The Eye of Illyria

L O C A T I O N | The Emerald Undertow
O B J E C T I V E | Provide Support
W E A R I N G | Armour - Rings [x] [x] [x]
A L L I E S |
Aurelion Nova
- Juno - SJO & Friends
E N E M I E S |
Seer Kalanthir
- The Brynadul & Friends
O B J E C T I V E | Provide Support
W E A R I N G | Armour - Rings [x] [x] [x]
A L L I E S |

E N E M I E S |

A second war. Nimue found her patience was wearing exceedingly thin for all of it. Right now, the only thing she could compare the Galaxy to was a spoiled child. One that expected their opinion to be shared across every mind that had the ability to think, and they were willing to fight for it. Aggressively.
It was a waste of time.
She wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Aurelion. In the past month alone that little terror had dragged her kicking and screaming into two separate wars. He knew she wouldn’t leave him defenseless, and he knew she wouldn’t want him going to war alone. At first, during the battle between the Confederacy and the Agents of Chaos, she was much more willing to let him attend. Human versus human rarely went strayed from the ordinary path of war, but the Brynadul? They were overgrown cockroaches force fed the darkside until they were unbearable to look at or to interact with. If they caught hold of someone like Aurelion. Well, he wouldn’t have stayed as the same Aurelion for much longer.
Aurelion would likely feel her apprehension, though it was different to what they both felt on Rodia. This time.. It was because they were surrounded by jedi. The light side of the force. It made Nimue incredibly uncomfortable, which Aurelion would feel as well. Nimue being uncomfortable was a rare occurrence. For a large portion of the time they had already spent on the ship, Nimue had been deathly silent. She had nothing to say to the stream of jedi that bombed back and forth on the ship in anticipation of war. She had nothing to prove to them either. She was here to protect Aurelion. The fact that the Silver Jedi were aided in the process was simply good fortune.
A soft piston hiss filled the ship as the door to the meditation chambers slid open. She stiffened somewhat when Aurelion mentioned orders. She wasn’t one to take them. Ordinarily, given her position in the Silma, she was the one giving them. She especially wasn’t inclined to take orders from Jedi, but she would. For Aurelion. Flame orange eyes watched as her bond crossed the threshold to kneel on one of the seats. With no short amount of irritation at the situation in hand, Nimue joined him.
If this isn’t worthwhile, young Master… Her voice was hollow as it trickled into his head. It wasn’t a chastisement, or a threat of any kind, but her tone was harsh. A little more unwilling than the Jedi master that had claimed Aurelion, Nimue joined hands. Her magik was dark, and theirs was light. It worked for Nimue and Aurelion, because they had been forced to bond, but she was unsure what kind of effect it would have on minds that were more… unused to such darkness. Still, she would try. She had promised Aurelion she would.
However, the minute they joined hands to impress their meditation on all willing, they were met with a rather aggressive backlash.
Nimue… laughed. Out loud and in response to the harrowing screech that filled their minds. Untangling her fingers from Aurelions, she shook her head. Surprise had been in their enemies favour, but Nimue was no human. She was no Jedi. She was no weak or feeble minded child. She was vampirika. She was Silma, a seer, a master of the force. She was dark, and just as dangerous as the bugs that crawled steadily toward them. “Aurelion, my dear, continue with your meditation. I will handle this.” It was better this way anyway. There was no way the mixture of dark and light meditation would help much, so she was pleased for the chance to break away and focus on something different.
Nimue visibly relaxed, till her shoulders dropped dramatically. For the first time since Aurelion had met her, she closed her eyes to shut out the distractions of the ship.
The thick crimson shield of smoke was a dominant present in the force. She did not need to close her eyes to see it, or to feel it, but it helped. After inhaling the stale ship air deeply, the outward breath saw a powerful wave of dark force cascade over the Jedi ship, reaching out to seek what tried to stop them. When she found it, their forces clashed like two bulls locking horns. Nimue pushed at it. With all the determination and strength of a woman who had seen nearly half a millennium of life, and who had spent that time drowned in the dark side of the force.
”Fool.” She called out to
Seer Kalanthir
. ”Your first mistake was assuming everyone aboard this ship feeble.” Her presence was just as dominating as his, and it would attack the wall he put up again and again. ”Your second was thinking that you would not be met with a fight.” Mercilessly. Until there were cracks she could slip in too. It would be a battle of the wills, and of the mind, but Nimue was ready.
It was a waste of time.
She wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Aurelion. In the past month alone that little terror had dragged her kicking and screaming into two separate wars. He knew she wouldn’t leave him defenseless, and he knew she wouldn’t want him going to war alone. At first, during the battle between the Confederacy and the Agents of Chaos, she was much more willing to let him attend. Human versus human rarely went strayed from the ordinary path of war, but the Brynadul? They were overgrown cockroaches force fed the darkside until they were unbearable to look at or to interact with. If they caught hold of someone like Aurelion. Well, he wouldn’t have stayed as the same Aurelion for much longer.
Aurelion would likely feel her apprehension, though it was different to what they both felt on Rodia. This time.. It was because they were surrounded by jedi. The light side of the force. It made Nimue incredibly uncomfortable, which Aurelion would feel as well. Nimue being uncomfortable was a rare occurrence. For a large portion of the time they had already spent on the ship, Nimue had been deathly silent. She had nothing to say to the stream of jedi that bombed back and forth on the ship in anticipation of war. She had nothing to prove to them either. She was here to protect Aurelion. The fact that the Silver Jedi were aided in the process was simply good fortune.
A soft piston hiss filled the ship as the door to the meditation chambers slid open. She stiffened somewhat when Aurelion mentioned orders. She wasn’t one to take them. Ordinarily, given her position in the Silma, she was the one giving them. She especially wasn’t inclined to take orders from Jedi, but she would. For Aurelion. Flame orange eyes watched as her bond crossed the threshold to kneel on one of the seats. With no short amount of irritation at the situation in hand, Nimue joined him.
If this isn’t worthwhile, young Master… Her voice was hollow as it trickled into his head. It wasn’t a chastisement, or a threat of any kind, but her tone was harsh. A little more unwilling than the Jedi master that had claimed Aurelion, Nimue joined hands. Her magik was dark, and theirs was light. It worked for Nimue and Aurelion, because they had been forced to bond, but she was unsure what kind of effect it would have on minds that were more… unused to such darkness. Still, she would try. She had promised Aurelion she would.
However, the minute they joined hands to impress their meditation on all willing, they were met with a rather aggressive backlash.
Nimue… laughed. Out loud and in response to the harrowing screech that filled their minds. Untangling her fingers from Aurelions, she shook her head. Surprise had been in their enemies favour, but Nimue was no human. She was no Jedi. She was no weak or feeble minded child. She was vampirika. She was Silma, a seer, a master of the force. She was dark, and just as dangerous as the bugs that crawled steadily toward them. “Aurelion, my dear, continue with your meditation. I will handle this.” It was better this way anyway. There was no way the mixture of dark and light meditation would help much, so she was pleased for the chance to break away and focus on something different.
Nimue visibly relaxed, till her shoulders dropped dramatically. For the first time since Aurelion had met her, she closed her eyes to shut out the distractions of the ship.
The thick crimson shield of smoke was a dominant present in the force. She did not need to close her eyes to see it, or to feel it, but it helped. After inhaling the stale ship air deeply, the outward breath saw a powerful wave of dark force cascade over the Jedi ship, reaching out to seek what tried to stop them. When she found it, their forces clashed like two bulls locking horns. Nimue pushed at it. With all the determination and strength of a woman who had seen nearly half a millennium of life, and who had spent that time drowned in the dark side of the force.
”Fool.” She called out to