Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex

Location: Shabuir
Objective: Fight back boarders
Allies: UCM and Defenders
Enemies: SJO and Attackers
Equipment: In BIO under "Things always with Adenn" and beskad
Tags: [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]
Troops: 20 Beskad Elite, various Mandalorian soldiers on board the Shabuir

Adenn stood aboard the bridge of the Shabuir, looking out into the space surrounding Azure. It was a lightless void, something Adenn could relate to in recent times. His clan had been devestated during Tanaab, so Adenn had decided to take some time off from the galaxy, choosing to isolate himself for a few days and try to relax. It didn't work, seeing as the very system he was now in was under attack. The odds seemed to be against Adenn in every situation, this being no different from the rest.

At first he decided to wait, to see what would happen, and if he'd have to do anything. Thus when the battle began, Adenn simply stood there, watching in silence, unflinching at the death and destruction happening. Then someone saw something, drop pods. That someone called it out to the gunner crews, who quickly spun their guns to shoot at the pods. They weren't fast enough though, only managing to hit a few pods before they latched onto the ship.

Sighing to himself, Adenn merely nodded at the captain of the ship, silently saying he'd take care of it. No doubt one of the targets would be the bridge, another the engine room, and a few other locations. But anyone who thought themselves something would head for the bridge, it was the target that brought the most prestige after all. Something that mattered little to Adenn, but he'd play to that weakness of the enemy, using it as a strength.

As such, defenders in the ship would fight doggedly, doing their best to keep the enemy away from any and all ship systems. Except towards the bridge, there would be less resistance in that direction, something that hinted more towards a trap than anything else. That was the case too, just not a very elaborate trap, no it was rather simple and mundane in the end. Adenn suspected that one of the targets would be the bridge, so he set himself and his men up accordingly.

5 decks down, and 5 bulkheads across from the bridge, Adenn and his men set themselves up. They were on the main passage headed towards the bridge. Defenses before this point were mediocre, aimed at taking out support troops, even injuring the leadership if possible. However, that was just the beginning, 1 area before Adenn and his men had set up, there were defensive turrets, dug in Mandalorian troops, and other explosive weapons. Everything there was aimed to kill, but for anyone that managed to get through, they'd have to face Adenn and his most elite warriors next.

Adenn himself stood in the middle of the hallway, beskad before him, tip touching the ground, while is hands were crossed on top of it. Behind and to either side were 5 Beskad Elite, they stood side to side, the first 2 facing the same direction as Adenn, while the other 4 stood with their backs to the walls. Each had their preferred heavy weapon out and before them, standing at ease. The other 10 Beskad Elite were hidden away in nearby rooms, along with a compliment of 20 or so Mandalorians from the ship.

Each and every one of them was ready for war, ready for this battle against the invaders, but none more so than Adenn. He'd be able to finally release the tension that had built up, finally get back at someone. Whoever the SJO lapdogs were, Adenn would make them pay. But he'd wait until they came to him, head bowed slightly in silent contemplation, hands crossed above his sword. He showed no fear and would give no quarter, this day he'd add another few trophies to his collection, that he silently swore to himself. And so he waited, silently listening, not caring of his surroundings until the enemy would finally reach him, and even then, he'd stay in the same pose he stood in now.
Objective: Make for the Surface of Azure.
Location: Azure Surface.
Opposition: The United Clans of Mandalore.
Dancing Partner: [member="Kay Arenais"].
Allies: [member="Lucera Maive"] & The Silver Jedi.
"His intentions are on the right path, but his presentation could use a little work" Veiere replied to Lucera Maive on the subject of [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]'s previous display; "If life in the Galaxy was so ideal, there'd never be a need for the Jedi to serve as we do" Veiere spoke with a hint of sarcasm shared with the fellow Jedi Master within the transport they shared. The present situation much more intense than the would-be lesson had been, undermining the heated discussion shared between Veiere and the Jedi Padawan's insistence that hostilities could be avoided. Veiere hadn't held an issue with the students feelings on the subject, yet his behavior as well as his neglect of protocol within the Order was an issue that had been raised with his peers within the Silver Assembly. Never-the-less, it was the Jedi Master's hope that the operation on Azure might persuade the Clans of Mandalore to realize the error in their ways, and cease their aggression against those outside of their culture's influence.

"I will brave whatever troubled seas, and walk whatever broken lands.
Free the faceless, the nameless, and shackled masses. I will not falter before the dark, nor kneel to its flame.
For within me is the heart of peace, of justice, and of the Force".
"It's very fitting" Veiere said with a quick smile, "I like it" he added in approval. His gaze soon turned to the flare of orange and reds that rushed up beyond the transparisteel windows along both sides of their drop-ship, the atmosphere of Azure being breached and soon they were hurling down through the clouds towards what little landmass was present in the sector of their Forces below. The rumbling of the dropship and the ignition of the repulsors as they kicked in to steadily guide them in their descent caused Veiere's stomach to feel as though it had been lifted into his chest, soon to settle though didn't dismiss the uneasy feeling he often found when seated aboard such volatile flights as this one was proving to be.

"It's mostly an ocean world, so don't expect a lot of room to move. Protect and prioritize any Civilian's you find, but the Mandalorian's are fierce warriors, and not to be underestimated" he advised, wishing to caution Lucera so that she wouldn't take any chances. She was a trained Jedi Master like he, though it would've been out of his character to not do so for anyone, heading into a battle-zone.

"..-Master Arenais" his name was spoken through the comm's, coming from the head of the craft. The pilot continued, "We're receiving report of a possibly civilian platform somewhere off the coast. Hostile forces are unknown but the facility appears to be a transit station for sea-faring vessels. Command is requesting we change course, order's are to investigate any possible strategic value as well as evacuating any civilian personnel".

"Very well..." Veiere responded, his right hand raising to press his ear-piece further against him so that he might hear a little clearer over the sound of the outside turbulence, "If there are civilians down there, we'll get them out of the sector and then proceed to rendezvous with the rest of our people" Veiere turned to glance to Lucera momentarily, shaking his head in a show of concern. He didn't like the idea of heading away from where the main battle seemed to be focused but then, if reports were correct and there were civilians isolated down there, it was best they were cleared from the platform and out of harms way.

Nearing their pending destination, Veiere couldn't help but feel a growing sense of apprehension. He couldn't place why, not until their location came into distant view and the presence of [member="Kay Arenais"] struck him like a brick to the chest. "Oh no..." he muttered under his breath, realizing the weight of the responsibility to duty that was just thrust upon him. Kay had been warned by Veiere himself of what her affiliations with the Mandalorian's put at risk, yet the Confederacy's leadership themselves had challenged him with regards to whether or not he could bring himself to stop her, were she to be found present during a time of conflict such as this. "Lucera, I'm going to need you to focus on the civilians...There's a presence here that I need to deal with. Alone" Veiere said, releasing his safety harness as their transport lowered down towards the landing platform.



Lying flat on his belly, Amon felt like a helpless worm. The tactical need of the situation called for it but the Mandalorian couldn't help it. He had been used to donning the famed beskar'gam and pummeling into the enemy like a juggernaut and a wrecking ball, cutting down foes intimately with the color of near burgundy splattering across his chestplate and helmet.

He really needed to get himself used to being a Ranger. And all the handicap in term of equipment that came with it.

Smoke screens on the two axis of directions had been of some use but the Mandalorian ambushing squads were still firing without too much lose of an accuracy. Whatever they were using still managed to get through the smoke screen but with the congregation of people in one location, the minor electronic interference and overall the whole mess both Rangers and Mandalorians had found themselves in - it was bound to reduce the effectiveness of anyone's sensors to some degree.

Just as he was to follow Setter's orders and throw his stun grenades, one by one, at the two sides of the corridor, Amon noticed and heard Scherezade's current state of affairs.


The thought of the lizard brought painful memories of the Vizsla reign over Myrkr prior to the fatal Red Coronation, as if to open up that wound he heard the memorable voice of [member="Kaine Australis"] over the PA. A curtain of red filter dropped down before Amon's vision. Everything suddenly became too personal for the young Vizsla.

He hurled all three of the stun grenades in a sequence to the front where Kaine implied he was coming from. The general idea was to incapacitate soldiers and lizards alike. When the grenades were out, Amon fired a couple of loud shots of his sonic blaster at the upcoming force. He made out the notorious armor of Kaine Australis but couldn't find the opening yet to charge at him despite the blood boiling for vengeance urging him to forget all his senses and assault him. Amon missed the activated lightsaber of an unknown figure ([member="Kahlil Zambrano"]) beside the Mandalorian head honcho as he turned to focus on actually not dying.

A pump or a tube mindlessly unlatched itself spewing pressurized gas from above and a large steel plating dropped upon a few helpless Rangers and Mandalorians. The ship rocked and shuddered like a boat on a certain crash course of capsizing. Shab!

"Get a word to Task Force Resolution to reduce their kriffin' fire!!" Amon ordered over the short-range comms of Task Force Raider. His voice reaching those that remained behind or moved to other sections of the ship - [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Kat Decoria"], [member="Mariel Dawnrider"], [member="Bushi Nadora"], [member="Caedyn Arenais"] among others.

The Mandalorian crawled to a position near [member="Setter Ryburn"] and in hearing distance of [member="Scherezade deWinter"].

"Commander, the head of the serpent is right up ahead." He pointed at a particular figure in the midst of the absolute chaos going on. "Kaine Australis."

"He is mine but I need an opening to get to him." Amon gestured at the armored escort around Kaine. A glance flashed at Scherezade. These two were probably the most capable of the Raider task force engulfed in a direct battle with Kaine and his entourage.

Amon looked back up with a wicked gleam in his eye at the figure of Mand'alor's right-hand man. Righteous vengeance clawed both his heart and mind and the Vizsla knew emotion would soon enough get the better of his mind. For once he wished he had his father's control.

Amidst the most ravaging battle he had ever witnessed, Amon sought one thing and one thing only - to avenge the unjust death of his sister [member="Tamara Wren"].

Even if it meant bearing the full weight of the mantle of dar'manda to achieve it.
Objective: Face off against a Jed... did I think this through?
Equipment: Armor (Right Vibro-wristblade/Cable launcher and left Stun baton/Sedative injector gauntlets), DL-44 (Han's pistol)
Opponent: [member="Jerek Morrows"]
Others: [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Ador Horn"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Celiana"]

Laandur watched as the Jedi blocked he and Kob's fire, and quickly ducked behind a build. The spy knew what this was. It was the same tactic he and is trainee were doing: Draw the enemy out to fight on your terms. Good, smart move honestly, but the Nightwitch could just slip.... Osik! He heard engines, and looked up to see a fighter and a hail of fire coming into the treeline. "Run," He yelled as he began to break the tree line and run for the building that [member="Jerek Morrows"] had hidden behind as well. He panted, looking around. "Kob? Ko...." And there he was, the clear make of a flak cannon's shell on his chest plate. It didn't penetrate, but it didn't have to. Explosives didn't kill that way. They killed by the shock wave of the blast, and a pointblank flak shell definitely had the punch. Laandur sighed. War never changes, and it's not the kind of thing you wanna make friends in.

He only thought a moment before looking up to the building's roof. He'd make these jetii pay! He quickly used his cable launcher to grip to the top of the building, and pulled himself up to the roof. He stayed low and slow. Best not be caught. He tried to sneak around to see where that Jedi he was already fighting was. And when he found him, would try to jump down behind the man, vibroblade and stun baton at the ready.
Objective: Evacuate civilians, find Lailya's dad
Allies: UCM and friends
Enemies: SJO
Tags: [member="Tracyn Ordo"]

Azure watched the man beneath her curiously as he spoke. She noticed some of the soldiers nearby tense at his name. Was he someone they knew? Someone important? Did it have something to do with his last name? The witch knew not the answer these questions, nor did she care. To her, Tracyn's past was not important at this moment, and so all she did in response was give the man a nod. Lailya however, seemed excited to have a new friend.

"Miss Azure is really smart, you know! She made sure eeeeeeeveryone was safe before coming over here! At least in my neighborhood."

"We still have all three shelters to evacuate completely, so we need to get moving. Will you be able to keep up with Cuddles while she runs? If not, I'll coerce her into letting you on her back." Cuddles let out an irritated growl, to which Lailya pat her on the head. Azure smiled slightly at the young girl's gesture, before looking back at Tracyn seriously, awaiting an answer. If he decided to get on Cuddles, she would use their Force bond to keep the rancor calm.
Allies: Himself | UCM for now.
Engaging: [member="Laira Darkhold"]

Objective: The usual.

The axe's momentum went from sweeping to shuddering as it cut through flesh.

Familiar feeling, that.

Cutting a body open. Exposing life-blood to the outside. Feeling muscles tear under the edge. It was never as smooth as slicing through butter. No, this was an axe, heavy and made for cutting. Ripping and tearing. Not like the lightsaber in front of him. He closed the distance and had been planning on following it up- but the warrior in front of him reacted quickly, far more quickly than expected.

The saber was already brought up for a thrust.

Beskar'gam he might be wearing, but that would only do so much good this close proximity. He twisted violently, trying to move away from the tip of the saber. It ran against his shoulder. Heating up the metal immediately, causing armor-weave underneath to grow scorching as well. Below that? Skin... blistering. Ronan grunted, then used the proximity between them to his advantage.

The momentum could carry her even closer just as his axe came down towards her knee.

Following that up by swinging it up towards her exposed arm.

Through it all? Silence. No oya's, no bloviating or exposition. This one didn't care about her story. Didn't care for her to know his. It was either death or life, for both of them. That by itself was enough message as far as Ronan was concerned.
Location: Over Azure, boarding the Terror Australis
Objective: Intel and Comms, don't be eaten plz
In Scene: [member="Mariel Dawnrider"]
Allies on Ship: SJO [member="Amon Vizsla"] [member="Setter Ryburn"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"]
Enemies on Ship: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Other on Ship: Kahlil Zambrano
OOC: same as Mariel, gonna focus my tags on people impacted in the scene after this one, just to avoid large tag notifications!

"A mistake?" She asked befuddled. "What kind of-"

Aaaaaaaaand there were more important things to do.

Thing. Singular. The next dozen of minutes felt like frenzied seconds. A flurry of movement, actions, it was almost enough to send Nadi's mind spinning. She wasn't used to this much stimuli all at once. All around her. All pressing down on her. It was enough for her quiet down. Just follow her new Master and hope for the best, because this was certainly not something she had trained for.

Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to falsify those records.

It had been the only way to get here. Sure. But maybe, just maybe, there was a reason why younglings had to spend a few years at the temple first. Didn't matter now though. It was sink or swim. Nadi liked swimming, thank you very much.

"Huh?" She glanced up, blinking... owlishly (pun intended) and then nodded fervently. "Yes! We will be in touch!" Tapping the side of her smol helmet with her paw. Just to indicate that her helmet was working. Even if her thoughts was all over the place right now. She followed along, until they separated from the rest of the band. Made sense honestly.

They were all far too big.

How they would ever sneak anywhere was beyond her. Far too loud and noisy. "More appropriate?" Nadi straightened her back. Which was difficult while trying to keep pace with the larger Songwing. She managed it though. Barely. "Excuse me, Master Dawnrider, but I good enough to be your Padawan!" Ruffled feathers or ruffled fur anyway, as she felt a bit indignant.

"I might be small, but I can handle myself!"

Before she could continue though- something spread across her. Landed softly on her head, her shoulders, she felt herself calming down. Agitation giving way for... if not peace then at least... calm.

Which also invited embarrassment a moment later.

"Battle Meditation." Nodding with an acknowledgement. "Thank you... for teaching me for now at least." Embarrassment, but also chagrin. Danger, hiding, then back to moving through the corridors. The static of the comms were buzzing in her ears, until she turned them off. She couldn't focus straight with them. "Oh, look, Master!" Pointing towards a grate.

"What if we use that to move through the ship? We can fit! And get deeper into the ship without potential eyes on us."

There wouldn't always be a convenient alcove around.

At least, Nadi didn't think there would be.

Awful floor planning really, if there was.
Supporting: SJO
Allies: Saeza | Leo
Engaging: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
Location: Mandalorian Corvette
Objective: Make Ship go Boom

Laira’s saber connected with the Mandalorian’s shoulder, sliding off the side as he twisted out of her blade’s path, it was still something. He was a lot more heavily armored than she was but that usually meant slower. At least she hoped it did.

She twisted the Lightsaber handle back, snapping its length from elongated to standard once more, a more manageable, more precise blade for her to move with, turning it into a middle guard hilt held around her naval as the Mandalorian pressed the attack.

His axe swept back towards her in a low arc for her legs, so with little other options, Laira jumped back towards the wall to her left, tugging at the Force as she did so. Her body twisted in the air, and she ‘dropped’ to the wall in a crouch, held to the deck as if gravity’s pull on her had altered.

The redhead’s stomach always felt nauseous when she pulled herself like that, but it seemed necessary. Blood from her cut abdomen ran down her stomach to her belt and legs, dripping to the wall and she felt a fire in her belly. He had cut something important, but no time to figure out what. His axe was already coming up after her, so she stood, pulling the saber upwards to block the bearded weapon.

Its weight forced her hands back, and the edge dug into her shoulder, the humming blade of her lightsaber buzzing near her face. <Fether.> She thought, sliding her blade down the haft towards the warrior’s hands hoping she could sever some fingers.


Leo and the Ranger yanked on the door, pulling it open. It didn’t take long for the trio to move into the corridor and start making their way down towards the hangar again. Leo took point, with Saeza running just behind him while the Ranger took the rear.

Port, we’ll have to drop a deck. Maybe two to get there.” Leo said in his garbled voice. The other two nodded in understanding. The Death Trooper began to peer around the corner, being snatched back by Saeza just as a power maul swung for his head by a Mandalorian around the corner. The trio backed up, Leo grabbing for his combat knife, thumbing the energy cord to life with a hum as he squared off with the Mandalorian warrior.

No time. Others could be heard just around the corner, three, maybe four of them all pushing their ambush on the trio. Leo stepped in fast to the leader with the maul, driving his knife into the man’s belly even as he caught a headbutt that left his skull ringing from the man. The Death Trooper lifted and surged, forcing the warrior against the wall, pulling the blade out and stabbing it back into the gap in the beskar again and again.

Saeza found herself engaging two others blade to beskad, dancing between the two of them. Raugze hissed, uncoiling around her forearm and exposing his hood in an intimidation display. It wasn’t going to deter them, but the serpent was making his presence known, coiling around her to strike at the Mandalorian to her left while she focused on her right. She parried low, snapping her wrist up and delivering a telekinetic palm strike to his chestplate, sending him careening down the corridor while the other hacked at the large white amphistaff striking at him.

Saeza snapped the blade off, stepped forward placing the hilt against the warrior’s chest. His beskad dug into her calf. Then the snap-hiss of the igniting blade froze him. The blade stuck up within the beskar helmet, a red glow from the heat appearing on the top of the helm. Saeza felt the cold… the void left as she killed her first being.

It was horrifying and she almost started crying, but fought off the sobs as she heard the Ranger cry out, taken in the chest by the other warrior’s scatterblaster. The little Sephi heared the roar from Leo’s Eradicator and couldn’t see the man anymore, just scorch marks where he had once been, like a shadow burned into the hull.

You alright?
Objective: Safeguard Veiere Arenais, Protect the Civilians
Location: Civilian Oceanic Transit Platform
Opposition: The United Clans of Mandalore
Allies: The Order of the Silver Jedi

Lucera's eyes shifted to gaze out a window herself as they plummeted toward the planet below. Even when the craft bucked and braked to slow its descent before it cracked like an egg or plunged straight into the ocean waters, the purple woman's countenance never changed. Not that she didn't feel the same lurching sensation. Focus on the Force and the coming conflict ahead, she thought as she slowly drew in and exhaled one breath after another. All of this was merely prologue to a far more... unfortunate sequence of events about to unfold.

She smiled before her attention turned back to Veiere. "Thank you, Master. And please, remember that you are not alone." Her counsel was not meant as a general statement of fact, but a specific reminder for what was to follow. His attention was soon diverted to a message from Command. A diversion in their course. The closer the future was, the easier it was to see.

A slight nod followed the man's shake of his head. Separating from the bulk of their forces was not without peril. It could even be a trap. Nevertheless, that is where they would soon be headed and where their futures lay. Much as Veiere himself came to understand the weight of that future quite shortly thereafter. Not a circumstance Lucera could have prepared him for; not without delaying their departure or unsettling him far sooner. It had been best to let events take their due course, and gently encourage them in what she hoped was a favorable direction.

The bright glow of her eyes fell toward her lap as her fingers undid the harness, "Of course, Master." She slowly rose to her feet with a small smile. "I will be nearby should you need me."

When the doors revealed the transit station platform, Lucera calmly stepped from the craft. She would tarry just a moment to ensure Veiere departed safely before investigating the platform. Best to know the direction in which the other Master went in case something happened.

Tag: [member="Veiere Arenais"]

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: Azure System.
Objective: Engage Hostile Forces Defending Azure
Enemies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Dezoti"]
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

Reshmar watched as the massive battlecruiser opened fire on his fleet. They seemed to be only firing on the vessels which had fired on them. Very Chiss like he thought to himself. He had discussed the Chiss in detail with Lash many times since they had met. The blue skinned man was a well of knowledge about many things and his people was no exception. He was proud of his people, his family he called them. Reshmar had a small grasp on the inter workings of the Chiss and knew they were a defensive people normally. This would work to his favor once the battle progressed. For now they would close with the force and begin the at standard weapons range.

The volley of fire struck out at the Illustrious from the five kilometer vessel. The shielding of the Illustrious was exponentially more powerful than other vessels but under such a barrage even the Mon Calamari shielding could not stand. The first bolt of ion energy struck the ship amidships on the port dorsal hull spreading out across it, disabling a set of batteries. The adjacent quad layer shield projectors deployed their lateral projection fields covering the section of hull and its projector until it could be repaired. Along the hull energy arched and shimmered for a moment till the ionic energy dissipated drained into the vessels power capacitors by the double layer molecular shielding. "Boost power to the forward shield projectors and begin rotating the shield zones for maximum coverage" ordered Reshmar looking at an image of the blue white energy sizzling on the ships hull.

The Termagant took a strike to the prow disabling hey forward most torpedo projectors and scorching her hull to the under armor. Her shielding was nothing compared to the Mon Calamari vessel and dropped rapidly as powerful blue beams of energy slammed into them. The maser fire struck the hull breaking through the shielding with a splash of blue energy heating the armor and cracking it with its kinetic energy. The damaged projectors were shut down to avoid any feedback from their plasma spin. and the remaining ones began charging for a second volley.

The Righteous like the Illustrious had the advanced heavy MOn Calamari shielding which protected it from the onslaught of weapons now concentrated on it. Even the powerful shielding could not hold long and like the larger command ship they failed momentarily allowing Maser fire to impact the hull. the large forward tower took the brunt of the fire as it was predominately all that was accessible to enemy fire from the forward arch. Its reinforces armor buckled under the kinetic energy then melted as the heat energy of the maser beam heated the armor. Her sister ship Indignant too took a blow to her forward prow section disabling a bank of launchers and a long range battery.

"Order all defensive fighter squadrons to pull back. Take position behind the fleet and cover the flanks. Tactical, Ping all ships with laser transmissions, Order them to engage counter offensive weaponry." ordered Reshmar watching the small dots of attack craft closing in on the fleet. a moment later all of the Mon Calamari ships began loading their canister launchers and as the last of the attack craft cleared the forward and flank arcs fired as one. Ion Flak canisters sped off then exploded in front of the incoming Chiss attack craft. Plumes of Ionic energy exploded filling space with a cloud of Ionic energy. balls of blue white flux expanded creating a wall of disabling ion energy between the fighters and the 3rd fleet. a moment later massive EWAR missiles were launched and detonated filling the space between the ion cloud and the fleet with a dense cloud of sensor jamming Nagnol gas. The forces EWAR frigate launched six anti-ordinance probes in a wide spread towards the front and flanks of the vessel. these probes emitted a powerful electo magnetic field scrambling the guidance of incoming warheads and guided projectiles Next it began targeting the edge of the nagnol cloud with its missile deactivation transmitter deactivating any guided warheads coming through the cloud. The Limiter then powered up its arrays of jamming projectors and jamming beams awaiting the fighters to break through the nagnol gas and blinding their sensors further.

* Pulled fighters to rear of formation to avoid damage from offensive countermeasures.
* Launched Ion Charge canisters filling space with a plume of Ion energy between incoming fighter and bombers and Allied vessels.
* Began sensor and targeting jamming with beam projectors and arrays
* Launched anti-ordinance probes and activated missile deactivation field.

MCS Imperious Mk III prototype - Illustrious Shielding 85 / Armor 95
1 Orca turbolaser Battery Disabled by Ion fire.
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 1 Support Squadron
IFW Aurora-class Siege Destroyer - Termagant Shielding 80 / Armor 90
10 plasma torp projectors disabled
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Liberation-class Heavy Star Cruiser - Liberation Shielding 100 / Armor 100
1 Support Squadron
MCS Solidarity-class Star Cruiser - Solidarity Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 3 Attack Squadrons
* 1 Support Squadron
MCS Scythe-class Assault Cruiser - Righteous Shielding 90 / Armor 100
Hull damaged scorched and nearly pierced.
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Scythe-class Assault Cruiser - Indignant Shielding 85 / Armor 100
1 LR battery and 6 plasma torpedo launchers disabled.
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Tri-Scythe-class Carrier Cruiser - Sanctuary Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 2 Support Squadrons
IFW Proclaimer-class Star Frigate - Avenger Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 2 Support Squadrons
IFW Proclaimer-class Star Frigate - Tempest Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 2 Support Squadrons
IFW Abolisher-class Containment Cruiser - Grappler Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Support Squadron
IFW Ton Falk-class Escort Carrier - Testament Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
MCS Admonition-class Assault Frigate - Monarch Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Support Squadron
MCS Valiant-class Heavy Escort - Bespin Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 3 Attack Squadrons
* 1 Support Squadron
MCS Mantis-class ELINT Frigate - Inspector Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Attack Squadron
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Moray-class EWAR Frigate - Limiter Shielding 100 / Armor 100
IFW Kantos-class Escort Frigate - Ajax Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 attack Squadron
IFW Kantos-class Escort Frigate - Bentham Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Attack Sqaudron
MCS Tangler-class Interdiction Corvette - Outreach Shielding 100 / Armor 100
IFW Indictor-class EWAR Corvette - Specter Shielding 100 / Armor 100​
Objective: Upload the virus and march on the bridge.
Equipment: Blasters, vambraces, armor, bodyglove, Jumpsuit, lightsaber, emp grenades, frag grenades, equipment​
Fighters: 8 Squadrons (Multiple support ships, and drop pods) (Three Squadrons of Jackal Pods)​
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]​

As they quickly invaded, the crew members of the ship fought back. It was understandable, who wouldn't in their position? No matter who, or what, Allya fought them. Her blade never aimed for the beskar armor plates, but the joints between them. She would attempt to cut off heads, and limbs. Her droids fought valiantly, but several fell in the initial struggle, as they pushed back the crew members. However, once the crew members had to regroup, she used the force to gather the bodies of the droids into a pile behind them. Allya moved to the nearest console, and used the remote slicer unit she brought. The girl set it up one the console, and set up her droids to protect her while she attempted to use it to slice into the shipboard system. Luckily, this ship was pretty weak when it came to slicing.

If she managed to get through the system, she would implant a virus into it. It would attempt to target internal and external sensors, the electronic warfare suite, and comm systems. It would also attempt to corrupt as many systems outside of the prime targets as it could. Anything it could worm its way into, it would.

When done, Allya clicked a button on her wrist, and walked away from the pile of droids. If a group of crew members tried to sneak up behind them, the thermal detonators she had planted inside the droids at the start would explode, causing untold damage to them, and the ship around them.

She would take point for the main group of droids, always remaining in front of them and whatever danger was to come. Her cloak fluttered around her beskar'gam as she walked. Once more her lightsaber would be ignited. The group opened a door that led into a corridor with mines placed up. Sensors and the force were ringing with the danger these posed to her. She had the droids back up, took out a fragmentation grenade, and using the force sent it flying into the walkway. It would explode with force, the fragments of it would try and dig into the various mines. Hopefully, it would either cause the mines to malfunction or explode without the droids and mandalorian being close to it.

She marched ever forward her goal. No one would stop her. Especially not the weak Mandalorians who followed Yasha. Ever towards Adenn she went.

Her little buzz droids swarmed the outside of the ship, attacking any sensor, comm, or weapon emplacements they could. They attacked weak points, like coolant or anti-freeze tubes, or any wiring they could get their saws on. Inside the ships, they did the same, swarming around, chewing up anything that looked even remotely important.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Ocean Platform
Allies: UCM and their allies
Enemies: All aggressors

Kay didn't like having to wear her light armour, but when battle was close at hand, she had to. Fortunately the battle hadn't reached the platform yet. But still, one couldn't be too cautious.

She held onto her hmet with both hands, looking at her reflection in the visor. [member="Veiere Arenais"] was coming. She knew that. And more than likely he knew that she was there too. That of course posed a problem. What would he do? Kay wasn't fighting in the battle. The battle came as a surprise. She was there to oversee one of her newest vessels; something for her own Empire. But would he see it that way? Or would he see her as a sympathizer and deal with her in whatever means that they would? Of course if there was anyone to confront her Veiere was by far the best choice. Still, that didn't make the situation any easier.

Kay took tucked her helmet under her arm and then holstered a blaster. It was time to go and ensure that everyone was safe. Hopefully their rescue was going to come soon. However most channels were jammed, so communication was spotty at best. They just had to rely on luck.

The people surrounding the landing pad on the platform gave the SJO dropship some space. Of course they had hoped that it was their own ships coming to their rescue. Tensions and anxiety rose as they noted the identify markings on the ship. And as [member="Lucera Maive"] stepped out, no one had said anything. Instead they just waited.

Kay on the otherhand was just exiting her little guest house on the platform. She could see the landing pad in the distance, yet she didn't rush towards it. No, instead she kept her pace slow. Something told her not to rush and so she didn't. It gave her time to formulate a variety of plans to fit different scenarios. It was always good to have options.
Location: Civilian Platform.
Opposition: The United Clans of Mandalore.
Dancing Partner: [member="Kay Arenais"].
Allies: [member="Lucera Maive"] & The Silver Jedi.
As the their transport landed and the entrance to the vessel opened up, Veiere and his partner for the assignment would find themselves greeted by the expectant looks of what appeared to be unarmed, civilian personnel. "We're going to need a second transport" Veiere suggested, glancing to [member="Lucera Maive"] momentarily, "Call it in". The Jedi Master soon stepped forward and off of the shuttle, moving to work his way through the crowd that had come in search for their possible evacuation. Lucera was more than capable of keeping them under control and guiding them aboard where they could fit. It did Veiere some good to at-least know that these people would be saved from the grief of War before it could rightly affect their lives, instead to be shipped to the Silver Fleet and there given the means to rest and recover.

Veiere's concentration soon turned to the presence of [member="Kay Arenais"], unable to tell how many others were there with her, or whether she were simply surrounded by more civilian personnel. 'I know you're here Kay. Make this easy and have those with you surrender their weapons. You weren't supposed to be here' he spoke directly to her through their telepathic connection in the Force, bonded through marriage and countless years together, speaking to her this way was as easy as speaking as though she were stood before him. For his wife, Veiere was an open book to be read. His intentions held no hostility towards her, only disappointment in what this would mean for the both of them, and uncertainty where her immediate future was regarded.

There were people everywhere, many still trying to reach the landing zone whilst Veiere sought to climb the stairwell to the upper level where Kay's presence was stronger felt, tracking her to the source of her location as best he could among so many other sources of panic and frantic emotion, those scrambling to get off of the surface unable to restrain their emotional and spiritual energies like the Jedi were trained to do. It made it difficult to sift through it all and focus upon a singular presence, yet Kay's was intimately familiar to him.

He was only a few steps out from coming face to face with his wife, and each of those steps felt heavy in burden. Would she give herself up, cooperate with him and leave this world together? Were he to be forced to confront her? He wasn't certain he could bring himself to do so. He didn't wish to be put into that position, though she were a known associate to the Mandalorian's there on Azure, and she could have information vital to their operation there today...
Allies: Himself | UCM for now.
Engaging: [member="Laira Darkhold"]

Objective: The usual.

He had been expecting some magical shenanigans.

Not this type of chit though.

Actually clinging to the walls, like the entire axis of gravity shifted, but only for them? Who comes up with that? The lightsaber should have told him to expect anything. At the very least there was always something new to learn. It was lucky that all of that took time and focus. Keep the lightsaber primed and ready, as your entire body shifts to accommodate the difference in angle. Focus on not losing the contents of your stomach.

All that stuff.

Vizsla didn't have to worry about any of that.

All that Ronan had to worry about? Was to cut her into pieces like before. She was strong, but inch by inch the edge of his axe crept closer, pushing her own lightsaber into her face.

When she tried to slide the surface of her lightsaber down? He.... well... there was no other way to say it. Ronan threw a punch against her head. Trying to shift his hold, but even then the hot plasma was scorching against his gauntleted hand. Thinner armor there for mobility. It was already burning him, his skin began repairing itself, but the heat burned it anew.

Constant cycle of boiling flesh and healing skin.

Ronan growled, throwing another punch at her face, starting to rain them down while locking the lightsaber there. It began melting the gauntlet, but it kept her in proximity and trapped.

While the beskar gauntlet rushed into her field of view.
Supporting: SJO
Allies: Saeza | Leo
Engaging: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
Location: Mandalorian Corvette
Objective: Make Ship go Boom

With the axe biting against her armorweave, digging into her flesh beneath. Crimson ichor leaked from the wound. Her lightsaber slipped down the haft of the axe, scoring against the armored gauntlet as it struck for her head. Not much the redhead could do without injuring herself.

She shifted her weight, twisting to her left, the skin and muscle tearing as her body moved still being cut by the axe. The strike grazed her cheek, cutting her face but saving Laira from losing teeth, protecting her pretty smile. Her head shifted with the strike as the metal dragged across her cranium.

Laira snapped the blade off to regain control of her weapon, pointing the deactivated Lightsaber towards his helmet when the next blow from his off hand struck her, ringing her bell as it were. She managed to depress the activator, but didn’t have the aim for it anymore as she slipped backwards to fall against the wall.

Her concentration broke and she slipped down to the floor, vision blurry, head pounding, stomach queasy, and heart racing.

The redhead swiped the blade at his calves in desperation, trying to create some separation between herself and the Mandalorian.

<Get back on your feet.>
The sephi-looking girl stood quietly, just holding the humming Lightsaber, the Amphistaff coiling back around her forearm and returning to his dormancy. She searched the Force for a feeling from the Mandalorian she had fought. One moment he had been there, his presence as bright as any other individual and the next, there was simply emptiness. The Force was still there, but there was no being within it anymore. No life.

Leo prodded her, rushing past the girl to grab the bleeding ranger who was gasping for breath. “Hey, focus.” The girl nodded, still blankly staring but she reacted at least, helping him carry the Ranger between them as they rushed down the corridor. It was a moment before she realized she too was bleeding from her leg, a scrap of flesh hanging from her limb that had been carved off by the Mandalorian.

The black armored Death Trooper stopped at one of the doors, “This one.” He muttered, directing her to open it. She started with her Lightsaber, slicing through the lock and shoving it open with the Force. Inside, several Mandalorians and technicians had taken defensive positions, snapping off blaster bolts at the duo. Saeza’s instincts took over, sweeping her lightsaber about herself defensively catching ripper bolts and blasterfire before they struck her. Leo snapped off rounds from his pistol, taking the two warriors first before turning his fire on the others.

Alright, drag her in and cover the door. Maybe heal her if you can.” He ordered, moving to one of the dataterminals and plugging his datapad in. “Jester, get to work.” A small Keeper droid unpacked itself from his back and moved to another terminal, attaching its scomplink as they began working on seeing what parts of the ship they could take over from this terminal.

Does it always feel like that?

Caedyn Arenais

Objective: Sabotage the Terror Australis' Engineering Deck.
Allies: The Order of the Silver Jedi.
Opposition: [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Kahlil Zambrano"].
As they were running down the corridor en-route for the Engineering Deck, Caedyn and the Antarian Rangers were suddenly thrown from their feet, tripping over themselves as the Terror Australis rocked violently due to taking fire from the Silver Fleet. Overhead, sirens rang out in alert as if to emphasize the vessels status, and Caedyn groaned under his breath as he sought to pick himself up off of the floor, looking back to check on his peers.

"Copy that!" One of the soldiers replied firmly into his comm's, reports coming in from other parts of the battle-cruiser where their forces had infiltrated and were currently besieging the Mandalorian Crew. "Looks like the crew's been given the green-light to evac" He informed the rest of the group. Caedyn frowning in response, suddenly feeling their present objective no longer being necessary.

"If the hyperdrive's in-tact, and the crew's abandoning ship, could we not bring her back to Silver Space and salvage her?" Caedyn asked, collecting himself and moving to rejoin them as they sought to reinforce their position behind whatever cover the squad could make use of, whilst four of them came together to determine their next move.

"Hostiles could still have some cards to play" one of the Rangers responded to the younger Jedi; "They blow the whole thing and we're screwed either way" he added sarcastically, forcing Caedyn to swallow his breath at the very thought.

"Raider's in pursuit of the Enemy C.O." the leading Ranger spoke up once more, still paying half attention to the group whilst also listening to the comm's report, "We're also taking some casualties from the ships interior defenses. They've tripped some sort of laser-grid, anti-personnel traps...-It's a mess" he cursed under his breath.

Caedyn found himself liking the situation a whole lot less, the further time went on. Looking over his shoulder down the corridor, he could feel the presence of [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] as though she had been standing directly behind him. 'I hope you're safe...' he thought, though didn't speak his mind in-front of the troops, not wanting to show any sense of cowardice or distraction during their mission.

"Contact on our six!" One of the soldiers called from the rear, the entire Squad turning in unison to raise their weapons in preparation to fire, "Hold your fire!" only for Caedyn to shout frantically, [member="Kat Decoria"]'s presence reaching him before she'd come within their line of sight, "They're one of ours!".
[member="Amon Vizsla"]
[member="Setter Ryburn"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[member="Bushi Nadora"]
[member="Mariel Dawnrider"]
[member="Kat Decoria"]
Posting on behalf of [member="Valkren Calderon"] due to site-wide issues.


Commander Valkren Calderon had opted act as a support attachment to Task Force Raider, bringing a group of operators from his own unit, ironically the ‘Radama Raiders.’ Himself and a platoon sized element of rangers had sat waiting for what felt like an eternity in the bay of the The Concord. Most, if not all were head to toe in their own personal Katarn plates, personalized to the liking of each specialized soldiers’ tastes, with a number of carvings and crude drawings all along the grey tint of the armour.

The commander paced briefly in between his soldiers in the bay, awaiting acknowledgment from Captain Yuul’s bridge that they should immediately insert. The captain of the concord was certainly a strategist, not really opting for the brute force option with his newly acquired tactical action team. Valkren however wasn’t so keen to idly sit by while fellow rangers engaged in combat aboard the terror australis of all places.

“This is sithspit commander, and you know it!” Lowder, the team’s younger specialist and another one of Valkren’s trusted, was even more anxious than Valk’ was.

Lieutenant Harris, the team’s XO spoke up to reinforce the specialist's statement. He’d kick his combat boots up on the crate in front of him, expecting to be sitting in this bay for awhile “Kid’s right, we would have just done more work if we would’ve been with the main assault group.”

Valkren said nothing, but instead paced back the other direction, bringing a pair of gloved fingers along his beard, the other hand gripping onto his helmet. After a glance around the soldiers that were either waiting or prepping equipment in the Concord’s bay, he’d make eye contact with Roona Osmari on one side of the bay for a moment, then return to pacing the other way.

They’d just have to wait.

“Commander Calderon.” Captain Yuul’s monotone voice came through the comms, causing Valkren to immediately stop in his place.

“Task force Raider has come into heavy enemy resistance onboard, communications suggests they will require immediate assistance. I suggest you and the others insert immediately.” The Kel Dor huffed this through his breathing apparatus, before cutting the communication to the bay.

Not having enough time to actually be furious with the Concord’s captain, Valkren would immediately begin to bark out orders, the rangers around him scrambling with their equipment and reporting to their spiral assault pod.

“Let’s go ladies! Gamefaces!” Valkren yelled out once more, sliding his helmet over his head as he made his way toward the pod. Just as his heads-up-display flickered to life, he sent a transmission to the task force they were soon to be inbound to.

“Task Force Raider, Commander Calderon. We are inbound from the Concord’s position. ETA three minutes. Hold in there if you can, how copy?”

He’d clamber into his position at the front of the pod, hooking in and securing his own equipment before giving a bay officer outside the go-ahead thumbs-up. The door closed, and the pilot of the spiral assault pod shot them forward into space. This was Valkren’s first glance at the battle at hand, same with the rest of his men.

“Sir! What do we know about the situation?” One of the other rangers behind him spoke up through their team communication channel.

“Currently unknown, Task force raider seems to be trapped within the Terror itself, their only option is to advance further in towards their objective. If we get in, we give them a way out and take their positions to finish the job. Unless we receive new orders, that’s the mission.”

Valkren readjusted his position in the seat as the ship that the forward team of Silvers was onboard became larger and larger as they grew closer.

“Those are our Rangers out there, let’s make sure they come home.”

[member="Amon Vizsla"] l [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] l [member="Kat Decoria"] l @Setter Ryburn l [member="Kaine Australis"] l [member="Kahlil Zambrano"] l [member="Mariel Dawnrider"] l
Objective: Defend the FOB, Provide Assistance
Allies: Silver Jedi, [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Jerek Morrows"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Seth Brackson"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Ador Horn"] | @Cotan Sar’randor | [member="Nida Perl"]
Enemies: Beskar Bangarangs [member="AX-0021"] ( [member="Immortal Cyan"] ) | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Other: [member="Mishel Kryze"]


The Jedi Master had an approach he needed to take, and when getting the teams moving. What he wanted was the Silver Jedi to get into the fight, to remove the Mandalorians in their beskar, and establish a foothold. His goals was to provide defense and support. The other Jedi would be able to feel a boost, a bit of focus, and a bit of a bonus to their skills. The Jedi Master, typically a crusader, knew that his skills, and reputation as one of the leaders. The Sentinel was going to be the barrier between the Mandalorians, Sith, the dark side, and the rest of the galaxy.

Lightsaber ignited, deflecting bolts, his mind was elsewhere, he was focused on what was around him. A step from the blasters facing him, he took a sidestep as a blast came out of an angle he wasn’t looking for. The bolt made contact, winging him in the side. The Force kicked in and he stepped the next blast going to his side. Danger sense was kicking in, but it was only doing what it could to keep him alive. Swinging his saber, her caught a bolt, deflecting it away from him. The pain in his side was causing him to move with a hitch but the Jedi Master was not going to fall here, not to the Mandalorians.

“We have snipers!” He called to the Jedi. “Need cover fire.” But he could feel that there was another one here. A dark sider. Where were they… The blasts coming in though, that had him worried. His lightsaber in his right hand, the part of Coren that could control his own cybernetics? He was activating Xythan Force Shield, to take the bolts coming in.

He’d deal with the rest soon enough once he had that sniper pinned. The trick was getting to that sniper. And ending it. What it meant was that the Pathfinders were going to have to get a move on. “Pathfinders, we have a sniper!"

As Coren gave the order, focusing on trying to find where the sniper was coming from, and pushing through the heat of the shot he had taken to the side, he didn't hear the grenades. One of his soldiers did and they shouted out "Grenade!" before diving for it. Hitting it, there was an aerosol that was released. "Jedi, move!" Was all that was said from the soldier as Coren turned, knowing he needed to get out of there, but throwing haste to the Force, to let other Jedi know that there were aerosols being released. But he had a task, he had to defend the FOB. But he was going to need backup. Calling on the Force, he was intent on moving the aerosol away through a mix of TK and heat change induced wind.
Location: Wavebreak-class Battlecruiser Rathalay Resolution, near Azure
Objective: Obtain Space Superiority
Allies: [member="Reshmar"], [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"], and other SJO personnel
Enemies: [member="Kaine Australis"] (currently engaging); [member="Dezoti"] (nearby, not currently engaged), other UCM and allied personnel

The Goran's visage burst into flame on the bridge's holo-projector, managing to bathe the holo-graphic battlefield in a brief flash of white light. The bridge crew's voices briefly halted and became quiet. Even Gir cast his eyes down for a brief second. Thousands just probably perished. The hard truth was that the mandalorians on that ship had been spacers and people too, even if they were on the wrong side. The din began to crescendo again as status reports filtered in his. His stomach dropped as he received word that the cruiser Tae Daith had been enveloped in and vanished in the Goran's explosion. He pressed his lips together. Close assault does have its risks...Dars tapped him on the shoulder and pulled the admiral out of his reverie.

"Sir, the Stellar Argonaut's captain is requesting permission to withdraw."


His head reeled from the request as he brought up that vessel's status report. Angry red and flashing yellow lines lit up its wireframe model, making it obvious to even a casual glance that the star destroyer had suffered heavy damage from the Goran's explosion. He began to read down the scrawling damage report that grew only longer the more he read into it: Multiple hull breaches on the starboard side, decks 14-35, weapons batteries knocked out...By the Maker, this will be a nightmare of an after action report... He bit his lip.

"Tell Captain Tyren he can fall back to the heavy cruiser section for now while he assesses damage. Has the Mak Lotor been hit as well?"

Dars hesitated, "Minor damage, but she wasn't as close to the Goran as the Stellar Argonaut or the Tae Daith."

"Have her join the group attacking the Cerar."

"Aye sir."

Gir's sapphire-like eyes darted across the holo-map, catching up on other developments of the battlefield. Despite its increasingly failing systems, the Terror Australis had managed to destroy another frigate and more corvettes. It had come to the point that the smaller jedi warships had taken to hiding from the Terror behind the Resolution's mass herself. Admiral Quee didn't mind shielding the smaller craft, feeling that the Resolution was better suited for withstanding the heavy weapons pounding typical in close quarters brawl. More concerning to the man was the failure of the boarding teams initial thrusts into the Terror. In many ways, it wasn't entirely unexpected: many of his vessels sported similar internal defenses. But there was an advantage to using an almost all droid force: Trapped by gravity, few of the droids had compunctions of arming the explosives on their bodies and detonating them. The initial wave of synth droid soldiers would be destroyed in the process, but they would take the gravity traps and the laser defense mechanisms with them. The Hast native caught sight of tiny specks floating away from the Terror.

"Did we ionize a row of their escape pods by accident?" questioned the man.

Commander Dars hesitated, "No, they're coming from all over, and they appear to have life forms onboard."

Admiral Quee frowned, "The Terror might go belly up then too. Let's attempt to recover the escape pods with tractor beams to the best of our ability. Maybe some of our own are onboard."

"Do we continue the assault from the Warhog?"

Now it was Gir's turn to hesitate. Do I risk leaving the members of Task Force Raider to die? Or do I risk future boarding teams and the Warthog herself? The man didn't like any of his options that he could come up.

"We continue the assault. We continue using ion weapons on the Terror. Make a new priority for our Antarian Shock Marines to rendezvous and recover any members of Task Force Raider on the vessel,and to seize control of the ship's power systems. Lets see if we can manually turn off the warship. We don't need another Goran today."

Dars nodded, "Looks like their carrier is withdrawing."

"We'll have our heavy cruisers shift their long-range fire onto it and begin a pursuit. it's still probably within the Kas Todd's gravity well...for the time being."

Dars managed a subdued smile and repeated that last line, "For the time being..."

Task Force Resolution
Wavebreak-class Battlecruiser Rathalay Resolution (attacking Terror Australis) (Shields: 71% Hull: 95%)
Tempest-class Star Destroyer Stellar Argonaut (retreating from battlefield; attempting damage control) (Shields: 45% Hull: 76%)
Tempest-class Star Destroyer Plo Koon (attacking Cerar)
Tritones Heavy Cruiser Providence (attacking Snaggletooth)
Pelagic Star Cruiser Starlit Surprise (attacking Snaggletooth)
Pelagic Star Cruiser Galactic Gallant (attacking Snaggletooth)
Verne Armored Cruiser Tae Daith (attacking Goran) (Destroyed)
Verne Armored Cruiser Mak Lotor (attacking Cerar)
Verne Armored Cruiser Windo Nend (attacking Cerar)
Verne Armored Cruiser Aubrie Wyn (attacking Cerar)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold One (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Two (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Three (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Four (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Snaggletooth)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Five (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Six (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Snaggletooth)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Seven (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Snaggletooth)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Eight(Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Nine (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Snaggletooth)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Ten (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Snaggletooth)
MC22 Tangler Interdiction Corvette Kas Todd (holding position, maintaining gravity well on Terror Australis)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue One (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Rathalay Resolution)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Two(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Three(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Four (Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Five (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Rathalay Resolution)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Six((Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Seven(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red One (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Rathalay Resolution)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Two(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Three(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Four (Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Five(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Six (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Rathalay Resolution)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Seven (Destroyed)

12 Squadrons of Vortex II-class Interceptors (240 Interceptors) (screening Task Force Resolution)
12 Squadrons of Mistral-class Starfighters (144 Starfighters) (screening Task Force Resolution)
12 Squadrons of Cyclone-class Star Bombers (attempting to disable enemy warships) (144 starbombers)
16 Squadrons of Gale-class Heavy Fighters in Hunter-Killer configuration (attempting to disable enemy warships) (128 Heavy Fighters)

Task Force Raider
Union II-class Assault Carrier Warthog (continuing boarding actions on the Terror Australis) (Shields: 95% Hull: 98%)
Handmaiden-class Escort Corvette Raider One (Destroyed)
Kometa-class Ramship Punch One (Destroyed)

(OOC: I apologize for the delay; 504 errors kept me from posting yesterday)
With: [member="Azure Djitred"]​
The revelation that his birthname was of Mandalorian origin seemed of no consequence to the woman, to the dismay of the soldiers. He watched as they wandered off, Beskar'gam clad soldiers eager to prove themselves. He understood them. He was once like them. A super-commando, the most elite they could offer- and even then, he could only do little more than watch as the things, the people he built, the Sith he helped topple- descended into darkness again and again.

And now, they were the evil, they were the cause of all this suffering.

The Mandalorians could be considered the true boogeyman of the galaxy, the true perpetrators of carnage. Now, under lock and key of the Sith, puppet-masters of Darth Carnifex. They had no honor, they were a far cry from the honor-bound warriors he knew. He knew of the Dathomir Witches and their bond, he knew of defending Mandalore, he knew of fighting in Roche.

But this-

This was all their fault.

But he had to put all that aside. There were people to save. He had no problem keeping up. After all, he was still himself after all these years. He failed. He had failed to do his duty. But he was here now. He ran along side her, speaking above the noise and carnage. He spoke calmly, even amongst all the fighting. He spoke in such a way in Mando'ade that was nearly impossible for any Mandalorian to not know him to be from the system- his Concordian accent was distinct when he spoke in basic, let alone when he spoke in Mando'a- even after all this time. He hadn't spoken it in years- but it came out so naturally.

<"You're going to lose, you know. There is no going back from this. The Mando'ade have wrought the wrath of more than just the Jetii. Look around you- the Mandalorians have already lost.">


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