Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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They weren't actually close enough for her saber to connect with him, but she felt him relax when she turned it off and put it away. Trying and failing to hide a small smile at that, Jairdain looked at him.

If her next actions surprised him, they were just as surprising to her. Being physically close during training was one thing, but this had gone beyond that now. She felt a flood of emotions from Karl. Surprise mostly, but he didn't back away from her.

After her question came out, it was up to him to answer. She could almost hear his thoughts and heartbeat within his chest. He attempted to hide his emotions, but since she could not see his face, that meant she could read them clearly. There was something there, but even she could not identify it.

Her own emotions were probably doing about the same thing. Her breath almost caught in her throat and heart throbbing hard in her chest. For once, Jairdain did not try to centralize her emotions and put them to side. This time, she let them free. He would likely feel them coming off of her and know they were of a similar nature.

When his hand took a hold of hers and he pulled her in close, it felt as if those sparking fireworks flooded her flesh. An unfamiliar heat sprouted from that touch. Moving from her hand, up her arm and through her body. A small gasp came from her and she smiled after. This was a warm and wonderful feeling. One she could used to and didn't want to lose. He appeared to be looking at her and she at him. A slow song started playing from near them and she turned her gaze away to look at the little droid.

Not a word was spoken in this time and Jairdain leaned into Karl's hold, enjoying it fully.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would softly rock back and forth taking the moment in, he could feel her emotions flowing back into him, the same he felt within him self and he smiled softly looking at her. He would slowly close his eyes and take in the sense as perhaps she would and he would just stand there rocking with her as they slowly made their way around in a circle, together, for what it felt like could be forever. As they just took each other in for the rawness of themselves not anything else.

He would softly rest his chin on hers as they danced and he would slowly pull her in, making sure that she wasn't getting uncomfortable and that this is what she wanted also, he wanted to make sure he didn't move things to fast. Yet, he also wanted to be near her, hold her closer, take her on. He would sigh softly as they danced and the song changed, still a slow song and they continued to circle in that ever turning circle never ending, two people wrapped in each other's embraced.

He uttered no words as they continued, and he didn't feel like he needed too.

Whatever confusing thoughts they may have appeared to have gone away. The two Jedi formed a circle both with their bodies and movements. Like an oroborus, they circled around room. She trusted in him guiding her steps so while she was unable to shut her force vision she allowed him to lead entirely.

As they danced around, the wild sparks within her toned down and became a smoldering fire of heat. Like a forge fire for weapons and tools. What was this emotion? This feeling felt warm and natural.

Karl pulled her in closer, lowered his head and they danced as one. Her hand within his, her other resting on his side. As their bodies moved closer, her arm would wrap around him more in full acceptance of what was happening. Whatever it was, it felt right.

Karl let out a sigh, he breath caressed her cheek and it raised the hair on her body almost causing her shiver. Closing her eyes, she fully immersed herself in the dance, Karl and music. The song changed and slight adjustments were made to meet the new, but still slow tempo.

In doing what felt natural, Jairdain let go of his hand and raised to the side of his face, if he allowed it, she would lightly trace her fingers over his skin. It was how she saw somebody and gave her an idea of what they looked like.

What is happening?

It went through her mind and projected into his, as her fingers traced the lines of his face. Her heart felt like it skipped beats now then, the fire burned brighter again and those flaming sparks returned.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would smile as he felt her hands slowly let go of his and trace his face and he just merely wrapped his arms around her waist and continued their little dance, the song changing again and he just smiled brightly as he watched her touch his face and the smile on her face made him want to explode with emotions but he just kept the moment going, slowly and steadily they turned, he was okay with this, he enjoyed this, he...... didn't know what emotion was burning through him, he couldn't grab the word, as if he was never taught it.

What is happening?

The thought was projected clearly in his head and he just smiled down at her as he thought of a response to her question, he tried to figure out the word to fit this, he couldn't rummage enough, his mind was cluttered with what this was and then out of the back of his mind, a distant memory surfaced and he realized what this was, what he was feeling, what he had felt so long ago.

The Image burned into their minds, a young boy running up to his parents and hugging them and the smile from all three of them, then a word seemed to be interchangeable with the image would come through as well, something so ancient and so known that it is impossible to forget, except for a Jedi, except for them.


As she "saw" him, Jairdain placed in her mind a mental picture of him. While unable to place hair or eye color, she could his eyes, nose and mouth. The shape of his face and bone structure. She ran her fingers through his hair and down his neck. Feeling as much of him as she could. Breathing in his scent and letting out a small sigh.

He was accepting of her touch and smiled, she could feel that with her fingers and through the Force. Her spoken but non verbalized question went unanswered for a few moments, an endless amount of time passed before a single word came through. If there could have been more fireworks and heat, it would be there now.

While she had never been one to hide her emotions either from herself or others, she had been one to maintain control over them. Jairdain could not just place this one into her little box to analyze later. This was so strong and so right, this love. She knew when he said it that is was fact. It was one she had felt from her parents, but nobody else. Different, but the same. From the perspective of the child, this was what she saw when her parents had looked at each other. A red not of anger, but of the heart.

Love. It feels warm and right.

Did it feel as natural to him as it did to her? Her breath was caught in her throat and she couldn't speak even if wanted to. The song had changed at some point and she wrapped her arms around Karl, let out a sigh and laid her head against him with her eyes fully closed.

What happens now?

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would smile as he saw the picture of himself and he would send back a picture of her just from memory and he would sigh as he aroma filled his nostrils and he breathed her in with a long breath and a deep sigh as his smile seemed to be almost plastered to his face. He would rock back and forth with her in his arms and feel her emotions blasting off just as much as his and it just added flames to their fire of emotions, and he knew they were good.

Love. It feels warm and right.

The words were clear in his mind and he sent back some of his own, he thought it through though, he didn't want to sound stupid but he wanted to convey they right message, this random passenger became his first love besides his family, and he was traveling through unexplored territory, he was pretty sure they both where.

Because it is right.

What happens now?

He heard this in his mind and he stopped. He wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to just stand with her forever, but he knew they couldn't, he knew they had to move, eventually. He thought about it as he just looked down at her for a about a minute, but in their own little world it felt like forever, until an idea, a thought broke through and it seemed good, too perfect. He looked down at her with a renewed smile and slowly leaned down to her putting his hand on her chin and facing her towards him.

And their lips met, slowly, in a kiss.

Jairdain couldn't help but chuckle a little at his mental picture of her. Assuming it was tinted by his own opinion of her looks, she was prettier than she thought she was. At the same time she sent that, he also sighed and took in her scent. Their emotions entwined together, discovering mutually a new territory outside of the original adventure set out on.

He replied that it was right and she smiled, letting out a satisfied sigh and held to him a little tighter. When she expressed her next curiosity, he stopped moving the song continuing to play. She felt Karl looking at her and allowed him to lift her chin to reveal her face.

When her first kiss ever happened, not only did the fireworks go off with renewed sparks, but she also responded. Her eyes closed of their own volition, her arms gripped even more firmly, she now also grabbed the back of his clothes, clutching them in her fists. She would rise on her toes and apply a little more pressure to the gentle kiss not wanting it to end.

Her mind was mush and had no clear thoughts, her emotions in upheaval, but not lost. All she could feel was Karl, the kiss and their connection. Right now that was all she could think of or feel.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He felt the applies pressure as she went on her tiptoes and pressed against him some more he held her firmly in his arms as he pressed back a little making their kiss more passionate and hard. He held his eyes closed as he just kissed her, the world dissolving around them, the only thing left was him and her, together, forever it seemed like.

His emotions were running wild, and he made no move to rein them in, it was how he felt. He could sense their emotions running with each other like a stampeding herd, but there was unity in the running. He could feel their emotions run around them, enveloping the two of them in their passion, almost as if it was protecting them from the worries and problems of the outside world.

All he could feel was her, her lips, he breath, her presence as their kiss and their emotions enveloped them more and more as the seconds passed by as their passions for each other continued to run wild. He had never felt so much passion for anyone, especially someone who had been a stowaway only a hour or so before. But he knew that these emotions weren't ill founded.

All things needed to come an end, the song that filled the room came to a halt and Jairdain slowly went back to her feet being flat on the floor. The return pressure of Karl allowed the kiss to continue after she was down. She had no idea how long it lasted, but between breathing and moving it had ended naturally.

She now rested her forehead against his and she was warm. From her head to her toes. Their bodies touching, this made her feel safe and secure. Arms wrapped around each other. Still not able to speak.

This is an unexpected development.​

She was at a total loss of words. This whole new unexplored world of thoughts and emotions.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would continue to kiss her even after she had returned to the ground and then would slowly back off but continue to wrap his arms around her feeling the pressure of her forehead against his he would push back to keep the balance. He would smile and keep his eyes closed and just take a deep breath and smell her again, feeling her warm body against him.

He continued to hold her close to him, feeling protective of her and wanting him to be there for her always, to always be able to keep her safe, to be able to be her protector always.

This is an unexpected development.​

The thought would enter his mind and he would just smile and look at her for a second before finding the response he wanted.

This is right.

The quiet returned to the ship as the last echoes of the song faded. Only their breathing could be heard. Her racing heart started to return to a normal pace as well as her breathing. Though she still felt quite warm. For a while, they just stood there holding each other, enjoying the contact and the company. Jairdain felt she could stay this way forever, but she know that wasn't possible.

She kept her head on his, not yet wanting to break that connection. Knowing connections had been formed that would not break easily. One of the mind and one of the heart, Jairdain returned his smile.

What happens now?

He was correct, this was right. Somehow after knowing this man for a few short hours, she knew it within her heart, he was hers. Through this new connection, he would be able to feel her emotions. She had none to hide and revealed everything for him.

Her hands on his back let go of the grip they had and gently wondered up and down his body. Again, she was "seeing" him, this time with a touch that while no less gentle, but with firmer pressure.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He could feel the music slowing down to halt and just the sounds of them could be heard as they stood there in each others embrace, never wanting to be let go, never wanting to let go. He could feel their body heat colliding and making them all the more sweaty and hot but he didn't care, as long as they were together he didn't care about anything the world threw at him.

He could feel the strands of connection form through the force as their foreheads touched and their minds connected, slowly the bond grew stronger and stronger, him feeling more and more of her. Until they finally connected, and he gave her a bright smile.

It's getting late...

His words would go into her mind, almost without effort, as if their connection made their communication that much easier, he knew it was true, he knew that this made it even easier to communicate with each other.

He smiled more as he felt her hands travel his back, a little roughly but trying to get all the details of him as he could, he didn't mind, he just watched her with a slight smile as she continued her work.

As Jairdain opened herself, she felt their connection cement between them. This was not something she had known or expected to happen. She could feel pretty much every emotion Karl did and they were reflections of hers.

When she gave him her thought, Karl pointed it out it was getting late. She simply nodded and got even warmer, maybe even blushed. The connection they shared, the love they felt would take its natural course. This whole thing was new to her...

Letting go of his back and taking a hold of his hands in hers, she would appear to be looking at him and indeed she was, the full force of her of Force Sight was placed on him.

I don't think we will get much sleep.​

Now she would be blushing for her, but she was okay with that. The fireworks were exploding again and she was happy with this.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would hold her hands and just look into her eyes and smile, letting her see a good image of him, a image of him smiling, holding her smaller hands. He looked into her eyes more, feeling her.

He would raise a brow as she said that and held back a laugh, wow she was good, they barely knew each other and yet he already knew so much about this girl, his girl.

I hope we don't get much sleep.

He would smile wide and go down and kiss her lips softly again. Their emotions going rampant once more.

Jairdain knew he was looking at, his gaze showing her another image of himself smiling and holding her hands. Within their gazes they felt the other more keenly, deeper and more personally. Her words made a surge of amusement from Karl and she smiled up at him and then his comment likely enhanced her already blushing face.

Karl moved in again and kissed her softly. She let go of his hands and placed her hands behind his head. Returning the kiss with a fierceness she didn't even know she possessed. With an almost ragged breath, Jairdain broke the kiss and blinked at Karl.

Are you as sure about this as I am?​

She already knew the answer, but wanted to hear it from him.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would smile at her as he slowly moved away from the kiss and looked at her with a slightly mischievous grin before she asked him the question. Then he just smiled normally and held her hands softly and rubbed the back with his thumbs juicing the moment before giving into her lovely face and sighing with a smile and looking into her eyes some more.

I'm more sure of this then you are.

He said with a smile as he closed his grasp on her hands and slowly made his way to the back of the ship, taking slow short strides as he continued to lead her to his bedroom. He wanted to take his time so she could take in some more of the ship.

He would turn in the doorway and look at her with a smile and pull her in.

Jairdain felt his mischievous smile and wondered what it was for. Taking a hold on her hands, he caressed the back of them with his thumbs and left hot trails on her skin. He gazed at her a few moments longer before giving his answer, the one she knew he was going to. The one that felt right.

You might be more sure, but this feels how it should be and that I do not question.​

He held her hands as they moved through the ship. Going slowly so she could see more of it along the way. They reached his room and there they stopped for just a heartbeat and he pulled her into his quarters.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would grab her and go into bed with her, spending the night awake.

In the morning his mind would stir, then his eyes would flutter open to the girl on his chest as he smiled and laid a soft kiss on the top of her head and rubbed her back as he continued to wake his brain up by looking around the room. Smiling more he would breathe in her scent and sigh softly as they laid there together.

He would start to send his loving emotion to her in her sweet, wanting her to feel the love, the safety, the warmth that he provided. He smiled and sighed as they laid there, this was the perfect night.

Jairdain woke up with Karl rubbing her back slightly and the feeling of love washing over and through her. She laid in Karl's arms, hers around him as well. Blinking a little, she moved slightly to rub at her eyes and get the sleepy sands out of them. Turning her attention to Karl after completing her objective, she gave him a smile.

The night had passed with almost nothing spoken between them, but through their mental and emotional connection, there wasn't a need to speak anymore. Was this really love though? They had met the day before, through the training had connected and they lay in each others arms. Warm and comfortable for sure, secure too. Pushing these confusing thoughts and emotions into her little box to be opened later, Jairdain turned her full attention to Karl.

Sitting up slightly to gaze at him with the Force before saying anything, she looked at him with a soft look.

"What happens now?"

It was the first words she had spoken since he had initiated the saber training the night before.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
Karl would look at her as she woke and would smile and kiss her head again rubbing her back some more, smiling at her with a slight twinkle in his eyes, watching her clear the sands of sleep out as he did as well. He just watched her, looking at her face, her hair, her eyes, taking in everything again and again.

They hadn't talked all night, that was true, but they hadn't needed to, everything they needed to say the force showed the other person, it was two sides to one whole it seemed like, and he didn't want her to think that this wasn't that. He felt protective of her, that she ad him were meant to be there together. He didn't want to think about anything confusing, and he didn't care his full attention was on the girl in his arms, and that's all that truly mattered.

He would look up at her as she began to sit up, feeling her emotions along with him, looking at her with soft gentle eyes.

"We love each other until we don't."

He said the words softly, yet sure of himself as he said the words looking into her eyes.


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