Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost in Space [Mando'ade T3 Dominion of Myrkr Hex]

Post 3

Alkor slid through the door just in time, as the turret whirled round and trained on the door. The motion trackers had picked him up- he was certain of it- as the steady stream of volatile firepower chased him and broke against the metal. He let out the breath he had been holding and scanned the room quickly.

No heat signatures. The place was a veritable dark zone. "Get me a read on the power grid," he commanded, and the HUD went to work. His view lit up orange and yellow, and all the live circuitry pulsated in front of him. "Alright," he mused. "So I'm looking for..."

It was not evident, whatever it was. For all intents and purposes, the room should have had power. Something was amiss. "Prioritize areas with a distorted flow," he commanded. Several glyphs appeared, and an arrow directed his attention toward the far wall.

When he saw it, he took a few steps closer. "Plasma damage," he bit his lip. Someone had not wanted whatever this room held to get leaked. The terminals appeared functional, so he surmised that the data had been wiped several times- to the point of obscurity.

He saw the destruction- miniature in scale- and pulled off his buy'ce. "Alright," Alkor muttered to himself as he flicked a few commands and activated a light on his helmet. "Let's see if I can undo some of this damage."

He pulled a datapad from his waist and jacked it into the mainframe, and it screamed at him. Internal error, server does not exist. "Fine by me," he spoke, irritated. "Then use mine."

The data uplink was a quick process- his slicer tools were programmed and manufactured by some of the best in the business. While Alkor himself was only passable with them, they were more than a match for this insignificant level of HoloNet hotwiring.

The screen flashed yellow, then white, and black. A string of code began crawling across, then the words he had been waiting for. Access Granted.

The damage was severe enough that it had forced the terminals into safe mode- easily undone. He started to tinker with the wiring until he got a spark, then crossed them and watched the lights flicker overhead. A cool breeze wafted through the room as the climate controls were restored. "Got it."

Alkor took the datapad in hand and keyed in several manual overrides, which caused the terminals to reboot and exit safe mode. He watched as a green bar stretched slowly across. When the screen lit and the desktop went live, he stepped over. "Now for the fun part..."
Post 2

"Yeah you stand out like a sore thumb" The girl spoke up as she walked out into view, "couldn't tell if you were one of those weird ones or just lost" The girl wasn't a slight as Satine thought it was the way she held herself. Mistake 1. Satine realized she might just be out of practice. "Yeah well I'm looking for a couple of folks who want to train to be fighters."

Fighters sounded good, "You looked like you could use a home, and a job"

"A JOB" the girl gave a huge belly laugh, "job." her voice had a hint of disbelief to it but her eyes when they looked towards Satine showed hope.

"Yeah a job, earn your own way, do what you want with the credits" Satine wanted to say the right words that would make the girl think, "There's no life on the streets any more, sometimes you have to be offered opportunity"

The girl gave another head shake followed by a half laugh.

"Well if you aren't interested that's ok, maybe you wouldn't mind showing me around a bit seeing how I stand out." She smiled, "I'll pay you for your time."

The girl nodded, "Ok, I'm Jeine who are you ?"

"I"m Satine"
Objective: III
Location: Myrkr
Post: IV

Savitor walked back out into the rain, hopefully he could accomplish something here then move on to another project, after all time waits for no man, and the slow least of all. He made his way to the buissness center where he saw a gungan setting up shop, it looked like a land brokerage compaby, they might ne worth a contract in the future. He looked closer apparently it was run by a @Ughor Poof. Savitor would have to remember that. They could help him expand further to more planets. Then, Savitor began setting up shop himself, pitting a holographic model of the Lightining class starfighter, Vanguard Industries's most popular product so far on display before continuing to set up the rest of the stuff he brought as well as the items his assistants had brought earlier.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Myrkr
Objective: Companies
Post: 6/38 (writer) 6/15 (IGR Brokerage)

"Gungans charge tax differentials when selling real estate property to non-Gungans?" Lucien asked, surprised.

"Una of mesa first assignments as a realtor wasen in Moenia region, where wesa have properties listed for Rellias and other Gungan cities: usually theysa list duey askin prices, una for Gungans and una other for non-Gungans, usually double da Gungan price because disen tax differential issa more or less da original value"

"Right, I'm a non-Gungan, but all of the interesting properties I have my eyes on are in Gungan-land, away from the hustle and bustle of Spinnaker or Theed, and I don't want to live underwater"

There was no doubt in his mind that Lucien was interested in Bimmisaari more so than in Naboo because Ugohr could tell that the Gungan tax differentials set in place in the wake of Directive 12 were there to prevent war-displaced populations from provoking a real estate bubble, ensuring that non-Gungan speculators would be selling short to Gungans, unless it was a money grab at the expense of non-Gungans. That left him no doubt in his mind that he was out for a McMansion more like those Mandalorian NFUs imagined non-Mando Jedi Masters or Sith Lords to live in. Like this one. Or that one, whose very plot he actually sold, and the worst in all that was the second one was one of several houses owned by that Jedi Master owning the home, in addition to another confirmed one on Ringo Vinda. However, the owner was a bad example: he knew as hell that not many Jedi actually owned one such McMansion.

"On Bimmisaari, yousa buyen at yoursa own risk: sometimes 1 million becomes 2. Never trust da asking price: theysa will try to pry ever-higher prices from yousa"

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Savitor Draay"] Anybody else in the trade post

Irridius smiled. At last, she recognized how outmatched her barbarians were against the might of the Imperial Navy. She was hostile, yes, but what could one expect from a degenerate? Perhaps she would have made a great Imperial commander if her mind wasn't decayed by uncultured filth. The Admiral unfolded his hands from behind his back and taking a step toward the hologram, offered a small gesture of the hand as he spoke, "Do what you will with the men. Barbarians will do as their primal instincts dictate them to do, but I cannot tolerate any harm that comes to them. It would be a blatant blemish on The Empire's record and I would be forced to repay their deaths with a full orbital strike on your population cent-

A sudden alarm and a flood of red light cut the Grand Admiral's words off. "Sir, we are being hit by a cybernetic strike! Combat systems are failing, life support systems going offline!" Irridius turned on heel just as the bridge door slammed shut and a long, endless hiss filled the room as the air pressure began dropping.

"Don't just sit there, do your job!" Irridius voice was low and full of poison directed at the head tech on board

"I'm trying, sir! I have the virus isolated but it has already taken control of several systems. Weapons, life support, bridge control and shields are showing signs of corruption, I need to reboot and scrub the system!" The technician returned, voice full of dread and loud enough to be heard over the comms

"How long, Lieutenant" Irridius hissed back

"Two minutes to fully scrub the system!"

Irridius clenched his fists, taking a deep breath through his nose and closing his eyes for a moment of quiet meditation. When they reopened, a calm fire was burning in his emerald eyes and they were focused on Kiera. They weren't the erratic, rage filled eyes she had encountered weeks prior when he had reestablished contact. No, these eyes hid something else. Calculation. Ruthlessness. Wheezing past the dropping air pressure, Irridius spoke calmly, "We are under attack by the barbarous hordes of the Mandalorians. Resurrection and Tarkin's Wall are to prime turbo lasers to full" a cough as he tries to breathe, "You'll be receiving a call for your unconditional surrender shortly. If you survive."

Terminating the call, Irridius turned to his officers, who scrambled in the bath of red light. "Ressurection and Tarkin's wall are to bombard the coordinates of that call, reduce that filthy settlement to dust. Fire is continuous unti-

A wheeze, "until my command. Reboot the system immediately and send word to First Fleet, they are to jump into the nearest uncontrolled system and await further orders." Irridius spoke with the coldness of a corpse, his officers lacked the same attitude as they scrambled hurriedly to obey his orders under the continuous drop in pressure. When they were complete, the bridge went dark. Console lights vanished and the alarm ceased.

Outside, the two Star Destroyers beside Irridius' own slowly turned their starboard cannons toward Mykr. The lasers, already primed when they ships entered the system, quickly powered to full within moments.

The void sparked once. Twice. Green bolts filling the void with an eerie light...a pause. Then a continuous stream as the batteries syncronized their fire. The market was the target and within seconds the ground began to shake, buildings burst into flame and hell seemed to rain from heaven itself.

The two minutes of retaliation had begun.

Objectve: III
Location: Myrkr
Post: IV

Savitor hadn't even finished setting up when a man came over to talk to him, How much would five squadrons of your starfighters cost?" He asked. "Nintey thousand creds. You eant the ships?" Savitor asked. "Yes, yes of course." "Where do you want them delivered?" "This adress." The man said handing Savitor a datachip, "A ten thousand credit bonus for excellent service." Savitor realized that in the grand scheme of things it wasn't a lot, but it was still cahs, "Excelllent, once the deposit is made we will deliver the ships."
Location: Myrkr
Allies: [member="Nyos Val"]
Enemies: [member="Lucien E. Irridius"]

There was no true coherent thought on Keira's part in those seconds before he ordered the strike, and she was operating entirely on instinct from that point on. Without any kind of warning she grabbed Nyos, practically dragging him out of the security office, their forms blurring together as she augmented her speed with the Force in order to cover more distance at an inhumanly fast speed. Despite the pace of her evasion everything about her surroundings was slowed to a crawl, a consequence of a nigh instinctive ability that allowed her to remain conscious of everything happening around her even in the middle of what had become a living hell. She would deal with the consequences later, her main goal having become survival.

One blast came too close for comfort, throwing her forward and off her feet. Instinctively she rolled with the impact, pulling Nyos to his feet with her and continuing to run. Their impromptu evacuation seemed to continue on forever until suddenly there was an eerie silence that encompassed the entirety of the demolished trading post, and her progress halted instantly. Her chest rose and fell visibly with every breath, and she released her hold on the man who appeared to be the only other sole survivor, taking a moment to recoup and gather her wits about herself once more. That was without a doubt the fastest she had moved in a long while, and with age and the near-constant stressors of combat already more than taking their toll, she didn't need another near-death experience to add to that.

The strain was palpable first in the headache blossoming behind her eyes as an intense pressure, and secondly as an ache that transcended the physical realm, best comparable to that of a muscle being pushed a hair too far, the sensation rooted in the metaphysical as opposed to anything truly tangible. When finally she was able to stand straight her attention turned to Nyos, and without a word she lashed out with her cybernetic arm in a punch intended to impact with his jaw. "You stupid son of a queen! What the kark is not clear when I tell you not to get involved!?" Rarely did she raise her voice, but there were particular scenarios - especially near-death by orbital bombardment - that made such a thing necessary.

For once she would be amiable to whatever violence the Imperials wanted to bring down, so long as it was on his head.
Location: Myrkr
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Lucien E. Irridius"]
Tagged: [member="Nyos Val"]
Objective: BYOO

There was plenty of culture and influence imprinted on Myrkr ever since Vilaz could remember. This planet, while not carrying minerals or ore, was resourceful nonetheless. Mandalorians respectfully exploited the world and its ecosystem. They tamed wild Vornskr and made them in reliable companions and hunting partners. They cultivated Ysalamiri and used their unique traits and powers to strip Force Users of their mystical access to the Force. Myrkr was under the care of Clan Betna, but it had been a long time sine Vilaz had heard of them.

He did wonder what had happened to them.

But now was the time to reclaim what had been theirs, and Vilaz was working on just that. There once was a project going on during Ra's reign in building an impregnable fortress which then stopped after the dissolution of the Clans. But now it was seen back into work under the tenure of Vilaz.

"Sir, there's orbital bombardment raining down in some sector that's miles away from here," a Munin warrior informed the Concordian.

It was pretty obvious since there was a loud ruckus and the earth trembling from the magnitude.

"Raise up the orbital bombardment shields, and prepare yourselves," was the Sole Ruler's response.

He knew there were Imperial forces within the system, and he knew Keira wouldn't do such a method without notifying the Munin. So the Mand'alor assumed it was the Imperials responsibility of what occurred. "And get me online with Keira."

A few moments later a blue holographic image appeared before Keira of Vilaz in his armor and his face being his helmet. "Keira, explain." Two simple words to begin their dialogue.
Location: Myrkr
Posts 4
Allies?: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Lucien E. Irridius"]

Nyos went along for the ride. He suspected his actions would have consequences but when someone attacks you, you don't let them get away with it.

"I was poking around, gathering info, they attempted to hack ME, so I defended myself. They picked the fight. And they're the cowards hiding in space. I can do the same thing to the other ships, but I believe now is not the time for subterfuge. We need to get on those ships to stop them. I'll account for my actions later. Now we need to stop those wurms."

The quick jaunt out of 'harm' seemed to have spent his 'rescuer'. He'd leave her be, even if he was carrying a supplement that could return her strength in minutes.

The trading post was in pieces, but there were a few hangars intact. His being one of the lucky few.

<<wheels up, take off and get clear of this sector. Take the long way. As soon as you're clear, jump home. I'll be fine. >>

The two transports took off and made for their escape route. Sticking to the surface until they were many kilometers away from the city. From there they'd make random jumps until they reached home. Nyos was stranded here for now.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Myrkr
Objective: Companies
Post: 7/38 (writer) 7/15 (IGR Brokerage)

"What was that? What was that for?" Lucien asked Ugohr, visibly startled by the news of orbital bombardment reaching the station's occupants.

"Mesa not knowen anything" Ugohr responded, while still reeling in from the disturbance in the Force.

The orbital bombardment perpetrated by [member="Lucien E. Irridius"] caused a disturbance in the Force that even he could feel from the station. The Gungan was visibly shaken and lost his focus when that occurred. But he regained his composure, slowly but surely, while standing ready to flash the newest journalistic story concerning the spiraling housing prices on Bimmisaari. When he said 1 million can become 2, he wasn't joking: while he might have been referring to some 5000 square-feet house, the most horrifying of those stories involved a rather run-down 1700 square-feet house selling for 1.4 million over asking price, and the asking price was already a whopping 2.1 million - and Bimmisaari doesn't have the tax differential in place in Gungan-land on Naboo.
Post 4

Connection Status: Green.
Server Uplink established.
Welcome, Alkor Centaris.

He continued to key in several lines of data, even as he was recognized by the external server and given access to the data. More accurately, the noticeable lack of data. It appeared to have been scrubbed, perhaps even several times. A data mine could retrieve bits and pieces, but it would take time. What he needed was hidden somewhere deep within the driver, and he wasn't a good enough technician to expedite that process.

"Feth," he muttered as he minimized that window and allowed the mining program to run in the background. "Then let's find something I can manage." He brought up several windows and toggled them adjacent to one another. As strings of characters flooded one of the tabs, he watched the other load images of the Karrde base itself.

"Well I'll be damned," he whistled in a baleful Corellian drawl. "Looks like I found the security systems." He flipped over to that screen and started typing furiously. One after another, red lines of text shifted and turned green. "I claim this base in the name of-"

His mocking words died on his tongue as he heard something, distant but loud. Alkor felt it- death. Lots of it. He pulled his buy'ce overhead and flipped to the Verd channel. "Keira," he called. "I sensed something- confirm your status." ([member="Keira Ticon"] )

He watched the comm channel in his peripheral vision, waiting for a response as the data mine yielded a result. "Jackpot," he hissed, and he brought the data up.

Five windows in unsion flickered into view, each of them heavily encrypted. "Run decryption," he muttered, and pressed the enter key.

The files began to unzip, and he copied them onto the Verd and Munin servers, just as he had been briefed. "Mand'alor," he commed, "I have retrieved the security information on all known fortifications left on Myrkr. Any relevant defenses are noted and multiple bypasses are also included. That should minimize casualty count for this op." ([member="Vilaz Munin"] )
Location: Myrkr
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: [member="Lucien E. Irridius"]

A frustrated sigh hissed between her teeth and Keira shook her head, her fingers flexing in lieu of something to vent her anger. When next she spoke her voice was best comparable to the steel edge of a blade, cold in its sharpness, quiet but deadly, "There was nothing in our systems that indicated an attack. By slicing into their systems first you instigated, whether you like to admit it or not. Loath though I am to defend Imperials, they were acting on the same principles we would have had the situation been flipped. Now isn't the time to dole out consequences, but I want you to understand you are the one at fault." But that would be handled later, when their lives were no longer in danger. For now there were more pressing issues at hand.

Her comms chirped, the line opening without her prompting, a message scrolling across her HUD that it was a high priority call just as the voice of the Mand'alor came through. A miniature image of the man materialized from the holoprojector on the underside of her left wrist, the piece of technology transmitting her image back to him in return. "Friend of ours on the planet attempted to slice into the Imperials' systems, and they retaliated with further cyberattack. He pressed the issue, and the bombardment was their retort. I leave his fate to you, unless you request otherwise." As much as she was willing to take responsibility and authority when times called, she knew when to defer it to the man at the head of all the vode.

Then another call came through, this time from her brother, concern evident in his words no matter how calm his voice was. "I'm fine. Some di'kutla aruetii provoked our friends in orbit. Hopefully I'll be able to sort things out, otherwise we might have a war on our hands." With a shift of her eyes she switched all incoming calls to one side of her HUD, awaiting the call from Irridius that would hopefully begin negotiations again. "If you're done where you are, vod'ika, avoid my coordinates and see about getting off planet. We don't need any more collateral."
Post count: 2

When she was ordered to stick with the Mandalorian watching her team she nodded as they continued to take their samples from this seemingly fresh kill. If you call a few days fresh. All she needed was a few foreign cells. The body needed to be processed on the Padme. This took time as one of her scientist trekked it back to the shuttle. Rashae Looked at the Mandalorian known as Bloodborn. Mando names seem to have all kinds of dreadful innuendos.

There was a polite smile at his colorful explanation. “Quite possibly all of the above even. I wont know till I can look at some data to conclude any sort of answer. No one creates genetics like this by accident but there is a lot of precedence for the instability of those processes resulting in your subjects getting away from you. I have a feeling this was the case. I wonder if it can breed. “ She asked in a most clinical way. “ I am Doctor Rashae Lovous. Pleasure. “ The raven haired scientist provided to their Mandalorian protector. It was said in the most calm and nonchalant way as if they were meeting at a cafe.

Ardgal had reported getting faint life readings. She got on the Com in an excited way breaking whatever protocol was in place. “Lifesigns!! “ As she started moving towards the entrance to catch up with the group. Her excitement mounted.

Nolan had to be the bummer to tell them to hang back. “but .. Lifesigns!! “ she rebutted almost immediately. She tried to stare at the com at her ear and mouth piece as if the glare at the Mandalorian giving the orders that was inconceivable. How could she possibly wait?! An Admiral once called her a logistical nightmare. At times she could be difficult to reign in, danger or not.

The doctor nodded to something her scientist said as she had her pack up their specimen collection kit. Rashae decided if they were staying back then she might as well take some additional readings as she did a slower sweep. After fifteen minutes, her other scientist didn't come back. As if time had pinged her head she looked around before the scream came ringing from behind them. It was a human scream.

Her other scientist started gibbering in fear. “Its going to get all of us!!” she said suddenly ass he backed up.

Rashae huffed a sigh. Great, Histerics. To which case she casually went to the lady and smartly slapped her across her hazmatt suit. Alright perhaps it wasnt as good s slapping the face but it got her attention. “Stop it!! You panic, your dead. These Mandalorians do not have time for this kind of behavior and neither do I.”

The woman swallowed and nodded rapidly. “Now get out stuff and .. lets move a bit more ahead.. “ Rashae looked to Bloodborn as she inched back to the doorway the others went into. This room suddenly felt way too big. As her scientist moved more into the doorway she decided to take a reading of behind them where she heard the screams. There was the blip of her other scientist moving at a rapid rate. You could hear the heart beat beeping.. slower and slower and then.. nothing.

“Nolan. Whatever it is .. is behind us too. “ The girl said to the Coms breaking silence again. She wasnt good at the silent order. She looked at Bloodborn as she walked backwards towards the doorway. "Bloodborn?" She sent the silent question of what do we do.

[member="Drof'del Tavor"] @Ardgal Raxis [member="Nolan Detta"] @Vojak [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Post: 5/20

The shrilling scream of the scientist was enough to send cold shivers down Drof's spine. He had seen grisly attacks but the problem here was that he couldn't really see anything other than people disappearing.

A damn ghost

Drof took affirmative action "The control room door can wait, fall back into the storage facility STAT!" Drof didn't want to lose any more comrades today. A scientist more than likely met their fate untimely, they were being hunted one by one. Drof proceeded into the next room, with his carbine sweeping from left to right, making sure the room was clear.

Multiple storage crates were located on shelves upon shelves in this maze-like room. Someone or something could be hiding in here as well. Some of the crates were toppled over, revealing their contents. One of the crates had emergency flares, while the others contained non-perishable goods.

They needed to get a head count and plan ahead for what was to come. This thing needed to be destroyed....whatever it was.

"Everyone, defensive formation. We need to get a readout on where to proceed since the other door is sealed shut. Doctor [member="Rashae"], get your team in here, i don't want anyone else to be "abducted" by this thing. We need to scan this room for bio-signs. We need to kill this thing."

To Drof'del it was obvious what happened to the crew, they were all maimed, or maybe they are unconscious, being held somewhere. He didn't have much hope, not even for the scientist that was just taken.

"[member="Ardgal Raxis"], if you have any more read-outs as of now, would be glad to hear them, we need all the info we can get before dealing with this thing. We need to map a route as safe as possible to where we can restore power and deal with this creature"

They need to find out what they were dealing with. In order to do so, the backup power would need to be restored so they could navigate to the research labs if possible to figure out what this was. Most of the doors they came across in this vessel were hermetically sealed, restoring power would be the only option.....for now

Drof spotted a door in the back, an emergency hatch leading to the maintenance shafts. The control panel was green, meaning it still had power. Chances were, that they could technically get to where the needed to. Beside the doorway he saw a map of where the shafts came to. They were snake-like but they could get to the Reactor using this shaft. Close quarters and a darkened tunnel would be hunting

"Vojak, Detta keep your eyes on the doorway we used, this thing could be fast. Quick shots. Bloodborn, maintain contact with the Doctor and her team."

Things were getting hairy but deep down, he figured they would do okay....hopefully not lose anymore people.

[member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Vojak "][member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Myrkr
Objective: Companies
Post: 8/38 (writer) 8/15 (IGR Brokerage)

"Wesa should get back to business, shall wesa?" Ugohr asked, visibily in a hurry.

"Oh yes, the mansion"

"Issa there special requests? Like a specific location on Bimmisaari? Do yousa want to be closer to da city or further out?"

"Further out from Glastro or equivalent would mean mostly in the forest, a lakeside location might be a tad expensive"

Lucien never imagined that the harsh realities of Bimmisaari would cost so much. He browsed a few properties, some in the outer suburbs of Glastro, others in the wilderness. The lakeside factor is a pretty big driver in pricing, even though the plot sizes for these things were often in the 1/2-1 acre range. It seems to be some sort of upscale project standard practice for the Bimm builders, anbd the Gungan had to accept as much, even though some of the architects hired by those Bimm builders are decidedly non-Bimm. More like Naboo, if one wanted a more baroque feel.
Obroa-Skai Station
(Objective: Obroa-Skai)
Allies: Mando'ade, [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Vojak "][member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Rashae"]
and [member="Drof'del Tavor"]
Enemies: The Unknown
Post: 4/20
Ardgal saw the glowing, green bio outline of the scientist on Rashae's team slowly fade to nothing, right as their heart stopped. The natural reaction would be fear. Fear was your organic super power, it made you able to see things, hear things, and react to things you ordinarily couldn't. It made you faster, stronger, smarter, and more cunning if you let it. As far as Ardgal's analysis went, there was am 86.79% chance that this was a prime opportunity to discover more about their enemy's attack patterns. One body was great, but two could begin to establish patterns.

Drof'del Tavor said:
"Ardgal Raxis, if you have any more read-outs as of now, would be glad to hear them, we need all the info we can get before dealing with this thing. We need to map a route as safe as possible to where we can restore power and deal with this creature"
Shot gun raised, Ardgal crept slowly towards the remains of the scientist. This time the kill was a lot cleaner, a single horrific diagonal slash was carved across the poor being's throat, flooding its hazmad suit and the ground around in a pool of deep crimson. It had struggled, but it was clear, the scientist's fate was sealed within seconds.

"Its learning," Ardgal said grimly, "It found a way to kill us quickly, a single slash to the throat and its utilizing it. No eating marks, no bite marks--there's a 68.8% probability this was a kill for sport."

He pressed a datacard into the socket of one of the door control panel. There wasn't much juice, not enough to really do much but there was enough in the power cords for him to get a basic blue print of the station, and nothing more. He forwarded it to each of the others in the squad, "There, something to work with. It looks like that access terminal leads right into the main maintenance hanger. We should be able to get anywhere we want from there."
Objective: Obroa-Skai
Allies:Mando'ade, [member="Ardgal Raxis"], [member="Rashae"], [member="Nolan Detta"], @Vojak, [member="Kalyr Alor"], [member="Drof'del Tavor"]
Post: 3
Location:Obroa Skai Station, Deep Space

Kurayami remained on guard payaing attention to any important comms messages while keeping tabs on Rashae and her team. He could feel a bit of trepidation from the team, except from Ardgal, not to mention Ardgal wasn't really registering as a Force presence. So either he was really good at hiding it, or had made sure that his signature was erased. Rashae seemed to be a slight exception as well given that she seemed more excited about the scientific discoveries this could lead to. He let his mind wander for the moment while his eyes remained fixated on the 360 HUD. With a couple quick commands he switched the audio enhancement system on as well as the rest of the sensor suite. It was alot of information, but he wasn't unused to the torrent of updates that it provided. This gave hiim far better situational awareness than one would have expected. When Rashae smiled back at him after his less than professional assessment of possible scenarios, he turned back towards her, lowering the rifle for the moment as he addressed her.

"Pleasure to meet you Doctor Rashae Lovous. To hear that it could be an amalgamation of all the things I listed is...well less than comforting to say the least. If it can breed then hopefully we will manage to wipe it out before it leaves this ship."

While he was calm on the outside, his fight or flight instinct was on full alert. He may have been back with the specimen collectors, but that meant that he had to be even more on guard. He didn't notice when the other scientist left, but as he looked back at the group he did notice that there was one less person. Not too odd, but it got to be a bit odd soon after as he felt fear spike elsewhere in the ship, then the screams. Ow. As he reaised the rifle he made sure to turn the sound amplification up but also include a dampening function for anything over a certain threshold. That was much better, didn't mute the dying screams of the poor soul, but at least his ears would stop ringing soon enough. That had come from behind them. He shouldered his rifle again as he moved between Rashae, the other surviving scientist and the direction the screams had come from.

Soon after she addressed him directly, simply his name but the question was clear.

"Stay between myself and the rest of the team. I promise you will go home in one piece. I'll take care of this side, just stay in the middle until we reach a more defensible location. After that I will remain with you and your team."

It wasn't a perfect plan by any means. He walked backwards as he kept his weapon aimed towards the general direction of the corpse. There had been nothing on sensors to give an idea of where the killer had come from or gone off to, or if there was more than one. It was possible this had been the work of a singular entity.

When Drof spopke up Kurayami sent a quick confirmation, letting him know that he was at the very back, putting the doctor between himself and the others as they made their way into the storage room. He kep his head on a swivel to allow all all his sensors and senses to work in tandem. He didn't get a feeling of anything living in here, but he hadn't felt a ripple before the last death. Only the sense of fear, it seemed that the Force may not help him find the creatures, but it was possible he could still utilize it in some way.

"Wilco. Moving to doctor's position."

All of a few moments later he had rejoined Rashae and her team while watching everything around them yet again. Another quick confirmation to Drof that he was in position hand holding. This was almost immediately followed by Ardgal's report on what had befallen the now deceased scientist. THe creature was learning, likely semi-sentient at the very least. Posibly sentient if it was killing for sport by this time. Not a good sign. So far things were quiet with Rashae and her team, a ping of incoming data. Ardgal had sent a blueprint of the station, this would be rather helpful indeed. He didn't disable the mapping feature as the millimeter wave emitter and active sonar would provide detailed layouts of each room.

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Post: 6/20

Ardgal Raxis said:
"Its learning," Ardgal said grimly, "It found a way to kill us quickly, a single slash to the throat and its utilizing it.No eating marks, no bite marks--there's a 68.8% probability this was a kill for sport."
This situation was getting too real. They would be really lucky if they could get a decent sample for the doctor. Drof nodded hesitantly, he hated those odds but facts were facts and this was the card that life was giving them. This freak show was made somehow, why go through the trouble to make something that would backfire?

"So far so good, we only lost one member, lets keep it that way. Check your weapons and make sure your good to go. Lets head to the main maintenance hangar. From there we should be able to navigate to the Reactor; get this ship online and finish our mission. Its vital we come out in one piece. Make sure the Doctor and her team are covered adequately."

Drof held his first two fingers in the air and made a circling motion meaning to regroup and move out. He acted on the information that Ardgal had given him and he moved out.

<<Maybe we can come back to the storage bays and grab mission essential equipment should we need it>> he added over comms.

the entry way was dark, wires were dangling from the ceiling, only a few red emergency lights flashed on and off, which would dampen the effectiveness of night-vision every few seconds. Drof toggled a switch on his helmet to activate thermals. The passage was only wide enough for two men to stand shoulder-to-shoulder for it to be a tight squeeze. They had to essentially run down this way single file to be effective.

Drof's boots on the metal grate made an eerie creaking sound as he crept quietly down the hall. Luckily there were no vents above the strike team, however there were access grates lining the whole wall which was used to access sensitive electronics and maintenance panels, something could potentially fit in there.

The Mandalorians made their way down the hall with the Doctor and her crew with good time. Thermal picked something up......ahead of them. It was not emanating the damn thing was using a camouflage.....regulating its body temperature?!

the object moved away from them again this time, going on all fours and running up the wall and ceiling. KLANG KLANG....the sound of metal being forced open. Either it opened a door or it got in the paneling.

"Be AWARE of this paneling, the thing could ambush us if it wanted to"

This would be a long night ahead of them....
[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Nolan Detta"] @Vojak

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Myrkr
Objective: Companies
Post: 9/38 (writer) 9/15 (IGR Brokerage)

"Do yousa have a requirement for a landing pad?"


"Bedrooms or bathrooms?"

"At least 3 of each"

The answer to the first question was a clue for why Lucien even wanted the McMansion in the first place: he had a job that required a lot of travel to do, on his own ship, yet did not want a landing pad - unless he intends to build the landing pad himself, it was clear that he was buying the McMansion for use as an investment vehicle, more than to actually live in there. Ugohr was more than perplexed: he was a little conflicted about depriving the common folk of a necessity but he couldn't deny an otherwise legitimate client that was upfront about what they wanted.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Keira Ticon"]

One by one the systems of the Star Destroyer came back online, starting with the lights and ending with the sound of the air pressure returning to the bridge. Irridius took a long, deep breath and smiled at the miles of fire spreading along the surface of Myrkr. The bombardment had been indiscriminate, leveling everything and everyone regardless of their military affiliation. If the barbarians wanted to play war, he would teach them the rules of war. With a grin, The Grand Admiral turned to Captain Kilko and snapped his fingers.

"All batteries are to cease fire," Irridius spoke calmly, to which the answer was the slow decrease in fire from the other two Destroyers in his task force until it died out completely. "Transmit a signal to Ticon's personal comm device, if it is still able to receive, that is. Perhaps she is still alive to negotiate her people's swift surrender."

"Yes sir" Kilko saluted before going about his orders. Irridius wasn't done, however, as his captain went about securing aa signal he turned to his flight officers.

"Deploy three Delta-class shuttles equipped with Hyperdrives. They are to activate stealth systems and conceal themselves at the edges of the system, near to asteroid fields if possible. The co-pilots are to have their datapads logged into the Naboo Message Exchange under accounts they are to create and inform us of, before leaving. All shuttles are to keep their ship-borne communications arrays turned off."

The flight officers looked at him, confused, but the look in Irridius' eyes told them not to question his commands. Next, he turned to his communications officer, "Disconnect us from the holonet, use only local transmissions. While I converse to Keira, map a list of holonet servers to proxy from and prepare for a burst transmission."

"Aye, sir." The officers responded, not questioning the man they had served with over Scarif. Kilko was already looking at Irridius, finger hovering over the button to connect him to Keira once more.

"Fortify our servers against cybernetic attack, double the firewalls if we have to. If we are forced to drain processing power away from sub-systems then so be it. Status of First Fleet?" Irridus jumped from subject to subject without pause, expecting his men to keep up

"The last transmission we received was to notify us of their plotted route. They are using the Mara Corridor to Chalacta and then going through an undesignated route to Togoria and Azure before staging at Thisspias for further orders. Admiral Jalin believed this to be the fastest route."

"Splendid. Connect me with the barbarian." Irridius stood with his hands on the small of his back as Keira materialized in front of him once more, "Ah, still alive. Spectacular. I hope your people have seen the foolishness of their actions and are prepared to accept my terms of surrender."

[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

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