Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine


let the sky fall
Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina

The cold stare only lasted a few moments, yet it seemed an eternity. Where he was water, graceful as it swept with the current, she was a rock, solid and unyielding. Counterpoint upon counterpoint begged for acknowledgement- his inability to walk uninhibited, the recent defeat at the hands of this very enemy, the fine line between bravery and stupidity. Yet, the master knew one rock could not stop a river, nor could the river move that which was firmly rooted. They were at a impasse, and out of time.

"We must leave now." She finally said, turning away from the knight. "Buddy system, just like we practiced for the excursion. Hold their hand, and do not let go."

There was a shuffling as each found it's partner given in a better time. Unsure glances found solace in the master, the weight of it almost suffocating. A few of the older ones had received lessons on prior sackings of the world from her, and she had given comfort to those afraid the same fate would ensue once more. To see their faith in her now brought shame. No, I must be strong for them.

"With me, now. Whatever you do, don't leave my side."

With silent nods, the pairs gathered near, antsy. Henna turned to steal a final glance at the knight, burning every line and feature into her mind.

"Come back to me whole this time."
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Post: 1
Objective: Heart of Courage
Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Isabella Pavan Isabella Pavan | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha
Enemies: Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Karlist Rax Karlist Rax | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene | Culas Vile
Special Tag: Open

  • Dyans Fleet Enters Coruscant Space
  • Attempting to Hack into Enemy Communications
  • Hold Defensive Position (Ion Weapons only)
  • Prepping to Launch Fighters
  • Waiting For Additional Fleets to Arrive

It had been over a few hundred years since Dyans had been this close to her home world of Empress Teta. The last time she left the core she had done so swearing she would not comeback with out a conquering force. She wanted to rebuild her Empire take back what was usurped from her and claim her people’s glory once more. Yet it had taken her this long to get here well over a few hundred years, the Maw seemed unstoppable. Ever since forging an alliance on Exegol with them she had seen them win battle after battle. It reminded her of the ancient Krath, their alliance with e Sith Brotherhood, and the crusader Mandalorians. Her father told her some many stories about that time how world after world fell the Tetan Empire. It also reminded her of the how the Old Republic to shape, how her ancient ancestor Empress Teta herself conquered Tetan space and forged an alliance with the then small Republic bolstering there navy tenfold.

She saw a lot of the legendary stories she grew up in the Maw, though the Maw was largely unrefined in a lot of ways but that would come with time. In time their power bases would no doubt solidify and become one. Perhaps a council of sort or a consortium of warlords would come of them but those were for future discussions. Today was a day to finally strike out at the core though it would gain her, her world and people back striking at the seat of the alliance would bring her some measure of pleasure after all their illegitimate government claimed her world.

A slight smile crossed her face as she pushed herself off the throne like seat she had designed and put on the bridge of her flag ship Desolation. She came to a standing position as her fleet came out of hyperspace. The Crowning Jewel of the Galactic Alliance stood before her, and she looked on in awe for just a few seconds. Despite her being the opposition, the Core was her home the place where she grew up and went to the best schools. She knew families here on Coruscant descendants of friends long gone. Today she would no doubt be crushing the bloodlines of people she once knew, so despite her need for revenge she needed a moment to take it all in.

A moment was all she got before her fleet came to the ready at the side of the Ebruchi @ Tu'teggacha. Her fleet went defensive for the moment as they waited for the full-on attack to commence. It had been a long time since Dyan had felt this rush her normally barely beating heart was pounding her chest. Her eyes peeling away from the world. Sheen looked to her head communications officer giving him the nod to begin hacking into the communications channels of the enemy. She wanted to know everything they were doing or planning to do.

She then looked quickly to her flight communications officer. “Have the ships preparing to launch fighters.” The officer nodded then turned to weapons officer. “Defensive for the time being use ion fire to keep the Imperials and alliance off us until the rest of the Fleets can join us.” With that Ion fire began to open up on the various NIO ships trying to engage.

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Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple Great Hall

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) Rannan Kol Rannan Kol
Everyone else I want to talk to :D:
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Yula Perl Yula Perl Geiseric Okkeus Dainlei Black Mynock Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Bernard of Arca Jax Thio Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina Heinrich Faust Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec r Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Rhis Fisto Viera Viera Thalia Senn Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Romi Jade Romi Jade


More bravado trying to get into his head and get a reaction from him about the images in his mind. It wouldn’t work any more than he had gotten out of it.

Yeah… yeah… blah… blah… Come at me bro...

Did you just… never mind. As Caltin watched the Dark Jedi Master commit to some kind of Mitosis-like act, he was visibly intrigued. He didn’t hide it, the big guy nodded almost in approval.

Now that is a neat trick.

All of them stood there momentarily and for that moment, Caltin had actually thought that he was looking at Kol’s five other brothers. Then he picked up on why that wasn’t the case, only one of them had certain emblems and hair parts and items in specific places. The rest? All opposite.

One second.

Tapping the comm-link in his ear to a wide band, Caltin wanted anyone listening in, be it Jedi or other to be able to hear him. This could be a confusing message for some or encoded for others.

It's a party up here in the Great Hall. Everyone's showing up!

His tone was lax, almost like it truly was a party and everyone was invited. That was what could have made this so confusing. It also allowed him the moment to focus on the foe(s) in front of him.

He didn’t have any more time to act on it though as they attacked, all at once. Now, this would freeze even the most steely-eyed Guardian, and Caltin was caught himself for a split second, but when he came around he went to work. It’s been documented that he’s a “Warrior Jedi”, a “Guardian” in every sense of the word, and in the true sense of the archetype, he will kick a door open before turning the knob. What many in this day and age do not know is that in his days as a Knight, even early days as a Master, the big guy specialized in being outnumbered.

Shi-Cho was his first option as it was designed for facing down greater numbers. A horizontal slash feigning uncertainty over who was who let him have his eye on Kol without his opponent being the wiser. Soresu kept his lightsaber Conservator from being manipulated as he was still horribly out of position. His only recourse on this was a little-used skill of his. Force Pulse. The move should send Kol and any Sith Eternal, Maw, or any attacker flying be it out into the grand concourse, into one of the statues, or whatever. Caltin dropped to his knees on it because of his positioning.

Coming up a little lame, he didn’t notice it at first but looked on to see that the other lightsaber in Kol’s hand had somewhat found its mark. The Force in his body was already going to work, healing the wound, energizing him, and dulling his pain. He could however try his hand at acting and “push” his way to fully erect, Kol wouldn't be able to tell through the Force, only see the dried blood on his leg from the slash.

What else 'ya got?

He could very well alter the environment on his own, but this guy was good. He wouldn’t fall for it either.


Tag: Cadere Cadere | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres
Location: Senate District
Equipment: x2 Lightsabers
Propeties: Marr-class Star Destroyer | Death Squad | Al Galaare (Blood Eagles) | Project-TC


Insatious had watched the battle rage on for quite some time now from his place on his Marr-class Star Destroyer, sensing the death and destruction fill the outcry of the Force itself. The Lord of Hunger stood with his eyes closed, revelling in the misery of the innocent across the entire planet. The Star Destroyer was fully engaged in the battle over Coruscant as fighters poured out to take any fighters head-on, while the Star Destroyer's armament fired upon every threat and non-threat that came too close.

Insatious opened his eyes when he sensed his apprentice's hesitation and a sigh of disapproval left the Sith Lord's lips. Closing his eyes again, he sent a message out to his Death Troopers to meet him at the surface, before disappearing in a cloud of black and dark red smoke. The Bridge's crew released a sigh of release when the Sith Lord disappeared, as the chilling in their bones disappeared.

The civilian's breath in front of the Kiffar started to be visible, followed by an uncomfortable chillness in the dinner, as if all the warmth in the whole area had been devoured by a void. The children's bodies began to shake, likewise, a baby started to cry as it was unable to figure out why it felt so cold.

A voice, a very familiar voice filled the apprentice's head, slithering round in his mind. "How disappointing..." whispered the cold bodiless voice, challenging the boy's mind for control. A grenade suddenly shattered the glass, landing with a heavy "thud" sound, before exploding in a bright fireball, sending a powerful knockback wave into the apprentice if he didn't manage to get out of the dinner. The whole dinner went up in bright orange flames as all the civilians screamed in unimaginable pain. A few even tried to get out while burning alive, only to be gunned down by a squad of Death Troopers, lined up waiting for any stragglers.

Insatious stood and just watched the dinner burn without a hint of remorse, before looking at Cadere with his skull-like mask. Cadere would feel his airway completely blocked for any air as an invincible hand started to choke the boy. "You showed hesitation boy. I will not tolerate your weakness!" Told Insatious with a spiteful raised voice as Cadere felt his airflow was back, but his entire body was flung across the street and slammed into a building before being dropped along with the building on top of him.

Insatious just stood with the burning dinner behind him, lighting his black robes up with an orange tint, waiting for Cadere to crawl out of the rubble like the weak and worthless boy he was.

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Objective: 2
Location: kriff knows
Equipment: In bio | 1x Big Boy Baby
Tags: Darth Insatious Darth Insatious Cadere Cadere Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt

It was a pleasant evening on Coruscant... or as pleasant as it can get with a firefight in a sketchy part of town. Shai was fully kitted out in her armour, firing at a few thugs that were pursuing her and Aerith. "The kriff is their problem!? They asked for the stuff and I got it! Not my issue they're not happy with the price." She called over to Aerith as she blew a hole into one of the criminals with her Ripper. "Screw them, let's get out of here!" She rushed over to her freighter and got started on firing up the engines. "Baby! Get the throttle sorted, we're going out hot and heavy!" she ordered her little droid and it sped off with an anxious beep.

Once Aerith got onboard, she punched it and the ship sped off before the gangsters could manage something. "Karking hell, that's just bull. Honestly." she grumbled as she got into a skylane and sped away from the scene. "At least we got our backup plan for the evening." She flashed a wink at Aerith as she glanced over to her with a smile.

That plan seemed to dissipate as well when the ship aimed up... and stared into an allout invasion fleet high up in the skies. "What the kriff..." She muttered, confusion spread over her features as she checked her scanners. "The hell... this is a full-blown warzone." She yanked the ship into a different direction when a starfighter seemed to notice them. The cannons of the freighter came to life as the starfighter burst into flames. More soon joined in and got on their tail as Shai swerved and swung the ship into all manner of positions. The shields whined as cannon fire impacted from behind. "Kriff, kriff, kriff..."

In a desperate attempt, she cut the throttle and yanked the ship around. Soon the starfighters came into view and she opened fire. It seemed to scare them enough as they dispersed, leaving a few unlucky ships to get blown apart. She opened the throttle and blasted off in a different direction.

"We're gonna have to-" Her words were cut off as a tremor rocked the ship. Alarms blared and Baby screamed as he rolled past them into the dashboard. "Baby! Get to the hangar and plug in." She looked at Aerith with a hint of concern. "Strap in, we're going down." She warned. The ship groaned as they lost altitude. She fought with the controls, slowing the ship down before she managed to land without totalling the ship entirely. With a moment to themselves, she looked around and studied the warnings. "Oh. We weren't hit, the reactor overheated." She chuckled as she released her safety straps. "Let's just lay low, there's no way we're getting out of this blockade. Plus the reactor needs to cool down." She rose and gave her friend a tap on the arm. "You okay?" she asked her.

Making her way outside, confusion only increased. They were close to the senate building, landed somewhere in the streets, but war had consumed the entire planet. Ships flew overhead and people ran in terror. "Those are... Maw markings." She muttered softly. "Maw isn't even this far inward. What the kriff?" She looked at Aerith for a moment before slipping her helmet back on. "So much for date night..." she grumbled.

An explosion and blasterfire echoed somewhere behind the ship. Shai walked around to see what was going on. She tensed up for a moment as the sight filled her visor. Her blood boiled as a searing hatred started to brew within her. A low growl rumbled from her throat as she faced the troopers and their masters. ”Baby, get ready.” she spoke over her commlink. ”You gonna join me or not?” she asked Aerith with a voice dripping with rage as she focused on the unit of Sith.

Imperial Knight Armour | Lightsaber

ENEMIES: NSO, MAW, Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber The Mongrel The Mongrel
Coruscant was ugly.

Simple as.

It was hardly appealing to look at, let alone be called the 'Jewel.' The name must've been honorific, awarded to the planet centuries before his birth solely on account of its position in the galaxy, rather than the skill of the architects that brought the skyline dotted planet to life. Without even landing on the planet, Aenarion came up with an idea of what it'd smell like.

Artificial. Fake. Congested by hundreds of different species of varying backgrounds, it was like an Outer Rim shuttle stuffed to the brim with the ugliest aliens of the Galaxy. And this disgusting shuttle had a poor life support system. The air produced, barely breathable.

He could remember feeling pleasantly surprised when his shuttle touched down close to the Senate Building. One of multiple in the wake of the Iron Imperator's procession.

The Knight-Errant did not make it into the number of the Knights Sentinels, the force-wielding protectors of the Man of Iron. He surmised it was better that way. Now, he had a chance to prove his worth in another way. On the battlefield.

Yet, Coruscant... Had not been the battlefield he was next expecting to be at.

<<"Mount up. Orders from the Man o' Iron himself to carve a perimeter at the District's outermost limits.">>

Even as Aenarion clambered onto a dropship filled with troopers, he questioned why they did not leave entirely.

The last time from memory they had ventured into the Core, there had been protests and plenty of demonizing of Tavlar through his battle scars. The Maw striking so deep in the heart of the Galaxy was deserved, as far as Aenarion was concerned. Though he kept that to himself. Today, they would help the Galactic Alliance and her people, and the next they will be shouting to revoke the Chancellor's signing of the Bastion Accords.

These people have no backbone, or loyalty. Overly inflated egos from living in the Core Worlds.

It would do them well to suffer some hardships.

A few slagged districts, millions turned to dust would do them well. Aenarion blinked before the flaring of the Force coaxed him to stare at a metal bulkhead. Through the forms of stormtroopers, there was nothing there one moment. Then the side of the dropship blew inward. Instinctively, his hand reached out to grab onto something as the smoking shuttle hurtled to the ground.

Crashing fiery metal saw their troop compartment crashing into the surface. Bouncing the occupants off their feet as it carved out a blackened furrow across the duracrete road, skidding to an eventual halt some hundreds of feet off from their starting point.

The reinforced ramp shoved outwards and clattered into the street. And a light was shone on the black smoke that billowed up from underneath the ship. Too thick to clearly make out what was left of the contents of the ship. An ivory form shot out from the smoking maw.A metre long cylindrical object held close. And the white spectre was upon them.

The instinct to fire was instant, dousing the street in the scent of tibanna as the trademarked hum of a plasmatic blade carved through fanatics and mercenaries alike. The argent blade was one of many weapons that made their presence known in the skirmish. Bolts blasting out from the smoking shuttle heralded the expulsion of more stormtroopers, gunning down their ambushers as lives were traded on both sides.

Their assailants began to flee, and lives that were lost in the crash were in the midst of being hefted out of the shuttle.

"Gray Cloak! Do you hear that?"

The troopers froze. While they could see the blazes on the horizon, they could not yet hear the crackle of flames consuming what laid in its path. What the Knight did hear however, was the retreating footsteps of their attackers, and the steadily growing louder whine of speeders rapidly approaching.

Their orders were to fight. Weren't they? To carve a path through the enemy to create breathing space beyond the Senate Building. They could not flee in fear of being overwhelmed. The Force Corps was trained to fight, and to die even. But most importantly, they were trained to kill. Force soldiers. Even stormtroopers that bolstered their numbers laid claim to the title of 'Jedi-Killer' a term more used in hush terms, on account of their chosen allies in recent modern warfare.

"Do not falter. We hold them here, and press onwards."


Issue #15 - vol finale


A feint took a pair of raven locks, followed by a heavy red slash to take his head off. The Knight's back arched into a walkover with his leg striking hard into the Sith's hand disarming him. The moment his toes faintly touched the ground, he was already darting upwards from another crimson blade's thrust at his back, leading the second dark sider's stab straight into the first. Not that the Sith cared much for his brother; for all Dagon knew, he'd probably done the Sith a favor by inadvertently aiding him in his struggle for power among the Sith. There was no honor among the dark creed, no camaraderie, no brotherhood.

Only the strongest survive.

Culling the herd was the Sith's ultimate tool of empowerment.

Now the herd comes in droves, bathed in the blood of their rivals of the fallen Empire.

Only the strongest.

It's a nasty business.

<"If the ship's full, Cotan--"> his voice came through the Jedi comms once more, chaos and death in the background, <"--or worse, Arthur has the locations of all my safe houses in the under levels!"> Dagon knew the stakes of revealing that knowledge of safehouses built over a decade of crime-fighting in the bowels of the Capital. But now they could play a greater purpose than hideouts from criminal scum or political injustice.

They could save lives more than just his.

And his own hide? Well aware it could be forfeit today.

Burning pain escaped through his sweat as his eyes frantically drifted from one wicked face to another, a cold premonition that a mirror image would stare back but it was not the familiarity of his blood brother that sharpened his senses. Anja Doreva Anja Doreva ... her sinister smirk and eldritch emerald eyes were here, yet they were not the ones that he locked into.

He gasped at the sulfuric stare of a ghost brought back to life.

Lord Letifer Lord Letifer .

No words were exchanged between the two, only glowers of crimson vengeance and sapphire justice separated by the crossed sabers locked in strife.

ALLIES | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENGAGING | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer | Open for more, kark it
JEDI COMMS | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Finley Dawson Zorah Cinsilo Zorah Cinsilo [EVACUATION SUPERHERO CREW]
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Objective: Defend the Temple - Evacuate the Younglings
Location: Jedi Temple > Living Quarters
Allies: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen | Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna | Zorah Cinsilo Zorah Cinsilo
Enemies: Open


After having reunited with Dagon beneath the Jedi Temple, Viera had ventured up above in order to prepare for whatever was to come. The higher she ascended, the more she could feel the darkness humming beneath the surface. It wasn’t necessarily the Dark Side, but more of a darkened mood. Emotions tipping heavily to one side, those of the senators and the Jedi. The unrest amongst the Coruscant citizens as they remained in the dark on what was going on.

It wasn’t long before Viera found herself in the thick of things. For as soon as chaos erupted, so did the Sith and their forces appear within the Temple. There wasn’t even time to think, to wonder how they had managed to infiltrate so thoroughly throughout.

What was clear however, was that the Sith were being indiscriminate. From Master to Youngling, they were aiming to kill them all. Viera wasn’t about to let that happen, the events of today would mean nothing if the next generation weren’t alive to see the future.

The woman was a blur of green as she zipped through the hallways. She passed by other Jedi and Temple Guards fighting off the intruders. At points she stopped, falling into a slide and taking out the legs of a few troopers. She lunged towards the Sith, distracting them long enough for their original opponent to strike.

Arthur, I need directions to the living quarters, now.” Viera had no patience, and was already running again before the AI could give a complete answer. She arrived in the area just in time, finding a small group of intruders preparing explosives. Placing them on the doors, no doubt intending to blow their way in. Anger and focus mixed together, Viera yelled as she raised her hand and swung the Force down the hallway.

The gust-like force knocked the enemy off their feet and sent them hurtling further away. Viera pulled her hand back, drawing it into a fist. The small explosives were ripped from the doors and converged together. With a glint in her eye, Viera returned them down the hallway towards the pile of Sith and troopers, blowing them up.

It’s alright now, you can come out.” She moved to one of the doors, but the occupant didn’t answer. Viera could hear them, feel the fear and terror. “Arthur, can you-” However, she was interrupted by one of the doors further down opening up.

Master Viera?” She turned to see a young boy, a Padawan by the looks of his braid. “What’s going on?” The Thyrsian hurried over, quickly crouching before the boy. Part of her wanted to correct him, but now was not the time to be pedantic

The temple is under attack, I’m trying to get you and the younglings to safety. Do you know the others here?” The young boy nodded. “Good, can you do me a favour and convince them to come out? I promise you, I’ll get you all to safety.” With as much determination as he could muster, the young Padawan hurried to the closest door.

Viera sighed quietly, standing back up as she pressed something on her wrist-communicator. <This is Knight Viera, I’m gathering up a group of younglings and padawans in the living quarters. I’ve no clue how many more are still locked in their rooms, but I’ve got a good hallways’ worth. I’m going to take them to the Underground for safety.>



//: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke //: Kyyrk Kyyrk //:

To say her attention was divided would be an understatement, the redhead kept pace with Kyyrk but her mind was elsewhere. Specifically, remembering the note she found from Allyson Locke Allyson Locke she had first regarded the note with anger, which over time gave way to confusion which in time settled into sadness what exactly she was feeling now? She was uncertain, being in the heart of the Galactic Alliance and so near to Allyson, her thoughts were even more divided than they had been while they were on their mission. Her being on Coruscant for the first time should have been a more memorable time with Allyson at her side leading her through it and not Kyyrk. An audible sigh escaped her lips before she could suppress it.

In all the time the man had known her he would have not seen her like this, distracted and unable to focus but the cause was no mystery. While she would not have told him anything he was no fool. Ever since the party on Ryloth things had changed for her, perhaps she had been foolish to think she was the only one Allyson had cared for, or perhaps that was her projecting her thoughts on the woman still, it had hurt finding out the way she did and in such a public way only for it to culminate in a karking note when she had left. She could still feel the anger that she would easily grab ahold of and lash out with but that would not solve anything, that more than anything would push the Corellian further away from her.

It would not be the Knight that snapped her out of her thoughts but rather the alarm as it began to ring out across the planet. For a moment she considered it to be a local alarm, something nearby until it began to sound from every direction, suddenly the focus of her mind shifted where was Allyson. She glanced toward Kyyrk as he looked at her. She was already in motion toward the temple moving as quickly as she could while keeping him in mind. Jedi temples were not exactly fortresses, if you knew where to look there were cracks.

"Kyyrk!" she called for his attention pointing at a window in the side of the temple. It would be far too high for a normal person to reach but for a Knight and an Obsidian Lord? Childs play.



Issue #3

“Kill some Mawites!” She snapped back, barely glancing over her shoulder at the armoured Imperial chasing after her.

Music to his ears. Sweet as honey. Ever since the squid, also known as the Breaker of Minds Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha , had escaped his wrath on Lao-mon, he had sworn to liquidate every single cultist that dared stand in his way. The determination was only strengthened after Auria had chastised his perfect methods of ending the Taskmaster. Her departing figure still lingered at the back of his mind uninvited. She was most displeasing, certainly.

“Get in!” Konrad might be useful, at least she could trust that he’d be talented enough to stay alive and was good enough at killing that she could focus on helping.

The assassin was quickly reminded there was another equally displeasing in his presence currently. She was jacking a car and his barking fell on deaf ears - "Let me drive, woman.". Only the quickness of his feet saved him from a most embarrassing moment of swallowing tibanna dust. Instead, he was holding for dear life as Ishida sped through the chaotic traffic of a world soon to be engulfed in flames. To his surprise, the distress contorting her features and manners was so uncharacteristic to the Ashina heir that it seeped into him.

She was switching through radio channels like a maniac and driving like a lunatic. Konrad could only hope she was driving herself to Azrael.

"What is wrong with y--" his snappy question trailed off inaudibly when the radio gave him the answer.

The New Jedi Temple appears to be the targ––

He almost always seemed to forget that obnoxious fact - she was a Jedi when she could've been so much more. A Shadow. A Hand of Shadows to serve yours truly the Demon's Head who was most unfortunate to currently be a potential casualty of her whacky racing through the skylanes of the Jewel.


Ishida Ashina chose to be a mere fish in a galaxy ruled by shadows. A pity.

"I refuse to go to your pathetic place of worship--" and what he commanded was willed into reality. Just not exactly the one he was expecting. A tall, dark shape landed with a heavy thud atop the hull of the speeder and crimson was all his eyes could see before his enhanced reflexes took command. Faster than his sight could follow, Konrad blocked the blade before it impaled the looney driving this heap of junk with the saber latching into a lock between the spiked fins of his vambrace. Light phrik alloy would hold but not for an extended period of time.

He roared, "Steer, stupid!!" and twisted his forearm to stagger the assailant's footing.

ALLIES | Me, myself, and I
HEADACHE | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
ENEMIES | He Who Was Lost He Who Was Lost

Location: Coruscant, approaching Galactic City
Tags: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

  • The Mongrel rebukes Ignatius
  • The Mongrel praises Mercy's information and gives permission for her to engage
  • The Mongrel orders his speeder turned toward the Senate District and the 500 Republica

In a way, The Mongrel envied the easy banter of the auxiliaries. He had always been aloof from such comradeship, ever the loner, never the one who made anyone laugh. In his old life, what little he remembered of it, he had been a speeder mechanic at the edge of town, always keeping to himself. As a marauder he had been a target for others, until he ripped out their teeth and took their finger bones as trophies. That had begun his legend, started his rise to become the only non-sorcerer Warlord... but that lonely post had only put him further from others.

He had never really known how to connect with people.

He could lead them, however, and that meant knowing their hearts and minds. The Mongrel scanned the letter he'd snatched, finding it less a prayer and more a little rodent's backdoor escape plan. He could kill the wretch for this, and no one would bat an eyelash. Then again, he was a warlord of the Maw; he hardly needed evidence to condemn a man to death. He could strangle Ignatius one-handed, or run him through with his dread blade, and those comrades laughing and joking all around him would stand stock still and watch without lifting a finger.

The Mongrel's burning gaze lingered on Ignatius's face as the man stumbled through his clumsy explanation. To his credit, he did not attempt to lie. That would have been a fatal mistake. As he finished, the warlord was silent for a long moment, waiting as their deployment began. There was a rush of muggy night air as their ship disgorged the LuchsHai onto the roadway below, letting them race up the Coruscani street and toward the coming battle. For a moment, The Mongrel quietly gloried in the sensation of speed and power. Then he spoke.

"Let me give you some advice, 'Iggy'," the warlord said, putting the leering skull of his mask close to the slave-soldier's face... though he left the man room to see. Keeping him from driving effectively at this speed would lead to an ignominious end to his marauding career: becoming another Coruscant speeder accident statistic. "Your past life is irrelevant. It ended, utterly and irreversibly, the moment you fell into our hands and gained true purpose." He jabbed a metal finger into Ignatius's shoulder. "What matters now is faith."

Leaning over the side of the LuchsHai, The Mongrel let the letter drop to the highway below. It twirled madly in the wind as it fell, gone in an instant, a dream snatched away. "It doesn't matter anymore which planets consider themselves 'well-protected', and you don't need 'insurance'. You are going to war among the Scar Hounds, blessed children of the Three Avatars. For those on our holy mission, there are no 'suicidal' attacks, only blessed battles to advance the divine, inevitable cause of War, Death, and Rebirth."

He leaned in close again, one more time. "And if you think you have been 'witness to horrors beyond what is imaginable' so far, remember that the day of our greatest battle is only just beginning. Today you ride with The Mongrel, and there are few horrors I cannot imagine... or bring to pass." Leaning back, he raised his comm, ready to check in on Mercy's information. The letter was a mark against Ignatius, perhaps a fatal one... but his dogged survival instincts reminded the warlord of himself, not so long ago.

Besides, murdering his driver while moving at high speed would be a poor decision. So he decided against killing the auxiliary. For now.

The Mongrel smiled as Ziare's voice reached him. Mercy was so eager for blood, quite the opposite to poor, cultured Ignatius. He was pleased to see that her scouting had borne fruit; the coordinates she transmitted to him would make this entire expedition all the more devastating to the Alliance. "Very good, Mercy," he told her, feeling more than vindicated in his decision to spare the woman who had nearly killed him and turn her to the service of the Maw. "We will deploy slavetakers to the museum district. I am en route to the 500 Republica." He considered Mercy's request, then spoke again.

"You may engage. You have done well to locate the executives, and may pursue them... but beware the Empress. She is powerful."

Tapping his comm against the dash of the LuchsHai, The Mongrel showed Ignatius the route to the 500 Republica. Taking the delegates and their families to use as hostages and slave-soldiers was too delicious an opportunity to pass up; it would make the Bastion Accords look weak, as though they could not protect their own people despite the sprawling treaty. "Take us there," he commanded, leaving his driver with the challenge of weaving through the abandoned vehicles and panicked refugee speeders crisscrossing the aerial motorway.

He did not yet know that Atticus Draco Atticus Draco lay in wait...
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Filing in with her Jedi companions, Kirie had nothing but the mounting sense of dread in her gut to guide her. When they took their places around Senator Fossk she sensed the imminent danger and her hand went to her belt, reaching beneath her suit jacket and wrapping her fingers around her saber.

Kirie had moved to the back of the office, behind Fossk and by the large window overlooking the Coruscant skyline. Outside, she saw a flash of red from outside and turned her head to look, shifting her attention from the Senator just as he shouted suddenly. Kirie’s head whipped back to face the man just as he began to change, a wave of hatred flowing outward from his now-corrupted figure and sending her stumbling backwards.

She recovered quickly, the Force aiding her as she struggled forward and raised her saber, the faded red blade igniting in front of her as the Sith who’d once been Fossk launched his attack.

The Sith moved faster, almost too fast for her to track. First he struck Master Nimdok, and Kirie gasped as she saw the man’s arm sliced off. She didn’t have much time to react, as Fossk was still moving, striking at the others in the room, spinning around to strike her-

Kirie raised her saber to block just in time, a reflexive defensive guard batting away the crimson saber as it struck with tremendous force, pushing her own blade back towards her. She felt a sting and smelled the stench of burning fabric, a fresh burn on her forearm and a suit jacket ruined.

Stepping back, Kirie was offered a moment’s reprieve from the assault by Master Morteg, who leapt towards the Sith with a fierce leaping attack. Kirie wanted to take the opportunity to follow the Padawans out of the room and to get into the hallway where they’d have room to spread out and manoeuvre. Unfortunately, she was stuck on the other side of the room, with the Sith and Jedi battling between her and the door.

"We need to get out of this room." Kirie yelled, her voice barely audible over the shouts and sound of clashing blades

There was the dull boom of an explosion behind her and the window behind her caved in, showering her with shattered glass. She glanced through the jagged hole, seeing the rising black smoke from the Temple, and the Maw ships as they touched down outside. The blood drained from her face, pure horror paralysing her for a moment, before she gritted her teeth and turned back.

"It isn't just him." she called out. "They're everywhere!"

Kirie was terrified, overwhelmed and completely outclassed by her enemy. But at the same time, her heart was pumping fiercely, and the resolve of the Jedi around her gave her the strength to stay and fight, to keep standing in the midst of waves of fear and misery.

She waited for Morteg to finish his strike, holding a simple guarded stance as she made her way back around the room. The exit was still blocked by the unfolding duel, so she’d have to wait for an opening to either strike at the Sith when he was distracted, or else make a run for the door.


Location: Coruscant Great Hall
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

An explosion of varitable kinetic energy extended outwards from Vanagor who dropped to his knees in the process. It was enough to hurl Kol and all of his Mirror Images away from the Jedi Master however whereas Kol was actually thrown the imagies dissipated. While a useful distraction and tool in combat such images weren't physical nor capable of enduring any sizeable disruption to their being. Once again it would only be the two of them.

As Kol was thrown through the air he instinctively let his body twist, manipulating the momentum he was thrown with so that he could turn himself into a makeshift flip that would spare him from crashing into anything to grievously. Insofar as the actually blast of force that had tossed him was concerned Vanagor would likely not that the Apostles Vestments he wore were actually quite potent. Imbued with the Force the Vestments though appearing as little more than silk were quite durable and had absorbed the majority of the kinetic force, they had torn in places around the arms and legs slightly from the sheer potency of the impact however they too would begin repairing themselves similar to how Vanagor's own body was healing though likely for different reasons.

Kol was thrown towards one of the statues but having flipped and manipulated himself with the momentum of the force he was struck by he'd actually land against it feet first. Letting himself coil tightly on impact the Dark Jedi Master became a spring which exploded back outwards again as leg muscles tensed then released, launching him back off of the statue and at his opponent.

Launched back at Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Kol wouldn't have given the Jedi Master time to recover his footing. In fact he had launched off the statue like a meteorite, augmented by Force Speed which continued to let him move at amazing speeds. If Kol had noticed that Vanagor was wounded, even slightly it didn't register in the Dark Jedi's actions nor did his eyes veer that way. No, Kol's assault was literally meant to force himself back onto Vanagor and potentially unbalance and throw the Jedi onto his back so that the Dark Jedi could loom over him.

As he came in close the Dark Sacraments were at work too, Kol wielding them in such a fashion to make it clear he was a potent practitioner of Jar'Kai. The Lightsabers whirled and wove an almost hypnotic pattern however in the end their goal was simply to work in unison and lock themselves with Vanagor's own weapon so that Kol could push it down towards him. Despite Vanagor's physique the Dark Jedi was strong too, his form disguising an almost unnatural strength due to the fact that the adrenaline inherent to his racial heritage was now pumping through his body...

"All that energy."

...he spoke, Kol still retained a certain calm about himself even now. It was almost eerie in its own way but the bigger take away was that he was starting to feel it, the energy that Vanagor produced.​




Operation: FINAL DAWN
On Board | Resurrection Class Battlecruiser 'Magnus'
Tag: Idk everyone I guess, bring it​

The Resurrection Class Battlecruiser ‘Magnus’ fell out of line from behind the Dark Lord @Darth Caelitus’s flagship ‘the Prophet’. The Sith Admiral stood in front of the glasteel view from the Bridge of the ‘Magnus’, with glistening eyes, reflections of the battle raging around them, he spoke to his crew.

“I want all fighter craft to engage the enemy and keep their defending fleet pinned down. Have the Praetorians move in to engage the enemy, I want nothing left of their pathetic fleet.”

A comm technician raised his voice from the crew out below, “Sir, Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and Taskmaster Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha have begun to engage the enemy. Orders incoming.”

Aldo smirked with dark glee, with a chest puffed up he stepped in stride over to the comm station and glared down from below. The order to engage, the order to unleash the World Devastators.

“You have your orders, relay them. Release the World Devastators upon Coruscant.

Fleet Actions:
(1) Ordered all TIE/fd fighters, TIE/fd advanced interceptors, and FD-120 Star Fortresses to engage enemy craft.
(2) Ordered WS-1 World Devastators to begin descent into Coruscant and ravage it’s surface.
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A telekinetic blast buffered against the two, aiming to tear them apart.

Jem fell from the overhead vents well above, a look of fury etched in her angular features. "I was waiting for you!"

The sith?


Her mEntOr.

Jem dodged a sudden shot, the blast singing hairs as it zipped over head. She crinkled her nose against the smell and turned to catch a second shot. It rebounded off the blade of a rather realistic looking saber and clunked the threat square in chest.

She didn't wait to watch them drop, turning back to pair with sweat on her brow. "I turned down an invite to be escorted out of the lock down, just to find you!" A lock down that had turned into a trap. At the back of her mind she was keenly aware that her brother had already left. Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor had taken the invite. Something about his duty to help the jedi mend bridges-- and thank the force he had left.

He wasn't fighter.

She could taste the loss of life in the air.

Her fingers tightened on the saber that pulsed with realistic heat. Blood stained marred its hilt, reflecting off the purple hue as she charged forward. Not another jedi would fall today.

She slashed for Lord Letifer Lord Letifer 's chest, deja vu hitting her as she came upon his face.

Eyes widened.
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Objective 2:

Location: Coruscant
Equipment: In bio | Beskar Power Suit
Tags: Darth Insatious Darth Insatious Cadere Cadere Shai Maji Shai Maji Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres

She wanted to tell Shai 'I told you so', but she didn't need the force to know that was a bad idea. Taking cover behind a crate, the woman was cycling to her REC as Shai was firing into their attackers, unable to bite back the comment she had brewing at the back of her mind. "I told you, people really don't like paying for shipping fees." She had been on the holonet long enough to know that was the case. These morons were sorely out-gunned, they just hadn't a clue, Aerith hadn't gotten to using her big guns just yet. Feeling the 'snap' of the gun barrel locking into place, Aerith rose, leveling out her weapon down the hall as Shai gave the call to fall back. Which to Aerith meant it was time for some covering fire. She smirked as her target riticle outlined several targets to make a first impression on, and with a simple thought, she disengaged the safety and filled the air between her and her attackers with a few hundred rounds of magnetized armor piercing rounds.

Several blasts bounced uselessly off her shielded armor, though the poor dumb bastards that dared to fire at her didn't live long enough to laud their poor decision making. Having reduced the number of their pursuers by at least eighty percent, Aerith put the poor bastards behind her, moving to follow Shai as the pairs ship was beginning to take off. With her heels hitting the deck, Aerith switched on her magnetic boots, as the ship began to shift no thanks to Shai's emergency piloting. Between the war droid and the cybernetic Mando, Aerith was starting to wonder if Shai was looking to make a droid army; with the amount of tech between their two ships alone they could probably field a platoon. Reaching the cockpit, she slid into the nearest open seat, and opened up her left arm, the multi-tools concealed within rearranged themselves, taking up the scomp link and plugging it into the ship. The ship display came to life before Aerith's eyes, as she set herself to keeping an eye on the energy distribution of the ship, and aimed to keep the engines from getting ahead of themselves. "Eyes on the road, last thing we need is a high speed shuttle crash to derail us this evening." She said warmly, but the words had hardly left Aerith's mouth the ship sensors pinged several high altitude explosions. It pulled Aerith into something of a dream state, the cyborg analyzing the data to a point that she was entirely lost to the world around her. At once, diagnostics flashes, numbers emerged left and right, as the ship went from docile flight to immediate dog fighting; something it just wasn't designed to do. Aerith had the ability to process beyond what humans were meant to do, but behind a bit out of sorts already, the information overload didn't help one bit.

They were falling now, reactor overload imminent, and with the current descent and increase of speed, they'd hit solid ground in the next twenty seconds. Aerith's mind came back online, as she flushed the reactor with a quick reset, buying them a small pocket of time for the maneuvering thrusters to slow their fall, but the effort was going to probably scruff up the reactor coils for the next time they ran maintenance; even now, she could see the error messages about the seals not closing properly. She ordered another quick start, flooding the reactor with coolant once more, and building up a hell of alot of steam in the process; it was going to be a mess to clean the damn thing, but Aerith would rather that then risk the crash. Regardless, she was just happy to find her efforts were not in vain, as the ship slowed, and Shai was able to make the landing; though the cyborg was still silent, her mind a mix between studying the battle up above, and monitoring the condition of the ship. Despite her attempts to fix the problem, the reactor had well exceeded it's heat limits, and the pair wouldn't be getting air bound any time soon. Scowling under her helm, Aerith was shaken back to life as Shai tapped her, the blonde raising an eyebrow as she unhooked her hand from the plug in. "I'm the one wearing the walking tank you, I should be asking you that." She replied, rising up as she blinked out the numbers that had been burning into her iris just moments before. "But no, I'm just fine. There's a full scale shoot out up above though." Rising up, Aerith cycled through to her concussion rifle, moving beside Shai as the pair emerged from the craft. Aerith almost couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Maw fighters took to the sky, launching wave after wave of attacks on the surface world, as the Alliance did it's best to drive them back. White hot anger flared in her veins, as she processed the scene unfolding before her. She had thought she'd seen the last of the Sith, and yet, here they were in full display. Motion flared on Aerith's HUD, snapping her out of her trance, as there was something heading their way. More than likely Sith agents. She clenched her fist, concussion rifle cycling through it's firing inputs, as she braced herself. It had been too long since she had dealt with Sith, and far too long since she had felt she'd done them any real damage. "Long as you leave enough for me." She responded, raising her arm cannon and prepared to face the Maw forces head on. "I'll take the brunt, sweep them from behind." She said, the cyborg's suit full powering up as she began to move into action. She braced her legs, and using the servos of her suit, she flung herself upwards, sailing over the top of the ship as she unloaded a burst of sonic into the nearest encroachment of Maw troops. The initial firing broke apart their ranks, sending a handful tumbling, but opening a hole in their lines as the survivors began to fire back at her. Aerith leapt up, her servos pushing her high into the air as she initiated her jetpack and maneuvered to higher ground. Climbing upwards, blaster fire pinged off her shields and suit, as she finished cycling to her REC, and returned fire with a barrage of metal rain; the recoil pushing her further above her targets, though she could track their frantic movements through her visor.

It had been too long since she had raised this much hell.
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Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Location: Near to the Senate, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Open
[ Beauty Of Annihilation ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<< Copy that, Warlord! >> I said to the warning.

For safety’s sake, I asked MANIAC for a path to the area of company executives, as well as how I can get from here to the other two buildings best and fastest. Depending on where I need to go. Yes, the advice is helpful and surprising. So far, I have never received a warning, not even when he was sent against the Jedi on Jakku. Interesting. I think if I could feel fear, I would feel something like that now. But "unfortunately" the fear also remained with Ziare. I chuckled. Of course, that didn’t mean I wouldn’t be careful.

<< I’m currently halfway between the 500 Republica and the Senate, but then I’ll change venues and go to the commercial district instead of the political one. Unless you have another order, Warlord! >> I answered the man.

I went where he sent me, where my need was most needed. Either suited me. He heard more and more screams from all over. A satisfied, evil smile appeared on my lips, though they could not see it because of the helmet. There was more and more chaos everywhere. It was also music to my ears. However, I haven’t moved yet, I still had to hold out a few moments. If I reveal myself ahead of time, I may make it harder to get to the right coordinates.

As I listened to the explosions, screams, and watched the devastation, I got better and better. I could feel the endorphins being released in my body. I had never thought before that just watching this could be such a pleasure. As well as the fact that it felt like I was feeling their fear, their dread. Maybe Ziare's empathy? I don't know, but it was an uplifting feeling…


Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline

Objective III : Crisis in the Core

Location: Coruscant's atmosphere and orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

ALLIES | NIO | HHA | GA | NJO | SJC | AC | TE | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Atlas Drake Atlas Drake | Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene
ENEMIES | BotM | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Mith'arn'oura Mith'arn'oura | Isabella Pavan Isabella Pavan | Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Escort frigate X101 Pride of Anaxes

"Sir, we're approaching Coruscant !"

"Alright. Take the same disposition as usual. I want a battle line formation with the Silencieux cloaked."

"Aye Sir !"

"Communication, send these orders to the Silencieux. They are to engage cloaking device and do the same as they did on Korriban. Once it's done I want a radio silence on the Task Force frequencies. We'll communicate between us with light signals."

"It will be done Sir !"

"Open a channel to Commodore Orcana's flagship."

"Channel opened, you can talk Sir!"

"Commodore, this Captain Herlock on board of the Pride of Anaxes. We'll provide fire against the mawite fleet and support your fleet. Pride of Anaxes, over."

"Sir, the same Fatalis as the one over Csilla and Korriban is here."

Herlock smiled. That big Fatalis wasn't able to sink Herlock's ships on Csilla and fled heavily damaged on Korriban. Maybe this time Herlock will be able to sink it once and for all.

"Signal the Tonnant, tell them to launch all their bombers and support ground forces. The Audacious will stay with them. The Courageous will follow us, we're going to say hello to the Fatalis."

"Aye Sir !"

The formation splat in three. The Tonnant and the Audacious went into the atmosphere in order to provide support to the ground forces while the Pride of Anaxes and the Courageous flew towards Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha 's Fatalis. At the same time, the Silencieux engaged its cloaking device and began it's operation.


On board of the stealth corvette Silencieux
Commanding Officer : Lieutenant Lucas Traumen

"Engage cloaking device ! Prepare for a micro jump. We must get behind the Mawite fleet !"

"Aye Sir !"

The Silencieux became stealth and suddenly made a micro jump into hyperspace. Their objective was clear. They had to slip behind the Mawite fleet and launch their torpedoes, just like on Korriban.

"Sir, we are behind the ennemy fleet."

"Open all torpedo tubes, Fire at will !"

The Silencieux, still cloaked launched her torpedoes while moving to prevent the ennemy ships to spot the corvette easily.
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They dread. They fear. They have known horror at the sights of the war. They watched as Csilla was obliterated, feeling a billion souls cry out as they burned with their planet. They saw the death in the killing fields around the Goshen War Camp, and the tears in the eyes of every slave upon whose back that nightmarish place rested. They had experienced horror, oh yes... but these places were far from their homes, worlds away on the edge of the Galaxy. Looking down from a cushioned and decadent life atop their silver spires the people of the Galactic Alliance felt safe in their homes. Now they experienced Terror... the knowledge that everything they knew was being challenged. Black ships hovered in the night sky above their whole existence, threatening to exterminate the pathetic lives they had built. The army on their doorstep was not like the Sith armies who had invaded this world before. They weren't here for conquest, for control and dominance... they were here for destruction.

Darth Vinaze was ever-present, his aura stretching over the battlefield like the putrid stench of death. He was more spirit than man now. He had achieved what he had struggled with for years: he had proclaimed the new Sith'ari, and now the reborn Sith marched to destroy their eternal enemies once again. He had given up his mortal attachments, his tangible wealth, his laboratories and his acolytes. The only thing he needed was his knowledge, and the Force.

From Beyond, from where he rested in the Netherworld, the Dark Spirit lorded over the battle. The spirit found himself paying respects to the great Revan as he watched the dark-cloaked army of Sith march up the steps of the Jedi Temple, bathing the front of the building in the blood red light of their sabers. In the wars of Darth Revan, the legendary Dark Lord had employed the strongest masters of the Battle Meditation art to fight beside him, controlling the very wills of Revan's armies and assuring cohesion and victory. From his heavenly home the Spirit watched the Purge, imparting his power on the warriors of the Dark Side.

The strongest emotion known to mortals is fear, and if the Jedi did not yet know this they would soon make the realization. As they feared, for their lives, for their home, for the safety of their friends... the Sith only grew stronger. In the quietest halls of the Temple he tasted the sweetest, most potent fear. As younglings and padawans huddled in dark corners making not a sound, wondering when their masters would return to save them from this waking nightmare, Vinaze consumed their fear. Fear was all these ones knew, and the Spirit feasted on them, invigorating the Sith attackers with every fear harvested from the minds of the weak Jedi...



Equipment: Faithless, Lightsaber
Tags: Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl , Darth Daiara Darth Daiara , Kat Decoria Kat Decoria


She could see the anxiety in the girl's face clearly through her reflection in the mirror, an expression that the Sith lord took as a sign of weakness. She felt her lips set into a deep frown when her eyes closed, her fingers occupied with the task of brushing her hair that she'd been engaged with before Darth Daiara Darth Daiara had walked into the room. It wasn't unusual for her apprentice to bother her at such odd hours, the girl had made it a habit since their talk about her hot-headed partner, and she could already tell what it was she wanted to say, or at the very least had a very good idea of what it was she was after. "It wasn't a request, Aradia, you're coming with me." Vesta said evenly, opening her eyes with a sigh that followed soon after. There wasn't much need for her to do any sort of aesthetic grooming, as a shapeshifter she could simply morph her appearance to fit how she wanted to look, but there was something cathartic about doing such mundane things as this.

It helped her feel less different, too.

"Okay but what about.."

She shook her head, quelling the urge to just tell her off and deal with an angry and insubordinate apprentice for the remainder of the week - she didn't want to repeat Korriban, after all. "He's coming with us, too." She said simply, eyeing her through the mirror knowingly. The girl straightened immediately, hands clasped and then parting from each other in front of her chest nervously, and Vesta knew right away that was the right response. "I spoke to him about things after I returned the other night." She continued, choosing her words carefully as to not state something that might contradict reality - it was easier to be forgiven when lies were of omission, where she could simply shift the blame onto the girl's willingness to believe what hadn't been stated. "Does that mean you'll be..." She started carefully, hope breaking through her poor attempt to remain unflustered.

"He agreed to my terms." She said simply, placing her brush down at the edge of her vanity while she reached for her moth-adorned headband and shifted her gaze onto her own reflection. "So you will be joining us, then?" Vesta asked, though she'd already made it clear that the girl had little choice in the matter, as she slid the band into her hair and pushed her brown locks out of her face. "I.. Yes." The girl answered, fidgeting with her hair, though she still seemed a bit.. unenthusiastic about things to the Sith lord.

"Very well, we should be leaving soon."


There was a silent hum of shaking steel as the ship descended into Coruscant's upper atmosphere, now deep in orbit, as Mori strode towards the well of the Prophet that served as the ship's grand assembly. Halketh Halketh made his speech, words of, perhaps, inspiration, but his words weren't meant for her - she already understood their goal, already felt the steady surge in emotion that welled up within her, and there wasn't a fiber in her being that wasn't prepared for the task at hand. Her eyes fell on Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl and then lingered towards her apprentice for a moment or two, the sorts that needed to hear this most, and felt her lips press into a thin smile as she turned towards the nearest shuttle, the one she'd be boarding. When Caelitus approached one, she followed, apprentice and boy in tow.

The ride down was quiet, though all around the three of them there were hushed whispers of excitement for what was soon to come, and the shaking of atmospheric entry and subsequent turbulence served to build on the tension growing in each of their hearts. There was a momentary lurch as they landed, the shuttle shuddering audibly as it hit duracrete, and quiet transitioned into boisterousness with nearly no delay the moment they filed out of their shuttles. Jeering, stomping - she had heard it all before, in wars in the past, only now she belonged.

The rest of them, her apprentice and the boy included, approached the Temple steps behind Caelitus without much delay, perhaps hanging on the man's every word as he recited their code, but Mori lingered behind, not hesitant but lost in thought. It felt incomplete to be here, to do this, now. She looked towards the empty space at her side that she'd always envisioned to be filled with someone else and felt her stomach churn, her chest ache, but that pain only spurred her on, the dim red glow of red that ringed her eyes growing as her frustration did. The majority of the order had already moved into the Temple ahead of her but she only just now began to climb the steps, each one with a delay longer than the last, until at last she was standing at its peak. The open doors lay before her, the sounds of fighting at her front and behind her growing louder by the second, but she didn't seem to care.

A Jedi lunged towards her, perhaps having tried to escape through stealth only to grow emboldened upon seeing her lone figure there, but the lightning that surged from her fingertips as she raised her hand in response flung them back without issue. There was a dull thud, a muffled scream, and a loud pop of a lightsaber exploding from the electricity that had run through its components and its wielder's hand as the Sith lord approached. She seemed distant, though her eyes stared directly into the tear-filled pair that the young Jedi gazed at her with in fear, and it was soon apparent that this distance was instead focus - black smoke forming around her open left hand, billowing out into a pillar that dissipated to reveal the blade she'd forged for just this occasion. All light in the vicinity, light in the force, shrank as she began to let go - Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis 's only instruction to her.

Terror filled the Jedi's face as the Sith forced it out of them with her domineering will through the force, and the screams that followed, primal as much as fearful, were silenced quickly with the sound of steel piercing soft flesh, crunching through the bones that caged their heart, and striking against the duracrete below.

She turned her head, another presence growing near - one of many, she supposed - and set her eyes upon an approaching Kat Decoria Kat Decoria with a growing frown.

She hated Echani.

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