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Ask: Factory Talk Thread

The Last Son
If I were to post a Tech, would the dev thread need to be Complete or does it just have to be in progress? I ask that way I don't post something and it get denied if it is not Completed rather than in the process.
So...Finding a partner isn't always feasible nor does it always make sense IC. So do dev threads need to always be between two PCs? Or could it be a long thread with the one character working on something or whatever the dev thread entails?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
You must have two or more writers. Three is preferable.

But keep in mind a development thread is NOT about 'i hit hammer on metal and make sword' - it's meant to be a plot. In fact, I made a 60-post dev thread at one point that was essentially a ghost story for two characters, ran by me, in which the two characters explored the ship that was in development.
Alright so I want to use a Pic for an upcoming idea of mine. and was wondering if it would be considered a cross over if I were to use this
Question. Would Custom Variants of the Technology used for Light Sabers be allowed when I get to 50 posts? Or would a gauntlet that makes a pure energy sword or something be more suitable for this site?

Sword: (Credit to Author) This will be a weapon based off of Lightsaber Tech once Jeff gets the training to use one.



(Credit to author.)


So would those three items be allowed?


It might help if you listed your intentions for those pics. ^^;
But one just looks like power armor, and the other like a fighter or gunship.
If your question was, would these things be allowed the way they're illustrated or simply are the pictures allowed, I don't see why they wouldn't be. The meat of a submission is its app and description, not the image. <-- That's the general Factory Rules.
Do note that (unless that's badly out of date o.o) powered armor is "unlikely to be approved without an exceptional submission." <--- This is the ship guide,
which will help you size it up, and covers everything from light interceptors to capital ships.
@[member="Jeff Solaris"]

(Edit) Oh, and it would be "credit to illustrator," not author. :p If you can, try to link or at least name the source.


Disney's Princess
Jeff. We don't do cross-overs. Straight pulls from other sources are not allowed. ...Star Wars has it's own way of doing technology. Blasters, X-wings, Death Stars, etc. That is how we do things on this site. And we use Wookieepedia to help us in that regard.

If you see something that you want from another genre? The best thing to do is ask other Writers for assistance in making it "Star Wars". Making an 'adaption'. Something, 'similar' to the item you want.

If you would like help in this regard? Simply express that desire here and you will have many happy volunteers to help you. :D

But again. Straight ports or rips from other genres don't get approved. But we can help you make something kinda-sorta like them. *wink*
So you'd be creating a new droid in this instance. First of all I would scrap the name in favor of a more believable one for Star Wars. Give it a serial number and/or a given model name. For example, how droidekas are often called 'destroyers'. After that, just start filling in stuff that you know right off the bat would be on them (weapons, non-combative stuff) You can actually put whatever you want in them, as long as it goes with the site rules obviously. Give the design your own touch, use imagination. And of course, if you're not familiar with Star Wars materials, weapons, and other systems, wookieepedia is still the best way to go.

@[member="Jeff Solaris"]
Honestly, why not get on Wookieepedia and actually search droids? Most forget there is a plethora of things to pull from canonically that are amazing. Half the factory submissions honestly could not be made if people just researched what was already available.
Would I be able to submit a mechanical arm in the likes of this?
I've never sen anything like it used on the board, so I want to make sure before I put any effort into making it. And sorry for not posting the image directly, for some reason whenever I try to directly post an image on my computer, it says that i'm not allowed to use that extension on this community. *shrug*
I was thinking of stating that the energy travels in the form of lightning between two power couplings, one inside each part of the piece. For the metal, I'm not entirely sure what to use that would put up with the constant energy flow. That I would need help with. @[member="Jacen Cavill"]
@[member="Zangoff Gularian"]

What purpose would this have beyond aesthetic appeal? Lightning is very fickle, it would be dangerous to have it hooked up to your arm all the time and the flow wouldn't be constant. Lightning jumps/cracks/breaks etc, it's not constant.

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