Submission Name: Tygara
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Summary of Modification: Set population to zero. Add explanation to history.
Reason for Modification: With the growing threat of the Sith, the various Eldorai and cousin races have decided to evacuate the planet using Firemane’s ships and seek a new home in the stars. This is consistent with all the race’s views, but especially the Eldorai who never want to be enslaved or conquered again like what happened with Kaeshana. A thank you to [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] for her assistance in writing this modification is also in order.
(Add to population):
No sentient population. All available flora and fauna had breeding stock taken.
As Semiramis had predicted, the star people soon returned to Tygara. A fleet of corsairs descended upon the planet. However, the slavers were thwarted when another group of outsiders appeared in orbit - Firemane and the Eldorai. The Shahbânu realised that these outsiders were different and could be either a bane or an asset. She was proven right. Due to the imminent destruction of Kaeshana by a massive asteroid, the Eldorai sought a new home. Proving herself a pragmatic leader, Semiramis made an alliance with them. While the outsiders found the Qadiri practice of slavery highly disagreeable, they sought to affect its gradual abolition, as they wanted to get rid of it in a sustainable manner that did not leave the slaves destitute.
Moreover, they faced common enemies, as the new settlements were attacked by the Xioquo. Eventually, after several battles, the allied forces stormed the Underealm. The Xioquo's 'demigoddess' Mystra was awoken by a cabal of matriarchs, but turned out to be a menace to her people. She was ultimately defeated in a duel with Siobhan Kerrigan and their allies. However, while the Qadiri felt considerable antipathy for their historic enemy, Firemane wanted to integrate the Xioquo into the Tygaran community of nations, not destroy them. Thus they were granted autonomy under a new Queen Liavondra. The secret Lightsider dedicated herself to healing the wounds produced by centuries of oppression, hoping to wean her people off despotism. At the same time she strove to acquire technology from the star people to assure the independence of her people. Moreover, slavery was abolished, having already become impractical after a huge slave uprising during the Battle for the Underealm.
With the defeat of the Xioquo large-scale warfare ceased on Tygara. However, daily life was not free of strife, and occasional brush fire conflicts broke out. Many Qadiri slaves took advantage of the star people's sympathy for their plight by fleeing to Firemane or Eldorai territory. This increased the pressure for the Qadiri rulers to abolish the institution. Some Tygarans entered into the services of the star people or left the stars independently.
Firemane sent a peaceful expedition to the Vashyada, initiating diplomatic negotiations. While the wood elves were wary of outsiders due to their history, they consented to the establishment of a trade outpost at the edge of their territory. However, relations between Firemane and the Eldorai Matriarchy soured after the Kaeshana Rebellion and an anti-human uprising orchestrated by corrupt Eldorai aristocrats.
With the rise of The Sith Empire and the collapse of the SSC and Galactic Alliance, Tygara was vulnerable to the rising tide. With no strong allies and Firemane’s reluctance due to continual Eldorai intrigue, a summit was called to decide the future of Tygara. At this summit it was decided to use a mixture of
Sanctuary Habitat ships and
Asur Worldships to evacuate the entire planet. Firemane
rented these stations to the Eldorai and other races, but maintains a controlling interest on board. This monumental effort involved the dismantling of the newly constructed
New Santaissa ,
Fort Kerrigan and the
Star Fortress as well as a relentless process of providing supplies and getting people on board.
There was of course resistance as the native races were frightened by the new technology and being pushed into space. Full scale wars even developed among the warring Qadiri nations, but eventually the populations of the Qadiri were put onto a Sanctuary Habitat with a strong core of advisors.
The Xioquo and Vashyada were much easier, being less in population and being led by farsighted leaders who were able to see the necessity of the move.
Though it took nearly a year, the planet was statistically denuded of population and they moved onto a new and brighter future in the stars.