Cannibalistic oompa loompas. You just bought a brand new blaster
Icarus "Mess with the best, die like the rest." Character Bio Feb 29, 2016 #101 Cannibalistic oompa loompas. You just bought a brand new blaster
Slice Spiralflame I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos Character Bio Feb 29, 2016 #102 When you use it it backfires and explodes your hand You suddenly have night vision
Icarus "Mess with the best, die like the rest." Character Bio Feb 29, 2016 #103 You're stranded on a planet with a scorchingly bright sun. You find a little girl crying
Slice Spiralflame I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos Character Bio Feb 29, 2016 #104 But it was a trap, they eat you. You find a $5 note
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Feb 29, 2016 #105 Turns out its from a mob boss who kills you to get it back... You kill a supervillain
Kohai Drenn Always your Koko! Character Bio Feb 29, 2016 #106 ...and go to jail for the rest of your life for taking the law into your own hands. You hit snooze on your alarm clock...
...and go to jail for the rest of your life for taking the law into your own hands. You hit snooze on your alarm clock...
Slice Spiralflame I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos Character Bio Feb 29, 2016 #107 And close your eyes You slip on a banana peel
Clovis Torcularis The Wretched Prodigal Son Character Bio Mar 6, 2016 #108 and fall into a pile bantha poodoo You save a dog from a burning house
Nyx Insert Hilarious Title Here Character Bio Mar 6, 2016 #109 But turns out that dog is actually a nuclear bomb. You walk out the front door after the alien takeover. . .
But turns out that dog is actually a nuclear bomb. You walk out the front door after the alien takeover. . .
Jack Mirrikh The Jack Of Blades Character Bio May 31, 2016 #110 ...and life turns into a combination of Independence Day, 9, V and Falling Skies.... Your life becomes a Vampire High School anime.
...and life turns into a combination of Independence Day, 9, V and Falling Skies.... Your life becomes a Vampire High School anime.
Darth Prazutis Shadow Hand Character Bio Jun 1, 2016 #111 Tentacle Madness. You play D&D with Emperor Palpatine.
Razel Kolt Machine or Man? Character Bio Jul 9, 2016 #112 He shocks you and cuts off your hands so you stop critting him. You are playing your favorite game. PS: Undertale FTW
He shocks you and cuts off your hands so you stop critting him. You are playing your favorite game. PS: Undertale FTW
Werah Unon Mind over Matter Character Bio Jul 9, 2016 #113 When you accidentally throw acid at the computer/console. (Everyone carries around acid while playing games.) You open the newly arrived parcel...
When you accidentally throw acid at the computer/console. (Everyone carries around acid while playing games.) You open the newly arrived parcel...
Armand Temi Orphan Character Bio Jul 10, 2016 #114 And it's full of rattlesnakes. You go on a blind date and...
Noah Corek Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel Factory Judge Character Bio Jul 10, 2016 #115 You find out it's your sister You sign up for a free gym membership...
Alleycat OCC Account Jul 10, 2016 #116 Only senior citizens go there. You get the last motel room available...
Ula Kaddo Character U Character Bio Jul 11, 2016 #117 ...during a furry convention and you can hear the puppy pile in the room next door. You're in a traffic jam on the Jersey turnpike...
...during a furry convention and you can hear the puppy pile in the room next door. You're in a traffic jam on the Jersey turnpike...
Armand Temi Orphan Character Bio Jul 12, 2016 #118 That is pretty bad in and of itself. But to make it worse, a truck carrying manure tips over in front of you. You are pulled over by the police and...
That is pretty bad in and of itself. But to make it worse, a truck carrying manure tips over in front of you. You are pulled over by the police and...
Caspian Rekali Character Character Bio Jul 14, 2016 #119 They shoot you for resisting arrest. You are invited to the White House to be given the Medal of Freedom.
They shoot you for resisting arrest. You are invited to the White House to be given the Medal of Freedom.
Ula Kaddo Character U Character Bio Jul 14, 2016 #120 But you caught a stomach bug on the trip out and are projectile vomiting every 30 minutes. You discover concrete proof of life outside our solar system.
But you caught a stomach bug on the trip out and are projectile vomiting every 30 minutes. You discover concrete proof of life outside our solar system.