Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To provide the Republic Remnant a Heavy Repeating Blaster rifle for an infantry heavy support weapon.
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Republic Industries [Republic Remnant]
  • Model: RR HRB E-19
  • Affiliation: Republic Remnant
  • Modularity: Yes [Optional Tri-Pod, removable pack to allow powered cable and slot for heavy stand connection, top rail for small add-on]
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, synthmesh, blaster components
  • Classification: Blaster
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell | Gas Canister
  • Ammunition Capacity: 20 [Power Cell] | 60 [Gas Canister]
  • Reload Speed: Average [Standard] | Very Low [Power Pack]
  • Effective Range: Low
  • Rate of Fire: High
  • Stopping Power: Very High
  • Recoil: Very High [Standard] | Average [Heavy Stand]
  • Dual Barreled
  • Tandem Fire
  • Highly Modular
  • Emplacement Option
  • Tandem Fire - The E-19 has two barrels designed to fire in tandem, one after the other, this allows the E-19 to maintain its heavy fire with a resistance to overheating.
  • Emplacement - The E-19 has a removable power cell allowing someone to turn it from an infantry carried weapon to a turret by connecting a heavy power pack, via a cable, to it and slotting it into a heavy stand which better allows it to deal with the recoil.
  • Heavy Hitter - Being a heavy repeating blaster, the E-19 packs a wallop and is designed to threaten the heaviest of infantry and even light armor. Firing at softer targets can cause over penetration.
  • Rapid Fire - The E-19 can produce a solid rate of fire, however, it is best fired in burst as holding the trigger down can cause serious issues and damage to wrist or even knock someone on their behind.
  • Recoil - The E-19 packs a large recoil and kicks like a very angry mule. This makes aiming while firing even burst fire very difficult and can be quite painful on the joints as it will walk like no other. Even if set upon a heavy stand, the recoil will still be noticeable enough to make full-auto fire challenging.
  • Bulky - The E-19 is a very bulky and hard to carry weapon. It simply isn't something someone can move with quickly and in tight environments it becomes a liability as it cannot be drawn up in a reasonable time frame.
  • Low Ammunition - The E-19 does not pack much in terms of ammo for magazines, able to only really maintain a few seconds of full auto or a handful of shots in burst before it runs dry and requires a reload.
  • Tricky Reload - In order to reload the canister, the stock needs to be removed in order to get to it, and the power cell, while a 'simple' magazine slid into the side, it is very difficult to reload this weapon on the move due to its size and weight, the most often way this is done is planting the barrels into the ground, resting it against the thigh and then the cell will be changed out.
  • Overheating - The E-19 resist overheating, but it is not perfect. While the infantry carried one is unlikely to reload due to soldier not having the ammunition capability or ability to fire it at full auto with risking serious injury and so isn't likely to overheat it, when mounted on a turret that gives it a far larger ammunition capacity and lowers the recoill enough for sustained fire, overheating becomes more likely. If not allowed to rest and cool, the barrels will melt and, should this happen, it will no longer fire, if someone tries to fire it, the bolt will smash into the barrel and create a feedback which can cause the gas canister to explode injuring the user.
The E-19 was designed to provide heavy firing support for the Republic Remnant infantry squads. The E-19 was designed to give squads a more heavy hitting weapon that would be cheap enough to be given out to more squads then the much more experimental Equalizer rotary cannon. Its designed to pack a mean punch whilst still packing a rapid enough firing rate to keep people suppressed, but not quite as good as a LRB in the suppression field but a strong enough punch to better threaten heavier targets which was seen as a happy 'middle' ground. The E-19 was also designed to serve as both an infantry carried support weapon as well as a heavy turret as the E-19 can be set onto a heavy stand and its power cell can be taken out and instaed have a cable to a heavier, larger power pack inserted to give it a higher ammunition capacity [Gas Canisters will still need to be reloaded as normal] for superior performance as it also is better for the recoil.

This weapon has found serivce and use with various Republic Remnant infantry forces, some of which will carry the stand and large, external, power pack so they can set it up in defensive positions, akin to the Imperial E-Web. The E-19 is a potent weapon that boost the damage potential of any squad issued it.

  • Intent: To provide an APC for the Republic Remnant forces.
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Devilfish
  • Manufacturer: Republic Industries [Republic Remnant]
  • Model: RR ACX-3
  • Affiliation: Republic Remnant
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Ferrocarbon frame, composite armor plating (Ferrocarbon [Top layer] Trimantium [Second layer], Dura-armor [Final layer]. between each layer is a thin layer of Quantum Fiber, standard vehicle components
Classification:: Repulsorcraft
Role: Armored Personnel Carrier
Size: Average
Weight: Average
Minimum Crew: One
Optimal Crew: One
Propulsion: Repulsorlift
Speed: Average
Maneuverability: High
Armaments: Low
  • Two Dual Light Repeating Blaster Turrets - Very Low
  • Rotary Cannon - Low
Defenses: Average
  • Composite Plating - Average
  • Deflector Shield - Average
Squadron Count: Average: 12
Passenger Capacity: 12
Cargo Capacity: Average

  • Jumper - The ACX-3 is armed with a potent thruster system that allows the ACX-3 is high maneuverability, but that is not all it does, it also allows the ACX-3 to make 'jumps' allowing it to increase its vertical lift to fifty meters making it great at clearing obstructions or parking on top of places it normally could not reach, such as buildings or platforms, in order to disembark its infantry in more advantageous, and often safer, positions.
  • Rapid Deployment - The ACX-3 has four hatches, one on top and one on the each side, each capable of fitting one soldier at a time, and the large rear hatch that has enough room for two soldiers to disembark at once. This allows the ACX-3 to drop its soldiers off at a very rapid pace but this is not all, this also lets the ACX-3 deploy soldiers in other directions should, for any reason, it be unable to relocate and one side of it be under heavy fire.
  • Weak Armaments - The weaponry of the ACX-3 does not pack much of a punch, it is only designed to engage infantry targets and is not meant to face anything heavier, the fire, itself, is also not meant to be overly lethal to enemy infantry. They are purely tools of suppression to keep the enemies heads down while the soldiers inside disembark, as such, the pure rate of fire in the general direction is what is key, not accuracy.
  • Rear Blind Spot - The ACX-3 cannot see behind itself nor can its weaponry fire behind it as the thursters block a lot of visual range, as such, the ACX-3 cannot defend itself if hit from the rear which makes it particularly dangerous as the rear armor isn't great as most of it is covered in a, relatively, thin hatch.
  • Fuel Usage - If the ACX-3 uses its thrusters to increase its vertical lift, it burns a lot of fuel, the higher, and longer, it utilizes it, the more of its energy it will burn. This gives it a smaller operational range then other vehicles of its kind.
  • Low Crew - The AXC-3 is crewed by a single person, this was done to increase the internal storage space allowing more gear and men to be fitted without endangering the vehicles defense. However, this means the driver is responsible for driving, checking the sensor readings, managing the communication systems, handling field repairs and working the rotary cannon. That is a lot of work for a single person and produces high levels of fatigue and stress which can cause mistakes and slip ups.
The AXC-3 is the Republic Remnant's main APC, the main drive behind its development was to increase its mobility in urban and other dense environments. This was done by developing powerful thrusters allowing it to increase its vertical height for short bouts of time to reach areas that would normally be impassable to other APCs. Some cuts had to be made such as a lower crew and reduced armaments as well as a lower operational range which is still hotly debated as many do not like the idea of their APCs not being able to get where they are needed when the cards are down, but for short range engagements, their mobility has been the key to more then a few successful engagements.

Technical Explanation

Crew: The AXC-3 is manned by a single crew member who does every role. He drives it, he controls the nose-mounted rotary cannon, controls the com system, watches the sensor suite and is the one who makes field repairs when possible or necessary. This is a lot of work for one man especially with the added pressure of having the lives of twelve other people on their conscious when they are carrying soldiers to the front. This is a high stress job and is not desirable by most people in the Remnant vehicle operators. This added stress often causes slip ups or large irritation which can lead to deceases in combat efficiency.

Carrying Capacity: The AXC-3 was designed to carry twelve soldiers, this may seem odd at first, considering the standard Remnant squad size is ten, but the reason it is twelve is for tag alongs, most commonly, Jedi. The AXC-3 is designed to fit all of the squad and their equipment, however, at the top of is a series of armored compartments designed to allow soldiers to store more sensitive or violtile equipment to lessen the chance of them being damaged should the AXC-3 come under fire or from bouncing around should the AXC-3 need to make evasive maneuvers.

Weapon Systems: The AXC-3 carries a nose mounted rotary cannon and two dual automated light repeating blaster turrets. The rotary cannon, while having an impressive firing rate, can only fire in a limited frontal arc and can only fire at, or below, its level. As the AXC-3 tends to hover around four meters in the air, this is usually not an issue. Along with the rotary cannon, the AXC-3 has two dual light repeating blasters located at the front of the vehicle at either end. These turrets have a ride range of fire but cannot fire behind it due to the armor stopping its rotation and large thruster blocking firing lanes. These weapons are all rapid fire but lack a punch and so are not designed to go up against heavy armor, be they vehicle or the infantry variety, instead, they are purely weapons of suppression meant to unload a high saturation covering fire so the soliders can disembark as safely as possible.

Defensive Systems: The AXC-3 comes with the standard Republic Remnant composite plating designed to give it as much protection as they can without slowing it down. The armor is angled and sloped to try and deny as much direct hits as possible. The plating, itself, is not as thick or layered as many want, and, as such, it is not noticeably more durable the nany other apc of its class and size. Along with this, the AXC-3 does come with the standard shield generator to help it absorb more fire before the armor plating is required to take over to help increase its survival rates. The APc also has an advanced jamming system to help obstruct guided weaponry or advanced sensors to help it get its soldiers to the dropzone, or, to pick them up from danger.

  • Intent: To provide an AA IFV for the Republic Remnant forces.
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Sky Ray
  • Manufacturer: Republic Industries [Republic Remnant]
  • Model: RR AFV Mk. 4
  • Affiliation: Republic Remnant
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Ferrocarbon frame, composite armor plating (Ferrocarbon [Top layer] Trimantium [Second layer], Dura-armor [Final layer]. between each layer is a thin layer of Quantum Fiber, standard vehicle components
Classification:: Repulsorcraft
Role: Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Size: Average
Weight: High
Minimum Crew: Two [Driver/Gunner]
Optimal Crew: Two [Driver/Gunner]
Propulsion: Repulsorliftl
Speed: Average
Maneuverability: High
Armaments: Average
  • Two Rotary Cannons - Low
  • Six Surface-To-Air Concussion Missiles - Average
Defenses: Low
  • Composite Plating - Low
  • Deflect Shield Generator - Low
Squadron Count: Average: 12
Passenger Capacity: Six
Cargo Capacity: Small

  • Advanced Tracking System
  • Advanced Targeting Computer
  • Composite Armor
  • Deflector Shield Generator
  • Comm-Array
  • Sensor Suite
  • Armored Equipment Compartments
  • Powerful Thrusters
  • 4x-Phantom short-range jammers
  • Jumper - Like the ACX-3, the AFV Mk. 4 is armed with a potent thruster system that allows it high maneuverability, but that is not all it does, it also allows the AFV to make 'jumps' allowing it to increase its vertical lift, however, unlike the AXC-3 it can only go thirty meters as it is heavier then the ACX-3, but this advantage is still great at clearing obstructions or parking on top of places it normally could not reach, such as buildings or platforms, in order to disembark its fireteam and get a better firing angle on potential targets.
  • Advanced Tracking - Due to being geared towards proving AA fire, the AFV Mk. 4 has an advanced tracking system designed to, well, track fast moving air targets and, utilizing its advanced targeting computer, it can project the probable flight path that target will take in order to better fire its missile when there is an optimal intercept chance.
  • Fireteam -The AFV is designed to carry a fire team of soldiers to the battlefield as it has become a standard procedure for squads in the Remnant to split in half into fireteams for more coverage and mobility. It was designed for six, rather then five, so any attached person, such as a Jedi, can fit.
  • Fragile - The AFV's armor is weaker then that of the APC vehicle it is based on as in order to get the advanced systems in, and keep a troop compliment, armor plating was sacrificed and the shield generator is given less power then it would otherwise be as the advanced targetting computer and track are large drains, this makes the AFV rather vulnerable to fire and, unlike its APC counterpart, it is not meant to be on the front lines, rather, stay just behind them providing airspace control and redeploying fireteams when needed.
  • Time Consuming Reload - The AFV only carries six missiles on its rack. While it does carry more missiles in its internal armored compartments, the gunner would need to open the compartment, take out the missiles and then climb to the top of the vehicle and load them manually. This is not only time consuming as it will take, at least, two to three trips to reload it, this would also put the gunner at extreme risk as they have to leave the safety of the vehicle to reload it.
  • Heat Signature - When the AFV fires a missile, it produces a large heat signature that it cannot mask revealing it to any sensors that are scanning the area, it will also act as an early alert to any flier it is fired at.
  • Rear Blind Spot - The AFV cannot see behind itself nor can its weaponry fire behind it as the thursters block a lot of visual range, as such, the AFV cannot defend itself if hit from the rear which makes it particularly dangerous as the rear armor isn't great as most of it is covered in a, relatively, thin hatch.
The AFV was designed to serve as an IFV, meant to support infantry on the front. The AFV is capable of carrying a fireteam which allows multiple AFV's to move around squads of infantry and, so, can double as a limited APC to increase the mobilization of the Remnant forces. Most importantly, however, the AFV Mk. 4 was given surface to air missiles this was done to increase the airspace control of the Remnant as the Republic, firmly, believes it is airpower and artillery that decides the victory in any engagement, as such, they want to exert as much control over what they can when they can. The AFV is a fairly cheap means of reinforcing the existing AA systems of the Republic. Its highly maneuverable nature and ability to leap to higher surfaces lets it project its protection to greater, and harder to reach, areas then most other AA vehicles, and, best of all, it can drop its fireteams at these loactions.

Technical Explanation

Crew: The AFV Mk. 4 has two crew members, a driver and a gunner. The driver, well, drives the vehicle which is very important as they need to control its potent thrusters, ensure it always points its thickest armor and any opposition and never expose their vulnerable rear armor or let soldiers disembark into oncoming fire. The driver is also responsible for reading the sensor displays, controlling the jamming systems and maintaining comm systems. The gunner controls both of the rotary cannons which have a wide firing arc, however, they cannot fire above their level, however, as the vehicle tends to rest four meters in the air, this is often not an issue. However, the firing arc, while wide, cannot fire behind itself nor can one turret fire on the opposite side of the vehicle. The gunner also controls the surface-to-air missiles and is in charge of, when safe, reloading the missile racks when necessary.

Carrying Capacity: The AFV has a fairly small carrying capacity compared to most vehicles of its size, it has enough room for six soldiers and their kits, but that is about it. While it does have armored compartment, those are not for troop gear, instead, that is where the missiles are stored to help reduce the chance of any internal detonations if it suffers a penetrating hit from an enemy vehicle.

Weapon Systems: The AFV has two main weapons, its dual rotary cannons don't pack much of a punch and so aren't designed to face down heavily armored infantry or vehicles, instead, they are designed with maximum firing rate in mind to provide high area suppression fire to keep enemy infantrymen's heads down so that it can either drop off its infantry cargo or fall back and redeploy. It also packs six surface to air missiles on its rack, these missiles are not suitable for ground targets as they lack the punch needed to threaten armor or a high yield to be a threat to infantry, firing at either would be an act of desperation and would likely not yield optimal results. This is because most of the missile is taken up by its advanced guidance systems and larger fuel reserves needed to chase fast moving fliers. The guidance systems of the missiles do resist jamming systems.

Defensive Systems: The AFV comes with the standard Republic Remnant composite plating designed to give it as much protection as they can even with the light plating it was given to make room for its infantry cargo. The armor is angled and sloped to try and deny as much direct hits as possible. Along with this, the AFV comes with a weak shield generator to provide an extra layer of protection to the vehicle. However, the AFV is not designed to tank hits, and is farily fragile, as such it relies on its advanced jammer and not being on the front line to survive engagements.

Zek Koth



  • Intent: To create an interceptor for the Republic.
  • Image Source: Shoguneagle
  • Canon Link: A-Wing
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Republic Industries (The Republic Remnant)
  • Model: A60 A-Wing Starfighter
  • Affiliation: The Republic Remnant

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Neutronium-impregnated Alusteel, Transparisteel, Starfighter Components
  • Classification: Interceptor
  • Length: 10.2m
  • Width: 5.3m
  • Height: 6m
  • Armament: Low
    ​Twin-Linked Maser Canons
  • 1 Proton Torpedo Launcher (8 Torpedoes)

[*]Defenses: Low
  • Reduced Shields

[*]Squadron Count: Average: 12
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
[*]Speed Rating: High
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • Reduced Shields
  • Standard Navigation
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Arrays


  • High speed
  • Good maneuverability
  • Low armament
  • Low defense
Description: Designed to be the Republic's main interceptor, the A60 A-Wing Starfighter is a continuation of the old RZ line of such starfighters. Designed to be somewhat sleeker than prior versions, the ship possesses excellent speed and great maneuverability, but also lacks in the heavy firepower associated with main starfighters like the Republic's E90 E-wing Starfighter. It's shields aren't quite as strong as the shields of most main-line starfighters, either, but it makes up for that in its speed an maneuverability, being able to out fly most of the larger starfighters. It does possess the Republic's mainline starfighter engine, but is not equipped to burn TibannaX. It utilizes the engine purely for its SLAM feature, which allows it to catch up to fleeing craft, or cut off approaching craft, with speed that the target doesn't expect.
<p style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);text-align:center;"><strong>JEDI TEMPLE OF CIOMIA</strong></p>
<p style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);text-align:center;"><img alt="spaceship_wreck_yard_by_m_wojtala-d64app" src=""/></p>
<p style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);text-align:center;">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);"><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION</strong></span></p>
<ul class="bbc">
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>Intent:&nbsp;</strong>With going Major the Jedi Order of the Republic Remnant is growing and there is a need for a Temple that can house the growing order. The <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">JediNadiem Enclave</a>, while still in use by the Jedi, will become focused on teaching and the Jedi Temple on Ciomia will become the epicenter of the Jedi Order of the Republic Remnant.&nbsp;</span></li>
<li><strong>​Image Credit: </strong>F<span style="background-color:transparent;">rom <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">this</a>link, from <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">this</a> artist.&nbsp;</span></li>
<li><span style="background-color:transparent;"><strong>Canon:</strong>&nbsp;N/A</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma, geneva, sans-serif;"><strong>Links:&nbsp;</strong></span>N/A</li>
<p style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);"><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>SETTING INFORMATION</strong></span></p>
<ul class="bbc">
<li><strong>Structure Name:</strong>&nbsp;Jedi Temple of Ciomia</li>
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><span style="background-color:transparent;"><strong>Classification:</strong>&nbsp;Jedi Temple</span></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>Location:&nbsp;</strong><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">Ciomia</a></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>Affiliation:</strong>&nbsp;Jedi of the Republic Remnant - funded by the Ciomia Government</span></li>
<li><strong>Accessibility:</strong>&nbsp;The Jedi Temple of Ciomia relatively inaccessible&nbsp;except to those given access to the temple. It is located deep within the forests of Ciomia at the site of a starship graveyard. The coordinates for its exact location are given only to Jedi and those with official Jedi business, as such they are not readily available but still accessible after adequate&nbsp;research. The dangers of the surrounding forest make it difficult to access via the land, and specific routes must be taken in by ship to avoid crashing from the frequent storm clusters surrounding the area.&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>Security:</strong>&nbsp;The Jedi Temple has relatively high defenses:</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma;">Standard Security Checkpoints: These checkpoints are located at all entrances in and out of the temple structure and are typically manned by security droids (see below) and Jedi Padawans who rotate through defense duties. There are also security checkpoints to all entrances to high security locations (e.g., the Jedi Archives, the Jedi Council Chambers).&nbsp;</span></li>
<li><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">P.T.D.Droids</a>&nbsp;x 100: These are the most numerous droids at the Temple. They are divided amongst protocol droid duties and training duties, due to their advanced knowledge of saber training programs. However, in emergency situations they are also deploy-able&nbsp;as security droids.&nbsp;</li>
<li><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">JT-1Security Droids</a>&nbsp;x 50: These droids are the primary security droids for the Temple. They spend their days doing security sweeps and manning the security checkpoints throughout the Temple.&nbsp;</li>
<li><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">YVH-2Droids</a> x 25: These droids are not part of the standard security protocols for the Jedi Temple and are secured in concealed wall coves that are opened and activated only when the Temple is placed on high security alert.&nbsp;</li>
<li><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">EMBUMk. III </a>x 25: Like the YVH-2 Droids, the EMBU MK. III droids are kept on standby and are only activated under high security alerts.&nbsp;</li>
<li><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">StoneGuardians</a> x 6: There are six stone guardians who maintain inactive unless darkside users pass between them. These guardians are stationed in pairs at the three main entrances to the Temple, the Western Entrance, Eastern Entrance, and the entrance through the Hangar Bay.&nbsp;</li>
<li><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">RayShields</a>: Doors to secure locations can be ray shielded to prevent access. The turbolift doors can also be ray shielded in emergencies.</li>
<li><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">BlastDoors</a>: There are blast doors that are used to seal off the entrances to the western and eastern hangar bays.&nbsp;</li>
<li><a href="">DeflectorShield Generator</a>: Three generators combine to form a protective dome that encircles the Jedi Temple. This performs multiple functions: (1) prevents the dangerous fauna of the planet to infiltrate the temple, (2) secures access to the Temple to anyone crazy enough to chance the dangers of the forests, and (3) protects the temple from aerial bombardment.&nbsp;</li>
<ul class="bbc">
<li><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>Description:</strong>&nbsp;At the glance, this massive structure is a collection of crashed capital ships. Jedi Master [member=&quot;Kian Karr&quot;] and a small Jedi Expeditionary force stumbled upon this site while surveying the dangerous forests of Ciomia. While Ciomia is known for its violent weather patterns, this skies above this particular location are especially violent given the large mountains surrounding the area, which trap in storm clouds and create a very dangerous location for navigation. The ship wreckage has been here for centuries and as such the fauna and flora of the planet have made homes and claimed over much of the area.&nbsp;</span></li>
<p style="font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);"><span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>POINTS OF INTEREST</strong></span></p>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(35, 35, 35); text-align: center;"><img alt="env5_spaceship_wreck.jpg" src=""/></p>
<li><span style="color:#25e312;"><u><strong>Hangars</strong></u></span>: Image source <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">here</a>.There are two large hangars for the Ciomia temple one located on the eastern side of the temple and one on the western side. Both hangars are accessible through one location - a large waterfall nestled at the base of the nearest mountain. Due to the dangerous weather patterns, ships coming to the Temple must fly just above the forest canopy through a ravine made by the two mountains. This ravine terminates into the large waterfall where the hangar entrances are. One large cave entrance is concealed behind the cascading water. After entry, the cavern splits into two smaller cave systems that were widened by the construction team. These cave systems terminate into two large hangars, located on the western and eastern sides of the temple. Ships must be left here and entrance to the temple itself is through much smaller caverns that travel the rest of the way through the mountain and are traveled by small transports. Due to the hidden and naturally occurring nature of the hangars cavern system (though modified), the largest vessels able to access them are corvettes and the smallest of frigates.&nbsp;</li>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);text-align:center;">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);text-align:center;"><img alt="29q18wz.jpg" src=""/></p>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);">&nbsp;</p>
<li><span style="color:#ffa500;">Jedi and Visitor Living Quarters (Color Coded Orange on image above)</span>: These quarters are built into the side of the mountain and were a combination of new construction and use of a crashed <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">cruiseship</a>that was among the wreckage. Like the <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">Jedi Dormitories of older Jedi Temples</a>, these were sparse and lacked luxury, focused more on utility than comfort.&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="color:#1e90ff;">Jedi Council Chamber (Color Coded Blue on image above)</span>: These were located on the North-Eastern side of the Temple, and were constructed from a previously crashed exploratory ship. Much of the ship was destroyed in its crash, but some segments of the ship, including its large viewports, were not. The structure is one of the heighest at the temple, located on a large jutting rock column. They have a typical pattern of most <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">JediCouncil Chambers</a> of the past.</li>
<li><span style="color:#adff2f;">Halls of the Healers (Colored in light green on image above)</span>: These are the headquarters of the Jedi Healers, Jedi Consulars specializing in the healing arts. They are constructed from the remains of a Medical Frigate that crashed among the wreckage. Due to the age of the ship, many of the systems had to be entirely upgraded.&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="color:#ff99ff;">Outdoor Obstacle Courses (Colored in pink on the image above)</span>: This is an obstacle course used for training and exercise. It stretches for miles curving in and around the crashed vessels. The beginner to intermediary tracks run through the temple compound, while the more advanced courses go out into the surrounding forests. While the arrival of the Jedi and the setting up of perimeter security has made these tracks much safer than other locations in the forest, they are still hazardous enough to be off limits to those not ready for them.&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="color:#e31212;">Outdoor Meditation (Colored in red on the image above)</span>: These are alcoves and small rock islands among the lakes on the western side of the temple. They are a place for peaceful contemplation and reflection.&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="color:#32cd32;">Outdoor lightsaber training platform (Colored in dark green on the image above)</span>: This platform at the center of the temple is constructed of a rocky plateau and the remains of a ship that crashed there. The ships wreckage left a large oval protrusion that is now used as stadium like seating for Jedi of all ranks and levels watch others training against droids, remotes, or fellow Jedi. This is also the location used for the annual Padawan tournament of the Jedi Order. This is also the site of the central turbolift. The thrusters that stick out of the ground are connected to the remains of a very large ship that crashed with such force that it drove down into the ground. This vessel has been hollowed out and is now used as a turbolift to reach the lower levels of the temple.&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Jedi Shadow Enclave Hidden Entrance (Colored in black on the image above)</strong></span>: This entrance is hidden behind the small waterfalls leading to the meditation center. Only those who are members of the secretive Jedi Shadows have access to this location. The secured door behind the waterfall leads to a natural cavern that itself terminates into a security checkpoint and the entrance to the Jedi Shadow Enclave. The interior of this enclave is very similar to the <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="">JediShadow Enclave</a> that Kian Karr had previously established on Ossus and is one of three locations at the temple that are heavily secure and restricted (the archives and council chambers being the others).&nbsp;</li>
<li>Structures beneath the surface: Beneath the surface of the temple and built into the mountainous caverns are a number of training rooms, meditation chambers, and various other structured for the day to day operations of the temple. Also located beneath the temple is the Jedi Archives which house all the knowledge of the Jedi of the Republic Remnant.&nbsp;</li>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);"><br />
<span style="font-family:tahoma;"><strong>HISTORICAL INFORMATION</strong></span><br />
<span style="font-family:tahoma;">Ciomia is a planet known for its isolation and its violent weather patterns. However, at the edges of some of the most remote forest lands are two large mountain ranges that come together to form a ravine. At this location, the storm clouds often get trapped, leading to violent storms happening here in a frequency that puts the rest of the planets violent weather to shame. Due to this, this particular area has collected a graveyard of crashed ships over the millennia as the planet was discovered, lost, and than rediscovered. One particular clustering of ships, at the base of the mountain range, is where the Jedi Temple of Ciomia has now been established.&nbsp;</span></p>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(35,35,35);"><font face="tahoma">Due to the dangers of the fauna and flora of the planet, the native Ciomians virtually never leave their walled city of Theron. For this reason, the natural cover of the forest, and the remoteness of Ciomia, the shipwreck located here have been undiscovered by the Ciomians or others.&nbsp;</font></p>
OOC Information

Intent: To update the 501st's original submission to reflect their current status in the galaxy.

Image Credit: Star Wars The Old Republic

Role: To serve as an experienced and elite warband that will spearhead the Republic's campaign against the Hutts. To continue to serve as backdrop for the storylines of House Grayson and House Lussk as their stories legion.

Links: Original Submission,Empyrean, many lost threads over the years.


General Information

Unit Name: The 501st Legion, The Sons of Ession, Lussk's Legacy, The Spear of The Republic.

Affiliation: The 501st Legion was officially adopted as a Republic asset after Cedric Grayson was commissioned as a Field Marshal by the Supreme Chancellor. The 501st acts more as a warband than a traditional army, and its members generally owe loyalty toward one another, their families, and House Grayson. They tend to serve whomever their liege lord chooses to side with, the Republic being chief among them.

Classification: Elite Infantry (Heavy Infantry)




Combat Information

Availability: Unique

Deployment: Mass

Numbers: 8600-8700 soldiers accounted for not counting support staff.

Company Size: 120 Soldiers.


Never Surrender: The 501st will rarely if ever give up on a battle unless expressly ordered to do so. They are held to an extremely high standard, and all within the legion know how dishonorable surrendering oneself to the enemy truly is unless it holds strategic significance.

Versatile: Decades of constant warfare have honed the 501st Legion into a deadly weapon. The legion has fought across every kind of environment, across a hundred different worlds, under a dozen different banners. They know what it means to adapt, and there are very few situations the legion has not faced at some point before.

Strike Fast, Strike Hard: The 501st operates on a doctrine of efficiency. The goal with every battle is to end it as quickly as possible; with this in mind, the 501st's battle doctrine often revolves around brutal drop pod insertions and mechanized charges to first shatter the enemy's morale, and then shatter him.

Heroes of The Republic: The 501st's history is a checkered one, but few in the Republic would want them gone. The legion has grown exceedingly popular with its assistance in the campaigns against the Hutts, and often serves as a morale booster for other regiments in the field.


Essonian Blood: The vast majority of the legion hails from Ession. Most have cut ties to their forsaken world, but all retain its heart. They are a fiery bunch with tempers that often mark them from soldiers hailing from other worlds. Rifts between the Essonians and the newer blood often form as well, causing no end of trouble for the officers attempting to keep the legion together.

Vainglorious: The 501st believe themselves to be the greatest soldiers in the galaxy, and some of them might be correct. Even so, their reputation has given them quite the ego. They tend to take the route to the greatest possible glory when it presents itself, often to the detriment of themselves or their comrades. Furthermore, the 501st do not play well with over infantry based legions. Whilst they appreciate the assistance provided to them by both their aerial and mechanized brethren, the 501st rarely if ever believe that lesser soldiers have a place in the field alongside them. Most of the time they just get in the way.

Non-Standard Recruitment: The 501st retains a tradition of recruitment unlike normal methods. Possible members of the legion must approach an officer, who will then judge whether they are worthy of joining the legion. Numerous field tests and a year long course of training follow, in which the vast majority of candidates do not pass. Because of this, the legion's soldiers are especially effective, but incredibly difficult to replace.

Warband: The 501st Legion operates more as an independent warband than a standard army. They are used to operating with a full sense of autonomy, having supported themselves with the spoils of war, and donations from the Essonian people previously. Now they are funded by the Republic, but much of that autonomy remains, allowing the 501st to act as its own crusading fleet without the need to consult higher command. That being said, were Cedric Grayson to be killed and no suitable successor found, this warband would fracture at its very core.

  • Intent: To provide cheap, disposable, droid drones for the Republic Remnant
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: X
  • Manufacturer: Republic Industries [Republic Remnant]
  • Model: AX-Mark III

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Affiliation: Republic Remnant
  • Modularity: Yes [Different weaponry can be attached]
  • Material: Ferrocarbon coating, durasteel structure, droid components
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 27 kg
  • Height: 0.6 m
  • Movement: Repulsorlift
Misc. Equipment:
  • Remote Receiver - The droid can be remotely controlled either by a central computer system or from an uplink device carried by a nearby unit [as it is often attached to squads, this unit is often carried by the sergeant or corporal].
  • Heat Resistant - Thanks to the insulfoam, the droid is more resistant to high temperature which is very useful for stopping overheating.
  • Simple Is As Simple Does - The droid is very simple and cheap, the weaponry its carrying arguably almost, if not more, expensive then the droid itself. It does not require much in the way of maintenance and the ferrocarbon coating helps stop corrosion further lessening the logistical drain of the droids.
  • Variable Weaponry - It can be armed with a large variety of weaponry, it always carries two duplicate weapons [save for the case of the LRB where it only carries the one] for higher fire support.
  • Simple Is As Simple Does - The droid is very basic and is not capable of much outside of its primary programmed duties and it lacks a sufficient logic matrix to learn from its mistakes or able to properly do threat assessment.
  • Hello Back Door - Thanks to its Remote Receiver, the droid is very vulnerable to slicers as the remote uplink can be hijacked or interrupted allowing someone with the skills to take control of the droid from a safe distance.
  • Fire Ion Beams - The droid has no ion protection and any decent Ion surge will either deactivate the droid or outright fry its brain.
  • Can't Reload! - Due to a lack of hands or internal reloading mechanism [deemed too expensive for such a simply droid], it lacks any means of reloading its weaponry once they run dry. Another being, such as soldiers or engineers nearby, to reload its weaponry for it.
The AX-Mark III was designed to provide a light, cheap, almost disposable, combat droid for the Republic Remnant. They are deployed in one of two ways, the first is in large droid 'swarms' to hover over the battlefield scouting and harassing the foe, the second is as squad support. A few will be assigned to Remnant military squads with the squad command given a control module to allow them to assume direct control of the AX-Mark III when needed either to explore situations that would be too dangerous to send a living soldier or to use them to surprise the foe. They are rather fragile and are not meant to stand up to enemy fire, rather, to avoid it with their agility and smaller size. They come with two weapons, almost always a duplicate pair of weapons [so, two smgs are far, far more common then an smg and blaster rifle] for fire support.

  • Intent: To provide a protective droid drone for the Republic Remnant
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: X, X, X
  • Manufacturer: Republic Industries [Republic Remnant]
  • Model: AX-Mark VII 'The Protector'

  • Production: Minor
  • Affiliation: Republic Remnant
  • Modularity: No
  • Material: Ferrocarbon coating, durasteel structure, droid components
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 27 kg
  • Height: 0.6 m
  • Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: N/A

Misc. Equipment:
  • Remote Receiver - The droid can be remotely controlled either by a central computer system or from an uplink device carried by a nearby unit [as it is often attached to squads, this unit is often carried by the sergeant or corporal].
  • Heat Resistant - Thanks to the insulfoam, the droid is more resistant to high temperature which is very useful for stopping overheating.
  • Simple Is As Simple Does - The droid is very simple and cheap, the generator its carrying arguably almost, if not more, expensive then the droid itself. It does not require much in the way of maintenance and the ferrocarbon coating helps stop corrosion further lessening the logistical drain of the droids.
  • Deflector Shield Generator - The Mark VII can produce a large deflector shield in a 'bubble' around it ten meters in diameter. This allows it the ability to provide some level of protection to nearby infantry when it deploys its shield.
  • Redundant Shield - A group of Mark VII's can 'overlap' their shields to increase the width of the protection. Areas where their shield 'overlap' will be stronger. [Two droids sit five meters away. On the opposing edges, only one of them will be producing and feeding that shield, but at the center, between the two droids, both shields will be overlapping]
  • Simple Is As Simple Does - The droid is very basic and is not capable of much outside of its primary programmed duties and it lacks a sufficient logic matrix to learn from its mistakes or able to properly do threat assessment.
  • Hello Back Door - Thanks to its Remote Receiver, the droid is very vulnerable to slicers as the remote uplink can be hijacked or interrupted allowing someone with the skills to take control of the droid from a safe distance.
  • Fire Ion Beams - The droid, itself, has no ion protection and any decent Ion surge will either deactivate the droid or outright fry its brain.
  • Only Energy - The shield only resist energy based weaponry such as blasters or lasers. It will not stop kinetic weaponry or anyone from simply walking through the shield.
  • Why Can't I Fire Out!? - When the shield is up, the shield resist all energy coming in or out.
  • Small Package, Small Power - Due to its small size, it doesn't pack a lot of energy as such the shield isn't exactly 'sturdy'. The energy shield is only rated for small arms, and not a large quantity of fire as it can quickly be overloaded if hit too many times by even weapons of average power and forget trying to do anything but slow down a more deadlier, heavy duty weapon. This shield is meant to give the soldiers its with precious time to get to cover, or, supplement their cover for better survival odds, it is not meant to be relied on for total survival.
The AX-Mark VII was designed to provide a shield bubble to nearby allied units to safeguard their safety as much as possible within a warzone. Unlike the Mark III, the Mark VII is not deployed in large swarms, instead, they are given out to squads that may need them [determined by their commanders and logistical supply] or are often left at various bases and garrisons to help bolster the defensive capabilities of the units stationed there. The shield, while nifty, is not the toughest shield out there and is not designed to stand up to fire for extended periods of time, rather, to give soldiers shielded a few moments, or minutes depending on the weapons it is facing, time to find sturdier cover. If multiple Mark VII droids are together, their shields can 'overlap' to strengthen the shield, or if staggered, extend the range of the shield. However, this would still, unless a very, very large group of droids were assembled, be weaker then a standard military grade shield generator [And a very large group of these droids would be way more expensive then a standard military grade shield generator and so would completely defeat the purpose]. Just like the Mark III, it can be remotely controlled so a person with control can turn on, and off, the shield at will without leaving it to the droid to decide and as the droid does not have amazing threat assessment abilities, it is usually best to leave the controls in the hands of an intelligent soldier.

  • Intent: To provide a sniper droid drone for the Republic Remnant
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: X
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 27 kg
  • Height: 0.6 m
  • Movement: Repulsorlift
Misc. Equipment:
  • Remote Receiver - The droid can be remotely controlled either by a central computer system or from an uplink device carried by a nearby unit [as it is often attached to squads, this unit is often carried by the sergeant or corporal].
  • Heat Resistant - Thanks to the insulfoam, the droid is more resistant to high temperature which is very useful for stopping overheating.
  • Simple Is As Simple Does - The droid is very simple and cheap, the generator its carrying arguably almost, if not more, expensive then the droid itself. It does not require much in the way of maintenance and the ferrocarbon coating helps stop corrosion further lessening the logistical drain of the droids.
  • Sensor Resistant - Thanks to its universal jammer and nutorium alloy plating give it a strong resistance to most sensors as well as a level of protection from weapon tracking systems.
  • Simple Is As Simple Does - The droid is very basic and is not capable of much outside of its primary programmed duties and it lacks a sufficient logic matrix to learn from its mistakes or able to properly do threat assessment.
  • Hello Back Door - Thanks to its Remote Receiver, the droid is very vulnerable to slicers as the remote uplink can be hijacked or interrupted allowing someone with the skills to take control of the droid from a safe distance.
  • Fire Ion Beams - The droid has no ion protection and any decent Ion surge will either deactivate the droid or outright fry its brain.
  • Can't Reload! - Due to a lack of hands or internal reloading mechanism [deemed too expensive for such a simple droid], it lacks any means of reloading its weaponry once they run dry. Another being, such as soldiers or engineers nearby, to reload its weaponry for it.
  • Here I Am! - It uses a blaster sniper rifle which creates a very visible and distinct bolt when fired. Any stealth it has goes up in smoke the second it fires as anyone around will be able to see where the shot came from and the droid, itself, is not invisible, merely resistant to sensors.
The AX-Mark V was designed to act as a mobile, fairly disposable [as the parts can often be recovered and scavenged should it fall in battle] sniper. Unlike the Mark III, the Mark V is not deployed in large swarms, instead, they are given out to squads that may need them [determined by their commanders and logistical supply] or are sent out alone to harass the enemy. Just like the Mark III, it can be remotely controlled so a person with control manually position the droid or manually fire its weapon for increased accuracy. Unlike the Mark III, the Mark V is given only a single sniper rifle rather then the 'dual' weapons the Mark III is armed with.

Intent: Republic Training Base
​Image Credit: Personally Made
Canon: Lirra


Military Base Name: Fort Bantha Springs
Classification: Military Training Base
Location: Lirra, near Shando
Affiliation: Republic Remnant
Population: 150,000 Training Personal
Accessibility: Military Personal Only


SECURITY: Top Security

  • Classification: Picket Corvette
  • Length: 52m
  • Width: 20m
  • Height: 22m
  • Armament: Very Low
- 2 Dual Maser Cannons
- 4 Point-defense Cannons (Turreted)
  • Defenses: Low
- Hull Armor
- Shields
- EWar module
- Chaff
- ECM Package
  • Hangar: 0 Squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: 0.8

Communication Systems

- Holonet Transceiver
- Encrypted Subspace Transceiver
- Encrypted Hyperspace Transceiver
- Long Range Sensor Array

Movement and Navigational Systems:

- Navigational Thrusters
- Atmospheric Thrusters
- Class 0.8 Hyperdrive
- Inertial Dampeners
- Navigation Systems

Offensive and Defensive Systems:

- 2 Dual Maser Cannons
- 4 Point-defense Cannons (Turreted)
- Shields
- Hull Plating

Crew-Oriented Systems:

- Life Support & Artificial Gravity Systems
- Crew Quarters
- Mess Hall


- Cargo Hold
- Powerplant
- Docking Tube
- Escape Pods
- Distress Beacon


Stealth Package:
- Sensor Jammers
- Thermal Dissipators
- Reflec Coating

  • Stealth Package: The Solace-class Picket ship has a number of anti-detection countermeasures to assist it in its task of collecting intelligence on hostile forces.
  • Long Range Sensors: Solace-class Picket ships are equipped with a long range sensor array so that they can stay out of average optimal firing ranges and still get a sensor readout on the enemy.
  • Class 0.8 Hyperdrive: Solace-class Picket ships come equipped with class 0.8 hyperdrives. The class 0.8 hyperdrive allows these vessels to have fast travel times in hyperspace, and provides them a quick means of escape if they are detected.

  • Weak Hull & Shields: Solace-class Picket ships have thin outer hulls. If a Solace's shields were to fail, a single lucky proton torpedo or a few laser cannon blasts from a fighter in a concentrated area can effectively breach the hull and vent the ship's oxygen. Unfortunately for those crewing these vessels, Solace Picket ships have weak shields for corvette class vessels in order to feed power into counter-detection systems.
  • Incredibly Light Armament: Perhaps in a further attempt to maximize power output toward counter-detection, or perhaps in an attempt to encourage Solace-class vessels to run from fights instead of seeking them, Solaces are poorly armed corvettes.
  • Poor Maneuverability and Low Speed: When building a ship that is designed around the principle of maintaining stealth, engine signatures become problematic. Instead of resorting to the use of Tibanna X fuel or other more discreet engine constructs, the Solace's designers opted to simply slap fewer ion engines on the vessel to reduce costs in production. Whether this will be a minor-inconvenience for crewmen or fatal flaw in the design is unknown at this junction.


The Solace-class Picket ship is an experimental design for a covert reconnaissance corvette created by a conglomerate of Republic Remnant shipwrights and engineers. The entire design of the Solace is based around the concept of finding the enemy, getting intelligence on them, and getting out as quickly as possible. The Solace-class Picket is extremely under-armed to encourage its crewmen to flee the battlefield as soon as information has been collected. The poor hull and weak shields are simply a convenient side effect of a few of the vessels special features that encourages the retreat philosophy required of Solace crewmen.

The Solace's stealth package contains three advanced components and systems which work together in unison to conceal the corvette while it is scanning for intel. Thermal dissipators help reduce the detect-ability of the vessel's engines at long ranges, while also concealing the thermal signatures of the crew. The Solace also contains two sensor jammers, one near the front of the ship and one near the rear, which when activated block ship sensors from detecting the Solace and makes it difficult for guided-munitions systems to lock on to the vessel. The last component of the stealth package is the vessel's thin outer layer of black reflec-coating. This layer of reflec conceals the Solace from being easily spotted by eyesight if it is flying in the darkness of space, but can prove detrimental if the vessel is flying through planetary atmospheres or bright colored nebula clouds.

Since Solaces are recon ships first and foremost, these vessels come equipped with long range sensors and encrypted hyperspace transceivers to communicate with allied fleets in nearby systems.

  • Minimum Crew Compliment: 8
  • Optimal Crew Compliment: 24
  • Passenger Capacity: 4
  • Consumables: 2 Months
  • Cargo Capacity: 400 Metric Tons
  • Manufacturer: The Republic Remnant
  • Model: Preserver-class Corvette
  • Affiliation: The Republic Remnant
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Ferro-Magnesium, Ceramic, Starship Components
  • Classification: Anti-Starfighter Corvette
  • Length: 124 meters
  • Width: 26 meters (Landed), 48 meters (Flying)
  • Height: 39.5 meters
  • Armament: Average
​​- 12 Quad Laser Cannons
- 2 Point Defense Laser Cannons
  • Defenses: Average
- Hull Plating
- Deflector Shields

  • Hangar: None​
- 1 External docking ring for attaching to orbital stations and larger vessels.

  • Maneuverability Rating: Average

  • Speed Rating: Average

  • Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2.0


Communication Systems

- Sensor Array
- Subspace Transceiver
- Hyperspace Transceiver
- Holonet Transceiver

Movement and Navigational Systems:

- Ion Engines
- Atmospheric Thrusters
- Navigational Thrusters
- Class 2.0 Hyperdrive
- Inertial Dampeners
- Navigation Systems

Weapon and Defense Systems:

- 12 Quad Maser Cannons
- 2 Point Defense Lasers
- Shields
- Ferro-Magnesium Hull Plating

Crew-Oriented Systems:

- Life Support & Artificial Gravity Systems
- Captain's Quarters
- Crew Quarters
- Mess Hall
- Medbay


- Cargo Hold
- Powerplant
- 1 External Docking Ring
- Escape Pods
- Distress Beacon
- Brig




  • Anti-starfighter Loadout: The Preserver-class is equipped with 12 Quad Laser cannons, making it well suited for anti-starfighter duties.
  • Point Defense Laser Cannons: The Preserver has two point defense cannons dedicated to torpedo and missile defense.

  • Weak Punch: The Preserver's armament is ill suited for fighting anything other than starfighters, as the 12 Quad laser cannons lack the stopping power needed to penetrate the shields and/or hull armor of even the average corvette.
  • Exposed Bridge: The bridge of the Preserver is located at the front of the ship, and is pretty hard to miss visually, making it easy to target by Capital Ship Captain's and daredevil starfighter pilots.

The Preserver-class Corvette was designed to give the Republic Remnant Navy a dedicated starfighter killing machine. Armed with 12 Quad laser cannons and 2 point defense laser cannons, the Preserver is well equipped for its role. However, the Preserver-class corvette is ill prepared for fighting other capital ships and because of this, these ships are rarely seen outside of fleet formations.
  • Minimum Crew Compliment: 30
  • Optimal Crew Compliment: 90
  • Passenger Capacity: 30
  • Consumables: 6 Months
  • Cargo Capacity: 1,000 Metric Tons

  • Intent: To create a Mass-Produced, front-line frigate for the Republic Remnant Navy
  • Image Source: Saldean Frigate by Tekka-Croe
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Republic Remnant Industries
  • Affiliation: The Republic Remnant
  • Model: Hellion-class Heavy Frigate

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Alusteel , Durasteel, capital ship components
  • Classification: Heavy Frigate
  • Length: 500 Meters
  • Width: 102 Meters
  • Height: 137 Meters
  • Armament: Average
- 80 Megamasers (40 Port, 40 Starboard)
- 20 Point Defense Laser Cannons
  • Defenses: High
- Molecular Shielding
- Durasteel Hull Plating
- Alusteel Frame
  • Hangar: Average: 2
- 1 E90 E-Wing Starfighter Squadron
- 1 AS-B19 Bomber Squadron
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2

Communication Systems

- Military Grade Sensor Array
- Military Grade Subspace Transceiver
- Military Grade Hyperspace Transceiver
- Military Grade Holonet Transceiver

Movement and Navigational Systems:

- Ion Engines
- Atmospheric Thrusters
- Navigational Thrusters
- Class 2.0 Hyperdrive
- Inertial Dampeners
- Navigation Systems

Weapon and Defense Systems:

- 80 Megamasers
- 20 Point Defense Laser Cannons
- Durasteel Hull Plating
- Alusteel Frame

Crew-Oriented Systems:

- Life Support & Artificial Gravity Systems
- Captain's Quarters
- Crew Quarters
- Physical Training Facility
- Mess Hall
- Medbay


- Molecular Shielding

  • Durable: The Hellion-class heavy frigate utilizes molecular shielding technology to protect its already durable alusteel and durasteel hull plates. These vessels can take a high level of punishment before needing to pull out of fights.
  • Slow Sailing: Hellion-class vessels take time to get up to speed, which can be a problem if a vessel's Captain overestimates a Hellion's durability and needs to get out of a pinch.
  • Poor Maneuverability: The long frame of the Hellion's design means that the vessel takes longer than the average amount of time for the vessel to turn. This makes it more difficult for the vessel to get back into position if caught out of place during engagements, and during the turning process, due to the Hellion's design, the number of megamasers capable of firing on a target can be reduced by half.

Designed by Brokellian shipwrights and Chiss weapon engineers working for the Republic Remnant, the Hellion-class heavy frigate was created to provide the Republic Navy with a standard front-line frigate. The Hellion's molecular shielding technology allows it to take hits while throwing its own punches from its compliment of 80 megamasers and starfighter squadrons.

  • Minimum Crew Compliment: 325
  • Optimal Crew Compliment: 975
  • Passenger Capacity: 128 (28 Pilots, 100 Soldiers or Passengers)
  • Consumables: 2 Years
  • Cargo Capacity: 8,000 Metric Tons


  • Manufacturer: The Republic Remnant
  • Model: Billet II-Class Carrier
  • Affiliation: The Republic Remnant
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material: Alusteel, durasteel, transparisteel
  • Classification: Carrier Cruiser
  • Length: 850m
  • Width: 330m
  • Height: 260m
  • Armament: Very Low
- 30 Point Defense Laser Cannons
- 2 Heavy Megamasers
  • Defenses: Average
- Deflector Shields
- Hull Plating
  • Hangar: Very High: 7 Squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2

Communication Systems

- Sensor Array
- Communication Array
- Subspace Transceiver
- Hyperspace Transceiver
- Holonet Transceiver

Movement and Navigational Systems:

- Ion Engines
- Navigational Thrusters
- Atmospheric Thrusters
- Class 2.0 Hyperdrive
- Inertial Dampeners
- Navigation Systems

Offensive and Defensive Systems:

- 30 Point Defense Laser Cannons
- 2 Heavy Megamasers (Dorsal)
- Shields
- Hull Plating
- Hangar Bay (Holds 7 Squadrons)

Crew-Oriented Systems:

- Life Support & Artificial Gravity Systems
- Captain's Quarters
- Physical Training Facilities
- Crew Quarters
- Mess Halls
- Medbays


- Cargo Hold
- Powerplant
- Docking Tube
- Escape Pods
- Distress Beacon
- Brig



  • Large Hangar Bay: The hangar bay of the Billet II-Class makes up a large portion of the ship's mass, allowing it to carry 7 starfighter squadrons into battle.
  • Troop and Vehicle Deployer: The Billet II-Class can carry a decent compliment of vehicles and Republic soldiers. However, deploying these units will require a Billet II to sacrifice some of its starfighter squadrons for troop transport vessel squadrons.

  • Unimpressive Armament: The Billet II only has two heavy megamasers for combating capital ships, and only possesses thirty point defense laser cannons for fending off enemy fighters. This makes the Billet II's offensive combat potential almost exclusively limited to its starfighter compliment.

Using the chassis of the original Billet cruiser's design, the Billet II is a largely improved upon and massed produced variant of the Billet-class Carrier. Advancements in Republic Remnant ship building technology have improved upon many weaknesses of the original design, bringing the Billet II's speed and maneuverability up to par with the average military cruiser.

However, the amount of power needed to run the Billet II's engines and shields to get the Billet II up to average speed and defense means that the Billet II is still incapable of powering any offensive weaponry worth blinking at.

  • Minimum Crew Compliment: 540
  • Optimal Crew Compliment: 1,620
  • Passenger Capacity: 1,000 (200 pilots, 800 soldiers)
  • Consumables: 1 Year
  • Cargo Capacity: 6,200 Metric Tons


  • Manufacturer: Republic Remnant Engineers
  • Affiliation: GLORIOUS DEMOCRACY in its many forms across the galaxy
  • Model: RR 4127 "Unrelenting Freedom" - series battle droid
  • Production: Unique
  • Modularity: Yes, arm, leg, and back weapons/accessory attachments.
  • Materials: Phrik, Durasteel, droid components
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 70kg
  • Height: 1.8m
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: Integrated modular weapon mounts
  • Misc. Equipment: Blaster rifle
  • Shoots targets at command of owner.
  • Adept at marksmanship and fire rapidly.
  • Much to their owner's delight, the droids are exceptionally faithful.
  • Only made as quick replacements for humans, the droids are low-quality in their design and thus easily hacked.
  • Provided one can get close enough, the droids are not exceptionally durable.

Despite their combat effectiveness, this line of droid never saw mass-production, as they were deemed by their creators to be "too dangerously patriotic".


Intent: Training Academy for the Jedi Order
​Image Credit: N/A
Canon: N/A


Space Station Name: Jedi Praxeum Station
Station Model: Orbital Security Station
Classification: Restricted Civilian Station
Location: Orbit above Arkania
Affiliation: Jedi Order
Population: Moderately Populated
Demographics: Mixed Population
  • 75% Force Users
  • 20% Non-Force Users
  • 5% Droid

-- This location is only available to those who have the access code that is given by the appointed Praxeum Council. Closed to all other personal, both Civilian and Military. There are several Hanger Bays that allow access to the station itself, as well as dozens of Maintenance hatches for the crew.

Description: Designed similarly to the same Security Station Orbiting Korriban, the station is different only on the interior. The external design had stayed the same due to cost.


- Hanger Bay
With a total of 4 external hanger bays, these are the main ways to enter the station and are heavily guarded by Station Security.

- Praxeum Council Chamber
This is the area where the Stations Branch of the Jedi Council meet to discuss the everyday administration of the station. They are under the Jedi High Council and just administer this branch.

- Central Forum
The Forum is where all the Jedi of that station gather to meet and talk. Often the Jedi Masters of the Republic Jedi Enclave can be found there to discuss any questions of them.

- Group Training Room
Part of a total of 4 Group Rooms, this area is meant for young padawans to train in a team environment. Knights and Masters may also perform training to strengthen bonds. The large training room is also installed with a score board where Jedi are to fight multiple NN-2 Droids in a time span of 10 min. This is to allow Jedi to train combating multiple enemies, as well as give many Jedi a room to let loose.

- Individual Training Room
These rooms are many and all over the station. Here is where masters/knights can take their young Padawans and train with some of the latest training equipment of the station. Knights and Masters may also use this area to keep their skilled honed.

- Living Quarters
Living Quarters are a different per ranking
-- Crew and non-Jedi are given a healthy 10 ft by 20 ft room to call their living space.
-- Rangers are required to sleep in the Compound Barracks.
-- Padawans are required to sleep in the Dormitory for Shared Sleeping Environment and Collaborated Education
-- Knights are given the freedom to use a 20 ft by 20 ft room as their own Quarters.
-- Master are given access to a 50 ft by 50 ft room equipped with Training Droid and a Meditation Chair

- Meditation Room
As the name intailes, this is where a Jedi or a group can come and gather ones thoughts and contemplate the Force in all its mystery.

-Praxeum Archives
These Archives are not as large as one in the many other temples, though it is mostly centered around the arts of learning. History, Force Skills, and Biographies about previous Jedi and their trials. Only those informational text that can help a Padawan become a knight are allowed within the Praxeum Archives.


-- The station once served as Security Outpost 37B over the planet of Jebble after there was a report of a Rakghoul Outbreak. However, after the outbreak of the Great Galactic War the station was abandoned and scuttled into deep space. That was the last recorded information found about the station within Republic Archives.

-- After the move of the New Republic, a few scavanger stated they found a station that may interest the Republic. Officials stated they were not interested due to its possibility of being a wreck. After their turned away, a member of the Jedi Enclave swung in to purchase the station. Remodled and repaired, the station was turned into a Training and Hub for the Jedi Order looking to leave the Core on different missions.

  • Intent: To submit a new base of operations for the Republic Strategic Information Service on Carida.
  • ​Image Credit: Telikos Protocol - E.D.G.E. Command by AdamBurn
  • Canon: /
  • Links: /
  • Military Base Name: Carida Operations Center
  • Classification: SIS Headquarters
  • Location: Republic City, Carida
  • Affiliation: New Republic
  • Population: Overwhelmingly analysts and other non-combat personnel, but there are several concentrations of elite special agents with ready access to military hardware in designated secure areas.
  • Accessibility: Taking the hide in plain sight approach, officially Ressl Towers are nothing more than a cluster of civilian owned cloudscrapers in the heart of Republic City's National Square. Anyone in the city can walk inside off the street, its gaining entrance to the operations center underneath that presents the real challenge.
  • Description: The Ressl Towers are an interconnected series of corporate high rises in the very heart of Republic City on Carida. Filled with floor after floor of office space and data terminals, to the casual observer the facility is designed to resemble a picturesque facet of the city's skyline.
Underneath this nondescript corporate enterprise lies Republic Intelligence's strategic epicenter, central operational command for the entire Carida system and, by extension oversight for all assets across New Republic space. The Carida Operations Center is a subterranean bunker complex designed to withstand everything up to and including large scale baradium fallout.


Ressl Towers

An extravagant, surface level facade constructed to obfuscate the comings and goings of intelligence personnel, the Ressl buildings are far more than a simple tradecraft facsimile. Vast office space is utilized for low level analysis work, and there are several amenities available for those stationed or just visiting the facilities below. Complete with an in house tailor and refined cantina, no expense has been spared by the SIS to conceal themselves in luxury.

Landing Pads

A direct access turbolift leads from central operations up to Ressl's rooftop level, where unmarked airspeeders and shuttlecraft land and depart in droves every day. Situated in the heart of Republic City's urban center, nearby traffic lanes are so congested that its practically impossible to remotely track inbound and outbound transports much to the benefit of the SIS.

Operations Center

Accessible only via a camouflaged, biometrics activated service lift, the main Operations Center lies at the heart of a subsurface bunker several hundred meters below Ressl Towers' ground level. Aside from the occasional high level strategic council, this is where much of the day to day oversight for ongoing Strategic Information Service operations occurs.

The Operations Center looks not unlike the command deck of a capital ship, scattered data terminals and holodisplay projections all surrounding a central command dais. Always fully staffed around the clock, plainclothes agents work right alongside those in Republic military fatigues or combat armor.

The Armory

More than a simple firearm repository, some of the most cutting edge tech in all of New Republic space is available here for testing and practical application. Supplied by shell companies based on Arkania, the Service's top agents are given access to a variety of high tech utility packages depending on a given mission profile.

Network Access

Three whole floors of beyond next generation data servers, Network Access contains some of the most sensitive information in all of the Republic. Due to its critical nature, these terminals exist in a self-contained environment, with robust anti-tampering security measures. Extraordinarily accurate sensors, temperature regulators, even pressure gauges are designed to trigger emergency alarms at the slightest change of internal readings.

Signal Intelligence

In close proximity to Network Access is Signal Intelligence, a data security and threat analytic subdivision that employs some of the most talented slicers on the federal government's payroll. SigInt specializes in digital intelligence gathering and counter-espionage, but are also adept at predictive analytics and advanced cryptography.

Director's Office

Despite the fact that no one can even verify the Director's identity, he or she maintains an office below Ressl Towers that is guarded around the clock. No one has ever been seen inside, yet all transmissions with the head of Republic Intelligence are routed through this room, and somehow datawork that is delivered to the office presumably reaches the Director's hands. It is a very nondescript room, spartan and un-decorated, save for a Republic starbird inscribed on the wall behind a solitary desk.


The Ressl Towers structure itself features predominantly LOW level security. Posting considerably better trained personnel than the average contractor, these guards are capable of handily resolving any mundane concerns but aren't meant to stand up against something like a tactical strike or all out planetary invasion.

However, below the surface is a HIGH security bunker filled with trained assassins who have access to heavy weaponry. That said, due to a reliance on secrecy and the sheer level of security clearance required to be posted here, the operations center is more lightly guarded than some Republic military facilities. There is not enough room for armor or artillery, and its security systems are prone to sabotage if a double agent can gain access.


Publicly owned by a rotating list of shell companies and dummy conglomerates, the Ressl Towers complex has been a part of the Republic City skyline practically since the capital's colonization. A series of interconnected cloudscrapers situated at the heart of National Square, ostensibly large swathes of floor space are for lease as part of an economic development program. Anyone with enough connections within the intelligence community knows that it is all one giant facade.

Utilizing their considerable Core World assets, the Republic Strategic Information Service which at the time still consisted primarily of Alliance expatriates established the Ressl buildings and a highly secure military bunker below it for use as their base of operations on the new capital world. It is something of an open secret by now that Ressl plays some role in the New Republic's intelligence apparatus, but the true extent of its nature as the heart of all SIS operations on Carida and beyond is a closely guarded secret.

The subterranean Carida Operations Center is a sprawling underground labyrinth. Still struggling to recover from recent intergalactic events, SIS command like the organization itself is constantly in flux. Its mandate is a broad one, responsible for counter-intelligence, foreign intelligence, military intelligence, and consultation with local law enforcement.

  • Intent: To submit a fun spycraft gadget based on a popular trope to provide an alternative to the usual holographic shenanigans.
  • Image Source: Mission Impossible
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Manufacturer: Strategic Solutions
  • Affiliation: New Republic, Closed-Market
  • Model: Masque Facemold Gel
  • Modularity: Yes; fully re-processable synthetic tissue can be reused for several dozen different impersonations before the core compounds begin to deteriorate.

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: 3D Printed Synthetic Tissue Compound
  • Mold Printer: Roughly suitcase sized, the gel is useless without an accompanying three dimensional printer capable of interpreting sensor readings obtained of whatever target a Masque is supposed to duplicate the appearance of. This process is not instant, taking several minutes to fully render a mold into the gel at a sufficiently detailed quality.
  • Electronic Vocoder: If audio data on a target's voice patterns is uploaded to the mold printer along with their physical details, the Masque kit is capable of simulating this tonal modulation in an agent via a discrete flesh-toned electronic vocoder which adheres to the impersonator's throat.
  • Sensor Spoofing Formula: Masque gel registers on sensors as organic tissue, tailor fit to the DNA profile of whatever species it is programmed to replicate. As far as electronic surveillance is concerned it is simply an extra layer of skin virtually indistinguishable from the real thing, only a close physical examination reveals the subtle flaws in replication.
  • Enhanced Cover: A Masque equipped agent is capable of impersonating a wide range of potential subjects, even across different species so long as they maintain the same basic physiological build. A vastly less expensive and short term alternative to surgical sculpting, the Masque project is perfect for quickly earning trust or evacuating agents with blown covers.
  • Low Tech: Brilliant in its simplicity, while the rest of the market is flooded with extraordinarily advanced holographic suites or light manipulation technology, the components which make up a Masque kit are mundane in comparison. The key ingredient is its synthetic tissue gel mold which registers as the real thing on everything but the most sophisticated and direct sensor sweeps.
  • Target Acquisition: In order to realistically replicate another living being, it is necessary to somehow obtain high resolution full spectrum imaging of their physical appearance from every angle. It would not be possible to replicate the appearance of someone like Kaine Zambrano from basic holoreel footage for example. This is difficult to manage without alerting a subject, it is often standard practice to abduct and detain targets before impersonation.
  • Physically Malleable: Masque gel would not stand up to the strain of something like getting punched in the face or crashing into something. Physical confrontation is liable to compromise an agent's cover in a high profile way, it is strongly recommended agents avoid revealing the existence of the project in this manner.
  • Inclement Conditions: Likewise hazardous weather conditions or other environmental factors such as intense heat, extreme cold, or strong winds risks compromising the integrity of the gel disguise. Facemolds are ideally worn in as controlled an environment as possible, they aren't meant for prolonged use in unpredictable surroundings.

One of the first research and development projects completed for Strategic Solution's new partners in the New Republic, Project MASQUE was born out of a need to start managing the company's resources now that they were no longer beholden to an interstellar superpower like the Galactic Alliance. Deceptively simplistic, this proprietary facemold gel technology is a low tech alternative to expensive personal holographic disguise suites.

Although not as finely detailed as some of the higher end holographic options on the market, Masque gel benefits from its negligible surveillance imprint and can even withstand the scrutiny of light physical contact. A fully equipped kit allows agents to maintain a wide variety of covers, and manipulate their appearance in order to evade discovery or gain trust.
  • Intent: [State why you are making this submission.]
  • Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Canon: [Is this a canon location? If yes, please link to the original location wiki here, if no simply put N/A.]
  • Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here.]
  • City Name: Arkadia
  • Classification: Shadowport/Metropolis
  • Location: Shulstine V
  • Affiliation: Independent
  • Demographics:
    30% Human
  • 24% Arkanian Offshoot
  • 15% Arkanian
  • 12% Sullustan
  • 8% Duros
  • 6% Caridan
  • 5% Other

[*]Wealth: Medium. There are those who make their fortunes in Arkadia, but it is not a place where the wealth is distributed evenly or fairly. For better or worse there are no rules save for the buying power of the almighty credit.
[*]Stability: Low. As an anarcho capitalist city state, there are effectively no laws here nor any authority to govern the people. A booming private security and personal bodyguard industry mitigates this sense of lawlessness to a few degrees short of all out warzone.
[*]Description: Arkadia is a modest galactic metropolis that lies at the bottom of Shulstine V's oceans. It is on very few galactic maps and primarily conducts trade with underworld figures and organizations of ill repute. Situated within a key shadowport system along the Perlemian Trade Route, this underwater cityscape is a black market gateway between the Core Worlds and Sith Imperial space as well as the Corporate Sector.
At the time of its construction it was considered a technological marvel, but since then much of the city has fallen into varying states of disrepair. A few privately funded restoration projects have stemmed the march of time here and there, but with little regular maintenance some sections of the city are outright dangerous to travel without a pressure suit. Travel to and from buildings throughout Arkadia is accomplished through a network of automated bathysphere ferry services, and internal public transit largely consists of a tram network.

Lower Wharfs

Upper Wharfs

Central Nexus

Habitation Zones


Power Generation

Exile's Cove

You must provide your security assets in list format and must provide your location a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum). What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please link relevant tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. If none, simply put N/A.

Normal civilian structures should not have much in security other than privatized forces and minor defenses. Military or very heavily defended locations should be submitted using the Military Base template.]

[Please include at least one paragraph on the city's history. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this city's history and expansion; and what role it played and still plays. For historical cities, if you so desire, you can include historical events such as the Gulag Plague, the 400 years of darkness, and the Netherworld event where appropriate.]

  • Intent: To create the personal combat force of Colonel Corin Zanith, and support the New Republic military.
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Role: The standing regiment of New Republic soldiers drawn from Arkania.
  • Links: Arkania
  • Unit Name: The Arkanian Specters
  • Affiliation: The New Republic, Arkania, Colonel Corin Zanith
  • Classification: Covert Operations Unit
  • Equipment: Standard Rifle
  • Availability: Uncommon, the Arkanian Specters are drawn entirely from the populace of Arkania, and only ever operate in a single theater together.
  • Deployment: Mass Deployment
  • Strengths & Weaknesses: The Arkanian Specters specialize in quick, orbital insertion into enemy territory, and the mass destruction of enemy defenses and forces in a short time period through overwhelming force and surprise tactics. To facilitate their speed oriented combat style, the Specters enter battle generally lightly armed and without vehicle support, forcing them to rely on allied forces for such things, or any anti-vehicle weaponry they can find.
  • Description: The Arkanian Specters are a new force raised within the New Republic, drawn exclusively of the local population on the world of Arkania. Created by the newly elected Senator Corin Zanith, they are the embodiment of the Arkanian belief that they stand as the superior race in the galaxy. The Specters take this into their very core, believing they are the best military regiment within the New Republic. They train extensively and constantly, always refining or learning new talents, and honing their combat skills. They are dedicated to the use of maximum force in a minimum amount of time. In combat situations, they will deploy from orbit in transports quickly, and rather than establishing a beachhead will launch an immediate attack on their foe, destroying everything in their path. Once the enemy forces have been thrown into disarray the Specters will withdraw, allowing the more conventional forces to move in and take care of the clean-up operation.

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