Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Great Balls of Fire | Agents of Chaos invasion of CIS-held Rodia and Talay

Tien Ulinesque

Emotions are odd things.



Objective: Hit the station
Time: 0035 Hours
Equipment: Star Anvil heavy blaster, XIPHOS Armor
Tags: | Ciri Jade Ciri Jade | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Athena Athena | Ares Stone |

The cable hookups were not the fastest to accend, so Tien was thankful that it seemed like it only took half a minute to reach the top. That was the time, at least, it took for Donn and Granny to report in from the top of the shaft, assumedly from the control room. “We’re up here, boss. Place looks abandoned. We won’t leave the shaft exit until everyone else is up, though.” It was good news to not hear any sort of blaster fire, though the continued absence of…anyone only served to unnerve the master sergeant more. Regardless, upon hearing they were safe, he made a motion to the rest of the squad to start following the point up.

Joker and Asher.

Sparrow and Thess.

Clerk and Bones.

Duo and Blank.

Tag and the agent.

And finally, himself, all rocketing up the shaft as quick as their ascenders would take them. Higher and higher, deeper into the unknown of the station, entering it’s very heart. Here, they might just find the answers that they sought after. There was always the possibility that they might just shock the beast into action once again. Whatever had stopped this station from being active, all Tien could hope was that they weren’t about to turn it back on.

When he reached the top, stepping out of the shaft, he realized the command room looked much like he thought it would. Papers strewn everywhere, chairs tipped over, a large number of smashed monitors, and, worse yet…evidence of some sort of conflict. Markings on the consoles that resembled blast marks. This wasn’t what concerned the Kishiri most, however, No, the evidence of the conflict wasn’t what made this entire room feel right out of an eerie holonet horror movie.

It was the lack of bodies. There were none. No bones, either. The room was completely deserted, save for the agent and Tau squad, the first visitors to this place in kark knows how long. “Don’t quite..much like this place..” Clerk’s voice echoed through their comms, seemingly speaking what the rest of Tau squad was thinking. Tien knew the best way for them, and himself, to get their minds off the situation was by getting to work.

“Alright, no one wants to be snuck up on in this place. That’s why we’re securing the elevator shafts. Teams of two, except for Granny, Sparrow, and Blank. You three start working on the power of this place, then try to get us some extra information about what happened here.” The squad nodded, breaking off in pairs to move and secure the north, south, east, and west elevator shafts while the three other commandos moved toward the central pillar of the room. It could only be assumed it was some sort of power generator.

While Sparrow and Blank moved to the side to begin to inspect the wiring, Granney knelt in front of the control panel, removing her helmet as she did so. The nickname wasn’t just for her lack of speed, apparently. A messy grey mop sat atop her head, small horns peaking through the mess. “Alright you karking bastard….lets see if I can get you working..”

OBJECTIVE - Meditate

Where: Rodia - Iskayuuma - Field Hospital
Why: Assisting Medical Staff
Wearing/Wielding: Fate & Robes
When: N/A
With: Prennis Keeoli Prennis Keeoli Jason Farkas
Battle Meditating Elsewhere: Darth Miseria Shalita Verd Shalita Verd Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe Caedyn Arenais Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 Kyyrk Kyyrk The Monster The Monster Redd Redd Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto Rann Thress Rann Thress Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée
Special Tag For: Nimue Nimue <3

Aurelion swallowed thickly as he waited for Nimue's response, a small tremor gently rocking his connection to the Force, and his small arms began to quiver as he shouldered the strain doing this. Something was.... missing. He felt his connection to the Force hiccup and sputtering, quivering and shake, and though he could hold the Battle Meditation to the residents in the hospital he felt he COULD do so much more. Aurelion nearly gasped as, instead of the solely critical appraisal he expected, he felt something akin to pride and approval flow into his senses from Nimue, and she in turn would feel a warm, fluttering happiness erupt in the pit of his stomach. Even at this, what others would call a harsh or small show of affection, he was happy.

As Nimue lightly chastised him and complimented him in one breathe Aurelion managed to blush even while his eyes were closed in meditation. His ears giving a tiny, happy wiggle in response to this. Warmth suffusing his chest though still that same nagging, incomplete feeling continued to grind into his senses, No doubt Nimue would be able to keenly feel both in equal measure, would be able to feel as a modicum of Aurelion's attention now spread to searching for a solution to this empty, missing piece of the puzzle. A solution only coming when Nimue cooed to him in a surprisingly soft tone, one Aurelion at least took to be affectionate, though Nimue would likely never admit to such a thing even if it was true.

Aurelion let out a single, slightly labored breathe, before nodding and obeying. His senses pushing gently against Nimue's as an intrinsic, undeniable intimate closeness would brush both of their minds. Though, perhaps to NImue's surprise which Aurelion found he secretly enjoyed seeing, Aurelion did not do everything Nimue asked. While he did extend his senses to her, a formless, ethereal manifestation of his self and thoughts, made of gentle gold light and silver effervescence, coaxed forth Nimue's own dark, ancient consciousness. A swirling mixture of light and dark, of innocence and pragmatism, of ancient acuity and youthful naivety, which Aurelion threw himself into embracing with a passion caused by one simple fact:

She WAS what he was missing.

Aurelion did not at all reach for the Battle Meditation Sabine supplied, instead he simply reached for Nimue, his entire body relaxing as his over-reliance on the Light was finally given the darker half it so desperately needed, that HE so desperately needed. His thoughts murmuring to her in a gentle whisper of 'I don't need it's help. All I need is yours.' The moment Nimue offered her help, that matching darkness, that balance of Light and Dark for him..... the effort of extending his Battle Meditation became something much closer to easy as that void he had been missing became filled. For the first meaningful time in his life, the Force did not reject Aurelion, did not lash back at him, and in that moment a powerful chord of emotion would ripple through their Bond as it became clear to Aurelion that now Nimue WAS his acceptance.

The aura of Aurelion's Battle Meditation would begin to spread far and wide beyond the field hospital, sweeping unseen over the surface of Rodia, now in a shimmering 'silver' hue to those who could see or hear the Force. No longer Light or Dark but a blossoming union of both that sung of purpose, clarity, acceptance and determination. With Nimue's subconscious guidance as to whom their allies were this growing flood of positive, steeling energy would touch all those Aurelion would call ally, at least, those capable of feeling of it. It did not demand acceptance, but merely promised an unspoken whisper to aid them to be more than they were in that moment. A friendly shoulder to lean on, guidance and encouragement to pursue and grasp whatever goal lay before them.

Back in the field hospital a tear slid from Aurelion's eye as he felt strangely, joyously, spine-tinglingly whole. His body now shaking and tremor softly in an emotion that would thrum out through his Battle Meditation to all those who accepted it. An emotion they may find familiar or alien, a soft, burning heat of happiness and energy that tingled out pleasantly to the tips of toes and fingers and made the body itch for action and purpose. Aurelion made certain Nimue felt it the most intensely of all. As he borrowed from her, leaned on her, he also embraced her and 'looked' upon her as more than an ancient being, more than a predator that would hunt him if she was so inclined, and perhaps most shockingly of all, he looked at her as if she were more than the High Priestess of the Silma.

// FOCUS // Madalena Antares Madalena Antares // Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat Nerium Nerium Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte // Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura
// REGALIA // IN BIO // 2x Wrist Rockets

Theo hated the distractions. He would accept them, but he hated them.

Never had a duel of his been so difficult to pin down. Mandalorians crashing through the roof was bad. The enemy escaping, worse. But to not hold an opponent's full attention? Terrible. He did not regret going to Ryloth and dueling Knight Layne, but now Theo loathed the idea that he had fought to aid the Agents of Chaos. Madalena was a strong warrior; her technique was excellent and her weapon blazed with a light that rivaled Theo's soul. Still she used her power to protect the ones in her group rather than fight the Sun Guard.

If her companions needed such protection, they were weak. They had broken the Confederacy at Ryloth, but when the Confederacy brought its might to bear the Agents showed simply that they could be easily destroyed. Theo would fight alongside his brethren of the Sun Guard in defense of Thyrsus. But protect them? Dishonor them in such a way? It would be unforgivable. He expected the warriors of Mandalore to crush these Agents of Chaos easily.

Theo's thrust was deflected by Madalena's blade, but as a grin spread across her face a small reminder of caution and thought wiggled its way into Theo's mind. The optical sensors in his helmet initially notified him of new Agents behind and beside him. The Sun Guard disengaged for a moment, only to realize they were illusions -- none of the other sensors detected these new figures. He hadn't felt an outside influence attempting to affect his mind. Even if she had tried to trick him, she may have failed to distort the sensor readings fed to him by his armor. Or perhaps it was a physical distortion similar to a doppelganger.

The young warrior paused, waving his pike through the ethereal agent to his right. He shook his head. "You refuse to take me seriously. Do you expect me to take this, you casting spells while barely paying attention to the opponent in front of you?" He spun his pike in his hand. "I care not for your crimes, I care not for your bounty, I care not for your fight with the Confederacy. But you, Madalena Antares, dishonor yourself with this conduct. Whether you stand and fight or continue running like a coward, I no longer care. I will destroy you."

The ceiling broke in behind him, trapping the Agents and Mandalorians here. It did not matter. He had wished for honorable combat in the cool nighttime air. He had wished for Madalena Antares to unleash her full power against him. He had wished to lose, to contend against someone much stronger than him and to be left bleeding on the floor.

Now, it did not matter. His grip tightened, his resolve hardened, and he prepared to destroy the disgrace of a warrior that faced him.

He quickly raised his left arm, letting loose the wrist rocket into the river of sewage to his right. The payload was concussive in nature. In an instant the sewage erupted; he had intended for the wave to disorient his opponent and distract her senses, even if for a moment. Still, he was sure that the Force would allow her to see through it. Through that wave of waste Theo would come spinning clockwise through the air, slashing downwards at Madalena's left shoulder to bait her into blocking and letting his weapon slide off to her left -- if she didn't, it was likely the power of the blow could force a guard break and bite into her shoulder. There were many stories of how even a touch from a force pike at the joint could cause the target to lose a limb entirely.

But the Sun Guard was sure she would block and sidestep. Assuming she did, he would soon bring his left hand swinging around to grab and latch onto one of her arms wherever he could. The crushgaunt and his already enhanced strength should be enough to break those feeble human bones that hid under that little armor of hers.



LOCATION: Iskaayuma, Rodia
TASK: Eliminate Gabriel Volturi Acquire new target
EQUIPMENT: In Signature, KO Sidearm
CIS: Felurian Malvern | Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée | Isalor Grathan | Eenia Vahn | The Monster The Monster | Rann Thress Rann Thress
AOC: Acquiring new targets....

Tell me, when you last stood among the ashes of your nation, did you for a moment contemplate mercy? Neither did I.

Voph paused as the shadows turned and boiled, consuming Gabriel whole. And for a moment, Voph could no longer detect him in the Force. Had he died? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Voph's lightsaber deactivated, leaving the street in darkness once again. Gabriel had either fled, or been rescued. Either way, he was not a concern for the Confederacy anymore.​
Voph turned, and gestured towards the city "There may be more within the streets. We need to secure the city as soon as we are able. Sergei, take your men and flush out any remaining cells. Any who wish to help establish a command post within the city, follow him. If you still wish to fight, our hunt is not over."
Voph turned, brow furrowing as he looked into the jungles on the edge of the city. He smiled slightly. A wolf was running. And it was time for the hunter to become the hunted. Voph lurched forward, moving as fast as he could manage through the streets back out into the jungle. He didn't care at this point if anyone still followed him. He could hunt his prey easy enough on his own...




Objective: Turn the Agents of Chaos into Space Dust
Location: Talay System
Allied Tag: John Locke John Locke | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Cypher Rage
Terrorist Tag: Dimitri Lindzinsky | Willam Forlon Willam Forlon | Bella Bella | Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi

"The composite beam's taken care of the second Star Destroyer. Once it's recharged, we can move onto the --"

Kiff was standing at the battle-management station, back faced away from the ongoing battle as he studied the projection of the battle intently while listening to Jol read out the latest damage reports. The terrorist Star Destroyers had finally managed to turn around, and for all the strength of the Victator, the concentrated fire of the Monarch-class Star Destroyers was slowly eating away at the shields of the massive battlecruiser. The ship would hold for now -- it always had -- but Kiff needed to be careful to not let his overconfidence get the best of him. Especially now, when the enemy Star Destroyers had suddenly let loose with three proton pulse cannons - a direct shot had destroyed the Rock Elder, while a glancing shot had all but crippled the Pedestal. The Akelia was the only flak corvette that remained in operational order, and that left the Victator dangerously vulnerable without its point-defense complement.

The two were interrupted, however, by a sudden glow of blue-white light from behind Kiff's back, shining onto the holotable and dimming the radiance of the blue glow of the projection. Kiff watched as Jol's eyes widened, and spun on the spot to watch a scene that seemed to be out of a fairytale. Or a nightmare, depending on which side you were on.

Brilliant bolts of lightning arced across the starry void, illuminating everything so brightly that it blinded Kiff. He couldn't see, but he could hear Jol gasp in surprise behind him. Sound did not travel in space -- the lack of any atmosphere made it physically impossible. But a wave of impact still rocked the Victator, as massive as she was, and the blinding light still had not faded. Orders were being thrown hap-hazardously across the bridge, but with the blinding light, it was utter chaos.

"Shades!" Came the roaring of Jol's voice next to Kiff, and a second later the electrochromatic systems of the Victator kicked into action, darkening the viewports of the massive battlecruiser. Kiff had to rub the echoes of the blinding light out of his eyes, but when he lowered his hands he saw what could only be considered a wonderful sight -- where there had been three enemy Star Destroyers now stood three corpses, already burnt out or in the process of exploding. The bridge erupted into cheers, and Kiff almost felt like participating with the rest of the crew.

But when he looked at the old man beside him, Jol was not joining in on the celebration.

The old man's face was somber, and the lights of the exploding ships reflected brightly in his eyes as he watched the Star Destroyers go supernova with what seemed to be a tint of sadness. "Jol, you okay?" Kiff immediately asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

"I used to celebrate war, too," Jol said, at last, still staring out across the void at the dying ships. "Most boys my age did. My homeworld was peaceful when I was growing up, a perfect place for these fantasies of battles and romantic glory to take root and grow. But it did not last long. Raiders discovered my planet, my village, and all of us were forced to take up in arms. The war lasted for three years."

"The mothers and widows had a song they would sing after their husbands and sons had marched off to war."

Then, the grizzled old veteran began to sing.

"Leaves, from the vine,

falling so slow.

Like tiny, fragile shells,

drifting in the foam.

Little soldier boy,

come marching home.

Little soldier boy

comes marching home."

Kiff looked at Jol in a way he hadn't looked before. For all of his life, Jol had been a steady rock on which Kiff had found a foundation, one that seemed unmoving and steadfast in the face of all that the two had seen. Eshan. Tanaab. Kiff and Jol had been there, had watched those cities burn. But Kiff had never heard this story of the old man's life. "Jol, I never--"

"Most of them never did come marching home," Jol said, clearing his throat. "And neither will they," he added, looking at the remains of the Star Destroyers in front of them.

Kiff turned to watch what the old man was watching. He'd seen the butchery of Eshan, he'd watched as ships both his own and the enemy had been consumed by the flame and the void. He'd watched millions die. But he'd never seen it from that perspective.

"My apologies. I'm not that good of a singer," Jol said, clearing his throat, turning to Kiff. The young High Marshal looked into the old Commander's eyes and saw a faint trace of a tear break past Jol's nonchalance and fall down into the white bushy mass of the beard, leaving a trail of water and salt behind its path. But Jol turned away, the emotion gone from his voice, the old steel back. "We still have a battle to win, High Marshal. Your orders?"

Kiff looked at Jol before turning back to the battle at hand. "Yes," Kiff thought, gathering his thoughts back together. "Put us at an angle above the terrorist fleet, and begin the acquisition of new targets. At this range we're limited to long-range weapons only, so give the standard turbolasers and missile launchers a chance to catch their breaths. Starfighter squadrons, continue with the mop-up of remaining corvettes, but otherwise, our focus should be on the forward fleet, especially their flagship."

"High Marshal, might I give a suggestion?" Jol interrupted, and Kiff turned to the old man, indicating for him to go on. "That battlecruiser that these terrorists are fielding is a new model, one that even our databases don't recognize. I would initiate a testing-volley of our mass driver cannons, to probe it's defenses and use that information to decide the best course of action."

Kiff nodded. "Good thinking. Gunnery, you heard Commander Jol -- mass-driver cannons are to fire one volley at the battlecruiser, to judge and determine it's defenses. The rest of the long ammunition should be spent on the rear ships of the fleet. Let's hit them where it counts."

  • Flagship:
  • 513th Heavy Attack Line:
    • x5 Grievous-class Star Destroyers
      • CNS Exigent [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
      • CNS Carrhae White [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
      • CNS Ikelos [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
      • CNS Apotheosis [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
      • CNS Iron Lord [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
    • x2 Argente-class Assault Cruisers
      • CNS Last Disciple [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
      • CNS Shadowrun [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
    • x4 Terrus-class Flak Frigates
      • CNS Akelia [60% Shields, 100% Structure]
      • CNS Forethought [Destroyed]
      • CNS Pedestal [0% Shields, 30% Structure]
      • CNS Rock Elder [Destroyed]
  • 531st Carrier Line:
  • The Victator and all five Grievous-class Star Destroyers have maneuvered into a position "above" the conventional plane on which Willam and John's fleets are sitting. They are out of standard range for engagement but are thrusting at full burn to close that gap.
    • All ships in the formation are firing long-range mass-driver cannons at the rear of Willam's fleet.
    • The Victator is firing a single volley of mass-driver cannons at the Justice to determine the status of the battlecruiser's defenses.
    • Starfighter squadrons are focusing on eliminating remaining corvettes and forces in Dimitri's fleet.
  • The rear formation is now sitting idle, prepared to assist in backup if necessary. Fighter squadrons are holding a defensive formation around their ship of origin.


LOCATION: Rodia, Capital City. Command Post Roof.
OBJECTIVE: Assault AoC Positions on Rodia
WEAPONS: Lightsaber / Robotic Right Arm
ARMOR: Apprentice Armor
TAGS: Voph l Sergei "Jack" Jachovich l Valeria Sempronia l Felurian Malvern l Eenia Vahn l Isalor Grathan
ENEMIES: Agents of Chaos, Open

The thrust met with shadow and nothingness, and Rann recovered quickly, readying himself for an attack that never came. He looked around, and looked at Lord Kyyrk Kyyrk in confusion.
"Did....did we win?" he asked his Miralukan Master, holding his lightsaber up defensively expecting a trick as the last of Gabriel vanished into shadow. Rann blinked, confused, and deactivated his lightsaber, returning it to his waist.
He moved towards the remains of that squad earlier to investigate, wanting to know who had the gall to move upon a dangerous enemy such as Gabriel. He activated his low-light vision in his helmet to better identify the forces in the darkness.
"Omega Squad. Huh." He remarked. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it. At any rate, it appeared it didn't matter. He put a call out over comm
"Rann Thress, does anyone know anything about an Omega Squad? ( Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz ) I have several KIAs here."
The name sounded real familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. He shrugged while awaiting the response.
He turned back towards Lord Voph and bowed his head. "I will wait here and secure the area before moving on. I'm not quite sure Gabriel isn't lurking around here still."
Just as quickly as he responded to Voph, however, the man was gone. With such deft quickness that his helmet glitched out, registering him as simply having vanished, for the briefest of moments Rann entertained the idea if he was ever there at all, before chuckling and shaking his head.
There was still work to do in this area. Identify the dead, and these 'Rodians' and get any wounded out if any remained.
Rann was incredibly disappointed, however. He was ready for a fight. And one never came. He swung his lightsaber a few times but ended up hitting a living shadow.
He stood there, looking down at the craters made by that gunship, and rage began fill him.
"I wanted a FIGHT, DAMMIT." He yelled, kicking a piece of rubble down the street.
This has been nothing more than a waste of time, he thought to himself.
Last edited:
Objective: Dance-off on a Rooftop.
Location: Industrial part of the Iskaayuma, on a rooftop.
Allies: Agents of Chaos
Enemies: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Armor: Phase I Haywire Armor
Equipment: Phase I Sword of Eve, Whimsy Knife, Light-Shield Bracelet, Taozin Amulet, Generic breathing mask
Tags: (AoC) Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter + Open
(CIS) Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Redd Redd


Her point had been argued, Larentia had remained quiet, observing Gerward as he reasoned over what truth truly was. In reality, Larentia knew many truths; of herself, of him, of what was, what was coming... so many truth, nearly all of them buried deep inside her, kept from those around her. There had been no choice, it was the right decision. It was almost too tempting to want to rip the Amulet off her neck to show him the truth, the reason why chaos needed to reign.

She was not that child. She didn't seek the approval of her elder, not here or now. They were not her elders, they were as young as she was today, with so much to learn still. Her mission was far more important.

He had followed them... Larentia's head tilted, the wolf undeniably here even in his human form. Before she spoke, the bloodhound moved back, with a quick instruction. Feet shuffled back in the dark, lightsabers coming to live to provide enough light ahead of. On instinct, she drew on her own blade, dominant hand outstretching to her side armed, yet Scherezade moved away from her, she herself moving away from her original position. Neither of them was meant to die on this day, Larentia knew as the lightsabers danced in the air towards each other, whether they had faced each other though, the Lupine didn't know. Not all stories were known to her, not all stories had been told.

This was the life that had been chosen for her and the life Larentia had chosen for her. She had been raised to be a fighter but here, now; she was here out of her own choice. Perhaps even fear. She did fear her own death at the hands of the Lupine monster, she feared the end. Chaos seemed like her best option. If she had to face her own, then so be it. Yet, right now, she allowed for feet to hit the ground, for blades to strike against each other. Then the battle would begin.


Minor edit, location misunderstanding with Scher.

Darth Miseria


L O C A T I O N | Equator City - Flip Credit Casino
E Q U I P M E N T | Armour - Lightsaber - Boots - Wrist Saber x1 [One Destroyed in Invasion of Ryloth] - Water of Life x5 - Raxus Relief Gas x5
A L L I E S | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd - Saram Kote Saram Kote - The Confederacy & Friends
E N E M I E S | K Kaine Australis - Agents of Chaos

His answer was not what she expected.

Miseria shook her head slowly. “That’s a bit of a disappointment, I have to admit.” Choosing to abandon her now empty glass on the table instead of filling it up, Miseria cast her gaze down. Was it his words that were a disappointment, or the man himself? In the silence that followed Miseria confirmed, it was an equal mixture of both, but she did not say as much aloud. Perhaps, after all the stories whispered of his deeds, she had expected someone marginally bigger than the man sitting before her. Both physically and mentally.

It was hard to rationalise that he was capable of all the things her father claimed. Butcher of Eshan? Maybe. Once upon a time, when Miseria was too young to remember, maybe. Now he seemed like… the pushover of Eshan. The chase for revenge had made him willing to do anything. Even if it made no sense. Why bother coming up with your own plan when you could ride the coattails of someone else's? It was lazy, and lazy wasn’t a good look. Still, at least sitting here talking to him was marginally more interesting than being in Iskaayuma with the others. He definitely had that going for him. There was only one thing that irked her.

“You’re not much of a conversationalist, are you?” Up to now, Miseria had done most of the talking. Did she expect him to spill his entire life story on the table plain as day? Did she expect him to ask about intimate details of hers? No, but she did expect some sort of intrigue about her in return. Maybe this was all meant as a distraction, but up to now Miseria had heard of no attacks in Equator City. Aselia and Saram would have informed her if there was, and they had been just almost as silent as her surprise date.

Miseria finally drew her gaze back up to Kaine, with a softer smile on her caramel complexion. "I guess your trip to Rodia was sort of wasted? Now that you know my buir isn't coming."


Darth Miseria


L O C A T I O N | Equator City - Flip Credit Casino
E Q U I P M E N T | Armour - Lightsaber - Boots - Wrist Saber x1 [One Destroyed in Invasion of Ryloth] - Water of Life x5 - Raxus Relief Gas x5
A L L I E S | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd - Saram Kote Saram Kote - The Confederacy & Friends
E N E M I E S | K Kaine Australis - Agents of Chaos

When he rose, she remained perfectly still.

By all rights his sudden movement should have startled her, but Miseria wasn’t afraid of him. If it was going to turn into a fight he would need a lot more than surprise on his side to defeat her. She cracked a small grin at his own relaxed demeanour. After all, Miseria didn’t exactly look like she’d be much in a fight either. Small, unassuming, almost innocent. If she wasn’t wearing her beskar she’d probably be able to pass herself off as some unlucky teenager lost in the chaos of the evacuation.

Her eyes did follow him as he crossed the room to the bar, but simply because she was curious. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that she wasn’t interested in any drink, not just the whiskey, so she kept her mouth shut. When he turned his back to rummage, Miseria stretched out. Her heavy boots made a hollow clunk when they set themselves down on a spare chair. Might as well get comfy.

Once settled, she returned her attention to Kaine. He’d found what he was looking for, and brought it out with a dramatic flourish. Miseria grinned. “My kind of drink.” She and Ivum had spent some… seriously fun nights seeing who could drink the most without passing out, and they used Tihaar exclusively. Beyond it being the only thing their buir would drink when they were all together, the siblings had found the harsh burn and powerful taste a good way to test their resolve.

Despite having just organised herself a little more comfortably, Miseria stood and crossed the room. Where Kaine had taken a turn to stand behind the bar, taking up the role of pseudo bar man, Miseria took her place on the opposite side. Stand directly opposite him, she leant against the sticky wood to watch the crystal clear liquid trickle into the shot glasses.

Smirking, she rose one of the shot glasses in the air and titled the rim toward him. “To the weirdest meeting ever.”

Human Replicant Droid

LOCATION: Talay - [Inside Station/Headed Toward Alt CIS Squad/Command Center]
OBJECTIVE: Shut of the signal - Defend
WITH: Ares Stone + [OPEN]
WEAPON: DC-17 [Canon]
CIS ALLIES: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque Ciri Jade Ciri Jade
AOC ENEMIES: Aiofe A'Dess Aiofe A'Dess + [OPEN]
Electric jade photoreceptors flickered while the holo-feed let her view the male humanoid that was her was intended. His features were balanced and equally proportioned, though, there was a particular slant to his brow that allowed her to make mostly correct calculations about his region of birth. An almost coquettish smirk touched pale pink lips that had been designed for sass and sin. He was a soldier. She would most definitely be the processing power of this operation. Muscle, indeed.

He had been speaking to a droid that was far less of a free-thinker than she was before landing. The wireless data-stream passed through an invisible band fed her the information she lacked. His habits. His words—The way he moved and spoke. Small things. Autonomous responses. Unruly waves crashed against the base of the relay and the HRD found her focus.

Perhaps her employers had intended that she fly with an adjunct. Protection. A pilot.

Didn’t they know that her reaction time was more precise than his would ever be?

“A pressure system is moving in. It’s coming across the water from the north.”, she relayed, briefly, without bothering to explain that the droid he’d offered the details to before had been an efficient snitch. They were kindred. Athena held more in common with a toaster than she did with the soldier that was laughably placed to keep her from termination. “Something large, of the many, has disrupted the natural order. Strong but vertically shallow systems have been pressed down from higher altitudes along the northern hemisphere. There is a displacement in precipitation that has left an upper level disturbance.”

All of these fancy words meant only one thing.

“Something has risen.”

Something that did not belong on Talay. With more data of the localized area, or direct feed from a satellite, she might have been able to discern that it was a massive Confederate Fleet. Athena had a job to do. Work, to complete. She was not aware of the actions the Droid Nation intended to execute save for the fact that the relay required maintenance. “We should move.”

“Nice arm, champ.”

It wasn’t hard for her to see what didn’t belong. Even beneath the armor. It was an older model stood out more than anything else. “But that thing reads like it was liberated from battledrioid scrap. You should consider an upgrade. Your financial accounts are in order. At least, what you’ve claimed. Apply for a credit loan before the Galactic Credit shifts in value again.”

It would. It always did. Especially, when war was afoot.

From the readings she’d been taking in? This was no small-scale tussle. The purple-hearts would be picking up ship pieces from the orbit of Talay for years to come. She watched the man stand and secure his helmet and cut her feed with the droid at his side before departing her own ship fully while letting precise feed carry her across the landing pad. This place was a bit of a mess. New tech meets old tech. Patch jobs everywhere.

Soldier began looking for a way in. She rolled mechanical eyes and approached what appeared to be a wall of nothing. It didn’t really look like a door.

Athena let her hand lay on a hidden panel that would lead them inside the relay station and it began to light up whilst she interfaced. “We are not alone. Friendly forces.”, Athena relayed to the one called Ares Stone whilst her eyes flickered. They were granted access. Doors that didn’t require physical keys were easy enough. Especially, because she had been uploaded with every access code required.

The chittering noise came from deep within the compound. It was loud. The poor human didn’t seem capable of hearing it scream. It was all Athena could hear. He asked if she could locate the signal and if she had access to blueprints. Her head cocked to the side for a moment. “I can. And I do.”

Yes, she could hear it. Yes, she had schematics. Well. As much as she could gather. Intel was…Sparse.


A portal whirled to life and opened for the pair. His equipment seemed faulty and a simulated sigh passed through her lips. “0 BBY sent a holo, Soldier. They want their tech back.”

Their friends had more back up than they did. A whole team, by the looks of it.

Athena wondered if she ought to have felt offended or proud.

There was something else. Feedback. This station had lost most of its power long ago and therefore many of its systems were offline. She couldn’t see what crept in from below. Didn’t know. Athena was partially blind to the lower levels (
Aiofe A'Dess Aiofe A'Dess ) by the very nature of her incredibly intricate composition. She wouldn’t have been able to hear what Damsy Callat Damsy Callat reported were it not for the comm she had been given. “If I were with the tactical team I would search for the heart of the station. Keep watch. There are things I cannot see.”

Technology called to her. Shadows, ghosts, and enemies in the dark beyond did not.

So, they walked.

The station was in a state of disrepair. It saddened Athena to see technology that had been abandoned and forgotten. Much like the monolithic rings of KDY that had been thrown to the planet. They decayed in plumes of debilitating radiation. This wasn’t quite the same travesty—But force-feeding power from one place to the next was annoying. It made it easier to open doors and access panels but it was only temporary. Dangerous. “Our friends move up. We will need to find another way.”

Athena plotted a course. Stairs.

“This is Athena. I am on my way with an escort. ETA…Twenty. Thirty minutes.”

The encrypted comm memo was sent through the airwaves to the rest of the Confederates ( Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque Ciri Jade Ciri Jade ). It would be good not to take a blaster to the chest on site. It may or may not cause internal damage to her, but, it would be costly. No dress would ever look pretty again with a burn hole to her metallic sternum. Then how would she dupe clients?

Athena reviewed the terrain again.

They were partially blocked in some places but it wasn’t anything they couldn’t climb over. Athena placed a hand on the smooth stone of a dusty fallen pillar and vaulted over it. She slid low, ducking down, so as to avoid hitting her head on a fallen beam. “You will make it through this crawl space. Only, barely. Please do not be claustrophobic at this time. If the walls feel like they are closing around you and your chest grows tight—Remember, you must breathe.”

There was a slam from somewhere inside the facility.

Athena paused. Her audio receptors were quite sensitive and the sonic emissions came from below. Not too far below either. There were definitely people. Not the tactical team. They didn’t bear the same signatures. She could only assume that these were the individuals Ms. Callat had seen. She also caught something else out of the corner of her eye. Movement. But, without substance.

A trick of the light? She frowned. Athena, much like the others, was not fond of this station.

“What comes from beneath is not ours. I calculate that they will catch us rather quickly if we do not make haste.”

And if he didn’t keep breathing so loudly inside of his helmet.

Did he want them to be caught?

Athena sighed. Humans.

Darth Miseria


L O C A T I O N | Equator City - Flip Credit Casino
E Q U I P M E N T | Armour - Lightsaber - Boots - Wrist Saber x1 [One Destroyed in Invasion of Ryloth] - Water of Life x5 - Raxus Relief Gas x5
A L L I E S | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd - Saram Kote Saram Kote - The Confederacy & Friends
E N E M I E S | K Kaine Australis - Agents of Chaos

Friend. My. Shebs.

Miseria was almost surprised. Almost. Just as she tilted her head to throw the tihaar down her throat, the flash of something dark and dangerous cast a shadow on the ceiling. Not knowing what it was, and being in the extremely vulnerable position of having her neck in open view, she could have only assumed the worst. Miseria threw herself backward, completely dowsing herself in her shot glass of tihaar in the process, taking several large steps that would hopefully get her out of danger. They did… somewhat. She felt the sudden burn of something indescribably hot. A flash of searing pain followed that was only worsened by her slip with the tihaar.

“You just… had to ruin it.” Miseria lifted an arm to wipe the spilled booze from her face. The burn of his saber had singed the flesh on her neck, she could smell it, even over the potent stench of alcohol. “Alright.” She grinned, the same hand reaching for the hilt of her own saber. “Let’s play.”

The blade should have burst into light, with an obnoxious, almost blinding fuchsia hue, but it didn’t. Because at the same time, her other hand rose, causing a sudden rumble to drown out the irritating beat of music. Miseria was well practiced in telekinesis. It was her father’s forte, and in her earlier days Miseria had clung to him like fruit to a tree to learn all she could from him. Now accomplishing the force move was like walking in the park on a summer day. Easy.

One by one, at first, the heavy bottles of alcohol nestled against the shelves behind the bar began to fly at Kaine. Her aim was random, but it was on purpose. Before too long, a torrent of them rained down mercilessly on her target. The coloured glass shattered across the top of the bar, across the floors, over every inch of shelf, covering everywhere in a fine mist of sickly sweet booze. If any of the bottles found their mark in his flesh at all, all the better, but for now they served as a simple distraction.

Miseria donned her helmet, forcing them over her curls until it clicked into place. Her saber finally burst into life, dousing her in vibrant shades of electric pink. Aselia. Saram. Close in on my position. The Butcher of Eshan is here. Fortunately, though her supply of bottles was rapidly growing thin, her heavy use of telekinesis would hopefully cover up the fact that she reached out to the group on the roof. Do whatever you can. He can’t leave here alive.


Forgot to colour some speech!
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WIELDING: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons -(One has Glitter Bullets) 5/6 Verpine accessory shot ion tag round, 1 R12 LMG, (6) of Chaos Gas grenades, (4/6) of Elemental Grenades, Pouch of Vita Stones, A couple candles in separate pouches
Phase II Haywire Armor with no helmet on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit with helmet
Iskaayuma, Leaving the factory district
ALLIES: Agents of Chaos, Strike Team Bluebell

The woman huffed, and doubled over after a majority of her energy was spent. She desperately wanted to tear the helmet off and gag and make all sorts of nasty sounds to get the sick feeling out of her gut. To get the exhaustion out of her with the proverbial cleansing that her body demanded. The air scrubbers inside the helmet were doing little to aid that when her mind was...brushed against.

Today was a field day for strange feelings. And this was just adding to it as her eyes searched around for a moment before shaking her head. Feth this was a weird day. She slowly controlled her breathing, having run a triathlon in record time she felt before trying to return that feeling as best she could. It came back to Domino Domino as more of a feeling rather than full words. A feeling of want, to be safe, without the hint of words. Like feeling wrapped in a familiar blanket, or tucked away in a safe spot at home. She could not yet return the words, but hoped the feeling was enough as she cast a glance behind her.

Force this was a strange day. Shot at by feth knows who, running as fast as that, and now people...doing mind magic. She would have to say something to Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter about this at some point. That woman knew the force, then again it seemed Domino did as well.

Location: Rodia
Wearing: xxx
CIS: Muad Dib Muad Dib | open
AoC: Alwine Daye Alwine Daye | open

A grin fitted itself on The Demon’s lips as Muad Dib Muad Dib answered him. The man was truly a testament of insanity, how the Agents of Chaos ever thought they would keep him contained was a marvel. The story of his escape was one Daegon would have to hear again. It showed, once again, how foolishly unorganized chaos truly was. That was the reality of chaos itself. It was destabilizing. An organization which thrived on nothing but would eventually fall upon itself, falter from within. Normally Daegon would be content to patiently await the day these terrorists tore themselves to pieces, but not after what they had done to Derek Dib Derek Dib , nor what they had done to Seraphina Corvinus. This was not about the Confederacy.​
This was personal.
Daegon looked to the forces he was given, and the basilisk which landed. While it was not a sentient steed, it would do. The thought of riding into battle with his crimson bladed lightsaber in hand was a comforting thought. While the command he had been given would ensure the creatures which were stampeding in their direction would be dealt, Daegon knew it would allow him to keep the chase. Alwine Daye Alwine Daye was close. He could feel it.​
It was as if he could smell it on the air. Whether it was hers or that of those that accompanied her, it mattered not. Daegon used it, absorbed it, as he allowed it to fuel his power. The combination of his hatred for the woman which had nearly killed the two people closest to him, and the fear of those being chased, made the perfect amplification. They would suffer, all of them, but not before dealing with the threat which faced them now.​
“To this skies then,” Daegon nodded as he mounted the mechanical steed.​
Dib did not wait for Daegon to finish his response before charging ahead into the fray. A chuckle escaped his lips as once again the man proved the lack of his mental stability. Who ran into a bombardment? It was Daegon’s turn as he pressed the Knights Aegis ahead.​
“Kill every last one of them,” he commanded.​
The task would not prove that difficult as the ships which provided the fire power from above took care of the majority of the creatures. Their screeches and screams could be heard as many burned alive or were dispatched by the explosions which manifested around them. Daegon did his best to move ahead between the beams of heated plasma which fell from the skies above. Those which did not die by the laser fire fell by Daegon’s blade, or the knights which followed him. None before him would survive, the rest which were not, they would be left for Dib.​
Daegon would not allow Alwine to escape, not again.​
He pressed ahead until he found their resting place. Once again he was too late. Two paths lay ahead, but which one did Alwine take.​
Closing his eyes, the Sith Lord reached out with his senses once again.​
She was alone.​
He smiled.​
Turning to the Knights he pointed them down the path the others had taken.​
“No mercy. None of them are to be left alive. They are in league with the woman who tried to kill your master. Some of you were there when the order was given for them to surrender. You saw with your own eyes that Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi attacked some of your brethren with the force, slamming them into the wall, gripping them with his invisible talons when all of them could have complied. There had been no need for violence that day. They chose it. They shot Derek Dib. They rejected mercy then, so they shall not receive it today. None of them are to remain alive.”
Daegon leaped from the iron steed, sending it ahead with coordinates which should drop it right in front of the woman he was chasing.​
< “Come to my location. I have found her trail once more.” > The words pressed into Muad Dib’s mind as Daegon pushed the force to his legs once more.​
“I WILL FIND YOU,” he shouted hoping Alwine was close enough to hear him. “YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!”
His bellow rippled with force. While he was not a master of the skill, the dark side made him stronger. His voice was dark, dissonant. It lacked the entrancing and melodious tone which Seraphina Corvinus Seraphina Corvinus boasted. It was just as destructive, however. As he screamed through the woods, Daegon watched the path clear before him. Trees and branches parted as though the hand of god had once again parted the great sea. She would not be able to hide for long.​
Ryloth and Siskeen would not forget.​
Daegon would not forgive.​

Location: Rodia System, AoC Carrier task force, Impellor-class Battle Carrier Bullseye

Objective: Engage Confed forces above Rodia.

Allies: Any AoC forces

Enemies: CIS Forces Sabine Delacroix Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

Squadrons formed up and moved off away from the fleet formation towards the Fleet now approaching from the world. Token looked at the display and the two leets now moving to destroyer his group. It was clear that the intelligence department of the AoC was incompetent. They should have known the location of the super destroyers at least. He knew he would be facing opposition, but there was never supposed to be this much of a fleet presence at Rodia. he made a mental note to add that to his post-action log. The ship shook as a salvo of missiles slammed into the shielding. he looked at the display then to the hologram and gave orders. "Focus fire on the lead ship in the formation," he ordered watching the ships moving from the world towards his group. the combined ships of the fleet moved their focus to the led ship in the formation approaching from Rodia's low orbit. The group had chased a group of corvettes down into he world and it seemed has dispatched them and were now moving to have a go at Fodders fleet.

"Sir, one of the Pickets are requesting an urgent channel be opened." said the communications officer from somewhere behind Token. He sighed and replied. "Tell them I will contact them at my earliest convenience," said Fodder as he continued to watch the holographic display of the battle. "Sir they say it is important something about an odd reading..." Token turned and scowled at the officer "Tell them we are trying not to die and that when I am able to speak with them I will call them" shouted Token. The communications offered shrugged and killed the channel. Token turned his attention back to the display and the battle raging in space around him. He would have to reprimand that ship's commander when they returned home. Interrupting him in the middle of a battle. What could be so important that it needed his attention in the middle of a battle? Token shrugged of the thought and went back watching the battle unfold.

Carrier Line

1 @ Impellor-class Battle Carrier "Bullseye" (A88/S79)

4 @ Proclaimer-class Star Frigate #1 A100/S93 #2 A88/S67 #3 A99/S45 #4 A36/S12)

Skirmish Line

4 @ Procursator-class Skirmish Destroyer #1 A89/S8 #2 A45/S9 #3 A100/S87 #4 A68/S90)

Attack Line

4 @ Victory-class Light Star Destroyer #1 A100/S45) #2 A76/S95) #3 A45/S68) #4 A79/S56)

4 @ Invincible-class Fire Support Cruiser #1 A67/S86 #2 A45/S77 #3 A96/S45 #4 A100/S88

Support Line

2 @ Proclaimer-class Star Frigate (#1 A97/S88, #2 A100/S89)

1 @ Abolisher-class Containment Cruiser (A100/ S100)

2 @ Indictor-class EWAR Corvette (#1 A97/S99, #2 A85.S56)

Picket Line

2 @ Kantos-class Heavy Frigate (#1 A88/S95, #2 A94/S68)

3 @ Vigil-class Light Frigate (#1 A100/S95, #2 A94/S65, #3 Destroyed)

3 @ Vigilance-class Heavy Picket (#1 A88/S75, #2 A93/S79, #3 A54/S28)

4 @ Intersector-class Patrol Picket (#1 A95/S94, #2 A87/S91, #3 A98/S100, #4 A65/S22)

Continued engaging CIS forces.
Targeted lead ship in Sabines formation and concentrated fire on the vessel
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Location: Weapons Factory District, Iskaayuma, Rodia
Callsign: Alpha Actual
Squad: Alpha Quad, 10 Dauntless Commandos
Equipment: Project Xiphos Armor | Modular Tri-Blaster | Micro Light Shield | Bayonet | Cryo Grenades | Fragmentation Grenades | Thermal Detonators | Comlink | Raxus Relief

Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Hostile Command: Agents of Chaos

The worst thing about Haastal Verd's expectations of a kill in ten minutes was what he'd probably say if Alpha didn't kill Daiya (though he'd probably settle for Nighthaunter). It was her job not to let her squad get berated because the world didn't kneel before any one person's expectations. Not to mention Alpha would like nothing more than to come out on top in comparison to Omega. Everyone knew Luna Terrik favored them, and that they'd lost their CO on Atrisia -- which only made those can-heads even more dogged. They only needed to look to Haastal for that. Well Alpha wouldn't mind getting a little attention themselves, like any other squadron of Dauntless. They all busted their chops in training and in battle. Here, in the refuse and ruin of galactic civilization (not the veneer they saw walking between market stalls), was their chance to demonstrate their quality.

And the rats weren't holding still long enough to bag and tag them.

With a thwip, the Colonel threw herself over the edge and began a rapid descent below. The other three Commandos with her would follow in short order, though a hair less recklessly. That was fine. Tiria had the experiences of multiple people fueling her reactions. Snap decisions weren't an issue, even if it came down to 'which vaguely defined shape in my periphery do I blast first?'

Unfortunately, the rats had made for the sewer and there was no such body there to soak up some well deserved blaster fire. These people knew how to keep Tiria from earning another promotion.

Someday she'd be the Grand Mashal, and the Dauntless would be hers to command. Once Tiria discovered the monster that had nearly wiped out her race -- that of the creature that had telepathically bonded with the Human-like woman people knew -- a little convincing would be all she needed to crush them under her heel as they'd sought to do all those years ago. But none of that was going to happen if she failed in her mission.

To witness the destruction of your civilization and be left the only survivors forced to eke out a living, alone in the dark... some would have been driven mad with grief or rage. Not her. Not... the Overmind. Much time had passed before another creature disturbed its grounds. Its chance had come, and she had seized. It was many more years before Tiria Reinhart graduated the Confederate Academy, years before she proved herself worth of command among the Dauntless, and now she had become Colonel of her own squad it would only be a short time... a little more time... before they would have the resources at hand to find the one responsible; and end them.

It was that which drove her onward. Not lofty ideals, and not even blind rage. Righteous indignation and the refusal to submit to the rigors of time. They were coming. And the rats should be prepared for their reckoning.

Tiria gestured for the street-side teams to redirect themselves to scanning the surface for lifeforms emerging from below the surface. The moment they poked their head out of the rotten depths, the trap would spring shut without hesitation and without mercy.

Those that dropped in around her were instructed to follow her below. The filtration system and HUD would serve them well, and no one was going to open their mouths about the thought of what they might step in. Anyone that so much as gagged over the comlink or bent over was going to be cleaning the waste reclamation unit for the next standard month.

Barrel down, Tiria hopped into the sewer. The second her boots struck the boot, the blaster snapped up. She pivoted in place to check her rear, and then snapped back around to watch her front as measured steps carried her away from the drop for the rest to follow. Yet, their quarry was not to be found.

With the other three covering the area, Tiria crouched down and touched the ground beneath her feet. Vibrations. Movement. The Wookiee alone wasn't skittering away light as a mouse. Factory or escape? She would have expected them to go for the factory despite the overwhelming odds. It's why they'd come here, wasn't it? Terrorists didn't care about out numbered they were. They didn't care how many lived or died. They had a 'message' to deliver, and when they committed to something they followed through. Or was the cause not enough to justify that this time? 'Millions' they claimed; sounded worth it to her, but what did a Hivemind know of such scattered individualistic creatures. But they'd been fleeing along the rooftops in the other direction, or at least perpendicular to it.

Escape. Forward then.

A sharp hand signal had two take to the left of the tunnel, while shed led another along the right. The pair on either side were spread five feet apart, weapons ready. Second the enemy showed itself they were blasting. Friendlies? Yeah, sure, in the sewer. All the time. No, they'd better have passed that little nugget along the encrypted channel if they didn't want shot; there were no friends down here, just walking corpses.

Ironically, in more ways than one.

The squad of four moved forward in search of their prey. Tiria could feel something out of place in the area. Eyes ( Nighthaunter Nighthaunter ) that watched from the dark. It was more than adrenaline or paranoia, but she couldn't say that to anyone else in the squadron. After all, her Force 'sensitivity' was a closely guarded secret. The Dauntless weren't Force sensitives. Neither was she, far as Tiria was concerned. That the Hive operated over some invisible, mystic energy hardly seemed important -- especially to someone with plans to lead soldiers, not philosophical idealists.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Daiya Daiya | Nighthaunter Nighthaunter

Location: Rodian Space ~ The Veil
Objectives: Support Rodia's defense
Equipment: Crimson Dread, Comlink, Sword, Lightsaber
Tags: Srina Talon Srina Talon Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix Willam Forlon Willam Forlon

Space was eerily quiet, even with the salvo's of turbolaser fire that were being exchanged from one fleet to another. Adron stood silently, his amethyst eyes gazing out at the scene before him. He'd always had some talent when it came to deducing the next move of his enemies, however this fleet commander was particularly hard to deduce, mainly because his movements so far were fairly standard. He was opposing a fleet with the upper hand in firepower and soon with the deployment of the Veil, they would be outflanked as well.

The Super Dreadnaught had led the charge forward and now it stood prepared to fire upon it's enemies. Yet it did not. The lead firing officer for the Veil's gun crews stood closely beside Adron, yet the Exarch did not give the command to fire. Instead he continued to stare out before finally looking to the deck officers before him. "Once we drop our cloaking field, immediately scramble the fleet's fighters, tell them to harass the enemies main line. Now, bring us to grid coordinate, 1748." He said, gesturing towards one of the enemy's Invincible-Class Cruisers.

One of the Battledroids glanced down at his datapad before raising his eyes to look over the scene before him once again. "But- sir...that would mean."

"I'm aware of the order I gave, droid. See it done." The battledroid nodded before turning back to the navicomputer. "Roger, Roger." As The Veil moved closer and closer towards the enemy fleet, Adron spoke softly. "It's our luck that they were not able to notice us yet. The Veil has impressive stealth capabilities, but this fleet is massive none the less." He told Srina, bringing a single hand to brush against the stray hairs of his chin. "We'll have a few moments to rally our shields, however it will be only a moment. From that moment on we will cut through their center line and divide their forces. The Defense Fleet over the planet will take their forward guard and we will sweep up the rest." He said, simply. He looked to Srina Talon Srina Talon with a meaningful expression. "Once we deploy, you must contact Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix and inform her of our plan, also order Marshal Sorenn's fleet to stand down and maintain a defensive pattern over Rodia. We will make quick work of this."

"Ah, it seems we're in position." The Exarch said with some satisfaction.

The Veil had been increasing speed for some time and only just now had they come upon the exposed flank of one of the Invincible-Class Carriers. The Exarch's eyes lit up as he spoke softly. "Deploy."


The Veil's stealth field was deactivated only moments before the ship slammed into the Carrier. The much smaller ship was practically sliced in two as the War Dreadnaught fell from the shadows of space. A massive explosion occurred that Adron watched with some marvel. Streams of white and blue fire exploded out while Adron's hand reached out, curling his fingertips around the sight of the explosion. In the last moment he took his hand back as his voice boomed over the Command deck. "Status report!"

"Sir, all of our escorts are falling out of their stealth fields and engaging the enemy!" One of the signal officers reported back.

"The fore hull has been damaged sir, we took a considerable hit from the impact, however no critical systems are in danger and all levels are holding. There are a few reports of hull breaches but the halls are being sealed off." Another of the Engineering staff droids chimed in.

The Exarch nodded before exhaling softly. "Get the weapons system online, order our escorts to take up a defensive web around us and fire into their assault line." He ordered.

With this, the true battle would begin.

Fleet Action: The Veil dropped it's stealth field, smashing through one of the Invincible-Class Carriers. The Star Dreadnaught escorts deploy beside the Veil, firing into the enemy assault line.

1x - The Veil - Forward hull slightly damaged, Shields down, arming weaponry/defense kit
4x - Whitestar Battlecruiser - Taking a defensive position around the Veil - Shields deployed - Firing at the enemy assault line

Ares Stone


LOCATION: Talay - nearing the control center
OBJECTIVE: Shut of the signal - Defend
GEAR: Standard Armor, 9118 Heavy Carbine, 6 N-20 Baradium-Core Thermal Detonators, RSKF-44 Blaster Pistol
WITH: Athena Athena
CIS: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque | Ciri Jade Ciri Jade
AoC: Aiofe A'Dess Aiofe A'Dess | open

There seemed to be a delayed echo as Athena began to mention the pressure system. Ares almost rolled his eyes had it not been for the fact the conversation she was relaying seemed to be the exact wording he had used with the droid on the drop ship before Athena had landed.​
There was a reason Ares preferred to work with people. It was harder to relay conversations between them for one. It was a good thing Ares didn’t say anything personal to that droid otherwise Athena would know it. The soldier had a pretty good guess that the HRD had already accessed his personnel file, including the parts that had been redacted to keep his past line of work a secret. Maybe she hadn’t, but with the way she was talking, and behaving, the spectre was almost certain she had. Ares may look like a typical grunt, and was certainly as stubborn as one, but he was a lot smarter than he let on.​
The technology? Okay that was a problem. Since parting ways with his previous organization, he had lost access to all the tech they had provided. What Ares didn’t expect was the pure amount of sass the replicant known as Athena Athena would exhibit. She reminded him of Penny, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. No one had been able to get under his skin like that woman, but he had left her behind when he left the last organization behind. Athena was about to get first hand education on what happened when people came at him with too much sass. She might be a droid, but she looked far too much like a woman for Ares to remember she wasn’t in the heat of the moment.​
“If you’re done snooping around my file maybe you would realize I’ve got a custom on order already, hmmm?”
There was a bit of a bite to his words. Ares wasn’t mean, but he did tend to get snippy and sarcastic around too much sass.​
“Yeah, my tech is old, but it was an arm or fancy new stuff. My division within the Confederacy doesn’t exactly exist, and my technological requirements are not… cheap.”
In other words, Ares had expensive taste. He had been spoiled with his last job, and had not worn the particular set of armor he was in while he worked for them. There was sense of nostalgia as he wore it considering it had been put together piece by piece, paid for by job after job during his days as a freelance mercenary. Those days were behind him, for now, chasing ghosts, monsters, and the things which went bump in the night, seemed to be far more exciting than fighting someone else’s war for them.​
This time as he began to follow the droid his eyes did roll. He was becoming more curious as to why he had been sent on this assignment with an HRD that could clearly take care of herself. It wasn’t until she mentioned there were things she could not “see” that it all made sense. There was something about the station, and perhaps the mystery of the signal itself which may have required his particular area of expertise. Granted, fighting supernatural forces with the weapons they were carrying did them no good. It wouldn’t stop Ares from doing his job, however.​
Ares was glad to be in the station at least. A message from their allies came across the comms. It seemed both of them had taken note. The lifts were not going to work, so the stairs it was. Initial scans of the interior seemed to suggest the base had been abandoned for some time, which did not seem to make sense considering something had been triggered during the evacuations. There was definitely something about all of this which did not feel right.​
The soldier watched the path Athena took through the rubble. She said he could make it, and he nodded as he followed her path. If she said he could fit, then there was no doubting.​
It was tight, but doable.​
“I don’t get claustrophobic, sweetheart,” he said as he finished crawling through the space.​
That was when the slam sounded. Ares jerked his head over his shoulder out of instinct. They were either being followed, something or someone was infiltrating, or… something was terribly wrong.​
Athena seemed to have a handle on the what, to which Ares responded with a nod. They had not time to wait.​
“We had better get moving then.”
Ares pressed on ahead of the rubble. The stairs were still a fair git of a climb considering the rubble which was in the way, and if they were getting flanked the best thing for him to do was keep an eye on their rear as they went. Athena would have a faster reaction time, but it was more important that she make it to the control room to stop the signal.​
“Let’s see if we can make that twenty minutes ten, hmm?”
Location: Talay System
Objective: Engage Confed forces above Talay
Allies: AoC Forces
Enemies: CIS Forces John Locke John Locke Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali

The Fire line sat five hundred meters to the flank of the CIS formation and was now opening up on the fleet. Long-range turbolasers streaked out toward the enemy, their red hue plasma containment crossing the void reaching out to hurt the ships of the CIS formation. Long-range ion cannons aided them, their blue-white energy streeking out hoping to find the enemy shielding. Mass drivers of various types fired on the enemy adding to the barrage they now faced. A flash of bright light lit up the area around the rows of the Auroras as they fired their Energy Torpedo projectors. Energy projectiles instantly crossed the battlefield moving too fast to see striking out at the ships of the Formation under John Locke's command. The light show crossed space between the two fleets as each fired volley after volley at each other. As the Aurora began charging their energy torpedoes for another shot the ISD III finalized its fire solution. A thousand-meter long beam exploded out of the prow of the destroyer as the massive beam cannon fired on John Lockes command ship.

On the far left flank to the CIS fleet, the twelve ships of the picket line formed up and began moving towards the CIS fleet. The combined group fired countermeasures in the form of ionic shock canisters and proximity mines. As they deployed their first volley of countermeasure ordinance the ships broke off from their run and turned to move along the port side of the formation and out past it to move in behind the group.

The main formation of the fleet now had moved up behind the massive battlecruiser using it to shield the lines from enemy fire. The prow of the Bulwark taking the full brunt of the hell of fire from the CIS fleet.

"Move us up Captain," ordered Forlon. The captain nodded and gave the order to the vessels helm officers. The Monstrous Bulwark, which had been firing its retro thrusters to keep the world of Talay from pulling its insane mass in went silent. The hulk lurched and began to move toward the CIS fleet under the pull of the world. The massive thrusters came to life pushing the massive vessel towards the CIS formation. Behind its hull the rest of the formation lay hidden as the group moved every faster towards John Locke's fleet.

"Sir New contact moving up from the planet. Fifteen large contacts of unknown class moving into the low atmosphere of the world." announced a sensor console officer. Foorlon turned his attention to the new set of contacts now emerging on the holographic display. "They have really rolled out the welcome mat here boys. Have the Fire line turn to engage our new friends," ordered General Forlon. The addition of the new contacts put the force they were facing at over three times their number and power. It was not a good situation for the General and his forces. They had come to try to leverage both the organizations to lead the world. Now he was caught up in the AoC's war which he wanted no part of. The new contacts opened up on the combined forces over Talay with formidable energy weapons. The streams and arguing of the beams struck out like lightning at the ships they were now moving to engage. Forlon watched as the ships ascended from the world and moved to engage the AoC.

"Captain, set our course for the middle of the Mister Locke's fleet. Let's go shake hands with the find gentleman."

Fire Line
fired volley of Long Range weapons on Lockes fleet
Fire full salvo from both Auroras energy torpedo projectors
Fire Proton Beam Cannon at Lockes flagship
Changed targeting solutions to T'shkali's fleet
Picket LIne
Deployed countermeasure canisters including Ionicn Charge and Proximity mine
Broke from engagement and moved around Lockes fleet to approach from the rear.
Main Formation
All ships in main information behind Justice hiding in it's protective shadow.
The formation began to move towards Lockes Fleet at full speed.
Last edited:


Location: Equator City
Equipment: Beskar'gam (Armor)
Enemies: AOC​
Allies: CIS​
Enemy TAG: K Kaine Australis
"You know how the old saying goes, right vod? Hurry up and wait" asked Saram, glancing in her direction momentarily before returning her attention to her rifle. "Udesii, I'm sure she's fine. And I know she'll give us a heads-up in case trouble finds her. Till then, it's our job to make sure she doesn't have to." It wasn't meant as a slight, but rather meant to help assuage her concerns and give her something to focus on to take her mind off any concerns she might have.

Aselia heard the words of her 'vod' even though that word was still a foreign concept for her; it was strange to consider any other Mandalorian 'family' outside her adoptive clan anyways. Part of her hated the fact that Saram felt the need to calm her down, but she also knew that she was right and that getting herself all worked up ahead of the battle had her in the wrong headspace from the start. She took a deep breath and calmly exhaled with a firm nod as she got ahold of herself. She hesitated only for a moment when she spoke her next words, not looking at Saram, but acknowledging her at least in a way that was perhaps more significant than Saram would know. "Vor entye, vod". Aselia stood just as she felt the touch of Miseria upon her mind.​

Miseria donned her helmet, forcing them over her curls until it clicked into place. Her saber finally burst into life, dousing her in vibrant shades of electric pink. Aselia. Saram. Close in on my position. The Butcher of Eshan is here. Fortunately, though her supply of bottles was rapidly growing thin, her heavy use of telekinesis would hopefully cover up the fact that she reached out to the group on the roof. Do whatever you can. He can’t leave here alive.

Aselia did not even need to look when she heard Miseria in her mind. She knew what that meant and without a moments thought she kicked off the roof hard and ignited her jetpack to launch across toward the casino. She quickly drew one of her pistols from the attachment point on her hip as her sensors began to sweep the building for the two life signs, one was Miseria certainly, but there was another. The other was a man a great many wanted dead. She came to hover a distance from the casino. Targeting the roof itself with missile launchers on each shoulder, a volley from each barrel blasted forth. Six missiles flew toward and impacted the roof with a tremendous force to send debris crashing down below, but more importantly so that Saram would have a clear field of fire. "Vod! Let him have it!" she shouted out on comms to Saram and leveled her own blaster at the opening.



Location: Dirt side outside the capital
Task: Enter the dome and seek vengeance
Ally Tags: Millu Lee Rann Thress Rann Thress Felurian Malvern Eenia Vahn Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée Isalor Grathan
Enemy Tags: Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi
TDW Gen-3 Armor System, TDW HARM, TDW L-7, EBFAK, 30lbs of DEX and 6 DEX Satchel Charges, Various specialty munitions including two magazines of High Explosive Rounds, and two magazines of Smoke rounds (No non-lethal rounds), regular magazines are stacked with 1:1 Armor Piercing/Anti-Shield rounds, SYC Smoke Grenades, Flashbangs, 1 Dire Wolf's Fang blade
Theme: Exit Dire Wolf
Sergei had waited for the man to make a move. Any move. Even the slightest hint of a move. And when Voph unleashed his attacks, when Rann had so foolishly charged in, Sergei had stayed his hand. He hadn't moved at all. When they had thrown their full force at the man, he had simply fled, whether of his own volition or not. Which meant to Sergei he wasn't worth wasting a single bullet on him. The entirety of the Dire Wolves present had waited, with baited breath. They waited for the Dire Wolf to engage. To signal them that the fight was on. And nothing happened. The man had simply faded into a shadow, and left. Sergei was visibly shaking as he looked at the space where the man had previously occupied. The coward had run. He'd picked a fight, and ran. Sergei growled in his helmet in rage as he looked at where the promised foe had turn tail and ran. He in fact nearly crushed his weapon in his grip and lowered it slowly. He heard the orders from Voph. He simply nodded and quickly issued his own.

"Dire Wolves, fan out in your teams. Hunt down the remaining enemies. If the dogs flee like the cowards they are, do not waste your ammunition. Tear them apart with your blades or hands. Do not give them a warrior's death. They are vermin, and deserve to be exterminated as such,"

Sergei turned about and motioned for his droid to follow him. His part in this was done. There was no more worthy prey about that was absolutely being jumped on by the Confederacy. The Agents of Chaos had been fools to think they could simply walk onto this planet, announcing their intentions ahead of time, with minimal to no forces to back them up, and just pull out a win. The paltry forces they had brought weren't even worth him trying to chase them down. His men would support other forces in the area, his TCD-1Ds and TCD-2Ds would be terrifying additions to anyone attempting to flee the CIS. Their heavy weapons were designed to utterly annihilate anything not to Sergei's standard, which was pretty high in and of itself. And that wasn't even counting the Dire Wolves themselves. These men and women of his unit were trained to be some of the most terrifyingly effective commandos in the galaxy, armed to the teeth with some of the best technology ever devised. And instead of a battle, instead of the Agents of Chaos providing them a force worth a challenge as their bravado had suggested, they had once again lied. Sergei was sick of their games, how they played at war. How the CIS had even been so gracious to take away the civilians from the planet to make this an even playing field. To take away their precious civilian shields and so called resistance fighters. They'd challenged the CIS and the CIS had directly answered with a force that now more closely resembled the actual fighting strength of the CIS. A force that had no restrictions on it now. And instead of the Agents' bringing something even close to bear, they'd fallen horribly short. If they'd even done a child's level of recon they'd have known how many were here. How many soldiers, combat personnel, and equipment the CIS had brought to bear. That the Agents' thought their forces adequate Sergei didn't know if they were that foolish or insulting the CIS.

Either way, they would die. And to Sergei, there was no point in him getting in other people's way trying to exact his own pound of flesh. He would wait, patiently wait. Someday he'd get his chance. Someday, he'd show the so called Agents of Chaos what they had created on Ryloth. The monster that was now waiting for its chance to repay their so called "kindness". And Sergei wanted the people he killed to know who had sent them to the afterlife, to hell.

The Dire Wolf would send them, and when they all finally got there, he'd even go there to ensure that they would be haunted by his visage and hunted for the rest of eternity.

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