Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wrong Side of Heaven - Republic Invasion of Alderaan (Knights, Padawans, NFUs only)

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Location: Entrance
Objective: Defend as long as possible

Oka heard the yelling of a sith. He turned around and there onewas climbing the steps of what used to be the beautiful Alderaan temple. He said to [member="Flint Dexen"] , "We have a tiny problem." Oka saw 4 boulders, he focused the force and threw them down rolling down the steps. He was sure that would knock the sith of course.
Location: Temple
Allies: Pubs
Enemies: OS @Melakoth Tyrin

His mind was focused. His eye and the force would guide him and alert him from any danger that would occur to him or someone else. On the opposite side of him were stormtroopers and a few Sith leading them into battle. One those Sith would be his opponent. With the force he felt a trickle of danger coming towards him and he could also see the rock being thrown at him. Hatake stretched out his hand and with the force he slowed down the rock and then held a grip on it so he could place it on the ground.

The Jedi looked at the Sith who threw the rock at him and saw his lightsabers activated. With his left hand he outstretched it and began bending his fingers taunting him to come forward him. "Come and get some, unless you're too afraid," continuing to to support his taunt.


Anzat's How it's Done
LOCATION: Temple Entrance
ALLIES: [member="Lieutenant Kir"]
ENEMIES: [member="Flint Dexen"]
OBJECTIVE: Eliminate Flint.

Orin fired like the rest of his squad, intent on obliterating the squad of republic troops that had confronted the guardsmen and the Jedi knight that they had died for. When the Jedi survived, Orin simply re-adjusted his aim and continued to fire, sending bolt after bolt of sonic waves towards the young knight.

He ignored the four guardsmen who had been pinned under boulders thanks to Flint's proficient use of telekinesis. They'd likely survive, thanks to their armour, but they were out of the fight for now.

Just as the thought of lost manpower crossed Orin's mind, the extraordinary crimson hulks of Besh squad appeared at the entrance, having completed their objective inside the temple. Orin didn't even need to order them to fire, they just reacted, unleashing a barrage of twelve more sonic blasts at the Jedi who was in relatively close proximity...
Location: Temple Battlefield
Allies: [member="Veino Garn"], Corvus Raaf, Camellia Swift
[SIZE=14.4444446563721px]Enemies: [member="Nickolas Imura"], [/SIZE][member="Countess of Báthory"]

Kian was surprisingly calm for the devastation and chaos around him. He had discovered on Carida and Empress Teta that he was able to maintain his sense of purpose and calm, even when surrounded by so much pain and evil. He supposed it was his training, or perhaps just his nature. Kian didn't enjoy the fighting and wished that he could resolve things peacefully, but he had become all to aware that this was not always an option. Sometimes fighting was the only choice.

Kian moved through the battlefield, slashing aside stray shots from cocky Sith soldiers as the Republic forces covered the evacuation of [member="Corvus Raaf"] by [member="Veino Garn"]. He was glad to see her getting off to safety. He didn't want to lose anyone else on this planet. As this thought passed his mind, Kian became suddenly very away of a sense of urgency. Turning, he saw a Voxyn running at him with great speed and agility. He had never faced a Voxyn before, but he was well aware of their reputation. He also knew that animals rarely attacked alone. However, Kian had no time to look for another assailant. Just as the beast opened it's mouth to attack him, Kian lifted the animal in the force, in an attempt to throw the creature away.

However, it never came to that. As the beast rose into the air, its body erupted, as three powerful rounds tore through the creature. His gladness to see the creature destroyed was short lived however. The toxic blood of the beast spread out in a poisonous cloud and some even made contact with his skin. Kian's mask would protect him, to a degree, from the effects of the gas, but he still felt the painful burning as it latched onto his skin. Kian didn't have much time to consider this, however. He'd almost forgotten about the beast behind him. Not even bothering to look, and relying on his instincts, Kian threw himself to the side in a role. As he did, he felt the claws of the second Voxyn tear through his cloak and leave long, jagged scratches along the C-1000 armor he wore beneath. One claw tore a gash in his arm above the elbow, but as he rolled back onto his feet, he was glad to see that the wound wouldn't slow him down too much.

Kian was unsure of how he would deal with the second Voxyn. He couldn't rely on the sheer serendipity of another sniper, but then again, he didn't have too. Then he heard the message come through the comm chatter from [member="Camellia Swift"]. "This is Kian," he yelled into this comm as he stepped backwards, away form the Voxyn, which had turned back and was prowling toward him like a hungry cat, "I need troops, preferably with heavy firepower, and some gunships if you have them to spare!" Kian said and then darted directly at the Voxyn, leaping into the air and over it. He landed with a roll and immediately set off at a full run. He didn't bother to look back to see if the beast was following. He knew it would be.

Then Kian began to slow down. Not enough for the beast to catch him, at least not at first. Kian needed to rely on one thing. Voxyn were animals. They were powerful, intelligent animals. But they were still feral. As he sensed and felt the Voxyn gaining on him, Kian waited. He needed to wait until just the right moment. Then it came. Kian slowed enough for the Voxyn to pouncing, leaping high into the air and coming down at Kian. He would never be able to get out of the way....but Kian didn't plan too. Spinning just as the animal left the ground Kian darted forward, bring him in close enough to miss the front set of claws, though just barely, and he drove his lightsaber up at the underside. The momentum of the jump gave Kian the necessary strength he needed to breach the skin. His lightsaber tore in through the chest and cut a long, destructive gash down to the lower belly.

His success however was not without price. The blood poured all over Kian and he felt his skin burning. If this weren't enough, his mask could only do so much and he felt his body weakening from the effects of the neurotoxin. Kian wasn't dead, nor was he completely incapacitated, but he was weakened, and every breath burned. He needed time. Time to rest and time to heal. But Kian didn't have time. Not here, not on the battlefield. Forcing himself up to his feet, he looked back at the wrecked carcass of the Voxyn. It still kicked and thrashed. Voxyn were tough and its body was trying desperately to heal the wound. Kian turned and headed back toward the thick of the battle. It had taken him dumb luck and vast sacrifice of energy to kill the two....and there would be more. He hoped that [member="Camellia Swift"] was able to respond with something more than that to help him take the field.

Kian pushed these thoughts aside, however, and stretched out into the force. He had a more important task to see too right now. He knew that someone was holding the whip that kept these beasts on the attack....and Kian wanted to find them.

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
Location: The sky
Allies: the OS
Enemies: Republic bastards
Objective: Somebody's gotta take command around here!

Finally, we were here.

"Alright. Aurum and Argent squadrons, launch and intercept those strafers. Red Brigade, signal when you hit the ground."

I keyed on the universal One Sith fleet encryption and contacted the already present fighter squadrons.

"All fighter squadrons, this is Evard L'Rik. I'm taking command. Regroup and standby for redeployment."

"Red Leader standing by."

"Gold Leader here."

"Magma Leader standing by."

"Black Leader standing by."

"Only four squadrons left? What the hell have you been doing?"

"My lord, the strafing was a trap. They got Silver and Green really fast, and I think they downed Violet Squadron, too. No contact in a half hour."

"That's okay. All squadrons, target and fire on those Republic tanks."

And my backup came: Six corvettes, heavily armed, with a full squadron of fighters, each.

"You heard the orders, Group Two. Fire at will."

And I turned on some music.

Location: City Outskirts Temple Oriented Objective
Allies: Wraith Squadron/Republic
Enemies: One Sith
Objective: Coordinate an actual military operation, Orchestrate RHDF Attack on the temple, Evac a wounded padawan
People to Ping: Flint Dexen Veino Garn Corvus Raaf Commander Orin Lieutenant Kir Ashin Varanin Oka Osaa Darth Acarus Aleksandr Idruin

Word of the attack being coordinated against the temple via the corvettes and fighter squadrons was something Camellia wouldn't miss, not when she was already near the same planetary airspace. Ships that big she could see in the distance from the Medical Frigates bridge, though what they were specifically was only noted when the ship's sensor suite identified their profiles. She hadn't thought the Sith would have such an easy time in orbit to call down a few ships to come handle her, but then why did they send corvettes? She had a pair of heavy frigates defending the airspace of the field hospital she had set up, they easily outgunned the pair of corvettes, except when the course of the Sith warships was plotted by their trajectory through the sensors she could see that they were instead heading toward the temple and the fighting going in there instead of her.

And indeed they did, and two of the Rendili battle Tanks would burst into a gout of flames as the Sith fighters strafed them and the laser blasts puckered their hull. However, before that Commander Orin would pay dearly for maintaining his focus first on the Jedi alone as the tanks focused fire on his men and two would be blasted to pieces before the Sith fighters dealt the tanks a retributive blow. The other tanks hesitated in a decision between attempting to push their repulsors to the max to escape the threat of the Sith fighter attacks, however such a decision was unneeded because Camellia had no intention of allowing the Sith of having those corvettes and fighters provide an edge to the battlefield.

One of the Hammerhead Frigates had been dispatched as soon as the realization was made, along with the remainder of the Rendili Starfighter squadron. The F-18s and other Hammerhead would stay behind to continue keeping the Medical Center safe. The Hammerhead approaching the Sith corvettes would fire its heavy turbos and blast away at one of them, intending to whittle them down one at a time while the starfighter squadron moved to engage the four of the Sith's own, the Hammerhead's defensive guns and laser cannons aiding in the task, spewing laser and flak at the Sith fighters that were going to come close.

Meanwhile the blademasters that were attacking the Sith fighting with Ashin Varanin sprung into play. One moved to posture before Darth Acarus, he seemed most passive so far, so perhaps just providing a presence would discourage a fight with him, if not the Rendili Sword wielder intended to merely delay and fall back. The other three however, were more aggressive. Two aimed for Aleksandr, moving to either side to slash at the tendons in his right leg and left wrist, while the last aimed for [member="Kezeroth Barcu"] with an attempt to flick their blade at the man's side in passing while he was focused on Ashin.

All this going on as Camellia tried to keep up with the relaying of orders, listen to the reports coming in, the calls for evac of wounded here and there, the demands for reinforcements at this intersection or that boulevard, and the status of the squads engaged across the city and the squadron engaging the Sith corvettes and support craft. The RAET carrying Corvus Raaf would be entering the Medical Frigate at this time as well, where the young Padawan would be rushed to the medical bay to join the other wounded who required attention. [member="Kian Karr"] would get his request as well, as Camellia signaled for four of the F-18s to go support him along with an RAET carrying one of the tanks defending the field hospital and a full load of infantry. "Put those to use as you will, sending you the channel for the fighters now give them what targets you will. Good luck, we're running low on hands we can give out here."

Force Composition As of Now (Yes I had some peeps die):
Hammerhead Cruisers x 2 (Hanging over LZ, Keeping Sith Aircraft at bay, defending Medical Frigate, One has a damaged heavy Turbolaser and the other has a weakened engine unit from breaking through)
Shield Class Medical Frigate x 1 (Will hang above staging area and act as evac zone and medical facility when I arrive)
F-18 Pillar Starfighters x 18
Rendili Starfighters x 12
RAETs x 4
Driver Class Dropships x 4
Soldiers with RCE and P-7s x 508
Rendili Battle Tanks x 17 (Again mostly defending staging area and LZs for fluff)
SkyArch Speeders x 22
Oversight Reconnaissance Droids x 11

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
Location: Still the sky
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Camellia Swift"]
Objective: Blast everything

The Jedi had been better prepared than I thought. The Resurgent and two corvettes weren't going to stop a couple heavy frigates.

"All fighters, hit the turrets on those frigates. It doesn't matter if you destroy the ship, just get in close and focus fire on those turrets. Get the Point Defense systems out first."

"Yes, my lord"

"Serra, how's the ground looking?"

"It's pretty karked up, babe. We're looking at a squad three quarters of our number, but with better tanks."

"I'll send in a corvette to cover you."


"Corvette One?"

"This is Black Knight"

"Go in and cover the Brigade. Blow up those tanks. Fire at will."

Good. Serra's group would be safe, but the fighter attack was a different animal.

"Aurum and Argent Leaders, how many of those strafers are left?"

"A squadron or two, sir."

"Get 'em."

"Very good, sir."

Okay, now to give the frigate assault group some cover.

"Corvette Two, fire on the closest frigate on my count."


"One... Two... Three... Fire!"

And the barrage on the Republic frigates began.
Location: Temple Entrance.

Nobody got in his way.

The Gen'Dai was a fool if he thought he could win alone.

Not to mention it vexed him because he thought [member="Ashin Varanin"] was his when he had begun the fight first. There was a growl, and he glanced down to the bottom of the steps to the Jedi Knight and that... Apparent Dark Sider and removed another blast bug. He launched it again, straight towards the duo. He had sent it towards the corner of the staircase where the Jedi Knight had been attempting to hide. He had barely shot it past the arm of @Kezeroth Barcu. He meant to end the fight, but if the blast affected the Gen'Dai well...

That was just collateral damage.

Friendly fire after all was a thing.

[member="Aleksandr Idruin"], [member="Metus De'cal"], [member="Mala Kulan"]
Strike Squad Location: Forest, nearby Kian Karr
Objective: Aid Kian Karr
Enemies: [member="Countess of Báthory"]

After successfully killing a single Voxyn, Viktor who had set up his sniper would leap to his feet, hugging the weapon closely to his body as he took off in a sprint, down the ridge. Slinging the long barreled rifle onto his back, the man would make his way as quickly as possible through the forest, his medium weight and grade armor giving him some speed and mobility. The single lizard creature that had been dispatched to seek out their Jedi leader, would most likely follow the boy's force signature trail, leading it to the Republic base camp where he had taken off in a shuttle. Though, through sheer bad luck, the deadly creature would come across the members of Strike Squad that had decided to stick together. The Captain, Rusher, wielded two of his dual blaster pistols tightly, having them leveled out with his torso in case he needed to shoot quick. The creature was not very big, though it definitely could not be classified as small. It's movement would be picked up on the trooper's HUD radar, causing them all to turn and look in a single direction. "We've got movement," Rusher state, carefully pointing his pistols and keeping their barrels aimed towards where he figured the enemy would appear. The Voxyn proved far more intelligent than one would guess, as it leaped from a branch, it's body slamming violently into a single Republic soldier, it's claws digging into the man's armor. A scream would be elicited as the man fell to the ground, causing all of the infantry to give their attention to the sleek lizard like creature.

Given it's close proximity, the creature's poisonous tail would lash out with strength, it's tip creating a large slice in the heavy armor of Mahrik, who had drawn his slugthrower pistol. Luckily, the venomous substance did not reach the soldier's skin, for he had been shielded by the high quality armor he wore. Lifting his arm, Rusher would point his wrist gauntlet towards the deadly creature, before activating the whipcord launcher that would attempt to wrap around it's body. Hopefully the string would tie tightly around it's target, for Rusher aimed to push forward with his plan, his jetpack activating only briefly to shoot him into the air, along with the Voxyn. Now temporarily suspended in mid-air, the creature would be easy pickings for Mahrik, who then began to squeeze the trigger of his slugthrower. The violent ballistic rounds would surge forward, while other potshots were taken by the other soldiers standard blaster rifles. And if that wasn't enough, Rusher would begin to rain down a shower of flames on the creature, that would cling to any fur and attempt to damage it further. "These things are obviously hunters," Rusher would speak, after touching down from the sky. Turning to look at his squad that was now eight in numbers, the man would wave towards them as he continued to journey through the dangerous land. Suppressor, who had previously been sniping on a ridge, would also eventually regroup with his team, now holding his light machine gun-like blaster rifle that he had brought along. A glint of armor would give off the position of a Sith Soldier in the distance, their appearance looking rather ominous. Their armor seemed to be based off of the troopers of Revan and Malak's empire. The squad of ten Sith soldiers had been near [member="Kian Karr"], for they had been sent to sweep and investigate a disturbance. Different colored blaster bolts would begin to whiz across the forest landscape, scorching the bark and leaves of the many plants that stood tall.

Holstering his slugthrower, Mahrik would begin to equip his powerful rocket launcher, one that had been used during the Clone Wars Era. It had enough punch to take down armored vehicles, however could be used against infantry if need be. Propping the destructive weapon up against his soldier, the heavy weapons expert would take brief aim before clicking down on a single button, causing a spiraling missle to surge forward through the air. It would slam into the ground, causing a fiery explosion that would engulf a considerable amount of Sith infantry. From there, Suppressor would step forward, already having taken aim on the other soldiers that would no doubt be shaken by such an explosion. The rapid fire rifle would begin to unleash volleys of blue blaster bolts, that would span out in a horizontal line and attempt to mow down the armored individuals. The general mayhem that had descended upon the area would begin to quiet, leaving on the battle in the distance to be heard. The Republic soldiers would rush forward, giving the Keldor a quick salute. "We're here to help, Master Jedi," Rusher would begin, staring at the Keldor through his helmet, "You don't look too good."


Location: Above forest
Objective: Survive crash

The orbital shuttle that Tugoro had gotten into had taken off as planned, though the rest of it's flight would not go as smoothly. Thanks to the meddling of [member="Private Rose"], the ship would begin to experience severe turbulence, due to the powerful anti-matter rifle. Having taken off in the opposite direction of the temple, among the Republic's base camp, the Jedi was at least glad that it's crash would not damage any allies. The powerful projectile that had been sent forth by the bounty hunter would pierce the shuttle's wing with ease, causing it's metallic form to shake and rattle violently as it's altitude dropped. "I'm losing her, Master Jedi!" The pilot would shout, sounding quite distraught from within the cockpit. Having quickly stood to his feet, Tugoro would prepare himself, allowing his pale hand to graze against the metallic surface of one of his lightsabers.

"Open the hatch, and eject." The young Padawan would instruct, before shielding his eyes as the sudden beams of light filled the shuttle's interior. The scene before him was truly horrifying, as was war altogether. Starfighters flew wildly through the air, engaged in dogfights while takes and infantry were busy blowing each other up. There were countless losses on each side, each one vibrating through the force. It was terrible. Luckily for Tugoro, the shuttle he had ridden in had not been able to get too high, before being shot down. Stepping out of the craft, the young boy's figure would be barraged by powerful winds as the shuttle blew by, it's engines still roaring loudly. It's shining hull would begin to point down as it dived, slowly but surely setting itself on a collision course. Tugoro had done the same for himself, though he had more control over the situation than the pilot did. Exerting waves of telekinesis from his body, the young Padawan would do his best to glide through the air, his momentum slowing greatly as he descended on the trees. His robed body would impact with the bushels of leaves, before hitting against several branches that would also do their part to lessen his impact. Laying on his back, the boy would begin to climb to his feet, wincing only briefly at the bruises he had attained. He was lucky to be alive.
Location: City Outskirts Temple Oriented Objective
Allies: Wraith Squadron/Republic
Enemies: One Sith
Objective: Coordinate an actual military operation, Orchestrate RHDF Attack on the temple, Evac a wounded padawan
People to Ping: [member="Evard L'Rik"]

Perhaps if the Sith corvettes had focused together with the fighter craft they would have succeeded in their task, however, as one pulled away and fighters moved to swarm the the Hammerhead Frigate the RHDF fighters and warship got down to business. The Rendili Starfighters swung about, engaging the fighters attempting to get through the frigate's shields and target its hardpoints, their laser cannons spewing brilliant beams of death at the Sith squadrons that also had to contend with the flak, quad laser, and point defense cannons along the frigates length firing upon them. Still the Rendili squadron suffered casualties along with the Sith as the fight raged on, fighters shot down or exploded as the Sith fought back, though at least the fighters fared better than the corvette. The Heavy Turbolasers and Ion Cannon battering down the Sith corvette until it broke through and continued pounding until the hull would break apart.

Splitting up the corvettes would ensure their destruction, though there would be a slight victory, as another of the battle tanks was destroyed, forcing the remaining to begin drawing back to avoid becoming easy targets. The sith attack bought their ground forces immediate respite, but it would seal their fate in the long run as the heavy frigate began to lumber towards the corvette causing the the turn of tide, the fighter escort continuing to fight the Sith fighters squadrons as they could. The heavy frigate would open up with its heavy turrets once more, batteries opening up as well with the right angle, and began its second engagement. Camellia intended to keep an eye on reports for any trickery, at the first sign of danger to the ship and its crew she would pull it back and have the other take its place if needed, she would see.

And once the corvette was no more then she'd have the frigate tear open the temple entrance. Of course after issuing a warning to Republic forces when she would do so.

Force Composition As of Now (Yes I had some peeps die):
Hammerhead Cruisers x 2 (One hanging over LZ, Keeping Sith Aircraft at bay, defending Medical Frigate, One has a damaged heavy Turbolaser and the other has a weakened engine unit from breaking through, weak engine one is engaging Sith corvettes)
Shield Class Medical Frigate x 1 (Will hang above staging area and act as evac zone and medical facility when I arrive)
F-18 Pillar Starfighters x 18
Rendili Starfighters x 9
RAETs x 4
Driver Class Dropships x 4
Soldiers with RCE and P-7s x 495
Rendili Battle Tanks x 16 (Again mostly defending staging area and LZs for fluff)
SkyArch Speeders x 24
Oversight Reconnaissance Droids x 14

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Aleksandr Idruin"] [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Kezeroth's Force grip threw her to the |eft, s|ammed her into unyie|ding stone before she cou|d backpeda| away from the monstrous Gen'Dai. The fireba|| hissed past her back, sp|ashed against the stone. Kezeroth's own move cou|dn't he|p but put her behind him, re|ative to Acarus and that b|ast bug, but the concussion wrapped around him and s|apped her. The fire sme||ed |ike burning hair -- hers. Too c|ose.

Wa|| to her |eft, too c|ose for comfort -- she'd |eft some skin there. Acarus at her e|even o'c|ock, at the top of the stairs. Kezeroth at her twe|ve o'c|ock. Idruin at her four o'c|ock, no, five in the time she'd taken to recover from the wa||'s bruta| introduction. The Gen'Dai's impact sent a shiver through the ground.

She stepped back, turned right, her off hand f|icked out, and her mind found contro|s she'd been using on|y a minute ago. Her nearby swoop bike acce|erated for the space between the Gen'Dai and the side of the stairs. With |uck, it wou|d hit the wa||, make a |arge sustained fireba|| to b|ock Acarus' |ine of sight, gent|y toast the GenDai's back, and set the pyro's mind a|ight with possibi|ities. The move put the Gen'Dai and Acarus at her nine o'c|ock, Idruin at her two o'c|ock. Meanwhi|e, they wou|d sti|| be dea|ing with Rendi|i's me|ee combatants.

Camellia Swift said:
Meanwhile the blademasters that were attacking the Sith fighting with Ashin Varanin sprung into play. One moved to posture before Darth Acarus, he seemed most passive so far, so perhaps just providing a presence would discourage a fight with him, if not the Rendili Sword wielder intended to merely delay and fall back. The other three however, were more aggressive. Two aimed for Aleksandr, moving to either side to slash at the tendons in his right leg and left wrist, while the last aimed for Kezeroth Barcu with an attempt to flick their blade at the man's side in passing while he was focused on Ashin.

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
Location: Sky LZ
Allies: OS
Enemies: [member="Camellia Swift"]
Objectives: Hold out until reinforcements arrive

I spun my chair to the comm officer on my bridge.

"What's the ETA on our backup?"

"Ten minutes, sir. We can hold out."

I had to check the fighters, next.

"How many fighters did we lose?"

"Ten, sir. None of them command personnel. All leaders are reporting in."

"Pull them back out here. They'll be going back in in a moment."


Finally, the tanks.

"Serra, how are you guys doing?"

"We're alright, Evvy. That corvette saved our asses. Tell him to come closer to the ground so the Pubs'll have to risk hitting their own people."

"Good idea. Black Knight, get closer to the ground. Make them work for their hits.

Total losses:
10 fighters, two tank pilots
Location: Outskirts of the Temple
Allies: The Sith - but mostly himself
Enemies: Those that object; [member="Niamh Raste"]
Objective: To do what he pleases

Faction territory and the wars to change hands, of planets and systems were nought but dust in the wind to the mind of a wandering Acolyte. Too many years had he watched and observed the sentient condition to give much credence to petty politics, or the vying over occupied space. Without their warring it the planets did spin, without their battles, the clouds still rolled by. It mattered not in the great and grand scheme of the cosmos; a topic which he silently pontificated as the trail of interest was tred. This enigmatic creature had but one purpose in his life, one driving force that elevated above all the rest of the needs and wants of the Galaxy. Hunger. It was a simple motivation, but spoke to a grander multi-faceted need. Physical was but only a part of it, to further feast on the buffet of just about any material he could come into contact with. There were also more metaphysical and esoteric hungers that pulled at the core of this strange wandering being. The hunger of emotions to wrap himself in, the endless abyss of knowledge to satiate his ever intelligent species. Something new to ponder, to unwrap like a present and to gather all the knowledge he could. Over two centuries and he'd yet begun to scratch the surface of what this Galaxy had to offer.

One of the more burning questions came as a result of various news feeds that he had 'digested' while being mentored by his Anzati teacher. The Grey hunter was teaching Nazo much about the sentient condition's quest in greed, and need to keep their property, and their power in check. Alderaan seemed like a constantly contested globe out in the black, and his curiosity had him investigating the planet itself in order to seek out what mysterious treasure troves lay hidden. Only that, he thought, could be the reason for such constant contention among the factions. Brushing through the outskirts of the temple proper, occasionally pausing to look in an interested gaze towards the furious battles that seemed to erupt like the hot springs on certain volcanic prone worlds he'd already visited. They seemed random, and without true point. As such they were dismissed with silence and his journey continued.

A seven foot tall being, lanky by the hanging fabric dangling from his obscured form, topped with a mask that more two beady ruby eyes of lifeless nature. The soft metallic clinking of footsteps upon various alloy encased surfaces was all that was heard aside from the swish of dark gray and purple fabrics. Braids of hair tossed back and forth with every turn of that masked face as Nazo further probed. Occasionally sweeping his hand back and forth before him, splaying metal digits as if he was feeling for something intangible and invisible before his very stature. Almost akin to the motions of the blind as they normally stumbled about in search of their bodies or limbs finding purchase against something sturdy. Nazo wasn't blind however, he was simply looking for more points of interest below the ground. His path and gait gave a sudden pause as noise filtered from a close destination, enshrouded in shrubbery. Lithe frame twisted to focus the attention wherewith the sound emanated. Curious advances took his footsteps to part the bushes and press forward through the brush.

Breaking through the planet barrier, the robed form of Nazo stepped into the sphere of influence currently occupying another. Armored, and suggestive of female anatomy judging by the curves in the plating. Despite the noise made by the bushes and his own entrance onto the plain of her vantage point - he spoke not a sound. Due only to the fact that the creature was indeed physically mute, and could only give that ghastly, unwavering and lifeless stare. Head tilt, his metallic digits rose up to lightly tap forefinger against the chin portion of the mask as if in thought to ponder her presence - and what it would mean. The Dark Side taint fell heavy on this puzzling figure, as he held no cause to hide that from anyone, or saw a pertinent reason. Nazo was interested and he rarely cared who knew it.
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Temple Entrance.

There was no love lost between the Sith and his supposed comrades.

At first, Acarus hadn't been paying attention to the Blademaster simply because he had been pre-occupied with incapacitating a Jedi and killing a friendly. But we can keep that a secret right?

His own lightsaber was active in his hand from the beginning, but he had never once had the chance to use thanks to the Yuuzhan Vong from previously and now the thug that was Kezeroth Barcu. He was tanking the Jedi Knight well enough, but Acarus was certain that the moment he left the entrance to find a more engaging battle it would be overrun. Simply because he wasn't present.

As was the power of Darth Acarus.

No, he simply didn't care for the Rendilian? Rendiliner? Rendili person walking up his steps, and so the Force had wrapped around them and tugged them closer, in a moment before they could even move away and the lightsaber cleaved through the weapon and the arm that held it. He didn't kill the man no, instead he let him feel his pain, and then he threw him back down the steps towards where his comrades were, specifically to the two that were going to engage [member="Aleksandr Idruin"]. Even if he wasn't interested in working together Malphas wouldn't let him be overrun, because it'd only be a matter of time before he himself was.

He glanced back to [member="Metus De'cal"] and [member="Mala Kulan"] and then he sent his hand outwards to the land beyond the steps.

"Find Jedi, and kill them. Or remain here, and defend the Temple."

Then he turned away from them and watched.
Allies: [member="Zothan Venn"]
Enemies: Various NPC Jedi

Spar was standing in the temple, waiting for more jedi to come and try to take back the building. At this point, a few stray jedi had made it in. From the balcony, he even saw a lady with a chainsaw. Then, she met a knight. He gave her more of a fight, and Spar decided to help her out until any other jedi came along. Jumping down behind the jedi, he swept and ignited his lightsaber at the man, going for a bisecting slice. The jedi spun and jumped back, narrowly missing getting hit. Then Spar head butted him and stabbed him in the gut. As the jedi fell down and died, he spoke to the woman. "Lovely day, isn't it?"
Location: Temple by stairs
Allies: [member="Darth Acarus"] @Aleksandr Idurin
Enemies: [member="Ashin Varanin"]

Kezeroth was almost going crazy at this point, His Dark rage had subsided for now letting him get probed with horrible events from his past. Kezeroth grabed his head just holding it for few seconds. The Gen'Dai was interrupted when random Soldiers came in attacking, One solider specifically just hacking away at Kezeroth trying to disarm him. The Reinforcements had injured the Gen'Dais leg but that would not last very long. For now Kezeroth made a dash at the Solider gripping him with Force Choke. The Solider gasped and wiggled then suddenly twitched and was realesed from the Brutes Grasp. Kezeroth was Saber ready and was interrupted at looking at his kill when he caught a speed come his way. His leg was almost healed and Kezeroth had knocked over bigger speeders during a terrorist attack. Giving a Limping Dash Kezeroth knocked the speeder to the side altering its course to give people at the temple a good view of the show.

The speeder hit part of the wall and blew in a explosion burning Kezeroths back. Embracing pain Kezeroth let out a Force Scream utilizing it to stun some of the reinforcements that came, The Gen'Dai looked like a Madman sweeping his light-Pike around tearing the reinforcement soldiers apart slowly. It seemed The Gen'Dai was slowing down in sort periods and revamping back into Rage.

While in his momments attacking Kezeroth noticed [member="Darth Acarus"] standing there still.
-How dare he think he is better then us warrior's, The Sith race are Warriors yet he shows no interest.- Kezeroth said to himself

Kezeroth watched the Sith Pure Blood call his apprentices to fight his battles only hastening the Rage to Return
-He is not a Warrior, He is No Warrior- Kezeroth said in his head

"YOU ARE NO WARRIOR" The words came from his mouth enpowered by the force screams while glaring at [member="Darth Acarus"] for a moment before Returning to battle. Kezeroths Rage came back strong but would not last any longer then normal. Kezeroths body twitched and he started to drool slightly. The whole scene was crazy and it was obvious who was the Crazy One in battle.
Location: Near the Temple Steps
Enemies: [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Camellia Swift"]'s NPCs.
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] [member="Darth Acarus"]

Landing unopposed in the meadow that had formerly been to Ashin's right, Idruin spun toward his target, noting with disgust that his attack had failed to kill her. Yet the massive Gen'dai had managed to chuck her up against the wall. Now if Aleksandr could only harry her until her back was against the wall, the fight would be in its final stages. Envisioning a glorious ending, with him impaling her into the wall, Aleksandr failed to take heed of two new warriors as they suddenly entered the fray from out of nowhere.

Seeing a flash of movement in the corner of his eye and in an instant flicked the secondary activation switch on his saberstaff, causing the other blade to spring to life. He stretched out his right hand holding the saberstaff with his palm down and caught the incoming attacks from his two new opponents. A body flopped down from the steps, hurled by the Force, and slammed into both attackers, sending them into confusion.

Before Aleksandr could do anything else, an unmanned speeder bike whipped into the wall seemingly of its own accord. Idruin immediately moved to take advantage of the ensuing fireball, utilizing the Force to siphon off a ribbon of flame and send it splashing across the backs of his opponents. Their clothing caught alight and soon the horrendous screech of metal was followed by the screams of the dying.

Horrified by their suffering, yet determined to see this through, Aleksandr advanced in a blur of spinning red blades, leaving a pile of dismembered, smoldering remains in his wake.

Through the haze of smoke and battle, Idruin saw the enraged Gen'dai going absolutely berserk on a series of new arrivals, completely forgetting about the objective at hand. Glancing up at the Temple plaza, Aleksandr waved a hand to several sharpshooters above. They began executing the Republic soldiers below with casual ease.

The teenager returned his attention to the former Empress. The chain of events had been sudden and unexpected, but the key part was sudden. She could not have fled so easily, for he cut off her escape route toward the meadow and away from the wall and stairs. Idruin advanced, sweeping his left leg forward and loosing a horizontal stream of flame toward her upper thighs. He followed with two quick Gen'dai-fist-sized fireballs at her chest.

Cedric Dorn

TION: Temple Entrance
ALLIES: [member="Commander Orin"]
ENEMIES: [member="Flint Dexen"]
OBJECTIVE: Eliminate Flint.

Kir knew that giving the little Jedi any amount of time would be a bad idea.

So as soon as he saw Besh Squad loose their bolts, and as soon as he saw Commander Orin do the same. He rushed forward. Propelled by powerful jets on the back of his armor Kir shot forward like a rocket. The speed of the massive bulky power armor was impressive, though he didn't outrun the sonic shots of course, he did reach Flint in only a matter of moments.

His attack was a series, the first of which was the raising of his left arm. A massive stream of fire poured from an opening their, directed at Flints body for only a second, meant as a distraction. Then, through the flame shot a massive gauntlet.

It reached towards the Jedi's throat, aiming to crush it.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Beside Temple Steps

[member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] [member="Aleksandr Idruin"]

The time that the three of them spent ki||ing, Ashin spent in other ways. She had no intention of running, |ong odds or not.

Her two strengths in this sort of situation were reading her enemies and putting up wa||s; with Idruin near|y in front of her, and |ogged in her books as more effective than some, he got both kinds of attention. A basic Force shie|d, the kind she cou|d keep up a|| day, caught the stream and then the two fireba||s.

At which point she |eaped as high as she cou|d manage with a moment's preparation, straight up or c|ose enough, higher than she'd jumped in a |ong whi|e. And it cost her, compounded by the bruising incident to Kezeroth tossing her into the stonework. Physica| enhancement of this kind -- faster, higher, and so forth -- was not her forte; too many of these and she'd run into a brick wa|| of fatigue. With a grim smi|e that died after a heartbeat, she caught the corner of the roof, f|ipped up, and vanished over the edge.

It began to rain body parts and bisected rif|es, though |ess of the |atter than the sum of the former. When she appeared a coup|e of seconds |ater, five metres from where she'd vanished, there was a Santhe/Sienar Harpy rif|e tight against her shou|der. These days she spent most of her time in a sniper nest on Korriban, taking potshots at tuk'ata and watching the Va||ey's pi|grims through a scope. The weapon rested on her |eft forearm, as if over a hand with a f|ash|ight; instead it he|d her deactivated |ightsabre, backhand. The Harpy bucked three times against her shou|der, aimed at Acarus.
Location: Above Alderaan
Allies: Wraith squadron, [member="Niamh Raste"]
Enemies: Sith

Kyla’s first taste of a real battle. Space battle, at least. For the majority of their time in space, the redhead GIA agent let her fellow pilots deal with all and any danger, while she provided them with cover and mainly acted as a spotter. She could not do that much, after all; radio silence was issued and the young woman simply followed orders inserted into her head by the Force sensitive members of the squadron.

“Air superiority. Right,” Kyla muttered for herself, feeling strange due to her new position as a newbie pilot. Her experience and intelligence that shined when standing on solid land disappeared and she realized her hands trembled slightly. It was natural to be nervous, but a starfighter pilot could not afford such luxury. She quickly steadied her hands on the control column and throttled up, increasing the flood of fuel to the engines and the ship’s speed as the squadron descended towards the planet and entered its atmosphere. There was little to no resistance, luckily, and the view from the cockpit was breath-taking. It would have been even better without the battle raging down there, but the pilot did not have to worry about that much. Her mission was to ensure air superiority first, the task of helping the land forces was secondary. Not for long though.

Naturally, as there seemed to be not much to fight in the sky, maybe because their fighters were very advanced and very stealthy. As the orders to provide air support on the ground came, relied through the secure channel, Kyla glanced at the radar, searching for suitable targets. They may not have been much in the air, but down on the land… She could not land for reasons specified in another thread, therefore her task would be to focus on the anti-tank and anti-air positions.

“Understood,” she said to the radio, “Staying in the air,” she informed the leader and soared through the air, hoping the two Force sensitive pilots who have landed near the temple would be alright.

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