Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]
That sounded like something people should do and not may would do. Matsu wasn't against it but she also wasn't brave enough to fight against the hutts without back up and this woman had been doing it. "Well you are more brave then me, I am to old and set in the order to try it alone. I need an order behind me to do many of the things I do." She had a grin on her face while clasping hands behind her back with a smile getting warming before she walked through the ship. "We have plenty depending on what they might have been doing within the area. I doubt the leaders of the hutts know what is there or pay attention. You might be able to use it for laying low."
That sounded like something people should do and not may would do. Matsu wasn't against it but she also wasn't brave enough to fight against the hutts without back up and this woman had been doing it. "Well you are more brave then me, I am to old and set in the order to try it alone. I need an order behind me to do many of the things I do." She had a grin on her face while clasping hands behind her back with a smile getting warming before she walked through the ship. "We have plenty depending on what they might have been doing within the area. I doubt the leaders of the hutts know what is there or pay attention. You might be able to use it for laying low."