Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk

Location: West Beach
Objective: Defend the West Beach at all costs
Allies: GR [member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Elaine Thul"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Ra Vizsla"]
Equipment: 3 grenades, SI-74 anti-tank rifle, WESTAR Skirmisher armor

"We're surrounded! Fire at will!" Jessica told Zeta Squad, now around her.

Whether her previous shot has actually hit the space wizard, she knew not. But she fired two shots out of the 15 her first LSAT180 Trandoshan particle power pack contained; a third shot was now in order. She needed no longer worry about the space wizard called [member="Arumi Zy"] but she was to fire because she knew the Mandalorians were so tightly packed that, even in the cloud of black smoke looming in the horizon, she'd surely hit something with a SI-74 shot. An infantryman, a tank, a battle turkey, anything. The noise was deafening, to be honest, she had enemies on all sides and she was positioned at the very edge of the trench, perpendicularly to it. A shame she was a grenadier contracted by the Republic - she did fight once or twice, but these were small-scale engagements compared to this one. And the sight of turkeys across the first line of trenches, some of which exploding by falling on it to cover the extra turkeys rushing towards the second line of trenches.

"In front of the trench, we have battle turkeys deployed amid a cloud of smoke, off our back we have a platoon led by a dancer bard. The Mandos have no logic in which weapons to choose!"

"They have slaughtered the Wookiees in the third trench, ma'am. Grab a bowcaster, your weapon is too slow to fire"


The bowcasters of some of those dead Wookiees in the first line of trenches went in all directions when the turkeys exploded. In a funny moment a bowcaster hit Jessica on her head. I hope these bowcasters fire faster than once every eight seconds, she thought. But she knew that Wookiee bowcasters (one [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] would readily imagine her with one after he came at her usual workplace before that Force-roadblock was removed - he mistook her for a Wookiee female, plus she nearly had the strength of a Wookiee female) But, if she was strong enough to wield a SI-74 with the modifications, she was strong enough for wielding a bowcaster: even a bowcaster will feel light in comparison, both in weight and in recoil. She quickly picked up the bowcaster laying at her feet, and tried to get a feel for the bowcaster. And if she wielded something as difficult to properly wield as a SI-74, surely she could wield a bowcaster. All that she knew about bowcasters at this stage was that they had 50 shots with a standard powerpack; once she knew what the controls were like, she fired in the direction of [member="Funky Balor"] while the rest of Zeta Squad fired either in front of the trench or behind it.

"A-ha! Even though I look like a buckethead woman, I am not a buckethead!"

"That will force the Mandalorian dancer to think twice about you!"

"Aim for the joints!"

She was a little slow-turning, so hopefully her armor would be able to absorb a blaster hit or two between two bowcaster shots at the joints of enemy armor. And throw a fragmentation grenade among the crowd of Mandos, among which is the space wizard she attempted to shoot at earlier - she had one each of the following varieties: frag grenade, ion grenade and anti-armor grenade.
Location: Forest
  • Mandalorian Crusaders ([member="Isley Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Goran"], [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Deneve Verd"])
  • Mandalorian Vanguard ([member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Bendak Orden"], [member="3X744"])
Enemies: The basilisk war droid
Gear: Sig.

After Zef had finished being a stereotypical badass, he realized that not only he had not gathered his BFG from the ground but that there was something slithering on the ground quickly like a snake. At first he thought that was a snake or some other type of slithering animal but by the time he realized it was not a snake it was too late.


That was the only thing he could mutter before the rope tied around his leg and pulled him like a sack of potatoes dragging on the ground as the basilisk war droid went on its rampage through the Republic's forces.


His armored body struck one unaware and probably shocked Republic soldier sending him flying away. The pulse cannons on the war droid spewed chaos as it momentariliy changed positions, not staying in one place for more than a few seconds of delivering chaos.

Whoa, whoa.

His mind was blank, it was all about instinct now. Evade or cover his body from crashing into trees, soldiers, wookies, stashes of weaponry, branches and all that. His weapon was on board the stupid war droid making his only weapon now his own body that slammed all around. The beskar'gam was tough but the kinetic energy was still a burden.

"Karkin' droids..." He barely muttered as he launched a barrage of slugs from his wrist. For just a moment he had good enough aim but then it all went back to 'normal'. The basilisk tore through Republic ranks insanely while Zef accidentally finished off what remained standing after the trail of destruction that the war droid left behind it. The scoundrel had no idea what was happening only that he was being dragged by a damn crazy basilisk war droid.

"HOW THE KARK DO YOU STOP THIS ?!?!" Zef yelled through the comm channels, before he could anything more he had to put his arms forward sending a wave of wrist missiles at a tree. It's trunk tore and the massive tree began falling down over what soldiers were using cover around it. Vehicles, walkers and such would end broken by the falling trees and chaos would erupt in the Republican's previously well organized front.

I mean, who the hell would expect something like this ?

The war droid continued and Zef's body accidentally once again struck this time a Republic soldier aiming somewhere with a rocket launcher, bumping into the soldier the Republican's aim went off sending the rocket into his own people. The scoundrel's random firing around would strike caches of explosives that lit up and bring even more chaos.

All the while he was trying to stop being dragged like a ragged doll.
Gear in signature.
Location: Forest, beginning march to Kachiro outskirts
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Nolan Detta"], Mandalorians
Enemies: Republic and co., [member="Rexus Drath"] if he doesn't get out of the way

The commentary from her younger brother pulled her from the reverie of the past, earning a quiet laugh as well. "I appreciate the concern, vod'ika, but I'm not as reckless as I once was. Besides, I've been here before for a similar occasion. It's nothing new." There were still the scars across her right shoulder that stood testament to that. This return had been a long time coming, and based on the lack of commotion on the open comms aside from the sort that typically accompanied Mandalorian warfare, there was little resistance to meet them this time around. A disappointment, really. It made her wonder just what had happened within the Republic since her departure and that of the clone army.

"You don't have to worry about much resistance when you approach. The bes'uliik handled it." Or, well, most of them. Zef seemed to be having a problem with his own, though the beast quickly left him behind in favor of wreaking havoc itself. It was a sight to behold, and soon enough she called to him over a private comm as well, "You need a hand, ba'buir?" That moniker would likely earn a comment in return, as was their way. Keira was soon to dismount from her War Droid as well, though with a touch more finesse than that of the old scoundrel. The tomahawk Isley had gifted the Crusaders was instantly in her grasp, and shortly thereafter was flying through the air, coming to an abrupt stop when it made contact with the head of a Republic trooper. Though armored, the alchemized vibroaxe made quick work of the soldier's life.

A twitch of her fingers sent it snapping back into her palm, and a flick of the wrist cleansed it of the worst of the blood. The fingers of her left hand flexed slightly, and she turned as a Republic trooper approached her from the side, the air around the cybernetic beginning to shimmer as the repulse hand activated. Turning she swung with all of her strength towards the duraplast armored chest of the man, the armor splitting with a crack between the sheer weight of her strike and the added devastation of the repulse hand. But it didn't stop there. Bone splintered as well, the power of the artificial limb rending organic matter much easier than it did the shell that protected it. The now lifeless corpse fell limp, and she kicked the body free, rolling her shoulder.

Crimson all but covered the entire surface of her cybernetic where it had made a hole through the chest cavity of an unfortunate soldier, and she supposed that meant she would have to dismantle a few key components in order to make sure everything was adequately cleaned. A pity, and almost not worth the stunt she had pulled. "Yeah, they're eight now. Growing into their ability and all the family they have." There was something to be said for adoption and in-laws both. Any other time she would have taken him up on the offer of a cigarette, but something about punching a man through the chest killed the mood. "I'll pass. And I'm sorry to hear about your wife. How have you been?"

"Sensors indicate movement at your eleven o'clock." Her awareness instantly heightened moments before a hail of bullets assailed their position, though Mandalorians were far from those to cower like sheep at the slaughter. Many located sufficient cover or found other methods to weather the storm, and for her own part she activated the shielding within her arm, waiting out the assault with a patience forged by years on the battlefield.

It seemed her report about a lack of resistance was about to change, though she couldn't complain overly much, given that this was a welcome change from merely having things handed to them. Mandalorians were honed on the sharp and unforgiving edge of war. This was their playground. When the battlecries of the Wookiees sounded she merely hefted her tomahawk. "And you say you've done this before." "They had Jedi to help them the last time. This is nothing." She didn't bother to properly engage the first that charged her, instead crushing her would-be foe's ribs inward, their vertebrae snapping with finality. Laandur Jetiise. "You know, this isn't the best time," She had sensed the approach of the Jedi, recognizing him as something akin to an acquaintance. Her tomahawk scraped across the edge of another Wookiee's spear, the strength of the gargantuan alien not allowing her to meet the cut head on.

Her ethereal grasp wrenched the spear to the side, allowing her to make a slash across the throat of the other warrior and end the impromptu clash. "Either get out of the way or fight, Rexus." There was no time for conversation, and at this point she was fed up with the Republic doing nothing but talking. It was time they proved their worth.


The Original Robot Space Ninja
Location: ???
Objective: Get Not Lost
Allies: Sammy the Turkey
Enemies: Galactic Republic, Trees

Goran wasn't sure exactly when it had become separated from the other Crusaders.

On any normal planet, it would have been able to keep up easily. Kashyyyk was not normal. Between the infernal trees and the infernal wookiees and the infernal inferno that was cooking up in the Shadowlands as debris from the battle spilled over, this place was definitely not the little Shard's cup of tea.

It had tried to get around the mobility issue with the jury rigged hoverplatform, but between the weight of the armor and the weapons, it could barely move faster than an octogenarian's brisk walk. The other Crusaders had left it behind in no time flat, the bastards. Without them, Goran had no idea where it was going. It hadn't gotten the HUD interface up and running before the battle, and couldn't tap into their comms channels or their location beacons. The Shard was hopelessly lost, surrounded by jungle and the sounds of...gobbling?

"Gobble gobble gobble," said the lone turkey as it rested in the shade of a tree. It was a massive bird, easily dwarfing the Shard. It tilted its head curiously as Goran approached.

"Gobble gobble," Goran replied, in perfect Turkese (not to be confused with Turkish, a completely different dialect preferred by the Dressellian Plains Turkey.) "Gobble?"

"Gobble gobble gobble, gobble gobble. Gobble?"

"Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble, gobble gobble gobble. Gobble gobble."

The turkey nodded sagely. He too grew tired of the the inhumanity of man, and wished only that there was some way, any way, to achieve peace. He pulled a stolen cigarette out from under his wing, where the junction between the armor and feathers made for a convenient pocket.


Goran produced a miniature torch from a compartment, and helped the kindred spirit light his cigarette. If they were to condemned to die, surely they were allowed a moment of companionship, here among the trees. The turkey inhaled deeply, eyes closed as the bliss washed over him.

"Gobble gobble. Gobble goooooobble."

It certainly smelled like good stuff. Goran was a little disappointed that it could only imbibe in digital form. This stuff smelled like it could tranquilize a bantha.

"Gobble gobble gobble. Gobble gobblegobblegobblegobble gobble!"

Elation washed through Goran. Yes! That was exactly it! They would show them what could happen when Shard and turkey worked together in harmony. They would show them, and the world would look on in despair.



Towards the sounds of battle they charged, feathers rustling and armor gleaming. The turkey, whose name was Sammy in basic but Gobblegobble Gobble in Turkese, had helped turn the slow and awkward hoverchair into a glorious chariot. Sammy's muscles were more than up to the task, as he'd previously towed one of the heavy autocannons. Goran was heavier, but his hoverchair took up much of the burden of propulsion.


And thus they charged headlong towards the beach, since it was the nearest field of battle they could hear.


Well-Known Member
Location: Kashyyyk, Royal Embassy, Command Center
Primary Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: Clan Betna | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] |
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"]
Collateral Additional Allies: [member="The Gray Assassin"]
Post (4)

Buruk's eyes followed the Force user with a sneer. He was quick, able to leap tall buildings in a single... no wait. That was something else. The Sith had lunged at the Republic soldier before him, bolts of electricity striking him square. He immediately turned to face the soldier, his body had been lifted off the ground, crashing into one of his vod. With a leap and a roar, Buruk charged towards the man as he rose. He had lost all control, the war drums the only audible sound as the blood rushed through his veins. This is what it meant to be Mandalorian. This is what it meant to belong to the Clans.

The Mandalorian Soldier who'd been knocked from his feet rose, his anger at being the unintentional victim of a force user's powers evident as he looked to where the Sith stood. Rounds flying at him from the other side of the room snapped him back to reality as he began laying down suppressing fire after retrieving his rifle from the ground where it lay. The other Mandalorians in Buruk's squad had begun mopping up the injured and wounded, also firing on the last few fully capable Republic Troopers in the large command center. Buruk however was doing something entirely different.

As he reached arm distance, his heavy gauntlet shot forward with surprising speed, the knuckle plate vibro-blade humming as it tried to find purchase in the man's chest armor. With the Fet Kal Trench Knife in his right hand, he held it at chest level, ready for a follow up strike if his first one failed, and as a defense if the man were to come in at him from the right. He had forced the distraction of the Sith out of his mind for the moment, focusing solely on his prey as his men watched his back.

Varien Moxla

Location: West Beach
Objective: Stop the Republic
Allies: @Mandalorians, [member="Kade Kelborn"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Yasha Mantis"], [member="Arumi Zy"], [member="Funky Balor"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Ra Vizsla"]
Enemies: [member="Myles Savar"], [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], Kaiden Rohn, [member="Elaine Thul"], @Alena Recker

Beskad cleaving through standard Republic weaponry and being cracked over the heads with a pommel here, and the flat of a blade there, Varien was mowing a path through the Republic lines with the other Kelborn Warriors that accompanied him as he forged a path for the Republic lines. They moved with a single intention in mind, spearheading through their lines, less than ten, but moving with the momentum as if their numbers were ten times that.

There was no stopping that beskar'gam train.

Continuing on ahead, Varien moved for the Republic's trenches, still on his path for [member="Myles Savar"] and his squad, he pulled a thermal detonator off of his belt and threw it straight for the area, the aforementioned Squad Leader remained with [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], threatening to blow them to bits if they didn't subdue him or take note of the force aided grenade flying through the air for them, though it was much closer to the Republic Soldier than the screaming woman.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Location: Burning forest
Objective: Talk and maybe fight a little
Allies: No one now
Foes: Probably mandos if they choose to be asses. [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Zef Halo"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Equipment: One silver imperial knight saber, one blue saber, and a pretty dope suit.

When the shots started to fire back and forth the Jedi didn't raise his hand to commit violence towards either side, this wasn't his fight and all it really boiled down to was two governments fighting over whatever nonsensical crap that caused war and death. And Rex didn't mean the deaths of only soldiers, he meant those of the innocent who were caught in the middle of it. But luckily there were no innocent bystanders in the middle of the fight so he had no reason to react with violence to stop the Mandalorians or Republic.

So the man simply walked behind a very think and old tree and leaned against it to take cover and enjoy his cigarette. With a few exhales of grey smoke the man would have his conversation with Keira even with all the gunfire and explosions.

"And you're here? Causing death and destruction rather than being with your family? My Emily is all grown up and off at her first year of college." Rex said telepathically to the woman.

"I'm not going to pretend to understand why you turned your back on your men, or why you choose to fight the Republic, your reasons are your own and if I took offense to it then it'd be a one way ticket to extinction." The man took another drag of the cigarette and exhaled once more.

"But in my honest opinion you don't belong here, you belong with your family." The man then put out his cigarette and stomped it out on the ground.

"Go home, Keira. We both know you don't want to be here." Rex would then stand up straight from his leaning position and look around the corner to see the attack the Republic was pushing.

Was a real shame how the Republic had gone down hill. Siding with Sith, electing pirates as their leaders, and killing good people in the crossfire of their many wars. Rex didn't want to defend them anymore, he didn't want to fight for that cause, all he wanted to do was safeguard the innocent and protect the vulnerable, he was a Jedi, not a general and not a soldier.
Twilight Raid
Royal City - Beneath The Embassy
Immediate Area: [member="Andy Rodarch"][member="Aryn Spar"]

The charges blew. Aryn Spar lept up through the smoke and into the Embassy.

Kronos followed.

Ambassadors, civilians, everyone was fleeing. Kronos wasn't one for slaughtering non-combatants, there wasn't much challenge to it. He let them flee. However, his attention turned to the guards that were running on foot to stop the Mandalorian onslaught. Kronos's twisted face smiled underneath his helmet - they had been under the Embassy for too long, in the dark for too long.

Waiting for war for too long.

A few blaster bolts caught him in the chest. The elder Oda looked down to regard their pot marks, and then proceeded forward.

Men screamed. Kronos ripped and tore asunder.

For Mandalore. For Roche. For the Crusade.

Strike Teams
From the West: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"] , [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
From Below: [member="Andy Rodarch"]
Beach Assault
Location: Forest ---> Outer City
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="3X744"], [member="Isley Verd"]
Enemies: The Republic
Gear: Check the Bio

Marcus shrunk behind one of the armor plates of his mount as the amount of ground fire heading towards them increased dramatically. From below, the forms of Republic troopers could be seen turning tail as the first bes'uliik began raining fire down upon their landing zones. It was an awesome sight, glorified by the war cries of the clansmen atop their sturdy machines that seemed to absorb the incoming laser fire as if it were nothing. These machines were armored down to their core, and destroying one with normal small arms, he knew, would be a near impossible task. Soon, with the landing sites littered with bodies and burning vegetation, the mechanical war machine set down heavily on the scorched grass. They had arrived.

Marcus dismounted near instantly, followed by a small squad of new bloods who had been delegated to his command for the fast approaching battle for the city. It wouldn't be long now, and he quickly moved to form up with the rest of the formation that was already marching forward. It was a far cry from a server room, but he knew from past experience that he would still lend a capable hand to the ground assault. And who knew? Perhaps these Wookies knew how to create something a little more advanced than a wooden club? It was unlikely, but possible.

Realistically, he would still be searching out security terminals and other devices that could be used to wreak havoc among the Republic lines, but they would be much fewer and far between on a world like this.

But of course, they were not so far away from danger that it should escape his mind. The enemy had fallen back from this position, and hopefully they had turned tail for the city at the sight of their landing party, but one could never be sure. He scanned the area lying ahead of the party for heat signatures, slight movements in the brush, a misplaced leaf, but he could see nothing. Either they had made their point, or they were walking into a trap. Whatever the case, they would press on.

But before he could even think to motion towards the direction of the city to his squad mates, one was immediately cut down by an unknown assailant. What had become a shocking scene came to a sudden realization as yet more of these silent projectiles flew through the ranks of the Mandalorian clansmen. He saw a fair few fall, but it was hardly the sort of resistance he expected. Then, the real terror became all too real.

Wookie warriors, dozens, hundreds, erupted through the trees with bone rattling roars of terror and primitive weaponry. Soon, they were thrust into melee combat without any real sense of what they were to do, surrounded by hundreds of the natives and with little hope for support but from their robotic battle mounts. His breathing became short and quick as the silence of the forest erupted with the wails of men and beast. The first Wookie he saw took two bursts, the next took three, It was incredible how tenacious they were, even when wounded, and he soon found yet another of his squad mates killed by one of their savage blades. He opened up on the killer as soon as he could, and dropped him just as quickly, but it was clear they were at the disadvantage.

"Vilaz! They've got us on all sides!"


Well-Known Member

Location: Western Outskirts, Royal City of Kashyyyk
Objective: Defend Against the Onslaught of the Mandalorian Clans
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [] Galactic Repubic
Enemies: [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [] [member=Ra Vizsla"] [] Mandalorian Clans
Post: (1)

Tranquility. It was something he hadn't felt in a long time. He'd been in a constant state of meditation throughout the morning, preparing himself for the fight to come yet something was lurking on the horizon he could sense it. A storm, clouds thick as the night... at least in the Force. He sensed a great darkness descending upon Kashyyyk... and he was not wrong. Reports had come in from the beaches during the morning and the battle there was not going well. The Mandalorian Clans had made it clear their mission was vengeance... and total destruction of the Republic forces.

During his short stay on Kashyyyk so far, he'd grown inexplicably attached to the Wookie culture. So much so that he spent almost every moment he wasn't helping prepare defenses he was trying to learn more about it.

It was well known fact that Wookies were some of the fiercest fighters in the Galaxy, rivaling the Trandoshans whose only response to the Wookie's raw strength was superior technology. He had prepared to the best of his ability, and then gone out to patrol the area surrounding the Embassy with a small group of Wookie warriors. He'd been assigned the Western approach.

Shortly after dusk, he'd suddenly felt the presence of a few of the Wookie warriors he was patrolling with snuffed out. One moment they were there, the next nothing but cold. A foreboding presence played at the edge of his mind... he felt as if he was being watched. He reached out through the Force, trying to sense what might be out there in the darkness of the night... at first there was nothing... and then there was. Mandalorians. He raised the alarm, his lithe frame darting behind the stump of a large tree. He knew Mandalorians like their weapons... he'd have to be careful, no telling when one might get a bead on him. He would be doing much relying on the Force this day. It would do him little good to get picked off at the outset.


The small group of Wookies reacted quickly as the Jedi raised the alarm, their large frames appeared even more gigantic in the shadows of the evening. There were at least seven warriors, each outfitted with a variety of weapons including bowcasters, bladesticks, and even some swords.

As soon as he'd heard the alarm, the leader of the group let loose a bellow that would shake even the fiercest of warriors. Takko was the largest among his kin, standing well over 2.5 m in height, he was a titan among his people. He was easily one of their fiercest warriors and had amassed a good number of trophies taken from his enemies. The Wookie, upon seeing a Mandalorian huddled behind a tree began to lose his hold on reality. It was both a blessing and a curse, the rage of a Wookie. It granted them great strength in combat but in that same stroke it delivered a sort of tunnel vision, a focus so intense that all else was inconsequential.. at least in the mind. Takko raised his bladestick high into the air and bellowed forth in his native language.

"whooao aooowararo scrawhwaraanoorcahrawh. rooohu oaooscwo acworcwo, aooo ohrarrwo ohrarc rarrraahwhcao aoacwo rcwoakhurhanahoa, rowoao rooohu orahanan scro orahwh. ah ohahanan rcwowhwa rooohurc wwanwocac wwrcoosc aoacwo oarawhooakro ooww aoacwo wwoorcwocao aooo aoacwo worarcaoac rhwoanoooh. rhro aoacwo wowhwa ooww aoacwo whahrracao, aoacwo rcooooaoc ooww aoacwo ohrcoocacrorc ohahanan chuak oowh rooohurc rhanoooowa. akrcwoakrarcwo aooo scwowoao waworaaoac."
"Not today Mandalorian. You come here, to wage war against the Republic, yet you kill my kin. I will rend your flesh from the canopy of the forest to the earth below. By the end of the night, the roots of the wroshyr will sup on your blood. Prepare to meet death..."

This of course was followed by another terrifying war cry, echoed by all the warriors within earshot. The forest of the western approach was filled with them. Had the enemies been anyone but the warrior-like Mandalorians, they may have thought twice about testing their mettle against true warriors of Kashyyyk... but that was not the case.

Blaster fire erupted from small platforms in the trees, several wookies even swinging down on the invaders using grappling hooks. As they swung to the ground they began searching for the closest Mandalorians. Truly they were terrifying in the night, their dark fur and guttural roars shattering the night. The blades they carried cutting into anything they could reach. Armor would do much to protect the Mandalorians from the violent slashes of the Wookie's blades but would do little against the brute strength of the warriors. Already one of the warriors who'd streaked down from the trees had become intertwined with one of the Mandalorians, pummeling the T-Visor of their helmet with a closed fist, fingers of the other hand gripping the armor plates worn. As he cemented his grip, he lifted the hapless Mando into the air before slamming downwards, his goal to shatter the organs of the human inside.

They were warriors. A tried and true band of Kashyyyk's finest, and despite the leadership's attempt to defend against the onslaught of invaders by providing holo-coverage to the universe... They. Would. Fight. Iron would be met with iron, steel with steel, and blood... with blood.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Allies: Clan Munin | Clan Verd | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Zef Halo"]
Enemies: The Republic
Objective: Do that "Real-sore-hair" thing that Briika talks about.
Gear: Clifford the Big Red Droid (Besuliik Mk II), DC-17 blaster pistol, Survival Knife


The call came through the comlink channels as Clifford was descending toward the forest floor.

Confused, the small Mandalorian clone stood in the saddle as he craned his body around to peer down over the left and right sides of the massive basilisk war droid he was straddling. Along the ground, he could see another basilisk droid rampaging on foot. That, by itself, wasn't unusual.

What was unusual was the riding technique employed by the droid's operator. That being, lashed as though the armored figure had the basilisk on a leash. Or, rather, the basilisk had the Mando by a leash. The Mandalorian warrior was then dragged across the battlefield, whipping about in the droid's wake. The sight made the boy start giggling as he collapsed back down into the oversized saddle. It was probably a little jarring to be going into combat, as Mandalorians, and - along with the explosions and the expletives - to have a nine year old's laughter echoing through the comm.

Clifford made the landing just behind where [member="Vilaz Munin"] and [member="Briika Tor"] had set down. Still giggling, the young cadet of Clan Munin rocked forward in the saddle, sitting up on his knees as he peered over Clifford's head.

At the signal from Briika, the boy dismounted the big red droid. In true Mandalorian fashion, it was a regal and astute maneuver worthy of a warrior scholar.

That being, the boy hesitated on the jump and wound up slipping over the side. "Ugh." With a thud, the child face-planted down into the dirt at Clifford's clawed, metal feet.

Not to be dismayed, the child popped back up. His clothes were a little dirty, but the boy had both arms raised as though he was an Olympic gymnast who'd just made the landing from the uneven bars. "OYA!" the boy cried, before his short legs scurried over toward where Briika was. With a series of clicks and beeps, Clifford trailed along after the boy.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Protection of medical personnel, CAS
Allies: Mandalorians, Rianna Ar'klim-Organa
Enemies: Republic Forces on the beach, [member="Myles Savar"], [member="Reshmar"]
Equipment: Bio, MMG-84S Gunship (Piloting), MMG-84S Medical (Escorting)

As the smoke turned the beach to night the Verpine's helmet went to thermal and he turned his fire to some of the other trenches. The medical transport behind him had just taken off leaving some of its medics behind to take the ten wounded Mandos and was making a beeline upwards towards the medical frigate overhead. Sko was about to follow it when a fresh squad appeared from the woodlands. Adjusting his aim he opened fire with the duel rapid firing laser cannons. Kicking up dirt and mud the lasers destroyed anything they touched including what the Verpine pilot hopped was the enemy troops.

Firing for another two seconds a warning beeping went off in his helmet as the guns started to overheat. Accelerating he went upwards going maximum throttle to rejoin with the medical gunship. Forming up on its wing he relaxed slightly and called ahead to the medical vessel. "This is the medical unit Gathr bringing up wounded. The armed gunship can provide escort for any of your transports."
Location: Kashyyk → Royal Embassy, Command Center
Allies: [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Buruk Surhaai"], [member="Aryn Spar"], [member="Anija Betna"], [member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Kronos Oda"], [member="Titan Kryze"], [member="Arla Balor"]; Clan Betna
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"], The Republic; [member="The Gray Assassin"] (???)
Objective: Twilight Raid
Post: 2 // ??

Punch something enough times and it starts to listen to you, or if you throw a round ball like object, you can capture it. Unfortunately, Lorsima did not have one of these ball like objects and instead ended up caught up in slash-spider webbing that her vod managed to bypass via jetpacks, or in the case of one Togorian clawing their way through the thick forests and into the Royal City itself. No, Lorsima the daughter of farmers with gear that looked older than most of her vod had gotten herself caught up in a fisticuffs match with a spider, because Mandalorian.

Unable to reach her hammer she instead headbutted it enough to loosen the spider's grip and then managed to punch it enough times in the face. The spider became confused and Lorsima having spotted, heard and witnessed as her vod blew holes into the Royal City, namely the embassy. Angered that she was missing out on all the fun grabbed webbing and began to climb her way up angering more spiders in the area. She swore to herself these things usually lived out on the coast, but all the ruckus around the beach must've sent them all up here - either that or the Wookiees were using them, which probably made more sense now that she thought of it.

It was a long climb and spiders did not tire easily, and eventually, their webbing was going to run around. Lorsima hooked herself up onto a thick branch and crawled along it to hop to another one. She nearly lost her footing on the foliage on this particular branch and she looked behind her to see even more spiders, because Kashyyk decided it was going to try and kill her today, "this is not the day that I die!" She grumbled and looked for a way onto the next branch and found a spot where the gap was small enough for her to jump.

She'd been hoping that punching at least one of the spiders enough would get it to be her friend, either that - or she'd been watching Endermon Go all wrong, the entire time. Looking behind, her one more time she could see the mandibles of one spider gaining on her and decided to kark it, and jumped for the next branch and this time she lost her footing. Gripping onto the branch with her body she looked down into the deep dark abyss of the forest below her. Shimming her way along the branch's edge she pulled herself back up atop a branch and leaned against the thick tree.

Lorsima's eyes scanned through her HUD to see her vod, they were closer now, she'd have a little more to go from here. Looking to her old jetpack she took a deep breath and would have to pray to the ancestors that it worked. Either that or she was just gonna have to try and land on the next branch over, or just die, that could happen to. Without further ado, she activated her jet pack and it seemed to be working she could see the hole her Vod had punched into the Embassy, and as she scanned with her HUD she could see them fighting and then just as she thought she was going to reach it, the jet pack began to sputter.

Her heart caught in her throat, and just as she started to fall she felt something. Looking down she saw a bolotaur, and then looked behind her to see that she wasn't dead, or dying. Nope, she by some stroke of luck, perhaps the ancestors were looking out for her after all!

No, no, the bolotaur was outrunning a netcaster, another fething spider! Only this one was poisonous, highly so. "Faster!" Lorsima shouted to the blasted thing. Come to think of it, weren't bolotaurs normally on the ground? How was this- oh, she looked and saw that it was not the same kind of bolotaur from the textbooks. No, this one was made for climbing and it did so with great agility. "Up there!" She shouted turning its head toward the sounds of fighting and as she looked back over her shoulder, "c'mon!"

Lorsima's beskar'gam while aforementioned was old, and between jumping from branches as if it were some sort of jumping puzzle. Beating up the native creatures of Kashyyk, out running said creatures and trying not to die. The thing looked like it was about to fall apart on itself. Even as she managed her way down into the center of the room, where the bulk of her vod had been with two of them cornering a member of the Republic.

The netcaster wasn't too far behind her, she tucked and rolled toward the bulk, as the creature came roaring in screeching. Venom dripping from its mandibles as it looked to take anything out with its poison. It looked around the room and sensed every creature there and determined that they were all dangerous. He strikes into the bulk of the squad in the center of the room hoping to land a poisonous bite somewhere to try and get all these creatures away from him.
Location: Geosyncrinous Orbit over Kashyyk. The Myrmadinas Support Corvette
Objective: Warn Mando'ade. Fix the Engines. BE ALIVE to raise her daughter.
Allies: Mandalorians. Anyone in space with more than 6 guns.
Enemies: [member="Reshmar"]
Gear: A big wrench. A prayer.

"Any word yet?"

"No, Ma'am."

"How about now?"

"No, Ma'am."

"How about..... now?" Aditya said, one leg cast over the arm of her command chair. The Epicanthix didn't want to be on Command, she wanted to be in Engineering, the very place her husband fell in love. Okay so he fell in love with her while he defended her from Pirates while she mined for Phrik... the same Phrik which was still in their basement on Keldabe's outskirts.

Huh! She should use that sometime. But not now. Now, she was looking for the ship which had emblazoned its' way into Kashyyk space.

"How abou-"

"No! Nothing! No, Ma'am!" The Captain yelled, shoulders raised to his ears. Aditya snorted and threw her other leg over the arm of the chair.

The energy around the Kashyyk system fluctuated. Warning sigils flashed on and off as ripples of hyperspeed exits and fleet movements threw their presences up on the Myrmadinas' sensors.

"Hokey shriek-hawk! Tell me that's the Mando's... Science Geek! Wassat? Tittles, hail the Mando fleet! Studious Captain Dude! Please tell me there's some magic.... Captainy thing which makes you somehow able to summon [member="Captain Larraq"] from the middle of this system's glorified ass? Where's [member="Manu Xextos"] when a girl needs a Fleet?"

"Ah, Ma'am, there's a Mon Calamari fleet coming in-bound. I'm... I'm.... oh this ain't good." Science Geek said, steadying his green hands on the science console panel. Aditya tore off her chair and rushed to the Science and Sensors console to see what Geeky-dude had seen.

"FETH ON A STICK!" She said, rushing back to her seat.

"Tittles, COMM THE MANDO FLEET!" Aditya snapped her fingers, scanning the skies for the Mandalorian vessels better suited to being the jackhammer needed to break the enemy fleet incoming to the system.

"Mando'ade Fleet, Mando'ade Fleet, this is Rally Master Aditya Mantis of the Support Corvette Myrmadinas, we are reading a massive naval reinforcement from the Republic oncoming in our position. Repeat, we are about to get rained on. Someone with tactical capacity, please respond I am an engineering support vessel, not a warship, over!"

Please help there to be someone with more than twelve guns to help defeat the massive 3 kilometre long flying death machine.
Twilight Raid
Allies:[member="Buruk Surhaai"], [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"]. [member="Andy Rodarch"], [member="Kronos Oda"], [member="Aryn Spar"]
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] (though by the looks of things not for much longer) [member="Bryn'jarr Astaris"]

Objective: Burn, baby, burn

The calm of the forest was ruptured by the explosions beneath the embassy. Grinning beneath her helm, she signalled to her men to hold position, waiting just long enough for the wookies attention to be drawn towards theory home.

"All units engage. Release the remaining hounds. If it shoots at you kill it. If it's running let it go."

Chaos ensued as they rushed forward, weapons raining hell upon guardians of the city. Mia hung back, picking off strays and sentries up high with yew stolen bowcaster. The ease of the assault said a great deal about the state of the republic.

Once upon a time they would have had the Jedi Order on their side, but it would appear that even they had finally seen sense and abandoned the traitors and left them to suffer the consequences of their treachery and lies.

Already Surhaai had reached the Embassy and resistance was crumbling. It was not enough for Mia, she wanted to rip the rug out from underneath them. The walking ones in particular.

"Let's see if we can't find someone in charge, and encourage them to surrender."
Beach Assault
Location: Forest ---> Outer City
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="3X744"], [member="Bendak Orden"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Marcus Lok"]
Enemies: Republic and Friends
Gear: First post

What a true pity indeed. The Galactic Republic and its allies didn't entertained Vilaz and Isley's troops as much as they expected. The Vanguard and the Crusaders expected Jedi, Republic soldiers, and Wookies loyal the wicked of the Galactic Republic to be racing towards the Mandalorians here in the forest miles from the outer city of Kachiro. But they were left empty handed as the Republic failed to keep the Munin and Verd clansmen occupied and busy. Hell, Vilaz could give the order for everyone to take a five minute break before continuing, but the Crusade wouldn't stop at any pit stops whatsoever. It would stop once they've truly avenge Mandalore and her warriors that fell at the hands of the One Sith and the Galactic Republic.

"Dammit, Zef," the Munin muttered as he witnessed Zef war droid acting all on its own and just bashing through the ranks of the Republic and the pro-Republic Wookies. At least the Corellian Mandalorian was actually causing damage, but the Cuir Rekr would've liked if he were to do without harming him and his mount...especially the war droid because it wasn't like those semi-sentient beasts were grown from a tree. At least Zef was replaceable.

His attention went to Bree as she slid off from the basilisk war droid and landed onto the earth of Kashyyyk, then gestured Three to be close to her. Vilaz heard her say that he had definitely earned some brownie points after that nice landing and something about the grand prize. Bree knew that he was going to aim and focus on winning that mysterious grand prize of hers which was a great motivating factor for him to shift gears as well as when she called him Vil'ika. Oh, he enjoyed it when she called him that. "Just be careful where you walk, cyar'ika. We don't know what the Republic and the Wookies could've done to the earth," the Munin said to his beloved through their private, encrypted comm channel with a worried tone in his voice. Did he trust Bree? Absolutely, but what he didn't trust was the land of Kashyyyk. Ever since the Republic venting out Mandalorian and Republic citizens alike on Roche they were capable of making an army of children and have them fight their wars.

Suddenly, there was an ambush but a smal, weak, and pitiful one comprised of pro-Republic Wookies and soldiers of the Galactic Republic. The Akaan could hear Marcus saying that they were surrounded. Perhaps they were, but this tactic by the Republic would all be in vain. "Let them run to their Deaths," the Alor of Clan Munin said to his fellow brothers and sisters. This was not a firefight...this was a massacre if one were to really think about it. They formed a circle and began to fire at the approaching Wookies and at the trees as well which easily obliterate any hostiles using the trees as a means to ambush this unit of Mandalorians. Those mounting the basilisks wouldn't worry about anything as they were protected by the cockpits of the droid; however, those on foot would have to be cautious and vigilant. The Munin dropped down from his war droid and stayed close with Bree and Three, pistols out and at any foe charging at the trio. The war droid could act alone without its master and continued to unleash hell from its laser cannon.

"Y'all should go back as media reporters."
Objective: Medical Aide
Location: Stationary orbit above Kashyyyk
Allies: Neutral - [member="Sko'saht"]
Enemies: Neutral
Equipment: Medical Frigate, MedEVAC Transports

Rianna was directing traffic and headed into the medical bay, "Gathr you are cleared for landing" The beach where Draco was located was sending up wounded, she had not heard from the City yet. Where Arla and Ginnie were but she did hear the howls of wounded wookies.

She stopped, it had been some time since she had treated wookies. One of her rotations as a healer had been on Kashyyyk, she had delivered a baby then, treated wounds from battle training how long had it been.
Rianna shook herself and hastened her pace. Entering the bay the droids were at work, supported by interns, medics, and a few healers.

A great ROAR filled the bay followed by a crash, Rianna ran and found two of her medical droids destroyed and one pissed off bleeding wookie. She walked up to the Wookie who reached out to slap her away, Rianna held up a hand, "NO, this is MY medbay SIT DOWN NOW" The wookie angry and hurt refused but at least he stopped trying to throw things.

"I am Rianna Organa, a doctor, a healer, and all these people and droids they are here to LET US"

The series of growls and chitters that followed, rusty as she was, told her that he didn't want her help, need her help, and that she and her friends could leave. Umhmm.

Rianna reached for his arm where just the beginning of his injuries were, "You're a warrior like the Mando'ade you might be surprised at how much you have in common. Now let us treat you before you lost your arm. If you lose the arm, you will never be able to take revenge. So sit"
Objective: Twilight Raid
Location: Edge of the Royal City, beginning incursion into City
Allies: [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Ronin"] vizsla | [member="Andy Rodarch"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] | [member="Aryn Spar"]
Enemies: The Republic | [member="Thoja Arlos"]
Gear in bio / Carrying sniper rifle

Arla looked up she could see the black smoke rolling in from the beaches. Then they were rocked by the explosion that came from the direction of the Embassy, "Feth, let's move out"

They were across the field and into the city looking up at the great Worshyr trees that was the home to the Clans of Wookies. Their objective reached up into the skies as great howls filled the air Arla could admire the strength of the wookies, and hoped that at some point they would come to understand more about each other.

But that was the future, today was about removing the Republic from Kashyyyk.

She understood from comms that Buruk was already inside and engaging the enemy, though from the sounds of things the enemy would not be there much longer.

"Let's get closer" Arla looked at Ginnie making sure she was still keeping up, she had no doubts that she could.
Beach assault
Location: Forest
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="3X744"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Marcus Lok"] all the other Mandos there
Enemies: Republic people

And so Elpsis quantum tunnelled into the invasion. Presumably she'd hitched a ride with one of the Mandalorians since she didn't have her own basilisk. Speaking of the majestic war droids of pure destruction and mayhem, they were fething cool. She wanted one for her birthday!

Anyhow, there was fighting going on, but it seemed clear to her that the Mandalorians had the edge given all the firepower they were unleashing on the Republic troopers and Wookiees who threw themselves at the Sons and Daughters of Mandalore. Truth be told, Elpsis was a little surprised that there were still people willing to die at the behest of a system as broken as the Republic. The Wookiees' fighting spirit was understandable since they were defending their homeland against invaders.

But the Republic had suffered defeat after defeat, its soldiers had been betrayed by their political leaders and abandoned by the Jedi. Elpsis was neither an economist nor an intellectual, but she wondered how the Republic was still capable of paying and equipping its soldiers. Inflation must be rampant at this point. All these calculations were starting to hurt her heard, so she flushed these interesting but not particularly pertinent thoughts out of her mind and focused on killing things.

Blinding flashes of light emanated from her hands to temporarily blind or disorientate attackers. Or at least those who had not protected their eyes. Having stoked the fires of her rage, she unleashed it when streams of scalding flames leapt from her hands to engulf attackers in a fiery conflagration and consume them.

Allies: [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Reshmar"]

Fleet Group 3,200 Meters
Sovereign Sovereign-class Star Destroyer
Roche-class Light Corvette
Roche-class Light Corvette
Roche-class Light Corvette
Hecr-class Sentry Fighters (5)
To Vhin-class Electronic Warfare Fighters (5)
Ra'gr-class Superiority Starfighters (36)

Dominance Guardian-class Shield Carrier
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Hecr-class Sentry Fighters (5)
To Vhin-class Electronic Warfare Fighters (5)
MKII Cabur-class Starfighters (10)
XS-115 "Naast" Missile Boats (12)
Ra'gr-class Superiority Starfighters (36)

Jaded Jahaatir-class Electronic Warfare Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Tengaanalir-class Patrol Craft (4)
Cabur-class Patrol Ships (12)

Devil's Eyes Warden-class Sentinel Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Tengaanalir-class Patrol Craft (2)

Witch Sight Ulur'uur-class Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters

Captain Tet Vizla sat in the command chair aboard the Sovereign taping away at keys. There was some opposition from the Republic, but for the most part they had breached through the defenses and made landfall without so much issue. Now it was clearing out the fishes trying to put up a valiant effort. Lots of captain's in their position often decided to go down with the ship and get as many of their own people killed as possible by attempting ramming actions in last ditch measures. That was why the Sovereign was hanging back with its support hammering the smaller ships with unyielding torrents of Hypervelocity gun fire. Were they accurate torrents of fire, no. But a spread across ten seconds each barrel, something hit.

"Sir, message. Apparently scouts report incoming Republic vessels to be expected." Tet shrugged, looking over the scout report. "Interesting. Bring us about face, contact our sister ship to do the same. Drop our fighter support in alpha formation. Have the Devil's Eyes ready to fire. She will be able to tell us specifics on the incoming before they arrive." Tet wasn't terribly worried, he knew about the Republic's ships, he knew what they were capable of and his uncle, Rach had told him what to expect. So far they were operating exactly as expected. Put up next to no fight until late in the battle, then try to swoop in and retake the sky.

Interdiction fields went up behind the Mandalorian ships as they maneuvered to face out-system, intended to cover the rear from approaching ships. Considering they would have significant notice of vector, size, and type of vessel, the Mandalorians could drop the interdiction behind them if friendlies were arriving. Roche-class ships formed a triangle just in front of the Sovereign along with half a squadron of Hecr Fighters while fighters, travelling with the To Vhin moved beneath the plane to sit away from the force.

"Someone comm the planetary forces." Captain Vizla sighed bored. "I need a boarding crew readied, and I need a few commanders to assist with leading boarding actions. See if they can spare us someone." At least then they could gain something from this battle beyond territory. "Have an orar'uliik retrieve any volunteers." The Dominance sat behind him while the Devil's Eyes and Witch Sight sat to either side, and just below him, the Jaded kept on blarring away with its own jamming signals, blinding the enemy ships to the best of its ability right their with the Sovereign.

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