Had an idea for Kaida's superior, Yseult Faerin.
This is what you suggested:
Valiens Nantaris 18.07.2018
Hmm, I'm thinking for the general we go for the exile who makes their fortune in the stars. I'm thinking an NFU 'Princess' (really a minor bastard noble) who is exiled off world, joins a mercenary group and eventually rises to command them. Is much more at home with the rest of the galaxy than the squabbles of her own people - maybe why Kaida respects her. She's paid a considerable amount to join the Shadows and does stay because she feels some kinship to them, and also because she has useful skills others would not. Possibly a former OP, Republic or SSC general before now?
In order to take the throne, Tirathana VI toppled the Evora family, who had a better claim. They went into exile. It's mentioned in the bio of Sahome Tyral, the leader of the Aspirants, that Taenerys Evora tried to pull off a Return of the Queen and conquer Kaeshana with an army of mercenaries. But she was betrayed and beheaded.
So what if Yseult is a member of the Evora family? Related to Taenerys. Could still be a bastard. But she realised that their schemes are dumb. So after Taenerys (or gender flipped Viserys) speechified one too many times, she left them, joined a merc group and made a name for herself.
Eventually joined the military of one of the big powers at the time - Republic/OP/Fringe. Does stuff to rise in the ranks. Presumably gets involved in the One Sith War. Has retired by the time of the Kaeshana Rebellion. Gets hired by the Shadows after it.
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