Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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At the moment, they had attention for the other and it was what was needed. Both gazed at and felt the other through the Force. Jairdain was secure with the knowledge that even if what they felt wasn't love, they would continue to have a relationship. She wanted to know more about Karl and this new found connection. To explore the emotions stirred up within her and those she felt from him.

Her unbound hair fell forward over her shoulders as she sat there enjoying the touch of Karl's hand on her. Along with the physical warmth from him, she continued to feel the shared warmth in the Force. She laid back down next to him on her side, resting her head on her hand and propping it up with her elbow, Jairdain looked his direction. Giving a smile, she would with her other hand caress the side of his face.

"I don't feel love could ever stop though."

Speaking just as softly as he had, her hand continued to explore his face and body.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He smiled at her and just continued to let her feel all his emotions, flowing around them like the eye of the storm, the center, so calm and peaceful, but the force around them like gushing winds, mixing both of their emotions and blending together like a perfect drink. Each of their emotions seemed to compliment the others so fine like their emotions had just been waiting to finally meet as if a long time coming.

He looked at her, her hair looked beautiful, her face looked beautiful, she was beautiful. He kept rubbing her back with the gentlest touch as he watched her lay down next time him, he smiled at her as she propped herself up with her elbow. He couldn't help to smile even more as they shared this moment together as they just looked at each other, he heard what she said and he began to ponder it, but the answer was not far off.

"That's the point, love never stops."

He would smile at the touch of her hand on his cheek rubbing his cheek into her hand softly as they laid together.

As Jairdain felt Karl, both him and his emotions, their bodies touching...a warmer feeling flooded her. Her breath caught up in the throat again, this was exactly where she was meant to be. At his side. In her mind, she had images of them fighting side by side. Attending diplomatic functions, all dressed up. She would send them to Karl and laugh slightly as she did.

His comment brought a touch of sorrow in her feelings as it made her think of her own parents and that they were gone. She could no longer feel their love for her and she missed them greatly.

"It may never stop, but it can't always continue."

She leaned forward and kissed him on his forehead and went back up on her elbow.

"What are the plans for today?"

Though the thought of staying in bed with him for further exploration crossed her mind, she didn't give voice to it though. He may pick up on them though.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He smiled as the images entered his minds and sent some back, of kids running around with his arm wrapped around her as they watched them, two old people laying together and laughing as they cared for one another. An image of their accomplishments, listed together not separate, he would send these back to show her how he felt about them in the future.

He could feel a touch of sorrow and furrowed his brow slightly, but as he figured out it was his parents he sent back the emotion telling her it was the same for him as well.

"Even in death, love still flows."

He would close his eyes softly as she kissed his forehead.

"I don't know, but I wish we could just stay here forever."

He would smile softly and look as her and rub her back some more looking into her eyes with a slight smile as they lay there admiring each other, feeling one another.

A wide grin was on her face at his images and she wondered if that would really happen. She could see it, feel it, but not know it. The future was always in motion and depended on the choice and it was never wise to try and control it. She let out a sigh and learned they had an additional connection. Neither one had parents anymore and were alone.

"How old were you?"

Her while not holding a smile any longer wasn't sad, it was just normal looking. Having a conversation look and it showed she was curious about Karl and his past.

"Forever is a very long time?"

The smile was back and he would hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would smile as she saw his images and he would just pull her closer into her arms wanting her to feel safe, and to feel protected with him there. Just looking at her made her feel happy and loved, he didn't need anyone else there with him then, or ever again. He would smile more as he looked into her eyes.

"I.... I was old enough to wield a lightsaber... that's as much as I know."

His smile would fade suddenly as he furrowed his brow trying to concentrate on his past but it lay under a layer of fog in his mind, he didn't like to think about it so he didn't that often leaving it to be a little hazy.

"Forever is longer then you or me or anyone and anything."

He would smile back at her and let out a deep breath just looking at her.

When Karl pulled her in closer, Jairdain laid her head down on him, just reveling in the feeling of him wrapped around her like he was. The arm she had been using to prop her head up with, she placed under his head and hand she wrapped around him. They were touching basically from head to toe, all flesh and nothing separating them.

"The age one first holds a lightsaber varies greatly I think. I didn't get mine until last year."

She could tell he didn't want to talk about his past so much, but he did try. In time maybe he would be willing to speak about it further, but she wasn't going to push it. When the time was right and he was ready he would say.

"The sadly we can't stay here forever."

Chuckling a little, she teased Karl slightly.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would smile looking at her and slowly moving down and pressing his lips softly against her head in a kiss. He would take a deep breath and then long out a long sigh as he inhaled her scent with a slight smile, she always smelled so good. He rubbed her back some more as their bodies seemed to be tangled in a union of touch.

"Before I was 10 years old most likely."

He would say this softly resting his chin on her head and sighing, he didn't want to talk about this but he did it for her, he knew he would have to eventually.

"We always can, in our minds."

He would smile again and chuckle softly.

Jairdain listened to his answer and nodded. She was ten when she learned she could use the Force and started training then. Her people didn't have lightsabers and used other weapons. Probably why she didn't do well with her own saber just yet. Though from what was started yesterday, that would only get better.

His light kiss had left another warm spot on her head and while her eyes did not see, she closed them and simply enjoyed it. She almost wondered if they were going to even get out of bed. Not wanting this to end but knowing logically it would, she moved to return his kiss. Their lips met and the fireworks that had been almost dormant within her went off again.

"Does your droid cook? Let's just call it a day in here."

Laughing again slightly, Jairdain would kiss Karl again. Giving in to the feeling of what felt natural.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would hold her tighter closer to his body as they laid there, not wanting to think about his past as he laid with here, he slowly kissed her head again and just laid there sighing and rubbing her back some more. He just wanted to feel her body heat and her emotions run through him, not divulge in his past.

He would smile as she moved his face down and leaned in giving him a smooch on the lips. He returned it back holding her closer as they did so the emotions that had almost seemed to calm down exploding up again in a stampede of emotions roaring around them like a hurricane as their lips met, he couldn't think of anything better then there and then.

"He can, and I think he is going today."

He said with a smile as he called the droid and asked for him to cook them a breakfast.

In answer to her question, Karl called the droid in and asked him to make food for them.

There was a sparkle in Jairdain's eyes as she altered her position slightly and laid down almost on top of Karl. Her head resting on his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. Her own felt like it wanted to burst out of her chest. These fireworks of emotion were totally unfamiliar to her and would need to gone through later. However, she was unable to lock them away and didn't want to. She knew allowing emotion to rule was generally considered a bad thing, but these felt right.

This love that blossomed within hours and the actions of it were all new. Right now, she immersed herself in them, allowing them to flow through her and into Karl. They filled each other and right now their bodies touching, combining and becoming one was what mattered. Their mutual fireworks culminated again and she lay in his arms and he in hers.

If this is love, then why do people deny it? ​It so warm and welcoming.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would smile as she slowly laid herself on top of him, listening to the rythm of his beating heart. The heart that meat all its love and emotion for her, he just looked at her and watched her as he felt the contacted between them and relished in it. He knew that this was right, that this felt right, and that's all that mattered. His emotions were running as never before, and he didn't try to stop them, examine them, he just let them happen, like their emotions had just happened, and it was the best choice not to stop this. He slowly leaned down and kissed the top of her head again.

Their love, and their knowledge of each other might be new, but it was not small, it seemed that they knew more about each other, and their love so huge that it was almost impossible to believe something like this could have happened between a Jedi, and a stowaway, but to his delight and pleasure it did, he never saw this coming, he hadn't thought of a relationship since he was a young boy, he never needed to, but the way they felt together, was the only confirmation he needed.

When in his mind he heard what she said he took a quick intake of breath.

Because, when someone has love, other people, or the world can take it away and drive them to the path... of the darkside.

Jairdain would just lay with her head on Karl's chest for a while, listening to their mutual heart rates slow down and return to normal. She almost felt sleepy again, but the smell of the cooking food brought her out of her daze and she sat up a little. The feeling of their skin touching, bringing warm spots to those locations.

His voice within her mind brought some chills across her skin and it became covered in goosebumps. While since her home was destroyed along with the beliefs of her people, they were still within Jairdain. Her time away from her people and mixing in among others had tempered some of them, but at times they reared up and tried to reestablish within her.

Breaking the brief silence to speak again, he might sense that the words she spoke and what she felt had changed, but it was still there within her deep down.

"My people executed anybody that went dark and chaotic before they could cause further harm. This was done in front of everybody at my school and kept most on the path of light. Those few that lost control, lost their lives."

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would continue to rub her back softly, his hand almost seeming to glide over her skin as he continued to rub it softly looking down at her placing another soft kiss on her head as they laid together. He would take another deep breath just to breathe in her scent, she seemed to smell nice always, another thing he loved about the girl in his arms.

He would feel her shift, her worry as her mind travels on the words he said, he furrowed his brow slightly in confusion then when he heard her explanation he would nod, he understood why she worried, she didn't want her fate to be the same as those who turned, she didn't want to turn, and he would do everything he could to prevent her from turning down that road, or turn her back.

He would ponder his next words, not wanting to make her more sad, but wanting to be truthful to her, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the thought came to him.

"I don't know what my people were like, I grew up on this ship, with my mom and dad raising me, going from planet to planet, doing odd jobs with my parents to make a living..."

Jairdain could tell her words made him think. She chuckled slightly as Karl apparently liked the way she smelled after a night of something more physical than sleeping. He continued to rub her back and was probably trying to drag her away from her memories of her people.

Not exactly pulling away from his touch, Jairdain finished sitting up fully and sat next him on the bed. Their hips touching and his hand caressing her back. If she were a cat, she would just want to curl up next to him, purring. She wasn't a cat though and so couldn't do that.

Her hair fell across her shoulders as she leaned forward to allow him more access to her back and area to caress. His words and voice filled her ears and mind.

"They were you people, Karl. Even if you don't know where they came from. I'm sure they taught you what they believed in."

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would just rub her back and sigh softly looking down and laid there with her, thinking about his parents as much as he could, but also thinking about her, and what there life would amount to, a good one, he hoped.

He looked at her as she sat up and he gave her a slight smile as he looked up at her and rubbed some more areas of her back as more access was provided for his hand to travel over. He just continued to look at her and smiled softly as he rubbed her back.

He would smile more as she leaned forward and he would continue to spread his rub to more of her back just looking into her eyes softly, feeling the emotions flow around him and through him, he still couldn't believe this was happening, yet it was, and it was more then he could ask for.

"They were too busy trying to keep me alive to teach me any of that."

The smell of the food made Jairdain's stomach growl and she hoped it would be ready soon. For now though there was no need to get out of bed and she continued to enjoy Karl's touch on her back. Kicking her share of the covers off now, she turned around to face her companion is more ways that just one.

Taking a hold of his hand that had been rubbing her back, she placed it on her face as she gazed in his direction.

"They may have been busy keeping you alive, Karl, but they did teach you. Else you wouldn't have the ideals you do now and it's very unlikely we would be sitting here, nothing on, having this conversation."

By the end of what she said, her face was smiling and she was having a difficult time holding back some laughter at how silly some of her words sounded to her ears.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
The waft of smell coming from the kitchen made him hungry but he didn't want to move away from her, he had to admit though his droid really could cook, he just continued to look at her smiling softly. He would look at her body a little as he rubbed her back more.

He would feel her move his hand to her cheek and he would softly rub the cheek with her thumb.

"I wasn't much of morals until my master found me... she was a good lady, me and her, her and me, against the world it seemed, but when she died... it was as bad as losing my parents."

He would say softly looking at her with a sad smile as he continued to rub her cheek. He would let out a soft sigh as he looked up and into her eyes. It was hard for him to talk about this, but he tried for her.

Karl caressed her cheek with his thumb and Jairdain felt him have some sorrow at his next statement.

The relationship of a master and apprentice was not a new concept, but when it came to learning of the Force it was. While her short time with the Silvers had given her a master, their time together or even running missions was cut short when Jairdain was captured, held prisoner, starved and beaten until she was rescued. So what he spoke of, she understood only slightly.

"I'm sorry to know of your losses. When you're ready or even want to talk about them, let me know."

Raising her hand, she placed it on top of his on her cheek and applied a small amount of pressure to reassure him of her words.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would just sit there caressing her cheek for a while before he took a long sigh.

He had been on the run for years before he had met his master, and soon she was his second mother, teaching him, providing him with warmth and food, she meant the world to him, and he meant the world to her. In the last moments of her life she told him something that would stay with him forever, that she loved him, as a son she never had, then before he knew it her breath was gone.

"It's fine... we'll get to it eventually."

The words came soft as he smoke as he felt the reassurance and her hand being placed on his.


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