Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NPCs by Sio

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Hmm, air or water/ice for the hospitillers I think.

I think she'd gather shards about herself which share her beliefs, especially concerning interference with organics. I think hierarchy would be very decentralised and loose. Individuals sent on separate missions, some to explore, some to learn, some to do more nefarious things on be half of Enyo. It's all pretty much the same to them!
So unit/group ideas are:

  • Blades of the Blessed Dread (psycho Xio assassins)
  • Coven of Tlaxqui (coven of Xio witches and earth mages)
  • Knights Gloriana (Eldorai Knights Hospitaller)
  • Broken Facets (Shard group)

Which should I sub next?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
I think they could be a radical cult employed and (barely) controlled by the old council. Perhaps initiates could be taken to the throne of Myrou and forced to commune with the dark spirit which corrupted them.

Known for being notoriously disloyal and mercenary they were never stamped out because they were too useful to destroy...and besides would have had secrets and contacts which would have made this impossible.

Intent: Expand on the Order of Fire and the Qadiri.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Order of Fire adept, pilot, navigator, Commander.
Links: Tygara, Tephrike, Into Darkness.

Age: 65.
Force Sensitivity: Knight
Species: Qadiri.
Appearance: Of average height for a Qadiri female, but well-built and in good physical condition. In appearance, she is very similar to the Eldorai, being tall and slender and having pointed ears. She has dark skin and black, somewhat messy hair. She has several tattoos on her body, namely on her back, right arm and most prominently on her face. The last one resembles the waves of the ocean, which refers to her background as a sea corsair. As a career warrior her tanned skin is scarred by numerous wounds. Outside of combat she has a preference for fine, though not ostentatious clothing.

Name: Jazan Jai Khalal.
Loyalties: Qadiri, Order of Fire, Firemane Industries, House Kerrigan-Alcori, Mirage Squadron.
Wealth: Jazan has some loot stashed away from her pirate days, though it is not always easy to convert into hard currency. Like every member of the Order of Fire, she receives remuneration from Firemane in return for her services. The pay is on a sliding scale based on experience, rank, reward and so on. She should be able to enjoy a comfortable retirement when her service ends. She is no spendthrift, but quite materialistic.
Notable Possessions:
Skills: Jazan is a skilled pilot, sailor, commander and navigator. Her navigational skills do not apply solely to spaceships, but also waterborn vessels, since she started out as a corsair on the seas of Tygara. She is a good pistol shot. Moreover, she is a Force-user. However, she is a specialist rather than a generalist.

She is very skilled in instinctive astrogation, Force Reflex, Force Meld, Telepathy, Force Sight and Force Speed. She has very strong precognitive and Sense abilities. Weather Sense enables her to attune herself to the workings of local weather patterns, allowing her to predict the weather. She has telepathic abilities, which is helpful for coordinating and communicating with allies without resorting to technological means that could be jammed or intercepted.

She can pilot starships up to the size of frigates, but she is at her best behind the controls of a starfighter. Jazan has also picked up some skills as a mechanic. She is not a genius machinist, but her skills suffice to say perform repairs on her starfighter. Given her maritime background, she's a good swimmer and diver.

Personality: Bold. She has outgrown youthful rashness, but she is daring, brave and aggressive in a fight. Her life has not been free of harshness, but overall she maintains an optimistic, fairly confident disposition. Outside of her work she is a genuinely cheerful and easy-going person. She follows a warrior code of sorts and is not given to either random acts of cruelty or malice.

Jazan considers herself to be a warrior. War is not just an often unfortunate necessity for survival, freedom or resources, but also a test of character. She detests wasteful use of resources and those who carelessly throw away lives, but has a low opinion of pacifists. After all, she used to be a freebooter and privateer - and not the type who took from the rich to give to the poor. Becomes cool, cunning and focused when in battle. These traits, along with her bravery, have gained her the respect of her comrades. Her skills have also given her a proud countenance. She has no false modesty about her piloting abilities.

Jazan started out as a corsair. Before they became the Skyrazors, the Searazors prowled the seas and oceans of Tygara, earning themselves a reputation as formidable pirates and sellswords. When the Qadiri were uplifted, they took to the stars. She still retains a special fondness for the sea, but feels at home in space. She is at her best inside the cockpit of a starfighter. Over time she has developed a passion for exploration. Like many Qadiri, she refers to the void of space as the sky-ocean, likening each planet to an island in the eternal sea. She is a determined woman who respects audacity. Jazan is highly competitive.

She is no stranger to violence, having grown up among the Khaimari in the land of Khairma. These were coastal folk who alternated between being subsistence farmers/fishers and corsairs depending on the situation. Both vocations were the family business, so to speak. Jazan was raised in the life and participated in pirate expeditions. The feuding Qadiri states often hired privateers as proxies.

She does not feel any particular guilt about her past life. As a person she's fairly affable, cheerful and loyal to her friends. Outside of work she's quite capable of letting her hair down. But she's also someone who's spent a good portion of her life pillaging, plundering, invading port towns and abducting people. She is against needless cruelty and death...but well in favour of 'necessary' cruelty and death. Slavery was a fact of life where she grew up. But when the sky-people imposed their 'Clear Seas' policy, Jazan realised the way the wind was blowing and emancipated her slaves. She did this rather early, which made it easy for her to become their patron. One of them is a pilot in her squadron.

Jazan was illiterate for most of her life and is still book shy. However, this does not make her stupid. She is a fairly rational sort. Unlike many of her people, she is not given to believing that machines are powered by spirits or demons. She soon gained a good understanding of the advanced technology the 'sky people' possessed when they arrived on Tygara. She is a curious individual and always seeking out more information.

Jazan does not share the dualistic view Jedi and Sith have of the Force. This is only natural because her people evolved in isolation on the remote world of Tygara and thus their theological viewpoints were not influenced by the various incarnations of either Force cult. Thus she does not see the Force as an omnipresent energy field that binds all life together. She would be mystified by Jedi beliefs. Unlike many Qadiri, she is not particularly racist towards Xioquo, even though they are the hereditary enemy of her people.

For the Qadiri the Force (or Zari as they call it, literally spirit or soul) is a gift of the goddesses. They regard it as a tool to be used, and sometimes it backfires when one falls and uses their powers for their own ends. Unlike the Xioquo and the Vashyada, the Qadiri do not have a inherent predisposition towards the Light or the Dark. In that regard, the fractious nature of their race helps. Thus one can find both light and dark side adepts among them in large numbers. In keeping with this, she treats Zari as a source of strength.


Weapon of Choice: Piloting skills, blade, sidearms.

Combat Function: Jazan's primary combat function is that of a pilot. She is capable of piloting ships up to frigate size. However, the best way to utilise her is in the cockpit of a starfighter. In that regard one could compare her to a Jedi ace. She is a very skilled combat pilot and starfighter commander, using a combination of instincts, training, natural skill and preternatural powers to gain an edge over her enemies. Jazan is a Force-user, but a highly specialised one. Her telekinetic abilities are subpar, she cannot shoot lightning from her fingertips, summon fireballs, conjure illusions or mind control people.

Instead, she is capable of using instinctive astrogation, which is a boon for piloting and also allows her to find safe routes through hyperspace without the use of an astromech droid or a navigation computer. This enhances her inherent navigational abilities. Qadiri are almost all extremely good navigators. They seem to have an instinctual internal compass, meaning they are great sailors, travellers and now increasingly pilots.

Situations where her preternatural navigational talents can be of use include reasonable strategic and tactical manoeuvres, like making precise jumps from the outer reaches of a system, improved survivability in say dense asteroid fields, making safe blind jumps when necessary, finding safe short cuts around blockaed routes and getting safely to her destination in the midst of battles, meteor storms and so on, assuming she is not the main target. To a degree, it helps with following others through hyperspace, though this requires great focus. Jazan is able to use Force Reflex, which allows her to effectively slow the world around her, heightening her reflexes and perceptions.

Furthermore, she can enter into a Force meld with her allies. Through the meld, she and her comrades can join their minds together through the Force, drawing strength from each other. This is a strong ability, but a double-edged sword. A great disturbance in the Force could overwhelm the melding participants as they receive the pain through their enhanced senses. If the pain is caused by the minds the melding participants are touching, it could have very negative repercussions for the participants. If she is in the middle of a mind meld and is suddenly deprived of the Force through say ysalamiri, the sudden loss will not just be very disorientating, but also painful. This is something a canny opponent could exploit. She is a good sailor and skilled at weather prediction.

However, her specialisation comes at a cost. For one, it means time and effort she could not put into other pursuits. She also plain and simply lacks the inherent talent for many Force powers, so even her long life span will not help her catch up. Her telekinetic abilities are extremely weak. She is limited to very basic uses, and even then only very small objects such as pens, pencils or pebbles with significant effort and concentration. This practice is extremely difficult, requiring concentration and focus, making it useless it combat. The reason for her weak telekinesis is obscure, but it seems inherent to her. Thus she cannot not use her long life span to compensate.

Likewise, her defensive powers are negligible, which means she cannot tank conventional or Force attacks with Force barriers or similar. She is very formidable in space, but on the ground she would be at a significant disadvantage if she say duelled a Force warrior or a large number of enemies. She is skilled with melee weapons such as blades, spears and javelins, in hand-to-hand combat and a good pistol shot, but not skilled in the use of heavy weapons. Her navigational and precognitive abilities come in handy on the ground. The same applies to her enhanced reaction time, agility and Force meld. But her actual combat abilities would largely mirror those of a Non-Force-User in such a scenario.

  • Elite pilot. Jazan is a highly skilled combat pilot and starfighter commander. She is also a very capable shot outside of the cockpit and good with a blade.
  • Navigator. She has a strong Force connection. Jazan is a highly specialised Force-User. Her command of instinctive astrogation and Force Meld is especially potent.
  • Specialist. As a tradeoff for her specialisation, Jazan lacks the traditional combat powers one usually associates with Force-Users. Her telekinetic abilities are extremely weak. She is limited to very basic uses.
  • Not a tank. Likewise she lacks strong defensive Force abilities.


The difference between a peaceful farmer and a ferocious pirate often comes down to whether the harvest is good or not. Desperate people will inevitably do desperate things. This is quite true for the culture Jazan was raised in. She was born on the Khairma Peninsula many decades before first contact between Tygara and the outside Galaxy. The inhabitants of this region were coastal folk who alternated between being subsistence farmers/fishers and corsairs, depending on the situation at hand. It was a hard life that left little room for the lazy or the faint of heart.

The territory of the Khaimari was lacking in valuable resources. Thus its inhabitants were reliant on what they could earn with their own two hands. If they could not sow, they would pay the iron price and take what they needed with fire and blood. They worshipped Iskur, the god of the skies, and Nanshe, the goddess for the sea, boats, fishing and sailing. When a good harvest eluded them, they prayed for safe tidings so that their sailing ships could traverse the seas, allowing them to raid more affluent communities and seize merchant ships. While the Khaimari corsairs looted the cargo of ships they captured, their primary goal was to capture people for sale as slaves or for ransom. Those who had family or friends who might ransom them were held captive, but not obliged to work. Those who could not afford a ransom were sold into slavery. Slavery was a fact of life on Tygara and practiced by all native races to varying degrees.

When it came to their choice in targets, the Khaimari were not squeamish. They paid lip service to being good Qadiri following the Great Goddess Kashara, but Krolian ships tended to be loaded with gold, so they saw no contradiction in attacking vessels that belonged to the supreme deity's holy city. Here and there, the Qadiri states launched campaigns to stamp out piracy. For a while Khaimar was brought to heel. However, the Qadiri are a very decentralised, fractured race without a single sovereign all owe allegiance to. Indeed, they are a hodgepodge of monarchies, theocracies and republics. Warfare between the Qadiri states was endemic. Thus Qadiri rulers often issued letters of marque, hiring corsairs to attack and capture the vessels of their rivals or raid their settlements.

The Khaimari were adept at navigating the stormy waters of Qadiri politics. They also set up what amounted to a de facto protection racket in 'their waters', persuading rich merchants to pay tribute to them in return for being left unmolested. A Khaimari captain who broke their word or attack the property of a tributary would be branded an outcast. Compared to most Qadiri states, the Khaimari were more egalitarian. Like the nomads of the desert, such as Kazal's Dune Raiders, the Khaimari were also a refuge for outcasts. Captains were elected and could be deposed by the votes of the crew. Spoils were evenly divided into shares; the captain received an agreed amount for the ship, plus a portion of the share of the prize money. Romantics idealised the Khaimari as representing freedom and resistance to heavy-handed authority.Any naive romantic who had the misfortune of being enslaved by them was quickly disabused of such naive notions. The Corsairs united against outside forces that threatened their independence, but feuds between individual captains or clans were not uncommon.

This was the sort of world Jazan grew up in. She was born into the Qasimi clan, an old tribe of freebooters. Like many Khaimari clans, the Qasimi had a traditional kinship system. Thus Jazan lived in a large clan of extended family, led by a matriarch. From an early age, the girl was taught to be strong. She learned how to fish, care for crops, navigate, use a blade, spear, bow and arrow.Jazan was the second daughter of Darya, a renowned corsair who commanded her own ship. Darya was feared for her cunning, temper and ruthlnessness. Following in the footsteps of Hasana Majelani, she had circumnavigated the world of Tygara in her ship.

It did not take long for Jazan to receive her baptism of fire and blood. The target was Sestos, a well defended coastal town in the territory of the Mirza of Jakai. Several corsairs volunteered their services and so Jazan's mother was able to muster a notable force. The raid was backed by the Mirza of Lakish, whose fiefdom was a rival of Jakai. Although they lost contact with one of their ships due to averse weather conditions, the flotilla reached its target. At the head was a Jakai ship, previously captured by Darya in an unrelated engagement, designed to fool the townsfolk into thinking that the flotilla was a Jakai one.

While the flotilla anchored offshore, a small force of pirates that included Jazan were landed some distance from the town and waited until early the following morning. While most of the town's militia were sleeping, the corsairs scaled the town's walls and disabled its fortifications. Jazan distinguished herself in the fight, personally eliminating a militiaman who sought to raise the alarm with a javelin throw. This allowed her mother and a larger force of corsairs, who had marched overland, to enter the city and overcome the remaining defences. Nonetheless, the fighting was fierce, as the defenders used the high ground provided by flat-roofed stone houses to their advantage.

One of the defenders Jazan ended up duelling turned out to be a Force adept. The young corsair fought bravely, unconsciously manifesting a form of Force enhanced speed and reflexes. She was able to injure her enemy with her scimitar, but was overpowered and blasted with lightning. Her lack of raw Force strength and inexperience worked against her. However, her mother Darya intervened, striking down Jazan's adversary with her Force imbued blade. The pirates sacked the town and took a large number of captives including the town's satrap. Jazan obviously participated in the plundering that ensued. The surviving members of the town's administration agreed to terms of surrender. Realising that an organised sack was more profitable than wild looting, Darya had trustworthy warriors guard the mansions of rich citizens who were willing to pay ransom. The citizens under her 'protection' were 'persuaded to hand over valuables, lest they suffer the fate of their unlucky brethren. However, on the third day of plundering, a Jakai fleet, composed of a number of warships, appeared on the horizon.

Alerted by their scouts, the corsairs retreated with hostages to a nearby island and waited for ransoms. Impatient when it did not arrive, Darya ordered the mutilation of a few hostages and had their ears sent to Sestos as a warning. However, one of her co-captains, Arezu, was angered by this. The two argued and then fought a duel. Arezu received a slash across the wrist and was returned to her ship in shackles. The wound soon turned gangrenous and she died shortly thereafter.

Despite being pursued by the enemy, the corsairs were able to get through the blockade. To create a breach, they repurposed a captured vessel into a fire ship and fooled their enemies into thinking it was fully crewed. The Mirza of Jakai repudiated the agreement the corsairs had made with the local officials. Thus the captives were sold into slavery.Jazan had taste first blood and earned some respect among the freebooters, though she was still a neophyte.

It did not take long her mother decided to embark on a more audacious venture. This time their target was a treasure ship loaded with gold and other tribute and bound for Krolis, centre of the Kashari faith and residence of the Saoshyant, high priestess of Kashara. The Saoshyant had incredible moral and spiritual power over the faithful, but in practice the Qadiri nations often conspired to prevent her from becoming too powerful. Unsurprisingly, these treasure ships were very well-guarded by escorts. While Jazan's mother paid lip service to Kashara, the riches of the Goddess' servants were too tempting a prize.

The promise of riches motivated many of the Khaimari to join. It helped that the harvest had been a poor one. Jazan utilised her skills as a neophate navigator, working beneath a more experienced seer in her mother's service to help predict a good course. The Krolian ship and its escorts were intercepted by the pirates. Jazan was part of the boarding party that attacked the main Krolian vessel. A Fire acolyte, full of righteous fury against those who transgressed against the Goddess, smote her with flames and blazing light. Jazan was burnt and disorientated. But while her naked sight failed, she was able to perceive her opponent with the Force and cut her leg with a blade before stabbing her through the chest. Darya praised her for her bravery. Overall, the battle was a victory for the raiders. Some of the smaller vessels managed to escape, but several were seized.

When the Kashari clerics cursed their attackers and promised them fire and brimstone, Jazan was dismissive. Flush with victory, she did not take their threats of doom and gloom seriously. Nonetheless, time was of the essence and so the corsairs moved quickly, retreating with their plunder, captives and stolen ships. However, pride comes before the fall. Contrary to all their predictions, the pirate fleet ended up running into a terrible storm. The main ship of the fleet was wrecked by the storm and sank. Jazan's mother Darya and her older sister were among the casualties. Most of the stolen treasure had been loaded on it.

Jazan could do nothing to intervene, for she had been stationed on one of the ships they had stolen. Anger coursed through her, but she was soon fighting for her own survival. Determination and a sense of responsibility for her crew animated her. Taking the helm, something guided Jazan through the storm, directing her around rocks and sandbars and past the worst of the storm. She was able to navigate the safely at night through some rocks and shoals. Some of her crew regarded her as blessed, others believed her mother's actions had cursed them.

When the ship limped their home port, it was a less than triumphant return. What had started as a promising, highly lucrative raid had turned into a disaster. Moreover, it opened the doors for a struggle for leadership in the clan. Her aunt Azar laid claim to leadership of the clan. A Majis was convened. This was a gathering where the leader of the tribe was chosen by the captains and warriors.

Despite her bravery, Jazan was too junior and inexperienced to be a serious contestant. Moreover, her close relationship with her dead mother tainted her more than a little. Her aunt Azar, an ambitious captain and a rival of Darya, emerged the victor. It helped that she had treasures to bribe voters with. In all fairness to her, this was common practice among the Khaimari. A tribal leader was expected to be a capable captain, after all. Darya had also flaunted her credentials as a reaver and war leader and bought votes.

However, there was blood between the new chieftain and her niece. Jazan had an altercation with Azar's followers, which left her with scars on her face and a cut ear. Jazan was angry about her mother's death and not in a very rational mood. Her actions made her an outcast. However, her navigational skills had not gone unnoticed. Several of the corsairs who had been saved by her felt respect for the young corsair.

This gave her a small clientele, but her resources were scarce. Because the great raid had ended in a fiasco, there were outstanding debts she could not pay, even after drawing upon what was left of her share of the loot. However, it was not just creditors who took an interest in her. A powerful Corsair commander called Tanaz Jai Kushal had heard about how the young Qadiri had managed to navigate through a storm and saw an asset she could cultivate.

With her patronage, Jazan was able to build up a reputation and pay her debts by carrying out a series of small raids on ships and minor coastal settlements. In so doing, she honed her skills as a Force-user and commander. At first Jazan had regarded her weak aptitude for combat Force powers as a weakness, but Tanaz beat it out of her. The Qadiri warlord was a Force-user herself, though with a more conventional skill set. She knocked some sense the girl - sometimes literally.

It became clear to Jazan that she would never be able to utilise the flashy powers that were common among many of her peers. Wasting time and effort on powers that eluded her would make ber a suboptimal Force warrior at best.So she focused on those that came natural to her, namely Sense abilities, instinctive astrogation and eventually the ability to perform a mind meld. Tanaz was moderately skilled in this ability and taught Jazan the basics, encouraging her to specialise instead of becoming a master of nothing.

She was recruited into a large fleet of corsairs to take a well fortified but rich city in the domain of the Mirza of Lakish. Not so long ago this ruler had been a business partner, but their alliance had ended. Jazan was tasked by Tanaz with finding a solution to getting past a harbour chain covered by heavy guns. So what Jazan did was send forth a ship to break the chain. It failed in its task, but this was part of the plan. While enemy guns put the ship under fire, they were distracted. Meanwhile, Jazan led a handpicked force to disable some of the cannons, allowing the main force to enter the city. Unfortunately, in the hour of victory many of the corsairs ran amok, looted and burnt the city. They destroyed much of the wealth in the process. Thus the returns were poor but Jazan gained respect for her skilled fighting.

Partly acting on tales other corsairs had told her, she was roped into a treasure hunt. Several Xioquo pirates searched for a mystical artefact that was supposed to awaken Myrou, their sleeping goddess. The expedition was sponsored by several families. Jazan allied with one of the band of adventurers. However, the island were the artefact was rumoured to lie was full of hazards, such as traps, undead and sirens. Furthermore, the participants in the expedition soon clashed with each other. At first it seemed like the artefact was turning them against each other. However, it eventually turned out that they were being driven apart by their own greed. When Jazan had a moment to examine the artefact, she realised that it was completely mundane. She sold it for a profit though.

Ironically, she would end up fighting on the side of the Krolians. The Xioquo, hereditary enemy of the Qadiri, amassed a large force to sack the holy city of Krolis. The timing for a raid appeared fortunate. The Amikarese Empire, the most powerful Qadiri state, was embroiled in a civil war over the royal succession, so no aid could be expected from them. Moreover, the Saoshyant's position was uncertain, for she had antagonised some rulers by claiming that she alone possessed the right to invest Kashari clerics. Sacking Krolis would send a powerful message - and elevate the position of the houses that had backed it. Thus a large force equipped with some of the finest weapons the Xioquo knew was assembled for this undertaking. After deploying scouts in advance, the Xioquo traversed the seas in steamships. Their priestesses drew upon the Dark Side to blacken the skies, allowing their comrades to fight without fear of the sun.

However, instead of despairing, the Saoshyant rallied the defenders of the city. She entrusted command to Sahali Jai Bysara, High Mistress of the Sistren of the Eternal Flame. Her charismatic, fiery presence gave the defenders heart. Tanaz decided to throw in her lot with Krolis and offer her services. With some reluctance, Sahali accepted the corsairs' aid. Jazan was at first opposed to helping, for she bore a grudge against the Kashari clerics, but Tanaz told her to see the larger picture. The Xioquo possessed more advanced technology than the Qadiri. Instead of sailing ships, they used steam-powered ironclads. However, though tougher and superior in firepower, these ships were slow and unwieldgy, similar to a Star Destroyer.

To counter this menace, Jazan and her comrades used small boats to get in and behind the Xioquo ships. A boarding attempt was repulsed, she used explosives to set off some of their ammunition and sink them. Fire ships dispatched from Krolis threw the vanguard of the Xioquo fleet into disarray. However, large numbers of Xioquo were still able to land on the shores. The dark elves penetrated the city's defence, but were ultimately repulsed by the Fire Sisters and the warriors of Krolis. When the Krolian sorceresses undid the Xioquo's dark ritual, the drows were burnt by the sun and forced to flee. This made them easy pickings for the corsairs, who had opportunistically refrained from intervening in the ground battle until its outcome was clear. Several Xioquo were captured and enslaved. Jazan kept some of the captured drows around.

Soon she was in a position to launch independent expeditions.Jazan set her eyes on the Amikarese Empire, the largest of the Qadiri states. Its ruler Shahbânu Semiramis was the feudal overlord of both Jakai and Lakish. Its treasure ships were a tempting prize. Jazan and her ship trailed an Amikarese treasure convoy, but could not get close because of the escorts. Until a storm erupted. She was counselled to abandon the hunt. Several of her crew members remembered what had happened to her mother. Some grew so fearful they mutinied.

However, Jazan took the helm and piloted the ship with unerring precision towards her target. The storm had dispersed the escorts, so in the gale her ship was able to approach and seize one of the treasure ships, getting away before the escorts could intervene and prevent her escape. This success netted her a very large reward and enhanced her reputation. From Jazan's perspective, these were good years. To avoid being raided, many settlements and rich merchants paid tribute to Tanaz, who rose to the position of a corsair admiral.

However, the times were changing. Tygara's long period of isolation was coming to an end. People from beyond the stars came, encroaching on Tygara. Some were slavers, others were both like and unlike the Qadiri. The natives were uncertain what to make of these strangers. Some proclaimed them to be sky gods, others saw them as demons and others concluded that they were just people from other worlds with advanced tech. Jazan belonged to the last category. The Qadiri, interestingly, had a long tradition that there were other people living out amongst the stars.

Her first confrontation with the sky people was an unfriendly one. When Jazan led a raid on the Amikarese Empire, she was surprised when Semiramis' soldiers not only possessed more advanced weapons, but were backed by foreigners. Her forces suffered heavy casualties and were repulsed. Deciding that survival mattered more than her pride, Jazan ordered a retreat.

While recovering from injuries she had suffered in the battle, she pondered what these developments meant for the future. The sky people possessed war machines and metal ships she had never seen before. However, she saw some similarities between their war machines and those of the Xioquo, though the latter were cruder and less advanced. Her contacts informed her that the outsiders were building a great city in the north.

So rather than charge into the fray again, Jazan decided to investigate these 'sky people'. Taking a ship, she was accompanied by a loyal Xioquo slave and a small crew consisting of her most dependable associates. Passing as a common sellsword looking for work, she attracted little attention in the streets of New Santaissa. Using gold she had acquired she purchased a 'talking golem' - in actuality a basic protocol droid. She found the 'golem's mannerisms vexing, for it would not cease yapping. Fortunately, the droid eventually got to the point before she lost her temper. The droid told her much. Her Xioquo servant, who had been something like a machinist before being captured compared it to the golems that had been constructed by her people.

Jazan learned of worlds beyond number in the stars beyond Tygara. Fascinated by the idea of life in outer space, she desired the means to reach them. Interacting with humans, Eldorai and others, she learned all she could. She realised that the Eldorai were distant kin of the Tygaran elves. Moreover, she found out that the war machines that had foiled her raid belonged to an organisation called Firemane. The leaders of this group were not elves, but humans. However, both the Eldorai and Semiramis seemed to defer to them. Jazan had to deal with racism from both humans and Eldorai, but the haughtiness of the outsiders left her cold. For reasons she had trouble understanding, the sky people seemed to oppose slavery, viewing the practice as barbaric.

It soon came to her notice that the sky people were preparing for a great campaign against the Xioquo. Realising that this was an opportunity, Jazan offered her services. She was less interested in gold and more in the technology of the outsiders. She realised early enough that understanding it was the key to influence, freedom and survival. She fought in a few skirmishes with the Xioquo and participated in the final assault on the Underealm, helping clear out one of the forts that guarded the entrance into the Xioquo's subterranean lair. Needless to say her raiders also used the opportunity to loot a bit.

The Underealm fell and the Xioquo submitted. The Qadiri's hereditary enemy had been defeated. However, Jazan realised that the old ways were dying. Anti-piracy and anti-slavery campaigns encroached upon her business. Moreover, Firemane and the Eldorai tried to enforce global peace on the planet. Several of her comrades could not accept the changes that were overtaking Tygara and tried to resist them. Some of her allies called her a coward for not joining them. However, Jazan had become fascinated by the prospect of venturing into the stars. Her aunt Darya was one of the old guard who fought against Firemane's 'Clear Seas' policy. She eventually met a bad end. By contrast, Tanaz put down the sword and retired, living in luxury. In an ironic twist of fate, she became one of Semiramis' advisors and was made a governor.

Jazan tried to volunteer for Firemane because she wanted to see the stars, but was turned down by snobbish folks who thought a Qadiri could not fly. Other Firemane employees were distrustful of her due to her history as a criminal. When she came across the wreckage of a starfighter that had been downed by a storm, she had it brought to her home and tinkered with it in her spare time. Eventually she was able to hire an outsider who helped her get the starship back in shape and taught her how to fly it. More conservative Qadiri called her mad, but she was determined to find out what was out there and gathered some equally adventurous allies. They called themselves the Skyrazors.

After acclimating herself to space and doing a number of jobs, she returned to Firemane and demanded she go through the test. Jokingly the responsible officers put her through the simulator, but found that she was actually really good. Working for Firemane meant following their rules and refraining from activities they considered vile. But was very lucrative created new opportunities for her. She proved her skills in skirmishes with Kraal raiders, Eldorai reactionaries and Sith cultists.

Gathering a small group of Qadiri Force adepts, she turned them into a potent fighting force. They were trained in piloting and Force meld, allowing them to draw strength from each other in a battle. The unit was called Mirage Squadron. Her piloting abilities caught the eye of Siobhan Kerrigan after Jazan and her people helped foil an attack on a Firemane space habitat. The Lady appreciated Jazan's attitude, initiative and lack of superstition. By the time the Qadiri made their first steps into the stars, Jazan had found her place in the stars and set up her own network among the spacefaring elves.

Eventually the Mirages were assigned to the Scarlet Destiny, Firemane's exploration ship, as an escort on its shakedown cruise. Commanded by Tegaea Alcori, the Destiny was supposed to go boldly where no Firemane had gone before, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations. However, as is often the case, the plan did not survive first contact. The Firemane exploration corps came across the world of Tephrike, which had been cut off from the rest of the Galaxy due to the outbreak of the Gulag Virus.

It soon transpired that the Dark Age had never truly ended on the planet, for vast swathes of it had been turned into a wasteland and riven factions fought for dominance. One of them was the Jedi-led Dominion of Light, a totalitarian theocracy. At first Firemane attempted diplomacy, but an extremist faction in the Dominion attaked the foreign delegation. In response, Firemane declared war. However, though primitive, the Dominion proved to be a dangerous opponent.

At first, Firemane initiated a surgical bombardment of key military, communication and Jedi facilities in and around the Dominion's capital, Nexus City. The city had a shield generator, but Firemane used magpulse torpedos to disrupt it. This gave Mirage Squadron an opening to slip in. Jazan personally led the strike, blowing up the generator. Thereafter the Scarlet Destiny levelled the Jedi Temple with its Harbinger cannons.

However, the Dominion had deployed nuclear missiles and now targeted the Firemane fleet. Through alchemical manipulation, these nukes were far more potent and a serious danger. A Dominion faction that opposed the war course and feared Firemane would retaliate by levelling the city, was able to stop two missiles from being launched. However, the other two were fired. One hit a Firemane corvette. Producing an effect akin to that of a small-scale thought bomb, it consumed their souls. The other missile had targeted the Scarlet. However, Jazan and her crew were able to use tractor beams to capture it and hurl it into the sun. As Jazan put it, they took out the trash.

Now Firemane deployed ground troops to take a key military installation, Fortress Purity. Heavily guarded, it was a vital military base that protected access to the capital. Because Firemane only had a limited amount of troops in the theatre and lacked knowledge of the lay of the land, it entered an alliance with the Republican Guard, an anti-Force-User faction that idealised the Rebel Alliance and had a strong Vong contingent. These rebels would supply most of the manpower, but mutual distrust made the alliance a tenuous one.

The Dominion attacked Firemane transports with kamikaze fighters and used a weather control machine to summon a storm. This disrupted communications between the ground troops and the fleet and made it hazardous to land reinforcements or conduct bombing runs. Firemane and Republican Guard troops soon found themselves engaged in fierce, brutal combat with the enemy. A good number of Firemane gunships crashed. The Dominion made ample use of Force-Users to compensate for its technological weakness.

But Mirage Squadron came to the rescue of a group of Firemane and Republican Guard special forces that were being overrun by Dominion troops after conducting a foray into their second line of defence. When Reaper Squad and Viper Company were being flooded by Dominion infantry and armour, the Mirages sprang into action. Their Force-enhanced coordination, preternatural and inherent navigational skills made them some of the few pilots who could fly into the hot zone despite the raging storm. Firing missiles they destroyed Dominion armoured assets and relayed targets to Firemane artillery.

This bought the Republican Guard time to deploy the Andorian Guard, thereby forcing a stalemate. However, intense combat continued on the ground. Eventually the allied forces were able to overcome the defenders and the Republican Guard planted its standards upon the Fortress, but the cost was high. Meanwhile, the Mirages were assigned to the task force of Major Tempest, who had been charged with finding the captive Elpsis - or avenging her.

The Mirages escorted Tempest and her soldiers to her destination, providing vital support when they engaged enemy forces. Jazan and her pilots strafed the camp's defences and the Dominion troops, bombarding them with missiles and laser fire. Ultimately the Firemane troops broke through and found Elpsis. By now the Fire Princess had managed to free herself from her brainwashing and slaughter her captors with the help of rebellious prisoners.

With the campaign over, Jazan stands ready for whatever future missions await her. Her squadron's success was a boost to their reputation. Given what she had to put up with when she first applied for a position in Firemane, it has been particularly gratifying for the former corsair. She was awarded a medal for her conduct. Jazan is a very ambitious woman and intends to work her way up to a senior command position. For the time being she sees her place in Firemane and intends rose in its hierarchy.

Intent: Expand on Tephrike.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Tephriki Jedi Knight, fallen paladin. The basis for this character is one of the Jedi NPCs Elpsis fought. As part of an ongoing storyline, Elpsis was captured by the Dominion of Light. Aside from being an enemy, foil and eventual ally for Elpsis, Diona provides a cultural insight to explore Tephrike.
Links: Tephrike, Nexus City, Into Darkness.

Age: Late twenties.
Force Sensitivity: Knight
Species: Human.
Appearance: Tall human female with the physique and demeanour of a warrior. Her hair is pulled back and the sides are shaved to better fit under a helmet. She prefers practicality over frivolity. Her face is tanned and weathered. She has steely grey eyes. Her duel with Elpsis has left her with some nasty burns, as her opponent is a strong pyromancer. Diona commonly wears a suit of armour or Jedi robes. Her movements are economical and measured. She speaks in a low-pitched contralto.

Name: Diona.
Loyalties: Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori, Tephrike. Formerly Dominion of Light.
Wealth: Poor. The Jedi of Tephrike are faithful to the old ways - or their interpretation of them at any rate - and thus adhere to a vow of poverty. Vanity and materialism lead to the dark side. As a Jedi Diona had no personal holdings, no bank account or shares. However, the Order took care of her basic needs. Now that she is a rogue she is cut off from the Order's resources.
Notable Possessions:
  • Force imbued blade. Has the standard attributes of a Force imbued weapon.
  • Meditation band.
  • Armour. The armour has a helmet to cover his face and protect him from chemicals. The helmet features a voice modulator, HUD and other basic systems.

Skills: Diona is a skilled duellist. Lightsabres are extremely rare on Tephrike and restricted to a select few. She does not own one and has not been trained in their use. However, she uses a Force imbued sword and other melee weapons with great skill. She is also a strong Force-user, and particularly skilled in using powers such as Telekinesis, Force Meld and Force Barrier, Force Stasis, Force Blind and Force Weapon.

Moreover, she is skilled in drawing upon the Force to augment her physical capabilities such as strength, endurance, speed and pain tolerance. Finally, she can use Vongsense. This ability is the result of exposure to Vong biotechnology after being captured by rebels. The renegades tried to turn her Force Dead. The experiment was a failure, but left her with a connection to the 'demons'. Diona is conflicted about this. On the hand she treats it as a cause of shame, but the other she recognises its utility in combat since it means she can help protect her comrades against the Force Dead abominations.

Unlike the typical Jedi, Diona is not above using guns and other ranged weapons when needed, often carrying a sidearm, sub-machine gun or carbine into combat. This is not considered strange among Tephrike's Jedi Knights. Blasters are not very practical on her homeworld because they are harder to maintain in the jungle due to metal-eating fungi and more complex to make, so she uses slugthrowers. She has a good memory and some skill as a mechanic. She is rather knowledgeable about the flora of her homeworld. This is very useful because several Tephriki plants are carnivorous, poisonous or contain mind-altering substances.

Personality: Diona is the product of a harsh, unforgiving environment. From an early age she was taught that she had to be strong in order to survive and that obedience to the Dominion of Light was the sole path to salvation. Long before she was born, Tephrike was torn apart by a multi-sided civil war. When the outbreak of the Gulag Virus brought civilisation to its knees and sent the planet spiralling into chaos, the local Jedi enclave decided to take control. Acting as latter-day Jedi Lords, they sought to wrest order from the chaos. Their original intent was benign, but over time they were corrupted by their power while still being adamant about being a force for truth and justice.

Their idols are Grandmaster 'Soda', Lord Hoth and Mace Windu, though their interpretation of their ideals is extremely warped. Many of their leaders would make Joruus C'baoth, Atris and the Jedi Covenant proud. The culture of the Dominion does not espouse personal happiness as the highest goal in life. Instead, the credo is 'you are nothing, the Dominion is everything'. A Jedi's life is sacrifice and so martyred heroes are turned into idols.

Diona has grown up in an isolated, totalitarian theocracy, where there is no privacy, no freedom of expression or thought. Very few records of the time before the Dark Age have survived, so her knowledge of the past is very limited. She does not have a mother or father, for the Dominion has taken the old Jedi order's policy of nonattachment to its extreme conclusion and applied it to muggles and Force-users alike. Rather than leave reproduction to chance and allow individuals to indulge their passions, the miracle of life takes place in a medically sanctioned way in a sterile laboratory. Intercourse is criminalised. After all, passion and lust lead to the Dark Side.

Thus she was raised in a laboratory. She was the sixteenth in her birthing pod. She was raised alongside the other Younglings in a government-controlled nursery. Even before she breathed air, it was clear that she would become a Jedi, following in the footsteps of the paladins who defended the good people of Tephrike against the Great Darkness. She was taught to oppose the servants of evil - Yuuzhan Vong, rebels, warlords and Sith. The fact that many of these forces are actually heinous gives her some justification.

Diona is steadfast, loyal, brave and generous. While she is polite, she keeps a tight rein on her emotions. She is outwardly aloof, confident and collected. Very rarely does she display emotion in her body language. In some ways one could consider her emotionally stunted due to the invisible shackles imposed on her.

She is quite firmly in Knights Templar territory. She was raised to believe that the Dominion is the sole island of civilisation, surrounded by an ocean of chaos and savagery. Only unyielding resolution can protect the lives and souls of its people. There was good, there was evil. Years of service taught her that victory cannot be attained without sacrifice. She was certain that her own cause is just. This produced a large amount of black and white thinking in her mind. In that regard, she was a good drone because she believed that she is averting great evil. Diona feels strong distaste for Vong, regarding them as abominations.

Yet sometimes she had moments of doubt. Was the rest of the world truly evil? Were the Lords of Light really infallible? She kept these secret though. The mind that let doubt enter it was already straying from the side of righteousness. And once you walked down the dark path, forever, it will dominate your destiny. The encounter with Firemane agents strengthened these heretical doubts. It had been drilled into her skull that they are demons, and yet they look and act human and seemed to come in peace. Ironically, Diona has probaby fallen to the dark side but is in denial about it. The best kind of fall is the imperceptible one. The one where you keep telling yourself that you are doing good and fighting monsters, without noticing that the monster you claim to oppose is staring back at you in a mirror. Diona is not power-hungry and does not pursue vainglorious ambitions, but her moral compass is warped. Deep down, she is tormented by feelings of guilt about her actions.

Now Diona is a renegade. She has rebelled against the Dominion, the Windian Jedi Order and her family. She considers herself a Fallen Knight. She has manifested a brooding, somewhat depressed personality. She is serious and does not have much of a sense of humour. Her whole world has collapsed. Diona has left Tephrike with Elpsis. Once the offworlder was her prisoner, now in a way Diona is hers. There is a strange bond between them. Diona was Elpsis' jailer and protector. Elpsis has refused to kill her because it would be too merciful, though maybe also because part of her does feel sympathy with the Rogue Knight.

Diona has realised the folly of blind obedience, but has not found a belief system to replace the one she has rejected. Hence while she has turned on the Dominion, she still has many of the values it drilled into her skull. Diona now knows for certain that there is sentient life beyond Tephrike and that the Jedi have returned. However, what she has found out about non-Tephriki Jedi does not impress her. She finds them irresolute and weak. It should be noted that most of her information comes from Elpsis.

Diona does not act out of malice or lust for power. Nor does she does not enjoy meting out violence, but she has reached the point where it does not bother her. Nonethelss, she abhorrs sadists and wanton cruelty. She is capable of being utterly ruthless against those she perceives as tainted. Ironically, she would have big trouble understanding most non-Tephriki Jedi if she ever managed to leave her homeworld.

She would disagree with Mace Windu's assertion that Jedi are not soldiers. This is ironic since she has been taught to regard her as an idol and one of the forebears of the knightly order she serves. She is a soldier and was thus trained to fight, best and slay her country's enemies. Now Diona seeks to do penance for her crimes, as much as possible at any rate. However, she resolutely shoots down the concept of forgiveness. She would not want Elpsis' forgiveness even if she gave it, for it would be a cheap way out. What troubles Diona deeply is that her remaining clone siblings are still servants of the Dominion and see her as a traitor.


Weapon of Choice: Force Imbued Blade | Sidearm or Carbine | The Force.

Combat Function: Diona is a Jedi Guardian type, capable of leadership and participating in the fury of combat when necessary. She combines skill in small unit tactics with courage, physical strength and potency in the Force to fight her enemies in combat. Her skills with a blade allow her to function in part as a duelist or against a number of enemies. She has a preference for a Force imbued sword. Such a weapon is resistant to lightsabres, has superior cutting power than conventional blades and can hurt spirits and apparitions. However, its cutting power is inferior to that of a lightsabre, preventing it from say cutting through a blast door such as Qui-Gon did, nor can it be used to melt through a solid wall or vehicle plating. The weight and mass of the blade gives it greater kinetic energy in combat. At the same time, as a physical blade, it is slower than a lightsabre in a duel.

Diona is experienced in fighting Yuuzhan Vong, as the Force Dead aliens happen to be the elite troops of the Republican Guard, a Tephriki rebel faction that opposes the Force cults. Exposure to Vong biotechnology has enabled her to use Vongsense. This allows her to sense a Vong telepathically. However, she has to temporarily abandon her connection to the Force in order to use this ability. This can potentially leave her vulnerable. Diona is a good team player and is capable of initiating or entering a Force meld. Through the meld, she and her squad members can join their minds together through the Force, drawing strength from each other.

This is a strong ability, but a double-edged sword. A great disturbance in the Force could overwhelm the melding participants as they receive the pain through their enhanced senses. If the pain is caused by the minds the melding participants are touching, it could have very negative repercussions for the participants.

If she is in the middle of a mind meld and is suddenly deprived of the Force through say ysalamiri, the sudden loss will not just be very disorientating, but also painful. This is something a canny opponent could exploit. She is a capable officer, but her training and experience covers small unit leadership, not battlefield command over large forces. In other words, she is a tactical, not a strategic leader. Diona is not above using guns. In her case it's usually a sidearm or a carbine. She is a good shot at short to medium, but poor at long range. She is not suitable as a sniper.

Spaceflight is extremely restricted on isolated, technologically regressed Tephrike. As a consequence Diona has no experience in piloting a starship. Indeed, she has never been in space, let alone hyperspace. Hence spaceflight would scare her. Lightsabres are also extremely rare on Tephrike and Diona is untrained in their use. She is used to melee weapons with actual weight behind them. If she were to find a lightsabre on a battlefield and try to use it, she would be awkward and clumsy. She only has limited skill with galactic technology and is not very tech-savvy.

  • Force warrior. Kyrric is a very tenacious fighter. She is skilled in small unit leadership and very experienced fighting other Force-Users and Yuuzhan Vong.
  • Limited skill with galactic technology, no experience or training in piloting a starship. She has not been trained to use a lightsabre.


It has been observed that galactic history moves in cycles. There are always certain patterns, as if the Galaxy is locked in a state of stasis. Jedi and Sith are locked in a seemingly never-ending holy war for supremacy. There is always a Republic or a variation thereof that purports to represent democracy and individual rights and tends to be tied to the Jedi in some manner, despite their nondemocratic, authoritarian structure.

Said Republic has a tendency of succumbing to corruption, which might not be too surprising given the myriad of interests in a galactic confederation. For a while Sith and imperialists are ascendant, before falling to their internal contradictions and external crusading forces. Sometimes the Mandalorians act as a third power or a wild card aligning with either side for their own benefit. The pendulum swings this way, than that, but though technology marches on, the fundamental makeup of the Galaxy does not change.

On Tephrike this state of affairs has been pushed to its extreme conclusion. The planet has been isolated from the rest of the Galaxy since the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. Originally colonised during the twilight years of the Old Republic, it was subjugated by the Galactic Empire. The human supremacist regime established by the Empire was overthrown with the aid of the Rebel Alliance and the planet emerged as an unstable, multi-species federation.

Then the Gulag Virus sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. Warlords, Jedi, Sith and rebels vied for power. Prolonged warfare and the use of primitive weapons of mass destruction brought great devastation to the planet. Benign intentions turned to evil over time. Jedi who sought to restore order and reunite the planet fell to the darkness they claimed to oppose, while still believing that their intentions and actions were good. In so doing, they followed in the footsteps of Atris and Joruus C'boath.

Renegade Jedi established a Sith cult called the Disciples of the Vader, for they idolised the long-dead Vader as a god and believed it was his will to enslave all those who could not wield the Force and were not human. The Republican Guard, a faction that glorified the Old Republic and staunchly opposed Force-users, was founded by disgruntled clone slave-soldiers and racial minorities that declared war on both Force cults. In between these three extremes, several smaller factions tried to carve out a niche for themselves. The planet was locked in stasis, divided by riven groups trying to recall a past they did not remember. Here, the dark age never ended.

This was the world Diona grew up in. She was born in Nexus City, capital of the austere Dominion of Light. This was the nation her Jedi forebears had established in their bid to bring peace to Tephrike. It was supposed to be a bastion of the light, a city on the hill that would be a shining example to all Tephriki. By the time Diona drew her first breath, it had degenerated into a repressive, totalitarian theocracy. The Jedi masters of the Dominion imposed their warped interpretation of the code not only on their fellow Jedi, but on the entire population. They believed that the entire Galaxy had been consumed by the Gulag Virus and blamed this on machinations of the Dark Side. Believing that the Jedi had failed in their duty to protect the innocents of the Galaxy, they resolved to never let the Dominion fall. Over time, this became a convenient rationalisation of the fact that they had created an enormous prison camp the size of a country.

In the glorious Dominion, there are no natural births - officially, at any rate. Sexuality is criminalised, for passion and lust lead to the dark side. Family bonds are viewed as selfish, for each individual should devote themselves to the community and the propagation of the Light. Thus Diona was born in a laboratory. It is mandatory for all fertile Dominion citizens to submit to mandatory sperm and egg harvesting, followed by sterilisation. If the Dominion had the means, they would do away with this process entirely and move to a population composed solely of clones, but the limitations of the cloning technology do not allow this.

The template of Diona and her 'sisters' was a recently deceased Jedi Knight called Lea. Lea had been declared a heroine of the Dominion and Paragon of the Jedi for leading a heroic last stand against the Sith. She was selected for criteria such as loyalty, ideological reliability, combat aptitude and physical fitness. The Dominion wanted to clone those who were useful and had good skills, not really understanding that the process could not create a complete copy. She was the sixteenth in her birthing pod. Not all of those who were raised alongside her survived. Some died of disease due to the primitive medical infrastructure, two were purged for being consumed by heretical thoughts since they did not respond well to indoctrination and three would die on the frontlines.

However, Diona was among those who survived. From the moment a standardised test revealed that she had an acceptable Midichlorian count and was Force-Sensitive, she was destined to become a Jedi Knight. The girl had no choice in this matter, for the leaders of the Dominion believed firmly in the evils of free will. They had seen the Dark Side ravage the entire Galaxy and turn vast swathes of Tephrike into a wasteland because people had been allowed to choose evil, placing their base desires above the needs of the community.

Thus she was subjected to a thorough indoctrination process. Her teachers taught her to regard the Jedi of the Dominion as valiant heroes. The Army of Light was a great dam meant to stem the tide of darkness. To be selected to join the holy order was a great honour. The Order had given her life, fed, clothed and educated her. Past generations of Jedi had fought, bled and died so that she would have a chance to live. It was her duty to repay the Order's kindness.

She was soon inducted into the Order as a neophyte Jedi. Because she was meant to become a Guardian, her training focused on martial aptitude and spiritual indoctrination. Her education on subjects that would have little bearing on her service as a warrior of light was rudimentary. The Dominion operated on the basis of the belief that every citizen should be assigned a place and stay in his or her place. Lectures and combat training were accompanied by periods of fasting and contemplation. Young students would often be cloistered in small cells, where they were expected to meditate and connect with the Light.

Of course, children inevitably test their boundaries. The forbidden is attractive precisely because it is forbidden. Once she was caught fooling around with a fellow student. Such amorous urges were considered to be a step towards the Dark Side, so they were separated and punished for their transgression. Undoubtedly it was a frightening experience for a young child to be told that she had almost let evil into her heart. If allowed to take root, it would transform her into one of those vile abominations who had taken up arms against all that was good and right in the world.

To give her some perspective, Diona and other members of her class were brought to an inquisitorial trial, where dangerous heretics confessed their sins and thanked the Inquisition for reeducating them. The supposed darksiders confessed to all manners of crimes, such as plotting to poison the milk given to Younglings, contaminate the water supply of Nexus City and murder the High Council. They told tales about conducting nocturnal rites where they consorted with demons from the Netherworld and allowed them to possess abducted Jedi. It was great theatre, but left its mark on the girl. She scored well in her combat training and showed an aptitude for team work, looking out for others during manoeuvres instead of seeking personal glory. An older Jedi called Aliura took the neophyte under her wing, teaching her combat and survival skills.

Because the Dominion was a nation of war, her training placed a great emphasis on squad level tactics, live fire exercises and so on. Lightsabres are extremely rare on Tephrike since the suitable crystals do not grow on the planet. Thus only a select few Jedi and Sith own them. Diona was obviously not one of them so instead she was taught how to use Force imbued blades and halberds. Her training also included a survival course in the jungle. Her pursuers staged a mock capture and she was subjected to intense interrogation, which included a battery of mental attacks.

It did not take long for Diona to see combat against real enemies. The Dominion of Light and the Vaderites clashed. She was part of a Jedi task force that supported the Dominion's clone troopers in an assault on a Sith stronghold. The battle was a bloody one, where neither side gave quarter. It was characterised by brutal fighting in foxholes and underground bunkers. Diona distinguished herself during a nightly raid, displaying initiative and vigour. The Dominion commandos dug a secret tunnel to get beneath their enemies, using explosives to blow a hole. The enemy had trenches at the bottom of a hill and near the top. One time she and her comrades took a trench and the enemy launched a furious counterattack and swept around the Dominion forces. Luckily, the Jedi had a trench to give them some protection. Intense artillery fire shook the earth as both sides lobbed in shells. The Sith also made use of gas to flush out their enemies.

Diona's Force meld abilities helped her comrades rally, drawing strength from one another. In the face of Sith warriors and their slave-soldiers seeking to surround them, she maintained a cool head and did not lose her nerve. Her calm confidence and zeal had an effect on her comrades, steeling them against the assault. Joining, they pushed the gas away and rallied, smiting the enemies of the Light. Still, the fighting was vicious, though they were able to liberate several slaves from the clutches of the Sith, who had used them to mine Agrocite ore.

Diona was able to slay a Sith Warrior in her first fight. She took her defeated enemy's Vader mask as a trophy. However, when the mask was discovered to be in her possession, she was punished for this as it was attachment and thus represented the sin of pride. This angered her, but she was heartened by the fact that her actions had helped save the lives of comrades. She participated in several skirmishes with Sith and rebels. While the Sith threw themselves at the Jedi with reckless abandon, the rebels proved more elusive and blended in among the civilian population. Dominion soldiers would be killed by sharpshooters or improvised explosive devices. Diona herself was assigned to guard duty in a Dominion convoy when it was suddenly ambushed by rebel warriors from the Republican Guard.

Most of the rebels were Nautolans or rebellious clone troopers, but there were a few Yuuzhan Vong among them. Through clever teamwork, Diona and one of her comrades were able to flush out a Dominon sharpshooter. But then the Jedi was engaged by a Vong warrior. Diona fought bravely, but was injured by the bite of an amphistaff. Feeling a horrible pain, she was incapacitated. But before the Vong could land the killing blow, her comrade leapt to her aid, blocking the way. However, the Vong overpowered and slew her friend. Angered by this, Diona was able to rally and used the Force to throw her blade towards the Vong's neck, piercing it. The partisans would retreat, but not before having forced the Dominion to pay a high price in blood. Fortunately, Jedi healers were able to save her life.

Later she and her comrades would come across the bodies of Dominion loyalists, who had been crucified by rebels. Others had been disembowelled by wild beasts. Thus door-to-door searches had to be conducted in the villages that lay in between the frontlines. Homesteads were searched, civilians questioned about their affiliations. Villages were often burnt down during these search and destroy missions and their inhabitants were relocated to Jedi-controlled territory. Because their loyalty was considered suspect, these villagers were often concentrated in makeshift camps for reeducation. Parents were separated from their children, who would be raised in government-controlled care centres.

Diona was charged with chasing down stragglers and 'keeping order'. She detested her work, considering it dishonourable. However, her views hardened when her squad came under fire from hidden snipers and some rebels who had seemingly surrendered blew up comrades of hers with concealed hand grenades. Blaming herself for their deaths, she became very harsh. When civilians demonstrated against being uprooted and stones were thrown at the soldiers, she and her squad were tasked to go in and arrest rioters. What happened afterwards is ambiguous.

Diona claims that they used reasonable means to quell the riot, but came under fire from sharpshooters hidden amongst the allegedly peaceful protesters. Either way, things escalated and the soldiers fired into the crowd, killing several people. She was among those who fired. After the crowd had been dispersed, the soldiers carried out arrests. Diona rationalised her actions, but they scarred her. After the crowd had been dispersed, the soldiers carried out arrests. Diona rationalised her actions, but they scarred her.

However, she was soon pulled into the hornet's nest that were the internal politics of the Dominion. Aliura, an older Jedi who had mentored her in her younger days, was accused of heresy and impure intentions. The Jedi Master had defied a no retreat order and yielded ground to the Sith, electing to prioritise the lives of her soldiers and hep civilians escape. She had made herself several enemies.

Thus she was arrested by the Inquisition. Diona found herself in a difficult position, for she was pressured to provide information on her friend and sell her out. Failing to do so would indicate that she was involved after all. Diona tried to stall and avoid incriminating her friend, but in the end gave in when she was told that she could help Aliura, who would be given a second chance. What her masters told her was true...from a certain point of view. When Diona met Aliura many months later, she had rejoined the order. However, there was no trace of the old Aliura. Having been reprogrammed by the Order, she was just a drone, an empty shell. She did not even seem to remember their friendship. Diona was wracked with guilt.

What frustrated Diona was that while she was a very skilled Jedi among her age group, everything was handled by seniority and outright ideological compatability. In other words, favouritism. Thus she was held back for promotion and often placed under the command of senior Jedi who owed their rank to political connections instead of merit. A number of battles she fought resulted in her comrades suffering unnecessarily high casualties because political agendas were placed above military ones. For someone who had been raised to believe in the greater good, this was deeply troubling.

Things came to head with two incidents: The Netherworld Event and the Republican Guard's Hundred Day Offensive. Virtually every world was affected by Akala's mad rampage in some manner. In the blink of an eye, trillions of people from across the Galaxy were raptured. Moreover, the Force was thrown out of balance. For a while Force-users were unable to call upon it without risking unpleasant side-effects. For a short while they were unable to use it entirely.

On the day of rapture, Diona and her unit had been in battle with Sith warriors, pushing into Vaderite territory. The fierce fighting ceased when suddenly people from both sides disappeared. Diona herself had been duelling a Sith when her opponent vanished right before her eyes. Deeply confused, she at first wondered whether this might be attributed to the intervention of the Force. However, this hope was short-lived when she realised that many soldiers on her own side had disappeared, too. Because the enemy had been affected as well, she did not believe that this could be the work of the Sith.

She pulled her soldiers back to a more defencible position, but this order was countermanded by a superior officer, who proclaimed that the disappearances were the result of dark side machinations and ordered a death charge on an entrenched Sith position. Diona protested, but was overridden. The attack was a bloodbath. Neither side was able to reliably use the Force, but the Sith had the advantage of being dug. When Diona tried to use her Force meld ability, the backlash gave her a severe migraine. She was lucky that a Sith who tried to strike her with Force Lightning was blasted by his own attack. The Jedi commander who had ordered the attack was fragged, which gave her the leeway to order a tactical retreat. She let the soldier who had dragged the Jedi commander live, blaming her superior's death on the Sith. For a while Diona and her comrades were alone, for they were unable to reach central command.

Diona tried to make the most of it, ensuring that her soldiers got supplies and medical treatment. At the same time, she punished those who preyed on civilians, even those among her own men. Maybe she was trying to atone for her past deeds. Eventually contact was reestablished with headquarters. Diona learned that the disappearances were not an isolated incident. Rather they had affected all of Tephrike. Fighting had broken out in Nexus City. Seizing the opportunity, the Republican Guard had launched a massive offensive to knock the Dominion out of the game. Rebel agents infiltrated the capital to cause havoc.

Diona herself was injured when bombs laid by Republican Guard partisans blew up a Jedi Academy. Though wounded by shrapnel, she helped clear away the rubble and search for survivors. The sight of the bodies of dead Jedi Padawans and Younglings caused her to swear vengenace on the terrorists. Though lacking in rest and materiel, Diona and her men were quickly deployed to the front lines. Jedi Battlemaster Mahtara assumed command of the Dominion forces. Being more rational than many of her peers, she sacked several of the political hacks and introduced a more flexible strategy. However, the fighting was still brutal and the Dominion was in retreat.

Things got worse when the Vaderites experienced a régime change. Some of the Sith had come across the 'true' history of Vader's life. In reality, it was a 'The Galactic Civil War for Dummies' book. But it told the story of Vader's redemption. Thus these Sith concluded that since Vader had turned to the Light, they must do so as well. Others decided that since Vader was a false Sith, Sidious was the true Dark God. The result was a civil war. Darth Krieg, leader of the 'light' Vaderites emerged victor. At first, he extended an olive branch to the Dominion, declaring that it was time for the Jedi to unite. Naturally he expected them to submit to him. Unsurprisingly they refused, so he declared that they had fallen to the dark side and made a secret pact with the leader of the Republican Guard. Thus the Vaderites entered the fray as well. They were just as weakened by the Force being wonky as the Jedi, but the Dominion was the one fighting a two-front war.

Realising that the Dominion's enemies would have trouble maintaining a long supply train, the Battlemaster initiated a scorched earth policy. Anything that might be useful to the enemy was destroyed. These measures targeted food sources, transportation, communications and industrial resources. Even civilians were rounded up and removed from areas bound to fall to the enemy. Diona was part of such operations, destroying rice fields with herbicides to deny food to the enemy. When she and her soldiers were dispatched to requisition food from a settlement and conscript villagers as labourers, things escalated. When the civilians were unwilling to cooperate, Diona shot one of them in order to coerce the others, which led to the deaths of nine more.

Diona sphearheaded several raids directed against the enemy forces and their supply train. She also led a mission to rescue Force-Users who were being rounded up by the Republican Guard. She played an important role during the battle for a strategically important bridge. Despite ferocious resistance, the enemy was winning. Ordered to prevent their crossing, Diona insisted on staying behind. She sent the Padawans and the wounded away from the fighting and set off the explosives. In so doing she saved many lives. But some of the clone troopers had mutinied and betrayed her, resulting in her being captured by the Republican Guard. She was brought to a prison camp inside rebel-held territory. Here Vong Shapers conducted experiments on her. Ironically, these mirrored experiments Jedi and Sith performed on Vong.

In the case of the latter, they wanted to find out what made Vong tick and how being Force Dead worked. By contrast the rebels wanted to understand how the Force worked so that they would find ways to reliably cut off someone from it. The rebels criminalised Force use and used conditioning to compel Force-Sensitives in their ranks to suppress their talents. As it turned out, one of the scientists who experimented on Diona was a Force-Sensitive who had rejected his talents and now tried to show her the way. However, the experiments were crude and very painful. Like ther counterparts, the Rebels' technology was primitive and so their attempts to turn her Force Dead caused Diona great pain. Their research was a failure, but gave her a mental connection to the Yuuzhan Vong. In other words, she could use Vongsense.

In the meantime, the anti-Dominion coalition fractured. Using guile and deception, Battlemaster Mahtara cannily exploited divisons within the ranks of the Vaderites and the Republican Guard. False flag attacks encouraged forces from both sides to fight each other. The Republican Guard's leader was overthrown by a vote of no confidence in their parliament. Angered, Darth Krieg withdrew his forces. His marauding hordes burnt and looted anything in their path, for they did not seem to care much for their leader's official commitment to the way of the Light. His attempts to discipline them created resentment. Krieg himself ended up being betrayed and murdered by more orthodox Vaderites, who wanted to return to the true Sith ways.

The breakup of the alliance turned out to be a boon for Diona because Vaderites attacked the lab. Amidst the fighting, Diona was able to escape and save some of her fellows. When she eventually managed to return to friendly lines, she was at first awarded a decoration for her actions, but also treated with suspicion. Her mental connection to the Vong made her a bit of a freak, despite its utility in combat. Thus she was put under observation and questioned by the Inquisition to ensure that she had not been tainted. It was around this time that the Inquisition made her an offer. Grand Inquisitor Antonius used carrot and stick to coerce her into being his shock trooper. When one of her 'sisters' got in trouble with the authorities, the Grand Inquisitor used his influence to ensure she got away with a slap on the wrist and that it left no mark on her record. This indebted Diona to him. On the one hand she would get responsibility and quicker promotion...on the other hand there were some shady things which needed to be done.

She was recalled to active duty when the Dominion clashed with the Vaderites again. During a raid on a Vaderite base to destroy chemical weapons, Diona found out that the Sith were using aliens as slave labourers and 'human' shields. The Jedi wanted to rescue the people but was told that they were expendable. Their fate was in the hands of the Force. So she blew up the entire facility, Sith and slaves alike. It only added to her guilt and doubts. Haunted by her actions, she tried to cope by taking drugs.

Diona's life was changed forever when, for the first time in four centuries, outsiders arrived in the orbit of Tephrike. They were members of Firemane's Exploration Corps, led by Tegaea Alcori. Their mission was to explore new worlds that might have been lost during the Darkness, initiate contact with natives and establish trade routes. The initial contact between them and the Dominion was awkward. After a clash with Dominon starfighters in space, Firemane soldiers occupied a Dominion base on one of Tephrike's moons. Some Masters wanted to go to war, believing the outsiders were demons or Sith.

However, Battlemaster Mahtara thought differently. She had become less and less enamoured with Dominion orthodoxy over time. Being a member of Yoda's species, she had a long life span and had thus known the Dominion's original founders. Realising that the intruders were human beings and possessed advanced technology, she decided to negotiate in good faith. If things went well, they could be useful, for the outsiders had professed animosity towards the Sith. So a Firemane delegation met with Master Airla, the Dominion's representative.

However, other forces were at work. Seeing a chance to undermine his rival, Grand Inquisitor Antonius conspired to torpedo the negotiations. Jedi Knight Diona was among those who were ordered to arm themselves. They were told that the outsiders were demons who had come to destroy their utopia. Rogue Dominion soldiers opened fire on the delegation. Master Airla was caught in the crossfire and wounded. Firemane soldiers took her captive. The Firemane diplomat was saved by the intervention of Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori, who blocked the salvoes with a Force shield but was injured in the leg by a bullet. A furious battle ensued as Dominion soldiers and Jedi swarmed the Firemane transport, trying to keep it from taking off.

Elpsis fought a rear guard action to provide cover, but when she tried to reach the transport herself she was attacked by Diona and two of her Jedi brethren. Working in tandem, the three Jedi coordinated their attacks through telepathy and their Force meld abilities, with Diona being the focal point. Thus they were able to corner Elpsis and cut her off from escape. She was a powerful master, but their relentless attacks took their toll on her. However, the empath realised that the mental link could be used against them, after the three used it to summon a barrier to shield themselves against her elemental fire abilities. Launching a powerful mental attack, she struck Diona. The pain was transferred from her to her comrades. Then Elpsis blasted them with fire and telekinesis. Burnt by the strong fire assault and smashed by the shockwave, Diona was knocked out.

Elpsis managed to two of the Jedi, but the transport was under heavy fire and she was too far away to reach it. As the Dominion deployed artillery, she made the choice to stay behind, urging her comrades to leave by lifting the transport with the Force. Then Diona came to and strike her with her blade before knocking her out with the pommel of her sword. A mob of soldiers and civilians grabbed the girl to abuse and lynch her, but Diona stopped them, declaring that Elpsis was a prisoner of the Inquisition. On paper, the Dominion had defeated the outsiders, but it was clear to Diona that they would retaliate. She delivered her prisoner to the Ministry of Harmony and was appointed her jailer. Deep down, she was silently doubting the virtues of her cause.

At the Ministry of Harmony Elpsis was tortured by Inquisitor Lea. Diona insisted that her prisoner's injured leg needed treatment, but was overruled. During the night Elpsis used the Force to extract the slug round and cauterise her leg. This caused her great pain, especially since the collar she was forced to wear caused electrical shocks any time she used the Force. Fortunately, medics reached her in time. Diona realised that this had been part of the Inquisitor's plan. She continued to obey her orders. When Firemane started bombing the capital, Elpsis was brought to a Dominion black site called Serene Springs. There Diona became her jailer, while Lea supervised her brainwashing. Elpsis was imprisoned in a small, squalid cell filled with rats. There she was shackled.

Diona spent a lot of time with her prisoner. In a way she was both protector and tormentor. She forced Elpsis to recite the Code, making this a condition for her to get nourishment. She made sure she performed forced labour and was ready for her brainwashing sessions. She also protected her against abusive guards. Despite herself, she began to feel some empathy for her. When Lea and a cadre of mentalists started altering Elpsis' memories, Diona was pulled into the ritual to provide more energy. She ended up seeing some of the memories that were being altered. These told her that Elpsis was not a Sith and in fact wanted to help the Tephriki. Shaken by this, Diona sought refuge in drugs. But these provided her no solace, for instead she saw flashbacks of her encounter with Aliura, who had been turned into a brainwashed drone. She could not help draw parallels between what had happened to her friend and what Elpsis was enduring.

She alternated between being chilly and protective of her prisoner. But she still could not escape the machine. When a panicked Elpsis used her pyromancy to burn the hinges of her collar, she was betrayed by a fellow prisoner, who feared that her actions would spell doom for the other prisoners. Upon being confronted Elpsis snapped and attacked the guards. Diona blocked her attack on Lea. Given her confused, physically frail state, Elpsis was overpowered by the guards. Diona almost wanted her to succeed, but also did not want her to die. As punishment for her actions, Elpsis was hung by her hands from a tree until she broke. Then Lea and the other Inquisitors proceeded to rewrite her memories and alter her very personality. Diona was present while the ritual took place.

Close to the end of it, Elpsis was drowned and then revived. She was now Jedi Roxane - docile, subservient and willing to do whatever the Dominion ordered her to. Ironically, Roxane was fond of Diona, seeing her as her saviour and sister. She was declared a Jedi, given a room and clean robes. Diona put a guard who tried to take advantage of Roxane in his place. The girl was to put work in the garden, and then proved her loyalty by murdering a captured Firemane soldier. Later Diona brought Roxane and some other Repentant to a run-down field hospital maintained by the Dominion. Here victims of Firemane's bombardment were treated, including injured Younglings. Under Diona's watchful eyes, Roxane assisted the Chief Healer. However, things took a bad turn when Roxane ran into an injured clone sister of Diona.

Diana injured by Elpsis during the initial fighting, suffering nasty burns. Needless to say she reacted angrily when she saw Roxane, for she regarded her as an enemy, and was also enraged when Diona tried to calm her. The encounter left Diona very conflicted. When she met up with a very shaken Roxane, the latter wanted to report herself for having had heretical thoughts. Diona tried to talk her out of it, for she knew what awaited her charge if she did. But this motivated Roxane to report herself and Diona to Inquisitor Lea.

On the next day, Grand Inquisitor Antonius and his entourage, including his servant Rhea, arrived at the camp. After grandstanding a bit and gloating over Roxane being his crowning success, he revealed that he knew about Diona's heresy. Diona faced his guards, refusing to go down without a fight. She took down several of them, but was overpowered when Antonius and Lea added their might to the onslaught. After Diona had been restrained, Roxane was ordered to start the process of reconditioning. Diona urged her to resist. At this point she accepted and indeed death, but wanted to do something right before she perished. At first Roxane obeyed the Grand Inquisitor's orders, invading Diona's mind. But what she saw there caused her to snap, as she perceived the woman's guilt and regrets. Declaring that she was Elpsis, she unleashed a blazing inferno. Diona was able to free herself. Driven by fury and rage, she cut down several guards before engaging Lea in a duel. She overpowered the Inquisitor and seemingly struck her down, but then it turned out that she had faced an illusion. The real Lea turned up behind her and injured her.

Furious, Diona lashed out with her rage but the Lea she struck down turned out to be another illusion. Diona was wounded and then the Inquisitor used her own guilt against her, using illusions to force her to face the massacre in the villages from so many years ago. Diona had to face her own crimes and admit she was no real paladin and that she deserved death. Then she let go of her rage, used the Force to see and slew the real Lea. Meanwhile, Elpsis had been able to kill Antonius. All that was left of him were ashes and a charred skeleton.

Diona tried to get Elpsis to leave, but she insisted on helping the captives, some of whom had used the chance to rebel against their tormentors. Resigned to her death and determined to at least do one thing right, Diona joined her. Rhea, Antonius' apprentice, joined them, for her master's treatment of her had been abusive. They aided the rebellious prisoners, freeing those still in captivity and taking revenge on the Dominion guards. It was a brutal slaughter.

No Dominion guards or functionaries were spared. The few that surrendered, proclaiming they had been just obeying orders, were killed. Meanwhile, Firemane troops had been able to break through. Elpsis was reunited with her people and the prisoners were evacuated. Much to her surprise and perhaps her disappointment, Diona was not killed. Indeed, Elpsis would not allow her allies to kill her. Instead she was locked in a cell. However, as Elpsis told her when she came to visit her former jailer, this was not an act of mercy. Death would be too easy. Instead she would be forced to live, do penance and face her crimes every day.

"Do you know what the Dominion is? It is the last bastion of Light in the Galaxy, governed by wise Jedi Lords. Our last hope for peace. It is the story we agree to tell ourselves over and over until we forget that it is a lie. History is a set of lies agreed upon by the victors. Because if we abandon the lie, we will be swallowed by the gaping maw of chaos. The myth of righteousness is more comforting for the masses than the truth because they want comfort more than liberty. Anyone who can appease a man's conscience can rule over him. Woe to the ruler who succumbs to his own lies."

Intent: Expand on Tephrike. This character is fairly powerful, but this is balanced by the fact that she is supposed to be utilised within the context of private and factional rps as an antagonist/frenemy.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Battlemaster of the Dominion of Light. Mahtara is the military dictator of the Dominion.
Links: Tephrike, Nexus City, Into Darkness.

Age: 436.
Force Sensitivity: Master.
Species: Yoda's species.
Appearance: Typical features of a Yodaling. She is very short in stature, has sharp, elfin ears, ridges on her forehead, tridactyl hands and anisodactyl feet. Her green, leathery skin is covered by several scars since she has spent most of her life as a soldier and often engaged in frontline combat in younger years. Mahtara usually wears Jedi robes, as is expected from a member of the Windian Jedi Order.

Name: Mahtara.
Loyalties: Dominion of Light.
Wealth: Mahtara's personal life style is ascetic. She has neither time nor the inclination to pursue creature comforts and waste money of them. In that regard she lives similar to a Master of the old Jedi Order would. Like their spiritual ancestors, the Tephriki Jedi adhere to a vow of poverty. However, she has plenty of funds stashed away. She does not spend the money on herself though. Instead she puts it to good use when she needs to equip her soldiers, ensure they are paid or purchase someone's loyalty.

Notable Possessions:
Holocron of her dead Master Tallak Haran. Tallak was a bit of a maverick, admired Qui-Gon Jinn and followed the teachings of the New Jedi Order. This put him at odds with many members of the old Jedi Enclave of Tephrike, as they tended to have a very conservative mind set. Mahtara is fully aware that Tallak would be horriifed by the Dominion, but keeps the holocron nonetheless. Perhaps the gatekeeper serves as something akin to a morality chain. The holocron does not teach her anything she does not already know. It is a fairly standard Jedi holocron, focusing on the core powers, the Living Force, Jedi philosophy and their role in society. It is of value because it represents a tie to a more innocent past and possesses philosophical insights.
Various mementos from old Tephrike prior to the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. This includes Jedi texts that have since been banned as heretical - some at the behest of Mahtara, ironically. Among other things, she has texts about the philosophies of Luke Skywalker and Mace Windu.
Lightsabre. Lightsabres are incredibly rare on Tephrike since the planet lacks lightsabre crystals. Thus most Jedi, Sith and other Force-Users use Force imbued or alchemised weapons. Mahtara is one of the few Jedi who wield the iconic weapon. Hers is a shoto-style lightsabre. Similar to Yoda's lightsabre and in keeping with her short stature, it has a shorter than average hilt and a shorter blade, crossguards, a bifurcating cyclical ignition pulse and other standard systems. The lightsabre makes use of a Lambent crystal, enabling her to use Vongsense, an alternate form of Force Sense. It emits a blue blade.
Force imbued dagger: Has the standard qualities of a Force imbued weapon. Namely resistance to lightsabres, greater cutting power than a conventional melee weapon and the ability to damage and destroy darkside spirits.

Skills: Mahtara is a powerful Master of the Force. The long life span of her species has allowed her to hone her skills and acquire some rare Force abilities. Moreover, she is a capable tactician, strategist and leader. She uses Force abilities such as Force Valour and Battlemind to boost herself and overcome the weaknesses of her small stature and advanced age. She is good at utlising the Force for the purpose of physical enhancement, boosting her speed, pain tolerance, strength and reflexes. Furthermore, she is very skilled in Dampen Force and Sever Force. The former allows her to block the Force powers of others or take the edge off their attacks. When used this power is sometimes referred to as a cold, wet blanket. However, it does not block the entire use of the Force and is temporary. By contrast, the latter ability allows her to sever another being's connection to the Force.

She is skilled in the neutral abilities of Telekinesis and Protection Bubble, and can summon Doppelgangers. Her command of Force Stasis is very potent, enabling her to temporarily freeze several beings, and she is able to enter a Force Meld with others, enabling them to draw strength from her and vice versa. This also helps with coordinating attacks. Mahtara is able to conceal her Force aura, but is not a master of this skill and prolonged use of it is taxing for her.

Despite her personal distaste for them, Mahtara has some familiarity with Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology, such as Villips and Oggzills. She has found both them to be useful to communicate with her allies without the risk of her transmissions being jammed or intercepted. Unlike many Yodalings, Mahtara uses proper grammar when speaking. She's good at gardening and has an affinity for horticulture. However, though Mahtara is skilled in many fields, has little truck with technology, and frequently calls upon Kyrric to solve even minor technical issues.

Personality: To speak of Mahtara is to speak of two people. On the one hand, she is a stalwart defender of the Dominion of Light. Indeed she has been one of the constants of the theocratic regime. Alone among the Jedi of today, she remembers the old days before the collapse. Indeed, she knew the original Jedi Lords who created the Dominion after Tephrike descended into chaos following the outbreak of the Gulag Virus.

Her prowess in battle is well-known and has made her both feared and respect. To the orthodox and the faithful, she is a vigilant guardian of theirpeople and their way of life who has dedicated her entire life to bringing order to the chaos. To those who despise the Dominion, she is a rigid, oppressive tyrant whose hands are soaked in blood and who is the incarnation of all that is wrong on Tephrike.

Yet the truth is...more complex. Deep down Mahtara is conflicted. She knows that the Jedi of Tephrike have strayed from the path of their ancestors. On a certain level, she knows that she has fallen to the Dark Side and that the régime she has played such a vital role in keeping alive does not really follow the Jedi Code. However, she has chosen to spin a lie to maintain order. Mahtara was but a child when the terrorist Zero unleashed the Gulag Virus on Csilla. The horrible plague eventually reached her homeworld. She saw civilisation unravel before her eyes. The government collapsed, racial strife broke out, warlords and gangs fought over scarce resources and scraps of power. Millions died, falling prey to disease, bloodletting or starvation.

She helped bring the Dominion to power, seeking to unite Tephrike under the control of Jedi Lords. The Dominion was supposed to restore peace and give hope to the hopeless. Yet any dreams of benevolent philosopher-kings were revealed to be hollow when the Jedi succumbed to religious extremism. Mahtara chose to take control, but became part of the machine. In the name of keeping order, she had to make sacrifices and commit atrocities. Some of these still scar her deeply, yet she regards them as necessary sacrifices.

She coldly despises overly cruel, sadistic or vainglorious beings. The same applies to those who appeal to tradition to legitimise their actions, but have no understanding of it. Sadly, the Dominion has plenty of those. She keeps the holocron of her long-dead master, but also feels the old Jedi failed in their vigil. From her perspective, they failed in their duties by not preventing the great plague from being unleashed. The Yodaling is pragmatic, cynical and authoritarian. One of her sins is pride, since she often has the impression that she is the smartest person in the room. This can offend others and thus backfire on her. She feels more comfortable in the company of her clone troopers than in that of many of her peers.

Her leadership skills have made her popular with soldiers, especially the clone troopers under her direct control. Those tend to have more free will and ability to think for themselves than in the other legions. Unlike many of her peers, she does not dismiss them as 'crude beings' due to their lack of Force affinity. However, she will sacrifice them if she believes the greater good demands it. When it comes to ethics she is firmly in the consequentialist and moral relativist camp. A morally right act is one that produces a beneficial outcome for the greatest number of people, even if the means utilised to achieve it are deplorable. After all, a Jedi's life is sacrifice. Mahtara does desire peace and an end to the pervasive strife, but on her terms.

Rightly or wrongly, she regards herself as the sole force capable of keeping peace and order. She is contemptuous of the religious zealotry of the Dominion, but recognises it as a useful tool to rally a disparate population around one banner. In many ways, she has been a moderating influence, using her prestige and prowess to moderate or get rid of the Dominion's more insane policies. Yet at the same time she has perpetuated the totalitarian regime.

Mahtara has a strong bond with her apprentice Kyrric. She rescued him from a mundane existence and took him on as a student, giving him a chance many masters would have denied him. Kel Dor and Yodalings are very rare on Tephrike, which has given them another reason to bond. Kyrric has repaid her with loyalty. When Mahtara was declared a traitor and decided to rebel against the Grandmaster, Kyrric followed her, despite being deeply conflicted about fighting his comrades. Mahtara sees him as a protege. Perhaps someone she can one day pass the Order on to.

  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsabre, the Force.

Combat Function: Mahtara is a Master level Force-User with a strong Force connection and centuries of experience. She has spent most of her Jedi career in the field or positions of military leadership. This makes her a formidable opponet. She can use the Force to boost herself and her allies. It allows her to overcome the weaknesses inherent to her lack of physical strength and small stature. While no 'genius strategist' or savant of warfare, she is a capable military commander.

Much like Yoda, she is a skilled lightsabre duellist and focuses on Ataru, an aggressive, acrobatic form. It allows her to compensate for her limited reach and stature. She displays impressive speed and dexterity. She also incorporates aspects of Soresu, Makashi and Niman into her duelling style. Her mastery of the Force allows her to overcome her physical limitations, but this gets taxing over time. She often incorporates telekinesis into her attacks. Her strongest offensive Force abilities are probably Dampen Force and Sever Force. The latter is particularly potent, as it enables her to temporarily or permanently sever another being's Force connection. Mahtara has a natural gift for these powers and has honed them throughout the centuries. It goes without saying that cutting someone off from the Force is an ability that requires extreme focus and is thus not something that cannot be performed on a whim.

Dampen Force, meanwhile, allows her to block the Force off from others by limiting their ability to control it, rather than nullifying it outright. When used on someone this technique is sometimes referred to as a cold, wet blanket being wrapped around a Force-Sensitive. Victims of this technique are known to have difficulty controlling objects bigger than mere molecules when affected. Of course, how much an opponent is affected depends on their skill level. An experienced Knight or a Master would have an easier time overcoming it, much like Darth Bane was able to work through Cognus' attempts to Force suppress him, though it would require effort. She can also use this ability to disrupt Force abilities as they are manifested, taking some of the edge off and dampen the effectiveness of a power, though not in its entirety.

While her Force powers are very potent, Mahtara still has notable weaknesses. Her short stature imposes limitations on her physical strength. Moreover, it also means she lacks reach. This can be a serious disadvantage in melee combat, especially if she lacks room to manoeuvre and thus cannot use evasion and acrobatics against a larger opponent. Moreover, due to her size and small hands she cannot utilise heavy weapons and even has trouble using rifles effectively. She is an average pistol shot. Bottom line, large or particularly weighty weapons are difficult or impossible for her to use. All in all, Mahtara is very reliant on the Force and would be significantly weakened if deprived of it.

This is ironic since neutralising or dampening an opponent's Force abilities is her specialisation. As a result, ysalamiri, Voidstone and the like would be a problem for her. She does not use armour, so she is reliant on mobility or defensive Force powers to protect herself. Mahtara is only half as old as Yoda, but various war injuries are catching up with her. This ties in with her being reliant on the Force for agility. Her small stature can be an advantage because it allows her to go places someone larger would be unable to. This is useful for stealth, but also a bit situational.

Tephrike has been isolated for several centuries. Mahtara has a better grasp of advanced technology than many of her peers since she has been around for a long time and has tried to preserve knowledge that got lost during the Dark Age. However, the Galaxy has moved on a good deal since then. Thus her understanding of galactic tech is a bit out of date. She is also not much of a pilot.

  • Master level Force-User with a strong Force connection. Mahtara is a very experienced Force warrior. Her specialisation lies in buffing herself and others, as well using her powers to dampen or severe an opponent's Force connection.
  • Skilled lightsabre duellist, with a focus on speed, aggression and agility. Specialises in Ataru similar to Yoda.
  • Centuries of military experience. Competent commander on the tactical and strategic level.

  • Small stature. Lacks reach and raw physical strength. Due to to being so short, she cannot make effective use of heavy weapons or rifles.
  • Very reliant upon the Force for her agility and to protect herself from heavy attacks since she does not wear armour. Being exposed to Voidstone, ysalamiri and the like is thus particularly hazadous for her.
  • Poor pilot and only average pistol shot. Limited understanding of modern galactic tech due to Tephrike's long period of isolation.


Mahtara's life has spanned the entire of the Four Hundred Year Darkness. She is one of those beings who got to see civilisation descend into chaos due to Zero's madness. She was born at the tail end of the so-called Golden Age, when the Galaxy flourished and prosperity reigned. At least that is the nostalgic way this time period is depicted. On most of the Known Words of the Galaxy, the Darkness eventually receded. Life found a way, and civilisation was slowly rebuilt. However, on Tephrike, the Long Night never came to an end. Mahtara had a front seat view of her homeworld's parabolic descent into chaos. She has been both victim and perpetrator; war hero and war criminal.

Still young in years, she had idealistic notions of a Jedi's role in society as defenders of truth, justice and liberty. These noble ideals were eroded by the chaos she faced, the atrocities she witnessed and committed. What remained was a steadfast, unwavering commitment to order and, in her own way, defending peace. Even at the price of imposing totalitarian, soul-crushing order upon the populace. She sought to harness history, yet became part of the machine.

Mahtara's early life was fairly uneventful. At the time of her birth, Tephrike was a democratic, multispecies federation and a member state of the Galactic Alliance. Originally the planet had been colonised centuries ago in the days of the Old Republic. When the Republic was transformed into the Galactic Empire, the Imperials occupied the planet, purged the local Jedi enclave and established a human supremacist regime. Though the colonial regime was short-lived, its policies left scars on the planet. But this was the distant past. However, all was not well. Tephrike's democracy was unstable, characterised by short-lived coalition government, political and economic polarisation as well as racial strife. But this was nothing compared to the horrors that would be unleashed when Zero committed his insane terrorist act.

As is apparently common for her species, Mahtara was Force-Sensitive. For many centuries, Tephrike had been home to a Jedi Enclave. It was determined that she possessed strong Force potential during a series of standardised test. Jedi were respected in Tephrike for their role in fighting the Empire and Yuuzhan Vong. Moreover, they were frequently called on as mediators to arbitrate disputes.

What distinguished the Tephriki Jedi from the mainstream order was that many of them still adhered to the old ways. Indeed, several of the senior members of the enclave were critical of what they perceived as the permissivism and liberalism of the New Jedi Order or the relativism of the Imperial Knights. In any case, Mahtara was inducted into the order as a Youngling, alongside a batch of other initiates. On paper her Force potential was significant but there was little to suggest that she would be anyone exceptional. Young Mahtara was a gregarious, outgoing child, with a penchant for practical jokes and minor mischief.

Storm clouds were gathering above Tephrike. A few years before her birth, Prime Minister Winston Stakes, a highly divisive, corrupt politician and businessman, had been forced to leave office in disgrace. The immediate cause was a catastrophic meltdown at a fusion power plant his administration had championed. It was widely believed by his detractors that the prime minister had awarded the contract to construct and maintain the station to his cronies in return for large sums of money. While parliament impeached him, supporters of the controversial politician clashed with those of his opponents. Compared to the hurly-bully of Tephriki politics, the Jedi enclave seemed like an oasis of tranquility. However, it is doubtful that Mahtara remained wholly ignorant of the unrest outside, as violence in the streets became a more frequent occurence.

More senior Jedi got involved in increasingly heated debates about what their order's place in society was. Some argued that it was necessary for the order to take a more active role in keeping the peace. They argued that if politicians failed the people, as they had done in the twilight of the Old Republic, it was the duty of the Jedi to act as stewards. At her age, Mahtara had obviously other things to worry about than politics. The ethics courses she had to attend hammered the point home that the Jedi were the servants, not the rulers of society.

Then Zero released the Gulag Virus, just when Mahtara had finally been allowed to play with training lightsabres. The disease was unleashed on Csilla, but soon spread across the Galaxy. Over the millennia most of the known worlds had become connected. The expansion of galactic markets had integrated a myriad star systems. A process that had brought prosperity to many worlds now became the Galaxy's undoing. What could have otherwise remained a localised pandemic turned into a galactic Dark Age. It was only a matter of time before it reached Tephrike. A general election had just been held and produced an unstable minority government, which depended on the opposition remaining divided and some opposition parties tolerating it. No one wanted to take responsibility for a poor infrastructure, rising unemployment or the incomplete cleanup of the quarantine zone around the failed fusion power station.

In short, this was a less than ideal constellation when the first citizens showed signs of having been infected with the virus that had been cutting a bloody swathe across the Galaxy. By then the Tephriki had lost contact with Coruscant. Emissaries were dispatched to find out what was going on. Most never returned. Panic broke out. Desperation drove people to do desperate things. Rumours that there was a cure but the rich were hoarding it spread like wild fire. There was no cure, but people wanted to believe in one. The result was violent unrest. Blood flowed in the streets. As the situation worsened, doomsday cults arose. The federal security forces and the Jedi Knights found themselves beleaguered, forcing them to carry out harsh crackdowns. Isolation soon led to shortages.

The Jedi Enclave was no longer a safe haven. A few of Mahtara's instructors and fellow neophytes succumbed to the disease. Others were put in quarantine. Mahtara herself grew very will, showing symptoms close to that of the Gulag Virus. She was quarantined, but fortunately it turned out that she was not infected. Nonetheless, the experiences scarred the girl. Seeing friends die without any chance of remedy left its mark on the child, who had no experience with death. Many common people flocked to the Enclave, believing that the Jedi could offer them protection and healing. It was hoped their mystical powers could cure the sick. However, Jedi healers were just as baffled by the plague as medical practitioners across the Galaxy. Soon the enclave was overflowing with refugees and the Jedi were forced to turn people away, for they could not risk an outbreak. When some civilians tried to storm the enclave, force had to be used to drive them off.

Once Mahtara was old enough, she was selected as a Padawan by Jedi Knight Tallak Haran. In contrast to many of the local Jedi, he was a bit of a maverick. He focused on the Living Force and followed the teachings of the New Jedi Order. He was even married. Under his guidance she took her first steps as a true Jedi apprentice. However, she could not remain in a bubble, for Tephrike's situation kept deteriorating. A Grand Coalition government, composed of five parties, took power and ruled through emergency decrees. The strongest party in the Coalition was the National Liberal Democratic Party of Tephrike. Detractors said that it was neither national nor liberal nor democratic. It was led by Guy Aybel, a Duros politician.

Manpower shortages meant that the Jedi were spread thin. As a result, a lot of her training took place on the job. At first she was given duties such as helping in hospitals, escorting supplies to refugee camps or more remote towns and assisting the police. But she was soon drawn into the conflicts that had broken out on Tephrike. The political landscape had already been polarised before the outbreak. Now party militias clashed in the streets. Groups such as the Gungan Homeland Movement, the Quarren League and the Pan-Human Front raised their own private militias and fought over scarce resources. Desperate measures were taken in an attempt to stem the outbreak. Areas were cordoned ff and the houses of infected were often sealed. Once Mahtara tried to save infected who had been trapped inside a burning building and had to be physically restrained and stunned by soldiers.

Entire city districts were turned into no-go areas. Lynching became common. Many times Mahtara and her Master tried to pursue criminals, but it seemed their efforts were sabotaged because those they sought to bring to justice had ties to local politicians. In one episode, she and Tallak took down an apocalyptic cult that believed Jedi blood would provide a cure. While investigating the disappearance of several Padawans, Mahtara herself was captured. An escape attempt failed, but she managed to leave clues for her Master to follow. Freed, she and her Master took down the cult boss.

When Mahtara and some other Jedi were sent to distribute aid in a refugee camp, she got an idea of how bad things were. Criminal gangs and cults had the upper hand and corruption flourished. A convoy escorted by them was attacked by partisans from the so-called Liberation Front of Tephrike. Here Mahtara fought her first battle. The inexperienced Padawan was thrown into a violent skirmish. Forced to fight and kill in self-defence, she was shocked by her first kill, a human boy who was little older than her. It toon transpired that the alleged dangerous bandits were common folk who lacked food and clean water. Desperation had driven them to these violent acts, for their home province had been abandoned.

Nonetheless, the government ordered an assault on their mountain base and Jedi were assigned to aid the federal troops. It was a bloody fight. The partisans regarded the government as illegitimate and racist, so they fought fanatically. Mahtara distinguished herself with her bravery, but emerged shell-shocked from the fight. To flush out the rebels, government troops dropped napalm bombs. Having been injured in the battle, she was given some time to recover and returned to Palmyra, Tephrike's capital city. She was just in time for an incident that would go down in history as Bloody Sunday. This tragedy would change Tephrike forever. Her own life would never be the same after it.

On this day, unarmed demonstrantors, led by a priest who was ironically a police agent, were fired upon by Yuuzhan Vong government troopers as they marched to Parliament. The soldiers would later claim that the protesters had been violent and that shots had been fired from within the crowd. There is a grain of truth to this. However, there is no doubt that the vast majority of the protesters were unarmed civilians. Mahtara and some of her fellow young Jedi had come to see the rally. When the protest reached a pitch, and the soldiers opened fire many around her were killed, including Younglings, recalling the famous massacre committed by Clone Troopers and Vong Warriors centuries ago.

Mahtara herself was hurt when she tried to help wounded. Her Master managed to get her to safety, herding the group of wounded, confused and angry Jedi neophytes. Witnessing this bloody carnage, Mahtara was left with an enduring disgust for Vong. Moreover, she was resolved that only Jedi could decide what was right, as only they could hear the will of the Force. The government appointed a committee to conduct an investigation. A number of low-level soldiers were punished, but few changes took place in the upper ranks.

This incident was the catalyst for the Jedi coup. A radical Duros Jedi Master called Zaras Dant acquired many followers when she proclaimed that it was time for the Jedi to do their duty and save Tephrike from itself. Only they could see the bigger picture and look beyond race, class or party. Centuries ago the Jedi had failed the people by not recognising Palpatine's true nature and stopping him from destroying the Republic. Now they had failed the Galaxy again by not preventing the outbreak. For all they knew, they might be the last surviving Jedi. They could not stand by and let Tephrike tear itself apart. Nor could they continue being stooges of corrupt politicians.

Mahtara was a friend of one of Zaras' Padawans and found herself agreeing with this radical message. Her teacher, on the other hand, was sceptical. While he believed the government needed to go, he insisted that it was not a Jedi's role to rule. The belief that they were better than Non-Force-Users was, he argued, the first step to the dark side. Instead the Jedi should work with trustworthy politicians to create a caretaker administration that could unite Tephrike and bring an end to the violence.

But Zaras got her way, though the council vote was a close one. At first the charismatic Jedi Master seems to have intended to hand over power to an elected civilian government once the crisis had passed. Hence a number of members of Tephrike's parliament gave their tacit consent to the coup. She gathered a following among the Tephriki Jedi, but also members of the security forces who had grown disillusioned with the system. On the day of the coup, the putschists cut Palmyra's lines of communication with the outside world, seized its garrison, broadcasting studios, parliament building and government ministries.

Her master's disapproval had left Mahtara conflicted, but many of her friends had joined the coup. She also needed to make the senseless deaths of those who had been slaughtered on Bloody Sunday matter. So she participated in the storming of Government House, the official residence of the Prime Minister. Notwithstanding the flaws of the government, there were soldiers willing to lay down their lives for it. So a bloody fight ensued. The putschists had to use artillery and the Force to get past the defences. Though injured, Mahtara fought her way in among her comrades. Killing soldiers doing their duty caused her guilt, but she told herself that it was for a good cause.

Ultimately, it was the young Yodaling who found Gul. When it all came crumbling down, the Prime Minister sickened her with his cowardice. He was found by her hiding inside a cupboard. He promised to make her rich if she helped him escape. Disgusted by his craven attitude, she hit with the pommel of her lightsabre, then turned him over. Most of the members of his cabinet were arrested, but some managed to evade capture and go underground or flee to cities held by the loyalists. The coup also triggered a pogrom against Palmyra's Yuuzhan Vong community. Many Duros and Gungans were targeted as well. This had not been the intention of the Jedi putschists, but armed militias seized the chance to settle old scores.

When Mahtara and some other Jedi tried to protect civilians from attacks, they came under fire. Forced to defend herself, she found herself fighting people who only days ago had been allies. The bloodletting affirmed Zaras' belief that a firm hand was needed. She now believed thar she could only trust herself, her fellow Jedi and the Light. Deciding that politicians could not be trusted, she abandoned the united front strategy. When legislators arrived at Parliament building, Zaras appeared at the head of a contingent of soldiers. Mahtara was one of them - against the wishes of her teacher. After her minions had disarmed the parliamentary guards and secured the exits, Zaras stepped into the hall to address the equal parts outraged and afraid legislators.

In her speech, Zaras denounced them as venal, cowardly and selfish. It was, she said, time to put an end to their sitting in this place, which they had dishonoured by their contempt of all virtue and defiled by their practice of every vice. Like the Senate of the Galactic Republic, they would sell their soul to darkness for a few pieces of aurodium. Was there a single virtue remaining among them? Was there a single vice they did not possess? They had no regard for the greater good. Through petty theft and fighting amongst themselves, they had lost the right to lead this world. She concluded her speech by declaring: "Go, get out! Make haste! You venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of the Light, go!"

A number of lawmakers were arrested, the rest were escorted out. The building was placed under lockdown. It would later be converted into a hospital for those in need. Decades later, Mahtara would have cause to wonder whether she and her comrades might have been so terribly wrong. She would conclude that there had been no choice. She had gone along with things to prevent the chaos. Over time the Yodaling would conclude that order was more important than freedom if freedom led to chaos.

With the civilian government dissolved, Zaras proclaimed herself the first Jedi Lord of Tephrike. She appointed a mixed cabinet composed of Jedi Masters, military officers and apolitical technocrats. She declared that it was her heal goal to unite Tephrike, give hope to the hopeless, restore clean government and banish the plague that had ravaged the planet. But many contested her rule. Uprisings sparked in several provinces. Ironically, the Jedi junta was soon forced to adopt many of the measures of the old government to contain the spread of the plague. The containment measures were having an effect, but were unconscionable for some.

Forces that were loyal to the old government and members of the opposition who rejected the new régime as tyrannical united in the Alliance of Democratic Forces. A few Jedi and some Neutral Force-Users joined their ranks. The capital became a battleground. During fighting in the capital, Mahtara ran into her old teacher, who was protecting civilians. Tallak had reluctantly accepted the overthrow of the old government, but the dismantlement of constitutional government and the creation of a Jedi military junta was a step too far for him. Mahtara would not fight her old teacher, but she could also not join him.

The Jedi were few in number, so the junta ordered mass conscription of Force-Sensitives. In many cases, they could only be given minimal training. Personnel shortages forced young Jedi into positions they would have otherwise only obtained after after a far longer period of training, if at all. Mahtara was fast-tracked for promotion to Jedi Knight after slaying a Grey Jedi who had taken up arms for the ADF. In this duel she first manifested her ability to suppress another Force-Sensitive's powers. Facing a stronger and larger opponent, Mahtara was able to exploit her agility and speed for a while. But the Grey Jedi hammered her with Force attacks, blasting Mahtara's lightsabre out of her hand after succeeding in a mental attack. Triggered by her fear, Mahtara manifested an attack that temporarily weakened her enemy's Force connection, enabling her to strike a blow.

Having been knighted, Mahtara found herself in command of a small group of militia and apprentices. It went without saying that the Yodaling had no command experience or officer training. This was the case with many Jedi her age. In that regard she found herself in a situation similar to that of many Jedi during the Clone Wars. Unlike most of her spiritual ancestors, she realised that her inexperience was a problem. She was confronted by challenges she had no training for. This also made it difficult to exert authority. So she sought professional expertise.

She got it from Kozon Bok, a grizzled, no-nonsense Zabrak soldier who was not in awe of Jedi or their mystical powers. He was seen as unreliable by many of Mahtara's peers due to his past as a government soldier and his refusal to kowtow, but she came to appreciate his competence and direct attitude. He taught her how to think about more than ten clones and a lightsabre death charge, to think tactically and strategically. She also learned the importance of bonding with her soldiers. Inevitably there would be casualties in a fight, but they had to see her as one of them instead of an aloof space wizard.

She put the advice to good use during a fierce battle in the jungle near Palmyra. The ADF had been trying to cut off the road to the capital and severe its lines of communicatins, trapping the Jedi junta inside a city with dwindling supplies. As a result, the Jedi were throwing forces at the ADF to drive them away and get supply convoys into the city, but casualties were high. Mahtara's instinct was to launch a frontal attack on the enemy position, but her mentor warned her of the possibility of an ambush. He pointed out to her that the ADF was trying to goad the Jedi into attacking. With his advice she discovered that there was an ambush waiting and foiled it, taking many prisoners and seizing ammunition and other supplies. Combined with the intelligence gained from questioning captives, this helped the Jedi to relieve Palmyra. By then vast swathes of the city had been damaged by house-to-house fighting, shelling and air strikes. Many deaths were not the result of combat, but inflicted by disease and malnutrition.

The ADF lines around the capital eventually crumbled. It helped that while the Alliance was united in its desire to overthrow the Jedi junta, they had little unanimity beyond that. As with many rebel coalitions, they were very fractious. However, the junta suffered a powerful blow when Jedi Lord Zaras Dant was assassinated by traitorous bodyguards while she was boosting her soldiers through battle meditation. Jedi had lost their leader, but Mahtara also lost her mentor, for Tallak had helped facilitate the assassination.

At first Tallak had stepped away from battle to protect civilians and act as a healer, running his own clinic. Though he opposed the coup, he could not take up arms against his fellow Jedi. But as the situation worsened, innocents were caught in the crossfire and more and more people died, he came to the conclusion that he needed to take action. To him, Zaras was a tyrant and she was leading the Jedi down a dark path. So he made contact with the rebels and used the access he still possessed to help their agents. Mahtara was outraged and stricken with guilt. In her eyes, she could have stopped her master, but had done nothing. She took it as a betrayal. It hurt that they had grown so far apart. This event hardened her heart. She was never the same again.

Mahtara was a member of the group that arrested him. Tallak had foregone the chance to flee, choosing to stay behind to cover the escape of his accomplices and answer for his deeds. However, he would not go down without a fight. Tallak fought valiantly, but was taken down in the end. Mahtara severed his right hand at the wrist, but was left with physical and emotional scars. Tallak was later judged by the Jedi Council. Master and apprentice shared one last conversation, then he was executed for his treason.

Tyian Kree, a Devaronian Jedi Master, emerged as the new Jedi Lord. A charismatic, fierce woman, she shared Zaras' belief that it was the Jedi's duty to take control. However, she took things a step further. Zaras had been a reluctant ruler and ruled as a largely secular military dictator. By contrast, Tyian was a theocrat. With large swathes of the populace at the risk of starvation, the Jedi Lord implemented a policy of requisitions. All spheres of economic life would be nationalised, those who did not work would be conscripted into labour battalions and hoarding would be punished severely.

Tyian was very ambitious - and had unknowingly fallen to the Dark Side. Obsessed with the idea that the Plague had been a Sith conspiracy and that agents of darkness lurked everywhere, she saw the uprisings sparking across the planet as confirmation. The infrastructure for a dictatorship had already been put into place by Zaras, but Tyian finished what her predecessor had started by implementing a totalitarian theocracy. For it was the only way to ensure that the Light would not be eclipsed by the forces of Darkness. In order to save the last vestiges of civilisation, the Jedi would have to harden their hearts. Furthermore, they would have to spread their beliefs to the common people, lest they become pawns of the Darkness. The Dominion of Light was born.

Tyian's rule was opposed by remnants of the ADF, secessionists, rogue Jedi who believed the order has gone too far and a myriad dark cults. Ultimately many of these opposition forces would be united under the banner of the Republican Guard and the Disciples of the Vader. Finding herself in the position of Jedi Commander, Mahtara was put in charge of one of the punitive expeditions the Dominion launched to bring the rebels to heel. This required her to grow as a leader. She was now responsible for thousands of soldiers instead of small groups. So she had to broaden her knowledge of strategy, tactics and logistics.

It also made her more ruthless. At first she tried to limit loss of life, especially among innocents. But over time the lines got blurry. In a battle between the forces of order and the forces of chaos, were not all means justified? Civilians and soldiers had to be fed, so was requisitioning foodstuffs a necessary evil? The enemy used population centres as bases, so was collateral damage not unavoidable? Factories that churned out weapons for war machines and weapons for the enemy had to be destroyed. Civilian casualties were unavoidable and the Dominion did not have precision bombs.

Sometimes the populace and enemy soldiers had to be compelled through terror to submit. Those infected by the plague had to be isolated. They could not waste time with imprisoning hostile Force-users and redeeming them through gentle persuasion. Civilians had to be conscripted to serve as soldiers or labourers - at gunpoint if need be. In time the Dominion initiated a cloning programme to preserve its best servants. It also began to regulate the reproductive rights of the people under its control. Abandoning devastated Palmyra, the Jedi Lords built a new capital, Nexus City.

Mahtara remained popular among her soldiers for her willingness to lead from the front, listen to her officers and the care with which she prepared their operations. Her ascetic life style also won her respect, as she did not use her rank to get better food and living conditions than the common men. Some Jedi Generals disapproved of her closeness to the 'mundanes'.

She became acquainted with Jedi Cade Seward, who later fell to the Dark Side and became the Dark Lord of the Vaderite fanatics, and fought alongside him for a while. Like her he had been thrust into command at a young rage and faced horrors of war he was not prepared for. However, unlike Mahtara, he had been born long after the outbreak and thus knew no world other than the one they inhabited. To him, it was normalcy. To her, it was madness. She hoped that one day she would get to live in a better world, but that dream grew more unrealistic with each day. Mahtara participated in the failed siege of Red Coral City, an underwater settlement that became the capital of the Republican Guard.

The failure of the attack emboldened the rebels, who declared war on both Jedi and Sith. Tyian died of a heart attack while laying siege to the Gungan city. Her successor Norn Astur did not have her authority due to his lack of military credentials and tried to bolster his legitimacy through excessive piety. Cade, suffering from disease and madness, became convinced that the spirit of Darth Vader had chosen him to lead the legions of darkness. Gathering followers, he mustered a Sith army and marched against the Dominion. Once again, Mahtara was confronted with betrayal. By now she was numbed.

Initially, the Dominion did not take the oathbreaker seriously as a threat. They regarded him as a mere bandit. But it soon turned out that the newly christened Darth Menace was a genuine danger to the Dominion. Supporters of the Dominion were massacred en masse to be raised as zombies or turned into Sithspawn abominations. He also did not shy away from using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. The Dominion was driven to radicalise even further. All aspects of life were subordinated to a total war policy.

Mahtara was one of the Jedi commanders who faced Menace in the field at the ruins of Palmyra. She received her promotion to Master in the field after holding off a Sith attack. However, the battle was going ill. Her mentor Kozon was killed in the fight. Dominion troops were falling back after the Sith performed a dark ritual to create a huge Deadly Field. Thus Mahtara was authorised to unleash a terrible weapon Dominion scientists had built in secret. In essence, it amounted to a Force nuke.

Troubled by the use of this weapon, yet desperate, Mahtara insisted on accompanying the bomber crew that would drop the weapon upon Palmyra. It was not possible to evacuate all Dominion troops and Jedi in time, as they were still locked in combat with the Sith legions. Lacking conventional stealth systems, the bomber was concealed by illusions. However, a Sith mentalist managed to see past the concealment and the bomber came under fire. Insisting on completing the mission, Mahtara gave the order to drop the bomb. The weapon did not just cause devastation and kill its targets, it devoured their souls. Palmyra ceased to exist. The Sith crusade came to an end. Menace's forces retreated, going on the Arduous March. He was eventually slain by one of his lieutenants. The Vaderites regrouped at Castle Maysaf, but their bid to conquert Tephrike had failed.

On paper, it was a victory for the Dominion, but at a staggering cost. Feeling immense guilt about her actions, Mahtara put down her lightsabre and resigned from active service. For a long time she lived in seclusion. Eventually she consented to training students, though she would refuse to assume a command role again. She had enough of war and politics. Instead she taught Younglings. She was a somewhat aloof, but kind teacher. However, her seclusion could not last.

The Dominion had consolidated power. Most of Tephrike was under its control. But its leaders still felt threatened and insecure. The religious fanaticism that had been harnessed against their enemies became a permanent fixture. Gone were the ways where the Windian Jedi Order's dictatorship was supposed to be temporary. Instead it became an end in itself. New leaders came to power. Men and women who knew nothing except the Dominion. Looking back at the older generations of Jedi, they saw failures. The wars had hardened them and inured them to to their horrors. And they believed that to prevent another Collapse, the entire society of the Dominion would have to be indoctrinated in accordance with their warped understanding of Jedi principles.

Cloning, once seen as a provisional solution, was expanded. Because intercourse was regarded as sinful, it was decreed that citizens would be sterilised after mandatory sperm and egg harvesting. This would allow the miracle of life to take place in a medically sanctioned way inside a clean laboratory, without the risk of citizens being tempted by lust. In the process family units were abolished. Instead all young citizens would be raised by the government. But conditions were poor in many of the nurseries.

Citizens from towns considered disloyal were relocated to the countryside, where they performed manual labour. Shortages of consumer goods, technical failures in war machines and famine were blamed on saboteurs instead of being attributed to the deficencies inherent in a command economy. Free enterprise had been abolished in favour of a system without incentives. Inevitable failure was blamed on Sith saboteurs and lack of right consciousness. The Great Enlightenment was a catastrophic failure. It was supposed to create a world of plenty, but spawned just the opposite.

Things came to head when the Blue Guards were unleashed. They were a paramilitary social movement composed mostly of students, Padawans and young Knights. They saw themselves as a revolutionary youth organisation and Grandmaster Tsal Te Mong as their commander-in-chief. They saw it as their duty to dismantle Tephrike's pre-Dominion past and crush all opposition to its rebirth as a theocratic utopia. Backed by the Grandmaster and the so called Gang of Three, they unleashed a wave of terror. In the new utopia, everything, material or spiritual, that was contaminated by the past, had to be jettisoned so that a new and more beautiful could emerge. According to them, the key which would unlock this radiant future was religious consiousness. Ideological purity became the foundation of national policy.

The catalyst for the Blue Guards' destructive campaign was a play called Rai Hui Dismissed from Office. Ben, the man who wrote the play, was a historian and Jedi scholar who grew interested in Rai Hui, who had been dismissed and unjustly imprisoned for criticising the destructive policies of Prime Minister Winston Stakes, a pre-Dark Age Tephriki politician. The play was a tragedy in which an honest official and Jedi carried the complaints of the people to the Prime Minister at the expense of his career.

It portrayed Rai as an honest magistrate who sought an audience with the corrupt billionaire. Rai then criticised Stakes directly for tolerating the corruption and abuse perpetuated by his officials, laying the blame for Golden Future Fusion Reactor meltdown at his feet. The Prime Minister was so offended by Rai's criticism that he dismissed Rai from office. However, the honest magistrate was restored after Stakes' impeachment.

The Blue Guards saw the play as allegorical criticism of the Grandmaster. At the time, Tsal was under fire because her economic collectivisation policies had produced disaster. They started as a small grass roots movement, but soon grew in power. Seeing them as a means to secure his grip on power, Tsal endorsed them. They waged a campaign against the Four Olds (old culture, old thinking, old habits and old customs).

While the regime had sought to abolish family units, these policies had been limited to the centre. The Blue Guards changed this. Children were ripped from their families to be raised by the state and their parents were subjected to reeducation. Officials regarded as sinful were persecuted, museums were ransacked and pieces of art, holomovies and books destroyed. The Blue Guards also tried to secure weapons from the army and take control over military units. Some soldiers and militias defected to them, others resisted.

Even Mahtara was not unaffected. One of her Padawans was targeted by the fanatics. The young boy either jumped out of the window of a four-storey building, or was thrown out, and became a cripple. Mahtara had tried to turn her school into a safe space, but realised that she could not hide any longer. Spurred on by her enemies, the Blue Guards initiated a 'Criticise Mahtara' campaign, bringing up the fact that her teacher had betrayed Jedi Lord Zaras.

Conflicting directives from Nexus City only increased the confusion. One moment Tsal urged moderation, the next it spurred the Blue Guards on. The erratic Cerean was losing control over the monster he had created. The meat-mincer ground on. It was destroying the fabric of Dominion society. In addition, it left more remote provinces vulnerable to the nation's enemies. It was around this time that the Republican Guard and the Vaderites became genuine threats.

Mahtara began to conspire with other Jedi Generals troubled by this course of events. Senior Masters concluded that the madness had to be brought to an end. However, they disagreed about how far to go. Loyal Army of Light units were mobilised to disarm the most extreme Blue Guard units. Mahtara and her allies snuck into Nexus City. There she rallied the soldiers of the First Legion. All the soldiers of this unit were clones of her long-dead Zabrak mentor. The clone troopers seized key installations and helped rebellious units enter the city. Officially, they acted in accordance with the will of the Grandmaster, who had ordered them to purge the Dominion of closeted Sith.

In actual fact, Tsal was placed under house arrest after being severed from the Force. When he refused to give a speech legitimising their actions, the putschists used an impostor. When some of his allies tried to free the captive Grandmaster, the clone troopers strangled him. The The putschists kept up the charade that Tsal was still alive for the rest of the year, using 'his' authority to eliminate the Gang of Three. In the aftermath, the Jedi Council convened to elect a new Grandmaster. Or rather confirm the one that had been chosen for them by Mahtara and a generals' clique.

This might have been the moment for change. However, while Mahtara had lost her faith in freedom. She had concluded that it led only to chaos. So while she moderated the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, closed most concentration camps and issued an amnesty for most prisoners, the substance of the regime did not change. Instead its totalitarian nature was refined. In the future, there would be order. All citizens of the Dominion would be raised and moulded by the state. They would each have a place and remain in it for their entire life.

Indeed, creating a harmonious society would only be possible by growing citizens for specific roles. Citizens would be fed, clothes and cared for. But from the moment they were decanted, their futurewould have been all but ordained. Their names, their work place and their place of residence would be chosen for them by the state. Choice opened the doors to chaos. Mahtara led various posts in subsequent administrations. Most of the Grandmasters were puppets of the army. Eventually she was made Battlemaster. Compared to the chaos that preceded and followed it, it was a period of relative stability. Low-intensity conflict with the Dominion's rivals continued, heating up whenever one of the parties showed weakness.

She eventually took on a young Jedi apprentice called Kyrric as her Padawan. Kyrric's talents had been wasted in a bureaucratic position in the Jedi Service Corps. This had been partly out of racism since he was a Kel Dor and the conformist Dominion viewed his people with suspicion. However, Mahtara recognised his talents. Perhaps it helped that Yodalings were very rare as well. She proved to be a stern but fair teacher.

Around this time, another Padawan was assigned to Mahtara. His name was Tyrus, who had been born in the Vaderite lands. Tyrus was a human male raised from low ranking Force using parents. During one of the Sith's many civil wars his parents were driven out. His father was killed. His mother fled to the Dominion. They were granted asylum, but after her son's Force potential was discovered he was taken from her to be raised as 'ward' of the Jedi Order. Years later Tyrus was a Padawan demonstrating his skills. However, he had a bit of a rebellious streak; always trying to uphold the ideals and codes of the Jedi and the Dominion. This was great...sort of. This made him someone who was more of a true paladin and defender of the Light than most in the Dominion, especially the higher-ups.

This became concerning when he was sent on a mission with his Master to a remote village which had been agitating 'counter-righteous sentiments'. Tyrus found out that these complaints were pretty valid; the Dominion had promised them aid in return for their allegiance but done back on their word. Collectivisation had caused great misery and poverty. Tyrus then faced the reality of the Dominion as troops moved in to ensure 'righteous behaviour' because it was against the tenets of the Light. This caused him to be transferred to Mahtara to be trained alongside Kyrric.

Mahtara was incredibly conflicted since the boy is much closer than the current generation to what a Jedi should be, but pragmatism and order demanded harsh measures. In some sense she's aware that she's rationalising, but did it anyway. Kyrric was happy about having another friend, though part of him felt jealous. He was taken aback by Tyrus' hetedorox beliefs and tried to anchor him in the Light, as he saw it, for he feared that his fellow Jedi might have been tempted by the dark side. Despite a rocky start, the two managed to become friendly with one another.

Things came to a head when Tyrus was sent with Kyrric to fight the Republican Guard, after investigating a string of terrorist attacks. There they discovered that the rebels had some valid views, but also saw him as the enemy. Interrogation revealed that many were ordinary people who saw the Jedi and Sith as oppressors, instead of being pawns of Yuuzhan Vong like the Dominion's propaganda claimed. Even Kyrric felt conflicted, but in response doubled down on his commitment to the Code. The rebels had murdered his fellow Jedi and committed terrorist acts. Their bombings had killed Dominion civilians. Kyrric and Tyrus fought the revolutionaries alongside a unit of clone troopers.

However, then Tyrus came across his mother, who was fighting to get revenge on the Dominion for taking away her son. In accordance with the Guard's laws, she had been stripped of the Force and turned Force Dead, but she had submitted to this willingly. Tyrus found that he could not kill his parent despite everything and spared her. Kyrric tried to take her prisoner, but Tyrus interceded, for he was now resolved to fight against the Dominion for betraying the Light and the people under them. Kyrric was knocked out and the two fled, for Dominion troops were on the way.

When Mahtara learned of this, she gave Tyrus the task to capture or kill the renegade, for Tyrus had become a nuisance and helped the partisans launch strikes against Dominion settlements and bases. It was a chance for him to prove his commitment to the order and solidify his place in it. When she bid him farewell, Mahtara told him that: "there come times when the greater good demands that we perform acts that repulse us. We will feel disgusted with ourselves...but duty demands that we do not shirk. A Jedi's life is sacrifice." She gave him some scout clone troopers to aid him. Kyrric pursued his quest with vigour.

After a long search, he was able to track Tyrus down to a volcanic island. The partisans had established anti-air defences, so Kyrric and a small team of scout troopers infiltrated the island to knock them out, allowing the Dominion to perform an air strike. However, the rebels were well-entrenched and the fighting was fierce. A clone trooper saved Kyrric from being killed by a Republican Guard sniper. Grimly, Kyrric engaged Tyrus in a furious duel. The battle soon moved to the volcano itself.

Kyrric was badly wounded but managed to strike a serious blow and his opponent seemingly fell to his death, after being devoured by lava. Little did Kyrric know that his opponent managed to survive and claw his way out of the fiery pit by drawing upon the Light. His horribly burnt body was recovered by his mother and rebuilt. Kyrric returned home and was commended for his actions, but internally he felt hollow. Mahtara recognised his feeling of loss. It was one she knew all too well.

She was tested once more during the Netherworld Event. The sudden mass disappearances caused a panic. The same applied to the fact that the Force was thrown out of balance. Sensing prey, the Republican Guard launched an offensive. After all, they did not have Force-Users in their ranks. The leader of the rebel movement made a secret pact with the Disciples of the Vader. The weakened Dominion was backed against a wall. To stall for time and starve the enemy forces, the Battlemaster implemented scorched earth policies. At the same time she used subterfuge to drive a wedge between the two unwieldy co-belligerents. The Republican Guard's Hundred Day Offensive was blunted and then ground to a halt after its attack on Fortress Purity ended in a rout.

The Dominion stood victorious. But success produced infighting. Grand Inquisitor Antonius emerged as a rival to Mahtara. Secretly the chief witch hunter was indifferent to Dominion ideology, seeing it as a path to power and nothing more. However, he was capable of exploiting the internal rivalries in the Council and befriending those who felt that the Battlemaster had been in her position for too long and amassed too much power. The Grand Inquisitor used embezzlement and blackmail as leverages to gain support. Mathara's student Kyrric was uncomfortable with the power plays in the capital. He was loyal to the Dominion, but the intrigue was a far cry from the values he had been taught in the academy. The Inquisition approached him with a request to become an informant. Kyrric wanted to decline, but his Master told him to play along and feed them information given to him by her. His activities helped unmask double agents in Mahtara's command. Some were turned, others quietly removed.

However, the Battlemaster was unable to prevent Antonius from being permitted to expand the combat troops of the Inquisition. He depicted them as an army of the faithful that would quell any internal disturbances and fight for the Light. But in truth they were an alternate army. This led to a turf war between the Grand Army and the Inquisition, as both squabbled over resources.

Mahtara had some success at keeping Antonius from giving his troops a strong tank arm by limiting his access to clone tank troopers, modern engines, fuel and spare parts, citing shortages. In response, her rival accused her of monopolising power and depriving the faithful of the means to fight the enemies of the Light. The Grand Inquisitor was able to bring the Temple Guard under his influence, which strengthened his position in the capital. Things would have come to head sooner or later, but the arrival of Firemane served as a catalyst.

Only a few years after the Dominion had weathered the Netherworld conflict, it faced a new challenge. For centuries the Tephriki had believed that the Gulag Virus had wiped out all life except on their world. But then a Firemane exploration fleet appeared in their orbit. Initial contact was hostile. Dominion starfighters attacked a Firemane patrol. In retaliation Firemane landed soldiers on one of Tephrike's moons and overran the local garrison. One of the Battlemaster's associates, Jedi Master Airla, communicated with Tegaea Alcori, head of the expedition.

Uncertain about how to respond to the foreigners, the Jedi Council bickered, but Mahtara took control of the situation. She was unnerved by the revelation that the Tephriki were not alone. She also recognised that the offworlders possessed technology that was far in advance of of anything the Tephriki possessed. However, she believed that their arrival could be used to the advantage of the Dominion, for it seemed that they opposed Sith. So she announced that the Dominion would enter negotiations with them. The Grandmaster, isolated in his palace, was not informed. He had been distracted with news of a 'great victory' over the Sith - one Mahtara had made up.

However, Mahtara underestimated the zealotry of certain members of the Council. Grand Inquisitor Antonius wanted to usurp her power. To this end he influenced the fanatical Grandmaster, who was being affected by apocalyptic visions. Ironically he had once been a mild-mannered man whose abilities as a healer and charisma had gained him the position of Barsen'thor. Mahtara had made him Grandmaster, believing she could control him, then shut him out of politics when it he turned more than a little crazy.

So when Master Airla met with a Firemane delegation in Nexus City, the Inquisition activated its assets. The Firemane representatives were ambushed. Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori, daughter of Tegaea, was taken prisoner. Mahtara was outraged and protested during an audience with the Grandmaster, but was forced to grit her teeth and realise that the balance of power had shifted. The Dominion refused to submit to a Firemane ultimatum, so the megacorporation declared war. The Grandmaster welcomed it, believing that this would be the final struggle between good and evil.

The first sign that things were going wrong came when Firemane managed to destroy the capital's shield generator. Mahtara had wisely chosen to leave the Jedi Temple right after the start of the bombardment. Shortly after her depature, the shield broke and the temple was levelled by Firemane bombardment, forcing the Grandmaster and Antonius to flee to an underground bunker that had been built to withstand nuclear strikes. Firemane proceeded to bomb military installations, communication facilities and Jedi academies.

Antonius' agents attempted to assassinate Mahtara with a speeder bomb and a sniper, but the Battlemaster was able to defeat her would-be killers. Going underground, she began to rally her allies. When the Grandmaster ordered nuclear strikes against the Firemane ships, Mahtara was able to thwart two of the launches and take possession of the nukes. She was partly driven to this course of action by her traumatic memories of Palmyra, but also for pragmatic reasons because she understood that Firemane would send more ships and nuke the Dominion from orbit. The special weapons were supposed to be a deterrent and only used as a last resort. A Firemane corvette was destroyed, while a fourth missile was tractor beamed into the sun by the elite pilots of Firemane's Mirage Squadron.

She learned that Firemane had made an alliance with the Republican Guard, but also realised that the corporation seemed unwilling or unable to deploy enough troops for a protracted campaign. This was something the Dominion could use to wear its enemies down and drive a wedge between them, if it did not waste all its assets in senseless death charges like the Grandmaster had ordered. When she learned that Firemane and its allies were preparing an assault on Fortress Purity, an important citadel on the way to Nexus City, Mahtara decided to hold back her troops. The militia and Jedi would give Firemane a hard fight, but if the corporation took the fortress due to Grandmaster's incompetence, it would undermine his power.

She also ordered Jedi Kyrric to find Elpsis, who was being brainwashed by the Inquisition at a black site. Firemane was able to conquer Fortress Purity, which was held by General Kennobi and a mixed force of militias and Dominion elite troops. But the corporation's forces had to pay a high price in blood. Among other things, the Dominion used a weather control machine to throw Firemane troops into disarray. Eventually the allied forces managed to storm the fortress. In the final phase of the battle, a legion composed of Younglings and Padawans death charged Firemane and rebel troops.

In the meantime, Mahtara put her plan into action. The Grandmaster was stabbed to death by the Battlemaster's allies. Meanwhile, Antonius was slain by Elpsis after the girl managed to break free from her brainwashing and help her fellow prisoners overpower their captors. This meant that Mahtara's attempt to use the Fire Princess as a bargaining chip had failed, but it also left her as the highest-ranking Jedi in the Dominion. A handful of Dominion warlords schismed.

But being a long standing officer enabled the Battlemaster to consolidate power. The somewhat reduced High Council cleared her of charges of treason and granted her supreme command of all Dominion forces. She refused the title of Grandmaster, but she was now the supreme leader of the Dominion in all but name. She knew that it was a poisoned chalice, but duty compelled her.

Intent: Expand on the Shadow Knights. Most of the characters I have subbed for them have been soldiers and military leaders, which is appropriate since they are a heavily militarised, nomadic group. But no society can subsist on the sword alone. Ergo this character develops them in different ways.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Yohara is an Eldorai scientist, researcher and inventor of the Spirit Gems. She heads the Court of the Mind, a Shadow Knight organisation for researchers, scholars and so on.
Links: Eldorai Spirit Gem, Varisanthra Lycaeni. Somewhat inspired by the Maesters and Qyburn from Game of Thrones. Yohara is less malevolent than the good doctor though.

Age: 87.
Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive.
Species: Eldorai.
Appearance: Yohara is an Eldorai female of average height and build for her species. She has pale skin, blue eyes and pointed ears. She tends to wear her blonde hair tied back. She is in good shape, but not an athlete or a soldier. She has a piercing, analytical stare. Yohara wears nice clothes, but favours plain colours and patterns, and little jewellry. She wears some lipstick, but does not overdo it.

Name: Yohara Taenasi.
Loyalties: Herself and her work. Shadow Knights, Court of the Shadows, Eldorai.
Wealth: Yohara is well-off and does not have to worry about how to pay her bills. But she lives a Spartan life style. Within certain boundaries, she can requisition resources from the Shadow Knights as necessary. She can set a budget for her department, but it must be approved by the Archon and the Council.
Notable Possessions:
  • Silver ring bearing the signet of an Eldorai eagle. It is awarded to all Shadow Knight leaders as a symbol of rank and a means of identification. The ring appears mundane, but Yohara has modified it so that is is capable of delivering poison.
  • A broken chain. It is symbolic of her break with the Truth Bringers and their dogma. It is tradition that someone who is expelled from the order must give up her chain. She broke it instead.
  • A heavily encrypted datacron and a paper book with her research notes.
  • One ARD X-1 Human Replica Droid bodyguard. Reprogrammed to be obedient to Yohara. Called Marcella. The assassin droid acts as a personal assistant and bodyguard. Sometimes she steals tech or blueprints that Yohara wants for her research, but cannot (or does not want to) acquire legally.
  • Pet Jester. Named after a rival in the Truth Bringers. "Both have simple minds and repeat the same phrases. But Horatia the Jester is kind and brings a smile to the face of anyone she meets. Horatia the Eldorai is just a greedy, leecherous ignoramus."
  • Qanq Qahsa, an Archangel processing machine and an entechment rig. Yohara keeps them in her laboratory for study.
Skills: "I am a mistress of manifold fields I have applied my intellect to. By training I am a medical doctor. I have branched out into fields such as cybernetics and robotics, but it is the science of life I often myself returning to. Life is not static. It is alterable. If there is a divine power that governs the cosmos, then science is the means to more fully realise its image. Work with the Harbingers of Twilight has granted me some knowledge of Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology. Pity my resources are so inadequate. The Netherworld that holds a special place in my heart. Just think: an entire realm full of uncharted possibilities.

Am I a Sciian? Or as anyone who is not an Eldorai would say, Force-Sensitive? By some twist of fate, the cosmos saw fit to bestow upon me a Sciiac potential that gives me an increased ability to sense danger, notice when someone is lying to me and improves my memory and...that is it. No amount of effort has changed this. Quite curious, yes? On the positive side, it meant I channelled my energies into honing my mind instead of spending all my time swinging a sword without even learning basic algebra."

Yohara is a scientist, a medical doctor and an inventor, first and foremost. She is Force-Sensitive, but her Force potential is negligible. It manifests in a kind of sixth sense and improved memory capacity. But she is incapable of performing any of the feats normally associated with Force-Users. She is a decent pilot and pistol shot but nothing exceptional.

Personality: "The Conclave of Truth Bringers. Charged with studying the mysteries of Ashira and spreading Her truth. The name alone displays the pretentiousness of this antiquated body. Many of them would be disturbed if they were told to find answers, not exhaustively explain them. Each Truth Bringer receives a chain that is supposed to signify the Matriarchy - and collar their thoughts. They study without learning and proudly pass on the same knowledge that was passed down to them, with no addition.

All that an Eldorai needs to know has already been laid down by Ashira and her disciples millennia ago, so all that is left for the pitifully limited is to learn how to recite it by heart. They do not have the stomach to think outside of their carefully constructed bubbles, let alone innovate. So they recite the age-old phrases, toil on their outdated cogitators and pour over dusty old tomes from a time when the Eldorai believed they were alone in the Galaxy. While humans extended their reach across the Galaxy, we were trapped on our parochial little planet. If the purpose of science is to advance the cause of prosperity and expand the breadth of knowledge, the Conclave has failed utterly.

Perhaps this is to be expected, when one considers the manner of women who become Truth Bringers: the youngest daughters of noble families, dutiful, timid and unexceptional, raised in the shadow of their older sisters; or bastards and peasant girls whose minds are easily satisfied by the certainty of a warm meal and a roof over their heads. Because bold women will not be chained. They dare to ask questions the Truth Bringers dread to answer: they will look at a living being and ask 'how?' And they will look at the dead and ask 'what if?' Bold women will be needed to drag the Eldorai out of the pit they have dug for themselves. But it can - and must - be done.

I dared to ask questions. To seek truth from facts. The ignoramuses considered my curiosity to be improper. When they could not sway me to the path of mundanity, they dragged my name through the mud and tried to silence my voice. That collection of old fossiles would rather have the Eldorai people remain trapped inside the dark pit of ignorance and oppression, as long as their sacred traditions are not trampled with. My research saved lives, but they heaped scorn upon it because it contradicted their archaic beliefs about Ashira's tenets on life. Anything that violated orthodoxy threatened the power of throne and altar.

But Ashira seems to have fallen silent. Even the charnel pits and graveyards of Kaeshana have not roused her to respond to their meek prayers. So be it. Many Eldorai consider the Scattering of our people to be the greatest tragedy in our history. I call it a liberation. As long as we remained obedient to the Matriarchy and mindlessly parroted the phrases of our foremothers, we were naive children. Now at last we can leave childhod behind. The medicine is harsh and tastes foul, but the patient needs it to survive. For those of us who wield the stylus, it is our duty to bring about a revolution of the mind. It is our obligation to bear the torch of illumination.

Exile agrees with me. There is freedom to pursue research hidebound minds were too afraid to embark on. The Shadow Knights glorify the sword to an absurd degree, but what is the blade without the mind that can give it direction? The Spirit Gems have been my the first achievement under their patronage. They have given soldiers a chance to fight, pilots to fly and mothers, fathers and siblings to be with their families again after sustaining mortal injuries. But they shall not be my last.

I have spent many days studying the data salvaged from the databanks of Archangel. Quite curious that a sect of machines pursue vainglorious dreams of world conquest similar to those of organic beings, but I digress. Their aims were vile and they were enemies of my people, yet their insights were...intriguing. It allowed me to finalise the first stage of the Soul Gems. Our bodies of blood and flesh are vessels for our minds. And death need not be the end.

If there is a higher power out there that breathed life into us, then it created us with the capacity to utilise our minds to grasp the infinite and shape ourselves and the cosmos, not bow to arbitrary dogma masquerading as truth. I confess that this sphere many call the Netherworld intrigues me. It cannot represent the true afterlife. If it were so, it would not be possible for the living to bodily access it via portals and traverse it. Or for beings trapped inside it to leave. Nonetheless, great power resides in it. It is proof that life and death are not absolutes. What happened on Kaeshana was a tragedy beyond measure, but perhaps we can wrest something good from it. If only to be armed for the next eruption. If only the Harrowed were more receptive to my enquiries."

Yohara's most enduring traits are her curiosity and scorn for orthodoxy. She is an unrepentant iconoclast who respects audacity. This was the cause of her falling out with the Conclave of Truth Bringers. She is characterised by an unshakabeable confidence in herself, which some may perceive as hubris. As a person she is quite affable and friendly, but prone to lecturing. What she considers to be ignorance can rouse her to anger. She blames the present state of the Eldorai and the calamities they have experienced on their backwardness. There is nothing she despises more than rote learning and a refusal to question established truths.

In contrast to the stereotypical presentation of the scientist, Yohara is not an atheist. However, her beliefs lean towards Deism because she finds the idea of an all-powerful sky goddess who continued to meddle in mortal affairs to this day to be quaint. She believes that some form of central intelligence must have guided creation or acted as prime mover, but dismisses the idea of an anthropomorphic deity. Ergo she does not accept divine law as a reason for why a specific form of research or enquiry should not be performed. One of her heroes is the renowned scientist and scholar Galliena Gallia, who was imprisoned on the Island of Fallen Angels after proclaiming the heretical belief that planets other than Kaeshana held intelligent life. Galliena ended up being burnt at the stake.

Unlike traditionalist Eldorai, Yohara does not reject droids for violating Ashira's precepts on life. Indeed she is more than a little fascinated by thinking machines, particularly those who blur the line between organic beings and machines. Her soul gems are partly based on entechment, though without the pointless sadism since the idea of leaving beings in eternal torment disgusted her. She is in the business of saving lives, advancing the cause of prosperity and expanding the breadth of knowledge of society. Granted, sometimes there are setbacks.

She is diligent, has an indefatigable work rate and expects any assistant of hers to be able to keep up with it. Those who cannot get short shrift and lose their jobs. Yohara refuses to coddle, but can be quite caring to those who pull their weight. She is an acquaintance of Varisanthra Lycaeni, an Eldorai banker and fellow exile. Their views overlap quite a bit, but Yohara blames Vari for walking away from her people.

Yohara is the inventor of the modern variant of the Eldorai soul gems. Ironically, she has so far eschewed undergoing the process of transferring her consciousness into one of the soul stones. This is because she is secretly afraid of being trapped in one. She has no problem with carrying out the procedure on others though. As of late, she has acquired a bit of fascination with the Netherworld. She treats it as an alternate plane governed by natural laws that differ from those of the mortal realm, but can nonetheless be understood through the scientific process.

Weapon of Choice: "I can use a blaster and a knife passably well."
Combat Function: "If compelled to rise to the occasion, I can defend myself, but there are better people for it. I know where my strengths lie, and being a soldier is not one them. I am a warrior of the mind, not of the sword. I know when it is prudent to perform a tactical retreat. I am the one who gives soldiers the tools and makes sure they are still alive after the fighting. Sometimes their bodies cannot be saved, but their consciousness can. I am also a fair pilot."

Yohara is not a fighter, knows it and does not want to be one. She knows some basic self-defence and can fire a pistol, but is no elite soldier or martial arts savant. If forced into a fight, her strategy will be to find cover, fire her pistol and wait for backup. Due to her importance to the Shadow Knights, she has guards to protect her. She is not the type of person one would send into the middle of a war zone to participate in fighting. Yohara is an untrained Froce-Sensitive, but her Force affinity is negligible and training would not change that. Even something as basic as using her mind to lift a pebble would be beyond her. Her Force affinity manifests itself in a kind of sixth sense and better memory, but that's it.

She is a good doctor and has strong nerves though. Fighting going on around her will not cause her to freeze or cry in terror. Instead she will quite prudently try to extract herself from danger or use what skills she has to put her in a good position. Yohara is very strong-willed and extremely difficult to mentally dominate or manipulate. She is smart enough to make backups of her research instead of putting her eggs all in one basket. Thus destroying the one 'mad scientist laboratory' will not undo all her work because she has enough sense to keep duplicate blueprints and make more than one prototype.

  • Good doctor. She is legitimately good at her craft. Granted, in some cases her patients need to undergo a transformation of sorts, but some are just too far gone to be saved otherwise.
  • Eldorai racial strengths. Eldorai possess impressive dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
  • Not a soldier. Yohara can defend herself, but she is poorly equipped to take on experienced soldiers, martial arts savants or Force-Users in a direct fight. She is a scholar, not a shock trooper.
  • She has the traditional Eldorai racial weaknesses: On average she is less strong than a human, has a higher metabolism and a lower pain threshold. Her Force potential is insignificant, so she cannot overcome these weaknesses through physical augmentation powers.

Yohara grew up in a time of change for Kaeshana. For centuries Kaeshana had been insulated from foreign influences. As far as the Eldorai was concerned, they were the only form of intelligent life in the Galaxy. Outsiders were barbarians or demons, parodies of life that stood outside of Ashira's creation. Ashira had fashioned heaven and earth, and fashioned the Eldorai in her image. The Star Queen was the Goddess' chosen viceroy and emissary in the mortal realm. As long as the Eldorai stayed faithful to the teachings of their foremothers, all would be well. Those who defied her were lumped together as Dark Eldorai, whose hearts had turned to evil and who sought to overthrow the goddess-given order.

But now the willow palisade of isolation was being broken down. Outsiders visited the Eldorai homeworld in increasing numbers. Some came to trade, but many were raiders and slavers who considered the Eldorai to be ideal prey due to their technological backwardness. The fact that Kaeshana had been isolated for so long worked against the Eldorai, as their technology was inferior to that of the outsiders. Stasers could not compare to blasters.

Eldorai society was split on how to confront these challenges. When slavers, traders and envoys started to arrive on Kaeshana, the Eldorai fell into two distinct categories based on how they viewed this. The first saw the outsiders as barbarians, as a threat which needed to be eliminated and a source of nothing positive. From the point of view of this party, nothing good could come from accommodating 'human monkeighs'. The second saw the outsiders as useful for their technology, even if ‘backward’ compared to the glorious Matriarchy.

At the same time the Matriarchy was faced with internal dissent and heresy. Star Queen Tirathana VI was a despot who ruled with an iron fist. Strict orthodoxy was the norm under her, for she rightly feared that otherwise many of her people might be tempted to abandon the old ways and thus challenge the very foundation of her rule. Innovation was discouraged, for the Goddess' Chosen People were perfect in every way. Rigid class barriers kept most of the population disenfranchised, while the nobility and the church reigned supreme. With no means of bringing about change through nonviolent means by working within the system, many political or religious dissidents turned to terrorism or were driven into exile. The government responded to resistance with repression, using all the resources of a police state.

This was the world Yohara grew up in. She was raised in humble circumstances. Her father had been born into a peasant family and served in the army, joining one of the Eldorai Sciiac Reserve Battalions. Under Eldorai law, all Force-Users had to receive training to control their powers. Those who showed the greatest aptitude for combat were conscripted by the Angelii, a corps of elite shock troops and royal guards. However, the Angelii only allowed women to join. The Reserve Battalions drew their members from Force-Users who had received training but entered the reserve, regular Force-Sensitive soldiers who had not been recruited by the corps and former Angelii. They also allowed men to join. This was one of the reasons conservative Eldorai looked down on them. Given basic training and equipment, the Sciiac Reserves were often assigned unglamorous tasks such as forlorn hope charges, scouting, patrol duty and clearing mine fields.

Her father had distinguished himself in combat against Dark Eldorai and foreign raiders, but his low birth and gender kept him from rising high in the tanks. An injury sustained in combat with slavers ended his career. He found employment as a blackmith, working for a minor noble. There he met his wife, a skilled seamstress. Like Yohara's father, her mother was of low birth and had worked her way up, but been unable to afford higher education.

Young Yohara was a precocious child with an inquisitive mind. When she was very young she was allowed to play with the children of her parents' patron. However, eventually these playing sessions were forbidden, for the noblewoman did not like her children mixing with the servants. For a while she served as a page. However, she wanted more. Her parents could not afford to send her to a prestigious school, but their highborn patron favoured them, albeit in a somewhat patronising way. Her parents wanted better for their child than they had been able to achieve for themselves.

As a youth she was sent to study with the Church. The Church of Ashira was - and in many ways still is, despite the recent calamities - an important social and political force in Eldorai society. Many Eldorai received their education from clerics in faith schools. The Church was very wealthy and a crucial component of the tripartite order of crown, temple and nobility. Of course, the towering cathedrals and opulent apartments of the prelates were merely gifts handed down to the church and it would be a sin to refuse such piety.

Yohara was a good, diligent student, though some of her teachers cautioned her against her being too inquisitive, for it could easily lead her astray. There was only one path of righteousness and it was the one that had been paved by the disciples of Ashira millennia ago. At this point Yohara was still a fairly pious girl. Her parents had been held back by the rigid class barriers of the Eldorai Matriarchy, but raised her to believe in Ashira. Her Force-Sensitivity was discovered when a sixth sense kicked in and she saved a fellow student from a potential skimmer accident. Her Sciiac potential was confirmed by a standardised test. However, further tests revealed that her Force affinity was pitiful.

Yohara tried hard, but was incapable of pulling off even basic feats of Force use. This was a cause of disappointment to her and left the girl frustrated. Force-Users had a lot of prestige in Eldorai society and were often placed above mere 'mundanes', for those who could tap into their flame were perceived as blessed by Ashira. It did not help that some of her classmates had manifested powers, as did one of the daughters of her parents' noble employer, who joined the Angelii. However, the realisation that she did not possess the same powers also lit the fire of ambition inside her.

She was subjected to bullying from girls from more well-off families due to her low origins, but this only made her more determined. Those who entered the embrace of the Church were supposed to forsake materialism, but it was also a place for the second daughters of noble families, whose attitude was the exact opposite. Corruption and hypocrisy were the order of the day. Yohara lived an austere life and dressed simply. At first because she could not afford anything else. But it eventually became a life style she embraced in response to the decadence around her. Her serious, somewhat bossy personality did not win her many friends, but her commitment did not go unnoticed.

Yohara could have pursued a conventional career in the clergy after completing her ecclesiastical studies, but she wanted something else. She was drawn to the Truth Bringers, an order of scholars, healers and learned women. Due to their scientific and intellectual pursuits, they were sometimes referred to as the "Angelii of the mind". Her scholastic efforts drew the interest of Caecilia Thalien, a senior Truth Bringer with an interest in alchemy. Caecilia was seen by some as too unorthodox, but had gained the favour of a noblewoman after saving her bodyguard from a poison her peers believed had no cure. This gave her protection, but also produced jealousy.

However, Yohara soon discovered that the Truth Bringers discouraged innovation. They were supposed to be the foremost scholars of the realm, but they were better at explaining answers to questions than at coming up with them. Acolytes were supposed to study the classics and praise the Goddess for having true knowledge. Innovation was a dirty word. The glorious Matriarchy had survived for thirty centuries without innovation, and did not need any innovation to last for thirty more. All daughters of Ashira should rejoice, for the Star Queen and her holy church all provided all the protection, teaching and order they could possibly need.

As Yohara grew older, she chafed under the restrictions placed on her. It did not help that foreign raiders had grown more and more rapacious, seeing the Eldorai as easy prey. The letters she exchanged with her family, though censored, told her that the raiders' attacks on Eldorai settlements had not ceased her. Cotroversies such as the dispute about the sale of indulgences did not pass her by. She attended the trial of Sahome Tyral, a radical Ashiran cleric, as an observer. The priestess was condemned as a heretic, but freed by her supporters with the help of a renegade Angelii. Her escape sparked a purge, as alleged sympathisers of the priestess were persecuted. Yohara kept her head down. She was no Church reformer, but she secretly agreed with Sahome that the Church had become corrupt.

However, from then on her views diverged. She did not identify deviation from the true word of the scriptures as the cause of this malaise. Rather she saw backwardness as the more pressing problem. When the soldiers of the Crown paraded a group of captured pirates through the streets, she felt pleased that evildoers had been thwarted. But she could not feel triumphant. Instead she wondered why foreign barbarians were able to traverse the stars, but Eldorai could not. The starship and some of the weapons of the pirates were brought to the Truth Bringers for study. The same applied to their droid and the cybernetic arm of one of the scum.

Most senior Truth Bringers dismissed these designs as crude and primitive. There was nothing out there in the stars for Eldorai. The fact that humans relied on machinery was proof of their moral and spiritual degeneracy. Test firing and after action reports from Eldorai soldiers revealed that blasters were far superior to stasers, but these claims were dismissed. However, Yohara took an interest. The prospect of there being intelligent life outside of Kaeshana fascinated her.

She examined the body of one of the pirates. Vivisection determined that their insides were quite similar to those of an Eldorai. "They are not different from us so there is a place for in the stars as well." Even though she lacked the necessary seniority, she arranged for the droid to be brought to her so that she could question it about the outside world and find out how the tech worked. Though a bit unnerved by the metal demon, she asked it many questions. However, her disobedience got her into trouble and she had to do penance. Her fascination with foreigners was deemed dangerous and she came under investigation. For a while she was banished to a remote province on the fringes of Kaeshana. There she was supposed to pray, reflect on her errors and apply her skills as a healer. It was a backwater province and conditions for the locals were very poor.

Caecilia chided her for being so careless and stressed that she needed to learn to dissemble. But her mentor also introduced her to the forbidden writings of the renowned biologist Charae Darwai, who had been here for claiming that Eldorai and humans shared common traits and origins, and Galliena Gallia. Yohara also learned the story of Malya Helindan, one of the very Eldorai to become a Jedi Knight. Official sources claimed that Malya had stolen the Arithdae Codex, a sacred Eldorai relic, and that it had been lost ever since. But Caecilia did not believe that the official version contained the whole truth.

Yohara's interest in foreign tech was deemed disturbing and so she was directed to immerse in the healing arts and study the classics. She was a capable medical practitioner, but her interest in the stars did not wane. She would often observe them through a telescope and used black market dealings to get her hands on pieces of foreign tech that had been smuggled to Kaeshana. Then her teacher sufferd near-mortal injuries in a terrorist bombing. The perpetrators of this act were assumed to have been Dashdae Eldorai terrorists.

Caecilia's noble patron pulled strings to get her essence transferred into a soul stone. This was only done very rarely, as the stones were difficult to make and the process was problematic from a religious perspective. Unlike the later versions, these stones were imbued with the Force. Yohara felt a deep sorrow when she learned what had happened to her teacher and volunteered to help with the ritual. She lacked the Force potential to actually participate in it, but helped set it up. However, the ritual was botched and Caecilia's essence was lost. In the aftermath of her passing, her rivals claimed that it was a sign of divine judgement. Caecilia's soul had been tainted by her heterodox beliefs and so she had been dragged into Illyira's hellish realm to be judged accordingly.

One of those who declared this was an old Truth Bringer called Horatia Pyacela, who considered Caecilia a heretic. Angered, Yohara could barely restrain her temper. She came to suspect that there had been foul play. Fortunately for her, she was able to secure some of Caecilia's writings and correspondence. Concerned about being investigated, her mentor had written most of it in a form of code. But through diligence and her familiarity with her teacher, Yohara was eventually able to translate it. Her mentor was gone, but she channelled her grief into activity.

The event left her with a strong revulsion of the old guard and a fascination with the soul stones. They could be used to preserve the great minds that her people sorely needed to survive the trials to come. No one had seen fit to improve upon the designs for centuries. Determined to make her mark, she studied all she could. She was accused of hubris and sinful pride for postulating that she could improve upon a design of the foremothers. "'Caecilia's defiance I sense in you.' That is what that ignorant oaf Horatia told me."

Her contacts with the inhabitants of Santaissa's Foreign Quarter were seen as problematic. Her suggestion to replace the antiquated cogitators with foreign computers went down poorly. One of her colleagues denounced her, claiming that she was conspiring with traitors and foreign lackeys. Yohara came under investigation again, and it was discovered that she was in possession of heretical writings. This time her incarceration was far less pleasant, for she was starved. She was probably saved by the death of Tirathana VI.

The death of the Star Queen triggered a struggle for the succession. On the one side stood Tirathana's niece Nalia, a hardline conservative who had support among the army and the old guard. On the other Tirathana's daughter Silaqui, who had a reputation as a pleasure-seeking intellectual lightweight, but was more liberal and wanted to connect with the greater Galaxy. Her exiled sister Anya Venari returned to Kaeshana to support Silaqui. With her she brought Colonel Siobhan Kerrigan and an Omega Protectorate delegation.

Negotiations broke down and fighting ensued. Nalia was slain by Kerrigan and Silaqui was crowned Queen. She lifted Anya's exile and agreed to have Kaeshana join the Protectorate as an autonomous member state. In return the Protectorate would respect Eldorai traditions, help the elves develop their planet and protect it against attackers. Partly to please her foreign overlords by showing them how progressive she was, partly because she lacked her mother's zealotry, Silaqui freed many political prisoners.

One of them was Yohara, whose arrest was lifted. However, she was now under a cloud. Her imprisonment had left her embittered and suspicious of her colleagues. She saw Tirathana's demise as a liberation. She began to visit the Foreign Quarter more frequently and managed to join an Eldorai delegation that was sent to Fondor to learn about the foreigners and their technology. During the journey Yohara spent a lot of time inspecting the starship and asking the crew questions about how its systems worked.

When they arrived on Fondor, she could not believe her eyes. Her gaze was not wholly uncritical though. She found the ecumenpolis to be lacking in elegance and crude. But she was awed by the huge shipyards and factories. She spent a lot of time touring the various sites, conversing with scientists and technicians. To learn more she enrolled at a college. As part of her education, she travelled to Loronar to visit its droid foundries and spent some time working there.

During her time abroad she crossed paths with Varisanthra Lycaeni. The two met at a conference of Eldorai expatriates. Both elves had similar views on many things. Varisanthra was a former Eldorai government bureaucrat who had been driven from Kaeshana after her patron had been banished on false charges of treason. At first she had been a smuggler, crime lord and a rebel fighting the Matriarchy. But over the decades she legitimised her business empire. Now she headed Nova Bank, an important player in galactic finance.

At first Yohara looked up to the older woman, who had shown an Eldorai could find her place in the stars and even thrive. Varisanthra dealt with the humans as an equal, instead of being subservient to them or haughtily dismissing them. Yohara came to admire her. Varisanthra also introduced her to human scientists and got her access to advanced technologies. This helped Yohara come up with an electronic design for the Eldorai, a smartphone proxy. She also translated several scientific texts into Eldarai.

However, their relationship soured when Yohara tried to persuade Varisanthra to return to Kaeshana with her. The banker insisted that this part of her life was over. She had tried to help modernise Kaeshana and been burnt by both the royalists and the rebels. She had a responsibility to her employees and clients, not the Matriarchy. This caused a huge row between both women, for Yohara saw Varisanthra as walking out on her people. Her mind was exactly what the Eldorai needed to regain their self-respect and walk into the future with their heads held high, no longer shackled by ignorance or tyrants. But Varisanthra was adamant in her refusal.

Angered, Yohara now saw her as selfish and departed, turning down an offer to work at Nova Bank. Hurt, Varisanthra nonetheless introduced her to some people who could help her with her soul stone research. However, their close cooperation was over. While Yohara was away, Eldorai rebels tried to topple the Queen. The rebellion was foiled with the help of Firemane, but Silaqui was assassinated by treasonous bodyguards.

Crown Princess Anya took the throne, assuming the regnal name Tirathana VII. The name was a conservative choice that harkened back to her reactionary mother, but the new queen promised to be a queen for all Eldorai and to lead Kaeshana into the future. Influenced by her long time in exile, the new Queen abolished theocratic persecution, emancipated the Kar'zun and apologised for past crimes of the Monarchy. The old guard was angered, though the Queen promised not to meddle in the affairs of the nobility if they supported her.

At first Yohara was a fan. Tirathana VII aimed to turn the Matriarchy into a modern nation. Time would cool her admiration though. The Queen's ideology was enlightened despotism, not a totalitarian theocracy. However, there was institutional resistance within the Church and the nobility. The Truth Bringers remained a bastion of conservatism. Perhaps because they realised that they would lose their privileges in a modern state.

Yohara became one of the Queen's supporters, but this put her at odds with many in the Conclave. The old guard considered her tainted by her association with the late Caecilia and her time offworld. They did not like the BRT super computer she wanted to introduce to help them sort and maintain the massive amount of data in the archives. She bickered a lot with Horatia, who did her best to marginalise her in the order. "She was jealous of my teacher, and that jealousy transferred to me because, like my teacher, I could think for myself. Especially after I made a computer that was far more effective than her vacuum tube."

Admittedly Yohara's bossy, know-it-all personality did not help her win friends either. Some of the innovations she proposed were introduced because they tallied with the zeitgeist, but it was not enough for her. If the Eldorai had had more time, perhaps the Queen's reforms could have taken root and brought about more profound change. However, time was not something the Eldorai had in abundance. Instead they were hit by a series of calamities.

The first was the Netherworld Event. Trillions of people from across the Galaxy were suddenly raptured and woke up in this cold, bleak realm. Yohara was one of them. Natural laws were turned upside down. The land was bleak, filled with tormented shades and blood rained from the sky. Some spirits offered guidance, many tried to manipulate her. Some shades she encountered took the form of demons or angels from Eldorai mythology.

Yohara almost went mad when she was trapped in what seemed like an endless maze and tormented by malevolent spirits that tried to make her believe she was being punished for her sins. When an entity that pretended to be Ashira tried to manipulate her, she managed to resist and thus stave off a possible possession attempt. She managed to use her intellect to see past the illusions and find her way out. Yohara came to the conclusion that this Netherworld could not be the true afterlife. But she also refused to accept the idea that she was condemned to Illyria's hellish pit. She found that not all apparitions were malevolent. Some could be reasoned with and told her much about this strange plane. Maybe she was hallucinating, but she was certain that the spirit of her old teacher appeared to her. She had a long, intellectual conversation with the apparition. The encounter left Yohara certain that Caecilia had been murdered. She eventually managed to escape from the Netherworld.

Finding her way back to Kaeshana, she discovered that the planet had gone through a period of turmoil. The government had been able to restore order, but now the Eldorai faced new threats. The Omega Protectorate had collapsed, leaving the planet without a protector. Moreover, Kaeshana was doomed to be devastated by a huge asteroid. It was too big to be destroyed. The Exodus was a traumatic time for all Eldorai. The Matriarchy made a deal with Firemane. With their help, the majority of the Eldorai could be saved and evacuated to Tygara. But some had to be left behind. These unfortunate souls called themselves the Forsaken and had to eke out an existence in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Yohara was one of the fortunate souls who managed to leave the planet, though she had a close call when she was attacked by Ashiran fanatics who believed the asteroid was the Goddess' punishment.

She was deeply troubled by the loss of life and the abandonment of Kaeshana. The policy to prioritise the best and brightest for the evacuation did not agree with her, for she deemed many of them to be the exact opposite. Still, she helped where she could. For a while her talents as a doctor were more needed than her scholarly one. She tended to Eldorai refugees and helped organise vaccinations for Tygaran natives they encountered.

She also became extremely critical of the Matriarchy. In her opinion, the Eldorai had become complacent. Instead of learning to become self-reliant, they were content to become dependent on Firemane. It was Firemane that led negotiations with the Qadiri rulers and was given command of the campaign against the Xioquo. In Yohara's opinion, the Eldorai were becoming a colony due to complacency. She criticised the Crown in an open letter. At the same time, her interest in the soul stones had turned into an obsession. The Netherworld had left its mark on her and she often dreamt of it. Her plan for soul stones on a larger scale, using technology rather than sorcery, went down poorly.

Horatia rallied her supporters against her. Yohara's very public criticism vexed some of her friends in the nobility. In response she delivered a fiery tirade, denouncing the institution she had spent so much time serving. Before she could be stripped of her chain, she broke it and departed. Yohara left Tygara behind her. Firemane was a possible choice of employment, but she wanted to help her people, not serve foreigners.

However, she had not gone unnoticed in the Eldorai exiles community. The Shadow Knights, a group of Eldorai renegades devoted to protecting the Forsaken, decided to headhunt her. This turned out to be quite fortuitous, for Shadow Knight agents saved her from being abducted by Archangel. Yohara agreed to work for them, if she was given freedom to pursue her research. She made it a condition that they help her eliminate of Horatia. "She is still alive now, but braindead. Not that she ever really used her brain before."

Yohara used her knowledge of cybernetics, robotics and medicine to aid the Shadow Knights. She helped maimed soldiers regain lost limbs by giving them mechanical ones salvaged from broken war droids. Later she was able to give them proper cybernetics. She was no soldier, but showed courage during a raid. Yohara was a medic during the Kaeshana Rebellion, where she was injured. In the aftermath of the failed rebellion, the Shadow Knights formed a nomad fleet. Yohara, who had divided her time between Kaeshana and being offworld, joined it. The Shadow Knights found themselves at war with Archangel, for the machine cult regarded Eldorai exodites as useful processing materiel. The dire threat forced them to ally with Enyo Typhos, a rogue creation of Archangel.

Yohara had continued her research on the soul stones. She achieved a breakthrough after the battle with the machine cult. Utilising technology scavenged from Archangel and from the Ssi-Ruuvi, she completed her spirit gems. These used the entechment process to preserve mortally wounded heroes. The spirits inside were not tormented, instead they existed in a grey area between life and death. They could not live in purgatory forever, but she considered the process to be more reliable and safer. The gems could be plugged into vehicles, droids and starships, enabling the trapped souls to interact with the real world and continue their service. Her first 'patients' were a group of Shadow Knight pilots who had suffered near-fatal injuries or been put into a coma. The morality of transferring their souls into the gems was dicey, but she carried out the procedure nonetheless. Thus Banshee Squadron returned to service in unlife.

Her efforts were rewarded with the position of Magister of the Court of Mind, a Shadow Knight organisation for scholars, scientists and so on. Now Yohara strives to turn it into what she thinks the Truth Bringers should have been. She has continued her research on the soul stones. However, she continues to be fascinated by the Netherworld and feels a strong pull to return to it and explore it.

Intent: Expand on the Shadow Knights and sub someone to boss Kaida around.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Commander of the Caerith Tyari and their subunits. Daymana is a Force Master, a military officer and one of the leaders of the Shadow Knights. Moreover, she's Kaida's superior.
Links: Angelii, Eldorai.

Age: 125.
Force Sensitivity: Master
Species: Eldorai.
Appearance: Daymana is a middle-aged Eldorai female with pale skin, pointed ears, and a tall and well-formed physique. She has been a soldier for most of her life and this is reflected in her build. She has sustained combat injuries that even bacta could not heal and thus is marked by her share of scars. Perhaps her most striking feature are her intense yellow eyes. She keeps her hair at a practical length to make sure it does not get in the way in combat. She is in a command role, but exercises regularly to stay sharp. Daymana tends to wear a suit of armour, which she cares for meticulously. She adds a scarlet cloak when off the battlefield.

Name: Daymana Thael.
Loyalties: Naesala Faethyra, Shadow Knights, Court of the Shadows, Caerith Tyari, Court of the Four Elements, Yseult Faerin.
Wealth: Nothing remarkable. She used to be a Royal Guard, but that is long in the past. Being a rebel does not pay well and she has had to resort to raiding and looting. She has some loot stashed away and is now a high-ranking Shadow Knight officer. Within certain boundaries, she can requisition the resources she needs.
Notable Possessions:
Skills: Daymana is a Master of the Force and a strong duellist. Her people have a long life span, and she has taken advantage of it to hone her skills. Like many Eldorai Force-Sensitives, she has elemental Force abilities. In her case, this manifests in a specialisation for pyromancy. She has also minored terramancy, or Earth Shaping. Her command over earth and fire gives her potent offensive and defensive abilities.

She is also skilled in more classical Force abilities. She has a strong command over Telekinesis, Protection Bubble, Force Valour, Battlemind and can use the Force to enhance her physical characteristics. She has telepathic abilities, good mental shields. She can initiate and serve as the focal point of a Force Meld.

Like all Angelii, Daymana has been trained extensively in unarmed and melee combat. She often incorporates a battle shield in duelling. In addition to more traditional weapons such as a Sarix or a Sarzmigar, she is very proficient in the use of a lightsabre. Lightsabres are rare among Eldorai, but she is pragmatic enough to recognise the utility of these powerful weapons. Daymana is an inspiring presence on the battlefield, leading by example. She has a lot of experience in irregular warfare.

Personality: Daymana Thael is the commander of the Caerith Tyari, the Shadow Knight version of the Angelii. She is a former Angelii and a career insurgent. To Eldorai royalists she is a traitor, to the rebels she is a heroine. One man's terrorist is another one's freedom fighter. Daymana is a fierce opponent of the ancien régime, and feels strong hatred for the nobility and the clergy. She is very loyal to the Shadow Knight cause and their ideology, regarding them as more progressive than the old order. She does not consider the Matriarchy worth reforming.

The fact that the present Queen has carried out several liberal reforms has not changed her opinion. She has trouble separating the old Matriarchy from the new one, despite the many changes that have taken place. To her, its fundamental nature has not changed. Moreover, she views it as being too dependent on foreigners, to the point where she does not see it as an independent entity. Daymana is ready to work with outsiders, but wary of them.

She is a revolutionary veteran and what one could consider old guard among the Dashdae Eldorai, which gives her a lot of respect. However, she is also a 'confrontional' choice, as she is poorly disposed towards accommodation with the Eldorai Matriarchy. In short, not the type of person one would send as an emissary unless one wanted to make an assertive statement. She is suspicious of those who support a rapprochement. Daymana is a charismatic, impassioned revolutionary leader who can inspire her soldiers and leads by example. Though in a command role, she is not afraid to lead from the front and participate in the fury of combat. This is in keeping with her Angelii training.

Daymana is on the same broad trajectory as Kaida. However, she has handled her experiences in a different way. While Kaida soon began to doubt the ancien régime and then hold it in contempt, she served it loyally for a decades, believing it was her duty. For a long time she regarded 'Dashdae Eldorai' as traitors, despite sympathising with some of their beliefs. By contrast, Daymana rebelled against the old order decades ago and embraced the life of a Dashdae Eldorai insurgent. Daymana is respected among the Forsaken, but is less experienced in interacting with non-elves than Kaida.

She is passionate, determined and extremely loyal to the revolutionary cause. She has a formidable temper when provoked. Having lived in a tough setting, she is not very forgiving. Daymana feels strong revulsion for the ancien régime and does not mince words about her feelings on it. Eldorai who betray their people and throw in their lot with slaves or foreign powers earn her greatest scorn. She is a fiery presence on the battlefield - both literally and figuratively. Some Shadow Knights view her as a potential successor to Naesala Faethyra as Archon. Indeed, there are forces encouraging her to seek the highest office among the Shadow Knights. Time will tell whether this is a course of action she embarks on. Admittedly the next election is many years away. Others think she should take the reins without bothering with constitutional niceties.

Daymana is popular with her troops, but has trouble letting go of old grudges. This can give her a bit of tunnel vision and make her inflexible in certain circumstances. She respects Naesala, but also criticises her for her decision to go into exile after being arrested on false charges of treason during the reign of Tirathana VI. Many decades ago, Naesala was an aspiring Eldorai officer who acquired some spaceships from outsiders to strike back against slavers plaguing Kaeshana. She succeeded in rooting out a pirate base, but was then accused of collaborating with foreign devils and put under arrest. Naesala fled to escape what was a likely death sentence and went into exile. There she founded a paramilitary group dedicated to rescuing enslaved Eldorai and protecting the exiles, returning to Kaeshana to lead the rebels in the aftermath of the planet's destruction.

From Daymana's point of view, Naesala should have conspired to help bring down the ancien régime. By contrast, Naesala argues that the rebels were too fractious and just as likely to fight each other as the government. Ironically, the fact that Naesala was removed from the ideological squabbles of the resistance is one of the reasons she can stand above party politics as Archon. The same does not apply to Daymana. The stalwart soldier of the revolution has many who admire her, but has also made her share of rivals during her time in the underground. The Shadow Knights have a stratocratic society, which makes her position quite prestigious. She is not shy about turning this into political capital. But Daymana is stubborn and not the best diplomat.

Daymana's views have been shaped by the long time she spent in the revolutionary underground. She values discipline and obedience, but not to the point of being a martinet. Personal responsibility is important to her. She is a fierce advocate for her soldiers and many of her orders show special care for them, but she expectes them to give their all and has a well-earned reputation for pushing them hard. She views cowardice as a cardinal sin. Daymana obeys orders from above, but will not hesitate to question instructions she considers to ill-advised or foolish. Strategos Yseult Faerin, a close ally of Naesala, has said Daymana is 'difficult and loves her own voice. Political. Thinks she's the Keeper of the Sacred Grail of the Revolution. But knows her chit. Should stick to it.' Both commanders are quite willful, like having things their way and do not get on that well, which at times forces Naesala to mediate or to lay down the law.

Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber | The Force | Melee Weapons | Sidearm
Combat Function: Daymana is a military commander and a Master of the Force who specialises in elemental Force abilities, protective and support powers. She is a capable battlefield commander and lethal in melee or close quarter combat. As an elementalist, she focuses on pyromancy, which gives her potent offensive abilities. She can burn or blast opponents, summon bright light to blind them, heat objects by thought or touch and conjure a thermic lance. She has also minored in terramancy or Earth shaping, which gives her strong defensive and offensive abilities. In combination with pyromancy, this allows her to manipulate magma and lava in the appropriate environment. Daymana is a good duellist and very proficient in the use of a lightsabre. She tends to use a battle shield in her off-hand. In addition to using the shield for protection, she also employs it offensively by bashing an opponent or carrying out rim strikes.

However, her primary combat function is as a military commander who leads her soldiers into battle and provides direction. But she is not afraid to participate in the fury of combat where required. Like the Angelii, the Caerith Tyari expect their officers to not be afraid to get their hands dirty. Daymana has outgrown youthful brashness and daredevil actions. She is very skilled in the conduct of irregular warfare campaigns.

She possesses some inspirational and defensive Force abilities that can boost her allies and shield them from danger. However, old war injuries have taken their toll. Her right knee has been injured and healed many times, and has a limp. This makes her less dexterous and forces her to rely more on the Force to compensate. This can be problematic if she is deprived of it or if her connection to the Force is significantly weakened. She only has limited skill as a pilot, especially a combat one.

  • Experienced battle commander. Daymana is over a century old and has spent most of her life as a soldier and then in command roles. She is a tenacious, skilled leader and respected by her troops.
  • Master of the Force and capable duellist. She has a good mix of offensive and support Force abilities, with a focus on pyromancy.
  • Daymana walks with a limp in her right knee. At this point in time it may largely be psychosomatic, but this does not make it any less real. Running for any significant distance is difficult for her. Moreover, the limp also affects her mobility in some postures and combat situations. Sensitive hearing makes her good at picking up on noises others might miss or notice people sneaking up on her, but it also leaves her more vulnerable to high-pitch frequencies.
  • She draws heavily upon the Force a lot to amplify her physical characteristics and utilise its preternatural powers to strike at her foes and enable her to prevail in combat. Exposure to Voidstone, Ysalamiri and the like would deprive her of her biggest advantage. This is also pertinent because on average Eldorai are physically weaker than humans and have a lower pain threshold. Depriving her of the Force means that Daymana cannot overcome this weakness by using her powers to boost her physical capabilities.
  • Limited skill as a pilot.

For millennia, the Angelii have been the foremost defenders of the Eldorai Matriarchy. They are a curious mix of Holy Order, Imperial Knight and Priestess. Formed many centuries before during the early days of the Eldorai Matriarchy as a bodyguard for the Star Queen, the Angelii have retained a vital place in Eldorai society to this day. The Queen who formed the Angelii is unknown, but it was definitely in place by Esterlea II (r. 1878-1714BBY) as she was sent off to them by her mother. Historical consensus places the creation in the hands of the very first Star Queen Tassaria I, who needed shocktroops to unite the Eldorai and defeat the Kar’zun.

Over time the Angelii moved from the informal retainers of the Star Queen to be the bodyguards, pre-eminent shock troops and prestige posting for all Eldorai. At times, especially during the Time of Troubles, their power became almost too strong when they crowned and dethroned Queens. The later dynasties until the present saw this and broke the power of the Angelii, distributing them in small groups so they could not use their combined strength to plot again. The Angelii are entirely Force users, or as the Eldorai call them, Sciians, who specialise in elemental powers. Due to religious dogma, all members of the order are female. When outsiders intruded upon Kaeshana and the Eldorai were forcibly opened up to the rest of the Galaxy, the Angelii faced a new menace.

An Angelii is supposed to believe in Ashira, be loyal to the Queen, obedient to her superiors, faithful to her battle sisters, be generous, brave and honourable. There was a time when Daymana wore the armour of an Angelii. She was raised to believe in Ashira, fight for Queen and Country. Once she was proud to be part of the corps. Now she is a renegade who commands the Caerith Tyari, the Shadow Knights' version of the Angelii. To her former battle sisters she is a traitor and an oathbreaker who spat on the proud traditions of the corps. From her point of view, she is a patriot who turned on a government that had broken its oath to its people. As so often, the truth probably lies somewhere in between. She has been a loyal soldier, a traitor and an insurgent. Her story starts a few decades before Kaeshana's long period of isolation came to an end.

Daymana was born into a family of minor Eldorai nobility. Her ancestors had made their mark during the wars against the Kar'zun centuries ago. They backed Ariane the Conqueror's crusade and were given land in former Kar'zun territory to administrate. Her mother Eirina Thael was a Countess. Naturally, House Thael practiced absolute enactic succession. However, Daymana was not the biological daughter of her mother. Instead she was product of the husband and a chosen broodmare called Vermina who had been specially selected for the right genetics.

This was by no means uncommon or considered strange in the Eldorai's matriarchal culture. In Eldorai high society females would often hire surrogates for their husbands to impregnate and then raise the children as their own. A child was yours if you acknowledged it as such, no matter who had given to birth to it. Daymana was the youngest daughter of five children, with three older sisters and an older brother. In other words, there were more than enough children to cover any contingencies. The Thaels had an heiress, more than enough spares and a son who could could contribute by being married off to a noblewoman from a good family.

This left young Daymana without a clearly defined role in the family. She was neither the heiress nor the spare. She was the type of child it was useful to have if things went ill, but who was best used for other purposes outside of the family, such as in the church or army. This was a way to siphon off population and make sure the child could still make a useful contribution to the family legacy without potentially disrupting the chain of succession.

As was typical, Daymana was raised by a governess, who oversaw her education, taught her courtly etiquette and the responsibilities of a woman of her station. A male servant taught her how to read and write. Her mother was a stern, strong-willed woman who demanded perfection, but was stinting on the praise. She was also very preoccupied with her duties as a noblewoman and with raising Daymana's older sisters. As a result, she was a distant figure for the little girl. One Daymana wanted to impress, but also felt resentment for. The mistress-at-arms trained her in the art of combat. Under her tutelage, young Daymana learned how to fire a Staser, use a sword and read a map. The woman was an old soldier and retainer of House Thael, who had been given the position as a reward for decades of loyal service.

However, young Daymana displayed little interest in soldierly pursuits, or in her duties in general. Perhaps it was an act of rebellion against what she perceived as an unfair lack of maternal attention. Or simply boredom, but she was a rather undisciplined child. She was an intellectual light-weight, more given to parties and excess than statecraft or swordplay. She kept a circle of friends that encouraged her irresponsible attitude. When she ran into trouble, she was quick to invoke her mother's name. Attempts to discipline her only made her more rebellious.

When she grew older she had several dalliances. Things came to head when a guard she had developd feelings for got her pregnant. Once she learned that a bastard was growing inside Daymana's belly, her mother the Countess decided that enough was enough. The father was punished and then never heard of again. Daymana's protests were dismissed. Since aborting the child of a royal was against the religious customs and laws of the Eldorai, the child was born but then taken away from her. In the eyes of her mother, Daymana had brought shame upon the family.

She decided to teach her troublesome daughter some sense by sending her to Angelii, for her Sciiac powers had begun to develop themselves. Daymana protested, rightly perceiving this as an exile. She was angered by the loss of her child and lover. The girl made a rather amateurish attempt to abscond. But it was all for naught. Left with no choice, she submitted and inducted into the Angelii. Once she arrived at their barracks, she got a rude awakening. Here, among the warrior angels of Ashira, her lineage, title and wealth counted for nothing. She was another recruit to be broken in and built back up. Like it or not, she would learn discipline. She had to share her bunk with several other girls. There was little privacy and there were no servants to wait on her. Instead she had to help cook, clean toilets, sweep the chambers and corridors.

At first she struggled with the harsh training. Rebellious aristocrats like her tended to get the harshest trainers, as that was the only way to knock some sense into them. She had to learn how to fight, forage, obey, endure forced marches and harsh weather conditions. At first she yearned for an escape. She was given a harsh NCO as a teacher. Her name was Solana Chaeren. She was a veteran of many campaigns. Solana refused to coddle Daymana or give her special treatment. The neophyte Angelii tended to leave their sparring sessions battered and bruised. But though harsh, her trainer was fair, and when Daymana got over her attitude she received praise. The comradeship of the battle sisters was something Daymana had never experienced before. It was then that she resolved to make something out of herself and succeed, partly to show herself and her family that she could do it.

When Daymana and some other junior Angelii along with Solana were assigned to escort a convoy, they came under attack from Illyrian insurgents. These rebels rejected Ashira and the Queen and worshipped Illyria, the Eldorai Goddess of the Underworld. They ambushes the convoy with improvised explosive devices and sniper fire. Daymana was in one of the trucks that got hit by a roadside bomb. The explosive detonated on the commander's die of the truck. The concussion of the blast blew off one of the windows and rattled the vehicle, causing all the doors to blow open.

It also bent the buckle on her seat belt, which unlatched, allowing Daymana to be thrown from the vehicle. She was ejected into the road and slid for several metres before coming to a halt. Miraculously, she was still alive. The only thing that crossed her mind was that she wanted a chance to kill whoever did this before her final breath. Adrenaline pumped through her body. Though her arm was injured, Daymana fought back against the insurgents who had closed in to seize the supplies in the convoy and helped rally her comrades together with Solana. She was able to use her powers to roast one of them and stab a second. When she was shot by Staser round and a rebel was about to cut her down, Solana intervened and slew the insurgent. Daymana's bravery was noticed and won her some recognition.

The Angelii's casualties were significant but they were able to take some prisoners. Eventually they happened upon the mountainous base the Illyrians were striking from. Daymana participated in the assault. She engaged Illyrians in close combat and worked with Solana to hit their defence guns with a wave of flame, roasting several rebels. The Angelii celebrated their victory over the 'demon worshippers'. However, tragedy struck during a church service. Daymana was attending a service in an Ashiran church, together with her battle sisters and many civilians.

It was part of an Ashiran festival to commemorate Ashira's ascension to heaven. Thus the service was well-attended. Unfortunately for the attendees, Illyrian rebels carried out a terrorist attack. Daymana perceived a warning through the Force, but it was too late. A bomb blast wrecked the church. Solana, being more experienced, had felt something and tried to save lives. Her Force shield kept Daymana and several others from being blown to bits. But the blast claimed her life. A number of Angelii and many innocent civilians perished. Daymana suffered nasty injuries from burns and shrapnel, but survived. The terrorist attack left her vengeful. She mourned the loss of her trainer and her friends and was outraged by the loss of innocent life. It left her fully committed to the Angelii. She put her carefree, self-centred attitude aside for good.

In the aftermath of the attack, the Eldorai army launched several retaliation campaigns against Illyrian insurgents. Daymana was part of these campaigns, participating in several search and destroy missions to root out terrorists. As it turned out the Illyrians had allied themselves with Kar'zun rebels. The silicon people had long been rivals of the Eldorai. The two species had warred for dominance, until Ariane not only defeated the Kar'zun in battle and conquered their lands, but launched a genocidal campaign that drove them to the brink of extinction. Confined to reservations, the few surviving Kar'zun were kept under the Eldorai's thumb. Most were resigned to their lot, fearful that resistance would mean the end of their species; others went into exile. Some defied their elders and rebelled.

For Daymana, things were simple. Like most Eldorai she had been raised to see the Kar'zun as demons, who had plotted to annihilate her people and would try to do it again if given the chance. Moreover, the rebels were allied with the terrorists who had killed her friends. Her zeal earned her a promotion to squad leader. Daymana took down a Kar'zun warrior together with one of her battle sisters. Fighting the stone warrior in melee resulted in her getting her arm broken. She forced herself to suppress the pain. Unable to beat the bigger and stronger warrior in melee, she evaded while her battle sister distracted him. Together, they brought a fall of boulders down on him. Then Daymana delivered a thermic lance to the head. The campaign was a brutal one. Civil wars are always the cruellest. No quarter was given or asked for. The Angelii were able to force the insurgents out of their sanctuary. Their heads were hung on pikes for all to see as a warning to others.

But the conflicts did not end. A cynical demagogue claimed to be Aspasia Evora, the 'rightful Queen'. Contrary to her propaganda, Tirathana VI had not been next in line for the throne when she took power after the previous Queen died. Instead she deposed the Evora family, sending them into exile. Her rival Aspasia was killed. In actual fact, the pretender who rose to contest her claim was not the true Aspasia or even of royal blood. Rather she was a commoner who had discovered her talents as a charlatan. She was most likely an army deserter. It helped that most Eldorai commoners had never seen a royal. The False Aspasia was able to tap into profound social and economic grievances. Some of the Illyrian rebels cynically joined her.

They called themselves the New Green Ribbons, after a radical egalitarian movement that had rebelled against the Crown during the Time of Troubles many centuries ago. Labelling the Star Queen an unjust tyrant, they declared that she must be overthrown in the name of the Goddess Ashira. The usurper promised an end to oppressive taxation, freedom from exploitative nobles and 'forgiveness for all previous crimes'. Peasants would no longer toil the land for a lady or pay tithes to a corrupt Church. Every woman would reap what she had sown, from the highest lady to the lowest gutter rat. She would scour Santaissa clean, starting with the Star Queen and her decadent court. Ariawyn could not help feel sympathetic to the goals the rebels claimed to espouse.

But the uprising was a brutal one. The pretender's make-believe utopia was played out against a backdrop of blood and terror. The faux royal decrees unleashed a frenzy of hatred. Peasants rose up and butchered the matriarchs, their families and the hated tax collectors. Some nobles were dragged from their burning mansions, flayed, burned alive, hanged from trees or executed in other grisly ways. Even children were murdered. Brigands, who claimed to be affiliated with whichever faction seemed ascendant at the moment, attacked merchants and raided settlements. The retaliation from the government troops was just as brutal. 'Examples' were made of those who defied the régime. Villages accused of collaborating with the rebels were decimated.

Daymana hardened herself to deal with the brutality. It was a dirty business, but she had a duty to her country and her battle sisters. If she faltered, she would be letting them down. It was no longer about making her family proud or proving that she could make something out of her life. She proved herself a capable, tenacious leader. When her commanding officer died in a battle, she rallied a rag-tag mix of Angelii and militia. Using elemental powers to mask their approach, they pulled off a clever flanking manoeuvre to take out enemy artillery, then turned the guns on the rebels.

The False Aspasia tried to flee when the tide turned on her. Daymana was one of the soldiers who captured the would-be Star Queen. Abandoned by her former subordinates, the pretender was placed in a metal cage and sent to Santaissa for public execution. Her fate was a grisly one, for she was drowned in ashes. Daymana received a medal and a promotion as a reward for her valour. The bloodletting had left her with mental and physical scars, but she was committed. Deep down she might have found certain aspects of the Matriarchy disagreeable. The loss of her child also still saddened her, though her mother claimed she was being looked after. But she had found a home among the Angelii and made friends there. She was defending her country and living a life of significance.

Her convictions were put to the test when the Star Queen ordered a mass deportation of heretics. The Investigators of Ashira's Truth, the secret police of the Matriarchy, had unmasked an entire community of Illyrians. Ostensibly these Illyria worshippers were loyal Ashirans, but they practiced their heresy in secret. Even some Ashiran clerics were among them. Religious orthodoxy was one of the pillars of Tirathana's reign. Moreover, all the past bloodletting was not conducive to mercy. So she decreed that the heretics would be banished from Kaeshana and join the 'foreign devils they so love'.

The army was mobilised to make it happen. Daymana's unit was one of them. By then she was a Captain and in charge of her own Great Company. At first she was fully on board with the order. The Illyrians were terrorists, traitors and demon worshippers. Frankly, simply exiling them was a mercy they probably did not deserve. But things changed when she actually met the people she was supposed to deport. The Illyrians she had fought had done great evil and murdered innocents, but many of these were ordinary people with families.

Now they were being uprooted and cruelly thrust into the stars with few possessions beyond some meagre supplies and the clothes they wore. Conditions in the 'transit camps' and aboard the primitive starships were very poor. Illyrians who tried to run and hide were beaten or shot. Some tried to hide their children with sympathisers. Families were broken up. It hit her particularly hard due to the loss of her child. Nonetheless, she carried out the order. She tried to make the process more 'humane' and, when possible, punished soldiers who stole from deportees or abused them. But this only amounted to bands-aid and did not change the nature of her work.

She told herself that it was necessary. Orders were orders, and her personal feelings did not matter. If she showed doubt, she would be letting her comrades down. Her High Captain gave a speech stating that the heretics' souls were diseased to the core. Even their children had been tainted, for evil could only beget evil. If they allowed them to remain in their midst, they would grow up to become traitors and terrorists. Ashira was the Heavenly Mother of the Eldorai, Illyria was the traitor who had spawned demons and attempted to murder her mother out of envy. Thus deporting her minions was a righteous mission.

When Daymana had a brief reunion with her mother, she was far more serious, broody and somber. The Countess, by contrast, seemed proud of her. Her daughter had wiped away the stain on the family's name and won recognition as an Angelii. Her mother encouraged her to pursue a career with the corps. Perhaps she hoped that one day Daymana would be one of the Captain-Generals or even Grand Seraph. She pointed out that her connections could help Daymana's advancement, but her daughter was standoffish. After having yearned for her mother's approval for so long, she did not want it.

Tirathana had triumped over her domestic foes. None of the rebels or pretenders could hope to unseat her. However, their focus on domestic squabbles and Kaeshana's isolation left the Eldorai at a disadvantage against foreign enemies. Foreign slavers and raiders, seeing the elves as enticing prey, attacked Kaeshana in increasing numbers. They came to loot, pillage and enslave. Stasers and Cusaeris armour were no match for blaster weapons. Sarixi and Sarzmigars were more effective, but to use them the Eldorai had to get close. Daymana fought the raiders in a skirmish.

The Eldorai prevailed, but at a heavy cost. When high command received word that pirates had been able to sack a minor town in the province of Apuliaea and abscond with slaves and plunder, the Court was outraged. Fearful of being undermined, Tirathana decreed that the local militia be decimated for cowardice. After all, cowardice and treason were the only ways the barbarians could have defeated the Eldorai. Daymana was ordered to carry out the decimation and dispatched to the town with a contingent of troops. She was under a lot of pressure to obey her orders. The carrot was the favour of the Court and a likely promotion. Moreover, the town was located in a province her mother had recently been appointed governor of.

However, when Daymana arrived on the scene, she stalled. Instead of having the soldiers 'draw the bones', she decided to investigate. Her superiors ordered her to do as she was told, using increasingly menacing language. But the Angelii officer wanted to look into things and realises that the local militia had done their duty and that slaughtering them would be barbaric. They had defended their people to the best of their abilities and paid in blood, but been outgunned. Indeed, more of the town's inhabitants would have died or been abducted if not for them. She refused to carry out the order. Her High Captain relieved her of command. When given the order to punish her for her betrayal, some of her soldiers refused. They joined those militia members who were able to escape. Many of the renegades were shot by loyalists. But the rest escaped with Daymana.

Not so long ago she had been a decorated commissioned officer of the Crown with a bright future ahead of her. Now she was a wanted fugitive, a Dashdar Eldorai and a Dashdae Sciian. These were labels she had in the past attached to her enemies. But now the same was done to her. The group fled into the mountains. Now they were at a crossroads. Some argued that the wisest course of action would be to hide from the Matriarchy and acquire transport offworld. They could join the Eldorai exiles who had already fled from Kaeshana.

But this course did not appeal to Daymana. She also rejected the idea of seeking cover in the criminal underworld or hiding in the wilderness. She was a soldier and had sworn an oath to defend the Eldorai people. The Queen had proved herself to be unjust, so she was obligated to oppose her. Victory was, as she admitted, all but futile. Nonetheless, it had to be done. She would not hide or become a brigand. There was a debate, and she rallied the renegades with a stirring speech. Some decided to take their chances and leave. They were given some weapons and provisions. The rest remained with Daymana. They swore not to no longer submit to the Matriarchy or bow to the Queen.

One of those who stayed was Kythaela Faesalor, one of Daymana's Angelii comrades. While endowed with less raw power and charisma than her friend, Kythaela was a skilled organiser and logistician. The type of person who could keep the machinery running and who any flamboyant leader really needed. She also had a bit of a past and quickly made connections in the underworld, which was useful for a group that had to steal most of its toys. The rebels called themselves the Red Eagles. From their hideout, they began to wage an all-out irregular warfare campaign.

They could not hope to take on the army of the Matriarchy on an open battlefield. Daymana had learned from the mistakes the Fake Aspasia had made. So instead she led the group in hit and run attacks. They conducted assassinations, ambushed military convoys and patrols, robbed banks, bombed government offices and set the estates of nobles ablaze. Daymana tried to live up to her stated goal of being a defender of the people and stand up for the common folk. Her killings of oppressive tax collectors, corrupt prelates and local nobles made her something of a folk hero, causing small folk to help and hide her. She also shared some of her loot with poor peasants and fishers. These people were at the very bottom of the social pyramid and suffered under draconian taxes and an arbitrary nobility.

However, her actions also provoked the government into unleashing its wrath on the small folk, as they were the ones the rebels were using to hide and recruit from. Search and destroy missions, reprisals and door-to-door searches produced many civilian deaths. Moreover, as the campaign grew more and more violent, Daymana and her group used roadside bombs and conducted bombings in towns. She tried to avoid damage among the common folk by sending notifications and warnings of bombing locations and avoid persecution of innocents. This caused tension with subordinates who wanted to go into a more extreme location. Some split off to form their own group. Time in the underground and government crackdown radicalised her. It goes without saying that the blood of innocents was also on her hands.

The Church condemned her as a heretic, branding her in the same way as the Illyrians. Necessity and her own growing political radicalism made Daymana more pragmatic. So she started to allow Eldorai males into her group. She got more than a few recruits from the Eldorai Sciiac Reserve Battalions, the less glamorous, less exclusive counterpart of the Angelii. Daymana refused to treat with slavers though. Indeed, she continued to attack raiders who came from the sky to enslave and loot. When she discovered that one of her comrades had secret dealings with such enemies of the people, she executed her.

There was also a personal dimension to her struggle, for it pit her against her family. Countess Eirina Thael obviously supported the ancien régime. Her daughter's defection put her at risk, for suspicion fell upon her at the Byzantine court of the Star Queen. Some courtiers alleged that she might have been complicit in her daughter's betrayal and could have even had dealings with the foreign raiders. She was under pressure to find and crush the traitors. To Eirina, her daughter was a traitor not just to the Matriarchy, but also her family.

In response, the Countess decided to punish Daymana's biological mother Vermina for passing on 'defective genes' and a 'tainted soul' to her daughter. The woman was imprisoned and abused. When Daymana learned of this through a rebel contact, she was resolved to free her. However, in actual fact it was a trap. The Dashdae Eldorai groups were extremely divided and so the rebel who gave her the information was playing a double game. The rescue mission went poorly and Daymana was captured.

Her legal mother tried to get her to repent and denounce her traitorous friends. This failed and she was given to the Investigators, who tortured her. But before she could moved to a more secure prison, her older sister Shaytasa intervened. Both her and Daymana were the biological daughters of the same woman, as it made sense to stick with a good breeding mare once you had found one. Shaytasa had been a royalist and tried to make her mark in high society, until court intrigue pushed her out. She also chafed under Eirina. So she helped them escape. Vermina was injured during the rescue, but lived. Daymana fought and defeated her legal mother, a powerful Force-User.

With that her ties to her old life had been cut for good. Before her mother died, she forced her to divulge where her child had been taken. Her daughter was named Inira. The Countess had sent the bastard to a monastery to become an acolyte or indentured servant. She was kept under strict watch, but otherwise unmolested. Daymana was conflicted about what to do. Inira's birth had been a product of her lack of care, but she felt responsible for the child and did not want her to grow up as a servant of the Matriarchy. She also feared that something might happen to her now. At the same time, she was poorly equipped to raise a child and did not want to pull her into the kind of life she led. Shaytasa helped her arrange a covert meeting and to slip into the monastery. When she was able to reveal herself to the child, she offered her a choice. Using contacts Kythaela had made, she paid a smuggler to take her mother and daughter offworld to Eldorai expatriates.

Daymana devoted herself to the underground. The Dashdae Eldorai rebels were chronically divided. Some wanted a magocracy, others a republic, others a military junta or just a different dynasty. Across the stars, there was a pretender called Taenarys Evora. She considered herself the rightful monarch and had assembled a force of sellswords and Eldorai exiles in order to help her claim her 'birthright'. Agents were sent to Kaeshana to enlist support among rebel forces. Daymana was hesitant. After all, she had followed Tirathana and found her wanting.

But the pressure from royalist forces was increasing. The Red Eagles suffered from intense persecution. They could not gain ground. So she cautiously accepted, albeit with reservations. However, it turned out that Taenarys' army was far smaller than her propagandists had made it out to be. They were crushed by Tirathana's army. Daymana had only dispatched a small force and quickly withdrew them rather than going down. Taenerys' own sellswords betrayed her and turned her over to the Star Queen. The Queen pretended to pardon them, but then had them seized and executed. Taenerays was given a 'crown of gold', for the Angelii poured molten gold over her head.

The Red Eagles continued the struggle in the underground. To Daymana, Tirathana's death did not change things. The Queen passed away in her bed, which triggered a struggle for the succession. Her daugter Silaqui emerged victor. She was corrupt and more interested in parties and excess than swordplay, but more liberal than her mother. Under her reign Kaeshana joined the Omega Protectorate, which had helped her win the throne.

On the one hand, Kaeshana gained the protection of a great power and access to foreign know-how, but on the other it lost its sovereignty. Daymana considered this an act of subjugation, for they had kowtowed before foreigners. There were also lurid rumours about Silaqui's relationship to Colonel Siobhan Kerrigan, who killed her rival Princess Nalia, the candidate of the reactionary party.

The Red Eagles allied with other Dashdae Eldorai groups that opposed the struggle. Daymana even started working with the radical element of the Rationalists as well Ashiran radicals. Strange times bred strange - and unstable - alliances. She participated in an uprising against the Crown. Rebel forces rose up in Santaissa, seeking to topple the Queen. The palace came under attack. Daymana led a commando team into the battle, using her knowledge of the palace layout and security protocols. However, the attack was ultimately repulsed by a combined force of Eldorai royalists and Firemane mercenaries. Silaqui was murdered by traitorous bodyguards, but her sister Anya Venari took the reins of power.

Injured during the fighting, Daymana and her comrades had to retreat. Anya took the regnal name Tirathana VII, which harkened back to her mother. However, in stark contrast to her, Anya was resolved to be a liberal monarch and drag Kaeshana into the future. Theocratic persecution was abolished, many political prisoners were set free if they disavowed violence and she initiated several reform programmes. However, she faces strong institutional resistance in both the church and the nobility.

Some renegades took advantage of the amnesty and put down their guns. This also included some Red Eagles. Daymana was angered by this, and stuck to her guns. She led several raids, including the bombing of a Firemane-operated arms factory. However, the government crackdown after Silaqui's death gravely weakened the Dark Eldorai. Even in her own home province support was diminishing. With the government taking a more hard line against corruption, it was more difficult for the partisans to get local support. After a long time of bloodletting, many locals believed the rebels might just be making things worse. Increasingly desperate rebel attacks only seemed to strengthen this belief.

Daymana was betrayed by some rebels who hoped to curry favour with the government and earn themselves a place at the table, but managed to fight her way out. Some radicals chose exile, but she refused to join them. To her, those rebels who sat in Fondorian and Corellian cafés and held debates about how to 'liberate the people' were cowards. She hid in the most remote areas of Kaeshana. Ironically, this put her in contact with some renegade Kar'zun who had refused to accept the subjugation of their people. Relations were tense, but Daymana had moved past her racialist beliefs. For a while, the Venari Restoration seemed stable. The Matriarchy had the full backing of Firemane and was able to repulse an assault launched by the Legion of the Damned, a faction of vengeful Kar'zun who had gone into exile after the defeat of their people and now wanted to avenge themselves by dropping an asteroid on the planet.

Then came the Netherworld Event. Kaeshana was not left untouched. Many religious Eldorai saw the sudden mass raptures as a portent of the end times. The planet was hit by a wave of political violence, as rebel groups rose up. Santaissa itself became a battlefield, as the diminished government forces had to defend the royal palace. Like all Force-Users, Daymana had to deal with the fact that the Force was out of balance. But she led her followers on an offensive. They conducted bombings, took hostages from the families of luminaries to ensure cooperating, looted weapons' caches and fought skirmishes with Firemane and Eldorai forces. Daymana had learned from past follies and thus placed greater emphasis on seeding the land with rebel cells, getting supplies and equipment, instead of going all-out. This probably helped ensure the survival of her group.

However, their enemies also included rival rebel groups. The internecine strife helped the goverment regain lost terrain. The uprising was defeated, but there was no time to fully crush the insurgents. Moreover, the Eldorai faced a new challenge that could not be defeated through force of arms. The Matriarchy learned that Kaeshana was doomed to be destroyed by an enormous asteroid. Their only hope lay in evacuating as many natives as possible before the calamity. They were able to evacuate most Eldorai with the help of Firemane, but some had to be left behind. Those who had important skills that would be needed to rebuild or who possessed a lot of money and thus could help fund the exodus fleet received priority. Daymana regarded this policy as a betrayal of the common people.

When word of the coming doom was leaked, panic broke out on Kaeshana. The famed obedience of the Eldorai dissipated. Desperation made many willing to do anything to escape the doomed planet. Religious fanatics saw the asteroid as Ashira's punishment for the Matriarchy's abandonment of the old ways. They believed that they could prevent the calamity by purging the homeworld of human monkeighs and 'blood traitors'. This caused a lot of bloodletting.

Daymana's group tried to steal ships to help common folk escape, skirmishing with Eldorai and Firemane troops. She became affiliated with the Shadow Knights, a group of renegade Eldorai soldiers and renegades formed to aid the forsaken. When the asteroid hit Kaeshana, the destruction was cataclysmic. Daymana and her group survived by hiding in the mountains that had become their home for many areas in the underground.

When they emerged from their sanctuaries, they beheld a wasteland. The Eldorai Matriarchy had evacuated the planet, leaving the Forsaken. Santaissa lay in ruins. The survivors of the calamity now had to eke out an existence on a post-apocalyptic, broken world. Daymana was one of those who tried to wrest some order from the chaos. She became a warlord, protecting some Eldorai communities and refugee camps. It was a bitter winter. Hard choices had to be made to ensure survival. They had to fight and steal to survive.

She aligned herself with Naesala Faethyra, leader of the Shadow Knights. Her past deeds as well as her bravery in the field against Archangel, slavers and warlords won her recognition. She was a revolutionary veteran, so her joining the group increased the legitimacy of the Shadows, to whom she could have otherwise been a rival. The rebel coalition put her in charge of the Caerith Tyari, the Shadow Angelii. The surviving members of her former Angelii Company who had joined her when she defected to the underground formed the nucleus of the Tyari's leadership.

Daymana applied the lessons she had learned during her time in the Angelii and the underground. The Tyari were a rather diverse bunch, being drawn from the ranks of disillusioned Angelii, former members of the Sciiac Reserve Battalions as well as long-time insurgents and new recruits drawn from refugees. It was not an easy road, but she managed to forge them into a disciplined fighting force. Around this time her daughter Irina returned to help. Daymana was both touched and worried. But the menaces they faced were many. She managed to get her hands on some starships to launch raids, attacking convoys to get supplies and tech. She displayed bravery in battles with Archangel, battling the machine cult when its droids descended upon Kaeshana to abduct Eldorai for processing.

The Shadow Knights supported the Tygaran Alliance and the Galactic Alliance against the First Order during the Kaeshana Rebellion. Taking up arms alongside her estranged brethren, Daymana fought at the Citadel of Dawn. However, the Shadows had to retreat when the Galactic Alliance withdrew, though they would continue to support the war effort. Daymana fought at Skor. But the accord with the Matriarchy was a brittle one.

With Kaeshana lost for the time being, the Shadows formed a nomad fleet. Internecine strife caused some groups to splinter, but Daymana and her group remained. She had found a place as leader of the Shadow Angelii. The corps was reinforced by defectors from the Matriarchy as well as Tygaran natives. One defector was Kaida Taldir, a former Angelii officer. Not all of the defectors were welcomed with open arms though, as the old guard often felt suspicious of former royalists. As a consequence, the newcomers had to pass trials to prove themselves. The Tyari would soon see action against internal and external threats. Domestic unrest and insurrection among the Shadow Knights resulted in them being deployed to quell threats to the junta. Some encouraged her to challenge Naesala for the leadership, but Daymana did not do so. Nonetheless, she became a formidable and extremely vocal political force in the movement.

The Tyari were among the Shadow Knight forces dispatched to Kaeshana to investigate rumours that the planet had been moved through the Nether. As the Shadow Warriors discovered, these rumours were true. The planet was free from foreign occupation, but even more devastated. Nothing of the old grandeur and hubris of the old Eldorai Matriachy was left on the inhospitable tomb world. The Shadow Guards encountered bizarre Force phenomena on the tainted, haunted world and helped the last few survivors of the cataclysm escape. Then they quickly left the death world. Daymana filled an urn with soil from Kaeahana and bid her homeworld fare well. The Eldorai had to abandon any notion of reclaiming their home. Instead they had to find and build a new one. For good or ill, it meant a new beginning for their species. She was determined to see it through.
Intent: Expand on Tephrike by subbing a rebel character for the Firemane gang to interact with. Create a Vong who defies some of the common tropes associated with that species.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Point of view character for the Tephriki rebels, possible ally/frenemy for the Firemane gang.
Links: Tephrike, Into Darkness.

Age: 29.
Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
Species: Yuuzhan Vong.
Appearance: Yuuzhan Vong female of average height for her people, which makes her fairly tall by baseline human standards. Her features are human-like, but she has a ridge-like forehead, a short, stub-like nose that gives her face a somewhat skull-like appearance and pointed ears. She has greyish skin and yellow eyes. She has dark hair, which she tends to wear in a practical ponytail to keep it from getting in the way in a fight. There is a horn-like appendage protruding out of her skull. Her body is covered by many scars. Some of these are the result of ritual scarification, but since she lacks the masochistic obsession of her ancestors with pain most were actually inflicted on her in combat.

She has electrical burns from being struck by Sith Lightning. Her torso has scarring caused by shrapnel, and her left cheek is marked by a vibroblade cut. She is strongly built and quite muscular. As is common for Vong, Mezha is Force Dead, meaning she has no Force presence that can be sensed. She has been endowed with Steng's Talons, a useful tool in hand to hand combat. After the loss of her right foot in combat, the shattered limb was replaced with a vua'sa foot implant, including a claw. She has also been implanted with Fire Spitters, which can exude chemical flames or blaster dampener fumes.

Name: Mezha Krazhmir.
Loyalties: Red Coral City, Viper Company, Republican Guard.
Wealth: Low. Being an insurgent does not pay well and so Mezha is far from wealthy. She lives a very modest life style. She is paid better than the average grunt or milita member, but the Republican Guard is not rich and after four bloody centuries Tephrike's economy is a mess. Thus she has a habit of looting from her enemies. A lot of what earns is used to provide for her daughter. She also uses loot to make extraordinary purchases to make sure her fellow soldiers have what they need.
Notable Possessions:
Skills: Trained in traditional unarmed and melee combat skills. Skilled in guerilla warfare, ambush tactics, infiltration, sniping, tracking, trapping and demolitions. In addition to the Yuuzhan Vong language, she can speak or understand Basic, Gunganese and Twi'leki. Trains small animals such as womp rats to help with sniping. She is also a nexu trainer in her off-hours.

Personality: Yuuzhan Vong are often stereotyped as technophobic, genocidal religious fanatics who are obsessed with inflicting and experiencing pain. There is a good deal of basis for thus, as their actions during the Yuuzhan Vong war demonstrate. Admittedly that was nearly eight hundred years ago. By the same token, all Twi'lek females are incapable of wearing clothes outside of outfits appropriate for the adult entertainment industry, all Eldorai are narrow-minded bigots with delusions of racial superiority and all Wookiees are honour-bound to a fault. Stereotypes are just that stereotypes, though some have more of a basis in reality than others.

Mezha is a product of a harsh environment. She lacks the obsessive religious zealotry and hatred of technology that characterised her ancestors. Neither of these traits would have been conducive to survival on war-torn Tephrike. There her kind are a racial minority, having been stranded there for centuries.

Moreover, two of the three main factions on Tephrike, the extremist Jedi-led Dominion of Light and the Disciples of the Vader, a Sith cult, regard Vong as abominations. To them, the Force Dead are an affront to their religious beliefs. This has pushed many of the surviving Vong into the arms of the Republican Guard, a secular faction of insurgents who opposes the Force theocrats and idealise the old Republic. Mezha is one of the soldiers that fight in the Guard's ranks.

Growing up on Tephrike centuries after the outbreak of the Gulag Virus sent the planet spiralling into chaos, she has been forced to become self-reliant at an early age. She tends to be gruff, sardonic and reserved except to those she trusts, but loyal to the Guard and protective of those under her command. If she trusts someone, she reveals a brighter nature. Mezha has been a fighter for so long that she has a lot of trouble seeing herself as anything else - or imagining a future where Tephrike is not a war-torn hellhole. She has a soft spot for victims, especially children, but no patience for people who in her opinion do nothing to improve their lot. In stressful situations or combat she becomes extremely focused. The nature of her work requires intense focus, detachment and a certain degree of cold-bloodedness.

True to the warrior spirit of her people, she is disciplined and leads from the front. However, she does not believe in blind, suicidal obedience. The Rebellion does not have the resources to casually throw away the lives of its soldiers. She disdains cowards and showoffs, but encourages critical thinking skills among her subordinates. Due to the multispecies nature of the Rebellion, Mezha is fluent in or able to understand several languages outside of her native tongue. Mezha lacks speciecist biases, having experienced discrimination herself due to her origins and fought alongside members of different species. She is quite inspiring and has the ability to rally her comrades even when things are dire. It helps that they know that she will be taking the same risks as them, rather than hanging back.

Mezha is extremely distrustful of Force-users, viewing their powers as corrupting and destructive. Being a Force Dead, she does not quite understand how the Force works, but she has witnessed the ruinous effect its wielders have had on her homeworld. The Republican Guard has a policy of isolating Force-users from the rest of society and conditioning them to suppress their powers. In that regard, they treat it like a disease. Those who have been deemed cured are released into society. In some cases, experiments are conducted to turn them Force Dead, though this only occurs in extreme cases. From Mezha's perspective, her people are employing harsh but necessary measures to keep themselves safe. She feels strong antipathy for Jedi and Sith alike. Force-Users who act in ways contrary to her experiences might be able to influence or mellow her opinion, but it would be a very difficult road, as she would suspect deception.

Mezha has a strong bond with Synthia Vao, a fellow member of Viper Company. Unlike her, Synthia was born in the Dominion. Indeed, she was one of its clone troopers. However, the callousness with which the Jedi Generals treated their slave-soldiers drove her to defect and seek out the resistance. The two get on well and make a good team. They also often socialise outside of duty. Synthia is outwardly more optimistic and light-hearted than her Yuuzhan Vong friend, but scarred by her experiences in the Dominion. Recently, Mezha and Synthia has gotten to know Sergeant Freya Solveig, a tough Firemane veteran.

The three ran into each during the Second Battle of Fortress Purity, when Freya and her troopers dropped on Dominion militia Mezha and her team were about to ambush. Having been cut off from their own forces, the Firemane squad teamed up with the Vipers. Despite the initial distrust between them, the two groups cooperated well. It helped that the Firemane team was composed of Non-Force-Users and Freya held space mages in disdain. The two developed a grudging respect for one another after taking down several Dominion troopers and Jedi together.

On a personal front, Mezha has a daughter called Nei. Her father was a fellow Yuuzhan Vong soldier. He was one of the partisans who found Mezha after her escape from the Dominion research facility. The two grew close and bonded. Unfortunately, he was killed in action, which affected Mezha deeply. Her child is still very young and being raised in a creche. This is quite normal in Republican Guard society. The rebel movement encourages people to have children. Since the adults are busy fighting or working they have communal creches run by the elderly and wounded. Mezha spends as much as time with her little one as she can when she is home and always carries a holopic of her on her person. When things get grim, it reminds her of who and what she is fighting for.


Weapon of Choice: Proficient with vibroweapons, guns, explosives, amphistaves and other traditional Vong weapons such as razor bugs. Mezha prefers slugthrowers to blaster weapons because blasters are more difficult to maintain in the jungle. By contrast, slugthrowers last a lot longer if you keep them clean, are easier for the Republican Guard to manufacture and thus a lot more common. She is very good with sniper rifles. She also makes use of her talons and a Fire Spitter in melee combat. She has taken a liking to the Firemane Boltgun for when she needs some heavier firepower.

Combat Function: Mezha is a formidable commando, skilled in small unit leadership and ambushes. Tough, talented markswoman and sniper and proficient with demolitions. As is common for Vong she is Force Dead, completely void in the Force. She has no presence within the Force and thus cannot be sensed in it (except through use of Vongsense) or mentally manipulated. She is unaffected by most Force powers targeted directly against her. Even a normally powerful telekinetic blast that is capable of launching an ordinary opponent off their feet at high speeds simply causes her either to stumble, or lose balance temporarily. Her Force Dead nature can give her an advantage in combat against Force-Users.

However, while being void in the Force is a great benefit, it also has all the associated drawbacks as she cannot be aided by the Force either. Battle meditation, Force healing and telepathy will all not work on her. Moreover, she is not immune to Force Lightning and can be indirectly affected by the Force. To name some examples, during the Yuuzhan Vong War Jedi were able to cause Vong to suffocate by making the air super dense around them or increase the air pressure to a degree that they were effectively crushed.

Moreover, chucking a boulder obviously still works against Vong because them being a void in no way affects the fact that a giant rock is being thrown at her. For unknown reasons, Force Net also works on the Force Dead. In short, all the Force techniques that work against Vong work against her. It should be noted that her Force Death does not extend to clothes and objects she carries on her person, unless they happen to be Vong biots. Thus it would be possible to affect her indirectly by targeting her conventional equipment.

Mezha has limited skill with galactic technology. This is not due to technophobia, but a result of Tephrike having regressed during the Four Hundred Year Dark Age. For the same reason she has no skill as a starship pilot, as the few remaining spaceships on Tephrike are mostly controlled by the Dominion. In melee combat she is a surgical fighter. She is good with knives and garrotes. She has a preference for lightweight armour that gives her mobility and allows her to blend in better. This obviously leaves her more vulnerable to heavy weapons, heavy blasters and high-calibre bullets.

  • Stealthy operator. Very skilled in sniping, gunslinging and irregular warfare.
  • Force Dead. Completely void in the Force, has no presence that can be detected and is immune to most direct Force powers.
  • Force Dead. By the same token, she cannot be aided by beneficial Force powers such as Healing, Battle Meditation, and Telepathy. She can also be hurt through indirect use of the Force, Force Net and Force Lightning.
  • Limited skill with galactic technology. No skill as a pilot.


Yuuzhan Vong tend to have a poor reputation in the Galaxy. Being responsible for a galactic war that cost the lives of 365 trillion sentient beings tends to have that effect, though there are counter examples such as Nei Rin, a Yuuzhan Vong Master Shaper who worked with the Jedi and was a key participant in the Ossus Project. Many centuries have past since the Vong War and countless atrocities have taken place since then in which Vong had no role, but the stigma remains.

Mezha had the misfortune of being born on a war-torn, riven planet. Like most worlds, Tephrike was hit hard by the Gulag Virus. Historians may argue what motivated the terrorist Zero to unleash the cataclysmic Gulag Virus on Csilla, but its effects are plain for all to see. However, Tephrike was probably more aversely affected than many other worlds. The planet was isolated from the rest of the Galaxy, its economy collapsed, its technology and people regressed. Moreover, a never-ending civil war broke out.

The Jedi remnant on Tephrike tried to wrest some order from the chaos, but in the process became the very thing they sought to oppose. The Jedi-led Dominion of Light, a repressive theocracy that preached a warped, debased version of the old Jedi Code, was opposed by the slavocratic Disciples of the Vader and the Republican Guard, an anti-Force-user rebel movement that idealised the old Republic.

Vong had been stranded on Tephrike many centuries ago. Mezha's family claimed descent from Domain Krazhmir, which had belonged to the Warrior Caste. Centuries ago, Zho Krazhmir had been the Supreme Commander of the Yuuzhan Vong forces during the First Battle of Zonama Sekot. However, this meant preciously little in the modern era. Even before Tephrike's descent into chaos and madness, its Vong minority population had been discriminated against, with restrictions on jobs and place of residence. Yuuzhan Vong were targeted for extermination by the Disciples of the Vader. The Vong fought back and made common cause with the Republican Guard.

Mezha had to learn from early on to survive. Living on a planet where war, plague and famine had decimated the population, she grew up with every day being a battle for survival. She was the middle child, with an older sister and a younger brother. Her father taught them essential survival skills.

Young Mezha was raised in the underground, for her family supported the Guard. The Vaderites wanted to eradicate her kind and the Dominion of Light regarded them as abominations that needed to be cleansed or cured. However, the rebels were poor and needed to acquire most of their resources through raids. The village she grew up in was called Queribus, but she would spend a lot of her life underground. Hers was a hybrid culture that combined Yuuzhan Vong principles with those of the Republican Guard. Unlike her ancestors who had invaded the Known Galaxy almost a millennia ago, her parents did not reject technology.

Life in the maquis was characterised by hardship and struggle. Mezha was young, but was pulled into service at an early age. Before she was ten she could already shoot, memorise locations, read a map and take orders. She learned how to go without food, fight, hunt and help her community scavenge and steal from others efficiently. Children like her were used in secondary roles, such as transporting supplies, manning AA weapons, work crews, scouting, digging trenches, guarding prisoners etc.

For a while she served as a messenger for partisans. Her first fight took place when she helped protect supplies from bandits. It was a tough setting where there was little room for childhood innocence. She was commended when she and some fellow child soldiers managed to locate and shadow a Dominion force. This allowed the partisans to stage an ambush and protect the secrecy of their camp. Some captives were taken, which brought young Mezha into close contact with the soldiers of the enemy for the first time.

However, all was not well. The Disciples of the Vader laid claim to Queribus, demanding submission or death. They needed resources and slaves for a new crusade against their enemies. The Dark Lord of the time was a religious purist. The Sith attacked in full force, deploying Sithspawn and heavy gunships. The village was bombed from the sky. Mezha and other youngsters were among the partisans manning the AA guns.

Mezha was injured during the air strike and buried under rubble, but survived. However, her father was killed in the air raid. There was no time to mourn, as the Sith attacked. To save themselves, some of the villagers gave up information on the rebels who had been using the village as a base. The rebels retreated into the tunnels, where fierce fighting ensued. The partisans had a rather ingenuous network of tunnels and had laid many traps.

Unlike them, the Vaderites did not know the terrain. Mezha managed to get the drop on a Stormtrooper with a monofilament trap, then killed him with a poisoned dagger. However, during the fighting she was attacked by a monstrous Sithspawn. Once it had been a nexu, but Sith alchemy had mutated it into an abomination. Her mother saved her from the beast, killing it with a gun and amphistaff. Unable to take the tunnels, the Sith tried to flush them out with nerve gas and explosives. The rebels and their supporters conducted a breakout. It was a harrowing trek. Mezha and her family tried to stick together, but were separated after the group came under attack during night time.

Mezha was all alone, and forced to fall back on her survival skills. To help keep herself sane she recited the names of her family members and ancestors at night and prayed to the Yun'o. She foraged and hunted wild animals and sometimes stole from villages and military patrols.

She eventually ended up in a refugee camp away from the bloodletting. However, here life was hard. Tephrike lacked a Red Cross or a similar institution. For a while the Order of the Blessed Way, a pacifist Jedi cult, offered aid. But the Jedi healers regarded Vong as abominations due to them being a void in the Force and in any case soon returned to their forest, embracing isolationism. Conditions were cramped in the camp and disease ran rampant.

Mezha had to perform menial jobs to get by. For a while she acted as a courier for drug dealers so she could bribe the authorities to avoid being expelled. She also stole to get necessary medications and food. She was chastisted after getting into a fight with other youngsters who had tried to bully her due to her race.

What passed for normalcy soon came to an end when a militia allied to the Dominion took over the camp. At first they were only looking for recruits, but they soon began press ganging refugees. Moreover, they went on a witch hunt for those believed to have been tainted by the Dark Side. When refugees defended themselves, bloodshed ensued. Innocent refugees were murdered.

Mezha ended up in the militia's crosshairs as word leaked out that the camp contained Vong. The dealer she had been working for sold her out. Mezha defended herself against her attackers, but was overpowered and separated from her family during the fighting. Subjected to beatings, she was eventually handed over to regular soldiers of the Dominion of Light.

However, things did not get easier. The Windian Jedi Order, as the Jedi who held sway over the Dominion called themselves, were eager to figure out what made Vong tick, as they did not quite understand the nature of Force Dead. This was quite pertinent for them because Vong made up some of the elite soldiers of the Republican Guard. Much like the Guard turned Force-using Force Dead, the Jedi tried to 'save the souls' of Force Dead. The Rebels had become a thorn in the Dominion's side, staging raids and terrorist attacks in their territory. So Mezha was brought to a research facility run by the Jedi Inquisition. There she was subjected to a series of experiments. They were unpleasant, to put it mildly. Her stubborn and rebellious nature contributed to her being punished a lot.

One Jedi tried to brainwash her into realising that her existence was unnatural and that she was an abomination in the eyes of the Force. This was accompanied by physical and psychological torture, as she was treated as a thing without rights. From the Jedi's perspective, they were trying to cure her by breaking her curse. However, eventually she managed to escape, making contact with some of her fellow inmates. Though wounded by a Jedi's blade, she managed to overpower her captor and flee into the jungle.

Chatter she had overheard from the camp guards implied that Republican Guard followers had been sighted in the area. By the time she stumbled upon a partisan unit, she was in a poor shape. It was her good fortune that she was not shot by an overzealous sniper. Recognising her nature, the partisans took her in. It turned out that the team was led by her sister, who had taken up the cause believing Mezha to be dead. She shared what information she had gathered about the Dominion's operation. The information allowed them to carry out a raid on the laboratory.

Mezha fought against the Force cultists and their minions with great zeal, turning out to be an adept knife fighter and sharpshooter. Once she killed five enemies in one day as she crouched in a sniper hideout. She began writing a combat diary. To preserve military secrecy, she termed killed and wounded 'reds' and 'blues' respectively in her diary. When a camp they had set up in the hills was bombed by DOKAWs and attacked by Dominion infantry, she saved the life of one of the rebel officers, suffering burns in the process.

Recognising her value, the partisans took her with them when they retreated into rebel-controlled territory. After being posted in the unofficial border zone for a while, she was brought to Red Coral City, which was what passed for the capital of the Republican Guard. To call it a city was an euphemism, as it was closer to being a mix between armed settlement and rebel camp, but it was the centre of their operations. From here the rebel junta led what they considered to be the struggle to liberate Tephrike.

Here she was able to reunite with her surviving kin. She also got the chance to mingle with more of her kind, as the place had a Vong minority. This enabled her to connect with her people a bit and learn more about her roots, though the history she was taught was more than a little distorted due to isolation, inaccurate records and bias. The rebels believed that Sidious and the Jedi had conspired together to foment the Clone Wars so that the Force blind could be brought to heel.

Interestingly, their view of Luke and Leia was more charitable. Both were seen as well-intentioned people who had been duped by the Jedi into continuing the cruel war. According to this interpretation, Luke had gone into exile and renounced the Force after realising the harm Force-users caused. He had burnt the Jedi's sacred scriptures to keep future generations from repeating the same mistakes. Sadly, this was not enough, as Jedi Rey built a new Jedi Order.

However, life in Red Coral City was hard and lacking in comfort. Rationing was in effect, work hours were long while pay was low. Moreover, there was a strong siege mentality. People lived in fear of Force-users and their powers. There was a degree of freedom of thought and expression, but only within certain bounds. Children who displayed Force-Sensitivity were separated from their families and brought to the asylum, where they were isolated and taught to suppress their powers. Mezha felt sympathy for the children who were brought to the Amidala Asylum, considering them victims of something they could not control, akin to Plague victims. However, her past experiences created a strong bias against Force-users.

To put her skills to good use, she was inducted into a commando unit that staged raids into Jedi or Sith territory. It was called Viper Company. Often operating far from friendly territory, she grew self-reliant and independent, acquiring skills as a leadership, an understanding of partisan warfare and low level logistics. However, the brutality of the conflict radicalised her methods, making her more brutal and vicious. Thus she took part in terrorist bombings and reprisal attacks on supposed collaborators. Though committed to the liberation of Tephrike, the Republican Guard's methods were ruthless.

She used improvised explosive devices in population centres to take out supposed Sith or Dominion supporters, extracted 'tribute' from settlements in order to fund the revolution, took hostages to assure compliance and blew up dams and dykes to cause floods in enemy territory. Murder, kidnapping, torture and general intimidation were a routine part of Republican Guard strategy and were calculated to bring the population under control, liquidate opponents, erode the morale of Sith or Dominion functionaries, boost tax collection and propaganda efforts. Mezha was fighting for freedom, but not shy about being ruthless to achieve it.

Captured Jedi or Sith tended to be shot out of hand or hanged. Others were subjected to the Embrace of Pain. Owing to her past experiences, requisitioning supplies from villages left a bitter taste in her mouth, but the Rebellion had few resources and no external backers. When one of her fellow partisans turned out to be a traitor and led them into a Sith trap, she took cruel vengeance. She made a name for herself when a commando unit led by her infiltrated a Vader temple, placing explosive charges to blow it up. Mezha ended up facing a Sith in battle and was viciously scarred by Force Lightning, one of the few direct Force powers that could affect a Vong, but managed to kill him with an explode on impact grenade and a Fire Spitter.

She became a very proficient sharpshooter, specialising in the use of a long-rage slugthrower sniper rifle to kill enemies at range, especially high-value targets such as officers and Force-Users. Her skills earned her a leadership position in the prestigious Viper Company, which she soon came to lead. She grew close to one of the partisans who had found her after her escape from the Dominion research facility. The two had a daughter. Mezha was overjoyed when her child came into the world. She named her Nei after her mother. However, her duties meant that she could only spend a limited amount of time with the babe, who was raised in a creche.

She aso participated in the Hundred Days Offensive, a grand campaign launched by the Republican Guard during the Netherworld Event, which had thrown the Dominion into disarray. The offensive brought Rebel soldiers into the heartland of the Dominion. She was part of a recon unit. During one period she crawled through a muddy communications each day at dawn to a specially camouflaged pit which overlooked Dominion territory.

She successfully employed counter-sniper-tactics against a Dominion cuckoo sniper hidden in a tree, by waiting until dusk when the space between the tree branches would be backlit by sunlight and the sniper's nest became visible. During an operation, an enemy sharpshooter shot her in the shoulder. Though the wound seemed minor to her, she needed an operation and was incapacitated for several days, but returned to active combat as soon as possible.

The initial attacks stunned the Dominion armies, causing them to temporarily lose control over several cities. However, the Jedi Battlemaster rallied them. The armies of Light regrouped, beat back the attackers and inflicted heavy casualties on them. The popular uprisings Red Coral City had hoped for never materialised. Mezha participated in the failed attack on Fortress Purity, where a Republican Guard force was routed. Badly injured in her chest and leg by shrapnel fragments from an artillery strike while shielding a wounded Republican Guard soldier, Mezha was found by two soldiers from her platoon.

Fortunately, her comrades evacuated her from the battlefield. Mezha survived, but she lost her right foot. Like the ancient Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah, she got a replacement from Vong shapers, who fashioned a foot with four claws from the corpse of a vua'sa. Nei's father perished in the fighting, but Mezha had little time to properly mourn him. She channelled her grief into anger.

She was part of General Aruunzeb's force when he held out in Salona in order to buy other Republican Guard forces time to pull back. The Republican Guard used deception to fool its enemies, employing dummies, camouflage and false radio traffic to fool them into thinking that their force was a lot larger than it actually was. But fierce house-to-house fighting ensued in the ruins of the city. In the end the surviving Republican Guard forces had to execute a breakout to escape encirclement. Mezha and her comrades were part of this, using infiltration tactics to penetrate enemy lines and sowing confusion among the enemy to cover the retreat.

Some of her comrades, as well as Dominion citizens who had sympathised with the rebel cause, had been captured by the Dominion. With the help of some other Rebels, Mezha launched an unauthorised mission to raid a prison camp and free them. The operation was a success, but obviously going against your orders was still a crime in any army. No military is fond of mavericks and cowboys, after all. So Mezha was punished for it. Her past actions worked in her favour when she was court-martialled, but she was demoted and reassigned to a distant outpost. There she was ordered to whip a platoon composed of criminals and mutineers into shape. Unexpectedly she did well and the penal unit proved itself during a forlorn hope assault.

She was disgusted by the fact that the leader of the Republican Guard had secretly collaborated with Darth Salus, the leader of the Vaderites. Once named Krieg, Salus had been tried to turn the Vaderites to the light side after discovering a 'lost tome' that told the story of Vader's redemption...though this did not stop him from being a despot. Thus she was pleased when the chancellor lost a vote of no confidence and was replaced by the Gungan Odoh Senks, a former slave and decorated war hero.

However, she was challenged in her beliefs when she discovered that one of her friends, a fellow partisan, had a Force-Sensitive son, whose powers she had kept secret, which was a serious offence in the Republican Guard. Despite their friendship, Mezha had to turn them in. From her perspective, she was helping them. However, her friend disagreed, so there was a fight in which Mezha prevailed. She was given her old position back after this. For a while she was positioned closer to home, hunting down rogue Force-Users who were illegally using the Force. But she and her partisans soon returned to Dominion territory.

As of late, Mezha had heard rumours about people from outer space arriving on Tephrike. These rumours were confirmed when the Republican Guard detected a huge spaceship with a telescope and later came across a foreign submersible in their waters. She was one of those soldiers charged with investigating these outsiders and determine whether their coming will be to the benefit or detriment of the Tephriki. Time will tell what repercussions her missions will have.

It soon transpired that the outsiders belonged to a group called Firemane. At first they attempted to negotiate with the Dominion, but soon open warfare broke out when an extremist faction in the Dominion attacked the Firemane negotiators. Some Firemane-allied pilots, led by Laira Darkhold, were shot down. Pursued by Dominion militia, they had to seek refuge in the wilderness.

Viper Company operatives and normal irregulars, led by Mezha, followed the outsiders. When the pilots were being swarmed by Dominion militia, the rebels came to their aid. Ultimately this led to Firemane and the Republican Guard entering an uneasy alliance. It helped that Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori, the adoptive daughter of Firemane's boss, had been captured by the Dominion.

The Guard shared intelligence on Dominion forces and strongholds with the outsiders. In return, Firemane provided them with food and medical supplies. Eventually it decided to equip select rebel units, such as Viper Company, with some more advanced weapons. Viper Company played an important role in the battle for Fortress Purity, a joint assault on a major Dominion base and a key breastwork on the road to Nexus City, capital of the Jedi theocracy. The Republican Guard had tried to take the fortress in the past, but always been repulsed. Viper Company had suffered heavy casualties in the assault during the Hundred Days Offensive. Thus the mission was personal for them.

Here, the Vipers faced one of their hardest fights. Per the battle plan, the Guard would provide the bulk of the manpower. Firemane would support them with small elite groups of special forces operators and shock troops, air and artillery strikes. There was strong distrust on both sides, as each expected betrayal from the other party. This mind set extended to Viper Company, as the partisans were suspicious of their allies. Nonetheless, this was their chance to deal a serious blow to the Dominion.

Taking advantage of the intense bombardment Firemane subjected the fortress to, the Vipers used a secret tunnel to get close to the Dominion positions and bypass their first line of defence. Their infiltration was a success. However, the Dominion was determined to make the invaders bleed for every inch of ground they seized. Kamikaze fighters attacked the Firemane transports and bombers. Intense fighting raged across the forest. Moreover, the Dominion activated a weather control machine, gravely weakening Firemane's ability to carry out air strikes or land troops in the combat zone.

Viper Company was about to eliminate Dominion emplacements when suddenly power armoured soldiers dropped down from the sky, landing close to their position. They were Reaper Squad, and their commander was Sergeant Freya Solveig. Both units teamed up, with the Reapers providing the hammer and the Vipers the dagger to slip through Dominion lines. Amidst fierce fighting, they overpowered a Dominion artillery crew. Freya and Mezha worked together to take down the Wookiee Jedi Commander, with the former attacking him up front while the latter employed an amphistaff to poison him. Then they turned the mortars on Dominion positions, bombarding them. However, a vicious Dominion counterattack forced them to retreat.

Traps, the Reapers' heavy firepower and the Vipers' sharpshooting took their toll on the Dominion clone troopers. When Reaper Squad used their jetpacks to fly towards the Dominion lines and drop grenades on them, Mezha supported them by sniping enemies. Despite given the chance, she refused to abandon her allies. However, the Rebels and the Firemane soldiers were cornered. They held off a wave of enemy attackers. Mezha and Freya worked together to take out a Dominion super tank. While Freya immobilised it by shooting with her shatterboltgun, Mezha used her Cloak of Nuun to sneak up to it and throw a grenade down the hatch. However, more Dominion soldiers came and the two had to fight for their lives.

When all seemed lost and they were about to be literally run over by a tank, Firemane's Mirage Squadron carried out an air strike, giving the Republican Guard time to deploy reinforcements and stem the tide. Indeed, Mezha and Freya were saved from being rolled over by a tank when the Squadron's Qadiri pilots blew it up. They were reinforced by Rebel assault troops, who saved them from being overrun. The line had been stabilised, leaving the situation a stalemate.

But the Dominion hammered the allied forces with attacks. Republican Guard and Firemane troops were almost overrun. The rebels had to swallow their distrust of Force-Users and fight along side the Order of Fire. After her injuries had been patched up, Mezha returned to combat. After giving a speech, she rallied some volunteers from her unit. Freya rejoined them. The team was given the task of locating and cracking bunkers that impeded the Republican Guard's advance. Dominion mentalists used illusions to conceal small units of soldiers and entrenched defences, enabling them to ambush rebels.

Mezha and her allies received a distress signal from an Andorian Guard platoon that had come under heavy enemy fire. The Dominion had employed a Force Illusion to conceal the bunker and now the unit was being mauled. While Freya and one of her men joined the beleaguered Republican Guard unit and provided covering fire, Mezha and her people used their stealthy skills to get close and lob explosives into the bunker. Said explosives had, ironically, been taken from Dominion suicide bombers.

Then boh groups stormed the bunker. Injured in the explosion, the Jedi illusionist was gunned down by a furious Freya for messing with her mind. After taking the bunker, the team discovered that it connected to a tunnel that seemed to be part of a larger underground complex. Far from being just a mundane pillbox, it was a crucial component in the Dominion's defences. The tunnel provided a way into the base. They contacted headquarters, requesting backup and ground penetrating radar to map the underground complex.

Shortly after making this discovery they ambushed a Dominion patrol and were able to take prisoners. The Jedi leader had been bitten by Synthia's amphistaff but refused to divulge any information. One of the captured clone troopers declared his willingness to cooperate, but the interrogation was interrupted by a Dominion attempt to contact the patrol. The team tried to fool them by compelling the cooperative trooper to lie to his superiors, but the Dominion did not buy it and dispatched reinforcements. Mezha had the captured Jedi strapped with explosives and detonated them as soon as Dominion soldiers approached. Thereafter fierce fighting ensued in the tunnels. The team turned the tunnel into a kill zone, gunning down several Dominion soldiers and Jedi through disciplined fire and improvised weapons. However, the enemy was able to break through.

Mezha faced a Jedi warrior in combat. She was able to injure her enemy through use of a Fire Spitter and blade, but was trapped in a Force Net. Unable to escape the constriction, she was saved by Synthia momentarily distracting her opponent. She broke free and shattered part of the Jedi's armour by setting it on fire and then using a cryoban gun She was able to overpower her enemy and stab her. Having been wounded during the fight, she was brought to safety by Synthia, though she refused to leave the fight. As the Dominion was in the process of overrunning them, reinforcements arrived.

The Republican Guard troops poured through the tunnels and stormed the underground base. Close to the end of the battle, the Dominion unleashed a brigade of Padawans and Younglings to cover their retreat while General Kennobi, the commander of the base, committed suicide. The child soldiers were sent on a suicidal death charge and gunned down by the Republican Guard and Firemane troops. Mezha was among the soldiers who entered the base. Enraged by the massacre and the way the Dominion had hurt her, she killed the remaining Dominion soldiers and functionaries without mercy. The Guard was not in the mood to take prisoners.

She, Freya and Synthia found the body of Jedi General Kennobi, who had committed suicide after sending the Younglings to die. The fact that he escaped justice and the pointless slaughter left her enraged. She took his lightsabre as a trophy. With the battle over, she said goodbye to Freya, after both admitted that they would not mind seeing the other again. The fall of the Fortress was a blow to the Dominion, but it was not beaten. Instead it rallied under a new group of hardliners willing to fight a war to the knife.

Mezha was given a brief respite before she was recalled to duty. The Republican Guard promoted her to Captain. She and Synthia were more committed than ever to overthrowing the Dominion and the Vaderites. In the aftermath of the fighting, Mezha was invited to the Scarlet Destiny by Tegaea Alcori, Director of the Firemane Exploration Corps.

Visiting space for the first time was rather unnerving for Mezha. The same applied to being in the company of so many Force-users. However, she managed to maintain her self-control. Mezha was honoured for her actions, receiving a weapon and a commendation from Firemane. Her brief exposure to the outsiders left her puzzled by their ways, but also curious.

Intent: Expand on Siobhan's inner circle and the Dahomian clique. Devotion's uniform would be olive green instead of white, but otherwise the picture is a good fit.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Devotion is a general officer and Chief of Army Staff. Thus she is Firemane's most senior army officer after Siobhan herself. She oversees strategic and operational management, resource allocation and advises Siobhan on military matters. She is a member of Firemane's supreme military council.
Links: Dahomey, Into Darkness, The Outbreak, Board of Control, Tempest, Glory.

Age: Late 50s.
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
Species: Human.
Appearance: Devotion is a middle-aged human female of above average height. She has dark skin, brown eyes and shoulder-length black hair, which has some white streaks in it. Devotion usually wears a Firemane military uniform. It is always well-pressed and her boots are polished. She sometimes adds a long black coat. Though she is no longer a frontline soldier, she has gotten into her share of fights in her younger days, especially during her youth on Dahomey. As a result, she has a number of scars. Devotion is of a certain age, but stays in shape with long walks and jogging. On ceremonial occasions she will carry a sword in a scabbard.

Name: Devotion. General, Chief of Staff of the Army. The Dahomians have a curious way of naming their children, since around their tenth birthday they choose a descriptive name that embodies their personality and is different from their birth name. Of course, some name choices end up being awfully ironic.
Loyalties: Firemane General Staff, House Kerrigan-Alcori, Siobhan, Firemane, Firedawn.
Wealth: High. Devotion is one of Firemane's most highest-ranking officers and thus gets paid very well. Pay in Firemane is on a sliding scale based on experience, rank, reward and so on. This should make her eventual retirement a very comfortable one. Her family is part of the local elite on Dahomey and is very influential there.
Notable Possessions:
  • ​Sarix
  • Has an apartment on the Arx Aeternae and a house in Abomey, Dahomey's capital.
  • Her old Assegai, a traditional Dahomian spear. It no longer really sees use, but she keeps it around as a connection to her origins. She calls it her good luck charm.
  • Collection of medals and valorous decorations.
  • Engraved Holdout Bolter. Gifted to her by Siobhan.
  • Diaries. Devotion started writing a diary after joining the Protectorate. They focus a lot on day-to-day military life, but also contains personal matters, gossip and various anecdotes. Devotion uses the diaries to vent, writing down acidic thoughts the diplomat and professional soldier in her is unable to voice. Siobhan would not like them because although the diaries contains passages expressing admiration for her, they also serve as a vent for when Devotion is frustrated by her boss' egotism and narcissism. It also conveys sharp opinions on other leading figures in and outside of Firemane. Devotion has considered eventually publishing the diaries. However, this would only happen long after she, and many of the persons mentioned in it, are long dead.
  • Veshet Repeater Pistol (purchase request here, permission here).
  • RSIC-11 "Suncrusher" Blaster Pistol (purchase request here, permission here).
  • The Terminus Shiv (purchase request here, permission here).
Skills: Devotion is a general officer with decades of experience as a soldier, field commander and staff officer. She is good at strategic and operational planning and has a good understanding of logistics. In addition, she has demonstrated an acute sense of diplomacy. This is particularly helpful when dealing with Firemane's supreme warlord. Devotion is fluent in the native Dahomian tongue, Galactic Basic and has a decent grasp of Xio and Zandri. She has a slight Dahomian accent, but it is a mild one due to long exposure to the rest of the Galaxy.

She has a good understanding of what one might call office politics. She is good with blade and pistol. Devotion jogs regularly. Younger staff officers who accept the Dahomian's offer to go on a jog with her have learned that they may be very exhausted at the end of it.

Devotion presides over the general staff of Firemane's ground forces. It is the main organ for operational direction of the army; a powerful centre for military planning, operations, and determination of resource requirements. She has a major role in coordination between the armed services in the event of war.

She is responsible for command and control of the operational, combatant, logistics and training commands within the army. The general staff is characterised by the formal selection of its officers by intelligence and proven merit and by the exhaustive and rigorously structured training which its staff officers undertake. Devotion has done much to standardise doctrine, education and turn the general staff into a cohesive military fraternity.

Personality: One day when some senior officers had committed a misdemeanour, Siobhan angrily asked Devotion if she had punished them. Oh yes, retorted Devotion, she had given them a 'severe reprimand'. This did not impress Siobhan: "For a soldier that's no punishment!" But Devotion patiently explained 'the old military tradition that if the Chief of Staff reprimands [an officer], the guilty party must offer her resignation.' Siobhan could only chuckle at that.

Devotion has cultivated a reputation for competence, fairness and discipline. She serves as Chief of Staff of Firemane's Ground Forces and is thus one of Siobhan's closest military associates. Working with the at times capricious Lady Kerrigan requires a mixture of competence, patience, diplomatic talent as well as an ability to stand up for one self. Siobhan regards herself as Firemane's supreme commander and jealously guards her prerogatives as supreme commander. She is a powerful warrior, has become skilled in intrigue and is good at inspiring the troops.

However, there are several areas Siobhan is lacking in. She is a hard-driving commander with a penchant to lead from the front. This makes her less skilled at coordinating large forces, especially on a strategic level. She also has a huge ego. If Siobhan is a performer, then Devotion is a technician. She does not have Force powers and though she is no slouch in combat, she is not the warrior her boss is and probably less of an orator. Her role is to be the senior officer who handles organisational matters and diplomacy so that the frontline go-getters can achieve the operational goals set by high command. In the words of a fellow Firemane officer: "No one could have better suited Lady Kerrigan, who wanted a woman capable of relieving her of all detailed work, to understand her instantly and to foresee what she would need."

Firemane is a rather diverse organisation. Its armies contain professional mercenaries, Tygaran Sepoys, irregulars, Kar'zun warriors and knightly orders personally sworn to House Kerrigan-Alcori. It also maintains its own Force Order, which again is split into several branches. To get all these different groups to work together as a cohesive force requires a considerable amount of diplomatic and organisational talent, along with patience and humility.

This is the role Devotion plays. Her gift lies in being able to keep the disparate groups together and use them effectively, while communicating with Siobhan and advising her. There are more charismatic, daring and hard-driving army commanders in Firemane, but she is the best chief manager of the corporation's ground forces. Flamboyance is anathema to Devotion, who is not fond of what she calls 'prima donna generals' and 'film star generals'. She is a prudent woman who favours cunning over a brute force approach.

When Siobhan's fanciful strategic ideas collide with sound military strategy, it is up to the Dahomian to convince her. Devotion has at times been frustrated by Siobhan's meddling, as well as her insistence that she should be on the front and apparent belief that she is the central combatant of any fight she participates in. At the same time she respects her a lot for her leadership, even if she may be the most difficult woman she has ever worked with. Devotion enjoys a lot of trust from Siobhan, which comes in handy during heated discussions. Per Firemane military protocol, the Army Chief of Staff has direct access to Lady Kerrigan. Technically this allows Devotion to bypass the Chief of the Great General Staff (CGGS) and appeal to Siobhan when she disagrees with a decision made by the former.

Devotion is a bit reserved and takes military protocol seriously, though not to the point of being a fussy martinet. She is not one for stirring, inspirational speeches. Instead she boosts morale by adopting a policy of circulating through the force to the full limit imposed by physical considerations. She does her best to meet soldiers with straightforward conversation, a pat on the back and earnest interest in their problems. She makes it her business to radiate optimism, believing that dourness from on high has the potential to create organisational malaise.

Even in the heat of battle she keeps a level head, an analytical frame of mind and projects certainty. At the same time she is not squeamish to make sacrifices. Once the battle is over, she is willing to commiserate with the wounded and slain, but this will not stop her to do what must be done to attain victory, if she feels it can be achieved. Devotion is no genius or savant and does not claim to be either. Indeed, she manifests a somewhat self-deprecating sense of humour. She has learned through failure as much as success. Her younger self was quite impetuous, but came to realise the importance of cunning and patience. She has a special ability for sizing up situations and persons.

Born the daughter of a tribal leader on Dahomey during a period of isolation and endemic fighting, she had to grow up fast. Later she had to fight foreign slavers and imperialists who came to exploit her world and its people. These experiences have shaped her outlook. She despises slavers and exploitative régimes. Devotion has a strict policy against looting, marauding and 'living off the land'. This was not always the case, as her tribe had to resort to such tactics during the struggle against warlords and foreign imperialists. She is not shy about ordering a lashing or execution for soldiers who indulge in crimes. She is harder on officers than enlisted because the former are supposed to be an example to their troops.

She has an affinity for the Tygaran elves. Like her people, they grew up in isolation from the rest of the Galaxy and then had to adjust to a whole new world. She has played a leading role in setting up Sepoy formations and has been an advocate for them. She also learned the common native languages instead of relying on translation devices. Her work with them was one of the reasons she caught Siobhan's eye. Human High Culture and similar beliefs disgust the Dahomian, as they remind her of how the foreign slavers and missionaries treated her people as 'primitives'. Devotion trains regularly with blade and pistol, but she is no frontline fighter. Her job is to lead, plan and ensure the troops have the resources they need to complete their objectives, not storm the trenches.

Her job pays very well, but she does not just spend her money on herself. She is quite attached to her homeworld Dahomey and donates a notable portion of her income. Her donations go to charities as well as wildlife conservation and anti-poaching efforts. She helps sponsor a group of native rangers. Critics claim that she has a tendency to favour her fellow Dahomians in Firemane. Devotion strongly dislikes Colonel Kuwahara, Firemane's intelligence chief. The Atrisian is one of the people who can get her to lose her temper. Devotion finds her personality and methods distasteful, likening her to a snake.

On a personal front, Devotion is married to a fellow Dahomian called Adamant. He is a high-ranking scientist employed by Firemane. His specialisation lies in quantum physics, especially quantum communications. He is one of the leading researchers working on the Enlightenment project.

The couple has two children, a boy and a girl. Both are adults now. Her son is called Prosper and presently serves as his mother's ADC. He is the 'good son' and being groomed for a leadership position. Prosper is married and has two little children. They are friends of Siobhan's wards. Devotion's daughter Melody is more of a wild girl who does want to be part of the family 'firm'. Instead she has gone off on her adventures and become a pop star. She goes by Mel because her full name embarrasses her a bit. Ironically, Tegaea and Elpsis are fans of her music.

Weapon of Choice: Blasters, blades, minions. Devotion is a general officer and thus not someone expected to fight on the front lines, unless say her command is overrun or she is ambushed. She is not a field commander, after all. However, she can defend herself when needed. She carries a blaster pistol and a blade for this purpose.

Combat Function: As mentioned above, Devotion is not a frontline fighter. Her appearing on the frontlines to fight is not very likely, especially since she is not a field commander most of the time. As chief of staff of the army, she exercises responsibility for the administrative, operational and logistical needs of the army. Her office is charged with providing accurate, timely information on which command decisions are based, planning operations and advising Siobhan.

As a result, she is not an elite warrior, but can defend herself when called for. She is familiar with unarmed combat, good with a blade and pistol. She trains regularly to keep her skills sharp. However, her training regime is that of an officer who is supposed to command from the rear, not someone who will storm the trenches with the troops. Devotion is in her fifties and while she is no slouch, this has implications in combat. She is a Non-Force-User and does not have any cybernetic or genetic enhancements that could give her preternatural powers.

  • Capable strategic commander and organiser. Devotion is good at directing and coordinating large military forces. She has a gift for organisation and big picture thinking. She is a composed, confident leader and though she has experienced her share of defeats gives a good account of herself.
  • Though no frontline fighter, she is no slouch with blade and pistol.
  • Devotion is no frontline soldier and well into middle age. She is a general, not a shock trooper, and so is at a disadvantage against heavily armoured enemies or Force users in direct personal combat.
  • She has no preternatural powers. Lacking Force powers, cybernetic or genetic enhancements, she cannot fall back on superpowers. She can be injured or killed by a blaster bolt or sword just as any normal human being. In combat she must rely on her wits, skill and training to prevail.

Like many employees of Firemane Industries, such as Siobhan Kerrigan's Personal Attendant Harmony and her Apprentice Tempest, Devotion is a child of Dahomey. The denizens of this rather remote, primitive planet wield a disproportionate amount of influence in the megacorporation. This tropical planet has supplied Firemane with soldiers, staff officers and administrators. Devotion is one of them, though of an older generation than many of the Dahomians who have made themselves a name in the corporate empire.

The pre-industrial world of Dahomey regressed during the Four Hundred Year Darkness due to isolation and strife. Like so many worlds, the Gulag Virus caused a catastrophe because while rich in resources, planets like Dahomey were unsustainable without imports of food. The death toll of the long night was staggering, for the virus and anarchy led to a cessation of trade. This meant no one shipped food to Dahomey or bought their minerals. The result was a demographic collapse and a breakdown of society. When the plague eventually reached the planet via the last few traders the result was horrifying.

The massive death toll led and was helped by the formation of warlord bands who fought over the scare resources. Communities ventured into the wastes to escape, forming communities, some of which have not been re-contacted. Many of its natives lived as hunters and gatherers, while warlords fought for control.

Outsiders were attracted to it due to it by its gold and, sadly, its people, whom they sought to enslave. When the long night had passed, the Independent Mining Guild and the Republic landed on the planet. Ironically, one resource Dahomey had lots of during the crisis was gold, but since it was so common it was useless to the warlords. The IMG quickly established rights to the world, buying up tons of gold in exchange for weapons, technology and food.

The warlords grew and increased their power, enslaving survivors for profit. Foreign slavers were attracted to Dahomey, seeing a valuable commodity in human lives. Moreover, the IMC's practices were exploitative and many of its overseers benefited from the slave trade, persecuting tribes that refused to accept its suzerainty. This is the world Devotion grew up and in was shaped by.

She was born close to the end of the long night. It was a time of strife, when warlords and petty king rose and fell in short order and when Dahomey was slowly being opened up to the rest of the Galaxy. She was the daughter of the chieftain of the Emeka tribe. Her father Honour ruled over a minor chiefdom far away from Abomey. Her father had moved his people north in search of land to settle on and established his chiefdom near a major river in the vicinity of a forest. Devotion's mother was from a neighbouring tribe, for she was the daughter of a formidable chieftain called Master, though whether she was his biological child is uncertain.

Devotion was her father's heir and groomed for leadership. Far from being pushed off to the side like in many pre-modern cultures (and still in some modern ones), the Dahomians often used female warriors in their armies. Dahomian culture values strength and martial prowess. With danger always present, Devotion was raised to be strong. By the time she was ten, she could fight with blade and spear, trap, track humans and wild animals. Blasters and even slugthrowers had become rare on Dahomey, so she was trained in the use of traditional weapons. She helped her tribe hunt, forage and steal supplies and cattle from other tribes.

A shaman taught her how to treat wounds, educated her about the spirits and stars. Oral history of great importance to the Dahomians, and so Devotion was raised on the deeds of the ancestors. She learned these by heart. The time before the outbreak of the Gulag Virus had faded into the realm of myth, and so it was conveyed to Devotion as a golden age that ended when the world was plunged into darkness. It was not an easy life, but not without its amenities. However, it was a time of strife, and this soon caught up with her. Master emerged as one of the most powerful forces in the land, conquering or driving off several tribes. After crushing his rival Courage, he faced a new foe in form of an Adegoke chieftain called Ambition, who had been Courage's protege.

Master came to distrust Honour, whose loyalty he deemed suspect. To ensure that Honour's tribe would remain obedient to him, he had the chieftain killed. In his place, he installed Devotion as his vassal chieftain and forced her to marry one of his lieutenants. Master took one of Devotion's younger brothers hostage to assure her good behaviour. Officially, he was an honoured guest, who would be educated by his grandfather. Naturally he would also serve as a potential replacement for Devotion if she or her people stepped out of line.

In theory, Devotion was chieftain now. In practice she was a figurehead. Her husband brought in his own associates, which caused discontent among her people as they found themselves being forced to kowtow to strangers. He was a man of low birth who had risen through the ranks on account of his martial skill and Master's patronage. Devotion shared their resentment and distrust of her overlord. Some whispered that her father had been murdered. Devotion had to toe the line, for she saw that those who questioned the status quo all too brazenly did not live long.

However, she observed, began to plan and did not remain long in Master's fold. Realising that her husband was a vain, ambitious man, she started to work on him. She won him over by convincing him that she could help him solidify his control over the tribe. At the same time, she did her best to plant seeds of resentment against Master in his mind. She bore no grudge against him, she claimed, but Master had committed injustices against her and her people.

They supported Master in his first war against Ambition. But then they swooped sides during the decisive campaign, defecting mid-battle. Master was forced to flee. Devotion beheaded her husband and swore allegiance to Ambition. Master's followers back home had not yet learned of his defeat. So when Devotion's warriors and a force of Ambition's men approached his homestead, they sung battle songs that heralded Master as a victor. To add plausibility to the ruse, some of Master's captured followers were forced to participate in it under pain of death. This encouraged the defenders to let down their guard, enabling them to sack the settlement. What followed was bloodshed and looting. Unfortunately for Devotion, her brother perished in the melee. Satisfaction at the collapse of Master's kingdom was mixed with grief at her loss.

Ambition consolidated his power over many of the tribes. Devotion swore allegiance to him, recognising the ambitious chieftain as her king. However, tension was in the air. Ambition was a farseeing visionary, but also extremely ruthless. Some of his acolytes claimed that he had been divinely blessed and was guided by visions of the future. His kingdom was not a united realm, but a conglomeration of many clans. The new king sought to centralise it. To this end he appointed indunas to act as his representatives. These officials held important administrative or military posts and indirectly served to counter-balance the influence of the chieftains. Some were of fairly modest birth, having distinguished themselves in the service of their king.

He also tried to unite the nation through a powerful administrative tool called the amabutho system. Every few years, youths who had reached a certain were called together from across the kingdom to be formed into a regiment, regardless of their local loyalties. They gave a period of service to the king. In so doing they had formed bond with him by the time they left his service to found their own homesteads, weakening the authority of the local chiefs.

To placate the chieftains, Ambition created an advisory royal council of 'great ones'. Devotion became one of its members. Not that the king necessarily deferred to their wishes. Indeed, he was not beyond executing councillors who disagreed with him, which no doubt discouraged others from speaking their mind. Inevitably, tensions arose between his drive to create a centralised kingdom and centrifugal tendencies.

Devotion and her father found themselves at odds with the king, whose decrees they perceived to be an infringement on their autonomy. For a while, their tribe was quasi-autonomous, ruling over their ancestral homeland. This peace lasted until Ambition ordered her to punish a rebellious tribe. Devotion led the raiding party. They returned with a very large herd of plundered Nerfs. It would have been expected of them to hand the livestock over to their king, for they were his subjects. He would have customarily granted many of the cattle back to his loyal vassal. That would have been custom, at any rate. But they kept most of the cattle for themselves and sent Ambition an insultingly small fraction of the herd. Her counsellors advised her against this, but Devotion was proud and headstrong. So she disregarded their counsel.

This was the catalyst for a breach that had been a long time coming. Devotion, distrustful of Ambition and wary of him due to rumours she had heard of events at the royal court, supported an aggressive course. She may have hoped that the king would let them go. Perhaps she was alarmed at the centralisation of his realm. However, she was mistaken. Negotiations between with Ambition's emissary proved fruitless. Supposedly at some point Devotion became enraged and told the messenger to tell Ambition that she had no king. In peace she would greet Ambiton as a sister, in war he would find in her an enemy. Commanding him to depart, she instructed him to tell his king that it rested with him whether it would be peace or war.

The king dispatched a force of soldiers to subdue his unruly subjects. The tribe had to defend itself against the punitive expedition. The first battle was a victory for the rebels. Devotion distinguished herself when her tribe successfully defended a mountain stronghold. Masses of basalt rained down upon Ambition's men. Soon there was a general crush, an irresistible avalanche of stones, accompanied by a shower of javelins. This drove the assailants back. The chiefs tried to rally with the fugitives and lead them against the rampart, but to no avail.

It was a notable success for Devotion, but it was not to last. When her people moved to another defensive stronghold in the hills, they were again attacked, for Ambition had sent a large force to deal with them. These soldiers were more experienced and better-led - and had become well-acquainted with the price of failure. The rebels were overcome and the survivors scattered. They left behind many dead, especially women and elderly men, and their Nerfs to be rounded up by the victors.

It was a rout, and a significant loss of status for Devotion. She as able to regroup the survivors and moved westward at the head of some three hundred warriors, many of whom were warriors. Harassed my Ambition's soldiers, they lived a nomadic existence. They could not meet their pursuers in combat, especially with their diminished numbers. So they resorted to raiding weaker tribes to seize livestock and grain before moving on.

It helped that they were not the only foe Ambition faced, as he needed the bulk of his army to keep his kingdom together. With their supply situation being so variable, the tribe could not afford to waste anything. But the march was an arduous one. Supplies were scarce and had to be carefully rationed. Understandably few tribes were willing to grant Devotion and her people shelter. Desertion also became an issue. Devotion had to face the fact that her own impetuousness and arrogance had led her to this. Ambition had been well on the way of becoming a cruel tyrant, but she had acted in haste and thus lost her crown due to foolish pride.

Devotion later claimed that learned this lesson while observing a Cylix patiently waiting until two brawling Kardok had exhausted themselves before striking. Whether she learned this lesson all in one go is another question. Regardless, she realised that it was vital to watch, not to rush in blindly and disregard advice. It was how she had freed herself from Master. But her successs had made her arrogant. Now her defeat humbled her.

So she threw herself into her duty of ensuring the survival of her people. Devotion was not the most charismatic leader. Her skill did not lie in rousing speeches, but she was a good organiser and manager. The Emeka sought refuge in the marshes. This decision was not popular, as it reeked of cowardice, but she knew it was necessary. The swamp lands would form a natural defence against pursuers.

She also made new friends in the swamps, for the Emeka ran into the Mandla tribe. Initial contact was less than promising. The Mandla had been driven into the swamps to elude slavers, and thus suspected that the newcomers had come with ill intent. As a result, the two groups ended up skirmishing. Her more hot-headed warriors wanted to sack their homestead. They were low on supplies and disease had also become a serious problem. However, Devotion chose to forego initial inclination towards violence. The Emeka had been hit hard and their numbers were diminished.

They could not afford to keep running and fighting. Neither group was in a position to both overcome the other and defeat its manifold external foes. So she chose to parlay, meeting with a Mandla elder called Hope. The two were able to hash out an agreement. The Emeka were allowed to settle in the marshes and build their own independent settlement. Though their numbers were diminished, Devotion's people were a body of experienced warriors and hunters who could help protect the swamplands against outside threats. To seal the deal, a number of Emeka and Mandla would marry each other. Devotion was not thrilled about this, but agreed to wed one of her new allies. She made it clear that she would remain the ruler of her people though. She had won their independence, and would not see it compromised.

Her new husband was a man called Adamant. He had skill as a warrior, but his true ability lay in his knack for making use of what was left of Dahomey's pre-Gulag Virus technology as well as tech stolen or bought from the outsiders who visited Dahomey. He spent a lot of his time tinkering with these strange devices. Though his understanding and knowledge was obviously limited, he provided a bit of a window into another world. One that he earnestly believed could be Dahomey's future again.

At first the new couple did not hit off well. Dahomey was a practical woman, whereas her husband seemed too much like a dreamer to her. Their marriage was a political arrangement meant to strengthen ties between both tribes. However, over time she came to appreciate him. It turned out that Adamant had been able to get some old comm devices he had scavenged to work and was familiar with rifles used by the outsiders and was able to show how they worked.

However, the new alliance was soon confronted by a punitive expedition dispatched by Ambition. The king had recently carried out a purge to cleanse his ranks of those he considered disloyal. His paranoia had only grown over time. The death of his mother is said to have unbalanced him. Some claimed that he had been responsible for her death, though his grief seems to have been genuine. Her death resulted in a frenzied period of mourning on the part of those present at his homestead and those thousands who travelled to mourn their king's bereavement. Fear of incurring Ambition's displeasure was no doubt a principal factor in these displays of public sorrow. Deaths occurred, especially when some of those present attacked one another. Ambition arranged for enemies real and imagined to be put to death.

His forces were augmented by a small cadre of foreign mercenaries and rifles purchased from the Independent Mining Guild. Gold was so plentiful on Dahomey that the natives used it in mundane and amazing ways such as tarpaulin weights and serving platters. However, the offworlders were eager to purchase it in large quantities. Ambition was a tough negotiator and made sure the off-worlders provided him with useful things such as guns rather than shinies and baubles.

Realising they could not face the invaders in an open field, Devotion and Hope directed the coalition to take advantage of the swamplands by waging asymmetrical warfare. They knew the lay of the land and the attackers did not. To make it more difficult for the Adegoke to get food, the alliance left poisoned provisions behind and attacked their supply trains.

Some of the shamans among the Mandla were also adept at controlling the beasts and weather. Thus Ambition's expeditionary force was whittled down. When a flotilla of boats as well as a primitive gunboat tried to cross the waters, the coalition assaulted them. Ambition's men had greater firepower, possessing slugthrowers, heavy machine guns and even some blaster weapons.

But their boats were dragged down and their soldiers came under sharpshooter fire. The foreign mercenaries had superior firepower, but their heavy armour dragged them down in the swamps, making them prey. When the coalition tried to launch a direct assault, the blaster weapons caused significant casualties among them. But the battle was a defeat for the Adegoke. Several of their warriors were speared, shot or drowned. Devotion directed her warriors from a distance, but then led a determined charge at the crucial moment.

Devotion made a point of being merciful to the common soldiers who were taken captive. She gave them a chance to join the alliance. Her decision to let many of them go without punishment was not just a case of her showing mercy though. Rather her underlying motivation was cynical. She knew that when they realised they would face punishment from their master and lenient treatment from her they would desert. Winning a war was not solely a matter of armaments, but also of morale, cohesion and faith. She could not - and did not want to - rule through fear.

One of those prisoners who was sent back home happened to be a daughter of one of Ambition's half-brothers. Devotion bore a grudge against him for his role in the deaths of many of her people and the death of a lover, but put it aside. Instead of using the chance to take vengeance, she let the young warrior go back home with a message.

By now there was discontent among the Adegoke and their vassals. There had not been a lot of enthusiasm for the campaign, and by now there was widespread dissatisfaction with Ambition. By now he was greatly feared. When he learned that defeat, he was extremely angered and ordered that the regiments involved be decimated. He rallied his loyalists to carry out the purge. The coalition had to abandon its main village and flee deeper into the swamps when Ambition's army swept through the swamp lands, scouring it for rebels. But morale among Ambition's men was decreasing.

As the king degenerated into an increasingly paranoid and capricious killer, his brothers feared for their own safety. Two of Ambition's younger half-brothers joined the conspiracy. Both enjoyed the support of his powerful aunt. Devotion indicated that she did not want further war and would even accept the loss of her homeland. But she expected compensation and Dahomey could not have peace as long as Ambition was in power.

The campaign continued on for a while, while the players plotted in the wings. Ambition's brothers dragged their heels when he ordered them to smite the rebels, feigning illness. While doing their best to stall, they finalised plans to strike. To bolster their manpower, the conspirators ensured that a cadre of warriors of Devotion and Hope would be able to slip through the territory held by Ambition's forces.

When the king convened his war council, the conspirators struck. To his credit, the king seems have sensed something was up and wore a suit of armour acquired from the off-worlders. But when he commanded his minions, the alliance's warriors broke through the perimeter. Devotion found herself facing the man who had once been her ally. Ambition tried to fight his way out, but was struck down after a vicious fight. His foes stabbed him to death.

It is said that as he lay dying in a pool of blood, he exclaimed words to the effect: "You will not rule when I am gone, for the land will see odolosh and locusts come." Odolosh is a native Dahomian word for exploiting outsiders, sometimes but not always slavers. He may have not literally said this, though Ambition is said to have been able to gaze into the future. He certainly had dealings with the off-worlders and suspected they would not be content with trade deals. Hence he had sought to arm his realm against the menace they posed. Regardless, his reign had come to an end. His half-brother, who had struck Ambition while proclaiming that he had become a tyrant, became the new king.

Devotion hoped for peace, but it was not to be. The Independent Mining Guild had long taken an interest in Dahomey and its natural resources. To this end it had played off warlords, ingratiating itself with those its corporate executives believed could be manipulated to serve their interests. Ambition had made deals with them, but been too strong and willful to be bent to their will.

Now that he was gone, the corporation decided to show up in full force instead of being content with simple influence on the planet. In a way, Ambition had ironically acted as a deterrent because he had a united kingdom and an army at his back. His successor did not possess the same unquestioned authority.

At first the corporation tried to entice local chieftains and warlords with the carrot, then the stick. Officially the corporation was here to aid the natives and 'civilise' them. In practice it armed warlords that backed it and persecuted natives who refused to submit. Though officially opposed to the practice, several corporate overseers became active participants in the slave trade. They soon found that the natives were a valuable commodity to be traded in addition to their mining extractions. Conditions in the mines were very poor for the workers.

The Mandla, Emeka and other tribes tried to resist them. However, the off-worlders had superior technology. Devotion was able to lead a successful raid to free forced labourers toiling in a gold mine, but an attack on the corporate spaceport of Abomey ended in defeat when the outsiders unleashed their heavy firepower. Tragedy struck when a group hostile to Hope's clan attacked them. His brother and sister-in-law were killed, while his niece Tempest was taken as a slave and sold to a brutal IMG overseer.

The war did not leave Devotion unscathed. One of her lieutenants had been bought by the IMC. She was able to fight off assassins who had come gunning for her, but Gunships rained down destruction unchecked. Adamant rescued her when she was buried under rubble. Despite the fact that the place was an inferno, he refused to leave his wife and took down a corporate mercenary after getting her out. Devotion had been pregnant at the time. Thanks to a healer, she was able to survive her injuries, but her child didd not. Her intense grief was mixed with wroth. It only be sated by driving out the oppressors who had come from the stars.

The IMC offered generous 'donatives' to any warlord who would rid them of the 'terrorists'. However, while the Dahomians were lacking in modern tech and know-how, they were not defenceless. The outside threat compelled several tribes to commit to a concerted fight against their external foe. They benefited from the off-worlders' arrogance. The Adegoke joined the alliance, having also been targeted by the IMC and its cohorts.

The coalition was able to win a significant victory over the IMC at the Battle of Mayuba. Devotion planned the battle with advice from the other leaders. Adamant had become very adept at manipulating their technology. He had also learned Basic. He used these skills and a stolen comm device to lure the mercenaries to a 'settlement' to enslave it. However, the buildings were rigged to burn.

As they struggled to extinguish the flames, they were ambushed by a mixed force led by Devotion. The Dahomians used powerful yet accurate sluggers against the lightly armoured mercenaries. The IMC troops bombarded them with an AT-ST type walker, forcing the Dahomians to seek cover. It was virtually immune to any of the weapons the warriors had. However, good scouting had made them aware of it and so they took it out with concealed pits and some primitive explosives. Its loss was a blow to the mercenaries' morale. Several of their native auxiliaries scattered.

One of the rebels who distinguished herself in the battle was a young Adegoke called Glory. In close quarters, ferocity and experience won out against a force that had superior tech but was less cohesive. After intense fighting, the mercenaries tried to stagger back to their vessels, using their speeders. But their ships had been assaulted by a concealed force to prevent them from being used. Crude but effective mining explosives were set off to disable several of them.

Their escape had been blocked. Having hijacked a ship after eliminating its crew, Adamant and Hope opened fire on the IMC soldiers. Devotion and some warriors realised that they could destroy the walker by using logs to ram the sides of its head. The battle was a rout for the IMC. Few of its soldiers survived it.

But the conflict was not over. A new warlord from the stars, a Republic general named Amherst, was dispatched to investigate reports of slavery, abuses and corruption on the planet, in the interest of extending influence to this area of the galaxy. By now word of atrocities had reached Coruscant and the conflict had become a source of embarrassment for the IMC's board of directors, who tried to cover up any evidence of wrongdoing.

The rebels had tried to shape public opinion after coming in contact with journalists who had secretly visited Dahomey. Initially the rebels believed them to be spies and abducted them. But Hope realised their true motivation after questioning them and argued in favour of using them to the advantage of the cause. While the story was soon superseded by other galactic concerns, it put the IMC under pressure. Some of the more brutal warlords and corporate overseers were disavowed.

Amherst promised an end to the abuses, but then went rogue. He and his forces defected, took over the warlords and used his superior weaponry to take over the planet. An invitation to prominent Dahomian leaders to discuss a new order on the planet turned out to be a trap. Devotion managed to escape, but was injured. Wisely she had chosen to wear armour beneath her clothes.

The Dahomian rebels were pushed back by his brutal offensive, but Devotion and her allies continued the struggle. The general imposed heavy 'tariffs' on the IMC and made the planet his fief. 'Production quotas' were imposed on the natives and those unable to meet them were savagely punished. His 'civilisational mission' was revealed to be complete hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, the general lived like a king. He and his officers took on slaves. The Republic was preoccupied with other conflicts, but informally contacted Omega Pyre, as Dahomey lay within their SOI. It asked the paramilitary corporation to intervene, on the understanding that Amherst would be extradited and they would provide fairer governance.

Thus OP Vice President Tegaea Alcori and her associate Siobhan Kerrigan, a former Jedi, assembled a crack force of mercenaries to enact regime change. The Dahomians rebels were not passive actors though. They performed to provide OP with intelligence on the enemy. Omega Pyre used one of the journalists who had visited Dahomey to establish a channel of communications with them. Not all rebels felt trusting. In fact, many did not. Given their experiences they could hardly be blamed for this. However, their situation was a dire one.

Thus Devotion voted to cooperate with OP when the matter was discussed in the provisional council. The rebels launched an attack to provide a diversion. This drew out a part of Amherst's army. Meanwhile, OP's task force appeared in orbit and assaulted Abomey.

Caught in a cauldron, the warlord was defeated and captured. Much to Devotion's disappointment, Amherst would be extradited instead of judged by the Dahomians. Still, his reign was over. She was there when Dahomian warriors poured into the city. There, she met Tegaea and Siobhan. It soon became clear that Omega Pyre was here to stay.

After so many years spent fighting Devotion was tired, but not willing to become a servitor or abandon her people. She and her fellows would not bow or call anyone master and they would not accept foreign potentates imposed on them. The negotiations were not easy, but eventually an agreement was hashed out between the OP bosses and the Dahomian tribal leaders that gave the planet autonomy in its internal affairs. Slavery would be abolished. Hope's niece Tempest was freed from captivity.

The IMC tried to resume operations on the planet, but this was obviously not something the Dahomians wanted. After inspecting a mine that had been run by the IMC, Siobhan personally beheaded a few of their overseers, then left the rest to the Dahomian rebels and freed slaves to judge. This caused a diplomatic incident, but the message was clear and the corporation withdrew from the planet.

In the aftermath, Devotion had time to settle down and think of the future. Dahomey was free, but it would not remain so unless its people advanced and adapted. Thus she became a leading advocate of modernisation. Devotion was determined to adapt to the modern world and learn all she could about it. She displayed a fervour that both impressed and at times disconcerted her husband.

The reconstruction process was not an easy one. While some natives regarded the Omega liberation force as saviours, others resented being ruled by foreign masters. Tribal rivalries did not vanish overnight. Indeed, there were more than a few violent conflicts over land and resources that had to be settled. Freed slaves had to be integrated and the population had to be educated so that they could truly take control of their destiny.

Devotion became a strong advocate of Dahomian unity and of learning to master the technology of the outsiders without compromising Dahomian values. She often visited Dahomian settlements to inspect progress and speak with the locals to this effect. She exhorted her own people, the Emeka, to learn how to use the tools of the off-worlders.

Ties of clan and tribe were important, but the enmity between tribes paled in comparison to the threats that had come from the stars and could come again. The Dahomians had to advance if they did not want to get pushed around by the outsiders. Until a new government could be formed, the provisional council acted as an interim administration, working with Omega Pyre and later the Protectorate.

When Dahomey joined the latter, it gained representation in the Council that elected the Lady or Lord Protector, the head of state of the Protectorate. She attained a command rank in the militia and later the planetary defence force. To further her own education, she visited Fondor as part of a delegation. Devotion was afraid during her first time in space, but clamped down on this feeling.

She was awed by the shipyards and factories of the city-planet, but also found it ugly, for it was all just metal, machines and huge crowds. She had trouble imagining how people could want to live like this and was determined that Dahomey should not end up like this. They would bring in industry and technology, but not despoil their planet. Devotion attended the military academy on Fondor. Adamant accompanied her to learn more about technology, especially communications tech.

She was also brought in to give lectures on her unconventional warfare, drawing on her own experiences on Dahomey. She had to put up with some xenophobia, but stuck to her guns. Inspired by what she had seen, she used her clout to set up a similar academic institution on Dahomey.

It was meant to give the planet's defence force a cohesive officer corps that would see itself as the defender of all Dahomey instead of simply serving a specific tribe or region. Only then could they ensure that their planet and its riches would not be up for grabs. For this reason, education at the academy went beyond mere military affairs.

When Dahomian soldiers stationed near the capital mutinied due to dissatisfaction with OP officers and poor working conditions, Devotion was brought in to solve the crisis. She worked with other officials to negotiate with the mutineers, who had taken hostages. It was a major test for the new government, and tied up in tribal politics. Adamant sent the children away during the troubles, but refused to leave his wife. He joined her when she faced the mutineers, stating that if they shot his wife, they would have to shoot him, too.

She played up her own army experience to persuade them to release their hostages and return to the barracks. Bringing the mutiny to heel involved standing up in front of hundreds of furious soldiers who had plundered the barracks' weapons stores and quelling them through sheer force of personality. Soldiers were hollering and shouting, telling her not to come any closer or they would shoot.

However, Devotion started talking calmly and quietly until they quietened down, then she started walking among them and collecting their guns one by one. She was appointed commander of Dahomey's defence forces and tasked with reorganising them. She applied the lessons she had learned as a co-leader of a coalition and during her time off-world.

She also directed a campaign against pirates and Bando Gora raiders. This led to joint operations with OP forces and she directed Dahomian contingents during the Bando Gora War. Devotion became convinced that in order to be strong and free, Dahomey needed to play an active role in the Protectorate. In so doing it would be able to influence policy and position itself as something other than a source of gold, diamonds and soldiers.

However, not all of her ideas were popular. Some of the rebel military and political leaders who had risen to prominence since Amherst's fall regarded her as too eager to collaborate with their distant Fondorian overlords. In some cases this was also mixed with jealousy, as she made a point of cultivating OP officials. She argued that it was a way to ensure that OP's policies were not made without Dahomey.

In the meantime, Dahomey had held its first election. Neutral observers regarded it as mostly fair. The provisional governing council was disbanded and made room for the planet's first elected government. It was a coalition that had emerged after delicate negotiations. Devotion was pleased that her people had been able to come this far, but was less thrilled about her planet's prime minister.

The new head of government was an Adegoke and had 'accommodated' the IMC at first. In Devotion's opinion this was close to collaboration, and she held it against her new boss that she had joined the rebellion quite late. The personal tension between them made Devotion's position untenable. Some of her supporters encouraged Devotion to stage a coup and place power in 'deserving' hands. However, Devotion refused to do so. Instead she stepped down from command, after ensuring that her allies would be able to carry on her work.

Devotion replaced her Dahomian PDF uniform with an ODF one. Now a general in the service of the Protectorate, she directed OP soldiers in campaigns across the outer rim. This brought her in close contact with Tegaea, Siobhan and Admiral Stahlmann. These were connections that would serve her well in the years to come.

She was also reunited with Tempest, who had grown into a woman served as an aide to Tegaea. Devotion brought a cadre of Dahomian officers with her. Detractors disparaged them as the Dahomian Clique. The name stuck. Devotion lead an ODF contingent at the Battle of Gehenna, where the ferocious Bando Gora and their Reaver legions were crushed. She was given a medal for her role in the campaign.

By then Tegaea had become Lady Protector, while Siobhan was an Exarch. However, Tegaea had to resign from office after the Sith Assassin Kaelin Isandros captured and tortured her. Her injuries made her unable to continue her duties, so she retired, with Siobhan following shortly thereafter.

Devotion stayed with OP under Tegaea's successor. She served at Valen, but became increasingly critical of the Protectorate's policies, especially its foreign policy. The Dahomian general came to regard it as stagnant and many of its decisions as ill-advised, such as the Kayri campaign. Thus she turned her eyes to other job opportunities.

She built up ties with Firemane, the corporation that had been founded by Tegaea and Siobhan after they had stepped down from office. The corporation was based on Kaeshana, the Eldorai homeworld, but also had operations on Dahomey and Vandelhelm. Devotion saw a chance to exert influence and make a difference. When she received a job offer, she accepted.

At first she acted as a military advisor, then headed the academy. This made her responsible for the education of Firemane officers. Devotion never warmed to Firemane's Eldorai allies. In fact, she conceived a strong dislike of them. Her husband Adamant got a job as a researcher in Firemane's R&D division. He eventually started working on the Enlightenment project, which used quantum communications.

Later Devotion moved to a position on Firemane's fledgling general staff. She was involved in the Gehenna campaign and the Eldorai Exodus from Kaeshana. In the meantime, the Protectorate had collapsed after the Netherworld Event and Dahomey was now an independent planet. However, raiders and the like had caused harm in the area. Devotion and Tempest, who by now had become one of Firemane's field officers, spearheaded efforts to rebuild Firemane's base on the planet and build ties with the planetary government. On Tygara she was one of the planners of the campaign against the Xioquo. In the aftermath of the conquest of the Underealm, Devotion helped train Tygaran Sepoy forces.

Due to the history of her people and her own personal experiences, she had a lot of empathy for the elves, especially former slaves. She was full of disdain for Firemane members who looked down on the 'darklings, sand babies and forestlings'. This put her in good standing with Firemane's ruling couple.

To command and drill the Qadiri Sepoys, Devotion made a special offer where experienced Firemane rankers could accept promotion to Serrgeant in the Sepoys. This posting would be for 3 years, and those who performed well could transfer back to the regular forces or advance to officer rank in the Sepoys. It empowered the lower ranks and gave them incentive to drill and have their unit perform well in action. Officers were likewise promoted from Firemane and transferred in. Many Dahomians, used to the same style of fighting as the Qadiri, took up this offer.

Some of her proposals, such as arming the Qadiri Sepoys with bolters, were not applied at this stage though. She was privately annoyed by this, but worked closely with Firedawn, Firemane's freedmen bureau.

Her efforts on Tygara were interrupted by the Battle of Kaeshana though. What had been intended to be a humanitarian operation to aid and evacuate the remaining survivors of the planet's cataclysmic desolation turned into an all-out war, as the forces of the Tygaran Alliance and the Galactic Alliance clashed with those of the First Order.

Devotion served as chief of staff of the Firemane forces on the planet. The allied forces were able to take control of the Citadel of Dusk and drive First Order troops out of the Citadel of Dawn. Parts of Santaissa's ruins fell under their control. However, they were ultimately forced to withdraw. Back on Tygara, Tarissa Cadalthor tried to seize power and instigate a purge of foreigners, blaming them for the defeat.

After Tarissa's treasonous activities were uncovered, Siobhan personally executed the Duchess. Thereafter, she authorised Devotion to proceed with her plans for the Sepoys. Recruitment was intensified, and the Tygaran auxiliaries received better pay and equipment. This, along with the promise of adventure, the mystique of the stars and Siobhan's personal reputation, attracted many to the flag.

Later she was put in charge of Firemane's forces on Arkas, a tropical world the corporation had liberated from corsairs during the Netherworld Event. This proved to be an important test for Devotion. One day Firemane lost contact with an island settlement called Serenade. Hazardous weather conditions made it extremely difficult to perform recon with probe droids or satellites.

Devotion made the decision to dispatch a small task force to investigate and report back. It was led by Major Tempest. In the light of the fact that it was a mixed species settlement with a strong Eldorai element, a group of Angelii led by Kaida Taldir also participated. However, the mission turned out to be far more dangerous than expected, for the settlement had fallen prey to a zombie virus. Unfortunately, the zombies were intelligent, for they were controlled by a hive-mind.

Upon approaching the settlement, the soldiers came under fire from the town's AA guns, forcing them to land.
The outnumbered soldiers were soon being swarmed by zombies, for the undead creatures. Unlike typical zombies, these creatures were able to use military tactics, doing their best to flank and encircle their enemies. Moreover, the zombie hive-mind tried to mentally manipulate some members of the task force by trying to trap them in illusionary utopias.. In an ironic twist of fate, the zombies utilised the settlement's own defence guns.

Once Devotion learned of the situation, she felt guilty. Nonetheless, she knew her duty. She ordered troops to secure the bridge and if need be blow it up. She concluded that the spread of the zombie plague could only be halted by levelling the town. She informed Siobhan, who soon arrived on the scene. The Lady was recovering from a stroke and quite angry about, as she saw it, being kept out of the loop. She was accompanied by Colonel Kuwahara, who immediately accused Devotion of dereliction of duty. The two argued, but then Siobhan agreed with Devotion's plan.

Ultimately, the troopers retreated after knocking out Serenade's AA guns, enabling bombers to contain the outbreak by levelling the town. The bombs fell and laid waste to the city, destroying both the zombies and any of the living unlucky enough to be caught in the inferno. Siobhan criticised Devotion and Tempest for their conduct. She was particularly critical.

In her view the operation had been reckless due to the lack of proper recon. Devotion admitted her error, though she privately believed that her boss was being a bit of a hypocrite. For a while the Dahomian general was out of favour, though Siobhan kept her at her post. Over time she was able to regain Siobhan's trust, distinguishing herself as a planner during the Krolis War.

For this reason the Lady promoted Devotion to the position of Chief of Staff of Firemane's Ground Forces. Devotion repaid her with loyalty and advised Siobhan during the Tephrike campaign, supporting her desire for retribution against the Dominion of Light after its traitorous attack on a Firemane diplomatic delegation.

She organised the deployment of reinforcements to aid Tegaea's expeditionary force and provided counsel during the Battle of Fortress Purity. She backed Siobhan when the fanatical resistance of the Dominion, not to mention the open-ended nature of the retribution campaign and the Lady's suspension of the rules of engagement, caused some Firemane officials to have doubts.

In spite of her support, Devotion was happy when Siobhan declared that Firemane had achieved its goals after smashing a Dominion army and liberating her abducted daughter Elpsis. As she said privately, revenge was not an operational goal and they were fortunate that they had not been bogged down in a war without end. Thus she was one of those who advised Siobhan to be content with measured gains, working with Vice President Kaylah Danton. Devotion continues serving Firemane to this day, having risen close to the top of its military hierarchy.

Intent: Expand on the Dominion by codifying a major player who has been established in rp.
​Image Credit: Ven Zallow.
Role: Master of the Order of the Windian Jedi Order. Cassius is one of the key power brokers of the Dominion of Light. He is both an ally and a rival to Battlemaster Mahtara.
Links: Tephrike, Into Darkness, Dominion of Light, Firemane, Diona, Disciples of the Vader, Republican Guard, Elpsis, Nexus City, Battlemaster Mahtara, After Darkness, Jedi Kyrric.

Age: Appears to be in his early forties.
Force Sensitivity: Master.
Species: Cloned Human.
Appearance: Cassius is a human male in early middle age. He is of average height and has athletic build, standing about 1.8 meters tall and weighing around 80 kilograms. The Jedi Master has a strong jawline, stern facial features, and lacks laugh lines. It is said that he never smiles. He has short dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and fair skin. Cassius possesses traditional Jedi robes of brown and tan and wears them when he is around fellow Jedi. However, he has adopted the habit of wearing some form body armour underneath it. Just in case he happens to be ambushed by Sith assassins or Republican Guard terrorists, of course. Out in the field his attire will depend on the mission profile. He will always carry a concealed sidearm and a dagger.

Name: Jedi Cassius. Jedi Master. Master of the Order.
Loyalties: Dominion of Light.
Wealth: He is rich in influence, but poor in financial means. The Dominion has abolished money and its Jedi are supposed to adhere to a vow of poverty. So he does not have wealth in the way it is commonly understood. However, he can acquire a lot of things if he needs them. This is one of the benefits of being an oligarch in a totalitarian dictatorship with a militarised command economy on a planet that is rich in ores and diamonds.
Notable Possessions:
  • Force Imbued Blade
  • Taozin amulet.
  • Stealth Field Generator.
  • Armour. The armour has a helmet to cover his face and protect him from chemicals. The helmet features a voice modulator, HUD and other basic systems.
  • Cassius prefers to wear a Shadowsuit combined with a Thinsuit for assignments that require subterfuge. A No-show is often attached.
  • Collection of poisons.
Skills: Cassius is skilled in a variety of Force skills and abilities. His training is comparable to that of a Jedi Sentinel, specifically that of a Jedi Shadow. He has knowledge in Telekinesis and many of its less potent applications and sub-categories, Force Cloak, Force Stealth, Dominate Mind, Force Stasis, Memory Rub, standard physical enhancement abilities and Force Flash. He is very good at shielding his thoughts from intrusion.

His abilities to conceal his aura or turn invisible to sight are extremely strong. He is also very skilled in using mental abilities to sway, deceive others and manipulate memories. His talent for Jedi mind tricks is considerable. Moreover, he can use Phase and is a skilled practitioner of Psychometry. Cassius is able to use the Mask technique to alter his appearance at the molecular level. He dismisses claims that he is drawing upon the dark side to do so. In any case, it is a very useful power for a Jedi Sentinel and a Shadow.

His use of Telekinesis is focused more on precision than raw power. He is more likely to use it to trip someone or crush their leg with a powerful telekinetic grip, take them out of commission with a blood choke or by messing with their lung rather than say summon an ominidirectional telekinetic wave. Flamboyant displays of telekinetic power such as tossing huge objects around or smashing multiple enemies with a massive wave are beyond him and would, in fact, contradict his preferred methods.

Lightsabres are extremely rare on Tephrike. Cassius does not own one, but is a capable duellist with Force Imbued weapons. In addition, he is a good marksman and has been trained as a sharpshooter. He has a lot of experience in spy craft, surveillance and investigative work.

The Dominion's Jedi Shadows believe that it is within the purvey of the Light to take peremptory strikes. If one can kill an individual rather than a thousand then that is righteous. In other words, assassination is part of their trade craft. Cassius was a member of the group and is thus a skilled clandestine operator. He has a good knowledge of poisons and has built up a resistance to many of them. He is good at slicing, but unfamiliar with more modern computers and security systems due to Tephrike's long isolation.

Personality: Cassius is a hard man and the product of a harsh, unforgiving environment. When the Gulag Virus ravaged the Galaxy, Tephrike was cut off. The planet descended into chaos. Countless lives were lost to the virus and the anarchy that ensued. The Jedi assumed a protective stance. Convinced that they alone could save Tephrike, they seized power to keep the people of the planet from destroying themselves. Unfortunately, absolute power and the horrors of war corrupted them and they created a totalitarian nightmare.

Cassius has been shaped by the world he inhabits. Harsh experience has taught him to keep his thoughts and emotions hidden. In order to survive the frankly horrible Dominion he has tamped down his feelings. However, he is more than capable of outlets of aggression and cunning when needed. Like many Dominion citizens, Cassius is a clone. The Dominion has taken the Old Jedi Order's opposition to attachment to the logical extreme by outlawing family units. Instead citizens are supposed to be grown in laboratories and raised by the state. Particularly meritorious members of society are cloned to preserve their skills.

In the case of Cassius, his template was none other than Jedi Master Aegus. Once recognised as a wise sage and Barsen'thor of the Order, he succumbed to madness during his term as Grandmaster. Cassius watched the man he had been trained by and raised to consider a role model, a father figure even, turn into a paranoid madman. In the end, it was Cassius who murdered his template when the latter's policies threatened to destroy the Dominion. There is a part of Cassius that believes Grand Inquisitor Antonius and Battlemaster Mahtara share some of the blame for his master's descent, as both manipulated him for their own ends.

Disgusted with the lack of vision, ignorance and petty schemes of the Council, Cassius has agreed to work with Mahtara for the preservation of the Dominion. However, it is very much a political alliance. He is an ambitious man, but recognises that he does not have the clout to assume the highest office in the state yet. Especially since he is the clone of the late Grandmaster. Officially the late Grandmaster was killed by a Firemane bombing run. But there are those who know better or at least suspect that the official story is a lie.

Cassius has a serious demeanour. It is said that he has never genuinely laughed. He remains cool and collected even around other Jedi. He is not one for rousing speeches to inspire the faithful. Indeed her dislikes giving speeches. But he can be very persuasive when he feels the need to sway someone to his cause. An intricate understanding of what motivates others helps, as does a formidable command of Force Persuasion.

Cassius is critical of several aspects of the Dominion. But he believes in its dogma that only those who can hear the will of the Force and execute it can be entrusted with power. His background as an Investigator and Jedi Shadow has exposed h8im to the darker side of society and the 'holy war' the Dominion wages though. As a result, he is guarded with his emotions. Cassius has extensive files on all major power players in the Dominion and is always seeking out new information. This made him very knowledgeable about the skeletons many members of the elite have buried in their closets. One could perhaps compare him to a darker version of Tholme. Similar to the Anzati Jedi Master, Cassius is more of a manipulator of events than a warrior or diplomat.

He is perfectly capable of bending or being economical with the truth when he deems it necessary or of Force persuasion to sway others. The Dominion is a nation at war and beset by grave threats both within and without. He is a hardliner and determined to fight a war to the knife against the Dominion's enemies. A Jedi's life is sacrifice, after all. Cassius does not regard the way the Dominion grows and conditions its clones to be servitors as morally wrong. From his perspective, it is perfectly in line with the actions taken by the Yodaist Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. The same applies to conscripting infant children and sending young Padawans to fight in wars. They have a higher calling and it is their destiny to serve the Light. He dislikes wastefulness though.

Many non-Tephriki Jedi would probably argue that he has more in common with the forces he has sworn to oppose. It would be easy to dismiss him as someone who does not believe in his faith and that it is all just a cynical front. Early in his career, Cassius did come across forbidden knowledge that showed the way the Dominion saw history and Jedi beliefs was wrong.

But he chose to destroy it and was promoted as a sop to that. He rationalises his actions with the argument that it was for the greater good. As far as he is concerned, the knowledge was too dangerous to be revealed to the public. It would only cause chaos. A Jedi bears the mantle of responsibility, and must shield the common folk from danger. Perhaps the lesson is that any ideology, if taken to the extreme and given absolute power, will turn tyrannical, no matter how noble it purports to be.

Weapon of Choice: Force Imbued Blade | The Force | Guns and Explosives | He is fond of using a Verpine Shatter Rifle or an Outland Rifle with a scope at long range, especially to take out high-value targets. He will usually carry a pistol such as an SH-9 or a Shattergun as backup weapon. He is also fond of using a Slicewire Garrote when he needs to eliminate a target close-up without fuss.

Combat Function: Cassius' skill set is that of a Jedi Sentinel. He strikes a balance between mastery of the Force and martial abilities, while being orientated towards infiltration skills. He uses stealth, cunning and subterfuge to fulfil what he considers to be the will of the Force. This middle-of-the-road approach means he might have advanced less in raw Force power or martial skills than a specialist would have, but makes him very versatile. He blends both schools of teaching and amplifies them with several non-Force skills, such as stealth techniques, demolitions, marksmanship, surveillance and poisons. His conventional training and knack for Psychometry make him good at intelligence gathering. His Force Sense abilities are very strong, helping him anticipate dangers.

His ability to use the Force to render himself invisible from others is particularly well-honed. The same applies to his skill in suppressing his aura to hide himself from other Force-users, conceal his alignment or pass as a Force-blind. He has invested a lot in these abilities, enabling him to evade detection from other powerful Force-users. Skillful use of Phase can give him a tactical edge by allowing him to surprise opponents, go places he would normally be unable to reach and extract himself from situations that are too dangerous for him. His skill with Psychometry gives him a knack for intelligence gathering and he can use Mask to alter his appearance.

In combat, Cassius is patient and methodical. He will try to utilise his environment to his advantage and where possible employ surprise and subterfuge to undermine his opponent before going for the jugular. He dislikes heavy, tanky armour and prefers to wear suits that give him more mobility. This is a boon for stealthy manoeuvres and rapid strikes, but leaves him more vulnerable to heavy weapons. He is a Master, but does not have the immense offensive power of a titan, relying more on finesse, surprise and clever tactics. In other words, he is not a battering ram. He is good with a rifle and has been trained as a sniper.

Cassius is dedicated to the cause, but not a suicidal fanatic. If a situation appears unwinnable to him, he will perform a tactical retreat or wait for the circumstances to turn in his favour. A Jedi's life may be sacrifice, but that sacrifice serves no one if he throws his life away! Due to his background he only has limited experience in battlefield command, especially on a larger scale. Most of it is limited to leading small teams of special forces operators to eliminate specific targets. Thus he would be at a disadvantage in a command role that goes beyond that. To his credit, Cassius is aware of this and does not pretend to be a general.

  • Cassius is a Master of the Force and a very skilled duellist. He excels in the skill set of a Jedi Sentinel and Shadow. Exotic powers such as Cloak, Phase and Psychometry are part of his repertoire.
  • Force powers and martial prowess aside, he is a capable stealthy operator, investigator and marksman. Cassius is canny and able to think on his feet. He is also very pragmatic, prudent and has the sense to retreat or reevaluate when the tide has turned against him instead of fighting on out of pride and stubbornness.
  • Cassius pursues a middle-of-the-road approach when it comes to raw Force power and martial prowess. He is good in both, but being a jack-of-all trades means he has advanced less than a specialist would. His telekinetic barriers are average, his offensive telekinesis is decent, but more practical against singular opponents or small groups. He is also only able to use it as close to medium range. Throwing very heavy objects or summoning Force Repulse style telekinetic waves is beyond his skill set. He can augment his physical attributes, such as strength, speed and stamina, but not to the point of being superhuman. In short, he will have to rely more on finesse and cunning to defeat foes who are Force titans or very tanky. He is a rapier, not a hammer or a broadsword.
  • Lacks skill with a lightsabre, experience with starship piloting and only has a limited understanding of modern galactic technology.
  • Limited command experience. He is perfect at leading small teams of infiltrators, special forces operatives and the like. But his skill lies in investigations, black operations and so on, not being a larger scale military leader. He is better at attaching himself to an established battlefield command and using his skills within its framework than being the commander himself. He is an assassin, not a field officer experienced in leading shock troops and certainly no general.

It has been observed that galactic history moves in cycles. There are always certain patterns, as if the Galaxy is locked in a state of stasis. Jedi and Sith are locked in a seemingly never-ending holy war for supremacy. There is always a Republic or a variation thereof that purports to represent democracy and individual rights and tends to be tied to the Jedi in some manner, despite their nondemocratic, oligarchic structure.

Said Republic has a tendency of succumbing to corruption, which might not be too surprising given the myriad of interests in a galactic confederation. For a while Sith and imperialists are ascendant, before falling to their internal contradictions and external crusading forces. Sometimes the Mandalorians act as a third power or a wild card aligning with either side for their own benefit. The pendulum swings this way, than that, but though technology marches on, the fundamental makeup of the Galaxy does not change.

On Tephrike this state of affairs has been pushed to its extreme conclusion. The planet has been isolated from the rest of the Galaxy since the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. Originally colonised during the twilight years of the Old Republic, it was subjugated by the Galactic Empire. The human supremacist regime established by the Empire was overthrown with the aid of the Rebel Alliance and the planet emerged as an unstable, multi-species federation.

Then the Gulag Virus sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. Warlords, Jedi, Sith and rebels vied for power. Prolonged warfare and the use of primitive weapons of mass destruction brought great devastation to the planet. Benign intentions turned to evil over time. Jedi who sought to restore order and reunite the planet fell to the darkness they claimed to oppose, while still believing that their intentions and actions were good. In so doing, they followed in the footsteps of Atris and Joruus C'boath. Believing that they alone could lead Tephrike out of the darkness, they created a theocratic dictatorship.

Renegade Jedi established a Sith cult called the Disciples of the Vader, for they idolised the long-dead Vader as a god and believed it was his will to enslave all those who could not wield the Force and were not human. The Republican Guard, a faction that glorified the Old Republic and staunchly opposed Force-users, was founded by disgruntled clone slave-soldiers and racial minorities that declared war on both Force cults. In between these three extremes, several smaller factions tried to carve out a niche for themselves. The planet was locked in stasis, divided by riven groups trying to recall a past they did not remember. Here, the dark age never ended.

This was the world Cassius grew up in. Like several, though not all, Dominion citizens, he was a clone. The Windian Jedi Order had taken the Old Jedi's beliefs to their extreme conclusion by doing its best to completely criminalise sexuality and intercourse. Citizens should be grown in a medically sanctioned way, instead of their conception being left to chance and passions that could all too easily lead to the dark side. The most meritorious citizens would be cloned, as their skills could not be lost to future generations. This was called the Blessed Lineage Project. Of course, things got awkward when the template of a clone ran afoul of the law.

In the case of Cassius, his template was none other than Jedi Master Aegus, a Jedi Consular and Councillor. As he was the clone of a Jedi Master, more time and effort was invested in his creation than in, for example, that of a mass produced clone trooper. The Dominion had had bad experiences with clone madness and degradation, after all. Thus his growth took longer than that of a grunt. Cassius received a thorough flash conditioning so that he would be able to understand the world he was born into and would awaken with the right ideological mind set. As one of the Jedi healers at the laboratory he was being grown in said, "An open mind is like a freshly turned sod. Unless it is sown with the generous message of the Light, the insidious weeds of evil will take root."

By the time he was born, Cassius' body had been aged to that of a man in his early twenties. Aegus was there for his awakening. This was not standard policy. Often a clone was given some time to adjust before meeting their template, though they would have learned about them through their flash conditioning and generally been taught to admire them.

While the Dominion had abolished family units and instead dictated that all young ones should be raised communally, in practice clones from the same line tended to form familial bonds with each other. This was before Aegus was consumed by madness. Though not the most powerful Jedi, he was a well-respected one. He was kind and attentive to his young clone, spending a lot of time with him.

However, Cassius was soon passed over to the care of Jedi teachers. Aegus seemed to resent this. The Force clone was put through an intense training programme. It was defined by long hours spent with physical exercise, combat training, spiritual education and fasting. Lightsabres are extremely rare on Tephrike, so instead he learned how to forge and wield a Force Imbued sword. He also took an interest in marksmanship and became proficient with rifle and pistol. He was raised as part of a batch of new students. Several of them were clones, but not all. There was a bit of a divide between those who were clones of famous Jedi and those who did not possess such an illustrious lineage.

Young Cassius was a studious and competitive man, but had a rather serious demeanour with little sense of humour. He performed well in standardised tests. Originally, the clone was supposed to follow in the footsteps of his template by becoming a Consular. This was what was expected in the Dominion, as it was believed that clones would manifest the same skills as their templates and continue their work. However, Cassius was drawn to a different path. Aegus was a strong healer, but his clone showed little talent in Force healing. Although most clones pursued the same path as their template it was not unheard of for some to choose an alternate path, although this was frowned upon as a sign of dangerous individualism.

Cassius displayed an affinity for puzzles and had a strong sense of justice. Moreover, he manifested an affinity for Psychometry, being able to get flashes of insight when he touched items. An older Jedi Knight by the name of Fashar, a Togruta, took an interest in him. The Togruta Jedi was a serious, grumpy man with a strong commitment to duty. Fashar had high standards for his pupils and was quite brusque, but also displayed a dry sense of humour. He had a lot of experience as a Jedi Sentinel, fighting crime and subversion. For a while he had served as the Jedi Watchman of a troublesome district.

However, Fashar and Cassius' template did not get on well. All templates were supposed to serve in a mentoring role for their clones, providing the young ones with an example to aspire to. However, it seemed to go beyond this in Aegus' case, who had come to view Cassius as something like a son. He might have been influenced by the fact an earlier clone of his had only recently died in battle. Thus he was resentful when Cassius was assigned to an external Jedi trainer, but even he had to follow the law.

At first Cassius served in a policing role alongside his master, assisting law enforcement agencies. This was similar to the duties Jedi had performed on Coruscant and other worlds of the Republic. However, the difference was that the Dominion was a totalitarian dictatorship, its police force was centralised and firmly subordinated to the Jedi Order. Though the Ministry of Enlightenment would have citizens believe otherwise, Nexus City was not a utopia free of crime, poverty and class disparities. The Dominion's command economy was supposed to usher in a world of plenty and perfect equality, but did the exact opposite. Its collectivist policies were inefficient and shortages produced a flourishing black market. Corruption was a serious issue in the bureaucracy and even Dominion officials, including Jedi, participated in the shadow economy.

Cassius and Fashar travelled to some of the most dangerous parts of the sprawling capital. There Cassius was confronted with poverty and organised crime. It was unpalatable for the government to admit that these problems had anything to do with its own policies. The two Jedi went there with the intention of combating the lawbreakers, carving through petty criminals and minor ringleaders. There were even Dominion citizens who secretly maintained families in this slum, despite the prohibition on family units. Thus one of the duties of the Jedi and the local constables was to ensure that any children found were brought to Dominion nurseries where they could be raised by the state.

Cassius proved himself a capable investigator and combatant. He held his own when one of the Wardens they were working with turned out to be a mole and led him into a trap. Cassius survived the ambush and personally apprehended the traitor. He was able to use his detective skills and budging Psychometry to locate him. When the traitorous policeman took poison, Cassius forced himself into his mind. Being inside the mind of a dying man took a toll on the Jedi and he suffered a collapse, but he was able uncover crucial information.

The methods used by the two Jedi were quite heavy-handed. The Windian Jedi Order was the law and did not have to bother with constitutional niceties such as trial by jury, right to counsel or habeas corpus. Given the way he had been raised, such things would have seemed plain absurd to Cassius and been wholly at variance with his world view. He would have also rejected the idea that invasive Force Persuasion and mind probes violated the rights of a suspect. The Jedi were judge, jury and executioner, carrying out the will of the Force. Anyone who refused to cooperate with them and voluntarily provide information was automatically suspect.

When interrogating suspects, Fashar made liberal use of Jedi Mind Tricks to persuade them to be compliant. Once he managed to break a criminal not by force, but by threatening to release him without even touching a hair on his head. This caused the suspect to break down and plead, for he knew that his gang would take his release as a sign that he was a snitch who had made a deal. The Togruta encouraged his student to follow his example.

Yet there was the nagging feeling that their investigations were barely scraping the surface. The truth was that the issues of the Dominion were systemic and could not be solved by arresting and executing a couple arch-villains. Contrary to popular belief, corruption flourishes in authoritarian and totalitarian systems. The trains also do not run on time. Cassius' faced his first serious test when he had to go up against a drug syndicate that was selling a new form of narcotic. Initially it had been peddled among the Dominion's proles, but now it started to reach what passed for its elite. This produced a scandal when some scions of the elite got hooked on the product.

In truth the drug was derived from a mild sedative that induced compliance. It made people easier to instruct. The Dominion put it into the water supply. In larger doses it acted as a super relaxant and as a hallucinogen. The syndicate sold it in more concentrated doses. They used primitive alchemy and science to seriously amp up its effects. Investigation and 'questioning' revealed that some disillusioned Dominion officials had been in on the plot.

Using their government connections, they had facilitated thefts from government warehouses and laboratories. As part of the investigation, Cassius and Fashar used Force Persuasion and mind probes to force a suspect to talk. Then they wiped his memory of the interrogation and seemingly let him go, while tracking him. Cassius dismissed the ringleader's claim that the Dominion was using narcotics to brainwash its citizens. To him they were criminals, notwithstanding their claims that they had acted to undermine a tyrannical government and expose its scheme to drug its own people.

At this stage, the Jedi Inquisition intervened. It secured the confiscated drugs, criminals and confiscated files. Cassius was commended for his work, but told to leave the case. Fashar instructed him to comply. He said enigmatically that people in high places had their eye on Cassius. It was unclear whether this was a good thing or a warning. Reluctantly, the young Jedi obeyed. Cassius would eventually learn that the criminals he had arrested had spoken truth. The Ministry of Harmony did in fact release mind-altering drugs into the water supply to better control the Dominion's citizens. However, by then it did not bother him. His next assignment took him out of Nexus City and pit him against Sith rather than criminals and would-be revolutionaries.

The Disciples of the Vader were a militant Sith cult who had, as is typical for Sith groups, been founded by a traitorous Jedi. They were slavers and human supremacists. Cassius had already learned through flash conditioning that they were the enemy. The Dominion Reclamation Service had discovered ruins said to predate the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. Indeed, some of the researchers believed that they dated back to the days of the Old Republic. It was rumoured that a powerful weapon or artefact from a bygone age might be hidden at the site. If this was the case, the Windian Jedi Order could obviously not allow it to fall into the hands of the enemy. Cassius' teacher Fashar was put in command of the mission due to his record as an experienced Jedi Sentinel. He also had the background to assess and if need be destroy the artefact. Moreover, he understood the importance of discretion.

At first all went well. The Jedi managed to reach the site first and set up an excavation operation. Cassius was no archaeologist, but his technical skills and knack for Psychometry came in handy. However, then all hell broke loose when they were assaulted by Sith assassins and their servitors. Cassius fought valiantly, but was injured during the fighting. He found himself facing a Sith Master by the name of Darth Furcht. The young Jedi fought bravely, but was bested by the Master. However, his teacher Fashar came to his aid, ordering him to make sure the device did not fall into the wrong hands. The two masters duelled. Cassius wanted to come to his mentor's aid, but was separated from him and fell into the depths.

The Jedi had to make his way through the collapsed ruins, evading or fighting Sith pursuers. When he found the data, it turned out that it was a holocron from the days of the New Jedi Order. When he activated the device, it showed a recording of the legendary Luke Skywalker. However, this Luke was a very different man from what Cassius had been told.

For one, he spoke of the value of redemption and forgiveness and had apparently not slain Vader and the Emperor. Cassius barely had time to process this. The crumbling ruins had been badly affected by the fighting, so he had to leave. He found that the area was sprawled with corpses. His master was dead. Shaken with grief and by what the holocron had revealed, he was confronted by a fellow Jedi from the Reclamation Service, who had participated in the expedition. The Jedi demanded he hand over the device for study and safekeeping, but Cassius had grown suspicious and refused. He could not recall this Jedi being involved in the fighting.

So he drew his blade and the two fought. In a fury Cassius maimed him and forced the Jedi to confess that he had betrayed them to the Sith, then struck him down. The young Sentinel emerged as the sole survivor. This made him suspicious both for what he might have learned and because he might be a deserter. The Inquisition put him in custody and interrogated him for several days.

However, Jedi Master Mahtara stepped in and put him in the care of her healers. She was one of the more enigmatic members of the Council. Being a Yodaling, she had lived a very long life. In fact, she was probably the only Tephriki Jedi left who had been alive before the Gulag Virus was released. By now she was almost an institution. The Yodaling gave Cassius the 'talk' about the danger of knowledge and the need for duty and order.

A Jedi must place duty before his personal ego. He shouldered the burden of responsibility for the masses. The Luke Skywalker from the holocron might be the true one instead of a Sith deception, but even if it were so, he was not the one the people of Tephrike needed. So what the Dominion taught was the truth, from a certain point of view. She hinted that if Cassius did not keep it all secret, she could not guarantee his good health. Cassius got the message and led her to the place where he had hidden the holocron. To ensure peace for this generation and future ones, the device was destroyed. Mahtara informed him that he would be knighted in a few days. The promotion was a clear sop to keeping his mouth shut.

During his knighthood ceremony, he had a reunion with Aegus. His template expressed how proud he was of 'his boy', which aroused mixed feelings in Cassius. At the time Aegus was on good terms with Mahtara and he praised her to his clone. Shortly after being knighted, Cassius was approached by a secretive group within the order. They called themselves the Restorers of Community Health. This was a specialised group of Jedi Shadows who performed assassinations and other clandestine missions at the behest of the Council.

They made him an offer to join their group and, as their representative put it, make a difference. "It is within the purvey of the Light to take peremptory strikes. If one can kill an individual rather than a thousand then that is righteous. We excise disease before it can spread and take innocent lives." Cassius agreed to their offer, for it gave him a chance to retaliate against the Sith.

He was put through a thorough training programme to turn him into an ideal agent of the Council. It included a survival course, exposure to a full battery of mental assaults and several days spent in prison while under intense psychological and physical pressure. He also learned about stealth, infiltration, escape and evasion. Cassius' first assignment was to eliminate Darth Hades, an ambitious Sith Master.

The assignment perplexed him, for he wanted revenge on Furcht. However, his superiors insisted that his target was an extremely dangerous Sith Master and a serious threat to the Dominion. Removing him from the board would deal a great blow to the Sith cause. For the purpose of the assignment, Cassius was taught how to manifest a false dark side aura. He was given a cover identity and contacts. However, during the course of the mission the fledgling Jedi Shadow came across information that contradicted the picture his superiors had painted.

Hades was a powerful Master of the Dark Side and a fierce enemy of the Jedi, but seemed more rational than many of his compatriots. Indeed, he was a proponent of easing discrimination of near-humans and allowing certain alien species to be recognised as 'honorary humans'. He regarded slavery as inefficient. Indeed, some common folk the Jedi encountered described him as less arbitrarily evil than most Sith.

Cassius' contact in the Sith Order was a cruel and venal Sith Knight with a grudge against Hades. The Jedi found her extremely distasteful. Information he came across indicated that Furcht resented Hades. He came to suspect that the intelligence he was acting upon was faulty. However, his superiors insisted he carry out the mission. The Shadow did so by planting a bomb at a rally, using his Phasing and Force Cloak abilities to plant it and exit the scene.

Cassius took care of his contact by drowning her and making it look like suicide. In the aftermath of Hades' death, Furcht took his seat on the Council. He instigated a brutal crackdown to 'avenge' the death of his 'comrade'. In reprisal for the assassination attempt, the population of an entire village was massacred due to the suspicion that they had sheltered Hades' killer. All adult males over the age of fifteen were executed, while the women and children were deported to a concentration camp.

Cassius' handler declared the of loss deeply regrettable, but insisted that Hades had to be eliminated precisely because he was less of a megalomaniac than many of his brethren. In the long-term, his elimination would hurt the Sith. Furcht was cunning, but also a die-hard Vaderite. In the long-term his ascent would be harmful to the Vaderites.

Cassius swore to himself that he would become a player instead of a cog in the machine. In the time that followed the Restorer completed several assignments for the order, targeting Sith as well as revolutionaries and traitors. His success rate was high, allowing him to rise in the ranks. This increased his influence, but it came at a cost. He grew colder after the Republican Guard staged a terrorist attack on a Jedi Academy, killing several Jedi and Younglings. Cassius started building his own network of informants. He gained renown when he successfully orchestrated the escape of a group of neophyte Force-Sensitives from the asylum in Red Coral City. Cassius acted as mission controller for the operation, providing tactical leadership.

The Republican Guard spread propaganda about how Force-users were dangerous, but that they could be cured and turned into productive citizens. This compelled families in Guard-controlled territories to give up Force-Sensitive children or loved ones. Those who did not comply were persuaded to do so.

However, some extremists in the Guard were not content with collaring Force-users and distrusted any cure other than a slug round. Cassius exploited this, first by removing a moderate head warden and secretly providing support for extremist forces. He also took advantage of corruption and low pay through bribes. One of his agents helped a group of inmates escape the facility.

One of them was a fiery Nautolan called Phoebe, who had planned the breakout and was a leader among the group. Cassius met her after the escape and fed her a story about how benevolent the Dominion was. It would welcome her and those like her with open arms and teach them the ways of the Force, instead of locking them away and treating them like rabid animals.

Though she was wary of his words, she accepted his offer, for the alternative was to be left in the wilderness and be hunted by the Guard. Cassius returned in triumph with his new charges. Phoebe and the other prisoners who had joined them were used for propaganda purposes. They appeared on the news, denouncing the Guard. It was a propaganda success. However, it soon became clear that the Dominion was not the utopia they had been promised. They were separated and kept under surveillance.

Phoebe protested and questioned the oppressive laws of the Jedi theocracy, but the Dominion only tightened its controls. Cassius blackmailed Phoebe, forcing her to make propaganda appearances by implying her friends would face consequences otherwise. Eventually, the Nautolan went rogue. She was able to ensure that some of her comrades escaped, but she herself was arrested and locked in Serene Springs, a black site run by the Inquisition. Cassius was annoyed by this setback, but the Dominion used old recordings and a compliant clone to maintain the ruse for a while longer.

He came to direct a programme designed to identify and destroy Republican Guard partisan cells via infiltration, capture, 'enhanced persuasion' and assassination. He called it a set of programmes that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Guard. Throughout the programme, the operation neutralised tens of thousands of people suspected of being rebels. Detractors criticised the unknown number of civilians killed, the nature of the programme, the use of coercive techniques and it being used for personal politics.

Nonetheless, Cassius described it as suppressing Republican Guard political and revolutionary activities. From his perspective, heavy-handed such as large-scale and lengthy mass detentions, search and destroy missions and excessive use of firepower, had a detrimental effect on the civilian population, did not really hurt the partisans and produced unreliable intelligence.

By contrast, he considered his programme, relying on local collaborators, infiltrators and small elite groups, as far more reliable. He described it as taking a rapier rather than a greatsword approach to target key political leaders, command and control elements and activists in the rebel infrastructure. His teams would capture or kill suspected Guard members, as well as civilians believed to be collaborating with them. The Guard made heavy use of Force-Dead operatives, so Cassius supported research efforts to find out how they ticked and discover ways to bypass their condition, though these efforts were not successful.

The programme was gravely disrupted by the Netherworld Event, when the Dominion was plunged into chaos. The disappearance of so how many high-ranking officials threw the government into disarray. A mass panic broke out. People believed it was the end of days. Government troops massacred protesters on the Square of Heavenly Peace.

The Dominion's enemies suffered as well. The Vaderites went through a civil war that ended with a faction of Light Sith coming to power. They followed a programme quite similar to Hades', but officially rejected the Dark Side, as they had discovered a book that told the story of Vader's redemption.

Nonetheless, their leader Darth Salus declared war on the Dominion. Of all three factions, the Republican Guard was the swiftest to recover. It did not utilise Force-users, so the Force being thrown out of balance was an advantage for it. Seeing their enemy's weakness, the rebels launched a general offensive against the Dominion. At first their invasion was successful. Dominion troops were defeated and several towns were captured, though the expected general uprising did not materialise.

Mahtara, Battlemaster of the Order, organised the defence of the Dominion, implementing a scorched earth campaign to buy time and drain the invaders. Cassius also rose to power during these days. With so many more senior Jedi having disappeared, he became head of the Shadows by default. He soon proved he had the cunning to maintain his position.

The Shadow discovered that Mahtara was shielding a group of 'heretics', as she had deemed them essential specialists for the war effort. Cassius knew that directly threatening the Yodaling would have dire consequences, but he kept the information as leverage, to be released to the Grandmaster if something happened to him.

The Guard and the Light Vaderites had entered the war as de facto co-belligerents, but their accord was an extremely uneasy one, as both sides distrusted and despised the other. Cassius did his part to break up their unnatural accord through disinformation and false flag attacks. This would ultimately culminate in the Republican Guard's chancellor being unseated after the debacle at Fortress Purity. There General Kennobi routed a Republican Guard army. It was a major victory for the Dominion and ended the war in their favour.

But the Dominion did not settle down. Aegus was elected as Grandmaster. This brought Cassius back into close contact with his template. However, it soon transpired that Aegus was a changed man. Apocalyptic visions had taken a toll on his sanity. Thus the Council tried to isolate him and use him as a figurehead.

Cassius was formally elevated to the Council. He watched how Mahtara and Grand Inquisitor Antonius, a rising star in the Order, both vied for power and influence over the Grandmaster. Cassius tried to remain aloof, committing himself to neither side, but he watched with concern as his template grew more and more erratic. The man was the closest thing he had for a father, after all.

When Cassius' former superior in the Shadows appeared through a portal, telling wild stories about demons and the Netherworld, the Jedi Master had him placed in custody and put in a mental asylum. To his credit, Cassius made sure he was treated decently, but kept him isolated from the rest of the world. He formed an alliance with two other Masters on the Council, Varus and Karana.

However, Cassius suffered a setback when Darth Furcht rose to power as Dark Lord of the Vaderites. His ascension sparked a series of purges, as the Sith Lord stood for a strict enforcement of the Sith's racial policies. Cassius tried to have him assassinated, but the attempt failed. However, the Dark Lord's son was killed in the attack.

Things came to head when Tephrike's long isolation was broken by the appearance of a Firemane fleet in orbit. Mahtara urged accommodation, reasoning that they could use the off-worlders against their enemies. However, Antonius convinced Aegus, who had been kept out of the loop, that the intruders were Sith and that this was the final battle between good and evil.

When a Firemane delegation visited Nexus City after being invited by Mahtara, they came under attack from militia and Jedi warriors in the service of the Inquisition. A Firemane operative called Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori was captured while covering the delegation's retreat. This sparked a war. Firemane retaliated with a bombardment. The Jedi Temple was levelled. Antonius persuaded the Grandmaster that Mahtara was to blame. The Dominion launched the hammer of light missiles against the Firemane fleet. One managed to destroy a corvette, another was stopped by Firemane pilots and the last two never launched because Mahtara's soldiers eliminated the crews and took possession of them.

Cassius was tasked with eliminating the 'treasonous' Battlemaster. However, the Shadow was not enthusiastic about this task. He had been against the war course and tried in vain to persuade Aegus not to embark on it, but been shut down. Thus he bungled the assassination, realising that killing Mahtara would serve nothing but vanity.

However, he had to cover himself. So he set a bomb at her speeder. If she survived that and sniper attacks, she was strong enough. Mahtara survived the explosion and Cassius sniped at what he knew to be an illusionary Doppelganger of hers. When the Battlemaster lashed out with a strong telekinetic attack, he used his Phasing ability to escape.

Mahtara went underground to rally her allies. Meanwhile, Antonius carried out a purge and had Elpsis brought to Serene Springs. Cassius had to go along with Aegus' commands and ostensibly support his policies. However, it became clear that they led to ruin. After bombing military targets and infrastructure in the capital, Firemane landed ground troops. Together with the Republican Guard, they assaulted Fortress Purity. After a bloody battle, they were able to take the citadel. Mahtara had deliberately held back reinforcements. Meanwhile, Antonius was slain by Elpsis after she managed to break her brainwashing.

After learning of this, Aegus was apoplectic. The Grandmaster was incandescent with rage, declaring that he would lead the army himself and crush the Sithspawn. He ordered Cassius, Karana and Varus to return his legions to him and prepare for the final battle.

Aegus: “I gave them an order! Who are these people to refuse me? I, I am the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, the light in the darkness! And yet these traitors and criminals betray us. You have all failed to enforce purity in your ranks! The Council is full of backsliders!”
Cassius: “Master, I will not let you say such things about your Council."
Aegus: “The Council are traitors, criminals, fallen Jedi! It is no wonder that these Sithspawn from the stars have defeated you, you are all in league with them! You’re all nothing but a pack of lackies to the Sith “I…I am chosen by the Force. Dark rises, and Light to meet it. I will bring order to this chaos, to this ruin! I will summon all the Jedi and the loyal people, I will lead a crusade which will purge the Sith, their Vong allies and these enemies from the stars. I have no further use of any of you. You especially disappoint me, Cassius. I had thought my Padawan was beyond taint, but it seems not. Send for my Inquisitors and Purity Officers. I will fix this situation which none of you can.”
Cassius: “Of course, Master, I shall summon them immediately. It may take some time.”
Aegus: “Make haste, lest I think the Dark Side has tainted you irrevocably as well.”

Cassius knew that he could no longer follow his template or stand aloof. He came to the conclusion that he had to kill the closest thing he had to a father to save his country - and himself. He persuaded Varus and the slow-thinking Karana to join him. “The cursed enemy still drops bombs on the city. Were one to hit him he would be a glorious martyr to the cause. We will catch him as he walks through the corridor of heroes. Varus, see to the guards, Karana, have the Council in session. I will ensure there is a clear path to the surface and some theatre.”

And so it came to pass. Aegus was ambushed by the assassins while passing through the Corridor of Heroes. He defended himself, but he was old and no aid came from his guards. At the last, as he lay dying against the statue of Mace Windu, the Grandmaster saw one final figure approach.
“You…too…Cassius?” “Your madness must end. I’m sorry.” Then he delivered the killing blow. Cassius' confederates moved the body to the surface and set off explosives. The rest of the Council and the public was told that Aegus had been slain by the Sithspawn while he heroically toured the ruins.

That done, Cassius sent a heavily encrypted message to Mahtara, inviting her to a Council session. Mahtara's troops moved into the city. Martial law was declared and Antonius' followers were purged. A stormy Council session followed. After several Councillors refused to accept the new regime, Mahtara denounced them: "When peace and order returns to the Dominion I will summon a Council which is both righteous and wise, strong and just. For now…get you gone, in the name of the Light go!”

The Council was disbanded. In its place, Mahtara created a smaller war council. For the time being, the post of Grandmaster remained vacant. Cassius, Varus and Karana all got Council seats. Cassius was not surprised by this development, having discussed matters with Mahtara. He was made Master of the Order.

When Karana urged their new leader to launch an offensive while the enemy was 'complacent', Cassius disagreed with her, voicing his belief that the 'Firemane Sithspawn' would leave the planet.

Karana: "But what shall we do against this Firemane? They rain destruction upon our city unchecked. Thousands lie dead. The hammers of light..."

Cassius: "Are a weapon of last resort. And no guarantee of success. If we launched them, we might destroy their large battleship. But what would we do when they send more ships? You know they would. They went to war for one girl. Moreover, I have my doubts that this 'Firemane' will be on our world for long. They are far from home. Even with their fleet, supplying such a large force will be difficult. And the Guard is no friend to them. Sooner or later, they will split."

Mahtara concurred with this assessment. The Dominion's armies needed time to regroup and reform. When the time came, they would attack with greater strength and reckon with the rebels. Cassius has agreed to work with Mahtara for the time being. However, he sees her leadership as provisional. One day he will be in command.

Intent: Expand on the Republican Guard. Sub Mezha's buddy.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Republican Guard partisan, second in command of Viper Company and friend of Mezha Krazhmir. Point of view character for the rebels. Aside from this, Synthia provides cultural insight into Tephrike and a new perspective on the Guard.
Links: Tephrike, Into Darkness, Dominion of Light, Red Coral City, Disciples of the Vader.

Age: Eight to ten years old. But she resembles a woman in her thirties due to advanced aging.
Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
Species: Cloned Twi'lek.
Appearance: In a word: battlehardened. Synthia is a green Twi'lek female who looks older than her years, which is partly due to bad cloning, and is scarred by combat. She is a practical woman and not particular fussy about fancy clothes; she wears what is useful and protective. Indeed, she is extremely disdainful of the way Twi'leks are stereotyped as dressing like ladies of the night. She has the physique of a warrior and is strongly-built, enabling her to use heavy weapons with little issue. Her body is marked by many battle scars. She lost her right eye to an explosion at the Battle of Grimwater Swamp, one of the bloodiest battles fought on Tephrike. It has been replaced by an ocular implant. There is still some scarring around the eye socket. As a sign of her reclamation of her individuality, she has some tattoos, such as Twi'lek tribal markings on her face. Synthia tends to wear some form of armour or fatigues and is always armed. She usually carries a concealed vibro-shiv in addition to a sidearm.

Name: Synthia Vao.
Loyalties: Republican Guard, General Aruunzeb, Mezha Krazhmir, Viper Company.
Wealth: Low. Synthia is not wealthy at all. The Guard does its best to pay its soldiers, but an insurgency is not rich. So she often has to supplement her income with loot.
Notable Possessions:
Skills: Synthia is a soldier with many years of experience as both a regular assault trooper and a partisan. She is extremely skilled in the use of a variety of ranged and melee weapons and can handle most weapons. Synthia has no experience in starship piloting, but is trained as a driver and heavy weapons operator. She is a skilled small unit leader and good at tactical leadership. Synthia is more tech-savvy than Mezha. She has moderate skill in slicing, and is good at hotwiring security systems and vehicles.

Personality: Synthia is passionate, determined and dedicated. She was born without a mother or a father, for she was a clone grown in a Dominion laboratory. Like the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order of yore, the Dominion of Light uses a clone army. These clone troopers are slave-soldiers who are born and raised to fight for the Jedi theocracy. Thus Synthia was drilled and indoctrinated from birth, for the Dominion sought to mould its people from cradle to grave. She was one of the clone troopers who were thrown into the meat-grinder again and again. After all, if she died, she could always be replaced. As she is fond of saying, "A Jedi's life is sacrifice - of others." However, the Twi'lek rebelled against her conditioning and broke free. Now she is a member of the Republican Guard, a revolutionary movement that seeks to overthrow the Force theocracies.

Her experiences under the Dominion's yoke have shaped her. The war is a brutal one and the Republican Guard is not a squeaky clean rebellion that balks at getting its hands dirty. They are insurgents who have spent most of the war on the back foot. As a result, Synthia sees the conflict as a war to the knife and is quite radical in her methods. She is a good comrade to her brothers and sisters in arms and has empathy for victims, but is ruthless against her enemies.

As is typical for Dominion clones, Synthia was born sterile because the Jedi state sought to exert total control over its citizens' lives. There was no need for her to have a family or give birth to children if she could simply be cloned, thereby allowing the miracle of life to occur in a medically sanctioned way. She is married and has tried to have children, but has been unable to conceive. This has pushed her to undergo medical procedures to try and regain her fertility. She has recently adopted a war orphan.

She is big on justice and determined in her pursuit of it. Having been raised as a slave, she is determined never to bow to anyone or let her enemies know peace. As a result, she devotes a lot of time to work, training and improvement. Her time in the underground has made her a capable survivalist. She has a strong hatred for Jedi, Sith and those who willingly serve them. Her determination for the cause can be showcased by the fact that she voluntarily underwent a dangerous medical procedure to turn herself Force Dead. The Shapers informed her that the process could be fatal, but she was determined to gain an edge against the Force-users and ensure they could mentally manipulate her. Fortunately for her, the operation was a success.

As is the law for Dominion citizens, Synthia grew up without a family name. Instead she had an occupational surname and was called Synthia Soldier. Following her defection to the rebels, she chose 'Vao' as her surname to affirm her agency and identity as a free person. According to the records, it was the name of an ancient Twi'lek freedom fighter, so it seemed appropriate to her.

Synthia has been involved in efforts to try and sway Dominion clones to the revolution. She has achieved some success in this area, but is frustrated and indeed contemptuous of those who refuse to, as she sees it, break their shackles. The fact that she has often had to fight her 'siblings' has left her with mental scars. Nonetheless, it is her belief that the rebels should not lose sight of the fact that they are fighting for the liberation of all Tephriki.

This also makes her suspicious of what she identifies as appeasement. To her, there can be no compromise with the enemies of freedom. For the same reason, she has a low opinion of Tephriki groups that try to stay out of the war. In her view, such a middle of the road approach is tantamount to enabling the tyrants to subjugate the people. She is strongly opposed to discrimination based on gender, class or species. She hates humanocentrism with a burning passion.

Synthia is particularly passionate about the exploitation many of her fellow Twi'leks face, particularly in Vaderite territory, where they are enslaved and considered lesser beings. She is active in neighbourhood committees and groups that seek to aid her people and educate them. Moreover, she has been actively involved in several operations to free Twi'lek from servitude. Her fervour can override her judgement sometimes.

She is not a rebel without a cause who will go out of her way to offend the powers that be just because, but if she has to choose between superior orders and what she considers to be right, she will pick the latter and deal with the consequences. Compared to her friend Mezha, Synthia is more idealistic. She was more eager to embrace an alliance of convenience with Firemane than Mezha, but this was out of pragmatism since she really wants to see the Dominion go down.

Thus her distrust of their Force-users took a backseat to what she recognised as an opportunity to strike against her enemy and make her home safer. Her Yuuzhan Vong companion grew up in the militarised environment of the revolutionary underground and thus does not share the Twi'lek's radical anarchist beliefs. Between the two of them, Synthia is more of a thinker while Mezha is more the practical technician. Nonetheless, both are very passionate about the cause.

The Twi'lek partisan is very committed to the fight, combat-hardened and values freedom highly. While the Guard is led by a military junta, it is a rather broad tent with varying ideologies. Synthia belongs to a faction whose members call themselves the Communards. In terms of ideology they have libertarian, anarchist and syndicalist beliefs. Thus they are more democratic than the mainstream of the Republican Guard.

However, the Communards also surpass the mainstream in terms of ruthlessness in one area: They believe that Force-users should be executed or subjected to the 'cure', in other words turned Force-Dead. For the good of the community, those with the taint must be healed or excised. Their chief ideologue is a Gungan called Tardle Narukan. He is an intellectual in the Guard who has composed a guiding philosophy. She is an enthusiastic subscriber to it, even quotes it.

Synthia views big government as the agent of coercion and is very strongly opposed to it. Instead she believes in solidarity, direct democracy and workers' self-management. She despises institutionalised forms of privilege and Force-user supremacy. To her, the Force is a form of unearned power that allows those who possess it to trample on the rights of others. It also drives people to evil. Thus it is a plague that must be cured.

She regards both the Jedi and the Sith as oppressive forces. Likewise, she cannot abide slavers or other exploitative individuals who trample on the rights of others. Synthia believes that citizens have a right to bear arms, provided they possess the maturity to use them responsibly. She sees this as an important prerequisite to protect oneself against oppressive rulers.

She is opposed to capitalism, but also rejects the idea of a command economy. From her perspective, both lead to all power being concentrated in the hands of a small, exploitative elite. Instead she supports the means of production being owned collectively by the producers themselves. In this view, collective, joint ownership is key. Rather than a centralised state, Tephrike should be a democratic confederation.

While syndicalist economics are quite popular among many members of the Republican Guard, the political beliefs of the Communards are more controversial. Synthia's decision to join the Guard may seem strange, but she argues that a united front is needed to tear down the edifices of oppression. She admits that it has its flaws, but to her it is the only progressive force on the planet that can stand up to the enemies of liberty.

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. We are the people, and we have nothing to lose except our chains. When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it called 'the Light's Stick'. Or 'the Master Race's', for that matter.

Tardle says it right. 'I hate the Dominion because it is the negation of liberty and because sentience is for me unthinkable without liberty. I am not a Dominionist because the Dominion inevitably leads to the concentration of power in the hands of the state, whereas I want to tear it down. It is oppression incarnate. I hate Sithism because it turns men into beasts and anyone born a 'lesser being' is denied even the right to consider themselves a person.

I want to see society and collective or social property organised from below upwards, by way of free association, not from above downwards, by means of any kind of authority whatsoever.' Let the means of production no longer be in the hands of cultists, bureaucrats or businessmen, but of the toilers. I want people to have the right to live and associate freely, their lives freed from the prisons of Jedi and Sith.

They call us rebel scum. I say we embrace the moniker with pride. To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt. This applies even more so for sentient beings.

What mandate does someone have to rule over others just because he was born with the power to move things with his mind and read someone's thoughts? What did he do to earn it? Does he have some special insight we lesser beings cannot understand? No. No one has a right to call themselves a luminous being and us crude matter. No one has the right to be the slave-driver of the masses.

I would condemn revolutionary violence if I thought a non-violent way existed. But there is none as long as clones are grown as slaves in the vats of the Dominion and aliens are worked to death in Sith slave camps. What are we rebelling for? Choice, freedom, dignity. The right to be sentient beings, not drones grown in a laboratory, filled with propaganda and sent out to toil and die for our masters. We can bow before the aristocracy that would have us believe our lives count for nothing because we were born without the Force. Or we can make a stand. Down with the Jedi, down with the Sith. They are two sides of the same coin. They enslave us, they drug us, they send us out to die en masse.

As long as one remains, we shall be drones, not sentient beings. The Dominion tells us dictatorship is necessary to save us from the Darkness and that only their luminous beings can guide us. The Sith claim dictatorship is the natural order because the strong must do what they will and the weak suffer what they most. They fear nothing more than free people standing up and proving that the vaunted necessity of tyranny is nothing but a massive fraud that has led to slavery on both sides. What they call the Force is a taint. A sickness of the mind and soul. And when a patient is sick, you excise the sickness from them.

Weapon of Choice: Synthia is trained in the use of most melee and ranged weapons. She often uses a grenade launcher, a CSPL-12 or a Bolter. She tends to carry an Amphistaff for melee combat or use it to sneak up on and ambush an enemy she is fighting. Also good with rifle, pistol, blade and explosives.
Combat Function: Synthia is a highly skilled soldier. She is trained in standard infantry operations, commado operations and small unit leadership. In battle she is a ferocius fighter. She is a skilled heavy weapons operator. This makes her a good complement to Mezha, who is a very capable sharpshooter.

The Twi'lek rebel is quite versatile, being able to use most weapons and armour and drive a variety of vehicles. However, she lacks any experience in starship piloting and has indeed never ventured into space. The idea unnerves her quite a bit. She is a good second in command to Mezha, but can also lead small elite strike teams on her own to neutralise specific objectives. But she is a tactical, not a strategic leader. She is experienced in irregular warfare and terrorist actions.

Synthia is extremely devoted to her cause and willing to die for it. However, she knows when to retreat or reevaluate a situation. Being Force-Dead she is immune to direct applications of the Force, similar to the Yuuzhan Vong who bestowed these abilities upon her. It also means that she cannot be sensed in the Force or mentally manipulated through it. By the same token, she cannot be aided by beneficial Force techniques such as Battle Meditation.

  • Like all members of Viper Company, Synthia is Force Dead. Thus she is completely void in the Force, cannot be sensed through it and possesses an immunity to direct applications of it comparable to that of Yuuzhan Vong and their biots.
  • Synthia is well suited for small unit leadership and engagements. She is brave, resourceful and inspires those under her command with a fearless example. While zealous, the Twi'lek is no death charging fool. She knows that sometimes it is better to retreat and reevaluate a situation that throw your life and that of your comrades away out of pride and stubbornness.
  • Crack soldier. She trains frequently, is strong and resilient. Long years as a partisan have given her a high pain tolerance. She is skilled in the use of most ranged and melee weapons, favouring a grenade launcher and other weapons that make an impact. She is a capable gunslinger.
  • Like most Twi’leks, her lekku are delicate organs, susceptible to damage and sensitive enough that being forcefully grabbed can incapacitate her. Furthermore damage to them can cause permanent psychological trauma as well as physical.
  • She is good at leading small teams of regular soldiers or partisans, but is a tactical, not a strategic leader. While suited for small unit leadership, she lacks the ability or experience to command large forces.
  • Synthia is Force Dead and thus completely void within the Force. While a great benefit, it does have the normal associated downfalls in that she cannot be aided by the Force either. Additionally she is not immune to Force Lightning or its variations, and can be indirectly affected by the Force.

Synthia is a hard woman shaped by a horrible conflict on a war-torn planet where the Dark Age never truly ended. In one way or another, virtually every world in the Galaxy was affected when the terrorist Zero released the Gulag Virus on Csilla. The plague spread like wild fire, bringing galactic civilisation to its knees. The so called Golden Age came to an end. Governments crumbled, galactic trade collapsed and trillions of beings perished. Historians would call it the Four Hundred Year Darkness. Tephrike suffered greatly during this period. However, the light never returned to this benighted planet.

Isolated from the rest of the Galaxy, the planet regressed. Though rich in raw materiels such as precious ores and alloys, the planet had been dependent on trade to sustain itself. Now there was no one who could buy their ores and sell them food. Countless died due to starvation, ecological disasters, riots and civil war. Tephrike's fragile democracy collapsed as the federal government proved unable to resolve the crisis. Its party system was fractured along lines of class and species. The Jedi of Tephrike were forced into a protective role. Believing themselves to be the last Jedi in the Galaxy, they held their Order responsible for the Long Night, as they had been unable to prevent the release of the Gulag Virus.

Finally, the Jedi staged a coup to topple the governments after its troops gunned down peaceful protesters. It was supposed to be a provisional emergency dictatorship that would restore order and then step down to enable a transition to democracy. However, over time it evolved into a totalitarian theocracy. Corrupted by their power and scarred by the horrors of never-ending bloodshed, the Jedi became the very thing they were sworn to destroy, while remaining adamant in their belief that they served the Light. They called their new state the Dominion of Light, a nation where every citizen would be controlled from cradle to grave. Every citizen would have a role and stay in it for life.

Two factions rose to oppose them. The Disciples of Vader venerated as the long-dead Dark Lord as a God and preached a gospel of human supremacism, Dark Side worship and enslavement of all non-humans, drawing support from fallen Jedi and humanocentric portions of society. The other group was the Republican Guard, a secularist faction run by a military junta that idolised the Old Republic and opposed the Force theocracies, believing that the Force itself was a disease that led those sensitive to it to evil. It received the backing of aquatic alien communities and of Yuuzhan Vong, who were targeted for extermination by the Vaderites and the Dominion.

While the Guard pursued a campaign of liberation, its methods were often brutal. Being far weaker than the Dominion, it utilised asymmetrical warfare. Its all-out irregular warfare campaign was characterised by a heavy dose of terror. It took every opportunity to target Dominion forces in the proximity of civilians, thereby provoking the Dominion to retaliate against the civilian population when the partisans vanished into the wilderness. It also used improvised explosive devices to kill supposed Dominion or Sith sympathisers, instigated riots and conducted bombings. The Dominion remained the dominant power, but could not bring peace. All the while, Tephrike bled.

To give themselves a loyal force of soldiers to fight their wars, the Dominion created a clone army. In the early days this was supposed to be a temporary measure, but it soon became a permanent fixture. After all, precedent had been established by the example of the Old Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. Cloning would allow them to grow obedient citizens in a medically sanctioned way, as intercourse produced lust and thus led to the dark side. In addition, the Dominion also began to clone its most accomplished researchers, technicians, soldiers and Jedi, as their skills needed to be preserved.

Regardless of their donor, the clones were indoctrinated to be obedient to the Dominion. It was their family, the sole bastion of Light and order in a galaxy that had fallen into darkness. Of course, the Jedi overlords discovered the same thing cloners have discovered throughout the ages: organics are unpredictable. Synthia was one of the clones who rebelled.

When she was born she was given the surname Soldier, for the Dominion assigned its citizens occupational surnames based on the profession it had chosen for them. To make sure she had the skills and opinions the Dominion needed her to have, she was given flash conditioning during her growth. When she was 'born', she had the size of an adult, but no life experiences to draw upon.

The Dominion spent more time and effort on its elite commandos and other specialists, but she was one of those mass produced clone troopers who were supposed to fight on the front lines. The technology used for them was quite primitive. As a result, a number of clones suffered from health issues. One of her early friends did not make it out of basic training. Synthia was told that her sibling had become one with the Force.

Obedience was drilled into her skull. When she was caught fooling around with a clone from a different line she was reprimanded, for lust was a path to the dark side. There was only the darkest abyss and the shining light. One could either be good or evil, light or dark. The Jedi were the Force's chosen emissaries, for they alone could hear and interpret its will. However, a severe crisis resulted in her being rushed through basic and sent to the frontlines with only the most basic training.

The Netherworld Event left virtually no planet untouched. In the blink of an eye, trillions of beings vanished across the Galaxy. With so many high-ranking officials, including the Grandmaster, gone, the Dominion was thrown into disarray. Synthia was participating in a live fire exercise in the wilderness when suddenly several of her superiors and comrades disappeared before her eyes.

She and her remaining comrades did not know what to make of this. Fearful and superstitious, they believed it was a machination of Dark Side demons. In a way they were right, just not in the way they thought, for Akala was no Sith, just a mad goddess throwing a temper tantrum. Synthia organised a search party to try and find the missing soldiers, but they came up with nothing.

After sending a messenger to a nearby settlement, they learned that the disappearances were not an isolated incident. People had vanished across the Dominion. Riots had broken out. Some zealots, believing the end of days was at hand, instigated purges. Others welcomed the rapture, proclaiming that the Light was rewarding with followers by allowing them to achieve oneness with the Force. The troopers were pushed into a law and order role, trying to keep the peace in a world that had gone tupsy-turvy. However, they were soon dispatched to the front lines.

The rapture had been a blow to the Guard, but it recovered faster than its rivals. It helped that it did not have Force-Users in its ranks. Republican Guard partisans rose up in revolt. Dominion soldiers and officials were murdered, government buildings set aflame and population centres shelled. Synthia was thrown into her first fight. Casualties were high, as she and her comrades had received minimal training and many senior leaders had been raptured. Fierce house-to-house fighting and combat in the jungle ensued. She was terrified during her first fight, but pulled through.

The Twi'lek soldier had to learn on the job. She grew close to a fellow clone called Aayla Soldier. Both had the same template and helped keep each other sane during these dark days. Aayla once saved Synthia's life during a battle and they worked together to take down a Republican Guard sniper. When a number of Dominion clone troopers mutinied and turned their guns on their allies, the pair and their remaining comrades had to fight their way out. She was confused and shaken by the betrayal. The Republican Guard poured in soldiers, as its partisans were joined by regular soldiers. Where they went, Jedi and their followers were slaughtered.

At risk of being cut off and encircled, Dominion troops had to execute a breakthrough. Delays and the refusal of high command to countenance it meant that by the time it was carried out, many soldiers had died and they had to leave most of their heavy equipment behind. For a while, Synthia and her comrades were cut off from the rest of the force and had to make their way through the wilderness, hounded by rebel partisans.

In the middle of the fighting with the Guard, Synthia and her unit received word that they were needed elsewhere. The Vaderites, ostensibly now under the leadership of a faction of 'Light Sith', had entered the war and launched an all-out invasion of the Dominion. The Vaderites were obviously also weakened by the fact that the Force had been thrown out of balance, but they were not the ones fighting a two-front war. The Dominion high command refused to yield territory, issuing the infamous 'not a step back order'. The Army of Light should not only hold the line, but drive out the Sith.

Synthia and her comrades arrived just in time to participate in the Battle of Grimwater Swamp. To illustrate the nature of this engagement, at one point certain Dominion generals seriously considered dropping a tactical nuclear missile on the enemy. When later asked what the battle was like, Synthia simply called it hell. Amidst the massive downpour, the ground turned to mud and swamps so the wounded drowned and the dead were buried and uncovered by bombardments. The vermin gnawed on the flesh of the dead and dying alike. Soldiers were ripped apart by land mines and artillery. With both Sith and Jedi weakened by whatever was causing the Force to respond in strange and unpredictable ways to their commands, the bulk of the fighting was done by 'mundane' soldiers on both sides.

The Vaderites tied captured Dominion soldiers and alien civilians to posts in the path of the attackers, so that when Synthia and her fellow clone troopers got close the bombs strapped to them went off. It made the Sith happy to see the prisoners turn to red mist, or to force the attackers to do it for them. This was against the teachings of their new leader, but the Vaderite commander was a traditionalist and far away from headquarters. Again and again, the Dominion troops were thrown against the Vaderites. Periods of intense, bloody combat were followed by weeks in the trenches and the mud. Both sides made ample use of chemical weapons.

It left Synthia severely traumatised. When some Dominion soldiers tried to retreat during a fight, they were mowed down by machine gun fire from Inquisition 'blocking squads'. To cope with the horror going on all around her, Synthia shut down. There was only survival. She and Aayla helped keep each other sane during these bloody weeks. During lulls in fighting they went out to forage for supplies, sometimes stealing from Vaderite soldiers who had the same idea.

During one such excursion, they succeeded in ambushing a group of Vaderite stormtroopers. Angered by the atrocities that had taken place, Synthia and her comrades took no prisoners. When they searched the dead for rations, water and ammution, they came across a map. It showed some of the Vaderite positions. The local commander who was in charge of their battalion recognised its significance. Realising that throwing numbers at the enemy would not break the stalemate, he devised a plan based on which small units of infantry would slip through enemy lines after being covered by a brief hurricane bombardment. Their goal was an enemy command post.

Synthia and her friends participated in this assault. Immediately after a brief but intense bombardment that targeted the Vaderites' rear areas, they advanced. They were able to sneak through the enemy lines amidst the confusion. Fierce fighting ensued in the trenches as the clone troopers advanced by fire and manoeuvre. They fought with rifles, pistols, hand grenades, bayonets, knives and improvised flamethrowers.

When ammunition became scarce she bashed enemy soldiers with the butt of her rifle or stabbed them with the bayonet. The clone troopers were able to turn some some of the enemy's heavy guns on the Vaderites and storm the command post. Synthia and Aayla found themselves engaging a Sith Knight. The Sith unleashed a mental barrage on them, filling them with dread and making them experience the agony of aliens who had been crucified on the way to the base. Synthia described the experience as pure anguish, but feeling the Sith's utter contempt for her species also triggered an intense rage.

A burning fury that would not allow her to go down on her knees. Coming to the aid of her friend, she managed to ignite the Sith with an improvised flamer. Howling in pain, the Vaderite turned his power on her, smiting her with lightning. Some of it backfired on him. Her friend Aayla shot him with a pistol. Synthia beat him until he stopped moving. Amped up by fury and adrenaline the Dominion troopers spared none of the Sith.

The command post fell into their hands and they used the guns to hit Vaderite forces. However, reinforcements were slow to arrive. The long bombardments had devastated the ground badly and the swampy terrain made it difficult to bring up large forces. Moreover, dissonances in command did not help. Jedi Akosa, the new Jedi General, took offence at the clones showing independence instead of following her strategic genius and cashiered their commander, who was already in trouble for having broken off a suicidal frontal assault. Soon the Vaderites were able to regroup and launch a counterattack. The clone troopers defended themselves fiercely, but had to fall back. Synthia found herself in command of her squad after her Sergeant was shot. She managed to pull off a fighting retreat through the swampy land.

The Vaderite counterattack eventually tired itself out after making limited gains. General Akosa now ordered a full-scale assault on the enemy. Some officers protested against the order. Even a few Jedi voiced misgivings about it, seeing it as folly. However, they were shut down. Later Synthia would describe the strategy as 'a gargantuan effort to march forward very slowly and get mowed down so that Akosa can get a Council seat'. In her words, the clone troopers were nexu led by donkeys. The charge was a bloodbath.

Neither the Vaderites nor the Dominion were concerned about casualties. Instead they threw unit after unit into the meat grinder. Entire units were, her words, eaten up, chewed and spat out. The muddy, blood-soaked and swampy battlefield became a charnel house. Sithspawn war beasts clashed with primitive war engines. Synthia was injured in an artillery bombardment. She lost an eye to shrapnel and almost drowned. Thankfully, she was pulled out of the swamp. In the end, the battle had achieved nothing except gaining the Dominion a few miles of worthless ground.

Synthia's company had been decimated in the fight. Most of the clones she had grown up with lay dead in unmarked mass graves, if they were lucky enough to receice a rudimentary burial in the first place. Synthia recovered in a field hospital. There she was surrounded by the misery of the wounded. She eventually received a crude mechanical prothesis to replace her lost eye. During her recuperation she was haunted by the battle. Again and again she was dragged back to the hellish battlefield.

Aayla visited her during her recovery. From her Synthia learned that the fight was continuing. However, the Dominion's strategy had changed. Under the leadership of Battlemaster Mahtara, the Army of Light had implemented a scorched earth strategy. Now the Dominion was taking advantage of its larger territory and greater reserves of manpower and materiel. Everything that could be of use to the enemy was to be destroyed if territory could not be held.

Of course, common soldiers only had limited insight into what high command was planning. After Grimwater Swamp, Synthia just saw callous Jedi who did not care about those they labelled as 'crude matter'. While still in recovery, she was conscripted to fight again. She was assigned to a mixed clone company that had been formed from the remnants of her old unit, other clone units and had some Padawans attached to it. Many of these Jedi were still Initiates who had been rushed into action. Synthia felt protective of them and formed bonds with the soldiers, trying to do her best to help them cope. She was also reunited with Aayla.

The soldiers were deployed to Fortress Purity, a crucial citadel on the way to Nexus City. The Republican Guard had tried to fool the Dominion into thinking that it intended to strike elsewhere, even going so far as to arrange for a faux battle plan to fall into enemy hands. The deception operation would have succeeded, were it not for the efforts of a young comms operator and code breaker called Mara Technician.

And so when the Guard attacked Purity, they were confronted by a large army led by General Kennobi. Nonetheless, the battle was a bloody one. The rebels knew that they had to win here or their offensive would fail. They harassed Dominion troops with nightly assaults. Their combat engineers dug tunnels beneath the Dominion lines to carry out surprise attacks. However, they also appealed to the Dominion clone troopers and militia via loudspeakers, urging them to defect and break their shackles. Synthia tried to look out for her fellow soldiers. Their survival was her priority now.

Unfortunately for her, General Akosa was still in charge of the brigade she belonged to. After one bloody assault after the other, Synthia and her comrades were ordered to charge out into the open. Realising the folly of this, Synthia called her comrades together and decided to improvise. Instead of attacking the enemy head-on, they used one of the tunnels to outflank them. When they got close, the Dominion soldiers sung a Republican Guard song. The Padawans who were with the group had been instructed to tear off their robes, apply camouflage paint and held rifles instead of the Jedi's traditional swords.

It was very dark and the battle was chaotic, so it allowed them to fool the enemy into thinking they were on their side. This allowed Synthia and her comrades to fall upon the partisans, lobbing in hand grenades. The moment the shooting started, Synthia threw herself forward to shield the Padawan and pull him into cover. Luckily for her, her armour largely absorbed the slug rounds. The battle was quick, but fierce. Synthia was wounded in the shoulder with a vibroblade but managed to kill a Yuuzhan Vong officer. Her quick thinking helped her allies take an enemy redoubt, as the Republican Guard found itself attacked on two sides.

However, General Akosa thought this had been a cowardly act and demoted Synthia for not obeying her 'Force-guided' orders, replacing her with a soldier who would obey her orders. Akosa declared she would lead the charge herself, daring anyone to desert or deviate from her battle plan. Synthia was put at the front of the charge. The Twi'lek soldier survived the fight. However, her comrades were butchered. Aayla was killed by a land mine. Synthia tried to save her friend, but it was too late. Her sibling died while Synthia defended her. The Padawans perished as well. Seeing her friends being killed, the Twi'lek clone snapped.

Seeing General Akosa exhort the soldiers to fight for the glory of the Dominion, she fragged her. The Jedi was strong in the Force, but this did not make her omniscient. So she did not see the hand grenade coming until it was too late. Then Synthia riddled her with slugs from her assault rifle. The Togruta Jedi struck back with the Force, but the renegade clone trooper kept firing, until her enemy stopped moving. She had broken free - and committed treason. She soon came under fire. Fortunately for her Synthia, her actions had not gone unnoticed by partisans.

Two attackers were quickly cut down by a cloaked Vong sharpshooter. The rebel pulled her down into cover. Later Synthia learned that her name was Mezha Krazhmir. Thus the renegade clone trooper joined the rebellion. It was not a decision made lightly. It would pit her against her former comrades, even her siblings. But she believes she had no choice. The only alternative was to be a slave of the Dominion or the Vaderites.

There was little time for introductions or even for proper vetting. Mezha and her unit were locked in intense combat. Synthia brought Akosa's sword as proof of her sincerity. She provided them with what intelligence she could. The rebels had sustained heavy casualties and running low on supplies. Bunglers like Akosa had cost the Dominion, but it had more bodies to throw around. And it was getting reinforcements. Akosa's death was probably a net gain.

The Republican Guard fought fanatically. So did Synthia, even as she hated turning on her former comrades. When Jedi illusionists unleashed a powerful mental attack, she forced herself to work through the agony and hold her ground. Again and again the rebels tried to seize the fortress. They came quite close. Brutal fighting ensued when Synthia and her new comrades tried to push through a tunnel their engineers had dug. Explosives caused part of it to cave in.

But the Dominion was too well-entrenched, and finally their counter-assault broke the Guard's line when they managed to bring up tanks. Mezha was wounded in an artillery strike. Synthia returned the favour by dragging her from the battlefield. Her new comrade survived, but lost a foot. Vong Shapers gave her a replacement The Guard had come close to storming Purity, but the battle was a defeat.

The Republican Guard troops fell back to Salona. There their general decided they must hold out in order to buy time for allied forces to retreat. To divert enemy attention, the Guard used deception to fool its enemies into thinking that their force was a lot larger than it actually was. Synthia was engaged in fierce house-to-house fighting. For several weeks the partisans she was with held out in a fortified apartment building. She and a largely recovered Mezha surrounded the building with layers of barbed wire and mine fields, and set up machine gun posts in every available window facing the square.

Synthia discovered that an anti-tank rifle she had mounted on the roof was particularly effective at ambushing unsuspecting Dominion tanks; once the tanks had approached to within range of the building, their thin turret-roof armor became exposed to anti-tank from above, and they were unable to elevate their weapons enough to retaliate.

Synthia took care of armour, Mezha sniped, while their comrades used machine guns. Supplies were brought in via the trench or boats crossing the river, defying enemy bombardment. Nonetheless, food and water were in short supply. Lacking beds, the rebels tried to sleep on insulation wool torn off pipies, but were subjected to enemy fire every night to try to break their resistance.

The Dominion troops attacked the building several times a day. Each time the partisans laid down a withering barrage from the basement, windows and roof. Part of the building was wrecked when a group of Jedi combined their telekinetic powers to cause part of the roof to cave in. Synthia survived, but her spotter was not so lucky. Using Cloaks of Nuun, the partisans flanked the Jedi and ambushed them.

When the enemy ring tightened around the ruins, Mezha made the judgement call to pull out. The partisans slipped out during the night, along with the civilians who had hidden in the basement. Synthia formally joined Viper Company, Mezha's unit. The diversion had served its purpose, now the Republican Guard had to escape the cauldron. They had to leave most of their heavy gear behind. The rebels vanished into the wilderness. Eventually they managed to link up with the rest of the rebel forces.

For good or ill, Synthia's fate was now tied to that of the partisans. She mourned her dead comrades. Indeed, Mezha found her when her grief caused her to suffer a breakdown. The Yuuzhan Vong was a hard woman who had suffered at the hands of the Dominion's servitors, but tried to help her through her grief. Synthia rediscovered a sense of camaraderie among the rebels. She helped Mezha when the latter launched a rescue mission to free rebels who had been captured during the retreat. She faced disciplinary action for this unauthorised mission and was separated from her new friend for a while.

Synthia's background was investigated by the Guard's security service. She was paired with a minder called Krovic, a fellow soldier who could report on her to make sure she was not a planted agent. Over time the two became a couple. For a while, Synthia was away from the frontlines. She was thoroughly questioned about her time with the Dominion and her knowledge of it. There was obviously only so much a common soldier could provide.

However, she was useful in other ways. The agitation department of the Guard decided to use her for propaganda. Synthia was interviewed about her experiences as a servitor of the Jedi and participated in propaganda broadcasts urging Dominion clones to defect.

It was also supposed to help boost the morale of the rebels. Their defeat had been a grave blow to them, so Synthia was supposed to help remind them of what they were fighting for. To this end she visited a number of communities in the liberated zones. During this time the Twi'lek was exposed to the philosophy of the Communards, an anarchist faction that was part of the Guard's Popular Front.

Though united in their hatred of the Force theocracies and their desire to build a secular, egalitarian nation of the common people, the Guard was not free of factionalism. It had experienced its share of schisms and factional struggles undermined cohesion. However, Synthia embraced the Communards' philosophy. Their belief in freedom and self-determination struck a chord with her.

However, the rebellion was not without its dark side. Force-Sensitives, including children, were rounded up to be isolated and reeducated. After all she had seen, Synthia had come to regard as a type of disease. Thus she agreed with these measures, but believed they did not go far enough. For the good of the community and their own, she reasoned, Force-Sensitives had to be cured. Those who refused to submit to the cure had to be executed. She herself underwent a risky medical procedure to become Force Dead.

Having been unable to win the war conventionally, the Republican Guard returned to fighting an asymmetrical campaign. Synthia participated in several raids and terrorist attacks on Dominion and Vaderite targets, working closely with Mezha. The two became friends. Their missions included blowing up factories and Force enclaves, assassinating or abducting Jedi or Sith, targeting infrastructure well as planting improvised explosive devices on roads and as killing supposed collaborators. 'Collaborator' was obviously broadly defined. Captured Jedi or Sith were often subjected to the embrace of pain or hung from trees. It was a brutal, dirty war. Synthia still dreamed of and hoped for a better world without war.

Things took a profound turn when Tephrike's long period of isolation came to an end with the arrival of Firemane. At first the off-worlders negotiated with the Dominion, but then declared war after their delegation was attacked by extremists. Mezha, Synthia and the Vipers helped Laira Darkhold and her mixed group of Resistance and Firemane pilots escape a Dominion ambush. This led to both sides entering an alliance of convenience. Synthia swallowed her distrust of Force-users. For now the enemy of her enemy was her friend.

Once again, the Republican Guard assaulted Purity. This time they were backed by Firemane air power and soldiers. But the battle was still very bloody, despite the off-worlders' advanced technology. The Dominion used a weather control machine to negate Firemane's air power and deployed Force-users in large numbers. Linking up with Freya Solveig and her squad, the Vipers fought their way through the trenches and the tunnels of the base. She was forced to slay one of her clone siblings while protecting Mezha, who had been injured while fighting a member of the elite Jedi Vanguard.

Close to the end of the battle, General Kennobi ordered a brigade of Younglings to conduct a suicidal death charge to buy time for a retreat. The child soldiers were slaughtered. Enraged, Synthia took out her anger on the Dominion personnel that was still alive when the rebels stormed the base. Unfortunately, Kennobi had committed suicide by the time they caught up with him. The Guard raised its banners, claiming Purity for itself. This was a great victory for the rebels, but the struggle is far from over. Now Synthia is determined to see it through.

Intent: Expand on the Vaderites and Tephrike. Provide an antagonist for possible rp.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Dark Lord of the Disciples of the Vader. Antagonist.
Links: Tephrike, Into Darkness, Castle Maysaf, After Darkness.

Age: Early Sixties.
Force Sensitivity: Master.
Species: Human.
Appearance: Once Darth Eisen was a dashing fighter pilot. Muscled and photogenic, he looked good on recruitment posters. However, he is no longer a young warrior. Eisen is a gluttonous man who is prone to excess. There is still some muscle behind the fat, but his age and life style has taken a significant toll on his physique. As a result, he is very obese. His weight is about 280lbs and he is 5'10 tall. He is balding and his red hair has started to grey. However, Eisen is vain, so he dyes it. He has broad lips, a fleshy face with puffy cheeks and crafty eyes. His weight means that his physicality is poor and he lacks mobility.

Eisen has an enduring love affair with extravagant outfits and flamboyant uniforms of his own design. His clothes are all made from the finest fabrics. His fingers are bedecked with large bejewelled rings and often nails coated in red varnish. Any uniform worn by him is bedecked with medals and decorations. Sometimes he wears a gold and white toga with a golden wreath on his head, but he has also been known to don a huntsman's costume.

Name: Dart Eisen. His birth name is Alec Dragoumis.
  • Dark Lord of the Disciples of the Vader.
  • Supreme Leader and Imperial Chancellor of the Greater Sith Imperium.
  • Vicar of Vader.
  • Grand Marshal.
  • Minister of War.
  • Grand Moff.
  • Supreme Commander of the Legions of Dusk (the Sith's melodramatically named air force).
  • Imperial Hunting Master.
  • Etc. He likes to collect.
Loyalties: Himself, Disciples of the Vader.
Wealth: Eisen is the corrupt dictator of a cleptocratic régime that allows its leaders to exploit the people and natural resources of their territory in order to enrich themselves. He has no qualms about embezzling funds at the expense of the general population, or exploiting his power to receive bribes and special favours. The same applies to seizing resources and valuable assets. As a result, he is quite wealthy due to his influence and resources. Tephrike is almost totally isolated from the interstellar economic system and what currency is used on the planet would be worthless outside of it. However, it has natural resources he has no qualms about exploiting for his personal gain.

Notable Possessions: Eisens possesses a crossguard lightsabre with a red synthetic crystal. He owns significant real estate. An example is a country residence called Sophiahall, named after his beloved first wife. It is built on an enormous hunting estate. The residence is filled with sculptures, paintings, furniture and has a model train. It is also the destination for most of his looted art treasures. There is also a mausoleum that contains the remains of his wife. Endangered species roam the grounds of his estate. Eisen keeps pet kath hounds and is quite affectionate to them. He also possesses a yacht called Sophia II. He uses it to traverse the seas of Tephrike in style, especially when he wants to impress members of high society.

One of his most prized possessions is avast collection of stolen artworks. He has a a collection of uniforms, medals and valorous decorations. Some of them invented by himself just for him. On a more practical level, he has a Cloak of Hate and wears armor and tunic underneath it. As is common for masters of his order, he has a helmet that resembles a Vader mask.

He owns a large number of hunting rifles. Moreover, he owns a large number of slaves. Many of them toil in the fields, factories or mines, others are part of his personal household. Moreover, he owns various mansions, factories and mines. He is a cleptocratic dictator, so strictly speaking all the territory under his control constitutes his patrimony. Eisen does not distinguish between the private purse and the public one. To him, the treasury is a source of personal wealth.

Skills: Though his appearance is not that of a warrior, Eisen is a powerful Sith Sorcerer. He has a natural affinity for the more destructive and dark aspects of the Force. Moreover, he is a strong mentalist, able to awe, sway, terrify and mentally dominate others. His repertoire includes Sith Magic, Dominate Mind, Force Drain, Force Net, Force Stealth, Force Lightning, and Force Insanity. Eisen started his career as a pilot, and is still skilled at using the Force to augment his piloting abilities. In addition, he has a talent for Mechu-Deru. This first manifested when he tinkered with engines and fighter craft.

Eisen is good at cloaking himself with the Force. His rivals have marvelled at how such a large individual can remain hidden in plain sight. He has some understanding of the White Current, though it is not at the level of a Fallanassi elder. In other words, he cannot create illusory fleets, armies etc. or set up a long-term illusion over a location, like the Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order did with the Jedi Praexum on Yavin IV. However, he can accomplish a full immersion to conceal himself, summon potent illusions and mentally manipulate others.

In his younger days, Eisen was a daring pilot and capable squadron commander. However, he has moved up in the world since then. He has risen to the position of Grand Marshal due to his political connections, skill at intrigue and the fact that he is a Sith Lord, as the Vaderites believe that Force-Users are inherently superior to Non-Force-Users. As a result, he is a poor general, especially on a grand scale, such as theatre level. He is a good shot with a rifle and a pistol though. Lightsabres are extremely rare on Tephrike, and Eisen is one of the few Sith who owns one. He sees it as a mark of his exalted status, but prefers to use the Force. Makashi is his preferred form when he has to cross blades.

Personality: One day Darre, the minister of agriculture of the Vaderite regime, visited Darth Eisen while the Sith Lord's valet was dressing him. A second servant presented a cushion. Twelve rings lay on it - four of each were red, blue or green. "Today, I am displeased," Eisen told the minister with the utmost seriousness and no small amount of campiness. "So we shall wear a deeper hue. But we also desire to show that were are not beyond hope. So we shall wear green." On another occasion, a woman invited to tea found the Grand Marshal wearing a toga, jewel-encrusted sandals and rouged lips.

He wears flamboyant uniforms of his design that are bedecked with medals. The lurid picture of his person clad in fine togas and jewel-encrusted sandals with pet kath hounds by his side, owning a castle filled with stolen art works, is completely accurate. Sometimes he greets diplomats and dignitaries holding a spear and dressed in a medieval hunter's costume, or wearing a red toga.

He is the most self-indulgent and corrupt of all the senior Vaderite leaders. The Sith Master has a strong craving for sugar and fine dishes. These increase his size, and the discomfort he feels. He diets and exercises in spurts, but always gains back any weight he loses. It is a constant struggle for him and he has never been able to really achieve a lasting victory in it.

Eisen is a Sith, a humanist and a reflexive speciesist. But he is no zealot. Zealotry requires too much work that could be best spent elsewhere. Like going on hunting trips, procurring precious art works, planning extravagant construction projects or accumulating a ridiculous number of titles. He is power-hungry, but a good deal less fanatical than several of his peers. This makes him more flexible on certain policy issues, as he approaches them more from the standpoint of personal gain than ideological imperatives. His flamboyant attitude, gluttony and obvious decadence had deceived many into thinking that he is a mere buffoonish fop.

This is true, but Darth Eisen is an extremely ruthless political operator. A swaggering, flamboyant individual who relishes luxury and excess, Eisen is also an ambitious schemer. In contrast to many gloomy, preachey or openly sadistic Sith leaders, he is wreathed in smiles and decorations and receives visitors gaily. At times his sybaritic excesses and jovial attitude have given rise to a misleading picture of him being an amicable 'moderate'. Although obese and morbidly unhealthy in terms of appetites, he is cunning and will stop at nothing to attain power. He has an immense drive for self-gratification. This is paired with a high amount of cynicism.

"Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob in a village risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his village in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Nexus City nor in Red Coral City nor for that matter in Adlerberg. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, no matter the system of government.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

Eisen pays lip service to Vaderites' ideology, but cares little for it when it gets in his way. When it was brought to his attention that one of his top minions might have some alien blood in him, he is said to have declared: "I decide who is an alien." He treats his personal slaves better than the typical Sith Lord. This has not stopped him from authorising atrocities. He is bombastic, corrupt, a good public speaker, and prone to bluster. The Sith Master is a charming sociopath with a distaste for heavy lifting. He has a primitive mentality, but is quite intelligent.

His actions are governed by an innate belief in his own uniqueness and that it is his destiny to rule. Eisen profoundly believes that Tephrike has waited for him for hundreds of years to lead it to glory. In his view, he had to spend many years taking orders from lesser men. His immediate predecessor, Darth Furcht, repulsed and frightened him in equal parts. This has fuelled his determination to inscribe his name in Tephrike's history books.

He possesses one of the key characteristics of a manipulative charmer, namely the ability to be all things to all men. He can hold up a mirror to his interlocutor that reflects back their wishes, convincing each that he perfectly understands and supports them. He can treat people with kid's gloves or with an iron fist. He is very clever at tailoring his response to the individual. Rigid stances are not for him. He is very good at putting on a show.

Eisen enjoys reading, especially detective stories and tales of ancient warlords. He has an appreciation for fine art and is a major collector. He uses every opportunity to stalk his private woods with a gun and shoot animals, but he has ironically done a great deal for Tephriki wild life. In the light of the war crimes committed by the Sith, he may have more concern for wildlife than sentient beings.

One of his weaknesses is sloth. He has powerful bursts of energy when he assumes a new office, plots against someone or works on a project he considers interesting. However, this dissipates soon and he often overloads himself. Eisen is paranoid about being usurped, which is understandable since the Sith preach rule of the strong. So he has consistently refused to appoint a deputy for his many offices and when one of his subordinates becomes too powerful, he plots to undermine them, often by promoting rivalries between his minions. This allows him to stay in power, but creates a poisonous, toxic atmosphere characterised by administrative inertia and sycophancy. He is also an unrepentant nepotist and surrounds himself with a court of sycophants. These are the usual tricks of someone whose power rests on a shaky foundation. In short, he is a good schemer, but a poor administrator.

Despite - or perhaps because of - his eccentricities, he is quite popular among many of the human subjects of the Vaderites. Perhaps his quirks make him more 'human' and easier to relate to. He is a gregarious and optimistic contrast to dour and openly cruel Sith. His weight and penchant for medals and titles have made him the butt of jokes, but he takes them in stride. When he learned that a popular soubrette was being held by the secret police because she had made fun of his silver epaulettes and medals, he ordered her immediate release. "Idiots!" he thundered. "If they make jokes about me, it only proves how popular I am!"

One day another comedian had made a reputation for himself with a witty and biting Eisen parody. "Let's go and hear him," Eisen told one of his generals, "but make sure he does his act even though I am there." The comedian trembled with fear as the Sith Lord, who held power over life and death, listened to his song. He was not at his best that night. "I bet he suffered more than if I had locked it up," an amused Eisen commented. Sadly, the comedian took things too far after that and made jokes about Darth Furcht. It ended poorly for him.

Eisen is not without some positive traits. He is genuinely affectionate to his wife, daughter and grandchildren. Moreover, he is very generous with gifts and fond of animals. He has invested a lot in wild life and nature conservation and considers vivisection of animals to be barbaric. He has also had a hand in setting up concentration camps, ordered carpet bombings of population centres, the disappearance and murder of political enemies, ethnic cleansing, enslavement and murder of civilians as well as the torture and ill-treatment of prisoners of war. Eisen has never set foot in a concentration camp himself or even personally tortured someone. He is fond of saying, "I've never been cruel, I've been hard." But he presides over a comprehensive system of terror and exploitation.

He understands the importance of information and maintains a private signal intelligence and cryptanalytic spy agency to keep tabs on his foes. Eisen considers himself the rightful leader of the Sith, but has a poor work ethic. Despite his vanity, he has the support of certain sections of the military and the Sith, who were frightened by Furcht's extremism or resent the way he favoured the members of his power base.

Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber | The Force | Minions. He is the supreme leader of the Disciples of the Vader, so their armies are at his disposal. Eisen is a Master of the Force, but prefers to leave the bloodletting to minions.
Combat Function: Eisen is the supreme leader of the Tephriki Sith, so combat is not his primary role. He has a realm to govern, after all. However, he still a Sith Master. Moreover, he lives in a society where upward mobility can be achieved by defeating one's superior in a duel to the death.

He is a good shot with rifle and a pistol. Eisen has some stout strength, but is not fast and lacks physical endurance, requiring the Force to boost it. As a result, he is better off ending the fight quickly when he is forced into melee instead of drawing it out. He is not a master swordsman and relies more on the Force to prevail in combat. For this reason he prefers to engage opponents from a distance. When he does fight with a lightsabre, he gravitates towards Form II as he considers himself a man of distinction and class. His physique is ill-suited for Ataru.

His strength lies in his formidable command of the Dark Side of the Force, especially Sith sorcery. He is a very powerful Master of the Force, and particularly fond of draining opponents of their life force. He is capable of performing area of effect Force Drain. He also likes making use of mental abilities and Force Net. In addition, His ego gives him dominance over others and he can use his talent for sorcery to create illusions, mentally torment others or summon powerful blasts of dark side energy.

Eisen is remarkably good at using the Force to cloak himself or mask his presence, even from other powerful Force-users. As a general, Eisen is not inept, but unimaginative. His tactics are simplistic in nature, relying on brute force and stalwart soldiers. Thus he is better off delegating to his generals and setting broad objectives for them to accomplish.

  • Powerful Master of the Dark Side of the Force. Eisen is a powerful Sith Sorcerer. His true strength lies in his mind and his ability to harness the destructive aspects of the Force.
  • Eisen is arrogant and pompous, but he knows when to fold 'em. He sees no honour in dying pointlessly and will retreat when he is outmatched. He is also absolutely ruthless and has no qualms about sacrificing pawns to get what he wants.
  • Eisen is very overweight. This impairs his mobility, endurance and speed. He is not someone to run a marathon. A layer of cushioning fat can be an advantage since it might help absorb a punch or two, but he is also more quickly out of breath when he has to physically exert himself a lot. In addition, he has also started to suffer from arthritis.
  • Weak telekinetic powers. Perhaps it is some form of mental block or simply genetic. Either way, his telekinetic powers are rather unimpressive. He is limited to very basic uses, and even then only small objects with significant effort and concentration.
  • Limited skill as a general. He is not inept, but unimaginative and relies more on brute force than tactical finesse.

Tephrike has been isolated from the rest of the Galaxy since the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. Originally colonised during the twilight years of the Old Republic, it was subjugated by the Galactic Empire. The human supremacist regime established by the Empire was overthrown with the aid of the Rebel Alliance and the planet emerged as an unstable, multi-species federation.

Then the Gulag Virus sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. Warlords, Jedi, Sith and rebels vied for power. Prolonged warfare and the use of primitive weapons of mass destruction brought great devastation to the planet. Benign intentions turned to evil over time. Jedi who sought to restore order and reunite the planet fell to the darkness they claimed to oppose, while still believing that their intentions and actions were good. In so doing, they followed in the footsteps of Atris and Joruus C'boath. Believing that they alone could lead Tephrike out of the darkness, they created a theocratic dictatorship.

Renegade Jedi established a Sith cult called the Disciples of the Vader, for they idolised the long-dead Vader as a god and believed it was his will to enslave all those who could not wield the Force and were not human. The Republican Guard, a faction that glorified the Old Republic and staunchly opposed Force-users, was founded by disgruntled clone slave-soldiers and racial minorities that declared war on both Force cults. In between these three extremes, several smaller factions tried to carve out a niche for themselves. The planet was locked in stasis, divided by riven groups trying to recall a past they did not remember. Here, the dark age never ended.

The Disciples of the Vader were rounded by a fallen Jedi Knight called Cade Seward. Thrust into command at a young age, he fell to the dark side. A vision convinced him that Darth Vader had chosen him as his champion to eclipse the light. For Vader had experienced apotheois and was now a Dark God. Indeed, the Gulag Virus had been a machination of the dark side to cleanse the Galaxy of weakness. Cade chose the name Darth Menace and was able to assemble an army that became a serious threat to the Dominion. His dark crusade was halted at Palmyra, Tephrike's old capital. But victory came at a staggering cost for the Dominion, for the city was turned into a cursed, dark side nexus.

But the Vaderite threat did not vanish. The Sith managed to carve out their own state. It was built upon a foundation of slavery, human supremacism, and tyranny. Humans who professed faith into the Vaderite religion were coopeted as a new middle class and given preferential treatment. They became the soldiers, officers, administrators and technicians of the new regime and were organised in the Humanist Party, a political machine responsible for the promotion of Vaderite ideology. Meanwhile, aliens were enslaved, confined to ghettos or exterminated. Rule of the strong was enshrined in the Vaderite's Sith ideology, for there could be no place in the New Order for those deemed weak, mentally or physically defective.

Taking the Sith's obsession with rule by the strong to its logical extreme, the Disciples dispensed with more rational means of promotion by allowing a Sith to challenge his direct superior to combat to the death. The rationale behind this was that any man who could not physically defend his position did not deserve to hold it. The Sith remained at war with the Dominion and the Republican Guard, seeking to bring all of Tephrike under their jackboot.

This was the world Eisen grew up in. He was born as Alec Dragoumis. His father was a civil servant who had served the Sith régime as a local governor. As a result, the family was affluent and Alec grew up in privileged circumstances. Like all citizens of the régime, he was educated in the belief that the Sith had an inherent right to rule. Power belonged to those who could command the Force, instead of letting it command them.

Of all the myriad species in the Galaxy, only humans were capable of creating civilisation. Every manifestion of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, was almost exclusively the product of human creative power. The divine spark of genius was only found in humans. They were the ones who kindled the fire that illuminated the dark night and allowed humans to attain mastery. By contrast, aliens were parasites. The Dark God Vader and his loyal servants had recognised that there was a natural order.

Some people were natural slaves, and it was the duty of their masters to assume the burden of responsibility. But democracy, racial mixing and the Jedi faith had undermined the heroism and camaraderie of the human master race, corrupting it from within. The Gulag Virus had been a cleansing storm that allowed humankind to rise again. Now the heirs of Vader were engaged in a life or death struggle against the forces of anarchy. Should they lose, a profound darkness would descend upon the world; all human culture would vanish and the world would become a desert.

Alec absorbed these teachings. One day, his school class visited the ironically named Prosperity Quarter, a ghetto. Here, aliens and 'impure' humans lived an impoverished existence defined by oppression, fear and deprivation. The propaganda tour was designed to confirm all the stereotypes his teachers had fed him. Using alien forced labourers to do menial chores was par for the course for the circles he walked in. One of his exams was about a propaganda movie called The Eternal Neimodian. A maths assignment was about calculating how much money the government could save and spend on 'deserving citizens' if the mentally or physically disabled were 'euthanised'. A doctor who worked at a psychiatric clinic gave a lecture on this topic, describing his work as a necessary sacrifice for the people's community. He also attended a stoning of a mixed species couple. This was one of the events of a carnival.

Throughout his life, Alec remained a committed humanist. However, he was not extremely zealous about it. Indeed, he was a rather spoilt youth, who was used to getting his way and having his desires catered to. He attended an elite boarding school, but showed little interest in his studies. He found the food poor and the discipline too harsh. Some of his teachers complained about his wilfulness. After growing frustrated, Alec simply went back home and feigned illness. Someone of less exalted status would have been punished, but his family was part of the elite. It helped that his grandfather had been a Sith Knight. Having a Sith in the family was a mark of prestige, though his grandfather considered it a disappointment that his son was a squib.

To teach him some discipline, his father sent him to a military academy. This tallied with Alec's own desires as he had been interested in a career as a soldier from an early age. Having been raised on stories about Sith Knights and Stormtroopers fighting the enemies of order, he was eager to attain fame and glory. The discipline was quite harsh and more than a little on the sadistic side. But Alec turned out to be a good student at the academy. He enjoyed playing war games and was commended by his instructors. He became an avid mountain climber and enjoyed studying Sith legends and sagas. After graduating with distinction, he joined the army.

At first he was assigned to an infantry regiment, fighting the Dominion and the Republican Guard. It turned out to be a lot less glamorous than he had expected. There was little glory to be gained in trench warfare. Using his connections, Alec was able to arrange a transfer to the Legions of Dusk, the air force. Strictly speaking, he informally transferred himself and was sentenced to punishment when he was discovered. However, the sentence was never carried out. His wilfulness frustrated and concerned his family, but he displayed genuine skill as a pilot, flying one of the aging TIEs that were used by the Sith aerial forces.

Brash, arrogant and daring, he was personally fearless in combat, but backed it up with cunning. At first he flew reconnaissance and bombing missions, targeting Republican Guard rebel camps. He flew escort when Sith bombers carpet bombed a town that had rebelled against the Sith government and joined the Guard. Soon he was engaged in dogfights with Dominion fighters and targeting their tanks. His fearlessness in battle earned him the nickname 'Iron Alec', and he scored several air victories. The fact that he was unconsciously using the Force to enhance his aim, senses and piloting skills helped him. Dissatisfied with the primitive tech, he tinkered with his fighter craft and its engines in his free time, after an injury to the hip resulted in him being grounded for almost a year. He ended up with a working prototype for a more modern TIE fighter with a more powerful engine and better speed.

He rose to the position of squadron commander after his commanding officer perished in battle. However, while skilled, his arrogance made him unpopular and he was later accused of having inflated his score. Still, he was able to build lasting connections with some of the members of his squadron, who would go on to be his henchmen when he rose to power. Alec caught the eye of the Sith when he distinguished himself in a fight with Dominion pilots.

The Sith forces had been fed false intel and lured into a trap, for they were ambushed by Jedi ace pilots when they tried to attack a base. Alec ended up facing one of the aces. The Force was strong in this foe. No matter what Alec did, his opponent seemed to have already foreseen it and devised a counter. His fighter was damaged during the dogfight. Fighting for his life, Alec claims to have heard an inner voice. The realisation that he might perish triggered a rage inside him. Unconsciously, he managed to touch the mind of his enemy, feeding on his fear and rage. The enemy pilot was momentarily distracted by what was an instinctual manifestation of Alec's latent talent as a mentalist.

Relying on what he later learned was Force-based targeting, Alec fired a missile and managed to destroy the enemy craft. The operation had been a failure, but the fight had not gone unnoticed. When the squadron managed to return to base. His commander, afraid that he might be accused himself, tried to pass the buck to his subordinate. This put Alec in difficulties, as he found himself accused of poor leadership. However, then the charges were dropped.

One of the Disciples had taken an interest in the affair and discovered Alec's strength in the Force. He was a human and the Force was strong in him, so he would be trained as a Sith. If he had been an alien, he would have been killed, for xenos who possessed such powers were deemed an aberration. The revelation that Alec was strong in the Force boosted the prestige of his family. However, when he was reunited with his father after their long separation, the latter had mixed feelings. Perhaps because his own lack of Force-Sensitivity had made him a disappointment to his own father.

Regardless, Alec was sent to Castle Maysaf for training. There his instruction in the ways of the Force began. It was a brutal and often sadistic process. One of the trials a young acolyte had to undergo was bayonet a criminal or fugitive slave. This was supposed to pour steel into his veins. Alec learned from early on that only the most cunning and ruthless would survive. Around this time Alec grew close to a Sith from a good humanist family called Sophia Anastas. She was a dedicated humanist. Indeed, she was a lot more of a zealot than her husband and heavily into mysticisim. She got him interested in the arcane aspects of the force.

Thirsting for glory, he resolved to be at the top of the pack. At first, Alec wanted to continue flying, but it was soon discovered that he possessed significant mental talents and was quite good at concealment. These skills recommended him for the spy service, the Protection Squadron. He came to the attention of a Sith Master called Lord Acholus, a Sith sorcerer.

Alec disliked being under someone else's thumb and wanted to keep flying, but the Sith Master showed him who was boss, putting him in his place. This created a feeling of resentment inside Alec, but also fed his hunger for power. Over the next few years, he bathed in the knowledge of the Sith and the arcane aspects of the dark side. However, while his teacher gave him some access to his library, Alec always had the feeling that he was holding back. Wetting his appetite, but not really sating it.

These suspicions were correct. Thus Alec started to try and acquire ancient tomes and devices in secret. As part of his training, he was dispatched to the ruins of the Golden Future Binary Fusion Plant. It had been the site of a terrible disaster shortly before the outbreak of the Gulag Virus, which turned the area into an irradiated wasteland. The Sith used the area to conduct experiments, feeding on all the deaths that had taken place here. Alec contracted radiation sickness during his time in the exclusion zone, but learned how to devour ghosts.

He made himself a name in hatchet work and espionage. His growing talent in using the Force for cloaking and concealment allowed him to infiltrate a Dominion temple and bug a conversation between generals. This allowed the Vaderites to smash a Dominion offensive and score a notable victory over the Jedi. It put Alec on the radar. His master commended him, but also warned him against getting ideas about his station.

Later Alec organised the assassination of a dissident Sith scientist who had fled with compromising information. Both the Republican Guard and the Dominion unsuccessfully tried to retrieve the scientist. Around this time Alec and Sophia got married. The marriage made political sense, but Alec seems to have felt genuine affection for her.

When Lord Acholus was appointed governor of a province, he took Alec with him. He was just supposed to be his troubleshooter, but Alec muscled his way into the position of security chief. There he made a genuine impact, purging the local security forces and filling them with his cronies. He also initiated a programme of forcibly relocating the alien population to make room for loyal human citizens. Many of the deportees ended up as forced labourers. Alec also managed to win over 'respectable society' by putting the Party militias on a short leash and closing many of the 'wild' concentration camps. The camps set up by Alec's minions were no less brutal, but better organised. It also gave him plenty of opportunity for graft and embezzlement. Alec himself never visited the detention centres, but was fully aware of what happened there.

He also initiated an operation to round up thousands of so-called 'asocials'. Under the Disciples' laws, 'asocials' were persons whose behaviour was defined by 'habitual' misconduct or repeated violations of the law or who did not fit into society and violated the 'natural order'. Those most affected were vagrants, beggars, prostitutes, alcoholics, thieves, humans who had engaged in sexual relations with aliens and aliens who had been caught outside of their reservation zones without official permit.

Outwardly he was nothing but loyal to his master, flattering him and feeding his vanity at every turn. However, Acholus started to grow suspicious of him, having noticed that Alec was trying to bypass him and build connections with the Vaderite government. His master continued to deny him access to the holocrons he so craved. When a Jedi Shadow who had led a raid against a Sith research facility was being apprehended, Alec sabotaged the investigation so that he could claim the agent for himself.

Officially the Shadow was killed during the pursuit. Alec went so far as to arrange for a body double. In truth, he used his mental powers to invade the Jedi's mind and learn some of his master's secrets. However, Acholus was not idle and sought to curtail his power over the secret police and had some of his associates arrested. He also accused his apprentice of corruption and heresy, having built up a file that showed Alec's devotion to the Dark God was less than pure. Behind the scenes, the power struggle grew violent. Indeed, Sophia once saved Alec from a Republican Guard attempt on his life. Alec later claimed it had been orchestrated by Acholus, though this cannot be verified.

Despite being under surveillance, Alec managed to sneak out of the provincial capital and reach Castle Maysaf. Acholus had removed him from office, but Alec managed to present his case to the Dark Council. His wife's connections helped, for Impaler was fond of her. This allowed Alec to present doctored evidence of Acholus being involved in treasonous activities, including aiding and abetting rebels and enemy agents. Furthermore, he alleged that Acholus might have alien blood. The incident managed to make Acholus look bad and gave Alec an opening to challenge him. He managed to gather a coterie of allies through bribery and trickery. Invoking his rights as a Sith, Alec challenged him to a Kaggath. It was a hard-fought battle.

Alec was badly burnt when Acholus assaulted him with shadowy tendrils of dark side energy. He managed to momentarily disorientate his master, but Acholus blocked his lightning with contemptuous ease and proceeded to smash him with telekinesis. This was a power Alec was very weak in. However, then Acholus was suddenly struck from behind. Alec had used his master's momentary disorientation to cloak himself and summon a doppelganger in his place. This was a trick he had learned from accessing the memories of the captured Shadow. Acholus tried to defend himself by summoning a Force Demon, a construct he had used to show his apprentice who was boss in the past. But Alec managed to overcome it and drain him.

Darth Impaler, Dark Lord and Supreme Leader, acknowledged him as a Sith Lord and conferred the name Darth Eisen upon him. He had now joined the circle of power. Power, wealth and influence allowed him to amass a large collection of expensive artworks, speeders, and mansions. He ruled like a feudal lord from his palatial residence. It also allowed him to bestow favours on his cronies and his family. His dandy image made him a source of mockery behind his back, but he was also a figure of ebullient entertainment. This made him popular with many human citizens of the realm. While not a great orator, he had a gift for managing and exciting a crowd.

The conflict with his master had taught that power flowed from the Supreme Leader. So he did his best to cultivate a close relationship with Darth Impaler. The dark lord was an imperious, intimidating figure who was quick to suspect betrayal and had a habit of pitting his minions against one another. It kept them dependent on his favour. To flatter his master, he personally oversaw the creation of a mountain retreat for him. The construction was carried out by forced labourers, who had to labour under appalling conditions. Their suffering did not faze Eisen, as long as the deadline was met. Impaler was pleased with his work, but ironically only spent little time in his new mountain villa.

He recognised the Leader's almost pathological need for self-aggrandisement. Taking advantage of this, he took the dark lord's glorification to a new level by producing a hagiographic biography. Doubtless Eisen did not personally write it, but he oversaw the process. Impaler had risen from relative obscurity, but his self-proclaimed 'first paladin' fabricated an illustrious lineage for him.

Finally, Impaler promoted him to general and made him supreme commander of the Legion of Dusk. Eager to make his mark, he brought in his old cronies from his days as a pilot. Not all of these choices turned out to be apt. Nepotism was a pervasive issue. But Eisen set his sight upon expanding his force. To provide it with more resources and expand his patronage network, he seized control over several businesses, using a mixture of charm, bribery and intimidation.

However, Eisen's ascent was marred by the death of his wife, for Sophia had died in childbirth. He tried to save her by Force draining slaves and feeding her with their life force, but it was not enough. Unlike Anakin Skywalker, Eisen had good grounds to be afraid about his wife dying while giving birth. Sadly, Tephrike did not have the medical infrastructure of a First World planet like Coruscant. He also did not choke his wife. Eisen was deeply shaken by her death and mourned her. He named his country residence Sophiahall to honour her.

He soon learned that being so close to the sun could be perilous. Months after placing a general's epaulettes on his shoulders, Impaler forced Eisen to relinquish control over his spy agency. It came under the control of Darth Furcht, a rising leader in the Knights of the Ebon Claw. Eisen was annoyed about having his wings clipped, but had to comply. Because he wanted some insurance, he set up his own signals intelligence and cryptanalytic agency in the Legion, the so-called Research Office.

Eisen believed he could control Furcht, especially since many of the officers of the Protection Squadron were still his cronies. This turned out to be an error in judgement. His relations with Impaler deteriorated. As the Sith embarked on a campaign of subjugation, Eisen found his chief's ideas for pacification disagreeable. He had no objections to using death squads, enslaving people and the like, but he considered impaling and salting the earth of potentially valuable slave labour to be unwise. Eisen also unsuccessfully argued in favour of ignoring the Republican Guard, and just focusing on the Dominion.

Moreover, the Legions of Dusk suffered setbacks. At the start it achieved notable successes in the field against the Dominion by delivering close air support against its troops in the field. However, when it attacked a major Dominion stronghold, the Jedi activated a weather control machine. The Sith bombers got taken down by Jedi aces who had Force melded to move through the storm. Eisen ordered the bombers to continue their attack despite the weather and the fighters were unable to keep formation, so the bombers suffered disastrous losses.

It was a major humiliation. The situation was exacerbated by the Dominion dropping some bombs on the Sith capital. Eisen had wanted to focus bombing raids on military targets, especially Dominion air bases, but Impaler ordered him to 'grind the Dominion into dust' by carpet bombing cities. Bomber losses were high. There was now a rift between them, and others in the inner circle took note. Eisen bore witness when Impaler made an example of a marshal who had failed him, which increased his fear of him. It was paired with resentment. His loss of influence drove him to hedony. Furcht, meanwhile, rose in influence and directed his agents to spy on Eisen.

Ironically, around this time Eisen's Research Office received intelligence on a sect of 'Light Sith', who preached a heretical doctrine. These heretics claimed that Vader had turned away from the Dark Side and sacrificed himself to save his son and kill the evil Emperor. Somehow, Eisen neglected to pass any of this on to Impaler or Furcht. Instead he directed his agents to keep the group under surveillance. But the Light Sith slipped from his grasp during the Netherworld Event. Like virtually every world, Tephrike was affected by the mass raptures. The result was chaos. It triggered a serious crisis. Impaler reacted with purges, believing it was the end of days. Eisen wanted to make his move, but his forces were weakened by the mass disappearances and the casualties they had sustained on the front.

The Light Sith had slipped from his grasp and now instigated a mass uprising of slaves and members of the under classes. Eisen had hoped to be able to rally the loyalist forces after Impaler's defeat, but he underestimated what had been unleashed. Darth Krieg, the leader of the Light Sith, assumed control and adopted the name Salus. Defeated, Eisen went into exile. Ostensibly he continued to fight the 'heretics', but in reality he was focused on protecting himself and preparing for an eventual return.

The Light Sith proceeded to invade the Dominion, becoming co-belligerents of the Republican Guard. The Dominion was pushed to the brink. But the de facto alliance was an uneasy one as both sides despised the other. Moreover, a number of Vaderites who had bent the knee to the new régime had not really changed their ways. This soured the accord even more, as did the Guard's policy of rounding up Force-users in communities it managed to liberate. Soon sporadic fighting had broken out. The chancellor who had supported the deal was toppled by the Guard after their failed attack on Fortress Purity, a major Dominion citadel.

This left Salus vulnerable and he was murdered. Eisen had used the chance to return from exile, but events overtook him. Radical Light Sith and freed aliens took over Prosperity Quarter and much of Adlerberg. But Furcht crushed the ghetto uprising with extreme brutality. Eisen's troops had helped defeat the Light Sith. Indeed, he had arranged for Salus' death. But his success was overshadowed by Furcht, who proceeded to blackmail him with information about his contacts to the heretics. Eisen ground his teeth and bent the knee to him. The new Dark Master unleashed a wave of purges against so-called deviants and unbelievers.

The bloodletting did not stop at Eisen's doorstep. The Sith Lord was forced to sacrifice trusted minions to the meat grinder. Eisen scapegoated his chief of staff for failings in his force. This caused the general to commit suicide. As a 'reward for for unflinching, loyal service', Furcht promoted Eisen to the rank of Grand Marshal. Eisen considered this to be a personal slight, since it was a hollow title that gave him no additional power and his actual power base had been seriously weakened. Then the star people arrived. The Sith saw the starships appear in orbit, but were unsure what to make of them. When they learned that the outsiders were bombing the Dominion's capital and that the Jedi Temple had been destroyed, they were jubilant. Furcht declared it a sign of the Dark God.

Eisen was publicly exultant, but sceptical in private. The outsiders and the Republican Guard proceeded to take Fortress Purity. Word spread that the Dominion's Grandmaster was dead and that part of the army was in open revolt. The Sith leaders were in the midst of planning a great offensive to take advantage of the turmoil, when suddenly the outsiders bombarded Castle Maysaf.

Furcht ordered the Council members and sorcerers present to conduct a ritual with him. They struck back by summoning demons aboard the Firemane flagship. Eisen was not among the Sith who joined the ritual. Instead he had used the chance to sneak away. This turned out to be a wise choice, for while the Sith's ritual was successful and Firemane had to fight to take its warship back from the eldritch entities, Castle Maysaf was levelled. Furcht died in the bombardment.

Eisen witnessed Maysaf's destruction from afar. He was both awed and intimidated by the 'magnificient desolation'. His musing about what the Sith could accomplish with such power was cut short by the realisation that the Council had been decimated. He sent his minions to the castle to verify that Furcht was dead. After reaching Adlerberg, he addressed the people of the realm and declared himself leader of the Sith. Now was his chance to take the reins of power. However, he faced opposition from other claimants. Moreover, the destruction of Castle Maysaf has sparked uprisings among the slave population. Now his first order of business is disposing of any potential rivals and consolidating the Sith under his rule.

Intent: Expand on Tephrike. Sub Elpsis' clone for future rp.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Clone of Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori.
Links: Tephrike, Into Darkness, Castle Maysaf, After Darkness, Firemane, House Kerrigan-Alcori, Republican Guard, Dominion of Light, Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori, Darth Eisen. Some elements of the history are inspired by Sansa, though this character goes in a different direction.

"Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? Then I ask myself, 'How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?'"

Age: Being a clone she is less than a year old. Physically she resembles a woman who is about 18-20.
Force Sensitivity: Knight.
Species: Cloned Human.
Appearance: Physically Kyriaki resembles her template Elpsis. Like her she is a slender and statuesque, standing 5'9 tall, and has pale skin. However, she is far less scarred than her template, as she has seen battle far less thus far. Nonetheless, her body is not unblemished, for the Disciples of the Vader are not kindly Sith. She lacks Elpsis' most striking feature, namely her milky-white eyes, for unlike her template Kyriaki is not blind. Thus she still has the bright green eyes Elpsis had before she was blinded by a reactor explosion aboard the Omega superweapon. Kyriaki has not been fed that well and is quite thin.

Outwardly Kyriaki radiates poise and control. She is not dainty, but capable of grace. The Vaderites do not play coy with the fact that her life is in their hands and that the weak have no value, so she has learned to dissemble. Her natural hair colour is red, but she has dyed it black. She has a Sith tattoo on her inner left forearm. It was painfully applied by a Sith pincerbug.

Her body bears the scars of the harsh training her instructors have put her through. She favours covering dark robes and boots. Sometimes she wears dresses, which reach down to her ankles. She is quite fond of jewellry, though she prefers it to be subdued rather than overly ostentatious. Kyriaki often wears a poisoner's ring. Her right hand was ritually cut off by the Vaderites in a ceremony. It has been replaced with a skeletal, cybernetic prothesis. She usually covers it with a glove.

Name: Kyriaki.
Loyalties: Herself, Disciples of the Vader. In a strange sort of way, she is loyal to Elpsis, though she has yet to meet her template.
Wealth: Unlike Elpsis, Kyriaki is not rich. However, she has found a Sith Master to act as a patron for her. This does not make her wealthy, but gives her access to some resources.
Notable Possessions: Her most prized private possessions include a telescope and a picture of Elpsis. She has a Force Imbued Blade. She owns a Vaderite tome on Sith sorcery and arcana. It is bound in human skin. One of her secret possessions is a forbidden text that the Vaderites consider heretical. It is a biography of Palpatine, which depicts his rise to power and reign as Galactic Emperor. The Vaderites postulate that Vader was the true Dark Lord of the Sith and Palpatine only a weak Force-User. They have burnt any copies of the book they come across. The book Kyriaki owns is not completely accurate though, as it has produced inaccuracies of its own.

Skills: Like her template, Kyriaki is Force-Sensitive and has a strong Force connection. Elpsis' biological mother was a powerful Jedi Master with a strong affinity for healing, illusions and animal friendship. Her father was an evil Sith Lord who could harness Sith Magic. Elpsis herself is an incredibly talented pyromancer.

In keeping with this, Kyriaki has an affinity for elemental fire abilities. She also has the potential to become a Sith sorceress and has slowly started to develop these abilities, though she is still very much at the start of her journey. Finally, she is good with animals, Force Stasis, has potent mental abilities and Crucitorn. Both clone and template are empaths. Because she is of Elpsis, she has a solid connection to the Force similar to her template. But because it is a fragment, it is diluted. This means her Force potential is inferior to that of the original, though still significant.

Overall, she focuses more on cerebral applications of the Force. She can use Telekinesis and its sub-applications, but is not good at utilising it at far range and prefers finesse applications to large-scale ones. Hurling extremely heavy objects or creating shockwaves of the Force Repulse variety is not good part of her repertoire. She can utilise Force Stealth to mask her aura.

However, she has developed abilities outside of space wizardry. She is very observant and has become good at dissembling. Indeed, she has a deceitful streak that Elpsis lacks. Given the environment she is being raised in, this is an essential survival skill. Kyriaki has been trained in the use of rifles, sidearms and bladed weapons. Lightsabres are incredibly rare on Tephrike. They are reserved for the upper crust of both the Jedi and Sith Orders. Thus Kyriaki has not been trained in their use. She knows of their existence, but these weapons are still all but unknown to her and she regards them with a sense of awe.

She only has limited experience with galactic technology and thus may be baffled by some high-tech applications people outside Tephrike take for granted. For instance, she knows that space travel is possible, but has some superstitious or inaccurate ideas about hyperspace and does not really understand how it works. In contrast to Elpsis, who is the exact opposite of an academic, Kyriaki reads voraciously and has spent a lot of time perusing tomes in the library of the Sith academy. This has also led her to knowledge her masters consider heretical. She also has some knowledge of alchemy.

The clone is good with sums, which can come in handy in managerial positions. Elpsis is not good with needlework unless it involves using a needle to hurt someone, but Kyriaki has acquired skills as a seamstress. She finds the process relaxing. There is also a practical side to it though. Making clothes for more prominent members of the cult has been a way to ingratiate herself with them. Kyriaki speaks Galactic Basic, but with a strong Tephriki brogue.

Personality: Confused, angry, guarded and deceitful. Similar to Siobhan Kerrigan's clone Enyo, Kyriaki was created by totalitarian tyrants who bombard her with propaganda and seek to exert total control over her life. In her case, it might be even more drastic since she has had to deal with indoctrination from not one but two cults.

The Dominion of Light, a Jedi-led theocracy, created her. Throughout her growth process she was exposed to flash conditioning that was meant to mould her into an unquestioning warrior of the Light. Then the Disciples of the Vader, a human supremacist Sith cult that worships Darth Vader as a God, stormed the laboratory and claimed her. Their ideology has not left her unaffected. Kyriaki accepts it as a fact that Force-Users are superior to Non-Force-Users.

The girl has been battered by two types of propaganda, manipulated and forced to fight. The Sith are not coy about their control. Denied a childhood, she has been forced to harden from early on and is cynical beyond her years. There are no heroes in her world. In life, the monsters win, and she can only rely on herself. Her claws must be sharp, and she must know when to use them and when to hide them behind courtesies, smiles and propaganda slogans.

She cannot shy away from the cruelties that the Sith regard as par for the course, since otherwise she will be seen as weak. She will sing whatever songs her masters want to hear to keep herself safe, but she is using this as a chance to sharpen her claws. And when the time comes, she will cut and bite. She always keeps a weapon close and is never unarmed.

Kyriaki has an underlying steeliness and ruthless edge. The clone has become good at dissembling and hiding her emotions. Her survival mechanism lies in convincing her masters that she has completely embraced their beliefs, keeping her true feelings concealed as much as possible. Within this context, she has displayed the ability to deceive and even manipulate others. She can hold up a mirror to her interlocutor, allowing them to see what they want to see. However, she is still at the beginning of her journey. Hence she will make mistakes an experienced professional would not make. After all, she is very young.

This manipulative streak stands in stark contrast to her template, as Elpsis is a rather blunt soldier. Both have been put through a lot of hardship and been forced to grow up fast, but their circumstances have been very different. Kyriaki is also not book shy like Elpsis, who, while no fool, is not an academic. Her clone actively seeks out knowledge and spends a lot of time perusing the archives of the Sith Academy, as well as increasingly seeking out sources the Vaderite regime has condemned as heretical. She is a cog in a machine and not as powerful as her template, so she needs any advantage she can get. The clone is the brain to her template's brawn.

Kyriaki's opinions on Elpsis are curious. She knows very little about her clone and most of what she does has been filtered through Dominion propaganda, which depicts Firemane as evil. Far as she is aware, Elpsis and her companions, a mighty faction called Firemane, came from the stars. She was captured by the Dominion. But Elpsis overthrew and slaughtered her captors, defeating Masters of the Windian Jedi Order. She was special enough to be cloned and the outsiders razed the Sith's citadel. This tells her that her masters cannot be anywhere near as all-powerful as they claim to be.

As a result, Kyriaki idolises her template, seeing her as a sort of avenging Phoenix. Indeed, she has a somewhat exaggerated impression of her template's feats and power. Perhaps this is a coping mechanism to escape the nastiness she finds herself in. In any event, Kyriaki is determined to be just like her. One of her hobbies is astronomy and she owns a telescope.

Sadly, Tephrike's cloning technology is quite primitive. The process was imperfect. In addition to being sterile, Kyriaki suffers from health issues. The most serious is a heart condition. This puts her in a precarious position because the Vaderites exterminate those deemed genetically defective and a stain on the human species.

To the Vaderites, the mentally and physically handicapped are 'useless eaters' and 'drags on the state'. This puts a good deal of pressure on her. She has to be tougher, stronger and smarter than the vipers around her. It has also given her incentive to find solutions to her problems other than brute force and raw power. She regards the sadism of many of the Vaderites as a sign of weakness.

Kyriaki is not free of the arrogance, xenophobia and Force supremacism of the Sith. For instance, she does not quite understand that slavery is abhorrent and is casually xenophobic. Likewise, she thinks that Force-users are better than squibs. However, she has developed a soft spot for "slaves, cripples, bastards and broken things", as she puts it. Her health issues and precarious position as a de facto outsider are reasons for this. However, it is also strategic. Slaves are omnipresent in the Vaderites' society, but dismissed as sub-human and abused with impunity. But they hear and see an awful lot. As a result, she has made small steps to cultivate them.

Weapon of Choice: Force Imbued Blade | The Force | Sidearm. Her most important weapon is her brain though.
Combat Function: Kyriaki is at the start of her journey. She has inherited Elpsis' strong connection to the Force, but it is somewhat diluted. This means her Force affinity is weaker than that of her template, though still potent. Like Elpsis she has an affinity for elemental fire abilities, enabling her to blast, burn or blind opponents as well as cook dinner without an oven, channel and absorb heat.

Moreover, she has the gift to use Sith Sorcery, though she is still learning about the arcane aspects of the Force. Elpsis is good at mental abilities. She can sway, terrify, deceive, confuse and influence others. She is also good with animals. Kyriaki has not been trained in the use of a lightsabre, but carries a Force Imbued Blade. From a technical perspective, she is a better duellist than her template and better at stealth.

However, there is something wrong with her breathing and she has a heart condition. This can manifest itself in moments of stress and extreme physical exertion, meaning she is better off ending a fight quickly than drawing it out. She is not suited to be a tank.

Where possible, she will use misdirection, surprise and take advantage of her environment instead of meeting her opponent head-on. She believes in survival, not in fighting 'fair'. Kyriaki has acquired a good knowledge of poisons and is not shy about using them. She will usually have a backup weapon on firm of a concealed pistol and/or knife.

  • Kyriaki is the clone of a Force Master, who is in turn descended from powerful Force-Users. Though not as powerful as her template, she has inherited a strong Force connection, with an affinity for fire. She also has strong mental abilities and has been trained in conventional weapons.
  • She is adept in the use of finesse, misdirection and deception. Kyriaki is a combat pragmatist, which also means she knows when to fold 'em.
  • Due to faulty cloning, Kyriaki has a heart condition. This has implications when she is under stress or in a state of serious physical exertion. She is more easily fatigued, her breathing has issues and she suffers from spells of dizziness. Kyriaki is no physical powerhouse and must rely on finesse rather than raw strength in melee.
  • Kyriaki has not been trained in lightsabre combat and thus lacks experience in their use. Limited skill with galactic technology. She has also not been taught how to pilot a starship.

Tephrike has been isolated from the rest of the Galaxy since the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. Originally colonised during the twilight years of the Old Republic, it was subjugated by the Galactic Empire. The human supremacist regime established by the Empire was overthrown with the aid of the Rebel Alliance and the planet emerged as an unstable, multi-species federation.

Then the Gulag Virus sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. Warlords, Jedi, Sith and rebels vied for power. Prolonged warfare and the use of primitive weapons of mass destruction brought great devastation to the planet. Benign intentions turned to evil over time. Jedi who sought to restore order and reunite the planet fell to the darkness they claimed to oppose, while still believing that their intentions and actions were good. In so doing, they followed in the footsteps of Atris and Joruus C'boath. Believing that they alone could lead Tephrike out of the darkness, they created a theocratic dictatorship.

Three factions arose to struggle for dominance over the planet. The Dominion of Light, a totalitarian Jedi theocracy based on a debased interpretation of the old Jedi Code; the Disciples of the Vader, an extremist Sith cult that deified Darth Vader as a Living God, preached Social Darwinism and human supremacy; the Republican Guard, a rebel military junta dedicated to building a republic by Non-Force-Users for Non-Force-Users and driven by intense hatred of both Jedi and Sith. Their struggle made the planet bleed.

Firemane discovered the planet during an exploration mission. Having come across the Dominion first, it attempted diplomacy, being unaware of just how bad things were. One faction in the Dominion's government supported diplomatic accommodation with the technologically superior off-worlders, and invited a Firemane delegation to the planet. It was led by Battlemaster Mahtara. However, a faction of extremists led by Grand Inquisitor Antonius and the Grandmaster saw this as heresy.

They arranged for the delegation to be ambushed. Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori, adoptive daughter of Firemane's leader, was captured during the melee. She had covered the retreat of the delegation and remained behind. Her capture sparked a war. She was brought to an Inquisition ghost site, where she was subjected to mental and physical torture as the Inquisitors attempted to brainwash her. Ultimately they succeeded and she was reborn as Jedi Roxane. However, she was able to overcome her brainwashing and rebelled, killing the Grand Inquisitor. She and her former jailer Jedi Diona helped lead a prisoner uprising to victory. She was reunited with her family when a Firemane rescue force led by Tempest stormed the prison camp.

Meanwhile, Firemane entered an alliance of convenience with the Republican Guard and assaulted Fortress Purity, a major Dominion citadel. After a fierce, bloody battle they were able to crush the Dominion troops there and take the fortress. Firemane ultimately withdrew from the planet after having given the Dominion a bloody nose, though it signed trade deals with the Guard. An internal coup brought Mahtara and a coalition of pragmatists and hardliners to power; ready to fight a war to the knife. During its pullout, Firemane bombed the Vaderites' headquarters.

However, in a manner of speaking Elpsis has not left Tephrike. Or rather while the original Elpsis has, her mirror has not. To a large degree the Dominion runs on cloning. The talents of accomplished individuals are supposed to be preserved by cloning them, which is regarded as a great honour. By contrast, natural reproduction is stigmatised, as lust leads to the dark side. At an early stage of her captivity, the Inquisition extracted a DNA sample from Elpsis so that they could create a duplicate.

Thus while Elpsis was trying to fight her brainwashing, her clone was already being grown. The laboratory was located in a secret Inquisition facility. The Inquisitors and researchers there were loyal to Antonius. Thus when they received word that the Grandmaster had been 'killed in a Firemane bombing while heroically touring the ruins to help survivors' and that their boss was a traitor, they refused to follow the new government. After all, Mahtara had been declared a traitor by the Grandmaster. Thus the site went dark and they continued their dark. The new government needed time to consolidate its power and had bigger fish to fry.

The clone was given the best conditioning and flash memory induction that the Dominion could produce. This ensured she would awaken knowing everything she needed to know, and could be trained to be a living weapon. She was also subjected to an intense indoctrination programme so that she would recognise the righteousness of the Dominion. Her creators called her Roxana. However, she would wake up under very different circumstances than her creators had anticipated.

The Inquisitors had accelerated her growth, and thus she was born two months after the Battle of Fortress Purity. This was quite dangerous though, and has probably been a cause of the health issues the clone is plagued with. But when she woke up, the facility was under attack. A traitor in the ranks had betrayed it to the Vaderites. Dazed and confused, the young clone woke up in the middle of a fight.

The Sith and their stormtroopers stormed the facility, killing any Jedi they came across. The researchers tried to evacuate the clone's tank. However, they were caught and tried to terminate her to prevent her from falling into the hands of the Vaderites. But they were prevented by the Sith stormtroopers and gunned down. The confused, shivering clone was seized by the Sith. There were dead bodies everywhere.

The girl was brought before the commander of the assault force, a member of the Knights of the Ebon Claw. This was a militant sect and paramilitary organisation whose members considered themselves the true inheritors of Vader and an elite within the Disciples. Their leader, Darth Furcht, had been the Disciples' Dark Lord until being killed in a Firemane bombardment. Far from being freed, the girl had just been given to a different slave master.

The records in the facility showed that she was not the clone of a Jedi, but of one of the outsiders who had wreaked so much havoc on Tephrike. After learning this, the Sith commander decided to bring her to Lord Achilles and Lady Helena Ioannou, the son and wife of the late Darth Furcht respectively.

In the aftermath of his father's demise, Achilles had declared himself Dark Lord, though he was actually a pawn of his mother. He was a cruel sadist who revelled in others' suffering because it gave him power over them. Likewise, he was an egotist with an inflated sense of self-importance. He was also petty, foolish, and idolised his father. His mother had some cunning as a schemer, but was also a narcissist and prone to impulsiveness and cruelty.

At first Achilles made an effort to win the young clone over, but his mask soon fell, especially after he learned of her lineage. Though he claimed to be the true Dark Lord, his rule was contested. One of his rivals was an old Sith Lord called Darth Eisen, who had been a major power broker for many decades. Eisen had been smart enough to flee Castle Maysaf when Firemane bombed it, whereas Furcht stayed, believing his sorcery could defeat the outsiders. As a result, Eisen was one of the few Sith Councillors who survived the attack. Achilles claimed that he had been complicit in Furcht's death and collaborated with the outsiders.

When Eisen's troops marched against his strongholds, Achilles took out his anger on his new prisoner. Moreover, the outsiders who had killed his father were beyond his reach, so she became the object of his rage about his death. The clone was often subjected to beatings or publicly humiliated by him. When her health issues became apparent during a particularly brutal session, they made her even more of a target of abuse, and he threatened to have her 'euthanised'. He was also a sleaze.

Once when he took her for a tour of his fortress and showed her the heads of 'traitors' on pikes, he remarked that once he had reckoned with Eisen and the Dominion, he would destroy the outsiders should they return, and show her the head of her template. Roxana responded by saying that maybe her template would bring her his. She was whipped for this.

Achilles' mother alternated between enabling her son's cruelty and being at times disgusted by it. Roxana picked up on the fact that she seemed to have resented her late husband for keeping her away from true power. The clone was the object of her cruelty and someone she subjected to mental probes, but occasionally Helena provided what she considered to be sage advice. The concept that there was life outside of Tephrike seemed to intrigue her, though sadly Roxana only had flash memories to draw upon and thus could not illuminate much. But to a degree this opened a window to the outside world. When she was alone, Roxana would often gaze at the stars, imagining what it was like out there. It became her mental sanctuary. She also started to learn.

Achilles was weak. He was a petty, sadistic boy-king, but he could kill her. Pretending to be a bird that would sing whatever sing her captors wanted became her survival mechanism. She buried her true feelings. She was surrounded by liars, so she had to be better than all of them.

To an extent it worked. Like many tyrants, Achilles loved to have his ego stroked. The fact that she seemed to fear him appealed to him. She was given an actual room, but kept under guard. Indeed, he made use of her for propaganda, trying to pass her off as the 'outsider whore'. In secret, she was learning. She learned that his throne was brittle. She also made friends.

One of them was a coarse, horribly scarred, brutal soldier called Despina Nikita. She had served Furcht and was now one of the guards of Achilles. Both had used her to do their dirty work, yet she did not respect her ruler. She also hated the chromium armour and cloak she had to wear. The first time Roxana met her, she was frightened. On that occasion, Despina was butchering some 'uppity' civilians. But the soldier seemed to have a soft spot for her - and she was honest. Despoina saved her life during a riot, protecting her from a violent mob of mutinous soldiers. Through her, Roxana learned of the stories that were being told of her template. She also learned that Achilles was losing his struggle with Darth Eisen.

When Eisen's troops marched on Skywalker City, it came to battle. Achilles ordered his men to fight to the last drop of blood, but his erratic leadership did more harm than good. His mother used the secret police to root out supposed spies and dissidents, spreading terror. Their meddling frustrated General Stavros, the commander of their forces. Achilles summoned Roxana, forcing her to kiss his Sith Sword. He promised to her that the next time they met, it would be splattered with Eisen's blood.

Roxana pretended to be submissive and seemingly praised his valour. Indeed, she encouraged him to fight in the vanguard and bring her Eisen's head. After all, everyone said that her template had always been where the fight was the hottest. And she was just a degenerate outsider, while he was the true Dark Lord, the Son of Darkness and Heir to Vader. There was, of course, no chance of her trying to goad the tyrant into getting himself killed on the battlefield.

While the fighting raged, Roxana was brought to a chamber in the heart of the Citadel, where several ladies of Helena's court were being kept for their 'own safety'. A number of them were the daughters of prominent citizens, who were essentially being held hostage. Helena strode in, wearing a rather armour-like dress, and engaged her in stilted conversation.

She was accompanied by one of her Sith Knights, a Cyborg whose brain had been transplanted into a robotic body and who was used to carry out executions. When a guard reported that a few servants had been trying to escape, Helena ordered them seized and drained their life force. This made Roxana suspect the same might be done to her.

When the situation grew dire, Roxana tried to raise morale among her fellow 'guests', leading them in a recitation of the Sith Code and a prayer to the Dark Gods. She performed some of the blood rites with them. An increasingly erratic Helena was baffled by this, as the dark deities were indifferent. Roxana learned that Helena intended to go down fighting, and that none of the ladies in the room would be allowed to survive if Eisen prevailed. The Dark Lady hinted that being killed cleanly by her minion would be a better fate for them than falling into the hands of Eisen's soldiers anyway. To a degree, she had seen through Roxana's act, and told her that the star people had all left Tephrike and would not be coming for her.

Roxana managed to sneak out while Helena was occupied. However, a drunken soldier attacked her. Roxana tried to protect herself with a stolen dagger, and managed to injure the soldier. But she had little chance against someone who was a lot bigger and stronger than her. Her anger triggered the Force inside her and she burnt him with fire. But despite the burns, the soldier came at her and slammed her head against a wall.

The collar she had to wear around her neck gave her an electrical shock due to her Force use. As he beat on her, Despina suddenly tackled him and crushed his throat. Despina was covered in blood. The soldier had been doing a bang-up job staying alive, carving through enemies left and right. But the situation was critical. Achilles had fled when things grew dire. But the shield generator was protecting the citadel. It could withstand a good pummelling.

Despina wanted to desert and offered to take Roxana with her, removing the collar. But the clone realised she did not know Tephrike at all. Her supposed kin, the star people, were gone. But she knew the Sith. Instead she tried to convince the soldier to help her take down the generator. Despina was reluctant, but in the end agreed, as the sounds of battle drew closer and it seemed guards were trying to look for both of them. So Despina gave her a pistol.

Roxana was inexperienced in combat, but she was angry, determined and good at sneaking. Despina did most of the head-on fighting, with Roxana providing vital support with pistol and the Force. The two managed to lower the citadel's protective shields, and worked together to take down Helena's Cyborg minion. However, the exertion of that fight triggered a seizure inside Roxana, though she was narrowly able to recover. She would later conclude that she had had her vision of her mirror during it. Eisen's forces put the citadel under heavy bombardment and overran Achilles' lines.

True to her word, Helena went down fighting, using her sorcerous powers to take down many enemies before she was overwhelmed. Achilles' head was mounted on a spike. Roxana and Despina were apprehended by Eisen's minions while trying to get out. Fortunately, Despina had been carving through Achilles' men. Moreover, Eisen knew of the girl. So rather than being killed, they were cuffed.

When she was brought before Darth Eisen, he was not what Roxana had expected. She had been told he was flamboyant and eccentric, but she was still taken aback. Eisen was wearing a magnificent silver and black robe covered in impressive symbols, and runes. He was also wearing his green jewellry. Rings with rubies and diamonds graced his fingers. Eisen was jovial, even gregarious. He invited the girl to dine at his table.

He seemed almost offended when she was cautious about eating the food he offered due to her fear that it might be poisoned. In the same breath, he ordered the execution of several of Achilles' followers and directed his minions to secure various treasures believed to be in the citadel, especially works of art. He questioned the girl about her time in captivity.

Here, Roxana proved useful. She was no mighty warrior, but Achilles had kept her close, treating her as his trophy. Thus she could provide some insider information. Two of the guards who had brutally tormented her were executed, as she embellished the truth of their allegiance to Achilles. She also pleaded for Despina's life, stating that the soldier had recognised Eisen as the true dark lord and that she would have been unable to take down the protective shield without her.

The dark lord was in a generous mood. He questioned her about what her flash memories told her of the outside world, remarking that the outsiders bombing Castle Maysaf was the best thing that had happened in years. Not only had it gotten rid of a false dark lord, the castle had also been aesthetically displeasing and outdated. If it had not been destroyed, he would have had to tear it down sooner or later. Of course, he said as an aside, he could not tell this to the common herd. Roxana made an effort to ingratiate herself with the Sith Lord, engaging him in conversation.

While they conversed, his soldiers were sacking the city. For her services, Eisen allowed her to join the Disciples. It was clearly an offer she could not refuse. He treated her a bit like a wayward puppy that needed guidance and training. She did her best to pander to his vanity and seem like she wanted guidance from him, a true Master of the Dark Side. Fortunately, Eisen had no carnal thoughts about her. In that regard he was surprisingly prim and proper. Or perhaps just too focused on himself.

Eisen kept Roxana close over the next few days. The sack was followed by a victory celebration. The Sith Lord certainly knew how to throw a party. He also delighted in showing off flamboyant outfits. One could almost think that he was only a pompous buffoon who had somehow stumbled into power. However, this deceptive illusion was shattered when he demonstrated his power. Two Jedi Shadows had been able to infiltrate the camp. However, when the assassins struck, Eisen easily dispatched Master while Roxana was present. During the ambush, Roxana made herself useful by unleashing her power to roast the other assassin. She had been keeping her Force potential low-key until the moment of imminent danger.

Eisen was not displeased, but instead delighted by her display of power. However, he mock complained about her burning his carpet. "Oh my dear, my dear, I never knew you had such fire in you! That foolish Jedi never stood a chance...though sadly nor did my carpet. We need to have you immolate people outside of my drawing room next time."

He thanked the Shadow he had defeated for pointing out flaws in his security detail, then killed her. He bound her spirit, and fed the corpse to one of his pet Akk Dogs. The event left a lasting impression on Roxana. The dark lord might act like a buffoon most of the time, but she surmised that while this was partly true, it partly had to be an act. Otherwise he would not survived this long.

In the Sith society, Force-Users held all the power. Without power, you were fodder. After what she had been through, Roxana did not want to be at anyone's mercy again. So she had to learn how to use her powers, even if this meant entering a brood of vipers she had come to loathe. Thus she would attend the Sith Academy. Eisen renamed her Kyriaki, which meant 'of the Lord' or 'owned by the Lord'. The symbolism was obvious.

She also received a Sith tattoo. It was painfully applied by a pincerbug. However, all this came at a price, for she was separated from Despina. This upset her greatly. The soldier had intimidated her, but also been an honest protector. Perhaps Eisen had picked up on the connection between them. Either way, Despina was reassigned to the front lines.

The pair shared a goodbye, and Despina passed on some advice. Kyriaki concluded that Despina was right. The world was awful. The monsters won in it. But it was not strong arms and sharp steel that ruled it. Not entirely, at any rate. The main Sith training institution had been destroyed when Firemane levelled Castle Maysaf, but ancillary academies existed.

Kyriaki was sent to one of those. There she was inducted into a new batch of students. The atmosphere was toxic and treacherous. Young acolytes were pushed to embrace their dark side and cast aside 'slave morality' in order to become unfettered. Relentless culling of the 'weak' was accompanied by ideological indoctrination. This included assignments and essays on questions such as why it was the duty of the government to concentrate aliens in ghettos and 'euthanise' the mentally and physically handicapped.

After all, as one textbook said 'the construction of a lunatic asylum costs six million Imperial credits. It costs fifteen thousand Imperial credits to build one house.' Students were taught to regard non-humans and non-Force-Users as lesser beings. Power belonged to those who commanded the Force instead of letting it command them. It was the natural right and duty of the Sith to take control. Equality was a myth perpetuated by alien Jedi to enslave mankind and deprive it of its rightful inheritance.

Humans were a genius species, whereas aliens such as Twi'leks, Neimoidians, and Rodians were parasites. Wookiees, Gungans and the like were dim-witted, barbaric savages who feasted on human flesh. According to her instructors, it was the sacred mission of the human species and their Sith vanguard to preserve the most racially valuable elements and raise them to a dominant position.

All those who were not pure of blood were chaff. Thus it was necessary for the Disciples to occupy themselves not merely with the breeding of beasts, but also with care for the purity of their own blood. Because the Sith were not barbarians, they had granted the aliens their own 'living space' in form of 'reservations'. However, the inherent barbarity and criminality of non-humans made it necessary to exert control over them.

Kyriaki learned from early on that she had to be prudent. Eisen might have taken a liking to her, but that was fleeting and meant little low. She was soundly beaten in her first training duel. During physical stress testing her heart started to play up, and her classmates started to mock her as defective. However, she found a way to turn the attention away from herself. When everything was going on and she was being bullied, she pulled down a lamp post so that it nearly hit the gang.

She was subtle about it, taking advantage of the age of the building by applying pressure at just the right spot. Thus they could not be sure she had done it. She gave her bullies a challenging look to see if they wanted to test her again, considering something heavy just missed her head. However, it was a lesson to her to be more cautious in the future.

She managed to get out of the forced marches by signing up for advanced alchemy/sorcery classes. Her teacher took a liking to her for her skills and said she did not have to attend the "sweaty hustle of the herd, running in circles". Kyriaki was a diligent student, spending long hours every day in the library or alchemy laboratory. Knowledge was power, and she would soak up all she could.

However, she could not escape the barbaric practices the Sith masters expected their students to indulge in. A group of prisoners were 'set free'. In truth, it was a sadistic game where the captives were ordered to run and the students were supposed to pursue and shoot them. In theory, the prisoners would be free if they managed to escape, but in practice this almost never happened. The students had to bring back a body part to show they had scored a kill. Their rifles were inspected to make sure they had actually fired a shot.

They were also graded based on how many fugitives they had managed to shoot and on how long it had taken them. It was her or the prisoners. Kyriaki chose herself, though she hated it. She was disgusted by the sadism a number of the students displayed, but held her tongue. The screams of the prisoners remained with her when she returned to her quarters.

The Master of the Academy, Andronika Thalakes, disliked her and often put her through assignments that would tax her. When she broke down during an exercise, she was threatened with being labelled defective. At one point she was put through questioning about her 'outside' associations. The interrogators found little when they invaded her mind, but it gave her a scare and she was left to rot in a cell for several days before being released. The headmistress was a lot more orthodox than Eisen and saw Kyriaki's health problems as a sign of inferiority.

One of the reasons for the headmistress' dislike of her was the fact that Kyriaki had managed to best one of her favoured acolytes in a duel. This apprentice had been stronger and tougher than her. To gain a competitive edge, Kyriaki used what she had learned about alchemy and toxins to poison him beforehand.

To make them 'as strong and tough as durasteel', the young students went through periods where they were intentionally underfed. Thus they were encouraged to steal in order to make up the difference. Indeed, their instructors expected this. However, they were severely beaten if they were caught.

Their instructors expected them to steal, but punished the acolytes if they were caught in the act. Kyriaki was given particularly insufficient rations during this trial, and had to struggle to keep up. She was penalised when she took pity on a student who was not strong enough. There were also ritual whippings at the Altar of Vader. This abuse was carried out by more senior students. Kyriaki survived this ordeal, but she saw a student die.

At the same time the students were integrated into the troop by fostering the belief that overcoming these hardships made them special. Their trials were about following in the footsteps of Anakin Skywalker, who was reborn as the great Lord Vader. Being Sith, they were above the 'mundanes'. Slaves were present throughout the academy, and abusing them was seen as normal, excluding those who were the personal property of senior Sith.

Their education also included a tour to a ghetto, where aliens and other undesirables lived an impoverished existence. The filth and squalour was presented as evidence that the non-humans were inferior beings. During the tour, the Sith acolytes also assisted in investigations into black market trading. The Sith squeezed the ghetto inhabitants dry, seeking them as a cheap source of labour, but it was virtually impossible for the people to feed themselves without resorting to smuggling.

This required sneaking out of the sealed ghetto. Kyriaki was able to save the life of a young Twi'lek girl called Shakka. The girl was good with tech and salvage, bartering items for food to feed her family. She was running an illegal workshop. She was supposed to be executed for smuggling 'contraband'. Kyriaki managed to persuade a superior to make a slave out of her instead, arguing that due to her skills she should be taught to understand her place in things.

Initially Shakka was very distrustful of her and quite hostile when Kyriaki interrogated her. But the acolyte extracted a fake confession that framed one of the guards as a collaborator. Shakka was given to her as a personal slave. Eventually the two reached a modus vivendi. They came up with some codes they could use so Shakka appeared servile and trained in public. The Twi'lek taught Kyriaki some empathy and helped her maintain her sanity.

The 'inferior' Twi'lek was, ironically, better with tech than many Sith, including Kyriaki. This came in handy when Kyriaki and some other stuff had to access a relic from the past. In truth, it was an ancient stasis store of information and tech from before the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. It had been sealed by the ancient Jedi. So while Kyriaki was needed to overcome the Force glyphs, Shakka dealt with the technical side of things, overcoming the shielding and accessing the database.

They also had to deal with ancient battle droids. The duo managed to access a hithero sealed part of the structure. The information Kyriaki came across included not only a Palpatine biography, but she also found out that an ancestor of the Sith Master of the academy might have been a Jedi Master and had alien ancestry. Given the Vaderites' obsession with blood purity, this discovering could be quite damning.

However, she faced rivals. When attacked with some of the students who had bullied her, Kyriaki was able to prevail by using her fire abilities and what she had learned about sorcery during her studies.

Unable to face them in head-on combat, she used her powers of concealment and her illusions to deceive them, picking them off one by one or warping their perception of reality to make them easier targets. Shakka could not intervene directly due to her shock collar, but helped her mistress by reprogramming one of the security droids.

Most of the information was confiscated for 'purification'. However, she held on to the most sensitive stuff. The damning information gave her leverage over the Sith Master. Kyriaki was very tempted to use it for revenge. The head of the academy was a cruel Sith who had made her life and that of many others hell.

But as she returned to the academy and brooded, she realised it would accomplish little. The system would stay the same, and she would remain someone with connections or contacts. Whoever took charge of the temple would be an unknown to her.

Thus she employed her knowledge more productively by using it to gain leverage over the Sith Master. Shakka disliked her choice, accusing her of just being like the other Sith. However, Kyriaki stuck to it. It certainly smoothed her graduation. Out of a class of thirty students, only half had survived. She was one of the lucky few.

The successful students were initiated into the order. The ceremony included an act of ritual maiming. As was custom among the Disciples of the Vader, her right hand was cut off and replaced with a cybernetic prothesis. Darth Eisen was present, having shown up to assure himself of the loyalty of the academy and check on the progress of his pet. The higher-ups used the chance to try and ingratiate themselves with the supreme leader. Eisen liked the cloak Kyriaki had made for him.

The clone left the temple with Shakka in tow. She had survived in a world of treachery and murder, but her true trials were only just beginning. War had engulfed Tephrike and the dark lord still had enemies among the Sith. She would soon be called upon to fight. However, she had not forgotten her red-haired twin, who lived light years away and who she was certain would one day cross paths with her.

Intent: Antagonist for future rp and stories involving Firemane.
​Image Credit: Here. Website of the artist credited for the pic is here, though the image does not seem to appear there.
Role: Former Master of Leonina Varkathras and ex-student of Darth Libertas. Opposition | Sith Warlord | Sith Lord.
Links: Leonina Varkathras, Darth Libertas, Profit Margins, Workers' Revolution, Hikari Saito, Yseult Faerin.

Age: Late Forties.
Force Sensitivity: Master.
Species: Togruta.
Appearance: Tall Togruta female with the head-tails and montrals common for her species. She is in very good physical shape, extremely fit and strong. Her skin is pale and she has grey eyes. Soteria favours flowing, covering robes. She usually wears concealing, flowing robes alongside armour. She has a savage, fierce expression, especially in the midst of combat. She has sharp canine teeth. Her movements are graceful, reminiscent of those of a predator, and she is very quick on her feet. She is fond of leather boots made from Tikulini hide.

She often wears a shimmering ornamentation at the crown of her head. Aside from pearls, metal, and stones, the headdress has the teeth of an akul, a massive beast native to Shili. Among her people it is common to display the trophies of a successful hunt.

Name: Darth Soteria. Born as Shakkara Kalon.
  • Lord of Salvation.
  • Sith Lord
  • Warlord
Loyalties: Independent.
Wealth: Soteria has little interest in material wealth, viewing it as a millstone around her neck. Her disdain for creature comforts is something that carried over after she betrayed the Jedi Order. Indeed, she has taken it a step further because she reviles consumerism and capitalism now. However, she has access to resources, meaning that while she is not wealthy in the conventional sense, she has access to the things she needs. She keeps a small personal collection consisting of trinkets and oddities from worlds she has visited. Moreover, she has a collection of trophies from battlefields and hunts she has participated in.

Notable Possessions: Collection of trophies from various battlefields and hunts, including the skull of a Krayt Dragon and a necklace made from the teeth of an Akk Dog. She often wears a set of armor underneath a dark red cloak and tunic. Her lightsabre has been crafted with a sturdy Phrik hilt. It has a dual-phase setting, bifurcating cyclical ignition pulse and an intense blade. It uses a Vexxtal crystal and a Krayt Dragon Pearl as its focusing crystals. She also carries a backup lightsabre and occasionally a lightsabre-shoto.

Skills: Soteria is a Master of the Dark Side and of lightsabre combat. Prior to her fall to the dark side, she was a militant Jedi Guardian. These skills have remained with her, though she has taken them into a darker direction. Soteria has been trained in all classical forms of lightsabre combat along with the New Jedi Order Fast, Medium and Strong Styles. She is a very skilled user of Juyo, a highly aggressive style, and Jar'kai.

Soteria can use the Force to enhance her physical capabilities. She is very fast, good at controlling her sense of pain and accelerating her healing process. Both are a benefit in melee and prolonged combat. She is quite gifted in Telekinesis and its various sub-applications, including crushing or restraining foes and choking them through holocom conference calls as well as stopping and reversing the trajectory of blaster bolts. Force Scream, Force Plague, Force Rage, Tutaminis, Battlemind, Animal Friendship and Force Destruction are also part of her repertoire.

Unlike Libertas, Soteria cannot make Faustian bargains by enhancing someone's Force-Sensitivity. However, she is adept in Dark Transfer, allowing her to bring others back to life from the brink of death. She uses it to revive those she considers worthy to give them the chance to join her. Similar to Cade Skywalker, she can use it to heal or hurt others.

Soteria has embraced the fierce culture of Shili, the Togruta homeworld. She enjoys hunting dangerous game, the more challenging the better. To make things more challenging, she sometimes deliberately handicaps herself by wearing an item made of Voidstone, a ysalamiri backpack or simply refusing to use the Force when she goes up against dangerous predators.

She is a highly skilled tracker and good with improvised and primitive weapons, such as bows, spears and so on. She is pragmatic enough to pick up a blaster when necessary, favouring the DXR-6 Disruptor Pistol. Likewise, she is capable of using Teräs Käsi, vibroblades, and polearms.

Soteria is not a 'genius' strategist or battlefield commander. But she is a reliable officer when operating on a scale where she can direct things personally. She is good at leading troops on the field of battle personally. Soteria insists on leading from the front and to always be there where the fighting is the hottest. This is inspiring for her soldiers and drives them to acts of valour. But it also means that she is poor at grand strategy, as one cannot direct an army and engage in duels at the same time. In short, she is a good battalion or regiment commander, but not an apt choice to command a division or an army.

Personality: Sith Warrior type. Very much the 'crush the fools who wallow in their ignorance' type. Once she was a stalwart Jedi crusader, but then she betrayed the Order. Like her former mentor Darth Libertas, who persuaded her to join the One Sith and break her oath to the Republic, she believes in self-actualisation. It is a pretty brutal version of the self-help doctrine of 'the Force helps those who help themselves'. She respects those who have endured hardship and thrived.

However, Soteria takes this a step further by turning her zeal explicitly into causing those situations and then offering respect and power to those who survive. She approved of the Rogue Sith for forcing the Galaxy to unite against the threat posed by the Omega superweapon and show strength. In her view, the Galaxy needs a cleansing storm. The Sith are not evil; they are merely serving nature's purpose by culling the herd. Hence it is their duty to actively create conditions that will force the myriad beings of the Galaxy to unfetter themselves. Nature is cruel; therefore the Sith are entitled to be cruel. In short, she is a Sith fanatic. From her point of view, she is a saviour.

In a way, she is also influenced by her Togruta heritage. Her people hail from the planet Shili, where they have to bend together to protect themselves against massive beasts. They learn to fight and to hunt from an early age, as they are carnivorous. They are known for the belief that those who cannot keep up with the pack should be left to fend for themselves. This view is a good fit for the Sith's Social Darwinist belief in survival of the strongest. She will go to any lengths to protect what is hers.

Togruta hunters are fond of showing off the pelts and teeth of creatures they have bested. This is a practice she has adopted. These characteristics might make one inclined to think that she is a mere savage brute, yet Soteria subverts these expectations. A predator acts with strategy and cunning, after all. The Togruta is not the type to waste time with vainglorious gloating and boasts. The deeds of a true Master, in her view, speak for themselves and to run one's mouth boasting about them betrays insecurity. Soteria has a low tolerance for failure or incompetence, and will not hesitate to execute subordinates for repeated failures. At the same time, she will protect minions who prove themselves capable and is quick to reward initiative and merit.

Overall, she has a very twisted sense of honour and morality. She treats strength as her mark of honour. A weak opponent deserves to be butchered along with all of their dependants. A strong opponent, by contrast, a deserves a quick death and an offer to join her. Sometimes by being revived after being cut down. Betrayal or double-crossing her will be met with terminal force. She is the sort who wants to make the enemy fire the first shot so that she feels justified in killing them.

She is an avid big game hunter, but insists on making it a fair contest. To this end she sometimes deliberately handicaps herself by completely foregoing Force use. She is extremely contemptuous of hunters who hide behind technology and slaughter animals. She has made a point of hunting down such poachers and killing them in cruel and often ironic ways.

Soteria dislikes lying, though this does not stop her from being economical with facts by telling half-truths and lies of omission. In terms of demeanour she is stern and maintains an arrogant aloofness. She judges everything, categorising those she encounters as threats, assets or prey. She rarely cracks a smile, unlike her former Sith master, who makes a point of appearing affable. When she rallies her minions with speeches, she does so with the strength of conviction and borderline religious fanaticism.

In a twisted sort of way, Soteria still cares for Leonina. She is frustrated by her former apprentice's refusal to join her, and wants the Cathar to see the truth and stand at her side. In her view, Leonina is wasting her talents by serving lesser beings, when she could be capable of so much more. In an odd way, she is protective of her. She considers it destiny that one day she must face her wayward student and show her the truth. While she retains some affection for her former apprentice, she is contemptuous of her ex-teacher, Darth Libertas. In her view, the Twi'lek was close to the truth, but did not go far enough, which makes her weak.

Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber | The Force.
Combat Function: Soteria is a powerful combatant with the skill set and demeanour of a Sith Warrior. She can participate in the fury of combat and assume leadership roles. She is strong, in very good physical shape and has an extremely high tolerance for pain. She prefers a direct approach in personal combat, relying on her physical capabilities, strength in the Force and potency as a lightsabre duellist. Her rage empowers her in battle, and she uses it as a fuel to strengthen herself and endure greater punishment.

Soteria regards battle not just as a means to an end, but also as a way to prove her philosophy is the correct one. To her battle is a contest of conviction as well as strength. By overpowering a strong opponent, she proves her superiority. A particularly tenacious foe who has earned her respect might be given a chance to join her after being cut down. This can obviously also be turned against her, as it might leave her open.

Soteria makes a point of seeking out the strongest opponent on the enemy side so that she can test herself against them. She will not carelessly rush into the fray without any forethought and planning. Indeed, she is very cunning in a predatory way. But her drive can cause her to misjudge a situation. Soteria is an aggressive melee duellist, with a preference for Juyo. It takes advantage of her speed, strength and fury. She is also very good at dual-wielding lightsabres. She is unpredictable and precise in her attacks.

Soteria trains regularly with conventional weapons while exposed to ysalamiri or Voidstone. Indeed, she also hunts big game while denying herself access to the Force. As a result, being deprived of her preternatural powers would not be crippling for her. She is still a dangerous fighter without the Force.

  • Soteria is a Master of the Force and a very experienced combatant. She is very gifted with the lightsabre, the Force, and other weaponry. Her preferred lightsabre style is Juyo, granting her impressive offensive capabilities.
  • She is adept in the use of Dark Transfer, which allows her to bring others back to life from the brink of death. Combined with her accelerated healing and high tolerance for pain, she is extremely resilient and able to endure a lot of punishment.
  • She is a Togruta, so the hollow spaces in her cranial horns, or montrals, aid her in clearly perceiving her surroundings. By gathering information ultrasonically, they allow her to speed up her movements faster and with greater accuracy.
  • Arrogant. Soteria is convinced of her superiority and will make a point of seeking out the strongest opponent in any engagement. This can cause her to make errors in judgement, such as overlooking foes she dismisses as weak and beneath her notice, only to be surprised. Moreover, she would rather sway a strong opponent to her side by reviving them after striking them down.
  • Soteria is a Sith Warrior. While cunning, she focuses on a direct approach. Thus she is lacking in other forms of combat, such as sniping, campaign strategy, and stealth.
  • Her furious and lethal offence is extremely potent in melee combat. But it can turn into a weakness if an opponent is able to weather the storm of blades, outmanoeuvre her or break through her relentless offence, she may be left open with a lacking defence. She is no slouch on defence, but the application of a Juyo offence inherently lowers one's defensive capabilities.

Soteria's story is one of a parabolic descent into chaos. Perhaps it is a good case study for how someone who fights monsters can, under certain circumstances, turn into one. She went from a paladin of the Light to a Sith Lord and war criminal. Her fall from grace did not come abruptly, but in stages.

She was born on the planet of Shili, the homeworld of the Togruta. She took her first breath when the Four Hundred Year Darkness was coming to an end. Life on Shili was not easy. The planet was home to many beasts, such as the akul, which her people had to work together to best. Moreover, after centuries of isolation, her tribe lacked modern technology. Young Shakkara, as she was called back then, was blessed with a natural predisposition for combat, scouting and tracking. She was lean and fast, but also possessed significant strength.

Though she lacked formal training, the Force honed her senses and reflexes from an early age. One of her fondest memories is of her and her fellow hunters stalking and taking down a massive akul that had menaced their village. However, she also held a reverence for life, honouring the beasts she had slain. When her younger brother went missing in the wilderness, Shakkara took it upon herself to find him. Days passed, and her tribe feared the worst, but she returned with him. There was a strong sense of togetherness among her people. However, there was also a less pleasant side. Once a member of a hunting party was unable to keep up. She was left to fend for herself.

Shakkara was soon pulled away from her homeworld, for good or ill. The Gulag Virus has receded and worlds that had been isolated by the outbreak were being connected in. Galactic empires and republics arose, seeking to exact their will upon the Galaxy and shape it in their image. Eventually scouts from the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic arrived.

Some members of Shakkara's family were sceptical of the outsiders, who promised them aid and protection, but might end up just bringing more strife. Reluctantly, they allowed the Jedi to carry out Midichlorian tests. Shakkara submitted to the procedure, and it was revealed that she was Force-Sensitive. But her family would not let her go, for they did not want to be separated from their daughter and mistrusted the outsiders.

However, around this time a disease broke out. It claimed the lives of several members of the tribe. Members of Shakkara's family fell sick. The Jedi determined that the sickness was Force-based in origin. It turned out that the a dark artefact was the cause. A ship bearing it had crashed on the planet, and now it spread its malignant corruption.

Determined to make a difference, Shakkara insisted on joining the Jedi's party when they set out to destroy this menace. The journey to the artefact was a dangerous one, as they faced many hazards. Shakkara did not have knowledge of lightsabre combat or Force powers, but she knew the terrain and was a skilled huntress and tracker. This proved invaluable for keeping the party alive. The closer they got, the more the artefact took a toll on them. The land had been tainted, as had the animals that dwelt in it, for they had undergone bizarre mutations.

Shakkara began to grow sick, but insisted on continuing. In her fever dreams she was haunted by visions. Some showed her as a terrible fury, destroying all that stood in her way and losing everything. These dreams frightened her. She was not the only one who was adversely affected. The Jedi who led the party began to grow unbalanced. More and more his agenda shifted from destroying the device to securing it for the 'greater good'. Soon he accused his fellows of being tainted.

Finally it came to a confrontation. The Jedi Master's apprentice, Than Gotral, refused to follow him. This led to a fight. Than was beaten in the duel. Shakkara, having recognised the Master as corrupt and come to respect Than, tried to intervene. She lacked training in the Force, but a shot from her scattergun wounded the Jedi. She tried to defend herself with rifle and spear, but was outmatched.

She could injure the corrupted Master. She unconsciously drew upon the Force to empower herself, moving faster and landing stronger blows. However, she was overwhelmed and beaten. However, her actions had provided enough of a diversion for Than to recover and strike his Master, who had been torturing the Togruta with Lightning. Enraged and also somewhat affected by the artefact, Than drew on his fury. He was able to overpower his master and chop his hand off.

However, as the tainted Jedi lay before him, he realised that he had drawn upon the dark side. Remorseful, he tried to give his Master a chance to surrender, but was forced to kill him. The artefact was destroyed. In the aftermath, life returned to normal. However, things had taken a profound turn for Shakkara. She had concluded that there were threats far greater than what she had known on her homeworld.

Even the Jedi had struggled against the corruption of the artefact. If she wanted to keep these menaces away from her people, she would have to proactively fight them, and she could only do that if she gained control over her powers. Thus she decided to accept Than's offer to join the Jedi Order and receive training. Unlike his master, he was less pushy about it. Perhaps he felt bad about her being pulled into this. Guilt over what had happened to his master and his failure to prevent it also played her role. Her family was reluctant to let her go. But she had made up her mind. A ceremony was held to see her off, and then she departed.

Shakkara was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Than's request to train her was granted. Getting used to life in the Temple was quite an adjustment for Shakkara. She had seen cities before, but nothing on the scale of the ecumenopolis. She was older than a number of her fellow neophytes, some of them whom dismissed her due to her rustic mannerisms and social awkwardness. This caused its share of bitterness on her part. But she threw herself into training.

She excelled in the arts of combat. The fact that she had already been trained as a huntress worked to her advantage, meaning that she was ahead of a number of her peers, though she had to catch up on the academic front. Her determination to succeed both impressed and at times disconcerted her teacher. His own brush with the dark side had made Than rather conservative in his mind set, as he doubled down on his dedication to the Jedi Code.

In his case, it was the Code of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. Shakkara was taught to follow the path of the Light and combat the dark side in all its forms. She was a dedicated, but intense student. When she participated in a tournament, she won accolades for her combat skill, but was reprimanded for being too brutal in the duel. In her view, she was a warrior. Talking about peace was all well and good, but if she had wanted to be a librarian who occasionally played with a sword of light, she would not have joined an order whose members called themselves knights.

The stark class disparities of Coruscant did not escape her. After having seen the splendour of the upper city, she was shocked by the filth, squalour and impoverishment of the slums when a mission to take out a criminal syndicate brought her to Lower Coruscant. Than acknowledged that the Republic was not perfect, but believed it was still the best hope for civilisation and democracy to flourish. Time would put these notions to the test. The young apprentice was soon roped into the Galactic Republic's early expansionary ventures.

On Anaxes, she fought warlords while Chancellor Aurelia Saelari swayed the local politicians, who were probably just a better class of warlords. However, several Jedi, including the Grandmaster at the time, toured an old Jedi enclave instead of join the fight. She was disgusted by this. Later she was dispatched to Cato Neimoidia. Officially the Republic was intervening to topple an evil despot, Tal Komar.

While he was indeed a despot, their guiding motivations were more mercantile and self-interested. The Neimoidians were levying a tax on all ships moving through and about their system. This was illegal under Republic law, but they were not part of the Republic. However, it hurt the mercantile interests of the growing nation.

The official line was that the Neimoidians were using their position on the Hydian Way to blockade, raid, and otherwise disrupt trade heading towards Corellia. They were behaving like thugs and bullies. Tan seemed to harbour doubts about the campaign, but complied and his apprentice followed him. Shakkara fought on the ground, facing battle droids and Neimoidian militiaa during fighting in the capital. She worked with an Atrisian armoured corps. In the end the planet after a Jedi strike team took over the droid control ship.

Her next big assignment was Contruum. There the Republic backed a workers' revolution against a corporate fascist regime that enslaved the proletariat, forcing the toilers to work to death. With the aid of New Republic Intelligence, the rebels were supposed to rise up in revolt. A Republic fleet was en route to reinforce them. Than and Shakkara worked with New Republic Intelligence agent Moira Skaldi, who had been dispatched to 'advise' the rebels. However, the revolution was not a dinner party. Lacking numbers of high-tech armaments, the rebels used speeder bombings, roadside bombs, assassinations and so on.

Confronted by Than after a bombing produced collateral damage, Moira simply said that this was war. Rebellions might be built on hope, but they were won by blood and iron. The rebels had been given the task of taking down the local defences. They succeeded, but many perished. In the end, the Republic fleet never arrived, and its assets were pulled out. Shakkara denounced this strongly, seeing it as a betrayal. She helped some Contruum rebels escape. Moira Skaldi vanished, but later resurfaced as a member of the Omega Protectorate's spy service. However, by then she had been replaced by an HRD with her face and memories.

The pair was soon deployed to Roche, the first big battle between the Republic and the Sith Empire. It was the first real, large-scale battle Shakkara had fought in. The fighting was fierce. The warship they had arrived in was destroyed by a Sith attack. Shakkara managed to reach Roche during the evacuation, but was separated from her Master. She teamed up with a rag-tag force of Republic soldiers and Verpine. Together they launched an attack on a Sith artillery battery.

During the attack she faced her first Sith Knight. The fight pushed Shakkara to her limits, but she fought with fierce determination. The Sith invaded her mind, trying to cow her by spreading terror and mania. Remembering her helplessness back on Shili when exposed to the artefact, she focused on the Force, shutting him down and broke through his defences, striking him down. She was commended by the military and her teacher.

Roche was a Pyrrhic victory for the Republic. It held the territory and had blunted the Sith's offensive. However, in the aftermath of the battle, several Jedi left the Republic's Jedi Order. According to them, the Jedi had lost their way and become a political tool of imperialism. Shakkara was not one of them. She had a fierce argument with one of her fellow Padawans, who had turned down a knighthood to protest the present direction of the Order. Shakkara did not trust the Senate anymore, and advocated Jedi leadership of the Republic, but found the Jedi wanting. Nonetheless, she stuck with them. She was knighted for her valour at Roche.

Shakkara was not involved in the defence of Mandalore, where the Republic and the Omega Protectorate supported the Mandalorians against a Sith invasion, but she was there for Metalorn. There Republic and Sith forces clashed once more. During the battle she ended up engaging a Sith Lord. She fought valorously, but was bested in the duel. She lost a hand in the duel.

Blasting her with lightning, the Sith tried to get her to release her anger and see the truth. Than intervened in the fight. The Sith Master engaged him, taunting the Jedi by saying that his apprentice would soon be one with the darkness. Seeing her Master protect her, Shakkara was overcome by an intense shame and threw herself into battle despite her maiming. Her anger unleashed a powerful blast of the Force, burning the Sith Lord. The two were able to force him to retreat. However, Shakkara had taxed herself so much that she collapsed. Her teacher was troubled by her outburst of anger, not to mentin the fact that she had almost gotten herself killed. This caused a rift between them.

In the end, Metalorn was held by the Empire. The Republic had soured on further fighting after a Jedi had committed war crimes. Instead they signed a peace treaty with the Empire. It was hailed as 'peace for our time'. It included allowing the Empire to send a representative to the Senate. Shakkara and Than both strongly disapproved of Jedi-Sith friendship.

However, Than believed it was his duty to stay with the Jedi. The best way to bring about change, he reasoned, was from within. Sooner or later the Imperials would break the treaty, and the forces of Light would have to be ready. However, Shakkara would not accept that. Turning in her lightsabre, she went into exile. For a while she was adrift. She took the time to return to Shili. Her family was happy to have her back, but she found it difficult to reconnect with them. Nonetheless, she spent time hunting, passed on some of her skills to young Force-Sensitives in her community and protected the tribe against raiders.

There was a chance that she could have been made the leader of her clan. She was tempted to agree and put down her blade, but then she learned that large parts of Coruscant, including the Senate dome, had been devastated by a fight between two Sith Lords. She also heard that a group of radical Jedi had founded an Army of Light to strike back at the Sith. After some brief reflection, she joined them.

When the Sith invaded Togoria to commit genocide and enslave the natives, Shakkara was there. She was able to save some Togorians and spirit them to safety, but the fight was a massacre. The Sith's sadism stoked her hatred of them. Looking upon what the Sith had wrought, she swore not to rest until they had been defeated. Eventually the Army of Light disbanded.

Meanwhile, Selena Halcyon had become Grandmaster of the Republic's Jedi Order. The new leadership proclaimed a crusade against the Empire. Shakkara rejoined the Order. Reunited with Than, she distinguished herself at the battles of Ossus and Dac, leading small teams of soldiers. She had learned her lesson from Metalorn and acted more prudently instead of charging in. But she gave no quarter. Than also did his duty in the war, but now he was one who had become disillusioned.

He obviously approved of the Republic taking the fight to the Sith and liberating the oppressed. But he was shaken by events on Manaan. There a Jedi Master summoned a Force-based storm and a Republic-allied mercenary sunk half of Ahto City to deny it to the Sith. To him this was an atrocity. The fact that it was not really prosecuted led him to conclude the Republic and the Jedi had become corrupted. Shakkara was disgusted by it as well, but in her view division in the ranks could only aid the Sith. The darkness had to be defeated. This led to a row between the two of them. Than turned in his lightsabre and left the Republic. He eventually joined the Levantine Sanctum.

Following the destruction of Dromund Kaas at the hand of the Mandalorians, the Sith, as commentators put it, returned to the shadows. Shakkara was sceptical and continued to operate in the Republic occupation zone. She found her belief that the Sith were just biding their time validated when the Sith Lord she had fought on Metalorn turned himself in. He claimed that he had seen the Light and wanted to redeem himself. Indeed, he proved quite helpful when it came to tracking down fugitive Sith and even provided them with information on hidden Sith temples and laboratories.

However, Shakkara did not trust him. From her point of view, someone who had served the dark side and committed atrocities could not be allowed to walk as a free man, let alone welcomed into the Jedi Order. So she began to investigate him and put the seemingly repentant Sith under surveillance. Distrusting official channels, she enlisted anti-Sith rebels she had worked with during the war, including survivors of the slaughter on Togoria.

They soon came across suspicious communications. She set up an ambush for the Sith. He was strong in the Force, assaulting her with his full power, but what she lacked in esoteric skills, she compensated with tenacity and pain tolerance. Shakkara bested him and took him prisoner. He protested his innocence, but he was locked in a tiny, damp and cold cell. Deprived of the Force, denied food and water beyond the bare minimum to sustain him and subjected to mental probes, he was worn down. Shakkara learned that he was part of a network of Sith who had returned to the shadows. Using this information, she and a group of soldiers cleansed the cult so that the Sith could not sin anymore. She kept some of the details of her interrogation of the Sith out of her report. She was made a Jedi Master.

Shakkara had hoped that what had transpired on Manaan would be investigated, but what her private crusade convinced her that the Sith were still at large. Meanwhile, the Republic had mobilised for war against the Fringe Confederation, which had become a haven for many Sith, including the former Emperor Kaine Zambrano, who had instigated the attack on Togoria. The Lords of the Fringe had recently assimilated the Atrisian Empire, which had sought its former foe's protection after its attempted invasion of the Omega Protectorate had ended in defeat. Shakkara joined Republic forces when they attacked O'reen. Until recently it had been controlled by the Atrisians before being gifted to the Fringe.

There she saved the life of a young Hikari Saito. Saito was an Epicanthix from Panatha. She had an inherent gift for suppressing the Force abilities of other adepts. Her family had been driven into exile after Kaine Zambrano conquered the planet. Much like a younger Shakkara, Saito was impetuous and out for revenge on the Sith. Commandeering a light walker, she had death charged a Sith. However, the vehicle was wrecked in the attack and Saito as badly injured.

Owing to her wounds and inexperience, the Panathan's attempt to use her powers on the Sith failed. Fighting when one was bleeding out was awkward, as one could imagine. Fortunately for her, she was saved by Shakkara, who bested her foe. The Togruta sensed Saito's Force potential and offered to train her in the Force. However, the ways of the Jedi were not for Saito, and so she decline. Nonetheless, Shakkara nursed her back to health. O'reen had ended with a Fringe victory. This led to peace negotiations on Telos. While the treaty confirmed the status quo, it was a grave blow for the crusader cause. Shakkara found herself disenchanted with the Jedi's new leadership, denouncing them as appeasers.

In order to focus her, she was assigned a Padawan to train. Her name was Leonina Varkathras, a young Cathar who had recently been inducted into the Jedi Order. Her parents were patriotic Republic citizens, but Leonina was a bit of a problematic student. While she showed promise with a lightsabre, formalised classes and emphasis with rote learning bored her. She yearned for adventure and resented being separated from her family, but did not want to disappoint them. Unlike her teacher, Leonina had led a rather sheltered existence, for her family had assimilated into Core World culture.

While rather stern and authoritarian, Shakkara was a practical type who believed in direct action. Leonina devoured stories of Jedi like Lord Hoth, Mace Windu and Jaina Solo. With her master there was little of the traditional training routines with remote droids firing stun bolts and such. Rather it was all about going out into the galaxy and helping people directly, sometimes without Council knowledge.

Over time, Leonina developed feelings for her master, but these remained unrequited. The two had many adventures together. One of them included breaking up a sentient trafficking ring on Coruscant, which exposed Leonina to the deplorable conditions the residents of the lower levels of the Republic's capital lived in. It affected the girl's idealism a bit. Shakkara became increasingly obsessed with rumours about the resurgence of the Sith.

Said rumours turned out to be true when the One Sith invaded Coruscant, catching the Republic off-guard. Padawan Leonina fought bravely against the invaders, battling Sith and their minions. However, the battle was lost and the Jedi Temple destroyed. It was a great shock to the Padawan, who was also disgusted by the behaviour of those Jedi who, in her view, had abandoned the Republic in its hour of need, such as the Silver Jedi Order. Her teacher encouraged these sentiments.

Shakkara grew secretive and suspicious, trusting few one of the members of the Jedi Council, Daella Apparine, was revealed to be a Sith agent. The Jedi Master became more of a rogue, seldom reporting to the Council. Indeed, she often only informed them of her actions after the fact, as she suspected that there was a leak. Moreover, she became highly critical of the Republic's conduct of the war effort. To her, the Jedi and the politicians lacked resolution. This made them weak in her eyes.

She and Leonina threw themselves into combat, participating in various battles and raids. The pair worked closely with Saito, who had joined the Republic army as a mercenary. The three worked together on a number of missions aimed at disrupting the One Sith war machine through strikes against war factories, research facilities and Sith academies. The trio made a good team. She also worked with Major Yseult Faerin, a rogue Eldorai and mercenary who had joined the Republic army for credits and because she felt revulsion for Sith. Leonina was knighted after the Second Battle of Alderaan, where she took down a powerful Yuuzhan Vong warrior.

Yseult commanded a unit of soldiers that supported Shakkara and Leonina in a raid on a Sith research facility. The mission was a success, but it turned out to be a Pyrrhic victory. The pair was separated during their escape. Shakkara tried to distract the Sith troops to buy time for her apprentice and the soldiers. She fought a rear guard action, using explosives and telekinesis to collapse part of the building. But she ended up cut off from her alies. Shakkara accepted her fate, and fought valiantly, killing scores of Sith soldiers and acolytes.

Eventually she was overrun by force of numbers and captured by Darth Libertas. The Twi'lek cyborg had been inspecting security measures at the facility when the strike team infiltrated it. Shakkara was now her prisoner. Ironically, Libertas would later thank the Togruta for reminding her of how dangerous pride could be. For even in victory, the Sith were not unassailable.

Indeed, that was the time when they had to be particularly on their guard, for it bred complacency. Libertas made the captive Jedi her personal project. However, much to Shakkara's surprise, the Sith did not torture her. Instead she used her voice to convince and seduce her to the Dark Side. Many debates ensued, during which Libertas pointed out the manifold flaws with the Jedi, and the 'truth' of her philosophy.

Which, as Libertas pointed out, meshed far better with the beliefs of the Togruta. The Sith were not evil, they were merely doing Nature's bidding. It was regrettable that many Sith acted solely out of blood lust or blind thirst for power, but if they worked together, they could purge them. The Republic was doomed, and Shakkara was wasting her potential with them. Time and again they had failed their people. To speed things along Libertas started out using some suggestive drugs, but then quickly realised that she did not need them.

She also arranged for Shakkara to meet some of the former slaves who had been 'enlightened' under her guidance. Darth Havoc, a Sith who had a rivalry with Libertas, tried to meddle by having his minions steal her prisoner and break her in the good old fashioned way.

Libertas pursued them. Despite being weakened by her incarceration, Shakkara was able to free herself. Giving in to her blood lust and drawing on the Dark Side, she slew Havoc and his minions. But upon being confronted by Libertas, she decided to join the Sith. She had seen the Light - or rather the Dark. She got to display her commitment and remorselessness by helping suppress a rebellion. From this moment on she would be known as Darth Soteria.

The newly christened Sith Lord decided to 'reconnect' with her ex-apprentice. In a twisted way, Soteria still cared for Leonina and wanted the Cathar at her side. Thus she sent her a distress signal, claiming that she was still alive and in hiding. In the transmission, Soteria implied that they might have been betrayed by a mole in the Order, urging Leonina not to tell anyone.

Foolishly, the Cathar threw caution to the wind and covertly travelled to the rendezvous point her former master had mentioned. However, it was a trap. Betrayed, Leonina was captured and taken to a prison camp. There, she was savagely tortured in an attempt to break her resolve and turn her to the Dark Side. However, though Soteria played on the resentment and anger inside her former apprentice, Leonina resisted. She was able to escape the prison with the help of a rogue camp guard, freeing a few captive Padawans in the process. Her friend Saito had come and helped her escape.

However, the daring escape was interrupted when she ran into Soteria. Once again the Togruta made an attempt to sway her old apprentice to her side, also appealing to the feelings Leonina secretly had for her. However, the Cathar would not hear any of it, and attacked her with all her rage.

A furious duel ensued, as the Jedi Knight unleashed her anger. Leonina was seriously injured during the fight, but was able to inflict severe wounds on her master in turn. During the course of the duel, the building collapsed. Soteria was buried beneath the rubble, and Leonina escaped. However, the Togruta was able to survive her injuries. Drawing upon her hatred and the power of the dark side, she willed her body to function again.

Libertas was disappointed by the end result, but never forgot the Cathar who had displayed conviction and escaped her net. The relationship between the two Sith Lords soured. Soteria was too independent-minded to be satisfied with playing second fiddle. Both were distracted by the war effort, but Soteria started building her own power base. She led units of soldiers and Sith acolytes on campaigns against the enemies of the Empire. For a while the Sith still went from victory to victory. However, it seemed to her that the Empire was stagnating. Libertas agreed with her diagnosis, but not with her idea for a cure.

While Libertas stayed out of the brief One Sith Civil War, Soteria joined the putschists. The Dark Lord was killed, but a Dark Council took command. The Togruta was not satisfied with the new oligarchy. Then the Galactic Alliance launched its crusade against the Sith. The first battle at Lujo went in the Sith's favour, but then the Alliance started winning the war.

Soteria welcomed a challenge, but saw it also as confirmation that the Sith had grown weak and indolent. She was one of those who endorsed a scorched earth strategy. Let the Core burn and force the Alliance to pick up the pieces. Those who survived would have to face adversity and hardship and either go under or be the stronger for it. Factories would be destroyed, dams blown up and water supplies poisoned.

The facade of civilisation would be stripped away. Amidst all this, her old master returned. Than had spent the last few years in Wild Space and the Outer Rim, helping the Levantine Sanctum defend the people under its protection. After the Sanctum was assimilated by the Silver Jedi Order, he found himself out of step with the new government, as he saw them as theocrats and did not believe that Jedi should be rulers.

He also disapproved of Firemane, an ally of the Silver Sanctum Coalition, as the corporation was run by a Dark Jedi. So he became a wanderer, righting wrongs and helping out where he could. However, he could not stay aloof from the war going on in the Core for long. Guilt and a sense of duty motivated him to intervene, especially after he heard about the deeds of his former apprentice.

Intent: Antagonist for future rp and stories involving Firemane.
​Image Credit: Here. Website of the artist credited for the pic is here, though the image does not seem to appear there.
Role: Former Master of Leonina Varkathras and ex-student of Darth Libertas. Opposition | Sith Warlord | Sith Lord.
Links: Leonina Varkathras, Darth Libertas, Profit Margins, Workers' Revolution, Hikari Saito, Yseult Faerin.

Age: Late Forties.
Force Sensitivity: Master.
Species: Togruta.
Appearance: Tall Togruta female with the head-tails and montrals common for her species. She is in very good physical shape, extremely fit and strong. Her skin is pale and she has grey eyes. Soteria favours flowing, covering robes. She usually wears concealing, flowing robes alongside armour. She has a savage, fierce expression, especially in the midst of combat. She has sharp canine teeth. Her movements are graceful, reminiscent of those of a predator, and she is very quick on her feet. She is fond of boots made from Tikulini hide, though she sometimes walks barefoot.

She often wears a shimmering ornamentation at the crown of her head. Aside from pearls, metal, and stones, the headdress has the teeth of an akul, a massive beast native to Shili. Among her people it is common to display the trophies of a successful hunt and Soteria has taken this tradition to heart.

Name: Darth Soteria. Born as Shakkara Kalon.
  • Lord of Salvation.
  • Sith Lord
  • Warlord
Loyalties: Independent.
Wealth: Soteria has little interest in material wealth, viewing it as a millstone around her neck. Her disdain for creature comforts is something that carried over after she betrayed the Jedi Order. Indeed, she has taken it a step further because she reviles consumerism and capitalism now. However, she has access to resources, meaning that while she is not wealthy in the conventional sense, she has access to the things she needs. She keeps a small personal collection consisting of trinkets and oddities from worlds she has visited. Moreover, she has a collection of trophies from battlefields and hunts she has participated in.

Notable Possessions: Collection of trophies from various battlefields and hunts, including the skull of a Krayt Dragon and a necklace made from the teeth of an Akk Dog. She often wears a set of armor underneath a dark red cloak and tunic.

Her lightsabre has been crafted with a sturdy Phrik hilt. It has a dual-phase setting, bifurcating cyclical ignition pulse and an intense blade. It uses a Vexxtal crystal and a Hurrikaine as its focusing crystals. She has a secondary lightsabre, which she often dual-wields in tandem with her primary one. Alternately she carries it for backup. It has a Lignan and a Life Drain crystal. It has the same standard systems as her primary weapon. She also has a pack of Vornskr.

Skills: Soteria is a Master of the Dark Side and of lightsabre combat. Prior to her fall to the dark side, she was a militant Jedi Guardian. These skills have remained with her, though she has taken them into a darker direction. Soteria has been trained in all classical forms of lightsabre combat along with the New Jedi Order Fast, Medium and Strong Styles. She is a very skilled user of Juyo, a highly aggressive style, and Jar'kai.

Soteria can use the Force to enhance her physical capabilities, such as strength, speed, stamina and resilience. She is very fast, good at controlling her sense of pain and internal body temeprature as well accelerating her healing process.

She is quite gifted in Telekinesis and its various sub-applications, including crushing or restraining foes and choking them through holocom conference calls as well as stopping and reversing the trajectory of blaster bolts. Force Scream, Force Plague, Force Rage, Tutaminis, Battlemind, Animal Friendship and Force Destruction are also part of her repertoire.

Unlike Libertas, Soteria cannot make Faustian bargains by enhancing someone's Force-Sensitivity. However, she is adept in Dark Transfer, allowing her to bring others back to life from the brink of death. She uses it to revive those she considers worthy to give them the chance to join her. Similar to Cade Skywalker, she can use it to heal or hurt others.

Soteria has embraced the fierce culture of Shili, the Togruta homeworld. She enjoys hunting dangerous game, the more challenging the better. To make things more challenging, she sometimes deliberately handicaps herself by wearing an item made of Voidstone, a ysalamiri backpack or simply refusing to use the Force when she goes up against dangerous predators.

She is a highly skilled tracker and good with improvised and primitive weapons, such as bows, spears and so on. She is pragmatic enough to pick up a blaster when necessary, favouring the DXR-6 Disruptor Pistol. Likewise, she is capable of using Teräs Käsi, vibroblades, and polearms.

Soteria is not a 'genius' strategist or battlefield commander. But she is a reliable officer when operating on a scale where she can direct things personally. She is good at leading troops on the field of battle personally. Soteria insists on leading from the front and to always be there where the fighting is the hottest. This is inspiring for her soldiers and drives them to acts of valour. But it also means that she is poor at grand strategy, as one cannot direct an army and engage in duels at the same time. In short, she is a good battalion or regiment commander, but not an apt choice to command a division or an army.

Personality: Sith Warrior type. Very much the 'crush the fools who wallow in their ignorance' type. Once she was a stalwart Jedi crusader, but then she betrayed the Order. Like her former mentor Darth Libertas, who persuaded her to join the One Sith and break her oath to the Republic, she believes in self-actualisation. It is a pretty brutal version of the self-help doctrine of 'the Force helps those who help themselves'. She respects those who have endured hardship and thrived.

However, Soteria takes this a step further by turning her zeal explicitly into causing those situations and then offering respect and power to those who survive. She approved of the Rogue Sith for forcing the Galaxy to unite against the threat posed by the Omega superweapon and show strength. In her view, the Galaxy needs a cleansing storm. The Sith are not evil; they are merely serving nature's purpose by culling the herd. Hence it is their duty to actively create conditions that will force the myriad beings of the Galaxy to unfetter themselves. Nature is cruel; therefore the Sith are entitled to be cruel. In short, she is a Sith fanatic. From her point of view, she is a saviour.

In a way, she is also influenced by her Togruta heritage. Her people hail from the planet Shili, where they have to bend together to protect themselves against massive beasts. They learn to fight and to hunt from an early age, as they are carnivorous. They are known for the belief that those who cannot keep up with the pack should be left to fend for themselves. This view is a good fit for the Sith's Social Darwinist belief in survival of the strongest. She will go to any lengths to protect what is hers.

Togruta hunters are fond of showing off the pelts and teeth of creatures they have bested. This is a practice she has adopted. These characteristics might make one inclined to think that she is a mere savage brute, yet Soteria subverts these expectations. A predator acts with strategy and cunning, after all. The Togruta is not the type to waste time with vainglorious gloating and boasts. The deeds of a true Master, in her view, speak for themselves and to run one's mouth boasting about them betrays insecurity. Soteria has a low tolerance for failure or incompetence, and will not hesitate to execute subordinates for repeated failures. At the same time, she will protect minions who prove themselves capable and is quick to reward initiative and merit.

Overall, she has a very twisted sense of honour and morality. She treats strength as her mark of honour. A weak opponent deserves to be butchered along with all of their dependants. A strong opponent, by contrast, a deserves a quick death and an offer to join her. Sometimes by being revived after being cut down. Betrayal or double-crossing her will be met with terminal force. She is the sort who wants to make the enemy fire the first shot so that she feels justified in killing them.

She is an avid big game hunter, but insists on making it a fair contest. To this end she sometimes deliberately handicaps herself by completely foregoing Force use. She is extremely contemptuous of hunters who hide behind technology and slaughter animals. She has made a point of hunting down such poachers and killing them in cruel and often ironic ways.

Soteria dislikes lying, though this does not stop her from being economical with facts by telling half-truths and lies of omission. In terms of demeanour she is stern and maintains an arrogant aloofness. She judges everything, categorising those she encounters as threats, assets or prey. She rarely cracks a smile, unlike her former Sith master, who makes a point of appearing affable. When she rallies her minions with speeches, she does so with the strength of conviction and borderline religious fanaticism.

In a twisted sort of way, Soteria still cares for Leonina. She is frustrated by her former apprentice's refusal to join her, and wants the Cathar to see the truth and stand at her side. In her view, Leonina is wasting her talents by serving lesser beings, when she could be capable of so much more. In an odd way, she is protective of her. She considers it destiny that one day she must face her wayward student and show her the truth. While she retains some affection for her former apprentice, she is contemptuous of her ex-teacher, Darth Libertas. In her view, the Twi'lek was close to the truth, but did not go far enough, which makes her weak.

Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber | The Force.
Combat Function: Soteria is a powerful combatant with the skill set and demeanour of a Sith Warrior. She can participate in the fury of combat and assume leadership roles. She is strong, in very good physical shape and has an extremely high tolerance for pain. She prefers a direct approach in personal combat, relying on her physical capabilities, strength in the Force and potency as a lightsabre duellist. Her rage empowers her in battle, and she uses it as a fuel to strengthen herself and endure greater punishment.

Soteria regards battle not just as a means to an end, but also as a way to prove her philosophy is the correct one. To her battle is a contest of conviction as well as strength. By overpowering a strong opponent, she proves her superiority. A particularly tenacious foe who has earned her respect might be given a chance to join her after being cut down. This can obviously also be turned against her, as it might leave her open.

Soteria makes a point of seeking out the strongest opponent on the enemy side so that she can test herself against them. She will not carelessly rush into the fray without any forethought and planning. Indeed, she is very cunning in a predatory way. But her drive can cause her to misjudge a situation. Soteria is an aggressive melee duellist, with a preference for Juyo. It takes advantage of her speed, strength and fury. She is also very good at dual-wielding lightsabres. She is unpredictable and precise in her attacks.

Soteria trains regularly with conventional weapons while exposed to ysalamiri or Voidstone. Indeed, she also hunts big game while denying herself access to the Force. As a result, being deprived of her preternatural powers would not be crippling for her. She is still a dangerous fighter without the Force.

  • Soteria is a Master of the Force and a very experienced combatant. She is very gifted with the lightsabre, the Force, and other weaponry. Her preferred lightsabre style is Juyo, granting her impressive offensive capabilities.
  • She is adept in the use of Dark Transfer, which allows her to bring others back to life from the brink of death. Combined with her accelerated healing and high tolerance for pain, she is extremely resilient and able to endure a lot of punishment. In short, she is a tank.
  • She is a Togruta, so the hollow spaces in her cranial horns, or montrals, aid her in clearly perceiving her surroundings. By gathering information ultrasonically, they allow her to speed up her movements faster and with greater accuracy.
  • Arrogant. Soteria is convinced of her superiority and will make a point of seeking out the strongest opponent in any engagement. This can cause her to make errors in judgement, such as overlooking foes she dismisses as weak and beneath her notice, only to be surprised. Moreover, she would rather sway a strong opponent to her side by reviving them after striking them down.
  • Soteria is a Sith Warrior. While cunning, she focuses on a direct approach. Thus she is lacking in other forms of combat, such as sniping, campaign strategy, and stealth.
  • Her furious and lethal offence is extremely potent in melee combat. But it can turn into a weakness if an opponent is able to weather the storm of blades, outmanoeuvre her or break through her relentless offence, she may be left open with a lacking defence. She is no slouch on defence, but the application of a Juyo offence inherently lowers one's defensive capabilities.

Soteria's story is one of a parabolic descent into chaos. Perhaps it is a good case study for how someone who fights monsters can, under certain circumstances, turn into one. She went from a paladin of the Light to a Sith Lord and war criminal. Her fall from grace did not come abruptly, but in stages.

She was born on the planet of Shili, the homeworld of the Togruta. She took her first breath when the Four Hundred Year Darkness was coming to an end. Life on Shili was not easy. The planet was home to many beasts, such as the akul, which her people had to work together to best. Moreover, after centuries of isolation, her tribe lacked modern technology. Young Shakkara, as she was called back then, was blessed with a natural predisposition for combat, scouting and tracking. She was lean and fast, but also possessed significant strength.

Though she lacked formal training, the Force honed her senses and reflexes from an early age. One of her fondest memories is of her and her fellow hunters stalking and taking down a massive akul that had menaced their village. However, she also held a reverence for life, honouring the beasts she had slain. When her younger brother went missing in the wilderness, Shakkara took it upon herself to find him. Days passed, and her tribe feared the worst, but she returned with him. There was a strong sense of togetherness among her people. However, there was also a less pleasant side. Once a member of a hunting party was unable to keep up. She was left to fend for herself.

Shakkara was soon pulled away from her homeworld, for good or ill. The Gulag Virus has receded and worlds that had been isolated by the outbreak were being connected in. Galactic empires and republics arose, seeking to exact their will upon the Galaxy and shape it in their image. Eventually scouts from the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic arrived.

Some members of Shakkara's family were sceptical of the outsiders, who promised them aid and protection, but might end up just bringing more strife. Reluctantly, they allowed the Jedi to carry out Midichlorian tests. Shakkara submitted to the procedure, and it was revealed that she was Force-Sensitive. But her family would not let her go, for they did not want to be separated from their daughter and mistrusted the outsiders.

However, around this time a disease broke out. It claimed the lives of several members of the tribe. Members of Shakkara's family fell sick. The Jedi determined that the sickness was Force-based in origin. It turned out that the a dark artefact was the cause. A ship bearing it had crashed on the planet, and now it spread its malignant corruption.

Determined to make a difference, Shakkara insisted on joining the Jedi's party when they set out to destroy this menace. The journey to the artefact was a dangerous one, as they faced many hazards. Shakkara did not have knowledge of lightsabre combat or Force powers, but she knew the terrain and was a skilled huntress and tracker. This proved invaluable for keeping the party alive. The closer they got, the more the artefact took a toll on them. The land had been tainted, as had the animals that dwelt in it, for they had undergone bizarre mutations.

Shakkara began to grow sick, but insisted on continuing. In her fever dreams she was haunted by visions. Some showed her as a terrible fury, destroying all that stood in her way and losing everything. These dreams frightened her. She was not the only one who was adversely affected. The Jedi who led the party began to grow unbalanced. More and more his agenda shifted from destroying the device to securing it for the 'greater good'. Soon he accused his fellows of being tainted.

Finally it came to a confrontation. The Jedi Master's apprentice, Than Gotral, refused to follow him. This led to a fight. Than was beaten in the duel. Shakkara, having recognised the Master as corrupt and come to respect Than, tried to intervene. She lacked training in the Force, but a shot from her scattergun wounded the Jedi. She tried to defend herself with rifle and spear, but was outmatched.

She could injure the corrupted Master. She unconsciously drew upon the Force to empower herself, moving faster and landing stronger blows. However, she was overwhelmed and beaten. However, her actions had provided enough of a diversion for Than to recover and strike his Master, who had been torturing the Togruta with Lightning. Enraged and also somewhat affected by the artefact, Than drew on his fury. He was able to overpower his master and chop his hand off.

However, as the tainted Jedi lay before him, he realised that he had drawn upon the dark side. Remorseful, he tried to give his Master a chance to surrender, but was forced to kill him. The artefact was destroyed. In the aftermath, life returned to normal. However, things had taken a profound turn for Shakkara. She had concluded that there were threats far greater than what she had known on her homeworld.

Even the Jedi had struggled against the corruption of the artefact. If she wanted to keep these menaces away from her people, she would have to proactively fight them, and she could only do that if she gained control over her powers. Thus she decided to accept Than's offer to join the Jedi Order and receive training. Unlike his master, he was less pushy about it. Perhaps he felt bad about her being pulled into this. Guilt over what had happened to his master and his failure to prevent it also played her role. Her family was reluctant to let her go. But she had made up her mind. A ceremony was held to see her off, and then she departed.

Shakkara was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Than's request to train her was granted. Getting used to life in the Temple was quite an adjustment for Shakkara. She had seen cities before, but nothing on the scale of the ecumenopolis. She was older than a number of her fellow neophytes, some of them whom dismissed her due to her rustic mannerisms and social awkwardness. This caused its share of bitterness on her part. But she threw herself into training.

She excelled in the arts of combat. The fact that she had already been trained as a huntress worked to her advantage, meaning that she was ahead of a number of her peers, though she had to catch up on the academic front. Her determination to succeed both impressed and at times disconcerted her teacher. His own brush with the dark side had made Than rather conservative in his mind set, as he doubled down on his dedication to the Jedi Code.

In his case, it was the Code of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. Shakkara was taught to follow the path of the Light and combat the dark side in all its forms. She was a dedicated, but intense student. When she participated in a tournament, she won accolades for her combat skill, but was reprimanded for being too brutal in the duel. In her view, she was a warrior. Talking about peace was all well and good, but if she had wanted to be a librarian who occasionally played with a sword of light, she would not have joined an order whose members called themselves knights.

The stark class disparities of Coruscant did not escape her. After having seen the splendour of the upper city, she was shocked by the filth, squalour and impoverishment of the slums when a mission to take out a criminal syndicate brought her to Lower Coruscant. Than acknowledged that the Republic was not perfect, but believed it was still the best hope for civilisation and democracy to flourish. Time would put these notions to the test. The young apprentice was soon roped into the Galactic Republic's early expansionary ventures.

On Anaxes, she fought warlords while Chancellor Aurelia Saelari swayed the local politicians, who were probably just a better class of warlords. However, several Jedi, including the Grandmaster at the time, toured an old Jedi enclave instead of join the fight. She was disgusted by this. Later she was dispatched to Cato Neimoidia. Officially the Republic was intervening to topple an evil despot, Tal Komar.

While he was indeed a despot, their guiding motivations were more mercantile and self-interested. The Neimoidians were levying a tax on all ships moving through and about their system. This was illegal under Republic law, but they were not part of the Republic. However, it hurt the mercantile interests of the growing nation.

The official line was that the Neimoidians were using their position on the Hydian Way to blockade, raid, and otherwise disrupt trade heading towards Corellia. They were behaving like thugs and bullies. Tan seemed to harbour doubts about the campaign, but complied and his apprentice followed him. Shakkara fought on the ground, facing battle droids and Neimoidian militiaa during fighting in the capital. She worked with an Atrisian armoured corps. In the end the planet after a Jedi strike team took over the droid control ship.

Her next big assignment was Contruum. There the Republic backed a workers' revolution against a corporate fascist regime that enslaved the proletariat, forcing the toilers to work to death. With the aid of New Republic Intelligence, the rebels were supposed to rise up in revolt. A Republic fleet was en route to reinforce them. Than and Shakkara worked with New Republic Intelligence agent Moira Skaldi, who had been dispatched to 'advise' the rebels. However, the revolution was not a dinner party. Lacking numbers of high-tech armaments, the rebels used speeder bombings, roadside bombs, assassinations and so on.

Confronted by Than after a bombing produced collateral damage, Moira simply said that this was war. Rebellions might be built on hope, but they were won by blood and iron. The rebels had been given the task of taking down the local defences. They succeeded, but many perished. In the end, the Republic fleet never arrived, and its assets were pulled out. Shakkara denounced this strongly, seeing it as a betrayal. She helped some Contruum rebels escape. Moira Skaldi vanished, but later resurfaced as a member of the Omega Protectorate's spy service. However, by then she had been replaced by an HRD with her face and memories.

The pair was soon deployed to Roche, the first big battle between the Republic and the Sith Empire. It was the first real, large-scale battle Shakkara had fought in. The fighting was fierce. The warship they had arrived in was destroyed by a Sith attack. Shakkara managed to reach Roche during the evacuation, but was separated from her Master. She teamed up with a rag-tag force of Republic soldiers and Verpine. Together they launched an attack on a Sith artillery battery.

During the attack she faced her first Sith Knight. The fight pushed Shakkara to her limits, but she fought with fierce determination. The Sith invaded her mind, trying to cow her by spreading terror and mania. Remembering her helplessness back on Shili when exposed to the artefact, she focused on the Force, shutting him down and broke through his defences, striking him down. She was commended by the military and her teacher.

Roche was a Pyrrhic victory for the Republic. It held the territory and had blunted the Sith's offensive. However, in the aftermath of the battle, several Jedi left the Republic's Jedi Order. According to them, the Jedi had lost their way and become a political tool of imperialism. Shakkara was not one of them. She had a fierce argument with one of her fellow Padawans, who had turned down a knighthood to protest the present direction of the Order. Shakkara did not trust the Senate anymore, and advocated Jedi leadership of the Republic, but found the Jedi wanting. Nonetheless, she stuck with them. She was knighted for her valour at Roche.

Shakkara was not involved in the defence of Mandalore, where the Republic and the Omega Protectorate supported the Mandalorians against a Sith invasion, but she was there for Metalorn. There Republic and Sith forces clashed once more. During the battle she ended up engaging a Sith Lord. She fought valorously, but was bested in the duel. She lost a hand in the duel.

Blasting her with lightning, the Sith tried to get her to release her anger and see the truth. Than intervened in the fight. The Sith Master engaged him, taunting the Jedi by saying that his apprentice would soon be one with the darkness. Seeing her Master protect her, Shakkara was overcome by an intense shame and threw herself into battle despite her maiming. Her anger unleashed a powerful blast of the Force, burning the Sith Lord. The two were able to force him to retreat. However, Shakkara had taxed herself so much that she collapsed. Her teacher was troubled by her outburst of anger, not to mentin the fact that she had almost gotten herself killed. This caused a rift between them.

In the end, Metalorn was held by the Empire. The Republic had soured on further fighting after a Jedi had committed war crimes. Instead they signed a peace treaty with the Empire. It was hailed as 'peace for our time'. It included allowing the Empire to send a representative to the Senate. Shakkara and Than both strongly disapproved of Jedi-Sith friendship.

However, Than believed it was his duty to stay with the Jedi. The best way to bring about change, he reasoned, was from within. Sooner or later the Imperials would break the treaty, and the forces of Light would have to be ready. However, Shakkara would not accept that. Turning in her lightsabre, she went into exile. For a while she was adrift. She took the time to return to Shili. Her family was happy to have her back, but she found it difficult to reconnect with them. Nonetheless, she spent time hunting, passed on some of her skills to young Force-Sensitives in her community and protected the tribe against raiders.

There was a chance that she could have been made the leader of her clan. She was tempted to agree and put down her blade, but then she learned that large parts of Coruscant, including the Senate dome, had been devastated by a fight between two Sith Lords. She also heard that a group of radical Jedi had founded an Army of Light to strike back at the Sith. After some brief reflection, she joined them.

When the Sith invaded Togoria to commit genocide and enslave the natives, Shakkara was there. She was able to save some Togorians and spirit them to safety, but the fight was a massacre. The Sith's sadism stoked her hatred of them. Looking upon what the Sith had wrought, she swore not to rest until they had been defeated. Eventually the Army of Light disbanded.

Meanwhile, Selena Halcyon had become Grandmaster of the Republic's Jedi Order. The new leadership proclaimed a crusade against the Empire. Shakkara rejoined the Order. Reunited with Than, she distinguished herself at the battles of Ossus and Dac, leading small teams of soldiers. She had learned her lesson from Metalorn and acted more prudently instead of charging in. But she gave no quarter. Than also did his duty in the war, but now he was one who had become disillusioned.

He obviously approved of the Republic taking the fight to the Sith and liberating the oppressed. But he was shaken by events on Manaan. There a Jedi Master summoned a Force-based storm and a Republic-allied mercenary sunk half of Ahto City to deny it to the Sith. To him this was an atrocity. The fact that it was not really prosecuted led him to conclude the Republic and the Jedi had become corrupted. Shakkara was disgusted by it as well, but in her view division in the ranks could only aid the Sith. The darkness had to be defeated. This led to a row between the two of them. Than turned in his lightsabre and left the Republic. He eventually joined the Levantine Sanctum.

Following the destruction of Dromund Kaas at the hand of the Mandalorians, the Sith, as commentators put it, returned to the shadows. Shakkara was sceptical and continued to operate in the Republic occupation zone. She found her belief that the Sith were just biding their time validated when the Sith Lord she had fought on Metalorn turned himself in. He claimed that he had seen the Light and wanted to redeem himself. Indeed, he proved quite helpful when it came to tracking down fugitive Sith and even provided them with information on hidden Sith temples and laboratories.

However, Shakkara did not trust him. From her point of view, someone who had served the dark side and committed atrocities could not be allowed to walk as a free man, let alone welcomed into the Jedi Order. So she began to investigate him and put the seemingly repentant Sith under surveillance. Distrusting official channels, she enlisted anti-Sith rebels she had worked with during the war, including survivors of the slaughter on Togoria.

They soon came across suspicious communications. She set up an ambush for the Sith. He was strong in the Force, assaulting her with his full power, but what she lacked in esoteric skills, she compensated with tenacity and pain tolerance. Shakkara bested him and took him prisoner. He protested his innocence, but he was locked in a tiny, damp and cold cell. Deprived of the Force, denied food and water beyond the bare minimum to sustain him and subjected to mental probes, he was worn down. Shakkara learned that he was part of a network of Sith who had returned to the shadows. Using this information, she and a group of soldiers cleansed the cult so that the Sith could not sin anymore. She kept some of the details of her interrogation of the Sith out of her report. She was made a Jedi Master.

Shakkara had hoped that what had transpired on Manaan would be investigated, but what her private crusade convinced her that the Sith were still at large. Meanwhile, the Republic had mobilised for war against the Fringe Confederation, which had become a haven for many Sith, including the former Emperor Kaine Zambrano, who had instigated the attack on Togoria. The Lords of the Fringe had recently assimilated the Atrisian Empire, which had sought its former foe's protection after its attempted invasion of the Omega Protectorate had ended in defeat. Shakkara joined Republic forces when they attacked O'reen. Until recently it had been controlled by the Atrisians before being gifted to the Fringe.

There she saved the life of a young Hikari Saito. Saito was an Epicanthix from Panatha. She had an inherent gift for suppressing the Force abilities of other adepts. Her family had been driven into exile after Kaine Zambrano conquered the planet. Much like a younger Shakkara, Saito was impetuous and out for revenge on the Sith. Commandeering a light walker, she had death charged a Sith. However, the vehicle was wrecked in the attack and Saito as badly injured.

Owing to her wounds and inexperience, the Panathan's attempt to use her powers on the Sith failed. Fighting when one was bleeding out was awkward, as one could imagine. Fortunately for her, she was saved by Shakkara, who bested her foe. The Togruta sensed Saito's Force potential and offered to train her in the Force. However, the ways of the Jedi were not for Saito, and so she decline. Nonetheless, Shakkara nursed her back to health. O'reen had ended with a Fringe victory. This led to peace negotiations on Telos. While the treaty confirmed the status quo, it was a grave blow for the crusader cause. Shakkara found herself disenchanted with the Jedi's new leadership, denouncing them as appeasers.

In order to focus her, she was assigned a Padawan to train. Her name was Leonina Varkathras, a young Cathar who had recently been inducted into the Jedi Order. Her parents were patriotic Republic citizens, but Leonina was a bit of a problematic student. While she showed promise with a lightsabre, formalised classes and emphasis with rote learning bored her. She yearned for adventure and resented being separated from her family, but did not want to disappoint them. Unlike her teacher, Leonina had led a rather sheltered existence, for her family had assimilated into Core World culture.

While rather stern and authoritarian, Shakkara was a practical type who believed in direct action. Leonina devoured stories of Jedi like Lord Hoth, Mace Windu and Jaina Solo. With her master there was little of the traditional training routines with remote droids firing stun bolts and such. Rather it was all about going out into the galaxy and helping people directly, sometimes without Council knowledge.

Over time, Leonina developed feelings for her master, but these remained unrequited. The two had many adventures together. One of them included breaking up a sentient trafficking ring on Coruscant, which exposed Leonina to the deplorable conditions the residents of the lower levels of the Republic's capital lived in. It affected the girl's idealism a bit. Shakkara became increasingly obsessed with rumours about the resurgence of the Sith.

Said rumours turned out to be true when the One Sith invaded Coruscant, catching the Republic off-guard. Padawan Leonina fought bravely against the invaders, battling Sith and their minions. However, the battle was lost and the Jedi Temple destroyed. It was a great shock to the Padawan, who was also disgusted by the behaviour of those Jedi who, in her view, had abandoned the Republic in its hour of need, such as the Silver Jedi Order. Her teacher encouraged these sentiments.

Shakkara grew secretive and suspicious, trusting few one of the members of the Jedi Council, Daella Apparine, was revealed to be a Sith agent. The Jedi Master became more of a rogue, seldom reporting to the Council. Indeed, she often only informed them of her actions after the fact, as she suspected that there was a leak. Moreover, she became highly critical of the Republic's conduct of the war effort. To her, the Jedi and the politicians lacked resolution. This made them weak in her eyes.

She and Leonina threw themselves into combat, participating in various battles and raids. The pair worked closely with Saito, who had joined the Republic army as a mercenary. The three worked together on a number of missions aimed at disrupting the One Sith war machine through strikes against war factories, research facilities and Sith academies. The trio made a good team. She also worked with Major Yseult Faerin, a rogue Eldorai and mercenary who had joined the Republic army for credits and because she felt revulsion for Sith. Leonina was knighted after the Second Battle of Alderaan, where she took down a powerful Yuuzhan Vong warrior.

Yseult commanded a unit of soldiers that supported Shakkara and Leonina in a raid on a Sith research facility. The mission was a success, but it turned out to be a Pyrrhic victory. The pair was separated during their escape. Shakkara tried to distract the Sith troops to buy time for her apprentice and the soldiers. She fought a rear guard action, using explosives and telekinesis to collapse part of the building. But she ended up cut off from her alies. Shakkara accepted her fate, and fought valiantly, killing scores of Sith soldiers and acolytes.

Eventually she was overrun by force of numbers and captured by Darth Libertas. The Twi'lek cyborg had been inspecting security measures at the facility when the strike team infiltrated it. Shakkara was now her prisoner. Ironically, Libertas would later thank the Togruta for reminding her of how dangerous pride could be. For even in victory, the Sith were not unassailable.

Indeed, that was the time when they had to be particularly on their guard, for it bred complacency. Libertas made the captive Jedi her personal project. However, much to Shakkara's surprise, the Sith did not torture her. Instead she used her voice to convince and seduce her to the Dark Side. Many debates ensued, during which Libertas pointed out the manifold flaws with the Jedi, and the 'truth' of her philosophy.

Which, as Libertas pointed out, meshed far better with the beliefs of the Togruta. The Sith were not evil, they were merely doing Nature's bidding. It was regrettable that many Sith acted solely out of blood lust or blind thirst for power, but if they worked together, they could purge them. The Republic was doomed, and Shakkara was wasting her potential with them. Time and again they had failed their people. To speed things along Libertas started out using some suggestive drugs, but then quickly realised that she did not need them.

She also arranged for Shakkara to meet some of the former slaves who had been 'enlightened' under her guidance. Darth Havoc, a Sith who had a rivalry with Libertas, tried to meddle by having his minions steal her prisoner and break her in the good old fashioned way.

Libertas pursued them. Despite being weakened by her incarceration, Shakkara was able to free herself. Giving in to her blood lust and drawing on the Dark Side, she slew Havoc and his minions. But upon being confronted by Libertas, she decided to join the Sith. She had seen the Light - or rather the Dark. She got to display her commitment and remorselessness by helping suppress a rebellion. From this moment on she would be known as Darth Soteria.

The newly christened Sith Lord decided to 'reconnect' with her ex-apprentice. In a twisted way, Soteria still cared for Leonina and wanted the Cathar at her side. Thus she sent her a distress signal, claiming that she was still alive and in hiding. In the transmission, Soteria implied that they might have been betrayed by a mole in the Order, urging Leonina not to tell anyone.

Foolishly, the Cathar threw caution to the wind and covertly travelled to the rendezvous point her former master had mentioned. However, it was a trap. Betrayed, Leonina was captured and taken to a prison camp. There, she was savagely tortured in an attempt to break her resolve and turn her to the Dark Side. However, though Soteria played on the resentment and anger inside her former apprentice, Leonina resisted. She was able to escape the prison with the help of a rogue camp guard, freeing a few captive Padawans in the process. Her friend Saito had come and helped her escape.

However, the daring escape was interrupted when she ran into Soteria. Once again the Togruta made an attempt to sway her old apprentice to her side, also appealing to the feelings Leonina secretly had for her. However, the Cathar would not hear any of it, and attacked her with all her rage.

A furious duel ensued, as the Jedi Knight unleashed her anger. Leonina was seriously injured during the fight, but was able to inflict severe wounds on her master in turn. During the course of the duel, the building collapsed. Soteria was buried beneath the rubble, and Leonina escaped. However, the Togruta was able to survive her injuries. Drawing upon her hatred and the power of the dark side, she willed her body to function again.

Libertas was disappointed by the end result, but never forgot the Cathar who had displayed conviction and escaped her net. The relationship between the two Sith Lords soured. Soteria was too independent-minded to be satisfied with playing second fiddle. Both were distracted by the war effort, but Soteria started building her own power base. She led units of soldiers and Sith acolytes on campaigns against the enemies of the Empire.

She honed her dark healing abilities, developing a deeper understanding of them. In addition to being able to accelerate her own healing and suppress her sense of pain, she soon discovered that she could revive others after bringing them to the brink of death. Soteria started using this power to make Faustian bargains. Those who proved worthy foes would be given a chance to join her after being humbled. Sometimes she healed the sick and wounded to show them the true glory of the dark side, as she saw it.

For a while the Sith still went from victory to victory. However, it seemed to her that the Empire was stagnating. Libertas agreed with her diagnosis, but not with her idea for a cure.While Libertas stayed out of the brief One Sith Civil War, Soteria joined the putschists. The Dark Lord was killed, but a Dark Council took command. The Togruta was not satisfied with the new oligarchy.

Then the Galactic Alliance launched its crusade against the Sith. The first battle at Lujo went in the Sith's favour. Returning to her old stomping ground, Soteria participated in the One Sith's conquest of Togoria. Once she had defended this world against Sith invaders, now she came her as one of the conquerors and butchers.

The Galactic Alliance renewed its offensive. Soteria welcomed a challenge, but saw it also as confirmation that the Sith had grown weak and indolent. She was one of those who endorsed a scorched earth strategy. Let the Core burn and force the Alliance to pick up the pieces. Those who survived would have to face adversity and hardship and either go under or be the stronger for it. Factories would be destroyed, dams blown up and water supplies poisoned.

The facade of civilisation would be stripped away. Amidst all this, her old master returned. Than had spent the last few years in Wild Space and the Outer Rim, helping the Levantine Sanctum defend the people under its protection. After the Sanctum was assimilated by the Silver Jedi Order, he found himself out of step with the new government, as he saw them as theocrats and did not believe that Jedi should be rulers.

He also disapproved of Firemane, an ally of the Silver Sanctum Coalition, as the corporation was run by a Dark Jedi and had many darksiders in its ranks. So he became a wanderer, righting wrongs and helping out where he could. However, he could not stay aloof from the war going on in the Core for long. Guilt and a sense of duty motivated him to intervene, especially after he heard about the deeds of his former apprentice. So he joined the New Jedi Order's crusade as a Rogue Jedi Master. Than was an old man now, but as with Dooku and Obi-Wan, age had not diminished his power or his resolve. On the way, he teamed up with Leonina. The Cathar had learned that her master lived.

It came to a confrontation aboard the Omega. By then Soteria had broken with Libertas. The Twi'lek was a member of the coalition of the willing. Ironically, this put her on the same side as Leonina and Than. When they encountered each other, Leonina was overcome by anger and attacked the Sith who had corrupted her master. Than defused the situation, forcing her to stand down. Reluctantly, Leonina did so, though she vowed to kill Libertas when this was over. Than coldly informed the Sith that Shakkara was his business. Libertas was happy to let them charge in.

And so Soteria faced her former master and ex-student. She had contempt for Than, whom she considered a coward for, as she put it, running away and hiding in Wild Space while the Galaxy burnt. But she still felt affection for Leonina, considering her a great but misguided student. The three fought relentlessly.

Soteria was at a disadvantage because it was two versus one and suffered several injuries, but she was a juggernaut. Finally, she was able to separate them and strike Than down, running him through with her blade. But Leonina charged her once more, even though her traitorous master was stronger than her.

Soteria would later say that her apprentice had never fought better. Soteria defeated her apprentice, and once again gave Leonina a chance to join her. But the Cathar refused. The station going critical put an end to the duel. Soteria let her maimed apprentice go. Explosions rocked the station. She narrowly managed to escape it. The Rogue Sith had collapsed. They had forced the Galaxy to unite against the cleansing storm, but the unlikely coalition of the willing died with them.

Soteria watched as the Galactic Alliance and the First Order clashed, and new Sith empires arose. However, she did not swear allegiance to the new Sith regimes. Retreating into the remote corners of space with a group of followers she had gathered during her time with the One Sith and the Rogue Sith. She purged the doubters and opportunists, leaving her with a group of zealots. With them under her command, she became a warlord. Soon she linked up with other Rogue Sith commanders and warlords. The One Sith had been destroyed, now was her time to rise from the ashes. All the while, she kept an eye on her ex-apprentice, who had joined Firemane's armed forces.

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