Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Submission Modifications

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[member="Nick Imura"]

If you want a modification, we need to know what needs to be added in. Please place a revised version of the submission in a spoiler tag in your request and it will be reviewed :)
[member="Nick Imura"]

So upon review, I need something extra before I do the mod. Can you explain how the species was also able to reach Kro Var and establish a sizable enough population to be counted as a common species on the planet?
[member="Taeli Raaf"], At the current moment no. Nobody has used the species since its creation so I thought I would try to see if I could just add it in without consequence. However, if I need to provide some sort of dev thread to do so, I can.
Submission Name: Kiribi
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: I have some large additions to make to sections like the military and history sections to further flesh out my planet, and to reflect some political changes since the time of my original posting. I'd also like to clean up some typos throughout my sub.
Modification: Requesting that a RPJ reopen my submission so that I can make my edits.
Submission Name: Korath
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Changed my mind about some details
Modification: Pretty much changing the planet from splintered factions to one family that controls most of the planet, and a few small groups.


Name: Korath

Region: Outer
System: Zatharac 91
Suns:Zath-Ula, Yellow Star
Orbital Position: 3rd planet from the Sun
Moons: None
System Features: 3 other planets, All lacking atmosphere. The system contains many hulks of destroyed or
abandoned vessels that orbit around these barren planets.
Coordinates: T,82. East of Kalee
Rotational Period: 29 standard hours
Orbital Period: 278 standard days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 20,000 Km
Atmosphere: Type 3, Breathe masks are required for most species when they are on the planets surface.
Climate: Arid
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: The planet is covered in broad deserts, and dotted with small and rocky mountains.

Native Species: The Korathians
Immigrated species: None besides a few outcast individuals, the planet is too hostile to be welcoming to most creatures... Except for the most desperate.

Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic is used by the most educated, those that could steal holotapes made to teach human children. Otherwise a guttural language is used, Made by the native species when they click hard plates on the inside of their throats. It is almost impossible for outsiders to learn as they lack these distinct plates.
Government: The Gharashi Syndicate controls a large majority of the planet, with only a few Enclaves still resisting their rule. The escalation of their power has only recently occurred but could very well shape the future of the planet.
Population: 800 Million (Almost all of which are native Korathians. Only 0.02% are foreigners)
Denomynm: Korathian (this is reserved to the native species, outsiders are called "Cho'Ka'Rah" or "Those who don't belong" in the native tongue.
Major Imports: The planet imports tools and machinery which are used to smelt down scrap metal and process scavenged materials.
Major Exports: The planet exports scrap metal that has been smelted back into ingots of the original, they also sell scavenged weapons, computer systems, and droids. While not being an export per say; Korathians are eager to escape the planet of their birth. Some even going as far to become slaves in order to leave the factories in the past, hoping that their new life could be at least slightly less horrible.
Affiliation: While all Enclaves have a relative say in global affairs, the Gharashi syndicate control most of the population and often represent the planet as a whole.

Major Locations:
Zha'Ja'La- Home of the Gharashi family this city is the seat of all planetary affairs and with a population of 350 Million, it is the largest Enclave on Korath. It is home to an uncountable number of vendors selling more illicit products. In the Labor district, Or the "Zha'Ja'La'Nodah" it is almost impossible to hear anything but the incredible loud racket of humming machinery, clanging tool, the pounding of steel on steel, and not to mention obnoxious foremen screaming at their workers as they labor over scrap from space faring vessels, both alien and domestic.
Zha'No'Pah- Also know as The Dust by speakers of Galactic Standard Basic, this a large and sprawling basin which at its lowest point sinks to 3 Miles below the lip of the basin and stretches for thousands of miles across the planet, like a large scar.

-Life for a Korathian is a dull and menial one, tainted with the eternal taste of sand. Most are sent to work in factories. These factories compete to do one thing, process scrap. Life for Korathians revolves around their work, as all hope for a life other than this is dashed when their name is called at the factories yearly 'Raffles', made to replace those who died in the countless accidents in them. However, a lucky few are given a ticket out. They are given ships (Owned by the factories of course, think of a company car of sorts) and tasked with collecting scrap from outside the planet, the more exotic and expensive the better. These individuals are called "Cho'Zha'Ya" or "Those who walk the dreamed walk". Society is a simple one, Those who are responsible for giving you your pay are your higher ups, The Laborers are beneath the Foremen, the Foremen are beneath their supervisors, Those supervisors are beneath executives, those executives are beneath the company Chairmen. These chairmen would then theoretically be answerable to the Laborers as they do the work that gets them money... Except no laborer is educated enough to know this.
-Art and Religion are unknown concepts to Korathians, If it is not edible or able to be smelted down it has no purpose in the Enclave.
The one exception to this notion is "Khan'Zha'Do", the one and only sport found on Korath. It is a mix between Earth soccer and gladiator fights. Those who go against the will of the company Chairmen are forced into small arenas, where teams are tasked with delivering a rock to the other end of the arena by any means necessary. The only catch is that the contestants arms are tied behind the backs, or simply severed depending on what enclave you are in. The winning team is exiled into the desert, while the losers are executed.
-Militaries are private armies owned and operated by the companies inside of an Enclave, used to protect said companies assets and interests.
-Technology: The tech of Korath is lower in scale, As citizens only need basics in order to carry out their duties inside the workplace. Higher tech is available in the marketplaces by purchasing it from Merchants who sell on behalf of the companies they represent. This tech is from alien ships that have been processed for high value materials.
-History: Korathian history is largely unknown even to its own people, as the only information that is reliable written down are receipts and business contracts. Information at any one time can only really stretch back 100 years from oral legends and myths that describe why life is so cruel and why work truly makes you free. Alien Archaeologists have determined that Korathian society is most likely around 130,000 years old, and the current technology was most likely learned from a stranded foreign species that interacted with the then primitive natives. Regardless of origin, the eternal heat has forced the inhabitants of Korath into Enclaves, underground cities much resembling the hives of insects. As their society became star bound, the Korathians soon encountered other spacefaring races, weak and over reliant on diplomacy, their neighbors were quickly swept aside, leaving bountiful amounts of space hulks, ripe for salvaging. The remnants of ancient battles such as these, and other lost travelers can only be found in the junk belts around the other planets in the system. Now those areas serve assort of a spider's web, merchants and explorers who enter the system often find themselves surrounded by scavengers, all bickering for the chance to haul the soon to be doomed traveller's ship back to the homeworld.

Due to the isolationist viewpoints of Korath, the Gulag Virus had unique impact on the Korathians when compared to most civilizations. While the only Korathians that actually received the disease were Scavengers outside of Korathi space, the sudden absence of their lifeline to new scrap and materials was suddenly severed. With no runners to bring in scrap or sell processed scrap, Koraths economy was brought to a screeching halt. The Enclaves that could not adapt died, and this time saw the rise and fall of many new groups all across Korath as they struggled to take power in this troubling time. As goes the saying "A crisis is a terrible thing to waste."

In the year 843 ABY while the rest of the galaxy was experiencing chaos of its own the people of Korath wage a special war, not against invaders or against themselves, but on the planet itself. Massive duststorms ripped across the planet, eternal waves of sand blotting out the sun. What little life that was not in underground Enclaves and that could survive the dangerous climate of the planet, was quickly torn to shreds by sand particles moving at hundreds of miles on an hour. Ships where unable to land or take off and the world fell to chaos. For almost two years the people of Korath struggled to survive under a blacked out sky, when the dust finally settled the planet had been reshaped. Some Enclaves entirely disappeared, others were unrecognizable after the interior changes they had gone through in isolation. No landmark was exactly the same, the most noticeable was a massive pit that stretched across the planet that had been formed after sand was pulled out the area in large amounts forming a sprawling ravine. This feature would come to be referred to only as The Dust.

Notable PCs: None yet
Intent: In order to create a home-world for my PCs and to give the community a new location to make a part of their narratives.
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Submission is modified :)

[member="Kranton Suroon"]

After looking it over, and because of the significance of the changes, I would like to see a thread where this Syndicate actually takes over. 10 posts is the minimum, make it fun and all that :)
Submission Name: Al-Khali
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: THe faction is gone
Modification: Submission clean up of links, small additions to history & links

Name: Al-Khali

Image Source:

Intent: To create a hidden location for the Medical Corp to operate

Classification: Converted Academy

Location: Odacer-Faustin

Affiliation: One Sith

The Crags: The area around the academy that were created as a waterless moat. With jagged rocks jutting out that would handle things falling over and provide a deep ravine for a first layer of protection against the sickness.

The Dorms: Converted for use by the stormtroopers and staff to use. Defensive autoturrets and precautions are set up to protect from an outbreak with biometric sensors at the doors and filters for the air supply.

The Library: The ancient and burned library has proven unusable for recovering scrolls or texts but once the rotted wooden body was removed and it was secured a large staging area for administration and processing.

Ritual Chamber: Uncovered from within the library and used to create a pit. The screams of victims and prisoners who are kept there to be used in things coming up from the air shafts.

Paddocks: The ancient animal paddocks that housed at one point tauntauns and have been converts. With equipment for monitoring the academy internal network and outside sensors.

The Cradle: The Roanoke cradle, a shell of steel and exposed electronics that keeps their prisoner ship. The towers on the top of the cradle being able to be defended with droids and auto turrets.

Landing Pad: The main entrance to the academy and base cleaned off and made for shuttles and personal ships to land. Defensive autoturrets ready and able to defend on the area as it goes towards the large staircase.

The Wall: Built on the edge of the academy and creating another additional layer of protection. The wall reaches twenty feet high and has towers interspaced with monitors and sensors to track movement inside and outside.

Central tower: The ruined tower has been cleaned away, the ruins and death it brought not forgotten but immortalized in a statue of a sith lord who hold four faces on his head. One displaying Darth Drear, the second displaying Darth Scaborous and the third displaying Seras before she had her life preservation suit. The fourth face is a mirror that looks down upon each sith who comes as a sort of motivational incentive that they can be added to such a thing.

Built one thousand years before the Galactic Cold war. Darth Drear used the structure to discover the secrets of immortality through the use of the murakama orchid. A flower with both sentience and force sensitivity that when tinkered with sith alchemy created a ravenous hive minded infection that could spread across all species and sought to devour the galaxy. His ritual was never completed or rediscovered until Darth Scaborous found the chamber and continued to ritual with a jedi.

After the fall of the academy the world was blocked off, the danger of spreading the virus more or less a universally agreed upon bad move. That wouldn't stop graverobbers seeking secret sith treasure after a thousand years or so. Also a possibility of course and the stray sith or jedi seeking information for what really happened. The harsh snowy terrain proving a dangerous place until thousands of years later Seras arrived with a plan for the ancient academy.

With it still standing and what information they could get on its layout she decided to create it more like an underwater or space base on a planet. Working to make each section its own contained area with biometrics and scrubbers to detect signs of the virus or other infections. They began to slow process pretending to be a repair crew fixing the damaged quarantine beacon to keep people away. After of course sabotaging it to lure three jedi to the world.

She needed someone to play distraction while her people worked to slowly dig and set charges. Working to cut into the mountain around them and severs the academy from the range they were on through what she planned to become the crags. The rooms getting a thick heavy turadium blast door sealed with a biometric scanner to detect signs of the infection and ensure no one infected is admitted into the areas they have been and begun to fix up.

Filters and bioscanners in the ventilation systems allowing clean air to pump and be recycled within the network as they built it. Defense turrets deployed in every room in case of breach or outbreak. Flametroopers working to purge each section before construction droids are sent in to put up and reinforce with floor and wall bolts the blast doors. Remote droids to scout through the vents and watch for dangers or seal them off.

Slowly as the sith construction droids moved through the crags and wall were created to seal the academy off and snow was moved and set into filters to be melted down for a small supply of water that could be recycled for use with the prisoners. The ancient entry arch was kept with a new inscription being added upon it as they worked to make the ground safe for some use. Aside from infected there would become the need to deal with graverobbers.

That came with some small concealable automated anti air turrets that could be placed around and target anything coming to explore the academy that wasn't authorized. The research base was to be a secret and as far as the galaxy was concern the only thing on the world was death and sickness. Seras sought to keep this illusion with only a plasma bridge to connect the base to the rest of the world and to easily secure it. The controls within the insulated rooms on the lower rung.

As the Black Rose grew and developed under Venefica the research done at Al-Khali continued, Seras Goto's offices compared to others allowed it to remain isolated away from the others in the galaxy. Despite what was around the galaxy and around the facility she was able to keep it with Venefica by getting closer to the sith lord. Transferring soldiers as the Black Rose seemed to go into an identity crisis with Sanya trying to make the darksiders into lightsiders and Seras retreated back to Al-Khali.

Her seclusion with what soldiers she could get when they fell. Gathering one of the mobile labs Sanya developed for them to use on the world. The massive academy that had been converted going dark as far as communications were determined and staying out of the visble need. Seras could continue to work on the world in peace away from prying eyes. Most of the experimentation coming from it on what they could find with the doctor using her skilled members who had some extra protection from the remnants of black rose soldiers.

Dev Thread:
  • Al-Khali - Seras begins initial construction and conversion of academy into base. (still on going)

Baroness Magrath

Submission Name: Avidon
Link to Submission: [Here]
Reason for Modification: Map Location change
Modification: Changing the Grid Coordinates and Chaos Map location. Changes to be made are highlighted with Green

Grid Coordinates:
R-3 [Estimated]
U-16 [Estimated]

Chaos Map Locations:
Tigel Arm: Between Lorrd and Morellia
Wild Space: Empty Hex below Pzob

Submission Name: Edenia
Link to Submission: [Here]
Reason for Modification: Map Location change
Modification: Changing the Grid Coordinates and Chaos Map location. Changes to be made are highlighted with Green

Grid Coordinates:
R-3 [Estimated]
U-16 [Estimated]

Chaos Map Location:
Tigel Arm: Between Lorrd and Morellia
Wild Space: Empty Hex below Pzob

Submission Name: Denalia
Link to Submission: [Here]
Reason for Modification: Map Location change
Modification: Changing the Grid Coordinates and Chaos Map Location. Changes to be made are highlighted with Green

Grid Coordinates:
R-3 [Estimated]
U-16 [Estimated]

Chaos Map Location:
Tigel Arm: Between Lorrd and Morellia
Wild Space: Empty Hex below Pzob

Baroness Magrath

The Planet Avidon currently is not on the map. It was taken off due to the previous submission being denied (as a means to ensure that no one dominioned a world that was no longer there). While it is set to be added to the updated map, it is still not on it as of this moment.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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