Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex

Allies: Himself | UCM for now.
Engaging: [member="Laira Darkhold"]

Objective: The usual.

The ship shuddered as multiple entry points were breached by the invaders.

Vizsla steadied himself against the wall. Another shock caused crates to fall over, sending more people stumbling. There was no time to consider it. From one moment to the next the corridors were filled with fighting. His beskad was already out of its sheath. Parrying a thrust, followed by a rough slice. It sliced through armor-weave and Ronan followed it up by his own thrust in exposed throat.

Dying gargle of bloody breath.

No witness was there to take note. He'd die alone, as so many others on both sides. Vizsla was already moving through the corridors. The path of wounded, dying, fighting was taking them deeper into the corvette. There was an oppressive feeling on him. Not just him... his current allies around him.

A dark thing clutching against his chest. Depressing him, trying to dissuade him. Ronan grunted and tried to ignore it as best as he could.

Little did Ronan suspect he was following the daughter of a former.... ally.

Would that have changed anything?

No, probably not. Every once in a while, the Mandalorian would pause, joining a fight to soften the weight on the Mando'ade around him. Maybe if this was his Clan? He'd stand by their side throughout it all. As it stood... they'd have to survive on their own. He had prey. The further they went, the more Vizsla started to realize where they were going.

The reactor room.

The Alor of House Vizsla double-timed.

If they got there and did their deed? It would spell doom for this ship.


"Make 'em bleed."

Setter's words were well welcomed after the odd song deWinter sung in the pod. He gave one final glance behind to see [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] floating in the air in what looked like some for space magic trance. The Mandalorian's first and last meeting with the pink-haired Jedi was not long ago on a planet rife with a planet-wide criminal violence. Back then she struggled to action, conflicted by her pacifist beliefs and the practicality in the use of force. It almost had killed her.


She looked different. Confident. Ready. Decisive.

And that's what she needed to be when she faced the wrath of Mandalorians. He had told her exactly that back then and fate had a twisted sense of humor. Funnily, her confidence rubbed off on him (unknown to Amon it was the Force, let alone Battle Meditation).

He turned back to the way forward deeper into the Terror Australis, the way he had to go with Setter, Scherezade and some other Rangers of Task Force Raider. The pure significance of the moment for all them - Asaraa, [member="Setter Ryburn"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Kat Decoria"], [member="Bushi Nadora"] and [member="Mariel Dawnrider"] - it almost made him say what he had heard the Jetii say so often.

May the Force be with you.


Instead - a near silent...


The darksaber snap hissed into existence just as the first bastion of the battlecruiser's valiant defenders showed up. Brave, loyal and committed to their cause they clashed with the Raiders. In the flurry of the battle, Amon couldn't help but notice Scherezade's 'dance with the dead' as her strength in the Force was clearly demonstrated. The taste of victory did not last long.

Long range accurate shots made his shield flicker and Amon quickly sought cover. The helmet's feedback implied droids.

"Droids!" Amon called out through the comms before firing a salvo from his wrist ion beamer at the dreadful looking non-living protectors of the ship.

Shots rang, yells boomed and the sound of full-out war echoed throughout the Terror Australis. Sweating underneath his helmet, Amon grew tired of the obstacle-ridden fateful path he had to trek to reach those who had to pay a debt to clan Vizsla. Cold anger brewed in his gut and after a furious slash with the black blade of the darksaber tearing the droid in a show of sparks, he yelled out in Mando'a:

The sharpness of his tongue nearly cut his own mouth.

In reality, he had no idea whether the famed right-hand of Mand'alor [member="Kaine Australis"] was aboard the battlecruiser. If he was, Amon sought to provoke him, beckon him to face them like a true Mandalorian.
Supporting: SJO
Allies: Saeza | Leo
Engaging: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
Location: Mandalorian Corvette
Objective: Make Ship go Boom

Laira raced through the corridors, adding a nudge of speed to her legs as they drove her forward through the small ship. They had been dispatched to one of the lesser vessels, likely in the hopes that small teams could feasibly cripple or reduce their combat ability enough to make a difference for the fleet. Not that it mattered to Laira or her friends anymore.

She could feel the Force around her, little gasps of coldness and emptiness as people died on the ship. At least she could still feel Saeza and Leo in the back of her mind as she ran. <Good.> the redhead thought quietly, feeling them in the Force even as the connection was bolstered by the Silver Jedi who wove the Force into an elaborate tapestry throughout the army and navy they deployed.

The redhead ducked into a corridor, <Almost there.> the voice in her mind spoke. It wasn't hard to find a reactor in a vessel this size, and it was important that she hurry while her friends dealt with their own mission.

Laira slashed a door control with her crackling plasma blade, causing it to begin closing as she dove through and came back up on her feat. There was a presence.

It was not one she recognized personally, but it was certainly one that had figured out what she was after. Mandalorians weren’t all buckethead brutes with more beskar than brain matter in their heads as it turned out.

<Sithspit. Hurry.>

She pushed herself faster, skidding to a stop as she neared the corechamber.

There he was, rushing to meet her before she made it inside. Mister tall, dark, and brutal himself.


Leo ducked against a bulkhead, squeezing off a burst down the corridor with his carbine. The Mandalorians were pushing back, not death charges down a corridor, but precision marksmen taking shots while their brethren filled the hallway with suppressive fire.

The trio was outnumbered, but they were trying. Leo felt as though he could read Saeza's sweeping movements with her lightsaber well enough to fire between them from time to time, and he could feel her anxiety in his mind. She was anxious, excited, blood pumping for some reason. It occurred to the Death Trooper that it was the young Jedi's first real combat. These clansmen weren’t using grenades yet, probably not wanting to risk blowing any extra holes in the ship they wanted to keep. Saeza used her lightsaber to slap ripper slugs and blaster bolts back at the group of Mandalorians where she could, keeping on hand on Leo’s shoulder as she pulled the hot metal out of his flesh with a gentle tug of the Force. The metal clang to the decking, “Better?” She didn't need to ask, she knew it was.

Cut that door, we’ll cut our way to a different corridor.” the distorted voice barked, emotionless and passive. Part of that was the voice scrambler which rendered out most inflection a person had. The rest was his training, to purge himself of emotion in combat and focus only on the task at hand. Its what had made him capable of fulfilling the Empire’s evils when he had been with them, and now it was what made him a professional. A cut apart from the rest aboard this ship.

Saeza complied, using her yorrik coral lightsaber to cur the maglocks on the door and then shove it open with the Force. The Ranger ducked through first, sweeping her weapon from side to side as she cleared the room.

With her fire no longer supporting Leo’s the Mandalorians advanced, ducking through the corridor to the next sets of cover before their allies let up the storm so Leo couldn’t get accurate snap shots off at them. “Go.” He muttered, ducking through the door with Saeza just ahead of him. He slipped the carbine away and unslung the disruptor shotgun once more, the whine of the weapon chiming just before it sent a funnel of ash and destruction barreling down the cramped corridor with a roar, tearing apart the air and scoring a channel in the deck and walls.

Cut to the next room.
Objective: Recon.
Equipment: Armor (Right Vibro-wristblade/Cable launcher and left Stun baton/Sedative injector gauntlets), DL-44 (Han's pistol)
Opponent: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Others: [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Ador Horn"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Celiana"]

Laandur watched from the tree's a little more, having a hard time keeping track of all the chaos. He was more worried about that the Jedi were doing then them hurting noncombatants. They were still Jedi. They wouldn't knowingly kill a civilian. He knew however that he had to disrupt them somehow. So the man came up with a plan. He eyed his target, the one next to who appeared to be a leader of the Jedi group. Distract him, get him to come closer, then strike. Laandur laid out his strategy, then turned to the trainee.

"Watch and learn kid." He then drew his DL-44 and fired a bolt, aimed not at the Jedi ([member="Jerek Morrows"]), but as some equipment near him. The second shot though, that was meant for him. In a way at least.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: Five light minutes outside Azure System.
Objective: Engage Hostile Forces Defending Azure
Enemies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Dezoti"]
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

The whistle chimed as the doors of the lift opened and Admiral Reshmar stepped out onto the command deck of Illustrious. "Admiral on the bridge" shouted an officer standing beside the lift then came to a salute. Reshmar looked at the collection of officers standing and saluting him then nodded and dismissed them from attention "As you where" said Reshmar as he walked across the deck to the central holo display table. the group standing around the table was a collection of the highest ranking officers of the 3rd fleet. Each nodded as Reshmar neared then began preparing to brief him.

"Admiral, How was your nap sir?" ask Raymond mosses as the Mon Calamari acknowledged him. Reshmar rolled his eyes in a jovial expression then gave a retort. "Fitful if you must know. And your what ever you did the last five hours" said Reshmar a s a laugh sounded from the collection of men. It had been a long time since the entire command staff of the 3rd fleet had been in one place. They had joined the task force for this operation to witness the power of the new flagship Illustrious. Admiral Holt and General Forlon stood adjacent Reshmar grinning at his comment then both looking down ad the latest transmission was received from the battle probed in the azure system.

"Mapping is almost complete said The Blue skinned Chiss Stela'shlit'nuruodo. It was he who designed the weapons of the Illustrious and he who aided the SJO in developing mapping probes. Adding a mapping system to the standard probe droids was not a new Idea but Lash had some incite in how to optimize the system. The Chiss was looking at the screen with a flat expression then closed his eyes. Immediately Reshmar knew why the man had reacted to the new data. "Your people" said Reshmar tot he Chiss man standing beside him. Every man standing now looked to the Chiss with concerned eyes. "yes" answered Lash. It has been a long time since the One SIth ran me out of the Ascendancy. My people have come a long way since then. I have not." said the Chiss man opening his eyes again. "It is of no matter, They are my enemy today. I will morn their loss when appropriate." Said lash as he worked the console adjusting the display to center on the now identified Chiss Fleet.

"The probes have mapped the system and the greater battle and identified the optimal vector for our reversion entry. A gravity well is up and effecting the field here. We should come out of hyperspace here to the flank of the Chiss force outside the gravity well and proceed from this location." said Lash as he zoomed the system map in and highlighted an area. "From here we can put them between us and the Mandalorian forces main force and still be in a position to aid The other SIlver Jedi Forces if needed with very little re-positioning." said lash as the display zoomed out again to an image of the system. The image was nearly five minutes old at this point and if the task force was to make use of the data it needed to move now. Reshmar looked over the situation for a moment then spoke.

"We will proceed as per the plan. We jump in and engage the forces of the Chiss. once in system we will maintain communications silence for the initial strike then adjust as needed. Holt, you have the comm." said Reshmar as he turned to walk to a row of seats at the rear of the command deck. Forlon, Lash, and Mosses joined him and sat in the seats and strapped in. they watched as admiral Holt went about preparing the force to jump in.

"Officer of the watch, note I have cleared all forces and have a green light to jump." said Holt as he finished inputting his command code into the vessels command console. A man standing to his left nodded and input a command and note into the tactical console.

"Jump Commander, the ship is yours." said Holt as a man standing at the navigation's console nodded and turned to begin the pre-jump countdown. "Set the jump-clock to one minute" said the man waiting for a large display on the far wall to light up. "one minute set sir" said one of the navigation's officers. "Very well star countdown" said the officer then watched as the display began counting down. the clock slowly rolled down to zero then with a shutter of the deck below their feet the Illustrious, the task force and all of its attack craft jumped into the azure system.

A moment later the group of vessels reverted into real space just outside the gravity well facing the Chiss battlegroup. "Admiral, You have the Com" said Holt as he turned to face Reshmar. The Calamari stood and walked tot he command console and looked at the image now on the holo display. "Thank you admiral" said Reshmar to Holt as the man took up position next to him.

The force had trained for this for months now. Each captain knew his ships mission. Each squadron commander knew his squadrons mission. The forces of Task Force Illustrious went to work in silence. The angled hull of the Termagant moved into position under the Illustrious and opened fire from long range on the Chiss force. Her energy torpedo projectors flashing as they sent out cohesive energy at near instantaneous speed at the Chiss vessels. Supporting these were the massive Terminator Velocity cannons. Firing their massive 520 mm osmium core reactive warheads, each with a powerful reactive delay anti-matter charge. To the flank of Illustrious were the two Scythe-class assault cruisers Righteous and Indignant. Each sending blue and green streams of energy as they opened fire with their powerful Thresher batteries. Adding to the volley of fire was the Illustrious and her Terminator Velocity Cannons. around the formation the 39 squadrons of the task force formed up and took up defensive positioned awaiting incoming attack craft and corvettes.

Reshmar watched the furry of power reach out at the Chiss fleet with a tinge of sadness. He respected the people. He had come to harbor a place for Lash and his people and having to fight them now was bitter sweat. He knew the Chiss officer seated behind him would not question him and supported his actions but also knew he was disheartened by the appearance of his brothers and sisters and would have a weight on his soul for having to take part in the battle. He also felt for the Mandalorian's out among the battle, they too were a proud group, too proud most times but still a race worth respecting. Then he thought of his own people who would lose their lives here today. Losing people was part of the job he knew, but it did not make it any easier. For now he would try to save as many lives as he could and see to it they did as little damage as was needed to the Chiss fleet.

MCS Imperious Mk III prototype - Illustrious Shielding 100 / Armor 100 (firing on Chiss formation)
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 1 Support Squadron
IFW Aurora-class Siege Destroyer - Termagant Shielding 100 / Armor 100 (firing on Chiss formation)
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Liberation-class Heavy Star Cruiser - Liberation Shielding 100 / Armor 100
1 Support Squadron
MCS Solidarity-class Star Cruiser - Solidarity Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 3 Attack Squadrons
* 1 Support Squadron
MCS Scythe-class Assault Cruiser - Righteous Shielding 100 / Armor 100 (firing on Chiss formation)
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Scythe-class Assault Cruiser - Indignant Shielding 100 / Armor 100 (firing on Chiss formation)
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Tri-Scythe-class Carrier Cruiser - Sanctuary Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 2 Support Squadrons
IFW Proclaimer-class Star Frigate - Avenger Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 2 Support Squadrons
IFW Proclaimer-class Star Frigate - Tempest Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
* 2 Support Squadrons
IFW Abolisher-class Containment Cruiser - Grappler Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Support Squadron
IFW Ton Falk-class Escort Carrier - Testament Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 6 Attack Squadrons
MCS Admonition-class Assault Frigate - Monarch Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Support Squadron
MCS Valiant-class Heavy Escort - Bespin Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 3 Attack Squadrons
* 1 Support Squadron
MCS Mantis-class ELINT Frigate - Inspector Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Attack Squadron
* 2 Support Squadrons
MCS Moray-class EWAR Frigate - Limiter Shielding 100 / Armor 100
IFW Kantos-class Escort Frigate - Ajax Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 attack Squadron
IFW Kantos-class Escort Frigate - Bentham Shielding 100 / Armor 100
* 1 Attack Sqaudron
MCS Tangler-class Interdiction Corvette - Outreach Shielding 100 / Armor 100
IFW Indictor-class EWAR Corvette - Specter Shielding 100 / Armor 100

all Squadrons forming up to defend battlegroup
Location: Azure Spaceport
Allies: UCM + Co.
Enemies: SJO + Co.
Objective: Figure out left from right
Post 3

It hadn't been long after he spoke the words of evacuation than explosions began to erupt close by. The fighting was starting, and Claden hadn't been the first involved. Progress, the man had more than.. one thing to live for now. Personal growth. He didn't have long to pat himself on the back than the stark realization hit him. The landmass wasn't that large, and though the civilian presence wasn't as spread out, there would be casualties. If not from the original blasts than from the follow up forces.

There wasn't often time nor reason for him to smirk lately. But at the very least, the images his helmet would capture caused a small one to cross his face. This is the result of the Jedi offensive.

How very Sociph of them.

He knew his new acquaintance would be glad to and could handle the evacuation of the civilians that were left. He'd seen innocents worse for wear, but these were Silver Jedi armaments that caused this. Nicair assumed they were here to attempt to teach the Mandalorians some kind of lesson, avenge some sort of wrong. This blood, and their own was on their hands. He didn't encounter many pointless or unnecessary wars, but this was one of them.

Even if the Mandalorians lost this battle, it wouldn't stop them. All this did was prove they could take them by surprise, and take a few innocent lives in the process. It had been long since he'd felt something close to offense or disgust. The Mandalorians were warlike, this much was true. They were rowdy, rambunctious, but there were few in the galaxy that devoted themselves to self improvement. Few that still valued honor and integrity, even to those that couldn't see it. Nicair went so far as to say such things saved his life, from the slavery of the gladiator pits to countless times after.

This was his family, and he knew them. Whatever these Jedi were looking for, however far they'd gone off the path they claimed to follow, whatever it was they blamed the Mandalorians for, it didn't much matter. Any losses they suffered, any blood that was shed, any vengeance they sought, any civilian life taken was on Silver hands.

The Mandalorians didn't ask for this, but they'd finish it. If not now, then later. You can't exterminate an idea. The broken warrior in the shell of a Mandalorian hadn't come yet, and they wouldn't for some time.

His tomahawk would earn its name today.
Location: Wavebreak-class Battlecruiser Rathalay Resolution, near Azure
Objective: Obtain Space Superiority
Allies: [member="Reshmar"], [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"], and other SJO personnel
Enemies: [member="Kaine Australis"] (currently engaging); [member="Dezoti"] (nearby, not currently engaged), other UCM and allied personnel

"They seem desperate and brave fighters," suggested Ariela, "it doesn't seem logical to fight under these circumstances."

A frown creased the admiral's face, "You mean the projected odds? Most sentient beings aren't rationale beings. But the Mandalorian Empire has seemed to take that to the next level. If they kept the emotions of their warriors or their leaders in better check, we wouldn't have had to intervene in the first place..."

A baritone voice echoed out from a lower bridge station.

"Task Force Illustrious is entering the battlefield at heading 134.854."

Gir briefly paused, "But they seem to ignite sparks of conflict with others. They draw their friends into it, and we draw ours..."

The man from Hast cast his eyes back onto the holo-map and watched it populate Admiral Reshmar's ships. It always seemed strange to see reinforcements arrive on the battlefield, as elsewhere across the map, icons were disappearing as ships were destroyed. Gold Two had charged headlong towards the enemy only to be scorched and incinerated in a brilliant fireball by the Dxun Heavy Cruisers. Molten shards of steel from the destroyed frigate spread out to pelt the Terror Australis' hull. If they were lucky, the debris might scratch the battlecruiser's paint. Despite the Resolution's barrage and subsequent hits, the Mandalorian battlecruiser had struck more of his vessels. He watched as three more corvettes exploded under its fire while another escort frigate carrier broke in half under the Terror's awesome firepower. Regret flooded the man as he considered the lives lost in that brief conflagration. But sacrifices must be made to prevent future lives from being lost...

Commander Dars cleared his throat.

"The carriers can't keep taking this."

"No," said Quee quietly, "they cannot. Nor we can continue to use most of weapons on the Terror now: we'll risk killing our own people. Let's move tothe second phase of the operation. Launch all starbombers and heavy fighters, and let's switch to disable rather than destroy...."

With both the Mandalorian and Silver Jedi starfighters already partially worn down by the battlefield and occupied, the launch of the rest of the fleet's starbombers and heavy bombers clearly swung the number of small craft into the the Silver Jedi's fleet's favor. Yet the starbombers and heavy fighters did not concern themselves with the Mandalorian fighters, but instead began to make attack runs on the pair of Dxun Heavy Cruisers and the remaining missile corvettes. Rather that seeking to destroy the enemy, the bombers launched ion torpedoes and ion bombs at their targets while the heavy fighters used ion encumbrance systems to try and strip away enemy shields. The larger ships within the fleet began to follow suite, only sparingly using their heavy weapons to batter down shields while ionic plasma from plasma energy torpedo launchers and ion torpedoes from the general purpose warhead launchers began to try and break down shields and disable electronics. The flanking movement of the Tempest-class Star Destroyers and their consorts came to play, with the group cutting back to approach their enemies from the rear quarter. Using its massive Aura tractor/pressor beam, each of the star destroyers grappled one of the Dxun-class Heavy Cruisers while continuing to subject their prey to massed fire. Meanwhile, a pair of Verne-class Armored Cruisers ploidded away from either end of the Rathalay Resolution and towards a Dxun-class Heavy Cruiser. Across the fleet, Antarian Shock Marines mustered and prepared to execute boarding operations.

"You're not going to be giving them a warrior's death, are you?"

Gir briefly pulled his lower lip back, "No, hopefully a criminal's trial for as many of them as we can..."

Task Force Resolution
Wavebreak-class Battlecruiser Rathalay Resolution
Tempest-class Star Destroyer Stellar Argonaut
Tempest-class Star Destroyer Plo Koon
Tritones Heavy Cruiser Providence
Pelagic Star Cruiser Starlit Surprise
Pelagic Star Cruiser Galactic Gallant
Verne Armored Cruiser Tae Daith
Verne Armored Cruiser Mak Lotor
Verne Armored Cruiser Windo Nend
Verne Armored Cruiser Aubrie Wyn
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold One
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Two (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Three (50% shields, 78% hull)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Four
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Five (Destroyed)
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Six
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Seven
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Eight
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Nine
Trieste Escort Frigate Gold Ten
MC22 Tangler Interdiction Corvette Kas Todd
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue One
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Two
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Three
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Four (Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Five
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Six(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Seven(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red One
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Two
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Three
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Four
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Five(Destroyed)
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Six
Catalina-class Light Corvette Red Seven (Destroyed)

12 Squadrons of Vortex II-class Interceptors (240 Interceptors) (screening Task Force Resolution)
12 Squadrons of Mistral-class Starfighters (144 Starfighters) (screening Task Force Resolution)
12 Squadrons of Cyclone-class Star Bombers (still embarked in warships) (144 starbombers)
16 Squadrons of Gale-class Heavy Fighters in Hunter-Killer configuration (still embarked in warships) (128 Heavy Fighters)
(OOC Note: some ships listed in previous notes are now being used by other writers - feel free to PM if you have any questions about these vessels)​
Objective: Board the Shabuir (With permission from Adenn Kyramud)
Equipment: Blasters, vambraces, armor, bodyglove, Jumpsuit, lightsaber, emp grenades, frag grenades, equipment​
Fighters: 8 Squadrons (Multiple support ships, and drop pods) (Three Squadrons of Jackal Pods)​
Tags: [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"]​
As they exited hyperspace, already the enemy was firing upon them. The Mandalorians had made the first move. As the other ships scrambled, she quickly realized the comms were...hazy at best. As well as the sensors. Her eyes narrowed but she shook her head. A deep breath in and slowly out calmed her nerves. “Send tight beam transmissions to our escorts. Hard to port, scramble fighters into defensive positions.” The force was strong with her, and it did not take her long to find the source of the disruptions plaguing the fleet.

“Bring us a little closer to that ship there, tell the escorts to stay close. Fighters, don't go far. Swarm.” Allya placed her right hand over her armored heart and bowed her head. Jerek.... The Silvers were his family. The Jedi his people. He had given her love, despite her darkness, kindness, and compassion...had taught her touch didn't have to hurt. It could be gentle! And lovely. Allya had fought her entire life, and been forced to excel at everything. He had allowed her to be normal girl. His girl. She would repay him a million times over. She knew he was constantly struggling with where he belonged. But he seemed to have taken a shine to these people. Besides this was was justified. The Mandalorians had attacked first, and their behavior on Tanaab had simply cemented her resolve. She would protect her Jedi, and her lover's family. That disruption had to end, to allow the ships and ground forces to work together.

As the ships moved into combat range, she rushed off the bridge. “Captain, you are in control! I'm taking out that ship. Defend, do not actively attack unless it looks like our allies are in trouble. Or if we are attacked ourselves.” Allya armed each of her droids with tri-blasters, and pushed a button her wrist, connecting them to the droid control module in her armor. Finally, she pushed into the cockpit of one of the boarding pods. She flipped the switches and calmed her nerves. A button was pushed on her wrist, and she linked the droids and pods to her armor. With a shutter the pod took off. It was nearly invisible as it and the many others joined with it. They headed straight for their target. The fighters obscured the launch visually, and soon they were in the black, hidden from sensors. Especially with the heavy comm jamming and sensor jamming that came from their own ships. It would be hard to notice the cluster. She coordinated with tight beam bursts, causing them to drift a bit away from one another. This way a single torpedo wouldn't take out the entire group.

Soon the ship was in sight. As they got close enough to be seen with the naked eye, the ships defenders opened up with defensive shots. In an instant, three of the pods went up in flames, their wreckage just bouncing off the shields. But it noticed too late. The remaining pods warmed up their molecular cutters. As soon as they hit the shields there was a heavy jolt, as it slowly made its way through. Soon they clunked to the armor surface and began to cut through. “Weapons on, and ready. Switch to sonic weapons! All units form up with me!” A breach formed, the hull collapsing inward, and the pod doors opening. She rushed out, a blaster in one hand and lightsaber in the other, her blaster switched to it's sonic weaponry as her droids gathered around her. “We move on the bridge! Quickly!” From the surviving pods, her B1's, and Clankers formed up. A few little Buzz droids also came along. The rest of the buzz droids were on the surface of the ship, attempting to find anything they could take apart.

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.
The chaos crashed like waves on them. In the heat of a battlefield joined, the multitude of emotions screamed from all sides, making rational thought all but impossible to someone who opened themselves entirely to the Force. A Jedi did not needlessly browse the currents, however.

Early in their training, they were warned against the dangers of impractical listening. Having the power to tap into the mystery was a responsibility. Jerek was always aware, when he was looking for something, what he was looking for.

Except, when he wasn't looking. Danger was everywhere, and to be crept up upon by a sudden attack from nowhere in the midst of all this?

Either luck did exist, or that shot was never intended to hit.

Jerek crouched further back behind the pipework and stared up at the near-hit, a lone dart of questionable lethality. The Mandalorians certainly weren't playing around with the idea of taking prisoners, it seemed.

Quiet, he told himself. His eyes rolled back, and he inhaled. Don't get lost in it. Keep your mind tamed. Check your feelings at the door.

When he reopened his eyes, he was still ducked low, but now he was searching for the origin of the attack. Across the battlefield? Closer by...?

His senses did pick it up, this time. He knew what he was looking for. He picked out the explicit danger- something that was marked for him- and threw himself into a dive roll out into the open.

It was the only direction he had to choose from. Not ideal, but at least he had an idea where the attacks had originated.


The Lightsaber was his last line of defense when it came to living, breathing beings, but this enemy was at a safe enough distance he could employ the weapon defensively and do no harm.

"Be advised, I'm engaging," he called across the comm, "if you have other orders, I'm standing by to receive."

[member="Laandur Solus"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Location: Azure Surface
Allies: [member="Cardinam"]
Enemies: ???

Vanessa was on the surface of Azure. it never ended, did it? First the Core Imperial Confederation had attacked - then it was apparently the CIS engaging the Sith's allies on Tanaab. Now the Silver Jedi had taken a surprisingly non-Jedi stance and chosen to attack the Mandalorians. Thus, she was here, along with a reasonably decent number of Bloodtroopers, while her Darktroopers had been deployed elsewhere within the planet's fortifications to assist the Mandalorians. She currently was awaiting the arrival of [member="Cardinam"], which would allow her the opportunity to better confirm the ground forces' complement and coordinate them in a defensive effort.

This was going to be fun.
Location: Over Azure, boarding the Terror Australis
Objective: Intel and Comms, don't eat the Padawan
In Scene: [member="Bushi Nadora"]
Allies on Ship: SJO [member="Amon Vizsla"] [member="Setter Ryburn"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"]
Enemies on Ship: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Other on Ship: [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
OOC Note: From here on out I will focus tags on the folks either in my scene or who might be affected by actions taken (plus Kaine Australis no matter what cause we're infesting his ship). If you wish to get a tag regardless just drop me a line!

Mariel blinked.

Mariel looked down.

This was a rare occurrence, with one particular exception.

Dinner time.

Mariel blinked again, as words registered- without consciously intending to, her talons had already started to curl to prepare for a pounce and her beak had opened up. She shook her head out, feathers that had come up along the back of her neck in preparation smoothing out again. Head tilted, regarding the smaller mouse for a moment.

Oh downdraft, who had thought THAT was a good idea.

"I suspect," she said slowly, eyes not leaving the mouse, "That someone has made a mistake."

She didn't mean Nadora herself. But whomever had decided that this was a good idea. Then Mariel blinked again.

"Where did you get a helmet?" And why had they made one in the mouse's size but not hers? Well. She didn't want a helmet ANYWAY SHE GUESSED.

She didn't get a chance to answer her (this was a TERRIBLE idea) padawan's question. When the leaders of the boarding party were ready to go they were ready to GO and in a short burst of flurried activity they hurried to spots on the drop pod. Neither took up much room. Despite the ease with which the pair could be overlooked, leadership did not. But then, Mariel at least already knew what their mission was. Ill suited for fighting, but very, very small, it would (hopefully) be easy for them to move about the ship unnoticed and get the codes they were aiming for.

"Jedi Dawnrider and Jedi Nadora, your task is clear - acquire intelligence."

"We will be careful," she said to [member="Amon Vizsla"]. "And be in contact..... through the mouse's comms." Was that a note of reproach? Difficult to tell. Mariel decided in that moment that the reason she didn't have a helmet was because it would interfere with her excellent sense of hearing. Yes, that was clearly it.

Of course.

As the rest of the boarding party sorted out into their assigned roles, the Songwing and the Nezumi slipped away.

"We can discuss the.... suitability..... of you becoming my student at a later time," Mariel said, glancing down at Nadora as they moved away. Her beak clacked and she had to deliberately shift her mind away from the consideration of just how much she enjoyed mouse. It was wholly inappropriate there. "I suspect a different teacher would be more.... appropriate." Slipstream this was going to be distracting.

A pause though as the force seemed to shift, ever so lightly. Violet eyes closed and something in the set of her wings relaxed just a touch. She didn't know [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] personally, not enough to pinpoint which Jedi precisely had started the connection and would be holding it softly in their minds, but that was both timely and greatly appreciated.

"Do you feel that, Padawan Bushi?" Mistaking the Nezumi's family name for her given now, being unfamiliar with her kind. "That is a technique called Battle Meditation." Despite the comment about finding her a different teacher when this was over, Mariel didn't even think before explaining. It was one thing to see the folly in this pairing, it was another to take it out on the small being beside her. It wasn't her fault someone had a particularly poor sense of humor.

She explained it softly as they moved, scuttling along the wall and keeping an eye out for where any cameras might be, the purpose and the effects in broad strokes, her attention on the corridors. A red light flashed high near the ceiling, alarm klaxons screaming- alerting the ship, she had to assume, to the battle ranging in system, and possibly to the presence of boarders.

"We must assume they know we are here, we didn't try to hide it," she murmured absently. The Mandalorians lived and breathed war in a way the Songwing found utterly baffling, so she knew that she must make any assumption that they knew more and better than she did in an instance like this. A dangerous place to be, truly- not even knowing what their opposition knew.

Assume all of it, she repeated to herself.

Her head turned sharply. The sound of booted feet, moving fast.

"Move move hide."

The small pair ducked into an alcove, pressing back into the shadows. At not even knee high, though the Mandalorian Marine's did cast their gaze to check the alcove, they didn't look DOWN far enough in their hurry toward the boarders to catch sight of the Songwing and Nezumi crouched in the corner. They were heading toward where they had left the others.

"Let them know they have incoming-" But the comms were jammed, and when the Nezumi opened them, the static and white noise was all they heard.

Out of her element, Mariel couldn't know that they were only the first of many, and she felt a stab of hope that it would be clear sailing from here on out for the tiny duo. Couldn't know that ahead of them as they wound deeper into the ship were droids waiting for them. That, at a moment if they were spotted the AI might turn on them.

For now, the tiny duo headed deeper into the ship, relying on their stature and stealth to allow them to pass hopefully unnoticed. Going deeper into danger.

TLDR Actions
-Boarded with Party
-Left Party
-Appreciated the Battle Meditation
-Tried to contact party about incoming Marines and failed due to jamming
-Actively attempting to avoid detection as heading deeper into the ship
-Thought about eating padawan


Location: Azure System
Objective: Protect the UCM from the SJO
Allies: UCM + Allies
Enemies: SJO + Allies
Tagging: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Reshmar"]

The Vanguard [ Shields: 80 | Armor: 100 ]
3x Batahn-Class Chiss Star Destroyer (3/3 Remaining)
12x CR90 Let'lesceti-Class Corvette (8/12 Remaining)
Chiss Droid Starfighers: 20 Squadrons (480/480 Remaining)
Isihin'i: 16 Squadrons (128/128 Remaining)
FC-115: 5 Squadrons (10/10 Remaining)
"Aristocra, new forces are dropping in." The young girl spoke up, and shortly after a whole new fleet of ships appeared. The Chiss Aristocra frowned as she glanced over. Had the Silvers not sent enough already? "Torpedos." Torpedos? Dezoti's eyes flashed to the new fleet as lines of green erupted, slamming into the shields of the Chiss's fleet. They'd hold, for now. But a constant barrage would cripple the smaller ships soon.

"Warheads." That was one they could properly defend against. "Launch counermeasures." Utilizing both their Warhead Countermeasures and the Antimissle Octets the Batahn Class and Ticsuti Class Destroyers unleashed their flurry of metal shards to intercept the warheads. But even that wasn't enough to catch all. Around them, four of the smaller Corvette class ships were caught by the warheads, their charges shredding them in the blink of an eye.

Dezoti clenched a fist. "All batteries, focus fire on those who opened fire. Thin those numbers down. Ready our fighters, take down that command vessel." On her command the Destroyers and The Vanguard itself turned their Ion Cannons and Megamasers in streaks of light and dark blue soared through space to target the Termagant, Indignant, and Righteous.

The fleet itself began to move in, all ships converging on this new fleet. Once closer, all fighters were launched, spreading out like a net to close in on the Illustrious. Or, at least that was the appearance. While the 36 squadrons of Chiss and Droid fighters alongside the Let'lesceti Corvettes began their attack run to engage the defense squadrons, the FC-115 exited their hangers in full stealth, heading right for the Illustrious for their bombing run. Only when they were in range to fire did they break stealth, unloading their HVC-117 and Ion Bombs to target the ships engines and bridge.

- Launched Countermeasures against the Terminal Velocity Cannons
-Unleashed counter assault with Ion and Megamasers
-Launched Squadrons to distract and engage enemy fighters
-Launched FC-115 to cripple The Illustrious
Location: Terror-Australis​
Allies: Task Force Raider l [member="Amon Vizsla"] l [member="Kat Decoria"] l [member="Scherezade deWinter"] l[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] l [member="Caedyn Arenais"]​
Enemies: UCM l [member="Kaine Australis"]

The point man didn't even have time to react as he entered the center of the junction. But he was steadfast- he yelled out CONTACT RIGHT- and to his dismay, it was also to his left. He was eviscerated by the interlocking fields of fire of the Mandalorian defenders- that were currently in a crossfire. Setter- however, felt fine. Or at least, somewhat fine. Focused, at the least. Focused, calm, mission ready. The onslaught of droids had cut down two Raiders, and three members of a Togorian unit that volunteered for the mission. They were cut down heavy now- roughly less than a squad now.

He reacted quickly, without hesitation or pause. Mix of his training and the battle meditation that the Jedi was providing him. He knew he didn't have a lot of options. They were outnumbered. But he had to do something, right? Being flanked and suppressed into a corner wasn't his idea of a good time, much less an ideal way to begin their operation.

But these were droids. Lifeless.

Setter grit his teeth behind his helmet.

He leveled his shotgun. 24 shells in the magazine.

He knew a lot of things about war. About combat. But more importantly- shooting. The suit he was wearing made him slow, real slow. But it made him real strong. They were in an enclosed space. Worked both ways. Preparing one of his Thermal Detonators- he popped around the corner, tossing it at the droids advancing to them.


He screamed, motioning the Task Force forward.

The shotgun bellowed- raining hellfire to the droids. To say that he was good at shooting was an understatement- Setter was a marksman, a trained sniper. But a shotgun, required precision. Required training. Both of which Setter had plenty of. The droids weren't programmed for violence. They were programmed for combat, to engage. Setter was a man of conviction, of unexpectedness. You could train a man, a man could react- but a droid? A droid didn't expect things, couldn't react the way that Setter could. So when he stepped out, braving blaster fire and began mowing down the enemy onslaught- he screamed, using one hand to fire the weapon, and the other to point his men forward.


He didn't give them an inch. Raider team members fanned out, establishing an interlocking field of fire, laying flat on their bellies to get the fire superiority in the small space. Following Setter's example, they launched a mixture of fragmentation, concussion, and IR smoke grenades to lay down a screen in which to block off the other two axis of approach. For the other soldiers that Setter knew that were coming (he himself would've done the same thing), they'd now have to come through the smokescreen. Looking through thermals would probably do about as good as a wall, thanks to the heat inside the smoke. Setter wasn't sure where the myth that you could just gaze through smoke with thermals came from, truthfully.

Movies, maybe.

But they had to act, they had to push forward, otherwise they'd be cut down just like the Raiders before them.

Main tag: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]
Gear: Beskar'gam, SABR Hécate, SABR Hœnir, D-13 SMG, Glop Rounds, x5 Glop Grenades, x2 Class A Thermal Det

The woman laid with her scope in view of the jetiise's forward base. More ships slowly came in every few moments packed with more numbers as platoons grew. "Ca keep scanning these crowds. I need a target." She said as the feeling in her gut sunk. Taking life any life was hard, squeezing a trigger to kill was the easy part, been prepared for what came after that was the hard part. Most soldiers don't focus on the faces of who they slaughter, a sniper most often had to look at their face while aiming up the shot. If you was lucky it would be the back of their head. "Will do vod. I hope this is a quick battle, I honestly do." Two magazines sat besides Hécate one with a red line and another with a blue. It was only to symbolise which round was in each, Incendiary or Glop. There was many of her clan on the world at the moment. Delphine and Rava was somewhere with their speeders packed up with medical supply's to ferry to locations that needed the equipment. Bir and Kad was somewhere close to the front lines laying down suppressive fire with their snipers. Even Korl and Jayda was held up somewhere with communications directing their aliit.

As for [member="Laandur Solus"] he was on recon. They all had their duties, they all had a part to play in this incursion. "Cynthia, there is a ship coming in with markings that stand out from the rest. My bet is there are important people inside there. You have a few options on taking this out. A glop round into the cockpit will make it impossible to fly from where we are it will be a direct hit on the pilot or you could take him out with an incendiary. The other option is a glop round into the intake." Ca's mind worked a thousand miles a minuet able to come up with the plans for Cynthia. It made her job easier and all the systems in her buy'ce made it near impossible to hit a target. "Lets go with the glop-pit plan." Without moving her eyes away from the scope of Hécate her hand grabbed hold of the glop magazine and slotted it inside with a click. She then moved her hand to pull back the bolt loading a round into the barrel. Following what the suggested spot to fire the round at she moved her rifle till it was all lined up. Above the reticle a timer commenced. As each second passed her finger would tap at the trigger lightly till finally her eyes saw 0.0s. The index finger pulled hard on the trigger followed by the backlash of the recoil. Yet nearly there was no sound made due to the benefits of a rail system.

Caedyn Arenais

Objective: Sabotage the Terror Australis' Engineering Deck.
Allies: The Order of the Silver Jedi.
Opposition: [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Kahlil Zambrano"].

Caedyn's lightsaber swept around him in a blur as he moved to position himself ahead of the Antarian Rangers and between them and the Mandalorian forces trying to counter their approach, aiming to parry off the blaster-fire that came close to hitting himself or those behind. Having besieged the Hangar in their arrival and catching the crew of the Terror-Australis by surprise, the majority of the response seemed to come from pilots either boarding their fighters or those working the floor. Alarms sounded, alerting others to the intrusion though Caedyn's training and connection to the Force seemed to bolster the confidence of the Rangers as they too opened fire on the opposition.

Closing in on the Mandalorian's whilst the Antarian Rangers maintained fire from a distance, Caedyn's shield slammed into the closest of the warriors throwing them back before aiming to strike for their blaster-rifles in an attempt to halt their attack. Trained in melee combat and well known for their combatant prowess, some of the Mandalorian's moved to attack with their blades made of beskar, resistant to his lightsaber and forcing Caedyn back several paces, needing the room to focus on disarming and defeating them without getting accidentally shot in the back by his own people.

His form wasn't of the usual practiced by the Jedi, but rather a style of his own as he'd grown up within the Je'daii Order trained under his former Master, [member=Asha Hex]. His strikes were precise and his concentration undeterred despite the chaos of the situation around him. He could almost feel the weight and turbulence in the air as blaster-bolts were slung back and forth, some closer to the melee than others and yet his life depended on keeping his focus ahead, on those presently trying to run him through.

Caedyn's adrenaline carried his instincts, his consciousness being let go and surrendering himself to the Force as his blade became guided by his instincts more so than decisive and intentional actions, a form of moving meditation if you will, relying upon his sense of precognition to overcome the aggression of the Mandalorian Warriors. Any concerns, fears and doubts were set aside, not having the time to consider them. He moved re-actively, blocking the vibroblade of the closest warrior with his shield and driving his lightsaber forward through their chest. Caedyn had never taken a life before, nor had he felt the impact that the killing of another hand upon the Force itself.
It felt like a kick to the stomach, followed by a hollow sickly feeling as the life from the opposition was cut short of it's natural cycle. The Force flowed through all living things, and everyone had a start to their lives as well as an end preordained by the will of the force; Yet here where Caedyn's sword-hand had intervened, it felt as though the Force, the natural energy of life was stolen from the Mandalorian leaving nothing but an empty shell to hit the ground floor hard on his front.

He couldn't wait to mourn nor let himself be overcome with the grief of what he'd done as others were quickly upon him and using both shield and sword, Caedyn was pushed back another step in order to fend them off. In his panic, Caedyn's movements became more aggressive, needing the time to come to terms with what had happened. Instead, he was being caught upon both sides, one of the Warriors on his left and one on his right, switching between them as his lightsaber darted between their blades, his shield kept close to himself in order to safe-guard any of the strikes that he failed to block or counter.

From somewhere deeper within the Ship, the Force surged and the power, strength and confidence rushed to him followed with that all too familiar and beloved presence of [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]. Caedyn had never known of her practice in battle-meditation before, nor had he experienced it for himself, yet the added support empowered with the clarity of sight and mind to push beyond his feelings, finding an opening in the warriors attacks and moving to step forward between them as he dropped to a knee, his shield raising to parry one of their swords while his lightsaber cleaved through the arm of the other before he stood upon his heel and shifted his weight in order to turn himself, the lightsaber sweeping across them both and cutting the two down in one single motion.

Everything seemed to slow down in that moment, as the two warriors fell to the ground and Caedyn became aware of how staggered his breathing was. The cross-fire of blasters had died down and as he looked to the Antarian Rangers, they appeared to have overcome the rest of the opposition. His head felt light, as though he wasn't all completely there; shock set in with the realization that he'd just killed three people in the first instance of battle he'd seen. He'd been in conflict before this, and had always known the risks but being aware of the chances and actually seeing them play out were two entirely different feelings.

"C'mon Kid, we're gonna cut out the heart of this beast!" one of the rangers called to Caedyn, an older man more seasoned and experienced in war from what he could tell. It shook Caedyn a little, though forced him to remember how much lay at stake in the mission over-all. "Y-yeah...-Right" Caedyn answered a little meekly, turning away from the fallen and forcing himself to pick up the pace a little. Whether he was running to catch up with the Squad, or running from what he'd done, he hadn't yet decided. Their next objective however would be reaching Engineering and finding a way to sabotage the Terror-Australis from within.

[member="Amon Vizsla"]
[member="Setter Ryburn"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[member="Bushi Nadora"]
[member="Mariel Dawnrider"]
[member="Kat Decoria"]
Objective: Land on Azure, Establish FOB
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Seth Brackson"], [member="Ador Horn"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Enemies: Monsters
Opponent: [member="Cynthia Solus"]

"I know."

The words came in almost a whisper as he stared down at the lightsaber. He didn't want to use it this way, not in open conflict. Not in a situation he couldn't control and would be forced to inflict bloodshed. Never this way. But it had become necessary. As the ship landed and the doors opened, they would quickly be beset by Mandalorian forces. Josh heeded Coren's words about watching for civilians, and he took a deep breath as he drew his lightsaber to begin deflecting bolts. Coren had been pulled into a battle with an assailant, leaving Josh to his own devices. It was there that a flash of light from above caught his attention.

Holding up a hand, a sniper bolt stopped close to his head, floating still in the air. Keeping his breath calm, he deflected it toward one of their attackers before focusing his attention on the sniper. Trying to drown out the battle around him, he knew he needed to take care of the sniper quickly to prevent casualties. The Jedi Master clenched his fist, and the sniper would begin to float upwards, their arms constricted. Pulling his arm back, the sniper would fly downward toward him. While he probably could have dropped her here and killed her, Josh had no intention of dealing death if he was in control of the situation.

But when the sniper came into view, he quirked a brow at the sight of her.

It was one of the Clan Solus members.

His brows furrowed, absolutely disgusted at their appearance here. "Stand down" He commanded calmly, yet firmly as he released her roughly. He had heard that Clan Solus, the clan he had intended to join... Had thrown their lot in with these monsters. But to see it in the flesh was even more upsetting. The rumors were confirmed, then. They were liars, traitors, all of that meeting was nothing but a lie. Everything he knew about that clan and the people in that room that day... Nothing but balk.

He supposed they learned to lie from the Sith too.

Despite a small desire to kill her for this revelation, what little respect he had left for Stardust and her lot made him change his mind. At least unless she forced the issue.

"Leave the planet. This is the final boon I give as a friend of your clan" He commanded as he turned his attention back to the battle, but never did truly take his eye off her. "Continue to throw your lot in with these monsters and continue to take life and you will leave me with no choice."
Allies: Himself | UCM for now.
Engaging: [member="Laira Darkhold"]

Objective: The usual.

If Ronan was a Forcer, he'd probably do something the moment he saw her.

Force Push. Ball of destruction. Anything.

Instead? He had to rush. The door shut close behind him, but Vizsla didn't care. All he need was there with him. Beskad. Blood. Feel. There wasn't anything else Ronan cared about. If he recognized the Vereen's spawn, would he react differently? Maybe. Not likely though. The only difference was life and death. If Ronan knew this was Draco Vereen's kid, he'd have kept her alive.

As a lesson.

Made sure it was known that this wasn't acceptable.

As it was? That didn't apply. Whatsoever. Instead his axe went a-running. His axe went swinging, going from left to right, trying to gut her immediately. There was nothing personal about it.


A kill.

Like every other beat in this life. She lived. She was trying to obstruct him. He'd destroy her before that happened.
Supporting: SJO
Allies: Saeza | Leo
Engaging: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
Location: Mandalorian Corvette
Objective: Make Ship go Boom

Laira felt it, the Force rippling with danger around her. Elsewhere someone was pushing for hope and unity, but none of that mattered right now. Alone against one man, she had everything she needed to get the job done.

He rushed, axe in hand, bringing it in a swipe that would cross her midriff. He was bigger than her, and therefore stronger so blocking was out. It was an axe, so parrying or deflecting was a risk.

The redhead pulled back, relinquishing ground towards the Reactor room, drawing her lightsaber up into a two-handed grip around her chest, backpedaling away from the striking axe blade, grazing across her stomach. She could feel the sting of opened nerves but couldn’t waste the time to look down to see how bad it was.

Laira brought the point of her blade down to face the mandalorian and twisted her lightsaber’s handle, doubling the blade’s in an improvised thrust towards his torso.


Saeza rushed to the far wall of the dormitory. The room was empty as a tomb, but there was no telling what was on the otherside of the wall. Perhaps a maintenance tunnel, or maybe a closet? Didn’t matter, Leo needed an escape hatch cut and the little Sephi-looking Jedi was the one with the lightsaber.

She embedded the yellow blade into the metal to the hilt and began sliding it in a circle wide enough for Leo to step through without having to break his ribs while he and the Ranger held the door.

Hurry on that.” Leo called sending another roaring cone down the corridor.

I’m going as fast as I can.” She responded, scrunching her features in frustration. Everything was so rushed, so hurried. It was not like she had read about at all so far, but practice in the cages with Laira had helped. Saeza wanted to slow everything down and focus but there was no time.

Leo pushed the ranger backwards suddenly, shoving her back into the room and falling on top of the woman. The first loud boom echoed through the hallway and reverberated around the room, ringing Seaza’s ears causing her to drop the saber and clutch at her head.

CUT THAT WALL!” Leo shouted, now yelling at her which only served to make her more anxious. <I’m trying!> she thought to herself, unable to speak coherently after the flashbang had detonated. She cut the little oblong circle from the wall and telekinetically moved it out of the way.

She could hear boots clanging against deck as the Mandalorians rushed forward for the carved open door. The ranger was the first one through again, turning her flashlight on the darkened room. Leo slapped a small black case onto the hovering piece of wall and dove through, falling to his back to snap off a the last roar from his disruptor for a while as it wound back up. Seeing the first crewman turned to ash that made it to the door disturbed Saeza more than she thought it would. The little sephi girl froze for a second, feeling the Force gasp, suddenly chilled as what was once life turned to nothingness right before her very eyes.

GET THROUGH!” She heard Leo say, she complied but did so without thinking about it, stepping through the hole, “Fill it!” she heard again, pulling the piece of wall back into place.


The opposite room rocked with an explosion that was muffled by the wall, followed by loud clanging from hundreds of little pellets as they ricocheted around the room.

Good?” The ranger asked as the trio prepared to move out.
Objective: Face off against a Jed... did I think this through?
Equipment: Armor (Right Vibro-wristblade/Cable launcher and left Stun baton/Sedative injector gauntlets), DL-44 (Han's pistol)
Opponent: [member="Jerek Morrows"]
Others: [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Ador Horn"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Celiana"]

Laandur smiled a bit as the Jedi drew his weapon. He quickly directed the trainee to move away, and follow what he did. The Nightwitch then ran from his place, staying covered in the brush, then firing again. The trainee, Leric Kob, soon caught on to what his commander was planning, and quickly fired his own pistol, and quickly move from his position before firing again. Laandur was trying to make it look like there were more vod there then just the just the two of them. Laandur knew a Jedi would probably figure it out quickly, but he was more worried about his partner here.

Kob was a young Mandalorian, and he honestly made the older man wonder if he made the right choices. Yes, he was good at his job, ut it made him wonder if becoming a Nightwitch was the right choice. He had to put it into the back of his mind now. It wasn't the time or place for regretting choices. What it was the time for was action, and hopefully this would be an action taken in victory. He and Kob would win.
Objective: Make for the Surface of Azure.
Location: En-route to Azure.
Opposition: The United Clans of Mandalore.
Dancing Partner: [member="Kay Arenais"] (Soon).
Allies: [member="Lucera Maive"] & The Silver Jedi.
"Would you care for company, Master?".
[member="Lucera Maive"] caught Veiere a little by surprise as he was headed for the Drop-ship for the Surface. She had recently joined the representatives of the Silver Jedi under the Ambassadors and diplomatic organization back on Kashyyyk, and while they did not know each other well, Veiere hadn't expected to find her present during the operation over Azure. Turning to look in the direction of where she pointed, he lifted his head in acknowledgement of the shuttle already well prepared and about to depart. "Sounds good" he replied curtly, offering a small smile and moving to walk alongside her before boarding.

"I must admit, I'm a little surprised to find you here" Veiere said to Lucera as he moved to take his seat and strap himself securely within the safety harness; their transit down was reportedly to be a chaotic one with hostile fighters targeting personnel carries and drop-ships headed for the surface. "I had wondered if our last meeting meeting might have put you off..." he spoke, referring to their session with the other Ambassadors as well as [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]'s outburst of anger towards the growing tensions between the Silver Jedi and the Clans of Mandalore. The lad's frustration wasn't unjustified, but it had been more his lack of care in his presentation of concerns, as well as a case of 'too little, too late' for the actions that had been taken against the Silver Jedi.

Before long, the transport lifted and moved to depart from the Warthog Carrier, there flanked by two Starfighters to ensure their safe landing, they began their descent and Veiere very much expected things to look dire once they found their way to the ground. Reports were still coming in over the comm's within the personnel cabin, the growing awareness of civilian life on Azure being most troubling given their initial expectations. "Be on your guard, down there. The Sith Empire is also here in support of the Clans".

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