Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Factory Standardized Rules

Factory Standardized Rules

This thread will stand as the centralized location for all rules and regulations pertaining to the Factory, use of the Factory, and its various sections thereof and will be kept up to date as rules and regulations evolve and change over time. If you have questions about these rules or need them further explained, please post a topic in the main Factory Discussion or PM either the Factory Admin or RPJs.
  • Codex & Factory Standardized Rules
  • Factory Standardized Rules
  • Restricted Materials
  • Salvage Rules & Reverse Engineering Guidelines
  • Company Rules
  • Workshop Rules
  • Unique Canon Items
Codex & Factory Standardized Rules
Taken from the main Factory/Codex Rules page.
  • Codex & Factory submissions may only be introduced into role-play threads whose start date begins after the submission's approval date.
  • There is a cap of three active or pending submissions permitted in each of the sub forums in the Codex or Factory per Writer.
  • Work-in-Progress submissions are not permitted except in the Pre-Factory or Pre-Codex.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  • The entire template must be used in your submission. The template's fields are not to be changed/removed/altered, additional information may be added but base fields may not be changed or removed. If you have nothing to add for a certain section, simply put ‘N/A’
  • Be aware that some items and materials are restricted or banned and cannot be used freely. Be sure to consult the list before making a submission.
  • Do not bump your submissions.
  • All submissions need to conform to the general idea of Star Wars. No Gundam Wings, no Transformers.
  • All measurements in all submissions must be in metric.
  • At any point during the approval process for your submission, you may apply for a Second Chance.
  • Do not post in other people’s submissions. Consult a judge if you have concerns.
  • No member may "claim" an image unless they created it themselves.
  • If the owner of the image asks you to take it down, please do so.
  • Intentionally breaking these rules or attempting to mislead Judges will incur a 30 day zero tolerance ban from the Factory or Codex.
  • Event Rewards are only valid for redemption within 90 days of the award date.
Factory Standardized Rules
These rules span across the entirety of the Factory only.

Pre-Factory Rules and Guidelines [here]
  • Posted WIP submissions will not be open for member or Judge input. It is simply an area for members to work on their submissions.
  • Posted WIP submissions will have a 2 week limit within the Pre-Factory subforum. Anything exceeding that will be archived.
  • Once a posted WIP submission has been completed, the member will tag the Factory Admin or Factory RPJ to move it to the correct forum.
General Submission Guidelines
  • All companies utilized as manufacturers must be hyperlinked to their submission or canonical article.
  • All non-Basic submission titles should have its Basic translation in parentheses beside it. I.E. Echoy'lii Shuk'orok (Echoy'lan Crushgaunts) or Aliit'Verd Euk'gar'gam (Clan Verd Mando Steel Armor)
  • All droid characters must be approved through the Factory if their droid models are not canon.
  • All submissions should reflect the strengths and weaknesses of their materials and components for transparency, balance, and fair play.
  • Typically, if a submission lays idle with no reply from the submitter for 48 hours or more, a Factory Judge may archive it. At that time, the submitter may request for it to come back for judgment by PMing a Factory Judge or the Factory Admin.
  • For rules regarding Restricted and Banned Materials, please review here.
Technology Forum Rules
Here are the general rules and guidelines for Technology.

  • Fully constructed lightsabers are restricted to a maximum of semi-unique production.
  • The Armor Rating Extreme will require the submission to be UNIQUE. This armor rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.
  • Technology that has a restricted material (Beskar, Phrik, Cortosis, Songsteel, Echani Graphite, Ionite, & Pyronium), will no longer require a completed ‘restricted material’ objective thread as long as the item that is being submitted is labeled as UNIQUE. This can only be utilized in the Technology Sub-Forum.
Starships Forum Rules
Here are the general rules and guidelines for Starships.
  • Particularly rare or powerful special features may necessitate using a lower production (for example, cloaking technology, gemcutters, crystal grav traps, equivalent stealth or anti stealth technologies, or rare canon technologies and their equivalents will only be permitted at Semi Unique production)
  • For rules on what ships can be fielded/owned by a Faction, Company or Individual see Table 1
  • For rules on what ships can be produced by a Faction, Company or Individual see Table 2

This is the maximum meterage that can be fielded by Tier Level or Minor /Major Faction size.
FS: Flagships
Table 1.0
This is the maximum production and meterage that can be produced and manufactured by Tier Level or Minor /Major Faction size. For Company Tier Unlocks Chart, please review Company Rules.
Table 2.0
Individual Rules
  • Faction owned star-ships captained by an individual PC may only be transferred to a new Faction with the PC, with Faction Administrator approval.
Company Rules
  • Mass producing larger lengths in starships and space stations will require a higher company tier level. For rules on what ships and station lengths may be produced by a company tier level, please see Table 2.
Minor Faction Rules
  • Mass producing starships and space stations are capped in length for minor faction. For rules on what ships and station lengths may be produced by a Minor Faction see Table 2.
Major Factions Rules
  • Only a Major Faction has the resources necessary to role-play having a large fleet, army, etc. [here]
  • Only Major Factions may own Flagships.
  • Each Flagship must be labeled Unique.
  • No player may captain a ship over 3,000 meters without the Major Faction Owner's consent.
  • If a Major Faction is recalled, merged into another Major Faction, or drops to minor, any Flagships created must be decommissioned and archived. No Flagships are transferable.
Flagship Mission Objective: Embark on a mission where the production - or possession - of the Flagship must be the thread's major focal point. There is no set post limit, though you should tell a complete story.

o There must be at least 7 writers actively involved in the thread.
o There must be at least Two Tier 6 companies involved in the production of the Flagship in the Flagship Thread.
o The thread is public, use the Flagship Prefix, and is open to any other Major Faction to join.

Submission Modifications
After a submission has been approved, it will be locked. If you want to make a modification to it at a later date, post your request in the appropriate Modification Request thread with the applicable template. For more extensive, or vague, modifications, Roleplay Judges will unlock your submission and bring it back out to let you make changes. After you're satisfied with your edits, it will be reevaluated.
  • For those seeking Technology Modifications, please visit this link.
  • For those seeking Starship Modifications*, please visit this link.
* For Starships, there is a 5 item list max in each post, a submitter may only post up to 3 consecutive posts. A submitter may not initiate another request until one of those 3 posts is completed.
  • For those seeking Technology Modifications, please visit this link.
  • For those seeking Company Modifications, please visit this link.
Second Chance
As per the Codex and Factory Standardized rules, At any point during the approval process for your submission, you may apply for a Second Chance.
  • If your submission has been denied and you feel it has been done so unfairly you may request a second chance on the submission in question by posting a link to the denied submission and your case for why it should be looked into again. Submissions pulled for Second Chance will be given a new Judge. You may not request a specific Judge.
  • At any time during an active original judgement a submitter may request a second chance for a different Judge if they feel they have reasonable evidence of Judge bias or unfair judgement. The item will be archived and the submitter may post the second chance request in the Second Chance thread.
  • Submissions that are denied on Second Chance are final denials and may not be submitted again.
Restricted & Banned Items
Taken from the main Restricted & Banned Items Article
This list is subject to change without notice. Changes will not affect previously approved submissions.

Restricted Items

A writer must first complete the objective attached to the restricted item in a convincing manner that adds to the quality of the role-play thread. Submissions using Restricted Items will be reviewed by a Role-play Judge and may be declined depending on the quality and effort of the submitter.

  1. Objectives which require you to visit a planet located within the Influence Cloud of a Major Faction may only be completed in Non-Private threads.

  2. Standard objective completion may grant between Unique and a max Limited production depending on the submission. Each completed objective usually only counts for one submission.

  3. Any submission which uses a Factory Submitted base material based on a Restricted Material (e.g., A Phrik Armourweave submission) will a have a maximum production value of Semi-Unique.

  4. If a restricted material is traded between characters, please link to purchase/trade thread of the restricted item along with the seller's original resource gathering thread.

  5. Only in rare instances are two restricted materials allowed per submission, but it's all dependent on intent. New alloys created by blending two or more Restricted Materials are not allowed.

Submissions in the Technology Forum with a restricted material from the list below will not require a completed ‘restricted material’ objective thread as long as the item that is being submitted is labeled as Unique. For more extensive productions and all other Factory Forums, please see the Restricted Materials Mission Board.

Restricted Materials Mission Board
Please select a mission thread below best suited for your needs for larger productions and all other Factory forums.

  • Mining: With one or more other writers, perform a public skirmish, mining operation, a raid, excavation, or steal to obtain the Restricted Materials from any of the following planets.
Beskar: Mandalore, Concordia, Echo'lya
Cortosis: Apatros, Obredaan, Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, Gallos, Conglomerate Prime, Bespin, Umphathia, Avis
Phrik: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate,Val'hala, Sekalus
Winterium: Klatooine
Isotope 5: Makeb

  • With three or more other characters your character is familiar with, complete a story about how you met in the distant past.

  • With two or more characters your character is not familiar with, become trapped in hostile territory and escape.

  • With two or more writers, complete a role-play in reverse, starting with its end and ending with it’s beginning.

  • With two or more other writers, complete a Bounty thread from one of the posted Bounties on the Bounty Board.

  • With two or more other writers, successfully raid a Tier 5+ company in a public skirmish.

  • Complete a role-play from an NPC’s perspective who is accompanying your character.

  • Write a story about your character enduring personal sacrifice to save/help a stranger.

  • In a public Skirmish, successfully infiltrate and escape from a military base submitted to the Codex by another writer.

Fixed Restricted Materials Missions
Submissions submitted with the following listed Restricted Materials have specific RM Mission Parameters that must be met in all cases. Please review the Restricted Material below for the mission guidelines. These are not included as free of RM missions at Unique.

Artificial Intelligence (Non-Droid)
  • Objective: A thesis must be written, either in a blog or over the course of a role-play thread, consisting of the concepts of your Artificial Intelligence’s design. Scientific journal excerpts from your character’s time spent designing the Artificial Intelligence must be included. Minimum 1000 words total. --OR--Persuade a Player Character (not of your creation) to have their consciousness uploaded to a crystal matrix in order to serve as your AI's central core.

Force Nexus [Locations, Planets, Items]

  • Embark on a quest to locate / create and research the Nexus in question. The larger and more powerful the Nexus, the more unique writers should be involved in the process. There is no set post limit, though you should tell a complete story.


  • In collaboration with another writer, write a story in an invasion/Rebellion that results in the complete loss of the ship you are PC Captaining - OR - In a duel with another writer, suffer a devastating defeat in an Invasion/Rebellion thread.


  • Objective: Locate and embark on an expedition to sample liquid Nykkalt from beneath the surface of the following Outer Rim moon: Kufs –OR— kill a player character account who has more than 500 posts and get them to verify it.

  • Objective: Closed to Lightsiders. Darkside only, must be a force user. Travel to Dxon and attempt to find the parasite and construct the armor (or what you're trying to do), must have every post of the dev thread be a haiku - 15-20 posts without repeating a line more than 3 times --OR-- (Darksiders only) In a public thread, visit or explore three approved Codex Locations created by Darkside-oriented PCs, ending with orbalisks attaching themselves onto your body as they feed off your Force Sensitivity.

Stygium Crystal

Void Stone

  • Objective: With two or more characters that your character does not already know, get trapped in Otherspace by a hyperdrive accident and escape - OR - Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain small amounts of Void Stone from any of the following planets: Kayri, Elrood, or Caeliar. As with all restricted materials, this objective applies to the use of derivative materials (such as voidsteel or Velokite). Note that derivative materials often have specific affiliations. (Either options are only suitable for Semi-Unique production or less)

Banned Items

i. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in canon role-play threads on Star Wars RP: Chaos without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
ii. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in submissions within the Factory without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
iii. Banned Items are only permitted to be used in Non-Canon role-play threads or Non-Canon Campaign threads.
  • Celestial Technology
  • Extragalactic Subjects (canon species/technology/planets/etc exempt.)
  • Gree Technology (Not including Nav Computers: they provide no information on the technology of the Gree)
  • Hypergate
  • Neutron Bomb
  • Nanotechnology: All nanotechnology is banned.[ x ]
  • Plagiarism: Any obvious use of material from outside the Star Wars universe, including but not limited to: Gundam Wing, Halo, Marvel, DC Universe, Dragonball Z, Final Fantasy, Star Trek, etc. Attempted plagiarism could result in disciplinary action as it directly contradicts Star Wars RP: Chaos’s General Rules.
  • Quantum-crystalline Armor
  • Rakata Technology
  • Stargate ( See: Hypergate )
  • Superweapons
Salvaging Rules
Taken from the Salvaging Rules Article

Any player with submissions containing restricted materials may recycle those materials for new submissions. The purpose of these rules is to bypass the Restricted Material Objective mission thread by destroying old submissions you no longer use for new submissions who use the same materials.*

*New restricted materials added to these new submissions will require additional completion of Restricted Material objectives.

Salvaging a submission destroys that submission.

  1. You may only salvage items for items of the same type of item*. Weapons for Weapons, Armor for Armor, Ships for Ships, etc.
  2. You may only salvage items you have submitted. You may not salvage items you have purchased and/or been given.
  3. The salvaged submission cannot be unsalvaged and is permanently destroyed. It stays in the Factory only for referential purposes.
  4. The salvaged submission must be identified prior to the new submission being Approved.
  5. Salvaging will always cause the new submission to drop one level of production, but the new submission will not drop below the level of Unique.
  6. The salvaged submission must be linked in the new submission and will serve the function of the required mission objective thread for the restricted material.

Reverse Engineering Rules

Any player may reverse engineer submissions where there is evidence that these were previously owned by/ manufactured for them. This is to distinguish submissions whose intent is the reverse engineering from an available approved Factory submission.

  1. A Faction or Individual may reverse engineer or create a new submission for items where there is evidence that these were previously owned by/manufactured for the new submitter.
  2. The original submission must be referenced and properly cited for reverse engineering.
  3. The new submission must adhere to current Factory standards.
  4. Complete a Reverse Engineering Mission Objective: Embark on a quest to research, modify, and prototype the Reversed Engineering Item in question. There is no set post limit, though you should tell a complete story.

Company Rules
Here are the general rules and guidelines for Companies.

New Company Creation
All new company submissions must be tagged with their respective Tier Level in Topic Tags. The description of your company must be at least a paragraph in length.

1. All new companies and canon companies begin at a max of Tier 2.*
2. A Tier 1 company may begin with a max of two locations and operations.
3. A Tier 2 company may begin with a max of three locations and operations.
4. A company may start owning subsidiaries at Tier 3. A company may have up to a reasonable amount of subsidiaries for their company respective to their tier level.

*Tier 5+ may create a subsidiary at Tier 3.

Canon Company Information
Due to the timeline, it is assumed most canon companies went south with the declining population of the Galaxy. However, it is the writer's choice in whether or not he wishes to further the future of a Canon Company. In order to properly adopt a canon company, please follow the below rules.

To claim a Canon Company, create your Company submission as per the Company Creation Rules. Ensure you add in the appropriate fields that it is a canon company and link the Wookeepedia page. Please post an announcement in bold at the bottom. "This is a canon company."

Canon Company Guidelines and Rules

1. A writer may only own one Canon Company.

2. Your Canon Company may not own other Canon Companies as subsidiaries unless they are directly referenced in the Wookieepedia as being owned by that Canon Company and each Canon Company Subsidiary must have another character not owned by you labeled as it's CEO/Director and must have their own Company submission.

3. If an active owner of a Canon Company wishes to transfer ownership to another writer who does not currently own a canon company, they must provide evidence of the transfer by the original owner. The new owner must create a new submission of their own for the same Company name. A factory judge presiding will alert a Roleplay Judge, who will then attempt to contact the current active owner. If the Roleplay judge confirms the transfer, Role-play Judge will then alert an Administrator who will then transfer ownership of the canon company and current tier level to the new Canon Company Owner, along with any edits made. The old submission will then be archived.

5. If a Canon Company Owner is absent for more than 30 days, any writer who does not already own a canon company may contest your claim by creating a submission of their own for the same Company name. The Factory Judge presiding will alert a Role-play Judge, who will then attempt to contact the previous Canon Company Owner. If the Role-play Judge fails to contact the previous Canon Company Owner within 72 hours and determines the Canon Company Owner inactive, the Role-play Judge will then alert an Administrator who will then transfer ownership of the canon company along with one level tier drop (may not fall under Tier 3) to the new Canon Company Owner, along with any edits made. The old submission will then be archived.

6. If a canon company owner has been contacted previously with a contesting canon company claim, upon the second inquiry the owner must show themselves to be active in order to keep the canon company. Activity can be demonstrated with a substantial RP thread or 3+ Factory submissions which took place within the 60 days prior to the second inquiry.Activity after the second inquiry will not be taken into consideration.

7. If a writer had their canon company taken away due to inactivity, the writer may create a new original company submission requesting the tier level from their previous canon company submission. In the new submission, please link the archived canon company submission showing all your work and the Tier Level gained. A factory judge presiding will alert a Factory Roleplay Judge, who will then review and confirm the work from the archived canon company submission and the Tier level addendum. Once verified by the RPJ, the new company submission will be approved at the previously worked for canon company tier level along with any edits made.

List of Player Owned Canon Companies
Once you have submitted your canon company and it has been approved, a Role-play Judge or Administrator will add it to this list.
Please click
the spoiler below to view the current list of Canon Owned Companies.

  1. Alderaan Royal Engineers [member="Alyesa Organa"]

  2. Arcon Multinode Agricorp [member="Jasmine Zittoun"]
  3. Baktoid Industries - [member="Kalo Draxler"]
  4. Balmorran Arms - [member="Alkor Centaris"]
  5. Blas-Tech Industries - [member="Danger Arceneau"]
  6. Commerce Guild - [member="Chek Zun"]
  7. Concordia Crescent Technologies - @Severence Rau
  8. Corellia Digital - @Sor-Jan Xantha
  9. Corellian Engineering Corporation - [member="Bartic Myth'rand"]
  10. Cybot Galactica - [member="Castiel Darkstar"]
  11. Damorian Manufacturing Corporation - [member="Isis Varida"]
  12. Gallofree Yards, Inc - [member="Cla'Mari Rha"]
  13. Geonosian Industries - [member="Gisela The Righteous"]
  14. Haor Chall Engineering - [member="Max Fel"]
  15. Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. - @Count Morcus
  16. Holowan Laboratories - [member="Ballen-Ist"]
  17. Incom Corporation - [member="Pella Vun"]
  18. Industrial Automaton - @Stardust
  19. InterGalactic Banking Clan - [member="Suravi Teigra"]
  20. Karazak Slavers Cooperative - [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
  21. Koensayr Manufacturing - [member="Cady"]
  22. Koros Spaceworks [member="Lily Kuhn"]
  23. Kuat Drive Yards - [member="Catalys Maijora"]
  24. Loronar Corporation - @Lord Mettallum
  25. MandalMotors - [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
  26. MandalTech - [member="Ordo"]
  27. Mon Calamari Shipyards Nicademus Blith
  28. Nubia Star Drives Incorporated [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
  29. Outer Rim Oreworks Company [member="Llevana Helas"]
  30. Quarren Free Dac Engineering Corps - [member="Tesh Aquer"]
  31. Republic Engineering Corporation - @Astarii Saren
  32. Rendili Stardrive - [member="Camellia Swift"]
  33. Rothana Heavy Engineering - [member="Zeradias Mant"]
  34. Rywens Distillery - [member="Julius Sedaire"]
  35. Salliche Agricultural Corporation - [member="Seanna Vel"]
  36. Santhe Corporation - [member="Alec Sienar"]
  37. Siechel Transystem - [member="Maria Natalja"]
  38. Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems - @Illeris Sonn
  39. Slayn & Korpil - [member="Sko'saht"]
  40. SoroSuub Corporation - [member="Sieb Tevv"]
  41. Spaarti Creations [Canon] - [member="Harley Quyn"]
  42. Star Tours - [member="Dunames Lopez"]
  43. Taim & Bak - [member="Travis Caalgen"]
  44. Tenloss Corporation - [member="Popo"]
  45. The Adasca Biomechanical Corporation of Arkania (ADASCORP) [member="Akatan Adasca"]
  46. Ubrikkian Industries - [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
  47. Guavian Death Gang - [member="Lev Surrel"]
  48. Tagge Company - [member="Freya Tagge"]
  49. Techno Union - [member="Dresden M'koor"]
  50. Zaltin Corporation [member="Graaf Zalec"]
  51. Trade Federation [member="Darth Mara"]
  52. TransGalMeg Industries Incorporated - [member="Audren Sykes"]
  53. WESTAR [member="Gray Raxis"]

Company Expansion and Growing in Tier

Company Index by Tier Level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
  • You may not advance more than one Tier in a single request. Threads already used for advancement from one tier to the next or made during a previous tier will not count towards a new tier advancement. If your expansion is one lengthy consistent thread, you must specifically provide the applicable unused posts that pertain to that tier up.
  • Each linked thread may only be used to fulfill one of the sub-requirements for each tier level. ( IE: No double-dipping the same thread to fulfill a major project and a contract.)
  • Every additional new Location & Operation or Headquarters change requested through the Company Modification Thread will require proof of expansion.
  • Each expansion in Tier level will require Passive and Active Expansion Thread Objectives. These threads involve providing your company's specialty products or services. Examples are below and not all encompassing.
Passive Company Expansion Objectives

- Attend or host an economic summit
- Defend your company, another company, or a faction from a hostile attack
- Invest in another company or faction
- Train your company's personnel
- Draw up or steal schematics for a new product
- Draw up deals with another corporation or faction
- Provide philanthropic donations, fundraising, or contributions
- Make three mass-produced products in the Factory. (For Tier 2+ and equals to one passive company expansion)
- Make three company operations specific submissions in the Codex. (For Tier 2+ and equals to one passive company expansion)

Active Company Expansion Objectives

- Establish another operation for your company
- Establish a sphere of influence on a planet or in a sector
- Establish or help establish a colony
- Establish or help establish a new location
- Participate in a planet's colonization
- Recruit personnel into your company
- Secure investors for your company
- Train another company or faction's personnel

  • Each Expansion to Tier 4 and up will require a Major Project.
The definition of a 'Major Project' is to create, produce, or service something that would have a sizable impact on the growth of your company. If said project sways the outcome of something during a galactic event or on a grand scale, more kudos to you. The production, possession or the service of the project must be the thread or threads major focal point. Projects may be done in a single thread or a series of threads. Only the posts in Dominions and invasions that pertain to the actual project will count for the major project.
  • Expansion to Tier 5 and up will require a sponsorship.
Sponsorship is essentially when a sufficiently large major faction or a Tier 6 Company decides to back your company's endeavors specifically. This can either be by them giving you a large, direct annual subsidy, signing a long-term contract, and other things that would tie the government of that faction or that conglomerate and your company close together. This may also be supplemented by a substantial expansion of your company in another way.

Company Tier Unlocks
Below are Tier Level Company unlocks

Tier 2
  • Able to Mass Produce submissions.
  • Able to manufacture and mass produce ships and stations up to 500m.
  • One new location.

Tier 3
  • Able to manufacture and produce ships up to 1000m.
  • Able to manufacture and mass produce civilian space stations up to 4000m and mass produce military space stations up to 2000m.
  • One new operation OR one new location.
Tier 4
  • Able to manufacture and mass produce ships up to 2000m.
  • Able to manufacture and mass produce civilian space stations up to 4000m (Semi-Unique 10,000m) and mass produce military space stations up to 2000m (Semi-Unique 4000m)
  • One new operation AND one new location.
Tier 5
  • Is able to create a new subsidiary at Tier 3.
  • Able to manufacture and mass produce starships up to 2000m and limited at 3000m.
  • One new operation AND two new locations. (With the option to change headquarters)
Tier 6
  • Is able to sponsor another T5+ much like a Major Faction.
  • Two new operations AND two new locations. (With the option to change headquarters)
  • Is able to select a single Restricted Material specialty they are able to utilize at a max production of Semi-Unique (Only A Handful of Characters) with no restricted material mission required. (Excluding Impervium, Orbalisk, Stygium, Void Stone, Wintrium ) Limit one per writer regardless of company. (( IE A Tier 6 may select "Beskar" as their RM Speciality and be able to submit submissions without an RM mission objective at a max of Semi-Unique)) This can only be changed once every 6 months.

Tier Upgrade Templates
Use the following template for your Tier Up requests. Simply select the Tier Up template in the spoiler below for the level you desire and fill in the requirements therein. You may post your tier upgrade modification in this link.

Tier Up Templates

  • Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC).
  • Make at least three limited-production products in the Factory OR three company operations specific submissions in the Codex.
  • Display growth through one passive expansion of your company.
  • Display growth through one active expansion of your company.

  • Sign a contract with two other different factions or organizations. (May be NPC).
  • Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
  • Display growth through one active expansion of your company.

  • Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
  • Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
  • Display growth through two active expansions of your company.
  • Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.

  • Sign a contract with two other different major factions OR Tier 5+ companies.
  • Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
  • Display growth through three active expansions of your company.
  • Successfully complete a project of major proportions.
  • Obtain the permanent sponsorship of a major faction, OR the sponsorship of a different Tier 6 Company that is not a previous contract, OR a substantial expansion in another way.

  • Sign a contract with another two different major factions OR Tier 5+ companies.
  • Display growth through three passive expansions of your company.
  • Display growth through three active expansions of your company.
  • Successfully complete a project of immense proportions.
  • Obtain the permanent sponsorship of a different major faction, OR the sponsorship of a different Tier 6 Company that is not a previous contract, OR a substantial expansion in another way.


A Workshop is a small operation, comparable in size to a Tier One Company. A Workshop’s growth in tier reflects increasing prestige and expertise in a specialized field.

A Personal Commission thread involves providing your Workshop's specialty products or services. This might include creating a product, delivering a service, discussing a character's relevant needs, or obtaining necessary materials.

A Mastercraft Project thread is an extensive project that involves providing an especially innovative product or service, in keeping with your Workshop’s specialty. The completed thread must center around filling one of the following objectives:

  • Your character endures great personal sacrifice to learn from the legacy of a past master in their field;
  • Your character defends their Workshop against near-impossible odds;
  • In desperate circumstances, your character must use their specialty to improvise a solution using extremely insufficient/unsuitable resources.

Both Personal Commissions and Mastercraft Projects must directly benefit a PC or NPC controlled by another writer (e.g. no ‘I made myself a sword to protect them’ rationalizations), and may be completed by a single writer. Threads cited to increase the tier of a Workshop cannot be used to increase the tier of a Company, and vice versa.

  • 3 Unique or Semi-Unique products
  • 3 Personal Commissions
  • 4 Personal Commissions

  • 4 Unique or Semi-Unique products
  • 4 Personal Commissions
  • 6 Personal Commissions

  • 5 Unique or Semi-Unique products
  • 5 Personal Commissions
  • 1 Mastercraft Project
  • 8 Personal Commissions
  • 1 Mastercraft Project

Note: At Tier IV, a Workshop’s owner may request the Master Crafter signature tag.

  • 6 Unique or Semi-Unique products
  • 6 Personal Commissions
  • 1 Mastercraft Project
  • 10 Personal Commissions
  • 1 Mastercraft Project

  • 7 Unique or Semi-Unique products
  • 7 Personal Commissions
  • 2 Mastercraft Projects
  • 12 Personal Commissions
  • 2 Mastercraft Projects

Note: At Tier VI, a Workshop may choose one Restricted Material (Excluding Impervium, Orbalisk, Stygium, Void Stone, Wintrium ) to add to its Specialty list. The Workshop is exempt from RM objectives for that material at a Semi-Unique (Only A Handful of Characters) production level in the Technology forum only. This can only be changed once every 6 months.

Known Owners of Unique Canon Items

This is the list of Last Known Owners of Canon Items. It records unique items such as Canon holocrons, artifacts, named canon ships, etc. All desired claimed Canon Items would be required to go through the same Factory approval process as SW Chaos Technology, Vehicles, and Starships and restricted items.

Unique Canon Item Claim and Factory Submission Rules
Due to the timeline, it is assumed most canon items such as artifacts, starships, and technology went missing or was lost during the Gulag Plague. However, it is the writer's choice in how to go about searching, discovering, and claiming the canon item but please follow the below rules.

  1. A writer may possess no more than a total of 5 Canon items across all their characters. Factions, companies, and other organizations are unable to claim canon items.
  2. To be able to claim A Unique Canon Item, a writer must first complete a "Unique Canon item objective" in a convincing manner that adds to the quality of the role-play thread. Each completed objective only counts for one submission.
  3. Once done, create a Factory submission using the template of the applicable type ( I.E. Technology, Vehicles, Starships) and ensure the respective canon item's Wookieepedia page - if applicable - is linked.
  4. Once approved, the writer may now request to claim it on the Known Owners of Unique Items and link the approved submission.
  5. If a Canon Item Owner is absent for more than 30 days, any writer who has not exhausted their 5 canon item slots may contest your claim by following the above rules to claime a unique canon item and creating a submission of their own for the same Canon item. ( Linking as Primary Source the previous Factory submission to it if any and the Canon Wookieepedia Link.) The Factory Judge presiding will alert a Role-play Judge, who will then attempt to contact the previous Canon Item Owner. If the Role-play Judge fails to contact the previous Canon Item Owner within 72 hours and deems the Canon Item Owner inactive, the Role-play Judge will then archive the old submission and approve the new one with the new owner.

Unique Canon Items Mission Objective: (( Embark on a quest to research, locate and recover the canon item in question. There is no set post limit, though you should tell a complete story. ))


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