get his hands on the intel needed, so there was no point in bursting in with fanfare. Eyes finding Allyson Locke Allyson Locke hunched behind the desk, Dimitri remained in the doorway momentarily.
"Good evening, Master Jedi. Mind if I assist you in that data transfer? You seem to be struggling." he said calmly as growls and sonic screeches could be heard behind him as some of his Voxyn engaged some straggling Jedi in the hallway.

  • 10x Voxyn have been unleashed into the entryway to hunt Jedi - fight them at your leisure amigos.
  • Dimitri assisted Lord Letifer Lord Letifer in pulling down a bunch of columns in the entryway of the Temple onto both Jedi and Sith. Duck and cover or get flattened ;)



Raus Garrat


Ire burning like molten iron, chest tight and pounding. A rapid, cathartic rhythm as the buttstock of Raus' KXR AK-57x recoiled into his shoulder again and again. They were in a stalemate with a roaming group of OPFOR, too many to count from cover, lest one desires a swift death. They were quiet, none of them talked to each other but understood through sheer body language. Raus had trained with these men, fought and bled with them during smaller skirmishes back in Novania. Those memories were what made him the man he is in this very moment.

A warrior seeking solace, a mere mortal daring to spit in the face of a power so beyond his understanding; however, he didn't care any more or any less, and to send at least a message to the Sith and those of the Maw, that would suffice. To let them know that it did not matter if they called upon the Force, for they would taste dirt like every other broken man or woman.

These were his men, his corsairs. Fighting shoulder to shoulder, brother to brother until the very last. Adrenaline surged through them as they denied their enemies even the smallest advantage; outnumbered and outgunned, they continue to push onward, hoping to arrive and regroup with an allied unit. Raus' composite gear was scorched, his cape shredded and scorched, his mind on autopilot as all he could do was kill what was in front of him. Realistically his body was wearing out, his muscles exhausted as his arms did little to support the weight of his rifle, yet he defied that somehow. He refused death, yet embraced it.


- 4 Hours Later -

Senate District, Apartment Complex
Allies: NIO | GA | ETC
Friendlies In Unit: 4x Imperial Corsairs
Situation: Nominal




End Transmission.

Location: Taszzn Station near the Senate District
Tags: Open
Forces: ~300 members of the Abiding Precept Constabulary

Alarms blared around the large interior of the fortified mansion headquarters of the paramilitary organization, dozens of uniformed personnel were in various stages of prepping and mustering within the Great Hall. Meanwhile Senator Taszzn was in the Security Office being broadcast into the Great Hall via a series of holo projectors "The reportssss of an asssssault on the Jedi Temple have been confirmed. However we cannot confirm the goal of thissss attack or the ssssize of enemy. Due to the heightened threat to the campussss all ssssecurity measuressss have been activated. Assignmentsss have been issssued to the Captainsss who will appoint Inspectorssss to lead teamsss to the Jedi Temple. The misssssion is assss followssss: Ssssecure the ssstepssss of the Jedi Temple, contain the fighting. No one issss to enter the Temple." there was a pause in Sssar's statements which allowed for more Constables to make their way into the Great Hall as Captains briefed Inspectors and those Inspectors hurried around the muster to gather their team "Keep to the plan and trusssst that the Jedi can defend themsssselvessss." in truth Sssar did not believe that the Constables had the necessary firepower to enter into the fray within the Temple if this threat was such a deadly opponent to threaten the whole of the Order. The best he could hope for was to refuse reinforcements to the assailants, and if the Jedi Temple was taken to provide the ground work for a siege.


50 black speedervans raced towards the Jedi Temple, weaving in and out of any traffic or blockages that they may have come across. It was clear for the passengers and drivers to see the damage already done to the Jedi Temple in the course of the battle. As the vehicles closed on the Jedi Temple the order to dismount was given and the triple wide convoy halted. Panel doors swung upward like wings as team after team disembarked with their blaster pistols drawn. As the swarm of Constables moved forward through the newly made parking lot there were numerous voices calling out to one another for various reasons. Commands, information, warnings, and so on. Inspectors rallied their teams to begin to fan out and cover the base of the enormous stairs of the venerable Jedi Temple site. A Captain who stood near the front a speedervan lifted a pair of Macrobinoculars to his eyes. The surge of grey spread like wisps of smoke, or at least that could be the impression from those who could look down at them.

Meanwhile Sssar remained within the fortified mansion watching the scene unfold from several probe droids that had been deployed from a couple of the vans. From his quarters he watched with apprehension, the Constabulary had never undertaken a mission this large nor this dangerous. While he was confident in their ability to work together even at scale he had still sent them into harm's way "Commissioner Taszzn." a protocol droid called out to the Senator as he watched the feed "What issss it?" Sssar asked in a measured tone "Commissioner, the Coruscant Police have issued a mandatory evacuation order for the Senate district. The Senate Guard have also been attempting to hail you on your holocomm for nearly half an hour. They seemed very eager to have you escorted away from here." the Senator's coils ran over one another and his scales ground together to make a rustling noise "Tell the Guard that I am ssssafe and I have no intention of leaving my current location. They are free to vissssit if they pleasssse. Now, I am busy. Please go back to your dutiessss."

POYO! Silver Solus Silver Solus

Location: Falling out of Orbit
Agenda: Looking to be Heroic for all the Wrong Reasons

"No cheating," Alora echoed merrily. Space wasn't really that interesting so cheating was totally acceptable. Just don't let your mother know Alora told you that. Oh, sure, you might run across an intergalactic rift that leads into a pocket dimension full of rainbows and unicorns. The chances of that? Take a one. Now, add a billion zeroes after it. Got a number in your head? Good. One in that. No, no, much better to visit a planet or at least be in orbit of a planet where they probably had spacestations and ships full of people. Far more interesting. Not every planet was alike, you know?

Laughter bubbled forth, but before the young, but older Mandalorian could respond they were in The Mess.

Not A mess. The Mess. Where you had lots of ships flying around and a silent laser lightshow. Pretty colors. Not very dramatic until one of them hit you. Alora knew what getting hit by them was like though and didn't think it was an experience Silver needed right now. Turns out that amounted to the teen getting an experience at being a pinball on the command deck. Eh, memorable life moment number two for today. Number one was meeting Alora and getting a ride to Coruscant!

At last the Gambit descended below the main plane of battle of ships in orbit, and their ride down smoothed out a bit. Silver seemed in good spirits all things considered. Heroes? Eh, Alora wasn't sure about that. Doing heroic things could get you killed. Not that a Mandalorian feared death, but taking Silver into a warzone hadn't exactly been part of the plan. It wouldn't hurt for the young thing to live a few more years before betting the beskar as it were.

Alora looked over at Silver with wide eyes and a smile. "Sensors! Look for somewhere for us to put down. I doubt these fleeters will listen to us even if I told them where the secret design flaw is in the enemy ship. Because they don't know me. Their fault really. So lets go help some people that won't care who we are long as we help keep them alive." Fortunate feature number two: sensors! The Gambit had a lot of them. Most of them weren't usually turned on because why light up like a Christmas tree without reason, right? They'd easily be able to pick out the hot spots -- and likely where people needed help.

Hopefully not the Jedi Temple though. Yes, Mandalorians didn't like Sith. Yes, Sith would be there. But Silver was a little young to be facing off with a Sith. Like, Alora couldn't be completely irresponsible.

"And check for distress calls. No guessing needed there if someone needs us." Meanwhile she'd focus on flying the ship and taking them into Coruscant's atmosphere. Who needed Ground Control, really? If they could dodge a missile they could dodge some clueless flight-jockey and their tugboat of a hovercar.

LOOT? Armor, Guns, Batons, Ship, Medpacks​

<He said Arthur is helping with the evacuation,> Kai dutifully repeated Dagon’s words to Aeris despite the intrusion. <They’re trying to buy time.>

But it looked like their time was up. Dark-clad troops wearing metal masks poured into the library. Their leader was a woman with dark hair, pale skin, and severe features. She exchanged banter with Aeris, then attacked.

“Kai, run!”

Crouched behind Aeris’ shield, Kai glanced between the two women. The Sith woman and her troops outnumbered them. If he fled now, he might survive. But Aeris…

<You take the lady, I'll take the soldiers!> He told Aeris.

Before the Jedi librarian could stop him, Kai threw his mug of lukewarm tea straight at Danika’s head. Then he was moving past her, lightsaber in hand, the violet blade igniting as he lunged forward to attack her troops.


Location: Above the New Jedi Temple
Equipment: Staff of Dakrul, Cursed Gen'Dai Flesh Armour, Dread Blade, Conduit shackle receiver
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw - Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan


The Avatar's stern gaze now rested upon Corrsucant. Lightyears from Rhand their most recent tribute, the jewel of the core would be the next destination to host calamity.

All those souls harbored here within this celestial body of steel and smoke. A furnace the size of a planet, a black jungle of shapes dimly lit by the billions upon billions of little fires that dwelled inside it. They must have all heard of the tales of the Brotherhood. Heard the whispers of darksiders and cultists. They had been afraid of this, but had chosen to pretend they would be untouched, thought themselves safe here in the cradle of their galaxy. How foolish they had been, how self-absorbed, the Avatars would humble them all. Prove once and for all that War could befall each and every one of them, that Death comes brutally and without mercy, and lastly that Rebirth was the only truth worth fighting for.

The Master sought nothing more than the utter culling of lives inside the Jedi temple below. It was a benevolent wish, and one his servant wanted to see manifested more than anything else. The Sith'ari was a prophet of destruction, by his word millions had been killed, sacrificed, tributes to a greater cause. Dakrul would see to it that many millions more would follow.

As chaos incarnate befell the world-spanning metropolis the ghoulish hellspawn's mind wandered back to the events on Rhand. The burial site of his home. His task today was to retrieve what no one else could. To venture into the Nether and return with more than he had entered. A cosmic error about to break a cosmic law. Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall was simply not meant to move on yet, her time among the stars would come, it would for all of them, but the Avatars had greater plans for her.

The four-armed, three-meter hulking cadaver of rusted iron and rotten flesh stood at the center of a ritual site. Runes in the ancient langue of the Sith were carved into the metallic floor on which the communion would be held. A circle and in its midst the Heathen Priest, at his side Hungering Occultists, his brethren, his kin. Born from the blood spilled on Jakku and instructed by the necromancer himself around a dozen or so headless Cha’ta’ri would assist the summoning.

Their incantation would take place on one of the many menacing vessels that had emerged from the stars. Onboard what was dubbed an "Ugly", almost 200m long and meant as a defensive dropship it had appeared next to the rest of the dark armada looming over the New Jedi Temple.

He and his people would touch ground soon enough. For now, the headless insectoids surrounding the immortal Sithspawn were bending fire, actual blue hellfire, such was its form on this mortal plane. A dead fire from a dead place. Within seconds an azure shine flooded the otherwise dimly lit orbicular altar room. From a door, in the distance, a stream of shaven bare humanoids stumbled into the warlocks ceremony. Flames flaring and sizzling almost uncontrollably around them. Moments later the terrifying Hungering Marauders handling them pushed their helpless fragile shells into the pyre. Their flesh boiled and melted in seconds the flames unnaturally hot and of unnatural nature. Their death screams were extinguished by the raging inferno almost as soon as they came in contact with it. Sacrificial lamp, living conduits of force power meant for what would come next.

It had started, an individual small blue spark erupted next to his veiled visage. Then another, and another. Like tiny sapphires, that sparkled only for mere seconds, a dazzling union among the dancing flames. As more and more slaves were hurled into the firestorm Dakrul too would be set ablaze. Soon he was but a searing figure of blue. The fire of hell summoned to latch onto the undead creature of flesh and bones.

He had mastered the art of pulling the undead from the eternal pits of hell, today, he would climb into them himself. Trapped somewhere in the underworld the goddess of destruction was currently being freed of her spiritual prison on Rhand by the local sorcerers that hailed from it. And it was the mighty Heathen Priest's task to locate her once they had succeeded and offer her safe passage to Coruscant.

Silently Dakruls form fell apart like a charred lump of wood in a campfire, what remained was a heap of ash in the middle of the circular hall.

Birthed into a raging sand storm somewhere in the depth of the Nether Dakruls clawed talons reached out to confirm his physical shape had held up. It did. The undead monstrosity had successfully shifted planes.




Introductory Location: Jedi Temple
Obective: Kill all Jedi
Allies: New Sith Order
Nearby Allies: Darth Senthral Darth Senthral
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Geiseric Geiseric

Blood ravaged with certain hunger; adrenaline rushed through his veins like liquid fire. The heart of the dark side surrounded him. The air was ripe with the power of the Sith: brothers and sisters akin in the Force, unified to bring about the fall of an ancient and sworn enemy. There was no denying the bloodshed spilled that day would fill the flow of river, but each sacrifice was necessary in the grand scheme of things. Each death served towards a balance that only the Sith could sway to the natural order. The oppression of the Jedi would be buried beneath a sea of death before that battle concluded; the weak would be purged on both sides, leaving only the strong to stand victorious over a mountain of the dead.

And when those doors finally opened, the surge of the dark side reverberated through those sacred halls. The simultaneous ignitions of lightsabers brought alive a red flame that stood to burn away the shackles of the light. Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Dark Lord turned to face his Apprentice: a former Jedi who had been disenthralled from his oppressive history.

"Welcome home."

The first calamities came swiftly. The Force contorted in an eternal struggle, fluctuating between the light and the dark with each stroke of a luminous blade. The vistas of plasma banished every shadow from the halls, but the Sith Lord only saw red, with each death and broken promise of defeat igniting the flames of his determination ever more. Side by side he and his Apprentice fought vigorously, dancing their crimson blades wildly to sweep across the vessels of light. Tenacity saw him shove aside his own kin in the Force when they drew too close, ejecting luminous flashes of Force Lightning at those who tried to escape his reach. Each fallen body served as a promising host to ensnare within the dark side, but he held back on such temptations to further himself against the enemies who stood before him, until at last there was no telling if those who met his blade were alive or dead. Here and there he reached out to his Apprentice - both physically and telepathically - to keep him nearby so that Tennacus could feed off his emotions. There was no doubt that this purge would spark such emotional outrage within his inner-self: a revelling in the deaths of those who once retained him from true power, now slain by the very aspects of the Force they feared to let him explore willingly. He could watch them die, rejoicing in his freedom.

The Force shall set me free.


New Objective: Assist the forces at the Senate District
Allies: New Sith Order, Brotherhood of the Maw
Nearby Allies: Darth Senthral Darth Senthral

The Wandering Pilgrim

Too many a casualty had stained the temple to make any sufficient calculations. Losses occurred on both sides, but Tennacus felt the dark side's strength in the hearts of his fellow Sith. The New Sith Order was a concoction of undeniable power; every man, woman and being in service to the order would scar themselves in history for their efforts and tenacity. But when the adrenaline silenced at the reduction in enemies that stood before him, his commlink sounded with voices once drowned beneath his focus, allowing him to hear the callings of allies announce their troubles beyond the temple's desecration. Tennacus first chose to ignore the demands of service to strengthen their grip on Coruscant, but the Force refused to deliver him back to the hunger that once burned through him, believing it was a sign to reserve himself for a calling that would carry him from those halls. The Sith's droid, 77-B, was flying the Wandering Pilgrim through the skies of Coruscant, sounding its own struggles to bring the craft down to reasonable altitude. There were great whispers ushering themselves to the Sith Lord further within the temple: promises of power that he could obtain if he pressed further on. . . but they also promised doom if he rushed to such riches. Strategy demanded his presence elsewhere; the New Sith Order could hold the temple for now.

Tennacus pulled his lightsaber from the cavity of a fallen Jedi, turning his attention to his Apprentice.

"Lord Senthral, we need to change our course. Do not threat of your rage; our presence within this temple will be rekindled in good time."

And indeed they would return in due time. For now, their presence was needed in the Senate District.

The Sith departed from the temple, battling their way towards the Senate District, once again dancing their lightsabers through barrages of gleaming swords and blasters which saw to halt them where they stood. Their progression did not come without such necessary sacrifice, with Darth Tennacus acting in contradictive self-interest, using the likes of their own forces to shield them from the many blasts that were hurled their way. In the midst of heated battle, he hoped such negligence on their forces would go unnoticed, but his tenacious attitude saw him repeating the process without second thought.

Something had changed in his demeanour by the time they reached the Senate Building. His intentions had changed too, and he was certain that Darth Senthral Darth Senthral could feel why. They were reasonably distanced from the battle back at the temple, yet there was a glint of light that shun brighter than those Jedi fought within its walls. Its sparks reverberated through him like a sickening oppression of thoughts, trying to make his clarity in the dark side swayed by ideologies of a failed cause. He looked up at the building, reaching out to the Force with certain focus. It called out to him with a promise of Jedi presence, and he thought it to be strong.

Now that they were away from the temple, Tennacus could signal his droid to lower the vehicle and prepare its. . . deployment of cargo in due time. But until the droid had made such a descent, the Sith Lord wanted to snuff out the light burrowed within the walls of that political structure.

And so the two Sith made their way into the building, tailing behind the forces of the Maw, blending into their numbers as they blasted their way through each necessary level. When they started to stray, Tennacus abused his manipulative powers to stir them towards his interest. There were but six armed soldiers alive when Master and Apprentice alike walked in their shadow, but once they claimed to make contact with yet another enemy, Tennacus brought his presence to surface among their numbers, watching the soldiers fire upon Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . Another half a dozen moved around his Apprentice, attempting to shoot down whoever sought to escape.
He knew this world was going to be a problem. It always was. When he heard the one speaking, the one shouting, he could feel the darkness. The Sith. His mind flashed to the past and before he knew it, his hand was already on his lightsaber. This wasn’t his government, not any more. This wasn’t any Jedi’s support. The Concord had trouble with theirs, but not to this extent. A blue-gold blade leapt from his hilt.

This was the blade of Starchaser’s Light, the Blade of a Wayseeker, the blade of a barsen’thor.

The call came from Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok to move. Starcahser wasn’t going anywhere, but if the other Jedi were not to fight, well, he would fight for them. He would protect them with all he had. He was moving to do what he could to intercept slashes, keeping the ones not prepped for a fight behind him. Falling into the Force, Coren was doing his best to push back against the darkness, not with the Force Light he was known for but with a clarity of mind, a valor, and protective mindset. Calm and clarity.

His lightsaber was moving as if done by muscle memory.

A tightening on his grip and a reach out to the Force, a barrier between those who had not prepared, the boy that Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar and Nimdok were defending, and the Sith. Hearing Kirie Kirie the Jedi Master nodded.

“Have faith in the Light.” He shouted as he was pulling heavy on the Force, moving to begin a process of protection for them all. He was working to do his best to turn the blanket of the dark side around them, before he was going to step onto his full attack.

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Auteme Auteme Romi Jade Romi Jade Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Metis Athena Elpis Metis Athena Elpis

Location: Senate Building

Agenda: Collect Records, Specimens, and Trophies

Forces: 150 personnel from Romunds personal clone army ( The 909th )

Allies: Maw

Adversaries: Enemies of the Maw, and Maw who get it in his way.


So much history so little time. Romund found himself in quite the pickle now. On one hand there was a whole jedi temple being raided. Surely there were some great secrets to be plundered from within there. However, it was currently being hoarded by the New Sith Order. Also it was also most likely a death trap for him. He wasn't a very powerful dark jedi. One could argue that he was avoiding the fight, which wasn't entirely untrue. He could take his anger and frustrations out on the Senate. Which he could do in a creative way that went with his goals. He take part in the greater assault on the senate. It's very likely most of the senate wouldn't be inside and managed to get evacuated. But There could be a unfortunate soul for him to capture and add to his collection. Possibly some senate guards as well. He would take all that he could not as slaves but as set pieces. To freeze in carbonite and displayed in the future.

Also Romund has decided that one of the galaxies most grand and extensive xenoxoology museums was where he aslo needed to be. Sadly he couldn't be in two places at once so he sent a 50 man platoon with very specific orders. It may seem rather odd. But with all research done here and the high likelihood of finding records, past specimens, and DNA samples it was too good to merely pass up on. He also needed to get here first before other more destructive Mawites get here, incase they do. Not to mention this museum has the greatest collection of the galaxies insect life.

This wasn't just for Romund collecting information to expand his ever growing collection on Najra-Va, but also to be incorporated into his biotech and cloning technology. Romund could just imagine the kind of power he could unlock by tampering with a few genes from a selection of the galaxies wildlife. Romund has even heard legends of people controlling swarms of insects on the battlefield. Such an ability could prove very advantageous for him.

While a third of his forces moved into the museum the rest moved in with Romund towards the senate building to raid it for it's inhabitance. He just hoped that he could do so quickly and get back to the rest of his clone soldiers and gather what he can from the museum.

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