Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The War on Hapes (Year Long RP)

The Last Son
Dressed in my Combat gear. I stepped into a republic transport with ammo, weapons, and 30 men. Each ready for the fight against the Sith. I was a Merc Hired by the Republic to take on the Sith. Already getting started, I grabbed my rifle and set it on my lap I as turned the speeder transport engine on. I couldn't fly ships because of how I would feel like falling and never stop falling in space, but here on land, I could work with a speeder just fine. Setting the gear to 6 and zooming off with the men in the back, I headed towards Kilo Station.

A call had just come in that the needed more troops and reinforcements. Going through the last bit of the city and into the grasslands, I pushed the engines harder to get there faster. Apparently there was a dragon out on the loose, Sith already fighting, and Jedi there as well. Troops would be alot more helpful. In the back were two medics if needed, however, if needed they had guns to fight as well. With the sith minds and how they work, I had told them to replace their Red cross patches with military ones, that way they wouldn't be targeted.

Over the com system in the speeder I spoke. "Varden, On the way with troops, ammo, and weapons. One click out, over." I was not in command of these troops. Just a simple Merc with a white mask.
@[member="Miles Varden"]
I read you, what is your designation? I will need men on the Northern line, and a few on the E-web emplacements. When you arrive meet with me, I will be standing in the assembly area, the guy with the Vibroaxe on his back.

How many of his men still followed his command with faith, now that there were so few. He did what he could, if it weren't for that karking dragon, more would have survived. He was losing hope in his ability to command, but he could not show his feelings. Instead, he took off his helmet, and showed his men a stern, confident look. A leader inspired his men to greatness, no fear, no doubts, just the mission and the image of a calm, collected man.

@[member="Zack Danheir"]
The Last Son
Listing as I was piloting the speeder, The man wanted me designation. and to place the troops on the northern line. Smiling I picked up the receiver and spoke, "Dark Rose Mercenary, They'll be ready." I clicked off and pressed harder on the thrusters. With the wine of them overpowering I could hardly hear the shots going off in the background. This was a war now. Not some simple battle. Up ahead of me was littered remains of battle and debris. There were some soldiers looming around trying to get work done in fixing the command post.

Pulling up I could see a man with his helmet off and clearly on his back was an ax just like he had said. Pulling up I slowed down drastically. I made the stop somewhat smooth and moved up to be about 4 meters behind the man. I picked up my gun from my lap, the Mandalorian assault rifle that I had as an Initiate, and hopped out. Taking off my mask to reveal my face, I walked up behind him, "Dark Rose, 30 men are in the speeder piling out, weapons and ammo are in there as well."

I gave him my name to let him know that it was the man that was speaking to him moments ago on the com link. and reported everything that was there. "You said there were sightings of a dragon, and I can see the sith attacked." As much as I wanted to believe there was a dragon, others thought of them as myths. But with how the Galaxy had been turning out to be in the past few months, dragons weren't out of the question.
@[member="Miles Varden"]
Miles turned to meet the incoming soldiers. The man he'd spoken to over the comm stood before him. Aye, a dragon. See these, these weren't caused by plasma burns. Miles pointed out the burns that flickered across his armor.

Well,..Dark Rose.. Sergeant Miles Varden, Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please, walk with me, I'm about to make rounds on the line.

Miles turned and started to walk towards the trench lines, helmet tucked under his arm, rifle slung across his chest and the axe across his back. He'd given his rocket launcher to another soldier working with the AA battery. He called out to the Artillery crews, Keep that barrel pointed East lads, gotta be ready for anything. You,...Kreigs right? Check the ammo supply for every E-web we have.

@[member="Zack Danheir"]
The Last Son
Walking with the man, I kept the Gladiator Rifle in my hands. It felt good to have something else than a hidden holster with twin pistols. Still, as the man pointed out the flame markings on his armor I shook my head. Giving orders out to men to keep the e-web turrets up and ready, I asked him a question. "What have you hit the thing with? Because with a being moving quicker than most speeders, and higher than most other air speeders, Rockets won't work." With rockets that they had been using, they were ether heat tracking, which could be avoided by going high enough where it made the Dragon seem cold, or line of sight where it would only hit if they were "leading the target." With a dragon flying in the skyies, they may need a ship or a trap to bring the thing down.

@[member="Miles Varden"]
I had fired a rocket, but no one before that made contact.

What about you? What's your story? Miles was interested in this man, he wasn't in a command position, but had a leaders personality. He had a good feeling about this man and his capabilities. @[member="Zack Danheir"]
As they closed on the enemy position, Daxton could see that the enemy were cowardly trying to hit their ally with cheap shots. Typical of cowardly Jedi and their allies, none of them was brave enough to offer honorable combat. "This is Reaper One to Reaper Groups, closing in on ally under fire. Weapons hot gentlemen, lets teach these scum what it means to fight Sith, mow them all down."

Activating his forward plasma cannons, he began a high speed run on the enemy transports before they could fully deploy their troops. Using lightning fast speed coupled with hit and run tactics, Daxton's speeder squads struck havoc among the transports before they realized they were under attack.

Banking his speeder, he depressed the firing stud and shot several Republic troopers as they were trying to tend to the injured, before running down a trooper trying to rally his companions. As blood and confusion began to descend on the battlefield, Daxton could not help but laugh at the sheer prospect of terror he was about to unleash.

@[member="Zack Danheir"] @[member="Miles Varden"]
Miles had reports coming in from the sentry units of incoming speeders. Miles quickly dawned his helmet as a squad of attack speeders came flying into view. They opened up on Miles' line taking down a few unlucky soldiers. Then what made Miles' blood boil, was the cowards attack on the wounded and medics. Miles turned each E-web on the speeder squads. Miles ran after a speeder than made a run at the wounded, when another came right for him, attempting to run him down. Miles used his jump-pack to vault on top of the speeder before it could hit him. Now standing on the front of the speeder, he leveled his rifle on the pilot, and opened fire at full-auto. He had furry in his eyes, the Sith had gone too far. As he fired he yelled through his external speakers at maximum volume COWARDS!!!
The E-web emplacements and remaining artillery batteries opened up on the speeders. Two speeders were too focused on their attack run to notice the incoming shell that turned them into a molten heap. The soldier who had taken Miles' rocket launcher, tagged the tail end of one, sending it careening into a trench. The attack was most successful at its initiation, but now, with the highly trained Republic soldiers centering their counter attacks, the number of speeders began to dwindle. Now just a handful left, their attacks became more of a distraction than anything.

@[member="Daxton Bane"] @[member="Zack Danheir"]
Nyos was tending to some wounded when a group of speeders came around and started attacking. A few broke off and made for the wounded soldiers and Nyos' medical team. Without hesitation, he ran headlong into the first to come close, smashing his fist into its nose and sending it flipping over his head, coming to rest upside down, and a skid-mark of blood trailing back to Nyos. Now drawing his vibrosaber, Nyos sprinted at maximum on an intercept course for another speeder. Leaping into the air, Nyos severed the head from its pilots shoulders. He turned around, and radioed back to @[member="Miles Varden"], We need to get these speeders under control. Focus all E-webs on the remaining forces, and send troops to the wounded to protect the medics.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
The Last Son
@[member="Daxton Bane"], @[member="Miles Varden"] (Sorry on a slight LOA)
As the man spoke to me about firing a single rocket at the flying beast I nodded my head. With a thing that big flying that fast, I suspect that someone would have tried it. And from what it sounded like, the dragon would only come out of the sky for a second to breathe fire upon all that were on the ground, then shoot right back up into the sky. When suddenly fire rang out around us. Faster than I thought possible the man moved. Placing his helm on his head as he ran at the speeder. jumping onto the front of it. I had already put my mask on and was aiming down my sights at the man on the speeder, but he moved to fast for me to fire at him. Even if I was a perfect shot, I wouldn't have taken it. With the other man getting closer and closer, Even if a sudden gust of wind came by, and knocked the round I had chambered, I could hit Varden. and I didn't want that on my hands.

Yelling at the troops I didn't want hail to rain on the both of them, "CEASE FIRE CEASE FIRE!" Even then I ran over to the transport speeder, The few things that were still In there Were thrown out like rabid animals, and I got in before the cargo could be closed. With some troops, from a single glance, about 5, I took off after the speeder and the two men. Yelling back at the troops in the speeder with me. "Don't fire at all! We gonna ram this SOB"

I knew from ramming them that Varden could be hit off on accident, but He would see us coming after them, before the guy who was faced forwards. Possibly that would give him time to jump off.
"Reaper One to Reaper Group. Vanguard Formation." Giving the signal for each squad member to pair up using classic wingman positioning ten meters apart. Far enough to avoid splash damage from concussion fire coming their way, but close enough to give fire support should they need it. "Firefox Delta, give me a sitrep on your location. We have mite infestation and I want your napalm so we can burn these roaches out."

Sitting on his bike, the Sith Master of Telekinesis, reached out with tentacles of gripping force against the eweb positions, forcibly turning the turrets to target friendly positions, and in the process wiping out their own defenses. As the Republic squads scrambled to get out of their guns going havoc, a flight of tie bombers swooped over head and began dropping napalm canisters over their position. The highly explosive rounds, deployed in midair, raining fire and death on the ground below and setting everything on fire.

"God I love the fresh smell of napalm in the morning." Daxton laughed manically as he looked for more targets on the battlefield. Now that the Eweb positions and the support arty were reduced to burned slag, it was time to mop up the rest of this rabble.

@Zack Danheir @Miles Varden @[member="Nyos Val"]
Miles witnessed the incoming TIE Bombers, Get those AA batteries on target!!, a few of the bombers got their payload off before the AA shells tore them apart. A few managed to hit their mark, taking out some of his defenses. More Republic reinforcements came up from the HQ and began setting up more turrets and AA detachments. Soon their magnitude of firepower was tearing the speeders and bombers apart.

All placements, take careful aim, we need minimal friendly casualties but maximum enemy fatalities.

@[member="Zack Danheir"]
(My dear Miles, you only mentioned you jumped on speeder and shot the pilot which I assumed was an npc since you didn't mention shooting me in particular, you did mention Sith, which could easily refer to any soldier on my side of the battle. If possible lets keep the ooc posts to the other thread or pm me directly so the threads could be fixed.. Thanks)

Spotting the Republic soldier blasting his adjutant apart, Daxton sneered in contempt, as he keyed in the mike. "Reaper Group, Gammatron Void." At that signal, all speeder units immediately banked outward and away from the Sith Master's position. Leaping flawlessly off his bike, the green and purple armored form was blur as he twirled and landed on the ground. Slamming both palms into the ground, he reached to the Dark Side, and struck at the fault line he was looking at through Shatterpoint.

A mere eyeblink later, explosive concussion forces blew up the ground, radiating from the Sith Lord at the center. Geysers of hot molten earth blew apart Republic soldiers and vehicles, tossing them aside like toys at the whim of a child throwing a tantrum. Then even as the ground continued to quiver at it raw violation, the armored form began to move towards those still standing. Three lightsabers ignited, hissing in malevolent glee, one red, one green and one blue, as they cut down those that still survived the cataclysm he had unleashed.

"Your time of judgment is here fools and you have been found wanting!"

@Zack Danheir @Miles Varden @Nyos Val
Karking Sith and their 'Magic' they call the 'Force'. The Sith that came in with the speeder regiment pulled lava out of the butt-crack of the planet. Now the carcass of Kilo Station had a lava river as its new landscape, the smell of burning flesh filled the air as dark clouds began to form overhead, on Miles' visor, dots of water began to appear slowly. Ever more the rain began to come down, as the smoke turned to steam, a thick layer covered the ground and flowed in the air. In his helmet he received reports from the survivors that only few were left. He ordered them to pull back to the next outpost. Miles walked through the smoke, fire and steam towards the Sith. Drawing a bead on his target, he loosed a volley from the steam. His scorched and blackened armor complimenting the backdrop of the battlefield. Miles held his gaze on the Sith. Three blades lit up his targets position, making it fairly easy to track him. Hidden within the smoke, and under his rifle, was his vibroblade, unactivated. He was prepared for a CQC situation, along with his vibroaxe slung over his back.

@[member="Daxton Bane"] @[member="Zack Danheir"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn came in barreling through the clouds, his bout with the dragon more or less successful. The jetpack was screaming, and he was coming down like a rocket. The distinct artillery shell noise came down above @[member="Daxton Bane"], and landed several meters behind him. Lava and burnt earth were cast aside as the crater impacted. In the middle, stood none other than Tracyn Ordo. He stood up slowly, his back arching as he rolled his shoulderblades. He slowly removed his lightsaber, activating the blue blade at his side. He held it, glaring at the Sith Master. He was alone, but it was more than necessary. Tracyn was an intimidating individual, and even the Sith soldiers in the distance felt his presence.

"Pick on someone your own size, Bane."Tracyn said, his thumb grazing over the power level on his lightsaber. It went up, a lot. A whole lot. Tracyn's other hand took in the form of the standing Teras Kasi pose, his crushgaunt curled backwards and tucked into his side, to block incoming blows to his stomach, ribcage and body with his Beskar'gam and crushgaunt. It also allowed him to dish out some damage with just one hand. Tracyn took on the footwork of the Djem So stance, bringing his blade forward and upwards slightly, and waved at Daxton, in the traditional salute, acknowledging him as his single opponent and to also challenge him.

Tracyn was also giving Miles a hell of a chance. He just hoped that his Super commando armor, crushgaunts and lightsaber would be enough to match Daxton.

@[member="Miles Varden"]
Nyos spent his last few minutes dodging lava as it spewed from the ground, and grabbing as many wounded as he could and bringing them to the remaining transports. Through his comm, he heard Miles give the order to pull back to Juliet Station about three clicks Northwest from Kilo on the Republic Line. He slew the last Imperial soldier nearby as he ran back for more survivors, and heard the sound of an incoming Artillery shell, but when he looked at its approach vector, his augmented eye picked up a humanoid shape in the smoke. Another Sith, no, the distinct blue blade and direction of it position gave way to the more likely possibility that a Jedi had just joined them. He would leave it to them to handle the Sith. Instead he turned to the last surviving troopers, and herded them to the transports. Jumping in the drivers' seat, once all were on-board, he punched the accelerator to maximum for the rally point at Juliet.

@[member="Daxton Bane"] @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Laughing manically, Daxton was choking the life out of the pair of Republic soldiers foolish enough to come at him thinking he was unarmed, when a volley of shots make streaking his way. The first couple slashing harmlessly against his armor's personal shields, before he used his victims to catch the rest. The victims grunted as they took most of the shots in the back and either passed out or died, it did not matter, as the Sith toss them aside like so much garbage.

The sabers began circling faster around him, like angry hornets whose nest was disturbed, ready to deflect any more incoming shots heading his way. Invisible tentacles of Force began unfurling around him, like those of an octopus as the Sith Master flexed his powers of telekinesis in preparation for this next attack. Each of these tentacles was strong enough to hold a wookie down and crush both bones and organs effortlessly. He had even pulled a starship out of the sky once, so what possible chance did a mere soldier have against him. This was going to be like stealing candy from a baby, as he sneered in contempt.

"So eager to die? Very well, I shall make your death quick." Motioning with his gauntlet hand for his enemy to attack him, the wrist launcher loaded with powerful sith blood toxins of his own design just waiting for the his prey to come in close.
@Miles Varden

At that moment someone came barreling from the sky. The man lit a blue lightsaber, and Daxton smiled as he sensed the anger rolling off this one. So much hate and anger. Lovely. A razor's breath from the Dark Side and once the slide begins there was no going back. Pick on someone his own size? Was he serious?

"Do I know you, runt?" Sarcasm and ridicule echoing with the metallic insect like sound from his helm. The mutated orbalisks writhing in hunger under his armor began injecting venom into his system which augmented his reflexes and strength even as he spoke. Dropping into Koldak Stance, the Sith was baiting them to attack. The Scorpion stance was highly effective against multiple foes since the blades did not require a hand to guide them, thus could come at any angle with no limits what so ever. Combined with his Force Tentacles and other arsenal it did not really matter how many he fought, given his experience as one of the foremost duelists in this age. Plus he could always use magic if they proved to be more than a challenge.

On his left side, Malice circled in fast spinning arc, eager to sink its malevolent red blade into flesh and bone. On his right, Pride held steady, ready to thrust, parry and bite its sapphire edge into weak spots it finds. Finally Respite, the emerald green blade that hissed like a cobra set to strike hovered near his back, ready to strike down any who thought him vulnerable there. Each blade both a weapon and a trap waiting to spring on their foes.
@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]

Daxton ignored those that fled the battlefield, they were the smarter ones after all. These two were idiots and dead men, who had no clue at all what danger they were in. Daxton faced down both Grandmaster Ben Watts and the Sith Emperor Moridin in open combat as an apprentice and survived and thrived to amass more experience and power since then.

"So my dear meat puppets, shall we dance or do you plan to stand around all day like the monkeys you are?" Daxton taunted the pair as he waited for them to attack.
@Nyos Val
Miles wasn't one for games, but strategy, that was his forte. He reached back and traded his rifle for his vibroaxe. He left it deactivated, along with his vibroblade. He stepped back into the smoke and disappeared. Slowly circling the area, he went to a fallen Republic soldier, unclipped the man's jump-pack, and moved to the East. He set the few charges he had left around the area, hoping to use them, he connected their triggers to his HUD and marked each on his internal map. He set his external speakers to maximum, Monkeys...HA, they are more troublesome than you may think. Always getting into mischief and mayhem. They can prove more difficult than their name suggests. Lets see how you handle the chaotic behavior from multiple 'monkeys' at once. As he moved he activated the pack and sent it towards the Sith, hoping the Jedi would see it as an opening when the Sith focused on it. Miles would turn this fight into a chaotic playground and make everything the Sith uses a toy to turn on him.

@[member="Daxton Bane"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn stood still for a while, calculating his chances against the Sith. He didn't look as menacing as a War Droid or any of the other big things that he'd killed, but Tracyn wasn't going to sit around and let him ravage the Republic's line unchallenged. Tracyn then deactivated his first blue blade, and brought out his second lightsaber, his main one now, and activated the green blade. He stared at Daxton, activating both of the blades in a single moment."Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur, Bane."Tracyn leapt into the air, unaided by his jetpack now. He came down on Daxton like a meteor, both of his blades going into a falling leaf manuever. It was more controlled now, something that Tracyn hadn't had in a long time. If Daxton failed to defend from his attack, he'd find himself fighting one of the meanest sonsofbitches that the galaxy had ever chewed up and spit out.

"For some reason, I thought you'd be taller."Although he was weary, Tracyn had been in combat way too much for Tracyn to be worried too much. Tracyn had faced the Mandalore, a Hutt cartel, and enough Sith in his time to at least be able to hold Bane in his own way. That being said, he definitely would need help. That is, unless he figured out how to disarm Bane and beat him senseless. He'd have more of a chance that way to beat him.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]

Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur
The Last Son
With the Sith stopping and launching Lava into the air, I could do no more than stop. Men started to pile out, only to be attacked by the Sith. Thats when I saw a Man fall from the sky, He clearly had Mando armor on, unlike myself, and having a blue and green saber lashing out at the Sith who was using three. Clearly the two liked flashy items as they had blades that glowed even in the darkest of shadows, and colors from green, blue, and red. Miles ran off to launch a jet pack at the sith, but with the Jedi launching himself at the Sith as well. It wouldn't just be a collision, it would be a crash on a crash.

I could see it as the jump pack came towards him. With how far that the pack was being launched from, I had time to use. Running faster than what I probably ever could with my full armor, I intercepted the makeshift missile. As I ran towards it, I had changed my grip on my rifle. and slammed down as it neared past me. Remembering when I was a little kid in a different world to a game that I once played, I smacked the rocket to fly off of the trajectory path. Yelling in my com soon after. "Varden, What the feth are you thinking? You could have killed both of them! We just need one!"

I quickly turned around to face the Sith who was in combat with the Mando Jedi. I leveled my Gladiator rifle at the two of them, I would wait for the opportune moment for the trigger to be pulled to launch a slug into the face plate of the Sith clad in green and purple armor.

@[member="Miles Varden"], @[member="Tracyn Ordo"], @[member="Daxton Bane"], @[member="Nyos Val"]

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