"What's it like to bleed for a worthless Empire?"
The saber swiped through jagged metal as marauder of flesh and steel fell to the battered street of pristine metallic caked in urban ash. The Queen of the Core was once thought untouchable...and tonight it burned. And in an even more surrealist display, the Knights of the Empire were some of the few force users in force here to defend the capital of the Alliance. The Jedi had been confined, put in chains and imprisoned within their own center of worship and traditions.
There was no harmony here, there was only chaos.
"Get up trooper." Waymar beckoned to one of the 501st at his flank, the cobalt clad stormtrooper rising to his feet and aiming sights toward the enemy. They were outnumbered and outgunned without the initiative. Coruscant wasn't a city well drawn out in Imperial infantry movement doctrine. Similar cities certainly were, Ravelin, Carannia...but there were only the most secrative plans hidden in war case gold that had Coruscant in its sights. Even, they held a hand of cards far less than what they'd ever be them here.
<"Vandal. I need over watch on sector aurek seven, we're on the threat of getting overwhelmed."> Waymar transmitted back to the Storm Commando Commander which was one of the officers in charge of managing the protection of the Imperator's retinue on Coruscant. Given the nature of Fel, a formality at most.

<"I have eyes, I'll get a section to reinforce your front momentarily. Just hold.">

<"Paint that grid mark in tube drops."> Vrask commanded, mortar rounds, looking through the scope of his snipe as he briefly appraised the tactical situations. He had 501st troopers and an Imperial Knight bogged down near a street intersection. Rules of engagement be damned, their job all wasn't save the world...it was to kill the enemy.
<"Do a round of smoke to cover their movement back for medievac of the wounded and then dot it up with anti-personnel."> Kolson commanded to a nearby Storm Commando who sent the order down the line to the mortars.
<"That'll likely land within 500 meters of civvies...you sure you wanna pull the trigger on that?"> The Commando asked, arching a brow under his helmet.
<"It'll be fine, they won't be if we keep waiting. Get it done.">
<"Acknowledged."> The Storm Commando replied.
As of now, Waymar and his small contingent of troopers were huddled right near the edge of the Maw's assault on this district. They were put in the muck quickly, close quarters with rampaging savages. With support coming, Waymar and his men needed to draw the Maw into the nearest intersection, taking up positions in the nearby buildings before mortars rained down unto the enemy. But with them in spitting distance, this was a greater ask than Vrask would ever know.