Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine

Major Faction


Become One With All Things

// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise // Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr // Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt // Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma //


Watching the Brutes slam down into the dirt, Ryv continued forward, his weapon raised overhead. The Blade of Ruusan struck downward, repelled by whatever armor adorned the figure's impressive physique. Moving back, the Jedi Knight stepped just out of reach of a backhanded swing of the creature's glaive. As the long-handled weapon swung about, a second glaive joined the first, swinging in from the opposite direction as the other of the two brutes climbed back onto its feet. Ryv's exhaled and leaped up. His body went parallel to the ground as he twisted his shoulders, spinning in place. The world seemed to slow around him at the sound of metal slicing through the wind whistled directly past his ear. Both of his hands thrust out, legs returning to the floor as the duel assailant's weapons went wide. Another wave of kinetic energy crashed into the pairing, only knocking them off balance long enough for Ryv to regain his footing.

"Kee baatu baatu," Ryv grumbled in passable Huttese, his free hand returning to the lightsaber hilt. "Well, c'mon then, let's get this over with," he surged forward, the cyan-blade aimed high in a feint, drawing the attention of one Brute. As it raised its glaive to defend from the oncoming strike, the second met the Kiffar's charge, lowering its shoulder to slam the Jedi Knight backward, interrupting his planned follow-up. "Echuta!" he cursed, kicking off of the chest of the Brute now a bit too close for comfort, sliding through the dirt several feet away. Around the Jedi Knight, soldiers crumbled to the ground, droids and sentients alike crushed underfoot of the seemingly endless horde. Both beasts trampled forward, circling around the Jedi to cut off any attempt at an escape. Seeing this, Ryv shifted his form, offering each of them only his side. He tugged the Blade of Ruusan close to his heart, welcoming the soothing power provided to him as he studied the two aliens.

What did Quill say you freaks were weak to? Ryv searched his memory for answers, drawing back to the meeting aboard Peace, the artificial moon once housing many of the Jedi now serving the Galactic Alliance. It was aboard the mobile sanctuary Ryv learned of the many types of Bryn'adul to fight for their horde. Some proved resistant against the heat, capable of taking even a lightsaber to their flesh without seeing significant injury. If the Master was correct...

Ryv ducked beneath one swinging strike, his lightsaber rising to meet the second. The strength behind the Brute's attack lifted the smaller man from the ground, sending his body up and through the air, only to crash down amid a pile of droid-bits and the crumpled armor of an Antarian Ranger. Exploding into action, Ryv turned the body over and began rifling through the corpse's belongings, searching for one of the numerous grenades provided to the Silver Jedi's forces to aid in Yurb's defense. Finally, locating the cryoban nade tucked beneath the ranger's corpse, Ryv scooped it up and slipped it beneath his jacket just in time to avoid decapitation at the hands of another sweep of the glaive. Rolling onto his feet, he launched immediately into another dive, clearing the range of the longer weapons in a single bound. His momentum ceased as he wound up back on his feet, exactly where the duo encircled him initially. He hooked the Blade of Ruusan to his belt, watching the two monsters as they circled around him again, their knees bent as if preparing to leap at the defenseless Jedi knight.

The moment one surged forward, Ryv dashed towards it. Taking a deep breath, Ryv launched himself into the air, expertly soaring over the creature. Passing overhead, the Kiffar latched onto the Brute's helmet and pulled with all his might, sending it flying off in a random direction. A roar of defiance saw the creature's horrid mouth split open, jagged teeth greeting the Jedi. Rather than shrink away, Ryv grinned back at the monstrosity, flashing those pearly whites as he took the cryoban grenade from inside his jacket and whipped it down at the creature's gaping maw. It passed right between the monster's lips, likely catching a tooth or two in the process. The Brute's guttural challenge cut out immediately, the beast reaching up to its muscular neck as it began to choke. Ryv hit the ground with a thud, bending his knees to absorb some of the impact. A hand reached out, carrying the gagging Draelvasier into the second.

A sudden explosion rocked the pair, ice enveloping the two Brutes. As their bodies froze over, their inner heat slowly drifted away, leaving the duo statuesque in death. Ryv turned from the pairing and hurried towards the towering form of Tathra, the Jedi's body blurring as he caught sight of a lone man encountering the titan. Elise's presence did not go unnoticed, Ryv's already endless supply of hope spilling over, his confidence growing, even as he cleared the gap and crashed into an ill-prepared Brute. The beast plummeted into the dirt, carving a groove through the earth as it slid away. A snap-hiss of Ryv's cyan saber set the world alight in an icy glow, indicating the excitement evident in his amber gaze.

"Outrider, Blue, this is Paragon, I've located the target," Ryv spoke quickly into his commlink. "Deep breaths, folks," he reached out to the duo flying within the skies. His mind expanded beyond his own, drifting through the Force to his stalwart companions. Upon locating them, his mind drew upon each, tying them together in a familiar bond centered on the Kiffar. "Bond established, you guys should be on the same wave-length for as long as I'm alive. I'm transmitting my location, stay safe," he deactivated his comm, turning his attention back to the Warlord.

"I'm not babysitting this time, sleemo," Ryv dashed forward, lashing out with a string of strikes aimed not at the creature's head or chest, but instead at his foremost knee.
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Allies: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Elise, Kahne Porte Kahne Porte , SJO
Enemies: Osam Osam , Bryn'adul
Objective: Weighed...

Images, voices, abstract ideas formed and coalesced around the King. In a way that could not be fathomed without the power of the Force, minds found cohesion and faster than thought, people even at a distance understood one another innately. There was no need for speaking across lines, nor coded messages.

When Elise's thoughts found his, Enlil's gaze softened. He exhaled gently, and the world around him felt gentler, as though a breeze had swept across the battlefield. A respite in the heat of battle, for anyone who found themselves close enough to enjoy it.

But there was more than that.

Something shifted. Changed. As the spikes from the Bryn'adul surged toward the King and his allies, their course shifted slightly, but to the trained eye, enough. Some of them continued on their course a bit longer, but strayed from target. Others seemed to fall short, weighted down by some unseen force.

He felt the muscles in his body relax as all around him, the world exerted less pressure.

The beasts would need to dare come closer if they sought to do harm.

Tarish Galland

The whole scene exploded before Tarish as he watched a large Bryn come in and slam against Barrien. Amani moved about, his own senses trying to keep track of her as she played an all too dangerous game of keep away with...something. His body lunged forward while time slowed around him, the lightsaber burning a track as he sent sand in a rooster tail behind him. He became a blur, the flecks of sand around him sharply stinging his face as he moved with inhuman speed cutting through the drones that swarmed behind the large being. The air blast rounds were a sight to see in the milliseconds that he was able to watch the rounds explode, both passing them by and in his peripherals.

More than once he had to react when shrapnel came to within a hairs length of gouging him in a vital spot, more than a few places stained by scorch marks from proximity and grazing cuts left bleeding gashes as he sped through with a the force moving through his body to stave off the stinging pain. All the while he tried to avoid nearing the black mist, sucking in clean air one moment and pushing through the stinging miasma to the other side.

His senses alerted him to the padawan and the seeming end of her dangerous game, cutting a sharp turn that kicked up another rooster tail as he moved towards the last spot where Amani Serys Amani Serys landed.

He wasn't doing a very good job it seemed as a Ravager lurked by, along with who he guessed was Ura Iolar Ura Iolar shifting back to a humanoid form. Cursing himself, the lightsaber barely had time to hiss out of existence before the man was airborne, time slowly shifting back to the real as the man came rocketing into view from the effects of force speed. The very same force now moving through his body as it reinforced his skeletal system. Boots would push against the armored plates, enhanced with body and strength to disperse his momentum in a shove to try and shove it sideways.

That was the attempt at least, or maybe to get its attention, with a defensive swipe of his lightsaber as he backpedaled off the plated armor.

"Ura! Get Amani out of here!" He hollered to the pair, still channeling the force through him to remove the pervasive burn of the gouges and cuts he wore. "And if she's too stubborn about it, carry her." The lightsaber would ignite again, trying to get the brutes attention away from them.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Barrien Siegfried , SJO and Friends
Reosyvern Reosyvern , The Bryn

Drekarys Kel



Objective - Assault
The defiance of these Humans will be nothing but a memory! They have set up defences outside of the cities shield, once our Siege Platforms have deployed, co-ordinate with the Insurgent forces and annihilate the Human presence at Edsert!

Barad Kukri
Ashaka Acolytes
Kyyrk Kyyrk Elise


The lanky Priest's body rose up, his head tilting back and mouth snapping shut, limbs going limp but frozen with purpose. Shadows poured from his body, filling the M'gaelak Siege Tower's command room, and the M'gaelak itself with Darkness, cloaking it's innards in a pitch black cloak. The once-golden orbs that were his four eyes now cloaked in that same shadow. His mandibles clicked, his teeth grinding lightly against each other.

If eyes were the portals to the soul, as the softskins would believe... then Drekarys' were portals to a Black Hole... for they sucked in all light around them in this moment, becoming the centre for the Living Shadow he channelled. While his had been a simple purpose in planning... to lead the hundred Ashaka chosen for this Chapter of the Conquestathon in Battle Meditation, to support the Bryn'adûl Warriors, such plans were hardly ever so simple.

Now he lead his Ashaka against the enemy battle meditators. It was a sure defeat for them, lest they scrabble together their own force of supporters... Though that would be costly, and take time. Time that the Ashaka could very much take advantage of, to diminish the two major opposition they had now. Drekarys Kel now found himself devoid of all senses that he, in this present moment, had no use for. Sight, touch, smell and taste were gone to him.

His arms raised themselves at the Shadow's volition, palms upturned to form a kite-shaped chain to channel the Dark Side, allowing it to flow through his now dormant body and make it it's vessel. The chain soon crept over to the Ashaka gathered within the M'gaelak, forming a web of the Cosmic Force, further empowering their Battle Meditation.

For many of the novices, this would be some of their first real contact with the true power of the Cosmic Force, of the Boga, as the Ancient Name for it was. Drekarys, however, soon regained control of his body as the web was complete, channelling the Force and binding it to his will once again. He allowed a brief grin to form upon his hardened, leathery lips.

He now felt the true pointlessness of the sotskin's resistance... only a mere two wielders for him to compete with.

Were Drekarys not a devout follower of the Seven Tenets, and a Zealot of the Bryn'adûl... he might have given thought to the strength his two major competitors. The
tetraconta-century old master, Voph and the younger Jedi Master, Elise. Worthy opponents, not so in the Old Priest's eyes, but worthy nonetheless.

If the claim that nothing could break Voph's Battle Meditation was to be true, then it spoke little of constricting it and blocking it...

Drekarys' pulled back his battle meditation, garnering his strength and lending the softskins a brief moment of reprieve...

A moment too short to have existed, as Drekarys, in the next instant, took the strength and power of the Ashaka Acolytes he had with him, cementing and further building his own with it. Sentences and words in languages long forgotten to all but the most meticulous collectors... words that might not have held any true meaning to begin with.

Their meaning mattered little compared to their purpose and intent, for Drekarys began to chant these sentences, further cementing his position and power within the current moment. The Shadows came alive once more, flaring with every word.

In one instant, the M'gaelak was filled with the booming chants of the Priest, Foremost of the Order Ashaka during the time of it's conceiving. In the next... a thundering boom as the final word left Drekarys' Kel's mouth, shaking the Siege Tower momentarily. With this thunderous boom, the full force of the Ashaka was sent forth, a tide of Dark Side power, a Tsunami of Strength to topple the Wave of Resistance offered by the Softskin Jedi Order.


Objective A
Location: Aboard the Divine Brutality
Tags: Nimue Nimue | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Juno

Distractions. Grandstanding. Dramatics. These were the weapons of his foes, armed with bravado and arrogance more than any pertinent strength. They bickered like children.

The roots! The blood, the black eternal void is an endless truth. Joined voices, disparaged by insecurities and fool-hardy providence!

With the growing presence of enemy telepaths, it seemed they were to battle across the astral. From the creaks and shaped valleys among the bricks, roots as black as the abyss reached out, hundreds of thousands of black-thriving roots formed into a massive web of thought and power. The rumbling in the deep, the thundering approach of the Brutes. From the ground, the Seer shared the deaths of those whom his foes sought to protect. Upon the receiving of the Primarch's warning, the Seer would confront his foes with that knowledge, whilst also discretely sharing it with the Warlord. Feeble creatures crushed underfoot as the Bryn'adûl dominated the battle on the planet below. So much so that... fear too hold in the Humans, they'd kill themselves just to get a hit in.

For a thousand generations. Jedi have choked on their own arrogance, and allowed a hundred trillion lives to burn in the hell-fires propagated by the weak. Human words, human ignorance. We bring truth, not Chaos!

The crystalline mass formed by the child would be confronted as hundreds of black tendrils would attempt to constrict it, spikes growing from those that did so into the crystal mass - the purple form and its glowing companion manifests of the Jedi blown away in a gust of ethereal wind.

More words than action, forever the traits of those who have long been bereft of strength. The mountain does not bend to the wind forever as it howls!
Location - D5
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Enlil Enlil

The trio of marksmen had taken aim and sent a number of Spiker rounds flying through the air towards the pair of interlopers, attempting to annihilate them before they could close any ground and manage to overwhelm the group. In truth, Osam had given the orders in the belief that the Jedi -- for one of them possessed a lightsaber, and perhaps the other was also affiliated with that sect of faith -- would rush forward and hurl themselves against the line in a desperate dash. They would promptly be cut down by the firing line, and then the three squads of Sraelvun would be able to rejoin the city assault.

Of course, things were never quite so simple when dealing with such beings of mystic prowess. The Major watched as Spiker rounds were twisted in the air, only slightly, curling around the forms of one of the Jedi while the other took to more dramatically shifting them away. His eyes narrowed, acknowledging that it was possible that there were other companions at the side of Enlil Enlil that he simply couldn't see from his angle. There was, after all, still quite the amount of debris in the air and at times it was difficult to discern what was a man and what was a man-shaped detritus.

Suddenly, a brilliant and blinding light emanated out from the confirmed Jedi. While it was true that the Draelvasier saw in different ways than their human opponents, this was a power formulated by the energy of the Force, and thus existed in ways beyond the realm of much understanding. From archaic ability, a star had been born around the figure, tendrils of light making themselves present in the eyes of the Sraelvun battle line as they blinked and averted their gazes.

Perhaps to his credit, Osam did not react with as much aversion to the gleam as his comrades. In fact, he had encountered this exact trick once before in the past. The Jedi then had possessed substantial armor upon his body, and that along with a wild beast had saved him from the onslaught... but these pair did not seem quite so protected. It became clear that the firing of three marksmen would not be sufficient to purge these from existence. "Forward!" He hissed, shoving one of his comrades into motion and following suit as they began their approach, keeping their gazes at various angles so as not to stare directly at the miniature sun.

"When in range. Shoot at once." He commanded, chasing the order with a second one directed at the right-flank's Major: "Shoot more right. Left will shoot more left. Pin sun. Have Grenadiers watch un-sunned man. Use explosives to move them together." And so it was as he had commanded. The Sraelvun battle line began to fire, attempting to corral the sun into a stationary spot so they could exterminate it, while a trio of heavily-armored and armed Grenadiers worked to press Enlil Enlil as close as possible to Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser by means of wild explosive shots.

Odyn Tarsi


The Capital City's shield has fallen and Bryn'adûl Forces are swarming the streets. Lykos Special Forces' critical objective is to reinforce central Edsert and provide effective deterrence against the invading hostiles. Designated assets are expected danger close, LZ is hot, Heavy munitions are advised.

Mission Statement: Map Coordinates - Grid D5.
Priority Objective: Secure and hold Edsert Central.
Secondary Objective: Eliminate all Bryn'adûl Hostiles.
Nearby Allies: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser & Enlil Enlil .
Nearby Hostiles: Osam Osam & The Bryn'adûl.


"GO GO GO!" Captain Harris' words called out overhead of the streamline of hostile fire streaking passed them. Whatever ammunition the Bryn'adûl were utilizing, Odyn Tarsi had already witnessed some of their fellow Rangers being put down with holes in their chest the size of racket balls.

"Tarsi! Get down!?!" the scream coming from their communications officer, Tarlou Losi.

Some of the hostile brutes, or whatever their names were, stepped out from cover and lit up the ground where Odyn was sprinting through. Had it not been for the warning he would have been ripped to shreds as well; however the young man threw himself to the ground ignoring the loss of breath and the taste of dust and sand as he brought the butt of his OS-109 Assault Rifle against his shoulder and returned fire in a hastily aimed spread.

Behind him the rest of his Squad sounded off, raining down all kinds of weapons fire against the enemy troops. From the rear, Quinn Morre's anti-matériel rifle rang out across the street as one after another she fired her devastating explosive rounds into the hostile squad with deadly accuracy. The sniper rifle's firepower penetrating through each target with enough force to severe a limb if hit.

"Clear!" Odyn yelled over the sounds of the heavy weapons fire, "All Clear!" he repeated as the blaze gradually died down and he was soon joined by Abbie Parker, picking him up by the back of his kit and hoisting him back on his feet.

The squad was presently positioned on the adjacent street to that of Enlil Enlil and the Jedi Master Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser . The sound of their battle heard from across the buildings separating them from being able to flank the offending party of Osam Osam and his troops. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only battle on-going and so their Captain had thought it better to refer to the rest of their military force, leaving the Jedi to call upon them if necessary but otherwise knowing they were better off staying out of the way of other Force Users.

"Tarlou, get on the Comm's to Command. Request Overwatch and specific zone of action. Target discrimination!" Joshua Harris shouted from across the street, not taking his line of sight away from his rifles optics.

"Silver Command, this is Private First Class Tarlou Losi of Special Forces Unit Lykos. Request immediate Overwatch. Our position is compromised, engaging hostiles but requesting relocation to nearby priority targets Asap. Target Discimination. We're in the dark here" she spoke in a quick and collected voice through the comm's unit on her right shoulder, attached to a larger unit carried at her six.

"Tarsi, Parker. Take point. Find us a way back to our people. Check your corners and engage as necessary" Harris further instructed.

"Roger that!"

The two privates confirmed and moved swiftly to the first corner, Odyn behind Abbie and patting her shoulder to confirm his readiness. "Clear" Parker whispered, Odyn wasting no time to cross the street knowing she had his back, and getting into position in order to cover the woman's further approach.
Location: Edsert Outpost [E7, outside walls]
Objective: Teach Tathra the meaning of pain.
Allies: Ryv Ryv , Elise, Niamh Raste, Tulan Kor Tulan Kor , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , The Monster The Monster , Haastal Haran Haastal Haran , others
Byrn'adul, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Directly Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Associated Forces:
Personal Loadout:

"Fall back! Let them take the initial trench line!"

The Monster The Monster 's voice filled the coms of the Outpost's defenders and all along the line, groups of soldiers began to break and run, while others covered them. Despite the call, the Antarian Ranger line would continue to hold. Left and right Rangers would clash with the oncoming Brutes. Blood splattered the ground as the massive Bryn'adul slaughtered and ravaged.

And yet, the Rangers would hold.

"Maul Company," This was the voice of Captain Hague. "Pull back, now."

"Can't do it, Ma'am!" Called back one of the surviving Lieutenants, the sounds of battle all but deafening in the background. "We're overrun. If we break contact, we won't make it back to the walls. Best we can do is take as many of the fethers with us as we can."


"Been a pleasure serving with you, Ma'am."

"Icarus Platoon is with you, Lieutenant." This was Sergeant Lota. From over the walls, the specially outfitted Rangers of Icarus platoon would trigger their jump jets and fly over the walls to land on the ground in front of them. Like their brothers and sisters, they would throw themselves at the Bryn'adul advance, shooting and darting between the large brutes. Cutting with vibro-blades, kicking and punching with their strength assisted armor.

One by one, each of the operators would fall, but they would take many of the ravaging enemy with them as they could until the trench network exploded in a fury. And regardless of whether the battle was won or lost, one thing would be certain...

The Rangers didn't quit, and the Rangers didn't run.


The creature moved fast, avoiding Beltran's grenade attack and flinging the screaming body of a Ranger at him in response. Deftly moving to the side, Beltran kept his gaze centered on Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus while the soldier hit the ground and lay unmoving. His orange lightsaber blazed bright on the battlefield as he circled his quarry.

His coms were going crazy as the lines all around them began to break under the Bryn'adul assault, so with his off hand he pulled off his helmet. It came off with a gentle hiss and he tossed it to the ground. His cold, green eyes would meet those of the Bryn Titan and they would hold no fear. He would not hear the call of Broken Arrow, nor would he take part in any retreat to the city.

"Rangers don't quit," He said aloud, more to himself than to the Titan. "Rangers don't run."

In the back of his mind, Beltran felt something tugging at the edges of his perception. Shadows, standing to his left and to his right.

Ghosts, come to take me. He thought and then... No, not ghosts. He realized.

It was something else, someone else. Elise, Niamh Raste, others, somehow they were here with him, lending him strength and the benefit of their experience. But more than that, they were telling the Lorrdian that he was not alone, that regardless of what happened next he would not die alone.

And then, he wasn't alone, in the physical world either. To his left, Beltran saw the glow of a cyan colored lightsaber. It belonged to a man he didn't know ( Ryv Ryv ), who now launched himself at the monster that stood before them. It seemed to know him as it spoke, it's voice rumbling.

"I wonder perhaps if you will fair better this time."

And he responded.

"I'm not babysitting this time, sleemo,"

And with the man, Beltran would also charge the monstrosity, swinging his own blade for any part of the creature that presented itself.

Icarus Platoon
Status: Heavy Casualties (22 Rangers Active)
Disposition: Heavily engaged with Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus and his advancing 10th Regiment, holding the line so the others can escape.

Maul Company - 666th Mechanized
Status: Heavy Casualties (42 Rangers still active)
Disposition: Heavily engaged with Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus and his advancing 10th Regiment, holding the line so the others can escape.
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Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Gir Quee Gir Quee Kyyrk Kyyrk Osam Osam Niamh Raste Enlil Enlil Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Elise Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol The Monster The Monster Reosyvern Reosyvern Tarish Galland Nida Perl Nida Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

Surface Forces: Approved Tech Lergara, 135 Lervon Militia Volenteers, 3 Y-TIE squadrons (Armed with V-6 Arc Torpedoes) (9 fighters downed)

The Lergara was about to leave another heavy turbolaser before seeing the massive worm that flew overhead, and went to try and pin the droid to the ground. The worm didn't take into account the Lergara's back spins though, and as it would attempt to constrict the large droid, it would either have to give in, or impale itself. The droid would also release another arc cannon burst into the Servitor, hoping to kill it.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, the Bryn would learn something else while the Lervon soldiers attacked. Lervon weren't easy to kill. You needed to melt half of their body before the being's would finally return to the sands, and they fought like they were going to die if they lost. They would continue to fight as well as they could, with ten even coming together to form a larger... thing! One that would attempt to smash and bury the Bryn soldiers. In the air, the Y-TIE's continued their attack runs, firing on the monster-like gunships above.

Yes. The Bryn were hopefully learning one thing. That when you attack a planet with the resolve of the people of Yurb, you were going to fight for every inch you tried to gain. They would make it cost you. They wouldn't stop until you down right glassed them!
Objective: Fight and Delay
Location: Combat
Foe: Krarolk T'manu

War was in her blood but it wasn’t something she sought out, but when she found it, she was going to fight as if her life depended on it, because honestly? It did. Especially now. Kaia was a slight girl, even for a Mirialan, her brother seemed to have the bulk that followed her father and his full human blood, but she took after their mother. Luckily not in everything, she had her father’s mind and connection to the Force. She was hoping she had his resolve though and his ability to keep fighting. She was untested but for duels and a few smaller engagements but these Bryn? They were monsters.

And they were huge.

Her trusty weapon finding her hand, she grinned but did not ignite it, it was nice to know the weapon was with her though. The rest of her tricks were gone, save for her armor, which was only recently modified to songsteel, to give her a bit more strength, but her writer was too lazy to sub it, though. Still, as she leapt, she watched the being below with his glaive. Big weapon.

She knew she was fast, but she was more focused on her own footing and didn’t sense the weapon until it was too late, the glaive striking her armor, the slight Jedi hit the ground, using the Force to help control her roll but still hitting the rubble roughly, her helmet taking a hit, and her lightsaber falling away. Without time to think, she stood up.

Help me father… she called in the Force, feeling the Jedi Master not too far off as she threw her hands down to her sides, both would be glowing with concentrated Force energy, running at the Bryn, she hurled one Force blast, mostly just a hard telekinetic shot, towards the glaive as she continued to run before hitting the ground in a slide, hoping to get behind the Bryn as she threw her other hand forward, firing a blast of energy towards the being’s knee.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: Yurb
Objective: Defend Yurb
Allies: Reshmar Ura Iolar Eugen Barca Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Ver'kad Inuk

“All squadrons ready for launch” said the launch commander over the comm channel. As one twelve bombers launched from the starboard launch tubes as twelve fighters launched from the port side tubes. The twenty for attack craft shot out of the tubes and out into the atmosphere of Yurb. Below them the Pickets had rained a hail of fire on the landing zone and were moving up and away to allow the attack wing a second run at the Bryn,Adul landing zone below.

“Concordia Actual to all craft. Proceed to assist the Glasser station. Inbound organic over station, repeat proceed to assist Glasser station. Engage at extreme distance, Object emitting some sort of EM field,” announced the Concordia's CAG. The twenty four craft broke from their dive and began to form up and move up out of the atmosphere to assist the station in high orbit.

“Blues, this is One. Stay tight until we get out of the atmosphere. The Pickets will be forming up on our wing and heading up with us.” said one over the squadrons channel.

The formation shot up past the Concordia and was heading up towards the station when a flash of light blinded them. The fighters and bombers of the wing were thrown across the atmosphere of Yurb as a ripple of energy exploded from behind. A blue hue filled space for as far as the eye could see as the two carriers jumped to hyperspace they immediately slammed into Concordia. The ship split into three separate sections as the carriers impacted with the vessel releasing thousands of relativistic kinetic kill vehicles in the form of debris from the two carriers and what was left of Concordia. The debris flew away from the impact zone in a cone of destruction towards the world and the Bryn’Adul landing zone below.

The twelve pickets which had been on their way up from attacking the enemy formation below exploded instantly as super accelerated shards of wreckage slammed into them. Each of the picket’s reactors became unstable as the debris rained down on them, heading for the landing zone below. Twelve balls of fire filled the sky as their reactors went critical and ignited, releasing the power of a small star. Likewise, the advanced proton eight reactors on the Concordia exploded in a blinding flash filling the atmosphere with unimaginable energy.

The attack wing, spread out over a hundred kilometers now succumbed to the ball of energy as Concordia’s reactors exploded. The wave of energy spread out across space out towards the encircling stations and towards the ships in the distance dissipating as it spread across the orbit of Yurb.

The planet's atmosphere protected it from most of the radiation and energy released from the Concordia but nothing would stop the hail of super accelerated debris from raining down on the world and the people below.

Yurb System
Reshmar shielded his eyes as the flash of light spread across the system. The blue streak of the two carriers ended in the atmosphere of Yurb where Concordia once sat. streaks of blue filed space where super accelerated debris spread out away from the impact. A second later another flash blinded Reshmar as the reactors of Concordia exploded releasing power equivalent to eight suns. A ball of fire spread over the world atmosphere and out into space. The world's upper atmosphere would protect it from the radiation but it would have lasting effects on the world for years to come. The ships and stations in orbit would not be so lucky as the plum of fire spread out towards the Glasser station above where Concordia once sat.

Reshmar's sight cleared as the display's automatic brightness limiter kicked in. He looked in horror at the planet in the distance and the fading light that was once Concordia.

“Captain Dispatch Hespera to assist the stations and planet. Have her jump and use her tractors to keep what's left of Concordia from falling into the atmosphere. Have the rest of the fleet turn to heading 280. MOve us in behind the enemy formation and open fire as soon as we are weapons ready” orders Reshmar. The Battle Carrier Hespera turned back towards the world and jumped seconds later appearing near the Glasser now being flooded with radiation from the exploding Concordia.

Reshmar tried not to think about the thousands who had just lost their lives. He closed his eyes as his thoughts went to the people on the world below. This enemy was brutal and unforgiving. They had no respect for life other than themselves. They kill indiscriminately and without remorse. It was time they were given the same treatment.

“Captain Arm the Mjolnir cannons”

Yurb Atmosphere
Bryn’Adul Carriers hyperspace rammed Concordia.
Concordia and all hands lost.
All attack craft aboard Concordia and in orbit lost.
12 Pickets Lost

Yurb System
Reshmar orders Hespera to assist in keeping the Debris of Concordia from falling towards planet.
Turns to engage Bryn'Adul fleet from the rear left flank.
Primes NMC-1 Mjolnir cannons to fire.
Objective: Survive
Allies: Silver Jedi
Foes: Bryn Osam Osam

As the Force erupted form him in an intent to blind the Bryn, he was able to get his bearings, at least for a moment. Bryn, something alien and innumerable, something large, and something that was shooting…. Spikes? At him? No, that was not going to do. He was going to have to change tactics. To be honest, he wasn’t the one to normally use a lightsaber, but the new weapon, a new crystal forged, one that shone gold. But the blast that gave him time, he hoped t would signal to the others on their side it was time to act.

As he watched the Bryn, he could feel the need for barriers, but how to attack these beasts, he was unsure. The Force was flowing through him and into the meld. He could keep them busy until his allies figured out what they needed to do. He was hoping that the other Jedi would put forth a unified effort to hit these Bryn back, but he could also feel something else coming… As he threw the ball of brilliant light into the sky, as if it was a flair… feeling the tug of the Force.

Combat was not a new thing, the Jedi Master had the scars to prove it, but with so many people close by that he cared about, and had been feeling, the last time he met them, even falling into that state of battle mind, Coren Starchaser could feel the voices out there. He could feel everyone. He could feel his daughter Kaia, taking the fight to the foes, he could feel the pain in Nida Perl Nida Perl , and most brilliantly, and different, he could feel Kyra Perl Kyra Perl and her call. A grin in his features. Those feeling him through the Force would feel it rippling out from him even louder, working to inspire those in the meld, and working to attract those to him who opposed it.

But now wasn’t the time, he felt what was happening, the calls of help, the surprise of a sudden strike, and without thought, Coren threw the Force away from his, his aura strengthening, displaying all the effects of a Jedi protecting oneself, a wall thrust to catch the exploding rounds, turning into a dome over Coren as he tugged on the meld and pushed his thoughts into the meld. Cover! Grinding his teeth, the Jedi reached out, knowing both his daughters were here, as well as countless innocents, the Master pushed what he had into the barrier, to block the incoming blasts from the Bryn but to shield as many souls as he could.

But he knew it wasn’t going to be enough, the Jedi Master, the one who had sacrificed so much knew that even he couldn’t stop this all, he cough bring himself to so much keeping the Bryn outside and saving those within the local block, but feeling those outside his own barrier… He couldn’t deal with that now. He had the ones nearby, the ones he knew he could save.
Location: Yurb D5
Allies: SJO and their allies
Enemies: Bryn'Adul and their allies
Engaging: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

For a woman that wasn't one to join wars and battles, Jairdain was almost lost here. Her position had almost always been support, yet here she was called into duty. Arriving with the second wave of reinforcements (D5), she was reluctant to get herself involved. However, her genetics kicked in and spurred her into action.

Coming off the shuttle, she surveyed the scene in front of her through the Force. As she did that, a sudden flash came to her. Maybe something of a Force vision or intuition. Even the Master wasn't positive. All she knew was mass destruction was about to rain down in the area around her.

A small and simple Force Barrier just wasn't going to be enough. At least, not one just provided by her. Having felt the Battle Meditation going on, a pang entered her mind that she wasn't there to help. Then the unifying sense of Force Meld took that away and she was able to focus more on the task at hand.

Lifting both of her arms up, a Force Barrier that hopefully covered the area was erected. Sadly, she knew the strengths and weaknesses of this skill. With the size, she was attempting to cover, it was going to be rather weak. Even with the help of the Battle Meditation and Meld, she didn't feel her flimsy barrier was going to be enough.

Almost as soon as that barrier was up and in place, she sensed the incoming ship debris from space above. Pouring all of her focus into maintaining the barrier, she sensed an additional presence she had met once before. If Jairdain had the fortitude to smile, she would have. Coren was also making a barrier. Instead of working alone, they worked together. Fortifying each other and hopefully made the barrier strong to resist most of the falling pieces of the ships.

(Summary of actions and the "safe" zone. Arrival and placed an enhanced area in the D5 block only.)
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Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe | Superior Draeyde |Location; Battlefield - E7
Allies: Drekarys Kel | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Krarolk T'manu | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Osam Osam | Galak Galak | @
Enemies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Niamh Raste | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Elise | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Ryv Ryv | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr |
Intent to Engage: Ryv Ryv | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Elise | P Placeholder 0128 |

All units protected in groups of 30 by 2,345 Quilxyn Protectors

- 96 Rhivaks
-100 Brumaks
-060 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 231 Rhivaks
  • 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-360 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
-8 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 193 Rhivaks
  • 100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 140 Rhivaks
  • 102 Brumaks
-278 Drones
8 Shamans
5 Ashaka Acolytes

C8 - /3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied

D8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
Two Obaliscs


  • 387 Rhivaks
  • 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
- 8 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 1,544 Rhivaks [193 per grid]
  • 800 Brumaks
-2,432 Drones
-1920 Savage Drones
-16 Shamans
-16 Ashaka Acolytes

D4-6 1
M'gaelakk Siege Tower Occupied per grid section

  • 1,413 Rhivaks
  • 1,480 Brumaks
-1,500 Drones
-1,500 10th Regiment Brutes

D7 - Three M'gaelak Siege Towers Occupied /248 Dispersal Pods
17,574 Savage Drones [Dispersal Pods]
6,259 Drones [Dispersal Pods]
-2,204 Rhivaks
-1,601 Brumaks
-1,494 Drones
-28 Shamans
-28 Ashaka Acolytes
10th Regiment Brutes
-1 Servitor

E4 & F5 50 Hive Bombers Occupied

Hatched - killing all across the city

The Servitor attacking the Lergara was nearly seven times larger than the droid; its spiked outer layer would tear into the Servitors hide, the speed of the creature allowing its momentum to carry it through the arc-cannon fire as it would bring the full weight of its body down on the droid as it fired; its body's momentum enough to crush the unstable ground beneath the Lergara and the surrounding area as its head carved into the ground some hundred metres away.

The second Servitor remained constricted within the spherical shield; its broken hide punctured by repeatedly strikes as a salvo of explosives were left nestled in its exposed flesh. The creature had been abandoned by its Shamans, they had retreated from its mind as the creature's usefulness had drawn to an end caged within the shield. Acting purely on instinct it intended to dig were it had not before; but its Human captors had other plans. By the guise of a marksmen's shot, its head exploded with a thunderous pop, its massive body twitching momentarily, stagnant in the air as a torrent of skull fragment, tongue, membrane and blood rained down on the outpost; painting the shielding in a coat of red before collapsing over the outpost.

The third was attacked by the first revealed Monsterjager, its saw blade cutting deep into its hide and piercing flesh; its neural scrambler killing one of the Shamans directly controlling the Servitor rather than affecting the beast itself. The Servitor was massive, turning underground as it went directly under where the monsterjager stood, collapsing the ground around the jager in an attempt to sink the incredibly heavy machine into the earth as the Servitor dived away to turn around for another attack.

Across the torn battlefield beyond the outpost, Dire-wolves engaged Brutes of the 10th in direct combat alongside Drones and Savages. The Direwolves fought to the last, giving their all against the Brutes who honoured them with the same - fighting tooth and nail as they lavished to fight against foes of quality. For so long, the Galaxy had offered nothing. Now, these Brutes fought for strength, they fought for everything they'd ever wanted, because that was exactly what they were getting. Knee deep in blood, corpses, spikes and shells the Brutes of the 10th fought with blades and their baoyetted weapons. Some used their Mauler shotguns, blasting away foes in a blur of guts and fragmented armour. Rhivaks battled those in powered armour, some crushed under the impressive strength of the augmented suits, others torn apart by multiple Rhivaks at once.

In the midst of the combat, the droids deployed by the echani would attempt to use elemental weaponry against the warriors of the 10th Regiment in futility, their bodies masked in protective shielding gifted by the Quilxyn protectors overseeing them, hidden among their ranks. The Brutes fought in synchronised squads, groups that had fought a dozen or more battles together against wore odds than this. As the outnumbered droids attempted to group up against them, they would find their pathetic tide matched by the Brutes. The EMBU's indeed cut down dozens of Drones, but would be quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numerical advantage held by the Drones, the clawing vicious fodder that they were.

Overhead Archer and Hellfire missiles would batter against the Quilxyn shield wall projected by the two hundred creatures. At the same time, overhead Bombers would destroy the remaining dropships at grid sectors C-8 & D-7, eliminating the chance of a return journey for some and killing the Ashaka Acolytes inside. The following volley would decimate a large portion of the Bryn'adûl forces pushing for C-6, quickly jointed by an attack from the neighbouring tank battalions at the nearby ruins, even as the Servitors under the command of the Primarch attacked the heavy vehciles, their fire lead to dwindling numbers among the Bryn'adûl forces pushing for the front gates. The Obaliscs at the edge of the valley would be struck again by a barrage of missiles, but between them even with the repeated attacks these missiles struck their outer hide; their weakspots protected by their hunched postures, another losing two of its tendrils as the missiles struck, that was quickly continued by the combined fire of several heavy disruptor cannons. Even with fresh as resilient as their own, the Obalics both were almost entirely disintegrated. The majority of their infantry and the Brumaks were saved from the ire of the tanks as the Servitor engaged them, but even so the overpowering fire from the multitude of deployed vehicles killed many.

As the gunships of the Mandalorian forces wheeled overhead, the Quilxyn shields overhead were put under strain as the powerful exchange of missile fire and mass-driver blasts broke through a handful of their protective shielding's, killing numerous Bryn'adûl Warriors in the process even as they fought for every inch against the combined enemy forces. In response the Ra'maks and Siege Towers still standing would fire at the gunships as the Rammikade descended; Brumaks and Rhivaks in hundreds also turning their Gunships, the Brutes of the 10th Regiment would be struck by fusion plasma; their armour eroded slightly but still the 10th fought on, their skin bubbling, shrugging off the heat as the 10th spread their fire into the ranks of the approaching Rammikade and those engaged at the front.

As the Busayr transports arrived overhead, it heralded a hail of fire - one the Quilxyn were ready to fight against, focusing their shields over the infantry as the Rhivaks and Brumaks simultaneously switched their focus to the Transports overhead in the hundreds alongside those firing at the Rammikade and their gunships. The Siege Tower would fire their combined hundreds of spike-based weapons and capitol grade weaponry ballista's at the Busyr Dropships as they arrived, at the same time the two Obaliscs remaining would rain all of their collective firepower down on the Busyr transports as well. The various missiles, mass-driver rounds from the heavy mass-driver cannons battered against the Quilxyn Shield as the super-heavy mass-driver cannons tore through their Brumaks and Rhivaks, killing hundreds.

The forces of the Bryn'adûl fought as the enemy attacked from all angles, a massive cataclysmic battle rippling across the entire open battlefield as the chorus of Baradum missiles came crashing down. The Shamans among them reinforced the Shielding overhead, but even then it blanketed entire areas in fire. The Brutes continued to fight amongst the Rangers, mercenaries and Dire-wolves as the Savage Drones burned in the hundreds. Even so the Bryn'adûl Warriors still had the entirety of the outpost surrounded, and now the city as well. Fire and blood filled the air with a rich smell as the red air of the Bryn'adûl Terraformers began to fill even the trenches and seep into the city. The endless red mist, signifying the deaths of all who dared stand against their military might.

They now flooded into the city in the thousands as well. All the death, all of the loss - this Shield Generator and its valiant protectors gave their lives for nothing. The Bryn'adûl forces had reached nearly ever corner of the city, slaughtering civilians in thousands.


He could feel it, the oppressive ways of energy as Drekarys and his acolytes fought for supremacy against the wielders of the light. The battle stirred back and forth and as the red engulfed those left in shadow, death and a myriad of other foul fates reached those on either side of the conflict. It was beautiful.

Overhead, a pale blue light cascaded across the perceivable stretch of orbit above; some explosion of great magnitude had occurred. Quickly following it, hundreds of thousands of pieces of debris of various sizes came crashing down into the open field, into the battled trenches, into the ships, the city - everywhere. Some were miniscule, the size of your pupil; others the size of a small fighter. The majority seemed to be scattered across the mountains, but a great deal clattered down into Edsert and with such great speed that wrought endless destruction.

The Titan waited, allowing the man to remove his helm. As he expected, nothing - but a man. Yet there was something mutual, an understanding. Rangers don't quit - he repeated to himself in his head. Even as the infernal chaos swirled around them, as the Bryn'adûl fought for every inch and coated the ground in the blood and oil of their enemies. Even as the world came crashing down, this soldier was but one of few who stood stalwart. Others ran head first into the fury of combat.

Tathra snorted at the Jedi's retort. Shifting his stance as both Soldier and Jedi. Tathra would slowly walk left as they approached, keeping his back to his own as he put both of his opponents in front of him. Tathra held the Axe in his left, sword in his right. His stance shifted as the Jedi Knight closed the distance, going for his left knee. Tathra disengaged from the first swing with his Axe; manoeuvring it further left, bringing the sword into a collision course with the second strike, if the lightsaber connected with his sword, he would immediately cock his wrist to bring the sabers blade into the cross-guard of the sword and push it away. At the same time the Soldier shimmering in shades of the sun approached, Tathra's left-side now purposefully posed toward him.

  • Servitor One tries to sink Lergra into unstable ground beneath
  • Servitor Two's limp body crashed down all over outpost.
  • Servitor Three recoils, hollows ground beneath Monsterjager, retreats to regain positional advantage.
  • 37 10th Regiment Brutes killed at Shield Outpost
  • C-6 Forces: 126 Rhivaks killed, 98 Brumaks lost, 332 Drones lost, 480 Savage drones lost
  • 3 Ashaka Acolytes killed
  • Two Obaliscs killed at C-8
  • 164 Brumaks & 362 Drones killed in transit to E-7
  • 651 Drones, 243 Brumaks, 354 Rhivaks, 856 Savage Drones killed at Shield Outpost.
  • Rhivaks and Brumaks 50/50 fire at Mando gunships and Busyr tranports.
  • Two remaining Obaliscs fire on the Busyr transports.
  • Bryn'adûl continue fighting on, Quilxyn Shield breaks in places.
  • Tathra engages Ryv and Beltran.
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Location: D7 Siege Tower, Yurb
Objective: Siege Tower Bumper Cars and Stampede at D7
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Silver Jedi Order
Enemy Command: The Brynadul
Equipment: NX Harvester | TDW L-7 Pistol | NX Shroud | Micro-Light Shield | Jam Buster Comlink | Bayonets | CryoBan Grenades | Smoke Canisters | LNK Scythe Fighter

Curious. Though Nyx got the impression the surrounding 'tissue' of the creature still reacted poorly to the presence of the lizard in her pack, it seemed the chamber (and therefore the beast) no longer responded to its presence as it had before. In essence, she'd lost control -- tenuous and ill-defined as it was. That suggested there was another area that could control the monstrosity.

Disregard. It would seem these towering beasts have at least two control centers, the droid relayed back to Luna Terrik Luna Terrik as continued chaos and stomping of enemy forces was no longer in her hands. More data to be correlated and examined later.

Before she left, Nyx took the opportunity to acquire a sample, rip and tear 'consoles' open, and even used her pistol to put a few holes in things that likely should naught have holes. After all, there was no reason to leave it in an operational capacity any longer was there?

As the enemy was able to overcome this turn, and would likely be securing the other location by this point there didn't seem any reason to find it. Consider this creature a ship. Why waste time with the interface when you could take out the source? No, not the brain. Much as the 'computer core' would be interesting it was quite unlikely Nyx would interface with it; and it might be large enough that it could sustain damage. Instead, she had an organ in mind that would be equally effective if taken out, and one often far less tolerant of abnormalities -- the heart. Or in a ship analogue, the reactor.

Epic as the quest was, Nyx had already fought a number of those still stationed in the Tower and so there had been a dramatic falloff in the amount of data collected from further encounters with the same species -- races? Regardless, the droid lacked the same zeal for bloodshot. She engaged in it with "fervor" if you would call it that. Passion, if you romanticized it. But in the end Nyx did not waste resources assigning emotional states to very straight forward transactions. They tried to kill her, so she killed them. Once the assassination module was fully operational again, Nyx was certain it would only reinforce this simple strategy.

It would also reaffirm that you aim for the head or the heart.

Ever and onward, Nyx moved through the creature using her sensors to gauge the proximity to target. Creatures would throw her about, and seek to impede her. They would even knock the spear from her hand, forcing the droid to resort to brute strength to rip the flesh and bone of her opponents apart. Perhaps they'd miscalculated in believing the through-and-through punctures by the spear were the result of the pointed head.

There had once been a time, on a planet far from here, Nyx had taken a running leap off a building to crash into a guard before they could sound the alarm. Those of weaker constitution said they appreciated the story better when all Nyx said in conclusion was that the armor wasn't rated for the amount of raw force she'd delivered. Well, her chassis wasn't the lightest on the market. She'd been built with sound dampeners, and designed weight-distribution protocols for a reason.

Still, Nyx had to admit, the spear was preferred. She had no stomach to feel nauseous from the gore on her fist, but she was certain it would be as troublesome to clean as the sand. Shame the Bryn didn't seem to have a rag laying around.

After she collected the spear-collector once more, she stopped before a doorway that refused to open. Perhaps a Force-based control mechanism that she couldn't use, and wouldn't respond with the lizard near even if she could. The droid turned around and headed back the way she'd come.

A few minutes later Nyx returned carrying several large 457.2mm bolts. You would be surprised what the enemy just left laying around. After you tore a few heads off, and clubbed a few to death with their own arms that is. Armories held such interesting things. In that case, something that should help pierce an unruly door.

Of course, Nyx didn't have a Spike Turret strapped to her back so she did the only logical thing. She walked up to the door and 'knocked.'

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | @ Sergei "Jack" Jachovich | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Lead High Lord Soveriegn Imperator Grandmaster
Objective: Insurgent - Kill The Hairless Monkies and Sandcastles
Equipment: None
Location: Planetside, Yurb: Edsert Outpost Interior
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Tarish Galland , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Barrien Siegfried
Ravager Brute
4x Units of Drones (40 total Trained Combatants)
76x Units of Drones (760 total Trained Combatants)

Reosyvern's large claws tore through Barrien Siegfried 's flesh , gouging out broad though very shallow paths through the Jedi's flesh; enough to draw blood and damage their garments but nothing remotely life threatening. As soon as the Bryn'adul had jumped onto Barrien Siegfried he was no sooner launched upwards and away by a kick aided by the force.

While he was being launched through the air he inhaled deeply causing his chest to expand as his lungs filled. Reosyvern's hind legs found purchase on the ground, the front of his body ducked as he then exhaled the air as a mighty roar. The pitch started high and then became inaudible as a sonic wave launched at Barrien Siegfried , kicking up dust as it traveled at the speed of sound. As the roar fell off it entered the audible range for most near-human hearing and then finished off in a clattering rumble. The dust created a smokescreen of sorts, blocking all sight between the two combatants.
He would be patient, for now, waiting to see if his attack had been effective or not.

Ravager Brute
Meanwhile the Ravager Brute was locked in combat with three of the Jedi ( Amani Serys Amani Serys , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Tarish Galland ). No sooner had the Ravager launched Amani Serys Amani Serys it was then assailed by Ura Iolar Ura Iolar as mimic of a razor-tailed tiger. The teeth of this form would dig deep into the armored skin of the Ravager, but overall it seemed that more damaging weaponry would be needed.

The Ravager swiped behind Ura Iolar Ura Iolar in an attempt to snatch his enemy out of the air, but as the Ravager reeled back one of its arms it was suddenly blindsided by Tarish Galland 's sneak attack. The Ravager was forced to sidestep two steps, crashing into and damaging a nearby building that it dwarfed. The Ravager let out a loud roar of anger before using its upper pair of arms to rip off the roof of the building, peeling the metallic material off like paper, though the action itself made a horrendous sound. The Ravager then threw the rooftop sheet of metal at Tarish, Amani, and Ura.
Objective: Cover allied extraction and buy time
Location: Shield Generator Outpost, overseeing TDW and other combat unit deployments
Ally Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Niamh Raste Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Enemy Tags: Osam Osam Galak Galak Sethrak Krarolk T'manu Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris Reosyvern Reosyvern Sarask Hiskt Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Theme: The Last Stand of the Second Generation

The lines were chaos as The Dire Wolves desperately fought for every second they could hold the Bryn here. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and surrounded. Each Dire Wolf was wounded some how by now, each of them fighting through multiple wounds on sheer determination at this point. Sergei himself raised his rifle and fired in more controlled bursts from his HARM using the AP rounds to try and kill more of the brutes with less ammunition. But it wasn't working. There was too many. War was in and of itself a numbers game. And while you could stretch, you could narrow, you could even funnel those numbers down so that way the rest of the numbers itself wouldn't matter. But it was still a numbers game. And here, the numbers clearly were against The Dire Wolves. They had since their inception been only large enough to at most take on two enemy battalions alone with all of their total support assets. In perfect terrain The Dire Wolves could even wear down entire Regiments, but to do so would take time, planning, and execution that allowed them to take advantage of their ability to fight through or stop anything in the galaxy. Here they had neither the terrain, nor the support. Each commando had seen the intel. They'd all saw the reports on their HUD which many of them stopped paying attention to long ago.

They were surrounded, and at best, they were stacked against a foe that outnumbered them 80:1. At worst, over 100:1.

The Dire Wolves were damn good at what they did. Some would argue the best and most dangerous mercenaries for hire in the galaxy. But they were not gods. They were not immortal. They bled and died just like everyone else. Each minute Sergei bought them, he traded for desperately with the lives of the men and women under his command. All around him, men were fighting with whatever they could keep on hand at this point, many having drawn blades and going to their hand cannon side arms. Some were beating drones to death with their HARMs, or even the Bryn's own weapons. A TCD-2D had swapped to its Raptor Claw, a massive 2 meter long heavy sword that weighed in at over a quarter ton. And it was cleaving through whatever stood in front of it. A soldier would run up to Sergei ( Tulan Kor Tulan Kor ) and immediately try to tell him that they needed to withdraw. To fall back.

"If we can make our way to those transports, we can ditch this place and get to the city! We need to cut their attack in half at the city! This place is screwed, we need to get our boys outta here!"

"Negative! We have to hold the Bryn here and keep them fixed until Hope can fire her main weapon to annihilate them! If we don't stop this assault here then they will just continue to advance to the city and we'll be worse off than before!" Sergei paused as he considered his remaining forces. They didn't have the manpower, if only-

His thoughts would be interrupted as the roar of fighter jets and explosions announced themselves overhead. Three Squadrons of F-4 Dragons doing an overhead initial pass as they now had to set their own targets as all the TDW JTACs were dead. They would witness the Mandalorian barrage and the utter destruction they unleashed on the Bryn's line. Eagle Eye Fire Control Systems aboard would scan the area below them and pick out targets for weapons deployments, the fighters breaking right hard to set up their quick attack run. They knew how desperate the situation was. They knew this was an all or nothing gambit that depended on their ability to try and turn the tide, if not at least stem it. Targeting reticules would hover across the screen as they acquired their various targets, using their multi-lock technology to ensure a solid lock even through the smog. And thankfully they had massive openings to get their missiles through. If nothing else their flight path was already set in which would allow them to make it to target should the enemy have some form of jamming equipment. Each fighter would then fire the entirety of their payloads, one hundred forty four Archer Missiles streaking across the smog filled skies as they sought out their targets and would slam home, their intent to kill as many of the Bryn as possible to try and give TDW a little bit of breathing room. Or at least buy them another few minutes of time. Sergei saw the opening created in the chaos of all the explosions on the ground, and spoke quickly into allied comms for the outpost.

"That's your cue! Get your men and go! We'll cover you! You have to get to the friendlies in the city to help reinforce their position! You won't get another chance! We'll hold them here so Hope can annihilate them with the main cannon!" He paused for the briefest of moments as he spoke through his comms, "Second Squad stage a breakout! Cover these troopers to their transports!"

The soldiers of second squad wouldn't even bother to respond over comms, instead electing to leap out of their trenches and charge forward, making quick work of the forces between them and the transports that remained. The retaliation they'd receive for such a bold move would be swift however. Almost immediately two of the men in second squad would be hit by enemy weapons fire, one round ricocheting off the Phrik-A chest plate into the wild blue yonder, the second however catching a spiker round to the leg and dropping with a roar in rage. They didn't stop shooting however, and in the midst of it all a pair of TCD-2D with ammo left in their autocannons would rush in to help them. One would explode immediately from a Rhivak laser blast that found a weak point in their armor, the second gunning down the offender while firing its weapon on full auto. The Dire Wolves had created an opening. A brief moment where the still fighting forces could withdraw from the death wish of a mission. Their only fear of leaving a job undone. They fought like mad bastards, the air support having given them new vigor and a second wind of fighting back. They knew they were going to die. They knew that no matter how many each killed individually, it wouldn't be enough to save them. Across the field a member of The Ghost Company was tangling with a brute one on one, the commando having pulled out his sword and hand cannon. And he was holding his own, parrying blows that he could, and getting strikes in against the powerful foe. At least he was until the brute seemingly ended the fight by burying his weapon into the commando's gut. The brute had thought he'd won, and prepared to finish the fight when the soldier simply pressed the barrel of his pistol into the brute's face and vacated the beast's head with a Verpine APFSDS round. The massive creature would fall lifelessly to the ground, and the commando would fall to his knees. He had to pull out a wound sealant, inject it into the wound, and then gave himself an injection of pure adrenaline. This would buy him a few minutes at most, which meant he could kill just a few more of the enemy and buy them all that much more time.

Seconds later, the thudthudthudthudthud of autocannon fire could be heard over the battlefield as War Hound dropships fired their primary weapons. Weapons officers aboard each of the vessels receiving targeting data from the Dragons would engage their own Eagle Eye systems, programming their 192 SIM-06 Hellfires to seek out larger targets of opportunity and generally raise hell among the Bryn's lines. A few would even fly low and fast as they did this, opening their troop bay doors to reveal a secondary cargo they'd brought with them to the fight. TCD-1Ds and TCD-2Ds would leap from the dropships at speed and land with a crash, sliding through the sand as they already had weapons raised and were firing HARMs and 40 mm Autocannons into the enemy lines. This small force of cavalry was all that remained of Hope's droid garrison, knowing they would have to throw everything into this final assault. This was an all out assault by TDW to try and buy them all time. The Hope's main weapon was barely half way charged, each second that the Dire Wolves traded for giving Hope more time to put out a larger blast. Gave them a better chance at killing the entire Bryn force in this area.

The forces that had landed had purposely landed ahead of the Strill Securities forces, attempting to cover their attack and advance. They needed every body they could get in the fight. They needed every last weapon they could bring with them. The would provide cover while they could and attempt to drive them forward with the droids own aggression giving them something to fall in behind. The TCD-1Ds having their own programming and tactics based off of Sergei himself, and the TCD-2Ds being walking tanks with 40 mm autocannons as primary weapon systems. They would carve a bloody swathe as they knew they had to punch a hole through to Sergei's position. This was the last gambit Sergei had. The very last card he could play.

Sergei knew that no matter what he could throw at this problem, this was it. He would die here. The thought didn't phase him as he put down yet another brute with fire from his HARM. The truth was, he'd never left Ryloth. None of The Ghost Company had. They were all dead men. The only thing driving them on, was that they knew their brothers and sisters waiting for them, would find their conviction wanting, and their actions subpar if they failed. This was the same unit that had picked a fight with a battlecruiser, and won. Their leader had faced Sith Spawn, a virus that wiped an entire planet's population, Sith who had attempted to raise a long dead dark lord, and had not only survived, he'd given them victory. He was one of the few non-force sensitives that had walked into the afterlife, and dragged someone out of it. They used their anger at the Bryn, their rage over their dead, anything to fuel their will keep themselves alive and fighting. They had to win. There wasn't any room for failure.

They had to buy time.

Sergei's men are losing this fight badly. They are stretched thin over the remaining ground they are holding around the shield generator, and are doing the best they can to kill as many Bryn as they can. Following an airstrike of 144 SIM-02 Archers they would stage a breakout to cover allied forces to attempt to withdraw so they could redeploy to friendly lines to try and make a difference elsewhere on the map. Following this breakout, the 3 squadrons of gunships would unleash the entirety of their payloads of Hellfire missiles into Bryn lines (192 missiles) and also open fire with their 35 mm autocannons. Some of the dropships carrying troops would get low enough to deploy said droid reinforcements, which will be able to rejoin TDW and help bolster their position long enough to try and hold the Bryn in place for the final strike. Hope's main weapon is at 50% charge and climbing, not having heard the break code over comms and knowing that Sergei won't call off the attack unless this primary assault force can be defeated.

TDW Reinforcements are: 100 TCD-1Ds and 30 TCD-2Ds

TDW Losses are: 5 TDW Commandos, 2 TGC commandos, 5 TCD-2Ds, and 10 TCD-1Ds

F-4 Dragons and War Hound Dropships are now staying above E-7 to provide gun runs and attempt to do as much damage as possible to buy the ground forces as much time as they can.
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Wearing: Morpheus Chitin

Armed with: Sword of Cinndurr

Stouker Rifle

Crime Hunter's Pistol (Charric Setting)

007 Shot Pump Action Grenade Launcher

Laertia could be said to have a lot of things.

Skill at the Lightsaber? Yeah, obvious but okay. A horrifically high bodycount since killing so many Sith at Atrisia and getting a bazillion XP? Getting warmer. Family issues? Holy fething chit.

Subtlety? Nope.

She'd never faced The Bryn before except minor scattered incidents. The first time had ended rather casually for Laertia, with her violently crushing his skull and breaking his back for spitting on Moya (She left him alive!) and the second had ended with her forcibly drowning an entire military base of theirs in incendiary chemicals and killing the ones attempting to escape the flames with a common hatchet for cutting branches. This last incident resulted in over four hundred Bryn losing their lives in a violent, explicitly painful and horrific manner.

Others were mere distractions, some only killed as an afterthought trying to escape more pressing enemies, a simple sledgehammer delivered repeatedly to a screaming and roaring alien face until it was mushy gibs. A throat strangled Vader style, until the neck could be heard and felt cracking in her organic hand. A Brute put in an industrial press and flattened to a bloody smear. One more simply beaten by her organic hand until the face caved in and her fist came out the other side of his head.

Due to the Brain Damage, Laertia didn't fully remember violently murdering Bryn'adul with such savagery. Other than the thing with Moya, she didn't even remember the hard details of how they had all pissed her off, but figured, hey, if they didn't want to get murdered, they should not have been messing with her. Or Moya. Especially Moya.

She had been visiting Yurb at the suggestion of no less than the horrifying, disgusting witch killing warriors with flame in a completely different section of Edsert, seemingly intent on creating as big an inferno as she could amongst the enemy.

When the invasion had happened, Laertia had been relaxing in a bacta tank on her ship. When told she would be killing Bryn, Laertia had picked her newest armor, and her most powerful weapons and had gone out to start killing Brutes.

The rampage had started with her BFG, the Stouker. As she approachedthe outskirts, she would teleport between multiple streets, firing on the Bryn Brutes from multiple different streets, teleporting every time they returned fire, teleporting a grenade into groups of them occasionally but emptying the Stouker momentarily as she appeared on a rooftop, a mass of dead in her wake just with the Concussion Rifle when she saw the light generated by Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser . It was intense, blinding. Laertia blinked instinctively but her long range frontal Force Sense detecting Osam Osam and his men trying to him them in via her long range hud seeing through debris. She quickly teleported once the light ended, making her way close to Coren as the spikes were launched. She watched from another roof as he threw up a great barrier to protect as many as he could. Laertia stretched out arms, no longer encumbered by the endless migraines that dominated her life outside this armor, but battling her fear of Artillery. She called out to the Force, yelling in agony under her ornate, silvery power armor with a sinister, somber face for the helm and used her power with all her might.

She targeted all the ones that didn't hit his barrier, and many of the ones that did. But she did not attempt to ward them away with telekinesis.

Instead, Laertia began strategically teleporting the spikes and other heavy projectiles. Some were detonated mid air in another spot, taking out a bunch of other munitions moving through the air. Others, like the spikes were teleported with their trajectories pointed right at the source that fired them., and still others were teleported on nearby enemy forces harrasing Odyn Tarsi and others. Laertia kept teleporting their own munitions back in their direction, than took out her pump action grenade launcher and fired HE rounds towards as many enemy artillery emplacements as she could.

A lot still hit though. Laertia was sent tumbling from the building without her Stouker or the launcher as a spike hit the building she was on. She teleported to the ground, only to find herself facing heavily armed Brutes.

A Lightsaber so powerful and dangerous, its very owner feared drawing it every time snapped to life, its fiery, seething deep orange blade so powerful it looked like it was on the verge of the field losing containment.

The Sword of Cinndurr is no ordinary saber, its blade so powerful traditional saber resistant metals and even some organic hides sweat bullets every time its brought up during coffee break. The cost was speed...she was not as fast a swinger due to the gyroscopic power, but when it connected...

The blade bit into the metals of their armor, melting it in one swing. Some of their hides melted near instantly as she swung it into them, carving apart every Brute which set them on fire as they died until she found Starchaser...

"Hii Masstuh Starchaser!" She called out to him from outside his barrier. "Herrdz yoo cud yooz sum bacckuppz!"
Location: Shield Outpost -> City Center
Objective: Tactical Retreat
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | SJO
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Bryn

There was no time to feel pride or relief at his own actions, even as the great worm fell to the ground as dead as could be with its brains splattered across the outpost. Already he was taking up aim once more, sniping the faces off several important-looking Bryn within the complete moshpit going on down below. Even so, whatever damage he did felt utterly wasted against the vast horde, for as soon as he killed one it seemed two more were ready to takes its place.

He had to stop when suddenly there was a howl of pain faintly echoing inside his head, and his hand was raised to his own face, cupping his own eye. Unbeknownst to him, it was the beginnings of a shared bond in the Force between him and the one he loved. "Nida...!"

Confused he looked around, somehow thinking he would find her close by. Suddenly the urge to relocate had increased tenfold, and he immediately got up and slinged his rifle on his back before sliding down that damn ladder for a second time -- this time without any mishaps. Once on the ground he was able to retrieve his lost axe which had embedded itself in the dusty ground, and was soon forced to use it against a pair of Bryn warriors looking for a worthy challenge. They found one in the Valkyri, who with surprising speed and strength chopped the head off one and sliced open the abdomen of the other with just two swift blows.

It was then that the call to withdraw from the outpost was issued over comms, the gruff voice belonging to none other than Gunny. He decided to make for Tulan's position and grab as many folks he could on the way. The first he came across was a woman ( Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron ), a Jedi by the looks of it.

"Come on, we're getting out of here! This place is a lost cause!" He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from whatever she was doing. "You too, big guy," he did the same to Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles . "We're getting on those shuttles and making a break further into the city!"

Several others saw what they were doing and together they began carving a path through the chaos, heading towards the transports. "Sergeant Kor," he called out to his CO as he and several companies' worth of people arrived in hopes of getting onboard those transports. "I grabbed as many people I could find! This place is about to get overrun!"

Overhead what looked like debris from space began pummeling the spherical shield still protecting the center of the outpost, but it was clear that it would not last for much longer.

"Everyone, get onboard those shuttles -- MOVE!"

People began piling into the the troop transports, still firing at the encroaching enemy as they did. Thirdas teamed up with his mentor in defending the transports, grabbing an assault cannon off a fallen comrade to litter the area with blaster rounds.

"This is Sergeant Heavenshield of Dorn Company! To anyone who can hear this: If you are not on those shuttles, you're not getting out of here!"


Summary of actions:
  • Getting people safely onboard the troop transports. If you're at the Shield Outpost and want out, now's your chance!
  • Debris from space is hitting the shield, protecting those inside for a limited time.
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Barrien Siegfried

Location: Edsert
Objective: Help the Civilians
Gear: Black Betaplast Armor | Shield | Blue Saberlance
Tags: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern


The beast flew through the air and landed a distance away. But he unleashed a sonic attack at the same time which proceeded to knock Barrien backwards and off his feet again. It hurt, as did the claw marks he had receivex, but he managed to staunch the blood flow to those wounded areas long enougb for clotting to kick in even as he once again climbed to his feet. And now he could feel the call of Elise and Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser as they focused on their battle meditation. He let it enhance him as well.

It was a bizarre but exhilerating experience. He knew what they wanted to do with the connection and he would gladly help, but he had to focus on the situation before him, especially as the two padawans were in need of help and the ravager was still doing its thing, not to mention the creature that he faced himself. This was a predicament they were in, but the meditation helped him to stay focused.

So it was that in that focus he coukd see what was happening and react just fast enough to save all of them from certain annihilation. A massive bubble of the Force quickly erected itself over the portion of the city still occupied, and the hyperspeed debris from the crashing ships slammed into it rather than into them. Holding such a large shield was a large strain on his system, however, and it wouldn't last for long. It also made him somewhat vulnerable.

But yes, that shield even protected Reosyvern and the Ravager.

"Contemplate what I just did," he called to his foe somewhere in the dust around them. "I saved not only our lives but yours as well. That debris would have killed us all and not in a worthwhile manner. I saved your life as well as my own. We do not have to fight. Strength doesn't only come from battle. It can come from knowing when to fight and when not to."

He didn't know if the Bryn'adul soldier could be reasoned with but he had to try it, mostly because he knew that if he didn't buy a little time, Reosyvern would have a free shot on him. It was the price one had to pay yo save lives. He was not about to let the others be killed by the upheavel of debris coming down at lightspeed. He couldn't allow that to happen to the Bryn either. It wasn't right. They were sentient beings and deserved a fair chance.

"Rethink this fight, I implore you."

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