Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Submission Modifications

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Submission Name: Thyrsian Sun Guards.
Link to Submission: Click.
Summary of Modification: Equipment Upgrade and Visual Overhaul.
Reason for Modification: The submission is a little dated, and I'm wanting to bring it up to par with the rest of my submissions - including the swathe of new gear I've made for them.
  • Replaced Primary Image and Image Source.
  • Added Secondary Image and Image Source.
  • Updated the Font to Courier New, and Repositioned the Title Separators.
  • Updated the Equipment Section with New Links.
  • Updated the Unit Classification with the term, "Mechanized," to Reflect Exclusive Use of Powered Armour.
  • Wording Change in the Last Sentence of the Description - "In," to "By," for Grammar.

Intent: To create the Standard NPC Unit Entry for The Golden Company.
Image Credit: Halo Arena Vision Piece, by John Liberto [x] and Halo Achillies Armour Preview, 343's Halo Waypoint [x] - Recoloured and Edited by Khonsu Amon utilizing Pixlr Photo Editor and FontMeme Image Generator.
Role: Former Special Forces, Mercenaries [Rank and File.]
Links: The Golden Company [x], Thyrsian Sun Guard [x], Linked Below.

Unit Name: Thyrsian Sun Guards of the Golden Company.
Affiliation: The Golden Company, The Supreme Sun Guardian, The Highest Bidder.
Classification: Heavy Mechanized Infantry, Special Forces and Mercenaries.
Primary Weapons:
  • VW-01 "Fatebringer" Repeating Gauss Carbine [x] - Standard Issue Service Weapon.
  • VW-02 "Icarus" Solar Ionization Rifle [x], with attached Generator - Cohort/Fireteam Support Weapon.
Secondary Weapons:
  • VW-03 "Apollo" Solar Ionization Pistol [x] - Standard Issue Sidearm.
  • Dissuader KD-30 Slugthrower Pistol [x], with Xenoboric Cartridges [x] - Secondary Issue Sidearm.
Melee Weapons:
  • Thyrsian Force Pike [x]
  • Combat Vibroknife [x]
  • Thyrsian Talwaar [x]
  • Thyrsian Pentag Blade [x]
Armour and Equipment:
  • VCP-01 "Hoplon" Combat Powersuit [x] - Standard Issue Power Armour.
  • VDS-01 "Aegis" Military Mobility Shield [x] - Integrated Shield Generator.
  • VCS-01 "Aspis" Combat Shield [x] - Gaunted Mounted Shield Module [Left Arm.]
  • Overhauled MM9 Mini Concussion Missile Launcher [x] Integrated Module [Right Arm.]
  • Liquid Fibercord Whip Launcher [x] Integrated Module [Right Arm.]
  • Knee-Mounted Rocket Dart Launchers [x] (Molecular Acid, or Paralytic and Neurotoxin, or Explosive Tipped.)
  • Anti-Security Blade. [x]
  • Scramble Key. [x]
  • Data Breaker. [x]
  • Resonator Key [x]
  • Communications Wave Descrambler [x]
  • Bacta Grenades [x]
  • Concussion Grenades [x]
  • Fragmentation Grenades [x]
  • Thermal Detonator [x]
  • Dampener Aerosol Grenades [x]
  • Field Medkit or Medpac [x]

Availability: Rare.
Deployment: Limited.
  • [Strength] Former Thyrsian Special Forces, Elite Mercenaries, Combat Veterans: While much of the organization was formed out of former Thyrsian Special Forces, throughout the formative years of the Golden Company's history, more and more recruits from outside the Thyrsus system began signing up. Thus, their experiences bled into the whole, making the Sun Guards stronger.
  • [Strength] Versatile Combat Unit. (Adaptive Combat Tactics and Strategy.)
  • [Strength] Thyrsian Martial Arts and Thyrsian Battlesight (Thyrsians Only.) [x]
  • [Strength] Formidably Armed and Armoured: When credits are king, and the organization foots the bill for a standardized ensemble, the Sun Guards of the Golden Company often find themselves spending their hard-earned spoils on enhancing their arms and armour. This ensures that the Sun Guards are well-equipped to tackle any reasonable threat that comes their way.
  • [Weakness] Limited Deployment; Easily Outnumbered: Sadly, when equipped with the best that credits could buy, or that nimble fingers could steal, having the ability to deploy en masse was exchanged for a more elite fighting force. Quality over quantity.
  • [Weakness] Soldiers of Fortune; Loyalty for Hire: Like any band of Mercenaries, Credits are king, and they will do anything to serve their benefactor's request - be they the original contractor, or the new one.
  • [Weakness] Militaristic Tribal Hierarchy; Internal Honour Duels: As the Thyrsians are a militaristic people, they often fight amongst themselves to prove who among their number is supreme. This inspires a competitive nature between the Sun Guards, which often occurs during deployment - and often to their detriment.
  • [Weakness] Overconfident; Sins of the Ego: Combat Veterans who remain in the field and are victorious, often develop a sense of overconfidence - which can often lead towards the death of their comrades or get themselves killed in the process.
  • [Weakness] Kinslayers; Cowardice begets Death: Due to the ideologies of the Sun Guard, Cowardice is a cardinal sin to the organization at any rank. Displaying such craven behaviour in battle usually amounts to being expelled from the Sun Guard, however, should the deed be grievous enough, the Coward is subjected to a Summary Execution.
Tactical Organization:
  • Cohort (4 - 5 Men.)
  • Legion (20 - 40 Men.)
Organizational Hierarchy: [x]

The Golden Legions.
  • Stellar Legionnaire.
  • Stellar Centurion. (Commands a Cohort.)
  • Stellar Tribune. (Commands a Legion.)
The Officer Corps.
  • Twisuns Legate. (Commands Two to Four Legions.)
  • Twisuns Praetor. (Commands Four to Eight Legions.)
  • Thychani Commander. (Commands Eight to Sixteen Legions.)
  • Thychani Dictator.
  • The Supreme Sun Guardian.

Description: The Sons of Thyrsus, or more formally known as the Thyrsian Sun Guards, were once one of the most feared and ferocious bands of mercenaries to ever populate the galaxy in the times before the darkness of the Gulag Plague. Formed from renegade elements of Thyrsus’ Special Forces, who fought for their Homeworld’s independence from the matriarchal society of Eshan, and the Echani Command thereafter, eventually forcing both sides to sign the Pact of Almera. With their planet freed from the oppressors of Eshan, those rebel soldiers banded together to form the first Sun Guard, laying the future foundations of what would later become the Golden Company, and took to the stars in search of fame and fortune. Cultivating a fearsome reputation that rivalled only that of the Mandalorian’s themselves, the Sun Guard’s of old were soon manipulated and tricked into becoming secret servants of the Sith, and their descendants throughout the ages.

When the future Emperor had devised his grand ascension to the throne, and the galaxy was engulfed by the fires of the Clone Wars, the Sun Guards endured the greatest betrayal they had ever known at the hands of their Master. Hundreds were put to the sabre, and those that survived had found themselves divided. A schism occurred, where dozens flocked towards the newly ordained Emperor and found themselves forming the Core of his Royal Guard. The others, who saw their Overlord for what he was, returned to Thyrsus and began to rebuild. Until the Yuuzhan Vong had come from beyond the edges of the Galaxy, the legacy of the Sun Guard’s - like the Jedi before them - faded into myth and legends. When War once again engulfed the Universe, the Sun Guards roused themselves from their fabled slumber and fought against these Extragalactic Invaders. An act that aroused their warrior’s spirit and rekindled their desire to retake what was once lost. Not even the darkness of the Gulag Plague could douse the burning embers of their reclamation crusade. Today, years after the spark of civilization returns to the centre stage, and as the drums of war beat from one edge of the galaxy to another, the Sons of Thyrsus take up arms once again in pursuit of glory and the fortune that follows.

As was tradition, the Thyrsian Sun Guard scour the stars as a nomadic pack of carrion birds, picking where they fight to earn their keep and carefully choosing who they adopt into their ranks. Those that are selected are often renegade Sons of Thyrsus or able-bodied soldiers who’ve become distraught with their commanders, Veterans with years of experience notching their belts. Though there are some exceptions to this clause, the Thyrsian Sun Guard believe that Warriors are forged in the heat of battle, and train their provisional recruits during their active missions - or during live-fire exercises, anything to keep their skills honed and sharp. Those that failed, or breached the strict code of conduct, were either expelled from the organization - or slain by their commanders should they cower in fear during combat. There was no greater sin to the Sons of Thyrsus than backing down from a fight, and thus the punishment duly deserved was death. Like their ancestral kin, the Thyrsian Sun Guards excelled in close-quarters combat and were able soldiers who were able to adapt and respond to any threat that came their way. They considered themselves masters of versatility in the realms of strategy and tactics and adorned their iconic golden armour with a variety of weapons to accomplish the task at hand. Chief among these deadly arms was the Force Pike - a newly recovered variant that once served those who guarded the Emperor himself.

Much like their genetic cousins, the Echani, a vast majority of Thyrsians kept the traditions of their ancestors alive, despite the massive religious divergence, which in turn allowed them to read another combatant’s body language, and predict their next move. The severity of this power was entirely dependant on one’s training, and would vary from one Son of Thyrsus to another - but much to the chagrin of those Sun Guards not born of Thyrsus, such a gift was not transferable. However, what was often exchanged instead was the experiences that every soldier brought to the table. With a wide variety of military backgrounds in play, the Sun Guards can prove to be a formidable force upon the battlefield. However, such a reputation comes with its own ingrained weakness, as the Sun Guard mercenaries would often find themselves outnumbered and outmatched, both by numerical advantages and the nigh-godlike powers of a trained Force-wielder. When the Thyrsian's would find themselves held at such a disadvantage, they would adopt a more unorthodox style of warfare that would either see the job done or litter the battlefield with golden corpses.

Thus, by using unconventional and adaptive combat tactics, as well as their impressive arsenal, the rank and file mercenaries of the Golden Company would ensure that the legacy of Thyrsus would be reclaimed… one way or another.
Submission Name: Order of Fire
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Add a subgroup.
Reason for Modification: Subbed an NPC unit that would be a subgroup of the Organisation. I listed those in the Membership section, so I would like it added.

In Membership, add the following to the list of groups:

Submission Name: Cadera Naeyra
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change pic and image credit. Edit Appearance.
Reason for Modification: Found a better pic.


Change the picture in submission to this:


In Image Credit, change this:
  • ​Image Credit: Here. 'Akachi' by Tjota on
to this:
  • ​Image Credit: Here. 'Grumpy Elfi' by Tsvetka on
In Appearance, change this:
  • Appearance: Cadera is of average height and build for an Eldorai. She has dark hair, pointed ears and brown eyes. She prefers simple, practical clothing. She tends to pull her hair back and wear it shorter than most Eldorai. She has some minor cybernetics that augment her memory and an implant that protects her against poisons.
to this:
  • Appearance: Cadera is of average height and build for an Eldorai. She has blonde, almost white hair, pointed ears and grey eyes. She prefers practical clothing. She wears her hair about shoulder-length. She has some minor cybernetics that augment her memory and an implant that protects her against poisons.

What you can do is actually submit a submission modification here to update that sub. You can include the entire new sub in a spoiler, with just a summary of the mods in that field. Since it looks like cosmetic, history, culture, etc, and not anything that might change balance concerns, this is a perfectly fine way to do it and cuts down on work for the CJ's.

Otherwise, updated
Submission Name: Veradune
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification:
Name: Veradune
Region: Outer Rim

System: Veran System
Suns: 1 yellow star (Zaris)
Orbital Position: Habitable Zone, third planet
Moons: Five Moons

System Features: In the system, there are seven other planets, yet this is the only one that has been inhabited by sentient life.
Coordinates: X, 27

Rotational Period: 35 Hours
Orbital Period: 400

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 15,000 Km. at the equator.
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate

Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Grassland 5%, Mountains 5%, Oceans 60%, Tundras 5%, Forests 15% Desert 5%, Jungle 5 %
Native Species: Zorren

Immigrated Species: Humans
Primary Languages: Basic and Zorren
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy

Population: 5,000,000,000 legal citizens and growing
Demonym: Veran

Major Imports: Technology in various forms

Major Exports: Aid in various forms (Mostly, Humanitarian and military), Fauna and Flora

Affiliation: Vitae Alliance

Major Locations:

The Great Forest: Making up a large section of Veradune’s terrestrial surface, the great forest is the seat of power among the tribes and supposedly the birthplace of the Zorrens. Those who rule the Tenevi Temple in the center are often seen as the most powerful of the land as they control the greatest resources. Despite its great importance in being the world's capitol, the forest still holds many dangers, including Teradin Trees which are known as a natural defense for anyone who might want to attack the capitol city.

Silver mountains: Rising up to touch the clouds, the silver mountains are the capitol of the mountain region’s inhabitants, and while the area’s culture is much like those within the Forrest and other regions, people in this place tend to prioritize strength and the virtues of hard work. Deep within the mountains, is the region’s main keep, a large subterranean castle where light is drawn only from a few large holes which had been dug from the side of the mountain been dug out in the mountain.

Grand Conclave: Found within the largest of the Grassland regions of the Planet. While most people within the grasslands live in small humble homes, the grand conclave is a large sprawling structure, a city of domes and halls in which everything is connected. The Grand conclave and similar regions all have a certain focus on working together and participation.

Yorlaren Desert: The largest desert on Veradune, the Yolaren Desert also hosts one of the planet’s great capitol cities. The people of Yolaren are known for their wisdom and patience. Boasting some of Veradune’s greatest thinkers, the Yolaren Desert has birthed many of the planet’s greatest diplomats. The people of the desert often live in large but rounded domiciles to withstand the sandstorms that often come through.

Tenevi Temple (Main): The Tenevi Temple was created in 3,000 BBY to base the growing order of galactic defense. However, much of this main temple has been renovated after the eviction of the bandit coalition. Very similar to the jedi and sith temples, this place is a grand building with many halls, several for eating, training, sleeping, and various other activities. Though, there are some primitive aspects to it such as the hall of the Valde, a large room much like a medieval mead hall. Since the Temple was reclaimed by Vulpesen, it has become the headquarters for the Vitae Alliance, as well as his personal home.

Tenevi Temples (regional): Unlike the main Tenevi Temple, these Tenevi strongholds are much smaller and are dotted around the surface of Veradune. However, much like their mother temple, these places have grown abandoned and are in desperate need of repair. While none of these temples are exactly the same, they do share similar shapes of architecture, consisting of sharp looking edges and a pyrimidine towers. Despite these common things, many variations are done due to where the temples are found as the planet has a great deal of terrains and climates.

Culture: The Veran are a generally militaristic society, however it is not in the sense that they fight with each other and constantly looking for some sort of war. After the creation of the Tenevi Order, the planet became ruled by the defense order’s leader and was thus sworn to defend the life of others. For the next several Thousand years, Veradune slowly rose up to a golden age, becoming a place of tourism, and technological advance. However, after a series of disastrous events, Veradune’s unity was broken up into a collection of tribes. During this time of weakness, a reclusive group currently known as the bandit coalition took control of the planet and used it to their own means, doing their best to utterly exterminate the native Zorrens until they were deposed by Vulpesen Torrevaso.

Eating: The Zorren people lived and grew alongside the Tenevi order, and are thus heavily affected by he code of Life, Freedom, and Unity. One of the greatest influences from this code has been on their dining habits. While most restaurants and eating establishments eat at separate tables or booths, almost all Veran food establishments from Cafes to Taverns feature one to three very long tables that run down the middle without any smaller tables. These tables are often stacked down the middle with the various foods that the place my serve. This fosters a sense of brotherhood among the Verans as they may go to eat in these places and meet new people or strengthen old bonds. However, due to the Veran’s fondness for drinking, it is also a saying that no Veran tavern is complete without a medic’s booth. These booths line the outer walls and come in use when a fight inevitably breaks out in the center of the table where people are most talkative and rowdy.

A Warrior Culture: The Veran people while disproving of death, are in essence, a warrior culture. This fact shows in many aspects of the Veran people’s lives.
Fighting styles: As with many groups who developed as warriors on their own planet, the Veran people developed a set of fighting styles and martial arts, each one developed in response to some ideology or realization. Each of these main styles were named after the three main gods of the Veran people. These Gods are found in the prefix of the form’s name. The form’s suffix comes in either the form of tryx or syn. These suffixes denote the form’s lethality with tryx(meaning claw) being the non-lethal form while syn(meaning tooth) is the more lethal form.
Varotryx and Varosyn: Named after the Fox god Varos, these styles revolve around trickery and attacking an opponent’s weak points. It often requires that a Veran act as if they are Zorren, using their claws and fangs in combat to do the most damage possible without any major use of power. Stikes are made with open palms or claws at weak points such as the neck eyes, stomach, or joints. This form may also require some skill in acrobatics and flexibility as practitioners are often required to dance around their opponent until they can place their opponent in a wrist lock to disable them.
Wulretryx and Wulresyn: Named after the wolf god Wulren, these forms rise from the power of a zorren’s body and rely on powerful strikes, either with a closed fist in the form of wulretryx, or with extended claws in the form of wulresyn. Practitioners are often not afraid to move in close to the opponent and wrestle them to the ground where various locks and throws are used to subdue the foe.
Rerrotryx and Rerrosyn: Named after the coyote god Rerreno, these forms are the easiest to learn but are not suitable for serious combat. As Rerreno is the god of diplomacy, practitioners of this form use it not to harm their opponent, but rather to neutralize the threat. Appearing as a form of wrestling, the Rerreno forms focus on holds and chokes to stop a person form fighting. Rerrosyn’s lethality often comes in the form of prolonged blood chokes and neck snaps.

Jewelry and decorations: A large part of the Veran culture is the belief that everything is a weapon. While the zorren people often rely on their fangs and claws, they realize that not all inhabitants of their planet can utilize such natural weaponry. This has caused an adaption in Veran item creation in which almost all forms of Jewelry or decoration are in some way capable of being weaponized, whether it be a spiked hairpin or a ring with a hidden blade. These hidden weapons are often incorporated into sub-forms of the main Veran Martial art forms.

Force Traditions: Being that Veradune is a place of wild nature and deadly wildlife, the force users of Veradune often use the title of wilder, their powers stemming from the wild and savage nature of the living force. Most force abilities used on Veradune are based in nature, bending animals and plants to their will. There are also legends of those strong enough in the force, changing their bodies in ways inspired by the animals that they’ve seen. Strong in the ways of altering the environment, and sensing the life around them, Veran wilders are rarely trained in ways of altering the mind, though it is not unheard of.

The three gods: While different regions of Veradune might extend the panthenon to include different gods and goddesses, the bulk of the Veran belief system and virtually all religious groups center around the three main gods, Varos, Wulren, and Rerreno. Each of these three embody some part of the Veran belief system and have their own legends associated with them.

Varos: Often the most prominent of the Veran gods, Varos is said to have joined with the spirit of shadows and through their union, the Zorren people were born. As the Zorren people see Varos as their godly father, they paid homage to him by Naming the planet after him. This was however disputed by Wulren who was beaten in a competition by the Fox, thereby solidifying the name of the Zorren home world. Varos is seen as a God of Freedom due to his lack of belief in following conventions. He is also seen as the god of trickery, shadows, and the common man as well as travelers, thieves, and scouts. He is often called ‘The Silent Protector.’

Wulren: Often seen as the opposing force to Varos and his main competition for power among the gods, Wulren the Wolf stands for strength, unity, honor. He is a soldier’s god and is often prayed to before large battles or fights. While he does have an animosity towards Varos, he is still said to show respect to the fox, acknowledging that power can be found in the fox’s unconventional ways. This respect is also fostered from the Wolf’s belief in Unity.

Rerreno: The mediator between Wulren and Varos, Rerreno is the coyote god of Diplomats. While Varos’ trickery happens behind the scenes, Rereno instead, prefers to conduct negotiations face to face. His relation between the other two gods is seen as generally the best as Varos enjoys his reluctance to enter straight combat while Wulren enjoys the idea of meeting one’s foe face to face, even if blows are not exchanged.

Technology: Galactic Standard


150,000 BBY: The Zorren tribes are first assembled and eventually start to claim their territories.

130,000 BBY: The Tenevi Order is created with the tribes forming a small council which then contributes to a single planetary nation.

20,000 BBY: The Tenevi Order starts to branch out into the galaxy.

10,000 BBY: The Veran people have their first encounter with the GenoHaradan, beginning a long feud between philosophies.

2,000 BBY: Republic Jedi find Veradune and offer to join. Veradune declines this and asks that their existence be ignored, if not erased from any records. While the Republic agrees to leave Veradune Alone, they continue to share a pleasant though discreet relationship.

1,500 BBY: The feud with the GenoHaradan grows stronger and leads to the beginning of the silent wars, a time in which the Tenevi and the GenoHaradan fight relentlessly for control over areas of the galaxy. Despite the raging conflict, both sides keep the understanding that their existence cannot be discovered. The resulting innovations from the Tenevi place Veradune into a golden age which causes them to become technologically more advanced than the rest of the galaxy. This golden age lasts over a thousand years.

1,000 BBY: The Tenevi have pushed the GenoHaradan out of their area of the galaxy, creating the first influence clouds in the conflict

990 BBY: Both sides decide to stop their fighting, deciding on defined borders.

19 BBY-5 ABY: The Jedi purge begins and after finding information on the group Tenevi Order, the Empire attacks the Veradune government, believing its force sect to be too similar to that of the jedi. Despite multiple attacks, the Tenevi Order manages to gain the time it needs from the rebellion to wipe any information of its existence from the Empire’s databanks. However, these attacks still cost Veradune a large amount of grief as it loses entire cities.

5-136 ABY: The Residents of Veradune continue to trust the judgment of the Tenevi Order, continuing to fight from the shadows as they rebuild their planer.

400 ABY: The Tenevi Order attempts to help rebuild the Galaxy as well as it can

425 ABY: Citizens of Veradune attempt to develop a cure to the Gulagh plague but are killed when they try to administer it to the galaxy.

Four hundred years of darkness: The Main population of Veradune, the Zorrens have turned out to be extremely susceptible to the plague and the Tenevi Government finds itself sending more and more of its people to help whoever it can. However, this leads to a period of weakness in which many of the Tenevi’s domestic Enemies rise to power. In one well timed and planned coup the Tenevi leaders are deposed, killed, exiled, or run-off with death warrants.

837 ABY: Vulpesen Torrevaso and Alexandra Lianne Feanor, having followed a vision and the studies of the former set out to find the lost planet of Veradune. After a fight to end the Bandit Coalition, the planet now struggles to rebuild during a time of much needed Revolution.

838 ABY: The Zorren population gains immunity to the virus through natural means, however the collapse of the Tenevi Order, the leadership of bandits, and the decimated population have all reversed the golden age, causing the people to disband back into their tribes. While there is hope for someone to guide them back to the light, Veradune continues to stay in a dark age.

839 ABY-Present: The Zorren Population has grown tremendously after Vulpesen’s efforts in the Miracle initiative, returning the race to prominence within the Galaxy. Due to the nature of the population boom, old knowledge is quickly recovered, bringing the Veradune back up to Galactic Standard Technology. While the Tenevi Order was once the leading government on Veradune, Vulpesen created a new governmental system based upon the Organization of the Vitae Alliance, naming its various parts as the Armis Militia(Military), the Howlaw Court(Judiciary), and the Tenevi Order. The Tenevi Order is now relegated to force users and special cases not covered by the other two branches.

Intent: To offer a home for Vulpesen and his work in the Vitae Alliance.
Reason for Modification: Major changes due to addition of culture, location change, and major timeline edits
Modification: Location changed to hex X,27
Affiliation changed to Vitae Alliance(the current ruling government)
New Areas added to Major locations
Warrior culture section added to culture
Force Traditions added to culture
Jewelry and decorations added to culture
Dining habits added to culture
Religion Added
Technology changed to galactic standard
History overhauled so that it makes sense.(we had zorrens alive long enough to remember the birth of their civilization... oops.)
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Submission Name: Immemorial Hall
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification:
Reason for Modification:
Template was copied twice, causing article to repeat itself.
Modification: Delete the extra copy of the submission's text underneath the first instance of the submission.
Submission Name: Firemane Scimitar Drop Troops
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update equipment.
Reason for Modification: Acquired some new stuff via the marketplace.

In Equipment, add

In Equipment, change:


In the Darkness there is Truth
Submission Name: Nur Jahan
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Move to Pre-Codex
Reason for Modification: The purpose of this NPC has changed drastically since I rebooted Sumiko under a new concept. I am similarly rebooting Nur and giving her a different purpose, using Sumiko's apparent death as a catalyst. I intend to expand on this NPC's history, abilities, allegiance and promote her to Knight. As a number of these edits will affect balance, it is best that the submission is judged anew after I have made them. Hence the request to move to pre-Codex.


Move to pre-Codex.
Submission Name: Miranda
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing the coordinates of the planet
Reason for Modification: The planet was created with the intention of donig a dominion on it. It has not yet been added to the map. With the fall of several big factions, it'll serve us better at different coordinates, and we intend on doing the dominion in October.
Modification: Change coordinates from Q-48 to R-41 please.
Submission Name: Gespenster
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment
Reason for Modification: Got new stuff.

In Equipment, change:

  • Reflec coated Duraplast body armour with sealed bodyglove.


In Equipment, add:

Submission Name: The Blackblade Guard
Link to Submission: Click
Summary of Modification: Add another cybernetic
Reason for Modification: Forgot one

Add this to the Cybernetic Implants list in equipment:

Hyperaccelerated Nerve Implant

Replace the Vehicles with these:
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