Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NPCs by Sio


  • Group Name: The Faithful Community of Believers who Aspire to Ashira's Grace. Or the Aspirants for short, since the full name is clunky.
  • Classification: Religious Cult.
  • Headquarters: No planetary headquarters. Part of the Shadow Knights' migrant fleet. Individual cells, recruiters and preachers can be found in various Eldorai settlements or aboard Asur worldships. Congregations can also be found on Firemane space stations.
  • Loyalties: Eldorai, Sahome Tyral, Shadow Knights.
  • Group Sigil: The Aspirants use a rising sun as their symbol, for it represents the light of Ashira.
  • Description: The Aspirants are new Eldorai religious movement that has split off from the orthodox Church of Ashira. They are composed of those who believe that the true word of the Goddess has been forgotten and that the Church had traded it for mammon. Unlike some reactionary movements, the Aspirants take a more radical inclusive stance towards egalitarian religion. In what could be called a Reformation, they have abolished formal ecclesiastic ranks and returned to the teachings of the scriptures. In contrast to the orthodox Ashirans, they are strict monotheists.
  • Hierarchy: The hierarchy can be best described as presbyterian. They believe that where the mainline Eldorai went wrong was 'surrounding Ashira with a collar of bureaucracy'. However, they reject the idea that every congregation should be fully independent. Instead each local church is governed by a body of elected elders, which is usually called the consistory. Groups of local churches are governed by a higher assembly of clerics. They join together into a synod. All Aspirants together form the priesthood. Thus there is no strict separation between clerics and laypeople. The local elder is a learned Aspirant who guides her fellow believers by setting an example. The Aspirants use a conciliar method of church government, in other words leadership by council. Thus, the elders govern together as a group, and at all times the office is for the service of the congregation, to pray for them and to encourage them in the faith. Individual churches are still not fully independent, but answer to the wider church. Sahome Tyral refused the title of High Priestess of Ashira, but her word has tremendous weight. This has less to do with a formal position and more to do with her charismatic authority.
  • Membership: In principle the Aspirants are open to all Eldorai who agree with their principles. Those who embrace the faith undergo an initiation ceremony where they pledge themselves to Ashira. Members must not be associated with groups regarded as hostile to Eldorai interests. They must also pledge themselves to the Goddess and the defence of the freedom of the Eldorai people - within reason, obviously. Force-Sensitive priestesses tend to use empathic and healing powers in service of the Goddess. Some have even manifested farsight. However, the scale of their abilities varies. The Aspirants do maintain a militia to protect their members. Believers are encouraged to do their part to protect the local Eldorai community or colony ship they happen to belong to.

Dogma/Doctrines: The Aspirants' beliefs are best understood in relation to those of the orthodox Ashirans. Traditionally, the Eldorai are polytheistic, and citizens are allowed to believe in whomever they wish. However, all Gods and Goddesses are subordinate to the chief of the pantheon, Ashira the Great Goddess. Ashira is the creator of the Eldorai in their religion and is also the one who empowers each Star Queen with her authority. The Star Queen is not just a temporal ruler, but the High Priestess of Ashira.

The Eldorai creation myth postulates that In the beginning, Ashira was created by the sun, the moon and the stars to create a chosen race which would one day inherit the universe. She in turn created the pantheon, infusing part of her knowledge into each, and then formed the Eldorai to be perfect creatures in her image. Thus Ashiran faith does not incorporate a concept akin to original sin. Aside from Ashira, Chief of the Gods, Goddess of Light, Fire and the Air, the pantheon consists of the following deities:
  • Valora – Goddess of War and Honour.
  • Tyth – Goddess of the Oceans and Water.
  • Ardarvia – Goddess of Law, Order and Justice.
  • Liorre – Goddess of Craft and Trade.
  • Ferrano – God of Agriculture and Fertility.
  • Kyran – God of Nature and Animals
  • Illyria – Goddess of the Underworld and Death.

However, Illyria grew envious of Ashira's place and rebelled against the forces of light. To mock Ashira, she spawned demonic creatures.Illyria and Ashira are believed to have fought in an epic battle, at the end of which Illyria managed to wound but not kill Ashira. As punishment, Illyria and her followers were banished into the abyss beneath the earth. Meanwhile, Ashira ascended to the heavens. One day she is expected to return and lead her people to glory. Since Illyria turned on the queen of heaven and spawned demonic creatures, she's an object of fear and revulsion instead of worship. Those who transgress go to hell and suffer horrible punishment. By contrast, heaven is seen as a paradise for the faithful. When an Eldorai passes from the mortal veil, she is judged by the Goddess. All deeds, both good and bad, are laid bare before the Goddess, all lies fall away to reveal whether she has been virtuous in life and done good. Those who pass this trial are welcomed in the realm of Ashira. Their mortal lives are regarded as a mere prelude to this noble calling, for they are now reunited with their ancestors and the Heavenly Mother. Those who fail the divine judgement are cast down to Illyria's realm, where Ashira's fallen daughter plots against her mother and aims to ever despose her. But the dark one always fails in her schemes.

The Aspirants agree with the basics of the creation myth. Ashira was created as in the orthodox scriptures, made the Eldorai in her image, was betrayed by Illyria and ascended to heaven. Their views on the afterlife are also the same. However, the Aspirants reject the idea of a polytheistic pantheon. Valora, Ardarvia, Illyria etc. are not deities, but more comparable to angels. They are manifestations of Ashira's grace, given form by her divine will. They were made by Ashira and are thus not on the same level. As a consequence, Aspirants are prohibited from worshipping them. This is one of the stumbling blocks that prevents reunification between the churches. Moreover, the Aspirants do not regard the Star Queen as Ashira's viceroy. Rather they postulate that every believer can find her own way to the Heavenly Mother, without requiring a Queen or a cleric to act as an intermediary. This makes the Queen a purely secular ruler. Justification by scripture alone is one of their pillars. According to them, the believers must cat down the flummery, opulence and trappings of the old Church. Priestesses are expected to set an example by living in austerity. Of course, the Aspirant clerics are just as fallible as sentient beings everywhere, but that is the ideal.

The Aspirants promote modest attire and disdain wasteful use of hardearned money, which includes the purchase of luxuries. By working hard, a believer glorifies the Goddess. Those perceived as 'lazy' or unwilling to do their part are looked down upon. A believer is required to pursue a vocation with as much zeal as possible.

On the whole, the Aspirants are rather sceptical of monarchy. Several of them view it as blasphemous, proclaiming that Ashira is the only queen. However, being Eldorai, they are also sceptical of direct democracy. Some advocate a form of theodemocracy; a few would be content with a separation of Crown and Church, though they would probably still expect the spirit of Ashiran morality to permeate society. Sahome espouses republican views, though these are closer to oligarchy than representative or direct democracy. They strongly oppose the sale of indulgences. Indeed it was this practice that caused their spiritual founder, Sahome Tyral, to become an outspoken critic of the old Church. Her opposition culminated in her nailing 59 theses to the door of an Ashiran Cathedral.

Pan-Eldorai nationalism is another one of their pillars. The Aspirants are deeply opposed to forces they consider inimical to Eldorai. These include the First Order due to its occupation of Kaeshana, Sith and slavers. While not directly hostile, they have a negative opinion of Jedi, viewing their beliefs as incompatible with Eldorai traditions. The Aspirants believe that all those of Eldorai blood should unite and thus they welcome the Vashyada, Xioquo and Qadiri into their community, regarding them as fellow Asurans. However, they are more than a little patronising about it, as several of their leaders still believe the Eldorai have a 'civilisational mission' when it comes to their 'cousins'.

Like the mother church, the Aspirants are not pacifists. Nor do they subscribe to the idea that a priestess may not shed blood. Ashira may be the creator, but she is also the martial goddess of fire and a just war is regarded as righteous. Their opposition to the Crown has put the Aspirants in an enemy of my enemy situation with the Shadow Knights, an Eldorai rebel coalition. This has forced them to cooperate with groups they would normally consider heretical.

Regarding the topic of male rights, the Aspirants have conservative views, espousing the traditional matriarchal family structure. While they acknowledge that certain pragmatic concessions must be made in times of need, such as war, overall they believe that men should stay at home. According to one of their preachers, the Goddess' plan for a man is homemaking. There is no higher goal a man may desire and no nobler calling for him in this world. It his duty to be a helpmate for his wife, look after the children and take care of the domestic sphere. They believe that family structures are crumbling and view this with concern. From the very beginning, the Goddess created men to be fathers and homemakers. She created the family unit, with clear roles and guidance for each person in it. A man must love his wife, love his children, be discreet, be virtuous, a good homemaker and obedient to his wife, so that the word of the Goddess is not blasphemed. Within his goddess-appointed, a man is a king, outside of it he is in trouble. It is a vital part of how a man can bring the Goddess glory in his daily life. He must raise his wife's children to be good, hard-working and virtuous. Strong churches and strong communities cannot be built without strong homes, which requires both genders to fulfil their divinely-ordained duties. One might note that the Aspirants make no distinction between adopted and biological children. This is in keeping with common Eldorai views.

The Church is also still somewhat xenophobic concerning non-Eldorai. They should be treated well, but not as well as Eldorai. The Aspirants stress that the Eldorai must take pride in themselves and their own culture, instead of following foreign fads. Outsiders may have superior technology, but Eldorai have souls created by the Goddess. However, this does not translate into rejection of foreign know-how. Instead the Aspirants stress that Eldorai should learn to master foreign technology so that they can develop it on their own and use it for the benefit of their people, without abandoning their values. They encourage traditional Eldorai attire, food and music. Likewise, they are opposed to marriages between Eldorai and non-Eldorai. They are still rather racist towards Kar'zun. Unsurprisingly for Eldorai, the Aspirants have very uncompromising views on slavery, viewing it as a great evil and those who promote or profit from it as the lowest of scum. Consequently their methods for punishing slavers are extremely harsh. This is probably one of the few things virtually every Eldorai group agrees on.

  • Curios: 'Liber Ashira' - the Ashiran holy book. Also copies of Sahome's 59 theses.
  • Goals: To uphold and propagate the true faith, free oppressed Eldorai, offer them shelter, salvation. Build a new home for their people.
  • Sahome Tyral: Priestess, chairs the Holy Synod. Officially first among equals, who is more equal than the others.
  • Holy Synod: Highest committee of the Church.
  • Lilandra Taeyr: Disciple of the Aspirants, warrior, commander of the Icewind Ravagers.


The history of the Aspirants is tied closely to that of Sahome Tyral, their founder and spiritual guide. It was Sahome whose fomented the split in the Ashiran Church that ultimately led to the creation of the breakway movement. Ironically, this was far from her intention, for she wanted to reform the Church, not found a counter-church. Then again it can be argued that the schism was a long time coming. Sahome was born in the town of Nadana, Kaeshana, a bit away from the capital city Santaissa. Her mother was a copper miner, who eventually became a town councillor. Sahome studied law, but eventually became a cleric after her sister died in a pirate raid. She quickly rose through the ranks of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, making a name for herself for her fiery orator, incorruptibility and ascetic life style.

Sahome dedicated herself to the Church, devoting herself to fasting, long hours in prayer, pilgrimage and frequent confession. Her drive to be a good Ashiran seemed obsessive. Later on she described this period of her life as one of spiritual despair, noting that she lost touch with Ashira the Merciful and had instead turned her into a jailer of her soul. Her superior turned her mind away from constant reflection on her sins towards the merits of the Goddess. She was soon ordained and began to teach theology at a local university.

She visited Santaissa on behalf of her order and was appalled by the corruption she found there. Her journeys to various backwater settlements had exposed her to the poverty many ordinary Eldorai lived in, yet many of the high clerics were corrupt and debauched. At first, Sahome seemed like an orthodox cleric with a bright future ahead of her. Orthodox thinkers praised her when she published a rebuttal of the theories of the heretic Charae Dawai, who had been imprisoned for claiming that humans and Eldorai shared a common origin. When Star Queen Tirathana VI banished an entire commune of Illyria worshippers, Sahome wrote an article praising the sovereign for removing demon worshippers from Kaeshana. The authorities took notice and expected great things of her. Eventually she was made an Abbess. However, she became increasingly angry about the clergy selling indulgences. These promised remission from sin and were supposed to work in a dead soul's favour when it was being judged in the afterlife. Sahome regarded this as hypocritical, for scripture said that it was the Goddess and her court who deliberated upon whether an Eldorai's good deeds outweighed her bad ones. Those judged as good-hearted were granted entrance into heaven, while the wicked were cast into Illyria's hellish pit. The Goddess' favour could not be bought.

A believer could aspire to Ashira's grace by faith alone. She became enraged when the Ashiran Church sent a cleric called Johaena Teatzel to her home province to sell indulgences to raise money in order to build a grand temple in Santaissa. Both clerics clashed in public. Sahome is said to have burned the commissioner's indulgence papers. Eventually things came to head when Sahome nailed her 59 theses on the door of the local cathedral. At this stage she was still a moderate, believing she could reform the Church from within. She was also a strong supporter of the Monarchy. To her, the Star Queen was still Ashira's viceroy. Rebellion against her was not just treason, but heresy. Indeed, Sahome seemed convinced that the Queen herself was righteous, but misled by bad advisers. However, this rosy view of the Queen would not last. She wrote a series of pamphlets outlining her ideas, such as 'To the Ashiran Nobility' and 'On the Freedom of an Ashiran Woman'.

However, her actions attracted the attention of the Temple of Ardarvia. Arvardia was the Eldorai Goddess of Law, Order and Justice and her clerics acted as inquisitors, charged with ensuring that all believers remained true to orthodoy and did not stray. During a sermon, Sahome was arrested and informed that the Star Queen had excommunicated her. She was then brought to Santaissa, where she was put on trial by a religious court. What worked in Sahome's favour was that some nobles felt sympathy for her cause - or at least saw her as a useful pawn in the game of thrones.

This may have prevented her from having an accident on the way. Or just being sent to the Island of Fallen Angels. After being interrogated by the inquisitors, she was put on trial. There Sahome was given copies of her writing and asked if the books were hers, and whether she stood by their contents. Sahome confirmed that she was the author, but refused to recant. The Ardarvian cleric presiding over the tribunal declared her a Dark Eldorai and heretic. This made it a crime for anyone to give her food or shelter. Anyone who aided her would be declared an enemy of the Crown and the Faith. It also permitted anyone to kill her without legal consequences. Her family was put under pressure to disavow her. However, her allies managed to break her out of prison, posing as guards. Otherwise she would have probably been executed.

Forced to flee Kaeshana, she acquired a following among the Eldorai exiles. A pretender to the Eldorai throne called Taenarys Evora tried to manipulate the religious leader and use her movement for her own purposes, but Sahome humiliated the claimant during an audience, prophesying a grim future for her. Her predictions turned out to be correct because Taenarys' attempt to conquer Kaeshana with an army of sellswords ended in defeat. As the Aspirants' numbers soared, it became clear that they needed some formal organisation. Sahome refused the position of High Priestess, regarding it as blasphemous, though she consented to chairing the synod.

Meanwhile, changes were taking place on Kaeshana. Queen Tirathana VII, daughter of the queen who had branded Sahome a heretic, abolished religious persecution and proclaimed freedom of conscience. She also tried to reduce the influence of the nobility and ecclesiastical hierarchy and create opportunities for lowborn Eldorai. However, foreign ideas were also finding their way into Eldorai society, many of which Sahome disapproved of. Troubled by visions of a coming doom, Sahome decided to take advantage of a royal amnesty and return to Kaeshana. This was controversial among the Aspirants and caused some of them to break off and form their own sect. Sahome exerted a calming influence during the Netherworld Event, when many Eldorai believed the end of days was at hand. However, Aspirants and conservative Ashirans also clashed violently.

Once the crisis had passed, Sahome believed the great doom had been averted. This was an error. The story of the Exodus has been told many times. Suffice to say a massive asteroid collided with Kaeshana. Some religious fanatics saw it as Ashira's punishment for straying from the old ways and consorting with foreign devils. Having been forewarned, the Eldorai and Firemane made a colossal effort to save as many Eldorai as possible. More than three billion could be saved and evacuated to Tygara. Firemane's warships were able to drastically reduce the asteroid in size. This mitigated the destruction caused by it. However, some Eldorai had to be left behind. They were forced to eke out an existence in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and cursed those who had gotten away. They called themselves the Forsaken. Menaced by slavers and corsairs, the Forsaken vied amongst themselves over the scarce resources. Rather than save herself, Sahome chose to stay behind on Kaeshana. Some of her disciples were sent offworld to make sure her message stayed alive. Others stayed on the doomed planet.

She was ministering to the Forsaken in an underground shelter when the asteroid impacted. She was among those who tried to wrest some order from the chaos. This forced the Aspirants to make some rather unorthodox alliances. Initial contact with the Shadow Knights was hostile. Sahome, who was still somewhat wedded to the idea that the cataclysm might have been a divine punishment, thought poorly of them, since many of their members were secularists. They also made deals with some warlords, whom she considered to be inimical. Thus she encouraged her followers to oppose them and fighting ensued. However, this was disadvantageous, as it helped split the Eldorai.

Unexpectedly, the Shadow Knights came to her aid when her followers were assailed by foreign raiders. Sahome realised that she had let pride get in the way of the greater good. After a very heated debate, the Aspirants' synod decided to agree to an alliance of necessity. Supplies and resources were scarce, Kaeshana was facing a new ice age and a lot of Eldorai blood had been spilt over the past few months. The network the Aspirants had built among Eldorai exiles and exodites gathered donations for the Forsaken, which helped them survive the Long Night. However, tensions remained strong. Indeed the Aspirants and the Illyrians among the Shadows were close to open warfare, when the GA, Firemane and the Tygaran Eldorai Matriarchy launched a humanitarian mission to help the Forsaken. The First Order also took an interest in Kaeshana, seeking to annex it. Conflict ensued, leading to the Kaeshana Rebellion. Followers of the Aspirants took part in the conflict alongside the Shadows and other Eldorai rebels that had allied with the Alliance. However, the Shadows were forced to retreat after the Alliance's forces withdrew from the planet.

For the time being, the Aspirants are part of the Shadows' nomadic fleet. A few of them have joined the ruling council. Service guarantees citizenship in the Shadow Knights, and so Aspirants who belong to the movement are encouraged to do their part. Traditionally, new recruits for the Shadow Knights must be vetted by a committee consisting of an Aspirant, a Rationalist and an Illyrian to ensure that they will not be a disruptive influence in the rebel coalition. However, the alliance is an awkward one and several Aspirants are not wedded to it. With the Eldorai Exodus from Tygara, some of them see a chance to reform the mother Church. Others, who believe the gulf is too wide and the old Church has compromised itself too much, believe now is the hour to gather all true believers and find a home for them, away from the pernicious influences of heresy, securalism and materialism. Relations with the Old Church continue to be problematic. A few conclaves have been held. In the best tradition of conclaves, they have produced little of substance beyond general declarations. Both sides are hesitant of going too far, lest their constituents see them as selling out.

The Aspirants maintain congregations on various Eldorai colony ships and independent settlements. They still have followers and sympathisers among the Eldorai who have remained loyal to the Crown. Some of the more radical Shadow Knights see these contacts as evidence of reactionary leanings and lack of revolutionary zeal. This especially applies to the Blades of Reason, who represent the most radical Rationalists. Ironically, despite Sahome's personal feelings on the megacorporation, Firemane space stations and worldships are a good place for the Aspirants to congregate on and proselytise because the company has a policy of religious tolerance. Firemane lets them preach as long as they don't break the law or incite others to do so.


  • Intent: Further flesh out Order of Fire and Firemane forces. Unlike the Forcer units I've subbed in the past, this is a mixed unit of both Force-users and Non-Force-Users, with the latter being in the majority. They trade specialisation for greater versatility and availability.

  • Image Credit: Here. Kalsifer by Fetsch on Deviantart.

  • Role: Shock troops, commandos.

  • Links: Firemane Industries.
They can use Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers equipment due to Firemane gaining access to ARGH tech in this thread. Firemane obtained a supply contract that allows it to use Fire for Effect gear here.


  • Availability: Rare

  • Deployment: Limited.
Strengths & Weaknesses: The Fireguard's greatest strength is their versatility, discipline and skill. Each squad has a Knight, one or two Apprentices and seven to eight NFU soldiers. They combine firepower and understanding of small unit tactics with the ability of martial Force-users to use their powers as a force multiplier on the battlefield. Rather than death charge or play hero, the Force-users integrate their powers their mysitcal powers into the unit structure. Force-Sensitve Fireguards are taught telekinesis, basic physical enhancement and summoning Force barriers. Some can use the Force to heal injuries, though grievous ones will have to be treated by medical professionals away from the battlefield. However, each squad only has three Force-users max, of which only one is a Knight. Moreover, Force-Sensitive Fireguard focus on the Core Powers, which can leave them vulnerable against hostile Force-users with a more exotic or broader skill set. If deprived of the Force via ysalamiri, Voidstone or similar, they will have to fall back on conventional options and be deprived of their biggest advantage.

Being light, mobile infantry, the Fireguards are are vulnerable to 'heavy' units such as formations of tanks and walkers, long range bombardment via artillery or airpower. They have portable missile launchers to deal with armoured vehicles or attacking aircraft, but these are only available on a limited basis. Their focus on mobility means that they do not carry weapons such as rotary cannons, heavy repeating blasters or e-webs, and will thus have to rely on support units to provide that sort of firepower.

The Fireguard is also a rather small unit, which limits how many soldiers can be deployed in any given situation. They can lead a charge, seize a bridgehead or carry out commando actions, but they would be hard-pressed to hold territory for a prolonged period without support, especially when confronted with superior enemy numbers. Their body armour is good, but only has minor lightsabre resistance. The NFU soldiers are well-trained and experienced, but they are normal mortals who lack cybernetic or genetic enhancements. Thus they must rely on skill, teamwork and ingenuity rather than superhuman abilities.


The Fireguard is the unit most members of the martial arm of the Order of Fire end up in. One of the sources of inspiration were the Clone Wars and the Jedi's role in the Grand Army of the Republic - and the issues arising from it. From the point of view of Firemane's leaders, the Jedi were ill-suited to act as Generals, as they lacked the necessary training and mind set. However, they did well commanding small units, such as by leading clone troopers in a charge across enemy lines to seize a tactical position, or by directing squads of commandos. If used the right way, Force-users can be force multipliers on the battlefield, increasing the chance of victory and the survival rate among their non-Force-using comrades. However, this requires mutual respect, discipline and a knowledge of small unit tactics.

Another source of inspiration were Siobhan Kerrigan's own experiences with Omega Pyre. Siobhan joined the paramilitary corporation after becoming disillusioned with the Republic's Jedi Order. Here she was a soldier, not a paladin or a space monk. She served along 'common' soldiers and officers, earned their respect by sharing their struggles and rose through the ranks. Force-users were integrated directly into the military hierarchy. She tried to apply the lessons she had learned during this time after founding the Order of Fire, Firemane's Force-using branch. Thus Force-users and Force blind soldiers live together, train together and fight together. They are also subject to the same type of military discipline, up to and including punishments for deviation from it. The basis of the Fireguard is the squad. Each squad is commonly composed of one Knight, one or two Apprentices and seven to eight elite Force blind soldiers.

Any Force-using Fireguard is taught some basic, but essential rules. Such as not running in front of her unit and charging off on her lonesome, not violating the chain of command, not assuming that the Force blind should treat her with reverence because she is a Force-user and the apprentice of an important Master of the Order, not playing mystic in front of her troops and not carelessly activating her lightsabre while advancing on an enemy position. They are also instructed to find ways to integrate their mystical powers into a squad structure. The use of healing and Force barriers is probably self-explanatory, but even physical enhancement and telekinesis specialists can find ways to be helpful for the group as a whole. Awe-inspiring, lone wolf acts of bravado are frowned upon, as they tend to be suicidal.

All Fireguards, no matter whether they can use the Force or not, wear full armour, including a helmet. Force-Sensitive Fireguards usually carry a lightsabre, a combat knife, a sidearm, some grenades, rifle and a wrist weapon of some sort. A squad's automatic rifleman would provide fire support and suppressive fire with a squad automatic weapon. Heavy support weapons are utilised by heavy weapons specialists. These are usually left to NFU grunts, but a Force-user who is physically strong or good at physical enhancement is likely to carry the heavy support weapon or squad automatic weapon or spare ammunition for either.

More lightly armed Force-Sensitive comrades can make themselves by carrying essential items such as comms and sensor gear, spare ammo packs and medical supplies. Spreading the load lightens the burden for the entire team and makes it more mobile overall. Force-Sensitive Fireguards are taught to listen to the Force blind NCO. This especially applies to Apprentices, as a battle-hardened Sergeant will know far more about war than they do. Should the Knight in command of a squad fall in combat or be otherwise incapacitated, the Sergeant will take charge until a replacement can be designated. The Apprentice can advise on matters they have expertise in, such as certain preternatural phenomena. But they are expected to obey their superiors. For this reason the Fireguard looks for confident, experienced NFU troopers who can hold their own and will not be awed by space magic tricks. Practicality aside, this is also a security in case a Force-user decides to go rogue for this or that reason. Fireguard training emphasises disciplined fire over blazing away. It also teaches skills in melee combat and hand-to-hand. Above all, it stresses the importance of teamwork.

Compared to say the Order of Fire Silencers or the Circle of Yarkul, the skill set of Force-Sensitive Fireguards is far less exotic. They are taught the Core Powers that would be familiar to most classical Jedi or Sith. Their strength does not lie in exotic powers, but in their discipline, resolve, equipment and a good mix of conventional and preternatural powers. Many members of the Order of Fire's martial arm spend at least some time in the Fireguard before they move on to perform more specialised roles. This gives them an idea of military life and enhances cohesion. Meritorious service in the Fireguard also looks good on the record, which is helpful for promotions and pay raises. Moreover, it builds trust and respect on both ends. Common Firemane soldiers gain a better understanding of the Force - and its limitations. This also helps them combat hostile Force-users. They also get to know the Order of Fire members as comrades instead of distant space wizards. Like the other formations of the Order of Fire, the Fireguard uses a dual rank system for its Force-users. Thus they have both a rank in the Order and in the army. They are expected to refer to themselves and their comrades using their army ranks though, as this makes everyone's place in the chain of command transparent. For instance, Tempest would be addressed as Major, not Master or Mistress. Outside of the battlefield they wear Firemane uniforms, as Order of Fire members only don robes on ceremonial occasions.

The Fireguard has been involved in most conflicts Firemane fought in. Examples include the second Cleansing of Gehenna, the Eldorai Exodus, the Xioquo War, the Kaeshana Rebellion and the Discovery of Tephrike. They can also be hired out to other parties provided their pay well and Firemane does not find their beliefs and methods disagreeable. Lady Kerrigan still takes a strong personal interest in the Fireguard. Tempest and Leonina Varkathras are senior field officers in the unit and have often led elements of it in battle. Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori is presently a brevet Second Lieutenant. The famously foul-mouthed, tough and strong Sergeant Freya Solveig has done tours of duty with the unit. She is notorious for not being awed by Force-users and for disabusing uppity apprentices of any notions of superiority. Sometimes in the boxing ring. On the whole, the Fireguard's perception of the Force is rather demystified. It is regarded as a source of strength that can be used for good or ill. There is a tendency towards what could be termed secularism, though individual members are free to believe in whatever higher powers they like, provided they do not espouse principles that stand in conflict with Firemane's laws and mission statement.

It is common for Force-Sensitive Fireguard to train while being exposed to ysalamiri, so that they learn how to fight even in situations where they are deprived of their biggest advantage. Joint training sessions between Force-users and Non-Force-Users are very common. It is an unofficial rule in Firemane that apprentices – especially unusually strong ones – get paired with extremely gruff, demanding NCOs as part of their education. If they pass this trial, it shows they're good. If not, they don't have what it takes and are sent back home.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

1. Replaced rotary cannons with light repeating blasters.

2. I'll use the 1st pic.


Valiens Nantaris said:
I think the weaknesses are fine. They're shock troops, so they lack AP weapons.

They have anti-armour missile launchers, but only a small number.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


  • Group Name: Daughters of the Destroyer. Karish'zar Qis'khar'i'z in Xio.
  • Classification: Religious Cult.
  • Headquarters: Based on the Arx Aeternae, but have a presence on Firemane stations and space habitats Xioquo live on.
  • Loyalties: House Kerrigan-Alcori, Siobhan Kerrigan.
  • Group Sigil: Circle with downward facing triangle piercing the sky.
  • Description: The Daughters of the Destroyer are a Xioquo cult that arose in the aftermath of the fall of the Underealm. They venerate Siobhan Kerrigan and her family and see themselves as a legion of faithful acolytes and warriors. It is rather influential in Xioquo society.
  • Hierarchy: They are organised in small cells called hosts, which are led by a Host Commander. These form chapters, led by a Centurion. Overall authority is vested in the Champion of the Destroyer, who acts as a High Priestess. Their self-perception as warrior-priestesses is reflected in their martial titltes. Many of the high-ranking clerics of the cult are Force-Sensitive, though their degree of training varies. The most martially inclined Force-using cultists are organised in a militant sect called the Heralds of the Destroyer. The Daughters have ties to the Coven of Tlaxqui. Indeed, there is some overlap in membership.
  • Membership: Must be a female Xioquo. Must be prepared to show their loyalty and swear a blood oath to the Destroyer. Former slaves, lower caste members and individuals who were persecuted by the old order are preferred. Force-users who join the cult tend to be darksiders or grey. Light Siders are drawn to the Seekers of the Sky, who have the support of Queen Lia.
Dogma/Doctrines: The Daughters of the Destroyer are an all-female, Xioquo cult that worships Siobhan Kerrigan as a deity. They refer to her as the Karishzar, which is the Xio word for Destroyer. In the old days, the Xioquo worshipped their goddess Mystra, or, as they call her, Myrou. To them she was their creator (which is technically true, as she is the first of her race) and from her the Force flowed and empowered their children. Minor deities were also worshipped, but all were subordinate to Mystra. They believed that she slept beneath Tlaxqui and would one day rise and judge her people. The faithful who would have proven their worth to take over Tygara, the weak would be purged. In the meantime, a scheming cabal of slaveholding, dark side matriarchs ruled in her name. Many of these beliefs were shattered when their subterranean realm fell to the Tygaran Alliance. Mystra was awakened by desperate matriarchs, but turned out to be a menace to her own people, feeding on Xioquo and enemy soldiers alike to increase her power. Ultimately she was slain by Siobhan Kerrigan with the help of her allies.

The Daughters of the Destroyer believe that by killing Mystra, the Karishzar proved herself to be the stronger goddess. Thus she has taken her place in their mind. Moreover, she also put an end to slavery, setting countless Xioquo free. Finally, she gave the Xioquo access to more advanced technology and, ultimately, took them to the stars during the exodus from Tygara. In the eyes of the cultists, this makes her worthy of worship. However, they also have a rather apocalyptic mind set and see themselves as a martial organisation. Those who fight and die worthily in the cause of the Destroyer are assured paradise. The Destroyer has a benign side, but is also dangerous, and must be appeased by shedding the blood of her enemies.

In addition to venerating the Karishzar, the Daughters have also found a place in their pantheon for her family. Tegaea Alcori is regarded as the Consort of the Destroyer, who can appease the Great One's rage. Their adoptive daughter Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori is the Daughter of the Destroyer. Her fire is a manifestation of the Destroyer's will. It is pertinent to point out that both are deeply uncomfortable with these religious zealots. Interestingly, the cult has also added some of Siobhan Kerrigan's enemies in their belief system. Matsu Xiangu, a very powerful Sith Lady who fought both Siobhan and Elpsis in several duels, is regarded as an evil goddess who stands opposed to Karishzar. This ties in with the Daughters' apocalyptic beliefs, as they expect a battle where the legions of both deities will face each other.

Xioquo are the least wedded to the necessity of biological children. They make no distinction between adopted and biological ones: a child is yours if you acknowledge it. Thus the cultists consider themselves all of the Destroyer's daughters. She just has not acknowledged them yet. Xioquo are the most sexist of all the Eldorai races - and that's saying something - so the cult is only open to Xioquo females. On a practical side, the cult encourages its members to familiarise themselves with modern technology, including medicine, starships, droids and cybernetics. Xioquo are said to have metal minds. For Tygara the Xioquo were quite advanced technologically. Scientists, doctors, machinists and engineers are held in high regard by the cult, for they produce the tools that allow the faithful to prevail. The Daughters see no contradiction between science and religion. Indeed, they maintain that one reinforces the other. Thus they see it as their duty to acquire, record, guard and pass on the knowledge to construct advanced technology. The majority of the Xioquo were slaves and thus did not learn how to read or write. So the cult strives to improve literacy, viewing this as a sacred obligation. It is supervised by the Keeper of the Word. The Daughters view this as the battle of the mind. It is likened to the battle of the sword, which is fought by warriors. Unsurprisingly, the Daughters value martial aptitude highly.
  • Curios: A link from a broken chain, symbolising their liberation. Tattoos are also common. These tend to display the group sigil or have martial themes.
  • Goals: Spread the Word of the Karishzar, combat her enemies, expand and educate the Xioquo.
  • Quas'Ziru: Champion of the Destroyer, High Priestess.
  • Karrigan'Xihuitl: Keeper of the Word.
  • Zai’Itzcatl: Centurion.
  • Karrigan'Xalda: Host Commander, Warrior of the Heralds of the Destroyer.

Xioquo society has always been steeped in the Dark Side. For centuries, the drows were governed by a ruthless mageocracy where only those who pursued the path of Darkness ended up on the top. Thousands laboured as slaves to serve the whims of the mistresses who sat on the top of the pyramid. The disobedient were brutally punished and often sacrificed in ghastly rituals to power war machines or be turned into abominations. Believing that Tygara was theirs by right and that one day their 'demigoddess' Mystra would awaken to lead them to conquer Tygara, the Xioquo warred against their neighbours and rivals, the Qadiri and Vashyada. While the technologically most advanced of Tygara's natives, their low population, incessant power struggles and the constant need to be on their guard against slave revolts kept them from fulfilling their potential.

Nemesis came to their subterranean kingdom, the Underealm, when a coalition of Firemane, Eldorai and Qadiri forces invaded their territory, defeated their armies and war beasts, and finally slew Mystra herself. By that time many Xioquo had become disillusioned with their creator since she fed on them just as enthusiastically as on their enemies. Slaves rebelled, seeing a chance to cast down their chains, and the remaining mistresses finally capitulated.

Trials were held for a number of war criminals, slavery was abolished and a new government was set up. The present Queen of the Xioquo, Liavondra, is an adept of the Light Side, who seeks to lead her people on a better path. However, change is difficult to bring about and thus has to proceed in slow steps. Slowly weaning them off despotism, and reclaiming their independence would take time. A number of Xioquo exploited their new freedom to explore what lies beyond the Underealm, and eventually Tygara. Several of these more adventurous drows joined Firemane's ranks.

During her campaign, the Xioquo had conferred the title of Karishzar upon Siobhan Kerrigan. It means Destroyer in their language. At first it was supposed to condemn her as an abomination that threatened everything the Matriarchy stood for her. To many freed slaves, it became the title of a liberator, for it showed the hated mistresses feared her. A select number of Xioquo went a step further and came to see the Karishzar as a Goddess. By slaying Mystra, she had taken her place and set the dark elves free.

Fittingly, the founder of the Daughters of the Destroyer was a former priestess. Her name was Qas'Ziru. Once she had been a cleric before being betrayed and enslaved in one of the perennial power plays, for the totalitarian régime had branded her a traitor. When Mystra arose from her slumber, the dark one required sacrificial lambs to feed on to fuel her power. Ziru was one of those who should have been fed to her. Being tormented by Xioquo inquisitors had left Ziru deeply scarred and more than a little unhinged. However, she was saved from getting her own heart torn out when Siobhan Kerrigan slew Mystra. Ziru witnessed the dark one's destruction. This moment changed her life forever. To her it was no simple liberation. It was a divine revelation.

Ziru was one of many freed, malnourished prisoners who were fed, clothed and cared for by the Firemane-led liberation force in the aftermath of the fall of the Underealm. Unlike many of them, she took her gratitude to extreme lengths. She was probably not in the stablest frame of mind. Either way, she began preaching what she considered to be the word of the Destroyer. Her first followers were found among freed slaves. Firemane's assault on the Underealm had triggered a revolt in the slave pens, with the slaves taking revenge on the guards and mistresses. As it became clear the battle could not be won, many slave-soldiers had laid down their arms and surrendered to the invaders.

At first, the occupation authorities were wary of the cult. Religious zealotry could easily turn into a source of unrest. The cult was rather willing to help the occupation, provide mutual aid to former slaves and combat crime. But it had a tendency towards taking the law into its own hands. Many of its members had been wronged by the old order and this was a convenient time to settle scores. However, new administration needed the cooperation of the surviving matriarchs. If they were alienated and saw no place for themselves in the new order, there would be a bloody insurgency. This caused tension when cultists turned to vigilante justice, which resulted in a number of them being detained. Other cultists tried to turn the site of Mystra's last stand into a place of pilgrimage, which proved problematic because the dark side energies that permeated it had a very detrimental effect on the sanity of sentient beings.

Finally, when it seemed like things would come to head, Qas'Ziru was unexpectedly granted a private audience with Siobhan Kerrigan. Tegaea was present at the audience, and became extremely uncomfortable when Ziru started worshipping and prostrating herself before Siobhan. Siobhan, on the other hand, saw value in the cult. Ziru's reverence for her undoubtedly stroked her large ego. However, she laid down the law. The wild killings had to cease. She needed disciplined followers, not lawless vigilantes whose actions produced instability. She had cast down Mystra and, unlike her, she would turn her promises into a reality. Zisu and her acolytes could spread her word and be her sword. Ziru spent a day or two in the midst of her idol, then returned home to put the cult in order. The process was not bloodless, but she managed to forge it into a disciplined organisation.

Rumours that the Karishzar stood behind the group caused member numbers to soar. For a while, the Daughters had to institute a cap on new members, for they were concerned about being inundated with opportunists and fair-weather friends. Aristocrats and former régime personnel were excluded from membership, for they were regarded as tainted. The cult began to pursue an educational mission, trying to learn as much about outsider technology as possible so that they could educate their people and thus improve their lives. Naturally, many also pursued martial vocations. Several members of the cult joined the militia or the Firemane auxiliary corps. The Firemane resident, Kaylah Danton, and Queen Lia continued to view the cult with concern.

But its members proved their resolve when they rallied around the flag during a Kraal raid on Tygara, aiding in the defence of the Underealm against the lizardmen. In this fight, a group of Daughters were immortalised in the cult's mythology when they met superior Kraal forces in battle, fighting to the last drop of blood. Their sacrifice bought time for the defenders to rally and defeat the assault. The cult hailed them as martyrs. The Daughters also took to the battlefield during an insurgency of die-hard Mystra fanatics. They took brutal vengeance when the insurgents captured, tortured and murdered a number of Daughters, who refused to recant their faith even under torture. These martyrdoms helped strengthen the cult. It became apparent that the group was not about to vanish. They also competed with other Xioquo groups for influence, such as the Seekers of the Sky. This is a sect of Light Side adepts inspired by the example of Lia. Siobhan has alternated between staying aloof and intervening to ensure their jockeying does not get out of hand. Several Daughters in the auxiliary corps and other Firemane formations got the chance to leave the stars, often serving with distinction on the battlefield. One of their enthusiastic converts was a young Xioquo warrior called Karrigan'Xalda. The young woman had once been the slave-soldier of a cruel mistress. She became acquainted with Siobhan when her mistress sent her to the Firemane CEO as a 'gift' prior to the fall of the Underealm. In reality, Xalda had been given the task to poison Siobhan. But the Firemane leader had figured out her true purpose and managed to sway the young Xioquo to her cause. Xalda would eventually join the Order of Fire.

The Daughters also became rivals of the Cataphracts of the Ascending Phoenix. This is a Qadiri warrior cult that also worships Siobhan, regarding her as a demigoddess and daughter of Kashara, the chief goddess of the Qadiri pantheon. It was founded by a Qadiri warrior called Shandiyaa, who had served in the army of the Mirza of Lakish and fought the Xioquo during her mistress' failed assault on the Underealm, prior to the Firemane-led campaign. Siobhan and a Firemane task force had come to the aid of the Lakishi in that battle, saving them from disaster. Qadiri and Xioquo have been historical rivals for many centuries, and the age-old antagonism between them has not vanished over night. So both sects compete for Siobhan's favour. Their idol alternates between being amused and exasperated by this. Bloodletting aside, Xioquo have an aptitude for technical professions, which has been helpful for adjusting to the larger Galaxy. Many have found employment maintaining the space habitats Firemane built, as they make good engineers and learn fast.

When the leaders of the Eldorai and the native races decided to evacuate Tygara and seek out a new elsewhere, all the Daughters got to see the stars. They were assigned space to build a temple on the Arx, though they also established small congregations on space habitats and colony ships. Time has not diminished the fire that burns inside Quas'Ziru. She is certain that the hour of the Karish'zar Qis'khar'i'z will come.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


  • Intent: Further flesh out the Shadow Knights.
  • Image Credit: Here. Found on By Michael Weisheim Beresin.
  • Role: Assault troopers, boarding infantry.
  • Links: Eldorai.
  • Availability: Rare.
  • Deployment: Minor.

Strengths & Weaknesses: Dedicated, zealous, crack soldiers. Their training is focused zero-G combat, sabotage, boarding and counterboarding actions. Their training emphasies disciplined fire over blazing away. The Shadow Knights' resources are limited, so their soldiers are taught to make the most of what they have. Due to the nature of their work, they have soldiers with some slicing or the ability to pilot starfighters and other space-based means of transport. This not their primary vocation, so they are not master slicers or aces, but it helps them complete their missions and survive. However, they are common soldiers with no superpowers, genetic or cybernetic enhancements. They bleed, tire and feel pain like normal mortals do.

If confronted by Force-users, they will have to rely on skill, discipline, conventional weapons and simple luck. Moreover, they have only a few heavy weapons at their disposal, which can put them at a disadvantage, especially if they find themselves engaged in ground combat. Their armour gives them an advantage against enemies, but is still vulnerable to lightsabres, heavy weapons and strong explosions. As their armour is powered, strong EMP blasts are also an issue. The overall unit is quite small, which limits the number of soldiers that can be deployed into a combat zone at any given time. Thus they must rely on skill rather than sheer numbers.

Seizing a small shadowport, a subcapital ship or say a cruiser is obviously a lot easier than attempting to take over a Star Destroyer, given the huge on-board garrison such a warship has. Since boarding actions are their main vocation, they are used to close quarters combat. If taken out of their element, they would probably be at a disadvantage. They are also not equipped to take out 'heavy' armour formations, which can be an issue on the ground. They are a strike unit, meant to be inserted into a place, seize or sabotage an objective, and then depart. Their zeal and bravery, while an asset, can also be used against them. During the Long Night, some members brought shame on the Espatiers by collaborating with the enemy. They are rather adamant about removing this taint, which can manifest in acts of overconfidence and ill-advised bravery, when it would be more advisable to retreat or reevaluate a situation rather than fight on out of stubbornness. Cowardice is treated as a cardinal sin.


Starships are very expensive, and quite valuable, especially military ones. Sometimes it is a better move to board and capture one instead of destroying it. Sometimes it is even easier to do so. At least this is what the Shadow Knights believe. Their rag-tag fleet can always use new additions, especially since they lack shipyards and thus must rely on what ships they can seize or scavenge. For this reason, the Espatiers exist. They are specially trained in Zero-G combat and the art of boarding and seizing control over starships. Of course, they are also skilled in counterboarding actions. The Shadow Knights do, after all, often encounter foes with the same general idea, such as slavers and Kraal raiders. Combating them is essential for the protection of the nomad fleet.

Comparisons can be drawn with the Zero-G Assault Stormtroopers of the First Galactic Empire, though the Shadow Knights are a rebel alliance and a nomad fleet, not an interstellar government. Still, their duties are similar. They are specialised infantry equipped and trained to capture enemy vessels intact. Members are chosen for loyalty, skill and dedication. Since they will often find it difficult to get support after boarding an enemy ship, initiative is very important.

To help them perform their missions, they have access to powered zero-G armour that possesses integrated life support systems for deep-space operations and combat. They also make use of specialised boarding craft. They often make use of boarding harpoons filled with coma gas. These are launched at enemy vessels, and upon contact the gas is released, rendering those who come into contact with it unconscious. This can help them take control over a ship without firing a shot, though of course the usual countermeasures apply when dealing with gasuous attacks.

The Espatiers have their roots in the efforts of Naesala Faethyra to protect the Eldorai people. Naesala was a career soldier who'd served the Crown during the reign of Tirathana VI. In this time Kaeshana was a reactionary, isolationist place. The Queen stubbornly tried to keep the Eldorai out of the galaxy. Thus she used the Angelii and political expedients to crack down on anyone who dared suggest accommodation with offworlders. She had the not illogical fear that if the Eldorai opened themselves up to the galaxy they would be tempted to turn away from traditional values. In all fairness, most outsiders who'd come to Kaeshana had hostile intent. Kaeshana was attacked by pirates and raiders, who regarded the technologically inferior Eldorai as easy prey.

Naesala was a distinguished soldier who sought to take the initiative against the pirates and slavers that preyed on the Eldorai, by acquiring spaceships and foreign tech. However she'd been smacked down for breaking the willow pallisade of isolation. Eventually, she deserted, becoming a soldier of fortune and a leader among the exiles. Many years later, she returned after learning of the imminent cataclysm to help lead the rebels. Naesala is a follower of the Eldorai preacher Arryn, who was executed many centuries ago by the Eldorai state for the terrible heresy of proclaiming that the nature of the Goddess Ashira was not wholly divine, but also infused with the spirit of a mortal woman. Exposure to the outside world had broadened her horizons and taught her the value of pragmatism and compromise. Still a soldier at heart, she founded a paramilitary organisation that sought to rescue enslaved Eldorai and protect exiles. Their methods against slavers were quite brutal, for they showed them no mercy. They were also available for hire by interested parties, though they refused to accept contracts that targeted their people.

In the course of the Eldorai Exodus from Kaeshana, Naesala returned to the broken homeworld, assuming leadership of the Shadow Knights, a survivalist organisation devoted to protecting the Forsaken. It soon evolved into a coalition of renegades and dissidents. Her own militia was folded into the movement. Supplies were scarce and often had to be acquired through illicit means. Moreover, the Forsaken had to defend themselves against raiders. The Espatiers were born as a form of active defence - and resource acquisition. If one were feeling uncharitable, one could label them as raiders who happened to fight other raiders a lot. They also clashed with Archangel and tried to free abducted Eldorai from the vessels of the machine cult, though success was mixed in that regard. They saw combat against slavers and launched raids of their own to acquire much-needed supplies.

However, discipline became an issue. Some of their officers turned to simple piracy, using their mandate as a license to enrich themselves. Things came to head and Naesala carried out a purge, court-martialling a number of members of the unit. They were executed to serve as an example for the rest. One of them had embezzled funds and, even worse, taken bribes from Archangel, helping the droids advance their evil plans. She was vented into the cold void of space. The unit was thoroughly cleaned up after that incident. It got the chance to redeem itself when it seized an Archangel manufacturing ship and, at high cost to itself, freed Eldorai that had been abducted for entechment.

In the aftermath of the Kaeshana Rebellion, the unit underwent a procress of reorganisation. The Shadow Knights had taken up arms alongside the Galactic Alliance and the Tygaran Alliance, but been forced to vacate the planet after the allied forces withdrew and the First Order assumed control. They became a nomad fleet, dedicated to preserving the Eldorai and building a home for those who refused to yield to the First Order or live under the rule of the Star Queen. Thus the Espatiers were reorganised to serve as defenders for the migrant fleet. They would be a response force in case it came under an attack and the seizure of an enemy vessel was deemed feasible. At the same time they would launch raids of their own to seize ships or supplies for the migrant fleet. Much of their equipment was acquired on raids or through black market dealings.

Sometimes the Espatiers would let foreign parties hire them. While the Shadow Knights preached austerity, they recognised that they could not do without material rewards after all and they did not have the resources of an interstellar government at their disposal. Ironically, they were a bit inspired by the defunct Omega Protectorate, which often let friendly foreign governments hire its elite soldiers in return for money or economic concessions. They have battled the ferocious Kraal and helped put down insurrections within the Shadow Knight movement. They have served alongside the Exemplars and the Harbingers of Twilight, two other prestige units, and have a bit of a competitive rivalry with both.

  • Organization Name: Shadow Knights.
  • Classification: Military Junta | Rebel Alliance | Military Republic.
  • Loyalties: Naesala Faethyra, Eldorai, Kaida Taldir.
  • Organization Symbol: The sigil of the Shadow Knights is an Eldorai eagle upon a red field. Eagle imagery has tradition in the Eldorai army, and thus it shows their connection to their people's martial traditions. At the same time, the proud bird symbolises that they are exiles and renegades seeking a new way of life. Finally, the red stands for the blood that must be shed in the defence of freedom.
  • Description: The Shadow Knights are a revolutionary movement that has split off from the Eldorai Matriarchy, striving to build what they consider to be a more just and egalitarian social order than can be found in the Monarchy. Their ideology is characterised by pan-Eldorai nationalism, militarism, social justice and opposition to imperialist factions. To protect their interests, the Shadow Knights maintain their own paramilitary forces. These are composed of irregulars, hardened partisans and professional soldiers who learned their trade in the regular Eldorai military. Thus their quality, numbers and capabilities vary. A lot of their activity is focused on protecting independent Eldorai settlements and colony ships, though they are also equipped to carry out raids, skirmishes and so on. The basis of their society is a nomad fleet.

[*]Domain: No permanent planetary domains. Recruiters and cells can be found in several Eldorai settlements and colony ships.
[*]Notable Assets: They have access to a number of of corvettes, frigates, carriers and cruisers. But they cannot field war fleets or huge battleships comparable to those of a planetary or interstellar government. They also have gas collectors, mining, cargo and salvage vessels and some manufacturing ships.

Hierarchy: The Shadow Knights might have rejected Eldorai orthodoxy, but despite their commitment to a more egalitarian order, they still operate under a strict hierarchy. The citizens form a body of voters. Military service is required for a member to be considered a citizen and thus possess voting rights, though it should be noted that this encompasses more than direct combat. However, it is no secret that combat service is the quickest pathway to citizenship and a de facto requirement to hold office. Since direct democracy is impractical (and not really desired), the citizens collectively elect a Citizens' Council, which is elected for ten years with re-election possible after that time. Secret ballots are used in an election. The councillors in turn choose one of their number to be the Archon, who is both the political leader and commander-in-chief. They are appointed for 20 years and cannot have their term extended before then. Only someone who has 'served with distinction' and reached general officer rank can run for Archon. The council holds the power to impeach the Archon, but this requires a two-thirds majority and is only practiced in the case of serious offences. The common folk can address petitions to the council. If one receive a certain amount of votes, the council is required to debate the motion, but not necessarily act on it. The Archon has a soft veto on the council's actions - she can send it back to the council for a revote but cannot kill the motion herself. In the hierarchy, military people are on top, one level below there are people who perform vital tasks such as doctors, machinists and navigators, followed by armourers, craftswomen and so on. The present Archon is Naesala Faethyra, a former Eldorai officer and Forsaken leader. All major blocs are represented on the Citizens' Council.

Day-to-day affairs are supervised by the bureaus of the Provisional Government. Its organisation is rather streamlined and there is a strong presence of serving military officers. Departments heads are called Commissars and are appointed by the Archon. An example would be the Commissariat for Supply, Labour and Economic Security, headed by the Rationalist Stylena. All Commissars should be appointed on merit alone, but in practice the Archon has to take the wishes of the various blocs in the nomad fleet into account. As with any organisation, there is a good deal of jockeying for positions behind the scenes. Thus it falls to the Archon to find a balance. Provisional Government is a somewhat fanciful name since it obviously does not control planetary holdings. However, it sounds more respectable than 'junta of a rag-tag fleet of exiles, refugees and renegades', which is helpful when negotiating with outsiders.

While the Archon is commander-in-chief, her political duties take up a lot of her time. Thus she has the authority to designate a subordinate to act as general-in-chief, with the title of Strategos. This officer can also attend Council meetings and has command over the nomad fleet if the Archon is incapacitated. The present Strategos is Yseult Faerin, a bastard daughter of the deposed Evora royal dynasty who fought in the One-Sith-Republic War. She was appointed in the aftermath of the retreat from Kaeshana, when the need for a more unified command became clear. The Strategos has done much to integrate the often disparate militias into an integrated command structure. Due to having spent most of her life abroad, she is removed from the politicking and old grudges. Also of note is Mykala Danis, the head of the Redeemers, a punitive, deterrent and intelligence organisation created to protect the Revolution from enemies within and without.

Beneath these governmental bodies are individual captains of the ships that constitute the migrant fleet. Ship captains and in-house councils tend to address most issues before they get too far. In times of crisis, the Archon is empowered to take emergency measures without the prior consent of the Citizens' Council. This power is understood to include the promulgation of emergency decrees. If public security and order are seriously disturbed or endangered, the Archon may take measures necessary for their restoration, intervening if need be with the assistance of the armed forces. For this purpose she may suspend for a while, in whole or in part, the fundamental rights guaranteed by he constitution. However, the Archon must inform the Council without delay of all measures taken. These measures are to be revoked on the demand of the Council. Basically she can become a dictator for a short while, before power is handed back to the Council. An additional special power conferred on the Archon by the constitution is the authority to use armed force to oblige a ship in the nomad fleet to cooperate if it fails to meet its obligations under the constitution or under national law.

One native Tygaran subgroup of note are the Hierophants of the Eternal Void. This group is composed exclusively of Qadiri who have applied their race's talent for navigation to navigate the sky-ocean. Their role is rather essential for the fleet. This gives their leader, an engimatic sorceress called Ashklaa Jai Banaar, significant clout in the Shadow Knights' councils, as they rely a lot on her people for guidance. She is probably the most influential native Tygaran in the movement.

Shadow Knight leaders wear a ring bearing the symbol of an eagle. Infiltrators and recruiters identify themelves by wearing a green ribbon. This references the ancient Green Ribbons, a radical movement during the Time of Troubles that sought to overthrow the Matriarchy. Full members receive a dagger with the words 'the truth sets us free' engraved upon it.

Membership: In principle, all Eldorai can join. However, they must recant their oath of allegiance to the Crown. Furthermore, nobles must renounce their titles and join the people. In practical terms, they are all but barred. The same applies to 'reactionaries', 'traitors' and 'statists' in general. However, the Shadow Knights embrace Eldorai subraces as kin, welcoming Qadiri, Xioquo and Vashayada into their ranks as fellow Asurans. That said, Eldorai still monopolise the upper ranks and Eldarai is the lingua franca. Though this move is not without critics, Kar'zun are allowed to join as well. The Shadow Knights' membership includes a number of special units that are listed below:
Influence: The Shadow Knights do not seek rapid expansion or the subjugation of other people, which limits their influence. They are an insular nomad fleet and what few holdings they have serve the purpose of resource appropriation and recruitment. The Shadow Knights have launched raids to sustain themselves, but not for the acquisition of permanent territory. However, if influence is defined in a broader sense beyond territorial control, they are very influential among the Eldorai people. Their role in protecting Kaeshana after its desolation is still remembered and they have positioned themselves as an alternate Eldorai government to the Eldorai Matriarchy. A good number of the Tygaran natives have also found their way into their ranks.

Climate: Patriotism is widespread and encouraged by the leadership. The movement does its best to foster a spirit of community to overcome the barriers that have divided the Eldorai for so long - and still do. Economic life is regulated tightly by the government. To call their economic system Selectivist would be unfair though. It's state socialism created out of emergency measures, pragmatism, and necessity rather than revolutionary zeal.

The guiding values of society at large are resilience, sustainability, duty, discipline and order. The unofficial motto is 'freedom is never free'. There is no room for idleness. A Shadow Knight must obey her superiors and do her duty. She must train regularly, keep herself in good physical and mental shape, know how to maintain her blaster and participate in regular drills. Eldorai birth rates are comparatively low, so members are encouraged to have children because the elves must build up their population. Having lots of children is discouraged because the nomad fleet's resources are finite, but a healthy surplus is deemed necessary. In traditional Eldorai society, women are the breadwinners, while men are homemakers. Liberal detractors claim that the Shadow Knights' natalist policies reinforce 'archaic gender roles'. However, the government operates day care centres because it is in the nomad fleet's interests to have all hands on deck. Men have access to most jobs, but workplace discrimination is sadly still an issue. Women are often paid more for doing the same sort of work. The Shadow Knights started as a coalition of rebels, and while great strides have been made in standardising methods and doctrine, older rebel units still jealously guard their autonomy. Some are fairly egalitarian on gender matters, others very misandrist. Ironically, out of the three major blocs, the Illyrians may be the most progressive.

Despite all the patriotic rhetoric, the Shadow Knights cannot rewrite sentient nature, which means they must offer incentives. Those who do their jobs can expect to be cared for, receive bonuses and some level of comfort. Military service is glorified to a considerable degree. Those who are seen as not pulling their weight get short shrift. They are often conscripted into some form of national or penal service - or exiled. It is a culture that prizes frugality and views wastefulness and laziness as cardinal sins. If someone is disabled, the government will find them a desk job. Caring for veterans who suffered injuries or bereaved family members of dead soldiers is viewed as an important obligation on the part of the community.

Extensive accumulation of private wealth is heavily frowned upon and regarded as a sign of decadence. In addition, there's a maximum wage. People do not live in deprivation, but lives of opulent luxury are unheard of even for the leaders of society. Indeed, a strong sense of tall poppy syndrome means that displays of extreme wealth are looked upon quite unfavourably. Those who indulge are better off not flaunting it. Archon Faethyra is famous for wearing a humble Private's uniform with her rank stitched on to it.

The austere life style could be compared to that of a military base. This does not mean that there's no room for entertainment. Indeed, quite a bit of effort is expended on keeping Eldorai cultures alive and recovering lost cultural heirlooms. There's room and even encouragement to experiment stylistically in the arts, but political content that explicitly bucks the general line is censored swiftly. This does not prevent people from doing their best to 'get crap past the radar' in the arts and entertainment. There's a relatively free press, which is allowed to criticise the régime. However, due to emergency legislation, this criticism must operate within certain bounds. Essentially the press is allowed to criticise individual leaders or policies, but not the general line.

Foreigners, unless they have proven themselves, are treated with wariness. Past experiences have left scars on the Eldorai and their Tygaran cousins are even less experienced in dealing with outsiders, as they had not even achieved spaceflight when foreigners came to their world. While the Shadow Knights strive to present a united front to the outside world, politicking, internal squabbles and power plays take place between the factions behind the scenes. The waters of Eldorai faction politics can be difficult to navigate!

Reputation: Varies. Reputation among followers of the First Order would be poor since the Shadow Knights oppose their control of Kaeshana. Monarchist or conservative Eldorai generally regard the Shadow Knights as 'Dark Eldorai', renegades and anarchists who have forsaken the true Eldorai way. By contrast, many Forsaken and Eldorai exiles have a very positive view of the rebel group, viewing it as more progressive than the ancien régime. However, some Eldorai rebels and freethinkers have become disillusioned with the Shadow Knights because they believe they believe they are not radical enough or reject their authoritarian principles. Firemane is wary of them, as several Shadow Knights have a background as professional revolutionaries, who attacked Firemane personnel and property in the past. But all in all, the Shadow Knights are rather insular and try to keep a low profile. Their focus is on the preservation of their people, not domination of others. Thus they strive to avoid entanglements in foreign quarrels, unless they see a benefit for themselves.

  • All Asurans - Eldorai, Qadiri, Vashyada and Qadiri - are one people. They share the same blood and are thus brethren. Thus racial discrimination is a crime against the people. Respect for Asurans on all levels.
  • Do your part to support your motherland. Ask not what your motherland can do for you, but what you can do for it.
  • Outsiders can be allies, but Asurans should be self-reliant and never let foreigners dominate them.
  • Monarchy is antithetical to liberty and progress.
  • Obedience to lawful authority.
  • The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. To be a citizen, one must display a willingness to serve and defend the community. Service guarantees citizenship. Only citizens may vote or hold public office.
  • Freedom of religion. An Asurans' conscience is their own, provided they do not spread discord and incite hatred against their people.
  • No mercy to traitors, slavers and enemies of the Eldorai and their cousins.

Doctrines: Pan-Eldorai xeno-nationalism, irredentism, republicanism, militarism, anti-clericalism and anti-imperialism - these are appropriate terms to describe the doctrine of the Shadow Knights. To the orthodox Eldorai establishment, they are Dashdae Eldorai, in other words renegades who defy the Crown and the Church of Ashira. The Shadow Knights see themselves as a militant vanguard movement that must build a new future for the Eldorai - or at least the progressive ones among them. They support the replacement of the Monarchy with a new order where service guarantees citizenship and only those who have performed service to the state are considered citizens. They are opposed to slavers and imperialist groups such as the First Order and Sith, as these forces are considered to be inimical to the freedom and survival of the Eldorai. They believe that the First Order's rule over Kaeshana is an illegitimate occupation.

They ensure that the basic needs of their members are met, but require them to contribute to the community in some way. The unemployed are drafted into service, while the disabled and 'legitimate' cases receive pensions. In the society advocated by the Shadow Knights, freedom must be balanced with responsibility. Ergo only those who have shown willingness to place the interests of the community above their own and perform the ultimate sacrifice are the ones worthy of leadership. The right to vote is regarded as a responsibility a citizen must prove they are deserving of. This stance is also reflected in the Shadow Knights' justice system. When an officer or official commits a crime she receives a far severer punishment than a grunt would receive because as an officer she should have a better understanding of his crime. A crime that would result in a minion being flogged might result in a death sentence if an officer commits it. Though not solely a military organisation, the Shadow Knights are dominated by former soldiers and revolutionaries, and thus the group is pervaded by a military ethos. One of the reasons for the institution of this system was to overcome the pervasive factionalism that has been a thorn in the Eldorai's side for so long. It is an attempt to create a less partisan environment where the people see themselves as Asurans first and take pride in this. Of course, such a stratocratic systems creates problems of its own.

Political and religious factions exist though. Notable examples are the Aspirants, a sect of Ashirans who want to return to the 'true faith' in what could be called an Ashiran Reformation, the Emissaries of Illyria, who venerate the Force Dead and the Death Goddess Illyria, and the Rationalists, who are radical atheists and believe in the power of science. However, groups that are seen as spreading discord are shut down. In the spirit of egalitarianism and simple pragmatism, the Shadow Knights have officially embraced gender equality. In principle most positions are open to men and women. However, the Shadows are still Eldorai and thus rather patronising about it. In practice, Eldorai males still have to put up with a good deal of discrimination and sexism. Then again, one must keep in mind that the Shadows are an alliance of rebels and thus things vary a bit from group to group.

Aristocracy is seen as a cancer upon the Eldorai body politic, and thus all noble titles have been abolished. Nobles wield power and wealth they inherited from their ancestors without having to work for it, while lording over the common people. Likewise, the Shadow Knights are also opposed to clericalism due to the alliance between altar and throne in orthodox Eldorai society. However, the group is divided on the question religion since while radical forces seek to enforce a general policy of atheism, others are still attached to the old religion. These forces argue that the problem is not religion, but the way clerics, aristocrats and demagogues use it to deceive the masses. Moreover, reformist or dissident religious groups such as the Aspirants and the Illyrians are components of the coalition. Thus freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are enshrined in the constitution. Kaida herself is a radical atheist, but much to her frustration, she's discovered that this belief is a bit difficult to enforce.

The Shadow Knights are willing to work with non-Eldorai groups, but emphasise self-reliance, believing that the Matriarchy became too dependent on outsiders. Naamah Aesham and her crew of vigilantes are among the few foreigners accepted into the insular movement because the shapeshifter helped save an Eldorai settlement from an Archangel raid. Their ideology dictates that they should strive to achieve economic independence, as it is believed to be intertwined with political independence. However, in practice autarky is not feasible. Especially since the movement does not control planetary domains and there are many things they are unable to produce themselves. So despite their scepticism towards free market capitalism, the Shadow Knights are open to trade relations. Trade often takes the form of selling or bartering salvage and items acquired through raids. They also supply raw materiels in return for finished products, though they seek to improve their own manufacturing basis in order to reduce their reliance on external trade partners. At present, smuggling networks are an important source of funding for the Shadow Knights. Their economic ideal would probably be a mixed economy that allows private capital to set up small businesses and even operate state concessions, while the state controls the 'commanding heights' of the economy, such as banks, heavy industry and foreign trade.

As a movement, the Shadow Knights have abandoned the idea of Eldorai racial superiority. After all, the past two decades of humiliation have done a good job disproving it. Naturally old habits die hard and so many Eldorai who belong to the group still have racist beliefs. But the leadership is interested in survival and progress, not dreams about manifest destiny. Their philosophy is Asurans first. The Galaxy is a bleak, dangerous place, and the Eldorai and their cousins must do everything in their power to survive. Their dedication to elves above all is not based on notions of racial supremacy. Rather the elves must struggle to attain the best possible position, otherwise they will be consigned to extinction, enslavement or vassalage.

Goals: To ensure the survival of the Eldorai race and their cousins and build unbound by the three pillars of crown-temple-nobility. They also seek to create a new haven for their people. Ideally they also seek to liberate Kaeshana from the First Order. Furthermore, they strive to free Asurans held in slavery or other forms of servitude. It should be noted that the Shadow Knights are not a monolith. While the general goals remain the same, different factions place different priorities. The Shadow Knights strive to achieve recognition among the Eldorai as the legitimate government, which puts them in competition with the Eldorai Matriarchy. Moderate voices advocate a 'one people, two systems' approach.



Officially, all good Eldorai are united. They all believe in the Great Goddess Ashira - and in the other Eldorai deities, though they're less important. They all believe that the Star Queen is the Goddess' viceroy and that her decrees reflect divine will. Admittedly there are a few Eldorai who cannot partake in the Matriarchy's glory because their homeworld is occupied, but one day they will be liberated. Presumably. Maybe. However, the Eldorai are far less united than they would like. Indeed, their race has a history of divisions and strife. In many ways, they have often been their own worst enemy throughout their blood-soaked history. As the Rogue Knight Ylaea Althena is fond of saying, three Eldorai are a church, four a schism and five a civil war.

All those Eldorai considered renegades are labelled as Dashdae Eldorai. This is commonly translated as Dark Eldorai, though it is a bit of a misnomer since it has nothing to do with the Light or Dark Side of the Force. They want to overthrow the Matriarchy and implement a ‘pure’ government and defy the Goddess. At least that's one way of looking at it. Of course, it is more complex than that, and the Dark Eldorai include a myriad of different and competing groups under a broad general banner. Some want a mageocracy, some a military dictatorship, some want equal male rights, others a Republic (though generally one with a limited franchise). Some seek accommodation with outsiders and believe the Eldorai can learn from them, others think all non-Eldorai are foreign devils and that only fervent belief in the Goddess Ashira can lead the Eldorai to salvation. Others again worship Illyria, considered an evil goddess in Eldorai orthodoxy for rebelling against Ashira. In the eyes of these rebels, she's the patron deity of the downtrodden.

Yet they are all lumped together as Dark Eldorai, a name which automatically prejudices opinion. Centuries ago, during a period called the Time of Troubles on Kaeshana, there was a group of radicals called the Green Ribbons. These revolutionaries sought to overthrow the monarchy and pursued a radical egalitarian agenda. However, the insurrection was crushed, though it would be a long time before the Matriarchy was stabilised. Though the modern Dashdae differ from the Green Ribbons in many ways, they often regard them as forebears. The Shadow Knights are one of these groups.

The catalyst for their formation was the Exodus from Kaeshana. Even before this cataclysmic event, Eldorai society had been plagued by divisions. The liberal reforms of Queen Tirathana VII had caused controversy. For the reactionaries, they went too far, compromising old Eldorai values. They also opposed the Queen's alliances with foreigners, especially Firemane Industries. For the radicals, Tirathan did not go far enough, for enlightened despotism is still...despotism, and the tripartite alliance between throne, temple and nobility remained in place as the Queen understood that she would otherwise jeopardise the stability of the realm. Both reactionary Ashiran and revolutionary insurrectionists remained a perennial thorn in the government's side.

But it was the Exodus that caused a deep fracture in Eldorai society. Only a limited number of people could be evacuated before an asteroid devastated Kaeshana. Who could be saved, who had to be left behind? There was no easy answer to this question. Furthermore, the exodus fleet needed to be funded somehow. To build a new civilisation on their new homeworld, the Eldorai needed people with the right skills and know-how. Some Eldorai disagreed with the idea that the 'best and brightest' needed to be prioritised. Some considered it immoral that aristocrats who'd never contributed to society got to buy a guarateed ticket. Of course, in doing so they helped fund the fleet. And some Eldorai were renegades and malcontents who knew they'd definitely not get evacuated. Chaos broke out during the Exodus as a mass panic descended upon the people of Kaeshana. Some soldiers, unwilling to follow the orders of the government, defected. As a consequence, violence ensued. Religious fanatics claimed that the cataclysm was Ashira's punishment.

The Shadow Knights started as a sworn covenant of Eldorai who recanted their oath to the Queen. Their leader was Naesala Faethyra. In the old days of Tirathana VI, when Kaeshana had been isolated before being opened up by the Omega Protectorate, Naesala had been a career soldier who sought to take the initiative against the pirates and slavers that preyed on the Eldorai, by acquiring spaceships and foreign tech. However she'd been smacked down for breaking the willow pallisade of isolation. Eventually, she deserted, becoming a soldier of fortune and a leader among the exiles. Many years later, she returned after learning of the imminent cataclysm to help lead the rebels. Naesala is a follower of the Eldorai preacher Arryn, who was executed many centuries ago by the Eldorai state for the terrible heresy of proclaiming that the nature of the Goddess Ashira was not wholly divine, but also infused with the spirit of a mortal woman. Exposure to the outside world had broadened her horizons and taught her the value of pragmatism and compromise.

Many were soldiers who'd served offworld. Having been exposed to the outside world, they'd come to question the old order. Others were revolutionaries - or terrorists, depending on perspective - who'd spent their life in the underground. Their stated mission was to ensure the survival of the Eldorai race, outside of the confines of the Matriarchy. This included trying to help Eldorai escape outside of the official channels. But also trying to set up bunkers and such that would allow those doomed to stay behind to escape. It was not an easy alliance, for many of the Knights bore a grudge against the government and some considered it more important to fight it, pursuing their vendettas and throwing bombs even as Nemesis came. They ended up being purged.

In the aftermath of the cataclysm, the Knights maintained a presence on the planet. Due to the efforts of Firemane Industries, the asteroid had been significantly reduced in size by the time it impacted. Thus not all life was wiped out. But many still perished. For the remaining Eldorai, it was a daily struggle for survival. Many starved to death, perished in conflicts over resources between different warlord factions or ended up being abducted by slavers or the nefarious machine cult Archangel. The Knights worked with the surviving communities, offering protection. At the same time, they dedicated themselves to recovering lost technology. A cynic would say that they were just another warlord faction - but certainly a better organised one. Indeed, their regime was an elective dictatorship. Hoarding and looting was punished, those able to work were conscripted into labour battalions. Slavers - and those who collaborated with them - were publicly executed. Beyond Kaeshana, operatives of the group worked with Eldorai exodites who'd left the homeworld for this or that reason but refused to bend the knee to the Monarchy. Necessity created unorthodox alliances, and so the Shadow Knights expanded into a rebel coalition that included surviving Kar'zun clans, the Aspirants and the Emissaries of Illyria. There was bad blood between many of these groups, but the realisation that further bloodshed would cause mutual ruin brought them together. However, resources remained scarce, strife with warlords was endemic and Kaeshana was often attacked by slavers and raiding parties from the genocidal machine cult Archangel.

Then Firemane, the Galactic Alliance and the Tygaran Eldorai launched a humanitarian mission to help the Eldorai who'd been left behind. There was a great deal of suspicion and bitterness. Reluctantly, many of the Forsaken, as the Kaeshana-based Eldorai had come to call themselves, agreed to accept their aid...though not submission to the Throne. However, the First Order had also taken an interest in Kaeshana. The result was war. Taking up arms alongside their estranged brethren, the Knights fought as well. At the Citadel of Dusk, an agreement was reached between local Dashdae Eldorai leaders and Countess Selene Tarai, the Star Queen's representative. However, the Allliance was defeated. Fortunately, many Eldorai refugees could be evacuated during the withdrawal, as Dusk had served as a safe zone for them. The Archon faced a vote of no-confidence, but was able to survive the Council vote and remain in office. One might consider this progress because the argument was fought with words instead of blasters and blades.

With the fall of Kaeshana, the Knights were at a crossroads. Their ranks had been thinned by the fighting over the last few years. However, there was little desire to submit to the Monarchy. Especially after the head of the ducal house of Cadalthor, Tarissa Cadalthor, attempted to launch a coup on Tygara and install herself as queen. Though the coup failed and Tarissa was executed, it confirmed many of their biases since the Duchess had been an arch-reactionary. Moreover, she'd been executed by a human - Siobhan Kerrigan. As a result, the group dedicated itself to building a future for those Eldorai unbound by the old order. They took advantage of the disgrace of House Cadalthor to pillage some of their resources, including a heavy cruiser that would become the Archon's command ship. Henceforth, the Shadow Knights' efforts would be centred on a rag-tag flotilla. In short, it would be a nomadic life, enabling them to stay mobile, while leaving open the possibility of finding a new home for those who desired terra firma. In the aftermath of the retreat from Kaeshana, the Archon managed to take an important towards bringing the various militias under an overarching, centralised command by appointing Yseult Faerin as Strategos. Prior attempts to centralise military command had been stonewalled by special interest groups. In that regard, the events on Kaeshana served as a wake-up call.

Their ranks were supplemented by Tygaran Eldorai who'd grown unhappy with the government for this or that reason. Their inclusion was not always smooth, since a number of them were freethinking intellectuals with a rather romantic, 'absurd' notions. Such as direct democracy. Of more use were desillusioned ex-soldiers, though there was an understandable degree of awkwardness and suspicion when former enforcers of the Crown and 'rebel scum' had to work together. More joined after the Serenade Incident: A mixed race settlement on the tropical world of Arkas was taken over by a zombie hive-mind, which consumed the populace. A joint Firemane-Eldorai operation to find out what had happened to the island and rescue civilians went awry when the soldiers were attacked by well-coordinated zombie hordes, and ultimately the town had to be bombed to contain the outbreak. A significant number of the inhabitants had been Eldorai exodites, among them affiliates of the Shadow Knights.

Following the incident, High Captain Kaida Taldir, who'd commanded the Eldorai portion of the operation, resigned her commission as an Angelii officer. She'd lost faith in the Goddess Ashira many years ago and grown disillusioned with the old order and the continued isolationism of the Eldorai. Not to mention the dominance of aristocrats. It also helped that some nobles tried to make a scapegoat out of her since she'd decided to get involved in the Serenade Incident and aid the humans and renegades without authorisation. Prior to her defection, the taciturn woman had been a senior officer among the Angelii. As a gift to her new allies, she woke up the primeval Eldorai warrior Eyrecae Alzari, who'd been stuck in stasis in a Tygaran tomb for more than twenty thousand years. Her defection inspired a number of her former subordinates to join the Shadows. She also played a role in recruiting and training Tygaran natives, as she had prior experience with the Eldorai's cousins from her time as an Angelii. She put them to good use by founding the Examplars, who are intended to serve as a corps of Force Using warriors, much like the Angelii Great Company she used to command. In the spirit of progress and gender equality, the unit was opened up for Eldorai males to join - despite Kaida's objections.

In the aftermath of the evacuation of Tygara by the natives, the Eldorai and Firemane, the Shadow Knights made some tentative steps to initiate a dialogue with their estranged brethren. This step was wrought with controversy on both ends. But the Eldorai, fearful of coming under foreign occupation again, were scattering in large nomad fleets. It made sense for the two largest Eldorai factions to have an open line of communications between their leaders, if only to keep their people from bumping heads. Moderate, and perhaps more realistic, voices call for a pragmatic 'one people, two systems' approach. This would also give them expanded options for recruitment. Some steps have been made to normalise relations with Firemane, which owns the space habitats most elves live on. Nonetheless, the renegades are adamant about not becoming dependent on foreign entities. The Shadow Knights have potential, if the Eldorai's penchant for schisming does not tear them apart. Time will tell which road they will take. They are slowly building up their forces, acquiring resources and exploring remote corners of space.

  • Intent: Further flesh out Kaida's Eldorai rebel group.
  • Image Credit: Here. Eldar Ranger from 40k.
  • Role: Force recon, strike team, partisans.
  • Links: Eldorai Exodus from Kaeshana.
  • Availability: Unique.
  • Deployment: Limited.
Strengths & Weaknesses: The Caerith Stradon are a unit composed of Force-Sensitive Eldorai of Knight or Apprentice level. They have great experience as resistance fighters, saboteurs and irregualrs. Composed of Eldorai patriots, they are dedicated and zealous, willing to put their life on the line for the cause they espouse. Many years in the underground have made them rather creative. Their backers lack the funds and resources of an interstellar government, so they have learned to get creative with the tools they have. They have a knack for stealth and hand-to-hand combat.

Their Force abilities are a bit unconventional. Rather than focus on flashy or destructive powers, they specialise in concealment and sense abilities. Similar to the classic Sith Assassins, they are adept at Force Cloak and Force Concealment. This enables them to conceal themselves in the Force or pass as 'mundanes' by obscuring their Force aura. Their Sense abilities are rather advanced, which gives them good precognitive abilities in combat. They can use the Force to improve their senses, enabling them to better notice something they may otherwise miss under normal conditions. They have also learnt a variant of Theran listening, which enables them to understand words in another language or listen to people from a distance. They are proficient in Force Sight, Telepathy and Force Flash. Their Force abilities and training make them highly skilled marksmen. They can also be used as spotters, marking targets for allies.

However, as their name implies, they are not a frontline combat unit. They are a small unit and thus suffer in prolonged engagements. They are not equipped to storm entrenched enemy fortifications or take on 'heavy' combat formations such as tanks and walkers on. Being infantry, they are vulnerable to long range bombardment if exposed. Aside from hiding or obfuscating their presence, they lack the means to defend themselves against air or artillery strikes.

Their defensive powers are comparatively weak, which means they cannot tank attacks in the way a more combat-orientated Force-user, such as someone with the skill set of a Jedi Guardian or Sith Warrior, would be able to. Their telekinetic abilities are weak and more useful for utility than defence or attack. Overall, they are weak when it comes to offensive Force powers. Their emphasis on mobility and stealth means they lack heavy weapons such as rotary cannons, heavy repeating blasters and missile launchers. They are meant for ambushes, recon, assassinations and sabotage, not head-on combat.


The Caerith Stradon have a long, bloody history of being active in the underground. First, they fought the Eldorai Matriarchy, seeking to topple the ancien régime. During the Long Night, they fought raiders and warlords that took advantage of Kaeshana's desolation. Later on, they were part of the Eldorai rebels who sided with the Tygaran Alliance and the Galactic Alliance to oppose the First Order during the Kaeshana Rebellion. Today, they are part of the Shadow Knight nomad fleet.

They have long been associated with the Blades of Reason, a rebel group that rose in opposition to the influence of the Church of Ashira and the Crown and seeks to replace the Monarchy with an egalitarian, atheistic, secular republic. Depending on one's point view, the Caerith Stradon were terrorists or freedom fighters. Their methods were certainly ruthless. For a while they worked together with Talsir Vanaeth, a former starship engineer who became an insurgent after being arrested and tortured false charges. Their campaign to topple the Matriarchy has given them plenty of experience in irregular warfare. It has also fostered a strong esprit de corps. They have been shaped by the Dark Eldorai's underworld of revolutionary politics - a world of secrecy, suspicion, radicalism, conspiratorial intrigue and violence.

The Rangers are small, tight-knit unit, whose members have formed strong bonds with one another. The unit is composed mostly of Forsaken. This is the term the Eldorai who were left behind on Kaeshana during the Great Exodus use for themselves. They are very scornful of those Eldorai who managed to escape Kaeshana's cataclysmic destruction and settle on Tygara. Especially since they also departed that planet a couple years later. They are still very anticlerical, but can tolerate Illyrian and Ashiran Forsaken because they endured the same tribulations. However, they do not accept former royalists into their ranks. Being a force of irregulars and special operatives, the Shadow Rangers have a somewhat laxer view of military propriety and formal protocol. Saluting is extremely rare. This clashes with the ironclad beliefs of hard-edged military professionals like Kaida Taldir, who regards them as undisciplined anarchists. However, they display grim determination, focus and discipline on the job.

They are ideal for deep reconnaissance, small-scale raids, ambushes, sabotage and assassinations. Not equipped for frontal assault, they use their training, experience in irregular warfare and speed. Due to their emphasis on speed and mobility, they can just as easily appear in one place for a moment, then vanish and show up somewhere else. They can harass and wear down opponents by targeting their supply chains, lines of communications and air fields. Not bound by regular procedure, they can also perform assassinations missions, such as by targeting enemy officers. One could compare their mission profile to that of Alliance Special Forces.

The present leader of the unit is Daena Faenor, an experienced Dark Eldorai insurgent. She took over command after her predecessor Aelene Nenaias was killed by royalist soldiers during the Netherworld Event, when Kaeshana was flooded by a wave of political violence. Daena spent many years offworld in exile. In that time she learned from fringe Force groups, and later passed on her knowledge to her comrades.

  • Age: 95
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • Species: Eldorai.
  • Appearance: The Fatebringer usually wears his suit of armour. However, his pale skin is marked with scars from various fights - and from the alterations the Vong forced upon him. This includes rituals scarring, as is customary among the Yuuzhan Vong. He has a web tattoo across his deeply scarred face. His eyes are cold, but alert. His face, upper right arm and back have some Illyrian tattoos. His movements are economical. He has been endowed with Steng's Talons as part of his escalation.

  • Stealth
  • Tactical command
  • Sniping
  • Melee combat

Personality: Tynan is a figure of calm and control. He believes in economy of word, motion and deed. He is the type to observe and only act when needed. Detractors have seen this as a sign of weakness or lack of resolve, only to be disabused of this notion. They tend to be surprised by the explosive violence he is capable of unleashing. Tanon remembers those who cast his people out. He also remembers the Vong who enslaved them. He remembers being scorned and treated as a second class citizen in the Eldorai's matriarchal society due to his gender. But his is a cold hate, not a burning rage. Tranquil fury is a good way to describe it. He possesses an unnerving coyness to him, tranquil and detached in the face of danger and mildly playful, though not a slave to whims. He respects audacity paired with cunning.

The harsh life he has led has made him tough. He is not needlessly destructive, but rather ruthless. He possesses a strong urge for self-improvement, both in the sphere of combat and outside of it. Perhaps the discrimination he had to endure on account of his gender fuelled his drive to be the best. In battle, he is willing to sacrifice a few pawns in pursuit of a larger goal. That said, he is not heartless. Indeed, he is very attached to the members of the cult he heads and does not throw lives away needlessly. But the needs of the many outweigh those of the few. Like all Harbingers, he worships the Eldorai Death Goddess Illyria. The violence he unleashes is not just business, it is the fulfillment of her will. The Illyrian faith elevates the Force Dead, while regarding Force-users with suspicion, for they are susceptible to the whispers of the spirits, which can cause them to fall to evil. By contrast, the Force Dead cannot be haunted by the spirits, which makes them blessed.

He is also the type to collect trophies and trinkets. He's displayed a talent for deception. This was shown when he managed to convince his Yuuzhan Vong master that he was completely obedient to him and had submitted to the True Way. In truth he was one of the leaders of the insurrection, supporting Rina Daera, the first Fatebringer. The deception helped his brethren break their chains and escape their oppressors.

One of his traits is to avoid the limelight. He's content with Tániel Aevaris, a fiery Illyrian preacher, being the leader of the Emissaries of Illyria, a cult that was formed by the Harbingers merging with Illyrian sects thast had survived Kaeshana's destruction. He was tempted to make a play for the leadership after becoming Fatebringer. However, he threw his support behind Tániel. Perhaps he realised that the Eldorai, even the more progressive Illyrians, would not accept a male high priest. Or perhaps he simply did not seek a position that would put him under intense public scrutiny and taken him away from battle. Either way, both have a decent working relationship.

Tynan defies traditional male pursuits in Eldorai society. He has no interest in settling down with a wife, providing her with children and becoming a homemaker. As a young warrior, he proved that he was just as brave and skilled as any Eldorai female - if not more so. Interestingly, although his own gender was an obstacle for him among his people, Tynan is rather dismissive of the Eldorai male rights movement. Truth be told, he is scornful of the Masculine Anti-Defamation League, viewing them as toothless. Thus he's taken very little interest in thei demands, such as the the introduction of a quota on the number of men serving in management positions. He has poor relations with the Aspirants, a sect of Ashiran reformists who want to return to what they consider to be the 'true word' of Ashira. Due to his own past, he is suspicious of them.

Ironically one of Tynan's associates is a Yuuzhan Vong. Nei of Domain Zun-Qin is a skilled Shaper. She started out as a captive, but over time has become a useful minion and, surprisingly, occasional confidante. When Tynan fell victim to a dangerous disease, it was Nei who cured him out of self-interest. As a bioengineer and scientist, she is a notable asset to Tynan, whose understanding of the biotechnology that altered his people is a bit limited.

  • Weapon of Choice: Melee weapons, shattergun, Vong projectile biots, disruptor, sniper rifle. Fond of Rodian death blades.

Combat Function: Being Force-Dead he is immune to direct applications of the Force, similar to the Yuuzhan Vong which afflicted her with such abilities. He has no presence within the Force and causes no ripples in its flow. While a great benefit, it does have the normal associated downfalls in that he cannot be aided by Force techniques such as Battle Meditation, Telepathy or Force Healing. Moreover, he can still be hurt by Force Lightning and can be affected indirectly by the Force. For instance, chucking a boulder obviously works. So does setting the area around him on fire or using air manipulation to increase air pressure. For unknown reasons, Force Net also works on the Force Dead. Sensitive hearing makes him more vulnerable to high-pitch frequencies, such as those emitted by sonic weapons. While his eye implants improve his sight, the implanatation process was rather crude. Tynan is more vulnerable to extremely bright lights or flashbangs than a normal human or Eldorai would be.

Common Eldorai are very agile, dexterous and have impressive hand-eye coordination, but suffer from being less physically strong and having a lower pain threshold than humans. Being altered by the Vong 'treatment' has left Tynan less dexterous than his Eldorai brethren, but as a tradeoff he is stronger and has a higher pain threshold. This is because the 'alterations' were extremely painful and toughened him up. His physical strength is equal to that of a human and he is very good shape. He has been endowed with Steng's Talons as part of his escalation. Tanon is a capable tactician and a good commander for his troops. He believes in the importance of good information and preparation. Ideally he will know about his enemy ahead of time instead of rashly charging into a situation, though he is capable of thinking on his feet.

Like all Harbingers, Tynan owns a suit of Vonduun crab armour. However, he regards the heavy armour as restrictive and confining, so he rarely wears it. Instead he prefers to don a lighter suit of armour that leaves him more vulnerable to attacks, but grants him mobility. He often combines this with stealthy gadgets, as he is good at sneaking and striking unexpectedly. He is proficient in the use of ranged weapons, good in hand to hand and a skilled melee duellist, using a blade, garotte or an amphistaff. He uses misdirection and confusion a lot to get an edge over an opponent. Tying in with his preference for cunning, Tynan is a good sniper, favouring a Verpine sniper rifle. However, he is less skilled in the use of heavy weapons. His piloting skills are mixed. He's good for stealthy insertions and rapid getaways, but not a fighter ace.


The Harbingers of Twilight are a cult most Eldorai dislike speaking about - those who know of them at any rate. This especially applies to conservative Ashirans. The Harbingers are not just Illyrians, worshipping a goddess who was banished into a hellish pit for creating demons and trying to strike down Ashira. They are Force Dead. This makes them soulless abominations from the point of view of most Ashirans.

This was not the cultists' own doing though. The cult came into being when Tirathana VI., the mother of the present, far more liberal and enlightened Star Queen, banished an entire community of Illyria worshippers from Kaeshana. The Queen's own legitimacy was somewhat questionable after deposing a branch of the royal family with a better claim to the throne, so she sought to bolster it by presenting herself as the standard-bearer of orthodoxy. Abandoned in deep space, the acolytes of Illyria were ambushed, captured and enslaved by Vong pirates.

The Yuuzhan Vong did not just enslave them, but also conducted cruel biological experiments. Many of the captives did not make it, but those who did were turned Force Dead. The Vong cult used them as slave-soldiers. Eventually, the captives were rebelled, taking advantage of an internal power struggle within the ranks of their masters. They were able to escape on stolen vessels. Their world view had been irrevocably altered by the tribulations they had experienced. They became the Harbingers of Twilight, a nomadic sect of outcasts, explorers and cunning raiders. In time, they came to see becoming Force Dead as an act of communion with their goddess, breaking the shackles of Ashira, whose minions had dared to scorn them, and embracing the Mistress of the Underworld.

Tynan was one of the Harbingers who led the insurrection. Eventually, he became the leader of the warrior cult. He was born in a family of low caste Eldorai. He turned to the Illyrian faith because it was more egalitarian and, unlike Ashiranism, promised something close to gender equality. However, he was not an insurgent or revolutionary conspirator. He would have probably lived a relatively law-abiding life, perhaps even recanted his beliefs at some point, if he had not been one of thousands of Illyrians who were arrested, interned and then banished from Kaeshana.

As is so often the case, repression fostered resentment. He was radicalised by his experiences in prison, where he endured physical and mental torment, and forced exile. However, worse was yet to come, for the ship the heretics had been herded on was seized by Yuuzhan Vong raiders. These Vong were a radical splinter group. To them, the Eldorai exiles were suitable prey. Many of the captives were put to work as slave labourers on the Vong worldship, or sold on the slave markets. However, the Vong Shapers had something special in mind for a select few of them. Tynan was one of the 'chosen' that were turned Force Dead.

The alterations the Vong forced upon him and his brethren were agonising. Eldorai have a lower pain threshold than humans and Vong are not gentle creatures. So many of the captives perished. Those that showed defiance were exposed to the Embrace of Pain. Few survived that. The abuse taught Tynan a valuable lesson. He realised the necessity of cunning. He held on to the intense hatred he felt for his captors, but kept it buried inside him. His exterior self would conform, while his interior one would hide behind a mask, until one day he could reveal his true nature. Tynan was among the Illyrians who survived the experiments. They were taught about the True Way and trained as slave-soldiers.

One of the Vong officers took an interest in Tynan, while watching him in the fighting pits. While duelling, Tynan was bitten by an amphistaff. However, as the fatal poison started taking effect, he managed to stab his opponent with a concealed knife and bash their skull a rock while they were down. As he lay there, succumbing to the venomous poison, the Vong decided that he was worth keeping alive and had a minion administer an antidote. This Vong was Qorih of Domain Jamaane, an ambitious warrior. He decided to take on Tynan as a minion, though he was always quick to remind the Eldorai of his place whenever he seemed insuefficiently obedient.

Outwardly, Trynan accepted his place. He learned the tenets of the Gospel of the True Gods and the Great Doctrine by heart, until they seemed more familiar to him than the Gnostic Gospel of Illyria. He trained rigorously, honing his skills in the fighting pits. The Vong decided to bloody their slave-soldiers by launching a raid. This one brought Tynan and his comrades back to their homeworld - Kaeshana. A remote Eldorai settlement was the target. This occured in a time when Kaeshana was still isolated from the rest of the Galaxy. Fearing that the Eldorai would be tempted to turn away from traditional values if exposed to foreign ideas, Tirathana VI. had sided with the religious right that preached all outsiders were soulless abominations. Kaeshana' isolation also meant that its soldiers had inferior technology.

The raid was brutal and ferocious. On the one hand, it was for Tynan to get revenge for being banished from his homeworld. On the other, he hated the Vong and knew what they had in store for their Eldorai victims. However, to the Eldorai he would be an abomination, and disobedience would mean death. So he chose survival. Leading a squad in a night assault, they used stealth and the cover of darkness to quietly eliminate sentries ere battle was joined. He showed promise as a small unit leader and remained calm under fire. As the settlement burnt and captives were being loaded up, the Vong and their minions were faced with an Angelii counterattack.

Tynan's squad was forced to perform a rear guard action and he ended up duelling one of the 'Heavenly and Wrathful Angels of the Great Goddess Ashira'. His opponent was skilled, brave and zealous. Though unused to fighting the Force Dead, she adjusted, inflicting injuries upon him by summoning blasts of elemental lightning. Both inflicted wounds upon each other in intense melee combat. Tynan was fuelled by a desire to survive and harnessed his contempt for the Matriarchy and the Ashiran faith. The fact she considered him a demon fuelled him. His amphistaff helped distract her and he struck her down after injuring her with a razorbug. Respecting her prowess, he gave her a quick death, which kept her from being captured and enslaved or altered by his Vong masters.

Having come under heavy fire from Eldorai troops, the Vong withdrew with their booty. Once they had returned to their base, the Vong divided the spoils amongst themselves. It did not escape Tynan that for all their rhetoric about being a superior race chosen by the True Gods, the Vong leaders squabbled amongst themselves. They lacked the unity that had enabled their ancestors to almost conquer the Galaxy centuries ago. His own master vied with two other Vong commanders.

It was around this time that Tynan started working with Rina. At first neither seemed to care for one another. They argued over the trinkets the Vong tossed their slaves and came to blows in the fighting pits. Later on Rina had her minions ambush Tynan and interrogated him, threatening him with death. However, they were able to reach an understanding. Neither wanted to be under the yoke of the Yuuzhan Vong forever. Both still believed in Illyria. So they agreed to work together.

Tynan proved his loyalty to Qorih by killing a disobedient slave. He also framed some loyalist Eldorai slave-soldiers as heretics, allowing him to advance in rank. He displayed great eagerness in undergoing the process of ritual scarring the Vong were so enamoured with. Slowly his capricious master came to trust him. Tynan played on the resentment he felt towards his fellow commanders, using information Rinan managed to feed him. The Vong warlords were already moving towards confrontation, but the Eldorai chose the right moment to prepare. Eventually things came to head. One of Qorih's rivals was killed in battle, eliminating the one factor that kept the balance. He moved against his remaining rival, Tsarok of Domain Choka, who was the master of Rina and had the support of many Intendants. Declaring him a heretic, he challenged him to battle. Rina had prepared the soldiers under her command for this day. They fomented rebellion, overpowering their Vong masters when they were supposed to be sent into battle to fight and die for their tormentors.

Taking advantage of the chaos that ensued when the worldship descended into violence, the Eldorai slave-legionnaires made their escape. Not all made it. Tynan was among those that survived. During the breakout, he encountered his master, who had been severely wounded. Tynan maimed him to keep him from escaping, then left him to bleed to death. Tynan's role had been unknown to many of the Eldorai and so a number called for his head. Indeed, some of Rina's underlings advised her to get rid of him. However, to the surprise of some, she decided to let him keep his head because he had served the cause. Illyria valued cunning, and he had shown it. Survival and victory demanded sacrifice. The dead had entered the realm of the Mistress of the Underworld. Thus he was given a role in the new cult, the Harbingers of Twilight. However, many of his fellows distrusted him and Rina kept him outside her inmost circle. He earned a small measure of respect when he volunteered for the rescue team that retrieved Siona Vaerum and her father, who had been stranded on Raevana, a tropical world filled with dangerous beasts.

Being Force Dead made the Harbingers of Twilight outcasts, for an Eldorai without Sciia is a soulless being. Even if they had wanted to, they could not have gone back. Ironically, these experiences strengthened their faith in Illyria. As they became more and more removed from their roots, they began to see becoming Force Dead as an act of communion with their goddess, breaking the shackles of Ashira and embracing the Mistress of Hell. They became a force of cunning raiders, guerillas and mercenaries, living a nomadic existence. One of their targets was, unsurprisingly, the Eldorai Matriarchy. Tynan became one of their officers, leading small warbands on raids. Aside from raiding and pillaging, they also practised a form of 'shadow justice' by punishing slavers, as they had not forgotten their own enslavement. They preferred poetic punishments, such as hurling slavers out of airlocks into the vacuum of space - or enslaving them. A commando led by him raided the villa of the Eldorai aristocrat involved in rounding them up in the prison camp and banishing them. She was subjected to the same torment the Yuuzhan Vong had forced them to endure.

As Firemane had become an ally to the Matriarchy, they also clashed with the corporation's forces in its early days. Seeking loot, the Harbingers targeted their convoys and mines. But Firemane was a strong opponent. Over time Kaeshana became too hazardous a raiding target. Having received advanced equipment and better training from Firemane officers, the Matriarchy became a formidable opponent for the raiders. An attack led by Tynan on an Ashiran temple went ill when they were confronted by the Matriarchy's new model army and forced to retreat with losses. Tynan suffered shrapnel injuries inflicted by a Firemane bolter. For a while they pulled back into the Unknown Regions. There they hired themselves out as mercenaries. During a mission deep in the unknown regions he and his warband encountered the ferocious Klaxxi. Using stealth and darkness, the huge spiders ambushed them. Tynan was deaf to their telepathic influence, but their deaf was tremendous. Injured by the blows of an arachnid, he managed to use his agility to get beneath it and thrust his blade into its vulnerable underbelly, piercing its exoskeleton. As it sought to grab him with its legs, he tossed a grenade into its mouth. He kept a Klaxxi tooth as a trophy.

He accepted contracts from the Lords of the Fringe, who fought a number of battles and border skirmishes with the Omega Protectorate, the great power Kaeshana had joined as a member state. Tynan fought in the Battle of Eriadu and participated in a number of skirmishes in the so-called Omega Neutral Zone. Then came the Netherworld Event. Without warning, billions of people disappeared in an instant. They awoke in the underworld. Moreover, the ability of Force-users to manipulate the Force became chaotic at best. This was the doing of Akala, an ancient, insane Kwa princess. Her machinations sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. Some empires crumbled, others sensed opportunity.

The Harbingers interpreted these events through a religious lense. Some of their own had been raptured. Several of their warrior-priestesses proclaimed that this was the work of Illyria. The Mistress of Hell had broken the hold of the spirits and deprived Force-users of their undeserved power. Privately, Tynan was a bit sceptical. Was this punishment for the Ashirans? Or the latest trial for her true servants? On balance, he concluded that it was more the latter, but certainly not a world-ending event. Fatebringer Rina Daera, who was more of a believer, led the Harbingers on an offensive to take advantage of the chaos. The outer rim was in a state of turmoil, so they were not lacking in targets.

They also hit Kaeshana once more. Many Eldorai interpreted the rapture as the End of Days. The immediate outcome of this belief was a paroxysm of violence. However, the 'Dark Eldorai' were a fractious lot who were terrible at uniting behind any cause. Some wanted a theocracy, others a military junta or a republic. Many also scorned the Harbingers, regarding them as demonic abominations. While the capital erupted into violence, the Fatebringer directed her followers to covertly recruit in the provinces, exploiting the disruption to build up their own infrastructure in areas where central authority was weak. This proved to be wise because the royalists were able to weather the storm. Tynan felt more than a little schadenfreude when a rising of Ashiran fanatics was suppressed.

Meanwhile, Akala was slain, her rampage came to an end and the Force returned. This was quite disappointing for the Force Dead zealots. At the same time, a lost lamb returned to the flock. Siona Vaerum had been raptured and ended up on the Field of Blades. There she encountered an amnesiac, feral ex-Angelii who went by the name Ashana. Both had to work together to escape this hellish realm. Of course, befriending a Force-user was anathema to the Harbingers. Tynan reacted with suspicion when the pair arrived at their mobile base. His initial reaction was rather hostile, but he warily accepted the ex-Angeli in the end, with the argument that she could not do much on her own, especially given her amnesia. Perhaps it was the fighting spirit she displayed when some Harbingers tried to rid her of her 'curse'. It helped that she clearly did not care for Ashiran teachings. Nonetheless, she was kept under guard though and monitored constantly.

However, soon there was bigger fish to fry, for Kaeshana had been devastated by a huge asteroid. Many Eldorai had been able to escape the cataclysm, but some had been left behind. The Harbingers decided to get involved. At first, they only wanted to help evacuate fellow Illyrians, but after seeing conditions first-hand, the Fatebringer decided to extend a helping hand to the survivors of the calamity, who were struggling on the post-apocalyptic planet. These were harsh times. An impact winter had set in, starvation and internecine strife among the survivors claimed many lives. Surviving Illyrians merged with the Harbingers to form the Emissaries of Illyria, with Rina as their first leader. However, it was a harsh, bitter time. The Harbingers allied themselves with the Shadow Knights, a rebel coalition trying to wrest some order from the chaos. This time was characterised by a struggle for survival. Threats the Shadow Knights had to face included warlords, slavers and Archangel HRDs.

Then came the Kaeshana Rebellion. Like the rest of the Shadow Knights, the Harbingers took up arms alongside their estranged brethren from the Tygaran Alliance. Rina fell in battle fighting First Order forces. The cult had gained another martyr. Tynan avenged her death in battle. Ironically, he ended up fighting alongside Ashana. But ultimately he had to retreat from the planet alongside his comrades when the Galactic Alliance forces withdrew.

Back in the early days of the Long Night, Tynan had voted against closer relations with the Shadow Knights, opposing his commander's decision. But now he decided to carry on her policy. The Emissaries of Illyria, still a young and thus fragile movement, risked splitting once more. Some of his followers wanted him to take over. But Tynan declined. Declaring he was content with leading Illyria's Harbingers into battle, he threw his support behind Tániel Aevaris. Tániel was not a Harbinger or even Force Dead. Instead she was a non-Force-user who had gained a reputation as a radical Illyrian preacher who had been part of the underground on Kaeshana. There was some disconcent among the Harbingers about the Hierophant not being one of their own. But Tynan reasoned that someone who was not Force Dead would have an easier time negotiating with the other Shadow Knight leaders. Some battles were not fought with the sword, after all. Moreover, as the Emissaries' martial arm, the Harbingers would remain a powerful force. He preferred to exert influence from behind the scenes rather than expose himself directly.

Under the joint leadership of Tynan and Tániel, the Death cultists have made a pact with the Kar'zun members of the Shadow Knight nomad fleet. Due to their shared history of persecution, Illyrians and Kar'zun have a history of cooperation. Kar'zun Force-Sensitives are also stoic enough for the wary Force Dead warriors to stomach. The stone people still reject the idea that Illyria might have had a hand in their creation. Relations continue to be poor with the Aspirants, a sect of Ashiran reformists. Believing in the importance of good intel, Tynan continues to gather information on friend and foe alike. This includes creating an index of all known, trained Force-Users in the nomad fleet. For the time being he has committed to the rebel coalition. Whether this stays so remains to be seen.

  • Intent: Expand on the Qadiri. Sub the group Ashkala Jain Banaar leads. Inspired by this submission.
  • Image Credit: Tineye sends me here. Pic is differently coloured there, but search does not yield other sources.
  • Role: Guild of explorers and navigators for the Shadow Knights, power base for Ashkala.
  • Links: Ashkala Jai Banaar, Bodo Astro Navigant, Qadiri.
  • Group Name: Hierophants of the Eternal Void
  • Classification: Guild of navigators, religious cult.
  • Headquarters: Shadow Knight nomad fleet.
  • Loyalties: Ashkala Jai Banaar, Qadiri, Shadow Knights.
  • Group Sigil: Heptagon. If anyone were to ask Ashkala what the symbol means she would say that it would not make sense to the uninitiated, but that each side of the shape and each geometric design had special meaning. In reality she simply picked up the curio in a Coruscant market and decided it was a good symbol to be mysterious with.
  • Description: The Hierophants of the Eternal Void are a group of Force-Sensitive Qadiri led by Lady Ashkala, a powerful seer, mystic and navigator who has allied herself with the Shadow Knights to advance her own interests. The Hierophants act as navigators ans pilots on key ships in the Shadow Knight nomad fleet. They use their preternatural abilities to safely guide the fleet across the Galaxy. Their skills enable them to sense and traverse real and hyperspace, chart undocumented space phenomena, lanes and obstacles. They are also useful for exploring hyperspace, subspace and otherspace. This gives the group an unexpectedly high amount of power as well as the ability to subtly influence the course of the nomad fleet. This power is concentrated in the person of Ashkala. She is not wedded to the Shadow Knights, but sees them as useful. The Hierophants make use of instinctive astrogation to plot optimal courses through space and navigate routes. Life sense and foresight helps them locate, identify and, in some cases, subtly manipulate near gravitic fluctuations and celestial objects, while life sense helps spot inhabited planets. Because these talents are rather rare, the Hierophants are only stationed on key ships. The scale of their abilities varies wildly. Ashkala is also keen on keeping them at a level where she can subtly control them. Qadiri are inherently skilled at navigation. They seem to have an instinctual internal compass, meaning they are great sailors and travellers. The Hierophants regard space as the sky-ocean.

Hierarchy: There are not many Hierophants, so the hierarchy is rather shallow. They are organised in small cells that report to one or two supervisors, who in turn report to Ashkala, who has the overly dramatic title of Grand Hierophant. Her position is unquestioned and she is the absolute leader of the group. However, she prefers to use her natural charisma, an image of benevolence and wisdom combined with some subtle mental manipulation to enforce her authority. There is a good deal of competition among her minions for her favour, as an individual Hierophant's position is dependent on it. The more religiously inclined regard her as a prophetess.

Membership: Only recruits Force-Sensitive Qadiri. These must display an inherent gift for astronavigation, piloting and farsight. They must also swear an oath of loyalty to Ashkala and vow not to reveal the secrets of the group. This limits the pool of recruits, but also allows them to cherrypick and give recruits thorough training.

Dogma/Doctrines: The Hierophants adhere to a code laid down by Lady Ashkala. As they are officially part of the Shadow Knights, they are bound to obey their laws and not consort with their enemies. In reality, Ashkala is only loyal to herself and has allied herself with the rebels for purely practical reasons. Should she leave, it is likely that many Hierophants would follow her.

The Hierophants act as a guild that takes care of its members, ensuring they receive good accommodations and are compensated for their services. Their crucial role gives them a certain degree of collective bargaining power in the nomad fleet. This is significant because while the Shadow Knights profess a belief in the unity of all Asurans, in practice the faction is dominated by Eldorai. Ashkala is no Qadiri patriot and has done her best to leave Tygara behind her, but the group finds it useful to sometimes appear as an advocate.

While Ashkala is an atheist, she has recognises the power of mysticisim. A good number of Hierophants, more wedded to traditional beliefs than her, regard her as a prophetess of the Goddess Kashara, the Qadiri aspect of Ashira. They believe it is her calling to lead the chosen across the stars and that she receives divinely inspired visions. Ashkala recognises the utility of such beliefs, but is careful not to become so prominent that others might perceive her as a serious threat to the status quo. Her modus operandi can be summed up with the words 'be more than you seem to be'. Mysticisim is paired with self-interest and mathematical efficiency. Hierophants are expected to be diligent and dutiful. They are forbidden from exposing the starcharts compiled by the group to outsiders. This is the prerogative of Lady Ashkala alone. They must also vow not to reveal the secrets of the Shadow Knight fleet.

Curios: Ashkala thinks curios are silly, but the Hierophants still have some native symbols. These tend to be the mark of the navigator in Qadiri society, a short wood or bone rod. Rings with the group sigil engraved upon them are also common.

Goals: Officially serve the Shadow Knight nomad fleet by guiding it towards a new home, along with exploration and study of space and its various phenomena. This is treated as a scientific and religious obligation. In practice, the Hierophants are a power base for Ashkala, who uses the cult to increase her understanding of the universe and acquire influence.



The history of the Hierophants of the Eternal Void is closely tied to Ashkala's. Ashkala was the bastard daughter of a Qadiri noblewoman who belonged to the ruling family of one of the many feuding states on Tygara. When her older step-sister became Mirza, Ashkala was imprisoned and blinded so that she could not be her threat. However, she was able to call upon the Force to see, though she concealed this, developing her powers over time until she had ennared all her guards so that they now bowed to her. She used them to bring her materials to fashion and a slave to read for her. When the time was right, she summoned her forces, having made an alliance with influential noble clans by promising to adopt one of their daughters as her heir.

Her coup was swift and she managed to surprise and topple her sister. Her sister was blinded and slain. However, ruling was not something which appealed to her, so she invested the daughter of Emiri Baltaana as the new Mirza and departed with a loyal slave. Her gift for navigation manifested when she was able to guide a ship through a storm. She learned of the Eldorai and Firemane, powers that had brought great change to Tygara. Desiring to see the stars for herself, she persuaded a freighter pilot to take her aboard his ship. During her time abroad, her skill for astronavigation manifested.

It was as Ashkala focused and meditated though that she found she had another talent. Like when she was at sea space stretched out before Ashkala, and with focus and practice she found she could guide the ship safely along new pathways. Obviously this was of great use for smugglers, and she rapidly found work as a navigator, with her other skills helping to ‘dissuade’ customs from looking too closely at her cargo. Ashkala never stopped wanting to learn though, and set out to make herself as ‘modern’ as possible. For her Tygara was in the past and she had skills for this new galaxy. Her 'servant' stayed with her, partly out of loyalty…partly out of the deep seated control Ashkala had over her. Loyalty was good, but subtle control was even better.

Time passed and Ashkala remained largely aloof from her fellow Qadiri and the other Eldorai kin. However, she did hear of a group which were something of a rogue organisation opposing the Eldorai and Firemane. She had never felt much loyalty to groups or causes, but joining this collection of people had advantages. For one it would allow her to network those of her own kin, build up alliances whilst offering her protection and freedom to continue her research.

Therefore, a meeting was arranged on Mon Calamari and she was introduced to the head of the three largest groups within the Shadow Knights. Having conducted as careful research as possible before the meeting, she was able to go in forewarned. For the Aspirants – the most devotedly religious group – she mentioned her faith in Kashara, the Qadiri aspect of Ashira. For the Rationalists – the most progressive group – she displayed her skills in Astrogation and her knowledge from beyond Tygara. Finally for the Harbingers – the group concerned about the Force – she claimed her powers over the Force were limited and that she felt no love for the Angelii or similar groups. If any of them seemed unconvinced they made no sign of it though likely they were still suspicious. However, Ashkala was able to display her skills when a ship from the Shadow Knights was lost in an area of dangerous pulsars. Calling on her gifts she was able to navigate a rescue ship into the dangerous maelstrom and then escape. The example went a long way to convincing those around her that her gifts were useful.

After this rescue she had a meeting with the Archon of the Shadow Knights, the overall leader of the group, though elected by an oligarchic council for a fixed term. The meeting was cordial but guarded on both sides. Naesala could see the usefulness of the Qadiri woman, but was not prone to trusting easily. For her part Ashkala wanted to give away as little as possible. In the end she reassured the Archon she wished only to stay as a navigator, and so an accord was made. Ashkala had little interest in the factional politics of the Shadow Knights. What was interesting was the access and movement the group had. She reconnected with some other Qadiri and swiftly started training them in Instinctive Astrogation. Qadiri naturally had a sense for this on land, and a few in the Shadow Knights could have that trained and enhanced for spaceflight too.

The Hierophants of the Eternal Void were born. Ashkala became the Grand Hierophant of the Eternal Void. Her minions act as navigators and pilots on key ships in the Shadow Knight nomad fleet, using their powers to safely guide the fleet across the stars. This makes the guild rather influential in the councils of the Shadow Knights. They are also a valuable source of information for their mistress. It suits Ashkala, but she is not wedded to the faction. For now their ends match, but she may one day find it to be in her interests to depart and align herself with someone else. In that case many of her followers would accompany her. Some elements in the Shadow Knights are wary of her influence and have begun making plans to curtail it.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Random idea for Eldorai:

A Force-user, possibly a former cleric, who essentially experienced what the Exile did at Malachor when Kaeshana was destroyed. She felt all the deaths and cut herself off from the Force. Bonus points if she used to be quite reactionary.

Not sure what I'd do with the char, but could be fun.

  • Intent: Expand on the Shadow Knights through moar bureaucracy.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: Government agency.
  • Links: Eldorai, Blades of Reason.
  • Group Name: Commissariat for Supply, Labour and Economic Security.
  • Classification: Government agency.
  • Headquarters: Shadow Knight nomad fleet.
  • Loyalties: Shadow Knights, Stylena.
  • Group Sigil: Blowtorch and hydrospanner.
Description: The Commissariat for Supply, Labour and Economic Security is an agency of the Provisional Government of the Shadow Knights, an Eldorai rebel group. Provisional Government is a somewhat fanciful name since it obviously does not control planetary holdings. However, it sounds more respectable than 'junta of a rag-tag fleet of exiles, refugees and renegades', which is helpful when negotiating with outsiders and makes the movement seem more reputable. Senior departments heads are called Commissars. Within this framework, the Commissariat in question is responsible for the acquisition and provision of essential supplies, coordinate the allocation of resources, distribution of ration cards, organisation of the labour force, the setting of economic planning goals and the investigation and persecution of economic crimes.

It is also responsible for safeguarding and protecting the interests of workers. The Shadow Knights have a dim view of social security and believe that benefits should be tied to the services an individual has rendered to the community. Thus the Commissariat is responsible for giving pensions to the disabled and 'deserving' cases, such as combat veterans. It also organises educational courses for workers. This goes hand in hand with drafting the unemployed. Finally, the agency is a major point of contact for outside parties who trade with the Shadow Knights, especially smuggling networks. The Commissariat is led by Stylena, a professional Eldorai revolutionary and Rationalist who has turned it into a power base to advance her interests.


Hierarchy: Like every bureaucratic institution, the Commissariat has a strict, top-down hierarchy. One could liken it to a pyramid. At the peak stands Commissar Stylena, who is the overall head of the institution. She sets the agenda, chairs important meetings, hires and fires senior bureaucrats and represents the institution in negotiations with outside parties and other Commissariats. She is also responsible for the Commissariat's conduct. Stylena is an energetic, but also coarse and authoritarian leader who does not broker dissent. Like all Commissars, she is appointed by the Archon of the Shadow Knights, the overall leader of the group, though elected by an oligarchic council for a fixed term.

She is assisted by two to three Deputy Commissars, with the most senior being the First Deputy Commissar. While in principle the Commissar can fill these positions by using her own judgement, in practice she must take the ambitions and influence of various special interest groups that make up the Shadow Knight movement into account. Stylena herself belongs to the Blades Reason, a radical egalitarian, atheistic movement. It is unofficial practice in Shadow Knight agencies to ensure that all relevant groups are represented, which has forced Stylena to appoint some non-Rationalists to avoid accusations of monopolising power for one party. The Commissar has a personal staff to assist her in running her department. Beneath management level, there are the various departments of the Commissariat, which are called Directorates:
  • Directorate I: Internal Administration and Personnel.
  • Directorate II: Supply, Domestic and Foreign Trade.
  • Directorate III: Labour Mobilisation
  • Directorate IV: Welfare
  • Directorate V: Economic Crimes
  • Inspectorate
These bureaus are supervised by Directors, some of whom might be identical with the Deputy Commissars. They report directly to the Commissar. Stylena is a very energetic, interventionist chief, characterised by a combination of ruthless drive, hard work, organisational ability and, when necessary, a brutal steamroller approach. In other words, what one might call a 'can-do' or 'results-orientated' manager who get things done.

In addition, the Commissariat maintains a network of plenipotentiaries, each of whom is dispatched to check on the work of the elements of the Shadow Knight nomad fleet. The Shadow Knights do not have the resources of a planetary or interstellar government, but possess vessels such as gas collectors, manufacturing ships and salvage ships. They also sustain themselves through raids and smuggling activities. As the Commissariat is responsible for allocating resources and ensuring the distribution of supplies, it is obviously interested in the results of such activities. However, many Shadow Knight leaders are rather independent-minded lot, especially those who have won laurels in the revolutionary struggle. Thus the Commissariat's intendants often come into conflict with local chiefs. In that case, disputes have to be adjudicated at a higher level. The Commissariat is empowered to investigate and punish economic crimes such as theft, hoarding and sabotage. In that regard, the Commissariat cooperates with the Redeemers, a punitive, deterrent and intelligence organisation created to protect the Revolution from enemies within and without.

Membership: Must be a Shadow Knight in good standing. Senior positions are closed to Civilians and only available for Citizens, in other words Shadow Knights who have performed military service. Officially any Eldorai, Vashyada, Qadiri or Xioquo who fits the above criteria can apply for a position. However, Stylena has been accused of discriminating against the Tygaran 'cousins' and showing a clear bias towards Eldorai. Likewise, there are also allegations of her favouring members of the Blades of the Reason. This is no coincidence since Stylena happens to be a member of the Committee of Rationalist Security, a body that consists of the top leaders of the Blades of Reason.

Stylena controls her minions through a mixture of fear, respect, reputation, charm and managerial skills. She is a demanding taskmistress and is always seeking out new information to get ahead in the game. Despite her blood-soaked past, she has an uncanny way of presenting herself as a representative of the golden mean. Her low class origins and direct manner of speech are also a boon in some circles, such as among the Forsaken.

She pays particular attention to cadre selection, training and management. As she said in one of her rare speeches: "Personnel policy is the most important thing. The movement leads by appointing people. Power is not power if it cannot appoint people. And so, citizens, if we want to successfully get over the shortage of people and provide our movement with sufficient cadres capable of advancing technique and setting it going, we must first of all learn to value people, to value cadres, to value every worker capable of benefiting our common cause." The Commissariat has positioned itself as adhering to the principle of gender equality. Sadly, sexism at the workplace is still a thing and so women tend to get paid for more doing the same work as men.

Dogma/Doctrines: Officially the Commissariat is committed to egalitarian principles such as equality, fairness and social justice. It means to reward the loyal and diligent, draft the lazy and combat the heinous activities of 'wreckers and sloths'. It is supposed to organise a fair and just distribution that ensures the survival of the nomad fleet. The ideal model of the Shadow Knights would be a mixed economy with limited free market capitalism and a strong public sector that occupies the commanding heights of the economy. However, necessity has compelled them to introduce a system that is close to state socialism. The Commissariat is supposed to ensure the system works. Detractors accuse it of being overly bureaucratised and aggrandising power. The Commissariat counters these accusations by claiming that it serves the greater good, as opposed to particular interests. They view themselves as being engaged in a long, epic struggle to lead the Eldorai and their cousins into modernity and freedom.

The Shadow Knights have a culture that prizes frugality and views wastefulness and laziness as cardinal sins. If someone is disabled, the government will find them a desk job. Caring for veterans who suffered injuries or bereaved family members of dead soldiers is viewed as an important obligation on the part of the community. The Shadow Knights also have a maximum wage. The Commissariat assumes a very militant stance on 'economic crimes' such as hoarding and sabotage. Despite all the patriotic rhetoric, the Shadow Knights cannot rewrite sentient nature, which means they must offer incentives. Those who do their jobs can expect to be cared for, receive bonuses and some level of comfort. Moreover, the honorary title of Heroine (or Hero) of Asuran Labour is bestowed upon individuals who have made significant contributions in the economic sphere. Those who receive the award are regarded as exemplary models of the Asuran worker.

The Commissariat does not believe in free handouts. There is no such thing as unemployment money. Shadow Knight ideology postulates that service guarantees citizenship. One's place in society should be determined by one's willingness to contribute towards it. Those who are seen as not pulling their weight get short shrift. They are often conscripted into some form of national or penal service - or exiled. Such drafts are not always pleasant and repeat offenders face the possibility of being banished from the nomad fleet. The department is permeated by a strong 'us' and 'them' mentality. Admittedly this is quite common for Eldorai in general. The Commissariat sees itself as the champion of the 'deserving', hard-working, loyal Asuran who is building a new future for her people with her own hands. From its point of view, it is opposed by reactionaries, monarchists, saboteurs and enemies of the people who want to undermine the efforts of the free Asurans. Their world is divided sharply into friends and enemies. True freedom and prosperity require overcoming these hostile forces. If need be their voices must be silenced. Military language is very common in speeches by Commissariat functionaries, internal and external correspondence. The Commissariat is willing to work with foreign partners, but stresses the importance of self-reliance and independence. This is in line with general Shadow Knight beliefs. The rebels realise they must work with foreigners, but seek to reduce dependence wherever possible. Use of hydroponic techniques to grow plants and vegetables is also encouraged.

Eldorai birth rates are comparatively low, so the Commissariat offers incentives to couples to have children. Having lots of children is discouraged because the nomad fleet's resources are finite, but a healthy surplus is deemed necessary. In line with Stylena's progressive beliefs, the Commissariat supports the use of droids. This is a notable departure from traditionalist Eldorai beliefs, as conservative Space Elves believe they are a violation of the Goddess' commandments on life. As the Rationalists are atheists who believe Ashira was just a mortal woman, they are obviously free of such scruples. It has also sponsored endowing maimed veterans with mechanical protheses to replace the organic body parts they lost in the line of duty.

Curios: Their closest thing to a curio is a membership card.

Goals: Supervise the national economy and ensure a 'fair' distribution, expand its influence and serve as a power base for Stylena.


Like the Shadow Knights, the Commissariat for Supply, Labour and Economic Security is a fairly young institution. It came into being in the aftermath of the Shadow Knights' retreat from Kaeshana following the annexation of the planet by the First Order. Realising a more centralised apparatus was needed to control the nomad fleet they now inhabited, the Shadow Knights created the Provisional Government. The aforementioned Commissariat was one of its first institutions. During the Long Night on Kaeshana, the Shadow Knights had implemented a policy to feed and supply the surviving Eldorai settlements that could be best described as war communism. Resources were extremely scarce after the Eldorai homeworld was devastated by a huge asteroid, so harsh measures were required to ensure survival, though these inevitably created conflict.

The new Commissariat built upon the emergency institutions that had been created to requisition and allocate resources. Stylena, an energic but also very radical Rationalist revolutionary with many years of experience in the underground, was put in charge of the new agency. Born into a low class family, Stylena had first become involved in the New Green Ribbons revolutionary movement before embracing Rationalism and becoming an agent of the Blades of the Reason. She eventually gained a seat on the Committee of Rationalist Security and was appointed its Responsible Secretary. This seemingly innocuous office gave her a high degree of influential over cadres. She distributed funds, compiled agendas, kept records and influenced personnel assignments.

By the time she was appointed as Commissar, she had acquired experience as a bank robber, a paramilitary leader, party organisation chief, backroom manager and requisition specialist. During the Long Night she proved herself as an efficient, though ruthless organiser. Acting as a troubleshooter, she helped organise requisition and distribution of supplies. This involved founding a pirate gang to raid foreign ships, though she was forced to yield command after the crass behaviour of her minions went beyond the pale. She had made her share of enemies during her career, both within the Blades of Reason and outside of it, so the appointment was not without controversy. However, she enjoyed the support of Cadera Naeyra, the influential High Illuminatrix of the Blades of Reason. Archon Naesala Faethyra, no friend of Stylena, consented to the appointment for political reasons, though she made sure to place some people who had her confidence into key positions.

The new agency was created to cut through red tape, place distribution on a more sound basis and ensure that the various individual ship captains and paramilitary chiefs followed the general line and contributed to the Shadow Knights as a whole, rather than hoarding resources and funds for herself. Of course, Stylena, being a cunning sort, quickly realised that she could turn the Commissariat into a power base to advance her own ambitions. At the same time, it was also a risk for her, as her agency would be one of the primary institutions people would blame in the case of shortages.

Stylena fought for and gained the right to ensure economic security, though she has kept the definition vague. In this field the Commissariat's duties overlap with those of the Redeemers, a state security agency created to protect the revolutionary order by combating counterrevolution, sabotage, infiltration and corruption. This has been the cause of a few turf wars. Stylena had to perform a tactical retreat and make some concessions when she tried to expand her remit too far. But on the whole the Commissariat is sitting firmly in the saddle, though one can never be complacent given the tempestuous nature of Eldorai politics. She has managed to sequester a large amount of 'extraordinary funds' to be held in 'trust' for her usage for 'security matters'. Stylena is smart enough to invest most of it rather than waste it all on expensive items for herself. The money is useful when she needs to purchase or secure someone's loyalty. Enough people appreciate luxury articles such as Corellian brandy, cigarras, jewellry and foreign holomovies.

Stylena has retained her seat on the Blades of Reasons' top decision-making body, where she continues to control the secretariat. She also maintains contact with several smuggling networks. These groups include expatriate Eldorai, exodites, and foreigners. They are an important source of funding for the insurrection. The Shadow Knights perform mining and salvaging operations, but their ability to process raw materiels and get the finished products is a bit limited. Thus they must form trade links with outside parties. There is naturally always the fear of becoming so reliant on foreign trade partners that they will be able to exert influence on the body politic.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]



  • Age: 65

  • Force Sensitivity: Knight

  • Species: Vashyada.

  • Appearance: Of average height for a Vashyada female. Has fair skin, but tanned due to spending a lot of time outdoors and performing physical labour. She has shoulder-length dark hair and the typical pointed ears of an elf. She is a hardy woman and there is a hint of musculature on her body and limbs. She is no powerhouse, but she keeps in shape. The forests of her home were full of dangers and using a hammer at a forge requires some strength. She prefers traditional attire or robes outside of combat situations.

  • Name: Vailkai

  • Loyalties: Primary: Vashyada. Also: Order of Fire, Firemane, House Kerrigan-Alcori, Phylis.

  • Wealth: Average. Payment in the Order of Fire is on a sliding scale, based on rank, experience, reward and so on. Being unused to market economics, Vailkai has had to adjust to how things work in a corporation because her people did not use standardised currency backed by precious metals. Most of their financial transactions were carried out by barter or trade. Vailkai is not a spendthrift and has a low opinion of consumerism.

  • Notable Possessions: Owns a copy of Levitation in the Pre-Tythonian Era (Volume 1 & 2). Phylis was surprised when the young Vashyada said that she's actually read and enjoyed it. Few people who have seen this huge, ponderous volume read it with enthusiasm, so the Jedi Master was happy to see that someone appreciated her work. Owns a Force imbued quarterstaff. Phylis has gifted her an Alkahest robe and an Alkahest copper knife (received ooc permission from [member="Phylis Alince"] to use).

Skills: Vailkai is a healer, particularly skilled in the application of Force healing and traditional medicine. She is also a proficient biologist, particularly in the fields of ecology, botany and zoology. Moreover, she is a proficient alchemist, using the power of the Light to create alchemical effects. This light side variant of alchemy is called Alkahest and was taught to her by Phylis Alince. It can be used to create imbued items, but also uplift creatures. She is also skilled in the application of plant surge and earth manipulation, an ability that is quite common among Vashyada Force-Users. That aside, she is capable of typical 'Light' applications of the Force like Stun, Barrier, Blind and Telekinesis.

The Vashyada hail from a forest and had to hunt for most of their food, so she knows how to use a bow and arrow. She is not as good as a trained huntress among her people or a sharpshooter, but her skills suffice. She is less familiar with modern weapons, but is able to use pistols. Her melee weapon of choice is a Force imbued quarterstaff. Essentially, she is a modern-day druid.

Personality: Like all Vasyhada, Vailkai had to deal with the huge culture shock that came with experiencing first contact with non-Tygaran civilisations and races. Until the coming of the sky people, her race knew nothing of FTL travel and many other things that outsiders often take for granted. She is curious about the greater Galaxy, takes notes about everything, but rationalises things by trying to fit them into ways she understands. Thusly, space is the sky-ocean to her. As she is fond of saying, "The galaxy is an endless ocean, with each planet being nought but an island in the eternal sea."

She is a thoughtful and observant person. She is generally reserved by nature but cannot be intimidated easily. The elf reads voraciously and is always seeking out more information. The Vasyhada priestesses taught her how to draw upon the Vash (Vashyada word for the Light Side) to heal others, and she is a compassionate presence in the Order of Fire. When she is not in a library or the medical ward, she can often be found in a garden she tends to. Like many of the Force Users among her people, she is good with animals and plants. She helps take care of them on one of the space habitats. While she has adjusted to life in space, she prefers having some green around her and is uncomfortable in spaces wholly devoid of it. She is a bit of a researcher with a focus on the biological sciences, especially ecology, botany and zoology. Her skills in these fields make her an asset for Firemane. This especially applies to its exploration corps.

As a healer she is sworn to save and preserve life. However, this vow does not make her meek. Silk hiding steel would be an apt metaphor for her. The Vashyada hail from a deep forest, where danger was never far. They also had to often defend themselves against Qadiri or Xioquo incursions. While the Vasyhada are a peaceful people who disdain warmongering and wars of aggression, they are rather determined in defending their own. This attitude has rubbed off on her. If needs be, she will defend herself. She feels strong animus towards sadistic or malicious beings. While Vailkai is affiliated with Firemane, she follows an interpretation of the Force that adheres to most of the tenets of her people. She came to the Order of Fire via an exchange programme that was agreed upon by Siobhan Kerrigan and Tylania, a primeval Vashyada who has a status similar to a prophetess and serves as an oracle and guide to her people. Vailkai still holds the Lady Tylania in high regard. While the Order of Fire has a greyer view of the Force, she still stays away from the Dark Side.

While she is presently employed by the Order, Vailkai is very devoted to her people. She views her work as a way to build a bridge between the new world and her fellow Vashyada. That way she can help ease the transition and do her part to ensure that modernisation does not result in her people losing sight of their core values and traditions. Should it come to conflict, she would choose the Vashyada. Her race are primitive on the technological front, but she believes they have talents and values that others can learn from. Thus she is proud of her heritage. As someone who lost a student to the Dark Side, Vailkai is suspicious of Firemane. Tylania has taught that evil stems from someone's actions and that a person should be judged on that basis, but Vailkai is sceptical.

Vailkai bears a bit of a grudge against Xioquo due to repeated attacks they launched against the Vashyada. As a result, there is some tension between her and the Xioquo members of the Order. The official line is that the elves must let go of the old rivalries in order to progress but while the mind may understand that, it is obviously difficult for the heart to follow through after so much blood has flown. It does not help that the Xioquo have a blood-stained history of slavery, cruelty and dark side worship. Her animus towards them has a religious dimension, too. She recognises that her grudge is a bit unfair and has tried to work on it, but it is a difficult process for her. She finds Siobhan's Xioquo worshippers extremely disconcerting. Her greatest regret is the fate of Tadiya, a former student of hers who turned to darkness and forsook the Vashyada. Vailkai holds herself responsible for Tadiya's fall and believes she is duty-bound to rectify her mistake.

She has a strong interest in Alkahest, the light side variant of Alchemy, and has been taught this art by Phylis Alince, an unaffiliated Jedi Master. While not a master alchemist, she has displayed an aptitude for the art. One of her idiosyncracies is that she is very fond of spiders. She keeps a few as pets. They happen to be very large. She has trouble understanding why some people might hate spiders. Siobhan likes to make fun of them nerding around together. Siobhen herself is uncomfortable around spiders. Once upon a time Valkai worked with Phylis to create a Jedi-spawn spider. The pair showed it off to Siobhan, not knowing of her phobia. The curious, intelligent spider wanted to come and say hello to a new friend and started climbing up Sio's leg. Fortunately, they could keep the Grandmistress from hurting the poor arachnid. Vailkai and Kaylah Danton, Firemane's Vice President, share an interest in entomology.

Coincidentally, Vailaikai's husband Ruydin has also entered the services of the Order. A strong terramancer and warrior-druid, he is a member of the Circle of Yarkul. Of all the Eldorai races, the Vasyhada are the least misandrist, so their relationship is rather egalitarian. The rigid misandrist policies of her 'cousins' strike her as strange or silly.

Her opinion on slavery is a bit complex. She abhorrs the chattel slavery that has been practiced by the Qadiri and Xioquo for so long ago. The same applies to the cruel practices of slaver gangs and cartels. However, she draws a distinction between this and slavery in Vashyda society. In all fairness, slavery amongst the Vashyada has always been far rarer compared to the other races on Tygara. While not seen as immoral per se, it has been regarded as ineffective for conditions in their homeland, as they lacked the space for large slave farms and mining. So it has only been used as punishment for crimes, if a Vashyada has been unable to pay wergild to make reparation. She regards this practice, where a felon is indentured to the victim's family, as educational and more civilised, arguing that strict laws govern this institution and it is more like corrective penal labour.


  • Weapon of Choice: Quarterstaff | the Force

Combat Function: Her primary vocation is that of a healer and alchemist, but she has some combat skills to help out in a fight if need be. Her combat function could be compared to that of a druid. She can manifest defensive barriers, utilise powers like telekinesis, stun, blind and plant surge. She is very skilled at manipulating plants and the earth. Vailkai is aware of lightsabres, but does not own one herself and has yet to be trained how to fight with one. She is more used to melee weapons with actual weight behind them. She is good with polearms though, favouring a Force imbued quarterstaff. She is better at using polearms than swords, though she is good with a knife. She has an affinity for animals.

She has received training in the use of small arms such as blaster pistols, but dislikes guns and is not a good rifle shot or proficient in the use of heavy weapons such as heavy repeating blasters, missile launchers or rotary cannons. Vashyada have traditionally lived in the cold temperate forests and chill mountains of Yarkul, so they have rarely encountered extremely hot temperatures. This makes intense heat a problem for her. Vailkai lacks vehicle or starship piloting skills and is thus reliant on others in this area. Like all Vashyada she has keen senses, but her sensitive hearing is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it enables her to hear noises others might miss and thus makes it more difficult to sneak up on her. But on the other she is more vulnerable to high-pitch frequencies such as those emitted by sonic weapons.

When it comes to telekinesis, she can utilise the standard skills such as push and pull. Big AOE attacks of the Force Repulse variety or similar are not part of her repertoire though. Her best use lies in being a support player and medic as she lacks the reflexes and resilience of an elite fighter. She dislikes confining heavy armour, preferring to wear a lightweight suit of armour or robe that does not restrict her movements too much. This obviously leaves her more vulnerable to damage, especially from heavy weapons and high-calibre projectiles. Ysalamiri and Voidstone will put her at a notable disadvantage, as they will deprive her of many of her talents. Moreover, she is not used to Force-negating lizards, so suddenly deprived of the Force could momentarily disorientate her and throw her off her game, possibly giving an opponent an opening to strike.


For centuries the Vashyada have in the forests of Yarkul, the southern continent of Tygara. Dispersing across the vast and forbidding forests, they tamed the wilderness and became a part of it. Tylania, believed by her people to be a demigoddess, elected not to take power as being a ruler was incompatible with her Light Side beliefs. Instead, she acted as a spiritual guide, prophet and tiebreaker in the event of controversy among the Vashyada's leaders. To prevent strife, the two most powerful clans were symbolically joined as High King and High Queen. This diarchy was highly unorthodox, but worked for the most part.

While strife still occured between the clans, these clashes tended to be minor and were often resolved by duels between champions. However, despite the Vashyada's peaceful nature, their lives were not free from conflict. For they were menaced by the warlike Qadiri and Xioquo. Often they had to defend themselves against slave raids from either of the two races. Lacking the military organisation of the Qadiri or the tech of the Xioquo, the Vashyada took advantage of their greatest asset: the forest itself. To this day Qadiri still tell their children of Brahdok's folly, for the ambitious general sought to conquer Yarkul with a large army - and failed. However, then the wood elves' world was turned tupsy-turvy when the Star People came. These changes were disturbing enough that Tylania chose to take a more direct role. Vailkai grew up into these strange times, which represented a period of change and transition for Tygara. Some saw opportunity, others threats to their way of life. When she was born, Vailkai knew nothing of any of this. Her world were the deep forests of Yarkul, where life was hard and dangers ever-present. She grew up as a member of the Whiteleaf Clan, a Vashyada tribe with a long history. Her parents were shamans and healers within the clan and devout followers of Tylania, whose priestesses were held in high esteem.

Where she was raised, life was hard and survival by no means assured. Thus she was taught from an early age how to defend herself. She displayed skill with a bow and arrow, doing her part to ensure the survival of the clan. However, while she learned to track and forage, her path was not that of a huntresss. Vasyhada society is far less hierarchial than that of their cousins, but she was groomed to carry on the family tradition, especially after her Force powers manifested.

At first her parents taught her the basics of using her gifts. Her family instilled the lightsided values of the disciples of Tylania into her. Her powers came from the spirits and had to be treated with respect. They were to be used as a shield to defend others, but not as a tool to gain power or inflict pain. Thus she was taught to favour the Light Side, which her people call Vash. She showed promise as a healer and was invited to join Tylania's circle of adepts. However, like many young prodigies, Valkai was impatient and always pushing herself. She showed promise, but she was still naive about the world, having grown up in the insulated bubble of the deep forest. One day, her brother grew very sick. He had been tracking prey to the edge of the Dark Heart of the forest, but had been struck by something malevolent and was found there by his companions and carried back to the village. Vailkai tried to heal him. But even though she did her utmost, she was unable to rid him of his ailment.

Eventually, she got desperate and sought the aid of Tylania. She should have asked her for guidance sooner, but she had been confident in her ability to cure her brother without help. In this time, Tylania only rarely walked among her people. Her light side morals were incompatible for being a ruler and she wanted her people to find their own path. However, she served as a guide, who could be awoken in times of need. For three nights Vailkai meditated and prayed for guidance, until Tylania responded to her plea. However, even she was unable to heal the young Vashyada's brother, saying that he was afflicted by a wound of the Dark Side. The Heart of Yarkul was a stained, tainted place. Tylania at times had to go into the Heart to conduct a ritual to hold back the darkness so that it would not spread and threaten her people. She was willing to do so again and find a way to help him. However, Vailkai was determined to go there instead and prove herself.

Tylania warned her that it would be perilous, but knew that this would only make her disciple more stubborn, so she took her aside and told her of a place within the Heart where a tree grew whose sap could provide healing. This was where the ancient elf went to get some of her more exceptional ingridients that could be used for exceptionally potent healing potions and salves. Her brother's condition was only getting worse, so filled with resolve, Vailkai headed off there. Tylania promised to follow a day behind. The young Vashyada knew little of what awaited her as she headed into the unknown. The test she had to pass was called the Trial of the Seven Gates, for both the darkness and the light of the forest tested her mentally and physically. For everyone the trip into the forest's heart is different, but similar in theme. The first trial she faced was that of virtue. At the first gate she was confronted with a large crystal. On touching it the crystal glowed a near brilliant white and the door opened.

Then came the trial of temptation, where she was faced with a choice. Visions of power and glory filled her if only she would step aside from her path. But she managed to overcome the visions and move on steadfast. Then came the trial of honour. Here she faced a massive spider. She could have stepped back, but instead faced the beast in combat. It inflicted serious injury on her, but she was able to defeat it with the aid of plants. In the subsequent trial of strength, the path ahead was blocked by a vast wall of stone which she could neither climb nor get around. She was too weak to move them through mere muscle strength and could not lift all of them with the Force. But she was able to her pwers to lift aside a small section and slip through before the boulders fell again, after which the vall vanished.

In the trial of wisdom she was confronted by two heavy doors, with only cryptic messages written in an archaic dialect of her people to give her an answer as to which was the correct one. Eventually she was able to apply logic to determine the correct doorway. This led her to the trial of endurance. A final door barred her entrance, with no handle or lock, only a gap in the middle with a distant lever. Feeling distrustful, she used her staff to manipulate but was tossed back. Fire burned in the hole. Finally, she reachd in and grasped it, despite the intense, searing burning and retrieved her hand unharmed, which caused the door to open. Finally at the heart of the forest, she was faced first with the shades of those who had come before her and failed the trials. This was a trial of mental torment as doubt threatened to seize her like a vice and they sought to keep her trapped with them. However, she was able to overcome them with difficulty. But then, when she believed that the tests had come to an end, she was faced by a mirror image of herself, a reflection of her own darkness. She was nearly slain, but was able to overcome the mirror and shattered it. This was the trial of spirit.

From the spring and the tree at the centre of the forest, she retrieved a gourd of life-giving water and was also gifted a crystal. Eventually she managed to return to her tribe and heal her ailing brother. She rarely spoke of what had transpired in the forest, but was haunted deeply by it, being often plagued by nightmares. Her experiences had a profound effect on her. She was still very driven, but she also seemed humbler. She studied intently and aided her tribe wherever possible, but became a rather withdrawn woman.

However, events soon forced her to take action. All in all, the Vasyhada were a peaceful people. Disputes between clans spilled over into skirmishes due to the decentralised nature of their society, these were usually settled by small scale raids or duels between selected champions. Warfare was seen as the last resort and the aim was to force the other side to negotiate, not annihilate them. Conquest was looked upon with great suspicion. However, this defensive mentality was at odds with the martial ethos of the Qadiri and the Xioquo. Like the Vashyada, they were Eldorai subraces. Both fought each other, but also launched incursions into Vashyada territory, seeking booty and slaves. Against such opponents the Vashyada did not feel beholden to their morals and would attack without mercy once the customary warnings had been given.

Vailkai had been raised on stories about outsider incursions. When Vailkai's mother was very young, her own mother had been abducted by Xioquo raiders never to be seen again. Inevitably, the Xioquo marched upon Yarkul again, for one of their dark matriarchs sought to gain prestige. Vailkai was not one of the stealthy huntresses that first caught of the iron steamships that brought the Xioquo to their shores. Her talents lay not in being a sharpshooter or a scout. But she took up arms in defence of the homeland. The Xioquo were harassed by Vasyhada archers, illusionists and tamed beasts. But while they suffered casualties from the repeated guerilla attacks, they deployed alchemised monstrosities and primitive rifles that surpassed the Vashyada's more primitive medieval tech.

Vailkai won some fame in the battle against the invaders. At significant personal risk, she dragged a Vashyada warrior who had been wounded by a poisoned Xioquo arrow to safety. When her group came under assault, she manifested an unnaturally bright flash of light to blind the drows so that they could be smitten. A Xioquo warrior who had been able to shield herself got close and fought her. Vailkai defended herself with her staff and her ability to manipulate plants, but was outmanoeuvred by the Xioquo's superior duelling ability. Having been struck in the leg and suffered a gash to her stomach at the hand of the poisoned alchemised blade, Vailkai dropped to her knee. Suffering from the effect of the venomous poison, she managed to summon her power and Force push the Xioquo into a tree.

Enraged, the Xioquo attacked her the energies of the dark side, draining her. However, Vailkai was being tormented, a spider that had been befriended by the druid crawled up upon the Xioquo and bit her. Enraged the Drow had to defend herself, which broke her concentration. The reprieve was only temporary, but Vailkai gathered her strength to get close and blind the sorceress, before beating her with her staff. The light side energies she channelled burnt the Xioquo's skin. Thereupon Vailkai collapsed as exhaustion overcame her and the poison took its toll on her. The rest of the fight was like a blur to her and she soon lost consciousness. Fortunately for her, her comrades recovered her and brought her to the healers. While Vasyhada are not a warlike people, they respect individual valour and so she was honoured by her tribe. The attack had been repulsed, but several of her tribespeople had lost their lives. It left Vailkai with a strong animus towards the Xioquo.

A few of the Xioquo had been captured. They were enslaved and sent to work menial tasks. Slavery was nowhere near as widespread among the Vashyada as in the lands of the Qadiri or Xioquo, as it was considered inefficient and ineffective for the conditions in Yarkul. Its only institutional use was as punishment for crimes. Vailkai had a captive help her out in the household. Attempts to get through to her faltered. However, it was time for her to progress as an adept of Tylania. Perhaps the priestesses noted that her anger towards the Xioquo could lead her to a tainted road. Either way, they decided it was time for her to pass on what she had learned, so they assigned a student to her.

Tadiya was a brave, spirited girl, but also a problematic case. The girl had lost most of her family in a Xioquo raid and hidden in the woods until she was found by Vashyada rangers. She rejected the pacifist, defensive mentality of her people in favour of a more aggressive approach. Determined to help the traumatised girl, Vailkai began Tadiya's training even though she was still recovering from her injuries. Having confronted her own darkness in the Dark Heart of Yarkul, she wanted to teach Tadiya the ways of the Light and how to control her abilities. At first the two wood elves managed to bond. Vailkai was a patient, attentive teacher. However, there was still a gulf between them. Vailkai believed in the old traditions that Tadiya was rebelling against.

At first things seemed to be going well. When there was a forest fire, they helped heal Vashyada and tamed beasts that had been caught in the fire. They also used their powers of plant surge to give new life to an area that had been burnt down. Then a Qadiri Mirza named Brahdok, a ruler unaligned with the Amikarese Empire, brought a large army and fleet to the shores of Yarkul, intent on raiding it. Brahdok built a fortress on the shore. As the Vashyada lacked siegecraft, it was immune to their attacks. Impetuously, Tadiya joined a party of Vashyada rangers that attacked the fort. However, their bravery was for naught, as they were uanble to do anything other than try to burn the palisades. But the attempt was repulsed with heavy losses. Coming under heavy fire from the entrenched Qadiri, they were forced to flee. Vailkai summoned a defensive barrier to protect her apprentice and saw to her injuries. The wooden palisades were soon replaced by stone and fire. The Vashyada gave up on storming the fortress. Feeling confident of victory, Brahdok led an army into the forest in search of Vastyro. However, having been alerted by scouts, the Vashyada knew of her approach. With the aid of the priestesses, they summoned mists and illusions to deceive the Qadiri, and then ambushed them in the fortress riding giant spiders.

It was a pure rout for the Qadiri. Brahdok's defeat would go down in history as a tale of folly among the Qadiri. Tadiya unleashed her anger in the fight, smashing a Qadiri warrior with a powerful telekinetic blast, avenging her dead comrades by slaughtering invaders. She fought valiantly - but also ferociously. This was a cause of concern for the priestesses. Vailkai was worried as well. However, Tadiya did not see how she had done anything wrong. She argued that the Vashyada could not hide forever. Their enemies were only getting stronger and more ruthless. They needed to advance if they wanted to survive.

Because she did not want to keep things secret from her student, Vailkai had told her about the seven trials she had faced in the Dark Heart. She intended it to be a cautionary tale, but unfortunately, it had the opposite effect on Tadiya. Her young student was fascinated by the story, believing she could emulate her teacher's quest. One night, after they had tended to some wood elves who had grown sick, Tadiya snuck away. Realising her intent, Vailkai pursued her, rightly fearing that her student was not prepared for such a test. However, the maze seemed to be actively working against her catching up with Tadiya, for each trial is meant for the individual alone.

Vailkai tried to reach out to Tadiya with the Force, but failed and was unable to sense her. When Tadiya emerged from the dark heart, she had been changed. She had embraced the primordial darkness of the forest. According to her, she had broken her shackles. Vailkai sensed a dark taint in her and confronted her former apprentice, seeking to talk her down and bring her to the priestesses. However, Tadiya refused to adhere to the rules, calling the beliefs of the Vashyada absurd. In the end it came down to a fight, as the wood elf, perhaps influenced by the darkness of the forest, attacked her. The dark had made Tadiya a formidable opponent, but in the end Vailkai defeated her. The darkness tried to twist the shaman's mind, urging her to kill her former apprentice, but she refused to do so. As someone who had embraced the 'Drush' (dark side), Tadiya was exiled. Vailkai was deeply shaken by this, believing that she had failed as a teacher. Depressed, she withdrew from her clan, living a life akin to that of a hermit. Eventually she was pulled out of her depression, realising that she needed to woman up.

Little did she know that change was coming to Tygara. Rumours abounded about sky people who had descended on great metal beasts. These rumours were soon proved to be fact. Vailkai was not present when a Firemane delegation led by Siobhan Kerrigan received an audience with the High King and the High Queen of the Vashyada. Even Tylania made an appearance, acting as a tiebreaker when the joint monarchs could not agree on a decision. The end result was that Firemane set up a small trading outpost on the shore of Yarkul, close to the site of Brahdok's destroyed fort. The Vashyada were pleased to hear that Firemane had subdued the Xioquo, but they were understandably suspicious of outsiders. Not only did the outsiders have superior tech, they also followed beliefs that diverged radically from those of the wood elves.

Vailkai was one of the Vashyada who were suspicious of the sky people. She feared that an accord with them could lead her people into peril. She had a rather passionate dispute with a druid from the Redleaf Clan, which supported the accord and was building ties with the outsiders. Her tribe had a bit of a rivalry with the Redleaves, which probably made the dispute more acrimonious. The dispute turned into a duel. However, the fight was broken up by Tylania, who chided both of them for their behaviour. At a crucial time where their people needed unity and looked to individuals like them for guidance, they had allowed pride to get the better of them.

Vailkai was compelled to interact with outsiders when she succumbed to a foreign disease that was unknown to her people. Having been isolated for so long, the Vashyada lacked immunity to many of the diseases common to their cousins. Exposure to such contaminants could be fatal. Vailkai was treated by a doctor from Firemane's medical corps. Her scepticism remained, but the episode had an effect on her, as she realised there were things the wisdom of the elders was not enough to protect her people from. Intrigued by foreign medicine, she resolved to learn about their healing methods so that she could use this knowledge for the betterment of her people. She sought out the Eldorai who had a presence in the Firemane outpost, but was dismayed by the racism that was common among the cousins. Sadly, opinions along the lines of 'the forestlings are like children, not fully formed by the Goddess. Give them a couple trees and a pond and they'll happy' were far from rare. Their ignorance and entitled, smug sense of superiority saddened her. However, Eileithya Saedaris, an Eldorai priestess and healer who was a personal friend of Siobhan Kerrigan, took her under her wing and taught her some of their techniques. While the Vashyada had great healers, surgical knowledge was lacking among them, as dissection was not allowed. It was quite a shock for Vailkai when she discovered that the sky people permitted such a thing.

Vailkai was present when Ser Grrowh, a Wookiee slaver, and his gang assaulted the Vashyada homeland. His overconfidence and trust in technology turned out to be his undoing, as his raid was repulsed. Vailkai participated in the defence, using her skills to turn the forest against the invaders and summon barriers to protect her comrades. It helped that the Vashyada rangers had received some rifles from Firemane. Around this time, some of the more adventurous Vashyada began to leave Yarkul, eager to see what lay beyond their homeland. To a degree, this was a safety valve for the conservatives, as elements considered disruptive now had a way out. Some became independent operators, others found their way into Firemane's ranks.

Tylania, who believed her people needed to catch up, met with Siobhan to negotiate an exchange programme. The Vashyada did not have vast riches, but they had some resources that could be of use, such as scouts, healers and potent crystals. The more bold of the Vashyada would join Firemane for a while and learn about the Galaxy for the benefit of their people, in return they would pass on what they knew. If suitable locations were found for the Vashyada to live elsewhere they would set up fresh colonies. Some of the young adepts Vailkai had trained took up this chance to see the stars. Feeling concerned for their wellbeing, Vailkai decided to join them. At first they spent some time at a Firemane base near an Eldorai city.

Her first time in space was deeply disconcerting for her. It was unnerving, even frightening to see her home rapidly vanished as the great metal beast the sky people called a spaceship sped away. However, despite her fears she stepped up to calm Vashyada adepts that had grown scared. Trying to rationalise things in a way that made sense to her, she came to regard space as a sky-ocean, with every planetoid being an island in it, while spaceships were sky-boats made of metal. Her reservations about the sky people remained, but she grew curious about the world beyond the 'island' she had grown up on. Firemane's big space station still seemed like an enormous metal kraken to her. It was quite shocking for her to discover how many people lived in the 'metal kraken', especially since the Vashyada lived in small settlements. On the bright side, she was happy when she found that the kraken had some green areas. To feel more at home, she set up her own garden and studied hydroponics and greenhouses. She and her fellow adepts were inducted into the Order of Fire Hospitallers, a specialised unit of Force healers who served as combat medics. This was a place where Vailkai felt at home and where she could contribute.

Among other things, she participated in an expedition to Raevana. Firemane was very interested in a native plant that had medical properties. However, the planet was extremely dangerous, for it was inhabited by ferocious predators, parasites and carnivorous plants. The Firemane expedition had its work cut out through it. Patrols sent into the jungle often returned battered and with missing members. Constant rain and heat impeded movement, while dense foliage did the same for scanners. Furthermore, insects, vicious crawlers and ferocious lizards kept attacking. Valkai proved her skills by saving the life of a Firemane officer who had been infected by a dangerous parasite. Her affinity for nature proved valuable when it came to discerning between plants worth studying and those that were dangerous. However, time to study the local flora and fauna was cut short when creepers grounded several Firemane ships over the course of a few days and had to be removed. Ultimately, the Firemane mission was withdrawn, though Valkai at least got to bring back some samples with her for further study.

She was one of the light side adepts invited to attend a seminar by Phylis Alince on Alkahest, which was described as the light side variant of Alchemy. Vailkai only knew of the Sith from stories told by her Firemane colleagues, she was very familiar with the dark, twisted magicks of the Xioquo. She was over by the idea that one could imbue items with the Light to protect and heal. She was intrigued by the idea of Jedispawn after meeting Phylis' pet rat. However, she was mystified by some Jedi beliefs. Regardless, the two struck up a friendship. There were also some significant changes in Vailkai's personal life, as she married a druid called Ruydin. The two had been friends and off and on lovers for many years, with Ruydin helping her through her depression after Tadiya's fall from grace.

Eventually, following the dissolution of the Silver Sanctum Coalition, the leaders of Tygara decided that their world was too vulnerable. A summit was convened to decide the future of its people. At this summit it was decided to evacuate the entire planet, using a mixture of Sanctuary Habitat ships and Asur Worldships. Firemane rented these stations to the Eldorai and other races, but maintains a controlling interest on board. Dismantling entire settlements and fortresses as well as the relentless process of providing supplies and getting people aboard was a monumental effort, but it was ultimately successful. It was with a heavy heart that Vailkai bid her homeworld farewell. Though she did not go through the trials a second time, she went on a pilgrimage to the edge of the Dark Heart one last time before departing.
Some potential future stuff:

  • Yseult Farin - royal bastard, Eldorai general, Kaida's boss. Done.
  • Aisling - eccentric Miraluka seer, Order of Fire.
  • GRU - Firemane counterintelligence service, does wet work.
  • Todesboten - Shard unit for Enyo. Maybe focuses on Force Fear and stuff.
  • Shadow Knight youth movement. Ties in with elements of Quarian pilgrimage. Done.
  • Team Chimaera - unit for Cross, Firemane black ops squad.
  • Redeemers - Shadow Knight secret police. Headed by Mykala Danis.
  • Paladins of Valora - Knights Hospitaller esque group for Vaena.

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