Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Republic Shall Fall [One Sith Invasion of Coruscant]

LOCATION: In front of Temple
ALLIES: [member="Aedan Miles"]
ENEMIES: [member="Lucianus Adair"] Darth Nephthys

There was a difference between Knights that the Jedi of the Republic had, and myself. While They had been considered full Jedi, I was merely considered a Grey Jedi. One that followed most of the codes set by them. And that is why my joining of the Silver Jedi, A group of Jedi that had the same ideas and likes of myself, different. I came here not to fight for the Republic, but for the Jedi Order. Despite having to deal with some unfriendly Jedi in my past. While the man had used my own weight against me to throw me in the air. I decided that this would be a chance to attack form the air.

While I had allowed my weight to be thrown to a wall. I impaled my lightsaber as a weight. Stopping me should I continue to fall from the gravity of the planet that I fought for. The Gold saber was hilt deep in the pillar that I had come against. I could see the sith as someone, Dark in the force, but not as dark as the returned Sith seemed to be, Came down on him. it seemed to be that twin Guard shotos were the man's weapon of choice. He would have to get in close to use them, With the force as my aid, I shut off my lightsaber and rushed to the rear of the man. bringing my right arm to come and hit him under the shoulder blades. It was a meaty part of the body and should I hit hard enough, it could cause a disturbance to have me literally a pain in the man's backside. If the man wanted to fight with no lightsabers, then I could give that to him. I

knew how to fight very well either with lightsabers or hand to hand combat, I could fight better than most others my rank. If this was going to be a Saber duel, Then i could most likely stand toe to toe with him. But once he started throwing force powers around that I could not block or defend against, I was pretty much screwed.
Location: Jedi Temple Meditation Chambers heading to High Council chambers
Objective: Evacuating younglings and visitors through Meditation Chambers heading to High Council chambers
Allies: @Erinyes Draclau | Vargent Nordii | Daella Apparine | Maya Whitelight Thurion Heavenshield
Enemies: Darth Veles | Darth Kentarch

With an encouraging smile to Vargent, Erinyes led the small group of younglings through the Meditation chamber's vast corridors. So far, whatever dark presence she'd felt earlier had not come to stumble across them.

Thank the Force.

Up ahead, the corridor would open up to the left, and Erinyes hurried with swift feet to investigate prior to any youngling turning. Quietly as she could, she came close to the wall, only to peek around.


A nod turned to the group behind her, as she took point once more. Beyond here would be the vast atrium hall and a little further beyond that the High Council Chambers.
OBJECTIVE: Work with her brother as one in the fight.
ALLIES: Lucianus Adair | [member="Darth Tuk'ata"]
ENEMIES: | @A'donari Cinn

Time swept by quickly, for the Jedi’s improvisation lead to the Darth to become entangled within the Jedi’s telekinetic grasp.

Sokara went crashing into the ground, pain ripping through her as her leg caught within the Jedi’s hold, a grimace drawing over her pallid face as she too became subject of the kinetic energy as the Jedi was thrown back, a victim of her attack.

She went sliding on the ground, the fabric of the cloak ripping in the friction, revealing more of the crab armor underneath. Without her brother, she was not at her best. It was a weakness as well as strength. Apart, each was subject to severe vulnerabilities.


There came a hitch in her breath that had nothing to do with her current situation. In her essence, through that bond that wove them tighter than any Force Bond, she felt her twin. Heard his cry.

Joy, if one could describe that coming from a Sith, would bloom across her face despite her situation. Her sword to his Shield.
He was here.

In this, she could feel herself get stronger. Be his eyes. Be his strength. His shield.

// We are one. //

If her brother's attack was effective in the Jedi releasing his hold on her leg, then the Darth would use the kinetic energy to her advantage to shoot to her feet and come at the Jedi to flank him.
Location: In front of the Temple, at the steps
Allies: [member="HK-36"] and Iron Company soldiers
Enemies: [member="Darth Vindica"]
Objective: Reinforcement for the Republic, wreck things

Presumably the Omega Pyre soldiers from the Iron Company would for the most part be equipped with bolters, which as standard ammunition fired explosive bolts that exploded on impact, meaning blocking them with via a lightsabre or telekinesis was very counterproductive because the grenade blew up in your face. They would also probably be already firing since a mass of Sith warriors had been death charging them.

Regardless Butcher Kerrigan had stopped telekinetically battering ramming charging Sith lightsabre-wielders, with the statue she had been using as an improvised club having broken, when she felt a prickling in the Force and a stream of purple-blue electricity came surging towards her, fuelled by the power of the dark side, animated by the rage and hatred that fed it and gave it power. Siobhan was quite familiar with electrical manipulation, having both been on the receiving end of it plenty of times and being herself proficient in ionise droid and force lightning, though not to the levels of her apex mastery of telekinesis.

She was what one might consider to be a specialist, with only three offensive force powers, but very potent in them. The brutal charge of the Sith Lord was not very subtle and she was standing closer to the rear of the Iron Company soldiers, meaning she had time to bring up her lightsabre in a defensive parry as bolts of electricity shot towards her, seeking to fry her. The brilliant blue blade met the stream of electricity as it coiled around her lightsabre like a snake, lightning cascading. Some of the bolts nonetheless got past her defences and she grit her teeth as she as the electrical shock struck her, doubtless attracted by those of her limbs that were bionic beneath the beskar'gam that shielded her. But the stream of electricity did not seem strong enough to be overpowering and she was wearing her heavy armour.

Pain shooting through her gave her fuel. That was probably not the Jedi way, but she had long abandoned their Order more than a decade ago and never looked back. In some ways she was probably closer to the darkness that she fought, but she was equally certain in her relentless hatred for Sith. Behind the visor of her helmet her lips curved into a grim smile. The energies of the Force flowed through her, the power thrummed inside her in all its intoxicating glory. But she was the one controlling it, even her rage, channelled and harnessed for productive ends in its quest for destruction, was a tool for her as she was the eye in the hurricane.

Pouring less energy into her defence she instead sunk deeper into the Force, harnessing it to exert her telekinetic will. In her mind she manifested a gigantic telekinetic hand that sought to wrap itself around Vindica in its powerful, unyielding grip. The fingers of this enormous telekinetic hand curled around Vindica, the powerful mind pincers would tighten their grip with every moment. It would feel like durasteel docking clamp was grabbing ahold of him as she sought to seize his throat and crush it, telekinetic energy compressing around his arms to squeeze them both together, invisible chains enclosing around them and getting tighter in an attempt to break them. As she exerted herself she would feel painful electrical jolts as some lightning bypassed her defences now that she was less concentrating on it and scorching her armour, a hot flash of pain hitting her through her but she did not release her grip, for now the sensation of pain would fuel her, power the furnace of her rage.

With said telekinetic hand having manifested she attempted to lift Vindica into the air and then slam him back down onto the ground with tremendous force. Repeatedly. The speed with which Siobhan sought to pick her opponent up and throw him back down would be about the equivalent of a speeder collision.

Doubtless this would take energy and concentration, but she had tossed Sith Lords like ragdolls, telekinetically duelled the skyscraper-sized elder horror called the Lotek'k, punched through the hull of Star Destroyers. So she poured her energy into the motion, fuelled by her will to crush her opponent, annihilate him. When it came to Siobhan there was no holding back, no subtlety. Indeed, the more subtle and arcane mysteries of the Force were beyond her, but on the flip side she played the part of the telekinetic juggernaut really well.


Artificial Intelligence
Location: The Interwebs
Objective: Cyber-warfare
Allies: Republic
Enemies: One Sith
[member="Darth Naomi"]
Serenity sent a message to @RC-1025. " Please continue to assist in anyway you can, please let me know anything you need or anything you become aware of. " She was assaulting and defending the Jedi's data, leave it to them to make such an obvious transfer of information. Then she realized she had an opponent, an organic was knocking. She would smirk had she a face. It was interesting, the Sith network was tough but she was making waves but every wave seemed to be countered. She ramped up her attack, adding more processing power to one ship in particular, as she stared through the lines of codes and found her foe. That was when she used every single device she had managed to gain control of on the planet to flood Naomi's ship with requests. Flooding the ship with bogus connections and false protocols. That was when she began her next goal, she began siphoning all she could from the Temple databanks, not the beacon, no she had a direct line to the Jedi Temple. She didn't need to pay attention to such a obvious flare. She began moving it all, securing it through every single back channel she deemed secure enough, moving through strange routes that seemed to lead no where. This was her battlefield and the Sith would be sorry they thought to attack with brawn. The next move was the organic brazen enough to fight her.
Going to post some catch up, apologies--- haven't been about this weekend.
Location: The High Council Chambers [And then on that floor, on the move]
Objective: Reach out for information / Allies.
Allies: In immediate area -- N/A
Enemies: In immediate area -- N/A

Coruscant was a hot commodity when it came to enemy attention. The enemies were few and scarce these days, difficult to pick out, but that didn’t mean they didn’t exist. When the Coruscanti fleet mobilized to meet the darkening clouds overhead, it meant they existed.

Kiskla had been, as usual, within her reconciliation chambers. There had been another name that interested her that she intended to pursue. As the shuttle wove and twisted through Coruscant’s air, a shooting, precognitive pain raced through the blonde’s head that caused her to drop what she had been working on. She closed and secured the files, but not before an alert popped up on her screen. Somebody had been intercepting the archives, and she frowned deeply while a tunnel of smoke puffed from the floors below. Unfortunately, Kiskla was not technically adept and could do nothing to thwart the threat. Further, that was the least of her concerns. She figured [member="Phylis Alince"] would have the libraries secured and under control. Or rather, she hoped. She did so adore that councillor, and hoped she was still well.

Panic. Fear. Direction.​
Those fleeing couldn't enter the council chambers without a code-- an authority from a current councillor. Thankfully, she happened to be in the area. Before skirting to the ruckus at the entrance, Kiskla keyed in her authority and skittered to her seat, calling up an emergency channel that broadcast to all political parties, and allies. It even skipped across the channels of a few known to be in favour of picking up credits for goodwill, like [member="HK-36"] and [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"].

It was time to light the beacons. Immediately, Kiskla opened her reconciliation channel that broadcast to the pinnacles of her allies ([member="Feena Mason"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Ayden Cater"]). The response would take time, but she keyed in the message, requesting information on their attackers — more importantly, where they came from.
"All allies of The Republic. This is Kiskla Grayson of the Jedi— The Coruscant Jedi temple is under attack by Sith -- from where unknown at this point. We need all the information and backup we can. If you know where they came from, who they are -- please counter." The news about the fact that all of Coruscant was being afflicted with vile, venomous creatures would no doubt be on their radar. After all, you don't get into politics if you don't know what's going on.

Time wasn’t meant for sitting and waiting. If she was to receive information, or be asked to be in a meeting or whatever via holo, she would do it on the go. Kiskla slipped the chip from the massive communicator to the holo projector on her operative bracer. Small feet made their way through the door, un-ushered but also not pursued.

They looked relieved to see her, their sweaty panic-stricken faces softening for the briefest of instances.

The temple shook.

"Here, younglings, here--- do take care," Kiskla urged as she crouched, revealing the secret exit beneath one of the exalted seats of the High Council.

“You,” she turned to halt one of the older Jedi, a young baby-faced knight. “You have to stay here. There will be more masters coming with more younglings. You need to keep these chambers safe.” Her bracer still glowed blue, waiting for a response from any, hopefully all, their political weights.

A tremble ricocheted through the temple and Kiskla was on her feet. This was too familiar, a flashback to the Graug invasion. As she peeled through the corridors, looping her way to descend rather than using the lift, the operative bracer on her right arm lifted to her lips. “Michael, hey, so glad I didn’t kill you. Could use your assistance at right about now. Use that general intuition.” Kiskla had taken on a shadow to her wisdom, [member="Michael Sardun"], after seeking him out on Hoth. He hadn’t died from her ambush, and therefore she deemed him worthy to continue learning from her. He was a skilled fighter, good for this sort of thing. Her mind was suddenly intercepted with a message of desperation from former Padawan, and quasi-student [member="Antares Windu"]. “The Manairai district. Get there. I’ll join you as soon as I can.” Kiskla commed further, making sure the channel to the allies was still open.

Younglings were frantically pumping their little legs toward the Council Chambers, toward the secret escape. Good. She figured this would come — then again, she’d not done anything directly to thwart the idea; just maintained allegiances. The Graug had come. The Sith..the Sith were now the most hideous infidels and they were here. They were here. The taste of bile threatened her throat, and her stomach felt slippery, as if eels were writhing about, looking for an escape. The Force was plagued with death.

Jedi Temple Exterior.

The Jedi was good, Vaelokin surmised as they fought. She was a shapeshifter, the name of her actual species was irrelevant to him. It wouldn't matter when he killed her.
"Everything has a name, Jidai."

He had to say he was impressed at how she didn't clutch her arm when he burnt her flesh. Stronger than he thought.

"Vaelokin." He finally responded to her.

He was about to move when the Force wrapped around his legs. In response the Maelibus released a wave of the Force from his hand, most probably using up too much of his energy as he fell onto his back with a grunt.

[member="Marakai Al'Orren"]
Jedi Temple
Enemies: [member="Darth Tuk'ata"], [member="Ronan Dyre"], [member="Dak Canton"]
Target: [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Bouncing and skidding across the floor brought new bumps and bruises all over A'donari's body. His level of caring was none existent. Within the weightless moment he released his mind into the force and felt the energy surrounding him. The Light side of the force was strong and through peace he could channel it's power. The home world of the Jedi meant more than just a Temple, it was the beacon that shined brightly into the darkness of the galaxy.​
Hot white shot poured from his eyes. A'donari was nothing more than a beacon moving by the guidance of the Force.​
Shapes surrounding him came into view for but a moment but it was enough. Two soldiers were firing on him while two Sith were moving in on his position. Dodging was not an option. He had no intention of doing so. A surge of telekinetic energy erupted from his palm that was behind his back. The blast was a give and take decision. His hold on the Sith was gone but the blast shot him to the side and into a group of Jedi who couldn't spare a passing second to help him. Trajectory had changed completely keeping him safe from any of the bullets being shot at where he was supposed to land in the first place. A booming voice from A'donari sounded from deep within his chest yelling the locations of the sniper and soldier who he had foreseen firing on his location. The attempt was for [member="Jedediah Bagely"] to take control of the Republic reinforcements and press cover fire on anyone with enough time to stand and shoot at his back.​
This was all he could hope for at the moment. The bodies of Force users surrounding him gave strong cover and would keep him safe for the moment but that didn't help his situation with the New Sith closing in on his position. A load yell alerted the Jedi knight that he was for sure attacking. It allowed him to take evasive action immediately without question. His gut instinct was right. The palms of his hands were pressed firmly on the floor as his body rolled backwards before exploding up off of the ground. A dark purple glow hissed through the area his body had been only a moment before. While the opponents blade passed safely underneath him A'donari released his feet into the man's chest kicking him backwards a pace or two. The opening gave him a moments time to catch his feet and call his own blade back to his hand. Without a second of hesitation A'donari was upon him. Blue blade slicing forward connected with that of the Purple in an opening rhythmic dance. A'donari was going through the motions that all who studied the art of blade work would know. At the end of the seemingly *coriagraffed movements was when he changed into attack. A'donari took several strong steps into the mans guard while unloading a barrage of strong chopping attacks. Telekinetic energy was being channeled into each chop to ensure that this Sith had no choice but to deal with each menacing attack while being put on his heals.​
Location: Skyscraper overlooking the Jedi temple
Objective: Eliminate Jedi
Current Target: [member="Sam Jhovna"]
...another irritation. It was expected. When the lightsaber caught the bolt Ronan he had intended for the Nautolan he grimaced briefly, clearly displeased, before refocusing his aim through the zoom scope and searching out the individual who'd infringed on his attack against the Jedi. He found this person when he zoomed in on Sam Jhovna staring up at him. Of course she couldn't actually see him cloaked in his Camouflage Armor however she had started to hone in on his location which meant it was time to switch positions again. After all Skyscrapers on Coruscant were immense which meant that the options were literally almost endless, he could be anywhere and on any of the balconies overlooking the Jedi temple or shooting out of a window for that matter, however he still had time...

...zooming in on her Ronan would have taken aim, he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as was the norm, knowing that once he had taken this shot his Disruptor Rifle would have only had four more shots remaining. No matter as the Sith appeared to be winning this battle regardless. Inhaling slowly as he looked down, ensuring that the zoom scope was sighted incorrectly, Ronan would have centered his arc of fire directly on the Jedi Knight's center mass before squeezing the trigger...

...much as one could expect a bolt lanced from the barrel of the Disruptor Rifle and shot down towards Sam Jhovna where, if successful, it would have ripped her apart on the molecular level which, in many cases, resulted in disintegration however that was only for a dead on strike. A graze would have been harmful but less deadly. It was a straight shot but Ronan didn't stay around and admire his shooting...

...whenever someone was looking up in his direction he knew it was time to move which meant that after he'd pulled the trigger Ronan would stand straight, lift his Disruptor Rifle off the edge of the balcony, and move back into the skyscraper so that he could relocate. If she really wanted to find him she'd need to come looking which could take awhile...
The Admiralty
As Astrian talked, and tried to move the Glory-Song’s hold on his mind grew stronger and stronger. Fighting against a Mentalist could be done, but once one caught you unaware.. well that complicated things. Astrian had been focusing on trying to attack Shara, he had poured his strength into increasing his speed and power for that.

Getting caught off guard by a Expert Mentalist… well you are gonna have a bad time. Even still, the White Wolf’s attempt to thwart the attacks were done exceptionally well.

Probably all that rage, hatred and pain fueling his efforts. But in the long run.. it should not make any difference.


The pain would intensify, and with the pain hallucinating would start. Instead of one Jared.. suddenly there were multiple ones, silent though. Not taunting, just looking at their prey with their dead eyes.
[member="Astrian Callus"]
COMPANY: [member="Xalus"]

The Jedi Hannibal had been fighting suddenly dropped to the floor, dead or unconscious. It was difficult to tell which. His refusal to respond to a request for edits and the bountiful rumors of his ragequit meant it was time for Hannibal to move on. Unfortunately, this meant that Hannibal would not get to collect the one million credits afforded to people who turned in particularly petulant, unlikable Jedi. Ah well. He couldn't win them all. Besides, he had to get on with the real reason he had come here. Far more important things needed to be done.

"Xalus, let's get movin' t' the archives, 'for more 'a these mooks show up." Hannibal called out to his sole ally, shortly before activating his stealth generator once again and vanishing from sight.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: Coming Up The Steps of the Temple
Objective: Provide Reinforcements for the Republic
Allies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Bluejay Ungolfen"], Iron Company troops and [member="Aedan Miles"]' Droid Company
Enemies: [member="Darth Vindica"]

A lot of Sith.

Iron Company has faced them before, numerous times, most recently they fought Sith Knight remnants on a Star Destroyer, a mission from Ember Ralkai to capture the ship, HK led the boarding party composed of his troops and other mercenaries.

The Sith has suffered devastating losses then, HK's tactics proved efficient. His troops were equipped with MK 1 and MK 2 Bolt Guns mostly, plus those pesky OPRC-1 Rotary Cannons from time to time, extremely difficult to stand against when caught in their rain of blaster fire. The thing about bolters is that they are very heavy, they're a cross between normal slugthrower, grenade, and rocket launcher, making them extremely devastating against infantry, especially Force Using infantry, but their weight and power required training to get a hang of. That's why MK 2 was created, an easier to handle version, with less weight, but at the cost of reduced range and fire power. That is why HK issued MK 1 bolters to his veteran heavy assault troops. Strong beasts of men clad in heavy armor, experienced with the bolt guns, trained in their use. In turn, he issued the MK 2 botlers to his lighter, less experienced mercenary infantry regiments, and often had them load the buckshot rounds into them instead of normal cartridges.
Reason for that was, should the enemy get close enough that MK 1 boltguns stop being efficient, then they have to face a shot from buckshot MK 2 at close proximity. Which usually was a very efficient way of dealing with a Force-user who got too close.

As such, when the Sith Knights began to charge them, including Darth Vindica, what met them was a rain of shrapnel, explosive shockwaves, blood and gore. It was not a pleasant sight to see anybody get directly hit with a bolt from MK 1 bolter, the explosive round tore through armor and flesh indiscriminately.

"Hold the line!"
HK called out from the back of his troops' advancement with Sio, they were both still catching up with the front lines as Bluejay charged ahead earlier to get away from the droid's singing.
He would activate the hilt of his lightsaber, the white blade shining away in the battle as he raised it in the air in a command to his troops,
"Light infantry get ready!"
He commanded, his shatterpistol still in the air as from time to time he pulled a trigger, with each shot a WHOOOOSH was heard as the high-speed bullet was sent out towards its silent, fired silently, with as much kick and range as a sniper-rifle.

His troops were in their phalanx-like formation with the lines of heavily armored Iron Knight assault troops standing in front like a wall of advancing metal, the lighter-armored troops backing them up from behind. The formation loosened a bit at his command, scattering more to the sides, they knew what he was planning.

As the Sith Knights kept getting closer to them, the Iron Knights kept their MK 1 bolters leveled at the Dark-Sided enemy, clunking out their explosive rounds one after the other, with each click and loud shot of the bolter, screams and cries of their Sith enemies were heard, it was not a pleasant experience to be shot with explosive round and sprayed with shrapnel. Still, the Sith kept getting closer, they were Knights after all, little could stop their charge, although the bolters did their thing in thinning their numbers down.

An explosion was heard among their ranks and screams of his soldiers in pain, somebody threw a white phosphorous grenade, the flames enveloping few of his troops as they clashed about his armor, their energy shields activating and shining as their absorbed some of the energy and heat of phosphorous. Their armor was tough, and their energy shields aided them, thanks to the design of Omega Power Defense Armor. Still, few of them collapsed or dropped their bolt guns, under the injuries of the white phosphorous explosion, although the grenade was not as effective against them as it would in an artillery form or light infantry, casualties were minimal from it, it seemed.

Before HK had to worry about the long-term effects of the hot smoke and fires of the grenade, Siobhan pushed the infernal device and billows of heated gas it released away from the front-lines of his Company, allowing them clearer view once more.

Here and there one of his troops were hit with what appeared to be an acidic bullet, quickly they would tore off their armor plate where it was struck, they would lose a piece of their outer-armor, but it was better than letting the acid from the projectile eat away at them.

And finally, the Sith were close enough, almost face-to-face with his front troops as HK lowered his sword and called out,

It was not an order to retreat, as it seemed, but rather to use the scatter-guns.
The lines of his lighter infantry, giving support to the Iron Knights, quickly jumped out from the cover provided by their heavy-assault counterparts, taking positions with their guns raised in the gaps of the loose phalanx when unanimously they pulled their triggers,
There was a thunder and flash as that of the storm as the multitudes of MK 2 boltguns began releasing their buckshot payloads all at once into the lines of Sith Knights.

That was what Vindica had to face when he attacked the Iron Company, not simple troops with blasters, he had to face the rain of heavy explosive slugs from MK 1 bolters and the stinging, burning rain of grapeshot salvos from MK 2 bolters. He was not the first Sith they fought, they knew how to deal with them, and their armor was not so easy to cut through as he can kill multitudes in few seconds. While some of the Iron Knights lost pieces of their armor due to the acid projectiles, and Iron Troopers had lighter Standard versions of Power Armor user by the Protectorate, in general they wore heavy durasteel armor with energy shields. While it was not lightsaber resistant, cutting through it would slow Vindica down. And that was most likely a bad idea when facing grapeshot.

"Iron Knights!"
HK called out as he flourished his lightsaber, his four Greycloak guards activated their own weapons, four blue-bladed lightsabers would burst to light behind HK.
He commanded as the second wave of his Company joined the fight with the Sith.
The Iron Knights were equipped with vibro-bayonetes fixed at the end of their bolters, as well as vibroswords for those who wanted something larger for melee combat. Either way, they had weapons that could face a lightsaber and they knew how to use them.

Marcus Tritum

Location: Just inside the Great Hall, behind a pillar, overlooking the Temple Steps
Objective: Shoot Hostiles
Target: A'donari Cinn [member="Sam Jhovna"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Holy crap. The fishhead just blasted aside my bullets like they were nothing. The hollow rounds went flinging through the air. I didn't see where they landed but I thought a few more shrieks were added to the battlefield. I also noted a sniper round got blocked by the spinning lightsaber of some Jedi chick. 'Bout now would be a good time to start unloading, I figured. I centered the optics on the Nautolan's back. I'd deal with him first since he was closest. As soon as the guy went on the offensive in a series of chopping attacks, I squeezed the trigger and sent three rounds shrieking through the air like angry hornets toward his exposed and undefended back. Now, I don't know a whole lot about Jedi, but I'm pretty sure that when their precognition senses get overloaded by danger being all around they don't do so hot at deflecting attacks from behind while focused on two other opponents in front.

I shifted my aim and moved my optics across the battlefield, looking for that chick who'd hurled the lightsaber and blocked the friendly's sniper fire. I squeezed the trigger twice and sent two three round bursts headed straight for her center of mass. That's six hollow 5.56mm slugs filled with acid. An acid that would splash all over the target if she blocked with a lightsaber and start eating through stuff. Clothes n' skin n' bone n' such.

Quickly I lowered my weapon and took my hands off the assault rifle. I squeezed my hands, fingers curling in and out. My palms were sweaty beneath the body glove. Hell yeah I was nervous. I was up against a bunch of monks wielding invinci-swords and using JuJu that could blow me apart with a flick of their wrists. I took in a deep breath, then raised the weapon back to my shoulder and scanned back toward the new arrivals. The Omega Protectorate forces were at the bottom of the stairs, but they were swiftly advancing. And from the look of a flying statue that was whacking Sith like bowling pins left and right, I was pretty sure they had a little extra help. I scanned their ranks before finding a woman who was blocking Force Lightning. Freakin' force lightning. See? That's the kind of bantha crap I'm talking about. How the hell am I supposed to deal with that bunch of *sigh* Alright, anyway, I centered the sights on her and squeezed the trigger three times in one second intervals. If she sent out a telekinetic shove to block the first three, she'd have to send out another telekinetic shove to block the second wave of three and so on. Altogether I sent three of those three round bursts toward her for nine of slugs filled with acid in all. They zipped angrily straight for her center of mass.
ALLIES: [member="Alen Na'Varro"] + [member="Darth Nephthys"]
ENEMIES: ANY AND ALL JEDI ** [member="Xander Carrick"] + [member="Aedan Miles"] **

A wicked smile curled his lips as he felt the blonde coming back to him like he could not stay away. This exchange touted an intimacy of an entirely different kind from the rest of those who came so close to him, so willingly.

To whatever degree his Force-backed punch had connected to the face of the purple haired boy, he had not the time nor the caring to observe. Time, as always, was of the essence in these encounters, particularly when outnumbered. There was a certain level of precision and efficiency that came into play when one had eight limbs and two other sets of weaponry both intangible and tangible to deal with outside of his own. Despite that, he was far from at a disadvantage. His options were plenty.

Take, for instance, one of the most basic defensive applications of Force energy that one might begin to learn and apply as a young student of the Force - the barrier. Capable of defending against an almost-exhaustive variety of attacks from all angles around the individual employing it at its basic, more unrefined level, it was infinitely useful, including in the now. The following is precisely what occurred when, coming off of delivering that punch, he noted that the first assailant had returned to his area of immediate action, seeking to deal him a hard blow to the back:

Step one: He released any and all holds he may still have been employing, and the barrier went up, like a sudden, global wall of permacrete, harder still than even the strong skeletal structure his hybrid genetics had granted him. The blow meant for his back pounded against this, instead, but the barrier remained, unaffected - and effectively countered whatever action the purple-haired boy might have taken next.

Step two: Upon deflection, the barrier dissipated almost as if it had never came into existence in the first place, little more than a mere flash in a speck of time, and Adair vanished, an application of mental illusion that he excelled at, and slipped from between the two knights with a light application of speed that brought him out, and around to the rear of the blonde.

Step three: Adair dropped the illusion, and still with the enhancement of speed, took one step with the left foot, and swung his right leg hard and fast, plowing the foot directly into the rear of the blonde boy, while exerting a hefty pull on the purple-haired one to force them together, a tangle of limbs and blades.

Time Elapsed: Three seconds... perhaps.

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
LOCATION: JEDI TEMPLE coming up da steps
Allies: @A'donari Cinn
Enemies: [member="Darth Tuk'ata"] [member="Ronan Dyre"] [member="Dak Canton"] [member="Darth Nephthys"]

Vaudin cocked his scatter gun as he ran up the Temple steps. The double barrel breakdown was loaded with 10 gauge buckshot that had Sith written all over it. Vaudin was a senator now but by the pits of Chaos he would be shot in the back by a toydarian before he sat in some stuffy robes while some monkeis faught ten blocks from his appartment.

'I swear if my ships gets one scratch.' He thought as he aimed at Darth Tuk'ata and fired one barrel.

Location: Great Hall
Opponent: Ven'Rain Sekairo

The monstrosity released its hold over his arm and Ryan fell to the ground with a dull thud. His arm screamed in protest and Ryan idly noted that it had probably been torn out of its socket. Ryan's lightsaber rolled out of his left hand - his broken hand - and deactivated sullenly. Korr felt a wave of fear wash over him. He could taste the jaws of defeat, looming near, just behind him. He was tempted to give in. Not to death, but to the Dark Side. He knew he could draw in that terrible power and wrought havoc upon the Sithspawn the likes of which it could never dream.

At once, a wave of blissful energy rippled outward from Adonai's Battle Meditation and dispelled any thoughts of the Dark. Ryan's steel grey eyes became focused and clear and resolute. There was no pain. There was only the Force. Ryan surged backward, planting his heels on the marble floor and then launching himself into a rearward somersault that carried him away from the monstrosity, her punch and kick missing him by inches. Ryan rolled to his feet and extended a hand. His lightsaber leapt up from the ground and smacked into his palm. He activated it with a satisfyingly familiar snap-hiss and once more the blade of sky blue lived.

Chest a mass of bruises, every breath brought pain. His left arm hung limp and useless at his side, but Ryan drew himself up tall. He had endured far worse pain on a scale he doubted the Sithspawn could comprehend. The Embrace of Pain was not something many individuals lived to talk about. Ryan closed his eyes and breathed in. He was not Ryan Korr. Ryan Korr was simply a drop in the river of the Living Force. No, he was a vessel for the Force. A tool. Light surged within him, brilliant and blinding in the Force.

Ryan raised a hand and sent a chunk of rubble the size of his head hurtling toward the beast's face. Then another, and another. Debris flew in a battering array. Ryan knew his injuries and knew the superior physicality of the opponent, but his aggressor lacked one thing. The Force. Then Korr attacked in a blinding array of strikes and flips aimed primarily at the monster's exposed head.

Marcus Tritum

Location: Just inside the Great Hall, behind a pillar, overlooking the Temple Steps
Objective: Shoot Hostiles
Target: [member="Vaudin Miir"]

Maybe the Senator wouldn't get shot in the back by a toydarian, but by one Outer Rim Epicanthix soldier. I swung my optics toward the new target and squinted. Oh, he had a big shot gun. Nice. I respected that. I squeezed the trigger twice and sent the last six rounds from my mag straight for the guy's center of mass. The rounds were 5.56mm hollow slugs filled with acid. Once the rounds hit the target they'd release the acid, which would start eating through armor, robes, flesh and generally anything else.

I ejected the mag and popped in my last FLARE mag. I liked the incendiary rounds better. They seemed to pack a bigger oomph. And they would still set a droid on fire.
| [member="Albrecht Tagge"] |

"So be it," said Vazela. Slipping both hands out of his pockets, his left hand lowered to his belt and removed the Lightsaber hilt that had been on it. As he lowered it to the side and prepared for his opening stance, he explained. "I haven't been able to utilize this weapon nor show my skills in the Force. After all, it requires all my concentration to maintain the facade that I have made. One mistake, such as the ignition of this Lightsaber or the usage of the Dark side in the ways other than deceiving the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic, would subsequently ruin said deception."

Despite what he had just said, the Sith Lord turned his Lightsaber online, the crimson beam hissing into the small space between Vazela and Albrecht. "However, currently, the Dark side is currently all over Coruscant. Nobody is going to notice me, at this moment in time, when I use my powers to subjugate you to my will and thus properly show to you that I am Darth Vazela. Not that you'll remember by the end of our brief duel."

Several years ago, when Vazela had been at the height of the Sith Empire, a younger [member="Lucien Cordel"] attempted to assassinate him in retilation for an act that Vazela had committed against him, and probably most notably out of them all, [member="Darth Arcis"], who had then been the Sith Knight, Dranok Lussk. Vazela had won his duel against Cordel and subsequently used Dominate Mind, an ancient piece of Sith Magic that Vazela possessed, to alter his memories and forget that the entire thing happened. Then he had said Corel on his merry way to the Fringe Confederate, thus planting a mole among a foreign nation that didn't even know they were a mole. Genius.

When the time was right, Vazela planned to return Cordel's memories and then use whatever position the Sith Master had acquired among the Fringe. But the same couldn't be said for Albrecht Tagge. There was, simply put, no reason for Darth Vazela to return the Sith Acolyte his memories of their encounter, down here in the Jedi Archives, in the event that the Sith Lord was successful in taking them; and he would take them from Albrecht after he won, because him knowing of his identity and nefarious purpose among the Jedi was too dangerous to allow. Darth Vazela would simply discover the identity and then the supposed whereabouts of [member="Darth Isolda"] from Albrecht, wipe his memories and move on.

And so, despite him making the first move of initiating a duel between himself Albrecht, Vazela did not open up on the offensive. Instead, he lifted his right hand and began to diverting each blast door leading into the Jedi Archives to close through the Force, perhaps giving Albrecht the time necessary for him to go on the offensive.

Or hide.
Location: Jedi Dormitories
Mission: Evacuate & Defend Younglings
Allies: [member="Maya Whitelight"] | Silver Jedi / Jedi Order
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"] | The One Sith

"Why should I let them go with you, Sith? So that you can enslave them and turn them to the dark side, or worse - experiment on them and use them as labrats? I have no reason to believe you when you say you will lead them to safety, despite how much I want to. I wish we could all leave here in peace, but it is too late for that. It got too late when your forces decided to attack the defenseless. I am... sorry." The Jedi Master, once a member of the Order whose younglings he would defend to the death, as well as the home he'd spend his earliest years at with Asha, finished his speech by bowing graciously towards the Sith before him. If this was to be the last battle either of them would fight, then Thurion would at least meet his end with honour and humility. Whether the Sith in question would show him the same courtesy or not didn't matter to him; his hands were clean, and would remain such with the aid of the Force. Never had he taken a life before, and nothing would please him more if he'd never have to, even now.

Great Hall; Fighting [member="Ryan Korr"]; Allied With Sith:

What happens when you keep fighting, even with a broken body? Well, eventually even the force can't hold you together. JJ was a Padawan. A Knight (unknown to Ven) was using Battle Meditation. How long would that last? This boy's body was beaten up. Badly. All things have limits. Soon he'd reach his- he had to. It doesn't matter how much pain one can tolerate, or how much willpower they have, eventually their body will start to shut down. "Stop. You're going to get yourself killed. Walk away now, focus on getting innocents out of the surrounding area. Are will you let them die, just to save your pride?" A rock flew towards her face. Once again the green blade split stone apart, sending pieces swirling around. Most bounced off her armor harmlessly. Only a couple hit the unprotected parts of her, one such one getting lodged into torn flesh. It hurt. More rubble was cut down, so simply, so casually. Almost as if none of this meant anything. JJ needed the force to keep him conscious... but Ven? She knew pain just like him. There were plenty of times where her body was left so close to death that the doctors practically gave up. She's been tortured, beaten to a pulp, had an eye popped right out of her head. Worst of all? Shocked to death by the 'Jedi Master' Ashin Varanin. Pain was something she was used to.

Attack after attack was blocked. Sparks went flying. At this point Ven was just waiting for her opponent to tire out, to give up, to just pass out from the sheer amount of injuries he had sustained. Again her blade moved against JJ's, trying to force it to stay on the side. With her left hand she held the blade against his, with the right she tried to punch his teeth out.

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