Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Well the agenda is to have some fun and relaxation, the world we are heading to the locals are technophobes and dislike many visitors. Which works in our favor as friendly relations with them have led to at least a tolerance of me and my friends. We just can't bring anything but our clothing and basic supplies." She didn't need a speeder as they had creatures they could ride to get there or they were force users, they could fly. The people of Klantooine would just allow them enough time to relax on the world without technology and take in the sights. it seemed like a nice thing and others wouldn't be able to come and bother them.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kay blinked a little. She started to wash her feet of the mud. "Well, I don't carry much in the way of technology with me anyways. Outside of my datapad and commlinks. But I can leave those here of course." She hoped that she could relax enough without worrying about what was happening or if she was needed elsewhere.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

Matsu looked at her and gave a nod. "You should be fine and we'll be able to if really needed get information. The ship has a good communications system as the jedi master wiggled her toes in the water and mud. There was more then enough stuff here as she got one of the fruits from the tree of wisdom and pulled it down the seam into two halves. "Here you go." It wasn't as juicy as just biting into it but well the hapen fruit made you smarter, more receptive and that always helped her relax as she was eating it enjoying some of the clarity that came from it.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kay pulled her feet out of the water and began to dry them with her skirt. After she put her boots and stockings back on, she took the piece of fruit and had a bite. It was like nothing that she had tasted before. Still not as good as Sapir tea, but close enough. "It's been so long since I've just....relaxed. I'm not sure if I know how." She smirked a little to herself. Maybe meditation, or a really good nap.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

Matsu looked at her and she could relate to the idea of relaxing and how it at times seemed foreign. THeir trip wouldn't take that long but the ship was protected and built to be cool compared to many things while she was working on some of the larger and more interesting parts. What could they do. "Well you are free to start relaxing here, the beds are comfortable and with the new funding and discoveries the converters we made can make more things from even less supplies and power. We worked the converters to channel ambient force energy. They can also act as filters and scrub the air better then the normal systems."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"A bed? Sounds wonderful. I hope that it's neither too soft or too hard. But either way I will enjoy it immensely." She was already thinking about feathery comforters that were also heavy in weight. Heavy blankets made her feel more secure as she slept. Maybe she could do a bunch of reading while she was here too. "Is there a library?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

A library? Of course, this was a ship that Matsu used while she was looking at some of the things there and smiled. "Of course." She was excited now, getting to share and show off things in the ship was well an important things going forward while she mad more attention putting some of the things forward. "I have a nice one and while not as big as some of the places in the galaxy but the beautiful thing of having databanks was you could load a while lot of information into them and access things. The jedi master rose up offering her a hand. "We can, whatever you want I am here to serve and the rooms are a whole lot better then bunks. Only a handful of people stay on here."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kay took her hand and got to her feet. "Sounds wonderful. I think that I should like a mystery story. It'll give me a good escape and help me to take my mind off my own troubles." Yeah. That sounded like a good idea. And tea. Lots of tea, smell of flowers, heavy blankets and maybe a hot bath. Yeah. Now she's feeling it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

Matsu let her friend go off then to do just that. She could hold down the fort and... "Oh and please make sure the mud is off your feet, the cleaning droids are very very dedicated to a clean ship but don't want to drive them crazy." She said it with a laugh as a joke while going and changing a little. Here while they were heading to Klantooine well she could relax while stripping down to her sarashi and let Kay go off. They had several hours of travel time so no real trouble. She could relax in the force sensitive waters here under the trees that soothed her body of its major aches and pains. The atrisian tattoo's carefully placed across her skin and body but leaving it nearly perfectly invisible while wearing robes.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kay laughed a little at the droid comment and slipped on her boots before she left the garden area. She headed over to the library and asked one of the droids for a good mystery book. One was given to her and it looked quite intriguing. Something about a haunted fortress. Hmm. She soon found herself in her guest room and prepared herself some tea before gathering a big comforter and plopping it onto the bed. About ten minutes later, Kay was already a few pages into the story, forgetting her own troubles as she focused on meeting new characters.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

Letting kay go off to do her thing the jedi master was free to go and do her own. Most of her attention going to the bed she was laying in as all the work and comfort of it was there. Her mostly automated ship had proven a wonderful thing while she curled up in the bed and put her covers up with the gentle sounds of music to sooth her. Matsu drifted off to sleep letting the time drift away to lead them through hyperspace towards Klantooine and several hours later the ship arrived waking the jedi master up with the beeping of the chrono. "Hmmm that was fun." She stretched feeling her arms, neck and back go pop pop pop before rolling over and out of the bed with a smile as the massive curtain of her hair before she scratched her chest and was walking with her wooden geta running a hand to straighten it out. The droids following with her cloths and equipment pack, usually being alone on the ship had made the jedi master more comfortable. "We're here senator."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kay was about a third of the way through the book by the time that they had arrived. She almost hated to stop reading, but the book would be there for her later. She slid out of the bed and grabbed her satchel, restocking her items before heading to the door to meet up with Matsu. "Ready."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

Looking at the woman she had a smile on her face leading the way throughout the ship letting them get a sight of the world. There wasn't much but the Bay was touched down in the desert near a city allowing them a chance to go out and explore a little before their escort arrived to take them out. She was enjoying all of it while running around towards some of the sections in the hanger with the ramp leading down while she felt the heat and wind on her face."It isn't much but a great place to be for things."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Another desert world. Kay didn't quite pack for that, but layers were still good for keeping one's skin covered and safe from the sun. At least she dressed sort of lightly. She wrapped a scarf around her head, leaving only her eyes visible as she headed down the ramp. The heat hit her like a wall and almost took her breath away. But within a few minutes she was starting to adjust. "What kind of things, Matsu?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

Matsu looked at the senator and thought about it. "Well there is the whole getting back to nature thing people like. Camping in the forests and deserts with nothing but their rucksacks.... I much prefer glamping if need be but can't beat just being out in the desert with a friend and only really getting to talk." She said it with a smile on her face while going and there was the locals coming to meet them, they had arraigned plenty to do with them and the no technology beyond a point well Matsu could work with that as she stood there letting the wind blow her hair into the distance.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"I haven't camped in the desert before. I always had a ship or something to stay in. But usually when I'm on a desert world, it's to free slaves. Not so sure that I've been to one to try to relax. Are the nights cool?" Of course she meant in temperature, not on how awesome of a place it could be. The locals seemed friendly enough, but she still kept her face covered for the moment.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Well they don't have slaves here, servants maybe.... maybe I was never certain the locals are very close knit and care about each other... but they have one of the better places to be in the galaxy. Small out of the way with the unique winthrium in the soil and that comes out of the font. It is a beautiful substance that is produced on the planet." Matsu was looking at her while they were going and the trip to meet the locals and travel was easier then most. leaving the ship behind to go into the region they had the font let Matsu see the glistening liquid while it was there in waves before slowly starting to harden and become just that... a dense solid that eventually nothing could break through.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kay raised a brow as they walked. "Winthrium? Can't say that I've ever heard of it...." She was eager to see what the views at night will be. The night sky always fascinated her or rather the stars did, especially when there were whole clouds of them. It was only when one was away from city lights that they could be seen and appreciated.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Oh it is an interesting substance, usable and worthwhile for some of the things you can do with it." Well they were looking to experiment with it for what they could do as she was pushing things forward with some of the thoughts. All of the work she had seen with it gave her the idea for a special pressing of armor to defend and make into. "The font that makes it is amazing to see but it is very strange and the whole planet has it within the soil." THe substance was amazing but as they were heading through with the locals bringing them when the white marble building in the distance came into view. She had been sending delegates to meet with the locals that would maybe allow for more places like this to bring economy to the world as well as some of the things with them. Be friendly and understanding.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kay looked down to the ground. If there was something that valuable here, it could be both good and bad for the economy. Good for it's value in credits and the long term employment it could offer. But bad in the way that someone could come and devour the planet's resources without a care to it's people.

She looked over to the white building as they neared it. Such a contrast it was, to the desert that surrounded it. "Is that the Capital?"

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