Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Casus Belli (Tygaran Alliance/Galactic Alliance vs First Order Rebellion of Kaeshana)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Character: NPC Abregado-Rae Medical Unit headed by B-2-575312-124532 "Surg"
Location: Crash Site, near Santaissa,
Objective: Stabilize the wounded and evac them from unstable areas
Allies: First Order and GA wounded, medical teams, [member="Sapphire Vortex"], [member="Samka Derith"],
Enemies: Whoever opens fire first

The GA-aligned medical teams would be already hard at work moving the wounded by the time Samka and Sapphire's aid workers arrived. The medics sent by Abregado arrived shortly after the SD fell to the ground with a mighty crash and when they joined the efforts their FO counterparts did not actively turn them away or fired upon, neither did they really acknowledge them however. So at the crater there was this eerie peaceful yet tense cooperation going between the two Galactic Powers.

Although sounds of combat and blaster fire exploded out around the crashsite, perhaps too close to comfort where they were working, so far within the crater there did not seem to be any fighting going on. Instead the GA medics hurried alongside the first-aid FO response teams, trying not to get in each other's way and only cooperating when necessary. However, there still could be scenes like FO and GA humanitarians pulling a wounded stormtrooper aside to stabilize him together, GA soldiers bringing wounded civvies and stormies onto an FO shuttle because it just happened to be the closest, one could assume same would apply to FO counterparts helping load GA evac ships because it would save the wounded's life unless they would have specific orders not to do so. There was an unofficial cease-fire among them, or perhaps even an uncalled truce, but yet the tense atmosphere would easily marked the spot as a blackpowder keg, it could explode into chaos at the faintest of sparks.

So, when the additional FO medics would arrive, the B2 unit in charge of GA relief would pause to look over the forces they brought, glancing at the numerous AT-AT they shipped into or near the site, judging it to be a rather foolish or off-putting decision for someone claiming to be humanitarian, but deciding not to voice any concern as it was not his place to do so. After all, he was there only to save lives, no matter the risk, no matter which side.

"Over here, another one."

One of his droid combat surgeons called out to Surg, the B2 unit swiveled its wide body, covered in additional armor plates with markings of Abregado, GA, and a non-combat medical personnel, to look in the direction, he turned towards nearby medics, GA, FO, it didn't matter,

"Hey! Over there, under the rubble!"

Before he dashed over.

A half-conscious stormtrooper was trapped beneath a wide heavy durasteel sheet that collapsed on top of him, part of the hull most likely, the only thing that kept him alive was his armor taking some of the pressure off of his body so he was not totally crushed.

The medics rushed over to grip the bottom of the large plate, droids, organics, of different sides and uniforms,

"On my count,"

The B2 took charge,

"1,2,3- lift!"

They would all lift together so that someone could pull the stormtrooper from beneath.

It would probably not be a stretch of logic to assume the civilians Samka brought over would join to help lift the heavy object or move the wounded, same applied to the relief Sapphire brought over, or maybe they would do so personally, unless they would specifically order them not to.
[member="Choli Vyn"]
She bobbed weaved and dodged the incoming fire, she started stasted slipping into that mind set, she wouldn't talk to the enemy no more, her only goal as to take the enemy down and survive this

She watched the two reds fly off, she followed them knowing she'd be followed, she started harassing firing carefully, meanwhile bolt 2 saw the ground and strayed the troops, a barrage of lasers and a missile before they pulled upper, no doubt with the reds Sara and [member="Choli Vyn"]

She would live through this


OOC Writer Account
((OOC: For the brave Stormtroopers of 3rd Platoon who bravely held against overwhelming odds)

FN-888 "Helden"
Citadel of Dawn.

The ground rumbles with the approach of nearby fighting vehicles and Joan growls angrily. "Sev! We've done all we can! I'm calling broken arrow!" Joan's voice speaks over TEAMCOM, she knows they don't have the weapons to take on the armour she can feel heading their way. It wasn't a matter if they'd be overrun but when at this point. "Keep your fire downrange! Ignore the Jedi!" Joan refers to the knife-ear who leapt over the slit trenches, she inwardly isn't too worried about him. They did have overwatch after all last she remembered, although the beep of her detonator keys causes a panic! Left glove whips around and clasps the cylinder tearing it away from her armour and tossing it hurriedly down range. Wasn't going to wait to find out if it had been activated or not. "Third platoon, throw your detonators!"[SIZE=10.5pt] And with that order, the gunpits cease firing for a moment. While some twenty white pills are hurled over onto the ground. A few explode loudly and sent debris flying straight up into the air. he Detonators were[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Baradium-core code key models[/SIZE] and so feature no distinguishing marks or buttons and their activation code is unique to each stormtroopers' detonator, how they activated was beyond the Stormtrooper Lieutenant but her solution was the same regardless

"This is Ironhound Minor to all aviation callsigns; Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow. Opposition forces are inside our loc at the citadel of dawn. Drop all your ordinance on this six-figure grid."[SIZE=10.5pt] Joan transmits the coordinates the one square kilometer area in front of the Citadel. It might level the citadel, yes. It might also kill her and her troopers defending it, yes. But above all else Joan is ruthless and it would take more soldiers belonging to the scum than the First Order, Joan is going to take the enemy with her at all costs. For what do the lives of one platoon of Stormtroopers matter to the Corps? Nothing, and that is why the First Order will win; Sacrifice. "Hey Sev! Here's to not surviving to be at the court martial right!?" Even as her rifle's barrel flashes red and the detonators explode against the Earth, Joan finds a moment to take solace in her duty to the First Order. [/SIZE]

"Its' a glorious day to die ma'am! I say we make an end of it here! And Now!" Sev smiles at the hopelessness of the situation and waits patiently for the end to come in the form of bombs, missiles and blaster fire from above. Proton Torpedos explode against the Earth, his boots shake and visibility drops dramatically between the smoke, dust, debris and Storm. This is becoming a near impossible battle to survive for them anyway. "Atleast it'll give them something to remember us by!" The Earth around the Slit trenches is shaking loose, Sev would be surprised if the Earth didn't collapse in on itself under the coming bombardment and mostly bury the platoon beneath rock. "Been my pleasure to grow up and serve with all of you crazy bastards!" That was the nature of First Order Stormtrooper training, they'd all known one another since childhood. Despite their conditioning, it is still hard to say goodbye to someone you have known for so long.

"It is my honor to have fought and lived beside you Gentlemen!"[SIZE=10.5pt] Tears roll down Joan's eyes behind the white faceplate and she cannot help but allow a sob to escape the confines of her helmet. Amid all this chaos, all this death and destruction. This is her little space, a little cage. Maybe they would get lucky and the ordinance land primarily on the Firemane mercenaries advancing up the road, maybe the Slit Trenches will collapse under the pounding of such fierce bombardment. "This is Ironhound Minor to all First Order Callsigns within the Citadel of Dawn vicinity, Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow. Take cover." [/SIZE]The Platoons' helmets disappear into the Slit Trench with bolts of unnatural lightning arching towards them from the hand of some Sithlord, it had been recorded by the platoons feeds' if nothing else the whole Galaxy would know the Galactic Alliance are hypocrites who ally themselves with Dark side users. The ominous roar of Ion Engines will grow louder and louder, the pause of firing from the gunpits and Stormtroopers should raise suspicion combined with the growing volume of bomber and fighter engines.

@[member='Joza Perl'], @[member='Audren Sykes'], @[member='BE-183'], @[member='Ludolf Vaas'], @[member='Asharad Graush'], @[member='Pierce Fortan III'], @[member='Elpsis Elaris'], @[member='Sara Lee Jones'], @[member='Nathaniel Barrett'], @[member='Tempest'].
Location: Atmosphere | Red engaged | Gold engaged | Rogues Engaged
Objective: So much pew in dogfighting and ground
Allies: [member="Roth Tillian"] @Choli Vyn [member="Kurt Meyer"] [member="Laira Vereen"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Arix Askrima"]

Engaging Enemies: [member="Sara Lee Jones"] and Bolt flight - Bolt 2
Red Squadron X-Wings directly engaging ground troops at [member="Ludolf Vaas"]

Flying: TR-20 X-Wing
Music: Eye of the Tiger

The two starfighters ducked and turned, barely missing the head on collision that would have taken them both then. The strafing run from the TIE Interceptor barely managed to avoid the bulk of the hits, but her canopy flared red as they struck. Warning bells came, and Choli used the advanced maneuverability of the TR-20 to swing and jet back around.

R4 wailed in an attempt to try and fix what had been damage.

"Yeah I know, I know!" she cried out.

There was no more talking. Just pure focus. Focus, skill, and trust in the Force.

Enhancing her senses for use along with the advanced tactical suite, Choli narrowed in her sights upon the TIE Interceptor again.

The beep, beep, beep as the cross hairs met locked on anew.

More straffing fire came to potentially strike at t[member="Sara Lee Jones"] ' TIE interceptor's aft again, using the smoking sign where it had been struck before, intending to hit the engines to perhaps disable it.

Buzzing around like persistent birds of prey, the Red Squadron met and continued to fight against Bolt Flight and among the First Order ground troops. Where cover fire was needed, they would provide strafing runs. Where the attention would cut off from a Tie Interceptor, they would engage. And where a dogfight ensued, they would be at the heart of it.
Location: Nearing the Citadel of Dawn
Objective: Take the Citadel
Allies: GA/Tygara, [member="Elpsis Elaris"], [member="Elliot Locke"], [member="Trextan Voidstalker"], [member="Canal"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Audren Sykes"]
Enemies: FO, [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="FN-888"] [member="Aizen"], [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Forces: One company of TKO Marines with Magnetic Repeaters and Handheld Shattergun Rotary Cannons, eight snipers in Nexu Armor with standard sniper rifles

Despite their tactical cover and jagged placement along the rocky outcrops, three of the snipers fell rather quickly to the razor bugs wielded by Asharad Graush. The Sith Knight must have been highly skilled to accurately hit three different targets spaded widely apart, but the fact remained that the Zeltrons were dead. Screams of anguish pierced the comm lines as the third and most unfortunate of the victims fell down an incline, leaving a crimson trail of red along the rocks in one horrifying brush stroke. The fourth sniper located Asharad quickly, the near decapitation and dying screams of her comrades causing her training to kick in and hone in on the source of the bloodshed. She did freeze once laying eyes on the darkly clad and heavily armored man, knowing enough to figure that it was not the armor that a typical foot soldier wore. No, this was some higher ranking officer—or so she assumed. Swallowing thickly, she exhaled to steady herself for a few moments and looked down through the scope of her rifle. He’d drawn something she’d seen but never been on the receiving end before…a lightsaber hilt. Squeezing the trigger once, she sent a piercing bolt towards his right armpit, a technical weak point in most armors.

Not an instant after she took the shot, the frightened sniper took off down the incline, seeking to lose him in the wild terrain or perhaps come across a few stragglers in the form of allied troops. Heart pounding in her chest, she had to come to terms with what very well might happen “J-joza, there’s someone here, he…he already took out three and now he’s—” The telltale snap-hiss and the start of a piercing cry was all that was heard before the line fizzled into static.


Joza was sweating. Perspiration trickled down her forehead and along the slope of her nose, taking whatever makeup she wore with it. Such was the beauty of wearing a helmet, though—no one could see how gross you looked in the middle of battle. They were probably good for other things, too, but few thoughts came to surface as she quite literally felt the anguish and fear from her dying sisters. She’d learned how to gain precision over her own empathy over the years, given her people’s affinity for sensing emotions, but she couldn’t ignore the feeling of her heart being squeezed in her chest. Tighter and tighter, until she thought she was going to explode and die right there from a broken heart. The shrieks and squeals of pain over the comm had already died out, giving way to an ambient static, but she could still hear them bouncing around in her head. Every fiber of Joza’s being was telling her to speed into the mountains and rescue her girls. “Those of you still left, get out of there. Move further out, take cover. Don’t give him a reason to come after you.” Hopefully the girls who were still alive would be able to survive this.

A heavy weight against her side pulled Joza from her slapdash mourning, the telekinetic push from Elpsis Elaris sending her sprawling back to land unceremoniously on her butt. There wasn’t time to look about and search for the alleged enemy Force user who’d shoved her, for the turbolaser beam lanced quickly through a crowd of Marines and assorted fighters who’d scrambled as quick as they could to get out of the way. Unfortunately, some did not manage to escape and had been vaporized on the spot. Joza grimaced at the pain in her backside, rubbing her injured booty as she rolled onto her hands and knees and pushed herself up. At least, she thought, it was a one of the least painful ways to go. Then again, she hadn’t known too many people who had been vaporized and lived to tell the tale. Now finally getting a good look at the colossal walker, she felt the breath leave her lungs for a moment before her face firmed up along with her resolve. Sorry girls.

The walker was still a bit of a way’s off and had slowed down some from the efforts of allied Forces. It still wasn’t down though, and they likely wouldn’t win the day with that thing firing turbolasers like strobe lights at a Zeltros dance club. “Elpsis!” She called, hoping that the other redhead was nearby and not taking too much fire. “We’ve gotta take that thing down. Whatever’s powering those crazy beams has to be flammable. Or hopefully is. It’s worth a shot, anyhow.” She didn’t feel the need to elaborate, given that Elpy was an avid pyromancer who’d blown up quite a few gas-powered devices on different occasions. “Fyre! Cover me!” If Dax Fyre was nearby, he’d see the Marines form loosely around Joza and provide cover fire as she stilled her concentration, pouring her focus in to reaching out towards the Tibana gas canisters that powered Ludolf Vaas’s Sabercat, attempting to superheat the fuel to the point of combustion. The Marines who’d managed to break further into the First Order Line would launch thermal grenades aimed a few large steps ahead of the walker’s legs, attempting to tear up the already jagged terrain and give the beast a rougher time maneuvering about.


An Illyria Frigate stocked with four more companies of Outback Marines closed in on Kaeshana space, though the assault frigate wasn’t here to do battle. It was the same make of ship loaned by Firemane to The Outback during the Atrisia conflict, and helped get troops to the surface after speeding past a strange space monster and braving an angry Force storm. Luckily those two anomalies weren’t present today, only some vague amount of dogfighting over Kaeshana. That was much more familiar for Ivan Volek, personal Pilot of Joza Perl who’d been waiting on Kal’Shebbol for orders. He’d known about the training exercise on the devastated world and kept an ear open for the Zeltron’s inevitable call for aid. War had erupted with the First Order, and The Kathol Outback answered with a grumpy Corellian pilot and armed backup. The frigate could take a good amount of damage, especially as it cut a path towards the surface.

Objective: Destroy First Order fleet, establish Remnant as dominant Imperials.
Allies: The Imperial Remnant, Galactic Alliance, [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Enemies: The First Order, [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], @Basileus Isauros

"Captain, we have new enemy contacts," Commander Kayl reported. Talyn looked sharply at her sensor screens, her keen eyes rapidly taking in the fresh information. It seemed that First Order reinforcements had arrived - several star destroyers, along with frigates and escorts. They were spreading out in a broad, staggered line, allowing them clear lines of fire past one another. They were ignoring the bulk of the fleet to focus on the rear-guard Talyn had left to cover the beleaguered command ship, and they were concentrating fire on the Tartan-class cruisers, of all things. Initially that made little sense to Talyn; compared to the missile-equipped Light Cruisers, the Tartans posed very little threat to the star destroyers, the most valuable First Order ships on the field. Their armament, after all, was primarily anti-fighter. Targeting them was foolish.

Unless... It struck her all at once that they must be holding their bomber squadrons in reserve, preparing for a massed bombing run that would cripple the heavier ships before they could damage the star destroyers.

Of course, the First Order commander had made a grave error by engaging the rearguard force: his ships were now between that smaller group and Talyn's advance attack force, and they were all spread out, with no way to shield one another from damage. If her forces turned around from engaging the enemy command ship, which would still be distracted by the Galactic Alliance attacks, their strongest ships could catch the enemy at their weakest point, concentrating fire on whatever they pleased with impunity. "Turn the forward battlegroup around," Talyn ordered. "Move us into broadside range and target their engines. They have unwittingly maneuvered themselves directly into our jaws. All that remains now is to snap shut around the enemy's throat."

It would, of course, require sacrifice. If the Tartans moved, the enemy would not stay in their staggered line. They would have to weather the storm as best they could. "Defensive battlegroup," Talyn transmitted over the encrypted Remnant channel, "maintain your position. The Emperor will honor your endurance and loyalty. Light cruisers, target the rightmost Victory X-class vessel and fire at will." The armaments of the Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers, even deadlier against enemy fighters than the Tartans, would hold back any enemy bombers; focusing fire on the smaller ships was a mistake on several levels, one that Talyn did not intend to let the enemy commander recover from. "Purge Squadron," she ordered, "fall back. Target the enemy Victory X with a bombing run from the aft, aiming for the concussion missile bays."

While the enemy wasted their time blowing up patrol cruisers, Talyn's three Victory IV-class star destroyers would be free to pump ion fire into the weaponless aft section of the nearest Victory X. Coupled with the bombs of Purge Squadron and the missiles of her Gladiator-class star destroyers, along with a turbolaser barrage from the Dreadnaught-class and Tempus-class vessels, the ship would soon find itself under a full fleet's worth of attack from a direction in which it had no weapons. Talyn's own TIE squadrons would suffice to shield her vessels if the bombers, which could turn around far more quickly, decided to meet her incoming forces head-on. And should the First Order flagship and escorts pursue them, well, her ships did have aft weapons, and the Light Cruisers would keep a careful aft-facing watch for any such threat.

Sacrifice. The word thrummed through her head as one of the Tartans, with only limited support against the withering enemy barrage, exploded in a burst of red-white light, throwing off durasteel scraps in a thousand directions. Talyn didn't like losing men, and she liked it even less when she knew that her own decisions had led to that loss. But sacrifice was part of the New Order's dogma - the peace and stability they would bring, with lawlessness and chaos swept away at last, was worth more than any one man's life, or even the lives of billions. But the promise of the Empire was that its servants' lives would not be idly wasted. As more of the Tartans took hits, their shields hissing and their hulls denting, Talyn willed her own fleet to go faster on its intercept course. She would not squander the faithful.

As one, her advance fleet began to unload its terrible arsenal directly into the rear of the closest Victory X-class foe. Missiles, ion cannons, and turbolasers lit up the skies in blue and green death. Vengeance...

Flagship Defenders:
CASUALTY REPORT: 1 Tartan Patrol Cruiser, the Rishi Wave, lost with all hands

Forward Attack Force:

  • Ordered the Tartan-class ships to hold their ground and withstand enemy fire (1 lost, 3 damaged); Light Cruisers open fire on enemy Victory X-class with turbolasers and concussion missiles from the front
  • Ordered the Forward Attack Force to disengage with Cyrus Tregessar's flagship, covered by aft weapons and the two Light Cruisers
  • Falling back from the enemy flagship, the Forward Attack Force engages Basileus Isauros's fleet (engaging the Flagship Defenders) from the rear, focusing fire on the same Victory X-class
  • Firing on the enemy Victory X from the aft: three full long-range ion cannon batteries of 10 each, four quad-turbolaser broadsides of 4 each, capital-grade torpedoes from two ships, concussion missiles
LOCATION: Kaeshana, Fleet Based en route to Ground
OBJECTIVE: Reinforce Citadel Dawn

Force Composition
-24 OS-G3 Paladin Class Fighters
-24 OS-G2 Knight Class Fighters
-10 Peregrine Class Gunships
-6 Inimica Class Gunships
-42 M32 Argevant Dropships
-56 M47 Illria Dropships (44 Standard Configuration, 12 Medical Configuration)
-40 M59 Raven Dropships
5,412 Infantry
3,000 Combat Infantry (12 Companies)
-SAW (Squad Assault Weapon, 2 per squad=8 per platoon=32 per company)
2,000 Combat Engineers (8 Companies)
-SAW (Squad Assault Weapon, 2 per squad=8 per platoon=32 per company)
268 Special Forces Operators
-Sniper Rifle
144 Medical Personnel
120 Combat Vehicles
(30 Hydra Anti-Air Tanks)
(30 Typhoon (HE) Artillery Tanks)
(30 Manticore Heavy Support Tanks)
(30 O1 Bhesj Main Battle Tanks)
Assorted Construction Vehicles

"...and set up a Forward Operating Base behind the forward lines." Alexandra Morrow told General Haish through the connection from CIC to the troops command bay.

"Admiral, I know my job. I'll get us squared away and move towards Dawn." Haish responded somewhat tartly. He'd never been the type to enjoy taking orders from Fleet personnel, but until he got his soldiers ground side, this was her operation.

"Very good." Morrow replied, then cut the connection. General Haish turned to his commanders and paused a moment.

"You heard her everyone, mount up. We drop in five."

The room emptied with ordered precision. Djacen paused a moment, then proceeded at a nod from Haish. They'd hashed out the operation a dozen times in the past couple of hours. Haish would remain at the FOB, coordinating operations, while Djacen would hold local command over the push for Dawn.

At the five minute mark exactly, a veritable horde of dropships and gunships spewed from Alexandra Morrow's reserve fleet. Four squadrons of fighters broke off from close in support of the fleet and joined the gunships as escort for the fleet of dropships. The dropship fleet, in a bid to avoid contact with First Order fleet ships, arced down to the pole at maximum acceleration. Once they got into the ionosphere, the armada flipped and headed north towards the combat zones. When they approached land, they hit the floor, staying down as low to the ground as possible as they raced forward. With practiced precision, several dropships landed as the rest and the escort remained aloft as protection. By this point, they were twelve kilometers from the front line, and the landed dropships disgorged thirty Typhoon class artillery tanks, fifteen Hydra class anti-air tanks, and ten each of the Bhesj and Manticores. Along with the armor and artillery, four companies of combat engineers and their construction equipment, and four more of combat infantry disembarked. The Engineers lost no time in beginning to develop fortifications around the artillery, extending them so as to develop a defense in depth, though that would take time. Behind the line of artillery by several hundred meters, the medical transports landed, and the medical personnel set up triage centers and operating theaters. The medical dropships would have the most dangerous job of moving forward to evac wounded and bringing them back to the developing FOB.

Once the landed dropships, aside from the medical ones, were empty, they lifted off. They filled back into the formation and flew forward several kilometers, to the edge of the engagement envelope of enemy forces and landed the remaining troops and armor. Djacen rode down to the dirt with the dropship carrying part of the special operations team. They were going to be Djacens eyes and ears forward and to the flanks, and each one of them had served with Djacen before, and he had knew their mettle. The fact that he now held a command position only meant that he wouldn't be out in the field as he once had been, but his heart would ever beat the same.

((OOC: This is an entry post, I'll come up to Dawn in the next post and tag people accordingly then.))
Location: Citadel of Dawn
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Elpsis Elaris"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Krenis Skirata"], [member="Elliot Locke"], [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
Enemies: First Order, [member="Aizen"]
Objective: Secure and liberate

Trench warfare. How much he hated, yet loved that type of warfare all at the same time..

Well, right now it was something he was really going to hate due to having barely any cover while all First Order personnel at the Citadel did had some in their dug out trenches. All around him soldiers fell down from an injury that knocked them off their feet or died to join whatever spiritual realm they believed in. Not only were there casualties, but there was also the few extreme innocent troopers that got shocked and went into a state of panic as they all wanted to go home and not get blasted. Unlike them the clone wasn't being stressed out by the battle and sure wasn't afraid for some plastic boys to aim down through the scopes and pick him off.

"It's time to show these Imperials why preferring conscripts than us clones was a fateful move, Krenis," Canal said to his fellow Fett clone as he referenced to the time when the ancient Galactic Empire discontinued the use of Fett clones and moved towards recruiting regular humans. Not that Canal had any love for that long ago faction, but such action made him question the intelligence of the Empire.

The trooper changed the configurations of his DC-17m to a grenade launcher and then activated his jetpack just for a few seconds. A round from his launcher was fired off to a unit of Stormtroopers that were all comfortable in their trench, but the moment the grenade impacted on the earth around them they were blown off from their position were mostly dead with some surviving with injuries.

"I made a clearing that's left of our position. We should move out and capitalize on it," Canal said to Krenis. He wasn't in command of Krenis and the unit of Mandalorians here with them, but he would give out his opinion and suggestions.
Location: High Altitude near Santassia
Allies: [member="Kira Vaal"]
Enemies: [member="Isla Ashen"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]

The landing shuttle jolted and jumped through the blizzard's teeth, kicked about by turbulence. Ryan Korr stood in the troop bay, clinging to the handrail above his head with a white knuckle grip. The muscles in his jaw writhed as he clamped down against the bite of the frigid air and the stomach-flipping bumps.

The mission came straight from General Grozkalla: recover Galactic Alliance intelligence assets at the comm tower. Neutralize any Knights of Ren. But what Grozkalla had actually said was, "I want you to go in and retrieve our people. And if you get close to the enemy then you go for those good bayonet kills, don't you second platoon?" Or at least that's what the protocol droid had interpreted. The general did not speak Basic.

The platoon had responded with a resounding, "Oorah."

Korr thought their chances of survival were low.

He held the comm up to his mouth. "This is Jedi Knight Ryan Korr to any surviving operators at the comms tower. Do you read me?"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Near the east side of the Citadel of Dawn
Allies: GA, TKO, [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Elpsis Elaris"], [member="Elliot Locke"], [member="Trextan Voidstalker"], [member="Canal"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Audren Sykes"]
Enemies: FO, [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="FN-888"], [member="Ludolf Vaas"], [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Objective: Keep the others alive
Gear: Lightsaber (orange blade), Darth Moreth's Saber, The Fading Cloak, Assassin Pistol, Omega Blade
Forces: ASPD-1 droids (x2)

The Zeltrons were being picked off, Joza had frozen for the moment, and now walkers had shown up. This day was going great so far...The Rogue Knight was useless against such a large piece of machinery, unless he was inside the blasted thing, and that wasn't going to happen from what he could tell...His sabers span in arcs of orange light, providing screens of cover for the marines behind him, giving them an opportunity to fire support weapons or toss grenades at the moving platform of weapons. As blaster bolts pinged off the the walker's armor plating, a couple grenades went off at its feet. While the walker took no damage, it did take notice of the small group of combatants, its huge box head turning to face them. Dax's legs began to move a pace faster than he'd thought he'd ever managed as he shouted a warning to those around him. "Move!" was the only word that managed to leave the man's lips before a deafening explosion sent him flying forward, facedown into the dirt.

Muffled shouts reached Dax's ears through the high pitched ringing that echoed in his head. One distinct command broke through the haze of battle distinctly. "Fyre! Cover me!" Groaning as the man regained his footing, he could see a few marines who hadn't been turned to ash gather around the woman as she reached out to the walker. Painfully, he ran towards the group to once again provide a defensive screen for the men, despite having no clue what the woman was doing. Whatever it was it had better work or they'd all be space dust!

The two ASPD-1 droids arrived to the marines before he did, black soot of carbon marring their blue paint, either from explosions or blaster fire, Dax didn't take the time to notice. The two droids fired at the crowd of hostile troopers as the feet of the walkers, an exchange of red and blue hail coursing around the Knight as he destroyed the blaster of a trooper who had ventured too close, receiving a firm kick to the chest followed by a devastating Force Push sending him into a couple of his companions.

In the distance, the Rogue could see the scarlet blade of a FO commander. Who, the Knight couldn't quite make out yet. All he knew was that he had to slow the Dark Sider's advance before it became too late. "Joza! You need to hurry this up! We got more company!"
Sara watched the warning lights, the damage again was minor but she was smoking....still flying systems still running perfectly....time to strike

She looked to her radar she was still being followed, she decided then try a tricks she'd been learning, she quickly engaged breaks, it sent her flying back and over the other pilots, she then pushed the throttle forward and started opening up, she pushed her guns to near overheat and let them cool, she kept on and fire a missile straight for the center, enough to disable and kill depending if the pilot could crash land correctly

I'll give it to ya I've not had a good fight like this in awhile again my respects

[member="Choli Vyn"]
Target: @Basileus Isauros

Ally: [member="Talyn Krane"]

“Copy that Captain! Purge squadron Belay that last order and follow my lead!”

Purge squadron did a complete 180 as they turned back to abandon the medical convoy. They entered the confines of the Imperial Remnant fleet and Des watched as the massive vessels belched laser fire at the enemy.

They quickly bridged the gap between the massive capital ships and the battle began in earnest for purge squadron. Purge squadron smashed into the enemies defending fighter screen and they entered a heated dog fight. A flight of enemy TIE’s swooped down on them in wedge formation, attempting to target the bombers.

The forward element of Purge squadron knifed upwards to meet them. Multiple ships exploded on the first pass. With purge squadron already having lost two fighters. Still, the enemy continued its dive towards the bombers. It was a frantic race between ally and foe. If the bombers made it to the Star destroyer and hit those missile bays the resulting chain reaction would spark a series of explosions that would severely cripple the enemy ship.

As the enemy TIEs came into closing range the bombers opened fire with their own guns. Simultaneously the forward elements of purge squadron banked round to dive on the enemy’s rear. The enemy TIE’s were now sandwiched between two sources of fire and completely obliterated. One of the bombers had been hit, but it was still flight worthy.

“Well done, begin bombing run now!”

The bombers flew low along the aft of the Victory X and let loose with clusters of ion bombs.

“Closing on target!”

Sensors came to life as the bombers acquired their target and locked on. Then they opened fire on the enemy missile bays with their hyper velocity cannons.

“Sir it isn’t enough!”

The wounded bomber flew dangerously low compared to the rest of the squadron.

“I’ll only slow you down, For the Empire!”

The bomber nose dived straight into the enemy's missile bays. All of its HVC rounds detonated upon impact as the bomber penetrated the enemy shields and smashed upon the hull beneath.
Post: 5
Location: Mountains outside Citadel of Dawn
Objective: Hunker down and watch the boom
Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Brent Smith"], [member="FN-888"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"] + First Order

There was fire in the sky, and a tremble in the ground. They were in the right place. [ "Ground force in this channel this is bolt flight, we are on station and ready to strike where needed mark them and send the coordinates and we will strike." ] The message came through loud and clear from their brave air unit ([member="Sara Lee Jones"]). "Affirmative Bolt Flight, will pinpoint targets if available. Stay safe up there." She needed eyes on before she'd be designating any strike coordinates.

Kyrel went off to find his next great opponent to duel. Having been transferred command of the 30 man platoon due to her apparent position as the Ren's pet, in her first battle no less, the private felt the burden of the unexpected responsibility quickly weigh on her. But she would do exactly as she was trained to.

And right now, that meant keeping her platoon safe... [ "This is Ironhound Minor to all First Order Callsigns within the Citadel of Dawn vicinity, Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow. Take cover." ] She heard the hail over Order comms before she saw the impact zone warning flashing on her HUD. Only the most unlucky sod in the army ([member="FN-888"]) ever had to make this call. "Right men. Looks like we're danger close, we need to fall back. Go, go, go!"

They broke into a sprint to put enough distance between them and the strike zone at the Citadel. When the warning lights had stopped blinking, she got them into cover among the surrounding mountains' outcroppings. "Hah..." she caught her breath, getting prone on the cold rock. "Stay sharp, we can pick off any... any Alliance we catch fleeing." She readied her blaster to lead by example. That was, assuming any would ever see this strike coming. "Hehehe..."

She took the chance in this brief wait to bark a quick drill, on fighting lightsaber wielding hostiles. "Listen up, men, this is important. We could end up fighting Jedi, and we've heard today how they show no mercy. But they can be killed just like any enemy. Ideally, if we face one we stick to cover, as little exposed as possible for those deflected bolts. We pop smoke grenades, switch to thermal vision. We shoot the force user in timed, simultaneous volleys, adjust as needed if they dodge or jump. I know some of you are flametroopers, and they can't block you with their sabers, so you keep spraying in intervals." Simple, effective strategy. Overkill was the only viable policy there, and the troops were in better spirits with a plan.

Now then. "Let's watch the fireworks."
Location: FIV Emerson, Orbiting Kaeshana
Objective: Provide active data feed to troops, rescue downed personnel, engage enemy fighters.
Enemies: [member="Roth Tillian"] | Galactic Alliance, Tygaran Alliance
Allies: First Imperial Armed Forces ([member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Isla Ashen"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], [member="BE-183"],


Commander Josef Wilhuff had served at least two tours with the One Sith, transferred to the First Order along with several other of the OS's naval personnel. The Commander was not an unreasonable person, harsh as he might seem - he believed in fair play when it mattered. This, however; was not a situation in which it mattered his job was to ensure that the tyrannical Alliance and their allies would be unable to communicate with those on the ground. Did this mean he was narrowly focused on his goal? No. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the Alliance caught onto what they were doing. "Lieutenant Geyzmalla," his voice held a matter of stoicism, hands clasped behind his back, there was a chill to his words. "Inform the Regina and the Rihannon, to reroute their electronic countermeasure systems, it seems we will have company, after all."

"Yes Commander," Geyzmalla acknowledged as he gave the orders on a secure channel, "the Rihannon and Regina are moving into position, the Hippocrates is now in position - low orbit of Kaeshana they're in the process of taking on survivors from the Wrath, sir."

Wilhuff's throat might have moved, but he said nothing. He only stared down at Geyzmalla, the lieutenant simply turned to forward the message to Commander Cyone on the Emerson. "Rihannon and Regina report in position."

"Relocate the Rowena as well, these are some of the finest the Alliance has to offer - have no doubt of that," his tone unchanged, his body unflinching hands still clasped behind his back. The darken command center of the Stormcloud-class Assault cruiser hummed with the crew going back and forth. Commander Wilhuff's eyes diverted toward the holomap. "On my signal, jam transmissions of each of their fighters." He did not smile, nor show any type of emotion, in fact, his facade was well made and most around him dared not to even glance in his direction.


Lieutenant Geyzmalla acknowledged, "all three Raptor-class vessels reporting, electronic countermeasure systems activated - engaging in E-Warfare."

"Ready the missiles, Lieutenant Decanders," Commander Wilhuff ordered, "advise Emerson and Engel to prepare their advanced concussion missile launchers, let me know when our baradium missile are ready."

Decanders focused on her orders, her first task was to inform the two Empire-class ships to charge their missiles, second without saying she activated their own cannons, looking on as each of the ships within their group did so as well. "Emerson and Engel report missiles have been on the ready, and ours should be ready here in just a moment."

"A moment too long if the Alliance has any say, Decanders, advise the Emerson and Engel to fire when ready." He slowly approached his holomap, "advise the raptors to focus fire on this particular one, launch all advanced homing missiles." Commander Wilhuff's finger was pressed on the map at the blinking image of the enemy starfighter. He unknowingly targeted the lead starfighter, not that he was too terribly concerned, "maintain focus on the planet, Ensign Ocamin. Your efficiency is to be applauded." The ECM/ECCM or Electronic Warfare System would work to overload enemy starfighter sensors rendering them useless to their pilots, while the small task group focused on firing their missiles with their defenses at the ready to screen the starfighters.

Jumper One and Jumper Two worked with the Major as they moved wounded onto a stretcher. The Wrath was a smoldering wreck with the foul stench of death all around it, the smell of burnt skin, hair was hard to avoid. The sight of bodies piled on top of one another just another result of the crash. The Major herself was unaware of the exact specifics but she knew just from the look of it, some of these people were ready for the crash. Others in some futile attempt were trying to save the Star Destroyer and lost their lives to the cause. They were now on their second run, having delivered the first set of survivors to the FIV Guardian, the Guardian was now returning from the Hippocrates which had already put itself at risk by coming down into low orbit. "We're not going to get them all are we?" Jumper one asked as he wiped sweat from his brow, "we should bring more rescue ships."

"I'll call it in, but - I wouldn't hold your breath for it," Major Eldrel remarked as they moved the stretcher out to the top back to the landing site. The Guardian lowered down the cables. "It'll be alright Petty Officer, you'll be just fine, we're going to get you home soon," she says keeping the young man calm, and just as she turned to secure the stretcher the Petty Officer reaches out to her forearm asking her not to leave him. "I'm sorry, I have to get the rest, please let go."

She didn't have time to comfort him unfortunately as she watched his eyes tear up, poor sod would end up losing his legs but he was fortunate that that would be all he would lose on this day. Flashing the flashlight up, Jumper Two gave the signal to the crew up top who then began to crank the cables upward. They watched with cautious eyes as the stretcher rose, the second part of the rescue crew worked to secure their stretcher. Rescue Crew 51 for the FIV Balance also worked to secure their two stretchers. "Guardian, can you patch in to call for more ships? There is no way we're going to save anyone at this rate." Not that they were moving slow, no, quite the opposite they had all moved with urgency, but with only two actual rescue crews...


Cyone waited while looking at her own holomap, "we launch with the Engel, on my signal - three, two, one - fire."

Assault concussion missiles were launched toward the incoming fighter squadron, eight of them four from the Emerson, and another four from the Engel. She watched as their missiles were joined in by twelve of the advanced homing cluster missiles, the Stellaris no doubt would be preparing her baradium missiles cannons were turned and ready to engage the fighters as well. "Let's get in position between the Stellaris and our new friends, shall we?" She turned to look at Lieutenant Choi, and then to Reed. "LC." A smirk on her lips, the Commander knew not what sin [member="Charlotte Reed"] had committed that got her demoted, but the Commander was officially promoting her up a rank. "I want you on our ion cannons."

"Commander, incoming transmission from the Guardian. They're requesting more crews," Quentin informed the Commander, as Choi worked flight control for the Emerson. The two Empire-class vessels were maneuvering themselves into position above the Stellaris ready to engage the incoming fighter squadron. Furrowing her brows she knew they needed more rescue crews. A sigh as she looked over her shoulder, "Ensign call it in."

"Aye Commander."

Ensign Quentin punched in the request for more rapid response units, "they should be here soon, likewise, so should Admiral Yvarro."

"About bloody time," she cursed under her breath, "think the Balance could spare Bolt Pack Bravo?"

"Bolt Pack Alpha will maintain cover on the Guardian and Balance, Bolt Pack Bravo now en route to our position and ready to engage hostile forces." Quentin relayed the messages as soon as he got them on his console. "Stellaris continues to scramble Alliance frequencies."
skin, bone, and arrogance
ENGAGING: [member="Laira Vereen"] (maybe? hard to tell if we're the fighters she is talking about - please advise)
IN VICINITY: [member="Ludolf Vaas"] and his merry men
BOMBING THE KARK OUT OF: GA and Firemane forces at and around the Citadel of Dawn.

"Wrecker squadron, climb to point alpha six zero three and prepare to disgorge ordinance," Pierce ordered calmly into his comlink. "You have your tar -- what the hell was that?" Something that looked like netting streaked over the top of his canopy. It floated, bandied about by the gusts of icy cold wind, the far-reaching effects of the Dark Side storm being felt across the island. Whatever it was, it would come down at some point. "Scramble!" he shouted. "Get out from under whatever that is!"

The TIE Interceptors screamed, the engines whining under the strain of being tossed into a reckless maneuver at short notice. Pierce dove, nearly hitting the wall of a mountain pass as he scrambled to get out of the way of the net. "Regroup on me and pull around. Time to show that ugly ship what the First Order can do." He gritted his teeth, working his hands over his controls. "Pull up behind -- follow -- not too close, did you see the way it was sending fire back at the Quad Cannon? Patience -- we'll need to wait until her shields are weakened..." His voice trailed off. "Wrecker Squadron, you have your orders."

"But sir, at that altitude our strikes will not be optimal precision," responded Wrecker One. "We'd need to be at least three quarters of that altitude!"

Pierce nodded, examining his telemetry while he brought the remaining two wingmen around in another strafing attacking [member="Laira Vereen"] and her Rekali-class monstrosity. "There's something so fussy about the Mandalorian designs," Pierce mused into the channel, grey eyes scanning the sensor readings. "Hold your fire, gentlemen -- what in blazes..." He watched the Rekali-class rocket up, trading paint with [member="Ludolf Vaas"]' command walker, and then his sensor readout blipped. "Those shields are down! Fire, fire, fire! Double-front deflector shields and give that dirty rebel what for!" He twisted a knob, touched a switch, and his shields went double-front, just in case the Rekali-class's shields came back online. Meanwhile, he lined up his sights with her, the Interceptors easily able to track the ship's movements with its nimble maneuvering.

A whopping eighteen laser canons screamed hard green light at [member="Laira Vereen"]'s engines, leading the target expertly in a way that would have made Colonel [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] sit up and take notice. The three TIE/Ins moved as one -- almost -- and Pierce called into his comlink: "Prepare concussion missile, launcher aurek. Lock targets. Fire -- fox three!" The missiles launched within a fraction of a second of each other, but aiming for slightly different parts of the ship, so that if it juked this way or that, the missiles might still hit. But with the pilot so focused on [member="Ludolf Vaas"], it seemed unlikely that the ship would be able to dodge all the fire and continue to assault the walker effectively. But the Galactic Alliance and their friends seemed to be very lucky today; no damage from the First Order blockade as massive reinforcements arrived unscathed, and the seemingly indefatigable Dark Witch flinging Star Destroyers hither and thither, plus this insane weather -- well, their good luck streak had to end at some point, right?

"Prepare concussion missile, launcher besh. Lock targets. Fire -- fox three!" Another three concussion missiles reached out towards the ship, ready to rain destruction upon Rekali-class. "Pull off. We need to escort Wrecker Squadron on their bombing run, then we all need to restock," Pierce ordered, finally letting off the trigger as the First Order interceptors peeled away, climbing to escort the Reign bombers. "Wrecker Squadron, your hardware is too important to risk being caught by rebel fire. Your ordinance does not require precision; simply program your targeting computers to ensure that there are no First Order transponders or civilian forces in the danger zone."

Wrecker Squadron did as it was ordered, raining its payload of proton bombs down on the Citadel and those enemies of the First Order attacking the position there. The beauty of the Reign was that a squadron of eight -- which, conveniently, Pierce had at his command -- could level a mid-sized city flying low enough. But with each of the right dropping its enormous payload on a relatively concentrated area, even from a higher altitude, the destruction they could wreak was breathtaking. Pierce normally didn't like to see death; it was part of his job, to be sure, but he had a code of ethos and he didn't allow himself to enjoy it. But earlier that day, that horrible day, Pierce had seen the footage of Allied forces blasting the First Order's science facility to pieces with savage artillery, destroying the stockpiles of food and research equipment they had brought in peace, killing dozens who had come just to help. He had seen the destruction wrought by the Force Storm. Had heard reports of the FIV Wrath's destruction at the hands of some sort of Dark Force goddess, and the Galactic Alliance's indifference to Dark Force users on their side. He had seen death that day, and plenty of it, so as the proton bombs rained down upon them, exploding with massive, concussive force, he wasn't a bit sorry.

In fact, Pierce reflected as the bombers, payloads spent, headed for orbit under his watchful eye to refuel and re-stock...

...he was a little bit glad.
Objective: Pew Pew all the Things
Ship: Modded Rekali-class
Call Sign: Rakehell One
Engaging: [member="Pierce Fortan III"]
Allies: [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Arix Askrima"] [member="Tempest"] [member="Djacen Koyne"]
Enemies: [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Nils Brenner"] [member="Ishana Pavanos"] [member="Pierce Fortan III"]

And this is where things got fun.

Laira gripped the stick and held tight as she heard the lock threat warnings blaring out in her cockpit. The screen lit up with her secondary shields taking a pounding from a full squadron of TIE's. "Am I really worth that much with like, eight gunship squadrons running around?" She asked herself, watching the indicator for distance as she leveled off. This was where things got fun, and ugly. The top turret kept firing its conner nets at the fighters that had early streaked in front of her to intercept her first missile barrage, though it didn't have very many left in its magazine.

Rakehell was fast, but not First Order TIE fighter fast. Not quite. More X-wing fast under normal circumstances. Where she had benefits was TIE fighter's had crap maneuverability in atmosphere which gave her an edge. Her second edge was Mandal Hypernautics. "Activate Guidance Jammers and get brace Ee-eight. This one is gonna get bumpy." Guidance jammers would help some, keep the brunt of the TIE's missiles off of her, but not all. Not likely most. Stupid flying would handle most of the assault. <Hold on, hold on, hold on.> The TIE fighters were well within a kilometer, they had to be as most starfighters Zero'd their guns at two hundred fifty, five hundred meters.

<Now.> Laira jammed the lever forward, kicking the engines rotational thrusters into gear, bringing her to a very quick full kinetic stop, sitting dead in the air suddenly. One missile hammered her rear secondary shields, detonating in a flash while the others streaked overhead and underneath her feet along with a swarm of angry green bolts. With a jerk the vector engines lurched her in a straight line backwards in a streak of beskar and maniacal redheaded laughter, as the primary engines reoriented. Laira's blood was pumping, her heart pounding. She felt alive. She felt free in the cockpit of her ship.


With a smile, Laira clamped down on the accelerator, pressing the red button with her thumb. Boosters engaged, she could build up speed and keep up with her new targets, at least keep them busy but there wasn't a lot of hope for one gunship against a squadron of TIE fighters. TIE's should streak all around her as she suddenly stopped and lurched backwards a full kilometer.

Fiolette Fortan

Location: FIV Warspite, En Route to Kaeshana System
Objective: Eliminate All Hostiles
Allies: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | @Basileus Isauros
Enemies: Imperial Remnant, Galactic Alliance


"Nearing the system, Admiral." Lieutenant Galeway advised, "all ships report ready, locking into formation Rosco-Echo-Yin-One."

Fiolette switched her more than traditional Imperial-line up, favouring Rebel Alliance formations with a few modifications. The Warspite would play center piece with her inflictors at either side and the Fortans performing hit and runs, while the Daggers and Denials made up the starfighter screens. Retributions forward of the Warspite, Unity-class carrier cruisers forming a point around the Warspite. Bolt-class vessels operating in packs acting as Starfighter squadrons for the Task Force, while bombers and interceptors made their way into the fight joining the Concordia's fighters. Steadily the Warspite and others moved through hyperspace, the all too familiar blue streak providing all aboard the dreadnought some manner of comfort. While they were without the god-like weapons that the Alliance seemed to possess, Fio had faith that the First Imperial Military would still win the day. Even if they had been taken by surprise, caught off guard - something she was sure would never happen again.

"Please move at a bantha's pace, you know how that exhilarates me." Fio quips as a young Ensign approaches with a datapad, taking it from him she waves him off with her hand, "that's all."

Holding the datapad she begins to read the reports, she isn't phased by what she reads. Of course, "so the Galactic Alliances beds itself with Dark Side cultists? And here I thought they were to purge the Galaxy of them, seems to me they are no better than the Silver Jedi." It must be so hard to maintain your facade as a 'good' government when you've done nothing for those under your jurisdiction. "Force storm, force blizzard? Fascinating, next thing you know the Galactic Alliance will announce that they had no knowledge that they were Dark Side users." She sighs setting the datapad down on the seat of her chair. Rising, she squares her shoulders, "Lieutenant Galeway open a secure channel to our Task Force."

"Of course, Admiral."

"Attention Task Force 74, the Galactic Alliance and their Dark Side friends have brought down the First Imperial Vessel Wrath, do not let this news set you back from our goal." She holds her tone firm, "let it further serve to remind you of the lies that the Galactic Alliance continues to spread about our nation, about you, about all of us. We're the tyrannical First Order, we're an evil nation filled with evil people and we must be stopped. Clearly, we came in peace to study the world, to lend aid to its people and to develop it for the better. So of course, we're going to subjugate the world of Kaeshana." A pause, "and to prove that we are subjugating it, we'll bring our own Star Destroyer down, like some animal marking its territory." Another pause, "hold onto your anger, hold on to the hate the burns in your heart for those who murdered our brothers and sisters in arms. Let this fuel you as we prepare to engage in battle with the Galactic Alliance, Admiral Yvarro out."

Galeway cleared her throat that was certainly one way of putting it.

Fleet: Task Force 74
ETA: 1 Post, 2 Posts
1x Warspite-class, Dreadnought - 1
4x Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette - 1
2x Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser - 1
8x Dagger-class, Escort Frigate -1
4x Denial-class, Anti-Starfighter Frigate - 2
2x Retribution-class, Star Destroyer -2
3x Unity-class, Carrier Cruiser - 2
24x Bolt-class, Picket Corvette - 2
Total: 14,430m
Location: Northwest of the Citadel of Dawn, now moving further Northwest
Allies: [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Aizen"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"] / others in vicinity / see post
Enemies: Numerous / see post
En route: The rest of Legion Odile Vaiken with troops and armor

I'm going to be a father.

The thought lingered in Ludolf's mind as he continued to fire at [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], only briefly interrupted by his need to take cover as [member="HK-36"]'s droids returned fire. As he ducked behind the nearest rocky outcropping, the swelling affection for his as-yet-unborn child returned. Ludolf did not possess the Force in any meaningful way, but in that moment he was granted a vision of his progeny, flashing before his eyes instantly. The cherubic smile was accompanied by long, flowing brown hair and hazel eyes - an interesting mixture of Ludolf's blue and Marzena's brown. It was a girl.

Behind him, the AT-AT Sabercat had taken enough hits from [member="Laira Vereen"]'s torpedoes, along with everyone else's focus fire, that it was ready to crack. Its shields were completely down and even though it was a heavily-armored monstrosity, it was falling apart and almost completely destroyed. Ludolf knew that the writing was on the wall; his troops did not have enough air or ground support here, between the aerial attacks of [member="Choli Vyn"]'s squadron and [member="Tempest"]'s incoming artillery. They risked annihilation if they stayed here much longer.

"1168th Regiment, full retreat to the Northwest."

There was no choics but to order a fighting retreat into the mountains to the northwest. His regiment had done all they could for now; they had taken a beating, but they had managed not to break under fire, and importantly, they had provided a much-needed distraction for [member="BE-183"], [member="Brent Smith"], [member="FN-888"] and other forces in the Citadel of Dawn. Ludolf wasn't about to throw the lives of his men away for nothing. They would need to regroup and wait for the rest of the Legion Odile Vaiken to arrive, and then they could launch a counterattack.

[member="Joza Perl"] would not have much luck exploding the Tibanna canisters, as they were tucked within the head of the walker and not visible from the outside - but it didn't matter. The Sabercat was effectively destroyed by the Alliance's concentrated attack. Its crew was now abandoning the vessel, leaving it scrapped and smoking in the middle of the battlefield, and joining the rest of the Stormtrooper forces in retreating as they engaged a fighting withdrawal. The Marines she had sent in, however, would have a tough time indeed coming out alive, as they would find themselves literally surrounded by the heart of Vaas' regiment, facing fire from all sides as the Stormtroopers executed a fighting retreat. Their aim was to go further into the jagged mountains and cliffs, where enemy armor could not pursue. They would remain there until the rest of the Legion arrived, and Vaas would follow them.

I'm going to be a father...

His vision blurred again. Suddenly he was no longer on Kaeshana at all. He was... back on Dromund Kaas?

Ludolf's face was buried in the cold steel floor of the Imperial Intelligence training facility. His arms were completely numb. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the crisply shined boot of Cipher Three, his training instructor. Sweat poured down his face uncontrollably and onto the floor, which was quickly becoming a hot mess of sweat mixed with mud from his shoes. Surely he could do just one more push-up? He tried... and failed.

"You're weak, Recruit," Cipher Three spat at him with contempt. "You've been spending too much time in the arms of that pretty little singer you call a wife. Too much time in your comfortable little bed, wrapped in your warm little sheets on Dosuun. You think you're going to be an Agent? You've forgotten everything. Weak."

Ludolf blinked again. Kaeshana was back in his field of vision. He quickly ventured further up the mountain behind some of his Stormtroopers. He looked back once, just in time to fire off his slugthrower rifle and bury a few rounds into the chest of a TKO mercenary who had ventured too deep into enemy lines. Ludolf's head was inexplicably throbbing.

I'm going to be a....

//critical emotional reasoning error detected. personality override protocols engaging.\\

Ludolf winced as he threw himself behind a boulder, gripping his slugthrower with white knuckles. Instinctively, he began changing his magazine. He knew what was happening to him. It was only when he looked down that he noticed the holocomm with Marzena's frequency was still in his hand. Experiencing a sudden surge of energy, Vaas stood straight up behind the boulder. The holocomm dropped to the ground, and Ludolf cocked a head to the side, examining it curiously in the dust. Then his boot came down, and crushed it under heel.

Vaas checked his weapons briefly. Everything in order. He could hear Cipher Three's voice speaking to him behind his shoulder.

"Who are you?"

"Cipher Eighteen, Agent Ludolf Vaas." Cipher Three stared at him as Ludolf looked straight forward, a blank expression on his face.

"And whom do you serve?"

"The Sith Emperor."

Ludolf did not realize he was speaking out loud.

He cocked his rifle.
Location: Near the Citadel of Dawn, North-Eastern Hills.
Objective: Return to the Citadel.

Darth Vyrassu strode up the mountain. Before his lightsabre had even ended the existence of one of the snipers, at the top and base of his spine, he felt tingling. Faintly, fainter than usual, but still it was there. The sniper had taken time to focus the shot on his right armpit, likely because they didn't have a shot on his actually extended left arm.

Right forearm came up, gauntlet running parallel with his shoulder before the Light-Shield activated and deflected the bolt off somewhere above his head. By the time he looked up to see where it had come from, he only saw the retreating back of the sniper, but it made no difference. The zeltron before him would lose her life, but not before he delved into her mind via the Force. He wasn't the most proficient with such abilities, but she was wounded, mind askew, fearful, he used that to take advantage of her situation.

And once he found what he needed, he sheared head from body.

With a force aided jump, he was going after the Zeltron that had contacted her leader, [member="Joza Perl"]. Not her specifically, but only because she was heading in the direction of the Citadel, to which, he happened to be going. Who would've thought? That crimson lightsabre disappeared back onto his belt. The Sith Knight's armourweave cloak flapped behind him as he descended.

The moment [member="Ludolf Vaas"] in the for of 'Vaiken Command' contacted A'sharad through his comm, his cold voice split across the comms. "Enough." Excusable? Certainly not. But if Vyrassu wanted to hear what he needed to do, he would've made Lieutenant Rexus Wenck a Colonel long time ago and made him his second-in-command. Evidently, he had not. Not to mention how difficult it would be for A'sharad to lead his actual forces while causing mayhem behind TKO ([member="Dax Fyre"]) and Firemane forces.

In regards to [member="Aeron Kreelan"] and [member="Michael Sardun"] launching repulsor vehicles into the artillery walkers, well, needless to say, it happened. Vehicles that would otherwise be inanimate without the sentient hand of a driver tended to obey the Will of the Force over what their own occupants preferred. Hardly anything for the occupants of the FRT-01 to do as they went spinning through the legs of the walker and incapacitating it. Shame, but it collapsed like the ugly construct that it was.

In complete truth, the Sith didn't care about whether or not the entirety of the Regiment was massacred at the Citadel. Certainly it would've been a shame, but he bore no emotions to the deaths of his very own Legion. Merely additional supplements of fear and anger to empower his rage. And as if the Force had manifested them out of thin air, towards the Southern End of the Citadel's the three, long awaited Juggernaut transports had arrived, delivering both nine hundred stormtroopers and twelve FRT-01 tanks in total, along with the total number of eighteen dual-laser speeder bikes. Immediately, the fast moving speederbikes had set upon the Reaver tanks in Forward Contingent led by [member="Tempest"] and [member="Elpsis Elaris"]. Naturally, the twelve FRT-01's that rolled out also fired upon the Reavers while the laser cannons fired upon infantry that tried to assault other positions.

It was a bloody battle to say the least, and A'sharad saw all of it as the forces from both Santaissaand from the blockade arrived. Why stay in the useless city anyway? Had they needed it, they would've ventured there first, no. Should the removal of First Order forces prove to be a problem, then it was nothing an orbital bombardment couldn't solve. Besides, it wasn't as if the City was undefended. The friendly neighborhood blizzard acted a mask for much of their forces at this point, and one could only assume the lateness of the vehicles being due to the storm messing with communications. But if that wasn't enough, while the Potentias delivered their reinforcements to the Citadel, they remained to likely force the Forward Contingent into hiding with repeating laser cannons and turbolaser cannons mounted upon the tops. Certainly the side of Firemane and the Alliance had many heavy hitters in terms of the Force, but the First Order did as well, though in the form of non-sentient vehicles.

Back to the Southern End of the Courtyard, dozens of vehicles were coming over a ridge. Additional speeder bikes, artillery walkers, and even FRT-01's that enjoyed being tossed around like flimsiplast. Most of the vehicles weren't in range yet, however, the AT-CW's had a powerful cannon that could reach the enemy forces, all the way up the the mountain on the Northern-whatever hills, just a little beyond the Supreme Commander's own, now scattering forces. Seven shots rung out from the AT-CW's towards apparent infantry that crept out of the earth itself. Vehicles, infantry, whatever, chances were the outcome would be a mess of explosions.

In addition, that third and final Sabercat that the Supreme Commander had been asking for appeared, and it too, fired its Heavy Turbolaser, as many times as it could in as little time as possible to the enemy forces over the opposing hills. Long range death as thousands of stormtroopers charged into the Citadel from the South and South-West directions, further reinforcing the First Order's position against their troops. Meanwhile, Darth Vyrassu was cutting a path through the rear of the Kathol Outback Marines, deadset on his mission to getting back behind the Citadel walls to engage the likes of other Force users.

Citadel Defense Forces

  • 5113 Stormtroopers
  • 12 FRT-01's
  • 7 AT-CW
  • 26 VA Mark 2 Speeders
  • 12 AA/P-VW
  • 8 F4L-AW

Maurice Dalton

Yalara, New Vaiken Spaceport.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Commissioner?"

"Of course it is, there are thousands upon thousands of soldiers fighting for whatever it is that they believe in on Kaeshana." A pause. Then, "Kaeshana." Emphasis. "Not Chalcedon. I'll only be going there to make sure nothing happens." The emphasis, a different, more, sly sort of emphasis was placed on the words the second time around.

In truth, as his security guards escorted him onto the transport and they lifted up into space, the minutes that it took to get into orbit, leaving the gravity well, and then leaping into hyperspace?

Maurice certainly had no idea of what he was meant to do on Chalcedon.

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