Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Company: Mylls Survival Co.

Modification Made: Switching CEO's and Rebranding the company under a different names.
Rationale: As Bear Mylls is getting older he realized he needs someone else to run the company and to provide it with more ideas and lead it into a new and growing direction. The company will now be owned and operated under Voodoo Military Supply Co. under CEO [member="Felix Hardy"]

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • N/A
New Submission:
Corporation Name: Voodoo Military Supply Co. (VMS)

Headquarters: Demonsgate,

Locations: Demonsgate, Kesh

Operations: Combat/Survival Gear, Combat/Survival Weapons, Vehicle Building

Rationale: Bear Mylls father was a powerful political man who managed a significant amount of wealth. Bear, joined the army after school and became a very skilled soldier going into the special operations. After leaving the army he decided to take his skills that he learned about apply them to business. With his father's support he made a businesses (Mylls Survival Co.) to manufacture items that he thought would be useful for surviving in the wilderness, and in combat. After selling items for a few years he expanded off of Demonsgate to the nearby planet Kesh.

After many years of running the company he realized that he could not help it expand much more and that he needed someone else to lead the company with that he turned to a perfect candidate in Felix Hardy. A knowledgeable man he would help lead the company into new and different directions. With new ideas for ships, vehicles and weapons to be designed and produced in the future. The Company went through a re-branding phase and now goes under the Name Voodoo Military Supply Co. or (VMS)

Tier: Tier 2

Description: Bear Mylls made this company to support the men and women who wanted to venture into the unknown parts of the galaxy and make it out alive. In his dream, and in his birthplace of the Kathol Sector he bases his operation and sells his survival and combat gear out of the planet Demonsgate . Bear is not in it for the profit, he only does this to make quality equipment for the people that are willing to go and discover the unknown. All the equipment he makes and sells is personally tested in the wilderness by Bear himself, to prove its reliability and usefulness in the wilderness of the galaxy. In his making of the company he decided he would make vehicles that were going to be useful for people in the wilderness to live and survive out there for extended periods of time and using his father's money to add a section onto the main store to provide a workshop to build custom vehicles. Each item made is constructed out of the purest quality metals and designs to improve efficiency and usefulness. All credits made by sales are put into producing and obtaining more materials to make better and more reliable products. All products made by Voodoo Military Supply Co. has a 60 day credit return guarantee along with a 3 month expense paid repairs.

Now under their new CEO Voodoo supply Co. will be producing more advanced and superior items to put into the market and will also develop personal designs and produce them in the advanced facilities they house. CEO Felix Hardy has not made any statements about any new policies coming except that the 60 day credit return guarantee and 3 month expense paid repairs will remain for the time being.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Company: Arakyd Industries (x)

Modification Made: Rebranding to "House Verd, Incorporated.", Reorganizing submission to match current Template.
Rationale: Releasing Canonicity

New Submission:

House Verd, Incorporated.

Out of Character Information
Corporation Information

In the beginning, things were simple.

Arakyd Industries existed in a Galaxy characterized by constant strife, yet this did not deter the corporation from exploring the stars. For this aspiration did the company create a line of exploration droids which were responsible for putting the manufacturer on the map. With time, opportunity knocked rather soundly and Arakyd Industries began to expand. They boldly stepped into the market of creating starships and soon were a major contributor to the first generation of the Techno Union.

Under said banner did Arakyd continue to thrive for many years. New lines of droids were produced, new starship models were created; and all seemed to be going exceptionally well. Of course, in the wake of the Separatist Crisis there was a touch of decline, yet Arakyd continued the course until well after the restoration of the Republic. Then, after centuries of steady growth and success, the Gulag Plague struck. In but an instant, the foundation of all the corporation had built crumbled to ruin until only Darkness remained.

Then, against all odds, a family arose that saw the Arakyd name through the black. As the Galaxy recovered, so too did the corporation under the guidance of this dynasty. Although it was more than challenging, the company made a triumphant return to the Galaxy at large; and even resumed serving the Techno Union as it had done once before. However, this leadership did not last, for blackmail saw a new CEO installed...and soon thereafter, a literal deity saw that leadership displaced as well. Once again, Arakyd was tossed into turmoil until a decision was made regarding the future.

The Board of directors reached out to a certain Mandalorian, who almost instantly gave the company a new breath of life. As his first act, he bolstered the wounded corporation with new assets and set them on the path to innovate for decades to come. Although saturated, the militant market has yet another exceptional contender, and it's name is now House Verd, Incorporated.


What began with blackmail ended with success.

Arakyd Industries was once a notable corporation prior to the Gulag Plague. Throughout history it provided its customers with exceptional arms and vessels; whilst also remaining quiet enough to evade complete dominance by one particular government or another. When the Darkness hit, Arakyd was almost wiped out along with trillions of lives; yet against all odds it managed to endure. Although the recovery process took quite a long time, the corporation managed to get back on its feet in the modern era.

Then, the changes began.

The first began with a skillful display of blackmail by [member="Phoebe Draclau"]. She, wielding information that could have potentially ruined the former CEO and the company's reputation, wielded what she knew until ownership and control was passed to her. From this position, Phoebe boldly led Arakyd into a new age of prosperity...yet vanished when a Galaxy-wide calamity struck. A celestial by the name Akala rampaged about, causing billions to vanish into the void. In the wake of this grand disappearance, complete and utter chaos reigned.

Arakyd did its best to hold together, but without proper leadership the company's future was bleak. As such, they began seeking options to replace the capable CEO that had previously taken control. After a thorough search, their prime candidate was someone rather close to Phoebe: her estranged husband Isley. A capable businessman in his own right, Isley was uniquely familiar with the inner workings of Arakyd Industries and could possibly be the leader the corporation needed. When the Board approached him with their offer, they were met with more than they expected.

Not only would he accept, but he paved the way for Arakyd Industries to completely absorb his former corporation: Stargo Defense Enterprises. Then bolstered by numerous holdings and new technologies, Arakyd Industries was now stronger than ever under the leadership of Isley Verd. As time moved ever forward, it became evident that further change was in order. Between hard times and a brush with death, Isley Verd decided to rebrand his company entirely. Gone was the ancestral name and favor of his legacy. House Verd, Incorporated.


The Admiralty
Company: Czerka Mining & Industrial

Modification Made: Tier up.
Rationale: Did the work

Pertinent Development Threads

Sign a contract with two other different factions or organizations. (May be NPC).
⊿ [ Contract With Miriel Government ]
⊿ [ Contract with Trade Station Outer Rim ]

Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.

Display growth through one active expansion of your company.

New Submission: Change Tier to III and add ⊿ Felucia to the location list. (It isn't a bullet list, instead I used indent to get it that way).
[member="Darth Pikiran"] - Apologies I was looking at the company upgrades, not workshop. My mistake! Congrats on your promotion to T3!

[member="Mobius"] Have the new owner resubmit the submission as it is and I will archive the original. Make a note for the judge to this post in your submission.

[member="Titan"] Please resubmit the company as a new submission and I will archive the original. Make a note for the judge to this post in your submission.

[member="Aver Brand"] Congrats on your promotion to T3!
[member="Bear Mylls"] Have the new owner resubmit the submission as it is and I will archive the original. Make a note for the judge to this post in your submission.

[member="Malok"] Updated

[member="Dalan Vaine"] Congrats on your promotion to T3!

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
I would like to request Firemane be allowed to make Phrik their signature speciality item, as below for Tier 6 companies.

Is able to select a single Restricted Material specialty they are able to utilize at a max production of Semi-Unique (Only A Handful of Characters) with no restricted material mission required. (Excluding Impervium, Orbalisk, Stygium, Void Stone, and Wintrium) Limit one per writer regardless of company. (( IE A Tier 6 may select "Beskar" as their RM Speciality and be able to submit submissions without an RM mission objective at a max of Semi-Unique))
Company: Zareca Cartel
Modification Made: Tier up.
Rationale: Did the work

Pertinent Development Threads:
Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
⊿ Helix: [x]
⊿ Wretched Hive: [x]
⊿ The Remnant Empire: [x]

Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.

Display growth through two active expansions of your company.

Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
Zareca expands into different businesses to diversify their profits, from pirating to lumber and eco-tourism.

New Submission: simply change the tier from 3 to 4.

Rick Kaloo

Company: Ne-Cal Military Space Engineering

Modification Made: Tier up (I-II)
Rationale: Filled out the requirements

Pertinent Development Threads:
Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC).
Hope - Ne-Cal joins the Galactic Alliance
Make at least three limited-production products in the Factory OR three company operations specific submissions in the Codex.
Essex-class starfighter killer
Pelta II-class frigate
Lekai-class scoutship
Display growth through one passive expansion of your company.
Some Like it Hoth [Galactic Alliance Invasion of First Order Hoth|Bespin Hex - The Defiance, a Ne-Cal ship, engages First Order vessels. Rick Kaloo commands the Defiance. Thread is currently ongoing.
Display growth through one active expansion of your company.
The Two Way Military - Ne-Cal begins tank production

New Submission:

Ne-Cal Military Engineering

  • Image Source: Freepik
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: Ne-Cal Military Space Engineering
  • Corporation Name: Ne-Cal Military Engineering
  • Headquarters: Mon Calamari
  • Locations: Mon Calamari
  • Operations: Starship Production, Armored Vehicle Production, Ship-Mounted Weapons (Turbolasers, proton torpedoes, etc.)
  • Tier: 2
Ne-Cal Military Space Engineering was a successful business, even if it was localized. Eventually, the time came to expand the company to not just make starships and their weapons system, which used to be the primary focus of Ne-Cal, but also armored vehicles. The company quickly gained new members and influence, growing steadily larger.

Ne-Cal Military Engineering edited the original star logo of the company slightly, and added a meaning to it. The rays of light coming from the star now represents Ne-Cal expanding in all directions, which it is on the path of doing. The center of the star represents the core of the company, the administrators and other officers who make sure the company runs smoothly.

Ne-Cal Military Engineering's main naval focus now is to make swift and nimble support corvettes, balanced escort and assault frigates, and the occasional war-cruiser (Ne-Cal word for a heavy assault cruiser). With new money from its expansion, ships came out at a faster rate than ever before.

A new part of Ne-Cal, an armored vehicle branch, was created. Its focus is on making armored vehicles, from troop transports to heavy tanks. The armored vehicle branch and naval branch of Ne-Cal all have offices in The Blade, Ne-Cal's current HQ. There are certain offices where the two branches can meet up and discuss their issues.

Rick Kaloo, being the president of Ne-Cal Military Space Engineering, remained president when his company changed to Ne-Cal Military Engineering. He continues to hold responsibilities on the fate of the company, and how much prosperity mass expansion will bring the company. He occasionally meets with a representative from the naval and armored vehicle branch, discussing the issues of the company and its designs. He represents both branches in political meetings. Rick is working harder than ever, but his sharp brain helps him through.


  • N/A


Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Company: Star Tours
Modifications made: Tier-up to tier-6, addition of Commenor, Yuuzhan'tar, Pax Insul, Gilaria, Skor II, Zonju V, Taris, Gravlex Med, Mirial, Serenno, Trian, Hijarna, Rakata Beta, Kaeshana to locations
Rationale: Expansion of business
Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with two major factions OR Tier-V+ companies.
Complete three passive growth threads.
Complete three active expansion threads.
Successfully complete a project of colossal proportions. (open entertainment facilities, spaceports and routes across the galaxy)
282 posts

Obtain the sponsorship of a major faction.

New submission:


Image source: My photobucket

Corporation Name: Star Tours

Headquarters: Dosuun

Locations: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal), Tomorrowland Spaceport (Eriadu), Ringo Vinda, Nar Shaddaa, Lanever Villecham Starport(Hosnian Prime), Bant'ena Fhernan Starport (Lanteeb), Flashpoint Spaceport (Cademimu), Spaceport Derretowa (Morellia), Lipsec, Jiroch-Reslia, Geonosis, Dulvoyinn, Xal 3, Gandle Ott, Rakata Beta, Druckenwell, Riflor, Hoth, Ziost, Vorzyd V, Dosuun, Coruscant, Endor, Commenor, Mindabaal, Luminoss (Yuuzhan'tar), Pax Insul, Gilaria, Skor II, Zonju V, Taris, Gravlex Med, Mirial, Serenno, Trian, Hijarna, Rakata Beta Spaceport (Rakata Beta), Kaeshana Spaceport (Kaeshana)

Operations: Interplanetary travel, entertainment

Rationale: Using the proceeds of a moneylaundering scheme involving a sizeable number of nova crystals, Dunames purchased a fleet of ships, mostly light freighters. And she then proceeded to hire pilots and make a schedule of routes for interplanetary travel. At the beginning, she also used Star Tours to smuggle and implement her own moneylaundering scheme, involving security deposits. But, in order to operate in First Order space, she had to modify the way she conducts smuggling to appear legitimate. In the end, these efforts paid off and the space line is operational.

Tier: 6

Description: Star Tours operates space flights from their original six bases, Spaceport THX1138, Tomorrowland Spaceport, Nar Shaddaa, Hosnian Prime, Lanteeb and Ringo Vinda using a fleet made up of over one hundred ships, which they use for regular passenger services as well as for vacation packages. They also offer two levels of cargo services: some clients are content with using Star Tours as they would any other space shipping company, while others would desire, at a premium, which includes a security deposit, to have their cargo delivered safe from prying eyes and paying another layer of extra as security deposit if they need to schedule a stop due to the cargo necessitating a rush delivery. For this reason, some have been known to use Star Tours as a means of smuggling cargo and/or laundering money.

Cargo services have since expanded to include interplanetary travel of bulk freight, as well as of luxury cruises, with the advent of the Maersk-class bulk freighter in Star Tours service. As with its main supplier of starships, Star Tours swears to operate only using ships capable of landing on planets. In addition, Star Tours has been voted Most Improved Spaceline in 845 ABY by Hyperspace Traveler thanks to all seats being outfitted with holotrays for in-flight entertainment, meals designed from traditional cuisine at the endpoints of each flight, as well as a wide selection of in-flight duty-free shops. Its weekly in-flight magazine, Taking Off on a Star Tour, also covers the implication of the main galactic events on either their own activities or tourism at large, in addition to covering highlights of select destinations. Due to its involvement in the First Order's bread-and-circuses, Star Tours is nowadays more closely associated to the First Order especially since it systematically sponsors podraces in First Order space, and even deployed a ski resort on Mount Ison. Most importantly, it is one of the many sponsors of the Galactic Games.

In recent years, it is most notable for being the preeminent First Order shipping company. It has greatly expanded its network and entertainment offerings, both within and outside First Order space and, in recent years, it also operated a variety of entertainment facilities and spaceports, such as an amusement park on Jiroch-Reslia, a cinema complex on Druckenwell and a podrace track on Mindabaal. Finally, it started contributing to reconstruction efforts on Endor, Mindabaal and Rakata Beta, as well as completing its major project of rebuilding all the spaceports destroyed by the Primeval in what formerly was Primeval space.

Subsidiaries: Taking Off on a Star Tour (media)

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source:
Company: SoroSuub Corporation

Modification Made: Editing company rationale to reflect demotion of Nathanos Darksword from PC to NPC and Miel Tevv as the new subaccount name.
Rationale: A minor retcon made in the interest of maintaining clarity as to the primary parties involved in the direction of the company.

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • N/A
New Submission:
[SIZE=13.3333px]Corporation Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] SoroSuub Corporation[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.3333px]Sullust[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.3333px]Sullust System[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.3333px]A massive Sullustan Corporation, SoroSuub's central business venture is mineral processing. The company has numerous divisions and subdivisions, however, undertaking everything from energy mining to food packaging. SoroSuub's technology divisions develop weapons of every type, starships and vehicles, droids, communications devices, and virtually anything else the galaxy requires.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Eora Nunb came to the position of CEO through sheer hard work and continued loyalty to the company. Her position was gained after years of toiling and laboring until she reached the pinnacle of her dreams.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]When the Galactic Alliance took an interest in the corporation Eora Nunb took a backseat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Now, Admiral Sieb Tevv, former foreman of SoroSuub's mining operations, works closely with engineers from SoroSuub in Research and Development, while PR whiz @Miel Tevv oversees marketing and outreach. The two have joint equity in the corporation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Tier:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] 4[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.3333px]SoroSuub employs roughly half the population of the planet Sullust, which gives natives a strong sense of loyalty to the industry brand. The Sullustan work ethic is often said to be derived from this centuries long partnership between corporate and citizen interests.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Utilizing Sullust's vast geothermal potential and volcanic activity to enhance factory productivity[/SIZE], SoroSuub dwarfs neighboring competitors in sheer output alone.

[SIZE=13.3333px]The corporation allied with the newly expanding Omega Protectorate years ago, but when [/SIZE]the Protectorate fell uncertainty loomed in the forms of the One Sith to the north and the Techno Union to the East. In due time, the Alliance sprang up and outlived both these threats to become a new beacon of hope in the galaxy.

Eager to help the cause of freedom, SoroSuub readily supplies the Alliance with the tools it needs to continue to protect the freedom of all liberty loving species.

Subsidiaries: AskrimaCorp

Parent Company: N/A

Development Line:

OOC: Formerly owned by Eora Nunb, who is inactive. Valiens posted the submission after the board wipe. Transfer of ownership requested.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Company: IGR Brokerage
Modifications made: Addition of Karfeddion, Kriselist, Jabor, Aaris III, Shawken, Sullust, Denon, Lothal, Midvinter, Inysh, Skor II, Abregado-Rae to locations, addition of humanitarian aid to operations, promotion to tier-5
Rationale: Expansion of business
Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier-V+ companies.
Make an additional two passve expansions.
Make an additional three active expansions.
Successfully complete a project of massive proportions (200+ posts; rebuild more devastated planets and provide humanitarian aid in the process)
182 posts

Obtain the sponsorship of a major faction.

New submission:

Corporation Name: IGR Brokerage

Headquarters: Malastare

Locations: Azure, Chandrila, Naboo, Elrood, Dulvoyinn, Coruscant, Arcadia-N-30, M'haeli, Gala, Athos IV, Geonosis, Ringo Vinda, Karfeddion, Kriselist, Jabor, Aaris III, Shawken, Sullust, Denon, Lothal, Midvinter, Inysh, Skor II, Abregado-Rae

Operations: Real estate brokerage, real estate development (construction), land reclamation, insurance, banking, humanitarian aid

Rationale: Ugohr Poof founded IGR Brokerage as a means of putting the looted money from his campaigns on Malastare and Zaloriis to good use, away from the temptations of the dark side of the Force. He decided that, since he couldn't afford developing real estate projects, even on inexpensive Malastare, he'd simply broker real estate deals instead. Cathul bought the corporation in the wake of Ugohr's arrest, on behalf of Clan Lok. Since Cathul owned the corporation, she greatly expanded their sphereof activity. Now the corporation is also a general contractor as well as a land reclamation company.

Tier: 5

Description: Ugohr was taught that too much liquidities from battlefield loot would render a Jedi vulnerable to turning to the dark side of the Force, so he invested the money in a business venture to stave off the dark side of the Force. Unfortunately, because the sale of lightsabers is highly restricted, Ugohr decided to go into real estate instead. Because, unfortunately, as a Galactic Alliance general, he had a hectic life, Ugohr is simply a stake holder, and has very little actual interaction with the day-to-day operations of the company. Also, IGR Brokerage is part of the GMLS (Galactic Multi-Listing System)

InterGalactic Realty Brokerage, better known as IGR Brokerage, is, simply put, a full-service real estate brokerage firm, where clients will get the best deal possible for their property, either for sale or for lease. With the blessing of the Galactic Alliance, Ugohr was authorized to open the Naboo and Elrood offices, serving the eastern and southern Alliance regions respectively. IGR Brokerage also bought a failing real estate brokerage startup on Coruscant; the One Sith being desperate at the time for fresh economic blood, it looked past the buyer's connections to the enemy, and the nascent Coruscant office, as a result, was playing with fire, until Operation Blackout resulted in an Alliance victory, and now operates without fear during its reconstruction. It will not charge clients any fees until the sale is completed and all fees will be made clear in writing before a client chooses to do business with IGR Brokerage. With IGR Brokerage, rest assured that the desires of clients will be respected to the fullest extent of the law and that properties will be treated with care.

Since Operation Blackout several high-profile properties were sold through IGR, including several secret bunkers and the former IAI corporate headquarters on Kalee. It also sponsors the Outer Rim House Hunter's Show, aired on Gungan-owned Battleon Town News, and is also one of the major parties of the Galactic Alliance Planetary Development Project, with IGR Brokerage pledging to act in its name on Malastare and Dulvoyinn. Also, looking outside Alliance-land, it also opened an office on Arcadia-N-30. Nevertheless, in light of Ugohr's crimes (which have nothing to do with real estate), he felt he had no choice but to sell the stake he used to hold, forcing the company to change hands to Mandalorian interests. Ironically Cathul owning the corporation on behalf of Clan Lok caused the corporation to return to Alliance interests since her operation of the corporation caused her to undertake a journey due to it having developed construction and land reclamation, using it for the greater good of the galaxy.

Ownership: 100% Clan Lok

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source: N/A


Well-Known Member
Company: Merr-Sonn, Inc

Modification Made: New Name || New Image || Mention of Name Change in Sub || Account Change too [member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]
Rationale: No longer wanting the canon claim

Pertinent Development Threads: None

New Submission:


Source: Zedge
Corporation Name: Ahvulan
Previously Named: JAC (James Armor Companies) and MSI (Merr-Sonn, inc)
Headquarters: Val'hala
Locations: Tera Lush, O'reen, Courscant, Korriban, Styx, Bespin, Proxida
Operations: Arms Manufacturing, Vehicle Creation, Droid Manufacturer, Armor Creation, Bacta Distribution, Charity Fundraisers, Organic and Generic Starships, Starship Tech, Weapons Tech, Medical Aids
Rationale: Before appearing a few months ago from his Universe, Valashu had learned quite a bit about monetary values, profits, and losses. Through this, upon entering Chaos, he made haste to learn of the Galactic economy. In doing so he came upon the once grand Merr-Sonn Munitions. Instantly, he made bids, all with the understanding that this place, this Universe, was a place he could change his life. In purchasing the corporation, he had opened the chance to creating a good life; as well as helping the Galaxy as whole while making a nice profit.

JAC, James Armor Companies, was originally funded and paid for by Zaiden James. It was small at first, growing in size quickly, thanks in part to the inheritance that came upon finding he was a Count of Coruscant.

The new and improved Merr-Sonn Inc, is a combination of the two. With heavy teachings in many styles of war aesthetics, the money to do such was easily found on both sides.

With its recent trade back in owners, Zaiden chose a new name for the company: Ahvulan.

Tier: 4

Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc., also known as MSM, was one of the three top weapons manufacturers in the Galaxy, during the time of the New Republic, falling only slightly below BlasTech in total revenues.

Merr-Sonn had been in existence for thousands of years and first began its rise to power during the Great Sith Wars and the Mandalorian Wars during both of which the company sold weapons to the Mandalorians. Merr-Sonn did well again during the Clone Wars, providing weapons and equipment to the CIS and the Galactic Republic. The company was neutral during the Galactic Civil War—because its holdings were very widely spread out—and remained highly autonomous during the New Republic.

The company boasted a huge line of personal and vehicle weapons in addition to artillery and starship weapons, electronic targeting systems, and personal defenses. Subsidiary companies produced everything from heavy artillery to siege weapons. They also rounded off their product line with electronic sights, armor, and other targeting equipment.

But then Gulag Virus struck, and what remained it seemed, would never again regain title of a powerhouse in the galaxy. It dwindled until nearly nothing could be done without fighting amongst owners, investors, and workers. Eventually however it would be sold, despite the wishes of its owners.

After passing around for a time, a man, known as Valashu Bonkai, would spend the required monetary value to purchase the entirety of the organisation. With such he also gained rights to weapons crafted by them, their vehicles, basically all things owned by or made by them. Next came the move.

Leaving behind all of the factories and warehouses once used, Valashu believed it best to start over, moving the headquarters to Tera Lush. Once there, he also established a small factory on the some what distant Val'hala, as means to keep shipments easier to other factions and people alike!

After getting the ball rolling, making a bigger name for himself, Valashu befriended a slightly higher up Exec. Damien Daemon. The owner of JAC was at first gruff, and though it took a bit, they became somewhat close allies. After such a relation came to a head, Damien confided in Valashu that he was utterly tired of the life style. He didn't wish to simply give up everything he called his own, but at current he had something big in the works, and so the deal was laid on the table.

Everything that JAC had, would be gifted to Merr-Sonn through the merger: land, warehouses, rites, contracts, even their fleet. Under the pretext that Valashu allowed Damien the continued steady income. Valashu would appear the sole owner, while Damien maintained half parental rights.

Recently, with times having changed, Valashu made a shift that allowed SS Shipmaker, MSI AC and MSI ASD, to be absorbed into MSI. This allowing a much more centralized control system, while also allowing transporting, defending, and contracting to be simpler. Accompanying this comes the addition of Organic Ships being added to the companies capabilities.

With its recent trade back in owners, Zaiden chose a new name for the company: Ahvulan.

Subsidies: HomeLand Buffets
Company: Heartbeat House
Modification Made: Tier up to V
Rationale: Tier up
Pertinent Development Threads:

Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies:
Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.

[*]Make three company operations specific submissions in the Codex

Display growth through three active expansions of your company.

Successfully complete a project of immense proportions. [Expansion of humanitarian aid] [~197]

Obtain the permanent sponsorship of a major faction, OR the sponsorship of a different Tier 6 Company that is not a previous contract, OR a substantial expansion in another way.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Heartbeat House

Headquarters: Lianna City, Lianna

Locations: Lianna, Ashira’s Light, Coruscant, Zeltros


Main Operations:
  • Entertainment
  • Dance Instruction
  • Cosmetics and Beauty
  • Humanitarian Aid
Minor Operations:
  • Textiles
  • Covert Weapons and Armor
  • Force Imbued Items
  • Non-Combat Starships

Rationale: A dancer by profession during her most of her life, Joza Perl was trained on Zeltros, the galaxy's party capital. Even though she left her home for more galactic pursuits, Joza continued to occasionally take to the stage in order to both alleviate homesickness and make a few credits. No longer satisfied with giving simple performances, Joza opened a small studio in the urban center of Lianna in order to pass on her skills and make headway into the entertainment industry by hiring out performers. her name in the entertainment industry.

Heartbeat House has expanded steadily over the years and has successfully penetrated the entertainment industry, purchasing and building clubs, brothels, spas and resorts. The company is also heavily involved in providing humanitarian aid to the galaxy, focusing on the enslaved and civilians on war-ravaged worlds. This is marked by the production of numerous clinics, medical ships and aid teams sent to hot zones in order to extract and treat innocents caught in the crossfire of war and other deadly events.

Tier: V


Heartbeat House has several instructors that teach various forms of exotic dance and entertainment. The company has a steadily growing cache of trained dancers who are available to be hired out for various events, subject to approval from Joza.

Though not known to the public, the basement level of Heartbeat House serves as a safe haven for runaway and escaped slaves. The idea occurred to Joza after she aided in the rescue of a young Twi’lek dancer who was to be sold as a slave, Amirah. Joza offered Amirah a paid position as a Heartbeat House dancer, but upon learning that the Twi’lek had nowhere else to go, allowed her to stay in the studio until she got back onto her feet. Now that she has more space and a place to fit the wayward souls, Joza works privately with her own contacts to shelter ex-slaves with nowhere else to go. In exchange, they work as dancers, housekeepers and security for her until they reunite with their families or earn enough to establish themselves elsewhere, should they wish to. Heartbeat has several safe houses on different planets for this purpose.

Heartbeat’s expansion is marked by the debut of several pheromone infused cosmetics which inspired the opening of a boutique next door to the studio that sells body care products, clothing and accessories. Special ordered textiles as well as covert weaponry and armor can be purchased over the holonet or in private business deals. Heartbeat is a huge proponent of abolition and often shelters refugees from slavery, war and other conflicts while providing psychiatric and medical aid. Several medical and refugee stations have been built to reflect this and expand the care that Heartbeat can offer to the galaxy. In addition, Heartbeat has built several clinics on various worlds in order to help bring more accessible health care to those who need it.

Aside from aid, Heartbeat’s other main focus is in the entertainment industry. The company owns several clubs of varying class on Zeltros and Coruscant, and has its own line of dancers for hire.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Company: Imperial State Hypernautics

Modification Made: Tier II to III
Rationale: I have done the things.

Pertinent Development Threads:New Submission: Same as old, sans Tier change
[member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Vulgrim Blackwell"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Miel Tevv"] [member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="T'yr Dellos"] - Updated

[member="Dunames Lopez"] Please provide the link to the actual company submission, not the marketplace.

[member="Darth Pikiran"] If you want the account associated with this submission to be changed you will need to resubmit the company under that account, and notate the request for the change to the factory judge in your submission so that the existing submission is archived.
[member="Dunames Lopez"]

I am having difficulty finding the confirmation of the contracts by the GA And TKO (ORC), as well as the permanent sponsorship of the dominion. These need to have been confirmed by those parties at some point. Do you have a link to the three? Or the confirmation of those faction owners/admins?


Well-Known Member
I guess I will do that at a later point. [member="Jamie Pyne"]

To clarify, if able I would still like the edit done, as a temp thing. Ill post it up properly under a new account etcetera, at a later time. As is, is fine.
Company: The Sitra Trade Group

Modification Made: Re-linking Image Links so they display properly.
Rationale: Stupid Image Hosting went and bailed on me.

New Submission:

Intent: Set up the start of Alasdair Sitra’s Legitimate Corporate Journey.
Development: If requested.
Image Source: [Created by me]

Corporation Overview:
Corporation Name: Sitra Trade Group
Headquarters: Kal’Shebbol
Tier: II

Rationale: Alasdair took full advantage of the Kathol Outback’s most recent expansions due to Underground involvement and the removal of Black Rose influence that held the area under their grasp for so much time. He established a small movement business of sorts on Kal’Shebbol, allowing him to hire himself out to the highest bidders in order to make some easy credits. Eventually these credits became heavy as more and more external investors began to need safe and reliable transport around the Outback.

Alasdair took his time to expand into several other areas of the Outback and eventually spread his influence outside of just the Outer-Rim. He established several key warehouses and offices that would give him the means to set his eyes on the true prize, galactic wide coverage and an equally large bank account.



Kal’Shebbol is a vast trading planet that sits along the Trition Trade Route, and is commonly associated as the sector’s capitol. A planet of endless plains and farms Alasdair established his first warehouse and storefront in the busy through-traffic following the Outbacks removal of foreign power for the first time in many years. The store-front on Kal’Shebbol is considered to be the Headquarters of the Sitra Trade Group, a logistical base from where all the other properties are alerted to their tasks.


Karideph, the home of the Kari has a vast history in being rich in minerals and as such was the Sitra Trade Groups second home during the initial years of being established. Alasdair set up his first warehouse and also import centre for technologies that he could begin to adapt into his newly found workload. From Karideph the STG orchestrates it’s transporting offices along with those on Kal’Shebbol to assure that the Outback is never without what may be needed.


Demonsgate is a hellish platform for any business. Yet the STG has managed. While currently small the set-up on Demonsgate has been well designed to begin the STG’s first movements into direct-from-source transport. Basically taking the minerals directly from the ground itself and moving it to the companies that need them. Already contracts are beginning to be drawn up for this prospect.






“In the worst places of the galaxy it is nice to know that somebody can have your back. At the Sitra Trade Group we pride ourselves on being that somebody.

We are dedicated to the means provided in order to assure that any or all transport necessities for the colonies of the Outback and beyond are met, as well as being at the forefront of exploration into the unknown borders of the galaxy.

The STG will be the first contact for many new worlds and the most reliable for many old ones. A promise that we always are prepared to deliver!”

The Sitra Trade Group is a business venture by the two-bit rimmer Alasdair Sitra. It has been designed from the ground up to allow Alasdair, a pilot and rogue by trade to take his skills into making some easy credits. At the core it is an honest expansionist business, carrying legitimate causes and goods as well as taking contracts from those who wish to expand their horizons. Yet beneath it all the truth of Alasdair’s credit account hover within the shadows, and occasionally the rumours that company is used to fund the darker side of life always get risen in the Kathol.
Company: The Integalactic Monetary Fund

Modification Made: Tier 2 to tier 3 / Updating continuity with storyline events / Adding new operations / Adding new NPC
Rationale: Tier 2 to tier 3 / Updating continuity with storyline events

Pertinent Development Threads:

[*]Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.

[*]Passive Objective 2 - Make three mass-produced products in the Factory. (For Tier 2+ and equals to one passive company expansion)

[*]Display growth through one active expansion of your company.
  • Active Objective 1 - Secure investors for your company
    I would give a lot - ​Investment secured from Amelia Sorenn Syrush

New Submission: (Enclosed in spoiler below)

  • Image Source: Myself
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: If required
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Intergalactic Monetary Fund
  • Headquarters: Mygeeto
  • Locations: N/A
  • Operations: Droids, Starships, Weapons Systems, Energy production systems
  • Tier: Tier 3
The Intergalactic Monetary Fund is a materialistic driven, hard working and determined company who is dedicated to ensuring the fair treatment and distribution of resources, at least, that's what their website says. In reality, it is owned by 2 individuals who use it as a front to justify their sick twisted desires. In planets where it operates, governments are forced into less than favorable contracts that often lead to political instability. In the small print, The IMF agrees to assist in the madness, in exchange for assuming direct control of the provincial government until they deem otherwise.

Among other things, they subsidize public expansion and providing necessary firearms to those in need of it. (For a hefty price), it wouldn't be too difficult to find them instigating wars for the purpose of profit, and perhaps to shift out of date stock. They are the embodiment of corporate capitalism with no restrictions. All goods manufactured come from industrial droid factories which produce cheap models sold off at outrageous prices, and for good measure, pollution which damages the environment, with good reason. The numerous buildings used to produce such goods would be far too expensive if they were "clean and green."

The company was founded by Serenity Loveheart, her sister, a supposedly dead scientist and a group of very wealthy individuals wanting a place on the Director's board in exchange for lump sums of money at regular intervals. In truth, the former 3 are not the bulk of wealth sustaining this, the various tycoons seeking to exploit planetary resources are.

The current director's board consists of over 50 members, the two largest share holders being Natalie LaForte and Lunara Ochenta

Their new found independence has caused expansion from The Sith Ascendancy, though they are still their largest supplier of goods

  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

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