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Ask: Factory Talk Thread

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
I am creating a ship, and have a question
For the armaments, the max number of weapons you can have, are you allowed a mix of Ion and turbolasers/lasers or no? Same goes for the warheads and tractorbeams.
Yeah you're allowed. But if you're bringing in a mix of weapons not mentioned on the chart, be sure to remove some of those to make room for your modifications. Say I have a Corvette under Heavy Guns. 12 Turbolasers is listed there. If you want some Ion cannons, try removing a few Turbolasers to put in the ion cannons so the armament would look like this:
  • Turbolasers (6)
  • Ion Cannons (6)
  • Proton Torpedo Launchers (1)
  • Quad Laser Cannons (2)
All this chart does is provide a ceiling for armament. Don't be afraid to work around these numbers, it just helps the Factory Staff when reviewing.
Darth Arcis said:
All this chart does is provide a ceiling for armament.

The chart is the upper limit of armaments allowed on a given "weight class." There's sufficient wiggle room for you to "trade" weapons as long as you come in under the weapons listed on the chart. Absolutely nothing is stopping you from making a ship with less weapons than we have listed...and in fact, I really like reviewing underarmed ships. I like being allowed to tell members how many more guns they could stick on without drawing too many eyebrows.

The Last Son
Dove here just to lazy to change character, but I see now. And I was only wondering for future reference as I am making a few ships in the near future. Thank you for all of your help.

And I'll keep that in mind. Lower number of weapons.
If you ever have a question about ship guns, don't be afraid to ask. The chart is simply an upper limit. It's relatively flexible as long as you stay within that general firepower ballpark, and I know I will normally work with a submission to help make sure the ship doesn't lose its "essence" while still coming in at or under the gun limit for its classification. You should in no way feel like you're discouraged from fiddling with your weapons to personalize your ship. You're simply discouraged from trying to pack more guns on it than the chart allows.
I have/had an idea for a ship that I think needs a bit of input from the judges. Basically I want to make a ship that is comprised either entirely or mostly from metal that has been changed via sith alchemy. The downside to would be the immense weight of the metal forcing multiple reactors and/or power distribution to be pulled away from armaments into the engines (eliminating most of the direct firepower the ship would have). The upside to this would be the increased durability and endurance of the ship would be unparalleled. Also such concentration of so much dark side energies would make the ship a moving force nexus, empowering dark side users in any battle or thread it would be in. I also had another idea on how the ship would act like one huge sith sword, effectively gathering dark side energy infused into the ship and from the dark side energy it has gained from battles it has been in to large size force attacks i.e. ship sized force lightning.

I realize the main problem with this idea is that sith alchemy has (as far as I know) not been applied on a large scale ship. I've had several idea making it possible to make the use of alchemy easier to transfer such as using a metal that is already aligned to the dark side (I would acquire remanents of either the ravenger or the star forge via a development thread and it would make the majority of ship or possibly the core). Another issue thats been addressed to me is the idea of a moving force nexus. I was thinking, if necessary, I could do have it in several battles where it is mostly useless and simply "soaks up" the negative energy caused by the war and deaths around it.

The biggest thing I see the vast amount of development this would require. I like the second idea you presented, it'd be pretty flipping sweet to see an alchemical-space-battering ram jump across space to pierce another vessel and live to tell the tale. The next idea regarding the moving Force Nexus seems a little awry. The Star Forge fed off the of Force, specifically the Dark side, from all around it and corrupted their minds. Even Malak, a Sith Lord, almost succumbed to this corruption. If this device is solely going in with the purpose of merely generating power from the dark side, I'd consider double checking with staff, dev threading, and then making this a seperate Technlogy Creation submission.

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor

Image Credits: http://newevolutiond...avy-cruiser.jpg
Intent: To create a mass produced Heavy cruiser for the Republic
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Kaut Drive yards
Model: Firekiln class heavy cruiser
Affiliation: Republic
Modularity: None
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Durasteel & Glasteel
The ancient Firekilns used by Nuso Esva were something of an oddity outside the Unknown regions where the pirate lord made his home. Their design in numbers could rival an Imperial Star destroyer (five to one) and that factor has not been lost. The gun heavy cruiser can match and just barely out arm a standard star destroyer that focuses on weapons. The loss of a hanger and need for several to be used in coordination of a multi vector assault minimizing concentrated fire from the enemy ship.

The designs were found in old databases and records from the times of the empire, the design intrigued the team of engineers and so five of the ships were designed and built to test out. The technology being brought up to modern standard, the ships christened space worthy and taken to Contruum to recover jedi and sith artifacts. From there they performed quite well helping secure the auction with the Supreme chancellor of the time onboard one of the ships. The battle that ensured above the planet saw the dangerous Velok killed and the prototype evacuated. Its bridge getting destroyed in the process.

The pirate Chupa entered the derelict and recovered it taking the ship into the unknown regions but the information about the performance from the remaining four ships allowed engineers to fine tune the design and reclassify it as a heavy cruiser. Removing the hanger to add more guns as a design aesthetic and emblazoning the image of the Republic proudly on it.

Classification: Heavy cruiser
Role: Swarm Cruiser
Height: 100 meters
Width: 500 meters
Length: 950 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 1.0
Minimum Crew: 1,200
Optimal Crew: 4,068
  • One hundred and fifty turbolaser
  • Twelve heavy warhead launchers (proton torpedos)

Hangar: N/A Ship is heavy guns

Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Advanced Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Long-range Communications Array
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
Passenger Capacity: 800
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 7

Is there any suggestions or changes recommended/required?

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