Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nothing changed in the way he moved. Not for a few seconds. His hand still stroked her back. It was his eyes that changed. The slow build of emotions became a sudden leap at her response. So many things overwhelmed him that he could not think through. It was like a beautiful sadness, a slow joy, all the colours mixed up but equal in intensity. Just like Kaile he hopelessly struggled to wrap his head around it as his eyes widened, emerald orbs latched onto her own.

Don’t rationalise this. Don’t cheapen it.

A smile came to his face. He knew, intrinsically, that those tears were the same as the moisture that had reached his own eyes not long ago. Did she feel what he did?

Yes,” he agreed, before stealing another kiss. The tremble of her arms was what triggered what followed. Slowly, he let his palm glide up her back to her neck. His body led, hers followed, as he urged her back onto the sheets. As if she would break if he let go, the muscles in his arms stiffened as he cradled the back of her head ever so gently and lowered her back onto the pillow with the greatest care. His right gently wiped away the tears that had broken free with his thumb, before tucking her hair back to frame her face. For another moment he lingered above her, looking as if he might very well weep just at the sight of her in the half-light.

As he inched closer to kiss her again, what started as a gentle brush became a long, needy expression, punctuated by soft sighs. He was so acclimated with this act being a way for two - or more - people to enjoy each other's company for a night of pleasure. But this moment had meaning. It would only happen once, the first time. This was more than just a pleasurable distraction. It was a physical expression, a dance of sensual wonder. The anticipation thrummed through his veins, grew in his heart.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He held her as if she would break.

Almost as if she were a precious Corellian flame statue, Asmus sank her back into that sea sheets and pillow with such attentive care. It was such a stark difference to the countless faces of her past. A distinct shift from the way any other being had ever treated her before.

It was just like when he had taken her by the hand, drawn him against her and spun her into the first gliding steps of the waltz. Both were well aware of where it would lead, but the trek that they were taken was uncharted in a manner that made it all the more distinct. Much like before, the start was filled with awkward sidesteps and half murmured sheepish apologies. Yet the passion that lay underneath, that rhythm provoked by their entwined bodies would soon come to the fore.

He kissed her with an arousing glide of his tongue, savoring the moment. A slow moan hummed through her anew with his masterful and knowing touch. Turning her face into his shoulder, Kaile breathed in his scent as her body arched against his hand. Oh stars, he felt so good. Encapsulated her thoughts and made her mind go blank. There was such a deep well of emotion that despite the gentle brush of his thumb to wipe away the tears, the glistening in her eyes did not dry.

Asmus. Her heart would thud. Asmus. Her breath would cry. Asmus. Everything would hum in pleasure.
Asmus stopped kissing her. Cool air was drawn over her lips as he sucked in air. His eyes screwed shut. =It was so easy to imagine abandoning his control and immersing himself in carnal pleasure. Ingrained behaviours were hard to ignore. Lights danced over the inside of his eyelids at her touch, tingles ran across the surface of his skin to every extremity.

He chuckled for a moment, seeing the mirth reflected in her eyes; sometimes their bodies ignored them to talk their own language directly. His head rose up over her and she'd see his thoughts clear in those forests. He needed her. Needed to take her, make her his. Everything felt so good it was hard to change the steps to the dance. But he was drawn in now.

Taking her in in with his eyes for a moment, he then drew himself up over her. A nervous upwards twitch of the corner of his lips juxtaposed with something much more serious in those widening eyes.

Kaile…” he breathed. He fell upon her, showering her cheeks with tender kisses before his lips found hers again.

It was a slow dance for a tight embrace. He seemed to press every inch of himself to her as if dependant upon the contact. The air was hot around them, a thin sheen of sweat between their bodies.

Asmus took his first steps to the dance with a slow cadence. When he'd taught her the waltz she'd followed her steps from touch and feel alone. Both were new to this slow dance, but her body followed the rhythm of his just as assuredly. She would feel the hot press of his skin all around her, his breath on her lips. If he could melt into her, he would. This was like nothing he had experienced before.

“Kaile, my Kaile,” he whispered.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile felt the light, butterfly kisses as his lips moved over her chin, her jaw, and the edge of her hairline right next to the shell of her ear. There, that low hushed whisper would rock her to her core.
“Kaile, my Kaile.” he had breathed out, muscles tensing and arms flexing as they both trembled at the sheer overwhelming sensation of their union. Nothing had prepared her for that. Kaile, my Kaile. Possessive, as it was filled with reverence.

More moisture squeezed from the corners of her eyes, her arms looping around his shoulders to pull him closer. It was as if Kaile wanted to slip him under her skin. Hearing that low keen made Kaile’s heart seem to swell so much, she was sure it would burst.

Asmus.” came her hoarse murmur, catching his lips, stroking the interior of his mouth. Kaile gasped, fingers pushing into his hair and gripping, sucking his tongue.

Inhaling the now-familiar smell of him, the Lorrdian dragged her fingers across the smooth ridges of his shoulders as he kissed her. Each second that passed seemed to breathe new life into her. Her chest squeezed tight.

“Love me, Asmus.” came Kaile’s plea, coiling one leg around his. A foreign phrase to be uttered by the hedonistic Lorrdian, but it felt right. Emotions were jumbled, but oft the heart knows more than the mind. Words slip without a thought, fueled by the strength of that quickening storm.

The next few minutes Asmus would tell her without words what he felt. He stroked her from hip to shoulder with his hand, and she moved with him, surging, arching, feeling the bare skin of his chest against her. Every graze of his fingers against her skin was electric.

Yet it was his eyes. It was always his eyes. Those dark green orbs flecked with blazing gold. That poignant gaze would watch her, drift over her, stopping on each feature as if he was memorizing it; ear, jaw, mouth, throat, the curve of her shoulder. Those eyes that would trace each individual attribute while watching her response, coming back to meet the orbs of her glistening eyes.

His eyes fell there and he stared for a long moment before moving closer, kissing Kaile so softly she hardly felt it, until the thin connection caught and ricocheted through her veins, shooting to her toes like a current.
And in that moment, Kaile, for the first time in her life, felt loved.
His chest felt tight, breathing strained. t was the swell of emotions that wanted to burst from his chest. Closer, he needed to be closer. They were as close as two could be. He was around her, drawing in her scent and pressed so tight. But he wanted more.

Between soft murmurs he kissed a line until they were cheek to cheek. His arms snaked between her warmth and the clammy sheets to grip her tight. One arm squeezed the small of her back, the other tugged at her shoulder from behind.

What had she said? Love me. He barely even registered the sound the words made. They were nothing so plain as a simple string of syllables. But he absorbed the expression, took it in, nurtured it. Asmus nuzzled into the crook of her neck, closed his eyes and smiled. I would do anything you asked of me, he thought to himself.

That lightshow on the back of his eyelids started anew. Every sensation added to the kaleidoscope of colour. Every breath of her hot air against his neck and shoulder was a flare of spattered dark green mist. Every shift in her chest against his was a burst of pink spots. Each slow shifta dull ochre glow and every time her leg tightened around him, a corona of blue sparkled. Encircled by her, enraptured by her, lost in her.

At any other time he would have stopped to consider what they'd said to each other. Instead, as had happened so many times already, their bodies spoke they own language to each other. The hand around the small of her back and the one on her shoulder squeezed her tight.

Oh…” he moaned, before a guttural groan escaped.

This felt…right, perfect, what he needed. He revelled in every experience, with eyes closed every other sense seemed heightened. When their eyes had met everything else faded to the background. There was so much encapsulated in those wide hazel orbs, he saw so much of his own mind reflected in them. Just looking into her eyes gave him as much pleasure as any physical act. Realising that brought him close to adding to the cool moisture he was spreading across her cheeks with each shift.

“I think I do…” a whispered breath escaped his lips. He didn't even hear the words himself. He wasn't even sure how long it was since she'd asked; time was insignificant now, there was only the moment they resided in together. Alone, apart from everything else.

His eyes opened, then squeezed tight shut again as he groaned softly at the sudden rush Bright white spots danced across his eyelids as the heady pressure built. He thought of her dragging his hand to feel the strong beat of her pulse and his heart soared.

Never end. Never let this moment end.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Let your colors bleed into mine.

Crystal lights shone in the back of her eyes, and the tones of the concert they played ran down her spine. A sharp gasp would prompt her to tip her head back. Kaile could feel the pressure points of his grip upon her body, the small white indentations. Words would float between them, half-conscious whisperings that sent electric shivers down her spine.

Stars, what was all this? Kaile wanted to feel all of Asmus. So hard to think. All Kaile could do was feel. It felt as if she were tumbling down, falling fast with no foundation or purchase for her to latch onto save him. Each were feeding on each others’ energy, wanting it. Nails began to dig into his skin as if Kaile never wanted to let go; knowing full well that she would have to in two days time.

The tension of struggling tears strived for an outlet, and with a nudge of her cheek against his, she searched for his lips again. A well of emotions would war and swim in her hazel eyes. So she shut her eyes, squeezing them shut. Kaile’s kiss grew in fervor. Time was nothing but mere shadows dancing upon the wall, and Asmus was all that she could breathe.
That gentle nudge brought a surge of warmth from his chest. Such a tender, searching gesture. He would kiss her for all of time and never once regret having every word he might speak stolen from his lips.

He never stopped calling her name within his own mind. Kaile, kaile, oh kaile. Over and over, only occasionally gracing his lips between kisses. Matching her fervour as their tongues glided across one another. Almost desperate in their desire to express the slow build they both felt.

Asmus wasn't even aware of her fingernails digging in deep. In the morning light they might examine the scars of love together with silly giggles and chewed lips and false apologies.

The grip on her shoulder tightened before white-knuckled fingers released their grip. His wrist twisted about so he could take a handful of the sheets as he called her name loudly. A conscious decision; he had thought he might have hurt her how tight the grasp was that was drawing in the sheets.

The kiss was broken for just a few moments as he tried to breath, though his lips never left hers. She'd hear those lips tremble, a staccato rhythm to the stuttering of shallow breaths.

“Kai-Lee.. I…” he sighed. The feel of her beneath him took his breath away, so he indulged in her lips more. So softly he nibbled on her lower lip before stroking the tip of her tongue. He could taste the salt of her tears and his sweat, the bitterness of the beer. Sweat ran down his chest as he felt like he burned in the light of her.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was the oddest thing.

Maybe it was because she was a Lorridan. Or maybe it was the Force. Or maybe, just maybe, they were both in this singular moment where they were both so in tuned with one another that it made sense. When he sighed out her name, arched over her as his hand fisted in a knuckle white grip the fabric beside her head, Kaile actually felt his heart beating, his blood rushing, his lungs as they filled with air. She could sense exactly how much he wanted her, and not just because he was at the brink. Each kiss, each caress, every lick and nibble and shiver, was magnified a thousandfold.

Her fingers and toes began to tingle, the ecstasy of the building momentum etched across each damp visage. The furrow of brows, the strain of neck muscles, the heavy, hitched breaths they managed in between passionate kisses. Just when she was certain that her body would shatter into tiny pieces, something inside her snapped. Her mouth broke the connection but for a second, and sweet suffocation returned. She felt a blast of heat through her skin, as though Asmus had touched her with a lit match. In no time, the sensation traveled throughout her body, spiking through her like a fever, his name riding the waves as she came apart.
They’d ridden waves of passion several times today. Every time they’d edged closer to getting swept up in that storm. Yet they hadn’t been carried away. Slow. An agreement they’d made and followed through on. Right to the last.

Their bodies spoke their own language. The awareness of her was staggering, intoxicating.

The grip on her hip tightened as if he couldn’t bear to part from her. Every muscle strained to draw them together, as if they could fall into each other and become one. Bright stars bound in a spiral dance had finally given up and fallen into each other. They burned together.

A clarity came to him the heat of the moment became a dull afterglow.. That grip on her hip finally subsided, but he kept himself pressed to her. Content to stay immersed in the warmth they had both created. He looked down upon Kaile and he smiled. A simple smile, but it reached every corner of his face. He saw her. Just two days they’d been together. It couldn’t have been such a short time could it?

His body melted into hers. “Wow,” he sighed under his breath. As he lowered himself down he moaned softly. He brought his forehead to hers and met her gaze, just a soft trace of the lips before he canted his head to drink deep. Their act of love wasn’t done because that wave had finally crested and come crashing down. Waters lapped at the shore as he kissed her, his free hand surrounding her head and running through her hair. They were soaked in their sweat and he didn’t care. That moment of perfect clarity was happily lost to the sudden surge of emotion.
I love her, it spoke softly in his mind before the curtain fell.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

With her heart still thundering in her ears, and the light dance still shimmering along her frayed nerves, Kaile struggled to catch her breath. It was wonderful. Kaile would ride that wave of bliss as subsequent aftershocks made her limbs quiver and bones feel as if she’d float out into the black.

Aye, it felt as if Kaile was out somewhere in the ‘verse. A million tiny stars twinkled in her blood; in the silken darkness, she floated on the night’s tranquil hush.

Half-hooded chestnut eyes would catch his dark green, a half trembling smile curving her lips. Kaile’s right hand rose from the perch where she had scored his back. Tiny red crescents where she had lost control and had gripped him with all her might. A constellation of half moons that would linger and stain the smooth line of his shoulders and back long after she’d gone.

He kissed her. Long. Slowly. With precious care. His heart thundered in his chest, and she listened as it slowed.

She had never been so acutely aware of every inch of her own skin, and certainly was wildly aware of every inch of him. There was only sensation and sweetness and his mesmerizing emerald eyes, his gaze that reached deep into her soul.

It was then that Asmus gave her a tousled, heartbreaking smile, one she knew she’d remember for the rest of her life. Even with the hint of laughter, his voice sounded different. He felt different to her. No barriers, she thought. There were no barriers between them right now.

Affection grew in her chest. Spent and heavily breathing herself, Kaile’s arm felt like lead as she lifted her fingers, dragging a weary caress over the sweep of his jaw, tracing over the high sweat-dampened cheekbones that made him beautiful. Cheeks were flushed crimson, that rouge stain painted over her lithe body, glistening with sweat. Her hair was damp at her temples and the nape of her neck, tendrils of strawberry-blonde hair curling and clinging to her skin as well as his. As if claiming him and curling their tiny tethers to the Lorrdian.

Asmus’s dark hair also hovered over them, a gentle shelter that cascaded down to brush Kaileann’s cheeks as she gave a short laugh. One that waned as Kaile felt another shudder thrummed through Asmus as he drew back, summoning a hitch of her own breath in protest . Without a second thought, limbs coiled around him despite the intense heat that radiated from their conjoined bodies. She didn’t want him to go. Not yet.

“Stay.” her low plea would coincide with the intense need to feel him linger. As if the thought that as soon as he’d pull away would be a line of demarcation, one that would start the count down to her departure. It already had, but in her mind, just this little bit, just having him a while longer seemed to delay it.
“I'd do anything you asked, long as you keep looking at me like that,” he whispered between kisses. “But I would even if you didn't ask.”

The need in that sudden coil of her limbs around him brought a gleam to his eyes, but a softening to his gaze. Asmus stopped kissing her and nuzzled her affectionately. He seemed to need to rub every part of his face to all of hers, like an animal marking something as their own.

A sudden temptation came to him, one he would indulge in. He planted his hands either side of her head, then apologised softly for catching her hair and chuckled.

“Shh, shh,” he hushed as he raised himself up and she made a noise of protest. The back of his hand traced down her neck, across the curve of one breast and came to rest palm down over her heart. He felt the rhythm slow and the feel of her breath drawn in ever deeper breaths. They seemed to share understanding of several levels now. The words they spoke, the touch between their bodies, but perhaps their eyes held the deepest level of understanding.

His gaze met hers and he waited for her to do the same.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

How strange to hear him repeat the very words she had confessed earlier.

It was enough that if she hadn’t been already flushed with their recent encounter, a heavy blush would have bloomed over the length of her damp face. There was another pang in her chest, one that seemed to hum with a bittersweet note.

Confusion lit her expression, coasting along the half protest at the assumption of his withdraw. However, when the shell of his palm and those long, slender fingers came to rest just over her heart, there was a subtle widening of her eyes.

Her heart was already slowly returning to a reasonable pace, but the press of Asmus’s hand would kick it anew. A skip of a beat, and it picked up the pace. Not the frantic rhythm that had engulfed her earlier, but a quickening none the less.

Here, surrounded by the orange glow of the cabin, Kaile’s pupils had dilated until only a thin circlet of hazel could be seen. Those dark orbs seemed so incredibly large framed within that heart-shaped face. A nibble of her lower lip came next, the flesh tender and bruised from the near endless kisses they had shared.

A second later, her smaller hand came to rest over his own, pressing it close until it lay flat upon her breastbone. She gave it a lingering caress, and he’d be able to feel the faint callouses that dotted over her palm.

“You’re doin’ it again,” she whispered. Her throat worked.

“Lookin’ at me like that.”
“I know,” he sighed. He slid his hand out from under hers and took her palm between thumb and forefinger. With a gentle tug he guided her hand to lie across his own breastbone. Then he left it there to place his palm back down again.

His chest rose and fell and - just as hers had - his heartbeat quickened at her touch. “But it’s okay,” he added, his eyes darted back and forth across her expression. “Because of what happens when you meet my eyes.”

Lowering himself back down again, he allowed his kisses to trail down her neck and shoulders. Not the firm nibbles and occasional brush of teeth from their earlier desire, just tender little kisses. Of course it was no more than a handful of heartbeats before he returned back to her lips. He lost himself again in that kiss, one hand gently exploring her curves from shoulder to hip.

What she did to him...he couldn’t explain. He tried to replay the last hour in his mind and was amazed at how vivid it was yet impossible to capture at the same time.

Asmus wasn’t sure how long he kissed her for. Sometimes they paused just to breathe each other in and fall into each other’s eyes.

“Have you...have you ever felt something like that before?” he asked suddenly. His tone making it quite clear that he hadn’t. Hips shifted of their own accord again to a sudden intake of his breath.That slow burning fire hadn’t burned out yet. He was young and the arousal had been building over the last two days. Come morning he might actually have to let go of her. He pushed that notion to the back of his mind and gripped her tight.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He didn’t need to specify.

Kaile intrinsically knew what Asmus meant. Her hand lay trapped between their bodies, fingers still lightly pressed against his heart, feeling the rapid pace of it flutter as his eyes searched her expression. One that was punctuated by the sudden hitch of her breath at the sensation of the shift of hips against sensitive flesh.

Have I ever felt something like that before?

What should she tell him? Kaile wondered. The truth was already in her eyes, in that heartbreaking gaze that told Asmus that there had been no other time before him that had managed to shatter her so. The pads of her fingers from her free hand went sweeping to tuck the wayward strands of his forelocks behind his ear.

Hazel eyes would trace his flushed features, her thumb coming down to caress his lower lip. There was a thought that percolated in her mind. One that stung. Would I ever feel something like this again?

“No.” she murmured. Whether she was answering his question or hers didn’t matter. It could very well be the same.

Tipping her head, she lightly stretched forward to nuzzle his other cheek with her own. That rasp of the shadow along his jaw prickling her so.


His name alone, two soft sensuous syllables, flooded her body with remembered pleasure. In the contentment that filled her, and in that newfound sense of connection to him, and indeed, even herself. Kaile didn’t know what she felt. What this was. But it was special.

No it had never happened before. But was it a singular event?

“But I reckon… we can try again?”
She might be surprised at the unbridled joy that spread across his face at that simple answer. Somehow that made it even more special, unique. If this wasn't new her to her it would have felt different. As if she was showing him something perhaps. Instead this was a shared journey of discovery. Mapping uncharted territory together. The beat of his heart skipped up in pace under her small hand.

His body glowed. Not just because of the slowly fading heat that still pulsed through his veins, but because of how happy she made him. He felt content, so content.

With a long sigh he wrapped both arms around her, lifting her from the sheets for a moment and then cuddled in close. That embrace was comfortably tight. Lips were sore from kissing, bodies satisfied for now. He could feel every faint tremble and shift of her body beneath him. For once, he had absolutely no words. Nothing clever to say, nothing to ask.

Eventually that slow burning warmth started to build again. He murmured her name again.

“Oh my Kaile,” he murmured again as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck, as if he could hide there forever.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

There was a small giggle at the ticklish sensation of Asmus’s face by the curve of her neck; the tiny rasp of his scruff combined with the warmth of his breath was a rather spine tingling sensation. One that only aided the stirring of her body as Asmus’ wandering hands traversed her curvature with the reverence of an Alderaanian sculptor.

There was a rather innocent possessiveness every time he would breathe out her name. Oh, my Kaile. My Kaile. No one had ever said that to her before. It confounded her as much as it made her toes tingle, that electrifying bit of pleasure rushing over her in a warm sizzle. His lips traced a hot trail over the curve of her neck, and it was so easy to sink herself into his embrace again.

Youth had its benefits, and there was no denying that Asmus desired her anew. Kaile welcomed him into her embrace again, limbs entwining like vines around his and marveling at the delicious friction of his skin against hers. Crazy, how he made her feel. Light as a feather and heavy as if smothered in blankets. Simple acts that had a cascade of electric sensations through her frame, prompting her to lean against him with a sigh, eagerly matching his call.

“Asmus…” she sighed, curling one hand into the depths of his hair to press him close to her ear. Kaile found herself forgetting herself in his arms. He made her lose her senses, made it hard to think.

While Asmus used words, Kaile used her body. Her arms. Her limbs. In the brush of her kiss against his cheek and temple as he nuzzled her close.

They had the entire night. The entire night to discover each other until there was nothing left.

“Yes…” Don't think, feel…

Normally he liked to turn the lights off. To sleep in near complete darkness until the lighting gradually came on before his alarm. That would have involved getting up, which in turn meant letting go of her. He hadn't the willpower. That soft lighting caught the sheen of sweat across his chest, the sheets low around his waist as his body cooled.

She was comfortably nestled into the crook of his neck, one arm and leg over him. Every slow breath drew in her scent. His heart had finally settled back to a slow beat, his chest rising and falling slowly beneath her.

The lids of his eyes kept threatening to fall, but whilst that dance they'd been circling around had finally come to an end, a tumultuous swirl of emotions showed no sign of slowing. Like a snow globe spun around and then left to rest on a shelf.

Asmus shifted a touch to look at her. She looked content, perhaps asleep, maybe just as caught by the emotion of it all inside as he was. For a moment he thought he caught her stealing a glance back up at him. In case she had, he allowed a satisfied little smile to grace his lips and idly stroked the back of the hand on his chest.

Oh I should not have woken back up, he realised. He'd fallen asleep in a stupor, but now found himself in that horrid state where the room seemed to spin about him. Asmus tried to shift, but he was held down by a dead weight. The girl. What was her name again? Damnit. He'd recall it in the morning.

They hadn't…no, pretty certain they hadn't. Not that he would have minded. She had pretty eyes. When had she wrapped herself around him though? Maybe he could get the bedroll out and ease her back onto the floor. As he shifted her little fingers gripped his shirt tight. He was aware of a damp patch in the middle of his chest. Had she been crying? Oh hell, what had he got himself into? It all made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

Moving made the room shift more, so he stayed completely still. I'm no fit state to try and figure this one out, he thought so he just screwed his eyes shut and tried to fall back into the warm embrace of sleep. He'd promised he would help get her off this rock. Couldn't break a promise. Had to be responsible. Probably shouldn't have brought her back to his room in that case, mind

Awareness slowly returned for him. It wasn't morning, his body clock informed him. Probably just the low light confusing him. He was warm. She was warm. Asmus found himself with an arm across her waist and wrapped around Kaile. Her back was pressed into his chest.

Half-awake, he found himself doing what she seemed so fond of: exploring with his hands. A soft touch traced the curve of her waist, felt the arch of her hips. Fingers splayed out to run down her thigh, but some part of him realised that might tickle and jolt her from sleep. Instead he went north, feeling dainty shoulder blades and the smooth skin where her neck met her shoulders. A tingle of pain reminded him that they had indulged themselves last night with nails and teeth, the shoulders taking the brunt of the attention. He would have continued his journey, but as he moved around her waist her hand lazily captured his and pulled him close.

He woke before his alarm. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. She was back across him, but in a rather less deliberate fashion. Limbs were tangled and more of her weight fell across his chest. Their hair was everywhere. Bringing his hand up he wiped some dribble from his chin. Damn, but he must have fallen back into a very deep sleep. He sought out her forearm and wrapped his fingers around it, allowing awareness return in waves. The morning was the start of something new. A sudden pang drawing his attention to the fact that there would be just one more morning like this. The next one would herald the day she left. Shit.

He tried to bury that thought, he truly did. Asmus didn't think too much on his concerns, tried not to dwell on what could go wrong, or things he missed out on. But this…too much. He simply felt too much. Even the gentle shift if her limbs that might herald her slow awakening elicited a sudden burst of emotion. He smiled a big smile and gently nuzzled the top of her head.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Awareness came in degrees.

Warmth encapsulated her, none more than the slow, steady breathing body underneath her. Half sprawled across Aasmus’ torso, with one arm and leg strewn across, Kaile was quite the little octopus. Her face rested close to the crook of his neck, her cheek just over his shoulder. The night’s excursions had managed to wear down the Lorrdian’s body to the point of being able to sleep deeply, and peacefully.

There were no dreams nor nightmares that stole her rest during the night.

Kaile’s face gave a slight shift, a half nuzzle as she instinctively would curve her body closer to Asmus. Soft curves would settle against rigid planes, knee rising a tad with the flex and shift of hips. A deep breath would fill her lungs, There as a soft mewling sound humming from Kaile’s throat, slowly being drawn from her slumber but not quite ready to follow through.
Instead, her grip grew tighter, and she snuggled up closer as if to sate just a few more minutes of sleep.
Asmus opened his mouth wide and yawned deeply, exhaling through a sigh. His toes pointed out as he stretched his legs. However, just a moment later he reverted back to mirroring her grip, before one hand reached down to grab the sheets to pull them back up further. Asmus closed his eyes.

Perhaps the sheets could shield them from the coming day. His sleep addled mind followed that train of thought. Even though the cabin was small they could hole up in here all day. Occasionally one of them would sortie out to forage for food and return. Ah if only there wasn't work to be done. Without opening his eyes he kissed the crown of her head.

He considered saying something, but lazy thoughts evaporated before they could reach his lips. Instead something half coherent left them, closer to sigh than words. Smacking his lips together he decided it would be better to stay still until that wretched alarm decided to sound.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

There came the stretch of a back, the roll of a smooth shoulder. The whisper of the bedsheet was smoothed over that curve by Asmus’ hand. The kiss at the crown of her head is what beckoned Kaile from her slumber, slowly wiping away the vestiges of the night.

Five slender fingers gave a slow, gentle fan. There they flexed over the smooth pectoral that hid the beating heart underneath, falling flat to smooth over it with languid proprietary. Her hair was everywhere, clinging like vines over their bare neck and shoulders. A few stray strands would fan back and forth with every breath that Asmus took by the crown of her head. While darker brown tendrils tickled the bridge of her nose and forehead.

There was a deep contentment to the embrace. One that Kaile only seemed to want to cling further to by a slow hike of her thigh and the sweep of that arm drawing up to rest over his shoulder. Up went her face, tilting it so as that she could nuzzle the crook of his neck. There were no words to say. Not yet. There as a fear within the Lorrdian, that if she were to speak, the hold that the night held with that withering dawn would disappear.

A deep breath would lift her chest, breathing Asmus in, filling her lungs. His scent saturated every inch of her body. Her skin, her hair, there wasn’t a place that had escaped their mutual exploration and wonder. There was a dull, lingering strain of muscles in subtle movements, but they were reminders of the night they’d shared.

This. Kaile wanted this moment to last. Coaxed from slumber, Kaile rubbed and stretched against Asmus much like an affectionate Bha’lair would. As if rubbing her scent on him would latch him to her. As if that nuzzle and press of her lips by the pulse at his throat would brand her into his memory.

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