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First Order Pre-Factory Workshop


Intent: To create a set of SpecForce Stormtrooper Armour for use by the First Order Security Bureau and the First Order Military thereafter.
Image Source: Link Source(s).
Canon Link: Linked Throughout the Submission.
Restricted Missions: If Required.
Primary Source: FO-X1 Infiltration “Shadowtrooper” Armour, FO-02 Stormtrooper Armour, Katarn-Class Commando Armour, Night Ops Armour, Stormtrooper Armour.


Manufacturer: First Order Security Bureau - Special Projects Division, First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers (Seconded.)
Model: FO-X2 Stormtrooper Infiltration “Death Trooper” Armour.
Affiliation: The First Order, First Order Security Bureau - Enforcement Division.
Modularity: Yes; Exterior Attachments (I.E. Combat Webbing, Mission specific Tool-kits and Equipment.)
Production: Limited - FOSB Stormtroopers, Or, SpecForce Death Troopers (Select PC’s and NPC’s Only.)
Material: Reflec- Coated Betaplast Armour Plating (Plastoid - Duranium Composite, Ablative Alloy.), TYI Flex Armour (Joint Protection.), Environmentally-Sealed Thermoguard Bodyglove with Biorestorative Underlay, Fire-Retardant Textiles and Armourweave Overlay, Integrated Kinetic Shock-padding and EMP/Ion Resistant Materials, Glasteel Visor with Impregnated Circuitry, Military-grade Electronics and Insulation, Sound Dissipator/Dampening Armour Overlay, Multispectrum Disguise Suite.


Classification: Multipurpose Infiltration Combat Armour. (“Stealth” Capable - Medium Armour.)
Weight: 10 KG (Total weight of combined Armour Pieces, Exterior Attachments not included.)

Energy Weapon Resistance: [HIGH.] While the frontline armour of the Imperial Army and the Stormtrooper Corps is primarily comprised of Reinforced Duraplast, those that operate in the shadows had to sacrifice their armoured kin’s protection in favour of more specialized warfare. Though the “Death Trooper” plate wasn’t able to stalk the frontlines of conflict and safely disperse the same firepower as their Stormtrooper cousins, the FO-X2 was still able to protect the bear from a myriad of small arms - ranging from hold-out blasters to various calibres of hybrid, energy sheathed slugs. When it comes to squad support weapons and larger plasmatic artillery, the Combat Armour is unable to withstand and disperse the harmful energy - thus making a heavy reliance on externally mounted energy shields in order to escort the Operator safely away from harm. (Ineffective against Weapons above Light Laser Cannons, or Reciprocating Heavy Blaster Rifles.) Due to the construction and the materials used in the production of the “Death Trooper” armour, there was a chance that the ablative plating would allow a particle bolt to deflect a glancing shot away from the Soldier, and subsequently reduce the damage that would’ve otherwise killed the wearer - were they not wearing the armour. This remarkable resistance also protects the Operator from casted plasma and flame weapons, as the projected fire is unable to find purchase on the curved plating and effectively rolls over the Soldier. The same could be applied to projected acidic, or corrosive weapons, as the decidedly neutral pH level and molecularly bonded surface was unable to be dissolved. (Though the First Order had tested this defense against various chemical corrosives, there is a possibility that tailored and specialized acids will more than likely break the chemical bonds of the armour, thus melting the afflicted section with varying degrees of success.)

Kinetic Weapon Resistance: [HIGH.] As Betaplast is the Imperial equivalent and evolution of the standard plastoid armour plating, it was designed to protect the wearer from harm against the more archaic array of firearms. Like it’s predecessor, it was almost impossible to slay the wearer with slugthrowers due to the curvature of armour plating, and the shock-padding fitted beneath the composite plating. That being said, if the slug was of a larger calibre than what was normally deployed by ancient militaries of yore, or specifically designed to penetrate armour, it was very likely that they would drop the Operator. Unlike the previous variants of Stormtrooper armour, the FO-X2 is equipped with an armourweave body glove, which with it’s collection of miniaturized ceramic plates and metallic fibres woven into the fabric, would provide a significant increase in protection to the vital, and exposed joint areas of the Combat Armour. These areas too, would be able to safely disperse the kinetic impact of a discharged slug, but it would effectively cripple the soldier due to internal bruising - or even bleeding. However, even though they would be taken out of the fight, should the lucky shot strike somewhere vital, they would live on to fight another day - provided they received medical aid in time.

Sonic Weapon Resistance: [None (Inactive.) - Average (Active.)] With the War with the Galactic Alliance having shown the devastating power of the indiscriminate Sonic weapons, the First Order had begun outfitting all of their newest armour models with various means of safely counteracting such weapons. While the standard FO-02 Stormtrooper Armour has an always active, almost nigh-imperceptible hum, signalling the negation field’s activation - the FO-X2 relies entirely on the Operator to wordlessly activate the ultrasonic aura whilst in the field. Though this method relies entirely on chance, due to the lapse of reaction time noted in most Humans during combat, it does offer a means of safely negating the bone-crushing properties of hard-sound weapons and their smaller sonic variants. While this isn’t a true method of negating, it strips the lethality from such exoctic weapons and allows the bearer to recover - dependant on the breadth of sustained injuries or where they were struck. When the field is active, it’s unlikely that the “Death Trooper” is operating under Silent protocols - thus it’s recommended that this method of defence is activated either in advance of engaging an enemy target with sonic weapons, or after they’ve engaged the foe and have managed to withdraw behind cover.

Melee and Shrapnel Resistance: [High.] Having utilized the strengths of the Reinforced Betaplast Plating and the Armourweave body glove, the FO-X2 is provided with a myriad of methods in which to protect the wearer from harm at close range, or from the dangerous debris discharged by fragmentation/explosive devices. Due to the curvature of the Combat Armour, and the innate properties of the materials used in its construction, the “Death Trooper” is all but fundamentally immune to the dangers of shrapnel, which in turn drastically reduces the casualty radius of fragmentation weapons deployed against armoured soldiers. Though the Combat Armour was able to back-up the claim of being able to withstand the violence of a shrapnel filled explosion, the most dangerous aspect - the kinetic shockwave - was still able to either incapacitate or kill the soldier outright. While the armour has integrated shock-padding meant to absorb the harmful waves, due to the thickness of the plating and the integrated panels, the chances of a trooper falling victim to such exterior pressure was still considerably high. In addition to the protection provided against explosive devices, the FO-X2 comes with reinforced Forearm plating, which is reportedly able to intercept Vibroblades during Close-Quarters Combat. While this wasn’t the most effective way to disarm, or deflect a lucky strike from a skilled combatant, it acted as a secondary insurance policy to defend the Trooper from being impaled at close range by an active hostile. However, if the Trooper’s guard is broken, the vital joints of the armour would be exposed, allowing the victorious combatant to either slay their foe on the spot, or subdue them for the inevitable interrogations to come in the future.

Lightsaber Resistance: [Very Low.] Unlike the front line warplate worn by the Stormtroopers of this glorious and chaotic age, the Betaplast that shrouds the “Death Troopers” is unable to withstand a glancing blow from a Jedi’s plasmatic weapon. Even with the impregnated composite plating, that housed fibres of duranium reinforcements, the superheated edge of the lightsaber would easily carve through the medium armour - and would find itself glancing off the armourweave bodyglove underneath. This was far from the most efficient defense against the weapons of the Jedi and their ilk. However, the intent of the FO-X2 Stormtrooper armour was not to be deployed against competent Force-wielders in melee combat, despite the fact they had become more commonplace throughout the galaxy. It was unlikely to protect the soldier entombed within fully, should the plasmatic weapon be used in a penetrative fashion. As not only would the betaplast be bored through and send spidering cracks throughout the immediate vicinity, but the armourweave bodyglove itself would be unable to redirect the superheated edge and the deadly energy pulsating within its magnetic sheath. Thus, even though it wasn’t designed to protect from lightsabers, the armour of the “Death Troopers” offered minimal protection from these handheld superweapons, allowing for the possibility of the entombed soldier to live to fight another day if they managed to encounter a Jedi.

E/WAR Resistance (EMP/Ion): [Average.] As there is no true way of effectively countering Electronic Warfare, and the discharge of highly ionized plasma particles, the FO-X2 offers little in the way of protecting the Trooper beneath the dull, obsidian carapace from the harmful effects of Ion weapons. Though the armour itself is able to effectively deflect stun beams, due to the molecular bonds of the reinforced Betaplast, additional methods of protection were integrated to ensure that the Operator would be able to function fully in the line of duty. Anti-Ion Mesh, which in and of itself acts like an ancient Faraday Cage, is able to safely disperse the high ionized particles - both from an electromagnetic source and an Ion weapon. However, this boon only protects the Soldier and his sensitive equipment relative to their distance away from the point of discharge. The closer the Soldier would be to the impact site, the greater effect it would have on the equipment and flesh beneath. With the installed Combat MicroComputer and various Anti-Piracy protocols, it was nigh-impossible to strip a “Death Trooper” of his armour, should they fall in combat, and access the sensitive materials within - should the proper command prompts not be applied. In the eventuality of the suit being compromised, all on-board data would be scrubbed and the entire system would become nothing more than a heavy, and expensive paperweight - therefore protecting the First Order from having delicate mission specific material falling into the wrong hands.


  • Retractable Faceplate and Poly-Chromatic/ Anti-Flash Visor (Self-Repairing.)
  • Holographic HUD (Biometrically Blink-Command Capable.)
  • Combat MicroComputer (Heuristic Processors, Predictive Algorithms.)
  • Stabilizer Mask.
  • Anti-Ion Mesh.
  • Integrated Floodlight(s) (Concealed/Retractable Solar Ionization Panels.)
  • Interior Cellular Padding (High Comfort.)
  • Visual/Audio Player and Recorder ( 24 Hours of Content before Datacard needs to be swapped.)
  • Annunciator/Vocabulator. (Three-Phase Sonic Filters.) - Sonic Scrambling Modulator. (Voice Distortion.)
  • Sonic/Aural Dampeners.
  • Broadband Antenna with Rangefinder, Short-range Integrated Commlink with First Order Military encryption keys.
  • Redundant Rebreather/ Environmental/ Oxygen Filtration System, with Primary Oxygen Supply Tank (Two Hours.)
  • Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System, Combat Scanner, Life-Form Scanner, High-Frequency Sonar Mapper, Motion Scanner, Radar, Integrated Macrobinoculars.
  • Visor Modes: Tactical, Low-Light/ Nightvision, Infrared/ Thermal, Ultraviolet, High-Frequency Sonar.

Body Armour:
  • Backplate-mounted, Rechargeable Power Cells (Concealed/Retractable Solar Ionization Panels.) [Standard Charge: 300 Galactic Standard Hours.] Emergency/Reserve Power pack (Redundant System.)
  • Anti-Ion Mesh.
  • Environmentally Sealed and Pressurized, with a Secondary Oxygen Supply Tank (Six Hours.)
  • Biorestorative Underlay, with Auto-Adrenal Injection System.
  • Forearm-mounted Comms/Holo-Projector/Data-streaming Device (Linked to Helmet's HUD.)
  • Reinforced Knee Plating/ Bracing (Strain reduction when Crouched, or during lengthy periods of Cardio.)
  • Reinforced Forearm Plating (Aiding the deflection of Melee attacks.)
  • Grenade Bandolier/ Combat Webbing Clips and, Grav Chute/ Jetpack Backplate Mountings.
  • Shoulder Sheath for Combat Vibroblade (Optional.) Additional Combat Vibroblade Sheathe. (Shin Plate Mounting.)
  • Magnetized Surface(s) for Primary and Secondary Weapons, with Integrated Degaussing Module.
  • Magnetic Adhesion/ High-Traction Grips.
  • Cellular Padded Insoles (High Comfort.)
  • Magnetized Boots, with an Integrated Degaussing Module and Grav-Field Alternator (Stability.)
  • IFF Circuitry and Transponder (Biometrically Linked, Encrypted Telemetry.)
  • Dampener Aerosol Projector (Four Charges, Re-loadable Cartridges.) [Gauntlet Mounted.]
  • Arc-Caster/Projector (Connected to the Belt Mounted Energy Sinks.) [Gauntlet Mounted.]
  • Power Glove(s) (Strength Augmentation.)
  • Knuckle-plate Vibroblade (Retractable.)
  • Knee-plate Dart Launcher (Paralytic Toxin, Four Darts - Re-loadable.)

Utility Belt:
  • Field Medical Bag, Field Rations (One Week's Worth.), Multitool, Grappling Hooks, Flare Gun (Two Charges.), Anti-Security Blade, Sonic Security Resonator, Liquid Cable Launcher.
  • Combat De-Ionizer(s), Combat Energy Sink(s).
  • Various Pouches. (Containing a multitude of Items, including but not limited to, additional plasma cartridges and etc.)
  • Biometrically Locked Thermal Detonator.
  • Electronic Lock Scrambler/Descrambler.
  • Secondary, External Communicator (Hardwired to Counteract Jamming.)
  • Exterior Mounting for Personal Shield Generator.


Biorestorative Underlay: Having to sacrifice the advanced variant of the Biorestorative Underlay found in the frontlines via the FO-02 Stormtrooper Armour, the FO-X2 is equipped with the standard version of the Biorestorative Underlay - which would serve to repair any damage the Operator sustains during combat. Granted, since the Underlay is the standard version, it won’t heal wounds as fast as the variant integrated into the FO-02 can, nor will it treat grievous injuries that the Wearer has sustained. What it can, and automatically does when the suit’s Helmet is connected, is seal any suit breach with a molecular sealant and work towards healing whatever ails the Trooper entombed beneath. It was unable to automatically set broken bones, but with the proper inputted command it was able to stabilize the affected area by constricting the surrounding tissue. This also posed an issue for the Operator, as they’d lose the mobility from that limb, rendering them less effective in combat. The Underlay was most effective at repairing damaged nerves and epidermal tissues through the use of protein rich fluids and bacta, which would be logically sustained through the application of external plasma-based weapons, or inflicted by the kinetic trauma of slugs, or a myriad of puncturing melee weapons. This is not a substitute for a skilled Imperial Medic, but aids the process of bringing the incapacitated Soldier back into the fight with minimal recovery time.

Reflec Polymer Enamel and Thermoguard Bodyglove: As Cloaking devices were expensive and Suits of the FO-X1 had become increasingly rare, the First Order had devised a method to supplement the loss of such precious technology without compromising the Operator’s ability to remain unseen. The Reflec polymer that coated the exterior of the armour’s plating warped most conventional electromagnetic signals in passive sensor arrays, along with negating detection through active scans. This allowed the Operator to navigate through installations unseen by various detection systems - save the most rudimentary visual method - which even then rendered the Operator difficult to detect, especially when they clung to the shadows. If they were caught in the open, down an illuminated hallway for an example - they would be detected without a doubt. The thermoguard bodyglove allows the Operator to remain hidden from thermal and infrared scans, by reflecting the internal heat signature of the wearer - which combined with the Reflec polymer would permit the “Death Trooper” to operate behind enemy lines undetected by conventional sensors. This meant that those adorning themselves with the FO-X2 would find themselves at home in the shadows, and would have to rely on their preternatural training to remain undetected by the enemy - or if chances permitted - using the suit’s additional subsystems that were designed to fool the various methods of detection employed throughout the galaxy. Their success or failure depended entirely on the various, and or conventional methods of exposure, but it was the hope and intent of the First Order that the FO-X2 and the Operator would find themselves landing on the successful side of the spectrum.

Combat MicroComputer and Anti-Piracy Protocols: Utilizing the same MicroComputer installed within the Helmets of their Frontline Soldiers, the FO-X2 is able to assist the soldier in completing their assigned duties with various predictive algorithms. The system, in its entirety, acted in a similar fashion to that of a stunted droid brain. While it was equipped with heuristic processors, which allowed the system to learn and adapt its accrued experiences, it was heavily restricted by several layers of embedded programming that wouldn’t allow the system to achieve true sentience. Much like children playing within the bounds of a sandbox, the possibilities of what the system could do for the Soldier in the midst of combat were endless - until they reached the boundaries of the Sandbox, or the limits of the system’s programming. In addition to the capabilities of the MicroComputer being able to apply it’s gathered and implanted knowledge to assist the Operator in determining probable ambush sites and the like, the integrated security systems embedded within the Helmet itself ensure that only authorized First Order military personnel may use the Helmet to its full potential. This is done through a complex process of comprises of two primary methods. The first, is the internalized line of cameras that principally allows the Operator to control the various mechanisms of the suit with pre-programmed, First Order specific blink-commands. In addition to this rudimentary method, the camera’s also includes an integrated facial recognition system, which passively reads the Operator’s face and matches any distinguishing features to the predetermined and pre-programmed data. If, and when, this suit would fall into enemy hands, the Combat MicroComputer’s anti-piracy protocols would forcibly purge any and all relevant data from its databanks, and render the entire outfit as nothing more than a hefty paperweight. This was to ensure First Order military secrets would remain in the Order’s hands, or not at all.

Advanced Multispectrum Disguise Suite / Holofage Module: Known throughout the ages by a myriad of names, the Advanced Multispectrum Disguise Suite allows the bearer to shroud themselves within the embrace of a High-Definition Hologram - that allowed the Operator to become someone or something that they’re not. While the most basic of variants merely cloaked the user in a partially flickering image that held the high probability of failure, due in part to the hastily erected machinery and faulty imaging software; the FO-X2 is equipped with one of the most advanced models that the First Order could silently procure. Not only would the Operator be able to take the form of someone, or something else - but the module itself came with an integrated speech scrambler that was forcibly tied into the Helmet’s communications suite, and a Bio-sign Generator that was able to reinforce the disguise in the face of modern day detection equipment. As most sensors implanted within droids or rival armour systems came with an integrated Lifeform Scanner, the Bio-sign Generator was able to trick the exposure device by doctoring what it was able to see - so that the disguise would remain intact until the Operator had deactivated the Advanced Holoflage. This form of disguise would do little against a Force-wielding Opponent, as it was more than likely they would be able to see through the disguise if they were trained well. There were some operational flaws to the device that were unable to be worked out due to the ancient technology being used. The first and foremost, was the ‘telltale’ flicker that occurred in most modern holographic technology - however as the flicker was too fast for the naked eye to perceive - it was unlikely that anyone, save a well-trained and alert Force-wielder, would notice. The second, and most prominent of the two, was that if the Operator were to suddenly break out into a sprint, the Hologram would be unable to keep up with the fast-pace. The image would then become distorted and the shroud would ultimately fail. It’s recommended that any and all Operators who’ve activated this device move no faster than a brisk-jog to ensure maximum visual coverage.

Reinforced Betaplast Plating, Power Gloves, and Integrated Degaussing Module: As Betaplast was of an ancient First Order design, the newly resurgent Imperial Power had delved into their history to recover this venerable upgrade to the standardized plastoid plating worn by Palpatine’s Stormtroopers. Along with the reports from the time after the Fall of the New Republic, and their inevitable retreat into the Unknown Regions, there was plenty of source materials that the current incarnation of the Order would be able to use to replicate the material and utilize it like they had once done in the past. With the material being an upgrade to the conventional plastoid plate, it allowed the Corps of Imperial Engineers and the Special Projects Division the ability to craft lighter armour in comparison to what their frontline infantry wore, at a significant fraction of the cost, and offers slightly less protection from enemy fire. All in all, the first steps towards crafting the perfect material for the massed ranks of the Imperial Army and the various Planetary Defence Forces. When used in the FO-X2, it provides the wearer with protection against ranged weapons such as kinetic slugthrowers and plasmatic blaster weapons, essentially rendering many small arms ineffective. When upgrading to larger weapons, such as squad support weapons or bowcasters, the Betaplast is unable to withstand the ferocity of the attack and ultimately fails - either incapacitating the trooper entombed within or killing them outright. Much like their ancestral predecessors, the new generation of First Order stormtroopers came equipped with reactive fibre modules sheathing their organic fists that allowed them - when activated - to increase their strength by a factor of two. This would allow the Trooper to easily pry apart sealed doors, or wield weapons that would require two-hands with a single gauntlet. However, as the gloves were hardwired into the suit, it was not recommended for these Power Gloves to remain active for lengthy periods of time. As a final, additional module that helps comprise the whole, the suit has an internalized degaussing module that allows the soldier within to change the polarity of his armour at a whim. Not only would this drop any magnetically holstered weapons, but if they were mag-sealed to the deck - this would allow the soldier to float free with little issue.

Stabilizing Mask: As the widespread use of rare, and scarce materials that were able to hamper the mystical abilities of those cursed by the Force were entirely impractical for widespread use, the First Order had looked to what remained of their recorded history in order to devise a device that would aid their soldiers in the future. From this historic walk through the ages, they had found an ancient device made by unknown parties that saw fit to regulate a person’s mind, and effectively deny an opposing Jedi the opportunity to dominate their uncursed kin’s will with their mystical powers over the Aether. While much of this was more than likely to be exaggerated hogwash, there was the possibility of such venerable scribbles being true enough to generate a working prototype. Just after the War with the Alliance had broken out, and after the debacle of Kaeshana, the First Order began rolling out their variants of Stabilizing masks that regulated their soldier’s minds when in the company of those that wield the Force. The system itself had to be activated by the Trooper entombed within the armour, but once activated, it gave those that wore the suit the peace of mind - knowing that their thoughts and deeds were their own. In addition to the low-powered pulse of electricity coursing through their minds, it offered a significant challenge to those that sought to dominate the wearer’s will - making illusions, mind tricks, and subtle manipulative influences all be ineffective whilst the system was active. OOC Note: This varies dependant on the Force-wielders power, concentration, and their opposition’s willingness to cooperate with the mystical manipulation. This merely supplements a person’s Willpower, and makes it difficult to influence them without concentration or mastery over the Force.


Reinforced Betaplast Plating (Protection): While the First Order was able to recover the secrets of their past, Betaplast is much lighter and less protective than the reinforced plates of duraplast that adorn their frontline assault troops. As it can offer protection from small arms, it’s rendered entirely ineffective against verpine shatter weapons, or any variant thereof including bowcasters, which would result in the “Death Trooper” being taken out of the action. Therefore, due to this major flaw, the First Order has deemed that Betaplast be only used in Special Forces armour, or that of the Imperial Army - due to affordability of materials and the lightweight design of the composite itself. The FO-X2 is to be worn by those that were not stationed on the frontline, thus protecting them from such technological terrors wasn’t the Order’s priority. They would have to rely on their skills as an Operator, and the shadows after that, so they wouldn’t find themselves in a compromising position that may very well end up with their deaths. Even though fibres of Duranium, a material most notable for making durable prison bars and the like, were added into the Betaplast composite plating - it did not render the wearer any protection from superheated plasmatic weaponry such as Lightsabers, or any variant thereof. The material was too thin to be effective in protecting the wearer, and when placed under direct contact from a Jedi’s weapon, would melt and smoulder - permitting the blade to pass through with relative ease. Instead, the fibres of duranium, was meant to reinforce the armour so that it would be more resistant to the myriad melee weapons often deployed by a planetary militia or army, allowing the soldier within the Combat Armour the ability to remove the hostile with little regard to his own safety.

Electromagnetic Overload: Though the FO-X2 has the ability to act as a minor countermeasure to electromagnetic weapons and their highly ionized cousins, the suit’s ability to process the amount of electric energy coming their way can only extend so far - before the entire system is overloaded and rendered inoperable. To counter this eventuality, should it ever arise, the Order’s Corps of Imperial Engineers and the Special Projects Division has seen fit to install several combat deionizers and energetic heat sinks into the armour, allowing the soldier within to remain relatively unharmed. However, as they began stress testing the suit during the prototypical phase, the Order had found that the suit was unable to safely disperse all of the electromagnetic energy that was garnered from a close-range EMP detonation or Ion-fire. This problematic occurrence had seen to activating the anti-piracy protocols within the suit - utterly crippling the Operator’s ability to utilize the various special features of his armour. Thus, came about the radical idea of installing an Arc caster into the forearm plating of the gauntlet, like the power gloves, which would allow the Operator to shunt any accrued electromagnetic energy outwards as an additional weapon added to the “Death Trooper’s” arsenal. Despite that apparent boon, it came at a heavy price, continued use of the Arc caster would undoubtedly cause the entire system to short circuit, defeating the countermeasures meant to withstand harmful electromagnetic pulses and Ion weaponry. As well, should the system overload through whatever means, the soldier within the FO-X2 ran the risk of being electrocuted by his own gear - as the Arc caster held the possibility of backfiring and sending all of that garnered energy into the nearest source of energy… which would be that of the Trooper themselves due to their complicated Human biology.

Weak Joint Protection and Exposure: Though the armourweave bodyglove beneath the Reflec coated composite armour is the same worn by the frontline troops of the First Order, it doesn’t grant the wearer any special resistances as it was woven into the overall design of something meant for the Special Forces, as one would expect. Utilizing the inherent ability of woven micronized ceramics and metallic fibres, the bodyglove was able to safely disperse the harmful energies of a magnetically sheathed particle bolt, and offers a very limited resistance against the plasmatic blades of a Jedi’s weapon. While this would normally be considered a strength, in comparison to the armoured plates adorning the Trooper, this creates an avenue in which an enemy may exploit the Combat Armour’s protective seal. While the bodyglove was able to reduce the casualty radius of a fragmentation and/or explosive device(s), and ultimately turn away non-armour piercing weapons, the chances of a “Death Trooper” being wounded were just the same as those heroic Stormtroopers on the frontlines. There was chances, greater than that of the armour plating itself, that the armourweave bodyglove would fail - depending entirely on where the Trooper was situated when the weapon was discharged, or the explosive detonated, or even how the blade was able to strike true. The further away the Operator would be from the impact or discharged weapon, the more likely that they would be unharmed, or left with a stitching of nasty bruises - but with a few days submerged in a Bacta tank - the Soldier entombed within the FO-X2 would be right as rain.

Silent/Combat Protocol(s): The FO-X2 “Death Trooper” Stormtrooper Armour was designed primarily with shadow operations in mind, meaning that to ensure that the soldier was able to accomplish his mission - several operational parameters were needed to be integrated into the armour. When the silent running protocols were activated, the Soldier entombed within the FO-X2 Infiltration armour would find themselves trading the advantages of operating in the shadows for the weakness of being highly susceptible to energy and sonic-based weapons, should they be discovered by the enemy. While their armour plating would offer them some measure of protection should the eventually of detection arise, it would not truly safeguard them from harm should they be unable to retreat into cover and activate their Combat protocols. This would require the Operator and his team to engage in a tactical withdrawal from the zone they were spotted in, and enable their suit’s passive and active subsystems to combat whatever threat they may face successfully. Thankfully, should the entombed soldier have his helmet connected to the rest of his armour, the integrated systems would easily be activated by a series of voice, and or blink commands. However, while easily activated, they would take time to warm up and begin running at maximum combat efficacy. The reactionary activation wouldn’t be instantaneous as most soldiers would hope for but instead, would operate at full combat efficiency over the span of several seconds - which was entirely dependant on how long the suit has been running for and how much power remains within its internal energy sources. The lower the charge, the longer it would take for the suit to draw the power required to operate its various subsystems.


(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

Intent: To update and provide a superior Star Destroyer design to further flesh out the First Order Navy.
Image Source: Insert Links Here.
Canon Link: Insert Links Here.
Development Thread: If required.
Primary Source: Pellaeon Class Star Destroyer, Repurposed Canon Articles.


Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards (Original Design.) The Sith Empire (Second Generation), The Black Sun (Second Generation Retrofit.), First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers and Republic Engineering Corporation (Modification and Production.)
Model: Pellaeon Mk III - Series Star Destroyer.
Affiliation: The First Order. The First Order Navy.
Production: Minor.
Material: Alusteel reinforced Quadanium Alloy Ablative Hull Plating, Titanium impregnated Duramentium Frame, Reinforced Glasteel Viewports, Dallorian Alloy (Reactor Housing, Turbolaser Barrels, Engine Housing(s) and Hangar Bay Flight Decks.), Duranium Bulkheads, Turadium Blast Shutters, Tunqstoid Blast Doors, Reflec Enamel Coating.


Classification: Star Destroyer, Battleship, Carrier, Command Ship.
Length: 1,800 Metres
Width: 980 Metres
Height: 310 Metres

  • [10] Heavy Composite Beam Cannons. (Capital-Grade.) [Fast-Track Mounting(s), Fire-Linked.]
  • [5] Heavy Quad Turbolaser Batteries. (10 Cannons per Battery.) [Fast-Track Mounting(s), Fire-Linked.]
  • [5] Heavy Ion Cannon Batteries. (10 Cannons per Battery.) [Fast-Track Mounting(s), Fire-Linked.]
  • [10] Dual Turbolaser Cannon Batteries. (10 Cannons per Battery.) [Fast-Track Mounting(s), Fire-Linked.]
  • [10] Ion Cannon Batteries. (10 Cannons per Battery.) [Fast-Track Mounting(s), Fire-Linked.]
  • [5] Energy Torpedo Projector Batteries (10 Launchers per Battery.)
  • [5] Gravity Mine Launchers (Stern Battery Placement.)
  • [10] Mk 26 ‘Harm’ Guided Missile Weapon System(s) [48 Missiles per Launcher.]
  • Antimissile Octets. [Fast-Track Mounting(s), Fire-Linked.]
  • Quad Laser Cannons. [Fast-Track Mounting(s), Fire-Linked.]
  • ‘Bastion’ Advanced Fighter/Missile Defense System.

Armament Rating: Very High

  • Heavy, Ablative Hull Plating.
  • Integrated Central Droid Brain (Heuristic Processors.)
  • Internal Shield Generator.
  • Advanced Deflector Shield. (Layered Molecular and Deflector shield.) [Hexagonal Shutter Variant.]
  • Electronic Countermeasures. (ECM.)
  • Internal / Retractable Autoblasters and Bulkhead Barriers.

Defense Rating: High

Hangar: Average;
  • Six Squadrons (72 Starfighters - Imperial Standard Wing.)
  • Eight Transport Shuttles.
  • Various Troop Ships, Deployment Vessels, and Boarding Craft.

Maneuverability Rating: Low.
Speed Rating: Very Low.
Primary Reactor Core: Hypermatter Annihilator.
Secondary Reactor Core(s): Solar Ionization Reactor’s with Retractable Collection Panels.
Primary Hyperdrive Class (Rating.): Zero, Point Seven-Five.
Secondary Hyperdrive Class (Rating.): Eight.
Crew (Optimal): 8,375 - Slaved Systems Included.
Crew (Skeleton Crew): 1,750 - Slaved Systems Included.
Passengers: 3,000 Soldiers (Roughly One Regiment - Imperial Standard.)
Cargo Capacity: 12,500 Metric Tonnes.
Consumables: Seven Months.

  • Command Deck / Bridge (Imperial Command Trenches.)
  • Combat Information Centre/ Battle Bridge.
  • Observation Lounge/ Deck.
  • Primary and Secondary Artificial Gravity Generator(s).
  • Standard (Destroyer - Class) Navigational System(s).
  • Advanced (Destroyer - Class) Targeting and Sensor System(s).
  • Standard (Destroyer - Class) Damage Control and Hazard System(s).
  • Standard (Destroyer - Class) Communications (Holo, Hyperwave, Etc.) Suite.
  • Standard (Destroyer - Class) Environmental and Life Support System(s) with Secondary Backups.
  • Salvation / Escape Pods.
  • Mess Hall(s) and Galley(‘s)
  • Barracks and Armoury.
  • Medical/ Sickbay.
  • Morale Deck(s).
  • Electronic Countermeasures / Counter Countermeasures.
  • Primary and Secondary Engineering.
  • Central Computer Core.
  • Brig / Detention Level.
  • Vehicle Deployment / Drop Pod(s).
  • Infantry Deployment / Drop Pod(s).
  • Tractor and Repulsor Beam Emitters.
  • Standard (Destroyer - Class) Ion Engines.
  • Emergency Maneuvering Thrusters.
  • Various Crew Quarters, and Operational Decks.

  • Internal Gravity Well Generator
  • ‘Bastion’ Advanced Fighter/Missile Defense System:
  • Integrated Droid Brain and Slaved System(s):
  • Internal (Generator) and Advanced (Hexagonal/ Molecular/Particle.) Deflector Shield:
  • Retracted and Armoured Bridge Tower:

  • Optimized Hexagonal Molecular Shield Projection Vectors.
  • Sloped and Advantageous Firing Arcs. (Ventral Surface.)
  • Retracted and Armoured Bridge Tower.
  • Internal Shield and Gravity Well Generators.

  • Significant Reduction in Aft Weaponry. (Capital-Grade Weaponry.)
  • Slow and Purposeful.(Low Speed and Maneuverability.)
  • Dorsal Blindspots - Destroyer Trench (Capital-Grade Weaponry.)
  • Exposed Dorsal Reactor Bulb (Secondary Reactor.)
  • Hypermatter Annihilator (Supernova Reactor Breach.)
  • Escort Requirement. (Limited Anti-Starfighter Counters.)
  • Hexagonal Compensation (Removal of Hex Shield, Adjacent can’t compensate effectively.)


Fiolette Fortan


  • Intent: To create an improved Defender that can act more like a ‘tank’ when in the field, drawing attention and damage away from more vulnerable fighters like the Raptor or Interceptor-type attack craft.

  • Image Source: Jason Battersby // Artstation (x)

  • Canon Link: L-S9.3 Laser Cannon (x) | Reflect (x) | HR-IO4 Ion Railgun (x) | Ion Pulse Missiles (x) | Mag-Pulse Warheads (x) | Retribution Feedback Shield System (x) | Lock-Threat Warning System (x)

  • Restricted Missions: N/A

  • Primary Source: Primo Victorian Shipwright (x) | Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems (x)

  • Manufacturer: Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems (x) | Primo Victorian Shipwright (x) | First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers

  • Model: TIE/CD XIV “Crown”

  • Affiliation: First Order

  • Production: Limited

  • Material:

    Reflect (x | Black Enamel

  • Titanium Hull, Quadanium Steel Solar Panels

  • Turadium Reactive Plating System

  • Glasteel Viewports, Turadium Shutters

  • Duraplast Liner, Turadium Reinforced (On Critical Core Components)


2x HR-IO4 Ion Railgun (x

2x Warhead Launchers

Defenses: Moderate

Squadron Count: 8

Maneuverability Rating: Average

Speed Rating: Moderate

Hyperdrive Class: 1


  • Crystal Engine: Built with the new crystal engine, the Crown receives an overall boost to its performance in both speed and rate of fire as well as improved cutting power on its turbolaser systems.

  • Reactive Plating System: A reactive plating system built into the Crown enables it to endure more hits for a longer period of time than your average starfighter.

  • Retribution Feedback: Installed on the new Crown defenders are retribution feedback shields, enabling the starfighter dish out a fraction of the damage taken through a kinetic feedback. While not enough to cause serious harm it is a nuisance to enemy fighters.

  • Warhead Loadout: The Crown has four different warhead loadouts that it can carry, a load out must be declared prior to takeoff. Each loadout is meant for a different mission, enabling the Crown to be utilized in a variety of campaigns.

  • Ion Railguns: One of the key features of the craft is the older ion railguns, allowing it to fire from a distance while still maintaining pressure on the target.

  • Reflec: Coated in a specialized black enamel, making it harder for scanning technology to get a read out of the starfighter itself.

  • Tractor / Pressor: A unique feature to a starfighter, a tractor / pressor beam has been installed allowing the craft to push and pull objects around it. While not strong enough to hold even a corvette in place, it is enough to harass enemy fighters and target enemy boarding pods.

  • Chaff / Flare System: This system of chaffs and flares are used to attract missiles toward the starfighter and away from more fragile starfighters such as the Raptor or other Interceptor-type attack craft.


  • Crystal Engine Boost: Turbolaser systems receive a boost from the engine's permafrost based coolant system, enabling them to cut harder and fire faster. The ship will receive an overall boost to system efficiency and speed thanks in part to the very same coolant system.

  • Defensive Measures: The ship's biggest draw is defense, defense, it's here to soak up damage and dish it out at the same time. Feedback shield system and a tractor / pressor beam allow the small craft to decide when and where to take the damage. The craft also comes equipped with a reactive plating system that helps the Crown to do its job of taking hits for the other TIE fighters.

  • Nuisance: Stutter-fire laser cannons and ion railguns on top of its own torpedo load out, allow the Crown to be a nuisance to many larger capital ships. En masse these Crown Defenders are more than enough to cause a few headaches.

  • Overwhelmed: Although built to withstand and handle a great amount of damage, the phrase too much is often heard. The Crown has a faulty ability to take on more than it can chew. While this is always down to the pilot's use of the craft's abilities, the Crown can and will fall from overwhelming firepower.

  • Ion-Vulnerable: Vulnerable to Ion-based weapons the craft must be careful, and her pilot's must be sensitive to this, and not just for the obvious reasons but at any point if the ship is to be hit by ion-based weaponry it may very well lead to her own munitions setting off, or the crystal engine's failsafe to fail leaving the pilot vulnerable to the craft's permafrost based engine.

  • Stutter-Jam: Equipped with four laser cannons, these cannons can jam and require a cooldown of fifteen seconds. ​


OOC Writer Account
Shaehan wearing the Mk.I Valora [BLACK] PCE on Kaeshana's desolate surface

  • Intent: Creating a limited-production run of advanced powered combat armour worn by Shaehan Timiari and a few other First Order Eldorai Personnel.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Powersuit, Exoskeleton, Heavy Exoskeleton.
  • Classification: Multipurpose Military Powersuit/Exoskeleton
  • Height: 1.83 Meters, 6'0" (Average)
  • Weight: 71 Kilograms, 156.5 .lbs (Average)
  • Blasters (Plasma-type weapons): High
  • Kinetic: High
  • Plasma Blades/Lightsabres: High
  • Sonic: High
  • EMP/ION: High
  • Elemental: High


  • Holographic HUD (Voice & Ocular command capable.)
  • Anti-Ion Mesh
  • Interior Celluar Padding (High Comfort.)
  • Liquid Crystal Display.
  • Liquid Consumables Induction Port.
  • Polychromatic Camera Lense Visor.
  • Visual/Audio Player and Recorder ( 24 Hours of Content before Datacard needs to be swapped.)
  • Language Database/Translator.
  • Annunciator/Vocabulator. (Volume and Pitch output programmable.)
  • Sonic Dissipator(s)
  • Infrared Laser Rangefinder/Laser Designator/Laser sight/Laser Dazzler (Equipped to helmet lenses.)
  • Broadband Antenna
  • Long-range Integrated Commlink with First Order Military encryption keys.
  • Closed-circuit Rebreather.
  • Life Support System (Infinite vital gas supply).
  • Motion Scanner 25m Radius.
  • Integrated Macrobinoculars 5000x magnification.
  • Visor Modes: Infrared/Thermal & Ultraviolet.
Body Armour:
  • Air Conditioning/Climate Control System.
  • Nuclear Microfusion Cell (500 year charge, replaceable).
  • Casualty Carry Handle (Upper Back.)
  • Ventral forearm mounted vacuum-sealed IM/IV Bacta Injection Ports.
  • Anti-Ion Mesh.
  • Hermetically Sealed and Pressurised.
  • Advanced Bio-Restorative Underlay.
  • Combat Webbing Clips and Mountings.
  • Magnetised strips on backplate & thighs for storing weapon(s).
  • Magnetic Adhesion/ High-Traction Grips.
  • Magnetisable boots.
  • Sonic Dampening Overlay
  • Celluar Padded Insoles (High Comfort.)
  • IFF Circuitry and Transponder (Biometrically Linked, Encrypted Telemetry.)
  • Waste Recycling System.
  • Joint-locking Capability.
  • Titanium Crushgaunts.

Utility Equipment:
  • First Aid Kit.
  • Combat Rations (One Day's Worth.)
  • Multitool.
  • Grappling Hooks.
  • Flare Gun (Two Charges.)
  • Anti-Security Blade.
  • Sonic Security Resonator.
  • Various Pouches. (Containing a multitude of items, including but not limited to, additional plasma cartridges and etc.)
  • Electronic Lock Scrambler/Descrambler.
  • Secondary, External Communicator (Hardwired to Jamming.)
  • Titanium Construction: Constructed from thin Titanium plates the armour is low density, lightweight, tough and strong. Successfully diffusing powerful plasma and laser based energy weapons over the material, however, repeated impacts will eventually burn or melt away the armour.
  • Kinetic Threats: Thanks to its hard titanium plates the Valora-class armour successfully prevents penetration against even high-velocity slugthrower rounds, diffusing kinetic energy across the titanium plate and converting them into blunt trauma injuries.
  • Plasma Blades: Plasma torches and lightsaber-type weapons have difficulty cutting through the Valora-class armour thanks to a Duravlex coating that protects against extreme temperatures that lightsabers rely on for their cutting power. It cannot survive sustain contact with a super-heated plasma blade but permits the plates to survive brief contact or slashes.
  • Over-pressure Protection: Excessive air pressure and waves of sonic energy are carefully managed by a sealed hermetic atmosphere and contoured design that focuses energy around the wearer's soft-tissue pressure points, causing excruciating pain and potentially a state of unconsciousness but sparing bones, vital organs, sensory organs and circulatory systems from shattering.
  • Ionic Activity: Valora's material and chemical properties prevent the wearer from being directly electrocuted and successfully prevents complete molecular breakdown when impacted by small-arm disruptor-type weapons. The energy is converted into blunt force trauma and paralyses the liquid crystal gel-layer, rendering the armour's wearer defenceless.
  • Elemental Stresses: The armour creates its own hermetic atmosphere and features a life support system that perfectly mimicks Kaeshana's pre-cataclysm atmosphere and offers good protection from extreme climates encountered on civilised worlds.
  • Bio-restorative Underlay: Featuring a bio-restorative underlay that comes into contect with the epidermis, this underlay promotes cellular growth on the dermis and sub-dermis which aids in the healing of injuries to the skin, soft tissue, bones and organs. The layer also helps keep the armour's wearer alive even after sustaining grievous or mortal wounds.
  • Strength Amplification: As a Powered Exoskeleton the Valora supports its own weight and dramatically increases the physical strength and endurance of its wearer to the point where they can lift objects double their own body mass, giving Eldorai Huntresses a distinct advantage when attempting to lift heavy weaponry or fighting disarmed.
  • Swiftness: Wearers of the Valora experience greatly increased speed and agility as a result of their increased muscular strength and endurance, running speeds of 48 km/h have been recorded under test conditions.
  • Microfusion Battery: The design features a microfusion battery in a rectangle-shaped Titanium casing on the lower back, damaging or destroying this battery will disable the suit at best and cause a miniature thermo-nuclear explosion like a thermal detonator at worst.
  • Stun Setting: Stun settings on blasters trick the power armour's Gel-layer to think it's being subjected to massive hydrostatic stress and so freezes the wearer in place.
  • Vibroblade Weapons: The Valora's titanium plate is low density and relatively thin in an attempt to save weight but this makes it easy to penetrate with Vibroblade or mono-molecular edge weapons.
  • Armour Spalling: High-velocity kinetic weapons when impacting the armour plates can cause spalling injuries where even though a round doesn't penetrate tiny Titanium flakes can shear away from the plate and cause damage to the armour system or injuries to its wearer.
  • Electric attacks: Uninterrupted contact with high-voltage high-amperage electric sources force the armour's gel-layer into a state where it attempts to protect its' wearer, paralysing them and making it very difficult at best and near impossible at worst to move.
  • Infrared Channel: The Valora has quite a large thermal/infrared footprint making it very possible to camouflage the wearer's position from hostiles with multi-spectrum imaging systems or sensors that detect infrared activity.
  • Life support apparatus: Between the shoulders is an inverted triangle-shaped titanium housing sitting on the rear of the cuirass. The on-board life-support could be damaged or breached and leave the Eldorai huntress wearing it severely debilitated, via sufficiently damaging the life support or inadvertently breaching the armour's hermetic seal.
  • Passive Camouflage: The Valora isn't a champion of passive camouflage, it is a lustrous silver in colouration making it easy to spot and identify in virtually any environment.
  • Extreme Heat: While Valora's liquid crystal layer sandwiched in the body suit attempts to keep the wearer at shell body temperature for maximum comfort. Extremely hot environments can overwhelm this with an extended operation and induce dehydration, heat stroke and unconsciousness in the wearer, this is most notable on worlds like Mustafar.
  • Sub-Zero Centigrade: The liquid crystal gel-layer becomes noticeably rigid at -14.5 degrees Celsius and virtually freezes at -23.0 degrees Celsius, resulting in great input lag from the wearer to their suit. Making operations in arctic climates difficult on even the more hospital worlds to say nothing of worlds like Hoth.
  • Chinks in armour: The Valora is designed for maximum, speed, agility and flexibility and as such made concessions in armour plate design and shape; it lacks hard-armour plates in the location directly above the hips and this area extends to where the ribs begin, this area is covered only by the TYI Flex Armour bodysuit.
The Mk.I Valora-class Powered Combat Exoskeleton was developed in parallel to the Illyria-Class Powered Combat Exoskeleton as species-specific personal protective equipment for the First Order's Eldorai Personnel. The two armour platforms share key technologies but were developed with different personnel in mind; the Illyria-class Powered Combat Exoskeleton was designed with requirements that the platform be suitable for work in the civil sector Industrial and Manufacturing environment. Valora differs in that it is designed and developed exclusively for combat troops and thus is lighter and features more advanced technologies while achieving the same technical characteristics in a more compact and agile delivery. Valora's visual aesthetic more closely honours traditional Eldorai design with beautiful contoured plates and a mixture of organic and sharp angles. The Valora didn't enter serial production due to its higher cost when compared with the Illyria-class and less flexible nature in terms of employment, however the models produced are now seeing service with the few Eldorai force-sensitive super-soldiers who have joined the First Order's Auxiliary, these specific suits have been named the "[BLACK]" variant for their enhanced capabilities.

Valora's hard armour consists of elegantly designed Duravlex-coated lustrous Titanium plates carefully manufactured for maximum hardness and toughness which results in the good performance against kinetic threats with the noted threat of spalling in part due to the plates' thin dimensions which were a deliberate choice to reduce weight and cross-section to make the wearer agiler. Energy Weapons diffuse on impact but due to Titanium's material properties it cannot withstand sustained damage from blasters and other plasma-based weapons without melting or burning away, the armour itself isn't indestructible in this regard. Disruptors carried by infantry will not disintegrate the armour, however, impacts to the system will trigger a reactor shut-down only solvable with a system reboot, rendering the wearer paralysed with the weight of the Valora on their body and this assumes the armour is only struck once, successive shots can completely short-circuit the armour's ignition completely disabling Valora and entombing the warrior wearing it. Protection against unconventional threats such as sonic is achieved through a sonic dampening overlay and the hard armour plate designs which focus sonic pressure around the pressure points throughout the wearer's body, causing excruciating pain but otherwise avoiding the fatal injuries associated with these weapons.

Beneath the Duravlex coated Titanium Plates the Valora provides one final layer of protection against energy and kinetic weapons before being penetrated; a bodysuit constructed from TYI-Flex Armour designed as a last-ditch attempt to prevent penetration of the wearer by ranged weapons and instead converts the impact into a hopefully more treatable blunt force injury in the case of a kinetic weapon or treatable burn in the case of an energy weapon. Exsanguination can be difficult to treat in the field especially where powered exoskeletons are concerned in addition to this the bodysuit features a bio-restorative underlay specifically for this person to promote clotting in the event deep laceration or shot-wounds are created. The Flex Armour bodysuit is ineffective at adequately providing protection from Vibro-weapons or plasma blades making the wearer especially vulnerable in melee combat once the hard plates are breached. This makes any part of the body not covered by Titanium plates prime targets in close quarters or for snipers at extreme range.

The Valora's helmet like the rest of the armour is a homage to traditional Eldorai designs and lacks a distinct visor like the Illyria and instead provides a display on a Liquid Crystal Display screen inside the helmet with its image created by four distinct camera lenses on the helmet's front which vaguely resemble 'eyes' of sorts. This reduces the risk of explosive decompression of the helmet as there is no visor to breach or grain boundaries for force to focus against, it also decreases the risk of a sniper taking advantage of a visor to dispatch the wearer with a shot to the brain stem which is a common feature among humanoids and near-human species. The Valora features an onboard computer that helps with information management via the helmet-mounted display reacting to voice commands from the wearer and magnifies the image resolution based on eye movement often requiring the user to change software settings and adjust to its use over time which usually isn't an issue with Eldorai Auxillary personnel given their unique physiology. Valora's helmet also features a dedicated microphone, processor and database for converting Eldorai to the most popular foreign languages in the galaxy and these languages to Eldorai for wearers not entirely fluent in Galactic Basic or other interstellar communication.

In support of the unique requirements of Eldorai physiology the Valora-class powered combat exoskeleton can be worn for extended durations when necessary featuring a vacuum sealed inductor port that can be deployed from the helmet and allows the introduction of liquid consumables such as vital fluids and foodstuffs through a thick straw. Waste management is achieved through a recycling system similar to the one seen aboard the Illyria-Class Powered Combat Exoskeleton, allowing the wearer to remain in their Valora-class armour for days at a time potentially.


OOC Writer Account
  • Intent: Creating a Liquid Crystal Polymer for use in First Order Powersuit and Exoskeleton Armour designs.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Polymerised Liquid Crystal
  • Weight: Negligible/Ultra-lightweight.
  • Color: Varies
  • Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): None
  • Kinetic: None
  • Lightsabers: None
  • Other: None
  • Superconductive Properties: The Liquid Crystal functions as an electric superconductor in a wide range of temperatures encountered in ambient environment on civilized worlds, losing this property only in extremely cold environment.
  • Piezoelectric Effect: Exquisite Rhombus generates an electric charge and polymerizes under principles of the Piezoelectric effect when a mechanical load is applied to it, when used in a bodysuit for example this creates an exoskeleton with the Polymerized Liquid Crystal carrying the load of the applied mechanical stress.
  • Mechanical Advantage: The Mechanical Advantage provided by the liquid crystal polymer multiplies physical output by wearers of bodysuits equipped with it. The wearer of such a bodysuit has their lifting capacity multiplied by two and increases their other physical output significantly.
  • Exoskeleton: Bodysuits equipped with the Exquisite Rhombus Liquid Crystal Polymer function as Exoskseltons; Supporting its weight, creating a sense for the wearer that the Armour is their skin as opposed to traditional protective equipment.
  • No Protection: Exquisite Rhombus' polymerized liquid crystal offers zero protection in of itself and must be incorporated into an Armour system's bodysuit to function properly.
  • Plastic Deformation: If the Liquid Crystal is subjected to a high-voltage high-amperage electric current, it cannot polymerise and plastically deforms; In armour systems this has the effect of paralyzing the wearer as it tricks the bodysuit it is incorporated into to 'think' it is under massive mechanical load. So it attempts to protect the wearer.
  • Extreme Temperatures: While the Armour system it is equipped to can protect its wearer from extreme temperature, the Liquid Crystal loses its conductive properties at low temperatures, leading to a loss of mobility in the exoskeleton the technology is apart.
  • Production Limitations and Cost: Any submissions utilizing this technology are costly and time-consuming to manufacture and thus may only have a maximum production rating of Limited to properly reflect these qualities.
  • Requires a power supply: Given it requires mechanical stress and electrical charge to function properly, systems incorporating Exquisite Rhombus require a dedicated Fusion battery or some other potent power cell, without a battery the Rhombus cannot generate produce mechanical advantage rendering hard armour plates attached to a bodysuit equipped with Exquisite Rhombus inert, the full weight of the powersuit or exoskeleton weighing on the wearer.
"Exquisite Rhombus" Is the working codename for a synthetic Liquid Crystal Polymer developed by the First Order's Corps of Imperial Engineers designed for use in the next generation powersuits and exoskeletons which are steadily gaining attention within the First Order's engineering community for their power, complexity and cost in equal measure. Exquisite Rhombus is a technological marvel when poured into an armour bodysuit's capillary system where it becomes an exciting game-changer for Infantry Combat and Exoskeleton Technology, allowing for significant reduction in size and weight of Exoskeleton designs when compared to the types fielded by the long extinct Galactic Republic or Galactic Empire.

Powersuits and Exoskeletons equipped with Exquisite Rhombus have been cited as feeling like a "second skin" by wearers of experimental systems equipped with it. One of the Rhombus' limitations is that when applied to a bodysuit it actually requires a dedicated and quite potent power source leading to the common sight of Nuclear Fusion batteries in their design. This is caused by the necessity of generating an electric current and therefore mechanical advantage even the wearer is idle; Failing to have a functional battery means the wearer will be carrying the weight of their inert exoskeleton themselves which more or less makes them immobile at the worst and struggling to move their limbs at best.

Another significant drawback of Rhombus is its inability to cope with contact with high-voltage and high-amperage currents which is often a risk for soldiers when operating in urban environments or where contact with certain force users is expected. Exquisite Rhombus plastically deforms when subjected to aforementioned electric currents and so has a paralysing effect on the Liquid Crystal where it cannot polymerise in response to applied mechanical stresses. This translates to the wearer of a system incorporating exquisite rhombus where the entire system's weight will come down on them.

Exquisite Rhombus offers significant benefits too when applied to a bodysuit the technology permits a Human wearer to lift approximately twice his or her own body weight and multiplies all other physical output by a factor of two as well resulting in increased speed, agility and endurance that would usually only be possible with advanced cybernetics. Soldiers wearing protective equipment incorporating exquisite rhombus Liquid Crystal layer can operate support weapons that would normally weigh the wielder down significantly or require a crew to displace. However, if the wearer was to be subjected to mechanical stress that exceeded the Rhombus' design specifications the force would be transferred to the site of application and then multiplied by two easily crushing the bones and other tissues at the affected site.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Intent: To create a standard issue Maser weapon for the First Order Stormtrooper Corps.

Image Source: Insert Image Link Here
Canon Link: Charric| Maser, Ferroceramic, Durinium, Dallorian Alloy, Myoflex, Nylasteel, Durasteel, Galven Coil/Circuitry.

Restricted Missions: If required.
Primary Source: IRL Maser Technology, SW: Legends Canon - Charric.

Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers, Brandt-Volcata Industries.
Model: DE-39 Maser Rifle.
Affiliation: The First Order, Brandt-Volcata Industries, Closed Market.
Modularity: Yes; Exterior Attachments (Underbarrel and Rifle Rack Attachments.)
Production: Mass-Produced.
Material: Durinium impregnated Durasteel (Outer Casing.) | Ferroceramic Rifle Barrel |Dallorian Alloy Barrel Casing| Galven Coils | Myoflex Heat Sink(s | Nylasteel Impregnated Nerfhide Leather Rifle Strap| Textured Rubber Rifle Grips.

Classification: Maser-based Blaster Rifle. (Thermal and Kinetic based Damage.)
Size: Personal (Handheld.)
Length: 50 cm (19.7 in.) [Extended Stock.]

Weight: 2.8 KG
Ammunition Type: Hydrogen-based Plasma Cartridge, Hydrogen-based Plasma Cell (Optional.) Spun Tibanna Gas Canister (Ignition Agent.)

Ammunition Capacity: 375 Shots per Plasma Cartridge. 36 Shots per Plasma Power Cell.
Effective Firing Range: Battlefield (Shorter than a Standard Blaster Rifle.)
Maximum Combat Range: 225 Meters
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire/Single Shot/Multi-Round Burst/Pulse/Semi-Automatic.

Maser-based Particle Projectile (Faster Discharge than a Blaster.)
Non-Lethal Neurological Setting (Can be Lethal if the application persists.)
Bullpup Design.

Underslung and Various Attachment Rails.
Extendable and Retractable Rifle Stock.
Holographic Power / Ammunition Indicator.

Encrypted HUD Link.


Advanced Bio-Metric System: Each rifle is tagged to its own user. This
Advanced Anti-Piracy System: With the bio-metric lock, if an opposing fighters were to


  • Burn Baby Burn!: The Maser rifle melts polymer and ceramic armour with ease, cooking the occupants inside.
  • Buzz Kill!Causes Electromagnetic Surges with Metallic Targets (Droids and Armour, etc.)
  • Block This!: One of the big advantages of the maser rifle is it’s inability to be reflected or deflected by lightsabers. The rifle also causes massive kinetic damage to personal energy systems thanks to it being based on fusion rather than particle based projectiles.
  • Sharpshooter: The DE-39 rifle sees almost unparalleled accuracy. The rifle experiences no recoil or magnetic decay. Unparalleled Accuracy (No Recoil, Low rate of Magnetic Decay, Etc.)

Weaknesses :

- Snubnose: The DE-39 is not a short ranged rifle. It needs longer ranges between the rifle and its target to work appropriately.
- Ain’t Automatic: The DE-39 isn’t a machine gun. It’s fire rate can be configured to semi-automatic or burst fire. But it can and will never be able to unleash a sustained bust of fire.
  • Point Blank Shields: The rifle is designed to take out shields, but finds difficulty performing these tasks at short range.

    The DE-39 Maser Rifle, or Deep Fryer is one of the oldest weapons projects in development within the First Order. In the aftermath of the Battle of Kaeshana, the First Order had found the attacks by the Tygarn Alliance and their Sith allies devastating, and for that, felt that their hardware needed upgrades. While the X-1 Sonic Rifles were effective at dulling the combination of Jedi and Sith which attacked the stormtroopers, Central Command wished for a larger and stronger rifle to perform this goal.

    Research of the DE-39 saw many technical difficulties in the refining of the processes which projected the actual maser. This, along with research assets going to the Vanquisher-class and FIMB projects, saw the DE-39 shelved. However, in the wake of the establishment of the Metal Lords, the DE-39 saw accelerated development, and finally production after the war with the Galactic Alliance ended.

    The Maser rifle is a strong mid ranged rifle. It is best deployed with additional rifles such as the F-11D rifle. However, despite this, the DE-39 is a weapon which is capable of devastating droid and lightsabre armed combatants. However, unlike many of its compatriots it is unable to automatically fire.

    The DE-39 also is able to tear through shields. Personal and otherwise.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

For the record, masers can still be blocked by lightsabers, but they have kinetic impact and can knock the user off-balance or even disarm them. They cannot be reflected.

And yes most saber users will simply block the shot as normal.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
[SIZE=18pt]Wrath-Class Artillery Battery[/SIZE]


[SIZE=18pt]"Gentlemen, we have become death. Destroyer of worlds." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]~ [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Colonel Gerhard Derstan, upon seeing the Wrath-class annihilate a starfighter. 853ABY[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] To create a new weapon for the First Order.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Image Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [Inside Two Deadly, New First Order Vehicles from the Last Jedi][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Canon Link: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] None. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Restricted Missions:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] None. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Primary Source: None. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Wrath-Class Artillery Battery.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] The First Order.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Modularity:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] No.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Production[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Mass Produced.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Materials: [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Kyber Crystal Focusing Array[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Tungstoid Barrel [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Durasteel Hull [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Electronic Components [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Bronzium Cased Reactor[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Quadanium Steel Casings[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Quadanium Steel Components[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Artillery Battery[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Size:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Ship Mounted.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Length:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] 250 meters[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Weight:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] 25000 Tonnes[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Ammunition Type:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Blaster Battery Cells[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Ammunition Capacity:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] 2 Blasts.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Effective Range: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Long Range Turbolaser[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Rate of Fire:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Single-Action.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Kyber Crystal Focusing Array:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Sitting inside the core of the vessel is the kyber focussing array. A stalwart of First Order design, the kyber array acts to focus energy more effectively. In this case, it ensures that the reactor can focus on fusing the separate types of blast together. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Bronzium Fusion Reactor: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Sitting deep within the battery is the bronzium fusion reactor. This works to fuse the ion and turbolaser projectiles together, to create a larger, massive blast. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Focused Beam[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Primed and ready, the kyber crystals within the Wrath-Class are designed to focus energy. While the weapon uses an immense amount of power, if it weren't for the kyber crystals, it would simply be unusable.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Dual Power[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: The Wrath-class battery harnesses the power of both ion and turbolasers, combining them into a singular, devastating blast designed to overload the shields of other vessels, and ten crush them with a massive turbolaser. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Direct Hit[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Concerted efforts by fighter teams, bombers or capital ships could render the Wrath-Class destroyed. Destroying the barrel would immobilise the weapon momentarily, but hitting the reactor, would unleash a massive explosion, and possibly cripple the ship or space station it sits on. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Slow Targeting[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: While the computers may be able to efficiently lock onto targets, the cannon itself does take some time to align itself to be able to appropriately lock onto a target. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The Wrath-Class Artillery Battery is the latest in a long line of developments from the First Order. Designed initially as an artillery piece to be mounted upon walkers, the initial tests with the larger model wielded saw success. Central Command, remarked at the results, decided to do what it had always done. Copy the doctrines of other Galactic military's and improve on them. In this case, the overabundance of hypervelocity weapons would be the target. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]What sparked the interest of Central Command was the so called 'Hoth-Dersten Trial'. The Wrath prototype was far smaller than the final product, and could in fact be wheeled out onboard a small speeder. It was at the Naval Yard on Hoth where the cannon which would become the Wrath-class was tested. Its targets being ground assets captured from the Galactic Alliance’s incursion on Hoth and Antaran Ranger equipment looted from Aegis Base when the First Order liberated the system. While the weapon was effective when used against ground based enemies, it was deemed too slow to be rendered effective. Ground battles moved far too quickly for a laser which required minutes to reload. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Disappointed at the results, project leader Colonel Gerhard Derstan decided to test the weapon on a singular X-wing starfighter the Naval Yard had just reverse engineered. It was simply a test which was really designed to blow up a symbol of Jedi tyranny and raise the spirits of the disappointed scientists, and the stormtrooper guards who were yet to be impressed. However, when it was tested on the fighter, with its activated shields, the results astounded Derstan. The aftermath of the test on the starfighter was remarkable. While the battery had annihilated everything else, nothing had been shielded. What was found was that with one singular blast having left literally nothing in its wake. No wreckage, apart from a smouldering crater.

The reason for the Wrath's efficiency could be found in fact that the blast, amplified partially by kyber crystals fuses ion and turbolaser fire to create a massive beam. This beam, at full size is the size of a small freighter. This beam and the power it wields, acts simultaneously in an attempt to rupture shields, and then destroy the vessels hull. If used properly, the science behind it, would be that the ion part of the bean would simply overload the shields, and the massive turbolaer would then hopefully tear apart the hull. However, in the case of the test fighter, an Incom Class-X-wing, the blast disintegrated it.

[SIZE=10.5pt]The battery wields about the same, if not more power than the average hypervelocity and missile bank, without the weaknesses that come with both. Since it is a laser, it has greater range and capability than the other two weapons systems. It also doesn't have the baggage which comes with either system, meaning it can't be deflected by gravity wells or coordinated tractor beams. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]However, the power and capability wielded in the turret meant it was vulnerable. The use of kyber crystals, along with the massive barrel are weaknesses. A capable fighter, or bomber wing, could attack the base of the battery, and try to rupture its reactor, tearing it apart. A strike to the large, and unwieldly barrel could also neutralise the weapon, until the crew manage to re-calibrate the settings. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Additionally, with a cannon of this size, moving it into firing position, and to be able to accurately fire upon enemies is a long process. This is why, it's prescribed to fire upon larger enemy battlecruisers, and destroyers. While it could feasibly decimate a corvette, it would be unlikely. The Wrath is only really designed to counter the over abundance of Star Defenders and larger vessels used by the Galactic Alliance and Silver Jedi Order. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]As a weapon, the Wrath-class is destined to be used as a space defence asset. Mounted either offensively aboard cruisers and star destroyers, or to act as a defensive compliment to a space station, or a defensive station sitting on a planet's surface. The design of the weapon follows the Galactic Alliance’s military doctrine, only to once again improve upon the ideas presented with superior technology and military doctrine. [/SIZE]

Intent: To create a new generation of assault landers for the Militant branches of the First Order.
Image Source:
Canon Link: Atmospheric Assault Lander.
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: Atmospheric Assault Lander (Mk I), Atmospheric Assault Lander (Mk II).

Manufacturer: Sienar-Jaemus Army Systems, First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers.
Model: SJAS-AAL/FO-03 Tactical Troop Transport.
Affiliation: The First Order.
Production: Mass-Produced.
Material: Titanium-Reinforced Durasteel Armour Plating (Ablative and Redundant), Glasteel Viewports, Anti-Ion (Copper Faraday Cage) Mesh, Reinforced Duraplast Plating (Landing Struts and Solar Panel Coating), Reflec Enamel Coating, Photovoltaic / Solar Ionization Cells (Girondium, Colium), Internal Dropship Components (Assault Ramp and Etc).

Classification: Atmospheric/Intergalactic Assault Transport.
Length: 18 Metres.
Width: 5 Metres.
Height: 4 Metres.

  • F-Z0 Antipersonnel Blaster Cannon. (Pintle-Mounted, Remote Controlled, Overhauled to Modern Standards.)
  • Variable Repulsorfield Generator (with Integrated Augmentor. Prow-Mounted.)
  • Two External Weapon Mounts. (Variable External Weapon Systems; EX: Shield Disruptors.)
Armament Rating: [ Very Low. ]

  • Redundant Armour Plating.
  • Reflec Enamel Coating. (Sensor Silhouette, Incoming Internal Scanning Difficulty.)
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Deflector Shield.
  • Secondary Deflector Shield Generator (with Integrated Augmentor. Prow-Mounted.)
  • External Cartridge Launchers. (Anti-Blaster Aerosol, Smoke, Etc.)​
Defense Rating: [ Moderate. ]

Squadron Count: Five AAL’s Per Squadron.
Maneuverability Rating: [ Low. ]
Speed Rating: [ Moderate. ]
Maximum Acceleration: 4,100 G
MGLT: 20 - 100 MGLT
Maximum Atmospheric Speed: 1,000 Km/H (Unshielded.) 1,200 Km/H (Shielded.)
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Secondary Hyperdrive Rating: Class 10
Engine Unit(s): 4x SJAS-210 sublight ion engine(s), 4x P-w401 Ion Maneuvering Jet(s).
Power Plant/ Reactor: Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor (Gunship Scale.) Exterior, Retractable Solar Ionization Panels and Collection Arrays.
Crew: One Pilot, One Integrated Droid Brain.
Crew (Skeleton): One Integrated Droid Brain.
Passengers: Twenty Stormtroopers (Two Squads.) Or Twenty-Five Imperial Army Regulars.
Cargo Capacity: 500 Kilograms to 1 Metric Tonne.
Consumables: One Month.


  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Sensor and Targeting Systems.
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Navigation and Avionics Packages.
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Communications Suite ( Encrypted with First Order Military Keys.)
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Subspace and HoloNet Transceiver(s).
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Life Support Systems.
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Atmospheric Seals and Perfunctory Oxygen Scrubbers.
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] External Axial Spotlight(s).
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] VTOL Repulsorlift Anti-Gravity System.
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Inertial Compensators with Crash Webbing.
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Integrated Armoury (Retractable Wall Mounts.)
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Homing Beacon (Encrypted with First Order Military Keys.)
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Cartridge Launchers. (Smoke, Anti-Blaster Aerosol, Etc.)
  • Standard [Military-Grade.] Landing Gear(s) with Repulsor Generator. (Assault Ramp.)

  • Reflec Enamel Coating. (Sensor Silhouette, Incoming Internal Scanning Difficulty.)
  • Rapid Action Deployment Ramp (Assault Ramp, Telescopic.)
  • Integrated Droid Brain.
  • Variable Repulsorfield Generator.

  • Heavily Defended Assault Carrier.
  • Integrated Droid Brain.
  • Variable Repulsorfield Generator, with Integrated Augmentor.
  • Reflec Enamel Coating. (Sensor Silhouette, Incoming Internal Scanning Difficulty.)
  • Ponderous Maneuverability.
  • Lightly Armed (Anti-Personnel Weapons.)
  • Exposed Cockpit Module.

Description: Spawned from the long months at war with the Galactic Alliance, there was a desire to overhaul and update more of the ageing designs currently in service to the Phoenician Order’s armed forces. From this effort, a model that was once used in ages past found new life amongst the stars and, was adorned with the most exceptional technological advancements that credits could purchase. Thus, the SJAS-AAL/FO-03 Tactical Troop Transport, or colloquially known as the Atmospheric Assault Lander, was the newest generation of armoured troop transports to be pressed into service for use by the militant arm of the First Order.

Like its predecessors, the AAL had changed little regarding the overall aesthetic design, which was an attempt to not only remain within the realm of feasibility concerning mass-production but to deny their long-standing foes an opportunity to determine which of their vessels was an updated variant. Also, while the interior and inner systems had changed, such a design choice had allowed Order pilot’s who had become accustomed to flying the previous generation to feel some measure of ease whenever they climbed into the cockpit module. The first, and most notable of these system changes was the use of Reflec enamel, which when applied to the exterior of the transport would allow the vessel to essentially become a silhouette on enemy sensors, denying them an easy target allocation and the opportunity to scan the dropship’s interior for signs of life. This allowed for the Order’s Stormtroopers to be safely deployed onto the frontline, without the fear of being easily targeted by anti-air emplacements. It should be noted here that there are cases when the enemy has been able to adapt to this tactic, and that deployment on hostile soil is never a One-hundred percent guarantee. Such an addition merely increases the odds of survival and the further possibility of a return journey.

The second was a more personal addition that came to fruition in the days following the Burning of Ossus. Gathered from the reports made by the various Stormtrooper Unit’s within that victorious theatre, the technicians had seen fit to affix the forward assault ramp with a Variable Repulsorfield Generator and an integrated field augmentor. In utilizing this device, should the AAL ever find itself boarding a hostile vessel, either by slipping into the hangar bay or through less conventional means, the Dropship was able to clear the landing zone effectively - before even the assault ramp slammed down. Having generated a concussive blast of artificial gravity, the Troopers within would be able to quickly board the enemy vessel and find their foes sifting through the wreckage before the defending soldiers had a chance to repel the invaders. However, due to the size and power requirements of such a device, it was a “trick” that would only work once before needing to be recharged, and would only generate a concussive cone from the vessel’s bow that stretched out approximately twenty-five meters. While it was not the most elegant solution to an ever-growing problem, the addition of the VRG would prove itself useful time and time again in the conflicts to come.

In addition to the VRG system, the standard-issue AAL would find itself equipped with a variable arsenal of defensive weapons to not only keep the vessel itself safe from harm, but it’s passengers as well. To this end, the Order’s engineer’s has seen fit to install a secondary shield generator with a variable field augmentor - that would deploy alongside its complement of military personnel and provide them safe passage out of the transport. Like the VRG, this was also brought into account after the events of Ossus by the Stormtroopers of the First Legion’s Eighth Assault Company, and their use of portable deflector screen generators as they boarded a hostile orbital shield installation. This would see use alongside retractable cartridge launchers, which were equipped with a variable armament of canisters, containing smoke or anti-blaster aerosol.

At the cost of speed, the SJAS-AAL/FO-03 Tactical Troop Transport was cloaked in the second layer of protective metallic flesh, thus allowing it to shrug off all but the most powerful of blows and keep its occupants alive during transit to the drop-zone. While a formidable bulwark against the vacuum of the void, this secondary armour plating would not make the vessel impervious to harm. Instead, it would merely act as a safeguard against specialized anti-vehicular munitions and an insulating buffer against the use of Ionic weaponry, due to the integration of anti-ionic mesh. That being said, there are circumstances where these precautions have been tossed out due to the deployment of unconventional weaponry, and where the AAL in its entirety has been atomized by the use of capital-grade armaments. Naturally, such a recorded event only transpired when the projected barriers were exhausted, and the dropship itself was vulnerable to attack.

To aid the soldiers of the First Order as they establish their foothold the exterior of the AAL was equipped with a remote-controlled anti-personnel turret that was operated by either the vessel’s integrated droid brain or the pilot themselves from the comfort of their exposed cockpit. This allowed the entirety of the understrength platoon to deploy onto the battlefield, without having to wait for the gunner to disembark. As an added benefit, the enclosed turret allowed the AAL to engage hostile forces in space when previous incarnations would require the internal compartments to be exposed to the void for such an event to occur. The integrated droid brain would also act as an emergency co-pilot should the cockpit module be severed, or targeted mid-flight. This would allow the dropship to land and deploy its sentient cargo safely, and provide a safety net to the armed forces of the First Order should the worst happen. This is also an option for the Pilot to toggle, should they desire to abandon their craft in the field, or rest their eyes during lengthy periods of transit, as it would allow the dropship to operate freely within its restricted command programming. Like everything within the First Order, the operation of the AAL required biometric input from the Pilot, and his command codes, so that thieves and pirates would find themselves unable to commandeer themselves a top of the line dropship, without circumventing the exhaustive security protocols.

Ultimately, they would be denied their prize as the forces of the Order would soon return and reclaim what was once lost with fire and fury.

Fiolette Fortan


  • Intent: To create a smaller HVC that fires in the same manner as the 240mm, but can be outfitted on vessels under 1000m

  • Image Source: PowerPointRanger // Deviantart (x)

  • Canon Link: N/A

  • Restricted Missions: N/A

  • Primary Source: 240mm / 83 Mark 74 “Hephaestus Assault Gun” (x) | 5"/38 Caliber

  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers, First Order Naval Engineering

  • Model: 127mm / 56 Mark 14 “Vulcan Assault Gun”

  • Affiliation: The First Order

  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Mass Produced

  • Material:


  • Durasteel

  • Alusteel

  • Quadanium Steel, where appropriate


  • Classification: Hypervelocity Cannon

  • Size: Ship-Mounted.

  • Length: 6.68m

    Barrel Length: 4.99m

  • Total: 11.67m

Weight: At least 13,270kg

Ammunition Type: 12.7cm Depleted-Baradium solid slugs.

Ammunition Capacity: Effectively unlimited. Upwards in the thousands, tens of thousands.

Effective Range: Equal to a Long Range Turbolaser, for the most effectiveness.

Rate of Fire: 230 rounds per minute.


  • High Rate of Fire

  • Improved Accuracy over traditional HVCs

  • Above average power over traditional HVCs

  • Faster turn radius, reload speed than the 240.

  • Firing bursts of 10/20/36, for 5/10/18 second duration.

  • Requires 2/7/9 second cool downs between rapid fire sessions.

  • Accuracy: Much like the 240 counterpart, the 127 is deadly accurate.

  • Range: Hits from long range giving the ship it's mounted on the ability to hit from long range.

  • Reload: Has a faster reload time than its 240 counterpart.

  • Attack Craft: The 127 has a hard time tracking ships smaller than ten meters, meaning most auxiliary and attack craft can elude the weapon.

  • Particle Shields: Just like the 240, the 127 must have her particle shields lowered in order to fire. Meaning the vessel it’s own will be vulnerable during this time frame.

  • Overheat: While the 127 follows the same gun principles as the 240. The smaller weapon has the issue of overheating when fired in rapid-succession without time to cool down. Indeed, while it maintains a higher rate of fire than the larger gun. This also means it runs the risk of overheating even more so than the 240 counterpart.

  • Cooldown: After consecutive rapid fire sessions, the 127 does require a cooldown between twenty-seven and forty-five seconds depending on burst firemode (10/20/36).
With the success of the 240mm, Grand Admiral Yvarro wanted something that was not only just as efficient but small enough to place on ships smaller than 1000m. The idea was to give the Navy more versatility, in an ever changing galaxy the First Order must be able to change and adapt with it. Which meant having the ability to equip additional long range weapons and to further create vessels that could engage and counter enemy vessels at that distance as well. The 127mm is slated to debut with the new Empire II, a refit of the fleet’s work horse the Empire-class heavy frigate.

The power of the 127 when compared to the 240 is similar but not the same, for while the 240 may hit with the power of sixty turbolasers the 127 with the smaller bore will hit with the power of approximately thirty-two turbolasers. Deeming it a heavy hitter even for its size, making the gun count equal to eight where numbers are concerned.

Out of character, much like the 240s were inspired by the Iowa's guns. These guns were inspired by the Baltimore-class Cruiser's gun. I wanted to maintain our World War Two inspired gun line and pick up a smaller caliber of gun. Modify it and make it available to place on our smaller boats, rather boats less than 1000 meters.

Note: Gun Count = 8
TIE Silencer - TIE/VN Space Superiority Fighter
Out of Character information:

Production Information:
  • Manufacturer: Sienar Jaemus Fleet Systems, First Order corps of Imperial Engineers, First Order Security Bureau Special Projects Division.
  • Model: TIE/VN Space Superiority Fighter
  • Affiliation: First Order, Order of Ren
  • Production: Semi Unique
  • Material: Glasteel Viewports, Reinforced Duraplast Hull (Primary), Titanium- Reinforced Durasteel Armour, Anti- Ion (Copper Faraday Cage) Mesh, Reflec Enamel coating, Internal Starship components

Technical Specifications:
  • Classification: Starfighter
  • Length: 3.75
  • Width: 7.61
  • Height: 17.42
Armament: Moderate
  • 4x Heavy Laser Cannons- Fire Linked/Stutter Fire Capable
  • 2x Warhead Projectors with variable loadout
  • Shield Disruptors
  • 2x Ion Cannons
Defenses: Average
  • 1x Deflector Shields
  • Chaff/ Flare Launchers
  • ECM/ Electronic Countermeasures
  • Emergency maneuvering thrusters
  • Squadron count: 1
  • Maneuverability rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1.5

Special Features:
Reflec enamel coating: The special coating found on armor was used for the updated design of the TIE Silencer. This allows for the extremely fast fighter to slip past enemy sensors undetected. This makes the Fighter perfect for scouting missions or surprising enemy forces.
Field Disruptor: When activated the Fighter can punch through shield defenses such as Shield gates, this also makes the fighter capable of playing an escort role in ground assaults.
Advanced Targeting Systems: Due to the Fighter being specifically made for the needs of the Order of Ren, New next-generation targeting systems were created making the Fighter a very deadly weapon in the hands of a capable pilot.
Homing Beacon: The Silencer comes equipped with a homing beacon used to track important targets down if needed.
Extremely Fast: With the design from centuries past and state of the art technology. The TIE Silencer is one of the fastest if not the fastest variant in the TIE Series yet.
Going behind Enemy lines: With the Enamel coating on the Silencer, it makes the Fighter perfect for surprising the enemy or scouting and infiltration missions.
Shield Puncher: With the Ion Cannons and Shield Disruptor, it makes the Fighter capable to even attack capital ships or other shield based defenses.
Advanced targeting system: The project opened up new doors for all three parties to create a new targeting system for Future TIES starting with the Silencer.
Stutter fire Burst: With the Heavy Laser Canons able to fire in stutter bursts it allows to do heavy damage in a short amount of time.
Warhead Variable loadout: The Silencer is able to carry any warhead type those of which include Concussion missiles, Proton Torpedos, and Ion Torpedos making the fighter a threat to capital ships when in action.
Low Defenses: Due to the Very High Maneuverability and Speed it lacks sufficient defenses and not able to withstand heavy fire
Atmospheric flight: The TIE Silencer was created for achieving space superiority but does not the same during atmospheric flight. dogfighting in the Atmosphere leaves the fighter very hard to control and manuever in combat.
Restricted field of fire: The fighter is severely restricted in regards to its line of sight as it could see only in front and side to side, but is vulnerable to attack from behind.
Connected Command module: Due to the solar collection wings connecting to the command module the fighter suffers the risk of going out of control should if any of the wings are damaged.
Stutter fire drawback: Even though the stutter fire does a lot of damage quickly, it is not nearly as powerful as standard blasts thus the firepower decreases due to the quantity that is fired for a time.
Following the War over the Galactic Alliance, the newly appointed Master of Ren Kyrel Ren was digging through the archives of the Order of Ren on Virgillia and stumbled upon an old schematic. To his surprise, the schematic was for a TIE Design dating back to the first incarnation of the First Order, and as he read more into the design he had learned this was a request for a special type of fighter for Master of Ren Kylo Ren requested by Supreme Leader Snoke. Surprised to have come across a very unique find and often remembering his time as a TIE Pilot before becoming a Ren, he decided that the Ren would need a special fighter of its own to carry out the will of Supreme Leader Sieger Ren and to crush the enemies of the First Order when they are called for in combat. Over the next several months Kyrel had contacted Sienar Jaemus Fleet Systems, the First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers and the First Order Security Bureau Special Projects Division. He met the representatives and told them of his intentions regarding the new fighter, giving them the schematics of the design, he requested the project be top secret under the name. "Project Silencer" And so it was after the fighter was completed he made it known to the Supreme Leader as he hoped it would be a great asset for the Ren to use. The deadly fighter was drastically updated then the previous design of centuries past updated with advanced targeting systems never seen before on previous designs, reflec enamel coating, standard fighter defenses and new weapon systems making the fast and agile fighter deadly in the hands of the Supreme Leader's servants making them masters of the stars as well as the ground.

Fiolette Fortan




  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers, Primo Victorian Shipwright (x)

  • Model: FIDS-HSIII “Galidraan”

  • Affiliation: The First Order | Closed-Market

  • Production: Minor

  • Material:

    Durasteel Outer Hull | Imperial Grey Colour Scheme

  • Ablative Quadanium Reinforced Durasteel Plating

  • Turadium Blast Doors/Shutters, Bulkheads

  • Glasteel Viewports

  • Quadanium Skeletal Frame

  • Quadanium Reinforced Alusteel Inner Hull

  • Duraplast Liner / Turadium Reinforced

  • Agrinum, Dallorian Alloy | Over Critical Areas


  • Classification: Hybrid Defense Station (Civilian/Military)

  • Length: 3,844m

  • Width: 3,444m

  • Height: 3,228m

  • Armament: High

    700 Turbolasers

  • 200 Heavy Dual Turbolasers

  • 160 Ion Cannons

  • 220 Anti Missile Octets

  • 160 Quadlaser Cannons

  • 120 Point Defense Cannons

  • 100 Flak Cannons

  • 100 Concussion Missile Launchers

Defenses: Very High

Hangar: Very High

  • 18 Squadrons

Engine: Destron X MK VIII

Maneuverability Rating: Very Low

Speed Rating: Very Low

Hyperdrive Class: None

  • Standard Sensor Suite
  • Standard Engine Suite
  • Standard Ionic Shielding
  • Standard Dual-Layered Shielding
  • Advanced Communication Suite; Consists of newly developed network technologies including the CCBN (Central Command Biocomm Network), the CCSN (Central Command Security Network), the ISCN (Interstation Command Network) and the EHN (Emergency Hyperwave Transmission Network). This enables the secure communication between command stations, starships, as well as other military installations quite easily. In addition to this government and intelligence agencies are also able to collect and share data securely. Emergency network protocols included in the suite enable a more efficient response time to a crisis.
  • Advanced Combat Suite; In addition to the traditional battle analysis systems, and the targeting assistance is the Bastion Combat System. Which makes this suite 'advanced,' as the Bastion enables an increased efficiency in missile defense.
  • Advanced E-Warfare and Countermeasure Package; Sensor jammers, including targeting sensors, communication scramblers, sensor decoys and deep space training pods which can also be used as a lure are included in this package so that the Galidraan might have some ability to defend itself electronically.
  • Advanced Defensive Systems; Includes the dual layered shield, ablative hull and a reacting plate system. In addition the Galidraan by virtue of lessons learned during the Anoat attack. Comes with the detachable outer hull, this enables the outer shell of the station to detach. Taking the boarding pods (as used by the Galactic Alliance during Anoat), with it and leaving the station itself unharmed.
  • Emergency Command Separation System; New to the Galidraan is the ECSS. Upon the simultaneous authorization of at least two command level personnel or higher. The station's stem will break away from the outer and inner shell. This was to ensure that personnel who had not already been evacuated could be saved in the event of another attack.


  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)

  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)

Description: After the Galactic Alliance’s terrorist attack on the Anoat system and the subsequent destruction of the FIS Kuragin. It went without saying that everyone who built, planned and created the Galidraan-class defense station were in complete and utter shock. While the tragedy of the station’s demise still ripples throughout the First Order. Her creators have begun the investigations and have begun the plans to rebuild the station anew. Lessons were learned at Anoat and they would be implemented throughout the nation.

These lessons first and foremost were taught when the Galactic Alliance’s boarding pods depressurized the station whilst already evacuating. Sending a mix of both military and civilian personnel into the cold vacuum of space. Two ideas were implemented the first was a detachable outer hull and second was a reactive plating system, the reactive plating system would be the first line of defense and if all other countermeasures beyond that point had failed. The commander could detach the outer hull.

The next lessons that were learned was the amount of time that the FIV Warspite spent playing go between during the new FIS Bonneville’s construction. An idea that was done was to create an emergency command center that could separate from the station enabling all networks and command structures to remain in place without reliance on a battlecruiser or any other starship.

After this one of the lessons that were learned was the hyperspace engine, and thus this lead to a renewed partnership with Seinar-Jaemus Fleet Systems, between SJFS and Primo Victorian Shipwright the two developed and installed the Destron X MK V Ion Engine. While still capable of sublight drive, it would not be capable of hyperspace due to the Mark V variant that completely removes this portion of the engine and instead replaces it with a robust computer system to help run the station efficiently.

After the attack on the Anoat station, Central Command took a long hard look at the Galidraan I.

They added not only additional software encryption and command programs but also a detachable hull. Having learned from the Galactic Alliance’s boarding craft the outer hull of the station can be detached leaving the station unharmed. Fearing that a detachable hull may not be enough, FOCIE created a dual-layered hull system; reactive plating.

New software aboard the Galidraan II includes the Interstation Command Network, the Central Command Biocomm Network, and the Emergency Hyperwave Transmission Network. The ISCN is meant to keep all sector command routines going, even if/when one or two of the stations go down. The CCBN is based on the Huginn Biocomm Network and works quite similarly to monitor, learn and keep military/government personnel safe. The EHTN was created for emergency situations and first responders to utilize if an attack such as the one on the Anoat station, Kuragin were to occur again. Enabling a faster response time to emergency situations across the nation.

Security within the station is paramount, gone are the days of maintenance channels and tunnels. Now are the days of heuristic processors and droid brains moving along smaller, more efficient droid channels. Code cylinders and biometrically locked systems (CCBN) along with redundant circuitry and systems ensure that the Galidraan’s day to day operations continue without interruption.


  • Crew: 73,510 (Officers & Enlisted)

  • Minimum Crew: 10,000 (Officers & Enlisted)

  • Passengers: 19,400 (Troops)

  • Visitors: 7,500 - 15,000 (Varying Civilian Personnel)

  • Consumables: 12 Years

Much like its predecessor, the Galidraan is split into sections with each section housing a set number of levels or decks. In the previous incarnation, each section housed four levels. In this rendition, each section houses seven levels or decks. With the exception of the hangars, for civilians, the navy and the starfighter corps, of which are organized a little differently.

Please see the station’s codex submission for detailed deck layout. (x)

Note: Will add codex submission at a later date


Intent: To create a Force-imbued Amulet for the new Master of Panatha, Ara Zambrano
Image Source: Red Glowing Drop Necklace, Shrouded Disguise Source
Canon Link: Sith Runes and Magic, False Lightside Aura
Restricted Missions: Force Imbuement, Sith Magic and Runes
Primary Source: Talisman of Transformation, Amulet of Kalara


Name: Ba’Olin, “Deadly Secret”
Manufacturer: Ara Zambrano/Sarathiel Ren
Affiliation: Ara Zambrano/Sarathiel Ren
Modularity: Yes; Chain Clasps, should they break
Production: Unique
Material: Force-Attuned Crystals (Carnelian in Colour), Oil-Fired Platinum Chain(s) and Crystal Setting, Polished Titanium Clasp(s)


Classification: Force-Imbued Pendant and Necklace (Artifact)
Size: Handheld, Personal
Length: 50.8 Centimetres (20 Inches)
Width: 22.86 Centimetres (9 Inches)
Height: 1.778 Centimetres (0.7 Inches)
Weight: 0.3 Kg (0.66 Lbs)


Force-Attuned and Imbued Crystals (Channeling Enhancer)
Inscribed Sith Runes (Falsified Aura)
Thrice-Blessed Precious Metal(s)


+ Aura Repression (Passive): While worn, the amulet suppresses the aura of the wearer until nearly invisible within the Force. While still detectable by the most practiced and powerful Force Users, the aura displayed while wearing varies drastically from the aura the user exhibits without the use of the talisman.
+ Shrouded Disguise (Activated): When channeled, the talisman transforms the wearer, allowing her to assume the shrouded disguise of a young Pantoran female.
+ Born in Darkness: Created with the combination of Sith Runes, magic, and the Darkside of the Force itself, the necklace acts as a beacon of darkness, working best in the vicinity of Darkside Nexus or spaces seething with dark energy, offering a stronger, more stable disguise of both form and Aura.
+ Black Heart Sun: As the amulet stores the energy of the Dark Nexus to fuel it, it also offers the wearer a chance to exhaust the energy within, should the occasion arise. Acting as a repository of power, the wearer may channel the stored energy into themselves, offering a single, powerful boost to their own Force abilities, and subsequently draining the amulet of its own, nullifying the necklace until it can be recharged.


- Shrouded Disguise (Activated): While allowing the user to assume a different appearance once activated, it offers a limited time of transformation (12 hours) and a chance to recharge at a suitable Dark Side Nexus before being utilized again.
- Force Nullification: Imbued with the powers of the Force and Sith Runes, the amulet is susceptible to the same forces that would render a Force User defenseless. Force Nullification techniques (Ysalamir, Voidstone, etc.) have the same effect on the necklace’s abilities as they would the wearer itself.
- Born in Darkness: Being born of the Darkside, the amulet finds its strength among death, pain, and destruction. As such, it finds its weakness among the opposite. Severely diminished in the concentrated presence of the Light, such as a Nexus of the Light, Force Light, etc., the amulet would find its ability of transformation depletes at a more rapid pace and offers a less effective suppression of the wearer’s aura.
- Difficult Replacement (Damaged Attuned Pieces.): Once damaged, the crystals within the talisman would be difficult to replace, requiring the arduous task of reattuning appropriate force-imbued crystals to the wearer and the purpose of the necklace.
- Attuned to One: Created for use by Ara Zambrano, it’s abilities fail to work for another unless the attuned crystals were replaced and reattuned to the new owner.


Created in service to the new Queen of Panatha, Ba’Olin was designed and attuned to Ara Zambrano shortly after her ascension to the throne. Having officially retired from the service of the Knights of Ren due to her station as a public figure, Ara undertook the task of creating an artifact with the intent of disguising her person as she covertly continued working for the mysterious Order of Force Users.

Utilizing the skills and knowledge of her family’s holdings, she crafted a necklace inscribed with Sith Runes and Magic ultimately enabling the woman to hide her aura within the Force so that she might show one face to the public eye, that of the new Queen, and another to those who have the grave misfortune of crossing the path of Sarathiel Ren.

A second, almost additional ability imbued within the necklace was that of a shrouded disguise, should she need to undergo a mission without the aid of her armour and mask, or in the case that she finds herself in enemy hands.
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To create a Mandator-class Dreadnaught for chaos. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Image Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Canon Link:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Restricted Missions:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (If your submission uses any [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Restricted Items[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] link the threads you completed the missions in here)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Mandator-X[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The First Order[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Production[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Limited[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Material: Quadanium Steel Hull | Durasteel Reinforced | Glasteel Viewports[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Classification[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Assault Cruiser[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Length[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 1000 meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Width[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 400 meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Height[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 100 meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Armament[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Very High[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]2x Wrath[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]-Class Artillery Batteries[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]4x Proton[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]6x Long-Range Turbolasers [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Defenses[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Moderate[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Standard Deflector Shield[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Reinforced Armour Hull[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Bastion-class missile shield[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]60x Quad Anti-Fighter Batteries[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Hangar[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Low. Two squadrons of TIE variants available.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Maneuverability Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Very High[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Speed Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Low[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Hyperdrive Class[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Average.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Wrath-Class Batteries: The Mandator-X’s main weapons are its dual Wrath-class artillery batteries. Able to fire blasts the size of small freighters, which combine the power of ion weaponry and turbolaser fire, the Wrath-class sits as one of the most powerful anti-capital ship weapons currently in production. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Bastion-Class Missile Defence System: A vessel such as the Mandator-x is vulnerable to enemy fighters. And because of that, it uses the Bastion-missile defence system. Designed to destroy oncoming projectiles such as missiles and torpedoes, the Bastion-class acts as a shield to the Wrath-class’ sword. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Jack Be Nimble: The Mandator-X is designed to be manouverable, able to avoid long range and bombadments which may otherwise interfere with its operation.
Heavy Hitter: The Mandator-X hits well above her weight thanks to her double Wrath-Class batteries.
[SIZE=9pt]Sniping’s A Good Job: The Mandator-x is designed to be deployed at the edge of engagement zones, and to provide withering fire to enemies, before the main fleet obliterates the remnants. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Naked: The Mandator-X, without her larger guns sits without any real offensive measure. To destroy those two batteries would de-tooth it of its offensive capability. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Uptight: The Mandator-X, unlike other vessels of the First Order Navy is not designed to slug it out with other ships. She prefers lone range exchanges of fire. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: With the First Order reforming its military, and using archived designs, it was decided that the Mandator-IV was deserving of a refit. Using the newly created Wrath-class batteries, the design was dramatically minimised in order to ensure that it would not cost the coffers or recruitment pools too much to employ them on a mass-produced scale.

Rather than have a larger artillery vessel, Central Command wanted a sizeable vessel. One which would be large enough to crush those who dare to attack it, but small enough to be able to use larger command ships as cover. The Mandator-X was born from these stipulations.

By no means a fast vessel, the Mandator-X is surprisingly agile, with it being blessed with extra engine capability, designed to have it avoid fire. Although not fast, the Mandator is about average regarding the speed of vessels of its size.

Fiolette Fortan


  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers, First Imperial Medical Services, First Order Naval Engineers, Primo Victorian Shipwright

  • Model: FIMT BF3 “Blackwell”

  • Affiliation: The First Order

  • Production: Minor

  • Material:

    Durasteel Frame, Outer Hull | Imperial Black w/ FIMS Colour Scheme

  • Alusteel/Quadanium Double-Layered Hull

  • Duraplast Lining / Turadium Reinforced (On Critical/Core Components)

  • Glasteel Viewports w/ Turadium Blast Shutters

  • Agrinum, Dallorian Alloy (Where Appropriate)


Defenses: Average

  • Standard Tractor/Pressor Beam

  • Standard Deflector Shield

  • Reinforced Hull

  • Standard Electronic Countermeasures

    E-Warfare Systems

  • Sensor Jammers

Hangar: 1

Maneuverability Rating: Moderate

Speed Rating: Moderate

Hyperdrive Class: 1

Engine: Howlback XII (x

  • Backup Class 9


  • First Order Cryogenic Support Systems

  • First Imperial Medical Services Support

  • Standard Navigational Systems

  • Standard Operation Systems


  • Advanced Communication Systems (x) (x Due to the nature of the Blackwell, she carries both the Emergency Hyperwave Transmission Network and the Central Command Biocomm Network so that she might better respond to emergencies as they arise.

  • Proprietary Engine: Uses the new Howlback XII engine from SJFS giving it a more efficient engine at the cost of being easier to track and trace.

  • Proprietary Missile Systems: Utilizes HARM and Pursuit Missile Defense Systems for both countering other warheads and missiles, and for offensive measures giving the Blackwell some ability to bite back.


  • Missile Defense: Utilizes additional missile defense systems to keep the ship protected from hostile attacks in the form of warheads/torpedoes or other offensive missile systems.

  • Low Offense: Equipped with no more than a handful of ion cannons and sixteen turbolasers, with the rest of her gun count made up of more defensive countermeasures. The Blackwell is not designed for combat, and can be easily overwhelmed by any number of offense oriented (vast majority thereof) starships.

  • Ion/Emp Vulnerabilities: Like any ship without anti-ion capabilities the Blackwell is susceptible to ion and emp weapons. Hits from weapons of the like will render the ship useless, even with all of the backup systems.

  • Heated Exhaust: One of the flaws that the Blackwell inherited from the Howlback XII had been the increase in heat that came from the exhaust. Meaning missiles, torpedoes, warheads and the like have an easier time finding and locking onto the Blackwell.

Description: Originally designed by Kallea Shipwright and funded by the Brentaalan Imperial Alliance Commission. The new Blackwell now completely funded by the First Imperial Medical Service with input from Commodore Rashad. The idea was to streamline the Blackwell as a Mobile Surgical Transport while both FIMS and FONE worked on a full-service hospital ship.

When first introduced it was produced at the Javin Shipyards, since renamed to the Javin Imperial Shipworks. The production of the Blackwell will be relocated to the Haagrune Imperial Shipworks facility and final assembly done elsewhere on Thakwaa. The new Surgical Transport will work to meet the Steadfast IIs in critical and emergency care needs. Ideally they would serve in orbit while the Steadfast IIs run down to the surface and pick up wounded.

A lot of the Blackwell’s systems have remained from her original blueprints. The only new items are her cryogenic deployment system, and her cryogenic bays. The First Imperial Medical Services realizes that they may not be able to save everyone right in the moment. And thus the development of the Cryogenic Bay, this in part with their Cryopods. Will enable them to save more lives by putting many of those that their teams cannot save or those who are too fatally wounded for them to treat into a medically induced coma. This enables them to keep these men and women alive until they’ve reached one of the regional medical stations or a medical center within on the First Order worlds. The deployment bays are for emergency purposes only, this allows them to release the cryopods from their bays and into the void of space itself.

Notes on the cryopod and their emergency functions shall be submitted in detail later. Although it should be noted, each of the cryopods will send out their own pulse into the Emergency Hyperwave Transmission Network meaning they should not be left adrift in space for any length of time. Any one of the navy’s vessels should be able pick up on the ping and come to the rescue of those in their crypods.

Last but not least was the full inclusion of the refugee support center, with two decks largely devoted to evacuation the First Order was now ready for another mass-evacuation event. Such as Bespin and Anoat, when the Galactic Alliance made their attempt to take control of the sector.


  • Crew: 700 (225 Officers, 475 Enlisted)

  • Minimum Crew: 200 (75 Officers, 150 Enlisted)

  • Passengers: 75 Visitors / Rotating Staff, Emergency Evac Limit; 3,150.

  • Consumables: 6 Years

  • Deck 1: Captain’s Ready Room, Captain’s Quarters, Main Bridge, Briefing Room, Observation Lounge, Escape Pod Access, Latrine

  • Deck 2: Junior and Senior Officer Quarters, VIP/Guest Quarters, VIP/Officer’s Mess Hall, Head Surgeon’s Office, Escape Pod Access, Latrine

  • Deck 3: Officer’s Quarters, Enlisted Dormitories, Enlisted Mess Hall, Head Nurse’s Office, Chief Counselor’s Office, Personnel Resources / Administration Suite, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 4: NCO Quarters, Enlisted Dormitories, Conference Rooms 1 - 3, Pharmaceutical Laboratories 1 - 3, Inpatient Pharmacy, Mental / Behavior Health Specialists Suite 1 - 3, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 5: Main Turbolaser / Missile Defense Control Room, Auxiliary Systems Control Room, Cryogenic Bay 1, Cryogenic Bay 2, Impulse Engine Support Room, Engineering Support, Chief Engineer’s Office, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 6: Primary Life Support Systems, Cargo Bays 1 - 3, Dental Offices 1 and 2, Diagnostic Laboratories, Diagnostic Radiology 1 and 2, Physical Rehabilitation 1 and 2, Escape Pod Access Emergency Cryogenic Deployment Bay 1

  • Deck 7: Primary Computer Core, Computer Support Control Room, Sickbay, Chief Medical Officer’s Office, Urgent Care 1 and 2, Emergency Triage 1 and 2, Surgical Support Rooms 1 - 3, Escape Pod Access, Emergency Cryogenic Deployment Bay 2

  • Deck 8: Computer Core, Aft Lounge, Enlisted Dormitories, Junior Officer Quarters, Science Laboratories 1 and 2, Operating Rooms 1 - 3, Fusion Generators 1 and 2, Docking Port, Latrine, Escape Pod Access

  • Deck 9: Armory, Holding Cells, Chief of Security’s Office, Security Bullpen, Shield Generators 1 and 2, Chief Tactical Officer’s Office, Recovery Rooms 1 - 6, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 10: Emergency Triage 3 and 4, Operating Rooms 4 - 6, Surgical Support Rooms, 4 - 6, Nurse’s Station, Medical Personnel Briefing Room, Pararescue 1, Ambulatory Shuttle Bay 1, Latrine.

  • Deck 11: Damage Control Support Systems, Hazard Control Support Systems, Burn Unit 1 and 2, Pararescue 2, Diagnostic Radiology 3 and 4, Intensive Care Ward 1 and 2, Escape Pod Access, Nurse’s Station, Latrine.

  • Deck 12: Medical Personnel Lounge, Emergency Triage 5 and 6, Surgical Theater 1 and 2, Ambulatory Shuttle Bay 2, Burn Unit 3 and 4, Intensive Care Ward 3 and 4, Nurse’s Station, Pharmacy Support, Surgical Support Rooms 7 - 9, Imaging Maintenance and Support Systems, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 13: Enlisted Dormitories, Officer Quarters, Conference Rooms 4 - 6, Fusion Generators 3 and 4, Main Engineering Support Center, Primary Hangar, Hangar Maintenance, Emergency Support Batteries, Emergency Life Support Systems, Backup Power Generator 1 and 2, Engineering Control Room 1 and 2, Escape Pod Access.

  • Deck 14: Deflector Control Room, Stellar Cartography, Cargo Bay 1 - 3, Stable Ward 1 and 2, Nurse’s Station, Counselor’s Office, Engineering Reactor Assembly, Logistics Management, Dental Offices 3 and 4, Optometry 1 and 2, Opthamologist, Medical Laboratories 1 and 2, Latrine, Escape Pod Access.

  • Deck 15: Recreation Deck, Zero-G Gymnasium, Shipwide Mess Hall, Machine Shop, Cryogenic Bay 3, Cryogenic Bay 4, Cargo Bay 4 - 6, Stable Ward 3 and 4, Recovery Rooms 7 - 12, Esacpe Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 16: Morgue, Medical Examiner’s Office, Forensic Support Suite, Communication Laboratories, Firing Range, Burn Unit 5 and 6, Nurse’s Station, Surgical Theater 3 and 4, Intensive Ward 5 and 6, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 17: Enlisted Dormitories, Officer Quarters, Physical Rehabilitation 3 and 4, Mental and Behavioral Health Support Suite, Speech Therapy 1 and 2, Occupational Therapy 1 and 2, Medical Education and Training Center, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 18: Engineering Reactor Assembly, Engineering Injector Assembly, Engineering Support, Subspace Field Distortion Generators, Shield Generators, Secondary Shield Generators, Speech and Occupational Therapy Joint Suite 3 and 4, Recovery Rooms 13 - 18, Urgent Care 3 and 4, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 19: Emergency Triage 5 and 6, Emergency Cryogenic Deployment Bay 3, Ambulatory Shuttlebay 3, Pararescue 3, Cargo Bay 7 - 9, Treitary Life Support Systems, Auxiliary Backup System, Aft Turbolaser and Missile Defense Control Room, Navigational Sensor Array Support, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 20: Nurse’s Support Room, Medical Personnel Locker Room, Enlisted Dormitories, Officer Quarters, Primary Maintenance Support Center, Damage Control and Hazard Control Systems Support, Inpatient Storage Area 1 - 3, Engineering Assembly Support, Impulse Engine Support Room, Burn Unit 7 and 9, Burn Unit Support Room, Escape Pod Access, Latrine.

  • Deck 21: Emergency Deflector Control Room, Engineering Support Area, Emergency Auxiliary Support, Emergency Auxiliary Battery Support, Power Transfer Center, Docking Port, Secondary Hangar, Hangar Maintenance, Escape Pod Access.

  • Deck 22: Waste Recycling, Biological Hazard Containment, Antimatter Generators, Tractor / Pressor Beam Generator, Power Transfer Conduit, Morgue, Cryogenic Bay 5, Cryogenic Bay 6, Emergency Cryogenic Deployment Bay 4, Treitary Computer Control Room, Latrine, Escape Pod Access.

  • Deck 23: Evacuation Support Center, Refugee Support Suite, Evacuation Hall A, B and C, Latrine Escape Pod Access.

  • Deck 24: Evacuation Hall D, E and F, Humanitarian Aid Support Center, Security Office, Lower Engineering Support, Remote Engineering Support, Backup Engineering Control Room, Escape Pod Access.
[SIZE=9pt]Maxima-B. Garrison Vessel[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To take ships from First Order canon, and make them on Chaos. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Image Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Canon Link:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Restricted Missions:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (If your submission uses any Restricted Items link the threads you completed the missions in here)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Maxima-model cruiser[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The First Order[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Production[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Mass-Produced[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Material: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Quadanium Steel Hull | Durasteel Hull Reinforcing | [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Classification[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Support Cruiser [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Length[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 1000meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Width[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 400m[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Height[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 350m[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Armament[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Very Low[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Defenses[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Average[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Hangar[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Very High[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Maneuverability Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Low.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Speed Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: High. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Hyperdrive Class[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 1.0 Fast[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Communications Interception Suite: The Maxima-B has the encryption and interception capability to listen to all signals, and decrypt them and localise them within minutes. This allows for the Maxima-B to intercept comms in battle, and relay them to the rest of the fleet, or in counter-insurgency operations, hunt down rebels and crush them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Communications Disruptor: The Maxima-B can enforce a planet wide communications shutdown, with its jammer, while still allowing authorised First Order signals through. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Strategic Command Suite: Nestled within the command tower, is the air traffic control suite. Designed to take the role usually held by star destroyers and command ships, the air traffic control suite is fitted with advanced signal receivers, allowing the controllers to have a live picture of what is happening. This allows for better coordination between different forces on the ground.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Advanced Hyperdrive: Fitted with a type one hyperdrive, the Maxima-B is designed to be able to respond to distress calls from different sectors, and reinforce troops, or to hyperjump across a system in order to deploy forces closer to the battle. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Fly My Pretties!: The Maxima-B has six squadrons of TIE fighter variants ready to deploy at any given time. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+Belly Full of Stormtroopers: A legion of stormtroopers and armoured vehicles stands on alert, ready to be deployed to surface, and subjugate rebellious subjects, and Supreme Leader’s enemies.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Blackout: The vessel is able to jam the comms frequencies of entire fleets, and planets. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+Sliding Into Your DMs: The Maxima-B has the equipment able to intercept non-First Order authorised frequencies, and decrypt them with ease. This means that in the midst of battle, the Maxima-B may be able to feed the enemy your commands and strategy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]-Exposed Communications Tower: The large tower on the portside of the vessel houses all the communications equipment which make the vessel as deadly as it is. Target that, and you’ll rob her of her advantage. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]-Weak Defence: The defences on the Maxima-B are negligible. While average for a weapon of its size, coupled with its lack of weapons, means it may be a sitting duck. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]-De-Fanged: The Maxima-B is a vessel which carries, little to no offensive capability. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Maxima-B class cruiser is not typically to be used as a combat vessel. In fact, unlike many of its cousins, is in fact a vessel made for garrison duty. Ideally used on newly subjugated, or conquered systems, the vessel is deployed in order to hold orbit, and act as communications infrastructure for allied forces while such equipment is either constructed or secured. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Able to hold a legion of troops and assorted mechanised equipment, along with a compliment of up to six fighter squadrons. The Maxima-B is a ship designed to fit into a supportive role, with it able to deploy troops from across a planet, along with close fighter and bomber support in a matter of minutes. This along with the strategic command suite, mean that the Maxima-B can prove vital in the fighting of insurrectionist, or alternatively, rooting out resistance on hostile worlds.

The vessels main strengths in a combat scenario lie with its communication capabilities. The Maxima-B holds the technology and software to both jam, and intercept communications from hostile vessels. This can prove vital in terms of shutting down advanced tactical manoeuvres, or countering them. Its jammer could also be fruitful in some cases, offering a communications blackout, severing forces on the ground from space, or forcefully muting a fleet, and sowing the seeds of chaos.
[SIZE=9pt]Communications is all the tactical value the Maxima-B brings to combat, aside from its half wing of starfighters, nestled in its hangar. It does not hold any truly great weapons, and its defences are average. It is a vessel which needs and thrives upon the support and assistance of other vessels. Even its advantages in intelligence gathering can be nullified, by a strong barrage of missiles, or a direct bombing run on the command tower. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]In short, the Maxima-B brings to the table advantages and capabilities rarely seen in fleets. Although not particularly strong in some areas, the vessels strength in subterfuge and support make it a viable, and deadly threat. [/SIZE]

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