Become One With All Things
// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise //
Beltran Rarr
Loske Treicolt
Maynard Treicolt
// Enemies //
Tathra Khaeus
Primarch Drek'ma
Watching the Brutes slam down into the dirt, Ryv continued forward, his weapon raised overhead. The Blade of Ruusan struck downward, repelled by whatever armor adorned the figure's impressive physique. Moving back, the Jedi Knight stepped just out of reach of a backhanded swing of the creature's glaive. As the long-handled weapon swung about, a second glaive joined the first, swinging in from the opposite direction as the other of the two brutes climbed back onto its feet. Ryv's exhaled and leaped up. His body went parallel to the ground as he twisted his shoulders, spinning in place. The world seemed to slow around him at the sound of metal slicing through the wind whistled directly past his ear. Both of his hands thrust out, legs returning to the floor as the duel assailant's weapons went wide. Another wave of kinetic energy crashed into the pairing, only knocking them off balance long enough for Ryv to regain his footing.// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise //

// Enemies //

"Kee baatu baatu," Ryv grumbled in passable Huttese, his free hand returning to the lightsaber hilt. "Well, c'mon then, let's get this over with," he surged forward, the cyan-blade aimed high in a feint, drawing the attention of one Brute. As it raised its glaive to defend from the oncoming strike, the second met the Kiffar's charge, lowering its shoulder to slam the Jedi Knight backward, interrupting his planned follow-up. "Echuta!" he cursed, kicking off of the chest of the Brute now a bit too close for comfort, sliding through the dirt several feet away. Around the Jedi Knight, soldiers crumbled to the ground, droids and sentients alike crushed underfoot of the seemingly endless horde. Both beasts trampled forward, circling around the Jedi to cut off any attempt at an escape. Seeing this, Ryv shifted his form, offering each of them only his side. He tugged the Blade of Ruusan close to his heart, welcoming the soothing power provided to him as he studied the two aliens.
What did Quill say you freaks were weak to? Ryv searched his memory for answers, drawing back to the meeting aboard Peace, the artificial moon once housing many of the Jedi now serving the Galactic Alliance. It was aboard the mobile sanctuary Ryv learned of the many types of Bryn'adul to fight for their horde. Some proved resistant against the heat, capable of taking even a lightsaber to their flesh without seeing significant injury. If the Master was correct...
Ryv ducked beneath one swinging strike, his lightsaber rising to meet the second. The strength behind the Brute's attack lifted the smaller man from the ground, sending his body up and through the air, only to crash down amid a pile of droid-bits and the crumpled armor of an Antarian Ranger. Exploding into action, Ryv turned the body over and began rifling through the corpse's belongings, searching for one of the numerous grenades provided to the Silver Jedi's forces to aid in Yurb's defense. Finally, locating the cryoban nade tucked beneath the ranger's corpse, Ryv scooped it up and slipped it beneath his jacket just in time to avoid decapitation at the hands of another sweep of the glaive. Rolling onto his feet, he launched immediately into another dive, clearing the range of the longer weapons in a single bound. His momentum ceased as he wound up back on his feet, exactly where the duo encircled him initially. He hooked the Blade of Ruusan to his belt, watching the two monsters as they circled around him again, their knees bent as if preparing to leap at the defenseless Jedi knight.
The moment one surged forward, Ryv dashed towards it. Taking a deep breath, Ryv launched himself into the air, expertly soaring over the creature. Passing overhead, the Kiffar latched onto the Brute's helmet and pulled with all his might, sending it flying off in a random direction. A roar of defiance saw the creature's horrid mouth split open, jagged teeth greeting the Jedi. Rather than shrink away, Ryv grinned back at the monstrosity, flashing those pearly whites as he took the cryoban grenade from inside his jacket and whipped it down at the creature's gaping maw. It passed right between the monster's lips, likely catching a tooth or two in the process. The Brute's guttural challenge cut out immediately, the beast reaching up to its muscular neck as it began to choke. Ryv hit the ground with a thud, bending his knees to absorb some of the impact. A hand reached out, carrying the gagging Draelvasier into the second.
A sudden explosion rocked the pair, ice enveloping the two Brutes. As their bodies froze over, their inner heat slowly drifted away, leaving the duo statuesque in death. Ryv turned from the pairing and hurried towards the towering form of Tathra, the Jedi's body blurring as he caught sight of a lone man encountering the titan. Elise's presence did not go unnoticed, Ryv's already endless supply of hope spilling over, his confidence growing, even as he cleared the gap and crashed into an ill-prepared Brute. The beast plummeted into the dirt, carving a groove through the earth as it slid away. A snap-hiss of Ryv's cyan saber set the world alight in an icy glow, indicating the excitement evident in his amber gaze.
"Outrider, Blue, this is Paragon, I've located the target," Ryv spoke quickly into his commlink. "Deep breaths, folks," he reached out to the duo flying within the skies. His mind expanded beyond his own, drifting through the Force to his stalwart companions. Upon locating them, his mind drew upon each, tying them together in a familiar bond centered on the Kiffar. "Bond established, you guys should be on the same wave-length for as long as I'm alive. I'm transmitting my location, stay safe," he deactivated his comm, turning his attention back to the Warlord.
"I'm not babysitting this time, sleemo," Ryv dashed forward, lashing out with a string of strikes aimed not at the creature's head or chest, but instead at his foremost knee.
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