Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.
He rolled over his shoulders as he hit the deck, and when he had traction again, he was already running. Movement and evasion were imperative against enemies at range. A lightsaber was effective when the opponent was close enough to close the distance on quickly and efficiently, but that was minimized here.

Shoom. Vrooosh. The golden blade hummed through each spin and clashed with the incoming strikes, sending them harmlessly toward the deck. Jerek continued to move, taking in his surroundings. He recognized the change in timing and direction as the gap between attacks changed and the vectors shifted with them.

He had an answer for that.

Jerek dropped low and slid on his hip, lightsaber fading away as he disappeared behind a building adjacent to the Landing Zone. The Mandalorians would have to come out from cover to pursue, and a more open area offered less chances to fall into a trap.

Very Mandalorian things, traps.

[member="Laandur Solus"]
Objective: Ensure the arrival of Veiere Arenais
Location: En-route to Azure
Opposition: The United Clans of Mandalore
Allies: The Order of the Silver Jedi

The purple woman fell in with Veiere as he led the way to the drop-ship. His curt reply was to be expected given the circumstances. Not exactly the place to be shaking hands and catching up. It hadn't been that long since Lucera had been a Sentinel and known the urgent desire to step into the line of fire. Nevertheless, they did manage to smile if only slightly to indicate the other's presence was not unwelcome.

As they boarded the vessel and got situated, Veiere expressed how unexpected Lucera's presence was. It was true; they had hardly discussed participating in battle together, or even in an invasion at all. Perhaps the Master even knew of her time all but restricted to the Temple over concerns about her mental stability. Responding to people that did not appear to exist would have that effect. Even those strong in the Force did not see ghosts wherever they went. It was unlikely they would tag along for the ride, however.

Lucera quickly mirrored Veiere's movements in strapping in given the report concerning the intervening distance between locations. "No," the Keshiri laughed softly, "if something like that would so easily dissuade me, Master, than I would not be suited for the role. It is not wrong that he believes passionately about peace," a topic she'd tried to convey her agreement on wholeheartedly, "only that it might blind him to the troubled waters one must navigate to reach it." Invading a planet was not quite what Lucera meant, of course. Negotiations took time, and there were people that would tried influencing those talks to their advantage. Some might even feign an interest in peace only to use it to manipulate an enemy into an advantageous position.

If anything, the actions today were not helping reach an understanding with the Mandalorians -- or, if it were, it was the wrong one. However, the Jedi could not let the Clans do whatever they wish either. As Lucera had said, diplomacy was a minefield set upon a raging ocean stirred by a tempest in the dark. If only there were more of them to shine a light on that perilous path. What Veiere had started would have to do; every journey began with a single step.

With the transport on its way, her glowing eyes blinked calmly despite any jarring departure or sudden maneuvers. "I will brave whatever troubled seas, and walk whatever broken lands. Free the faceless, the nameless, and shackled masses. I will not falter before the dark, nor kneel to its flame. For within me is the heart of peace, of justice, and of the Force." Lucera smiled for a moment before she explained, "A recitation when I was a Sentinel. I am with you, Master, and with the civilians below."

Tag: [member="Veiere Arenais"]​
Location: Southeast Boarder of UCM Space
Objective: Special Assignment (?)
Allies: UCM & Co [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Enemies: SJO, Soon: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Seth Brackson"] [member="Ador Horn"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] (FITE ME SOMEONE)
With: [member="Cardinam"]


The announcement came and Fiore sighed heavily, she didn’t even get to take more than a bite of her dinner. Why did things always have to interfere with dinner? The Eldorai remembered her time on Kashyyyk hunting and fending for herself. Even then there was always something or someone wanting to interrupt dinner. There was time, with others having to gear up, she took advantage of the attention not being on her. Mounds of food found their way into her mouth as she took only a few bites then swallowed.

The others were missing out. Gleefully, she left the rest and stood up to begin her preparations. Although, she was one of the last ones, Cardinam waited. Having the man wait wasn’t always something good and Fiore was cut off from preparing her equipment. She paused, then looked up at the man who stood in her way. “Hmm?” The shorter assassin tilted her head slightly trying to get a feel for what this special assignment was. The pair had worked together for a bit, but he was still unpredictable.

“Special assignment?” The Eldorai raised a thin eyebrow as her arms folded across her chest. “Is there a special someone that needs some of my type of attention?” The corner of her lips pulled into a smile as she wondered if there was a job along with being hired by the UCM.

No, she couldn’t read Cardinam – which in most cases was probably a good thing. It kept the assassin interested and on her toes.
Location: Wavebreak-class Battlecruiser Rathalay Resolution, near Azure
Objective: Obtain Space Superiority
Allies: [member="Reshmar"], [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"], and other SJO personnel
Enemies: [member="Kaine Australis"] (currently engaging); [member="Dezoti"] (nearby, not currently engaged), other UCM and allied personnel

A brief conflagration lit up on the holo-projector as another Catalina-class Light Corvette succumbed to fire from the Terror Australis. At such close ranges, electronic warfare and agility couldn't protect the light corvettes for long. In the last few minutes alone, they had lost more frigates and corvettes than they had elsewise lost over the rest of the entire engagement. Commander Dars cleared his throat.

"The Terror is too strong. We cannot afford to not target her, even with our people onboard..."

He briefly stopped before slowly opening his mouth again.

"...that is, if they still are onboard."

Gir slowly nodded. They hadn't heard anything from the Raiders after they had breached into the Terror Australis. He had thought at first that it was likely because of the communication's jamming, yet he had expected something to occur that suggested that they were still active: ship system malfunctions, decreasing life signs, or internal explosions. He considered the almost naval warship-like lines of the Terror. They must be dead or captured by now. But I can't risk the crew's confidence if I order them to fire on the Terror Australis and the Raiders yet live. There really is only one option, no...two options. THe let out an exasperated sigh and he turned his gaze to Dars' pale face.

"Bring all available ion fire not already assigned back onto the Terror...including the Onagers."

"It'll take them a few minutes to recalibrate the Onagers' plasma to get that ion effect."

Gir glumly nodded and he stared hard at the tactical map, "We have to pull out all stops to put an end to this destruction. Even if it means taking some more risky options."

Dars frowned, "What do you mean by that, sir?"

The admiral tapped a button on his headset comlink, "Captain Dalvarro, take the Warthog down to the Terror's hull and begin direct boarding operations."

A brief pause answered him.

"We don't know many Mandalorian warriors are on that vessel."

"No, we don't," admitted Gir, "but I am willing to bet that Task Force Raider took down at least a few of them for you. If it looks like a counterboarding attack will overwhelm you, you may disengage then."


"And Dalvarro, if your troops cannot capture vessel or take prisoners. They are to render the Terror inhabitable to the best of their ability."



He's not happy about that, not that I blame him. A little over a minute later, the Warthog lowered itself against the Terror's portside. Dozens of assault tubes suddenly jetted out of the assault carrier to smash into the battlecruiser's hull. Gir doubted that with the ship's heavy armor, few would directly penetrate into the ship's insides. Bright plasma torches began to cut through the remaining armor, allowing the thousands of Antarian Shock Marines to begin their own assault into the vessel itself. Formed almost exclusively out synthdroids, Gir had little compunction of sacrificing them to save organic lives, yet he couldn't help but wonder if committing them to the battle was the right choice. But it's never really black or white, is it? As if to punctuate that remark, the quartet of Onagers released sequential salvo of massive, ionic plasma bolts at the Terror Australis.

Task Force Resolution
Wavebreak-class Battlecruiser Rathalay Resolution (attacking Terror Australis with ion weapons)
Tempest-class Star Destroyer Stellar Argonaut (attacking Goran)
Tempest-class Star Destroyer Plo Koon (attacking Cerar)
Tritones Heavy Cruiser Providence (attacking Terror Australis with ion weapons)
Pelagic Star Cruiser Starlit Surprise (attacking Terror Australis with ion weapons)
Pelagic Star Cruiser Galactic Gallant (attacking Terror Australis with ion weapons)
Verne Armored Cruiser Tae Daith (attacking Goran)
Verne Armored Cruiser Mak Lotor (attacking Goran)
Verne Armored Cruiser Windo Nend (attacking Cerar)
Verne Armored Cruiser Aubrie Wyn (attacking Cerar)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold One (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Two (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Three (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Four (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Five (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Six (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Seven (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Eight(Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Nine (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Ten (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
MC22 Tangler Interdiction Corvette Kas Todd (holding position, maintaining gravity well on Terror Australis)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue One (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Two(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Three(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Four (Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Five (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Six((Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Seven(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red One (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Two(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Three(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Four (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Five(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Six (attacking strikecraft in vicinity of Terror Australis)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Seven (Destroyed)

12 Squadrons of Vortex II-class Interceptors (240 Interceptors) (screening Task Force Resolution)
12 Squadrons of Mistral-class Starfighters (144 Starfighters) (screening Task Force Resolution)
12 Squadrons of Cyclone-class Star Bombers (attempting to disable enemy warships) (144 starbombers)
16 Squadrons of Gale-class Heavy Fighters in Hunter-Killer configuration (attempting to disable enemy warships) (128 Heavy Fighters)

Task Force Raider
Union II-class Assault Carrier Warthog (boarding Terror Australis)
Handmaiden-class Escort Corvette Raider One (Destroyed)
Kometa-class Ramship Punch One (Destroyed)

Mishel Kryze

Objective: Find Coren Starchaser.
Allies: TBD.

Enemies: TBD.
Location: Shuttle, En Route to Azure Ground.



Mishel did not want to talk about it.

The Sith did something, and were all too eager to let her loose into the Galaxy once more. Time spent with the Emperor [member="Darth Carnifex"], and the Lady [member="Taeli Raaf"] would have done any Padawan something fierce. The worst had been the conditions and the 'treatments,' she had been given while there. Yeah, and if the voice in the back of her skull was anything to go by it wasn't good. Mishel felt at the back of her head near the base where the old chip used to be, back when she was a member of the Knights of Ren they used a control chip. Sith may have used it to their advantage - fixing what she had broken, and improving it beyond what the First Order had ever dreamed capable.


It spoke to the dark side that resided within her heart. The very place that Sieger ensured would remain dark forever more, something she had never been able to break. [member="Coren Starchaser"] had been the Jedi Master she sorely needed, but then where was he? He never came for her on Ziost. Taeli's words echoed in her mind, the Jedi were known for abandoning their own. A flicker of sulphur erupted through a sea of hazel-green. Mishel brushed it aside, what was important now - was to help the Silver Jedi and find her master. Mishel managed to sneak aboard the Emperor's shuttle and followed him and the contingent of Sith that were bound for Azure.

Mishel shut her eyes a moment to silence the sounds in her voice. To silence everything around her she pushed it away and focused on the image of her Master. She focused on the great men and women she had surrounded herself with. Ziost would not break her, she refused, she refused to be tortured by it.


It still lingered like an infection in her veins.


She waited as the shuttle descended as a cacophony of violence could be felt through the Force.

So many voices, so many lives all in the hands of the few. The reckless few, the Silver Jedi had sought to take their stand against the Mandalorians and perhaps against the larger foe. The Sith Empire. Whatever their cause for battle was none of her concern, her concern remained to find her Master and ask but one question; where were you when I needed you the most?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Aboard Lady Natasii
Allies: UCM and their allies
Enemies: All aggressors
Dance partner: [member="Veiere Arenais"] (soon...waltz maybe?)

The journey back to the platform felt like forever. Kay kept her eyes on the skies, her hands maintaining a grip on the railing as the ship rocked from the waves. There were no searchlights. Not this time. It was better to have the enemy blind than to give them easy targets. That was one fortunate thing about being on a planet with no sun.

It was always dark.

It took another twenty minutes before they reached the platform. Kay approached the Captain. "I don't want the Lady Natasii destroyed. She's very special to my nephew. Move her away from any platforms. We'll come and get you when it's over." It was odd to call [member="Kaine Australis"] her nephew, especially as he was older than she was. But he was family and she was going to do her best to look after what he had left in her care.

The Captain reluctantly nodded. "Understood Ma'am. Be safe." There were others to look after Kaine's aunt. His duty was to the Lady Natasii.

Kay climbed down onto the platform into the hustle and bustle of everyone collecting their things. The battle in the sky above looked more intense. The platform was rather large. It was flat however and contained a dozen one story buildings. Most were housing units, while others were supply houses, a research unit and even a small bar. Right in the middle was ample space for a freighter to land. And that was where most people were meeting up. Kay hurried, moving quickly to the housing unit that she was to use on this trip. She had her own things to gather, and her own light armour to put on.
Location: Skies above Azure
Objective: Test their might! Clear a zone and unleash havoc
Allies: SJO +Allies (Joining up with [member="Romi Jade"] soon tm)
Enemies: UCM+Allies (Engaging [member="Laandur Solus"])
Post 3

Looking over the beaches I saw an empty zone and I flipped the Voodoo. Rocketing back towards the beaches I dropped my cloak and shields before ejecting two HK units onto the beaches. Broadcasting to the units I said "HK shadow units clear a path for Silver Jedi troops and check your fire I want Mandalorians dead, nobody else." I waited and heard through my helm "Acknowledged Mistress, engaging maximum hostility towards Mandalorians filth. Oh I do hope we can squish the meatbags.... Indeed as do I." HK units were.....known for eccentricities. Flicking my weaponry online I engaged my targeting computer and began open fire on AA and artillery emplacements.

I saw fire from the treeline and Jedi on the beach. Flipping on a dime I bathed the treeline in blaster cannon, ion, and flak cannon fire. Figured I'd do some lumberjack work with autocannon rounds. Very least it'd deprive Mandalorians of as much cover. Flying incredibly close to the ground by the beaches I launched a drop pod of gear. E-web cannon, cases of grenades, sonic, ion and acid misters. Along with some Verpine rifles. Unfortunately for the Mandos none of it would be able to be retrieved without me present. Or my codes... Locking in a flight pattern I engaged the AI aboard the Voodoo and after returning to where I'd dropped the pod I inverted the fighter and ejected. Straight towards the ground... pushing out with one hand and channeling The Force I pushed towards the ground and flipped midair. Landing on my feet I signaled the HK units towards my location.

Transmitting my codes to the droids I said "arm up, and push towards the spaceport assist any Jedi forces you find." Strapping grenades to my thigh holsters I ensured my Verpine rifle was secured along with my heavy pistols. The HK's looked at the pod and one said "Oh Mistress...thank you for the new toys. I do so enjoy heavy ordnance." Smirking I watched as one strapped a power cell to the E-web across his back and picked up the E-web. I'd be making my way towards the group of Jedi I'd assisted earlier with softening up the beaches. I was sinking back into my headhunter ways but for today at least that was okay...

Location: Space above Azure; On board the Terror Australis
Objective: Shine bright.

Allies: [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Setter Ryburn"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Bushi Nadora"] | [member="Mariel Dawnrider"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | @Wilhelm von Reinherdt | [member="Laira Darkhold"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies: @Kahlil Zambrano | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"]



It was surreal, almost as if she were living outside of her body right now. Asaraa could see everyone, all of the boarders as they dispersed across the ship, each of them focused on their missions. It wasn’t just the boarders though, she could see the crew working diligently away to try to fight their ship, to hold off the Silver Jedi forces now engaging them. She couldn’t just see them though, she could see them, their motivation, their hope’s and thoughts, their desire to live. It was almost voyeurism, this ability to plumb the depths of their minds, to know what was driving someone so intimately. For a moment it felt unfair, it didn’t feel right what she was about to do to them. The Jedi knew that the force gave you abilities far above those that could be understood by others, that a normal human was capable of. It wasn’t the speed though, it wasn’t the ability to lift objects with your mind, she’d seen all those reproduced by technology before. It was this, this ability to reach out to others and wrap herself up in their thoughts to influence it.

She knew that it was a worry all Jedi had to deal with, using their abilities in such a way as to not control others, to show some restraint. But was that the right thing to do? If she could take control of a pilot a gunner then how many lives could she save? How many of her allies would be able to go home to their families, to their loved ones. All at the cost of someone who was probably going to die anyway. She could do it too, she could reach out through the force, seize control of the ship’s gunner, of their engineer. All it would take was a little touch, a tug on the force.

In the world of energy she was inhabiting the Jedi Knight reached out, letting ethereal fingers caress the tendril of the force that she’d wrapped around the ship’s gunner. She wouldn’t make it hurt, it’s be merciful, fast and would give her allies the breathing space that they needed, would save so many lives on Admiral Quee’s ships. Her grasp on the thread tightened, all it would take was that one little pull, no-one would ever know after all. How could they? Besides it wasn’t like her hands weren’t already stained with blood, the people she’d killed, that she’d left to die. How was this any different? How was it any different from sitting on the bridge of a ship, pressing the button that launched the torpedo, the turbolasers that would kill a ship and send it to its death along with all the souls onboard.

Except it was.

To kill someone face to face, to kill them by outflying them, by outfighting them was one thing. This though, this was something they couldn’t see coming, she’d pluck the life right out of them but worse than that they had no way to know it was coming. Her fingers let go of the threads, a faint strumming the only sign that she’d ever been considering snapping out their lives like that. Reaching out over the distance to play with someone’s mind, that was what had happened to her, and here she was thinking about doing it to someone else. There was no way she could justify that, not after the way it had destroyed her life. Yet…yet it would be the safest path.

As she pondered Asaraa’s doubts, her confusion and fears seemed to flow down the connection to the force, infecting the crew of the Terror Australis. Hesitant fingers reached out again, the lure of the easy victory still there, singing a song in her mind, a lure that was hard for her to avoid. Back and forth the fingers swung, the strings playing like a harp as her thoughts swirled back and forth like a metronome. Temptation warring with what she knew was the Jedi thing to do.

It was a debate that could have gone on forever, for what seemed like millena until something changed, the flow of the force around her shifting as all of a sudden everything changed. It started with a sharp spike of pain, as if someone had stabbed her through the heart. Only absorbed in the force as she was there was no threat, no-one near her who could offer that kind of threat to her. She flipped around, floating on the force, staring down at the inhabitants of the ship. There was only one person, one person her eyes settled on. Caedyn.

Asaraa could see the turmoil troubling her boyfriend’s thoughts, the shock working through his system. Taking a life was never easy, she could remember the first time she had, she’d been 6 and…no that wasn’t her memory, it hadn’t been till she had become a Padawan. Asaraa knew what this was, the memories of the Sith had been coming more often, spilling past her defences more and more regularly now. She could feel them like a block of ice, just sitting there waiting, always sitting there, Pandora’s box she knew she shouldn’t open but sat there always drawing her attention back in. The pink-haired Jedi took a deep breath, imagining her hands reaching forward towards the boy, smoothing his brow as she wrapped him in a hug. ‘I’m right here, you’ll be ok. Just keep pushing forward.’ She couldn’t take everyone’s pain, that was too much for her, but for him…she could handle that much.

The girl’s fingers ran through his hair as she leaned forward, ethereal lips brushing against Caedyn’s forehead as she pulled at the grief she could feel, not taking it all, but taking on enough to subdue it, letting her love and confidence flow back to him. The grief was his, it was important to face it, but not yet, not in the middle of a fight, that was what could get you killed. The last thing she ever wanted to deal with.

A last lingering touch of her fingers brushed his cheek before she turned her attention away, to the rest of the boarding party. As much as she wanted to spend all day making sure he was ok she couldn’t afford to give him her fullest attention. She could feel the Songwing and her Padawan, feel Mariel’s concern, sending comfort her way. She could understand the Jedi’s concern at her situation but if the Assembly had put them together then she had confidence in that, until then…she could only support them as best she could.

The rest of the party…was gone.

Panic coloured the ocean of the force around Asaraa as she span around, her face twitching in concern. She hadn’t sensed them die, hadn’t sensed any pain or hurt from them, they were just not there anymore…an entire section of the ship that seemed to be covered in a fog she couldn’t see through. She’d heard about the Ysalamir before, which Jedi hadn’t? The lizards that could cut you off from the force were a recurring nightmare of hers, she’d just never experienced them before. Steeped in the force as she was Asaraa had never felt more powerful, more capable before but as she threw herself at the fog it didn’t seem to give an inch. The Jedi shaped the force into a weapon, striking again and again as if she could shatter the fog, pierce it to reach her allies beneath it…but nothing. The sun she’d became burnt brighter, a beacon calling out to space, but the people who most needed her, well she couldn’t reach them.

Frustration and anger flitted across her mind, for a moment painted her beacon red as she took a deep breath, banishing the emotions for now as she turned her attention to the Mandalorian crew, they she could still touch. They were apparently running away, abandoning ship…it took Asaraa a moment to realise what was going on, the Mandalorian’s were actually running away leaving the ship in the hands of the automated systems.

‘Admiral,’ Asaraa’s mind flew across the void, reaching out for Gir Quee’s, the legendary Admiral who had taken command of the Silver Jedi in the theatre, ‘the Mandalorian’s are abandoning the Terror Australis, it’s being run by an AI. The boarding crew are going after their communications, hyperdrive and General Australis himself.’ As she started to withdrawn she sensed another mind, a presence bursting with light as she reached out again, a briefest touch on Veiere’s mind. ‘I’m watching him.’

Then she withdrew, focusing on the ship, on the fighters around her and the capital ships, settling back into the trance. She just had one more thing she needed to do, ‘Kat,’ Her throughts touched her friend waiting nearby, ‘Caedyn’s going for the hyperdrive, protect him, please.’ Her thought coloured with her need to make sure he was ok, that nothing bad would happen. The briefest feeling of reassurance as Asaraa sank back into the force, reaching out for the fighters and ships, the Mandalorian, Chiss and Sith contending with the Jedi crews.

Leave now, you’re not wanted, you’re not trusted. You can’t stand against the Jedi, wouldn’t it be better to survive, to fight another day.
Objective: Defend the FOB, Provide Assistance
Allies: Silver Jedi Order, [member="Josh Dragonsflame"], [member="Jerek Morrows"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Seth Brackson"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Ador Horn"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Enemies: Beskar Banditos, [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], Directly Engaging: [member=”AX-0021”] ( [member="Immortal Cyan"] )


He had to keep fighting, if he could keep up the attacks on the Mandos from here, he could allow the teams to start building the base. And with that, then the whole system could become compromised for the Mandalorians, and fall to the side of the Silver Order. Many Mandalorians and their dark side overlords were entering the system, and that was enough for Coren to be willing to continue to remove the threat from the galaxy, but it meant he had to fight. But he had to keep things clean and accurate and precise.

That blast he did to the Mandalorians? Kinetic and concussive, enough to blast them back. It was a brash move, but he was a Jedi Master. He knew how to hit combatants and keep the civilians down. After dropping his message over the comms, Starchaser turned his attention to protection detail again. It meant calling upon the Force, and bringing out the feelings of valor, and hope for those around him, Silver and civilian alike. He was not going to bother attempting to try to touch a Mandalorian, not worth his effort. His focus was split for the time.

His saber moving as he funneled the Force, not becoming offensive, but a blur at blasts coming towards him. “Keep an eye open, Morrows.” He was still trying to fill the air around him what what the Jedi needed. Focus, peace, and accuracy. What he had not prepared for was what was coming towards him.

The Jedi Master was aloof at the best of times, and with his students, he found ones with similar goals to the Force and to their position among the galaxy. They were wanderers, and it was not odd for them to go weeks or months without being in contact. But with @MIshel Noren, this was something different. He hadn’t put his finger on it, consciously, but if anyone would ask if something was wrong?

He knew it was.

But he still continued on.


Private AX-0021
Post 3
Equipment: MandalArms FZ.14 Mandalorian War Armor w/ “Slick” Anti-Acid Coating, MandalArms Annihilator, Shock Mace, F-11E Blaster Rifle w/ Disguised Frame/Appearance and Diagonal Foregrip, 2 G-20 Glop Grenades, 2 CryoBan Grenades
Location: Surface - Azure
Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Nicair Claden"] [member="Laandur Solus"], UCM and TSE
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] (Engaging) [member="Celiana"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lucera Maive"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Jerek Morrows"], SJO and Allied Forces

After she examined her sight line once more for the presence of civilians or non-hostile actors, AX-0021 did not hesitate after she perceived that they were not in her line of fire. Although the battlespace was almost completely free of civilians, AX-0021 knew that she could not be too careful. However, she also had to act with decisiveness and clarity, in order to prevail over the Jedi thugs. She immediately aligned the reticule of her scope on the Jedi’s lower torso for her first shot, before squeezing the trigger of her rifle. The weapon discharged a single energized bolt at supersonic speed. AX-0021 then proceeded to repeat her previous step of acquiring her target. However, instead of aiming at her target’s lower torso, she followed the pattern of her rifle’s recoil and aimed for his upper chest before squeezing the trigger once more. The pair of energized bolts zoomed from the barrel of the F-11E at supersonic speeds to their target, which was still roughly forty meters away from the position of their shooter. AX-0021 had executed a textbook double-tap in under a third of a second, so quickly that it seemed that she had merely pulled the trigger twice in rapid succession.

Immediately after firing, AX-0021 maneuvered for cover behind a thick railing which was only four meters in front of her present position. As she moved, the Elzeri fired another pair of aimed bolts in rapid succession at his chest, by utilizing the reticle at the center of her HUD and the electroscope of her rifle to acquire a stable sight picture on her target.
Location: Boarding Terror Australis!
Objective: Pew pew!
Wearing: Armor | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 8 Nozhi Blades | 2 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | A pack of Cards Against the Silver Order
Allies: SJO & BFF's
Enemies: UCM
Specific Tags: SJO [ [member="Amon Vizsla"] [member="Setter Ryburn"] [member="Mariel Dawnrider"] [member="Bushi Nadora"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] ] +Anyone else in our team ||| UCM [ [member=[member="Kaine Australis"] ]
Post: Three


On and on they fought. Scherezade could hear through the noise that her battle comrades were of the same mind as her – fight hard, fight on, and call out the weaklings that ran this place, that led the Mandalorians, that pretended that they were anything more than an ant that had to be stomped with a boot. Or perhaps just ready to be burned, down to the grounds.

What she would give, to have the same chance her grandmother had – to glass all of Mandalore and make it useless for centuries. It had been too long since anyone had done so, and it had happened often enough that few could tell apart this destruction of it or another, but still, a girl could dream. There were no noble princes and maiden fare when Scherezade closed her eyes – only death, destruction, and despair. Granted, some of it was covered in a thin film of pink glitter, but it still counted.

Doors behind them were closing. Scherezade turned to look at it happen for a moment, taking several shots into her back, saved by the grace of her advanced armor from any real damage, for the moment. She knew she had to be more careful; both armor and warrior were perfectly fine now, but this… It would take a fool to think what they were sending at them was actually meant to do anything more than give them busywork to do while their enemy prepared. The real danger and the real violence would arrive late – and while Scherezade was a confident combatant, she knew she could not assume she would be walking out of this without a scratch.

Blast door after blast door. Their space, while not shrinking, was being cut off from one direction, forcing them onwards. There was no way they could go back, not without reaching the bridge or somehow finding a way to get into the controls of the ship.

And suddenly her knives dropped.

Scherezade looked up, already knowing the meaning of it. She did not run out of Force; that was not how it worked. And she had been exposed to the stupid lizards to know well enough by now what it felt like when she suddenly became something akin to a non-Force user. Krak. Krak krak krak. She hated those damned things.

Quickly, her hands moved to cover with the mesh that offered her armor's protection for the head as well. She could not move faster than a slug or some blaster bolts if she did not have the Force by her side. As she did so, she continued to move, avoiding most of the shots by sheer luck, though the ones that did make it through were still fine thanks to her protection.

Next came the knives. Her bigger blades were all gathered in moments, as were some of her knives, but she was going to have to continue to make it through without some of her weapons and without being able to use some of her weapons' abilities, at least until they were out of the lizard bubbles. It was a good thing that she hadn't removed her guns from her belt yet; those things would always remain by her side, and she had a feeling she would be needing them shortly.

And they moved forward. Through her covering, Scherezade looked to both [member="Amon Vizsla"] and [member="Setter Ryburn"]. The lizard presence had not affected them, had not given pause in what or how they were doing.

Grinning though, the Sithling removed one of her TOTT-001 Arc Light Blasters. If they didn't want her to be using the Force, she'd be using something else that was wonderfully effective against them. Setting it to medium damage, Scherezade began to fire. The recoil was brutal and despite her armor, she knew there would be bruises on her body once this was all over and done with, but she didn't care. Neither did she care if it would be taking the droids out temporarily or permanently, as long as it gave her team some breathing room.

It was a good thing then, that against all odds, Scherezade was close friends with some of the Americus clan, and by proxy, ended up on shooting ranges where she got to play a lot without the Force. This, combined with the fact that she had been subjected to lizard bubbles less than a month after breaking free of the pebble and had therefore trained almost to death to be as deadly and efficient without the Force as she was with, she was a skilled shooter, especially in close range and closed quarters. More than one person had described her as leaving a trail of dead wherever she went. This was no different.

They'd been ambushed. From all open directions, more enemies were advancing towards them, and it seemed that each and every one of them had the means to shoot from afar. She could hear the shots now, through the smoke, thankful again for the protection of her face thanks to the mesh, keeping her mostly okay.

But if beyond the smoke, there were mostly droids… Scherezade continued to shoot, first with the same gun, and then switched to the other when the battery ran dry. If they'd sent any organics after them, they could deal with them later.

"If we can kill the lizards," she yelled over the commotion to her battle comrades, "We could clean these corridors in a handful of minutes!"
Location: Azure Surface
Allies: SJO
Enemies(?): UCM l Time l [member="Azure Djitred"]
Objective: god dang it KANYE I told you to do something for the kids
[member="Josh Dragonsflame"] went his own way when they touched down. Tracyn had yet to even draw his lightsaber. The most he did was drag a wounded soldier over to a medic. But for the moment, he was watching with horror at the onslaught of Mandalorian and Silver Jedi forces. Overhead, the battle raged. He could see the bolts from the fighters, the distant explosions in the sky.

He blinked, feeling the force around him. Panic. Destruction. Fear.

And- ten feet in front of him, a crying child, no older than 5 or 6, at best. She was crying immensely, screaming for her mother. He rushed over, ignoring the painful memories that he was wrestling with. He scooped her up- and saw the Mandalorians loading the civilians into transports. He cradled the child's head, and began to run, heading for the Mandalorian lines. Blaster bolts scraped by, blades hissed and snapped. He had to get her to safety. She was screaming and hitting at him. He didn't have time to explain.

Explanations rarely calmed down children, that much he knew. But she had to get out of here.

He passed through the battlefield, dodging blaster wild blaster fire. He reached the Mandalorian lines, his impressive physique (and the force) carrying him swiftly over to them. They were loading up the civilians, and several of them were distrusting of the Jedi. If any of them knew who he actually was, they might have shot him on sight. He blinked a few times, wondering what to say.

So he spoke.

When he spoke Mando'a- he spoke with the distinct Concord Dawn accent. There was no faking authenticity.

"Gaa'tayl te adiik!"1

For now, the Mandalorians- untrusting of the Jedi as they were, kept their weapons raised. He wasn't surprised- he himself in their shoes wouldn't be sure if this was some sort of ruse either. But this child didn't deserve any of that. He just wanted to get her to safety.

1. "Help the child!"
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Shoreline, Azure
Objective: Defend Beachhead
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ador Horn"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Jerek Morrows"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Prazutis"] (eventually) | [member="Laandur Solus"]


Propelling herself into the air, she rolled over her shoulders and came down a few paces in front of her detail. In an upturn parry she cut into the trajectory of a round of blaster fire before returning the second round back, then turned and sprinted to join the charge, dodging and somersaulting as blaster bolts streamed into the gloom ahead.​
That was all it took. Sabre raced past her, bringing their blaster rifles for cover fire. Romi dove into the t-bone, sliding along the surface on her right knee pad, she used her left leg to anchor and direct her body to swing around in a circular arc. She used a single stroke to sever all two men at the knees.

Celiana said:
Looking at my HUD I saw SJO IFF's landing on the beaches where it appeared they were engaging in a firefight against defending Mando forces. "This is Voodoo 1 of The SJO, whoever is on that beach I suggest you pop head down and prepare for a nice light show." Smirking I rolled right and pushed the yoke in taking me in a rather aggressive angle back towards the beach. Fingers flying over keys I dropped my shields and armed everything.

Popping up from her crouched position, she swung her arm out "Get down!" She called out. In place of boisterous cries and the determined scuffling of bare feet came the cadence of explosive thunder. A murmur of of surprise swept through the crowd. The beachhead quaked and exploded outward -- her world became full of embers.

"I like her." She mused, glancing over to Coren.
Objective: Evacuate the Civilians, find Lailya's father, keep flashbacks under control
Allies: UCM and friends
Enemies: SJO
Tags: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Tracyn Ordo"]

"Miss! Over there!"

Azure looked to where the girl in her lap pointed, to see a man pick up a child and start running for the evacuation ships. From the looks of him, we wasn't Mandalorian... But if the Jedi were attacking, why would he be focused on evacuating the civilians? Much less onto a Mandalorian ship? A frown pulled the witch's lips downwards, as the area around her began to clear, and spurred Cuddles towards the ships as she got a transmission from Kaine. If he couldn't buy her time, she'd get the civilians off the planet, and die here to defend them.

"Let him through. Jetii or Mando'ade, if he's working to save the citizens under our protection, we can't be picky. Our citizens are dying, so take the child on board, and I'll take him with me while I go evacuate the other shelters, understood?"

The Mandalorians in front of them nodded hesitantly, whether out of agreement or not wanting to get eaten by a Rancor, Azure didn't care. One of the soldiers stepped forward as the others kept their weapons raised to take the crying child, who accepted being taken from the Jetii easily, but looked up at Azure.

"Find my mommy! Please!"

"I will, I promise. Now go, it's not safe here." Azure watched the girl board the ship, and turned her head to look down at the Jetii. "My name is Azure Djitred, of Clan Solus. If you want to save those under our protection efficiently, I would suggest you follow me. No one will try to stop you if they see you traveling with me, but we do not have much time. Kaine Australis is buying us as much time as he can, but people are dying. Tell me, what is your name, Jetii?"

"My name's Lailya! Miss Azure is helping me find my daddy, he has blonde hair and green eyes!" Despite the scenario, the child in Azure's lap was gleeful as could be. She was helping!
Objective: Help out Caedyn, sort out comms
Allies: SJO [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Amon Vizsla"] [member="Setter Ryburn"] [member="Mariel Dawnrider"] [member="Bushi Nadora"]
Enemies: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
Location: Boarding the Terror Australis

The motivation from Asaraa's battle meditation could be felt by Kat and everyone else in the room, she was feeling better about her chances to hack into the Mandalorian comms, also try to freeing their own comms from being jammed. Kat was sat there with a datapad tapping away but the coding was adapting to her hacking techniques. It was definitely an AI in charge of the ship, Kat cursed, AIs were helpful but trying to combat them was infinitely more difficult than trying to fight VI and standard security measures. Kat was tapping away furiously, frustrated with the lack of progress. That was when she heard Asaraa talking inside her head. Asking her to go after Caedyn to the hyperdrive, Kat tilted her head, it was odd to have someone talking in her head but she stood and looked at the support team.

"I need to make my way to the engine room. Look after Asaraa, otherwise you will have to deal with me!" Kat narrowed her eyes and intimidated a couple of them. Heading off to the engine room, Kat looked around, seeing a few Mandalorians running off or dead on the floor. It was odd to see people abandoning ship so suddenly but it made things easier.
Location: Azure, Surface
Allies: [member="AX-0021"], [member="Laandur Solus"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Lucera Maive"] [member="Jerek Morrows"]
Equipment: MandelArms Beskar'gam, ACS-203 Hellfire Autocannon, M44 Close Assault Weapons system, Monroe-Horak multipurpose combat rifle, ForceBreaker Gas Grenade launcher, Crushgaunts, Lightsaber

With the attack underway against the Jedi, the signatures that he felt were close, close enough where he could charge of course. Chaos was all around from the Mandalorians defending the position, desperately trying to keep the Jedi pinned down. The Jedi that he could sense through the Force, he could sense that the Jedi were not backing down. He knew that of course, the decades of fighting against them on countless worlds had proved as much. With Twenty-One setting her sights on one of whom he knew somewhat... Starchaser was his name was it, he had faced and killed so many Jedi it was hard to keep track of old faces. For the Master of Ren he had one desire at this moment, and that was to see as many Jed die as he could cause.

The Jedi had their ally. The Force, an effective and powerful tool that the Master of Ren relied upon here. Officially he was never here of course, but that didn't mean he couldn't raise hell. Pulling the launcher from his back, he raised it and made sure that it was loaded with two ForceBreaker grenades, his ammo was limited, but he would work in tandem with not only his loyal soldier, but that of the Mandalorians, grinning from ear to ear as he was about to ruin the Jedi's day on the beach with just a couple of launches.

He first set his eyes on Starchaser as well, but rather let his companion deal with him, his time would come and he rather not risk exposure with an old adversary. Taking aim at the group, the grenades launched at high speeds. Exploding near the ground of the groups feet. It would not cause much in the way of Physical damage, yet it would disrupt the connection between them and that of the Force, and within that moment, the black Beskar clad Ren in disguise charged with a war cry unsheathing a green lightsaber. A weapon he took from a prisoner in his dungeons long since dead. He would face them like a warrior, with brutality and fury.
Location: Azure Surface
Allies: SJO | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | @Cotan Sar’andor | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ador Horn"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Jerek Morrows"] | [member="Celiana"] [idk this is hard to keep track of]
Enemies: UCM
Objective: Healz pls no kill

By now, she’d learned to control her anxiety. Battlenerves were a very real thing, why wouldn’t they be? You were literally putting your life on the line. Nida didn’t understand what compelled the others to run headfirst into the blazing blaster fire of the enemy. It felt so weird, calling them the enemy—the Silver Jedi had never struck first, not in her time of being here. Which hadn’t been particularly long.

In her mother’s time, yes. They had been invaders only a handful of times, each incursion earning a backlash and another schism. The Jedi stood for peace—they were not war mongers. To some they were; but you can only poke the hornet’s nest so many times. There were a lot of things in the galaxy that Nida didn’t want to understand, but learning what motivated aggressors was necessary.

Was this right, striking back after being aggravated? It felt so alien, but a lot of things felt odd to her a first. Nida had boarded the transport to Azure all the same.

“Hold still,” The solider [member="Tracyn Ordo"] dragged over to her was writhing, dipping in and out of consciousness from the loss of blood. His screams had died down, but it didn’t make much of a difference to the din of battle. “Easy—alright, there.” She’d yanked of shrapnel from his leg with a sharp flick of the wrist. Tossing the metal shard to the side with a grunt, one hand closed over the wound. It was deep, deep enough to get infected quickly and lead to sepsis.

The Zeltron didn’t like to be haphazard in her healing, but she use the Force to stitch the worst of it back together. She was keenly aware that overexertion could be deadly, and Nida was almost desperate to prove that she was tougher than she looked. She squinted into the distance, momentarily mesmerized by the flash of lightsabers. Well, not as tough as them. Though her skill in combat was growing, she was nervous enough being present for conflict. She jammed a needle into the soldier’s thigh, a quick shot of antibiotics to stave off any bacteria in his bloodstream for the meantime. Nida didn’t like leaving things half finished, but this was the nature of war.

Her head picked up sharply as blaster fire dissipated against the deflector shield in front of her. One of the Goro droids had dutifully followed her along the beach, keeping it’s shielding active and carrying the wounded as they went. The ursine bot was a creation of her sister’s, who had insisted that the youngest Perl take a few for a test drive. There were two others present, helping around the main medical camp.
Objective: Save.
Allies: SJO
Enemies: UCM l
Interacting with: [member="Azure Djitred"]

He let the child go, as easily as he could. He watched as the Mandalorians relaxed. Some went off to fight the battle, some stayed with the woman he was with. Tracyn, once- would've fought to the bitter end. That was a long time and a lifetime ago. These Mandalorians weren't the same. They would never be. The ghosts of his past lingered around him, failures resonating in his ear with high-pitched screams from the void. Oily shadows crossed his dreams like shrieking demons, echoes of an old life of what was and what could have been. This was such a place.

He couldn't count how many times he'd been in a losing fight.

He knew what the Mandalorians were facing, the daunting task of holding off a Galaxy's worth of enemies, of people who wanted to do nothing but hurt you. Part of him asked what the Mandalorians did, but he reminded himself that the Mandalorians of his day were concerned with the Mandalorian system and the Dathomir brethren. Not the galaxy as a whole.

He looked at her as his name was asked. His name was a dead giveaway of his past. Of the life he left behind. Dar'manda- to some. Or, to some- a man more complete, a Jedi.

He smiled at the child, addressing her fist. Tracyn had a warm, handsome smile that invited a sense of calmness and pleasantness, even in the tensest of times. "We'll find him." He spoke in a very calm manner, not quiet but not loud either. It was the way he carried his voice, his presence that commanded strength, emanated experience in war and life.

"My name is Tracyn Ordo."

He did not know how she would take that revelation.
Location: Barracks of the Terror Australis
Objective: Stop the war
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Nearby: [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

"Kaine!" Out of breath the young Jedi rounded a corner to finally see the Mandalorian General. Without any hesitation the young Jedi pulled his saber free, sending the blade to intercept the shots from his weapon. While solid rounds weren't really able to be deflected, his saber was able to shut down the explosive property. Not that the young Jedi even knew what he did.

He was just trying to stop the fight.

"Stop fighting! There's still a chance for peace!" He had to believe it. He called his saber back, screaming over the gunfire. "Everyone just stop!" But deep down, Kahlil knew it was pointless. War had started. The line had been crossed. There was no going back.


Main tag: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]
Gear: Beskar'gam, SABR Hécate, SABR Hœnir, D-13 SMG, Glop Rounds, x5 Glop Grenades, x2 Class A Thermal Det

There was no impact from what she gathered and to follow it up a fellow mandalorian was now trapped in the glop. "Fething magic users." As she went to cock the rifle once more her arms felt stiff and so did the rest of her body as it began to lift up. At speed she watched as the ground below her moved rapidly. "What's happening?" Ca asked with a worried tone. "Close combat thats whats happening." She said wanting to reach for her weapon ready to defend herself. Not even ca would be able to move the armor. In what seemed a long moment but actually short Cynthia found herself crashing to the floor. She stood up to look at the familiar face of [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] who towered over her. "Vaabir not Jor'chaajir ner Aliit monsters, Aliit ori'shya tal'din bal ni kelir aranar ner adate." She said in mandoa, and her voice carried the weight of the words she spoke with strength and determination. "I cannot defend what some of the clans have done and even some acts make me sick to my stomach, but your people come into our territory- demanding we leave. That's not how it works. It has never worked like that."

"As much as I would like to not fight today, I can't stand by and watch my vod die by jetiise hands." Unlike many of her bothers and sisters Cynthia didn't feel the need to use void stones or Ysalamiri, natural skill was more than enough. "Oh and for your information, I was using non lethal rounds." As she said that Cynthia quickly cocked the gun loading another glop round into the barrel and immediately fired at the ground by Josh's foot causing the round to explode with adhesive gel that rapidly hardened. At the same time she'd lean back allowing the jetpack to roar to gain about fourteen meters away from the jetiise. Once both feet was on the ground there was no gap in any movements as she slid the long rifle into its holster on her back and exchanged it for Hœnir ready. "If you charge at me Dragonflame you will feel the fury of my fire, and I will not back down."

"Ca, I will need you for this, you think faster so if you see an opportunity, this is my authorisation to take over."
"I will. I'm not going to see you die today."
"And you know what to do if I die right."
There was a pause that lasted a second as Ca came to the realisation of the weight of the answer she had to give. "Yes. Detonate the thermals."

[1] Do not call my family monsters, family is more than blood and I shall defend my people.

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