Intent: To create a group of healers within the Silver Service Corps
Image Credit: Myself
Role: A group of healers within the Silver Service Corps.
Group Name: The Silver Circle
Classification: Humanitarian/Medical Organization
Headquarters: Silver Rest - Kashyyyk
Loyalties: Celeste Rigel, Silver Service Corps (Silver Order)
Group Sigil: N/A
Description: As part of the Silver Service Corps, the Silver Circle seeks to provide aid and assistance to those in need. Each member of the Circle has been chosen by Valae Kitra to serve as her own group of dedicated Jedi Healers. When not accompanying Valae, they perform their duties as members of the SSC. But during times of need, the Silver Circle will travel with Valae away from Voss to put their skills to good use. They are loyal, driven, and selfless -- their goal is to work for the greater good.
Each member is a Jedi Knight that has a focus on healing. These Knights may not be the most skilled when it comes to combat, but they are well-versed in defensive measures. While their speciality is certainly focused on using the force, they are also able to provide assistance with treating wounds in a conventional manner.
In dire circumstances, they are also ready to perform the
Voss Healing Ritual -- utilizing the power of many in order to save another. This was generally performed with Valae Kitra acting as an active channel to focus their efforts, as she was been trained by the Voss Mystics. However, the original members of the Circle have also been trained (Celeste, Quin Su, Lila and Vash).
Hierarchy: The group falls under the umbrella of the Silver Service Corps. While there are no individual ranks for SSC members. After Valae Kitra left the Order to retire, Celeste Rigel became the Chief Healer, and the Silver Circle rolls up to her.
Membership: The members of the Circle have proven themselves to be skilled in force healing or medical treatment.
Dogma/Doctrines: The Circle does not discriminate between alignment or faction, and will provide healing to any that are in need. However, they will be hesitant to assist those that are attempting to attack them directly or any of the wounded in their care.
Curios: They do not carry any items, aside from personal belongings.
Goals: The goals of this group are to provide care and healing to the wounded and ailing. They are also dedicated to the education of other light-sided force users that are seeking training in healing techniques.
Valae Kitra (Honorary), Celeste Rigel, Ciana Teigra, Hyonu Ye, Samara Raine
Lila Arrel (NPC – Mirialan – Late 20’s): Calm and quiet, the Mirialan healer is thoughtful and introspective. She is a bit enigmatic, but generally quite friendly once the ice has broken. She has gained the reputation as the “serious one.” Lila is swift, and moves with a sense of grace. In most situations, she wears a hood, but will reveal her face to those she trusts. She has green-hued skin, and delicate facial tattoos. While she may appear meek at first -- make no mistake, she is quite brave. Force Master.
Vash Prower (NPC – Human – Mid 30’s): Unlike some of the others, Vash has seen battle many times, and is fairly comfortable with the idea. While he is able to handle a saber, he excels at force protection abilities, and is a great support to his allies. If the members of the Circle or their patients are in danger, Vash is generally the first to act. He is tall and built quite strong; and does not look the part of a typical healer. Force Master.
Quin Su (NPC – Cerean – Late 50’s): Wise and sage-like, Quin is often sought for advice. Injured during a shuttle crash, he is known for having survived by using the hibernation trance. A gifted healer, he seeks to share his knowledge with others. Quin carries a wooden staff that has been imbued with the force; he uses this for self-defense and leans on it for assistance when walking. He has wispy, white hair and a long beard that he wears braided. Force Master.
Ilana Marsh (NPC – Human – Early twenties): Young and eager, Ilana is one of the newest additions to the Silver Circle. She worked with Celeste Rigel a number of times before she was brought on as an official member. She is enthusiastic, bright, and quick to offer a helping hand. Newly Knighted, she is capable, but many of her skills are still a bit rough, they need to be honed. She has fair skin, light hair, and blue eyes. Knight level.
Valae Kitra returned to the Silver Order after a brief hiatus, and found herself acting as a senior member of the SSC. Around the same time, she was also approached by the Iron Empire and asked to assist with establishing a branch of healers within the Legion. It was clear to Valae that she would need help. So, she approached some other members of the SSC that she knew to have an affinity for force skills related to healing and protection. It is her hope that this is only the beginning when it comes to establishing a greater number of Jedi Healers, but these members will remain among Valae’s most trusted colleagues and companions.
During Valae Kitra's time as Grandmaster, the original members (Celeste, Quin Su, Lila and Vash) were promoted to Masters. Shortly after Valae's departure from the Order, Celeste was named Chief Healer and began to oversee the Silver Circle as their new leader. The organization continued to grow, adding promising healers and medical doctors alike. This included two new Knights, Samara Raine and Ilana Marsh. Members Hyonu Ye and Ciana Teigra have added much needed insight into the scientific and medical side of the profession, working alongside the force healers to solve very complicated problems.