Tien Ulinesque
Emotions are odd things.


Objective: Hit the station
Time: 0035 Hours
Equipment: Star Anvil heavy blaster, XIPHOS Armor
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The cable hookups were not the fastest to accend, so Tien was thankful that it seemed like it only took half a minute to reach the top. That was the time, at least, it took for Donn and Granny to report in from the top of the shaft, assumedly from the control room. “We’re up here, boss. Place looks abandoned. We won’t leave the shaft exit until everyone else is up, though.” It was good news to not hear any sort of blaster fire, though the continued absence of…anyone only served to unnerve the master sergeant more. Regardless, upon hearing they were safe, he made a motion to the rest of the squad to start following the point up.
Joker and Asher.
Sparrow and Thess.
Clerk and Bones.
Duo and Blank.
Tag and the agent.
And finally, himself, all rocketing up the shaft as quick as their ascenders would take them. Higher and higher, deeper into the unknown of the station, entering it’s very heart. Here, they might just find the answers that they sought after. There was always the possibility that they might just shock the beast into action once again. Whatever had stopped this station from being active, all Tien could hope was that they weren’t about to turn it back on.
When he reached the top, stepping out of the shaft, he realized the command room looked much like he thought it would. Papers strewn everywhere, chairs tipped over, a large number of smashed monitors, and, worse yet…evidence of some sort of conflict. Markings on the consoles that resembled blast marks. This wasn’t what concerned the Kishiri most, however, No, the evidence of the conflict wasn’t what made this entire room feel right out of an eerie holonet horror movie.
It was the lack of bodies. There were none. No bones, either. The room was completely deserted, save for the agent and Tau squad, the first visitors to this place in kark knows how long. “Don’t quite..much like this place..” Clerk’s voice echoed through their comms, seemingly speaking what the rest of Tau squad was thinking. Tien knew the best way for them, and himself, to get their minds off the situation was by getting to work.
“Alright, no one wants to be snuck up on in this place. That’s why we’re securing the elevator shafts. Teams of two, except for Granny, Sparrow, and Blank. You three start working on the power of this place, then try to get us some extra information about what happened here.” The squad nodded, breaking off in pairs to move and secure the north, south, east, and west elevator shafts while the three other commandos moved toward the central pillar of the room. It could only be assumed it was some sort of power generator.
While Sparrow and Blank moved to the side to begin to inspect the wiring, Granney knelt in front of the control panel, removing her helmet as she did so. The nickname wasn’t just for her lack of speed, apparently. A messy grey mop sat atop her head, small horns peaking through the mess. “Alright you karking bastard….lets see if I can get you working..”