Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Company: Corondex Arms

Modification Made: Tiering up, including a new location for manufacturing plants and branch office that was a result of the major project.

Rationale: The business is growing. I want to be more rich than before too.

Pertinent Development Threads:

[*]Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.

[*]Display growth through two active expansions of your company.

[*]Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
    White-Collars of Lanteeb - Vitor pursues Brandt Volcata Industries investment in Vorzyd
  • Hostile Takeover Ch. I - Vitor begins his sequence of removing competition and setting up shop on Vorzyd
  • Cracking the Establishment - Vitor puts forth his own man as a candidate for governor of the Vorzyd system
  • Proceeding as planned - Vitor brings in Ashearth Industries to help the restoration of Vorzyd by salvaging scrap and junkyards
  • Have a Cigar - Vitor seals a deal with Vraukt to bring in Zuguruk Purebloods to help with designing a capable infrastructure and defensive system on Vorzyd
  • Take All Your Fans - Vraukt arrives on Vorzyd V but a shuttle of his Zuguruks is shot down and the two end up in a rescue mission which succeeds.
  • The Handshake - Vitor seals a deal with KDY to further arm Vorzyd's defensive force in the face of Wraithguard.
  • To Forge a Deal - Vitor brings in a large investment to the Vorzyd efforts with a massive arming deal with the Auxiliary branch of the First Order.

Total posts: 77

New Submission:
Changes marked in green

Corporation Name: Corondex; Corondex Arms

Headquarters: Etti IV (Corporate Office)

Locations: Tothis, Corporate Sector (Manufacturing plant); Vorzyd IV (Manufacturing Plants); Vorzyd V (Branch Office)

Operations: Arms, Munitions and Combat Systems.

Rationale: Corondex ceased to exist some years before the Gulag Plague. The current Corondex corporation, mostly known as Corondex Arms, is smaller in terms of size than its predecessor which was also not really popular. The contemporary Corondex a.k.a Corondex Arms was founded by Gad Ignashevic two decades ago in the Corporate Sector. It was only until the man's death and passing it onto his ambitious and immoral son Gad Ignashevic II did the company began some sort of growth.

Tier: 4

Description: Corondex Arms at first began as an ambitious project and venture by Gad Ignashevic, a former police officer turned entrepreneur. The project was complete failure and Ignashevic barely sustained it, let alone gain any remarkable profit from it. Corondex Arms' fate took a 180 degrees turn when Ignashevic's son took the reigns. Gad Ignashevic II, an ambitious recent engineering graduate from a prestigious university on Etti IV, took the company with full force and began developing it correctly. Hiring other graduates he acquainted at school such as Vitor Avendahl to run the business side of things, Ignashevic completely focused on developing a substantial portfolio for Corondex to offer to the galaxy.

Bringing back older pre-dissolution Corondex products such as the VES-700 Pulse Rifle and the Corondex Blast Vest was the logical first step of entering the market. Ambition drove the company forward, not morals. Morals were tossed out of the window the moment Ignashevic II took the reigns and hired similar minded students such as him. In the congested arms market of the galaxy, one had to look at the niche opportunities and differentiate themselves from the rest. That is where Vitor Avendahl among the other business running students advised Ignashevic II to focus his inventions on.

Hence, Ignashevic II focused on specializing the company in an era-old technology - energy-coated slugs. Thermal and kinetic damage in one. Cheap, reliable and deadly were the three points of the triangle he sketched on an A4 paper. In a market full of high-end and expensive technology that required high costs to be maintained, Ignashevic and Co focused on providing to those at the lower-end of the budget spectrum.

Most, if not all, current clients of Corondex Arms can be classified as outlaws. Militants, assassins, gangsters, mobsters and the like taking over the largest chunk of the pie chart while the rest were mainly backwater governments and small-time businesses who did not have the purchasing power for the most modern arms out there.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

I am an investment firm and have been using codex submissions to replace factory submissions for all my tiers.

Just copy-pasted the tier promotion upgrade template, which is why it says products.
Company: SoroSuub Corporation

Modification Made: Adding AskrimaCorp as a tier 2 subsidiary.
Rationale: Per factory rules, as soon as a subsidiary is approved the owners of the parent company are required to list the new entry in the parent company sub.

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • N/A
New Submission:
[SIZE=13.3333px]Corporation Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] SoroSuub Corporation[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.3333px]Sullust[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.3333px]Sullust System[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.3333px]A massive Sullustan Corporation, SoroSuub's central business venture is mineral processing. The company has numerous divisions and subdivisions, however, undertaking everything from energy mining to food packaging. SoroSuub's technology divisions develop weapons of every type, starships and vehicles, droids, communications devices, and virtually anything else the galaxy requires.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Eora Nunb came to the position of CEO through sheer hard work and continued loyalty to the company. Her position was gained after years of toiling and laboring until she reached the pinnacle of her dreams.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]When the Galactic Alliance took an interest in the corporation Eora Nunb took a backseat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Now, Admiral Sieb Tevv, former foreman of SoroSuub's mining operations, works closely with engineers from SoroSuub in Research and Development, while PR whiz [member="Nathanos Darksword"][/SIZE] oversees marketing and outreach. The two have joint equity in the corporation.

[SIZE=13.3333px]Tier:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] 4[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.3333px]SoroSuub employs roughly half the population of the planet Sullust, which gives natives a strong sense of loyalty to the industry brand. The Sullustan work ethic is often said to be derived from this centuries long partnership between corporate and citizen interests.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Utilizing Sullust's vast geothermal potential and volcanic activity to enhance factory productivity[/SIZE], SoroSuub dwarfs neighboring competitors in sheer output alone.

[SIZE=13.3333px]The corporation allied with the newly expanding Omega Protectorate years ago, but when [/SIZE]the Protectorate fell uncertainty loomed in the forms of the One Sith to the north and the Techno Union to the East. In due time, the Alliance sprang up and outlived both these threats to become a new beacon of hope in the galaxy.

Eager to help the cause of freedom, SoroSuub readily supplies the Alliance with the tools it needs to continue to protect the freedom of all liberty loving species.

Subsidiaries: AskrimaCorp

Parent Company: N/A

Development Line:

OOC: Formerly owned by Eora Nunb, who is inactive. Valiens posted the submission after the board wipe. Transfer of ownership requested.

Just wanted to correct a quick error in the company index.

Paladin Supply Co. can be removed from Tier 3, as it was denied and is not a valid company. You probably meant to move the Paladin Consortium from T2 to T3, as it's still under the T2 category.

Company: Ringovinda StarYards

Modifications made: Addition of Zonju V, Skor, Serenno, Dagobah to locations list, tier-up to 6
Rationale: Expansion of business
Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with two more major factions or tier-5+ companies.
Display growth through three passive growths of your company. (9 mass-produced items)
Display growth through three active growths of your company.
Complete a major project of colossal proportions. (~300 posts; Develop and field-test a complete range of warships)
306 posts total

Obtain the sponsorship of a major faction.
New submission:

Corporation Name: Ringovinda StarYards

Headquarters: Ringo Vinda

Locations: Ringo Vinda, Soceras, Gyndine, Bimmisaari, Pergitor, Geonosis, Hakassi, Glyss, Dagobah, Zonju V, Skor, Serenno

  • Building starships
  • Building Land Vehicles.

Rationale: As a state-run company, Ringovinda StarYards was formerly insolvent. Poor management of company funds, bribery scandals, high salary bonuses to upper management, all of which forced the Ringo Vinda government to hold an emergency meeting regarding the company. It would be decided that the corporation be auctioned off.

Understandably, even though the more conservative fringes of the population would rather let the corporation be purchased by off-worlders (candidates included several "major shipyards") than be incompetently managed at home, a grassroots movement allowed Ringovinda StarYards to remain Ringo Vinda property. It was decided that a lottery would be held and the winner would run the company.

Tier: 6

Description: Ringovinda StarYards is a company that mostly accepts orders for starships from private corporations, although sometimes governments may place orders for their products and also individuals that need more security than normal transport ships can provide for. It also seems to be a pioneer in the use of disabled personnel, making it a point of employing at least 7% of its staff with disabilities. As such, Ringovinda StarYards provides appropriate training for disabled people and the roles they can fill, and often when their disabilities would be used to their advantage. For instance, deaf people can work in the noisiest of environments, smell-impaired people can do sanitation...

It is also strongly committed to the ability of their own products to safely land on planets. Also it has recently began to build mobile, adjustable drydocks for other shipyards in addition of building bombers, land vehicles and bulk freighters among the largest in the galaxy. Lately it sought to diversify its portfolio through the purchase of hitherto Hutt-controlled Pizza Hutt.

Although its troubled history with the Butcher of Korriban led many to question the survival of the company, under new management, Jessica Med-Beq proved that she was capable of weathering the storm, and also of producing warships, including but not limited to, carriers. As a result it became one of the major players in the Confederacy of Independent Systems and, after the latter's collapse, of the light-sided naval world at large.

Parent corporation: N/A

Primary source: N/A


Well-Known Member
Company: Daemon Shop

Modification Made: Tier Up (II -> III)
Rationale: Growth

Pertinent Development Threads:
New Submission:
Tier: III
Cira said:
[member="Captain Larraq"]

Okay, I will archive it. However, you may rename it and pull it out at anytime.
Question. If I rename MH and retain the tier 6 status, can I also change the type of company it is, or do I have to keep it a Shipwright Corp? What if I have a thread showing the selling off and obtaining of new assets?

[SIZE=11pt]Company: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]The Wretched Hive[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Modification Made: Upgrade to Tier V[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Rationale: I seriously have a problem. I just love ship mods so much.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Pertinent Development Threads:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]6 Unique or Semi-Unique products[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]6 Personal Commissions[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1 Mastercraft Project[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Deals in Absolutes[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - In desperate circumstances, improvise a solution from extremely insufficient/unsuitable resources. The Wretched Hive, with Jaxton Ravos and Seydon of Arda aboard, is shot down and goes into hiding on a totalitarian world. Much repair and improvisation while being hunted.[/SIZE]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Company: Vanir Technologies

Modification Made: Updating Product Listings, Making it Pretty, Adding an Operation
Rationale: I want to

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • N/A
New Submission:

Corporation Name: Vanir Technologies
Chief Executive Officer: Alric Kuhn
Headquarters: Vanir

Naval Shipyards: Jaemus, Kiris Asteroid Cluster, The Foundry
Research Facilities: Jaemus, Byblos, Codian Moon
Production Facilities: Aida, Besn, Gandeal, Jaemus
Communication Outposts: Kiris Asteroid Cluster, Red Nebula, Codian Moon, Carosi XII
Agricultural Outposts: Codian Moon
Cloning Facilities: Carosi XII



About Vanir
Vanir Technologies is a large corporate entity founded by Alric Kuhn.

The Corporations primary purpose is to advance the galactic understanding of technological markets and drive forward the galaxies advancements in the fields of Communications, Construction, Starships, and more undeveloped Sciences. Vanir Technologies is designed to operate as a galactic conglomerate, quickly expanding and reaching out to multiple corporate and government faculties in order to reach its goals faster.

Since it's inception Vanir has grown and expanded rapidly, stretching in size to encompass multiple roles as a Corporation.

This growth has been fueled by a constant stream of both external and internal funding. Through various methods the company has managed to expand it's reach, eventually constructing several famous structures throughout the galaxy. With these expansionary methods Vanir Technologies has managed to become one of the premiere corporations within the entire galaxy.

It's this rapid growth as well as it's construction projects that has made Vanir Technologies one of the largest starship manufacturers in the galaxy. It's multiple design platforms as well as The Foundry, Artemis Station, and Planet Vanir means that the company is able to construct entire armada's within a short span of time.

-Naval Starships
-Galactic Construction
-Galactic Communications
-Fringe Science


After the disappearance and subsequent death of his wife, Alric Kuhn found himself without care or thought for much of what remained in this world.

Grief Stricken, the former Titan of Industry had been somewhat broken by the passing of the woman he loved. Within their seclusion Alric had found a form of happiness a way to keep himself together and even thrive, watching after his daughters from afar and enjoying the time spent alone with his wife. After the death of his beloved, Alric became a wreck. Unable to eat, drink, or even think, Alric lost himself.

What little contact he had with the outside world disappeared, and the home that Alric and Silara had made for themselves within the outer rim grew dark. His surroundings went to shambles, he stopped showering, most everything was simply forgotten or left behind. The only thing Alric clung to was a picture of his family, his twin daughters.

What brought him back was a single message, a small question from one of the few people who knew he was alive, Kiran Vess. Kiran asked his old friend a simple question, how to move forward with his business, Saeva Incorporated.

This message, the thought behind it and the small push that it gave him reignited a spark within him. Deciding that wallowing within his own misery did neither him, nor his daughters, any good, Alric decided that he would make a return to the galactic stage. Contacting his old friend he set forth a plan. Kiran would on Alrics behalf begin to move the pieces in place, visiting several dozen smaller hedge funds until eventually enough capital was gained to form a new corporation.

This corporation would be Alrics return, and overnight a tremendous amount of money was spent to purchase holdings on Jaemus, Kiris, and Byblos, facilities quickly being converted into newer and more modern laboratories. These facilities were then banded together under a single corporate name; Vanir Technologies.


Saeva Incorporated: Saeva Incorporated is owned and operated by Kiran Vess, one of the few friends that Alric Kuhn has. Kiran has never been an expert and running business and has always only enjoyed the freedom aspect of owning his own corporation. As such when Alric made his return, the two struck a deal. Saeva would become a wholly owned subsidiary of Vanir Technologies, the two companies working hand in hand together, and Kiran, along with Alric would become equal partners, not boss and subordinate.

Kvas Mining Corporation: The Kvas Mining Corporation is an effort to keep Vanir Technologies appearing to be futuristic and development. This corporation, as its name implies, is a mining conglomerate located on the planet Neona. Kvas Mining Corporation is a massive build up of nearly eighty percent of the mining concerns on the planet of Neona. The Company produced nearly all of the raw materials utilized by Vanir Technologies and is highly efficient as well as fair trade. Though the corporation is young, it has already proven to be more than profitable.

Sif Shipping Corporation: The Sif Shipping Corporation is the result of continued effort by Vanir Technologies to become a solitary and self contained company. The Sif Shipping Corporation, as its name implies, holds a singular purpose, the delivery and transportation of goods. This is put to use extensively by Vanir Technologies, with Sif transporting raw ores, half finished products, completed Starships, and even rare material goods. Sif Shipping Corporation handles all of Vanir Technologies delivery needs while also maintaining the ability to do outside contract work.

Void Genetics: Void Genetics is a company founded by Vanir Technologies in an effort to begin research into Biological and Chemical production. The Corporation seeks to further the galaxies knowledge in both Chemical production as well as biological diversity.


Tir Stunner - A highly effective Stun Blaster capable of even paralyzing Rancors.
SI-17 Stealth Blaster - Fires Completely Silent & Invisible Bolts
SI-74 Anti-Tank Rifle - Heavy Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle
VT-Needle Disruptor - A powerful disruptor that pierces all forms of armor including Phrik, Beskar, and Vonduun Crab Armor
VT-Disruptor Missile - A ship-born missile used for massive internal damage on capital grade vessels
VT-SI-19 Stealth Sniper Rifle - Completely silent and undetectable Sniper Rifle
VT-SDC 13 - Ultimate Anti-Tank Weapon capable of piercing any armor
VT-RAM Disruptor - Incredibly power Disruptor pistol capable of piercing even Beskar
VT-LRS Rifle - A long range high powered Armor Piercing rifle. Utilizes Special Ammunition.
VT-Sliid Gun - A Highly versatile dart gun using customize-able ammunition
VT-Bolt Blaster - A pistol utilizing bowcaster technology.
VT-Planetary Defense Array - A powerful long range planetary defense weapon

SI-HD Armor - Holographic Disguise Armor
Asheran Armorweave - High Quality Lightsaber&Blaster Resistant Armorweave
VT-Kinetic Impact Gel - Highly kinetic Resistant Underarmor
VT-Shark Skin - Highly Flexible Asheran Armorweave
VT-Vonduun Skerr Karamik - An anti force-user armor that renders the wearer resistant to the force.
VT-Grav Armor - A highly mobile light armor

Directed Charge - Anti-Personnel Armor explosive
VT-Grav Glove - Repulse Glove that Mimics Force Push/Pull
VT-Repulse Glove - A Cousin of the Grav Glove capable of reflecting and pushing things away
VT-Disruptor Lens - Lightsaber Modification that allows one to cut through Yuuzhan Vong Amphistaffs and Vonduun Skerr Kyrric * Requires Thread
VT-Observation Satellite - A reconnaissance satellite launched from any ship to be used by ground troops
VT-Portable Shield Generator - A powerful mobile shield generator
VT-CERS - Cybernetics capable of enhancing strength, speed, and reaction time
VT-DB Datapad - An extremely durrable Datapad.
VT-FD Mask - A mask capable of locating and detecting force users in line of sight
VT-Disruption Cutter - A tool capable of cutting more efficiently and effectively than a Plasma Cutter
VT-Morp Knife - A blade designed to disable large foes
VT-Bulwark - A personal shield that can be attached to most armors

Dark-Net Relay Buoy - Primeval Holo-Net Replacement

Chemical Compounds
Alpha Red II - One of the deadliest biological weapons in the Galaxy, capable of wiping out entire Colonies of Yuuzhan Vong in a single day
Theta Red - A "vaccine" against Yuuzhan Vong Biots, capable of purging the body against all Vong Entities
Zeta Red - A Cure against all chemical agents based on Alpha Red

Starship Modifications
VT-Particle Gatling - Vehicle Mounted Particle Rotary Cannon
VT-Hyperspace Capacitor - A device that allows for multiple successive Hyperspace Jumps
VT-Refraction Sensor - An advanced sensor system capable of detecting multiple types of objects
VT-Nerve Helm - Allows a NFU pilot to match and exceed the reaction times and perception of Force Users
VT-Command Throne - Allows a single person to control an entire Starship with minimal Crew

Single Person Ships
VT-Hyperspace Drop Pod - Single Person Infiltration Pod
VT-Momentum - Civilian Interceptor

Multipurpose Ships
VT-Sliver - Civilian Luxury Yacht
VT-Varactyl - Fast, highly modular, Escort Freighter
VT-Gundark - Heavy Freighter
VT-Starhawk - A Well Armed Diplomatic Vessel
VT-Licid - A Highly Advanced Medical Corvette

Automated Ships
VT-Defense Drone - Dark-Net Security Drones

Capital Ships
VT-Nephilim Class Corvette - A Heavily Armed Bounty Hunting Vessel

VT-Slith Class Frigate - Long-Range Response Frigate
VT-Aurel Class Assault Frigate - Heavily Armed Fast Attack Frigate

VT-Hellion Class Missile Cruiser - Heavily Armed Long Range Missile Cruiser
VT-Dark Blade MK II - A Long Range Heavily Armed Cruiser

Colossus-Class Carrier - Deep Space Carrier

Miscellaneous ships
VT-Dark Net Seedships - Massive Factory Ships that create smaller Vanir Products
Archon Repair Station - A highly advanced automated repair station.

Construction Projects
Planetary Construction
Cloud Nine - High class luxury vacation city located on Bespin
Ralltiir National Museum - Reconstructed National museum of Ralltiir
Arceneau Cultural Archives - A Massive library containing knowledge equal to the Jedi Archives of Old
Vineta - A high class vacation resort city.

Space Stations
The Foundry - The largest privately owned Shipyards in the Galaxy
Artemis Station - A massive Corporate Owned station with Malls, Residential Districts, Factories, etc

*Some items may require an IC 10 post thread to buy.



Company Expansion Details
Tier 4
Sign a contract with three more player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction OR a Tier V+ company. Contract with the Primeval Rythana ATC

Make an additional three mass-produced products.

Complete four miscellaneous threads.

Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions. 4 Autonamous Factory Ships 3km in length

Tier 5
Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies. ATC and Vanir Plot Construction of Facilities Vanir Contracts with GA to make shiny stuff.

Make an additional three mass-produced products.

Complete five miscellaneous threads.

Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
The Dark-Net, a massive restricted access counterpart to the Holo-Net The Buoy's Facility Utilizing the Dark-Net Facility Utilizing the Dark-Net Facility Utilizing the Dark-Net Thread detailing the Use of the Dark-Net in a plot against Vanir Technologies

Obtain the sponsorship of a major faction. - The Primeval

Tier 6
Rhodes said:

Just wanted to correct a quick error in the company index.

Paladin Supply Co. can be removed from Tier 3, as it was denied and is not a valid company. You probably meant to move the Paladin Consortium from T2 to T3, as it's still under the T2 category.

Can you please link the companies in question and where the edits need to be made?

Vitor Avendahl said:
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Oops, sorry. I fixed that, I think.
Promotion approved. Congrats!

Nathanos Darksword said:
Company: SoroSuub Corporation

Modification Made: Adding AskrimaCorp as a tier 2 subsidiary.

Jessica Med-Beq said:
Company: Ringovinda StarYards

Modifications made: Addition of Zonju V, Skor, Serenno, Dagobah to locations list, tier-up to 6
Promotion approved. Congrats!

Damien Daemon said:
Company: Daemon Shop

Modification Made: Tier Up (II -> III)
Rationale: Growth

Pertinent Development Threads:
New Submission:
Tier: III
Would you mind utilizing the template please? It makes it difficult for me to discern otherwise.

Captain Larraq said:
Question. If I rename MH and retain the tier 6 status, can I also change the type of company it is, or do I have to keep it a Shipwright Corp? What if I have a thread showing the selling off and obtaining of new assets?
As a Tier 6 corporation MandalHypernautics should be capable of a multitude of operations. If you wish to make something not listed under the operations its' primary function then you would need to complete a thread displaying this.


Well-Known Member
[member="Jamie Pyne"] the template..?

I am confused... The only addition was a parenthesized (Items) so you could know which was the commission threads and which were the products..


Well-Known Member
Company: Angamar Enterprises

Modification Made: Changing name, ownership and author of thread.

Rationale: Bought the company back

Pertinent Development Threads:
Auction Thread
New Submission:
Change author of thread to this account,
Change sub name to Paradigm Hypernautics

Image Source: Here
Canon Link: N/A
Development Thread: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Corporation Name: Paradigm Hypernautics

Former Names: Titan Industries, Clan Kryze Shipyards,

Headquarters: Mandalore

Locations: Mandalore, Yaga Minor, Illum, Yavin IV,

Operations: Ships, Vehicles, Technology, Armor, Weapons,

Tier: III
Paradigm Hypernautics is a manufacturing company that makes almost everything. Weapons? We make them. Ships? We make them. Tech? We make it. Paradigm Hypernautics(PH) is a company that places value on tradition, but also innovation. We offer technology that could be considered an antiquity to the enterprising collector while simultaneously selling high tech weapons and gear to the militaries of different factions and planets. At Yaga Minor, Mandalore and Yavin IV we offer our wares wares to you, whoever you are, to be used wherever you want. Paradigm Hypernautics offers 24/7 support staff and customer service which has been given the Clan Kryze Award for best customer service every year since PH's founding. At Paradigm Hypernautics we do not pressure you to buy our products, we accept that you may want to stay loyal to other companies. But if you want superior service and products, buy from Paradigm Hypernautics. Paradigm Hypernautics

Titan founded Paradigm Hypernautics to expand the influence of Clan Kryze on the back of his had work and money, iinternal disputes, however, caused a change of direction. It started to expand the influence of Titan instead of the Clan and its profits delivered to him and his employees rather than the clan. However when Titan was kidnapped, the board of investors sold it to a [member="Sauron Saxon"] who soon disappeared from galactic affairs again the board sold it this time to an anonymous buyer who turned out to be Titan. After he killed the board Titan renamed the company to Paradigm Hypernautics.


Parent Corporation: None
Company: Nadir
Modification Made: Tier 2 → Tier 3
Rationale: To further expand the budding criminal empire of Nadir. Also to establish the CFFC as a company working its trippy magic for the same overlords, in a different place.

Pertinent Development Threads:
New Submission:


  • Image Source: Me.

  • Canon Link: /

  • Development Thread: X

  • Primary Source: X

  • Corporation Name: Nadir (Commonly referred to simply as ‘the Syndicate’, for its ubiquity.)

  • Headquarters: Point Nadir

  • Locations: Nar Shaddaa, Dubrillion

  • Operations: Drug trade, Illegal arms & armor, trade of sentient goods

  • Tier: 3
Nadir represents everything its namesake and homebase stands for. Namely sex, drugs, and rock’n’r— just joking. That’d be murder, drugs, and slavery. At a glance, Nadir is reminiscent of any old criminal organization, but a thorough look quickly reveals the differences.

First, it’s impossible to define any kingpin leading the syndicate. A couple names float around, of course, associated with Nadir in reputation, but never with any hard evidence. To all but a chosen few, the station appears the same as it always was, except it’s stronger, faster, and better.

Second, the syndicate seems to employ few people of their own. By and large, they field the muscle, smugglers, and thieves of the Great Clans under their influence. (That is to say, all the Clans.) This makes it extremely difficult for potential attackers or spies to infiltrate their ranks, because, well, there are no ranks to infiltrate and no people to target.

Third, and perhaps the strangest, is their unusual business model. Where most cartels and gangs vie for turf in vicious wars, Nadir allows most anyone to live and work in their sphere. There is the profit tax, of course. And the protection fees. And the warehouse and real estate rent. And the casinos, and bookies, and hookers, and blow. Nothing good in life comes for free.

This kind of approach has cut the amount of internal strife and border disputes by a whopping three quarters, stabilizing much of the black market economy in the Unknown regions. With open trade routes and a welcoming policy, Nadir has earned more investors and associates in a few years than most operations ever do in their whole existence.

When the Equalizers arrived on Point Nadir, the shadowport was a frantic melting pot of criminal scum and… other criminal scum. Hailing from a background of organization and discipline, they dove in the deep end right away. Over the course of a few months, the pair killed, cajoled, or bought out the major players of the fragile ecosystem, leaping to the top of the foodchain with practiced efficiency.

In the following months, this new leadership – unknown by the public – wrangled the economy, tamed dissent, and began a rapid expansion into the underbelly of the galaxy.

Parent Corporation: /
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