Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pleasent Ball

"Much better. But maybe it'd be more polite if I did the stretching."

I picked up Kadrak by the waist and small of her back, and kissed her gently, before setting her back down on her feet.

"How about that? Dunno if I earned it, but it felt good all the same."

I nodded toward the bar, and grinned.

"What say we continue this conversation after, or maybe over, a drink or two?"

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]
Kadrak smiled breathlessly and intertwined their fingers. "Not bad at all. I'll definitely be kissing you more, tonight." She winked and began walking with him towards the bar, studying the new arrivals carefully with a practiced eye, habitually searching for any weapons they may have concealed on their person. Sure, violence was forbidden as long as they were in or on palace property, but that hadn't stopped people in previous situations she'd been in, and it certainly wouldn't now.
"You know, I always tell myself at the beginning of the night that I won't be drinking too much or at all, but you always manage to rope me into things regardless. Not that I'm complaining all that much, since I do enjoy spending time with you more than anything. Some of us don't have the fortunate ability of becoming more lucid as we drink." She flashed a smile.

[member="Zatten Black"]
"I do suppose that I end up getting people to drink... Deeply and often. But it wouldn't be so much fun if other people were as lucid as me... It'd get in the way of me being annoying to people who don't drink."

I let Kadrak slip her fingers into mine. I squeezed her hand, and smiled.

"You have very nice fingers, Kadrak. Watching you shoot is like watching a nexu hunt its prey. Beautiful and deadly."

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki gladly accepted the whiskey, downing it in one long swig. "Ah.... I needed that. These heels are just too annoying to endure sober."
[member="Cross Ikon"]

Kyrie Monroe

Huntress Extraordinare!
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Tilts her head then looks slightly over towards Oka Osaa with a sly smirk across her blood red lips. Those champagne colored eyes flashed with a small glimmer like gems held up to a light allowing their brilliance to shine through them. Her left hand, concealed on a black leather glove, gives a small wave towards the man as she continues to watch him.

A few moments passed, then Kyrie looks back towards the bartender as he sits a small white napkin down then her drink.
"Heels, huh?"

I grinned at Rikki, and took a deep drink of my beer.

"You wanna go for a walk? You can lose the heels, and we can just go stomp around in the tall, soft grass..."


Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
With his luck women, one woman actually greeted him. Not personally, but a wave. That should mean something.. right? Oka sent back a friendly wave. What were you supposed to do? Go up to her and talk? Yea... experiences have shown Oka to not to do that. Although he would've liked to talk or at least sit closer to her, that bad luck has its ways.

[member="Kyrie Monroe"]
"If you keep up with those compliments of yours we might be leaving this party a little earlier than you intended. For all the right reasons." Kadrak returned his smile as she sat down at the bar, studying the different vintages lined up in their bottles on the shelves behind the bartender for a silent moment. "Just a whiskey. And whatever he'd like." She looked to Zatten with a wink as she slid the chip across the counter to the bartender.
She took a long drink once the glass was handed to her, glancing to Zatten again with another small smile. "And you're not annoying at all, you should know that by now. Well, at least not to me, and I do quite enjoy your company."

[member="Zatten Black"]
I grinned at Kadrak, and winked, beore turning to the bartender.

"Another whiskey, and put wroshyr sap in 'em both."

Now I turned back to the beautiful Zabrak woman, and grinned.

"Don't worry, the sap's just makes the whiskey sweeter. You'll be totally unable to drink without it, before the night's done."

My grin returned to its normal crooked self, and I leaned on the bar.

"You should know, I've never met somebody who was so resistant to Zeltron pheromones, and yet so attracted to me. It's ironic, and irony is something I always love."

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]
Kadrak shrugged. "What can I say? You just happen to be special. And besides, things just wouldn't be the same if we didn't make an odd couple. Being the average is never fun. The irony does make it more amusing, that I agree with." She let the man take her whiskey to refill what little she'd drunk and add the sap, flashing a half smile. "I don't think I've ever tried it before. Granted, before I met you I never was all that much of a drinker, really. Not without a good occasion. Besides, hangovers are never fun. Assuming you have to bother yourself with those at all." She took her drink once more as it was returned, taking another sip. "Not bad."
She glanced down the bar to where Oka now sat, looking to the girl that sat a few chairs down from him for a moment. "He might have some luck tonight after all."

[member="Zatten Black"]
I looked over to where Oka was talking, or attempting to talk to, a girl who was wearing a black dress, and an odd hat.

"Hope he does. Guy needs to loosen up. Apparently drinking doesn't do him much good, on that count, anyway."

I turned back to Kadrak, and grinned my crooked old grin.

"Not much of a drinker, huh? Well, that sure changed fast. I could have a hangover, if you really wanted me to, but that might not be conducive to a good morning, no matter how good the night was."

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]

Kyrie Monroe

Huntress Extraordinare!
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Sighs then rolls her eyes while she faced forwards towards the bar once again. "What was it with men sometimes.." she thought silently to herself then looks back towards Osaa once again then waves once again slightly. "..I won't bite..normally." she says out loud towards him wondering if he could even hear her from all the way over there.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka heard the woman speak up. He had a smile in his mind but what if this was a trick. He didn't care anymore. He stood up out of the chair a grabbed his wine as he made his way towards the closest seat near her. "I don't mind the biting." he joked sipping some wine.

[member="Kyrie Monroe"]

Kyrie Monroe

Huntress Extraordinare!
[member="Oka Osaa"]

gives a small giggle then crosses her arms loosely. "I bet you don't mind. Are you usually so quiet and shy?" she asked then forms a small smile along the blood red lips as she watches the man who had finally came over to introduce himself. Finally, she extends a hand towards him and says. "Kyrie Monroe."
[member="Joran Del-Finn"]

"Elani." she said with a slight smirk.

She peeked down her point of view and noticed one of her servants giving a signal to her. "I am so sorry my dear but I must be leaving. Duty calls." She quickly got up and straightened her dress. "Thanks for the drink, love." she said before scurrying off, leaving the party.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"Sometimes... not very lucky with women. I usually on talk to men most of the time unless its my faction." he explained as he shook her hand. He could've kissed it but that probably would've resulted in a slap. Probably. He heard her introduce herself. Her name was beautiful. "Nice to meet you Miss Monroe. I'm Oka Osaa." he told Kyrie sipping some more wine.

[member="Kyrie Monroe"]

Kyrie Monroe

Huntress Extraordinare!
"Lucky?.." she said with a tilt of her head then gives another short, quiet laugh. " could always just talk to us like..well..people. That is what we are after all. Perhaps you over think this no?" she would ask rhetorically then picked up her own glass and took a sip.

"If you don't mind me asking, what faction do you work for?"

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"I suppose so, well you got me talking." he said with a smile. That would be nice but he's tried. Kyrie is like the first woman that he's really talked to personally. He heard her ask something. "I am of the Silver Jedi. May I ask the same?" he said setting his glass down.

[member="Kyrie Monroe"]

Kyrie Monroe

Huntress Extraordinare!
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Sits her own glass down as well afterwords. "Just myself at the moment. Silver Jedi? What are they?" she asked growing more curious now. Her attention changes for a few seconds watching a group pass by then looks over towards [member="Elani Zambrano"] as she leaves then back to Osaa.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"A group of Jedi that follow a code similar to the prehistoric Jedi." he said laughing a bit. Maybe prehistoric was farfetched but that's what they are. "Are you force sensitive? " he asked hoping she wouldn't mind.

[member="Kyrie Monroe"]

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