"The Steward of Imperium"


Lazarus Sloan Raus Garrat Waymar Geyer



Aemulor the Hutt



'Tal, Barran. Consolidate our forces- do not let these marauders take the initiative in this assault. Take whatever measures it takes to halt these vermin at every turn. Should the need arise...I will declare Tarkin protocol here and purge the sickness from this place.'
Hearing the new Imperator speaking in this way, though the situation did in fact look quite hopeless at face value, Lord Erskine couldn't help but feel more tempted and hopeful than ever, whilst also finding himself utterly shocked that a Fel would suggest declaring Tarkin Protocol if their circumstances were to become dire enough to facilitate it's implication. Even with blasters, disruptors, sabres and blades causing a rising cacophony of insanity around them, this implication was massive, as Lord Erskine couldn't recall a time when Irveric Tavlar ever said such things openly or in private among his Felist peers, and it was said so calmly from within the war's latest crucible itself. Rurik Fel was very quickly beginning to grow on the Woad-born General, perhaps proving to be yet another Imperator who could keep him from abandoning all hope when it seemed to dwindle dangerously around them, and on this premise, Barran couldn't help but agree with Fel's initial solution to their seemingly-dire situation. The masked conqueror could tell this appealed greatly to the Woad-born chieftain, but would the Northern-Galidraani aristocrat feel the same way? Erskine could only turn around to his Lord-Protector for approval....
'Hoo-boy, I - uh.....'
There was something magic in the air that night, and even as the gloom continued to swell the shadows of the dimly-lit, distruptor-flashing riot of ultraviolence, the Stormchaser couldn't help but feel young again in that moment, like Lord Erskine himself was just a young Lord-Captain in the GSF's mechanised contingent again, feeling that spring in his step like he'd never felt before. The Senate District would surely find itself completely besieged on all sides before long, this the Woad knew for a fact, and in accepting this mission, he also knew for a fact that they were waving goodbye to their only window of escape-opportunity, but this wouldn't deter the Stormchaser from proving himself in the eyes of his new Imperator; everything was fated to fall into place as the perfect sequence of events, and in all the frenetic, bloody madness around them, Lord Erskine was almost praying that Lord Willan was of a similar mind.
<"Erskine, I don't know what's happening over there, but if things aren't hot yet, they're going to be soon. If your ride out is already FUBAR, try and get your people to my ship. There'll be younglings coming too—if they haven't arrived yet, hold down the fort and send a party to try and escort them there, and you all can burn sky with Kiss out of here. I'll find my own exit strategy.">
'Sar'andor, this is Barran. I sure as hell hope that ship has turrets on it, could come in handy by the way!'
Looking back once more to his Lord-Protector for his final word, Barran's next move would be dictated purely on Tal's sense of self-preservation, but would Lord Willan pine for glory as his Woad-born subordinate was, in that moment? The Stormchaser's eyes would make contact with those of the Lord-Protector, urging him without words to stay and fight to solidify his eternal glory as a true great among Galidraani leaders.


'Almost looks like it isn't real, doesn't it? Still getting used to these surroundings again, never thought I'd need to in all fairness, but - it is what it is. Like a lot o' things in this day an' age.'
Sitting with hipflasks in hand, the battered, bruised and bloodied duellists would rest after their gruelling swordfight, caring little for the injuries sustained, especially knowing that every wound or bruise inflicted on each other would be treated and healed within hours of bacta-patch and ice-pack applications. Both wisely taking the chance to catch a breath and to drink together before duties whisked them apart again, it was clear to see that they were either satisfied or acquiescent with the end result of the duel itself, yet gladdened of the closure most of all; looking down on the picturesque village of Riordan Glen, the civilian-surroundings of Camp Riordan itself had proven to be the ideal fighting arena for the occasion, both spurred on by the rolling hillsides (along with every field and hedgerow) for their inspiration. The bout itself had dragged on for a good thirty minutes or so, giving the duo plenty reasons besides their obvious, aforementioned ilk to rest their legs, arms and all the rest of it for a while, but it hadn't sapped their friendship in any way, shape or form, not when these defining duels would spur them to achieve greatness beyond their Goidelic means.
'Just like these Iron Ring deployments they've got my lot endeavouring, but we still need that gap closed proper as well. We're being flung in with penal legions on places like Lorrd an' the likes, so its no surprise to me that the Woad-Macushla won't be deployed anywhere near it. I hear you have no love of the concept either, or was that just a rumour?'
'Well, I don't mind - but only for as long as they're kept well away from our segment of the NIO's static-line anyway.', the Lord-Commander of the Blue-Hearts responded, raising an eyebrow in silent judging of the concept also, but making a reasonable point of not delving any further into that part of the New Imperial war-effort. Some would see this behaviour in Lord Erskine throughout his career and view it as a fault, but for those who knew better, it would be quite obvious that the Stormchasers views on utilising the likes of Halketh's zombies were little more than gladness that such resources were there for him at the time; using the playing-pieces he was allocated at any given time, every time, and utilising them as each play was made around their movements in the struggles. Not that Barran was ever given any time to muse on the morality of every developing situation as they flared up, the seemingly-unstoppable Woad could only make use of his advantages as any warrior would under similar circumstances of severe warfighting duress, such circumstances that the Tuath had been thrown into more than enough to know this for himself as well, though Lord Erskine knew it would serve best to be understanding about Lord Aron's frustrations on the Wildcats' recent deployments to the Iron Ring.
'An' as far as I can see it, the Wildcats could get tastier objectives if they were a little quicker in the completion of those they're dealing with now. Prestige is fine, but clean track records are much nicer to look at - so keep yours clean, an' let me take the defeats and tough-decisions in stride so you don't have to.... Wildcat Battalion will be needed in the near future, an' we need yees at yer best.'
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