Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Submission Modifications

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Submission Name: ​Edemar
Link to Submission: X
Summary of Modification: Changing stuff to fit current times
Reason for Modification: Well, I made the planet for a faction; said faction is gone and I wish to update the planet.

The modifications were overall just be additional history and the re-wording of a lot of stuff regarding the planet. I'd prefer just to have access to the submission itself so I can take my time with it. It'll be quiet an overhaul.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Submission Name: Republic Army Rangers
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Add a little more lore to the unit
Reason for Modification: See above
Modification: Add this below equipment:
Motto: Rangers Lead the Way, All the Way
Submission Name: The Dawnguard
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Changing name to The Dawnforged
Reason for Modification: Had forgotten there was already an IC Jedi group by that name, and I'm a beautiful unique snowflake so.


  • Intent: To submit those Jedi loyal to the Oathsworn Legions.
  • Image Credit: Hellgate London: Exodus
  • Role: The Dawnforged function as a more regimented order of militant Jedi who serve as elite soldiers, bodyguards, and mercenaries devoted to safeguarding the Oathsworn Compact.
  • Links: /
  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Minor
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    Guardians of Light: The Dawnforged are all sworn Jedi, predominantly trained in the guardian tradition although with a small sentinel and consular minority. Most are battle hardened combat veterans, and many have adapted their lightsaber forms to incorporate the Oathsworn light-shield.
  • Beast Tamers: While the Dawnforged ruthlessly put down any Sithspawn they come across, some among their number have become known for developing psychic bonds with some of Tython's more exotic fauna that remains uncorrupted. Mounts, both land and air based, as well as trained predators make for not uncommon boon companions to those Jedi in touch with nature.
  • Swordsages: While the order's training tends to focus more heavily on martial pursuits than esoteric knowledge, all Oathsworn Jedi are taught to value their religion's ancient history and prize relics of that past above all else save innocent lives. The Dawnforged are known as record keepers, catalogers, and treasure hunters.
  • No Quarter: Like most Jedi who regress back into the old ways, the Dawnforged have an uncompromising attitude and paranoid sensibility that can make cooperation even with ostensible allies difficult. There is no right circumstance to call upon the black arts, and the only acceptable judgment for those who do is a final one.
  • Force Multiplier: The Dawnforged are no grand army, they are limited both in number and skillset, at their best when the inspiration of their presence serves to bolster the mundane legions of the Oathsworn. Their role is relegated mostly to frontline infantry command, where the greatest focus in their training as Jedi is on improving their martial prowess.
  • Righteous Fury: All Jedi Lords walk a fine line between pious valor and prideful arrogance, and the Dawnforged are no exception. They hold little love for the Sith and Dark Jedi they have sworn to destroy, seeing it as their tragic duty to purge not only their enemies but their way of life. This passion for justice as they see it can be manipulated, even corrupted.

[*]Structure & Powers:
  • Squires: Also commonly referred to simply as padawans, junior squires are roughly equivalent in number to the Order's masters, with some senior advisors occasionally taking on several to share time between training and clerical responsibilities. More senior squires are often loaned out to knights to serve in a traditional capacity and gain some practical combat experience under watchful eyes. Common squire level abilities include: Force Strength, Force Barrier, Force Sense, Telekinesis, Precognition, Mind Trick.
  • Knights: By far the most common among the order, knights make up roughly half the Dawnforged's number. Their responsibilities are equally numerous, defenders of the people and military commanders chief among them. The most stalwart and resourceful of all knights are chosen to serve the Oathsworn Reliquary as historical scholars and treasure seekers. Common knight level abilities include: Force Light, Force Valor, Battle Meditation, Force Healing, Enhanced Reflexes, Force Stasis, Tutaminis, Telepathy.
  • Masters: Only one to two dozen masters are active at any given time, when one falls in battle or the Oathsworn grow sufficiently in mundane numbers, the most promising senior knights are subjected to trials to determine who is worthy. Masters train junior squires, administrate the Compact, and advise the Regent Lord. Some are placed in sole command of the Oathsworn's more remote outposts. Common master level abilities include: Battlemind, Force Body, Force Breach, Farsight, Memory Recall, Comprehend Languages.

[*]Description: Originally a splinter faction of knights who once served Lord Talanis Long, the Dawnforged were formed by those drawn to the cult of personality of their brother in arms Titus Valerius. When Valerius recovered the Dawnstar from Ruusan, he returned it along with Lord Amroth to Tython, where he gathered his supporters and after securing Long's blessing, set out to establish a new colony on Ashla, one of the planet's twin moons.
In those formative days, the Dawnforged were few in number, but the more their reputation and influence grows across Tython below the larger their Oathsworn Legions have become. Absorbing smaller legions in their wake, the Dawnforged fortify outposts scattered across Tythonian continents and sends expeditionary teams out to survey nearby worlds, now numbering no more than two hundred at a time and spread out across the system.

Former monks of the New Jedi Order almost to a man, the Jedi of the Dawnforged have embraced a more radical orthodox ideology and consider themselves no longer constrained by the contemporary edicts that practitioners of their religion are not meant to govern the realms of men. Dawnforged Knights are sworn to enforce the tenants of the Compact, and while participation in that social accord is not compulsory, it is expected for all those who live on lands defended by their order to comply with Oathsworn law or suffer the consequences.
Submission Name: The Revenants
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update equipment.
Reason for Modification: Got some new stuff, replacing some gear. Cleaning up format a bit to make it more readable.

In Equipment, replace the current list with this:




[*]Cybernetic respirator
[*]Cortical datasplint
[*]Hifold sensory package,
Submission Name: Sistren of the Eternal Flame
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change Deployment from Limited to Minor. Update equipment.
Reason for Modification: Acqired some Minor production gear in the marketplace. Upgrading Deployment rating after reassessing unit role and equipment. I've learned that Limited means something like platoons or squads, so a small boost reflects the size I expected this pyromancer unit to have.

In Deployment, change this:

  • Deployment: Limited
to this:

  • Deployment: Minor

In Equipment, add:
Submission Name: Leonina Varkathras
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Additions to Possesions and Historical Information. Edit in Skills.
Reason for Modification: Update character a bit.

In Role, change this:

  • Role: Order of Fire equivalent of a Jedi Guardian, swordmistress, instructor.

to this:

  • Role: Order of Fire equivalent of a Jedi Guardian, swordmistress, instructor. 2IC of the Order.

In Notable Possessions add:

Leonina possesses a suit of Centurion Battle Armour. She owns a crossguard lightsabre with a dual phase mode, bifurcating cyclical ignition and other standard lightsabre systems.

In Skills, change:

  • Force Sense

to this:
  • Battlemind

change this:
  • Breath Control

to this:
  • Force Resistance

In Personality add:

As is common among members of the Order of Fire, Leonina has both an Order rank and a military rank. As an officer she is serious and rather by the book, but not a martinet. She values initiative and quick thinking, but expects discipline. Gloryhounds, cowards and blood knights get short shrift from her. The same applies to sadistic and cruel beings. The Cathar does not glorify war, but views it as necessary to avert greater evil. However, she regards those who use it to commit atrocities as abhorrent. She realises that innocents die in war, but draws a distinction between collateral damage that is an unfortunate byproduct of war and willfully massacring civilians and the like. This is connected to her experiences during the Republic-One Sith War.

While Leonina has drifted from Jedi orthodoxy and now espouses views that are closer to Potentium or certain Grey Jedi beliefs, she still stays away from the darker aspects of the Force. She regards the Dark Side as something that is more internal, rather than being some of kind of demon that pounces on naughty Force-users. But this does not mean that darkness does not exist. Her views can cause friction with the more darksided members of the Order. However, Leonina is not preachey or a missionary, she simply expects her subordinates to comport themselves as professional soldiers and disciplines those who do not. She stresses personal responsibility on all levels. Leonina is a soldier, so she will kill in battle. However, she kills in hot blood, not in cold blood.

In Historical Information add:

Leonina has risen through the ranks of the Order of Fire and Firemane to become an officer with the rank of Colonel. This makes her one of the Order's most senior officers, right after Siobhan Kerrigan herself. She supervises many of the day-to-day affairs of the Order and is one of its most visible leaders. While she does not possess the raw power of some other Mistresses of the Order, she is a constant, steady and level-headed presence. She works long hours and has a good eye for detail. Her new role has also broadened her horizons, enabling her to develop her skills as a commander.

Siobhan trusts her, regarding her as loyal and competent. While being a senior officer means that Leonina spends more time behind a desk than she would like, she commands field operations in person whenever practical. Although she has adjusted to military life and does not wish to return to the Jedi, she remains in contact with her friend Phylis. Recently, she led the Order of Fire contingent during Firemane's expedition to the lost planet of Tephrike.
Submission Name: Tecuanimeh
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment and Strengths/Weaknesses.
Reason for Modification: Got new stuff. Reassessed unit a bit.

In Equipment, add:

In Strengths and Weaknesses, change this:

  • Composed of Force-sensitive Xioquo. The Tecuanimeh focus on Cryomancy, Force Concealment, Telekinesis, Force Flash and in using the Force to generate regular darkness, providing concealment. Their members are Apprentices or Knights.

to this:

  • Composed of Force-sensitive Xioquo. The Tecuanimeh focus on Cryomancy, Force Concealment, Telekinesis, Force Flash and Force Cloak. Moreover, they can use the Force to generate regular darkness to conceal themselves. Their members are experienced Knights. However, they are trained for stealth, subversion and assassination, not frontline combat. They also do not carry lightsabres and lack strong defensive abilities.
Submission Name: Kazal's Dune Raiders.
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment.
Reason for Modification: Replacing a piece of equipment with a better model. Updating gear.

In Equipment, change this:

  • Reinforced Duraplast armour.

to this:

In Equipment, add:
Submission Name: The Silver Circle [NPCs]
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Updated graphic, updated information concerning PCS and NPCs, updated location, updated ship
Reason for Modification: To update the sub to reflect new story changes and revamp
Modification: See spoiler. I am happy to update the sub myself, if that is easier.

Intent: To create a group of healers within the Silver Service Corps
​Image Credit: Myself
Role: A group of healers within the Silver Service Corps.
Group Name: The Silver Circle
Classification: Humanitarian/Medical Organization
Headquarters: Silver Rest - Kashyyyk
Loyalties: Celeste Rigel, Silver Service Corps (Silver Order)
Group Sigil: N/A

Description: As part of the Silver Service Corps, the Silver Circle seeks to provide aid and assistance to those in need. Each member of the Circle has been chosen by Valae Kitra to serve as her own group of dedicated Jedi Healers. When not accompanying Valae, they perform their duties as members of the SSC. But during times of need, the Silver Circle will travel with Valae away from Voss to put their skills to good use. They are loyal, driven, and selfless -- their goal is to work for the greater good.
Each member is a Jedi Knight that has a focus on healing. These Knights may not be the most skilled when it comes to combat, but they are well-versed in defensive measures. While their speciality is certainly focused on using the force, they are also able to provide assistance with treating wounds in a conventional manner.

In dire circumstances, they are also ready to perform the Voss Healing Ritual -- utilizing the power of many in order to save another. This was generally performed with Valae Kitra acting as an active channel to focus their efforts, as she was been trained by the Voss Mystics. However, the original members of the Circle have also been trained (Celeste, Quin Su, Lila and Vash).

Hierarchy: The group falls under the umbrella of the Silver Service Corps. While there are no individual ranks for SSC members. After Valae Kitra left the Order to retire, Celeste Rigel became the Chief Healer, and the Silver Circle rolls up to her.
Membership: The members of the Circle have proven themselves to be skilled in force healing or medical treatment.
Dogma/Doctrines: The Circle does not discriminate between alignment or faction, and will provide healing to any that are in need. However, they will be hesitant to assist those that are attempting to attack them directly or any of the wounded in their care.
Curios: They do not carry any items, aside from personal belongings.
Goals: The goals of this group are to provide care and healing to the wounded and ailing. They are also dedicated to the education of other light-sided force users that are seeking training in healing techniques.

Valae Kitra (Honorary), Celeste Rigel, Ciana Teigra, Hyonu Ye, Samara Raine

Lila Arrel (NPC – Mirialan – Late 20’s): Calm and quiet, the Mirialan healer is thoughtful and introspective. She is a bit enigmatic, but generally quite friendly once the ice has broken. She has gained the reputation as the “serious one.” Lila is swift, and moves with a sense of grace. In most situations, she wears a hood, but will reveal her face to those she trusts. She has green-hued skin, and delicate facial tattoos. While she may appear meek at first -- make no mistake, she is quite brave. Force Master.

Vash Prower (NPC – Human – Mid 30’s): Unlike some of the others, Vash has seen battle many times, and is fairly comfortable with the idea. While he is able to handle a saber, he excels at force protection abilities, and is a great support to his allies. If the members of the Circle or their patients are in danger, Vash is generally the first to act. He is tall and built quite strong; and does not look the part of a typical healer. Force Master.

Quin Su (NPC – Cerean – Late 50’s): Wise and sage-like, Quin is often sought for advice. Injured during a shuttle crash, he is known for having survived by using the hibernation trance. A gifted healer, he seeks to share his knowledge with others. Quin carries a wooden staff that has been imbued with the force; he uses this for self-defense and leans on it for assistance when walking. He has wispy, white hair and a long beard that he wears braided. Force Master.

Ilana Marsh (NPC – Human – Early twenties): Young and eager, Ilana is one of the newest additions to the Silver Circle. She worked with Celeste Rigel a number of times before she was brought on as an official member. She is enthusiastic, bright, and quick to offer a helping hand. Newly Knighted, she is capable, but many of her skills are still a bit rough, they need to be honed. She has fair skin, light hair, and blue eyes. Knight level.

Valae Kitra returned to the Silver Order after a brief hiatus, and found herself acting as a senior member of the SSC. Around the same time, she was also approached by the Iron Empire and asked to assist with establishing a branch of healers within the Legion. It was clear to Valae that she would need help. So, she approached some other members of the SSC that she knew to have an affinity for force skills related to healing and protection. It is her hope that this is only the beginning when it comes to establishing a greater number of Jedi Healers, but these members will remain among Valae’s most trusted colleagues and companions.

During Valae Kitra's time as Grandmaster, the original members (Celeste, Quin Su, Lila and Vash) were promoted to Masters. Shortly after Valae's departure from the Order, Celeste was named Chief Healer and began to oversee the Silver Circle as their new leader. The organization continued to grow, adding promising healers and medical doctors alike. This included two new Knights, Samara Raine and Ilana Marsh. Members Hyonu Ye and Ciana Teigra have added much needed insight into the scientific and medical side of the profession, working alongside the force healers to solve very complicated problems.
Submission Name: Glory Hounds
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment.
Reason for Modification: Got new custom suff.

In Equipment, change this:

In terms of ground transport, they can call upon speeders and, if something heavier is required, Yazgid IFVs. However, they do not have any heavier armoured fighting vehicles than those.

to this:

In terms of ground transport, they can call upon speeder bikes, Bladesinger Combat Speeders and, if something heavier is required, Yazgid IFVs. However, they do not have any heavier armoured fighting vehicles than those.

In Equipment, Explosives, change


to this:

In Equipment, Misc, add:

In Equipment, Sidearms, add:
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