Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"] didn't need to wait long. About fifteen minutes later, the lazy flutter of Kaile's lids would blearily peek out from over the thick blanket held up and over her face. The entire lower half was hidden away, as if she'd squirreled herself in the blankets for winter. Tendrils of hair feathered over her eyes, prompting a slight half puff of hot air to blow them away. They scattered, only to stand on end amidst the nerf-lick she sported.

The scent of spiced chicken and veggies managed to tempt the Lorrdian from slumber faster than normal. A loud grumble from her stomach made that audibly clear. Embarrassment brought a flush of pink over her sleepy face, her expression turning sheepish as she tugged the blanket down to speak.

"Hey...." she said in hello, her voice a half whisper. A yawn came next, her hand covering it as her other hand came up to rub the heel of her palm against her eye.

"... I passed out." she said simply, blinking, a bit apologetic, the slight drawl thickening in her gradual rouse from slumber. "Sorreh about that... I was 'sposed to keep y'awake."

She took a deep breath, and her attention perked at the food.

"Smells something good."

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"That's alright," he replied, just as he was finishing his own food. "No one is on fire and the ship is in one piece so clearly I just about managed to stay awake!"

He looked between Kaile and the tray before him with an incredulous expression. "Not wishing to spoil the surprise, but the term I would use is 'edible'. Here," he said, swapping his tray for the one on the ground, peeling off the client film and passing it over to her. The wrap had been containing a small cloud of steam, so at least it was still warm.

Flicking his shoes off, Asmus pulled his feet up onto the bunk. Sitting back and drawing his knees up to him he watched her from the opposite end.

"Think I'll grab some more sleep myself in an hour or two."
Kaile graciously took the tray, smiling in thanks along with a low murmur "Mighty grateful." she'd drawl out, scooting up until she sat upright. The blankets began to slide off her shoulders, the young woman wiggling a bit as she set the tray before her on her lap. At his warning, Kaile gave a half smile.

"I ain't picky. Just hungry," she said with an earnest flash of chocolate brown eyes over to the scoundrel. Digging in, she slowly began to cut into the chicken.

"I can move after this.." she told him, "You can get some sleep now." she offered, as she tried to push back a stray hair that tickled her eye.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh, yeah, sure," Asmus blathered without really meaning much of anything. He turned his head to the side, clearly contemplating something, then slid off the bed. "Two secs."

He picked up the tray and set it down outside his door. There wasn't a great deal of floorspace in his room to begin with.

Kaile would hear a loud clunk as outside in the corridor, Asmus opened another one of those cubby holes the ship seemed to be filled with.

He returned with a navy blue bundle. With he flick he rolled out the contents across the floor. Getting down onto his knees he twisted a valve and, with a hiss, the roll self inflated. Asmus picked up his datapad and laid down on the temporary bedding.

"No need to move," he said to Kaile, his face bathed in the soft glow of the datapad.
At first, Kaile was confused.

She chewed thoughtfully on the lightly seasoned chicken - Asmus had not been kidding, it was seasoned enough to be edible - a bit confused on just what he was up to. Her brown eyes would follow his path, going back and forth, over to the cubby hole and then bringing that roll out.

What was he -- oh.

Her eyes would grow wide. "I'm okay. You can sleep on your own bed y'know." she felt a bit responsible now. He should be able to sleep on his bed. In fact, she set down her utensils and her bare toes slid from under the blanket. Moving her legs until they reached the edge, she set her feet down upon the floor.

"It's even warm for you," she tried to joke, flashing him a brief grin as she moved to stand. The rest of the blankets went sliding off her then, revealing her lightly rumpled clothes and a brief flash of the curve of her belly before her shirt sank down.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Hmm? Oh don't worry about it!" he replied, looking at at her from the floor. "Besides..." he added with a childish grin, "you should be perfectly aware that the bunks here aren't comfortable enough to be worth changing places. I'm a foot closer to the floor but just about as comfy..."

In an exaggerated manner Asmus slid his feet into his bedding and pulled it about around him. "And I'm all tucked in now!"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile took a couple of steps and bent down to set it upon the floor. Straightening, her hands automatically came up to try and have him see reason. "Don't be silly," she was a sight. Clothes rumpled, hair half askew, and a sleepy flush over her face. Still warm from the blankets, she radiated this sort of comfortable aura that would tempt one to want to come close and nuzzle.

Padding over to him, she bent over him, the wide boat neck of her shirt gaping slightly as curves swayed. Hands went curling around his forearm, attempting to grab him so he would come off the floor and onto his bunk.

"Come on, you'll be more comfy up there." she insisted, coming down to her knees to get more leverage.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oi!" he said with a laugh. "You cant manhandle me back to my own bed, that's just rude!"

In the game of tug of war, he had gravity on his side. He arched his back up and then pulled back. Not so suddenly as to break her grip or hurt her, but a slow inexorable pull down. His other arm went up in case she fell over him and he needed to catch her.
"I'll show you manhandle!" she joked, attempting to poke at his sides. Kaile gave a small whoop as Asmus pulled back, prompting her to teeter a bit forward. In her half hovering shimmy, she let go of his arm, her hand falling onto the mattress beside his head for purchase. His free hand that had snaked up managed to catch her -- only probably not quite the way he might have intended.

The hand would have landed on her waist had it not slipped due to her half squirm to find a bit of balance. Instead, the aim would strike a bit higher. He caught her just along her flank, landing just under the swell of one breast. A slip and he'd be gripping a lot more than he'd bargain for. It didn't help matters that Kaile was laughing as well chuckling a bit.

With her hair half falling from it's bindings, a few tendrils fell down and were of immediate threat at potential tickle of a nose. There amidst of tangled blankets, Kaile attempted to get the upper hand.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Oi!” he repeated through a series of oo’s and ah’s as she prodded his ribs. The arm she had released snaked around her to try and pull her over him. Unfortunately that sent the other palm cupping her quite firmly.

“Sorry!” he said with wide eyes, retracting that hand quickly. Of course that sent her slipping forwards quickly.

“Pfft!” he blew out, turning his head back and forth to try and escape from under her hair. He wasn’t particularly strong, but was lean and wiry and spent more time doing sit ups than anyone really needed to. Unfortunately she seemed to know her grapples well and within a few moments he found that in the confusing tangle of blankets and limbs that she had him pinned. “Cheat! You started on top…” he started to say.

...Oh.” Her eyes were just inches from his own. The feel of her hot breath against him as they both breathed hard and fast after the struggle brought goosebumps to his skin. His own breathing stopped. Asmus was suddenly all too aware of the close contact of their bodies. The moment gave him far more pause than the accidental and entirely unerotic grope a few moments ago.

[member="Asmus Janes"]

The half grope didn’t startle her, considering they’d been horsing around, that was inevitable. She merely took it for what it was and instead pressed the advantage to win.

At least until he drew back his hand in a wide eyed balk. “Ompf!” she scrambled to find purchase, wiggling half on top of him as she tried to capture one wrist. Out of breath, Kaile gave a half giggle. She hovered over Asmus, pinning him down.

“Haha hah… ha.” her chuckle waned as she caught the expression on his face. The growing tension in his body and the widening of his emerald eyes. This close she could see the gold flecks that lined the iris of his eyes, feel the warmth of his breath by her cheek and neck.

Warmth rose over her face that had nothing to do with horseplay. It was just how he was looking at her then that prompted tiny flutters low in her belly.

Oh boy…

Not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable, Kaile flashed him a smile. Bending close, that’s when the tip of her nose brushed against his in a silly manner.

Pinned ya” came her childish tease, giving a small giggle that shuddered her body against his as she held him down.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

As she smiled his eyes were drawn to her lips. His throat seemed to clench tight as her face drew closer. Oh hell. Drawing in breath suddenly felt like the true struggle here. As she closed he reached up to meet her.

Then she rubbed her nose against him and giggled. His lips had barely brushed against hers. Would she even have felt that? He pulled his head back suddenly, a smile on his face that would appear a touch strained.

“Gerrorf!” he laughed, struggling once more, but to no avail. Pushing his arms up to try and break the grip only brought her closer to him. Then, in his periphery, he saw the middle draw creak open. They were soft touch and open cabinets that lined the room where the bulkhead met the floor.

Kriff. “You’ve got me pinned, but I’m still sleeping on the floor!” he chided in a sing-song voice. “Guess you’ll just have to take it unless you can get me back up there.” As he spoke his right foot, toes extended, tried to find the edge of the drawn and pull it closed.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It would barely be a brush. Light enough to barely feel warmth, a mere skim of skin. For Kaile, with how they’d been playing around and giggling, it would seem to be a mere casualty of their horseplay. At least until his struggles drew her closer.

Her legs tangled with his, the boat neck of her shirt starting to slip over her right shoulder. Perfectly modest, save for the smooth curve of skin there. Along with the reminder that it was all the Lorrdian wore.

Attempting to keep a light note of things, Kaile began to dribble the fingers of her right hand down his ribcage. They sailed over the rumpled fabric of his shirt, searching for sensitive spots. For now, she didn’t quite notice his stretch of his toe.

Instead, she giggled out, her breath tickling him by his cheek. “Oh just you wait!”

She gave a sly grin.

“I have my ways!”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Haha no! Stop it!" he called, his mouth a broad grin from ear to ear. His right foot was waving in the air near the lip of the compartment door, but her deft probing fingers were too much of a distraction.

He gave up on that endeavour for now, planting his right foot to give him purchase, knee up. Jerking and giggling wildly, he managed to free his hands. His left tried to grasp her right, which danced away and kept finding ticklish spots.

But his right hand snaked in under the blankets. Finding the base of her shirt, his hand reached under it to her side, just beneath the ribs. His thumb found purchase and he started to find weak spots of his own.

"Aha, the tables have turned!" Yet no sooner had he made her giggle at all, did he enact the next part of his plan. His left leg hooked round one of hers and her used his right hand to push as his left leg lifted. He tried to roll Kaile to his left and get on top of the situation.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The tables did indeed turn.

Kaile somehow managed to get her foot caught around the blankets. Before she knew it, Asmus had her flipped onto her back, squirming to get away from the dribble of his fingers. Kaile was dreadfully ticklish. Ticklish to the point it could become embarrassing if done for too long.

She wiggled and squirmed, attempting to bunch up her legs to protect her belly but to no avail. The blankets were wrapped around her legs and his, and her hands were now too busy trying to trap his hand. Several mammaquatias, a half giggle snort, and half “Gah’s” ensued.

Her hair tie finally gave up the fight, and her hair flared around her head and upon the dark inflatable mattress like a bronze curtain. Her cheeks were flushed with exertion, laughter echoing within the small cabin.

“Ohstars..stop!” she tried to protest, but couldn’t help but laugh. Every wiggle and squirm bringing the hem of that shirt up, blunt warm fingers dancing across her skin and over her ribcage. She’d lost some weight, so a few were a bit more prominent. The scent of chicken filled the air, their meal still on their breaths.

Well, it was Mai’s cooking after all!
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Aha!" he cried triumphantly as he went to town on her exposed belly and ribs. She tried to get her knees up, but his right leg went over her to keep her held down. The twisted blankets had come with him and a corner dropped over them both. They tugged at his arms and legs as he continued the play fight. Now the tickling took her coordination away the tables had turned. It didn't even occur that someone passing by might take their own interpretation of the sounds emanating from the room.

He saw her expression pleading for him to stop. He managed to snatch both her wrists and firmly pulled them up over her head and the torture came to an abrupt end leaving him flushed and shaking.

"Pinned...ya," he whispered in her ear. Even though the tickling had stopped, little sparks still danced over his sensitive nerves. An awareness grew of their contact again. Her thighs trapped between his, her soft warm skin against his where both their shirts had ridden up.

His head slightly twisted to look at the bunk above them. It seemed too far away now. Her cheek brushed against his, and he felt the warmth of her breath against his neck as their chests roses and fell quickly.

Kaile sent him all off-kilter. He neither fully understood what ailed her, or how he felt about her. He knew how her smile made him feel though. At the best of times Asmus didn't always think everything through and limbs all tangled, head giddy with elation and pressed so very, very close he was liable to do something foolish.

"Just stay down here then," he whispered in her ear. She'd feel his cheek press against hers softly and then the gentle rub as he drew back, never breaking contact. No confusion about his intentions this time as his lips met her cheek and then her own. They slowly parted and his heart thundered in his head. Ever so slowly, he tried to kiss her. Hands would leave their grip and finger would trail down the insides of her wrists and arms.
For Kaile, things were rather really simple. Normally at least.

She was a tactile social creature. As a Lorrdian, communication was left to the body. From the subtlest of twitches to the wild gestures of a hand. It was a language all on its own. It gave a wealth of information, the truth one could even say about what lay within an individual.

Kaile craved that. Needed it. It was as much a part of her as it was breathing. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why leaving Kurt had left her feeling hollow and dejected. That connection severed, that ability to bridge and communicate with another gone.

The past twenty-four hours with Asmus had been a rollercoaster of emotions, yet he had been consistent in his care of her. It may have begun as idle flattery and charm, but Asmus was not a bad man. Scoundrel he may be, easily swept away in the moment, yes, but he wasn’t cruel. No, he was kind. A sort akin to a child seeing the best of the ‘verse, not knowing what to do, but simply trying his best despite his awkward, fumbling mannerisms.

Asmus Janes could be said to be a foolish boy. A bit in over his head. Yet this was the same boy who had battled his internal desires with a sincerity few likely ever could maintain as long as he had. He was, after all, only human.

Everyone has their breaking point.

This had been his.

Kaile couldn’t fault him. Truth be told, she had followed him to the ship, inebriated for the simple fact that she didnt’ want to be alone. At the time, she wanted oblivion and would have taken it in whatever fashion Asmus gave her. The deck they’d been dealt with changed that. Instead she’d been granted something far more precious; an ability to smile again. To find a bit of joy instead of a brief excursion into fleeting pleasure.

Giddy on laughter and sensitized by awareness, Kaile couldn’t help but react to the low timbre of Asmus’ voice by the shell of her ear. There was a line of demarcation there. One she felt as the soft rasp of scruff slid across her cheek. The tiny hairs at the nape of her neck rose, and a shiver shot down her spine.

This was likely not the best of ideas, she mused to herself. Chocolate brown eyes would widen slightly as his lips fell over hers, coaxing her with such an earnest desire it was hard to process thought. She felt it then. The slight tightening of her belly, the growing thumping sound of her heart in stunned surprise. The slight quickening of breath as fingers trailed down the sensitive flesh of her wrists down to her inner arms.

As responsive as the Lorrdian was, Kaile couldn’t contain the slight hitch in her breath or the fine trembling of her limbs that followed. Who didn’t enjoy a good kiss? Much the less, when one was presented so sweetly. Foolish, but genuine.

So her lips quivered against his own, and as the upward rise of his fingertips sailed over her arms, Kaile found herself sinking back against the inflatable mattress. Lashes fell, her breath caught between them, and the young woman parted her lips, moving against his in a sweet, hesitant kiss.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The delicate brush of fingers became the smooth caress of soft palms as they continued their journey down. His right hand ran through her hair to come to rest against the base of her neck. His thumb gently stroked her cheek whilst one finger idly twisted around an errant strand of her hair. The other was simply braced against the ground to hold his weight up.

Her kissing him back was both the crack that broke the dam and brought a flood of passion yet also soothing balm for the tightness that had been holding his chest tight. As he tuned his head further to the side the hesitance slowly changed to a slow rhythm as he kissed her deeply. She'd feel his whole body relax against her as the tension in his muscles melted away.

But it didn't last long. After just a few moments he pulled away, the taste of her still on his lips. His breathing was no longer rapid, but he took in deep lungfuls of air through lips that faintly quivered.

“Sorry,” he said quietly, but his eyes didn't reflect that sentiment. When did you ever apologise for kissing someone? he asked himself. Shifting his hips to the side, he took his weight off her and moved next to her. His leg kicked out the blankets to unravel them and throw them back over the pair once again. His eyes never left hers and his right hand continued to gently brush her cheek. They could sleep on the floor. His mind reeled. This had been a hell of a day.
He wasn't sorry.

It wasn't just in his eyes. It was in the way his thumb kept lightly tracing across the soft curve of her cheek. His kiss had been momentarily unrelenting and sweet, and her head had swam in the giddy light-headed sensation when he had deepened it. Until her lips were sensitive and tingly.

Under his quiet regard , she felt vulnerable, but not in danger. She knew so little about him, but there was one thing she felt unequivocally: safe.

After that kiss, the Lorrdian felt a heightened awareness of every part of her body that touched a part of his— the edge of his hip pressed to hers, the rise and fall of his chest at her side, the way his fingers traced the curve of her cheek, hand gently framing her face. Her languid posture and heavily lidded eyes told the scoundrel that she was kiss-drunk and pliant.

With a sigh, Kaile found herself nuzzling her cheek into his hand. She was like a kitten, drinking in the affection. With a soft sigh, her lids fell shut. A slight wiggle and shift, and she went curling up against him. Her forehead came to rest upon his shoulder, the strands of his hair tickling her face. Hands went snaking around his waist, snuggling close.

No he wasn't sorry. And to be frank, Kaile didn't mind it.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

She'd feel the slightest shift in his body followed by a quiet click of a draw being closed. Asmus settled back, one arm under her head and around her, the other still gently stoking her head, neck and hair.

He let out a small, stuttered by content sigh and kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her hair. He'd forgotten the promise of hair washing and massages. In the morning, he decided. He felt light headed as well, bemused by what was happening. A sense of elation seemed to build on his chest and he found himself squeezing her whole body against him, as if she could melt into him. He was aware the lights were on, an annoying blare in his eyes. They were far too comfortable for him to consider getting up to turn them off however.

On a whim his index finger ran down the length of her jaw to the tip of her chin and he tilted her face up towards him. Just a single, delicate kiss as if he tested to waters again, to affirm what had just happened.

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