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Location-orbit over charros IV
Allies-[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Enemies-silver jedi
Silence did descend up in the bridge with the simple hum of the ship, the cold look she gave the bridge hid the look she truely had, she felt excitement nervousness...a whole host of feeling. Taking a breath in she let it put crossing her arms, it was much easier for her she knew bone of these jedi so her thoughts could be at ease if she struck then down...but the fact it could hurt adron made her feel...honestly terrible a bit
She closed her eyes ridding herself of those thoughts, opening them she was greeted with a scene that had been painted a thousand times...the scene of war played out in space such beauty in war. Silence again cane to the bridge, she looked to adron as did everyone else, ready to be directed to the theater of war to play their parts
She admired him greatly, he always had held that air of command almost aura like around him. She turned with him and nodded speaking
as you wish my Lord, they will not leave alive if they cross us
She glanced to the trooper then forward as she looked over to adron again and sighed patting his arm as she nodded and gave a smile to him
we will destroy them togther I have great ways planned for them
Her eyes glanced for the many ships that were present, again anya was in awe about all of the people here ready to feet for the empire and die for the empire. She boarded taking a seat by adron as she sat back and sighed ready for the battle
Location: Bimmisaari - Saari Ha Enclave
Objective: Humanitarian Mission
Allies: SJO - [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Zeradias Mant"], [member="Charity Luckless"], [member="Eri'anya Forr"], [member="Viathae Qarmast"]
Opposition: GE and Friends
The flicker of hope was enough to keep Valae afloat. It was good to hear that the Iron Imperial Navy had come to assist, and she was grateful for their support. However, there was still a troublesome feeling that pulled at the back of Valae’s mind. Her fingers switched slightly as she grasped the comm link in her palm tightly. Blinking back to the present, she responded to Captain Odin Black.
“Thank you, Captain – we appreciate the assistance.”
Turning, she spotted Viathae approaching with guards in tow. Valae was familiar with the Mandalorian woman, and she was thankful that she had come to Bimmisaari bearing much needed supplies.
“Greetings Viathae,” Valae said with a nod, “No doubt the refugees will be thankful for the supplies. We could use some help distributing some food rations and hydropaks, if you’d be so kind.” She smiled warmly.
Their group was soon joined by Knight Luckless, a fellow healer and friend. The moment her chestnut eyes focused on the lavender-haired woman, she knew that something was off. She looked pale, and she looked deeply troubled. Valae blinked hard, she trusted Charity’s intuition – and it also seemed to confirm her own feelings of worry.
Just as Valae opened her mouth to respond, the comm came alive with voices. She listened closely to the flurry of reports that came streaming in, all of them briefly detailing the events that had just transpired at Charros IV – a neighboring world. Wide-eyed, she looked to each of her companions. Would the forces of the Galactic Empire come to Bimmisaari? They wouldn’t dare attack such a peaceful world, would they? The questions were many, and there just wasn’t time.
“W-we have to protect the refugees.” She said, her voice shaking.
It took the Jedi healer a moment to collect herself, and then she spoke into the comm once more – this time to the Silver Order members and allies present at Saari Ha Enclave.
“Lock down the camp,”
In addition to the Jedi present, there were security forces here to help – the Berserkers and Droids. Between them all, Valae was confident that they would be able to defend the enclave… should trouble find them.
Location: Above Charros
Objective: Get planetside safely
Allies: [member="Alema Valla"], Galactic Empire and her allies
Enemies: SJO
Ailuros stopped cleaning herself when she saw Alema and the four special agents that were going to accompany them. Standing up from what to them would have been a very awkward position, she nodded as they entered her ship.
"Buckle in. It really is quite comfortable in here. Miss Alema, please join me up front."
Motioning to the seats, they were in more or less one large room, but the pilot and copilot seats were facing forward, the others faced inward to each other.
"Yes, I'm entirely positive I can get through the fight and to the surface unharmed."
She spoke with a slight lisp due to the shape of her mouth and the fact her canine teeth were longer than that of the humans or even Alema with her humanoid shaped mouth.
Waiting for clearance, Ailuros ran her engines through her final checks and once that was given lifted off. Skirting and maneuvering the ship more deftly than it looked like it would handle, they broke the atmosphere with no damage. No further bombardment had yet happened and they could see the shields up over the various cities.
Looking at Alema, she motioned to the ground below.
"Where do you need to go. We're here to work together to accomplish each of our missions. Mine works well with yours."
Location: Above Charros Objective: Collect Intel, and kill all hostiles Allies:Alema Valla, [member="Ailuros"], Galactic Empire and her allies Enemies: SJO Equipment: ISB uniform, grey plastoid breastplate, ISB uniform Comlink, ISB badge, EC-17 hold-out blaster pistol, DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle, plenty of ammunition
Special Agent Aldrenek Valen, and his three man team were accompanying Inquisitor Initiate Alema Valla, and Ailuros a rising prodigy. The agents were seated facing each other two on each side of the Rx4 Patrolship. As the vessel approached Charros, Aldrenek's mind floated back to his time in the Stormtrooper corps. He had participated in multiple excursions across the galaxy. It had been a while since his last. On his team were Amelia Tess, Baldwin Scurros, and Cladius Rem. They had served with Valen on multiple missions. Valen gripped his DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle, examining its dark color, and power back containing one hundred shots. He possessed a dozen more, totaling twelve hundred shots in total. The rest of his team carried E-22 Blaster Rifles.
"Is everything alright Lieutenant Valen?" Tess said to her superior.
"Yes everything is fine, it's just been a while since I've participated in an invasion." Valen replied
"I'm sure you will perform more than adequately sir."
"I hope your right." Aldrenek said starring out of one of the view ports looking over the planet preparing himself mentally for what was to come.
Location: Entering Charros IV System Objective: Ordering, Firing on Graf Star Destroyers with artillery ships Allies: Silver Jedi, Iron Empire, Enemies: Imperial Remnant, First Order Equipment: Phrik Combat Body, Chameleon Cloak, The Black Staff of Power, Armored Vong Biot, Sliver of Light, 2x Heavy Magnetic Revolvers with Neuranium Pellets, more and links to be added later during actual deployment Forces:
Raiding Fleet- Large Number of Abregado War Galleys along with compliments of Discus Volantes Corvettes, Squadron of 5 Eclipse Corvettes, carrying Mechanical Dragon Starfighters, and escorts of Wyvern-class Drones, Some Hunter-Class Heavy Cruiser and a Single Vindicta-class Star Destroyer (Supplied by the Firemane) carrying Buzz and Shield Leech drones Literal Imperial Remnant Fleet- Large numbers of found and scavenged Imperial warships from the time of Galactic Civil War and its aftermath period, restored and repair to working condition, now crewed by mix of droids and organics. Actual classes with links and numbers added later when this writer will have more time and energy.
"May the Force be with you."
The droid muttered out to a now empty channel as Ke closed his transmission with his philosophical words focusing on the battle at hand as one of HK's officers called out to the machine,
"My Lord! We are reaching point of reversion to real space!"
HK turned back to look at the center of the bridge where a holoprojector displayed now a map of the system,
"Have we navigated the hyperlanes to exit by the Silver Jedi naval positions?"
Suddenly nearby the Hapes and Silver Jedi fleet positions, on the side opposite to lines of enemy vessels, there was a flash of line and spike in signature of a ship exiting hyperspace, and suddenly from the void between stars one Abregado War Galley emerged from the warp. The corvette painted in grey, gold, and crimson moved quickly with the roar of it thrusters to join the ally positions just as another flash of light burst behind it and another galley emerged from the hyperspace. And then another flash, and another. The space near the planet would begin to sparkle and flash repeatedly as more and more ships reverted into real space, entering the battle near the Silver Jedi positions, sailing into the view of other parties in their large number, when one would think that they finally stopped coming more would be vomited out by the darkness of cosmos. The fleet amassed by the Imperials was fierce and grand, but they were not the only ones preparing for war, this would have been a force to challenge them, the catch was, due to the distance the ships had to travel quickly, and the lack of time to properly prepare, the vessels that entered the system, although of approximate total size to the Imperial invaders, were almost totally corvettes, mostly the War Galleys mentioned before. Finally few larger vessels would enter, a Vindicta-Star Destroyer and some Hunter-class Heavy Cruisers sent to the Lords by their nearby allies.
Upon entering the system the vessels would broadcast a friendly Abregado signature to the Silver and Ally forces, to those who knew of the planet's history and position, it was an element within the Galactic Alliance, boasting a sizeable element of Omega Pyre, a mercenary organization most prominently known for establishing the Protectorate in the past. That did not meant this was who sent the vessels, but it was still an Abregado signature the ships would broadcast.
But the droid knew it was not who had the biggest fleet would win the fight, such numbers were meaningless in the current theater of war, it was who used their forces most efficiently would succeed, and the machine was nothing if not efficient.
"Engage long distance bombardment, focus on star destroyers and vessels conducting orbital bombardment on Charros IV."
HK ordered, without much delay the Firemane ships hired out by the droid would open fire, the Cruisers launched a barrage of thunderous hypervelocity slugs towards the Imperial navy, aiming for various Star Destroyers with shots from their Vortex Macro Cannons as well as barrages from their heavy-warhead clusters, long-range turbolaser and ion cannon batteries. Brilliant streaks of lasers and ion bolts flew across the void of space, using the long-range weaponry of the cruisers to hopefully begin harassing and picking off Imperial capital ships from safe distance, away from the range of majority of their forces. Following this pattern the Vindicta-class opened fire as well, pounding out more hypervelocity shots from its own multiple slug-spewing long range gun emplacements, conjuring giant thick turbolaser beams from it Harbinger Super-Heavy Emplacements along with more warheads that propelled themselves across the void like explosive arrows and smaller bolts of energy from lower caliber turbolaser and ion emplacements.
"Track this super-star destroyer, project current trajectory."
HK ordered as he motioned on the holographic display to the Palleon,
"Yes my lord."
"Have the Galley commanders informed that this will be our first target, withhold from dealing heavy damage to it until the operation is complete."
"Yes my lord."
And with that HK turned to look over the map once more, his photoreceptors zooming in on the large ship.
The galleys, being right now presumably out of range from actually joining in on the bombardment themselves, moved in into position, forming task groups as vanguards by the position of the larger ships cruisers and the star destroyers sent to support them with heavier long-range weaponry along with the other corvette models while a large portion of the galleys moved closer to form up with the Hapes and Silver naval positions, inching closer to the super-star destroyer brought in by the Empire.
This was not the only fleet to enter the system at this time as on the edge of Charros IV, away from both sides of conflict, there would be more flashes of light, and more Imperial vessels would appear. They would come in large number, although not as large as the swarm of corvettes sent supposedly by Abregado, and in large variety, Victory-class star destroyers would be the biggest ones in there, supported by smaller yet still vicious looking cruisers, frigates, and corvettes. However, unlike the Imperial Remnant ships, there would be something off about them. Their hull was much more greyed and seemingly patched with discolored spots, blackened chunks of outer armor would give in gaps to peek inside of the ship's hull, and various scorch marks and blast scars would mar many of these vessels.
They were almost entirely derelict and scavenged ships repaired over and over to the point of being fit for duty once more.
Location: Bimmsaari - Glastro
[member="Kurt Meyer"] | I see you Krennic! [member="Travis Caalgen"]
Bumbling around beside Kurt, Kaile was all smiles. They made sure the Mesa was secured and headed off towards the market area. It was a little ways and would be beside several buildings of various purposes - one in particular, the focus of attention by one Director Caalgen.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, many inhabitants and local spacers were here to make their own purchases and fulfill their needs. Some would meander around, going from shop to shop. While others had the purposeful stride that would rival that of [member="Travis Caalgen"].
“So, what are you gonna do to fill up the time?” Kaile began to ask, her curious chocolate brown eyes staring up at the scruffy profile of her best friend. He’d been talking off and on about wanting to keep a little bit more busy; do something productive. Must be due to having his lady love be some big wig up in politics. Maybe he thought he wasn’t good enough for her? Well, to Kaile, Kurt had nothing but the best qualities. Yet the Lorrdian could see that there were pockets of doubt and self reflection dawning across the pilot’s visage from time to time.
Off in the distance, there was the small pop, pop, popping sound. Those who were familiar with blasters would be well aware what it meant. A slight frown drew over Kaile’s visage. Was someone using a blaster? Concern drew over her face.
This was about the time when nearby holonews would come streaming in. While they were too far to really read or hear what was going on in Charros IV, there was certainly something up.
“Huh, did you hear that?” swinging her gaze over to Kurt, Kaile slowed a bit, looking around.
"I dunno." Kurt said as they wandered through the city streets. The sun was still shining down and by all accounts the day was pretty nice. He wondered briefly if the refugees knew just how nice they had it coming to this world. The people were kind, everyone was trying to help, and it seemed almost a bit too peaceful.
Of course that was about to change.
"I was thinking of taking up racing again." Kurt admitted quietly, almost with a hint of shyness in his tone. "Not pod-racing, but something...more legit."
Swoop racing was far more controlled and actually had circuits the galaxy over. It was a thought that truly appealed to him, though in truth he didn't really think it was the right thing to do. Sure he could earn money with it, but that wasn't what he wanted. Slowly, very slowly, Kurt was realizing that he had to better himself. He had to build on what he already had so that he could better help Jamie in her life, and Kaile in his own way. He knew he wasn't the childs father, but...Kaile was his friend.
He wanted to do everything he could to help. "I have to think abo-"
Kurt suddenly found himself cut off, the pops of the blasters ringing out, his eyes immediately jumping to where the shots had come from in the distance.
"Get inside." His demeanor immediately turned, pointing to a nearby electronics store and ushering Kaile in. He had no idea where the shots came from but he wasn't going to risk anything, not when this planet was filled to the brim with refugees who at any moment could turn into a stampede.
Hyperspace had been a comfort for the Sith Knight.
But it would not last, she had a goal on this day and that goal involved Bimmisaari. Convenient that the Empire would strike here and under their flag she would act. The light would die, it would be choked from every part of the Galaxy. Atmeiktes was sure of it, sure of the words spoke by her master @Vraukt. "Arrival to Bimmisaari imminent," she recorded onto a holo log. "As the Galactic Empire toys with the Silver Jedi, I move to plant the seeds of darkness. I have no doubt from the records of Silver Jedi that I shall face numerous foes." And if this were to be true then she would be grateful. The more the merrier, the woman thrived from pain, from anger relished in it. Cybernetic arms moved with ease across the panel of the shuttle's dashboard.
A small shuttle emerged from hyperspace, the Silver Jedi had put out a blockade over the planet. She looked down at her cybernetic hand and back to the sight of the fleet before her. Her helmet swiveled to take in the sight. She could see the electromagnetic lines, and could feel the engines pulsating. Atmeiktes did not have the power to simply throw them all at the planet below, no. No, she left that nonsense to her former Grandmaster, but what she could do - she could still cause enough distractions. The Chandrilian woman set the shuttle on autopilot down to the surface of the planet so she could focus. Ever so carefully the small shuttle would proceed to move through the blockade and the Sith Knight would tap into the force and focus on the electromagnetic lines around her to jam any scanning devices.
CHARROS IV - Cathedral Factory, Southern Hemisphere
A cough rang from Tyrian's lungs.
The container, as had been predicted, had smashed directly into the hillside and dragged itself about ten meters away from the drop zone. The repulsorlifts attached to the side of it had kept the hunk of metal mostly steady, and the intertial dampeners that had been placed inside ensured that every man within survived, though some worse for ware. A massive dust cloud had seeped into the container however, buckled metal allowing for more than a little bit of debris to filter inside.
His coughs however were not from the outside cloud of dust, but rather the straps that had dug into his chest and stomach hard enough to nearly make him wretch. His fingers were numb, his head was spinning, and he felt as though his body wanted to eject itself from his being. He frowned for a moment, then heard a voice.
"Up and at em' Captain."
Tyrian frowned for just a second longer then glanced up.
A large Bessalisk was standing there, his four rippling arms holding onto a quad blaster. He stared down at Tyrian, one of his hands reaching to grab onto the safety straps and with one powerful yank ripping them from the wall. The Soldier groaned for a second, but then nodded his head and slowly pulled himself up and out of his seat. The others of the Legion quickly followed suite, standing and catching themselves before Tyrian motioned towards the door.
They had about half a click to get to the Cathedral, and they hadn't exactly been quiet.
This was the first time the Rogues had been called to any major large-scale battle since Geonosis, and when it came down to it Juwiela wasn't sure how she felt about that. Those consecutive invasions had been the closest she'd come to witnessing hell itself unleash, and those two battles had left their mark, each loss seared into her memory forever. It was the mark of a true soldier to be able to get behind the stick again after witnessing something like that, but she was nothing if not resilient above all else. Something had attracted her to this kind of life from the start, and it would take more than that to force her to give it up forever. This was her family, and the last thing she would ever do was leave them behind, no matter the cost. They were the underdogs, and they were in this together.
Which was why she was in a dead sprint for the hangar the same second the klaxons began to sound that announced the impending fight. Her small stature lent itself to speed above all else, and she ducked and weaved through the taller personnel before reaching her destination, halfway zipped into her flightsuit with her helmet in one hand. There was already a buzz of activity as everyone else around her was caught up in their own pre-battle routine, and she finished zipping up the orange jumpsuit before securing the helmet onto her head, both articles of her uniform still just slightly big despite their custom fit. With that same energy she scrambled up the ladder and into the cockpit, fingers flying over the switches and buttons that began the pre-flight checks, the canopy lowering itself to seal her in with a hiss of pressurized air.
"Alright boys and girls, it's game time for real. We've got a whole fleet of friends waiting outside to greet us, and I intend to give them a proper welcome with all the stylings of Rogue Squadron. Find your wingmate and get acquainted. All wings, report in." As she finished her impromptu speech she pulled out of the hangar, the feel of being in the thick of the fight something she had missed despite it all. Flipping a switch, she called over secure comms to her wingmate, the only Rogue shorter than herself, "Stick close. I wanna blow something up."
Colonel Valkren Calderon appeared through a cloud of dust and debris, already clad in his Katarn armor, with markings and graffiti all about the plates to distinguish different feats and battle time recognized by his fellow rangers. The blue visor that was seemingly covered by a white skull painting onto the front of his helmet suddenly illuminated, cutting through the settling dust. Several more visors pierced the haze, as several more members of Calderon's unit, nicknamed the 'Radama Raiders' for their previous deployment, suddenly appeared. Many of the rangers were nursing their own wounds, and carrying fallen brethren away from piles of debris and smoking carcasses of what used to be buildings and vehicles before the airstrikes swept through.
Valkren turned to witness the aftermath of the destruction at the airbase, communications from several team-leaders flowing in one by one from across the city.
"This is Raider two, we took major casualties here, requesting immediate-"
"Raider actual, raider six here. Civilians are going nuts here. We need CASEVAC yesterday, sir!"
"We need assistance on coordinates Zulu, Foxtrot, Charlie. Ending coordinates Seven Seven Five. I repeat, assistance required at coordinates-"
He'd turn his head once more, directing his gaze to where the voice had requested his attention.
Making his way to a group of rangers that had found their peace once more after the chaos had rocked the airbase, he'd retract the visor so his face was visible and voice was audible to those that didn't possess his team's frequency.
"Alright rangers, listen up! Our first objective is the safety of the civilians here! We need medical to begin setting up casualty collection points within the airbase and in safe areas around the city. We need to regroup with the rest of the Rangers that are out there and impose a physical presence around the city while the shields are still holding. Report to your respectable squads and platoons and saddle up! We'll be taking transport vehicles and SGV's out into the city. With several convoys moving about to regroup with the remains of our people and sure' up any defenses where calls may come in at, we should be able to respond to this and keep any more friendlies from getting injured."
He rolled his neck momentarily, lifting his rifle up across his chest plate. "They hit us in the jaw here, people. Let's get back up and get ready to hit back."
"Sergeant Osmari, you and your squad are with me. And will someone please contact the grandmaster and tell her that the damned rangers are in the fight!?" He'd yell this out before the visor closed in over his face, illuminating blue once more as he took off into a jog across the smoked airbase, with a platoon of rangers in tow, they'd load into one of the many transport convoys, designated 'Raider Actual,' and prepared to move out. Valkren would take his place in the passenger seats of one of the lead SGV's in his convoy.
Location: Bimmisaari - Tower of Law (Glastro)
Objective: Negotiate a deal for the housing of refugees Lock the city down
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Charity Luckless"] [member="Eri'anya Forr"] [member="Viathae Qarmast"] (ground) [member="Zeradias Mant"] (orbit)
Enemies: Galactic Empire [member="Atmeiktes"] [member="Gorba the Hutt"] [member="Travis Caalgen"]
"Bad news: it appears that a gunfight has erupted nearby" one of the security guards told the people inside the room where the meeting is held.
"I guess, the meeting can be postponed as a security precaution. However, we are not taking any chances: especially given what's happening on Charros IV, the city is declared to be under lockdown!" Jessica told the Bimm officials upon sensing the presence of gunfire nearby. "Send what civilians you can in the catacombs; set all troops in the city to red alert"
So a blaster gunfight have erupted somewhere close to the Tower of Law? With no sign of the Empire around, it could mean a number of things: psychopaths, criminal elements, Just that the SJ Regulars did not intervene just yet, because slug fire does not sound the same as blaster fire. Air patrols are flying overhead the shields of the city, which are being raised as the city is placed under lockdown. With the main entrance to the catacombs being protected by a roadblock, the regulars were to assist in taking the refugees strewn all across the city inside the catacombs, with the native civilian Bimms being taken inside the nearest buildings and not allowed to exit. Fortifications of the city were powering up their weapons, and Jessica made her way using Force-speed towards the command bunker in the bottom-most basement of the Tower of Law, which itself was surrounded with heavy weapons infantry supported by more regulars. Luckily, with the swift intervention of the Regulars, the refugees of the city were able to be placed inside the catacombs without it turning into a stampede. Some refugees were instead placed in other buildings that housed other Bimm civilians if they couldn't get to the catacombs, alongside other civilians. Better safe than sorry, I guess, she thought, upon arriving at the command bunker, with the civilian content of the streets steadily decreasing with each passing second. Meanwhile, one of those air patrols, comprising a flight of four fighters, two interceptors and two Chiloons, reports that something is amiss, at some point between Glastro and the Saari Ha enclave:
"Northwest Actual, this is Salamat Five. We're picking up sensor disturbances: a shuttle has seemingly disappeared from sensors" Salamat Five reported back to headquarters.
"Switch to thermal sensors"
"Much better: the shuttle appears headed towards the Saari Ha enclave"
The flight was dealing with either a S90 or a Lambda-class shuttle, which were in common use by Imperials and their allies, not likely to be anything bigger than a gunship, since it's harder to hide the sensor signature of larger craft in the ways described by the pilot without specialized equipment. As the flight began to attempt intercepting the source of the disturbance, they were using the tree cover of the forest, fire an infrared-guided missile at the shuttle, and then exploit its target's lack of maneuverability, to turn around and fire guns at its target. In a finger-four formation, the flight of fighters began their approach towards the suspect shuttle, and when they came within stern-chase missile firing range, Fox Two signals, which are usually given when thermally-guided missiles are fired, were given at the very moment where the thermally-guided concussion missiles were fired by the A-Wings, with the Chiloons waiting for the right moment to fire its guns, due to their bomb bays being loaded with proton bombs, which couldn't be fired at a shuttle. Then they would fire their 20mm APHE repeaters.
Location: Charros IV
Allies: [member="HK-36"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Enemies: Imperial Scum and those sympathetic to their cause
''All gunners have successfully received orders to attack incoming bombers. We're taking out a large chunk of the bombers, but their landing craft are getting through, would you like me to send a target priority change?'' the Bonthan spoke rather plainly and without inflection to Ke'Cholo. The Mercenary Commander thought through several options. Switching targets to the shuttles and landing craft would ensure the demise of the ray shield. Requesting the space forces, most likely those of HK-36, to concentrate their fire on the landing craft and shuttles would give the Imperial dreadnoughts a hearty advantage.
''Hmmmm....'' Ke'Cholo took a long and hard drag off his expensive cigar. It seemed as if the gunners and space forces were locked up, so he personally would have to change something. But what?
''Sherman!!!'' he suddenly exclaimed. In only a moment, ''Redbeard'' would appear. Sherman Mordarri was an older, but extremely effective military general who had a tremendous success rate with the Techno Union.
''What?'' the General appeared, seemingly, out of no where. He forwent the salutes and titles associated with Ke'Cholo's command, opting for a straightforward greeting. Sherman stood almost at eye level with Ke'Cholo, thanks to his mech suit.
''I need you to re-arrange troop formation, I'll ride out on Bloodfin with the Swoop Cavalry first to soften them up. Both the AA guns and space forces are locked up, a bunch of their shuttles are going to get to the ground. Tell most of you men to abandon guard duty of the inner base, if the Imps get that far, it's too late. I'll ride out with the cavalry first, your men follow up, and that should provide enough time for our 2 divisions of soldiers to get out of the base and engage the enemy army.''
The General grunted, seeming pleased he pivoted around and began to bark orders to the troops...
In just a moment, Ke'Cholo was at the entrance to the base, revving the ancient speederbike, with two phalanxes of mounted droids behind him.
{4} Location: Charros IV Atmosphere Objective: Begin Invasion Allies: [member="Anya Loma"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] Enemies: [member="Dusaro Dresari"] [member="Arisa Yune"] The Silver Jedi Order & Allies
Aboard the Command deck of The Courageous Admiral Yahla had taken command of all Fleet maneuver's. The red-headed woman stood silently as she watched the Fleet approach their target of Charros IV. She turned to her secondary systems analyst, placing a soft hand on his shoulder. "What are we looking at?" She asked in a soft, yet commanding tone. The deck officer pulled up a holoimage of the planet, pointing out a few locations where the normally blue hue was a deep crimson. "We're reading power outputs from here, here, here, and here. Each one is between fifty and one hundred Kilometers ma'am."
"Shields?" She asked, her tone sounding less than pleasant.
"Yes Ma'am. At least four but there could possibly be others on the far side of the planet." The Admiral paused before gesturing to one of the smaller shields. "You only use shields if you're protecting something. I'll bring us about seventy Kilometers outside of that reading there. Once we've found our landing site we'll get the troop transports down first to prepare a staging area."
She turned her head to a nearby communication's officer, snapping her finger as she pointed to him. "Update the High Moff and the Marshal. We'll be preparing to land in under ten minutes."
"Yes Ma'am." He replied, tapping into the communications terminal set up before him.
"Order our Corvette's to take point into the atmosphere, tell them to stay alert and watch for any anti-air measures or fighters. Bring us to point 175-Bravo, and prepare landing procedures! Let's get this done!" She called over the deck.
Adron's gauntlet let off a soft beep, the communications function coming to life. He tapped the flashing button, allowing him to speak to his hailing call. "This is High Moff Malvern, what is it?" He asked, hoping nothing had gone wrong so early in their plans.
"Sir. Admiral Yahla wanted me to inform you she has found a suitable target. We're reading shield output all over the planet. We are moving into the atmosphere now and preparing landing functions." The man said.
A smile came to Adron's face as he called back into the gauntlet. "Inform the Admiral she is to order all LAAT class gunships to disembark upon entering the atmosphere, my own shuttle will be among them. I want to see this myself."
"Yes sir." He responded before the line went cold.
Adron watched as a squad of Novatrooper's entered the shuttle, taking their places up in the open seats that surrounded the High Moff. It was not long after that he felt the slightest shift in the cruiser they were on.
Had they breached the atmosphere already?
The door to Adron's shuttle was sealed as the inner workings came to life. Over the intercom the pilot spoke back into the shuttle. "Sir, we have disembark in three minutes."
The three minutes for the shuttle to disembark was brief, as it passed Adron worked on settling his nerves which had once again arisen against his will. Though after feeling the soft movement of his shuttle coming off the deck he was able to return his attention to the matter at hand. The main force of LAAT gunships led the way out of the hangar, twelve in total, flying out towards the skies of Charros IV. Once they had been deployed Adron's own shuttle was brought into the middle of the open formation. Just as he had expected the Corvette's were leading the charge into the planet, with the gunships in the middle as the rest of the Fleet followed in tow. He turned to a nearby viewport, watching as the cloud parted to give way to the surface of the Arid planet.
In time the lead part of the fleet could see something in the distance. Miles and miles away was a city, hosted by a plateau that was surrounded by nothing but rock and dirt.
"That must be it." Adron said, narrowing his eyes on the distant sight. Imperial protocol dictated they not go too close to a shielded city, less artillery and anti-air batteries destroy the fleet. However, as the corvette's began to hover in place Adron knew they had reached their staging area. "This will do, we can land our soldiers here and assault the city."
The Troop carrier's and gunships all made for the planet's surface, preparing to disembark their complements. While the Destroyer and the rest of the fleet maintained a static hover, miles above the surface. To bring the entirety of the Fleet down in one motion would be foolish, so it would be deployed in stages.
Adron's own shuttle gave the slightest bump when it connected with the ground. He turned to the ramp and watched as the main door was opened to him. "Anya, let's go." He said, gesturing for them to step onto the planet. Adron stepped out onto the ramp, narrowing his eyes from the harsh sun that beat down on the planet. He looked to the clear terrain that surrounded them. It was both beneficial and detrimental. They could easily deploy the entirety of their complement, but they had little to no cover.
Adron watched the LAAT's with a bit of interest. Each one landed in a defensive formation surrounding Adron's own shuttle. They had done their duty well. As the Stormtrooper's disembarked to begin setting up a perimeter Adron made his way down the ramp. It did not take long before the commander of Adron's forces, Marshal Vette, approached him. He held a datapad in hand as he spoke to the High Moff. "Sir we can have the rest of the army down within ten to twenty minutes. Our target seems to be a city, it looks like utilizing long-range bombardment would be best."
A moment passed before the Moff gestured to the city. "Get me an open-comm to that city." He ordered.
The Marshal nodded, tapping into his datapad a bit as the rest of the ships prepared to land. After a few moments the man placed a small holoemitter on the ground, allowing it to scan over Adron before the Moff finally spoke. "This is High Moff Malvern of the Galactic Empire. This is your first and only warning. Stand down and surrender your city to me or face destruction. All Jedi and their soldiers are ordered to surrender their weapons and be taken as prisoners of war. If you submit I promise fair treatment, a proper trial, and mercy. If you fight....I will kill every one on this planet." The last words were rather forced for Adron, whom usually preferred compromise to death, yet in this instance his choice was shackled. The holoemitter was turned off and the open comm channel integrated into his gauntlet.
"Do you really expect them to surrender?" The Marshal asked.
Adron chuckled dryly before responding to the man. "No."
~~~~Bothawui Sector Invasion Fleet~~~~14,853M Summary: Fleet approaches Charros IV and begins invasion procedures. Targets Shield signature over native city and approaches said city. The Corvette's and LAAT gunships lead the way through the atmosphere, LAAT's and Adron lands on the surface. the Corvette's maintain a hover with the rest of the fleet while the Divison dropships begin their landing.
INVCourageous {FS}-Full Invasion Complement-Shielding 100%-Hovering over Imperial Staging Area~2900M
Keeta looked down at his hands, one of flesh and the other metal. Killing hands. He favored the cybernetic one. Wouldn't shake when he pointed a gun. He stood in a forest of tents, filled with the clamor of voices. Refugees milled about. Taking care of their children, crying, eating, talking. Many, however, sat or stood with blank faces and staring eyes. The blood on their clothes evidence of violence. They stank too. Fecal matter. Festering wounds. Vomit. Unwashed bodies. Even through the helmet, Keeta could smell them. See their hollowed gazes.
He drank it all in, knowing what was to come.
Keeta unslung the carbine from under his tattered cloak and extended the stock. He checked the power output, then flicked off the safety.
Each team member scattered throughout camp Kresh pulled out the charges, placing them in the places with the highest body concentration: near the food lines, under the medical trailers, in the middle of the sea of tents. Keeta pulled out the spherical device, set the timer, then dropped it next to the water supply as he passed.
There was no escaping it, no running away from the battle or the fighting. It was horrible and it was probably wrong as well, but she was here for the war. Pandac knew that the war was about greater things, it had a purpose in the chaotic galaxy, but she did not know it. These were real people, fighting and dying in a real war. What purpose could there be to justify it? The idea of good and evil, how those to fought, in a conflict that would never end, just seemed empty. Almost like an excuse created to keep morale up. The madness of war, what was its true goal?
Damned if she knew, Pandac was just a pilot. Not an exceptional one at that. She was cleaning blaster scoring off the wing of her ship when the alarms went off. Supposedly the maintenance crews were to clean and care for the craft, but Leea could do it, so why put it to another. There would be enough jobs that had to be relegated elsewhere, so why not do what you could. Looked like it was time to go to work. Dropping down from the wing of the Runner she jogged over to the changing room. It was impressive how easy it was for something such as putting a jumpsuit to become second nature. When she actually paid attention to what she was doing, it surprised her sometimes that it was so simple and fast. Before much longer had passed she was running out towards her ship.
At least it was where he ship used to be. It had been replaced with another fighter and she couldn't see the Runner anywhere on the deck. She moved to one of the preparation crew members, "Oi, where's my fighter?"
"Orders came in. Rogues are going to be using some different fighters this time.... mam."
Scratching the back of her head exasperatedly she asked, 'What are we flying this time?"
The crewman pointed to fighters nearby. She waved her hand before stepping over towards the new ships. She looked over the different craft and rubbed her hand over its exterior. "Bugger, you better get me through this. If I die, you're coming with me."
With that she sighed and pulled herself up the ladder into the cockpit. It irritated her that the configuration was slightly different. She went through the standard pre-flight checklist, moving over dials, clicking switches, and giving the stick a testing pull. Adjusting the artificial gravity a bit, to the usual setting she preferred, before starting the engines fully. She then switched the craft to idle while she listened to the small speech from Rogue lead. Pulling the comms she responded to the report, "Rogue 3, raring to go."
Opening up a private comm she spoke to her last wingman. "You ready to go Drexel?"
Much to his surprise, there weren't any hostile fleets approaching or already engaged with the Silver Jedi ships already in orbit of the system. As the ships reverted to realspace, the alarms continued blaring and countless Iron Wrath puppets were scrambled, if not only as a defensive measure, but also a precautionary one. Though not as effective as the more skilled pilots of the navy, the AIs aboard still possessed a cunning precision. They'd also be exhausted less quickly as their manned counterparts, who might let their boredom get the best of them without immediate action.
The puppets weren't the only thing to take off from the iron bellies of the star destroyers. Exiting the safety of the hangars were dozens of shuttles, bound for the refugee camps planetside. Aboard were the men and women of the Iron Imperial Marines, off to assist the Jedi on the ground in their own ambitions to help dislocated refugees. These vessels, however, were escorted by piloted crafts of the Iron Empire.
"Resolute, this is Kingpin. We're approaching the refugee camp now. Stand by for confirmation.", the marine battalion commander reported.
Good. Things were going well. The absence of an opposing fleet still made Zeradias uneasy, but he wasn't about to go out looking for trouble. For now, the fleet would take up a defensive posture and maintain watch for enemy activity. If things were things quiet on Bimmisari, he could only imagine what the force looked like on Charros IV.
As the shuttle doors whirred open, there was a conundrum of activity before Lieutenant Colonel Alyn Rooke stepped off the metal surface into the dirt below. His eyes took a brief moment to adjust, but before long, he could see the treetops and tent canopies, along with a number of refugees making their way into the camp. Without delay, the marines began corralling them and filtering them into the camp for treatment and relief. Others disappeared into the nearby woods and dug in, assuming a defensive posture. Before walking into the center of the camp himself, three shuttles flew closely overhead before landing into a clearing. Armor clad men began lifting crates out and placing them under a nearby tent, sheltered from any natural elements that might strike.
Striding further into the fray, he approached the tent and cracked open a crate. They were full of syringes and bottles of who knew what. Medicine was beyond his realm of expertise. Though a soldier through and through, when certain echelons of command were attained, command began to feel like governance, and governance entailed much more than one would think. He needed to knew his men, the structure of his organization inside and out, he needed to know their wants and their needs, what it took to function correctly and at optimum efficiency. Things he didn't know, he delegated, as any good leader should.
Before long, he saw a woman with what appeared to be a personal guard approach another. One of them would be in charge. Without speaking, he approached the two and standed nearby without encroaching on their discussion. He would wait to be addressed, and assuming he was correct in his assessment that one of them were in charge of the operations here, he would assist however he could.
Location: On Approach to Charros IV
Objective: Reach the Surface
“Thank you,” the Twi’lek responded to the feline woman as she moved towards the front of the ship, taking a seat in what appeared to be one of the more comfortable accommodations. She glanced down at the controls in front of her, very glad that the other woman knew how to fly as she was absolutely hopeless behind the controls. “Oh, and Overseer Ailuros,” her voice was shy despite the formal styling, “the Inquisition Field Manual states that, while active, Inquisitors must be referred to in formal manner.” She shrugged, hoping she hadn’t offended her pilot and stalling to recall the sample phrase included in the manual. “Um… pursuant to that policy… um… please refer to me as either Inquisitor Valla or just Inquisitor,” she felt a little awkward at the request, while she did not appreciate the cold policies of the Inquisition, she had learned they were set for a reason and it was her duty to obey them. Especially when she didn’t understand them.
“Entirely positive,” she chuckled nervously, trying to relieve some of the tension that she could feel after her distancing request, “that would be great,” she added, traveling in big ships was no problem but these little ones… not fun. “I have a lot of latitude to act independently on the surface,” she gripped the sides of her seat as the final ignition process began and the ship took off, her heart fluttering as it did so. If I was meant to fly, I’d have been born with wings.
“So…” her voice was uneven as she tried to distract herself from the chaotic horde of butterflies fluttering about wildly in her gut, enemy and friendly fire soaring past the vessel on either side. Fortunately, it seemed they were not large enough to be taken as a threat. From the front viewport she saw the sudden arrival of the massive Star Destroyer, the mythic flag ship of the legendary Grand Moff. Immediately she moved out of her seat and pushed her hands against the viewport, her eyes large and a big smile suddenly forming on her face, the battle that raged around her forgotten for a moment. “It’s the Pellaeon!” She marveled at the massive ship and the appropriately goliath fleet escorting it. “That means Grand Moff Graf is personally overseeing the liberation effort,” she moved back into her seat; her nervousness had subsided at merely knowing the Grand Admiral had joined the fray. “Wow,” she said again, quietly thrilled. The titanic capital ship had just begun its volley when the ship fell too far into the atmosphere to make it out clearly. Now this system will be liberated for sure!
“By the Force…” she murmured as they broke through the atmosphere. It appeared that shields had been erected now, but the opening volley the Empire had unleashed against the planet had produced a devastating consequence. The smoke from fires still burning loomed, black and wispy giants that stood huge over the cities, other areas seemed completely reduced to rubble. Her heart sank at the sheer magnitude of destruction. “I… I’ve never been able to see it from this angle,” she said to no one in particular, on Tatooine, as on Bothawui, she’d be on the ground fairly early on, or otherwise transported without a view. She could feel the faint tug as the Force cried out against the horrifying loss of life. She fought to kept from being physically sick and turned away from the piolet, willing the tears away from her eyes. It was like seeing the broken cities of Bothawui all over again, only this time… she knew it was only the beginning.
And then… another feeling. Mixing and aggravating the deep despair that seemed to radiate out from the planet itself, a more useful feeling, a more powerful feeling. Anger. “I can’t believe they would do this,” she said, her voice louder but strained from the waves of emotion wrecking against her soul, “I understand the need to survive, to defend yourself, to expand, bu… but this? What justifies this?” She waited a moment before answering her own question. “Nothing.” She sighed deeply, internally conflicted- she couldn’t decide if she should scream or weep at the misery on display beneath her. “The Jedi are responsible for this,” she declared angrily. “They preach of peace but look at what they’ve done to the natives. They came here,” she paused to keep her voice steady, it was improper for an Inquisitor to be overly emotional in the presence of others. “Knowing that these people, these peaceful people, pride work above all else. They enslaved them to build their droids. To build their vehicles. To fuel their war machine. And where did the Jedi put those factories of death? In the cities of this innocent people.” She couldn’t keep the anger at bay and it seeped into her words, “they shield their instruments of aggression with the souls of the innocent, their hands are soaked with the lifeblood of infants. They’ve left us no choice. They must be stopped.” She turned back to the cat woman, a deep pain present in her golden eyes, “set us down near the closet city.” In her mind, one truth rang out louder than the echoes of death which screeched through the Force, the Jedi must be exterminated for their crimes.
Many thoughts raced through the special agent's head as they were bombarded. He was accustomed to enemy fire, and harsh landings, but something inside of him was preparing him for what lay outside on the surface. Gnawing at his instincts, he couldn't shake off a sense of familiarity. Then it suddenly hit him. Rishi. This invasion was very much like his operations on Rishi during his time as a Stormtroopers. He recalls landing near a crime syndicate's base of operations, deep within the Rishi jungle. His ship was shot down, and only he, the pilot, and three in his squad survived. They survived in the jungle for two weeks without any outside help, when rations fell short they began to hunt, and scavenge from criminals they had killed. Eventually an imperial landing craft landed bringing more troops. Valen's men linked up with the other forces, and eradicated the syndicate in one swift strike. He never forgot the sensation of falling out of the sky. He glanced out the window, and saw the atmosphere of the planet as they approached their destination. He prayed silently to himself they would all land safely. He was soon snapped out of his trance when he was nudged by Agent Tess.
"Are you alright sir?" She asked softly.
"Yes i'm just lost in thought."
"We're almost there, not too long now."
The agent turned to see the back of Alema, and saw she was tense, then all of a sudden the wound up Twi'lek felt calm. Valen looked out the viewing vent to see Admiral's Graff's ship, The Pellaeon, Certainly now he knew that the Jedi had no hope of victory. He turned to the front of the ship, and saw the back of the Twi'lek Inquisitor. He opened his mouth, and began to converse with her.
"Inquisitor how do you feel?" He asked respectfully.
Allies-[member="Adron Malvern"] empire
Enemies-silver jedi and those who follow them
Location-planet side charros IV
Objective-begin the fight
She had to say all these nova troopers gave her a sense of safety, she knew they were trained to be the best of the best to guard her and adron. She closed her eyes, so many thoughts went through her head, she has killed plenty of times bedore...could she do this to the jedi? She remined herself she wasnt part of either side she walked her own path. Those in her way regardless of affiliation to the force would fall by her blades
Feeling the only reality came back, she sat up as she looked to adron and frowned behind her mask, this had to be hard for him, they could possibly be his friends...while anya it was simply the enemy she had no feeling if she struck them down...they were just in the way
She looked out s view port seeing space and so many laats, all filled with men ready to fight for the empire, for what they thought was correct and just agaisnt a enemy that thought their side was the same, it was almost poetic. Two ways to rule the galaxy to justify each other's crimes ,to send young men and women to their death each claiming they themselves was just and correct
The ship rocked, she let a breath out as she gripped Widows cry , she then checked her suits gadgets, nightshade it had been called do to what came with the suit
She stood beside adron, thankfully her options filter than light as she glanced around then stepped out with him as she glanced around hands behind her back. She listened to his speech and almost couldn't help a chuckle knowing that the jedi wouldn't surrender if they did they were any case she was ready