Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

[member="Matsu Ike"]
I am making your modifications right now, but in the future please try to explain your summary for the modification as clearly as possible. It should accurately summarize what your modification is so that factory staff understands what is being changed (we don't just copy and past changes into the old submission).
Submission Name: Ra'gr-class Superiority Starfighter
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Hecr-class Sentry Starfighter
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: To Vhin-class Electronic Warfare Starfighter
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Gar'surhbir-class Dropship
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market
Submission Name: Tra'kranak-class Fleet Control Station
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Sovereign-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market
Also could you fix the Font Size to 14 please.

Submission Name: Bes'drahr-class Battleship | Iron Dragon
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Hra'nadetr Jair'galaar-class Strike Cruiser
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market
Also could you fix the Spoiler.

Submission Name: Shaadlar-Type II Corvette
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Mandalorian Clans is Defunct
Affiliation: Closed Market


News They Don't Want Heard
Submission Name: Radial Drone Fighter
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change Affiliation to The Sith Ascendancy/The Reformation
Reason for Modification: Ignus Industries is no longer supporting The Sith Order with this line of vessel.
  • Affiliation:
Company Name(s)
Ignus Industries
Ignus Black

Faction Name(s)
The Sith Ascendancy
The Reformation

Submission Name: Regulation-class Corvette
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change Faction affiliation to The Sith Ascendancy and The Reformation.
Reason for Modification: Ignus Industries is no longer supporting The Sith Order with this line of vessel.
  • Affiliation:
Company Name(s)
Ignus Industries
Ignus Black

Faction Name(s)
The Sith Ascendancy
The Reformation

Submission Name: Revocation-class Missile Frigate
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change affiliation to remove Sith Order and replace with Sith Ascendancy.
Reason for Modification: Ignus Industries is no longer supporting The Sith Order with this line of vessel.
  • Affiliation:
Company Name(s)
Ignus Industries
Ignus Black

Faction Name(s)
The Sith Ascendancy
The Reformation

Submission Name: Reformation-class Dreadnought
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change affiliation to remove Sith Order and replace with Sith Ascendancy.
Reason for Modification: Ignus Industries is no longer supporting The Sith Order with this line of vessel.
  • Affiliation:
Company Name(s)
Ignus Industries
Ignus Black

Faction Name(s)
The Sith Ascendancy
The Reformation

Submission Name: Reclamation-class Cruiser
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change affiliation to remove Sith Order and replace with Sith Ascendancy.
Reason for Modification: Ignus Industries is no longer supporting The Sith Order with this line of vessel.
  • Affiliation:
Company Name(s)
Ignus Industries
Ignus Black

Faction Name(s)
The Sith Ascendancy
The Reformation

Submission Name: Mobile Intelligence Gatherers (MIG's)
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change affiliation to remove Sith Order and replace with Sith Ascendancy.
Reason for Modification: Ignus Industries is no longer supporting The Sith Order with this line of vessel.
  • Affiliation:
Company Name(s)
Ignus Industries
Ignus Black

Faction Name(s)
The Sith Ascendancy
The Reformation

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Submission Name: MC42 Ruisto-class Exploration Craft
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defense ratings (5 and 15, respectively). Also, affiliation.
Reason for Modification: It's an old ship but a nice one, and I took a look through it to see what ratings would represent its stats best. Its gun count lines up quite well with the example ships that have armament ratings of 5 or 6, and it has redundant Mon Cal shielding, so I pitched the defense rating higher than average. As far as affiliation goes, the Levantine Sanctum is defunct.
Modification: Add armament and defense ratings (5 and 15, respectively), and please change Affiliation to Closed Market.
Submission Name: Inazagi - Class War Cruiser
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing affiliation.
Reason for Modification: The Sith Order restarted in a different part of the Galaxy from where they had originally decided to start from. The Sith Order also does not have the IC infrastructure to construct this kind of ship, or field it as of yet. Also, it has yet to be mentioned in any other posts besides my own and can safely assumed to be the only one in existence as of this moment.
Affiliation: The Sith Order, House Graush. --> The Resurgent Empire, House Graush.
Submission Name: The Chimaera.
Link to Submission: Click here.

Reason for Modification:
Change of Ownership.
Change of faction Affiliation.

Veiere Arenais - [member="Cedric Grayson"]
Silver Jedi Order - The Dominion
Submission Name: GR-105 Medium Transport
Link to Submission: Click here.

Reason for Modification: Graphics update, among with ship details and formatted to new template



[SIZE=11pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]Create a unique multi-purpose medium freighter, tow, and salvage ship
[SIZE=11pt]Image Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE] Pictures of ships from this site edited by gimp
[SIZE=11pt]Canon Link:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] NA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Development Thread:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] NA [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] NA Unique Design[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Gallofree Yards inc[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]GR-105 "Cru'sis" Armed Transport
[SIZE=11pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Open Market[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Material:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Solarium Glasteel[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Bronzium[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], Durasteel, Hydroformed Permacrete, [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Liquid Metal Hydrogen[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Modularity:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] No[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Transport[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Length:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 120 meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Width:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 95 meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Height:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 45 meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Armament:[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]Low
[SIZE=11pt]Defenses:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]High[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] ([/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Low[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] when attacking top side spars)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hangar: [/SIZE]Average
  • 1x squadrons of stunt fighters (one attached to exterior spars or in internal bays) or one squadron and (4) gunships / shuttles
NOTE: Internal set up takes place of cargo capacity if in bays

Maneuverability Rating:[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]High[/SIZE] or [SIZE=9pt]Low[/SIZE] towing or fully loaded
Speed Rating:[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]High[/SIZE] or [SIZE=9pt]Low[/SIZE] towing or fully loaded

Special Features:[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]
  • Massive hauling ability for size - 57,000 metric tons
  • Jack of all trades - duel bays are very customize-able

  • EM and Ion weapon resistant - Liquid metallic hydrogen technology reduces the effectiveness of Ion and EM weapons. (50% effectiveness reduction)
  • Armored "belly" - Layered Hydroformed Permacrete ablative shell - Reduces effectiveness of particle based weapons (25% effectiveness reduction)
  • Unique defenses - Wedge deflection shields and River-type Tractor/Pressor Emplacement designed to redirect enemy fire and incoming smaller vessels.
  • Emergency speed - When needed the Nimble-5 Ion Engine can provide a quick burst of speed increasing the rating by +2 while reducing maneuverability by the same.
  • Interdiction Resistant - Zephyr hyperdrive. gives the ship a strong resistance to interdiction.

  • Limited range - Equipped with Ion, TibannaX or some combination of the two it needs to refuel often by either dropping out to normal space and allowing time for its' Solar Ionization reactor to recharge for to refill TibannaX tanks as rated refinery.
  • Hauler, not a fighter - Though armed it is not meant to go toe to toe with other ships of its' size, and built to take a pounding but its' counter punch leaves much to be desired.
  • Not shatter proof - Ablative armor work well against partial weapons is vulnerable to ballistic weapons (25% more damage from ballistic weapons)
  • Soft top side - As top exterior spars need to be exposed to hold cargo these are not armored like the rest of the ship and can take far less damage.
  • Heavy Maintenance requirements - With exotic components, it is a ship that requires a lot of maintenance and not all spaceports are equipped to address its' unique abilities.
[SIZE=14pt]Description:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Cargo Capacity: 57,000 metric tons[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Passengers: 25[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Crew: 7[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Consumables: 6 months[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Non-Combative Attachments: [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Communications Array[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Encryption Network[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]False Telesponder Identities (4) [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Escape Pods[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Life Support Systems[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Navigational Systems[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Sensor Array[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Targeting Systems[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Trapped False Docking Ports (2)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Tractor Beams (4: 1 dorsal stern, 1 ventral stern, 2 ventral bow) [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]QQ-4U85 Tractor Shroud[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (2: 1 dorsal stern, 1 ventral stern)[/SIZE]

History and Specs:
What started out as a simple upgrade to a popular standard for Gallofree, the GR-75. The ship that came out of the imagination of its' principle owner Bryce Bantam was what some called a master stroke of crazed genius. Wanting to build upon the success of the "75" the "105" was meant to be a simple upgrade and while allowing to to handle salvage operations. However with a limited supply chain in the outback when the ship construction process began the engineers at Gallofree were forced to look "outside the box" for components to build a true, new line of ships.

The process began with the creation of the basic hull. Looking to improve on "75" transport's shell hull and open interior the idea was conceived to rather than increase the size of the ship to instead "marry" two of them together. This would allow cross componentry with the 75 and the catamaran bay design was born. Add to that the frame mounted magnetic shields attached to tops of the two main spars of the ship and the new result was a ship that at only 120 meters could carry in excess of fifty-five thousand metric tons and had the flexibility for its' bays and spars to be fitted with ship hooks as well, or towing / salvage gear.

To power this vessel Gallofree acquired plans for the venerable I-a2b solar ionization reactor and reworked it into the GR-a2b reactor that is recharged by the Bronzium plated Solarium Glasteel panels that adorn the ship’s outer hull and windows. Power is also produced by TE-413 Fusial Engines which along with the Nimble-5 Ion Engine provide the sublight propulsion for this vessel. A secondary advantage of the TE-413’s are that they burn colder than most engines of its kind. This allows the ship a lower scan profile when just running on it. The main drawback to this is it cuts the ship's speed in half due to not having the help of the other ion engines.

All of the components above, though unique, are not far out of the norm. Though they may use exotic materials and fuels each serves a unique purpose and duty. Continuing this trend and to make the ship a true interstellar transport each "105" is fit with a Zephyr hyperdrive. With its' unique design it not only allows the "105" to go slightly faster in hyperspace than standard military grate ships but give the ship a strong resistance to interdiction as well, both needed traits in the outback.

The last level of defense lies in the ingenious tractor system build into every ship. The River-type Tractor/Pressor Emplacement or the "little" river is optimized to both attract and deflect attacking fighters and gunships or larger ships when used on ship 300m and above. With the capabilities to handle ships up to and including its' own size it used this system when attacked to deflect, throwback, simply push them out of the way as it makes its' escape.

One of the most remarkable parts of this ship is built just below the bridge for you see this ship has no nav computer or any major electronics processor at all. Instead what lies at the heart of the "105" is the navigator's suite. Filled with distilled hydrogen infused water it housed one of the greatest undiscovered treasures in the galaxy. The Resu navigators and their Liquid metallic hydrogen technology. For you see instead of circuits and conduits of metal and plastoid. Large arteries of the "live metal" flow through the ship allowing these unique masters of electric "feel" the ship as if it was part of their own body. With cybernetically altered minds and a natural feel for three-dimensional navigation, a brood of four or more are able to operate all system onboard the ship just as a host of computers would, but with the understanding and wisdom that only a sentient mind can bring. An added bonus to this setup is each conduit is contained in a plasma field of pure water. Water itself is an insulator and shields the conductive metallic hydrogen as an inert insulator. This has the net effect of greatly reduces the strength of most ion and electrical attacks and renders hacking a difficult task given the foreign nature of the design. Now where conventional system are still needed Gallofree uses Biolux series Organoform Circuitry to bridge the gap and allow almost any tech to function with the "105" unique avionics.
Submission Name: ​BR-Predator
Link to Submission: BR=Predator
Summary of Modification: Change of Faction Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Taobh Dorcha Industries no longer supporting the Covenant of the Black Rose with this line of vessel
Modification: Affiliation The Sith Ascendancy

Submission Name: Excalibur-Class Assault Cruiser
Link to Submission: ECAS

Summary of Modification: Change of Faction Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Taobh Dorcha Industries no long supporting the Covenant of the Black Rose with this line of vessel
Modification: Affiliation The Sith Ascendancy

Submission Name: Sabi-Star-Class Gunship
Link to Submission: SSCG

Summary of Modification: Change of Faction Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Taobh Dorcha Industries no longer supporting the Covenant of the Black Rose with this line of vessel
Modification: Affiliation The Sith Ascendancy

Submission Name: TT-56 Troop Dropship
Link to Submission: TT-56 Troop Dropship

Summary of Modification: Change of Faction Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Taobh Dorcha Industries no longer supporting the Covenant of the Black Rose with this line of vessel
Modification: Affiliation The Sith Ascendancy

Submission Name: Neurio-Class Assault Frigate
Link to Submission: NCAF

Summary of Modification: Change of Faction Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Taobh Dorcha Industries no longer supporting the Covenant of the Black Rose with this line of vessel
Modification: Affiliation The Sith Ascendancy

Submission Name: BR-Devastator
Link to Submission: BR-Devastator

Summary of Modification: Change of Faction Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Taobh Dorcha Industries no longer supporting the Covenant of the Black Rose with this line of vessel
Modification: Affiliation The Sith Ascendancy

Submission Name: Black Talon Starfighter
Link to Submission: Black Talon Starfighter

Summary of Modification: Change of Faction Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Taobh Dorcha Industries no longer supporting The Covenant of the Black Rose and The One Sith with this line of vessel
Modification: Affiliation The Sith Ascendency

​Edit: April 2, 2017

I just noticed that some of these submissions are on one of my other character accounts. If I need to re do a new post with that character for the changes....let me know.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Submission Name: Type 2.5 Nebula-class Corvette
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: Moderate
  • Defensive Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Average/None
  • Hyperdrive Rating: High
Submission Name: Type 2.5 Haran'uliik-class Frigate
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: High (prow arc only)
  • Defensive Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: Moderate
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Average/None
  • Hyperdrive Rating: High
Submission Name: Nyner-class Heavy Frigate
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: Extreme (prow arc only)
  • Defensive Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Low/None
  • Hyperdrive Rating: Average

Submission Name: Type 2.5 Nexus-class Cruiser
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: Moderate
  • Defensive Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Rating: High
Submission Name: Type 2.5 Keldabe-class Battleship
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: High
  • Defensive Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Rating: High
Submission Name: Concordia-class Dreadnought
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: Extreme
  • Defensive Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Maneuverability: Very Low
  • Hangar Rating: None
  • Hyperdrive Rating: Average
Submission Name: Alor-class Dreadnought
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Near-Unique
  • Armament Rating: High
  • Defensive Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Moderate
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Rating: High

Submission Name: Type 3 Keldabe-class Battleship
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Near-Unique
  • Armament Rating: High
  • Defensive Rating: Extreme (vulnerable to HVC)
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Rating: Very High

Submission Name: Roche-class Light Corvette
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Near-Unique
  • Armament Rating: Moderate
  • Defensive Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Hangar Rating: Average/None
  • Hyperdrive Rating: High
Submission Name: Rekali-class Space Superiority Fighter
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Near-Unique
  • Armament Rating: High
  • Defensive Rating: Extreme
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Maneuverability: Low
  • Hyperdrive Rating: Average

Submission Name: Beskad-class Starfighter
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: Moderate
  • Defensive Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Maneuverability: Moderate
  • Hyperdrive Rating: None

Submission Name: Cabur MkII-class Starfighter
Submission Link:
Summary of Modification: 4.0 compliance
Reason for Modification: Factory 4.0
  • Production Rating: Limited
  • Armament Rating: Low
  • Defensive Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Maneuverability: Very High
  • Hyperdrive Rating: None

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Submission Name: Ironwolf-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Ironwolf-class Star Destroyer
Summary of Modification: Add the word Heavy, and a link to heavy turbolaser, in front of the Ion battery worth 160 turbolasers. No change in overall gun count.
Reason for Modification: Board removed the 'Heavy' link when posting, and I didn't catch it.

20x Heavy Ion Battery (160)

Tanomas Graf

Submission Name: The Atsushi
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing affiliation
Reason for Modification: Won at auction -
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Empire

Submission Name: Omen-class Command Ship
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing affiliation
Reason for Modification: Won at auction -
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Empire
Submission Name: The Avenger
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Revamping for Factory 4.0
Reason for Modification: I wanted to make the ship more personal than just a standard star destroyer, also I wanted it to transition easier into the newer version of the Factory


  • Classification: Unique Destroyer
  • Length: 1700m
  • Width: 570m
  • Height: 290m
  • Armament: High
    x30 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
    5 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard
  • 5 aft

[*]x30 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 10 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard

[*]x30 Heavy Ion Cannon Batteries
  • 5 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard
  • 5 aft

[*]x30 Long Range Ion Cannons
  • 10 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard

[*]x40 Proton Torpedo Launchers
  • 10 fore
  • 15 port
  • 15 starboard

[*]x40 Quad Laser Cannons
  • 20 port
  • 20 starboard

[*]x40 Point Defense Laser Cannons
  • 10 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard
  • 10 aft

[*]x20 Antimissile Octets
  • 10 fore
  • 10 aft

[*]Defenses: High
  • Reinforced Hull
  • Advanced Warship Deflector Shields
  • Redundant Warship Deflector Shields
  • EWAR

[*]Hangar: 6 Squadrons
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 1.0 | Back-up 8.0
  • Warship Ion Drives
  • Warship Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Warship Life Support Systems
  • Warship Navigational Systems
  • Warship Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Warship Communications Systems
  • Warship Environmental Control Systems
  • Warship Tractor Beams
  • Warship Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks
  • Crystal Gravfield Trap
  • Cloaking Device
  • Gravitic Amplitude Modulator
  • They're moving to attack position!: While the vessel is eight hundred years old, it has the powerful weaponry expected of a star destroyer, with dozens of turbolaser and ion cannon batteries as well as long range individual cannons ready to engage and vaporize the enemy before they can even react.
  • My lord, we have them: The Avenger holds a full wing of starfighters ready for deployment at a moments notice. Siphoning out of its main ventral hangar bay, these fighters can help the Avenger by intercepting enemy starfighters, missiles and sweeping the aft section for starships attempting to exploit the blind-spot!
  • No ship that small has a cloaking device: Recently acquired by Imperial scientists, an advanced Hibridium cloaking device allows the entire vessel to become invisible to both the visual scanning and starship sensors.
  • The ship no longer appears on our scopes: With a low speed rating, the Avenger is a slow vessel, with it's maneuverability being much worse. Fast enemy ships can exploit this by maneuvering behind the star destroyer, where the vessel has a natural blind spot, and attacking.
  • Apology accepted: The Avenger has been around for over 800 years. While it has been recently retrofitted with the era-appropriate technology, some aspects of it are still old as the ship itself. Enemies can easily exploit this aspect by using tactics that were developed by the Rebellion to destroy Imperator-classes.
  • They can't have disappeared: While almost as effective at cloaking as superior stygium cloaking devices, the hibridium suffers several drawbacks which include the fact that while the enemy can't see the ship, the ship cannot see the enemy either due to a 'double-blind' phenomenon. The Avenger will have to remain absolutely still due to the lack of navigational systems available that can pierce the cloaking field.
Description: The Avenger ​was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer first commissioned by Lorth Needa to four contractors which included Kuat Drive Yards, Sienar Fleet Systems, Cygnus Spaceworks, and Taim & Bek. After it was delivered to said captain it went on to serve in multiple conflicts as well as the subjugation of 436 individual Outer Rim worlds for the Galactic Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, for a very short period it secretly helped the Rebel Alliance while under the command of Moff Kalast before the ship was captured by Lord Vader and returned to the command of Captain Needa.

A part of Lord Darth Vader's Death Squadron, the Avenger was one of the key ships during the Battle of Hoth, being the only ship able to keep up with the sheer speed of the Rebel-affiliated freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Unfortunately, the Avenger lost track of the Falcon which had latched onto the command tower unbeknownst to the captain, who was killed by Darth Vader due to this failure. The Avenger continued its service within Death Squadron, attempting to hinder the acquisition of the Death Star II plans by Bothan spies but ultimately failing. It then participated in the Battle of Endor which was a disastrous defeat and signaled the end of the Galactic Empire with the death of Emperor Palpatine and Supreme Commander Darth Vader.

The Avenger was last sighted during Operation Shadow Hand when the ship led the Imperial Fleet at the Battle of Balmorra. This would be its last appearance for around eight hundred years, where it fell in and out of the hands of its owners.

It was recently detected by a scanning station owned by Imperial Elite Shipyards on Alzoc III. IES was currently in the midst of a search for vessels fitting the description of any ship of the Imperator line and managed to detect it in the nearby Silken Asteroid Field. CEO Tanomas Graf led a fleet of vessels including repair ships in an attempt to reclaim the Avenger for himself, unknowing of the vessels previous service. It was discovered to be the main base of a pirate band that had infested the asteroid field, which were wiped out by the IES Corporate Fleet.

The Avenger was brought back to the IES shipyards in the Vergesso Asteroid Field and retrofitted with the technology of the current era as well as had its damaged components repaired. Ironically, the vessel was brought into service of the Galactic Alliance, under Tanomas Graf who was a Rear Admiral within the GADF Navy, thought this would not last for long as the man would once again leave, taking the ship with him, to form an Imperial remnant in Wild Space.

While retaining its appearance as well as numerous other details, the star destroyer was retrofitted with new technology that was not available at the time its construction, including several modifications that were personally ordered by the Grand Moff himself. These modifications included a Crystal Gravfield Trap to detect cloaked vessels, as well as surprisingly, a cloaking device itself, along with a gravitic modulator to help protect the ship from other CGTs.


Rick Kaloo

Submission Name: Essex-class Starfighter Killer
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Adding specific weapons
Reason for Modification: Ne-Cal Military Space Engineering made its own type of anti-aircraft gun
Modification: Replace "twin anti-aircraft guns" with Flyswatter light AA guns

Submission Name: Dauntless-class Heavy Assault Frigate "Dauntless"
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Adding specific weapons
Reason for Modification: Ne-Cal Military Space Engineering made its own type of anti-aircraft gun
Modification: Replace "anti-aircraft laser cannons" with Flyswatter light AA guns, change from 15 to 20


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