Tir Stunner - A highly effective Stun Blaster capable of even paralyzing Rancors.
SI-17 Stealth Blaster - Fires Completely Silent & Invisible Bolts
SI-74 Anti-Tank Rifle - Heavy Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle
VT-Needle Disruptor - A powerful disruptor that pierces all forms of armor including Phrik, Beskar, and Vonduun Crab Armor
VT-Disruptor Missile - A ship-born missile used for massive internal damage on capital grade vessels
VT-SI-19 Stealth Sniper Rifle - Completely silent and undetectable Sniper Rifle
VT-SDC 13 - Ultimate Anti-Tank Weapon capable of piercing any armor
VT-RAM Disruptor - Incredibly power Disruptor pistol capable of piercing even Beskar
VT-LRS Rifle - A long range high powered Armor Piercing rifle. Utilizes
Special Ammunition.
VT-Sliid Gun - A Highly versatile dart gun using
customize-able ammunition
VT-Bolt Blaster - A pistol utilizing bowcaster technology.
VT-Planetary Defense Array - A powerful long range planetary defense weapon
SI-HD Armor - Holographic Disguise Armor
Asheran Armorweave - High Quality Lightsaber&Blaster Resistant Armorweave
VT-Kinetic Impact Gel - Highly kinetic Resistant Underarmor
VT-Shark Skin - Highly Flexible Asheran Armorweave
VT-Vonduun Skerr Karamik - An anti force-user armor that renders the wearer resistant to the force.
VT-Grav Armor - A highly mobile light armor
Directed Charge - Anti-Personnel Armor explosive
VT-Grav Glove - Repulse Glove that Mimics Force Push/Pull
VT-Repulse Glove - A Cousin of the Grav Glove capable of reflecting and pushing things away
VT-Disruptor Lens - Lightsaber Modification that allows one to cut through Yuuzhan Vong Amphistaffs and Vonduun Skerr Kyrric * Requires Thread
VT-Observation Satellite - A reconnaissance satellite launched from any ship to be used by ground troops
VT-Portable Shield Generator - A powerful mobile shield generator
VT-CERS - Cybernetics capable of enhancing strength, speed, and reaction time
VT-DB Datapad - An extremely durrable Datapad.
VT-FD Mask - A mask capable of locating and detecting force users in line of sight
VT-Disruption Cutter - A tool capable of cutting more efficiently and effectively than a Plasma Cutter
VT-Morp Knife - A blade designed to disable large foes
VT-Bulwark - A personal shield that can be attached to most armors
Dark-Net Relay Buoy - Primeval Holo-Net Replacement
Chemical Compounds
Alpha Red II - One of the deadliest biological weapons in the Galaxy, capable of wiping out entire Colonies of Yuuzhan Vong in a single day
Theta Red - A "vaccine" against Yuuzhan Vong Biots, capable of purging the body against all Vong Entities
Zeta Red - A Cure against all chemical agents based on Alpha Red
Starship Modifications
VT-Particle Gatling - Vehicle Mounted Particle Rotary Cannon
VT-Hyperspace Capacitor - A device that allows for multiple successive Hyperspace Jumps
VT-Refraction Sensor - An advanced sensor system capable of detecting multiple types of objects
VT-Nerve Helm - Allows a NFU pilot to match and exceed the reaction times and perception of Force Users
VT-Command Throne - Allows a single person to control an entire Starship with minimal Crew
Single Person Ships
VT-Hyperspace Drop Pod - Single Person Infiltration Pod
VT-Momentum - Civilian Interceptor
Multipurpose Ships
VT-Sliver - Civilian Luxury Yacht
VT-Varactyl - Fast, highly modular, Escort Freighter
VT-Gundark - Heavy Freighter
VT-Starhawk - A Well Armed Diplomatic Vessel
VT-Licid - A Highly Advanced Medical Corvette
Automated Ships
VT-Defense Drone - Dark-Net Security Drones
Capital Ships
VT-Nephilim Class Corvette - A Heavily Armed Bounty Hunting Vessel
VT-Slith Class Frigate - Long-Range Response Frigate
VT-Aurel Class Assault Frigate - Heavily Armed Fast Attack Frigate
VT-Hellion Class Missile Cruiser - Heavily Armed Long Range Missile Cruiser
VT-Dark Blade MK II - A Long Range Heavily Armed Cruiser
Colossus-Class Carrier - Deep Space Carrier
Miscellaneous ships
VT-Dark Net Seedships - Massive Factory Ships that create smaller Vanir Products
Archon Repair Station - A highly advanced automated repair station.
Construction Projects
Planetary Construction
Cloud Nine - High class luxury vacation city located on Bespin
Ralltiir National Museum - Reconstructed National museum of Ralltiir
Arceneau Cultural Archives - A Massive library containing knowledge equal to the Jedi Archives of Old
Vineta - A high class vacation resort city.
Space Stations
The Foundry - The largest privately owned Shipyards in the Galaxy
Artemis Station - A massive Corporate Owned station with Malls, Residential Districts, Factories, etc
*Some items may require an IC 10 post thread to buy.